| /* |
| * |
| * Copyright (c) 2022 Project CHIP Authors |
| * |
| * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
| * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
| * You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| * |
| * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| * |
| * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| * limitations under the License. |
| */ |
| |
| |
| #pragma once |
| |
| #include <cstdint> |
| #include <string> |
| #include <type_traits> |
| |
| #include <app-common/zap-generated/cluster-objects.h> |
| #include <commands/clusters/ClusterCommand.h> |
| #include <commands/clusters/ComplexArgument.h> |
| #include <commands/clusters/ReportCommand.h> |
| #include <commands/clusters/SubscriptionsCommands.h> |
| #include <commands/clusters/WriteAttributeCommand.h> |
| |
| /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ |
| | Cluster Name | ID | |
| |---------------------------------------------------------------------+--------| |
| | PowerConfiguration | 0x0001 | |
| | DeviceTemperatureConfiguration | 0x0002 | |
| | Identify | 0x0003 | |
| | Groups | 0x0004 | |
| | Scenes | 0x0005 | |
| | OnOff | 0x0006 | |
| | OnOffSwitchConfiguration | 0x0007 | |
| | LevelControl | 0x0008 | |
| | Alarms | 0x0009 | |
| | Time | 0x000A | |
| | BinaryInputBasic | 0x000F | |
| | PowerProfile | 0x001A | |
| | ApplianceControl | 0x001B | |
| | PulseWidthModulation | 0x001C | |
| | Descriptor | 0x001D | |
| | Binding | 0x001E | |
| | AccessControl | 0x001F | |
| | PollControl | 0x0020 | |
| | BridgedActions | 0x0025 | |
| | Basic | 0x0028 | |
| | OtaSoftwareUpdateProvider | 0x0029 | |
| | OtaSoftwareUpdateRequestor | 0x002A | |
| | LocalizationConfiguration | 0x002B | |
| | TimeFormatLocalization | 0x002C | |
| | UnitLocalization | 0x002D | |
| | PowerSourceConfiguration | 0x002E | |
| | PowerSource | 0x002F | |
| | GeneralCommissioning | 0x0030 | |
| | NetworkCommissioning | 0x0031 | |
| | DiagnosticLogs | 0x0032 | |
| | GeneralDiagnostics | 0x0033 | |
| | SoftwareDiagnostics | 0x0034 | |
| | ThreadNetworkDiagnostics | 0x0035 | |
| | WiFiNetworkDiagnostics | 0x0036 | |
| | EthernetNetworkDiagnostics | 0x0037 | |
| | TimeSynchronization | 0x0038 | |
| | BridgedDeviceBasic | 0x0039 | |
| | Switch | 0x003B | |
| | AdministratorCommissioning | 0x003C | |
| | OperationalCredentials | 0x003E | |
| | GroupKeyManagement | 0x003F | |
| | FixedLabel | 0x0040 | |
| | UserLabel | 0x0041 | |
| | ProxyConfiguration | 0x0042 | |
| | ProxyDiscovery | 0x0043 | |
| | ProxyValid | 0x0044 | |
| | BooleanState | 0x0045 | |
| | ModeSelect | 0x0050 | |
| | ShadeConfiguration | 0x0100 | |
| | DoorLock | 0x0101 | |
| | WindowCovering | 0x0102 | |
| | BarrierControl | 0x0103 | |
| | PumpConfigurationAndControl | 0x0200 | |
| | Thermostat | 0x0201 | |
| | FanControl | 0x0202 | |
| | DehumidificationControl | 0x0203 | |
| | ThermostatUserInterfaceConfiguration | 0x0204 | |
| | ColorControl | 0x0300 | |
| | BallastConfiguration | 0x0301 | |
| | IlluminanceMeasurement | 0x0400 | |
| | TemperatureMeasurement | 0x0402 | |
| | PressureMeasurement | 0x0403 | |
| | FlowMeasurement | 0x0404 | |
| | RelativeHumidityMeasurement | 0x0405 | |
| | OccupancySensing | 0x0406 | |
| | CarbonMonoxideConcentrationMeasurement | 0x040C | |
| | CarbonDioxideConcentrationMeasurement | 0x040D | |
| | EthyleneConcentrationMeasurement | 0x040E | |
| | EthyleneOxideConcentrationMeasurement | 0x040F | |
| | HydrogenConcentrationMeasurement | 0x0410 | |
| | HydrogenSulphideConcentrationMeasurement | 0x0411 | |
| | NitricOxideConcentrationMeasurement | 0x0412 | |
| | NitrogenDioxideConcentrationMeasurement | 0x0413 | |
| | OxygenConcentrationMeasurement | 0x0414 | |
| | OzoneConcentrationMeasurement | 0x0415 | |
| | SulfurDioxideConcentrationMeasurement | 0x0416 | |
| | DissolvedOxygenConcentrationMeasurement | 0x0417 | |
| | BromateConcentrationMeasurement | 0x0418 | |
| | ChloraminesConcentrationMeasurement | 0x0419 | |
| | ChlorineConcentrationMeasurement | 0x041A | |
| | FecalColiformAndEColiConcentrationMeasurement | 0x041B | |
| | FluorideConcentrationMeasurement | 0x041C | |
| | HaloaceticAcidsConcentrationMeasurement | 0x041D | |
| | TotalTrihalomethanesConcentrationMeasurement | 0x041E | |
| | TotalColiformBacteriaConcentrationMeasurement | 0x041F | |
| | TurbidityConcentrationMeasurement | 0x0420 | |
| | CopperConcentrationMeasurement | 0x0421 | |
| | LeadConcentrationMeasurement | 0x0422 | |
| | ManganeseConcentrationMeasurement | 0x0423 | |
| | SulfateConcentrationMeasurement | 0x0424 | |
| | BromodichloromethaneConcentrationMeasurement | 0x0425 | |
| | BromoformConcentrationMeasurement | 0x0426 | |
| | ChlorodibromomethaneConcentrationMeasurement | 0x0427 | |
| | ChloroformConcentrationMeasurement | 0x0428 | |
| | SodiumConcentrationMeasurement | 0x0429 | |
| | IasZone | 0x0500 | |
| | IasAce | 0x0501 | |
| | IasWd | 0x0502 | |
| | WakeOnLan | 0x0503 | |
| | Channel | 0x0504 | |
| | TargetNavigator | 0x0505 | |
| | MediaPlayback | 0x0506 | |
| | MediaInput | 0x0507 | |
| | LowPower | 0x0508 | |
| | KeypadInput | 0x0509 | |
| | ContentLauncher | 0x050A | |
| | AudioOutput | 0x050B | |
| | ApplicationLauncher | 0x050C | |
| | ApplicationBasic | 0x050D | |
| | AccountLogin | 0x050E | |
| | TestCluster | 0x050F | |
| | Messaging | 0x0703 | |
| | ApplianceIdentification | 0x0B00 | |
| | MeterIdentification | 0x0B01 | |
| | ApplianceEventsAndAlert | 0x0B02 | |
| | ApplianceStatistics | 0x0B03 | |
| | ElectricalMeasurement | 0x0B04 | |
| \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| |
| /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ |
| | Cluster PowerConfiguration | 0x0001 | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Commands: | | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Attributes: | | |
| | * MainsVoltage | 0x0000 | |
| | * MainsFrequency | 0x0001 | |
| | * MainsAlarmMask | 0x0010 | |
| | * MainsVoltageMinThreshold | 0x0011 | |
| | * MainsVoltageMaxThreshold | 0x0012 | |
| | * MainsVoltageDwellTrip | 0x0013 | |
| | * BatteryVoltage | 0x0020 | |
| | * BatteryPercentageRemaining | 0x0021 | |
| | * BatteryManufacturer | 0x0030 | |
| | * BatterySize | 0x0031 | |
| | * BatteryAhrRating | 0x0032 | |
| | * BatteryQuantity | 0x0033 | |
| | * BatteryRatedVoltage | 0x0034 | |
| | * BatteryAlarmMask | 0x0035 | |
| | * BatteryVoltageMinThreshold | 0x0036 | |
| | * BatteryVoltageThreshold1 | 0x0037 | |
| | * BatteryVoltageThreshold2 | 0x0038 | |
| | * BatteryVoltageThreshold3 | 0x0039 | |
| | * BatteryPercentageMinThreshold | 0x003A | |
| | * BatteryPercentageThreshold1 | 0x003B | |
| | * BatteryPercentageThreshold2 | 0x003C | |
| | * BatteryPercentageThreshold3 | 0x003D | |
| | * BatteryAlarmState | 0x003E | |
| | * Battery2Voltage | 0x0040 | |
| | * Battery2PercentageRemaining | 0x0041 | |
| | * Battery2Manufacturer | 0x0050 | |
| | * Battery2Size | 0x0051 | |
| | * Battery2AhrRating | 0x0052 | |
| | * Battery2Quantity | 0x0053 | |
| | * Battery2RatedVoltage | 0x0054 | |
| | * Battery2AlarmMask | 0x0055 | |
| | * Battery2VoltageMinThreshold | 0x0056 | |
| | * Battery2VoltageThreshold1 | 0x0057 | |
| | * Battery2VoltageThreshold2 | 0x0058 | |
| | * Battery2VoltageThreshold3 | 0x0059 | |
| | * Battery2PercentageMinThreshold | 0x005A | |
| | * Battery2PercentageThreshold1 | 0x005B | |
| | * Battery2PercentageThreshold2 | 0x005C | |
| | * Battery2PercentageThreshold3 | 0x005D | |
| | * Battery2AlarmState | 0x005E | |
| | * Battery3Voltage | 0x0060 | |
| | * Battery3PercentageRemaining | 0x0061 | |
| | * Battery3Manufacturer | 0x0070 | |
| | * Battery3Size | 0x0071 | |
| | * Battery3AhrRating | 0x0072 | |
| | * Battery3Quantity | 0x0073 | |
| | * Battery3RatedVoltage | 0x0074 | |
| | * Battery3AlarmMask | 0x0075 | |
| | * Battery3VoltageMinThreshold | 0x0076 | |
| | * Battery3VoltageThreshold1 | 0x0077 | |
| | * Battery3VoltageThreshold2 | 0x0078 | |
| | * Battery3VoltageThreshold3 | 0x0079 | |
| | * Battery3PercentageMinThreshold | 0x007A | |
| | * Battery3PercentageThreshold1 | 0x007B | |
| | * Battery3PercentageThreshold2 | 0x007C | |
| | * Battery3PercentageThreshold3 | 0x007D | |
| | * Battery3AlarmState | 0x007E | |
| | * GeneratedCommandList | 0xFFF8 | |
| | * AcceptedCommandList | 0xFFF9 | |
| | * AttributeList | 0xFFFB | |
| | * FeatureMap | 0xFFFC | |
| | * ClusterRevision | 0xFFFD | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Events: | | |
| \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| |
| class WritePowerConfigurationMainsAlarmMask : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WritePowerConfigurationMainsAlarmMask(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("MainsAlarmMask", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "mains-alarm-mask"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WritePowerConfigurationMainsAlarmMask() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000001, 0x00000010, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000001, 0x00000010, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint8_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WritePowerConfigurationMainsVoltageMinThreshold : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WritePowerConfigurationMainsVoltageMinThreshold(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("MainsVoltageMinThreshold", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "mains-voltage-min-threshold"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WritePowerConfigurationMainsVoltageMinThreshold() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000001, 0x00000011, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000001, 0x00000011, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint16_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WritePowerConfigurationMainsVoltageMaxThreshold : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WritePowerConfigurationMainsVoltageMaxThreshold(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("MainsVoltageMaxThreshold", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "mains-voltage-max-threshold"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WritePowerConfigurationMainsVoltageMaxThreshold() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000001, 0x00000012, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000001, 0x00000012, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint16_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WritePowerConfigurationMainsVoltageDwellTrip : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WritePowerConfigurationMainsVoltageDwellTrip(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("MainsVoltageDwellTrip", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "mains-voltage-dwell-trip"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WritePowerConfigurationMainsVoltageDwellTrip() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000001, 0x00000013, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000001, 0x00000013, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint16_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WritePowerConfigurationBatteryManufacturer : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WritePowerConfigurationBatteryManufacturer(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("BatteryManufacturer", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "battery-manufacturer"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WritePowerConfigurationBatteryManufacturer() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000001, 0x00000030, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000001, 0x00000030, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::CharSpan mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WritePowerConfigurationBatterySize : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WritePowerConfigurationBatterySize(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("BatterySize", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "battery-size"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WritePowerConfigurationBatterySize() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000001, 0x00000031, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000001, 0x00000031, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint8_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WritePowerConfigurationBatteryAhrRating : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WritePowerConfigurationBatteryAhrRating(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("BatteryAhrRating", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "battery-ahr-rating"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WritePowerConfigurationBatteryAhrRating() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000001, 0x00000032, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000001, 0x00000032, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint16_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WritePowerConfigurationBatteryQuantity : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WritePowerConfigurationBatteryQuantity(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("BatteryQuantity", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "battery-quantity"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WritePowerConfigurationBatteryQuantity() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000001, 0x00000033, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000001, 0x00000033, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint8_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WritePowerConfigurationBatteryRatedVoltage : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WritePowerConfigurationBatteryRatedVoltage(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("BatteryRatedVoltage", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "battery-rated-voltage"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WritePowerConfigurationBatteryRatedVoltage() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000001, 0x00000034, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000001, 0x00000034, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint8_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WritePowerConfigurationBatteryAlarmMask : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WritePowerConfigurationBatteryAlarmMask(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("BatteryAlarmMask", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "battery-alarm-mask"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WritePowerConfigurationBatteryAlarmMask() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000001, 0x00000035, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000001, 0x00000035, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint8_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WritePowerConfigurationBatteryVoltageMinThreshold : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WritePowerConfigurationBatteryVoltageMinThreshold(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("BatteryVoltageMinThreshold", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "battery-voltage-min-threshold"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WritePowerConfigurationBatteryVoltageMinThreshold() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000001, 0x00000036, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000001, 0x00000036, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint8_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WritePowerConfigurationBatteryVoltageThreshold1 : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WritePowerConfigurationBatteryVoltageThreshold1(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("BatteryVoltageThreshold1", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "battery-voltage-threshold1"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WritePowerConfigurationBatteryVoltageThreshold1() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000001, 0x00000037, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000001, 0x00000037, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint8_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WritePowerConfigurationBatteryVoltageThreshold2 : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WritePowerConfigurationBatteryVoltageThreshold2(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("BatteryVoltageThreshold2", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "battery-voltage-threshold2"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WritePowerConfigurationBatteryVoltageThreshold2() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000001, 0x00000038, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000001, 0x00000038, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint8_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WritePowerConfigurationBatteryVoltageThreshold3 : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WritePowerConfigurationBatteryVoltageThreshold3(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("BatteryVoltageThreshold3", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "battery-voltage-threshold3"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WritePowerConfigurationBatteryVoltageThreshold3() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000001, 0x00000039, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000001, 0x00000039, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint8_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WritePowerConfigurationBatteryPercentageMinThreshold : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WritePowerConfigurationBatteryPercentageMinThreshold(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("BatteryPercentageMinThreshold", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "battery-percentage-min-threshold"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WritePowerConfigurationBatteryPercentageMinThreshold() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000001, 0x0000003A, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000001, 0x0000003A, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint8_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WritePowerConfigurationBatteryPercentageThreshold1 : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WritePowerConfigurationBatteryPercentageThreshold1(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("BatteryPercentageThreshold1", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "battery-percentage-threshold1"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WritePowerConfigurationBatteryPercentageThreshold1() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000001, 0x0000003B, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000001, 0x0000003B, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint8_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WritePowerConfigurationBatteryPercentageThreshold2 : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WritePowerConfigurationBatteryPercentageThreshold2(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("BatteryPercentageThreshold2", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "battery-percentage-threshold2"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WritePowerConfigurationBatteryPercentageThreshold2() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000001, 0x0000003C, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000001, 0x0000003C, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint8_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WritePowerConfigurationBatteryPercentageThreshold3 : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WritePowerConfigurationBatteryPercentageThreshold3(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("BatteryPercentageThreshold3", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "battery-percentage-threshold3"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WritePowerConfigurationBatteryPercentageThreshold3() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000001, 0x0000003D, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000001, 0x0000003D, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint8_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WritePowerConfigurationBattery2Manufacturer : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WritePowerConfigurationBattery2Manufacturer(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("Battery2Manufacturer", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "battery2manufacturer"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WritePowerConfigurationBattery2Manufacturer() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000001, 0x00000050, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000001, 0x00000050, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::CharSpan mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WritePowerConfigurationBattery2Size : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WritePowerConfigurationBattery2Size(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("Battery2Size", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "battery2size"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WritePowerConfigurationBattery2Size() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000001, 0x00000051, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000001, 0x00000051, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint8_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WritePowerConfigurationBattery2AhrRating : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WritePowerConfigurationBattery2AhrRating(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("Battery2AhrRating", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "battery2ahr-rating"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WritePowerConfigurationBattery2AhrRating() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000001, 0x00000052, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000001, 0x00000052, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint16_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WritePowerConfigurationBattery2Quantity : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WritePowerConfigurationBattery2Quantity(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("Battery2Quantity", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "battery2quantity"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WritePowerConfigurationBattery2Quantity() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000001, 0x00000053, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000001, 0x00000053, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint8_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WritePowerConfigurationBattery2RatedVoltage : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WritePowerConfigurationBattery2RatedVoltage(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("Battery2RatedVoltage", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "battery2rated-voltage"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WritePowerConfigurationBattery2RatedVoltage() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000001, 0x00000054, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000001, 0x00000054, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint8_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WritePowerConfigurationBattery2AlarmMask : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WritePowerConfigurationBattery2AlarmMask(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("Battery2AlarmMask", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "battery2alarm-mask"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WritePowerConfigurationBattery2AlarmMask() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000001, 0x00000055, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000001, 0x00000055, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint8_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WritePowerConfigurationBattery2VoltageMinThreshold : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WritePowerConfigurationBattery2VoltageMinThreshold(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("Battery2VoltageMinThreshold", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "battery2voltage-min-threshold"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WritePowerConfigurationBattery2VoltageMinThreshold() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000001, 0x00000056, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000001, 0x00000056, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint8_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WritePowerConfigurationBattery2VoltageThreshold1 : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WritePowerConfigurationBattery2VoltageThreshold1(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("Battery2VoltageThreshold1", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "battery2voltage-threshold1"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WritePowerConfigurationBattery2VoltageThreshold1() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000001, 0x00000057, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000001, 0x00000057, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint8_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WritePowerConfigurationBattery2VoltageThreshold2 : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WritePowerConfigurationBattery2VoltageThreshold2(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("Battery2VoltageThreshold2", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "battery2voltage-threshold2"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WritePowerConfigurationBattery2VoltageThreshold2() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000001, 0x00000058, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000001, 0x00000058, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint8_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WritePowerConfigurationBattery2VoltageThreshold3 : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WritePowerConfigurationBattery2VoltageThreshold3(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("Battery2VoltageThreshold3", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "battery2voltage-threshold3"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WritePowerConfigurationBattery2VoltageThreshold3() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000001, 0x00000059, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000001, 0x00000059, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint8_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WritePowerConfigurationBattery2PercentageMinThreshold : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WritePowerConfigurationBattery2PercentageMinThreshold(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("Battery2PercentageMinThreshold", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "battery2percentage-min-threshold"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WritePowerConfigurationBattery2PercentageMinThreshold() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000001, 0x0000005A, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000001, 0x0000005A, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint8_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WritePowerConfigurationBattery2PercentageThreshold1 : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WritePowerConfigurationBattery2PercentageThreshold1(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("Battery2PercentageThreshold1", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "battery2percentage-threshold1"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WritePowerConfigurationBattery2PercentageThreshold1() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000001, 0x0000005B, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000001, 0x0000005B, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint8_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WritePowerConfigurationBattery2PercentageThreshold2 : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WritePowerConfigurationBattery2PercentageThreshold2(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("Battery2PercentageThreshold2", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "battery2percentage-threshold2"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WritePowerConfigurationBattery2PercentageThreshold2() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000001, 0x0000005C, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000001, 0x0000005C, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint8_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WritePowerConfigurationBattery2PercentageThreshold3 : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WritePowerConfigurationBattery2PercentageThreshold3(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("Battery2PercentageThreshold3", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "battery2percentage-threshold3"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WritePowerConfigurationBattery2PercentageThreshold3() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000001, 0x0000005D, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000001, 0x0000005D, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint8_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WritePowerConfigurationBattery3Manufacturer : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WritePowerConfigurationBattery3Manufacturer(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("Battery3Manufacturer", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "battery3manufacturer"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WritePowerConfigurationBattery3Manufacturer() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000001, 0x00000070, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000001, 0x00000070, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::CharSpan mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WritePowerConfigurationBattery3Size : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WritePowerConfigurationBattery3Size(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("Battery3Size", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "battery3size"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WritePowerConfigurationBattery3Size() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000001, 0x00000071, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000001, 0x00000071, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint8_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WritePowerConfigurationBattery3AhrRating : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WritePowerConfigurationBattery3AhrRating(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("Battery3AhrRating", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "battery3ahr-rating"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WritePowerConfigurationBattery3AhrRating() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000001, 0x00000072, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000001, 0x00000072, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint16_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WritePowerConfigurationBattery3Quantity : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WritePowerConfigurationBattery3Quantity(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("Battery3Quantity", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "battery3quantity"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WritePowerConfigurationBattery3Quantity() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000001, 0x00000073, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000001, 0x00000073, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint8_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WritePowerConfigurationBattery3RatedVoltage : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WritePowerConfigurationBattery3RatedVoltage(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("Battery3RatedVoltage", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "battery3rated-voltage"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WritePowerConfigurationBattery3RatedVoltage() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000001, 0x00000074, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000001, 0x00000074, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint8_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WritePowerConfigurationBattery3AlarmMask : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WritePowerConfigurationBattery3AlarmMask(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("Battery3AlarmMask", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "battery3alarm-mask"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WritePowerConfigurationBattery3AlarmMask() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000001, 0x00000075, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000001, 0x00000075, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint8_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WritePowerConfigurationBattery3VoltageMinThreshold : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WritePowerConfigurationBattery3VoltageMinThreshold(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("Battery3VoltageMinThreshold", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "battery3voltage-min-threshold"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WritePowerConfigurationBattery3VoltageMinThreshold() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000001, 0x00000076, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000001, 0x00000076, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint8_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WritePowerConfigurationBattery3VoltageThreshold1 : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WritePowerConfigurationBattery3VoltageThreshold1(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("Battery3VoltageThreshold1", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "battery3voltage-threshold1"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WritePowerConfigurationBattery3VoltageThreshold1() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000001, 0x00000077, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000001, 0x00000077, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint8_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WritePowerConfigurationBattery3VoltageThreshold2 : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WritePowerConfigurationBattery3VoltageThreshold2(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("Battery3VoltageThreshold2", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "battery3voltage-threshold2"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WritePowerConfigurationBattery3VoltageThreshold2() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000001, 0x00000078, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000001, 0x00000078, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint8_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WritePowerConfigurationBattery3VoltageThreshold3 : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WritePowerConfigurationBattery3VoltageThreshold3(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("Battery3VoltageThreshold3", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "battery3voltage-threshold3"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WritePowerConfigurationBattery3VoltageThreshold3() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000001, 0x00000079, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000001, 0x00000079, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint8_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WritePowerConfigurationBattery3PercentageMinThreshold : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WritePowerConfigurationBattery3PercentageMinThreshold(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("Battery3PercentageMinThreshold", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "battery3percentage-min-threshold"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WritePowerConfigurationBattery3PercentageMinThreshold() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000001, 0x0000007A, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000001, 0x0000007A, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint8_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WritePowerConfigurationBattery3PercentageThreshold1 : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WritePowerConfigurationBattery3PercentageThreshold1(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("Battery3PercentageThreshold1", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "battery3percentage-threshold1"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WritePowerConfigurationBattery3PercentageThreshold1() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000001, 0x0000007B, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000001, 0x0000007B, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint8_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WritePowerConfigurationBattery3PercentageThreshold2 : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WritePowerConfigurationBattery3PercentageThreshold2(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("Battery3PercentageThreshold2", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "battery3percentage-threshold2"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WritePowerConfigurationBattery3PercentageThreshold2() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000001, 0x0000007C, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000001, 0x0000007C, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint8_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WritePowerConfigurationBattery3PercentageThreshold3 : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WritePowerConfigurationBattery3PercentageThreshold3(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("Battery3PercentageThreshold3", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "battery3percentage-threshold3"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WritePowerConfigurationBattery3PercentageThreshold3() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000001, 0x0000007D, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000001, 0x0000007D, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint8_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ |
| | Cluster DeviceTemperatureConfiguration | 0x0002 | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Commands: | | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Attributes: | | |
| | * CurrentTemperature | 0x0000 | |
| | * MinTempExperienced | 0x0001 | |
| | * MaxTempExperienced | 0x0002 | |
| | * OverTempTotalDwell | 0x0003 | |
| | * DeviceTempAlarmMask | 0x0010 | |
| | * LowTempThreshold | 0x0011 | |
| | * HighTempThreshold | 0x0012 | |
| | * LowTempDwellTripPoint | 0x0013 | |
| | * HighTempDwellTripPoint | 0x0014 | |
| | * GeneratedCommandList | 0xFFF8 | |
| | * AcceptedCommandList | 0xFFF9 | |
| | * AttributeList | 0xFFFB | |
| | * FeatureMap | 0xFFFC | |
| | * ClusterRevision | 0xFFFD | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Events: | | |
| \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| |
| class WriteDeviceTemperatureConfigurationDeviceTempAlarmMask : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteDeviceTemperatureConfigurationDeviceTempAlarmMask(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("DeviceTempAlarmMask", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "device-temp-alarm-mask"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteDeviceTemperatureConfigurationDeviceTempAlarmMask() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000002, 0x00000010, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000002, 0x00000010, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint8_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteDeviceTemperatureConfigurationLowTempThreshold : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteDeviceTemperatureConfigurationLowTempThreshold(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("LowTempThreshold", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "low-temp-threshold"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", INT16_MIN, INT16_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteDeviceTemperatureConfigurationLowTempThreshold() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000002, 0x00000011, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000002, 0x00000011, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| int16_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteDeviceTemperatureConfigurationHighTempThreshold : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteDeviceTemperatureConfigurationHighTempThreshold(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("HighTempThreshold", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "high-temp-threshold"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", INT16_MIN, INT16_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteDeviceTemperatureConfigurationHighTempThreshold() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000002, 0x00000012, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000002, 0x00000012, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| int16_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteDeviceTemperatureConfigurationLowTempDwellTripPoint : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteDeviceTemperatureConfigurationLowTempDwellTripPoint(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("LowTempDwellTripPoint", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "low-temp-dwell-trip-point"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT32_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteDeviceTemperatureConfigurationLowTempDwellTripPoint() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000002, 0x00000013, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000002, 0x00000013, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint32_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteDeviceTemperatureConfigurationHighTempDwellTripPoint : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteDeviceTemperatureConfigurationHighTempDwellTripPoint(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("HighTempDwellTripPoint", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "high-temp-dwell-trip-point"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT32_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteDeviceTemperatureConfigurationHighTempDwellTripPoint() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000002, 0x00000014, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000002, 0x00000014, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint32_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ |
| | Cluster Identify | 0x0003 | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Commands: | | |
| | * Identify | 0x00 | |
| | * TriggerEffect | 0x40 | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Attributes: | | |
| | * IdentifyTime | 0x0000 | |
| | * IdentifyType | 0x0001 | |
| | * GeneratedCommandList | 0xFFF8 | |
| | * AcceptedCommandList | 0xFFF9 | |
| | * AttributeList | 0xFFFB | |
| | * FeatureMap | 0xFFFC | |
| | * ClusterRevision | 0xFFFD | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Events: | | |
| \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| |
| /* |
| * Command Identify |
| */ |
