blob: 589f1d17a61dfb40b5ffd76a5b8e74f2cb19c7b4 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2021 Project CHIP Authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @file
* This file defines the CHIP Device Network Provisioning object.
#pragma once
#include <lib/core/CHIPCore.h>
#include <lib/core/CHIPSafeCasts.h>
#include <lib/core/Optional.h>
#include <lib/support/ThreadOperationalDataset.h>
#include <platform/internal/DeviceNetworkInfo.h>
#include <app-common/zap-generated/cluster-enums.h>
#include <limits>
namespace chip {
namespace DeviceLayer {
* We are using a namespace here, for most use cases, this namespace will be used by `using DeviceLayer::NetworkCommissioning`, but
* this still worth a dedicated namespace since:
* - The BaseDriver / WirelessDriver is not expected to be implemented directly by users, the only occurrence is in the network
* commissioning cluster.
* - We can safely name the drivers as WiFiDriver / ThreadDriver, it should not be ambiguous for most cases
* - We can safely name the Status enum to Status, and some other structs -- if we are using using, then we should in the context of
* writing something dedicated to network commissioning, then a single word Status should be clear enough.
namespace NetworkCommissioning {
constexpr size_t kMaxNetworkIDLen = 32;
// TODO: This is exactly the same as the one in GroupDataProvider, this could be moved to src/lib/support
template <typename T>
class Iterator
virtual ~Iterator() = default;
* @retval The number of entries in total that will be iterated.
virtual size_t Count() = 0;
* @param[out] item Value associated with the next element in the iteration.
* @retval true if the next entry is successfully retrieved.
* @retval false if no more entries can be found.
virtual bool Next(T & item) = 0;
* Release the memory allocated by this iterator.
* Must be called before the pointer goes out of scope.
virtual void Release() = 0;
Iterator() = default;
// The following structs follows the generated cluster object structs.
struct Network
uint8_t networkID[kMaxNetworkIDLen];
uint8_t networkIDLen;
bool connected;
static_assert(sizeof(Network::networkID) <= std::numeric_limits<decltype(Network::networkIDLen)>::max(),
"Max length of networkID ssid exceeds the limit of networkIDLen field");
struct WiFiScanResponse
chip::BitFlags<app::Clusters::NetworkCommissioning::WiFiSecurity> security;
uint8_t ssid[DeviceLayer::Internal::kMaxWiFiSSIDLength];
uint8_t ssidLen;
uint8_t bssid[6];
uint16_t channel;
app::Clusters::NetworkCommissioning::WiFiBand wiFiBand;
int8_t rssi;
static_assert(sizeof(WiFiScanResponse::ssid) <= std::numeric_limits<decltype(WiFiScanResponse::ssidLen)>::max(),
"Max length of WiFi ssid exceeds the limit of ssidLen field");
struct ThreadScanResponse
uint16_t panId;
uint64_t extendedPanId;
char networkName[16];
uint8_t networkNameLen;
uint16_t channel;
uint8_t version;
uint64_t extendedAddress;
int8_t rssi;
uint8_t lqi;
static_assert(sizeof(ThreadScanResponse::networkName) <= std::numeric_limits<decltype(ThreadScanResponse::networkNameLen)>::max(),
"Max length of WiFi credentials exceeds the limit of credentialsLen field");
using NetworkIterator = Iterator<Network>;
using WiFiScanResponseIterator = Iterator<WiFiScanResponse>;
using ThreadScanResponseIterator = Iterator<ThreadScanResponse>;
using Status = app::Clusters::NetworkCommissioning::NetworkCommissioningStatus;
using WiFiBand = app::Clusters::NetworkCommissioning::WiFiBand;
using WiFiSecurity = app::Clusters::NetworkCommissioning::WiFiSecurity;
// BaseDriver and WirelessDriver are the common interfaces for a network driver, platform drivers should not implement this
// directly, instead, users are expected to implement WiFiDriver, ThreadDriver and EthernetDriver.
namespace Internal {
class BaseDriver
class NetworkStatusChangeCallback
* @brief Callback for the network driver pushing the event of network status change to the network commissioning cluster.
* The platforms is explected to push the status from operations such as autonomous connection after loss of connectivity or
* during initial establishment.
* This function must be called in a thread-safe manner with CHIP stack.
virtual void OnNetworkingStatusChange(Status commissioningError, Optional<ByteSpan> networkId,
Optional<int32_t> connectStatus) = 0;
virtual ~NetworkStatusChangeCallback() = default;
* @brief Initializes the driver, this function will be called when initializing the network commissioning cluster.
virtual CHIP_ERROR Init(NetworkStatusChangeCallback * networkStatusChangeCallback) { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; }
* @brief Shuts down the driver, this function will be called when shutting down the network commissioning cluster.
virtual void Shutdown() {}
* @brief Returns maximum number of network configs can be added to the driver.
virtual uint8_t GetMaxNetworks() = 0;
* @brief Returns an iterator for reading the networks, the user will always call NetworkIterator::Release. The iterator should
* be consumed in the same context as calling GetNetworks(). Users must call Release() when the iterator goes out of scope.
virtual NetworkIterator * GetNetworks() = 0;
* @brief Sets the status of the interface, this is an optional feature of a network driver.
virtual CHIP_ERROR SetEnabled(bool enabled) { return CHIP_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_CHIP_FEATURE; }
* @brief Returns the status of the interface, this is an optional feature of a network driver the driver will be enabled by
* default.
