blob: 1a55d0c524cf9998d1c38b38f898481891b4922b [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2021 Project CHIP Authors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
_app_root = get_path_info(".", "abspath")
# Defines a source_set for CHIP data model.
# Arguments:
# zap_pregenerated_dir
# Path to the ZAP "gen" dir.
# zap_file
# Path to the ZAP input file.
# idl
# Path to the .matter IDL corresponding to the zap file. This is for
# dependencies on build-time code generation.
# Forwards all the remaining variables to the source_set.
template("chip_data_model") {
_data_model_name = target_name
declare_args() {
# Allow building ota-requestor-app with a non-spec-compliant floor
# (i.e. smaller than 2 minutes) for action delays.
non_spec_compliant_ota_action_delay_floor = -1
if (defined(invoker.idl)) {
_idl = invoker.idl
} else {
# Assume that IDL name is the same as the zap file name, but instead of
# '.zap' use '.matter' as extension. This is currently the case in the
# sample apps, but may change in the future
_idl = string_replace(invoker.zap_file, ".zap", ".matter")
config("${_data_model_name}_config") {
include_dirs = []
if (defined(invoker.zap_pregenerated_dir)) {
include_dirs += [ "${invoker.zap_pregenerated_dir}/.." ]
chip_zapgen("${_data_model_name}_zapgen") {
input = rebase_path(invoker.zap_file)
generator = "app-templates"
outputs = [
if (chip_code_pre_generated_directory == "") {
prune_outputs = []
if (chip_controller) {
outputs += [ "zap-generated/CHIPClusters.h" ]
} else {
if (defined(prune_outputs)) {
prune_outputs += [ "zap-generated/CHIPClusters.h" ]
# TODO: It is unclear here why `zap_pregenerated_dir` has any relevance
# in including IMClusterCommandHandler or not.
# This logic has been carried over from previous code during compile
# time codegen addition, however the rationale of why pregenerated
# dir controls IMClusterCommandHandler needs to be explained and
# potentially controlled by a clearer variable (is this for controllers?
# is this during app compile but not others? I am unclear what
# zap_pregenerated_dir is supposed to convey. Existence of a directory
# does not obviously map to "need command handler cpp compiled in").
if (defined(invoker.zap_pregenerated_dir)) {
outputs += [ "zap-generated/IMClusterCommandHandler.cpp" ]
} else {
if (defined(prune_outputs)) {
prune_outputs += [ "zap-generated/IMClusterCommandHandler.cpp" ]
public_configs = [ ":${_data_model_name}_config" ]
if (!defined(deps)) {
deps = []
deps += [ "${chip_root}/src/app" ]
chip_codegen("${_data_model_name}_codegen") {
input = _idl
generator = "cpp-app"
outputs = [
public_configs = [ ":${_data_model_name}_config" ]
if (!defined(deps)) {
deps = []
deps += [
source_set(_data_model_name) {
if (!defined(sources)) {
sources = []
if (!defined(is_server)) {
is_server = false
sources += [
if (defined(invoker.zap_file)) {
_zap_file = rebase_path(invoker.zap_file, root_build_dir)
_cluster_sources = exec_script("${_app_root}/",
[ "--zap_file=" + _zap_file ],
"list lines",
[ invoker.zap_file ])
_custom_impl_clusters = []
if (defined(invoker.zap_clusters_with_custom_implementation)) {
_custom_impl_clusters = invoker.zap_clusters_with_custom_implementation
if (_cluster_sources == []) {
# The variable is only used within the nested foreach-loop and will be
# unused before it goes out of scope when the outter-loop is not entered.
not_needed([ "_custom_impl_clusters" ])
foreach(cluster, _cluster_sources) {
_custom_impl = false
foreach(ci, _custom_impl_clusters) {
if (cluster == ci) {
_custom_impl = true
if (_custom_impl) {
# do not include any sources, we have a custom implementation for this cluster
} else if (cluster == "door-lock-server") {
sources += [
} else if (cluster == "mode-select-server") {
sources += [
} else if (cluster == "application-launcher-server") {
sources += [
} else if (cluster == "ota-requestor") {
sources += [
# TODO - align name of folder ?
} else if (cluster == "bindings") {
sources += [
} else if (cluster == "scenes-server") {
sources += [
} else {
sources += [ "${_app_root}/clusters/${cluster}/${cluster}.cpp" ]
if (!defined(public_deps)) {
public_deps = []
public_deps += [
if (is_server) {
public_deps += [ "${chip_root}/src/app/server" ]
if (!defined(cflags)) {
cflags = []
cflags += [ "-Wconversion" ]
if (non_spec_compliant_ota_action_delay_floor >= 0) {
cflags += [ "-DNON_SPEC_COMPLIANT_OTA_ACTION_DELAY_FLOOR=${non_spec_compliant_ota_action_delay_floor}" ]
if (!defined(public_configs)) {
public_configs = []
public_configs += [ ":${_data_model_name}_config" ]