| class IdentifyIdentify : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| IdentifyIdentify(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : ClusterCommand("identify", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("IdentifyTime", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mRequest.identifyTime); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000003) command (0x00000000) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000003, 0x00000000, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000003) command (0x00000000) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000003, 0x00000000, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::Identify::Commands::Identify::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command TriggerEffect |
| */ |
| class IdentifyTriggerEffect : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| IdentifyTriggerEffect(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : ClusterCommand("trigger-effect", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("EffectIdentifier", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.effectIdentifier); |
| AddArgument("EffectVariant", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.effectVariant); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000003) command (0x00000040) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000003, 0x00000040, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000003) command (0x00000040) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000003, 0x00000040, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::Identify::Commands::TriggerEffect::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteIdentifyIdentifyTime : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteIdentifyIdentifyTime(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : WriteAttribute("IdentifyTime", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "identify-time"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteIdentifyIdentifyTime() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000003, 0x00000000, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000003, 0x00000000, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint16_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ |
| | Cluster Groups | 0x0004 | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Commands: | | |
| | * AddGroup | 0x00 | |
| | * ViewGroup | 0x01 | |
| | * GetGroupMembership | 0x02 | |
| | * RemoveGroup | 0x03 | |
| | * RemoveAllGroups | 0x04 | |
| | * AddGroupIfIdentifying | 0x05 | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Attributes: | | |
| | * NameSupport | 0x0000 | |
| | * GeneratedCommandList | 0xFFF8 | |
| | * AcceptedCommandList | 0xFFF9 | |
| | * AttributeList | 0xFFFB | |
| | * FeatureMap | 0xFFFC | |
| | * ClusterRevision | 0xFFFD | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Events: | | |
| \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| |
| /* |
| * Command AddGroup |
| */ |
| class GroupsAddGroup : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| GroupsAddGroup(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : ClusterCommand("add-group", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("GroupId", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mRequest.groupId); |
| AddArgument("GroupName", &mRequest.groupName); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000004) command (0x00000000) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000004, 0x00000000, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000004) command (0x00000000) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000004, 0x00000000, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::Groups::Commands::AddGroup::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command ViewGroup |
| */ |
| class GroupsViewGroup : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| GroupsViewGroup(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : ClusterCommand("view-group", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("GroupId", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mRequest.groupId); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000004) command (0x00000001) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000004, 0x00000001, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000004) command (0x00000001) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000004, 0x00000001, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::Groups::Commands::ViewGroup::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command GetGroupMembership |
| */ |
| class GroupsGetGroupMembership : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| GroupsGetGroupMembership(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| ClusterCommand("get-group-membership", credsIssuerConfig), mComplex_GroupList(&mRequest.groupList) |
| { |
| AddArgument("GroupList", &mComplex_GroupList); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000004) command (0x00000002) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000004, 0x00000002, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000004) command (0x00000002) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000004, 0x00000002, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::Groups::Commands::GetGroupMembership::Type mRequest; |
| TypedComplexArgument<chip::app::DataModel::List<const chip::GroupId>> mComplex_GroupList; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command RemoveGroup |
| */ |
| class GroupsRemoveGroup : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| GroupsRemoveGroup(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : ClusterCommand("remove-group", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("GroupId", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mRequest.groupId); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000004) command (0x00000003) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000004, 0x00000003, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000004) command (0x00000003) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000004, 0x00000003, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::Groups::Commands::RemoveGroup::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command RemoveAllGroups |
| */ |
| class GroupsRemoveAllGroups : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| GroupsRemoveAllGroups(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : ClusterCommand("remove-all-groups", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000004) command (0x00000004) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000004, 0x00000004, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000004) command (0x00000004) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000004, 0x00000004, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::Groups::Commands::RemoveAllGroups::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command AddGroupIfIdentifying |
| */ |
| class GroupsAddGroupIfIdentifying : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| GroupsAddGroupIfIdentifying(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| ClusterCommand("add-group-if-identifying", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("GroupId", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mRequest.groupId); |
| AddArgument("GroupName", &mRequest.groupName); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000004) command (0x00000005) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000004, 0x00000005, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000004) command (0x00000005) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000004, 0x00000005, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::Groups::Commands::AddGroupIfIdentifying::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ |
| | Cluster Scenes | 0x0005 | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Commands: | | |
| | * AddScene | 0x00 | |
| | * ViewScene | 0x01 | |
| | * RemoveScene | 0x02 | |
| | * RemoveAllScenes | 0x03 | |
| | * StoreScene | 0x04 | |
| | * RecallScene | 0x05 | |
| | * GetSceneMembership | 0x06 | |
| | * EnhancedAddScene | 0x40 | |
| | * EnhancedViewScene | 0x41 | |
| | * CopyScene | 0x42 | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Attributes: | | |
| | * SceneCount | 0x0000 | |
| | * CurrentScene | 0x0001 | |
| | * CurrentGroup | 0x0002 | |
| | * SceneValid | 0x0003 | |
| | * NameSupport | 0x0004 | |
| | * LastConfiguredBy | 0x0005 | |
| | * GeneratedCommandList | 0xFFF8 | |
| | * AcceptedCommandList | 0xFFF9 | |
| | * AttributeList | 0xFFFB | |
| | * FeatureMap | 0xFFFC | |
| | * ClusterRevision | 0xFFFD | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Events: | | |
| \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| |
| /* |
| * Command AddScene |
| */ |
| class ScenesAddScene : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| ScenesAddScene(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| ClusterCommand("add-scene", credsIssuerConfig), mComplex_ExtensionFieldSets(&mRequest.extensionFieldSets) |
| { |
| AddArgument("GroupId", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mRequest.groupId); |
| AddArgument("SceneId", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.sceneId); |
| AddArgument("TransitionTime", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mRequest.transitionTime); |
| AddArgument("SceneName", &mRequest.sceneName); |
| AddArgument("ExtensionFieldSets", &mComplex_ExtensionFieldSets); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000005) command (0x00000000) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000005, 0x00000000, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000005) command (0x00000000) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000005, 0x00000000, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::Scenes::Commands::AddScene::Type mRequest; |
| TypedComplexArgument<chip::app::DataModel::List<const chip::app::Clusters::Scenes::Structs::ExtensionFieldSet::Type>> |
| mComplex_ExtensionFieldSets; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command ViewScene |
| */ |
| class ScenesViewScene : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| ScenesViewScene(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : ClusterCommand("view-scene", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("GroupId", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mRequest.groupId); |
| AddArgument("SceneId", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.sceneId); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000005) command (0x00000001) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000005, 0x00000001, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000005) command (0x00000001) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000005, 0x00000001, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::Scenes::Commands::ViewScene::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command RemoveScene |
| */ |
| class ScenesRemoveScene : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| ScenesRemoveScene(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : ClusterCommand("remove-scene", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("GroupId", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mRequest.groupId); |
| AddArgument("SceneId", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.sceneId); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000005) command (0x00000002) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000005, 0x00000002, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000005) command (0x00000002) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000005, 0x00000002, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::Scenes::Commands::RemoveScene::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command RemoveAllScenes |
| */ |
| class ScenesRemoveAllScenes : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| ScenesRemoveAllScenes(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : ClusterCommand("remove-all-scenes", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("GroupId", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mRequest.groupId); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000005) command (0x00000003) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000005, 0x00000003, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000005) command (0x00000003) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000005, 0x00000003, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::Scenes::Commands::RemoveAllScenes::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command StoreScene |
| */ |
| class ScenesStoreScene : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| ScenesStoreScene(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : ClusterCommand("store-scene", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("GroupId", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mRequest.groupId); |
| AddArgument("SceneId", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.sceneId); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000005) command (0x00000004) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000005, 0x00000004, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000005) command (0x00000004) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000005, 0x00000004, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::Scenes::Commands::StoreScene::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command RecallScene |
| */ |
| class ScenesRecallScene : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| ScenesRecallScene(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : ClusterCommand("recall-scene", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("GroupId", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mRequest.groupId); |
| AddArgument("SceneId", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.sceneId); |
| AddArgument("TransitionTime", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mRequest.transitionTime); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000005) command (0x00000005) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000005, 0x00000005, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000005) command (0x00000005) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000005, 0x00000005, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::Scenes::Commands::RecallScene::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command GetSceneMembership |
| */ |
| class ScenesGetSceneMembership : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| ScenesGetSceneMembership(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| ClusterCommand("get-scene-membership", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("GroupId", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mRequest.groupId); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000005) command (0x00000006) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000005, 0x00000006, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000005) command (0x00000006) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000005, 0x00000006, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::Scenes::Commands::GetSceneMembership::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command EnhancedAddScene |
| */ |
| class ScenesEnhancedAddScene : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| ScenesEnhancedAddScene(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| ClusterCommand("enhanced-add-scene", credsIssuerConfig), mComplex_ExtensionFieldSets(&mRequest.extensionFieldSets) |
| { |
| AddArgument("GroupId", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mRequest.groupId); |
| AddArgument("SceneId", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.sceneId); |
| AddArgument("TransitionTime", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mRequest.transitionTime); |
| AddArgument("SceneName", &mRequest.sceneName); |
| AddArgument("ExtensionFieldSets", &mComplex_ExtensionFieldSets); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000005) command (0x00000040) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000005, 0x00000040, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000005) command (0x00000040) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000005, 0x00000040, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::Scenes::Commands::EnhancedAddScene::Type mRequest; |
| TypedComplexArgument<chip::app::DataModel::List<const chip::app::Clusters::Scenes::Structs::ExtensionFieldSet::Type>> |
| mComplex_ExtensionFieldSets; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command EnhancedViewScene |
| */ |
| class ScenesEnhancedViewScene : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| ScenesEnhancedViewScene(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : ClusterCommand("enhanced-view-scene", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("GroupId", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mRequest.groupId); |
| AddArgument("SceneId", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.sceneId); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000005) command (0x00000041) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000005, 0x00000041, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000005) command (0x00000041) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000005, 0x00000041, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::Scenes::Commands::EnhancedViewScene::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command CopyScene |
| */ |
| class ScenesCopyScene : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| ScenesCopyScene(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : ClusterCommand("copy-scene", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("Mode", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.mode); |
| AddArgument("GroupIdFrom", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mRequest.groupIdFrom); |
| AddArgument("SceneIdFrom", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.sceneIdFrom); |
| AddArgument("GroupIdTo", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mRequest.groupIdTo); |
| AddArgument("SceneIdTo", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.sceneIdTo); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000005) command (0x00000042) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000005, 0x00000042, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000005) command (0x00000042) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000005, 0x00000042, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::Scenes::Commands::CopyScene::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ |
| | Cluster OnOff | 0x0006 | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Commands: | | |
| | * Off | 0x00 | |
| | * On | 0x01 | |
| | * Toggle | 0x02 | |
| | * OffWithEffect | 0x40 | |
| | * OnWithRecallGlobalScene | 0x41 | |
| | * OnWithTimedOff | 0x42 | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Attributes: | | |
| | * OnOff | 0x0000 | |
| | * GlobalSceneControl | 0x4000 | |
| | * OnTime | 0x4001 | |
| | * OffWaitTime | 0x4002 | |
| | * StartUpOnOff | 0x4003 | |
| | * GeneratedCommandList | 0xFFF8 | |
| | * AcceptedCommandList | 0xFFF9 | |
| | * AttributeList | 0xFFFB | |
| | * FeatureMap | 0xFFFC | |
| | * ClusterRevision | 0xFFFD | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Events: | | |
| \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| |
| /* |
| * Command Off |
| */ |
| class OnOffOff : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| OnOffOff(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : ClusterCommand("off", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000006) command (0x00000000) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000006, 0x00000000, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000006) command (0x00000000) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000006, 0x00000000, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::OnOff::Commands::Off::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command On |
| */ |
| class OnOffOn : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| OnOffOn(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : ClusterCommand("on", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000006) command (0x00000001) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000006, 0x00000001, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000006) command (0x00000001) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000006, 0x00000001, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::OnOff::Commands::On::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command Toggle |
| */ |
| class OnOffToggle : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| OnOffToggle(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : ClusterCommand("toggle", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000006) command (0x00000002) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000006, 0x00000002, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000006) command (0x00000002) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000006, 0x00000002, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::OnOff::Commands::Toggle::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command OffWithEffect |
| */ |
| class OnOffOffWithEffect : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| OnOffOffWithEffect(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : ClusterCommand("off-with-effect", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("EffectId", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.effectId); |
| AddArgument("EffectVariant", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.effectVariant); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000006) command (0x00000040) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000006, 0x00000040, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000006) command (0x00000040) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000006, 0x00000040, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::OnOff::Commands::OffWithEffect::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command OnWithRecallGlobalScene |
| */ |
| class OnOffOnWithRecallGlobalScene : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| OnOffOnWithRecallGlobalScene(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| ClusterCommand("on-with-recall-global-scene", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000006) command (0x00000041) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000006, 0x00000041, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000006) command (0x00000041) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000006, 0x00000041, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::OnOff::Commands::OnWithRecallGlobalScene::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command OnWithTimedOff |
| */ |
| class OnOffOnWithTimedOff : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| OnOffOnWithTimedOff(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : ClusterCommand("on-with-timed-off", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("OnOffControl", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.onOffControl); |
| AddArgument("OnTime", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mRequest.onTime); |
| AddArgument("OffWaitTime", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mRequest.offWaitTime); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000006) command (0x00000042) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000006, 0x00000042, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000006) command (0x00000042) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000006, 0x00000042, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::OnOff::Commands::OnWithTimedOff::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteOnOffOnTime : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteOnOffOnTime(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : WriteAttribute("OnTime", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "on-time"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteOnOffOnTime() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000006, 0x00004001, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000006, 0x00004001, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint16_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteOnOffOffWaitTime : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteOnOffOffWaitTime(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : WriteAttribute("OffWaitTime", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "off-wait-time"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteOnOffOffWaitTime() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000006, 0x00004002, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000006, 0x00004002, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint16_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteOnOffStartUpOnOff : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteOnOffStartUpOnOff(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : WriteAttribute("StartUpOnOff", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "start-up-on-off"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteOnOffStartUpOnOff() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000006, 0x00004003, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000006, 0x00004003, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<chip::app::Clusters::OnOff::OnOffStartUpOnOff> mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ |
| | Cluster OnOffSwitchConfiguration | 0x0007 | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Commands: | | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Attributes: | | |
| | * SwitchType | 0x0000 | |
| | * SwitchActions | 0x0010 | |
| | * GeneratedCommandList | 0xFFF8 | |
| | * AcceptedCommandList | 0xFFF9 | |
| | * AttributeList | 0xFFFB | |
| | * FeatureMap | 0xFFFC | |
| | * ClusterRevision | 0xFFFD | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Events: | | |
| \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| |
| class WriteOnOffSwitchConfigurationSwitchActions : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteOnOffSwitchConfigurationSwitchActions(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("SwitchActions", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "switch-actions"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteOnOffSwitchConfigurationSwitchActions() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000007, 0x00000010, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000007, 0x00000010, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint8_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ |
| | Cluster LevelControl | 0x0008 | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Commands: | | |
| | * MoveToLevel | 0x00 | |
| | * Move | 0x01 | |
| | * Step | 0x02 | |
| | * Stop | 0x03 | |
| | * MoveToLevelWithOnOff | 0x04 | |
| | * MoveWithOnOff | 0x05 | |
| | * StepWithOnOff | 0x06 | |
| | * StopWithOnOff | 0x07 | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Attributes: | | |
| | * CurrentLevel | 0x0000 | |
| | * RemainingTime | 0x0001 | |
| | * MinLevel | 0x0002 | |
| | * MaxLevel | 0x0003 | |
| | * CurrentFrequency | 0x0004 | |
| | * MinFrequency | 0x0005 | |
| | * MaxFrequency | 0x0006 | |
| | * Options | 0x000F | |
| | * OnOffTransitionTime | 0x0010 | |
| | * OnLevel | 0x0011 | |
| | * OnTransitionTime | 0x0012 | |
| | * OffTransitionTime | 0x0013 | |
| | * DefaultMoveRate | 0x0014 | |
| | * StartUpCurrentLevel | 0x4000 | |
| | * GeneratedCommandList | 0xFFF8 | |
| | * AcceptedCommandList | 0xFFF9 | |
| | * AttributeList | 0xFFFB | |
| | * FeatureMap | 0xFFFC | |
| | * ClusterRevision | 0xFFFD | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Events: | | |
| \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| |
| /* |
| * Command MoveToLevel |
| */ |
| class LevelControlMoveToLevel : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| LevelControlMoveToLevel(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : ClusterCommand("move-to-level", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("Level", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.level); |
| AddArgument("TransitionTime", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mRequest.transitionTime); |
| AddArgument("OptionMask", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.optionMask); |
| AddArgument("OptionOverride", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.optionOverride); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000008) command (0x00000000) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000008, 0x00000000, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000008) command (0x00000000) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000008, 0x00000000, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::LevelControl::Commands::MoveToLevel::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command Move |
| */ |
| class LevelControlMove : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| LevelControlMove(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : ClusterCommand("move", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("MoveMode", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.moveMode); |
| AddArgument("Rate", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.rate); |
| AddArgument("OptionMask", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.optionMask); |
| AddArgument("OptionOverride", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.optionOverride); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000008) command (0x00000001) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000008, 0x00000001, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000008) command (0x00000001) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000008, 0x00000001, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::LevelControl::Commands::Move::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command Step |
| */ |
| class LevelControlStep : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| LevelControlStep(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : ClusterCommand("step", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("StepMode", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.stepMode); |
| AddArgument("StepSize", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.stepSize); |
| AddArgument("TransitionTime", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mRequest.transitionTime); |
| AddArgument("OptionMask", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.optionMask); |
| AddArgument("OptionOverride", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.optionOverride); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000008) command (0x00000002) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000008, 0x00000002, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000008) command (0x00000002) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000008, 0x00000002, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::LevelControl::Commands::Step::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command Stop |
| */ |
| class LevelControlStop : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| LevelControlStop(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : ClusterCommand("stop", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("OptionMask", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.optionMask); |
| AddArgument("OptionOverride", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.optionOverride); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000008) command (0x00000003) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000008, 0x00000003, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000008) command (0x00000003) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000008, 0x00000003, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::LevelControl::Commands::Stop::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command MoveToLevelWithOnOff |
| */ |
| class LevelControlMoveToLevelWithOnOff : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| LevelControlMoveToLevelWithOnOff(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| ClusterCommand("move-to-level-with-on-off", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("Level", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.level); |
| AddArgument("TransitionTime", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mRequest.transitionTime); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000008) command (0x00000004) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000008, 0x00000004, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000008) command (0x00000004) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000008, 0x00000004, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::LevelControl::Commands::MoveToLevelWithOnOff::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command MoveWithOnOff |
| */ |
| class LevelControlMoveWithOnOff : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| LevelControlMoveWithOnOff(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : ClusterCommand("move-with-on-off", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("MoveMode", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.moveMode); |
| AddArgument("Rate", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.rate); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000008) command (0x00000005) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000008, 0x00000005, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000008) command (0x00000005) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000008, 0x00000005, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::LevelControl::Commands::MoveWithOnOff::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command StepWithOnOff |
| */ |
| class LevelControlStepWithOnOff : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| LevelControlStepWithOnOff(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : ClusterCommand("step-with-on-off", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("StepMode", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.stepMode); |
| AddArgument("StepSize", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.stepSize); |
| AddArgument("TransitionTime", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mRequest.transitionTime); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000008) command (0x00000006) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000008, 0x00000006, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000008) command (0x00000006) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000008, 0x00000006, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::LevelControl::Commands::StepWithOnOff::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command StopWithOnOff |
| */ |
| class LevelControlStopWithOnOff : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| LevelControlStopWithOnOff(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : ClusterCommand("stop-with-on-off", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000008) command (0x00000007) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000008, 0x00000007, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000008) command (0x00000007) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000008, 0x00000007, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::LevelControl::Commands::StopWithOnOff::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteLevelControlOptions : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteLevelControlOptions(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : WriteAttribute("Options", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "options"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteLevelControlOptions() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000008, 0x0000000F, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000008, 0x0000000F, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint8_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteLevelControlOnOffTransitionTime : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteLevelControlOnOffTransitionTime(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("OnOffTransitionTime", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "on-off-transition-time"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteLevelControlOnOffTransitionTime() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000008, 0x00000010, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000008, 0x00000010, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint16_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteLevelControlOnLevel : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteLevelControlOnLevel(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : WriteAttribute("OnLevel", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "on-level"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteLevelControlOnLevel() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000008, 0x00000011, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000008, 0x00000011, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t> mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteLevelControlOnTransitionTime : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteLevelControlOnTransitionTime(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("OnTransitionTime", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "on-transition-time"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteLevelControlOnTransitionTime() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000008, 0x00000012, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000008, 0x00000012, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint16_t> mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteLevelControlOffTransitionTime : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteLevelControlOffTransitionTime(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("OffTransitionTime", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "off-transition-time"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteLevelControlOffTransitionTime() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000008, 0x00000013, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000008, 0x00000013, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint16_t> mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteLevelControlDefaultMoveRate : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteLevelControlDefaultMoveRate(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("DefaultMoveRate", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "default-move-rate"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteLevelControlDefaultMoveRate() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000008, 0x00000014, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000008, 0x00000014, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t> mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteLevelControlStartUpCurrentLevel : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteLevelControlStartUpCurrentLevel(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("StartUpCurrentLevel", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "start-up-current-level"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteLevelControlStartUpCurrentLevel() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000008, 0x00004000, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000008, 0x00004000, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t> mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ |
| | Cluster Alarms | 0x0009 | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Commands: | | |
| | * ResetAlarm | 0x00 | |
| | * ResetAllAlarms | 0x01 | |
| | * GetAlarm | 0x02 | |
| | * ResetAlarmLog | 0x03 | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Attributes: | | |
| | * AlarmCount | 0x0000 | |
| | * GeneratedCommandList | 0xFFF8 | |
| | * AcceptedCommandList | 0xFFF9 | |
| | * AttributeList | 0xFFFB | |
| | * FeatureMap | 0xFFFC | |
| | * ClusterRevision | 0xFFFD | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Events: | | |
| \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| |
| /* |
| * Command ResetAlarm |
| */ |
| class AlarmsResetAlarm : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| AlarmsResetAlarm(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : ClusterCommand("reset-alarm", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("AlarmCode", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.alarmCode); |
| AddArgument("ClusterId", 0, UINT32_MAX, &mRequest.clusterId); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000009) command (0x00000000) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000009, 0x00000000, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000009) command (0x00000000) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000009, 0x00000000, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::Alarms::Commands::ResetAlarm::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command ResetAllAlarms |
| */ |
| class AlarmsResetAllAlarms : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| AlarmsResetAllAlarms(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : ClusterCommand("reset-all-alarms", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000009) command (0x00000001) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000009, 0x00000001, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000009) command (0x00000001) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000009, 0x00000001, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::Alarms::Commands::ResetAllAlarms::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command GetAlarm |
| */ |
| class AlarmsGetAlarm : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| AlarmsGetAlarm(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : ClusterCommand("get-alarm", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000009) command (0x00000002) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000009, 0x00000002, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000009) command (0x00000002) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000009, 0x00000002, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::Alarms::Commands::GetAlarm::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command ResetAlarmLog |
| */ |
| class AlarmsResetAlarmLog : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| AlarmsResetAlarmLog(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : ClusterCommand("reset-alarm-log", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000009) command (0x00000003) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000009, 0x00000003, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000009) command (0x00000003) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000009, 0x00000003, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::Alarms::Commands::ResetAlarmLog::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ |
| | Cluster Time | 0x000A | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Commands: | | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Attributes: | | |
| | * Time | 0x0000 | |
| | * TimeStatus | 0x0001 | |
| | * TimeZone | 0x0002 | |
| | * DstStart | 0x0003 | |
| | * DstEnd | 0x0004 | |
