blob: e9f16b07f06eb996148337c02b8efdc4c7f6ef7d [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2020 Project CHIP Authors
* Copyright (c) 2013-2017 Nest Labs, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @file
* Declaration of CHIP Device Controller, a common class
* that implements connecting and messaging and will later
* be expanded to support discovery, pairing and
* provisioning of CHIP devices.
#pragma once
#include <app/InteractionModelDelegate.h>
#include <controller-clusters/zap-generated/CHIPClientCallbacks.h>
#include <controller/AbstractMdnsDiscoveryController.h>
#include <controller/CHIPDevice.h>
#include <controller/OperationalCredentialsDelegate.h>
#include <credentials/CHIPOperationalCredentials.h>
#include <lib/core/CHIPCore.h>
#include <lib/core/CHIPPersistentStorageDelegate.h>
#include <lib/core/CHIPTLV.h>
#include <lib/support/DLLUtil.h>
#include <lib/support/SerializableIntegerSet.h>
#include <lib/support/Span.h>
#include <messaging/ExchangeMgr.h>
#include <messaging/ExchangeMgrDelegate.h>
#include <protocols/secure_channel/MessageCounterManager.h>
#include <protocols/secure_channel/RendezvousParameters.h>
#include <protocols/user_directed_commissioning/UserDirectedCommissioning.h>
#include <transport/FabricTable.h>
#include <transport/SecureSessionMgr.h>
#include <transport/TransportMgr.h>
#include <transport/raw/UDP.h>
#include <platform/CHIPDeviceLayer.h>
#include <ble/BleLayer.h>
#include <controller/DeviceAddressUpdateDelegate.h>
#include <lib/mdns/Resolver.h>
namespace chip {
namespace Controller {
using namespace chip::Protocols::UserDirectedCommissioning;
constexpr uint16_t kNumMaxActiveDevices = 64;
constexpr uint16_t kNumMaxPairedDevices = 128;
// Raw functions for cluster callbacks
typedef void (*BasicSuccessCallback)(void * context, uint16_t val);
typedef void (*BasicFailureCallback)(void * context, uint8_t status);
void BasicSuccess(void * context, uint16_t val);
void BasicFailure(void * context, uint8_t status);
struct ControllerInitParams
PersistentStorageDelegate * storageDelegate = nullptr;
System::Layer * systemLayer = nullptr;
Inet::InetLayer * inetLayer = nullptr;
Ble::BleLayer * bleLayer = nullptr;
app::InteractionModelDelegate * imDelegate = nullptr;
DeviceAddressUpdateDelegate * mDeviceAddressUpdateDelegate = nullptr;
OperationalCredentialsDelegate * operationalCredentialsDelegate = nullptr;
/* The following keypair must correspond to the public key used for generating
controllerNOC. It's used by controller to establish CASE sessions with devices */
Crypto::P256Keypair * ephemeralKeypair = nullptr;
/* The following certificates must be in x509 DER format */
ByteSpan controllerNOC;
ByteSpan controllerICAC;
ByteSpan controllerRCAC;
uint16_t controllerVendorId;
/* The port used for operational communication to listen for and send messages over UDP/TCP.
* The default value of `0` will pick any available port. */
uint16_t listenPort = 0;
enum CommissioningStage : uint8_t
// kConfigTime, // NOT YET IMPLEMENTED
// kConfigTimeZone, // NOT YET IMPLEMENTED
kScanNetworks, // optional stage if network setup fails (not yet implemented)
class DLL_EXPORT DevicePairingDelegate
virtual ~DevicePairingDelegate() {}
enum Status : uint8_t
SecurePairingSuccess = 0,
* @brief
* Called when the pairing reaches a certain stage.
