blob: 3260c00c636da35bd28c4e773017dc0eaf0b56ba [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2022 Project CHIP Authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#import "MTRControllerFactory.h"
#import "MTRControllerFactory_Internal.h"
#import "MTRAttestationTrustStoreBridge.h"
#import "MTRCertificates.h"
#import "MTRControllerAccessControl.h"
#import "MTRDeviceController.h"
#import "MTRDeviceControllerStartupParams.h"
#import "MTRDeviceControllerStartupParams_Internal.h"
#import "MTRDeviceController_Internal.h"
#import "MTRLogging.h"
#import "MTRMemory.h"
#import "MTROTAProviderDelegateBridge.h"
#import "MTRP256KeypairBridge.h"
#import "MTRPersistentStorageDelegateBridge.h"
#import "NSDataSpanConversion.h"
#include <controller/CHIPDeviceControllerFactory.h>
#include <credentials/CHIPCert.h>
#include <credentials/FabricTable.h>
#include <credentials/GroupDataProviderImpl.h>
#include <credentials/PersistentStorageOpCertStore.h>
#include <credentials/attestation_verifier/DefaultDeviceAttestationVerifier.h>
#include <credentials/attestation_verifier/DeviceAttestationVerifier.h>
#include <crypto/PersistentStorageOperationalKeystore.h>
#include <lib/support/TestPersistentStorageDelegate.h>
#include <platform/PlatformManager.h>
using namespace chip;
using namespace chip::Controller;
static NSString * const kErrorPersistentStorageInit = @"Init failure while creating a persistent storage delegate";
static NSString * const kErrorAttestationTrustStoreInit = @"Init failure while creating the attestation trust store";
static NSString * const kErrorDACVerifierInit = @"Init failure while creating the device attestation verifier";
static NSString * const kInfoFactoryShutdown = @"Shutting down the Matter controller factory";
static NSString * const kErrorGroupProviderInit = @"Init failure while initializing group data provider";
static NSString * const kErrorControllersInit = @"Init controllers array failure";
static NSString * const kErrorControllerFactoryInit = @"Init failure while initializing controller factory";
static NSString * const kErrorKeystoreInit = @"Init failure while initializing persistent storage keystore";
static NSString * const kErrorCertStoreInit = @"Init failure while initializing persistent storage operational certificate store";
static NSString * const kErrorOtaProviderInit = @"Init failure while creating an OTA provider delegate";
@interface MTRControllerFactory ()
@property (atomic, readonly) dispatch_queue_t chipWorkQueue;
@property (readonly) DeviceControllerFactory * controllerFactory;
@property (readonly) MTRPersistentStorageDelegateBridge * persistentStorageDelegateBridge;
@property (readonly) MTRAttestationTrustStoreBridge * attestationTrustStoreBridge;
@property (readonly) MTROTAProviderDelegateBridge * otaProviderDelegateBridge;
// We use TestPersistentStorageDelegate just to get an in-memory store to back
// our group data provider impl. We initialize this store correctly on every
// controller startup, so don't need to actually persist it.
@property (readonly) TestPersistentStorageDelegate * groupStorageDelegate;
@property (readonly) Credentials::GroupDataProviderImpl * groupDataProvider;
@property (readonly) NSMutableArray<MTRDeviceController *> * controllers;
@property (readonly) PersistentStorageOperationalKeystore * keystore;
@property (readonly) Credentials::PersistentStorageOpCertStore * opCertStore;
@property () chip::Credentials::DeviceAttestationVerifier * deviceAttestationVerifier;
- (BOOL)findMatchingFabric:(FabricTable &)fabricTable
params:(MTRDeviceControllerStartupParams *)params
fabric:(const FabricInfo * _Nullable * _Nonnull)fabric;
- (MTRDeviceController * _Nullable)maybeInitializeOTAProvider:(MTRDeviceController * _Nonnull)controller;
@implementation MTRControllerFactory
+ (instancetype)sharedInstance
static MTRControllerFactory * factory = nil;
static dispatch_once_t onceToken;
dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{
// initialize the factory.
factory = [[MTRControllerFactory alloc] init];
return factory;
- (instancetype)init
if (!(self = [super init])) {
return nil;
_isRunning = NO;
_chipWorkQueue = DeviceLayer::PlatformMgrImpl().GetWorkQueue();
_controllerFactory = &DeviceControllerFactory::GetInstance();
[MTRMemory ensureInit];
_groupStorageDelegate = new chip::TestPersistentStorageDelegate();
if ([self checkForInitError:(_groupStorageDelegate != nullptr) logMsg:kErrorGroupProviderInit]) {
return nil;
// For now default args are fine, since we are just using this for the IPK.