| | * DstShift | 0x0005 | |
| | * StandardTime | 0x0006 | |
| | * LocalTime | 0x0007 | |
| | * LastSetTime | 0x0008 | |
| | * ValidUntilTime | 0x0009 | |
| | * GeneratedCommandList | 0xFFF8 | |
| | * AcceptedCommandList | 0xFFF9 | |
| | * AttributeList | 0xFFFB | |
| | * FeatureMap | 0xFFFC | |
| | * ClusterRevision | 0xFFFD | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Events: | | |
| \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| |
| class WriteTimeTime : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteTimeTime(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : WriteAttribute("Time", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "time"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT32_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteTimeTime() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000000A, 0x00000000, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000000A, 0x00000000, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint32_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteTimeTimeStatus : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteTimeTimeStatus(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : WriteAttribute("TimeStatus", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "time-status"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteTimeTimeStatus() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000000A, 0x00000001, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000000A, 0x00000001, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint8_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteTimeTimeZone : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteTimeTimeZone(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : WriteAttribute("TimeZone", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "time-zone"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", INT32_MIN, INT32_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteTimeTimeZone() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000000A, 0x00000002, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000000A, 0x00000002, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| int32_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteTimeDstStart : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteTimeDstStart(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : WriteAttribute("DstStart", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "dst-start"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT32_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteTimeDstStart() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000000A, 0x00000003, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000000A, 0x00000003, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint32_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteTimeDstEnd : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteTimeDstEnd(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : WriteAttribute("DstEnd", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "dst-end"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT32_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteTimeDstEnd() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000000A, 0x00000004, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000000A, 0x00000004, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint32_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteTimeDstShift : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteTimeDstShift(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : WriteAttribute("DstShift", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "dst-shift"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", INT32_MIN, INT32_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteTimeDstShift() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000000A, 0x00000005, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000000A, 0x00000005, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| int32_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteTimeValidUntilTime : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteTimeValidUntilTime(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : WriteAttribute("ValidUntilTime", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "valid-until-time"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT32_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteTimeValidUntilTime() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000000A, 0x00000009, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000000A, 0x00000009, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint32_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ |
| | Cluster BinaryInputBasic | 0x000F | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Commands: | | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Attributes: | | |
| | * ActiveText | 0x0004 | |
| | * Description | 0x001C | |
| | * InactiveText | 0x002E | |
| | * OutOfService | 0x0051 | |
| | * Polarity | 0x0054 | |
| | * PresentValue | 0x0055 | |
| | * Reliability | 0x0067 | |
| | * StatusFlags | 0x006F | |
| | * ApplicationType | 0x0100 | |
| | * GeneratedCommandList | 0xFFF8 | |
| | * AcceptedCommandList | 0xFFF9 | |
| | * AttributeList | 0xFFFB | |
| | * FeatureMap | 0xFFFC | |
| | * ClusterRevision | 0xFFFD | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Events: | | |
| \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| |
| class WriteBinaryInputBasicActiveText : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteBinaryInputBasicActiveText(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : WriteAttribute("ActiveText", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "active-text"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteBinaryInputBasicActiveText() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000000F, 0x00000004, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000000F, 0x00000004, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::CharSpan mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteBinaryInputBasicDescription : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteBinaryInputBasicDescription(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("Description", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "description"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteBinaryInputBasicDescription() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000000F, 0x0000001C, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000000F, 0x0000001C, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::CharSpan mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteBinaryInputBasicInactiveText : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteBinaryInputBasicInactiveText(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("InactiveText", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "inactive-text"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteBinaryInputBasicInactiveText() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000000F, 0x0000002E, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000000F, 0x0000002E, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::CharSpan mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteBinaryInputBasicOutOfService : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteBinaryInputBasicOutOfService(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("OutOfService", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "out-of-service"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, 1, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteBinaryInputBasicOutOfService() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000000F, 0x00000051, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000000F, 0x00000051, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| bool mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteBinaryInputBasicPresentValue : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteBinaryInputBasicPresentValue(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("PresentValue", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "present-value"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, 1, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteBinaryInputBasicPresentValue() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000000F, 0x00000055, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000000F, 0x00000055, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| bool mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteBinaryInputBasicReliability : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteBinaryInputBasicReliability(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("Reliability", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "reliability"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteBinaryInputBasicReliability() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000000F, 0x00000067, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000000F, 0x00000067, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint8_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ |
| | Cluster PowerProfile | 0x001A | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Commands: | | |
| | * PowerProfileRequest | 0x00 | |
| | * PowerProfileStateRequest | 0x01 | |
| | * GetPowerProfilePriceResponse | 0x02 | |
| | * GetOverallSchedulePriceResponse | 0x03 | |
| | * EnergyPhasesScheduleNotification | 0x04 | |
| | * EnergyPhasesScheduleResponse | 0x05 | |
| | * PowerProfileScheduleConstraintsRequest | 0x06 | |
| | * EnergyPhasesScheduleStateRequest | 0x07 | |
| | * GetPowerProfilePriceExtendedResponse | 0x08 | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Attributes: | | |
| | * TotalProfileNum | 0x0000 | |
| | * MultipleScheduling | 0x0001 | |
| | * EnergyFormatting | 0x0002 | |
| | * EnergyRemote | 0x0003 | |
| | * ScheduleMode | 0x0004 | |
| | * GeneratedCommandList | 0xFFF8 | |
| | * AcceptedCommandList | 0xFFF9 | |
| | * AttributeList | 0xFFFB | |
| | * FeatureMap | 0xFFFC | |
| | * ClusterRevision | 0xFFFD | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Events: | | |
| \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| |
| /* |
| * Command PowerProfileRequest |
| */ |
| class PowerProfilePowerProfileRequest : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| PowerProfilePowerProfileRequest(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| ClusterCommand("power-profile-request", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("PowerProfileId", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.powerProfileId); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x0000001A) command (0x00000000) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000001A, 0x00000000, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x0000001A) command (0x00000000) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000001A, 0x00000000, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::PowerProfile::Commands::PowerProfileRequest::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command PowerProfileStateRequest |
| */ |
| class PowerProfilePowerProfileStateRequest : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| PowerProfilePowerProfileStateRequest(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| ClusterCommand("power-profile-state-request", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x0000001A) command (0x00000001) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000001A, 0x00000001, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x0000001A) command (0x00000001) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000001A, 0x00000001, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::PowerProfile::Commands::PowerProfileStateRequest::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command GetPowerProfilePriceResponse |
| */ |
| class PowerProfileGetPowerProfilePriceResponse : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| PowerProfileGetPowerProfilePriceResponse(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| ClusterCommand("get-power-profile-price-response", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("PowerProfileId", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.powerProfileId); |
| AddArgument("Currency", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mRequest.currency); |
| AddArgument("Price", 0, UINT32_MAX, &mRequest.price); |
| AddArgument("PriceTrailingDigit", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.priceTrailingDigit); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x0000001A) command (0x00000002) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000001A, 0x00000002, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x0000001A) command (0x00000002) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000001A, 0x00000002, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::PowerProfile::Commands::GetPowerProfilePriceResponse::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command GetOverallSchedulePriceResponse |
| */ |
| class PowerProfileGetOverallSchedulePriceResponse : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| PowerProfileGetOverallSchedulePriceResponse(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| ClusterCommand("get-overall-schedule-price-response", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("Currency", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mRequest.currency); |
| AddArgument("Price", 0, UINT32_MAX, &mRequest.price); |
| AddArgument("PriceTrailingDigit", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.priceTrailingDigit); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x0000001A) command (0x00000003) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000001A, 0x00000003, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x0000001A) command (0x00000003) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000001A, 0x00000003, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::PowerProfile::Commands::GetOverallSchedulePriceResponse::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command EnergyPhasesScheduleNotification |
| */ |
| class PowerProfileEnergyPhasesScheduleNotification : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| PowerProfileEnergyPhasesScheduleNotification(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| ClusterCommand("energy-phases-schedule-notification", credsIssuerConfig), |
| mComplex_ScheduledPhases(&mRequest.scheduledPhases) |
| { |
| AddArgument("PowerProfileId", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.powerProfileId); |
| AddArgument("NumOfScheduledPhases", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.numOfScheduledPhases); |
| AddArgument("ScheduledPhases", &mComplex_ScheduledPhases); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x0000001A) command (0x00000004) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000001A, 0x00000004, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x0000001A) command (0x00000004) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000001A, 0x00000004, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::PowerProfile::Commands::EnergyPhasesScheduleNotification::Type mRequest; |
| TypedComplexArgument<chip::app::DataModel::List<const chip::app::Clusters::PowerProfile::Structs::ScheduledPhase::Type>> |
| mComplex_ScheduledPhases; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command EnergyPhasesScheduleResponse |
| */ |
| class PowerProfileEnergyPhasesScheduleResponse : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| PowerProfileEnergyPhasesScheduleResponse(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| ClusterCommand("energy-phases-schedule-response", credsIssuerConfig), mComplex_ScheduledPhases(&mRequest.scheduledPhases) |
| { |
| AddArgument("PowerProfileId", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.powerProfileId); |
| AddArgument("NumOfScheduledPhases", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.numOfScheduledPhases); |
| AddArgument("ScheduledPhases", &mComplex_ScheduledPhases); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x0000001A) command (0x00000005) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000001A, 0x00000005, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x0000001A) command (0x00000005) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000001A, 0x00000005, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::PowerProfile::Commands::EnergyPhasesScheduleResponse::Type mRequest; |
| TypedComplexArgument<chip::app::DataModel::List<const chip::app::Clusters::PowerProfile::Structs::ScheduledPhase::Type>> |
| mComplex_ScheduledPhases; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command PowerProfileScheduleConstraintsRequest |
| */ |
| class PowerProfilePowerProfileScheduleConstraintsRequest : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| PowerProfilePowerProfileScheduleConstraintsRequest(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| ClusterCommand("power-profile-schedule-constraints-request", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("PowerProfileId", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.powerProfileId); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x0000001A) command (0x00000006) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000001A, 0x00000006, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x0000001A) command (0x00000006) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000001A, 0x00000006, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::PowerProfile::Commands::PowerProfileScheduleConstraintsRequest::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command EnergyPhasesScheduleStateRequest |
| */ |
| class PowerProfileEnergyPhasesScheduleStateRequest : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| PowerProfileEnergyPhasesScheduleStateRequest(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| ClusterCommand("energy-phases-schedule-state-request", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("PowerProfileId", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.powerProfileId); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x0000001A) command (0x00000007) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000001A, 0x00000007, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x0000001A) command (0x00000007) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000001A, 0x00000007, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::PowerProfile::Commands::EnergyPhasesScheduleStateRequest::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command GetPowerProfilePriceExtendedResponse |
| */ |
| class PowerProfileGetPowerProfilePriceExtendedResponse : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| PowerProfileGetPowerProfilePriceExtendedResponse(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| ClusterCommand("get-power-profile-price-extended-response", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("PowerProfileId", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.powerProfileId); |
| AddArgument("Currency", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mRequest.currency); |
| AddArgument("Price", 0, UINT32_MAX, &mRequest.price); |
| AddArgument("PriceTrailingDigit", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.priceTrailingDigit); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x0000001A) command (0x00000008) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000001A, 0x00000008, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x0000001A) command (0x00000008) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000001A, 0x00000008, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::PowerProfile::Commands::GetPowerProfilePriceExtendedResponse::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| class WritePowerProfileScheduleMode : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WritePowerProfileScheduleMode(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : WriteAttribute("ScheduleMode", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "schedule-mode"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WritePowerProfileScheduleMode() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000001A, 0x00000004, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000001A, 0x00000004, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint8_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ |
| | Cluster ApplianceControl | 0x001B | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Commands: | | |
| | * ExecutionOfACommand | 0x00 | |
| | * SignalState | 0x01 | |
| | * WriteFunctions | 0x02 | |
| | * OverloadPauseResume | 0x03 | |
| | * OverloadPause | 0x04 | |
| | * OverloadWarning | 0x05 | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Attributes: | | |
| | * StartTime | 0x0000 | |
| | * FinishTime | 0x0001 | |
| | * RemainingTime | 0x0002 | |
| | * GeneratedCommandList | 0xFFF8 | |
| | * AcceptedCommandList | 0xFFF9 | |
| | * AttributeList | 0xFFFB | |
| | * FeatureMap | 0xFFFC | |
| | * ClusterRevision | 0xFFFD | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Events: | | |
| \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| |
| /* |
| * Command ExecutionOfACommand |
| */ |
| class ApplianceControlExecutionOfACommand : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| ApplianceControlExecutionOfACommand(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| ClusterCommand("execution-of-acommand", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("CommandId", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.commandId); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x0000001B) command (0x00000000) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000001B, 0x00000000, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x0000001B) command (0x00000000) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000001B, 0x00000000, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::ApplianceControl::Commands::ExecutionOfACommand::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command SignalState |
| */ |
| class ApplianceControlSignalState : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| ApplianceControlSignalState(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : ClusterCommand("signal-state", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x0000001B) command (0x00000001) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000001B, 0x00000001, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x0000001B) command (0x00000001) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000001B, 0x00000001, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::ApplianceControl::Commands::SignalState::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command WriteFunctions |
| */ |
| class ApplianceControlWriteFunctions : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| ApplianceControlWriteFunctions(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| ClusterCommand("write-functions", credsIssuerConfig), mComplex_FunctionData(&mRequest.functionData) |
| { |
| AddArgument("FunctionId", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mRequest.functionId); |
| AddArgument("FunctionDataType", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.functionDataType); |
| AddArgument("FunctionData", &mComplex_FunctionData); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x0000001B) command (0x00000002) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000001B, 0x00000002, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x0000001B) command (0x00000002) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000001B, 0x00000002, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::ApplianceControl::Commands::WriteFunctions::Type mRequest; |
| TypedComplexArgument<chip::app::DataModel::List<const uint8_t>> mComplex_FunctionData; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command OverloadPauseResume |
| */ |
| class ApplianceControlOverloadPauseResume : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| ApplianceControlOverloadPauseResume(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| ClusterCommand("overload-pause-resume", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x0000001B) command (0x00000003) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000001B, 0x00000003, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x0000001B) command (0x00000003) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000001B, 0x00000003, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::ApplianceControl::Commands::OverloadPauseResume::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command OverloadPause |
| */ |
| class ApplianceControlOverloadPause : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| ApplianceControlOverloadPause(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| ClusterCommand("overload-pause", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x0000001B) command (0x00000004) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000001B, 0x00000004, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x0000001B) command (0x00000004) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000001B, 0x00000004, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::ApplianceControl::Commands::OverloadPause::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command OverloadWarning |
| */ |
| class ApplianceControlOverloadWarning : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| ApplianceControlOverloadWarning(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| ClusterCommand("overload-warning", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("WarningEvent", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.warningEvent); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x0000001B) command (0x00000005) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000001B, 0x00000005, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x0000001B) command (0x00000005) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000001B, 0x00000005, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::ApplianceControl::Commands::OverloadWarning::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ |
| | Cluster PulseWidthModulation | 0x001C | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Commands: | | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Attributes: | | |
| | * GeneratedCommandList | 0xFFF8 | |
| | * AcceptedCommandList | 0xFFF9 | |
| | * AttributeList | 0xFFFB | |
| | * FeatureMap | 0xFFFC | |
| | * ClusterRevision | 0xFFFD | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Events: | | |
| \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| |
| /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ |
| | Cluster Descriptor | 0x001D | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Commands: | | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Attributes: | | |
| | * DeviceList | 0x0000 | |
| | * ServerList | 0x0001 | |
| | * ClientList | 0x0002 | |
| | * PartsList | 0x0003 | |
| | * GeneratedCommandList | 0xFFF8 | |
| | * AcceptedCommandList | 0xFFF9 | |
| | * AttributeList | 0xFFFB | |
| | * FeatureMap | 0xFFFC | |
| | * ClusterRevision | 0xFFFD | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Events: | | |
| \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| |
| /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ |
| | Cluster Binding | 0x001E | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Commands: | | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Attributes: | | |
| | * Binding | 0x0000 | |
| | * GeneratedCommandList | 0xFFF8 | |
| | * AcceptedCommandList | 0xFFF9 | |
| | * AttributeList | 0xFFFB | |
| | * FeatureMap | 0xFFFC | |
| | * ClusterRevision | 0xFFFD | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Events: | | |
| \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| |
| class WriteBindingBinding : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteBindingBinding(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("Binding", credsIssuerConfig), mComplex(&mValue) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "binding"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", &mComplex); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteBindingBinding() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000001E, 0x00000000, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000001E, 0x00000000, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::DataModel::List<const chip::app::Clusters::Binding::Structs::TargetStruct::Type> mValue; |
| TypedComplexArgument<chip::app::DataModel::List<const chip::app::Clusters::Binding::Structs::TargetStruct::Type>> mComplex; |
| }; |
| |
| /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ |
| | Cluster AccessControl | 0x001F | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Commands: | | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Attributes: | | |
| | * Acl | 0x0000 | |
| | * Extension | 0x0001 | |
| | * SubjectsPerAccessControlEntry | 0x0002 | |
| | * TargetsPerAccessControlEntry | 0x0003 | |
| | * AccessControlEntriesPerFabric | 0x0004 | |
| | * GeneratedCommandList | 0xFFF8 | |
| | * AcceptedCommandList | 0xFFF9 | |
| | * AttributeList | 0xFFFB | |
| | * FeatureMap | 0xFFFC | |
| | * ClusterRevision | 0xFFFD | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Events: | | |
| | * AccessControlEntryChanged | 0x0000 | |
| | * AccessControlExtensionChanged | 0x0001 | |
| \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| |
| class WriteAccessControlAcl : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteAccessControlAcl(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("Acl", credsIssuerConfig), mComplex(&mValue) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "acl"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", &mComplex); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteAccessControlAcl() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000001F, 0x00000000, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000001F, 0x00000000, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::DataModel::List<const chip::app::Clusters::AccessControl::Structs::AccessControlEntry::Type> mValue; |
| TypedComplexArgument<chip::app::DataModel::List<const chip::app::Clusters::AccessControl::Structs::AccessControlEntry::Type>> |
| mComplex; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteAccessControlExtension : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteAccessControlExtension(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("Extension", credsIssuerConfig), mComplex(&mValue) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "extension"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", &mComplex); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteAccessControlExtension() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000001F, 0x00000001, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000001F, 0x00000001, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::DataModel::List<const chip::app::Clusters::AccessControl::Structs::ExtensionEntry::Type> mValue; |
| TypedComplexArgument<chip::app::DataModel::List<const chip::app::Clusters::AccessControl::Structs::ExtensionEntry::Type>> |
| mComplex; |
| }; |
| |
| /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ |
| | Cluster PollControl | 0x0020 | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Commands: | | |
| | * CheckInResponse | 0x00 | |
| | * FastPollStop | 0x01 | |
| | * SetLongPollInterval | 0x02 | |
| | * SetShortPollInterval | 0x03 | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Attributes: | | |
| | * CheckInInterval | 0x0000 | |
| | * LongPollInterval | 0x0001 | |
| | * ShortPollInterval | 0x0002 | |
| | * FastPollTimeout | 0x0003 | |
| | * CheckInIntervalMin | 0x0004 | |
| | * LongPollIntervalMin | 0x0005 | |
| | * FastPollTimeoutMax | 0x0006 | |
| | * GeneratedCommandList | 0xFFF8 | |
| | * AcceptedCommandList | 0xFFF9 | |
| | * AttributeList | 0xFFFB | |
| | * FeatureMap | 0xFFFC | |
| | * ClusterRevision | 0xFFFD | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Events: | | |
| \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| |
| /* |
| * Command CheckInResponse |
| */ |
| class PollControlCheckInResponse : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| PollControlCheckInResponse(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| ClusterCommand("check-in-response", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("StartFastPolling", 0, 1, &mRequest.startFastPolling); |
| AddArgument("FastPollTimeout", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mRequest.fastPollTimeout); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000020) command (0x00000000) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000020, 0x00000000, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000020) command (0x00000000) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000020, 0x00000000, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::PollControl::Commands::CheckInResponse::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command FastPollStop |
| */ |
| class PollControlFastPollStop : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| PollControlFastPollStop(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : ClusterCommand("fast-poll-stop", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000020) command (0x00000001) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000020, 0x00000001, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000020) command (0x00000001) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000020, 0x00000001, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::PollControl::Commands::FastPollStop::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command SetLongPollInterval |
| */ |
| class PollControlSetLongPollInterval : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| PollControlSetLongPollInterval(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| ClusterCommand("set-long-poll-interval", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("NewLongPollInterval", 0, UINT32_MAX, &mRequest.newLongPollInterval); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000020) command (0x00000002) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000020, 0x00000002, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000020) command (0x00000002) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000020, 0x00000002, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::PollControl::Commands::SetLongPollInterval::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command SetShortPollInterval |
| */ |
| class PollControlSetShortPollInterval : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| PollControlSetShortPollInterval(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| ClusterCommand("set-short-poll-interval", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("NewShortPollInterval", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mRequest.newShortPollInterval); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000020) command (0x00000003) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000020, 0x00000003, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000020) command (0x00000003) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000020, 0x00000003, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::PollControl::Commands::SetShortPollInterval::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| class WritePollControlCheckInInterval : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WritePollControlCheckInInterval(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("CheckInInterval", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "check-in-interval"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT32_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WritePollControlCheckInInterval() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000020, 0x00000000, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000020, 0x00000000, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint32_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WritePollControlFastPollTimeout : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WritePollControlFastPollTimeout(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("FastPollTimeout", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "fast-poll-timeout"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WritePollControlFastPollTimeout() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000020, 0x00000003, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000020, 0x00000003, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint16_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ |
| | Cluster BridgedActions | 0x0025 | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Commands: | | |
| | * InstantAction | 0x00 | |
| | * InstantActionWithTransition | 0x01 | |
| | * StartAction | 0x02 | |
| | * StartActionWithDuration | 0x03 | |
| | * StopAction | 0x04 | |
| | * PauseAction | 0x05 | |
| | * PauseActionWithDuration | 0x06 | |
| | * ResumeAction | 0x07 | |
| | * EnableAction | 0x08 | |
| | * EnableActionWithDuration | 0x09 | |
| | * DisableAction | 0x0A | |
| | * DisableActionWithDuration | 0x0B | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Attributes: | | |
| | * ActionList | 0x0000 | |
| | * EndpointList | 0x0001 | |
| | * SetupUrl | 0x0002 | |
| | * GeneratedCommandList | 0xFFF8 | |
| | * AcceptedCommandList | 0xFFF9 | |
| | * AttributeList | 0xFFFB | |
| | * FeatureMap | 0xFFFC | |
| | * ClusterRevision | 0xFFFD | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Events: | | |
| | * StateChanged | 0x0000 | |
| | * ActionFailed | 0x0001 | |
| \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| |
| /* |
| * Command InstantAction |
| */ |
| class BridgedActionsInstantAction : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| BridgedActionsInstantAction(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : ClusterCommand("instant-action", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("ActionID", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mRequest.actionID); |
| AddArgument("InvokeID", 0, UINT32_MAX, &mRequest.invokeID); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000025) command (0x00000000) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000025, 0x00000000, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000025) command (0x00000000) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000025, 0x00000000, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::BridgedActions::Commands::InstantAction::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command InstantActionWithTransition |
| */ |
| class BridgedActionsInstantActionWithTransition : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| BridgedActionsInstantActionWithTransition(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| ClusterCommand("instant-action-with-transition", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("ActionID", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mRequest.actionID); |
| AddArgument("InvokeID", 0, UINT32_MAX, &mRequest.invokeID); |
| AddArgument("TransitionTime", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mRequest.transitionTime); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000025) command (0x00000001) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000025, 0x00000001, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000025) command (0x00000001) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000025, 0x00000001, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::BridgedActions::Commands::InstantActionWithTransition::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command StartAction |
| */ |
| class BridgedActionsStartAction : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| BridgedActionsStartAction(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : ClusterCommand("start-action", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("ActionID", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mRequest.actionID); |
| AddArgument("InvokeID", 0, UINT32_MAX, &mRequest.invokeID); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000025) command (0x00000002) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000025, 0x00000002, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000025) command (0x00000002) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000025, 0x00000002, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::BridgedActions::Commands::StartAction::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command StartActionWithDuration |
| */ |
| class BridgedActionsStartActionWithDuration : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| BridgedActionsStartActionWithDuration(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| ClusterCommand("start-action-with-duration", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("ActionID", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mRequest.actionID); |
| AddArgument("InvokeID", 0, UINT32_MAX, &mRequest.invokeID); |
| AddArgument("Duration", 0, UINT32_MAX, &mRequest.duration); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000025) command (0x00000003) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000025, 0x00000003, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000025) command (0x00000003) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000025, 0x00000003, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::BridgedActions::Commands::StartActionWithDuration::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command StopAction |
| */ |
| class BridgedActionsStopAction : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| BridgedActionsStopAction(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : ClusterCommand("stop-action", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("ActionID", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mRequest.actionID); |
| AddArgument("InvokeID", 0, UINT32_MAX, &mRequest.invokeID); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000025) command (0x00000004) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000025, 0x00000004, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000025) command (0x00000004) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000025, 0x00000004, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::BridgedActions::Commands::StopAction::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command PauseAction |
| */ |
| class BridgedActionsPauseAction : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| BridgedActionsPauseAction(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : ClusterCommand("pause-action", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("ActionID", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mRequest.actionID); |
| AddArgument("InvokeID", 0, UINT32_MAX, &mRequest.invokeID); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000025) command (0x00000005) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000025, 0x00000005, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000025) command (0x00000005) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000025, 0x00000005, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::BridgedActions::Commands::PauseAction::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command PauseActionWithDuration |
| */ |
| class BridgedActionsPauseActionWithDuration : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| BridgedActionsPauseActionWithDuration(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| ClusterCommand("pause-action-with-duration", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("ActionID", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mRequest.actionID); |
