blob: c3af537dae12c63b6b9f6e47018c54beda98ffaf [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2020 Project CHIP Authors
# All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from dataclasses import dataclass, asdict, field, make_dataclass
from typing import ClassVar, List, Dict, Any, Mapping, Type, Union, ClassVar
import enum
import typing
from chip import tlv, ChipUtility
from chip.clusters.Types import Nullable, NullValue
from dacite import from_dict
def GetUnionUnderlyingType(typeToCheck, matchingType=None):
''' This retrieves the underlying types behind a unioned type by appropriately
passing in the required matching type in the matchingType input argument.
If that is 'None' (not to be confused with NoneType), then it will retrieve
the 'real' type behind the union, i.e not Nullable && not None
if (not(typing.get_origin(typeToCheck) == typing.Union)):
return None
for t in typing.get_args(typeToCheck):
if (matchingType is None):
if (t != type(None) and t != Nullable):
return t
if (t == matchingType):
return t
return None
class ClusterObjectFieldDescriptor:
Label: str = ''
Tag: int = None
Type: Type = None
def _PutSingleElementToTLV(self, tag, val, elementType, writer: tlv.TLVWriter, debugPath: str = '?'):
if issubclass(elementType, ClusterObject):
if not isinstance(val, dict):
raise ValueError(
f"Field {debugPath}.{self.Label} expected a struct, but got {type(val)}")
f'{debugPath}.{self.Label}', tag, val, writer)
val = elementType(val)
except Exception:
raise ValueError(
f"Field {debugPath}.{self.Label} expected {elementType}, but got {type(val)}")
writer.put(tag, val)
def PutFieldToTLV(self, tag, val, writer: tlv.TLVWriter, debugPath: str = '?'):
if (val == NullValue):
if (GetUnionUnderlyingType(self.Type, Nullable) is None):
raise ValueError(
f"Field {debugPath}.{self.Label} was not nullable, but got a null")
writer.put(tag, None)
elif (val is None):
if (GetUnionUnderlyingType(self.Type, type(None)) is None):
raise ValueError(
f"Field {debugPath}.{self.Label} was not optional, but encountered None")
# If it is an optional or nullable type, it's going to be a union.
# So, let's get at the 'real' type within that union before proceeding,
# since at this point, we're guarenteed to not get None or Null as values.
elementType = GetUnionUnderlyingType(self.Type)
if (elementType is None):
elementType = self.Type
if not isinstance(val, List):
tag, val, elementType, writer, debugPath)
# Get the type of the list. This is a generic, which has its sub-type information of the list element
# inside its type argument.
(elementType, ) = typing.get_args(elementType)
for i, v in enumerate(val):
None, v, elementType, writer, debugPath + f'[{i}]')
class ClusterObjectDescriptor:
Fields: List[ClusterObjectFieldDescriptor]
def GetFieldByTag(self, tag: int) -> ClusterObjectFieldDescriptor:
for field in self.Fields:
if field.Tag == tag:
return field
return None
def GetFieldByLabel(self, label: str) -> ClusterObjectFieldDescriptor:
for field in self.Fields:
if field.Label == label:
return field
return None
def _ConvertNonArray(self, debugPath: str, elementType, value: Any) -> Any:
if not issubclass(elementType, ClusterObject):
if (issubclass(elementType, enum.Enum)):
value = elementType(value)
if not isinstance(value, elementType):
raise ValueError(
f"Failed to decode field {debugPath}, expected type {elementType}, got {type(value)}")
return value
if not isinstance(value, Mapping):
raise ValueError(
f"Failed to decode field {debugPath}, struct expected.")
return elementType.descriptor.TagDictToLabelDict(debugPath, value)
def TagDictToLabelDict(self, debugPath: str, tlvData: Dict[int, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
ret = {}
for tag, value in tlvData.items():
descriptor = self.GetFieldByTag(tag)
if not descriptor:
# We do not have enough information for this field.
ret[tag] = value
if (value is None):
ret[descriptor.Label] = NullValue
if (typing.get_origin(descriptor.Type) == typing.Union):
realType = GetUnionUnderlyingType(descriptor.Type)
if (realType is None):
raise ValueError(
f"Field {debugPath}.{self.Label} has no valid underlying data model type")
valueType = realType
valueType = descriptor.Type
if (typing.get_origin(valueType) == list):
listElementType = typing.get_args(valueType)[0]
ret[descriptor.Label] = [
f'{debugPath}[{i}]', listElementType, v)
for i, v in enumerate(value)]
ret[descriptor.Label] = self._ConvertNonArray(
f'{debugPath}.{descriptor.Label}', valueType, value)
return ret
def TLVToDict(self, tlvBuf: bytes) -> Dict[str, Any]:
tlvData = tlv.TLVReader(tlvBuf).get().get('Any', {})
return self.TagDictToLabelDict([], tlvData)
def DictToTLVWithWriter(self, debugPath: str, tag, data: Mapping, writer: tlv.TLVWriter):
for field in self.Fields:
val = data.get(field.Label, None)
field.PutFieldToTLV(field.Tag, val, writer,
debugPath + f'.{field.Label}')
def DictToTLV(self, data: dict) -> bytes:
tlvwriter = tlv.TLVWriter(bytearray())
self.DictToTLVWithWriter('', None, data, tlvwriter)
return bytes(tlvwriter.encoding)
class ClusterObject:
def ToTLV(self):
return self.descriptor.DictToTLV(asdict(self))
def FromDict(cls, data: dict):
return from_dict(data_class=cls, data=data)
def FromTLV(cls, data: bytes):
return cls.FromDict(data=cls.descriptor.TLVToDict(data))
def descriptor(cls):
raise NotImplementedError()
class ClusterCommand(ClusterObject):
def cluster_id(self) -> int:
raise NotImplementedError()
def command_id(self) -> int:
raise NotImplementedError()
def must_use_timed_invoke(cls) -> bool:
return False
class Cluster(ClusterObject):
When send read requests with returnClusterObject=True, we will set the data_version property of the object.
Otherwise the [endpoint][cluster][Clusters.DataVersion] will be set to the DataVersion of the cluster.
For data_version, we do not make it a real property so we can distinguish it with real attributes internally,
especially the TLV decoding logic. Also ThreadNetworkDiagnostics has an attribute with the same name so we
picked data_version as its name.
def data_version(self) -> int:
return self._data_version
def __rich_repr__(self):
Override the default behavior of rich.pretty.pprint for adding the cluster data version.
if self._data_version is not None:
yield "(data version)", self.data_version
for k in self.__dataclass_fields__.keys():
if k in self.__dict__:
yield k, self.__dict__[k]
def SetDataVersion(self, version: int) -> None:
self._data_version = version
class ClusterAttributeDescriptor:
The ClusterAttributeDescriptor is used for holding an attribute's metadata like its cluster id, attribute id and its type.
Users should not initialize an object based on this class. Instead, users should pass the subclass objects to tell some methods what they want.
The implementation of this functions is quite tricky, it will create a cluster object on-the-fly, and use it for actual encode / decode routine to save lines of code.
def ToTLV(cls, tag: Union[int, None], value):
writer = tlv.TLVWriter()
wrapped_value = cls._cluster_object(Value=value)
asdict(wrapped_value)['Value'], writer, '')
return writer.encoding
def FromTLV(cls, tlvBuffer: bytes):
obj_class = cls._cluster_object
return obj_class.FromDict(obj_class.descriptor.TagDictToLabelDict('', {0: tlv.TLVReader(tlvBuffer).get().get('Any', {})})).Value
def FromTagDictOrRawValue(cls, val: Any):
obj_class = cls._cluster_object
return obj_class.FromDict(obj_class.descriptor.TagDictToLabelDict('', {0: val})).Value
def cluster_id(self) -> int:
raise NotImplementedError()
def attribute_id(self) -> int:
raise NotImplementedError()
def attribute_type(cls) -> ClusterObjectFieldDescriptor:
raise NotImplementedError()
def must_use_timed_write(cls) -> bool:
return False
def _cluster_object(cls) -> ClusterObject:
return make_dataclass('InternalClass',
('Value', cls.attribute_type.Type,
('descriptor', ClassVar[ClusterObjectDescriptor],
Label='Value', Tag=0, Type=cls.attribute_type.Type)]
class ClusterEvent(ClusterObject):
def cluster_id(self) -> int:
raise NotImplementedError()
def event_id(self) -> int:
raise NotImplementedError()