* @param status Current status of pairing
virtual void OnStatusUpdate(DevicePairingDelegate::Status status) {}
* @brief
* Called when the pairing is complete (with success or error)
* @param error Error cause, if any
virtual void OnPairingComplete(CHIP_ERROR error) {}
* @brief
* Called when the pairing is deleted (with success or error)
* @param error Error cause, if any
virtual void OnPairingDeleted(CHIP_ERROR error) {}
* Called when the commissioning process is complete (with success or error)
virtual void OnCommissioningComplete(NodeId deviceId, CHIP_ERROR error) {}
struct CommissionerInitParams : public ControllerInitParams
DevicePairingDelegate * pairingDelegate = nullptr;
* @brief
* Used for make current OnSuccessCallback & OnFailureCallback works when interaction model landed, it will be removed
* after #6308 is landed.
class DeviceControllerInteractionModelDelegate : public chip::app::InteractionModelDelegate
CHIP_ERROR CommandResponseStatus(const app::CommandSender * apCommandSender,
const Protocols::SecureChannel::GeneralStatusCode aGeneralCode, const uint32_t aProtocolId,
const uint16_t aProtocolCode, chip::EndpointId aEndpointId, const chip::ClusterId aClusterId,
chip::CommandId aCommandId, uint8_t aCommandIndex) override;
CHIP_ERROR CommandResponseProtocolError(const app::CommandSender * apCommandSender, uint8_t aCommandIndex) override;
CHIP_ERROR CommandResponseError(const app::CommandSender * apCommandSender, CHIP_ERROR aError) override;
CHIP_ERROR CommandResponseProcessed(const app::CommandSender * apCommandSender) override;
void OnReportData(const app::ReadClient * apReadClient, const app::ClusterInfo & aPath, TLV::TLVReader * apData,
Protocols::InteractionModel::ProtocolCode status) override;
CHIP_ERROR ReadError(const app::ReadClient * apReadClient, CHIP_ERROR aError) override;
CHIP_ERROR WriteResponseStatus(const app::WriteClient * apWriteClient,
const Protocols::SecureChannel::GeneralStatusCode aGeneralCode, const uint32_t aProtocolId,
const uint16_t aProtocolCode, app::AttributePathParams & aAttributePathParams,
uint8_t aCommandIndex) override;
CHIP_ERROR WriteResponseProtocolError(const app::WriteClient * apWriteClient, uint8_t aAttributeIndex) override;
CHIP_ERROR WriteResponseError(const app::WriteClient * apWriteClient, CHIP_ERROR aError) override;
* @brief
* Controller applications can use this class to communicate with already paired CHIP devices. The
* application is required to provide access to the persistent storage, where the paired device information
* is stored. This object of this class can be initialized with the data from the storage (List of devices,
* and device pairing information for individual devices). Alternatively, this class can retrieve the
* relevant information when the application tries to communicate with the device
class DLL_EXPORT DeviceController : public Messaging::ExchangeDelegate,
public Messaging::ExchangeMgrDelegate,
public AbstractMdnsDiscoveryController,
public app::InteractionModelDelegate
virtual ~DeviceController() {}
CHIP_ERROR Init(ControllerInitParams params);
* @brief
* Tears down the entirety of the stack, including destructing key objects in the system.
* This expects to be called with external thread synchronization, and will not internally
* grab the CHIP stack lock.
* This will also not stop the CHIP event queue / thread (if one exists). Consumers are expected to
* ensure this happend before calling this method.
virtual CHIP_ERROR Shutdown();
* @brief
* This function is similar to the other GetDevice object, except it reads the serialized object from
* the persistent storage.
* @param[in] deviceId Node ID for the CHIP device
* @param[out] device The output device object
* @return CHIP_ERROR CHIP_NO_ERROR on success, or corresponding error code.
CHIP_ERROR GetDevice(NodeId deviceId, Device ** device);
* This function returns true if the device corresponding to `deviceId` has previously been commissioned
* on the fabric.
bool DoesDevicePairingExist(const PeerId & deviceId);
* This function finds the device corresponding to deviceId, and establishes a secure connection with it.
* Once the connection is successfully establishes (or if it's already connected), it calls `onConnectedDevice`
* callback. If it fails to establish the connection, it calls `onError` callback.
CHIP_ERROR GetConnectedDevice(NodeId deviceId, Callback::Callback<OnDeviceConnected> * onConnection,
Callback::Callback<OnDeviceConnectionFailure> * onFailure);
* @brief
* This function update the device informations asynchronously using mdns.
* If new device informations has been found, it will be persisted.
* @param[in] deviceId Node ID for the CHIP device
* @return CHIP_ERROR CHIP_NO_ERROR on success, or corresponding error code.