| AddArgument("InvokeID", 0, UINT32_MAX, &mRequest.invokeID); |
| AddArgument("Duration", 0, UINT32_MAX, &mRequest.duration); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000025) command (0x00000006) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000025, 0x00000006, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000025) command (0x00000006) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000025, 0x00000006, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::BridgedActions::Commands::PauseActionWithDuration::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command ResumeAction |
| */ |
| class BridgedActionsResumeAction : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| BridgedActionsResumeAction(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : ClusterCommand("resume-action", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("ActionID", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mRequest.actionID); |
| AddArgument("InvokeID", 0, UINT32_MAX, &mRequest.invokeID); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000025) command (0x00000007) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000025, 0x00000007, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000025) command (0x00000007) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000025, 0x00000007, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::BridgedActions::Commands::ResumeAction::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command EnableAction |
| */ |
| class BridgedActionsEnableAction : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| BridgedActionsEnableAction(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : ClusterCommand("enable-action", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("ActionID", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mRequest.actionID); |
| AddArgument("InvokeID", 0, UINT32_MAX, &mRequest.invokeID); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000025) command (0x00000008) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000025, 0x00000008, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000025) command (0x00000008) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000025, 0x00000008, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::BridgedActions::Commands::EnableAction::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command EnableActionWithDuration |
| */ |
| class BridgedActionsEnableActionWithDuration : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| BridgedActionsEnableActionWithDuration(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| ClusterCommand("enable-action-with-duration", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("ActionID", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mRequest.actionID); |
| AddArgument("InvokeID", 0, UINT32_MAX, &mRequest.invokeID); |
| AddArgument("Duration", 0, UINT32_MAX, &mRequest.duration); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000025) command (0x00000009) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000025, 0x00000009, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000025) command (0x00000009) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000025, 0x00000009, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::BridgedActions::Commands::EnableActionWithDuration::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command DisableAction |
| */ |
| class BridgedActionsDisableAction : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| BridgedActionsDisableAction(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : ClusterCommand("disable-action", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("ActionID", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mRequest.actionID); |
| AddArgument("InvokeID", 0, UINT32_MAX, &mRequest.invokeID); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000025) command (0x0000000A) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000025, 0x0000000A, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000025) command (0x0000000A) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000025, 0x0000000A, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::BridgedActions::Commands::DisableAction::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command DisableActionWithDuration |
| */ |
| class BridgedActionsDisableActionWithDuration : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| BridgedActionsDisableActionWithDuration(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| ClusterCommand("disable-action-with-duration", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("ActionID", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mRequest.actionID); |
| AddArgument("InvokeID", 0, UINT32_MAX, &mRequest.invokeID); |
| AddArgument("Duration", 0, UINT32_MAX, &mRequest.duration); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000025) command (0x0000000B) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000025, 0x0000000B, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000025) command (0x0000000B) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000025, 0x0000000B, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::BridgedActions::Commands::DisableActionWithDuration::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ |
| | Cluster Basic | 0x0028 | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Commands: | | |
| | * MfgSpecificPing | 0x00 | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Attributes: | | |
| | * DataModelRevision | 0x0000 | |
| | * VendorName | 0x0001 | |
| | * VendorID | 0x0002 | |
| | * ProductName | 0x0003 | |
| | * ProductID | 0x0004 | |
| | * NodeLabel | 0x0005 | |
| | * Location | 0x0006 | |
| | * HardwareVersion | 0x0007 | |
| | * HardwareVersionString | 0x0008 | |
| | * SoftwareVersion | 0x0009 | |
| | * SoftwareVersionString | 0x000A | |
| | * ManufacturingDate | 0x000B | |
| | * PartNumber | 0x000C | |
| | * ProductURL | 0x000D | |
| | * ProductLabel | 0x000E | |
| | * SerialNumber | 0x000F | |
| | * LocalConfigDisabled | 0x0010 | |
| | * Reachable | 0x0011 | |
| | * UniqueID | 0x0012 | |
| | * CapabilityMinima | 0x0013 | |
| | * GeneratedCommandList | 0xFFF8 | |
| | * AcceptedCommandList | 0xFFF9 | |
| | * AttributeList | 0xFFFB | |
| | * FeatureMap | 0xFFFC | |
| | * ClusterRevision | 0xFFFD | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Events: | | |
| | * StartUp | 0x0000 | |
| | * ShutDown | 0x0001 | |
| | * Leave | 0x0002 | |
| | * ReachableChanged | 0x0003 | |
| \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| |
| /* |
| * Command MfgSpecificPing |
| */ |
| class BasicMfgSpecificPing : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| BasicMfgSpecificPing(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : ClusterCommand("mfg-specific-ping", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000028) command (0x00000000) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000028, 0x00000000, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000028) command (0x00000000) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000028, 0x00000000, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::Basic::Commands::MfgSpecificPing::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteBasicNodeLabel : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteBasicNodeLabel(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : WriteAttribute("NodeLabel", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "node-label"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteBasicNodeLabel() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000028, 0x00000005, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000028, 0x00000005, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::CharSpan mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteBasicLocation : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteBasicLocation(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : WriteAttribute("Location", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "location"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteBasicLocation() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000028, 0x00000006, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000028, 0x00000006, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::CharSpan mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteBasicLocalConfigDisabled : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteBasicLocalConfigDisabled(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("LocalConfigDisabled", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "local-config-disabled"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, 1, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteBasicLocalConfigDisabled() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000028, 0x00000010, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000028, 0x00000010, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| bool mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ |
| | Cluster OtaSoftwareUpdateProvider | 0x0029 | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Commands: | | |
| | * QueryImage | 0x00 | |
| | * ApplyUpdateRequest | 0x02 | |
| | * NotifyUpdateApplied | 0x04 | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Attributes: | | |
| | * GeneratedCommandList | 0xFFF8 | |
| | * AcceptedCommandList | 0xFFF9 | |
| | * AttributeList | 0xFFFB | |
| | * FeatureMap | 0xFFFC | |
| | * ClusterRevision | 0xFFFD | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Events: | | |
| \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| |
| /* |
| * Command QueryImage |
| */ |
| class OtaSoftwareUpdateProviderQueryImage : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| OtaSoftwareUpdateProviderQueryImage(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| ClusterCommand("query-image", credsIssuerConfig), mComplex_ProtocolsSupported(&mRequest.protocolsSupported) |
| { |
| AddArgument("VendorId", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mRequest.vendorId); |
| AddArgument("ProductId", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mRequest.productId); |
| AddArgument("SoftwareVersion", 0, UINT32_MAX, &mRequest.softwareVersion); |
| AddArgument("ProtocolsSupported", &mComplex_ProtocolsSupported); |
| AddArgument("HardwareVersion", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mRequest.hardwareVersion); |
| AddArgument("Location", &mRequest.location); |
| AddArgument("RequestorCanConsent", 0, 1, &mRequest.requestorCanConsent); |
| AddArgument("MetadataForProvider", &mRequest.metadataForProvider); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000029) command (0x00000000) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000029, 0x00000000, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000029) command (0x00000000) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000029, 0x00000000, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::OtaSoftwareUpdateProvider::Commands::QueryImage::Type mRequest; |
| TypedComplexArgument<chip::app::DataModel::List<const chip::app::Clusters::OtaSoftwareUpdateProvider::OTADownloadProtocol>> |
| mComplex_ProtocolsSupported; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command ApplyUpdateRequest |
| */ |
| class OtaSoftwareUpdateProviderApplyUpdateRequest : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| OtaSoftwareUpdateProviderApplyUpdateRequest(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| ClusterCommand("apply-update-request", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("UpdateToken", &mRequest.updateToken); |
| AddArgument("NewVersion", 0, UINT32_MAX, &mRequest.newVersion); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000029) command (0x00000002) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000029, 0x00000002, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000029) command (0x00000002) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000029, 0x00000002, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::OtaSoftwareUpdateProvider::Commands::ApplyUpdateRequest::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command NotifyUpdateApplied |
| */ |
| class OtaSoftwareUpdateProviderNotifyUpdateApplied : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| OtaSoftwareUpdateProviderNotifyUpdateApplied(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| ClusterCommand("notify-update-applied", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("UpdateToken", &mRequest.updateToken); |
| AddArgument("SoftwareVersion", 0, UINT32_MAX, &mRequest.softwareVersion); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000029) command (0x00000004) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000029, 0x00000004, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000029) command (0x00000004) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000029, 0x00000004, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::OtaSoftwareUpdateProvider::Commands::NotifyUpdateApplied::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ |
| | Cluster OtaSoftwareUpdateRequestor | 0x002A | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Commands: | | |
| | * AnnounceOtaProvider | 0x00 | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Attributes: | | |
| | * DefaultOtaProviders | 0x0000 | |
| | * UpdatePossible | 0x0001 | |
| | * UpdateState | 0x0002 | |
| | * UpdateStateProgress | 0x0003 | |
| | * GeneratedCommandList | 0xFFF8 | |
| | * AcceptedCommandList | 0xFFF9 | |
| | * AttributeList | 0xFFFB | |
| | * FeatureMap | 0xFFFC | |
| | * ClusterRevision | 0xFFFD | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Events: | | |
| | * StateTransition | 0x0000 | |
| | * VersionApplied | 0x0001 | |
| | * DownloadError | 0x0002 | |
| \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| |
| /* |
| * Command AnnounceOtaProvider |
| */ |
| class OtaSoftwareUpdateRequestorAnnounceOtaProvider : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| OtaSoftwareUpdateRequestorAnnounceOtaProvider(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| ClusterCommand("announce-ota-provider", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("ProviderNodeId", 0, UINT64_MAX, &mRequest.providerNodeId); |
| AddArgument("VendorId", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mRequest.vendorId); |
| AddArgument("AnnouncementReason", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.announcementReason); |
| AddArgument("MetadataForNode", &mRequest.metadataForNode); |
| AddArgument("Endpoint", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mRequest.endpoint); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x0000002A) command (0x00000000) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000002A, 0x00000000, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x0000002A) command (0x00000000) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000002A, 0x00000000, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::OtaSoftwareUpdateRequestor::Commands::AnnounceOtaProvider::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteOtaSoftwareUpdateRequestorDefaultOtaProviders : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteOtaSoftwareUpdateRequestorDefaultOtaProviders(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("DefaultOtaProviders", credsIssuerConfig), mComplex(&mValue) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "default-ota-providers"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", &mComplex); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteOtaSoftwareUpdateRequestorDefaultOtaProviders() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000002A, 0x00000000, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000002A, 0x00000000, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::DataModel::List<const chip::app::Clusters::OtaSoftwareUpdateRequestor::Structs::ProviderLocation::Type> mValue; |
| TypedComplexArgument< |
| chip::app::DataModel::List<const chip::app::Clusters::OtaSoftwareUpdateRequestor::Structs::ProviderLocation::Type>> |
| mComplex; |
| }; |
| |
| /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ |
| | Cluster LocalizationConfiguration | 0x002B | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Commands: | | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Attributes: | | |
| | * ActiveLocale | 0x0000 | |
| | * SupportedLocales | 0x0001 | |
| | * GeneratedCommandList | 0xFFF8 | |
| | * AcceptedCommandList | 0xFFF9 | |
| | * AttributeList | 0xFFFB | |
| | * FeatureMap | 0xFFFC | |
| | * ClusterRevision | 0xFFFD | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Events: | | |
| \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| |
| class WriteLocalizationConfigurationActiveLocale : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteLocalizationConfigurationActiveLocale(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("ActiveLocale", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "active-locale"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteLocalizationConfigurationActiveLocale() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000002B, 0x00000000, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000002B, 0x00000000, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::CharSpan mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ |
| | Cluster TimeFormatLocalization | 0x002C | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Commands: | | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Attributes: | | |
| | * HourFormat | 0x0000 | |
| | * ActiveCalendarType | 0x0001 | |
| | * SupportedCalendarTypes | 0x0002 | |
| | * GeneratedCommandList | 0xFFF8 | |
| | * AcceptedCommandList | 0xFFF9 | |
| | * AttributeList | 0xFFFB | |
| | * FeatureMap | 0xFFFC | |
| | * ClusterRevision | 0xFFFD | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Events: | | |
| \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| |
| class WriteTimeFormatLocalizationHourFormat : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteTimeFormatLocalizationHourFormat(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("HourFormat", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "hour-format"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteTimeFormatLocalizationHourFormat() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000002C, 0x00000000, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000002C, 0x00000000, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::TimeFormatLocalization::HourFormat mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteTimeFormatLocalizationActiveCalendarType : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteTimeFormatLocalizationActiveCalendarType(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("ActiveCalendarType", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "active-calendar-type"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteTimeFormatLocalizationActiveCalendarType() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000002C, 0x00000001, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000002C, 0x00000001, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::TimeFormatLocalization::CalendarType mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ |
| | Cluster UnitLocalization | 0x002D | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Commands: | | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Attributes: | | |
| | * TemperatureUnit | 0x0000 | |
| | * GeneratedCommandList | 0xFFF8 | |
| | * AcceptedCommandList | 0xFFF9 | |
| | * AttributeList | 0xFFFB | |
| | * FeatureMap | 0xFFFC | |
| | * ClusterRevision | 0xFFFD | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Events: | | |
| \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| |
| class WriteUnitLocalizationTemperatureUnit : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteUnitLocalizationTemperatureUnit(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("TemperatureUnit", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "temperature-unit"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteUnitLocalizationTemperatureUnit() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000002D, 0x00000000, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000002D, 0x00000000, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::UnitLocalization::TempUnit mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ |
| | Cluster PowerSourceConfiguration | 0x002E | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Commands: | | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Attributes: | | |
| | * Sources | 0x0000 | |
| | * GeneratedCommandList | 0xFFF8 | |
| | * AcceptedCommandList | 0xFFF9 | |
| | * AttributeList | 0xFFFB | |
| | * FeatureMap | 0xFFFC | |
| | * ClusterRevision | 0xFFFD | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Events: | | |
| \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| |
| /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ |
| | Cluster PowerSource | 0x002F | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Commands: | | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Attributes: | | |
| | * Status | 0x0000 | |
| | * Order | 0x0001 | |
| | * Description | 0x0002 | |
| | * WiredAssessedInputVoltage | 0x0003 | |
| | * WiredAssessedInputFrequency | 0x0004 | |
| | * WiredCurrentType | 0x0005 | |
| | * WiredAssessedCurrent | 0x0006 | |
| | * WiredNominalVoltage | 0x0007 | |
| | * WiredMaximumCurrent | 0x0008 | |
| | * WiredPresent | 0x0009 | |
| | * ActiveWiredFaults | 0x000A | |
| | * BatteryVoltage | 0x000B | |
| | * BatteryPercentRemaining | 0x000C | |
| | * BatteryTimeRemaining | 0x000D | |
| | * BatteryChargeLevel | 0x000E | |
| | * BatteryReplacementNeeded | 0x000F | |
| | * BatteryReplaceability | 0x0010 | |
| | * BatteryPresent | 0x0011 | |
| | * ActiveBatteryFaults | 0x0012 | |
| | * BatteryReplacementDescription | 0x0013 | |
| | * BatteryCommonDesignation | 0x0014 | |
| | * BatteryANSIDesignation | 0x0015 | |
| | * BatteryIECDesignation | 0x0016 | |
| | * BatteryApprovedChemistry | 0x0017 | |
| | * BatteryCapacity | 0x0018 | |
| | * BatteryQuantity | 0x0019 | |
| | * BatteryChargeState | 0x001A | |
| | * BatteryTimeToFullCharge | 0x001B | |
| | * BatteryFunctionalWhileCharging | 0x001C | |
| | * BatteryChargingCurrent | 0x001D | |
| | * ActiveBatteryChargeFaults | 0x001E | |
| | * GeneratedCommandList | 0xFFF8 | |
| | * AcceptedCommandList | 0xFFF9 | |
| | * AttributeList | 0xFFFB | |
| | * FeatureMap | 0xFFFC | |
| | * ClusterRevision | 0xFFFD | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Events: | | |
| \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| |
| /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ |
| | Cluster GeneralCommissioning | 0x0030 | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Commands: | | |
| | * ArmFailSafe | 0x00 | |
| | * SetRegulatoryConfig | 0x02 | |
| | * CommissioningComplete | 0x04 | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Attributes: | | |
| | * Breadcrumb | 0x0000 | |
| | * BasicCommissioningInfo | 0x0001 | |
| | * RegulatoryConfig | 0x0002 | |
| | * LocationCapability | 0x0003 | |
| | * SupportsConcurrentConnection | 0x0004 | |
| | * GeneratedCommandList | 0xFFF8 | |
| | * AcceptedCommandList | 0xFFF9 | |
| | * AttributeList | 0xFFFB | |
| | * FeatureMap | 0xFFFC | |
| | * ClusterRevision | 0xFFFD | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Events: | | |
| \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| |
| /* |
| * Command ArmFailSafe |
| */ |
| class GeneralCommissioningArmFailSafe : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| GeneralCommissioningArmFailSafe(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| ClusterCommand("arm-fail-safe", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("ExpiryLengthSeconds", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mRequest.expiryLengthSeconds); |
| AddArgument("Breadcrumb", 0, UINT64_MAX, &mRequest.breadcrumb); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000030) command (0x00000000) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000030, 0x00000000, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000030) command (0x00000000) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000030, 0x00000000, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::GeneralCommissioning::Commands::ArmFailSafe::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command SetRegulatoryConfig |
| */ |
| class GeneralCommissioningSetRegulatoryConfig : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| GeneralCommissioningSetRegulatoryConfig(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| ClusterCommand("set-regulatory-config", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("NewRegulatoryConfig", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.newRegulatoryConfig); |
| AddArgument("CountryCode", &mRequest.countryCode); |
| AddArgument("Breadcrumb", 0, UINT64_MAX, &mRequest.breadcrumb); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000030) command (0x00000002) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000030, 0x00000002, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000030) command (0x00000002) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000030, 0x00000002, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::GeneralCommissioning::Commands::SetRegulatoryConfig::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command CommissioningComplete |
| */ |
| class GeneralCommissioningCommissioningComplete : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| GeneralCommissioningCommissioningComplete(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| ClusterCommand("commissioning-complete", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000030) command (0x00000004) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000030, 0x00000004, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000030) command (0x00000004) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000030, 0x00000004, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::GeneralCommissioning::Commands::CommissioningComplete::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteGeneralCommissioningBreadcrumb : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteGeneralCommissioningBreadcrumb(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("Breadcrumb", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "breadcrumb"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT64_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteGeneralCommissioningBreadcrumb() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000030, 0x00000000, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000030, 0x00000000, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint64_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ |
| | Cluster NetworkCommissioning | 0x0031 | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Commands: | | |
| | * ScanNetworks | 0x00 | |
| | * AddOrUpdateWiFiNetwork | 0x02 | |
| | * AddOrUpdateThreadNetwork | 0x03 | |
| | * RemoveNetwork | 0x04 | |
| | * ConnectNetwork | 0x06 | |
| | * ReorderNetwork | 0x08 | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Attributes: | | |
| | * MaxNetworks | 0x0000 | |
| | * Networks | 0x0001 | |
| | * ScanMaxTimeSeconds | 0x0002 | |
| | * ConnectMaxTimeSeconds | 0x0003 | |
| | * InterfaceEnabled | 0x0004 | |
| | * LastNetworkingStatus | 0x0005 | |
| | * LastNetworkID | 0x0006 | |
| | * LastConnectErrorValue | 0x0007 | |
| | * GeneratedCommandList | 0xFFF8 | |
| | * AcceptedCommandList | 0xFFF9 | |
| | * AttributeList | 0xFFFB | |
| | * FeatureMap | 0xFFFC | |
| | * ClusterRevision | 0xFFFD | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Events: | | |
| \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| |
| /* |
| * Command ScanNetworks |
| */ |
| class NetworkCommissioningScanNetworks : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| NetworkCommissioningScanNetworks(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| ClusterCommand("scan-networks", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("Ssid", &mRequest.ssid); |
| AddArgument("Breadcrumb", 0, UINT64_MAX, &mRequest.breadcrumb); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000031) command (0x00000000) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000031, 0x00000000, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000031) command (0x00000000) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000031, 0x00000000, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::NetworkCommissioning::Commands::ScanNetworks::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command AddOrUpdateWiFiNetwork |
| */ |
| class NetworkCommissioningAddOrUpdateWiFiNetwork : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| NetworkCommissioningAddOrUpdateWiFiNetwork(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| ClusterCommand("add-or-update-wi-fi-network", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("Ssid", &mRequest.ssid); |
| AddArgument("Credentials", &mRequest.credentials); |
| AddArgument("Breadcrumb", 0, UINT64_MAX, &mRequest.breadcrumb); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000031) command (0x00000002) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000031, 0x00000002, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000031) command (0x00000002) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000031, 0x00000002, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::NetworkCommissioning::Commands::AddOrUpdateWiFiNetwork::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command AddOrUpdateThreadNetwork |
| */ |
| class NetworkCommissioningAddOrUpdateThreadNetwork : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| NetworkCommissioningAddOrUpdateThreadNetwork(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| ClusterCommand("add-or-update-thread-network", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("OperationalDataset", &mRequest.operationalDataset); |
| AddArgument("Breadcrumb", 0, UINT64_MAX, &mRequest.breadcrumb); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000031) command (0x00000003) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000031, 0x00000003, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000031) command (0x00000003) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000031, 0x00000003, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::NetworkCommissioning::Commands::AddOrUpdateThreadNetwork::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command RemoveNetwork |
| */ |
| class NetworkCommissioningRemoveNetwork : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| NetworkCommissioningRemoveNetwork(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| ClusterCommand("remove-network", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("NetworkID", &mRequest.networkID); |
| AddArgument("Breadcrumb", 0, UINT64_MAX, &mRequest.breadcrumb); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000031) command (0x00000004) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000031, 0x00000004, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000031) command (0x00000004) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000031, 0x00000004, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::NetworkCommissioning::Commands::RemoveNetwork::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command ConnectNetwork |
| */ |
| class NetworkCommissioningConnectNetwork : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| NetworkCommissioningConnectNetwork(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| ClusterCommand("connect-network", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("NetworkID", &mRequest.networkID); |
| AddArgument("Breadcrumb", 0, UINT64_MAX, &mRequest.breadcrumb); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000031) command (0x00000006) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000031, 0x00000006, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000031) command (0x00000006) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000031, 0x00000006, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::NetworkCommissioning::Commands::ConnectNetwork::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command ReorderNetwork |
| */ |
| class NetworkCommissioningReorderNetwork : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| NetworkCommissioningReorderNetwork(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| ClusterCommand("reorder-network", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("NetworkID", &mRequest.networkID); |
| AddArgument("NetworkIndex", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.networkIndex); |
| AddArgument("Breadcrumb", 0, UINT64_MAX, &mRequest.breadcrumb); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000031) command (0x00000008) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000031, 0x00000008, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000031) command (0x00000008) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000031, 0x00000008, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::NetworkCommissioning::Commands::ReorderNetwork::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteNetworkCommissioningInterfaceEnabled : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteNetworkCommissioningInterfaceEnabled(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("InterfaceEnabled", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "interface-enabled"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, 1, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteNetworkCommissioningInterfaceEnabled() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000031, 0x00000004, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000031, 0x00000004, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| bool mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ |
| | Cluster DiagnosticLogs | 0x0032 | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Commands: | | |
| | * RetrieveLogsRequest | 0x00 | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Attributes: | | |
| | * GeneratedCommandList | 0xFFF8 | |
| | * AcceptedCommandList | 0xFFF9 | |
| | * AttributeList | 0xFFFB | |
| | * FeatureMap | 0xFFFC | |
| | * ClusterRevision | 0xFFFD | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Events: | | |
| \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| |
| /* |
| * Command RetrieveLogsRequest |
| */ |
| class DiagnosticLogsRetrieveLogsRequest : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| DiagnosticLogsRetrieveLogsRequest(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| ClusterCommand("retrieve-logs-request", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("Intent", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.intent); |
| AddArgument("RequestedProtocol", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.requestedProtocol); |
| AddArgument("TransferFileDesignator", &mRequest.transferFileDesignator); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000032) command (0x00000000) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000032, 0x00000000, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000032) command (0x00000000) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000032, 0x00000000, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::DiagnosticLogs::Commands::RetrieveLogsRequest::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ |
| | Cluster GeneralDiagnostics | 0x0033 | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Commands: | | |
| | * TestEventTrigger | 0x00 | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Attributes: | | |
| | * NetworkInterfaces | 0x0000 | |
| | * RebootCount | 0x0001 | |
| | * UpTime | 0x0002 | |
| | * TotalOperationalHours | 0x0003 | |
| | * BootReasons | 0x0004 | |
| | * ActiveHardwareFaults | 0x0005 | |
| | * ActiveRadioFaults | 0x0006 | |
| | * ActiveNetworkFaults | 0x0007 | |
| | * TestEventTriggersEnabled | 0x0008 | |
| | * GeneratedCommandList | 0xFFF8 | |
| | * AcceptedCommandList | 0xFFF9 | |
| | * AttributeList | 0xFFFB | |
| | * FeatureMap | 0xFFFC | |
| | * ClusterRevision | 0xFFFD | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Events: | | |
| | * HardwareFaultChange | 0x0000 | |
| | * RadioFaultChange | 0x0001 | |
| | * NetworkFaultChange | 0x0002 | |
| | * BootReason | 0x0003 | |
| \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| |
| /* |
| * Command TestEventTrigger |
| */ |
| class GeneralDiagnosticsTestEventTrigger : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| GeneralDiagnosticsTestEventTrigger(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| ClusterCommand("test-event-trigger", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("EnableKey", &mRequest.enableKey); |
| AddArgument("EventTrigger", 0, UINT64_MAX, &mRequest.eventTrigger); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000033) command (0x00000000) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000033, 0x00000000, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000033) command (0x00000000) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000033, 0x00000000, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::GeneralDiagnostics::Commands::TestEventTrigger::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ |
| | Cluster SoftwareDiagnostics | 0x0034 | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Commands: | | |
| | * ResetWatermarks | 0x00 | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Attributes: | | |
| | * ThreadMetrics | 0x0000 | |
| | * CurrentHeapFree | 0x0001 | |
| | * CurrentHeapUsed | 0x0002 | |
| | * CurrentHeapHighWatermark | 0x0003 | |
| | * GeneratedCommandList | 0xFFF8 | |
| | * AcceptedCommandList | 0xFFF9 | |
| | * AttributeList | 0xFFFB | |
| | * FeatureMap | 0xFFFC | |
| | * ClusterRevision | 0xFFFD | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Events: | | |
| | * SoftwareFault | 0x0000 | |
| \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| |
| /* |
| * Command ResetWatermarks |
| */ |
| class SoftwareDiagnosticsResetWatermarks : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| SoftwareDiagnosticsResetWatermarks(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| ClusterCommand("reset-watermarks", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000034) command (0x00000000) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000034, 0x00000000, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000034) command (0x00000000) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000034, 0x00000000, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::SoftwareDiagnostics::Commands::ResetWatermarks::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ |
| | Cluster ThreadNetworkDiagnostics | 0x0035 | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Commands: | | |
| | * ResetCounts | 0x00 | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Attributes: | | |
| | * Channel | 0x0000 | |
| | * RoutingRole | 0x0001 | |
| | * NetworkName | 0x0002 | |
| | * PanId | 0x0003 | |
| | * ExtendedPanId | 0x0004 | |
| | * MeshLocalPrefix | 0x0005 | |
| | * OverrunCount | 0x0006 | |
| | * NeighborTableList | 0x0007 | |
| | * RouteTableList | 0x0008 | |
| | * PartitionId | 0x0009 | |
| | * Weighting | 0x000A | |
| | * DataVersion | 0x000B | |
| | * StableDataVersion | 0x000C | |
| | * LeaderRouterId | 0x000D | |
| | * DetachedRoleCount | 0x000E | |
| | * ChildRoleCount | 0x000F | |
| | * RouterRoleCount | 0x0010 | |
| | * LeaderRoleCount | 0x0011 | |
| | * AttachAttemptCount | 0x0012 | |
| | * PartitionIdChangeCount | 0x0013 | |
| | * BetterPartitionAttachAttemptCount | 0x0014 | |
| | * ParentChangeCount | 0x0015 | |
| | * TxTotalCount | 0x0016 | |
| | * TxUnicastCount | 0x0017 | |
| | * TxBroadcastCount | 0x0018 | |
| | * TxAckRequestedCount | 0x0019 | |
| | * TxAckedCount | 0x001A | |
| | * TxNoAckRequestedCount | 0x001B | |
| | * TxDataCount | 0x001C | |
| | * TxDataPollCount | 0x001D | |
| | * TxBeaconCount | 0x001E | |
| | * TxBeaconRequestCount | 0x001F | |
| | * TxOtherCount | 0x0020 | |
| | * TxRetryCount | 0x0021 | |
| | * TxDirectMaxRetryExpiryCount | 0x0022 | |
| | * TxIndirectMaxRetryExpiryCount | 0x0023 | |
| | * TxErrCcaCount | 0x0024 | |
| | * TxErrAbortCount | 0x0025 | |
| | * TxErrBusyChannelCount | 0x0026 | |
| | * RxTotalCount | 0x0027 | |
| | * RxUnicastCount | 0x0028 | |
| | * RxBroadcastCount | 0x0029 | |
| | * RxDataCount | 0x002A | |
| | * RxDataPollCount | 0x002B | |
| | * RxBeaconCount | 0x002C | |
| | * RxBeaconRequestCount | 0x002D | |
| | * RxOtherCount | 0x002E | |
| | * RxAddressFilteredCount | 0x002F | |
| | * RxDestAddrFilteredCount | 0x0030 | |
| | * RxDuplicatedCount | 0x0031 | |
| | * RxErrNoFrameCount | 0x0032 | |
| | * RxErrUnknownNeighborCount | 0x0033 | |
| | * RxErrInvalidSrcAddrCount | 0x0034 | |
| | * RxErrSecCount | 0x0035 | |
| | * RxErrFcsCount | 0x0036 | |
| | * RxErrOtherCount | 0x0037 | |
| | * ActiveTimestamp | 0x0038 | |
| | * PendingTimestamp | 0x0039 | |
| | * Delay | 0x003A | |
| | * SecurityPolicy | 0x003B | |
| | * ChannelMask | 0x003C | |
| | * OperationalDatasetComponents | 0x003D | |
| | * ActiveNetworkFaultsList | 0x003E | |
| | * GeneratedCommandList | 0xFFF8 | |
| | * AcceptedCommandList | 0xFFF9 | |
| | * AttributeList | 0xFFFB | |
| | * FeatureMap | 0xFFFC | |
| | * ClusterRevision | 0xFFFD | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Events: | | |
| | * ConnectionStatus | 0x0000 | |
| \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| |
| /* |
| * Command ResetCounts |
| */ |
| class ThreadNetworkDiagnosticsResetCounts : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| ThreadNetworkDiagnosticsResetCounts(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| ClusterCommand("reset-counts", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000035) command (0x00000000) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000035, 0x00000000, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000035) command (0x00000000) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000035, 0x00000000, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Commands::ResetCounts::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ |
| | Cluster WiFiNetworkDiagnostics | 0x0036 | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Commands: | | |
| | * ResetCounts | 0x00 | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Attributes: | | |
| | * Bssid | 0x0000 | |
| | * SecurityType | 0x0001 | |
| | * WiFiVersion | 0x0002 | |
| | * ChannelNumber | 0x0003 | |
| | * Rssi | 0x0004 | |
| | * BeaconLostCount | 0x0005 | |
| | * BeaconRxCount | 0x0006 | |
| | * PacketMulticastRxCount | 0x0007 | |
| | * PacketMulticastTxCount | 0x0008 | |
| | * PacketUnicastRxCount | 0x0009 | |
| | * PacketUnicastTxCount | 0x000A | |
| | * CurrentMaxRate | 0x000B | |
| | * OverrunCount | 0x000C | |
| | * GeneratedCommandList | 0xFFF8 | |
| | * AcceptedCommandList | 0xFFF9 | |
| | * AttributeList | 0xFFFB | |
| | * FeatureMap | 0xFFFC | |
| | * ClusterRevision | 0xFFFD | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Events: | | |
| | * Disconnection | 0x0000 | |
| | * AssociationFailure | 0x0001 | |
| | * ConnectionStatus | 0x0002 | |
| \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| |
| /* |
| * Command ResetCounts |
| */ |
| class WiFiNetworkDiagnosticsResetCounts : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| WiFiNetworkDiagnosticsResetCounts(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| ClusterCommand("reset-counts", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000036) command (0x00000000) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000036, 0x00000000, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000036) command (0x00000000) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000036, 0x00000000, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::WiFiNetworkDiagnostics::Commands::ResetCounts::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ |
