blob: 26ff2a41b3adc919ae1d9b0bbe7b424c090ef01a [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2020-2022 Project CHIP Authors
* Copyright (c) 2018 Nest Labs, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include <functional>
#include <platform/internal/CHIPDeviceLayerInternal.h>
#include "PDM.h"
#include "fsl_os_abstraction.h"
#include "pdm_ram_storage_glue.h"
#include "ram_storage.h"
#include <platform/nxp/k32w/common/RamStorage.h>
namespace chip {
namespace DeviceLayer {
namespace Internal {
constexpr uint16_t kNvmIdChipConfigData = 0x5000;
constexpr uint16_t kRamBufferInitialSize = 3072;
constexpr inline uint16_t K32WConfigKey(uint8_t chipId, uint8_t pdmId)
return static_cast<uint16_t>(chipId) << 8 | pdmId;
* This implementation uses the NXP Persistent Data Manager (PDM) library as the
* underlying storage layer.
* NOTE: This class is designed to be mixed-in to the concrete subclass of the
* GenericConfigurationManagerImpl<> template. When used this way, the class
* naturally provides implementations for the delegated members referenced by
* the template class (e.g. the ReadConfigValue() method).
class K32WConfig
// PDM ids used by the CHIP Device Layer
static constexpr uint8_t kPDMId_ChipFactory = 0x01; /**< PDM id for settings containing persistent config values set at
* manufacturing time. Retained during factory reset. */
static constexpr uint8_t kPDMId_ChipConfig = 0x02; /**< PDM id for settings containing dynamic config values set at runtime.
* Cleared during factory reset. */
static constexpr uint8_t kPDMId_ChipCounter = 0x03; /**< PDM id for settings containing dynamic counter values set at runtime.
* Retained during factory reset. */
static constexpr uint8_t kPDMId_KVSKey = 0x04; /**< PDM id for settings containing KVS keys set at runtime.
* Cleared during factory reset. */
static constexpr uint8_t kPDMId_KVSValue = 0x05; /**< PDM id for settings containing KVS values set at runtime.
* Cleared during factory reset. */
using Key = uint32_t;
// Key definitions for well-known configuration values.
// Factory Config Keys
static constexpr Key kConfigKey_SerialNum = K32WConfigKey(kPDMId_ChipFactory, 0x00);
static constexpr Key kConfigKey_MfrDeviceId = K32WConfigKey(kPDMId_ChipFactory, 0x01);
static constexpr Key kConfigKey_MfrDeviceCert = K32WConfigKey(kPDMId_ChipFactory, 0x02);
static constexpr Key kConfigKey_MfrDevicePrivateKey = K32WConfigKey(kPDMId_ChipFactory, 0x03);
static constexpr Key kConfigKey_ManufacturingDate = K32WConfigKey(kPDMId_ChipFactory, 0x04);
static constexpr Key kConfigKey_SetupPinCode = K32WConfigKey(kPDMId_ChipFactory, 0x05);
static constexpr Key kConfigKey_MfrDeviceICACerts = K32WConfigKey(kPDMId_ChipFactory, 0x06);
static constexpr Key kConfigKey_HardwareVersion = K32WConfigKey(kPDMId_ChipFactory, 0x07);
static constexpr Key kConfigKey_SetupDiscriminator = K32WConfigKey(kPDMId_ChipFactory, 0x08);
static constexpr Key kConfigKey_Spake2pIterationCount = K32WConfigKey(kPDMId_ChipFactory, 0x09);
static constexpr Key kConfigKey_Spake2pSalt = K32WConfigKey(kPDMId_ChipFactory, 0x0A);
static constexpr Key kConfigKey_Spake2pVerifier = K32WConfigKey(kPDMId_ChipFactory, 0x0B);
// CHIP Config Keys
static constexpr Key kConfigKey_ServiceConfig = K32WConfigKey(kPDMId_ChipConfig, 0x01);
static constexpr Key kConfigKey_PairedAccountId = K32WConfigKey(kPDMId_ChipConfig, 0x02);
static constexpr Key kConfigKey_ServiceId = K32WConfigKey(kPDMId_ChipConfig, 0x03);
static constexpr Key kConfigKey_LastUsedEpochKeyId = K32WConfigKey(kPDMId_ChipConfig, 0x05);
static constexpr Key kConfigKey_FailSafeArmed = K32WConfigKey(kPDMId_ChipConfig, 0x06);
static constexpr Key kConfigKey_RegulatoryLocation = K32WConfigKey(kPDMId_ChipConfig, 0x07);
static constexpr Key kConfigKey_CountryCode = K32WConfigKey(kPDMId_ChipConfig, 0x08);
static constexpr Key kConfigKey_UniqueId = K32WConfigKey(kPDMId_ChipConfig, 0x0A);
static constexpr Key kConfigKey_SoftwareVersion = K32WConfigKey(kPDMId_ChipConfig, 0x0B);
static constexpr Key kConfigKey_FirstRunOfOTAImage = K32WConfigKey(kPDMId_ChipConfig, 0x0C);
// CHIP Counter Keys
static constexpr Key kCounterKey_RebootCount = K32WConfigKey(kPDMId_ChipCounter, 0x00);
static constexpr Key kCounterKey_UpTime = K32WConfigKey(kPDMId_ChipCounter, 0x01);
static constexpr Key kCounterKey_TotalOperationalHours = K32WConfigKey(kPDMId_ChipCounter, 0x02);
static constexpr Key kCounterKey_BootReason = K32WConfigKey(kPDMId_ChipCounter, 0x03);
// Set key id limits for each group.
