blob: b2e9085a6f773c4764f6a017d2ae35864fcf572f [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2021 Project CHIP Authors
* All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include <app/AttributeAccessToken.h>
#include <app/AttributePathParams.h>
#include <app/MessageDef/WriteResponseMessage.h>
#include <lib/core/CHIPCore.h>
#include <lib/core/CHIPTLVDebug.hpp>
#include <lib/support/CodeUtils.h>
#include <lib/support/DLLUtil.h>
#include <lib/support/logging/CHIPLogging.h>
#include <messaging/ExchangeContext.h>
#include <messaging/ExchangeMgr.h>
#include <messaging/Flags.h>
#include <protocols/Protocols.h>
#include <protocols/interaction_model/Constants.h>
#include <system/SystemPacketBuffer.h>
#include <system/TLVPacketBufferBackingStore.h>
namespace chip {
namespace app {
* @brief The write handler is responsible for processing a write request and sending a write reply.
class WriteHandler : public Messaging::ExchangeDelegate
* Initialize the WriteHandler. Within the lifetime
* of this instance, this method is invoked once after object
* construction until a call to Close is made to terminate the
* instance.
* @retval #CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE If the state is not equal to
* kState_NotInitialized.
* @retval #CHIP_NO_ERROR On success.
* Process a write request. Parts of the processing may end up being asynchronous, but the WriteHandler
* guarantees that it will call Close on itself when processing is done (including if OnWriteRequest
* returns an error).
* @param[in] apExchangeContext A pointer to the ExchangeContext.
* @param[in] aPayload A payload that has read request data
* @param[in] aIsTimedWrite Whether write is part of a timed interaction.
* @retval Status. Callers are expected to send a status response if the
* return status is not Status::Success.
Protocols::InteractionModel::Status OnWriteRequest(Messaging::ExchangeContext * apExchangeContext,
System::PacketBufferHandle && aPayload, bool aIsTimedWrite);
* This forcibly closes the exchange context if a valid one is pointed to and de-initializes the object. Such a situation does
* not arise during normal message processing flows that all normally call Close() below.
void Abort();
bool IsFree() const { return mState == State::Uninitialized; }
~WriteHandler() override = default;
CHIP_ERROR ProcessAttributeDataIBs(TLV::TLVReader & aAttributeDataIBsReader);
CHIP_ERROR ProcessGroupAttributeDataIBs(TLV::TLVReader & aAttributeDataIBsReader);
CHIP_ERROR AddStatus(const ConcreteDataAttributePath & aPath, const Protocols::InteractionModel::Status aStatus);
CHIP_ERROR AddStatus(const ConcreteDataAttributePath & aPath, const StatusIB & aStatus);
CHIP_ERROR AddClusterSpecificSuccess(const AttributePathParams & aAttributePathParams, uint8_t aClusterStatus)
CHIP_ERROR AddClusterSpecificFailure(const AttributePathParams & aAttributePathParams, uint8_t aClusterStatus)
FabricIndex GetAccessingFabricIndex() const;
* Check whether the WriteRequest we are handling is a timed write.
bool IsTimedWrite() const { return mIsTimedRequest; }
bool MatchesExchangeContext(Messaging::ExchangeContext * apExchangeContext) const
return !IsFree() && mpExchangeCtx == apExchangeContext;
void CacheACLCheckResult(const AttributeAccessToken & aToken) { mACLCheckCache.SetValue(aToken); }
bool ACLCheckCacheHit(const AttributeAccessToken & aToken)
return mACLCheckCache.HasValue() && mACLCheckCache.Value() == aToken;
bool IsCurrentlyProcessingWritePath(const ConcreteAttributePath & aPath)
return mProcessingAttributePath.HasValue() && mProcessingAttributePath.Value() == aPath;
enum class State
Uninitialized = 0, // The handler has not been initialized
Initialized, // The handler has been initialized and is ready
AddStatus, // The handler has added status code
Sending, // The handler has sent out the write response
Protocols::InteractionModel::Status ProcessWriteRequest(System::PacketBufferHandle && aPayload, bool aIsTimedWrite);
Protocols::InteractionModel::Status HandleWriteRequestMessage(Messaging::ExchangeContext * apExchangeContext,
System::PacketBufferHandle && aPayload, bool aIsTimedWrite);
CHIP_ERROR FinalizeMessage(System::PacketBufferTLVWriter && aMessageWriter, System::PacketBufferHandle & packet);
CHIP_ERROR SendWriteResponse(System::PacketBufferTLVWriter && aMessageWriter);
void MoveToState(const State aTargetState);
void ClearState();
const char * GetStateStr() const;
* Clean up state when we are done sending the write response.
void Close();
void DeliverListWriteBegin(const ConcreteAttributePath & aPath);
void DeliverListWriteEnd(const ConcreteAttributePath & aPath, bool writeWasSuccessful);
// Deliver the signal that we have delivered all list entries to the AttributeAccessInterface. This function will be called
// after handling the last chunk of a series of write requests. Or the write handler was shutdown (usually due to transport
// timeout).
// This function will become no-op on group writes, since DeliverFinalListWriteEndForGroupWrite will clear the
// mProcessingAttributePath after processing the AttributeDataIBs from the request.
void DeliverFinalListWriteEnd(bool writeWasSuccessful);
// Deliver the signal that we have delivered all list entries to the AttributeAccessInterface. This function will be called
// after handling the last attribute in a group write request (since group writes will never be chunked writes). Or we failed to
// process the group write request (usually due to malformed messages). This function should only be called by
// ProcessGroupAttributeDataIBs.
CHIP_ERROR DeliverFinalListWriteEndForGroupWrite(bool writeWasSuccessful);
// ExchangeDelegate
CHIP_ERROR OnMessageReceived(Messaging::ExchangeContext * apExchangeContext, const PayloadHeader & aPayloadHeader,
System::PacketBufferHandle && aPayload) override;
void OnResponseTimeout(Messaging::ExchangeContext * apExchangeContext) override;
Messaging::ExchangeContext * mpExchangeCtx = nullptr;
WriteResponseMessage::Builder mWriteResponseBuilder;
State mState = State::Uninitialized;
bool mIsTimedRequest = false;
bool mSuppressResponse = false;
bool mHasMoreChunks = false;
Optional<ConcreteAttributePath> mProcessingAttributePath;
bool mProcessingAttributeIsList = false;
// We record the Status when AddStatus is called to determine whether all data of a list write is accepted.
// This value will be used by DeliverListWriteEnd and DeliverFinalListWriteEnd but it won't be used by group writes based on the
// fact that the errors that won't be delivered to AttributeAccessInterface are:
// (1) Attribute not found
// (2) Access control failed
// (3) Write request to a read-only attribute
// (4) Data version mismatch
// (5) Not using timed write.
// Where (1)-(3) will be consistent among the whole list write request, while (4) and (5) are not appliable to group writes.
bool mAttributeWriteSuccessful = false;
Optional<AttributeAccessToken> mACLCheckCache = NullOptional;
} // namespace app
} // namespace chip