| | Cluster EthernetNetworkDiagnostics | 0x0037 | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Commands: | | |
| | * ResetCounts | 0x00 | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Attributes: | | |
| | * PHYRate | 0x0000 | |
| | * FullDuplex | 0x0001 | |
| | * PacketRxCount | 0x0002 | |
| | * PacketTxCount | 0x0003 | |
| | * TxErrCount | 0x0004 | |
| | * CollisionCount | 0x0005 | |
| | * OverrunCount | 0x0006 | |
| | * CarrierDetect | 0x0007 | |
| | * TimeSinceReset | 0x0008 | |
| | * GeneratedCommandList | 0xFFF8 | |
| | * AcceptedCommandList | 0xFFF9 | |
| | * AttributeList | 0xFFFB | |
| | * FeatureMap | 0xFFFC | |
| | * ClusterRevision | 0xFFFD | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Events: | | |
| \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| |
| /* |
| * Command ResetCounts |
| */ |
| class EthernetNetworkDiagnosticsResetCounts : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| EthernetNetworkDiagnosticsResetCounts(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| ClusterCommand("reset-counts", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000037) command (0x00000000) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000037, 0x00000000, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000037) command (0x00000000) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000037, 0x00000000, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::EthernetNetworkDiagnostics::Commands::ResetCounts::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ |
| | Cluster TimeSynchronization | 0x0038 | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Commands: | | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Attributes: | | |
| | * GeneratedCommandList | 0xFFF8 | |
| | * AcceptedCommandList | 0xFFF9 | |
| | * AttributeList | 0xFFFB | |
| | * FeatureMap | 0xFFFC | |
| | * ClusterRevision | 0xFFFD | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Events: | | |
| \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| |
| /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ |
| | Cluster BridgedDeviceBasic | 0x0039 | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Commands: | | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Attributes: | | |
| | * VendorName | 0x0001 | |
| | * VendorID | 0x0002 | |
| | * ProductName | 0x0003 | |
| | * NodeLabel | 0x0005 | |
| | * HardwareVersion | 0x0007 | |
| | * HardwareVersionString | 0x0008 | |
| | * SoftwareVersion | 0x0009 | |
| | * SoftwareVersionString | 0x000A | |
| | * ManufacturingDate | 0x000B | |
| | * PartNumber | 0x000C | |
| | * ProductURL | 0x000D | |
| | * ProductLabel | 0x000E | |
| | * SerialNumber | 0x000F | |
| | * Reachable | 0x0011 | |
| | * UniqueID | 0x0012 | |
| | * GeneratedCommandList | 0xFFF8 | |
| | * AcceptedCommandList | 0xFFF9 | |
| | * AttributeList | 0xFFFB | |
| | * FeatureMap | 0xFFFC | |
| | * ClusterRevision | 0xFFFD | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Events: | | |
| | * StartUp | 0x0000 | |
| | * ShutDown | 0x0001 | |
| | * Leave | 0x0002 | |
| | * ReachableChanged | 0x0003 | |
| \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| |
| class WriteBridgedDeviceBasicNodeLabel : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteBridgedDeviceBasicNodeLabel(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : WriteAttribute("NodeLabel", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "node-label"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteBridgedDeviceBasicNodeLabel() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000039, 0x00000005, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000039, 0x00000005, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::CharSpan mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ |
| | Cluster Switch | 0x003B | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Commands: | | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Attributes: | | |
| | * NumberOfPositions | 0x0000 | |
| | * CurrentPosition | 0x0001 | |
| | * MultiPressMax | 0x0002 | |
| | * GeneratedCommandList | 0xFFF8 | |
| | * AcceptedCommandList | 0xFFF9 | |
| | * AttributeList | 0xFFFB | |
| | * FeatureMap | 0xFFFC | |
| | * ClusterRevision | 0xFFFD | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Events: | | |
| | * SwitchLatched | 0x0000 | |
| | * InitialPress | 0x0001 | |
| | * LongPress | 0x0002 | |
| | * ShortRelease | 0x0003 | |
| | * LongRelease | 0x0004 | |
| | * MultiPressOngoing | 0x0005 | |
| | * MultiPressComplete | 0x0006 | |
| \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| |
| /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ |
| | Cluster AdministratorCommissioning | 0x003C | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Commands: | | |
| | * OpenCommissioningWindow | 0x00 | |
| | * OpenBasicCommissioningWindow | 0x01 | |
| | * RevokeCommissioning | 0x02 | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Attributes: | | |
| | * WindowStatus | 0x0000 | |
| | * AdminFabricIndex | 0x0001 | |
| | * AdminVendorId | 0x0002 | |
| | * GeneratedCommandList | 0xFFF8 | |
| | * AcceptedCommandList | 0xFFF9 | |
| | * AttributeList | 0xFFFB | |
| | * FeatureMap | 0xFFFC | |
| | * ClusterRevision | 0xFFFD | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Events: | | |
| \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| |
| /* |
| * Command OpenCommissioningWindow |
| */ |
| class AdministratorCommissioningOpenCommissioningWindow : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| AdministratorCommissioningOpenCommissioningWindow(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| ClusterCommand("open-commissioning-window", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("CommissioningTimeout", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mRequest.commissioningTimeout); |
| AddArgument("PAKEVerifier", &mRequest.PAKEVerifier); |
| AddArgument("Discriminator", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mRequest.discriminator); |
| AddArgument("Iterations", 0, UINT32_MAX, &mRequest.iterations); |
| AddArgument("Salt", &mRequest.salt); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x0000003C) command (0x00000000) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000003C, 0x00000000, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x0000003C) command (0x00000000) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000003C, 0x00000000, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::AdministratorCommissioning::Commands::OpenCommissioningWindow::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command OpenBasicCommissioningWindow |
| */ |
| class AdministratorCommissioningOpenBasicCommissioningWindow : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| AdministratorCommissioningOpenBasicCommissioningWindow(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| ClusterCommand("open-basic-commissioning-window", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("CommissioningTimeout", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mRequest.commissioningTimeout); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x0000003C) command (0x00000001) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000003C, 0x00000001, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x0000003C) command (0x00000001) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000003C, 0x00000001, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::AdministratorCommissioning::Commands::OpenBasicCommissioningWindow::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command RevokeCommissioning |
| */ |
| class AdministratorCommissioningRevokeCommissioning : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| AdministratorCommissioningRevokeCommissioning(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| ClusterCommand("revoke-commissioning", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x0000003C) command (0x00000002) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000003C, 0x00000002, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x0000003C) command (0x00000002) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000003C, 0x00000002, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::AdministratorCommissioning::Commands::RevokeCommissioning::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ |
| | Cluster OperationalCredentials | 0x003E | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Commands: | | |
| | * AttestationRequest | 0x00 | |
| | * CertificateChainRequest | 0x02 | |
| | * CSRRequest | 0x04 | |
| | * AddNOC | 0x06 | |
| | * UpdateNOC | 0x07 | |
| | * UpdateFabricLabel | 0x09 | |
| | * RemoveFabric | 0x0A | |
| | * AddTrustedRootCertificate | 0x0B | |
| | * RemoveTrustedRootCertificate | 0x0C | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Attributes: | | |
| | * NOCs | 0x0000 | |
| | * Fabrics | 0x0001 | |
| | * SupportedFabrics | 0x0002 | |
| | * CommissionedFabrics | 0x0003 | |
| | * TrustedRootCertificates | 0x0004 | |
| | * CurrentFabricIndex | 0x0005 | |
| | * GeneratedCommandList | 0xFFF8 | |
| | * AcceptedCommandList | 0xFFF9 | |
| | * AttributeList | 0xFFFB | |
| | * FeatureMap | 0xFFFC | |
| | * ClusterRevision | 0xFFFD | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Events: | | |
| \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| |
| /* |
| * Command AttestationRequest |
| */ |
| class OperationalCredentialsAttestationRequest : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| OperationalCredentialsAttestationRequest(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| ClusterCommand("attestation-request", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("AttestationNonce", &mRequest.attestationNonce); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x0000003E) command (0x00000000) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000003E, 0x00000000, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x0000003E) command (0x00000000) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000003E, 0x00000000, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::OperationalCredentials::Commands::AttestationRequest::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command CertificateChainRequest |
| */ |
| class OperationalCredentialsCertificateChainRequest : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| OperationalCredentialsCertificateChainRequest(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| ClusterCommand("certificate-chain-request", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("CertificateType", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.certificateType); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x0000003E) command (0x00000002) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000003E, 0x00000002, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x0000003E) command (0x00000002) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000003E, 0x00000002, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::OperationalCredentials::Commands::CertificateChainRequest::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command CSRRequest |
| */ |
| class OperationalCredentialsCSRRequest : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| OperationalCredentialsCSRRequest(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : ClusterCommand("csrrequest", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("CSRNonce", &mRequest.CSRNonce); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x0000003E) command (0x00000004) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000003E, 0x00000004, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x0000003E) command (0x00000004) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000003E, 0x00000004, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::OperationalCredentials::Commands::CSRRequest::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command AddNOC |
| */ |
| class OperationalCredentialsAddNOC : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| OperationalCredentialsAddNOC(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : ClusterCommand("add-noc", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("NOCValue", &mRequest.NOCValue); |
| AddArgument("ICACValue", &mRequest.ICACValue); |
| AddArgument("IPKValue", &mRequest.IPKValue); |
| AddArgument("CaseAdminSubject", 0, UINT64_MAX, &mRequest.caseAdminSubject); |
| AddArgument("AdminVendorId", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mRequest.adminVendorId); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x0000003E) command (0x00000006) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000003E, 0x00000006, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x0000003E) command (0x00000006) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000003E, 0x00000006, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::OperationalCredentials::Commands::AddNOC::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command UpdateNOC |
| */ |
| class OperationalCredentialsUpdateNOC : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| OperationalCredentialsUpdateNOC(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : ClusterCommand("update-noc", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("NOCValue", &mRequest.NOCValue); |
| AddArgument("ICACValue", &mRequest.ICACValue); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x0000003E) command (0x00000007) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000003E, 0x00000007, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x0000003E) command (0x00000007) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000003E, 0x00000007, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::OperationalCredentials::Commands::UpdateNOC::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command UpdateFabricLabel |
| */ |
| class OperationalCredentialsUpdateFabricLabel : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| OperationalCredentialsUpdateFabricLabel(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| ClusterCommand("update-fabric-label", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("Label", &mRequest.label); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x0000003E) command (0x00000009) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000003E, 0x00000009, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x0000003E) command (0x00000009) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000003E, 0x00000009, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::OperationalCredentials::Commands::UpdateFabricLabel::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command RemoveFabric |
| */ |
| class OperationalCredentialsRemoveFabric : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| OperationalCredentialsRemoveFabric(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| ClusterCommand("remove-fabric", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("FabricIndex", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.fabricIndex); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x0000003E) command (0x0000000A) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000003E, 0x0000000A, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x0000003E) command (0x0000000A) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000003E, 0x0000000A, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::OperationalCredentials::Commands::RemoveFabric::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command AddTrustedRootCertificate |
| */ |
| class OperationalCredentialsAddTrustedRootCertificate : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| OperationalCredentialsAddTrustedRootCertificate(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| ClusterCommand("add-trusted-root-certificate", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("RootCertificate", &mRequest.rootCertificate); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x0000003E) command (0x0000000B) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000003E, 0x0000000B, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x0000003E) command (0x0000000B) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000003E, 0x0000000B, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::OperationalCredentials::Commands::AddTrustedRootCertificate::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command RemoveTrustedRootCertificate |
| */ |
| class OperationalCredentialsRemoveTrustedRootCertificate : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| OperationalCredentialsRemoveTrustedRootCertificate(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| ClusterCommand("remove-trusted-root-certificate", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("TrustedRootIdentifier", &mRequest.trustedRootIdentifier); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x0000003E) command (0x0000000C) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000003E, 0x0000000C, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x0000003E) command (0x0000000C) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000003E, 0x0000000C, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::OperationalCredentials::Commands::RemoveTrustedRootCertificate::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ |
| | Cluster GroupKeyManagement | 0x003F | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Commands: | | |
| | * KeySetWrite | 0x00 | |
| | * KeySetRead | 0x01 | |
| | * KeySetRemove | 0x03 | |
| | * KeySetReadAllIndices | 0x04 | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Attributes: | | |
| | * GroupKeyMap | 0x0000 | |
| | * GroupTable | 0x0001 | |
| | * MaxGroupsPerFabric | 0x0002 | |
| | * MaxGroupKeysPerFabric | 0x0003 | |
| | * GeneratedCommandList | 0xFFF8 | |
| | * AcceptedCommandList | 0xFFF9 | |
| | * AttributeList | 0xFFFB | |
| | * FeatureMap | 0xFFFC | |
| | * ClusterRevision | 0xFFFD | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Events: | | |
| \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| |
| /* |
| * Command KeySetWrite |
| */ |
| class GroupKeyManagementKeySetWrite : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| GroupKeyManagementKeySetWrite(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| ClusterCommand("key-set-write", credsIssuerConfig), mComplex_GroupKeySet(&mRequest.groupKeySet) |
| { |
| AddArgument("GroupKeySet", &mComplex_GroupKeySet); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x0000003F) command (0x00000000) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000003F, 0x00000000, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x0000003F) command (0x00000000) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000003F, 0x00000000, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::GroupKeyManagement::Commands::KeySetWrite::Type mRequest; |
| TypedComplexArgument<chip::app::Clusters::GroupKeyManagement::Structs::GroupKeySetStruct::Type> mComplex_GroupKeySet; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command KeySetRead |
| */ |
| class GroupKeyManagementKeySetRead : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| GroupKeyManagementKeySetRead(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : ClusterCommand("key-set-read", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("GroupKeySetID", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mRequest.groupKeySetID); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x0000003F) command (0x00000001) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000003F, 0x00000001, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x0000003F) command (0x00000001) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000003F, 0x00000001, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::GroupKeyManagement::Commands::KeySetRead::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command KeySetRemove |
| */ |
| class GroupKeyManagementKeySetRemove : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| GroupKeyManagementKeySetRemove(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| ClusterCommand("key-set-remove", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("GroupKeySetID", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mRequest.groupKeySetID); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x0000003F) command (0x00000003) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000003F, 0x00000003, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x0000003F) command (0x00000003) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000003F, 0x00000003, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::GroupKeyManagement::Commands::KeySetRemove::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command KeySetReadAllIndices |
| */ |
| class GroupKeyManagementKeySetReadAllIndices : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| GroupKeyManagementKeySetReadAllIndices(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| ClusterCommand("key-set-read-all-indices", credsIssuerConfig), mComplex_GroupKeySetIDs(&mRequest.groupKeySetIDs) |
| { |
| AddArgument("GroupKeySetIDs", &mComplex_GroupKeySetIDs); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x0000003F) command (0x00000004) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000003F, 0x00000004, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x0000003F) command (0x00000004) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000003F, 0x00000004, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::GroupKeyManagement::Commands::KeySetReadAllIndices::Type mRequest; |
| TypedComplexArgument<chip::app::DataModel::List<const uint16_t>> mComplex_GroupKeySetIDs; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteGroupKeyManagementGroupKeyMap : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteGroupKeyManagementGroupKeyMap(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("GroupKeyMap", credsIssuerConfig), mComplex(&mValue) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "group-key-map"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", &mComplex); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteGroupKeyManagementGroupKeyMap() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000003F, 0x00000000, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000003F, 0x00000000, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::DataModel::List<const chip::app::Clusters::GroupKeyManagement::Structs::GroupKeyMapStruct::Type> mValue; |
| TypedComplexArgument< |
| chip::app::DataModel::List<const chip::app::Clusters::GroupKeyManagement::Structs::GroupKeyMapStruct::Type>> |
| mComplex; |
| }; |
| |
| /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ |
| | Cluster FixedLabel | 0x0040 | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Commands: | | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Attributes: | | |
| | * LabelList | 0x0000 | |
| | * GeneratedCommandList | 0xFFF8 | |
| | * AcceptedCommandList | 0xFFF9 | |
| | * AttributeList | 0xFFFB | |
| | * FeatureMap | 0xFFFC | |
| | * ClusterRevision | 0xFFFD | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Events: | | |
| \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| |
| /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ |
| | Cluster UserLabel | 0x0041 | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Commands: | | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Attributes: | | |
| | * LabelList | 0x0000 | |
| | * GeneratedCommandList | 0xFFF8 | |
| | * AcceptedCommandList | 0xFFF9 | |
| | * AttributeList | 0xFFFB | |
| | * FeatureMap | 0xFFFC | |
| | * ClusterRevision | 0xFFFD | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Events: | | |
| \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| |
| class WriteUserLabelLabelList : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteUserLabelLabelList(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("LabelList", credsIssuerConfig), mComplex(&mValue) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "label-list"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", &mComplex); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteUserLabelLabelList() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000041, 0x00000000, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000041, 0x00000000, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::DataModel::List<const chip::app::Clusters::UserLabel::Structs::LabelStruct::Type> mValue; |
| TypedComplexArgument<chip::app::DataModel::List<const chip::app::Clusters::UserLabel::Structs::LabelStruct::Type>> mComplex; |
| }; |
| |
| /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ |
| | Cluster ProxyConfiguration | 0x0042 | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Commands: | | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Attributes: | | |
| | * GeneratedCommandList | 0xFFF8 | |
| | * AcceptedCommandList | 0xFFF9 | |
| | * AttributeList | 0xFFFB | |
| | * FeatureMap | 0xFFFC | |
| | * ClusterRevision | 0xFFFD | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Events: | | |
| \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| |
| /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ |
| | Cluster ProxyDiscovery | 0x0043 | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Commands: | | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Attributes: | | |
| | * GeneratedCommandList | 0xFFF8 | |
| | * AcceptedCommandList | 0xFFF9 | |
| | * AttributeList | 0xFFFB | |
| | * FeatureMap | 0xFFFC | |
| | * ClusterRevision | 0xFFFD | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Events: | | |
| \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| |
| /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ |
| | Cluster ProxyValid | 0x0044 | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Commands: | | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Attributes: | | |
| | * GeneratedCommandList | 0xFFF8 | |
| | * AcceptedCommandList | 0xFFF9 | |
| | * AttributeList | 0xFFFB | |
| | * FeatureMap | 0xFFFC | |
| | * ClusterRevision | 0xFFFD | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Events: | | |
| \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| |
| /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ |
| | Cluster BooleanState | 0x0045 | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Commands: | | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Attributes: | | |
| | * StateValue | 0x0000 | |
| | * GeneratedCommandList | 0xFFF8 | |
| | * AcceptedCommandList | 0xFFF9 | |
| | * AttributeList | 0xFFFB | |
| | * FeatureMap | 0xFFFC | |
| | * ClusterRevision | 0xFFFD | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Events: | | |
| | * StateChange | 0x0000 | |
| \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| |
| /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ |
| | Cluster ModeSelect | 0x0050 | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Commands: | | |
| | * ChangeToMode | 0x00 | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Attributes: | | |
| | * Description | 0x0000 | |
| | * StandardNamespace | 0x0001 | |
| | * SupportedModes | 0x0002 | |
| | * CurrentMode | 0x0003 | |
| | * StartUpMode | 0x0004 | |
| | * OnMode | 0x0005 | |
| | * GeneratedCommandList | 0xFFF8 | |
| | * AcceptedCommandList | 0xFFF9 | |
| | * AttributeList | 0xFFFB | |
| | * FeatureMap | 0xFFFC | |
| | * ClusterRevision | 0xFFFD | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Events: | | |
| \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| |
| /* |
| * Command ChangeToMode |
| */ |
| class ModeSelectChangeToMode : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| ModeSelectChangeToMode(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : ClusterCommand("change-to-mode", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("NewMode", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.newMode); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000050) command (0x00000000) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000050, 0x00000000, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000050) command (0x00000000) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000050, 0x00000000, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::ModeSelect::Commands::ChangeToMode::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteModeSelectStartUpMode : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteModeSelectStartUpMode(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : WriteAttribute("StartUpMode", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "start-up-mode"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteModeSelectStartUpMode() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000050, 0x00000004, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000050, 0x00000004, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t> mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteModeSelectOnMode : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteModeSelectOnMode(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : WriteAttribute("OnMode", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "on-mode"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteModeSelectOnMode() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000050, 0x00000005, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000050, 0x00000005, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t> mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ |
| | Cluster ShadeConfiguration | 0x0100 | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Commands: | | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Attributes: | | |
| | * PhysicalClosedLimit | 0x0000 | |
| | * MotorStepSize | 0x0001 | |
| | * Status | 0x0002 | |
| | * ClosedLimit | 0x0010 | |
| | * Mode | 0x0011 | |
| | * GeneratedCommandList | 0xFFF8 | |
| | * AcceptedCommandList | 0xFFF9 | |
| | * AttributeList | 0xFFFB | |
| | * FeatureMap | 0xFFFC | |
| | * ClusterRevision | 0xFFFD | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Events: | | |
| \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| |
| class WriteShadeConfigurationStatus : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteShadeConfigurationStatus(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : WriteAttribute("Status", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "status"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteShadeConfigurationStatus() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000100, 0x00000002, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000100, 0x00000002, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint8_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteShadeConfigurationClosedLimit : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteShadeConfigurationClosedLimit(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("ClosedLimit", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "closed-limit"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteShadeConfigurationClosedLimit() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000100, 0x00000010, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000100, 0x00000010, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint16_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteShadeConfigurationMode : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteShadeConfigurationMode(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : WriteAttribute("Mode", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "mode"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteShadeConfigurationMode() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000100, 0x00000011, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000100, 0x00000011, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint8_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ |
| | Cluster DoorLock | 0x0101 | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Commands: | | |
| | * LockDoor | 0x00 | |
| | * UnlockDoor | 0x01 | |
| | * UnlockWithTimeout | 0x03 | |
| | * GetLogRecord | 0x04 | |
| | * SetPINCode | 0x05 | |
| | * GetPINCode | 0x06 | |
| | * ClearPINCode | 0x07 | |
| | * ClearAllPINCodes | 0x08 | |
| | * SetUserStatus | 0x09 | |
| | * GetUserStatus | 0x0A | |
| | * SetWeekDaySchedule | 0x0B | |
| | * GetWeekDaySchedule | 0x0C | |
| | * ClearWeekDaySchedule | 0x0D | |
| | * SetYearDaySchedule | 0x0E | |
| | * GetYearDaySchedule | 0x0F | |
| | * ClearYearDaySchedule | 0x10 | |
| | * SetHolidaySchedule | 0x11 | |
| | * GetHolidaySchedule | 0x12 | |
| | * ClearHolidaySchedule | 0x13 | |
| | * SetUserType | 0x14 | |
| | * GetUserType | 0x15 | |
| | * SetRFIDCode | 0x16 | |
| | * GetRFIDCode | 0x17 | |
| | * ClearRFIDCode | 0x18 | |
| | * ClearAllRFIDCodes | 0x19 | |
| | * SetUser | 0x1A | |
| | * GetUser | 0x1B | |
| | * ClearUser | 0x1D | |
| | * SetCredential | 0x22 | |
| | * GetCredentialStatus | 0x24 | |
| | * ClearCredential | 0x26 | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Attributes: | | |
| | * LockState | 0x0000 | |
| | * LockType | 0x0001 | |
| | * ActuatorEnabled | 0x0002 | |
| | * DoorState | 0x0003 | |
| | * DoorOpenEvents | 0x0004 | |
| | * DoorClosedEvents | 0x0005 | |
| | * OpenPeriod | 0x0006 | |
| | * NumberOfLogRecordsSupported | 0x0010 | |
| | * NumberOfTotalUsersSupported | 0x0011 | |
| | * NumberOfPINUsersSupported | 0x0012 | |
| | * NumberOfRFIDUsersSupported | 0x0013 | |
| | * NumberOfWeekDaySchedulesSupportedPerUser | 0x0014 | |
| | * NumberOfYearDaySchedulesSupportedPerUser | 0x0015 | |
| | * NumberOfHolidaySchedulesSupported | 0x0016 | |
| | * MaxPINCodeLength | 0x0017 | |
| | * MinPINCodeLength | 0x0018 | |
| | * MaxRFIDCodeLength | 0x0019 | |
| | * MinRFIDCodeLength | 0x001A | |
| | * CredentialRulesSupport | 0x001B | |
| | * NumberOfCredentialsSupportedPerUser | 0x001C | |
| | * EnableLogging | 0x0020 | |
| | * Language | 0x0021 | |
| | * LEDSettings | 0x0022 | |
| | * AutoRelockTime | 0x0023 | |
| | * SoundVolume | 0x0024 | |
| | * OperatingMode | 0x0025 | |
| | * SupportedOperatingModes | 0x0026 | |
| | * DefaultConfigurationRegister | 0x0027 | |
| | * EnableLocalProgramming | 0x0028 | |
| | * EnableOneTouchLocking | 0x0029 | |
| | * EnableInsideStatusLED | 0x002A | |
| | * EnablePrivacyModeButton | 0x002B | |
| | * LocalProgrammingFeatures | 0x002C | |
| | * WrongCodeEntryLimit | 0x0030 | |
| | * UserCodeTemporaryDisableTime | 0x0031 | |
| | * SendPINOverTheAir | 0x0032 | |
| | * RequirePINforRemoteOperation | 0x0033 | |
| | * ExpiringUserTimeout | 0x0035 | |
| | * AlarmMask | 0x0040 | |
| | * KeypadOperationEventMask | 0x0041 | |
| | * RemoteOperationEventMask | 0x0042 | |
| | * ManualOperationEventMask | 0x0043 | |
| | * RFIDOperationEventMask | 0x0044 | |
| | * KeypadProgrammingEventMask | 0x0045 | |
| | * RemoteProgrammingEventMask | 0x0046 | |
| | * RFIDProgrammingEventMask | 0x0047 | |
| | * GeneratedCommandList | 0xFFF8 | |
| | * AcceptedCommandList | 0xFFF9 | |
| | * AttributeList | 0xFFFB | |
| | * FeatureMap | 0xFFFC | |
| | * ClusterRevision | 0xFFFD | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Events: | | |
| | * DoorLockAlarm | 0x0000 | |
| | * DoorStateChange | 0x0001 | |
| | * LockOperation | 0x0002 | |
| | * LockOperationError | 0x0003 | |
| | * LockUserChange | 0x0004 | |
| \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| |
| /* |
| * Command LockDoor |
| */ |
| class DoorLockLockDoor : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| DoorLockLockDoor(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : ClusterCommand("lock-door", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("PinCode", &mRequest.pinCode); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000101) command (0x00000000) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000101, 0x00000000, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000101) command (0x00000000) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000101, 0x00000000, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::DoorLock::Commands::LockDoor::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command UnlockDoor |
| */ |
| class DoorLockUnlockDoor : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| DoorLockUnlockDoor(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : ClusterCommand("unlock-door", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("PinCode", &mRequest.pinCode); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000101) command (0x00000001) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000101, 0x00000001, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000101) command (0x00000001) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000101, 0x00000001, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::DoorLock::Commands::UnlockDoor::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command UnlockWithTimeout |
| */ |
| class DoorLockUnlockWithTimeout : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| DoorLockUnlockWithTimeout(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| ClusterCommand("unlock-with-timeout", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("Timeout", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mRequest.timeout); |
| AddArgument("PinCode", &mRequest.pinCode); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000101) command (0x00000003) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000101, 0x00000003, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000101) command (0x00000003) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000101, 0x00000003, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::DoorLock::Commands::UnlockWithTimeout::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command GetLogRecord |
| */ |
| class DoorLockGetLogRecord : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| DoorLockGetLogRecord(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : ClusterCommand("get-log-record", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("LogIndex", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mRequest.logIndex); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000101) command (0x00000004) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000101, 0x00000004, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000101) command (0x00000004) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000101, 0x00000004, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::DoorLock::Commands::GetLogRecord::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command SetPINCode |
| */ |
| class DoorLockSetPINCode : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| DoorLockSetPINCode(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : ClusterCommand("set-pincode", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("UserId", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mRequest.userId); |
| AddArgument("UserStatus", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.userStatus); |
| AddArgument("UserType", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.userType); |
| AddArgument("Pin", &mRequest.pin); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000101) command (0x00000005) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000101, 0x00000005, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000101) command (0x00000005) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000101, 0x00000005, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::DoorLock::Commands::SetPINCode::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command GetPINCode |
| */ |
| class DoorLockGetPINCode : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| DoorLockGetPINCode(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : ClusterCommand("get-pincode", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("UserId", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mRequest.userId); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000101) command (0x00000006) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000101, 0x00000006, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000101) command (0x00000006) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000101, 0x00000006, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::DoorLock::Commands::GetPINCode::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command ClearPINCode |
| */ |
| class DoorLockClearPINCode : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| DoorLockClearPINCode(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : ClusterCommand("clear-pincode", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("PinSlotIndex", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mRequest.pinSlotIndex); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000101) command (0x00000007) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000101, 0x00000007, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000101) command (0x00000007) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000101, 0x00000007, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::DoorLock::Commands::ClearPINCode::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command ClearAllPINCodes |
| */ |
| class DoorLockClearAllPINCodes : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| DoorLockClearAllPINCodes(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : ClusterCommand("clear-all-pincodes", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000101) command (0x00000008) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000101, 0x00000008, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000101) command (0x00000008) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000101, 0x00000008, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::DoorLock::Commands::ClearAllPINCodes::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command SetUserStatus |
| */ |
| class DoorLockSetUserStatus : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| DoorLockSetUserStatus(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : ClusterCommand("set-user-status", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("UserId", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mRequest.userId); |
| AddArgument("UserStatus", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.userStatus); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000101) command (0x00000009) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000101, 0x00000009, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000101) command (0x00000009) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000101, 0x00000009, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::DoorLock::Commands::SetUserStatus::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command GetUserStatus |
| */ |
| class DoorLockGetUserStatus : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| DoorLockGetUserStatus(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : ClusterCommand("get-user-status", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("UserId", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mRequest.userId); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000101) command (0x0000000A) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000101, 0x0000000A, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000101) command (0x0000000A) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000101, 0x0000000A, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::DoorLock::Commands::GetUserStatus::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command SetWeekDaySchedule |
| */ |