_groupDataProvider = new chip::Credentials::GroupDataProviderImpl();
if ([self checkForInitError:(_groupDataProvider != nullptr) logMsg:kErrorGroupProviderInit]) {
return nil;
CHIP_ERROR errorCode = _groupDataProvider->Init();
if ([self checkForInitError:(CHIP_NO_ERROR == errorCode) logMsg:kErrorGroupProviderInit]) {
return nil;
_controllers = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
if ([self checkForInitError:(_controllers != nil) logMsg:kErrorControllersInit]) {
return nil;
return self;
- (void)dealloc
[self shutdown];
[self cleanupInitObjects];
- (BOOL)checkForInitError:(BOOL)condition logMsg:(NSString *)logMsg
if (condition) {
return NO;
MTR_LOG_ERROR("Error: %@", logMsg);
[self cleanupInitObjects];
return YES;
- (void)cleanupInitObjects
_controllers = nil;
if (_groupDataProvider) {
delete _groupDataProvider;
_groupDataProvider = nullptr;
if (_groupStorageDelegate) {
delete _groupStorageDelegate;
_groupStorageDelegate = nullptr;
- (void)cleanupStartupObjects
if (_deviceAttestationVerifier) {
delete _deviceAttestationVerifier;
_deviceAttestationVerifier = nullptr;
if (_attestationTrustStoreBridge) {
delete _attestationTrustStoreBridge;
_attestationTrustStoreBridge = nullptr;
if (_otaProviderDelegateBridge) {
delete _otaProviderDelegateBridge;
_otaProviderDelegateBridge = nullptr;
if (_keystore) {
delete _keystore;
_keystore = nullptr;
if (_opCertStore) {
delete _opCertStore;
_opCertStore = nullptr;
if (_persistentStorageDelegateBridge) {
delete _persistentStorageDelegateBridge;
_persistentStorageDelegateBridge = nullptr;
- (BOOL)startup:(MTRControllerFactoryParams *)startupParams
if ([self isRunning]) {
MTR_LOG_DEBUG("Ignoring duplicate call to startup, Matter controller factory already started...");
return YES;
dispatch_sync(_chipWorkQueue, ^{
if ([self isRunning]) {
[MTRControllerAccessControl init];
_persistentStorageDelegateBridge = new MTRPersistentStorageDelegateBridge(startupParams.storageDelegate);
if (_persistentStorageDelegateBridge == nil) {
MTR_LOG_ERROR("Error: %@", kErrorPersistentStorageInit);
if (startupParams.otaProviderDelegate) {
_otaProviderDelegateBridge = new MTROTAProviderDelegateBridge(startupParams.otaProviderDelegate);
if (_otaProviderDelegateBridge == nil) {
MTR_LOG_ERROR("Error: %@", kErrorOtaProviderInit);
// TODO: Allow passing a different keystore implementation via startupParams.
_keystore = new PersistentStorageOperationalKeystore();
if (_keystore == nullptr) {
MTR_LOG_ERROR("Error: %@", kErrorKeystoreInit);
CHIP_ERROR errorCode = _keystore->Init(_persistentStorageDelegateBridge);
if (errorCode != CHIP_NO_ERROR) {
MTR_LOG_ERROR("Error: %@", kErrorKeystoreInit);
// TODO Allow passing a different opcert store implementation via startupParams.
_opCertStore = new Credentials::PersistentStorageOpCertStore();
if (_opCertStore == nullptr) {
MTR_LOG_ERROR("Error: %@", kErrorCertStoreInit);
errorCode = _opCertStore->Init(_persistentStorageDelegateBridge);
if (errorCode != CHIP_NO_ERROR) {
MTR_LOG_ERROR("Error: %@", kErrorCertStoreInit);
// Initialize device attestation verifier
const Credentials::AttestationTrustStore * trustStore;
if (startupParams.paaCerts) {
_attestationTrustStoreBridge = new MTRAttestationTrustStoreBridge(startupParams.paaCerts);
if (_attestationTrustStoreBridge == nullptr) {
MTR_LOG_ERROR("Error: %@", kErrorAttestationTrustStoreInit);
trustStore = _attestationTrustStoreBridge;
} else {
// TODO: Replace testingRootStore with a AttestationTrustStore that has the necessary official PAA roots available
trustStore = Credentials::GetTestAttestationTrustStore();
_deviceAttestationVerifier = new Credentials::DefaultDACVerifier(trustStore);
if (_deviceAttestationVerifier == nullptr) {
MTR_LOG_ERROR("Error: %@", kErrorDACVerifierInit);
chip::Controller::FactoryInitParams params;
if (startupParams.port != nil) {
params.listenPort = [startupParams.port unsignedShortValue];
if (startupParams.startServer == YES) {
params.enableServerInteractions = true;
params.groupDataProvider = _groupDataProvider;
params.fabricIndependentStorage = _persistentStorageDelegateBridge;
params.operationalKeystore = _keystore;
params.opCertStore = _opCertStore;
errorCode = _controllerFactory->Init(params);
if (errorCode != CHIP_NO_ERROR) {
MTR_LOG_ERROR("Error: %@", kErrorControllerFactoryInit);
self->_isRunning = YES;
// Make sure to stop the event loop again before returning, so we are not running it while we don't have any controllers.