CHIP_ERROR UpdateDevice(NodeId deviceId);
void PersistDevice(Device * device);
CHIP_ERROR SetUdpListenPort(uint16_t listenPort);
virtual void ReleaseDevice(Device * device);
void RegisterDeviceAddressUpdateDelegate(DeviceAddressUpdateDelegate * delegate) { mDeviceAddressUpdateDelegate = delegate; }
// ----- IO -----
* @brief
* Start the event loop task within the CHIP stack
* @return CHIP_ERROR The return status
CHIP_ERROR ServiceEvents();
* @brief Get the Compressed Fabric ID assigned to the device.
uint64_t GetCompressedFabricId() const { return mLocalId.GetCompressedFabricId(); }
* @brief Get the raw Fabric ID assigned to the device.
uint64_t GetFabricId() const { return mFabricId; }
enum class State
State mState;
/* A list of device objects that can be used for communicating with corresponding
CHIP devices. The list does not contain all the paired devices, but only the ones
which the controller application is currently accessing.
Device mActiveDevices[kNumMaxActiveDevices];
SerializableU64Set<kNumMaxPairedDevices> mPairedDevices;
bool mPairedDevicesInitialized;
PeerId mLocalId = PeerId();
FabricId mFabricId = kUndefinedFabricId;
DeviceTransportMgr * mTransportMgr = nullptr;
SecureSessionMgr * mSessionMgr = nullptr;
Messaging::ExchangeManager * mExchangeMgr = nullptr;
secure_channel::MessageCounterManager * mMessageCounterManager = nullptr;
PersistentStorageDelegate * mStorageDelegate = nullptr;
DeviceControllerInteractionModelDelegate * mDefaultIMDelegate = nullptr;
DeviceAddressUpdateDelegate * mDeviceAddressUpdateDelegate = nullptr;
// TODO(cecille): Make this configuarable.
static constexpr int kMaxCommissionableNodes = 10;
Mdns::DiscoveredNodeData mCommissionableNodes[kMaxCommissionableNodes];
Inet::InetLayer * mInetLayer = nullptr;
Ble::BleLayer * mBleLayer = nullptr;
System::Layer * mSystemLayer = nullptr;
uint16_t mListenPort;
uint16_t GetInactiveDeviceIndex();
uint16_t FindDeviceIndex(SessionHandle session);
uint16_t FindDeviceIndex(NodeId id);
void ReleaseDevice(uint16_t index);
void ReleaseDeviceById(NodeId remoteDeviceId);
CHIP_ERROR InitializePairedDeviceList();
CHIP_ERROR SetPairedDeviceList(ByteSpan pairedDeviceSerializedSet);
ControllerDeviceInitParams GetControllerDeviceInitParams();
void PersistNextKeyId();
FabricIndex mFabricIndex = Transport::kMinValidFabricIndex;
Transport::FabricTable mFabrics;
OperationalCredentialsDelegate * mOperationalCredentialsDelegate;
SessionIDAllocator mIDAllocator;
uint16_t mVendorId;
//////////// ResolverDelegate Implementation ///////////////
void OnNodeIdResolved(const chip::Mdns::ResolvedNodeData & nodeData) override;
void OnNodeIdResolutionFailed(const chip::PeerId & peerId, CHIP_ERROR error) override;
DiscoveredNodeList GetDiscoveredNodes() override { return DiscoveredNodeList(mCommissionableNodes); }
//////////// ExchangeDelegate Implementation ///////////////
CHIP_ERROR OnMessageReceived(Messaging::ExchangeContext * ec, const PayloadHeader & payloadHeader,
System::PacketBufferHandle && msgBuf) override;
void OnResponseTimeout(Messaging::ExchangeContext * ec) override;
//////////// ExchangeMgrDelegate Implementation ///////////////
void OnNewConnection(SessionHandle session, Messaging::ExchangeManager * mgr) override;
void OnConnectionExpired(SessionHandle session, Messaging::ExchangeManager * mgr) override;
void ReleaseAllDevices();
CHIP_ERROR ProcessControllerNOCChain(const ControllerInitParams & params);
* @brief
* The commissioner applications doesn't advertise itself as an available device for rendezvous
* process. This delegate class provides no-op functions for the advertisement delegate.
class DeviceCommissionerRendezvousAdvertisementDelegate : public RendezvousAdvertisementDelegate
* @brief
* Starts advertisement of the device for rendezvous availability.