| class DoorLockSetWeekDaySchedule : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| DoorLockSetWeekDaySchedule(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| ClusterCommand("set-week-day-schedule", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("WeekDayIndex", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.weekDayIndex); |
| AddArgument("UserIndex", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mRequest.userIndex); |
| AddArgument("DaysMask", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.daysMask); |
| AddArgument("StartHour", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.startHour); |
| AddArgument("StartMinute", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.startMinute); |
| AddArgument("EndHour", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.endHour); |
| AddArgument("EndMinute", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.endMinute); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000101) command (0x0000000B) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000101, 0x0000000B, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000101) command (0x0000000B) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000101, 0x0000000B, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::DoorLock::Commands::SetWeekDaySchedule::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command GetWeekDaySchedule |
| */ |
| class DoorLockGetWeekDaySchedule : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| DoorLockGetWeekDaySchedule(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| ClusterCommand("get-week-day-schedule", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("WeekDayIndex", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.weekDayIndex); |
| AddArgument("UserIndex", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mRequest.userIndex); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000101) command (0x0000000C) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000101, 0x0000000C, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000101) command (0x0000000C) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000101, 0x0000000C, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::DoorLock::Commands::GetWeekDaySchedule::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command ClearWeekDaySchedule |
| */ |
| class DoorLockClearWeekDaySchedule : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| DoorLockClearWeekDaySchedule(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| ClusterCommand("clear-week-day-schedule", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("WeekDayIndex", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.weekDayIndex); |
| AddArgument("UserIndex", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mRequest.userIndex); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000101) command (0x0000000D) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000101, 0x0000000D, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000101) command (0x0000000D) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000101, 0x0000000D, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::DoorLock::Commands::ClearWeekDaySchedule::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command SetYearDaySchedule |
| */ |
| class DoorLockSetYearDaySchedule : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| DoorLockSetYearDaySchedule(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| ClusterCommand("set-year-day-schedule", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("YearDayIndex", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.yearDayIndex); |
| AddArgument("UserIndex", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mRequest.userIndex); |
| AddArgument("LocalStartTime", 0, UINT32_MAX, &mRequest.localStartTime); |
| AddArgument("LocalEndTime", 0, UINT32_MAX, &mRequest.localEndTime); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000101) command (0x0000000E) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000101, 0x0000000E, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000101) command (0x0000000E) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000101, 0x0000000E, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::DoorLock::Commands::SetYearDaySchedule::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command GetYearDaySchedule |
| */ |
| class DoorLockGetYearDaySchedule : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| DoorLockGetYearDaySchedule(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| ClusterCommand("get-year-day-schedule", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("YearDayIndex", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.yearDayIndex); |
| AddArgument("UserIndex", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mRequest.userIndex); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000101) command (0x0000000F) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000101, 0x0000000F, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000101) command (0x0000000F) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000101, 0x0000000F, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::DoorLock::Commands::GetYearDaySchedule::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command ClearYearDaySchedule |
| */ |
| class DoorLockClearYearDaySchedule : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| DoorLockClearYearDaySchedule(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| ClusterCommand("clear-year-day-schedule", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("YearDayIndex", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.yearDayIndex); |
| AddArgument("UserIndex", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mRequest.userIndex); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000101) command (0x00000010) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000101, 0x00000010, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000101) command (0x00000010) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000101, 0x00000010, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::DoorLock::Commands::ClearYearDaySchedule::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command SetHolidaySchedule |
| */ |
| class DoorLockSetHolidaySchedule : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| DoorLockSetHolidaySchedule(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| ClusterCommand("set-holiday-schedule", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("HolidayIndex", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.holidayIndex); |
| AddArgument("LocalStartTime", 0, UINT32_MAX, &mRequest.localStartTime); |
| AddArgument("LocalEndTime", 0, UINT32_MAX, &mRequest.localEndTime); |
| AddArgument("OperatingMode", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.operatingMode); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000101) command (0x00000011) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000101, 0x00000011, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000101) command (0x00000011) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000101, 0x00000011, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::DoorLock::Commands::SetHolidaySchedule::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command GetHolidaySchedule |
| */ |
| class DoorLockGetHolidaySchedule : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| DoorLockGetHolidaySchedule(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| ClusterCommand("get-holiday-schedule", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("HolidayIndex", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.holidayIndex); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000101) command (0x00000012) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000101, 0x00000012, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000101) command (0x00000012) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000101, 0x00000012, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::DoorLock::Commands::GetHolidaySchedule::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command ClearHolidaySchedule |
| */ |
| class DoorLockClearHolidaySchedule : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| DoorLockClearHolidaySchedule(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| ClusterCommand("clear-holiday-schedule", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("HolidayIndex", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.holidayIndex); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000101) command (0x00000013) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000101, 0x00000013, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000101) command (0x00000013) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000101, 0x00000013, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::DoorLock::Commands::ClearHolidaySchedule::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command SetUserType |
| */ |
| class DoorLockSetUserType : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| DoorLockSetUserType(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : ClusterCommand("set-user-type", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("UserId", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mRequest.userId); |
| AddArgument("UserType", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.userType); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000101) command (0x00000014) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000101, 0x00000014, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000101) command (0x00000014) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000101, 0x00000014, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::DoorLock::Commands::SetUserType::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command GetUserType |
| */ |
| class DoorLockGetUserType : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| DoorLockGetUserType(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : ClusterCommand("get-user-type", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("UserId", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mRequest.userId); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000101) command (0x00000015) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000101, 0x00000015, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000101) command (0x00000015) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000101, 0x00000015, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::DoorLock::Commands::GetUserType::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command SetRFIDCode |
| */ |
| class DoorLockSetRFIDCode : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| DoorLockSetRFIDCode(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : ClusterCommand("set-rfidcode", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("UserId", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mRequest.userId); |
| AddArgument("UserStatus", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.userStatus); |
| AddArgument("UserType", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.userType); |
| AddArgument("RfidCode", &mRequest.rfidCode); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000101) command (0x00000016) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000101, 0x00000016, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000101) command (0x00000016) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000101, 0x00000016, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::DoorLock::Commands::SetRFIDCode::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command GetRFIDCode |
| */ |
| class DoorLockGetRFIDCode : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| DoorLockGetRFIDCode(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : ClusterCommand("get-rfidcode", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("UserId", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mRequest.userId); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000101) command (0x00000017) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000101, 0x00000017, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000101) command (0x00000017) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000101, 0x00000017, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::DoorLock::Commands::GetRFIDCode::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command ClearRFIDCode |
| */ |
| class DoorLockClearRFIDCode : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| DoorLockClearRFIDCode(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : ClusterCommand("clear-rfidcode", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("RfidSlotIndex", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mRequest.rfidSlotIndex); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000101) command (0x00000018) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000101, 0x00000018, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000101) command (0x00000018) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000101, 0x00000018, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::DoorLock::Commands::ClearRFIDCode::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command ClearAllRFIDCodes |
| */ |
| class DoorLockClearAllRFIDCodes : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| DoorLockClearAllRFIDCodes(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| ClusterCommand("clear-all-rfidcodes", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000101) command (0x00000019) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000101, 0x00000019, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000101) command (0x00000019) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000101, 0x00000019, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::DoorLock::Commands::ClearAllRFIDCodes::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command SetUser |
| */ |
| class DoorLockSetUser : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| DoorLockSetUser(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : ClusterCommand("set-user", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("OperationType", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.operationType); |
| AddArgument("UserIndex", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mRequest.userIndex); |
| AddArgument("UserName", &mRequest.userName); |
| AddArgument("UserUniqueId", 0, UINT32_MAX, &mRequest.userUniqueId); |
| AddArgument("UserStatus", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.userStatus); |
| AddArgument("UserType", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.userType); |
| AddArgument("CredentialRule", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.credentialRule); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000101) command (0x0000001A) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000101, 0x0000001A, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000101) command (0x0000001A) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000101, 0x0000001A, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::DoorLock::Commands::SetUser::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command GetUser |
| */ |
| class DoorLockGetUser : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| DoorLockGetUser(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : ClusterCommand("get-user", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("UserIndex", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mRequest.userIndex); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000101) command (0x0000001B) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000101, 0x0000001B, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000101) command (0x0000001B) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000101, 0x0000001B, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::DoorLock::Commands::GetUser::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command ClearUser |
| */ |
| class DoorLockClearUser : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| DoorLockClearUser(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : ClusterCommand("clear-user", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("UserIndex", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mRequest.userIndex); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000101) command (0x0000001D) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000101, 0x0000001D, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000101) command (0x0000001D) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000101, 0x0000001D, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::DoorLock::Commands::ClearUser::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command SetCredential |
| */ |
| class DoorLockSetCredential : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| DoorLockSetCredential(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| ClusterCommand("set-credential", credsIssuerConfig), mComplex_Credential(&mRequest.credential) |
| { |
| AddArgument("OperationType", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.operationType); |
| AddArgument("Credential", &mComplex_Credential); |
| AddArgument("CredentialData", &mRequest.credentialData); |
| AddArgument("UserIndex", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mRequest.userIndex); |
| AddArgument("UserStatus", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.userStatus); |
| AddArgument("UserType", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.userType); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000101) command (0x00000022) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000101, 0x00000022, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000101) command (0x00000022) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000101, 0x00000022, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::DoorLock::Commands::SetCredential::Type mRequest; |
| TypedComplexArgument<chip::app::Clusters::DoorLock::Structs::DlCredential::Type> mComplex_Credential; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command GetCredentialStatus |
| */ |
| class DoorLockGetCredentialStatus : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| DoorLockGetCredentialStatus(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| ClusterCommand("get-credential-status", credsIssuerConfig), mComplex_Credential(&mRequest.credential) |
| { |
| AddArgument("Credential", &mComplex_Credential); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000101) command (0x00000024) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000101, 0x00000024, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000101) command (0x00000024) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000101, 0x00000024, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::DoorLock::Commands::GetCredentialStatus::Type mRequest; |
| TypedComplexArgument<chip::app::Clusters::DoorLock::Structs::DlCredential::Type> mComplex_Credential; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command ClearCredential |
| */ |
| class DoorLockClearCredential : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| DoorLockClearCredential(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| ClusterCommand("clear-credential", credsIssuerConfig), mComplex_Credential(&mRequest.credential) |
| { |
| AddArgument("Credential", &mComplex_Credential); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000101) command (0x00000026) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000101, 0x00000026, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000101) command (0x00000026) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000101, 0x00000026, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::DoorLock::Commands::ClearCredential::Type mRequest; |
| TypedComplexArgument<chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<chip::app::Clusters::DoorLock::Structs::DlCredential::Type>> |
| mComplex_Credential; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteDoorLockDoorOpenEvents : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteDoorLockDoorOpenEvents(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : WriteAttribute("DoorOpenEvents", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "door-open-events"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT32_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteDoorLockDoorOpenEvents() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000101, 0x00000004, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000101, 0x00000004, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint32_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteDoorLockDoorClosedEvents : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteDoorLockDoorClosedEvents(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("DoorClosedEvents", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "door-closed-events"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT32_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteDoorLockDoorClosedEvents() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000101, 0x00000005, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000101, 0x00000005, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint32_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteDoorLockOpenPeriod : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteDoorLockOpenPeriod(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : WriteAttribute("OpenPeriod", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "open-period"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteDoorLockOpenPeriod() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000101, 0x00000006, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000101, 0x00000006, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint16_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteDoorLockEnableLogging : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteDoorLockEnableLogging(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : WriteAttribute("EnableLogging", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "enable-logging"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, 1, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteDoorLockEnableLogging() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000101, 0x00000020, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000101, 0x00000020, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| bool mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteDoorLockLanguage : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteDoorLockLanguage(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : WriteAttribute("Language", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "language"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteDoorLockLanguage() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000101, 0x00000021, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000101, 0x00000021, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::CharSpan mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteDoorLockLEDSettings : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteDoorLockLEDSettings(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : WriteAttribute("LEDSettings", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "ledsettings"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteDoorLockLEDSettings() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000101, 0x00000022, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000101, 0x00000022, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint8_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteDoorLockAutoRelockTime : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteDoorLockAutoRelockTime(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : WriteAttribute("AutoRelockTime", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "auto-relock-time"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT32_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteDoorLockAutoRelockTime() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000101, 0x00000023, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000101, 0x00000023, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint32_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteDoorLockSoundVolume : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteDoorLockSoundVolume(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : WriteAttribute("SoundVolume", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "sound-volume"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteDoorLockSoundVolume() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000101, 0x00000024, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000101, 0x00000024, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint8_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteDoorLockOperatingMode : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteDoorLockOperatingMode(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : WriteAttribute("OperatingMode", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "operating-mode"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteDoorLockOperatingMode() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000101, 0x00000025, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000101, 0x00000025, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::DoorLock::DlOperatingMode mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteDoorLockEnableLocalProgramming : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteDoorLockEnableLocalProgramming(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("EnableLocalProgramming", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "enable-local-programming"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, 1, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteDoorLockEnableLocalProgramming() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000101, 0x00000028, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000101, 0x00000028, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| bool mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteDoorLockEnableOneTouchLocking : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteDoorLockEnableOneTouchLocking(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("EnableOneTouchLocking", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "enable-one-touch-locking"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, 1, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteDoorLockEnableOneTouchLocking() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000101, 0x00000029, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000101, 0x00000029, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| bool mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteDoorLockEnableInsideStatusLED : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteDoorLockEnableInsideStatusLED(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("EnableInsideStatusLED", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "enable-inside-status-led"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, 1, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteDoorLockEnableInsideStatusLED() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000101, 0x0000002A, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000101, 0x0000002A, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| bool mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteDoorLockEnablePrivacyModeButton : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteDoorLockEnablePrivacyModeButton(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("EnablePrivacyModeButton", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "enable-privacy-mode-button"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, 1, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteDoorLockEnablePrivacyModeButton() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000101, 0x0000002B, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000101, 0x0000002B, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| bool mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteDoorLockLocalProgrammingFeatures : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteDoorLockLocalProgrammingFeatures(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("LocalProgrammingFeatures", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "local-programming-features"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteDoorLockLocalProgrammingFeatures() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000101, 0x0000002C, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000101, 0x0000002C, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::BitFlags<chip::app::Clusters::DoorLock::DlLocalProgrammingFeatures> mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteDoorLockWrongCodeEntryLimit : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteDoorLockWrongCodeEntryLimit(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("WrongCodeEntryLimit", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "wrong-code-entry-limit"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteDoorLockWrongCodeEntryLimit() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000101, 0x00000030, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000101, 0x00000030, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint8_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteDoorLockUserCodeTemporaryDisableTime : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteDoorLockUserCodeTemporaryDisableTime(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("UserCodeTemporaryDisableTime", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "user-code-temporary-disable-time"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteDoorLockUserCodeTemporaryDisableTime() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000101, 0x00000031, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000101, 0x00000031, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint8_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteDoorLockSendPINOverTheAir : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteDoorLockSendPINOverTheAir(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("SendPINOverTheAir", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "send-pinover-the-air"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, 1, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteDoorLockSendPINOverTheAir() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000101, 0x00000032, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000101, 0x00000032, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| bool mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteDoorLockRequirePINforRemoteOperation : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteDoorLockRequirePINforRemoteOperation(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("RequirePINforRemoteOperation", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "require-pinfor-remote-operation"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, 1, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteDoorLockRequirePINforRemoteOperation() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000101, 0x00000033, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000101, 0x00000033, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| bool mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteDoorLockExpiringUserTimeout : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteDoorLockExpiringUserTimeout(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("ExpiringUserTimeout", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "expiring-user-timeout"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteDoorLockExpiringUserTimeout() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000101, 0x00000035, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000101, 0x00000035, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint16_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteDoorLockAlarmMask : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteDoorLockAlarmMask(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : WriteAttribute("AlarmMask", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "alarm-mask"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteDoorLockAlarmMask() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000101, 0x00000040, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000101, 0x00000040, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::BitFlags<chip::app::Clusters::DoorLock::DlAlarmMask> mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteDoorLockKeypadOperationEventMask : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteDoorLockKeypadOperationEventMask(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("KeypadOperationEventMask", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "keypad-operation-event-mask"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteDoorLockKeypadOperationEventMask() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000101, 0x00000041, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000101, 0x00000041, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::BitFlags<chip::app::Clusters::DoorLock::DlKeypadOperationEventMask> mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteDoorLockRemoteOperationEventMask : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteDoorLockRemoteOperationEventMask(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("RemoteOperationEventMask", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "remote-operation-event-mask"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteDoorLockRemoteOperationEventMask() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000101, 0x00000042, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000101, 0x00000042, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::BitFlags<chip::app::Clusters::DoorLock::DlRemoteOperationEventMask> mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteDoorLockManualOperationEventMask : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteDoorLockManualOperationEventMask(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("ManualOperationEventMask", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "manual-operation-event-mask"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteDoorLockManualOperationEventMask() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000101, 0x00000043, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000101, 0x00000043, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::BitFlags<chip::app::Clusters::DoorLock::DlManualOperationEventMask> mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteDoorLockRFIDOperationEventMask : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteDoorLockRFIDOperationEventMask(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("RFIDOperationEventMask", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "rfidoperation-event-mask"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteDoorLockRFIDOperationEventMask() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000101, 0x00000044, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000101, 0x00000044, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::BitFlags<chip::app::Clusters::DoorLock::DlRFIDOperationEventMask> mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteDoorLockKeypadProgrammingEventMask : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteDoorLockKeypadProgrammingEventMask(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("KeypadProgrammingEventMask", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "keypad-programming-event-mask"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteDoorLockKeypadProgrammingEventMask() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000101, 0x00000045, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000101, 0x00000045, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::BitFlags<chip::app::Clusters::DoorLock::DlKeypadOperationEventMask> mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteDoorLockRemoteProgrammingEventMask : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteDoorLockRemoteProgrammingEventMask(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("RemoteProgrammingEventMask", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "remote-programming-event-mask"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteDoorLockRemoteProgrammingEventMask() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000101, 0x00000046, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000101, 0x00000046, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::BitFlags<chip::app::Clusters::DoorLock::DlRemoteProgrammingEventMask> mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteDoorLockRFIDProgrammingEventMask : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteDoorLockRFIDProgrammingEventMask(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("RFIDProgrammingEventMask", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "rfidprogramming-event-mask"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteDoorLockRFIDProgrammingEventMask() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000101, 0x00000047, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000101, 0x00000047, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::BitFlags<chip::app::Clusters::DoorLock::DlRFIDProgrammingEventMask> mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ |
| | Cluster WindowCovering | 0x0102 | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Commands: | | |
| | * UpOrOpen | 0x00 | |
| | * DownOrClose | 0x01 | |
| | * StopMotion | 0x02 | |
| | * GoToLiftValue | 0x04 | |
| | * GoToLiftPercentage | 0x05 | |
| | * GoToTiltValue | 0x07 | |
| | * GoToTiltPercentage | 0x08 | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Attributes: | | |
| | * Type | 0x0000 | |
| | * PhysicalClosedLimitLift | 0x0001 | |
| | * PhysicalClosedLimitTilt | 0x0002 | |
| | * CurrentPositionLift | 0x0003 | |
| | * CurrentPositionTilt | 0x0004 | |
| | * NumberOfActuationsLift | 0x0005 | |
| | * NumberOfActuationsTilt | 0x0006 | |
| | * ConfigStatus | 0x0007 | |
| | * CurrentPositionLiftPercentage | 0x0008 | |
| | * CurrentPositionTiltPercentage | 0x0009 | |
| | * OperationalStatus | 0x000A | |
| | * TargetPositionLiftPercent100ths | 0x000B | |
| | * TargetPositionTiltPercent100ths | 0x000C | |
| | * EndProductType | 0x000D | |
| | * CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths | 0x000E | |
| | * CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths | 0x000F | |
| | * InstalledOpenLimitLift | 0x0010 | |
| | * InstalledClosedLimitLift | 0x0011 | |
| | * InstalledOpenLimitTilt | 0x0012 | |
| | * InstalledClosedLimitTilt | 0x0013 | |
| | * Mode | 0x0017 | |
| | * SafetyStatus | 0x001A | |
| | * GeneratedCommandList | 0xFFF8 | |
| | * AcceptedCommandList | 0xFFF9 | |
| | * AttributeList | 0xFFFB | |
| | * FeatureMap | 0xFFFC | |
| | * ClusterRevision | 0xFFFD | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Events: | | |
| \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| |
| /* |
| * Command UpOrOpen |
| */ |
| class WindowCoveringUpOrOpen : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| WindowCoveringUpOrOpen(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : ClusterCommand("up-or-open", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000102) command (0x00000000) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000102, 0x00000000, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000102) command (0x00000000) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000102, 0x00000000, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::WindowCovering::Commands::UpOrOpen::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command DownOrClose |
| */ |
| class WindowCoveringDownOrClose : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| WindowCoveringDownOrClose(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : ClusterCommand("down-or-close", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000102) command (0x00000001) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000102, 0x00000001, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000102) command (0x00000001) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000102, 0x00000001, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::WindowCovering::Commands::DownOrClose::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command StopMotion |
| */ |
| class WindowCoveringStopMotion : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| WindowCoveringStopMotion(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : ClusterCommand("stop-motion", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000102) command (0x00000002) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000102, 0x00000002, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000102) command (0x00000002) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000102, 0x00000002, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::WindowCovering::Commands::StopMotion::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command GoToLiftValue |
| */ |
| class WindowCoveringGoToLiftValue : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| WindowCoveringGoToLiftValue(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| ClusterCommand("go-to-lift-value", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("LiftValue", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mRequest.liftValue); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000102) command (0x00000004) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000102, 0x00000004, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000102) command (0x00000004) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000102, 0x00000004, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::WindowCovering::Commands::GoToLiftValue::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command GoToLiftPercentage |
| */ |
| class WindowCoveringGoToLiftPercentage : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| WindowCoveringGoToLiftPercentage(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| ClusterCommand("go-to-lift-percentage", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("LiftPercent100thsValue", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mRequest.liftPercent100thsValue); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000102) command (0x00000005) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000102, 0x00000005, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000102) command (0x00000005) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000102, 0x00000005, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::WindowCovering::Commands::GoToLiftPercentage::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command GoToTiltValue |
| */ |
| class WindowCoveringGoToTiltValue : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| WindowCoveringGoToTiltValue(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| ClusterCommand("go-to-tilt-value", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("TiltValue", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mRequest.tiltValue); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000102) command (0x00000007) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000102, 0x00000007, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000102) command (0x00000007) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000102, 0x00000007, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::WindowCovering::Commands::GoToTiltValue::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command GoToTiltPercentage |