if (![self isRunning]) {
[self cleanupStartupObjects];
return [self isRunning];
- (void)shutdown
if (![self isRunning]) {
while ([_controllers count] != 0) {
[_controllers[0] shutdown];
MTR_LOG_DEBUG("%@", kInfoFactoryShutdown);
[self cleanupStartupObjects];
// NOTE: we do not call cleanupInitObjects because we can be restarted, and
// that does not re-create the objects that we create inside init.
// Maybe we should be creating them in startup?
_isRunning = NO;
- (MTRDeviceController * _Nullable)startControllerOnExistingFabric:(MTRDeviceControllerStartupParams *)startupParams
if (![self isRunning]) {
MTR_LOG_ERROR("Trying to start controller while Matter controller factory is not running");
return nil;
// Create the controller, so we start the event loop, since we plan to do
// our fabric table operations there.
auto * controller = [self createController];
if (controller == nil) {
return nil;
__block MTRDeviceControllerStartupParamsInternal * params = nil;
// We want the block to end up with just a pointer to the fabric table,
// since we know our on-stack instance will outlive the block.
FabricTable fabricTableInstance;
FabricTable * fabricTable = &fabricTableInstance;
dispatch_sync(_chipWorkQueue, ^{
const FabricInfo * fabric = nullptr;
BOOL ok = [self findMatchingFabric:*fabricTable params:startupParams fabric:&fabric];
if (!ok) {
MTR_LOG_ERROR("Can't start on existing fabric: fabric matching failed");
if (fabric == nullptr) {
MTR_LOG_ERROR("Can't start on existing fabric: fabric not found");
for (MTRDeviceController * existing in _controllers) {
BOOL isRunning = YES; // assume the worst
if ([existing isRunningOnFabric:fabricTable fabricIndex:fabric->GetFabricIndex() isRunning:&isRunning]
MTR_LOG_ERROR("Can't tell what fabric a controller is running on. Not safe to start.");
if (isRunning) {
MTR_LOG_ERROR("Can't start on existing fabric: another controller is running on it");
params = [[MTRDeviceControllerStartupParamsInternal alloc] initForExistingFabric:fabricTable
if (params == nil) {
[self controllerShuttingDown:controller];
return nil;
BOOL ok = [controller startup:params];
if (ok == NO) {
return nil;
return [self maybeInitializeOTAProvider:controller];
- (MTRDeviceController * _Nullable)startControllerOnNewFabric:(MTRDeviceControllerStartupParams *)startupParams
if (![self isRunning]) {
MTR_LOG_ERROR("Trying to start controller while Matter controller factory is not running");
return nil;
if (startupParams.vendorId == nil) {
MTR_LOG_ERROR("Must provide vendor id when starting controller on new fabric");
return nil;
if (startupParams.intermediateCertificate != nil && startupParams.rootCertificate == nil) {
MTR_LOG_ERROR("Must provide a root certificate when using an intermediate certificate");
return nil;
// Create the controller, so we start the event loop, since we plan to do
// our fabric table operations there.
auto * controller = [self createController];
if (controller == nil) {
return nil;
__block MTRDeviceControllerStartupParamsInternal * params = nil;
// We want the block to end up with just a pointer to the fabric table,
// since we know our on-stack instance will outlive the block.
FabricTable fabricTableInstance;
FabricTable * fabricTable = &fabricTableInstance;
dispatch_sync(_chipWorkQueue, ^{
const FabricInfo * fabric = nullptr;
BOOL ok = [self findMatchingFabric:*fabricTable params:startupParams fabric:&fabric];
if (!ok) {
MTR_LOG_ERROR("Can't start on new fabric: fabric matching failed");
if (fabric != nullptr) {
MTR_LOG_ERROR("Can't start on new fabric that matches existing fabric");
params = [[MTRDeviceControllerStartupParamsInternal alloc] initForNewFabric:fabricTable
if (params == nil) {
[self controllerShuttingDown:controller];
return nil;
BOOL ok = [controller startup:params];
if (ok == NO) {
return nil;
return [self maybeInitializeOTAProvider:controller];
- (MTRDeviceController * _Nullable)createController
MTRDeviceController * controller = [[MTRDeviceController alloc] initWithFactory:self queue:_chipWorkQueue];
if (controller == nil) {
MTR_LOG_ERROR("Failed to init controller");
return nil;
if ([_controllers count] == 0) {
// Bringing up the first controller. Start the event loop now. If we
// fail to bring it up, its cleanup will stop the event loop again.