CHIP_ERROR StartAdvertisement() override { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; }
* @brief
* Stops advertisement of the device for rendezvous availability.
CHIP_ERROR StopAdvertisement() override { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; }
* @brief
* The commissioner applications can use this class to pair new/unpaired CHIP devices. The application is
* required to provide write access to the persistent storage, where the paired device information
* will be stored.
class DLL_EXPORT DeviceCommissioner : public DeviceController,
#if CHIP_DEVICE_CONFIG_ENABLE_COMMISSIONER_DISCOVERY // make this commissioner discoverable
public Protocols::UserDirectedCommissioning::InstanceNameResolver,
public Protocols::UserDirectedCommissioning::UserConfirmationProvider,
public SessionEstablishmentDelegate
~DeviceCommissioner() {}
#if CHIP_DEVICE_CONFIG_ENABLE_COMMISSIONER_DISCOVERY // make this commissioner discoverable
* Set port for User Directed Commissioning
CHIP_ERROR SetUdcListenPort(uint16_t listenPort);
* Commissioner-specific initialization, includes parameters such as the pairing delegate.
CHIP_ERROR Init(CommissionerInitParams params);
* @brief
* Tears down the entirety of the stack, including destructing key objects in the system.
* This is not a thread-safe API, and should be called with external synchronization.
* Please see implementation for more details.
CHIP_ERROR Shutdown() override;
// ----- Connection Management -----
* @brief
* Pair a CHIP device with the provided Rendezvous connection parameters.
* Use registered DevicePairingDelegate object to receive notifications on
* pairing status updates.
* Note: Pairing process requires that the caller has registered PersistentStorageDelegate
* in the Init() call.
* @param[in] remoteDeviceId The remote device Id.
* @param[in] params The Rendezvous connection parameters
CHIP_ERROR PairDevice(NodeId remoteDeviceId, RendezvousParameters & params);
[[deprecated("Available until Rendezvous is implemented")]] CHIP_ERROR
PairTestDeviceWithoutSecurity(NodeId remoteDeviceId, const Transport::PeerAddress & peerAddress, SerializedDevice & serialized);
* @brief
* This function stops a pairing process that's in progress. It does not delete the pairing of a previously
* paired device.
* @param[in] remoteDeviceId The remote device Id.
* @return CHIP_ERROR CHIP_NO_ERROR on success, or corresponding error
CHIP_ERROR StopPairing(NodeId remoteDeviceId);
* @brief
* Remove pairing for a paired device. If the device is currently being paired, it'll stop the pairing process.
* @param[in] remoteDeviceId The remote device Id.
* @return CHIP_ERROR CHIP_NO_ERROR on success, or corresponding error
CHIP_ERROR UnpairDevice(NodeId remoteDeviceId);
* This function call indicates that the device has been provisioned with operational
* credentials, and is reachable on operational network. At this point, the device is
* available for CASE session establishment.
* The function updates the state of device proxy object such that all subsequent messages
* will use secure session established via CASE handshake.
CHIP_ERROR OperationalDiscoveryComplete(NodeId remoteDeviceId);
* @brief
* Trigger a paired device to re-enter the commissioning mode. The device will exit the commissioning mode
* after a successful commissioning, or after the given `timeout` time.
* @param[in] deviceId The device Id.
* @param[in] timeout The commissioning mode should terminate after this much time.
* @param[in] iteration The PAKE iteration count associated with the PAKE Passcode ID and ephemeral
* PAKE passcode verifier to be used for this commissioning.
* @param[in] discriminator The long discriminator for the DNS-SD advertisement.
* @param[in] option The commissioning window can be opened using the original setup code, or an
* onboarding token can be generated using a random setup PIN code (or with
* the PIN code provied in the setupPayload).
* @return CHIP_ERROR CHIP_NO_ERROR on success, or corresponding error
CHIP_ERROR OpenCommissioningWindow(NodeId deviceId, uint16_t timeout, uint16_t iteration, uint16_t discriminator,
uint8_t option);
* This function call causes the DeviceCommissioner to send a
* CommissioningComplete command to the given node. At least when
* mIsIPRendezvous is false, which seems to be an incredibly broken
* workaround for
* <>. Chances
* are, this function and its callsites should just be removed when that
* issue is fixed.