static constexpr Key kMinConfigKey_ChipFactory = K32WConfigKey(kPDMId_ChipFactory, 0x00);
static constexpr Key kMaxConfigKey_ChipFactory = K32WConfigKey(kPDMId_ChipFactory, 0xFF);
static constexpr Key kMinConfigKey_ChipConfig = K32WConfigKey(kPDMId_ChipConfig, 0x00);
static constexpr Key kMaxConfigKey_ChipConfig = K32WConfigKey(kPDMId_ChipConfig, 0xFF);
static constexpr Key kMinConfigKey_ChipCounter = K32WConfigKey(kPDMId_ChipCounter, 0x00);
static constexpr Key kMaxConfigKey_ChipCounter = K32WConfigKey(kPDMId_ChipCounter, 0xFF); // Allows 32 Counters to be created.
static constexpr Key kMinConfigKey_KVSKey = K32WConfigKey(kPDMId_KVSKey, 0x00);
static constexpr Key kMaxConfigKey_KVSKey = K32WConfigKey(kPDMId_KVSKey, 0xFF);
static constexpr Key kMinConfigKey_KVSValue = K32WConfigKey(kPDMId_KVSValue, 0x00);
static constexpr Key kMaxConfigKey_KVSValue = K32WConfigKey(kPDMId_KVSValue, 0xFF);
static CHIP_ERROR Init(void);
// Configuration methods used by the GenericConfigurationManagerImpl<> template.
template <typename TValue>
static CHIP_ERROR ReadConfigValue(Key key, TValue & val);
template <typename TValue>
static CHIP_ERROR WriteConfigValue(Key key, TValue val);
template <typename TValue>
static CHIP_ERROR WriteConfigValueSync(Key key, TValue val);
static CHIP_ERROR ReadConfigValueStr(Key key, char * buf, size_t bufSize, size_t & outLen);
static CHIP_ERROR ReadConfigValueBin(Key key, uint8_t * buf, size_t bufSize, size_t & outLen);
static CHIP_ERROR ReadConfigValueCounter(uint8_t counterIdx, uint32_t & val);
static CHIP_ERROR WriteConfigValueStr(Key key, const char * str);
static CHIP_ERROR WriteConfigValueStr(Key key, const char * str, size_t strLen);
static CHIP_ERROR WriteConfigValueBin(Key key, const uint8_t * data, size_t dataLen);
static CHIP_ERROR WriteConfigValueCounter(uint8_t counterIdx, uint32_t val);
static CHIP_ERROR ClearConfigValue(Key key);
static bool ConfigValueExists(Key key);
static CHIP_ERROR FactoryResetConfig(void);
static bool ValidConfigKey(Key key);
static void RunConfigUnitTest(void);
// Log error wrappers for OSA mutex lock/unlock.
static void MutexLock(osaMutexId_t mutexId, uint32_t millisec);
static void MutexUnlock(osaMutexId_t mutexId);
static osaMutexId_t pdmMutexHandle;
static constexpr uint8_t GetPDMId(uint32_t key);
static constexpr uint8_t GetRecordKey(uint32_t key);
static CHIP_ERROR MapPdmStatusToChipError(PDM_teStatus status);
static CHIP_ERROR MapPdmInitStatusToChipError(int status);
static void FactoryResetConfigInternal(Key firstKey, Key lastKey);
* Extract a PDM id from a Key value.
inline constexpr uint8_t K32WConfig::GetPDMId(Key key)
return static_cast<uint8_t>(key >> 8);
* Extract an NVM record key from a Key value.
inline constexpr uint8_t K32WConfig::GetRecordKey(Key key)
return static_cast<uint8_t>(key);
template <typename TValue>
CHIP_ERROR K32WConfig::ReadConfigValue(Key key, TValue & val)
uint16_t valLen = sizeof(val);
VerifyOrExit(ValidConfigKey(key), err = CHIP_DEVICE_ERROR_CONFIG_NOT_FOUND);
err = RamStorage::Read(key, 0, (uint8_t *) &val, &valLen);
return err;
template <typename TValue>
CHIP_ERROR K32WConfig::WriteConfigValue(Key key, TValue val)
PDM_teStatus status;
RamStorage::Buffer buffer;
MutexLock(pdmMutexHandle, osaWaitForever_c);
VerifyOrExit(ValidConfigKey(key), err = CHIP_DEVICE_ERROR_CONFIG_NOT_FOUND);
err = RamStorage::Write(key, (uint8_t *) &val, sizeof(TValue));
buffer = RamStorage::GetBuffer();
status = PDM_eSaveRecordDataInIdleTask(kNvmIdChipConfigData, buffer, buffer->ramBufferLen + kRamDescHeaderSize);
SuccessOrExit(err = MapPdmStatusToChipError(status));
return err;
template <typename TValue>
CHIP_ERROR K32WConfig::WriteConfigValueSync(Key key, TValue val)
PDM_teStatus status;
RamStorage::Buffer buffer;
MutexLock(pdmMutexHandle, osaWaitForever_c);
VerifyOrExit(ValidConfigKey(key), err = CHIP_DEVICE_ERROR_CONFIG_NOT_FOUND);
err = RamStorage::Write(key, (uint8_t *) &val, sizeof(TValue));
// Interrupts are disabled to ensure there is no context switch during the actual
// writing, thus avoiding race conditions.
buffer = RamStorage::GetBuffer();
status = PDM_eSaveRecordData(kNvmIdChipConfigData, buffer, buffer->ramBufferLen + kRamDescHeaderSize);
SuccessOrExit(err = MapPdmStatusToChipError(status));
return err;
} // namespace Internal
} // namespace DeviceLayer
} // namespace chip