blob: c7d16f15e6413058b1d247354c367989bd2621c5 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2021 Project CHIP Authors
* All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include <controller/CommissioneeDeviceProxy.h>
#include <controller/CommissioningDelegate.h>
#include <credentials/DeviceAttestationConstructor.h>
#include <protocols/secure_channel/RendezvousParameters.h>
namespace chip {
namespace Controller {
class DeviceCommissioner;
class AutoCommissioner : public CommissioningDelegate
~AutoCommissioner() override;
CHIP_ERROR SetCommissioningParameters(const CommissioningParameters & params) override;
const CommissioningParameters & GetCommissioningParameters() const override;
void SetOperationalCredentialsDelegate(OperationalCredentialsDelegate * operationalCredentialsDelegate) override;
CHIP_ERROR StartCommissioning(DeviceCommissioner * commissioner, CommissioneeDeviceProxy * proxy) override;
void StopCommissioning() { mStopCommissioning = true; };
CHIP_ERROR CommissioningStepFinished(CHIP_ERROR err, CommissioningDelegate::CommissioningReport report) override;
ByteSpan GetAttestationElements() const { return ByteSpan(mAttestationElements, mAttestationElementsLen); }
ByteSpan GetAttestationSignature() const { return ByteSpan(mAttestationSignature, mAttestationSignatureLen); }
ByteSpan GetAttestationNonce() const { return ByteSpan(mAttestationNonce); }
CommissioningStage GetNextCommissioningStage(CommissioningStage currentStage, CHIP_ERROR & lastErr);
DeviceCommissioner * GetCommissioner() { return mCommissioner; }
CHIP_ERROR PerformStep(CommissioningStage nextStage);
DeviceProxy * GetDeviceProxyForStep(CommissioningStage nextStage);
void ReleaseDAC();
void ReleasePAI();
CHIP_ERROR SetDAC(const ByteSpan & dac);
CHIP_ERROR SetPAI(const ByteSpan & pai);
ByteSpan GetDAC() const { return ByteSpan(mDAC, mDACLen); }
ByteSpan GetPAI() const { return ByteSpan(mPAI, mPAILen); }
CHIP_ERROR NOCChainGenerated(ByteSpan noc, ByteSpan icac, ByteSpan rcac, AesCcm128KeySpan ipk, NodeId adminSubject);
* The device argument to GetCommandTimeout is the device whose session will
* be used for sending the relevant command.
Optional<System::Clock::Timeout> GetCommandTimeout(DeviceProxy * device, CommissioningStage stage) const;
EndpointId GetEndpoint(const CommissioningStage & stage) const;
CommissioningStage GetNextCommissioningStageInternal(CommissioningStage currentStage, CHIP_ERROR & lastErr);
bool mStopCommissioning = false;
DeviceCommissioner * mCommissioner = nullptr;
CommissioneeDeviceProxy * mCommissioneeDeviceProxy = nullptr;
OperationalCredentialsDelegate * mOperationalCredentialsDelegate = nullptr;
CommissioningParameters mParams = CommissioningParameters();
OperationalDeviceProxy mOperationalDeviceProxy;
// Memory space for the commisisoning parameters that come in as ByteSpans - the caller is not guaranteed to retain this memory
uint8_t mSsid[CommissioningParameters::kMaxSsidLen];
uint8_t mCredentials[CommissioningParameters::kMaxCredentialsLen];
uint8_t mThreadOperationalDataset[CommissioningParameters::kMaxThreadDatasetLen];
char mCountryCode[CommissioningParameters::kMaxCountryCodeLen];
bool mNeedsNetworkSetup = false;
ReadCommissioningInfo mDeviceCommissioningInfo;
// TODO: Why were the nonces statically allocated, but the certs dynamically allocated?
uint8_t * mDAC = nullptr;
uint16_t mDACLen = 0;
uint8_t * mPAI = nullptr;
uint16_t mPAILen = 0;
uint8_t mAttestationNonce[kAttestationNonceLength];
uint8_t mCSRNonce[kCSRNonceLength];
uint8_t mNOCertBuffer[Credentials::kMaxCHIPCertLength];
uint8_t mICACertBuffer[Credentials::kMaxCHIPCertLength];
uint16_t mAttestationElementsLen = 0;
uint8_t mAttestationElements[Credentials::kMaxRspLen];
uint16_t mAttestationSignatureLen = 0;
uint8_t mAttestationSignature[Crypto::kMax_ECDSA_Signature_Length];
} // namespace Controller
} // namespace chip