CHIP_ERROR CommissioningComplete(NodeId remoteDeviceId);
//////////// SessionEstablishmentDelegate Implementation ///////////////
void OnSessionEstablishmentError(CHIP_ERROR error) override;
void OnSessionEstablished() override;
void RendezvousCleanup(CHIP_ERROR status);
void ReleaseDevice(Device * device) override;
void AdvanceCommissioningStage(CHIP_ERROR err);
* @brief
* Once we have finished all commissioning work, the Controller should close the BLE
* connection to the device and establish CASE session / another PASE session to the device
* if needed.
* @return CHIP_ERROR The return status
CHIP_ERROR CloseBleConnection();
* @brief
* Discover all devices advertising as commissionable.
* Should be called on main loop thread.
* * @param[in] filter Browse filter - controller will look for only the specified subtype.
* @return CHIP_ERROR The return status
CHIP_ERROR DiscoverCommissionableNodes(Mdns::DiscoveryFilter filter);
* @brief
* Returns information about discovered devices.
* Should be called on main loop thread.
* @return const DiscoveredNodeData* info about the selected device. May be nullptr if no information has been returned yet.
const Mdns::DiscoveredNodeData * GetDiscoveredDevice(int idx);
* @brief
* Returns the max number of commissionable nodes this commissioner can track mdns information for.
* @return int The max number of commissionable nodes supported
int GetMaxCommissionableNodesSupported() { return kMaxCommissionableNodes; }
void OnNodeIdResolved(const chip::Mdns::ResolvedNodeData & nodeData) override;
void OnNodeIdResolutionFailed(const chip::PeerId & peerId, CHIP_ERROR error) override;
#if CHIP_DEVICE_CONFIG_ENABLE_COMMISSIONER_DISCOVERY // make this commissioner discoverable
* @brief
* Called when a UDC message is received specifying the given instanceName
* This method indicates that UDC Server needs the Commissionable Node corresponding to
* the given instance name to be found. UDC Server will wait for OnCommissionableNodeFound.
* @param instanceName DNS-SD instance name for the client requesting commissioning
void FindCommissionableNode(char * instanceName) override;
* @brief
* Called when a UDC message has been received and corresponding nodeData has been found.
* It is expected that the implementer will prompt the user to confirm their intention to
* commission the given node, and provide the setup code to allow commissioning to proceed.
* @param nodeData DNS-SD node information for the client requesting commissioning
void OnUserDirectedCommissioningRequest(const Mdns::DiscoveredNodeData & nodeData) override;
* @brief
* Overrides method from AbstractMdnsDiscoveryController
* @param nodeData DNS-SD node information
void OnNodeDiscoveryComplete(const chip::Mdns::DiscoveredNodeData & nodeData) override;
* @brief
* Return the UDC Server instance
UserDirectedCommissioningServer * GetUserDirectedCommissioningServer() { return mUdcServer; }
void RegisterPairingDelegate(DevicePairingDelegate * pairingDelegate) { mPairingDelegate = pairingDelegate; }
DevicePairingDelegate * mPairingDelegate;
/* This field is an index in mActiveDevices list. The object at this index in the list
contains the device object that's tracking the state of the device that's being paired.
If no device is currently being paired, this value will be kNumMaxPairedDevices. */
uint16_t mDeviceBeingPaired;
/* TODO: BLE rendezvous and IP rendezvous should share the same procedure, so this is just a
workaround-like flag and should be removed in the future.
When using IP rendezvous, we need to disable network provisioning. In the future, network
provisioning will no longer be a part of rendezvous procedure. */
bool mIsIPRendezvous;
/* This field is true when device pairing information changes, e.g. a new device is paired, or
the pairing for a device is removed. The DeviceCommissioner uses this to decide when to
persist the device list */
bool mPairedDevicesUpdated;
CommissioningStage mCommissioningStage = CommissioningStage::kSecurePairing;
DeviceCommissionerRendezvousAdvertisementDelegate mRendezvousAdvDelegate;
#if CHIP_DEVICE_CONFIG_ENABLE_COMMISSIONER_DISCOVERY // make this commissioner discoverable
UserDirectedCommissioningServer * mUdcServer = nullptr;
// mUdcTransportMgr is for insecure communication (ex. user directed commissioning)
DeviceTransportMgr * mUdcTransportMgr = nullptr;
uint16_t mUdcListenPort = CHIP_UDC_PORT;
void PersistDeviceList();
void FreeRendezvousSession();
CHIP_ERROR LoadKeyId(PersistentStorageDelegate * delegate, uint16_t & out);
void OnSessionEstablishmentTimeout();
static void OnSessionEstablishmentTimeoutCallback(System::Layer * aLayer, void * aAppState);
/* This function sends an OpCSR request to the device.