virtual bool GetEnabled() { return true; };
virtual ~BaseDriver() = default;
class WirelessDriver : public Internal::BaseDriver
class ConnectCallback
virtual void OnResult(Status commissioningError, CharSpan debugText, int32_t connectStatus) = 0;
virtual ~ConnectCallback() = default;
* @brief Persists the network configurations. This function is expected to be called when CommissioningComplete event is fired.
virtual CHIP_ERROR CommitConfiguration() = 0;
* @brief Reverts the network configurations to the last committed one. This function is expected to be called when failsafe
* timeout reached.
virtual CHIP_ERROR RevertConfiguration() = 0;
virtual uint8_t GetScanNetworkTimeoutSeconds() = 0;
virtual uint8_t GetConnectNetworkTimeoutSeconds() = 0;
* @brief Remove a network from the device. The driver should fill the outDebugText field to pass any human-readable messages to
* the client. The driver should reduce the size of outDebugText to 0 to omit it from the response when no debug text needs to
* be delivered. On success, the driver should set outNetworkIndex to the index of the network just removed. The value of
* network index is discarded on failure.
* Note: The capacity of outDebugText passed by network commissioning cluster can be configured via
virtual Status RemoveNetwork(ByteSpan networkId, MutableCharSpan & outDebugText, uint8_t & outNetworkIndex) = 0;
* @brief Reorder the networks on the device. The driver should fill the outDebugText field to pass any human-readable messages
* to the client. The driver should reduce the size of outDebugText to 0 to omit it from the response when no debug text needs
* to be delivered.
* Note: The capacity of outDebugText passed by network commissioning cluster can be configured via
virtual Status ReorderNetwork(ByteSpan networkId, uint8_t index, MutableCharSpan & outDebugText) = 0;
* @brief Initializes a network join. callback->OnResult must be called, on both success and error. Callback can be
* called inside ConnectNetwork.
virtual void ConnectNetwork(ByteSpan networkId, ConnectCallback * callback) = 0;
} // namespace Internal
class WiFiDriver : public Internal::WirelessDriver
class ScanCallback
* Indicates the scan is finished, and accepts a iterator of networks discovered.
* - networks can be nullptr when no networks discovered, or error occurred during scanning the networks.
* OnFinished() must be called in a thread-safe manner with CHIP stack. (e.g. using ScheduleWork or ScheduleLambda)
* - Users can assume the networks will always be used (and Release will be called) inside this function call. However, the
* iterator might be not fully consumed (i.e. There are too many networks scanned to fit in the buffer for scan response
* message.)
virtual void OnFinished(Status status, CharSpan debugText, WiFiScanResponseIterator * networks) = 0;
virtual ~ScanCallback() = default;
* @brief Adds or updates a WiFi network on the device. The driver should fill the outDebugText field to pass any human-readable
* messages to the client. The driver should reduce the size of outDebugText to 0 to omit it from the response when no debug
* text needs to be delivered. On success, the driver should set outNetworkIndex to the index of the network just added or
* updated. The value of network index is discarded on failure.
* Note: The capacity of outDebugText passed by network commissioning cluster can be configured via
virtual Status AddOrUpdateNetwork(ByteSpan ssid, ByteSpan credentials, MutableCharSpan & outDebugText,
uint8_t & outNetworkIndex) = 0;
* @brief Initializes a WiFi network scan. callback->OnFinished must be called, on both success and error. Callback can
* be called inside ScanNetworks.
* @param ssid The interested SSID, the scanning SHALL be restricted to the given SSID if the ssid is not empty (i.e.
* ssid.empty() is false).
* @param callback Callback that will be invoked upon finishing the scan
virtual void ScanNetworks(ByteSpan ssid, ScanCallback * callback) = 0;
~WiFiDriver() override = default;
class ThreadDriver : public Internal::WirelessDriver
class ScanCallback
* Indicates the scan is finished, and accepts a iterator of networks discovered.
* - networks can be nullptr when no networks discovered, or error occurred during scanning the networks.
* OnFinished() must be called in a thread-safe manner with CHIP stack. (e.g. using ScheduleWork or ScheduleLambda)
* - Users can assume the networks will always be used (and Release will be called) inside this function call. However, the
* iterator might be not fully consumed (i.e. There are too many networks scanned to fit in the buffer for scan response
* message.)
virtual void OnFinished(Status err, CharSpan debugText, ThreadScanResponseIterator * networks) = 0;
virtual ~ScanCallback() = default;
* @brief Adds or updates a Thread network on the device. The driver should fill the outDebugText field to pass any
* human-readable messages to the client. The driver should reduce the size of outDebugText to 0 to omit it from the response
* when no debug text needs to be delivered. On success, the driver should set outNetworkIndex to the index of the network just
* added or updated. The value of the network index is discarded on failure.
* Note: The capacity of outDebugText passed by network commissioning cluster can be configured via
virtual Status AddOrUpdateNetwork(ByteSpan operationalDataset, MutableCharSpan & outDebugText, uint8_t & outNetworkIndex) = 0;
* @brief Initializes a Thread network scan. callback->OnFinished must be called, on both success and error. Callback can
* be called inside ScanNetworks.
virtual void ScanNetworks(ScanCallback * callback) = 0;
~ThreadDriver() override = default;
class EthernetDriver : public Internal::BaseDriver
// Ethernet driver does not have any special operations.
} // namespace NetworkCommissioning
} // namespace DeviceLayer
} // namespace chip