// Add the controller to _controllers now, so if we fail partway through its
// startup we will still do the right cleanups.
[_controllers addObject:controller];
return controller;
// Finds a fabric that matches the given params, if one exists.
// Returns NO on failure, YES on success. If YES is returned, the
// outparam will be written to, but possibly with a null value.
// fabricTable should be an un-initialized fabric table. It needs to
// outlive the consumer's use of the FabricInfo we return, which is
// why it's provided by the caller.
- (BOOL)findMatchingFabric:(FabricTable &)fabricTable
params:(MTRDeviceControllerStartupParams *)params
fabric:(const FabricInfo * _Nullable * _Nonnull)fabric
CHIP_ERROR err = fabricTable.Init(
{ .storage = _persistentStorageDelegateBridge, .operationalKeystore = _keystore, .opCertStore = _opCertStore });
if (err != CHIP_NO_ERROR) {
MTR_LOG_ERROR("Can't initialize fabric table: %s", ErrorStr(err));
return NO;
Crypto::P256PublicKey pubKey;
if (params.rootCertificate != nil) {
err = ExtractPubkeyFromX509Cert(AsByteSpan(params.rootCertificate), pubKey);
if (err != CHIP_NO_ERROR) {
MTR_LOG_ERROR("Can't extract public key from root certificate: %s", ErrorStr(err));
return NO;
} else {
// No root certificate means the nocSigner is using the root keys, because
// consumers must provide a root certificate whenever an ICA is used.
err = MTRP256KeypairBridge::MatterPubKeyFromSecKeyRef(params.nocSigner.publicKey, &pubKey);
if (err != CHIP_NO_ERROR) {
MTR_LOG_ERROR("Can't extract public key from MTRKeypair: %s", ErrorStr(err));
return NO;
*fabric = fabricTable.FindFabric(pubKey, params.fabricId);
return YES;
// Initialize the MTROTAProviderDelegateBridge if it has not been initialized already
// Returns nil on failure, the input controller on success.
// If the provider has been initialized already, it is not considered as a failure.
- (MTRDeviceController * _Nullable)maybeInitializeOTAProvider:(MTRDeviceController * _Nonnull)controller
VerifyOrReturnValue(_otaProviderDelegateBridge != nil, controller);
VerifyOrReturnValue([_controllers count] == 1, controller);
auto systemState = _controllerFactory->GetSystemState();
CHIP_ERROR err = _otaProviderDelegateBridge->Init(systemState->SystemLayer(), systemState->ExchangeMgr());
if (CHIP_NO_ERROR != err) {
MTR_LOG_ERROR("Failed to init provider delegate bridge: %" CHIP_ERROR_FORMAT, err.Format());
[controller shutdown];
return nil;
return controller;
@implementation MTRControllerFactory (InternalMethods)
- (void)controllerShuttingDown:(MTRDeviceController *)controller
if (![_controllers containsObject:controller]) {
MTR_LOG_ERROR("Controller we don't know about shutting down");
if (_groupDataProvider != nullptr) {
dispatch_sync(_chipWorkQueue, ^{
FabricIndex idx = [controller fabricIndex];
if (idx != kUndefinedFabricIndex) {
// Clear out out group keys for this fabric index, just in case fabric
// indices get reused later. If a new controller is started on the
// same fabric it will be handed the IPK at that point.
[_controllers removeObject:controller];
if ([_controllers count] == 0) {
if (_otaProviderDelegateBridge) {
// That was our last controller. Stop the event loop before it
// shuts down, because shutdown of the last controller will tear
// down most of the world.
[controller shutDownCppController];
} else {
// Do the controller shutdown on the Matter work queue.
dispatch_sync(_chipWorkQueue, ^{
[controller shutDownCppController];
- (MTRPersistentStorageDelegateBridge *)storageDelegateBridge
return _persistentStorageDelegateBridge;
- (Credentials::GroupDataProvider *)groupData
return _groupDataProvider;
@implementation MTRControllerFactoryParams
- (instancetype)initWithStorage:(id<MTRPersistentStorageDelegate>)storageDelegate
if (!(self = [super init])) {
return nil;
_storageDelegate = storageDelegate;
_otaProviderDelegate = nil;
_paaCerts = nil;
_port = nil;
_startServer = NO;
return self;