The function does not hold a refernce to the device object.
CHIP_ERROR SendOperationalCertificateSigningRequestCommand(Device * device);
/* This function sends the operational credentials to the device.
The function does not hold a refernce to the device object.
CHIP_ERROR SendOperationalCertificate(Device * device, const ByteSpan & opCertBuf);
/* This function sends the trusted root certificate to the device.
The function does not hold a refernce to the device object.
CHIP_ERROR SendTrustedRootCertificate(Device * device, const ByteSpan & rcac);
/* This function is called by the commissioner code when the device completes
the operational credential provisioning process.
The function does not hold a refernce to the device object.
CHIP_ERROR OnOperationalCredentialsProvisioningCompletion(Device * device);
/* Callback when the previously sent CSR request results in failure */
static void OnCSRFailureResponse(void * context, uint8_t status);
* @brief
* This function is called by the IM layer when the commissioner receives the CSR from the device.
* (Reference: Specifications section OpCSR Elements)
* @param[in] context The context provided while registering the callback.
* @param[in] NOCSRElements CSR elements as per specifications section NOCSR Elements.
* @param[in] AttestationSignature Cryptographic signature generated for the fields in the response message.
static void OnOperationalCertificateSigningRequest(void * context, ByteSpan NOCSRElements, ByteSpan AttestationSignature);
/* Callback when adding operational certs to device results in failure */
static void OnAddNOCFailureResponse(void * context, uint8_t status);
/* Callback when the device confirms that it has added the operational certificates */
static void OnOperationalCertificateAddResponse(void * context, uint8_t StatusCode, uint8_t FabricIndex, ByteSpan DebugText);
/* Callback when the device confirms that it has added the root certificate */
static void OnRootCertSuccessResponse(void * context);
/* Callback called when adding root cert to device results in failure */
static void OnRootCertFailureResponse(void * context, uint8_t status);
static void OnDeviceConnectedFn(void * context, Device * device);
static void OnDeviceConnectionFailureFn(void * context, NodeId deviceId, CHIP_ERROR error);
static void OnDeviceNOCChainGeneration(void * context, CHIP_ERROR status, const ByteSpan & noc, const ByteSpan & icac,
const ByteSpan & rcac);
* @brief
* This function processes the CSR sent by the device.
* (Reference: Specifications section OpCSR Elements)
* @param[in] NOCSRElements CSR elements as per specifications section NOCSR Elements.
* @param[in] AttestationSignature Cryptographic signature generated for all the above fields.
CHIP_ERROR ProcessOpCSR(const ByteSpan & NOCSRElements, const ByteSpan & AttestationSignature);
// Cluster callbacks for advancing commissioning flows
Callback::Callback<BasicSuccessCallback> mSuccess;
Callback::Callback<BasicFailureCallback> mFailure;
CommissioningStage GetNextCommissioningStage();
static CHIP_ERROR ConvertFromNodeOperationalCertStatus(uint8_t err);
Callback::Callback<OperationalCredentialsClusterOpCSRResponseCallback> mOpCSRResponseCallback;
Callback::Callback<OperationalCredentialsClusterNOCResponseCallback> mNOCResponseCallback;
Callback::Callback<DefaultSuccessCallback> mRootCertResponseCallback;
Callback::Callback<DefaultFailureCallback> mOnCSRFailureCallback;
Callback::Callback<DefaultFailureCallback> mOnCertFailureCallback;
Callback::Callback<DefaultFailureCallback> mOnRootCertFailureCallback;
Callback::Callback<OnDeviceConnected> mOnDeviceConnectedCallback;
Callback::Callback<OnDeviceConnectionFailure> mOnDeviceConnectionFailureCallback;
Callback::Callback<OnNOCChainGeneration> mDeviceNOCChainCallback;
PASESession mPairingSession;
} // namespace Controller
} // namespace chip