| */ |
| class WindowCoveringGoToTiltPercentage : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| WindowCoveringGoToTiltPercentage(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| ClusterCommand("go-to-tilt-percentage", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("TiltPercent100thsValue", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mRequest.tiltPercent100thsValue); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000102) command (0x00000008) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000102, 0x00000008, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000102) command (0x00000008) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000102, 0x00000008, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::WindowCovering::Commands::GoToTiltPercentage::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteWindowCoveringMode : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteWindowCoveringMode(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : WriteAttribute("Mode", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "mode"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteWindowCoveringMode() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000102, 0x00000017, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000102, 0x00000017, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::BitFlags<chip::app::Clusters::WindowCovering::Mode> mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ |
| | Cluster BarrierControl | 0x0103 | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Commands: | | |
| | * BarrierControlGoToPercent | 0x00 | |
| | * BarrierControlStop | 0x01 | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Attributes: | | |
| | * BarrierMovingState | 0x0001 | |
| | * BarrierSafetyStatus | 0x0002 | |
| | * BarrierCapabilities | 0x0003 | |
| | * BarrierOpenEvents | 0x0004 | |
| | * BarrierCloseEvents | 0x0005 | |
| | * BarrierCommandOpenEvents | 0x0006 | |
| | * BarrierCommandCloseEvents | 0x0007 | |
| | * BarrierOpenPeriod | 0x0008 | |
| | * BarrierClosePeriod | 0x0009 | |
| | * BarrierPosition | 0x000A | |
| | * GeneratedCommandList | 0xFFF8 | |
| | * AcceptedCommandList | 0xFFF9 | |
| | * AttributeList | 0xFFFB | |
| | * FeatureMap | 0xFFFC | |
| | * ClusterRevision | 0xFFFD | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Events: | | |
| \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| |
| /* |
| * Command BarrierControlGoToPercent |
| */ |
| class BarrierControlBarrierControlGoToPercent : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| BarrierControlBarrierControlGoToPercent(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| ClusterCommand("barrier-control-go-to-percent", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("PercentOpen", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.percentOpen); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000103) command (0x00000000) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000103, 0x00000000, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000103) command (0x00000000) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000103, 0x00000000, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::BarrierControl::Commands::BarrierControlGoToPercent::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command BarrierControlStop |
| */ |
| class BarrierControlBarrierControlStop : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| BarrierControlBarrierControlStop(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| ClusterCommand("barrier-control-stop", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000103) command (0x00000001) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000103, 0x00000001, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000103) command (0x00000001) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000103, 0x00000001, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::BarrierControl::Commands::BarrierControlStop::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteBarrierControlBarrierOpenEvents : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteBarrierControlBarrierOpenEvents(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("BarrierOpenEvents", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "barrier-open-events"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteBarrierControlBarrierOpenEvents() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000103, 0x00000004, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000103, 0x00000004, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint16_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteBarrierControlBarrierCloseEvents : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteBarrierControlBarrierCloseEvents(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("BarrierCloseEvents", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "barrier-close-events"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteBarrierControlBarrierCloseEvents() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000103, 0x00000005, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000103, 0x00000005, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint16_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteBarrierControlBarrierCommandOpenEvents : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteBarrierControlBarrierCommandOpenEvents(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("BarrierCommandOpenEvents", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "barrier-command-open-events"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteBarrierControlBarrierCommandOpenEvents() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000103, 0x00000006, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000103, 0x00000006, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint16_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteBarrierControlBarrierCommandCloseEvents : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteBarrierControlBarrierCommandCloseEvents(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("BarrierCommandCloseEvents", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "barrier-command-close-events"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteBarrierControlBarrierCommandCloseEvents() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000103, 0x00000007, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000103, 0x00000007, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint16_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteBarrierControlBarrierOpenPeriod : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteBarrierControlBarrierOpenPeriod(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("BarrierOpenPeriod", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "barrier-open-period"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteBarrierControlBarrierOpenPeriod() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000103, 0x00000008, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000103, 0x00000008, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint16_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteBarrierControlBarrierClosePeriod : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteBarrierControlBarrierClosePeriod(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("BarrierClosePeriod", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "barrier-close-period"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteBarrierControlBarrierClosePeriod() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000103, 0x00000009, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000103, 0x00000009, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint16_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ |
| | Cluster PumpConfigurationAndControl | 0x0200 | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Commands: | | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Attributes: | | |
| | * MaxPressure | 0x0000 | |
| | * MaxSpeed | 0x0001 | |
| | * MaxFlow | 0x0002 | |
| | * MinConstPressure | 0x0003 | |
| | * MaxConstPressure | 0x0004 | |
| | * MinCompPressure | 0x0005 | |
| | * MaxCompPressure | 0x0006 | |
| | * MinConstSpeed | 0x0007 | |
| | * MaxConstSpeed | 0x0008 | |
| | * MinConstFlow | 0x0009 | |
| | * MaxConstFlow | 0x000A | |
| | * MinConstTemp | 0x000B | |
| | * MaxConstTemp | 0x000C | |
| | * PumpStatus | 0x0010 | |
| | * EffectiveOperationMode | 0x0011 | |
| | * EffectiveControlMode | 0x0012 | |
| | * Capacity | 0x0013 | |
| | * Speed | 0x0014 | |
| | * LifetimeRunningHours | 0x0015 | |
| | * Power | 0x0016 | |
| | * LifetimeEnergyConsumed | 0x0017 | |
| | * OperationMode | 0x0020 | |
| | * ControlMode | 0x0021 | |
| | * GeneratedCommandList | 0xFFF8 | |
| | * AcceptedCommandList | 0xFFF9 | |
| | * AttributeList | 0xFFFB | |
| | * FeatureMap | 0xFFFC | |
| | * ClusterRevision | 0xFFFD | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Events: | | |
| | * SupplyVoltageLow | 0x0000 | |
| | * SupplyVoltageHigh | 0x0001 | |
| | * PowerMissingPhase | 0x0002 | |
| | * SystemPressureLow | 0x0003 | |
| | * SystemPressureHigh | 0x0004 | |
| | * DryRunning | 0x0005 | |
| | * MotorTemperatureHigh | 0x0006 | |
| | * PumpMotorFatalFailure | 0x0007 | |
| | * ElectronicTemperatureHigh | 0x0008 | |
| | * PumpBlocked | 0x0009 | |
| | * SensorFailure | 0x000A | |
| | * ElectronicNonFatalFailure | 0x000B | |
| | * ElectronicFatalFailure | 0x000C | |
| | * GeneralFault | 0x000D | |
| | * Leakage | 0x000E | |
| | * AirDetection | 0x000F | |
| | * TurbineOperation | 0x0010 | |
| \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| |
| class WritePumpConfigurationAndControlLifetimeRunningHours : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WritePumpConfigurationAndControlLifetimeRunningHours(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("LifetimeRunningHours", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "lifetime-running-hours"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT32_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WritePumpConfigurationAndControlLifetimeRunningHours() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000200, 0x00000015, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000200, 0x00000015, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint32_t> mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WritePumpConfigurationAndControlLifetimeEnergyConsumed : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WritePumpConfigurationAndControlLifetimeEnergyConsumed(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("LifetimeEnergyConsumed", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "lifetime-energy-consumed"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT32_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WritePumpConfigurationAndControlLifetimeEnergyConsumed() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000200, 0x00000017, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000200, 0x00000017, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint32_t> mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WritePumpConfigurationAndControlOperationMode : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WritePumpConfigurationAndControlOperationMode(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("OperationMode", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "operation-mode"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WritePumpConfigurationAndControlOperationMode() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000200, 0x00000020, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000200, 0x00000020, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::PumpConfigurationAndControl::PumpOperationMode mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WritePumpConfigurationAndControlControlMode : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WritePumpConfigurationAndControlControlMode(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("ControlMode", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "control-mode"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WritePumpConfigurationAndControlControlMode() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000200, 0x00000021, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000200, 0x00000021, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::PumpConfigurationAndControl::PumpControlMode mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ |
| | Cluster Thermostat | 0x0201 | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Commands: | | |
| | * SetpointRaiseLower | 0x00 | |
| | * SetWeeklySchedule | 0x01 | |
| | * GetWeeklySchedule | 0x02 | |
| | * ClearWeeklySchedule | 0x03 | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Attributes: | | |
| | * LocalTemperature | 0x0000 | |
| | * OutdoorTemperature | 0x0001 | |
| | * Occupancy | 0x0002 | |
| | * AbsMinHeatSetpointLimit | 0x0003 | |
| | * AbsMaxHeatSetpointLimit | 0x0004 | |
| | * AbsMinCoolSetpointLimit | 0x0005 | |
| | * AbsMaxCoolSetpointLimit | 0x0006 | |
| | * PICoolingDemand | 0x0007 | |
| | * PIHeatingDemand | 0x0008 | |
| | * HVACSystemTypeConfiguration | 0x0009 | |
| | * LocalTemperatureCalibration | 0x0010 | |
| | * OccupiedCoolingSetpoint | 0x0011 | |
| | * OccupiedHeatingSetpoint | 0x0012 | |
| | * UnoccupiedCoolingSetpoint | 0x0013 | |
| | * UnoccupiedHeatingSetpoint | 0x0014 | |
| | * MinHeatSetpointLimit | 0x0015 | |
| | * MaxHeatSetpointLimit | 0x0016 | |
| | * MinCoolSetpointLimit | 0x0017 | |
| | * MaxCoolSetpointLimit | 0x0018 | |
| | * MinSetpointDeadBand | 0x0019 | |
| | * RemoteSensing | 0x001A | |
| | * ControlSequenceOfOperation | 0x001B | |
| | * SystemMode | 0x001C | |
| | * ThermostatRunningMode | 0x001E | |
| | * StartOfWeek | 0x0020 | |
| | * NumberOfWeeklyTransitions | 0x0021 | |
| | * NumberOfDailyTransitions | 0x0022 | |
| | * TemperatureSetpointHold | 0x0023 | |
| | * TemperatureSetpointHoldDuration | 0x0024 | |
| | * ThermostatProgrammingOperationMode | 0x0025 | |
| | * ThermostatRunningState | 0x0029 | |
| | * SetpointChangeSource | 0x0030 | |
| | * SetpointChangeAmount | 0x0031 | |
| | * SetpointChangeSourceTimestamp | 0x0032 | |
| | * OccupiedSetback | 0x0034 | |
| | * OccupiedSetbackMin | 0x0035 | |
| | * OccupiedSetbackMax | 0x0036 | |
| | * UnoccupiedSetback | 0x0037 | |
| | * UnoccupiedSetbackMin | 0x0038 | |
| | * UnoccupiedSetbackMax | 0x0039 | |
| | * EmergencyHeatDelta | 0x003A | |
| | * ACType | 0x0040 | |
| | * ACCapacity | 0x0041 | |
| | * ACRefrigerantType | 0x0042 | |
| | * ACCompressorType | 0x0043 | |
| | * ACErrorCode | 0x0044 | |
| | * ACLouverPosition | 0x0045 | |
| | * ACCoilTemperature | 0x0046 | |
| | * ACCapacityformat | 0x0047 | |
| | * GeneratedCommandList | 0xFFF8 | |
| | * AcceptedCommandList | 0xFFF9 | |
| | * AttributeList | 0xFFFB | |
| | * FeatureMap | 0xFFFC | |
| | * ClusterRevision | 0xFFFD | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Events: | | |
| \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| |
| /* |
| * Command SetpointRaiseLower |
| */ |
| class ThermostatSetpointRaiseLower : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| ThermostatSetpointRaiseLower(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| ClusterCommand("setpoint-raise-lower", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("Mode", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.mode); |
| AddArgument("Amount", INT8_MIN, INT8_MAX, &mRequest.amount); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000201) command (0x00000000) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000201, 0x00000000, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000201) command (0x00000000) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000201, 0x00000000, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::Thermostat::Commands::SetpointRaiseLower::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command SetWeeklySchedule |
| */ |
| class ThermostatSetWeeklySchedule : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| ThermostatSetWeeklySchedule(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| ClusterCommand("set-weekly-schedule", credsIssuerConfig), mComplex_Transitions(&mRequest.transitions) |
| { |
| AddArgument("NumberOfTransitionsForSequence", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.numberOfTransitionsForSequence); |
| AddArgument("DayOfWeekForSequence", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.dayOfWeekForSequence); |
| AddArgument("ModeForSequence", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.modeForSequence); |
| AddArgument("Transitions", &mComplex_Transitions); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000201) command (0x00000001) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000201, 0x00000001, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000201) command (0x00000001) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000201, 0x00000001, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::Thermostat::Commands::SetWeeklySchedule::Type mRequest; |
| TypedComplexArgument< |
| chip::app::DataModel::List<const chip::app::Clusters::Thermostat::Structs::ThermostatScheduleTransition::Type>> |
| mComplex_Transitions; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command GetWeeklySchedule |
| */ |
| class ThermostatGetWeeklySchedule : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| ThermostatGetWeeklySchedule(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| ClusterCommand("get-weekly-schedule", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("DaysToReturn", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.daysToReturn); |
| AddArgument("ModeToReturn", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.modeToReturn); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000201) command (0x00000002) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000201, 0x00000002, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000201) command (0x00000002) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000201, 0x00000002, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::Thermostat::Commands::GetWeeklySchedule::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command ClearWeeklySchedule |
| */ |
| class ThermostatClearWeeklySchedule : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| ThermostatClearWeeklySchedule(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| ClusterCommand("clear-weekly-schedule", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000201) command (0x00000003) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000201, 0x00000003, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000201) command (0x00000003) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000201, 0x00000003, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::Thermostat::Commands::ClearWeeklySchedule::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteThermostatHVACSystemTypeConfiguration : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteThermostatHVACSystemTypeConfiguration(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("HVACSystemTypeConfiguration", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "hvacsystem-type-configuration"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteThermostatHVACSystemTypeConfiguration() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000201, 0x00000009, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000201, 0x00000009, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint8_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteThermostatLocalTemperatureCalibration : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteThermostatLocalTemperatureCalibration(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("LocalTemperatureCalibration", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "local-temperature-calibration"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", INT8_MIN, INT8_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteThermostatLocalTemperatureCalibration() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000201, 0x00000010, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000201, 0x00000010, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| int8_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteThermostatOccupiedCoolingSetpoint : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteThermostatOccupiedCoolingSetpoint(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("OccupiedCoolingSetpoint", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "occupied-cooling-setpoint"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", INT16_MIN, INT16_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteThermostatOccupiedCoolingSetpoint() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000201, 0x00000011, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000201, 0x00000011, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| int16_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteThermostatOccupiedHeatingSetpoint : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteThermostatOccupiedHeatingSetpoint(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("OccupiedHeatingSetpoint", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "occupied-heating-setpoint"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", INT16_MIN, INT16_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteThermostatOccupiedHeatingSetpoint() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000201, 0x00000012, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000201, 0x00000012, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| int16_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteThermostatUnoccupiedCoolingSetpoint : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteThermostatUnoccupiedCoolingSetpoint(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("UnoccupiedCoolingSetpoint", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "unoccupied-cooling-setpoint"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", INT16_MIN, INT16_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteThermostatUnoccupiedCoolingSetpoint() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000201, 0x00000013, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000201, 0x00000013, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| int16_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteThermostatUnoccupiedHeatingSetpoint : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteThermostatUnoccupiedHeatingSetpoint(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("UnoccupiedHeatingSetpoint", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "unoccupied-heating-setpoint"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", INT16_MIN, INT16_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteThermostatUnoccupiedHeatingSetpoint() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000201, 0x00000014, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000201, 0x00000014, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| int16_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteThermostatMinHeatSetpointLimit : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteThermostatMinHeatSetpointLimit(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("MinHeatSetpointLimit", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "min-heat-setpoint-limit"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", INT16_MIN, INT16_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteThermostatMinHeatSetpointLimit() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000201, 0x00000015, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000201, 0x00000015, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| int16_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteThermostatMaxHeatSetpointLimit : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteThermostatMaxHeatSetpointLimit(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("MaxHeatSetpointLimit", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "max-heat-setpoint-limit"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", INT16_MIN, INT16_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteThermostatMaxHeatSetpointLimit() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000201, 0x00000016, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000201, 0x00000016, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| int16_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteThermostatMinCoolSetpointLimit : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteThermostatMinCoolSetpointLimit(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("MinCoolSetpointLimit", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "min-cool-setpoint-limit"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", INT16_MIN, INT16_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteThermostatMinCoolSetpointLimit() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000201, 0x00000017, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000201, 0x00000017, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| int16_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteThermostatMaxCoolSetpointLimit : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteThermostatMaxCoolSetpointLimit(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("MaxCoolSetpointLimit", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "max-cool-setpoint-limit"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", INT16_MIN, INT16_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteThermostatMaxCoolSetpointLimit() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000201, 0x00000018, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000201, 0x00000018, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| int16_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteThermostatMinSetpointDeadBand : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteThermostatMinSetpointDeadBand(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("MinSetpointDeadBand", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "min-setpoint-dead-band"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", INT8_MIN, INT8_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteThermostatMinSetpointDeadBand() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000201, 0x00000019, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000201, 0x00000019, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| int8_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteThermostatRemoteSensing : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteThermostatRemoteSensing(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : WriteAttribute("RemoteSensing", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "remote-sensing"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteThermostatRemoteSensing() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000201, 0x0000001A, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000201, 0x0000001A, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint8_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteThermostatControlSequenceOfOperation : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteThermostatControlSequenceOfOperation(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("ControlSequenceOfOperation", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "control-sequence-of-operation"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteThermostatControlSequenceOfOperation() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000201, 0x0000001B, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000201, 0x0000001B, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::Thermostat::ThermostatControlSequence mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteThermostatSystemMode : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteThermostatSystemMode(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : WriteAttribute("SystemMode", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "system-mode"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteThermostatSystemMode() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000201, 0x0000001C, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000201, 0x0000001C, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint8_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteThermostatTemperatureSetpointHold : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteThermostatTemperatureSetpointHold(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("TemperatureSetpointHold", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "temperature-setpoint-hold"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteThermostatTemperatureSetpointHold() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000201, 0x00000023, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000201, 0x00000023, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint8_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteThermostatTemperatureSetpointHoldDuration : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteThermostatTemperatureSetpointHoldDuration(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("TemperatureSetpointHoldDuration", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "temperature-setpoint-hold-duration"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteThermostatTemperatureSetpointHoldDuration() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000201, 0x00000024, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000201, 0x00000024, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint16_t> mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteThermostatThermostatProgrammingOperationMode : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteThermostatThermostatProgrammingOperationMode(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("ThermostatProgrammingOperationMode", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "thermostat-programming-operation-mode"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteThermostatThermostatProgrammingOperationMode() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000201, 0x00000025, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000201, 0x00000025, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint8_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteThermostatOccupiedSetback : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteThermostatOccupiedSetback(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("OccupiedSetback", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "occupied-setback"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteThermostatOccupiedSetback() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000201, 0x00000034, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000201, 0x00000034, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t> mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteThermostatUnoccupiedSetback : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteThermostatUnoccupiedSetback(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("UnoccupiedSetback", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "unoccupied-setback"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteThermostatUnoccupiedSetback() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000201, 0x00000037, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000201, 0x00000037, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t> mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteThermostatEmergencyHeatDelta : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteThermostatEmergencyHeatDelta(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("EmergencyHeatDelta", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "emergency-heat-delta"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteThermostatEmergencyHeatDelta() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000201, 0x0000003A, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000201, 0x0000003A, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint8_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteThermostatACType : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteThermostatACType(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : WriteAttribute("ACType", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "actype"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteThermostatACType() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000201, 0x00000040, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000201, 0x00000040, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint8_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteThermostatACCapacity : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteThermostatACCapacity(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : WriteAttribute("ACCapacity", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "accapacity"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteThermostatACCapacity() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000201, 0x00000041, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000201, 0x00000041, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint16_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteThermostatACRefrigerantType : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteThermostatACRefrigerantType(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("ACRefrigerantType", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "acrefrigerant-type"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteThermostatACRefrigerantType() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000201, 0x00000042, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000201, 0x00000042, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint8_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteThermostatACCompressorType : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteThermostatACCompressorType(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("ACCompressorType", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "accompressor-type"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteThermostatACCompressorType() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000201, 0x00000043, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000201, 0x00000043, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint8_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteThermostatACErrorCode : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteThermostatACErrorCode(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : WriteAttribute("ACErrorCode", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "acerror-code"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT32_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteThermostatACErrorCode() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000201, 0x00000044, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000201, 0x00000044, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint32_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteThermostatACLouverPosition : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteThermostatACLouverPosition(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("ACLouverPosition", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "aclouver-position"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteThermostatACLouverPosition() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000201, 0x00000045, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000201, 0x00000045, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint8_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteThermostatACCapacityformat : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteThermostatACCapacityformat(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("ACCapacityformat", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "accapacityformat"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteThermostatACCapacityformat() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000201, 0x00000047, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000201, 0x00000047, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint8_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ |
| | Cluster FanControl | 0x0202 | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Commands: | | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Attributes: | | |
| | * FanMode | 0x0000 | |
| | * FanModeSequence | 0x0001 | |
| | * PercentSetting | 0x0002 | |
| | * PercentCurrent | 0x0003 | |
| | * SpeedMax | 0x0004 | |
| | * SpeedSetting | 0x0005 | |
| | * SpeedCurrent | 0x0006 | |
| | * RockSupport | 0x0007 | |
| | * RockSetting | 0x0008 | |
| | * WindSupport | 0x0009 | |
| | * WindSetting | 0x000A | |
| | * GeneratedCommandList | 0xFFF8 | |
| | * AcceptedCommandList | 0xFFF9 | |
| | * AttributeList | 0xFFFB | |
| | * FeatureMap | 0xFFFC | |
| | * ClusterRevision | 0xFFFD | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Events: | | |
| \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| |
| class WriteFanControlFanMode : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteFanControlFanMode(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : WriteAttribute("FanMode", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "fan-mode"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteFanControlFanMode() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000202, 0x00000000, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000202, 0x00000000, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::FanControl::FanModeType mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteFanControlFanModeSequence : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteFanControlFanModeSequence(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("FanModeSequence", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "fan-mode-sequence"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteFanControlFanModeSequence() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000202, 0x00000001, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000202, 0x00000001, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::FanControl::FanModeSequenceType mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteFanControlPercentSetting : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteFanControlPercentSetting(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("PercentSetting", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "percent-setting"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteFanControlPercentSetting() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000202, 0x00000002, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000202, 0x00000002, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t> mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteFanControlSpeedSetting : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteFanControlSpeedSetting(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : WriteAttribute("SpeedSetting", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "speed-setting"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteFanControlSpeedSetting() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000202, 0x00000005, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000202, 0x00000005, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t> mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteFanControlRockSetting : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteFanControlRockSetting(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : WriteAttribute("RockSetting", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "rock-setting"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteFanControlRockSetting() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000202, 0x00000008, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000202, 0x00000008, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint8_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteFanControlWindSetting : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteFanControlWindSetting(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : WriteAttribute("WindSetting", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "wind-setting"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteFanControlWindSetting() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000202, 0x0000000A, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000202, 0x0000000A, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint8_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ |
| | Cluster DehumidificationControl | 0x0203 | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Commands: | | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Attributes: | | |
| | * RelativeHumidity | 0x0000 | |
| | * DehumidificationCooling | 0x0001 | |
| | * RhDehumidificationSetpoint | 0x0010 | |
| | * RelativeHumidityMode | 0x0011 | |
| | * DehumidificationLockout | 0x0012 | |
| | * DehumidificationHysteresis | 0x0013 | |
| | * DehumidificationMaxCool | 0x0014 | |
| | * RelativeHumidityDisplay | 0x0015 | |
| | * GeneratedCommandList | 0xFFF8 | |
| | * AcceptedCommandList | 0xFFF9 | |
| | * AttributeList | 0xFFFB | |
| | * FeatureMap | 0xFFFC | |
| | * ClusterRevision | 0xFFFD | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Events: | | |
| \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| |
| class WriteDehumidificationControlRhDehumidificationSetpoint : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteDehumidificationControlRhDehumidificationSetpoint(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("RhDehumidificationSetpoint", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "rh-dehumidification-setpoint"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteDehumidificationControlRhDehumidificationSetpoint() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000203, 0x00000010, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000203, 0x00000010, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint8_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteDehumidificationControlRelativeHumidityMode : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteDehumidificationControlRelativeHumidityMode(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("RelativeHumidityMode", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "relative-humidity-mode"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteDehumidificationControlRelativeHumidityMode() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000203, 0x00000011, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000203, 0x00000011, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint8_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteDehumidificationControlDehumidificationLockout : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteDehumidificationControlDehumidificationLockout(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("DehumidificationLockout", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "dehumidification-lockout"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteDehumidificationControlDehumidificationLockout() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000203, 0x00000012, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000203, 0x00000012, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint8_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteDehumidificationControlDehumidificationHysteresis : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteDehumidificationControlDehumidificationHysteresis(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("DehumidificationHysteresis", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "dehumidification-hysteresis"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteDehumidificationControlDehumidificationHysteresis() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000203, 0x00000013, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000203, 0x00000013, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint8_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteDehumidificationControlDehumidificationMaxCool : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteDehumidificationControlDehumidificationMaxCool(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("DehumidificationMaxCool", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "dehumidification-max-cool"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteDehumidificationControlDehumidificationMaxCool() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000203, 0x00000014, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000203, 0x00000014, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint8_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteDehumidificationControlRelativeHumidityDisplay : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteDehumidificationControlRelativeHumidityDisplay(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("RelativeHumidityDisplay", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "relative-humidity-display"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteDehumidificationControlRelativeHumidityDisplay() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000203, 0x00000015, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000203, 0x00000015, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint8_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ |
| | Cluster ThermostatUserInterfaceConfiguration | 0x0204 | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Commands: | | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Attributes: | | |
| | * TemperatureDisplayMode | 0x0000 | |
| | * KeypadLockout | 0x0001 | |
| | * ScheduleProgrammingVisibility | 0x0002 | |
| | * GeneratedCommandList | 0xFFF8 | |
| | * AcceptedCommandList | 0xFFF9 | |
| | * AttributeList | 0xFFFB | |
| | * FeatureMap | 0xFFFC | |
| | * ClusterRevision | 0xFFFD | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Events: | | |
| \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| |
| class WriteThermostatUserInterfaceConfigurationTemperatureDisplayMode : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteThermostatUserInterfaceConfigurationTemperatureDisplayMode(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("TemperatureDisplayMode", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "temperature-display-mode"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteThermostatUserInterfaceConfigurationTemperatureDisplayMode() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000204, 0x00000000, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000204, 0x00000000, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint8_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteThermostatUserInterfaceConfigurationKeypadLockout : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteThermostatUserInterfaceConfigurationKeypadLockout(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("KeypadLockout", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "keypad-lockout"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteThermostatUserInterfaceConfigurationKeypadLockout() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000204, 0x00000001, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000204, 0x00000001, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint8_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteThermostatUserInterfaceConfigurationScheduleProgrammingVisibility : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteThermostatUserInterfaceConfigurationScheduleProgrammingVisibility(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("ScheduleProgrammingVisibility", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "schedule-programming-visibility"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteThermostatUserInterfaceConfigurationScheduleProgrammingVisibility() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000204, 0x00000002, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000204, 0x00000002, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint8_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ |
| | Cluster ColorControl | 0x0300 | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Commands: | | |
| | * MoveToHue | 0x00 | |
| | * MoveHue | 0x01 | |
| | * StepHue | 0x02 | |
| | * MoveToSaturation | 0x03 | |
| | * MoveSaturation | 0x04 | |
| | * StepSaturation | 0x05 | |
| | * MoveToHueAndSaturation | 0x06 | |
| | * MoveToColor | 0x07 | |
| | * MoveColor | 0x08 | |
| | * StepColor | 0x09 | |
| | * MoveToColorTemperature | 0x0A | |
| | * EnhancedMoveToHue | 0x40 | |
| | * EnhancedMoveHue | 0x41 | |
| | * EnhancedStepHue | 0x42 | |
| | * EnhancedMoveToHueAndSaturation | 0x43 | |
| | * ColorLoopSet | 0x44 | |
| | * StopMoveStep | 0x47 | |
| | * MoveColorTemperature | 0x4B | |
| | * StepColorTemperature | 0x4C | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Attributes: | | |
| | * CurrentHue | 0x0000 | |
| | * CurrentSaturation | 0x0001 | |
| | * RemainingTime | 0x0002 | |
| | * CurrentX | 0x0003 | |
| | * CurrentY | 0x0004 | |
| | * DriftCompensation | 0x0005 | |
| | * CompensationText | 0x0006 | |
| | * ColorTemperature | 0x0007 | |
| | * ColorMode | 0x0008 | |
| | * Options | 0x000F | |
| | * NumberOfPrimaries | 0x0010 | |
| | * Primary1X | 0x0011 | |
| | * Primary1Y | 0x0012 | |
| | * Primary1Intensity | 0x0013 | |
| | * Primary2X | 0x0015 | |
| | * Primary2Y | 0x0016 | |
| | * Primary2Intensity | 0x0017 | |
| | * Primary3X | 0x0019 | |
| | * Primary3Y | 0x001A | |
| | * Primary3Intensity | 0x001B | |
| | * Primary4X | 0x0020 | |
| | * Primary4Y | 0x0021 | |
| | * Primary4Intensity | 0x0022 | |
| | * Primary5X | 0x0024 | |
| | * Primary5Y | 0x0025 | |
| | * Primary5Intensity | 0x0026 | |
| | * Primary6X | 0x0028 | |
| | * Primary6Y | 0x0029 | |
| | * Primary6Intensity | 0x002A | |
| | * WhitePointX | 0x0030 | |
| | * WhitePointY | 0x0031 | |
| | * ColorPointRX | 0x0032 | |
| | * ColorPointRY | 0x0033 | |
| | * ColorPointRIntensity | 0x0034 | |
| | * ColorPointGX | 0x0036 | |
| | * ColorPointGY | 0x0037 | |
| | * ColorPointGIntensity | 0x0038 | |
| | * ColorPointBX | 0x003A | |
| | * ColorPointBY | 0x003B | |
| | * ColorPointBIntensity | 0x003C | |
| | * EnhancedCurrentHue | 0x4000 | |
| | * EnhancedColorMode | 0x4001 | |
| | * ColorLoopActive | 0x4002 | |
| | * ColorLoopDirection | 0x4003 | |
| | * ColorLoopTime | 0x4004 | |
| | * ColorLoopStartEnhancedHue | 0x4005 | |
| | * ColorLoopStoredEnhancedHue | 0x4006 | |
| | * ColorCapabilities | 0x400A | |
| | * ColorTempPhysicalMinMireds | 0x400B | |
| | * ColorTempPhysicalMaxMireds | 0x400C | |
| | * CoupleColorTempToLevelMinMireds | 0x400D | |
| | * StartUpColorTemperatureMireds | 0x4010 | |
| | * GeneratedCommandList | 0xFFF8 | |
| | * AcceptedCommandList | 0xFFF9 | |
| | * AttributeList | 0xFFFB | |
| | * FeatureMap | 0xFFFC | |
| | * ClusterRevision | 0xFFFD | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Events: | | |
| \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| |
| /* |
| * Command MoveToHue |
| */ |
| class ColorControlMoveToHue : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| ColorControlMoveToHue(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : ClusterCommand("move-to-hue", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("Hue", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.hue); |
| AddArgument("Direction", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.direction); |
| AddArgument("TransitionTime", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mRequest.transitionTime); |
| AddArgument("OptionsMask", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.optionsMask); |
| AddArgument("OptionsOverride", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.optionsOverride); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000300) command (0x00000000) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000300, 0x00000000, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000300) command (0x00000000) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000300, 0x00000000, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::ColorControl::Commands::MoveToHue::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command MoveHue |
| */ |
| class ColorControlMoveHue : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| ColorControlMoveHue(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : ClusterCommand("move-hue", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("MoveMode", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.moveMode); |
| AddArgument("Rate", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.rate); |
| AddArgument("OptionsMask", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.optionsMask); |
| AddArgument("OptionsOverride", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.optionsOverride); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000300) command (0x00000001) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000300, 0x00000001, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000300) command (0x00000001) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000300, 0x00000001, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::ColorControl::Commands::MoveHue::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command StepHue |
| */ |
| class ColorControlStepHue : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| ColorControlStepHue(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : ClusterCommand("step-hue", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("StepMode", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.stepMode); |
| AddArgument("StepSize", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.stepSize); |
| AddArgument("TransitionTime", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.transitionTime); |
| AddArgument("OptionsMask", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.optionsMask); |
| AddArgument("OptionsOverride", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.optionsOverride); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000300) command (0x00000002) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000300, 0x00000002, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000300) command (0x00000002) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000300, 0x00000002, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::ColorControl::Commands::StepHue::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command MoveToSaturation |
| */ |
| class ColorControlMoveToSaturation : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| ColorControlMoveToSaturation(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| ClusterCommand("move-to-saturation", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("Saturation", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.saturation); |
| AddArgument("TransitionTime", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mRequest.transitionTime); |
| AddArgument("OptionsMask", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.optionsMask); |
| AddArgument("OptionsOverride", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.optionsOverride); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000300) command (0x00000003) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000300, 0x00000003, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000300) command (0x00000003) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000300, 0x00000003, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::ColorControl::Commands::MoveToSaturation::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command MoveSaturation |
| */ |
| class ColorControlMoveSaturation : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| ColorControlMoveSaturation(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : ClusterCommand("move-saturation", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("MoveMode", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.moveMode); |
| AddArgument("Rate", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.rate); |
| AddArgument("OptionsMask", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.optionsMask); |
| AddArgument("OptionsOverride", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.optionsOverride); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000300) command (0x00000004) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000300, 0x00000004, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000300) command (0x00000004) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000300, 0x00000004, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::ColorControl::Commands::MoveSaturation::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command StepSaturation |
| */ |
| class ColorControlStepSaturation : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| ColorControlStepSaturation(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : ClusterCommand("step-saturation", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("StepMode", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.stepMode); |
| AddArgument("StepSize", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.stepSize); |
| AddArgument("TransitionTime", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.transitionTime); |
| AddArgument("OptionsMask", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.optionsMask); |
| AddArgument("OptionsOverride", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.optionsOverride); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000300) command (0x00000005) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000300, 0x00000005, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000300) command (0x00000005) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000300, 0x00000005, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::ColorControl::Commands::StepSaturation::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command MoveToHueAndSaturation |
| */ |
| class ColorControlMoveToHueAndSaturation : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| ColorControlMoveToHueAndSaturation(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| ClusterCommand("move-to-hue-and-saturation", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("Hue", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.hue); |
| AddArgument("Saturation", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.saturation); |
| AddArgument("TransitionTime", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mRequest.transitionTime); |
| AddArgument("OptionsMask", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.optionsMask); |
| AddArgument("OptionsOverride", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.optionsOverride); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000300) command (0x00000006) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000300, 0x00000006, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000300) command (0x00000006) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000300, 0x00000006, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::ColorControl::Commands::MoveToHueAndSaturation::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command MoveToColor |
| */ |
| class ColorControlMoveToColor : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| ColorControlMoveToColor(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : ClusterCommand("move-to-color", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("ColorX", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mRequest.colorX); |
| AddArgument("ColorY", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mRequest.colorY); |
| AddArgument("TransitionTime", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mRequest.transitionTime); |
| AddArgument("OptionsMask", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.optionsMask); |
| AddArgument("OptionsOverride", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.optionsOverride); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000300) command (0x00000007) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000300, 0x00000007, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000300) command (0x00000007) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000300, 0x00000007, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::ColorControl::Commands::MoveToColor::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command MoveColor |
| */ |
| class ColorControlMoveColor : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| ColorControlMoveColor(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : ClusterCommand("move-color", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("RateX", INT16_MIN, INT16_MAX, &mRequest.rateX); |
| AddArgument("RateY", INT16_MIN, INT16_MAX, &mRequest.rateY); |
| AddArgument("OptionsMask", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.optionsMask); |
| AddArgument("OptionsOverride", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.optionsOverride); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000300) command (0x00000008) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000300, 0x00000008, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000300) command (0x00000008) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000300, 0x00000008, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::ColorControl::Commands::MoveColor::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command StepColor |
| */ |
| class ColorControlStepColor : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| ColorControlStepColor(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : ClusterCommand("step-color", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("StepX", INT16_MIN, INT16_MAX, &mRequest.stepX); |
| AddArgument("StepY", INT16_MIN, INT16_MAX, &mRequest.stepY); |
| AddArgument("TransitionTime", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mRequest.transitionTime); |
| AddArgument("OptionsMask", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.optionsMask); |
| AddArgument("OptionsOverride", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.optionsOverride); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000300) command (0x00000009) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000300, 0x00000009, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000300) command (0x00000009) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000300, 0x00000009, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::ColorControl::Commands::StepColor::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command MoveToColorTemperature |
| */ |
| class ColorControlMoveToColorTemperature : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| ColorControlMoveToColorTemperature(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| ClusterCommand("move-to-color-temperature", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("ColorTemperature", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mRequest.colorTemperature); |
| AddArgument("TransitionTime", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mRequest.transitionTime); |
| AddArgument("OptionsMask", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.optionsMask); |
| AddArgument("OptionsOverride", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.optionsOverride); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000300) command (0x0000000A) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000300, 0x0000000A, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000300) command (0x0000000A) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000300, 0x0000000A, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::ColorControl::Commands::MoveToColorTemperature::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command EnhancedMoveToHue |
| */ |
| class ColorControlEnhancedMoveToHue : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| ColorControlEnhancedMoveToHue(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| ClusterCommand("enhanced-move-to-hue", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("EnhancedHue", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mRequest.enhancedHue); |
| AddArgument("Direction", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.direction); |
| AddArgument("TransitionTime", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mRequest.transitionTime); |
| AddArgument("OptionsMask", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.optionsMask); |
| AddArgument("OptionsOverride", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.optionsOverride); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000300) command (0x00000040) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000300, 0x00000040, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000300) command (0x00000040) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000300, 0x00000040, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::ColorControl::Commands::EnhancedMoveToHue::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command EnhancedMoveHue |
| */ |
| class ColorControlEnhancedMoveHue : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| ColorControlEnhancedMoveHue(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| ClusterCommand("enhanced-move-hue", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("MoveMode", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.moveMode); |
| AddArgument("Rate", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mRequest.rate); |
| AddArgument("OptionsMask", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.optionsMask); |
| AddArgument("OptionsOverride", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.optionsOverride); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000300) command (0x00000041) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000300, 0x00000041, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000300) command (0x00000041) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000300, 0x00000041, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::ColorControl::Commands::EnhancedMoveHue::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command EnhancedStepHue |
| */ |
| class ColorControlEnhancedStepHue : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| ColorControlEnhancedStepHue(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| ClusterCommand("enhanced-step-hue", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("StepMode", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.stepMode); |
| AddArgument("StepSize", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mRequest.stepSize); |
| AddArgument("TransitionTime", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mRequest.transitionTime); |
| AddArgument("OptionsMask", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.optionsMask); |
| AddArgument("OptionsOverride", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.optionsOverride); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000300) command (0x00000042) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000300, 0x00000042, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000300) command (0x00000042) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000300, 0x00000042, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::ColorControl::Commands::EnhancedStepHue::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command EnhancedMoveToHueAndSaturation |
| */ |
| class ColorControlEnhancedMoveToHueAndSaturation : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| ColorControlEnhancedMoveToHueAndSaturation(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| ClusterCommand("enhanced-move-to-hue-and-saturation", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("EnhancedHue", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mRequest.enhancedHue); |
| AddArgument("Saturation", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.saturation); |
| AddArgument("TransitionTime", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mRequest.transitionTime); |
| AddArgument("OptionsMask", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.optionsMask); |
| AddArgument("OptionsOverride", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.optionsOverride); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000300) command (0x00000043) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000300, 0x00000043, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000300) command (0x00000043) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000300, 0x00000043, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::ColorControl::Commands::EnhancedMoveToHueAndSaturation::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command ColorLoopSet |
| */ |
| class ColorControlColorLoopSet : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| ColorControlColorLoopSet(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : ClusterCommand("color-loop-set", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("UpdateFlags", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.updateFlags); |
| AddArgument("Action", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.action); |
| AddArgument("Direction", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.direction); |
| AddArgument("Time", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mRequest.time); |
| AddArgument("StartHue", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mRequest.startHue); |
| AddArgument("OptionsMask", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.optionsMask); |
| AddArgument("OptionsOverride", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.optionsOverride); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000300) command (0x00000044) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000300, 0x00000044, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000300) command (0x00000044) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000300, 0x00000044, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::ColorControl::Commands::ColorLoopSet::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command StopMoveStep |
| */ |
| class ColorControlStopMoveStep : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| ColorControlStopMoveStep(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : ClusterCommand("stop-move-step", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("OptionsMask", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.optionsMask); |
| AddArgument("OptionsOverride", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.optionsOverride); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000300) command (0x00000047) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000300, 0x00000047, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000300) command (0x00000047) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000300, 0x00000047, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::ColorControl::Commands::StopMoveStep::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command MoveColorTemperature |
| */ |
| class ColorControlMoveColorTemperature : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| ColorControlMoveColorTemperature(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| ClusterCommand("move-color-temperature", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("MoveMode", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.moveMode); |
| AddArgument("Rate", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mRequest.rate); |
| AddArgument("ColorTemperatureMinimumMireds", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mRequest.colorTemperatureMinimumMireds); |
| AddArgument("ColorTemperatureMaximumMireds", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mRequest.colorTemperatureMaximumMireds); |
| AddArgument("OptionsMask", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.optionsMask); |
| AddArgument("OptionsOverride", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.optionsOverride); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000300) command (0x0000004B) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000300, 0x0000004B, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000300) command (0x0000004B) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000300, 0x0000004B, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::ColorControl::Commands::MoveColorTemperature::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command StepColorTemperature |
| */ |
| class ColorControlStepColorTemperature : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| ColorControlStepColorTemperature(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| ClusterCommand("step-color-temperature", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("StepMode", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.stepMode); |
| AddArgument("StepSize", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mRequest.stepSize); |
| AddArgument("TransitionTime", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mRequest.transitionTime); |
| AddArgument("ColorTemperatureMinimumMireds", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mRequest.colorTemperatureMinimumMireds); |
| AddArgument("ColorTemperatureMaximumMireds", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mRequest.colorTemperatureMaximumMireds); |
| AddArgument("OptionsMask", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.optionsMask); |
| AddArgument("OptionsOverride", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.optionsOverride); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000300) command (0x0000004C) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000300, 0x0000004C, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000300) command (0x0000004C) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000300, 0x0000004C, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::ColorControl::Commands::StepColorTemperature::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteColorControlOptions : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteColorControlOptions(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : WriteAttribute("Options", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "options"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteColorControlOptions() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000300, 0x0000000F, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000300, 0x0000000F, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint8_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteColorControlWhitePointX : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteColorControlWhitePointX(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : WriteAttribute("WhitePointX", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "white-point-x"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteColorControlWhitePointX() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000300, 0x00000030, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000300, 0x00000030, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint16_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteColorControlWhitePointY : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteColorControlWhitePointY(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : WriteAttribute("WhitePointY", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "white-point-y"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteColorControlWhitePointY() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000300, 0x00000031, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000300, 0x00000031, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint16_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteColorControlColorPointRX : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteColorControlColorPointRX(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : WriteAttribute("ColorPointRX", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "color-point-rx"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteColorControlColorPointRX() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000300, 0x00000032, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000300, 0x00000032, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint16_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteColorControlColorPointRY : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteColorControlColorPointRY(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : WriteAttribute("ColorPointRY", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "color-point-ry"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteColorControlColorPointRY() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000300, 0x00000033, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000300, 0x00000033, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint16_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteColorControlColorPointRIntensity : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteColorControlColorPointRIntensity(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("ColorPointRIntensity", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "color-point-rintensity"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteColorControlColorPointRIntensity() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000300, 0x00000034, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000300, 0x00000034, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t> mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteColorControlColorPointGX : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteColorControlColorPointGX(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : WriteAttribute("ColorPointGX", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "color-point-gx"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteColorControlColorPointGX() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000300, 0x00000036, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000300, 0x00000036, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint16_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteColorControlColorPointGY : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteColorControlColorPointGY(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : WriteAttribute("ColorPointGY", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "color-point-gy"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteColorControlColorPointGY() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000300, 0x00000037, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000300, 0x00000037, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint16_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteColorControlColorPointGIntensity : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteColorControlColorPointGIntensity(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("ColorPointGIntensity", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "color-point-gintensity"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteColorControlColorPointGIntensity() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000300, 0x00000038, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000300, 0x00000038, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t> mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteColorControlColorPointBX : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteColorControlColorPointBX(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : WriteAttribute("ColorPointBX", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "color-point-bx"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteColorControlColorPointBX() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000300, 0x0000003A, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000300, 0x0000003A, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint16_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteColorControlColorPointBY : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteColorControlColorPointBY(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : WriteAttribute("ColorPointBY", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "color-point-by"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteColorControlColorPointBY() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000300, 0x0000003B, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000300, 0x0000003B, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint16_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteColorControlColorPointBIntensity : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteColorControlColorPointBIntensity(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("ColorPointBIntensity", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "color-point-bintensity"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteColorControlColorPointBIntensity() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000300, 0x0000003C, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000300, 0x0000003C, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t> mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteColorControlStartUpColorTemperatureMireds : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteColorControlStartUpColorTemperatureMireds(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("StartUpColorTemperatureMireds", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "start-up-color-temperature-mireds"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteColorControlStartUpColorTemperatureMireds() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000300, 0x00004010, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000300, 0x00004010, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint16_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ |
| | Cluster BallastConfiguration | 0x0301 | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Commands: | | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Attributes: | | |
| | * PhysicalMinLevel | 0x0000 | |
| | * PhysicalMaxLevel | 0x0001 | |
| | * BallastStatus | 0x0002 | |
| | * MinLevel | 0x0010 | |
| | * MaxLevel | 0x0011 | |
| | * PowerOnLevel | 0x0012 | |
| | * PowerOnFadeTime | 0x0013 | |
| | * IntrinsicBallastFactor | 0x0014 | |
| | * BallastFactorAdjustment | 0x0015 | |
| | * LampQuality | 0x0020 | |
| | * LampType | 0x0030 | |
| | * LampManufacturer | 0x0031 | |
| | * LampRatedHours | 0x0032 | |
| | * LampBurnHours | 0x0033 | |
| | * LampAlarmMode | 0x0034 | |
| | * LampBurnHoursTripPoint | 0x0035 | |
| | * GeneratedCommandList | 0xFFF8 | |
| | * AcceptedCommandList | 0xFFF9 | |
| | * AttributeList | 0xFFFB | |
| | * FeatureMap | 0xFFFC | |
| | * ClusterRevision | 0xFFFD | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Events: | | |
| \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| |
| class WriteBallastConfigurationMinLevel : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteBallastConfigurationMinLevel(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : WriteAttribute("MinLevel", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "min-level"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteBallastConfigurationMinLevel() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000301, 0x00000010, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000301, 0x00000010, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint8_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteBallastConfigurationMaxLevel : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteBallastConfigurationMaxLevel(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : WriteAttribute("MaxLevel", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "max-level"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteBallastConfigurationMaxLevel() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000301, 0x00000011, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000301, 0x00000011, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint8_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteBallastConfigurationPowerOnLevel : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteBallastConfigurationPowerOnLevel(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("PowerOnLevel", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "power-on-level"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteBallastConfigurationPowerOnLevel() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000301, 0x00000012, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000301, 0x00000012, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint8_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteBallastConfigurationPowerOnFadeTime : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteBallastConfigurationPowerOnFadeTime(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("PowerOnFadeTime", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "power-on-fade-time"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteBallastConfigurationPowerOnFadeTime() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000301, 0x00000013, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000301, 0x00000013, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint16_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteBallastConfigurationIntrinsicBallastFactor : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteBallastConfigurationIntrinsicBallastFactor(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("IntrinsicBallastFactor", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "intrinsic-ballast-factor"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteBallastConfigurationIntrinsicBallastFactor() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000301, 0x00000014, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000301, 0x00000014, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint8_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteBallastConfigurationBallastFactorAdjustment : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteBallastConfigurationBallastFactorAdjustment(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("BallastFactorAdjustment", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "ballast-factor-adjustment"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteBallastConfigurationBallastFactorAdjustment() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000301, 0x00000015, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000301, 0x00000015, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint8_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteBallastConfigurationLampType : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteBallastConfigurationLampType(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : WriteAttribute("LampType", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "lamp-type"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteBallastConfigurationLampType() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000301, 0x00000030, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000301, 0x00000030, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::CharSpan mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteBallastConfigurationLampManufacturer : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteBallastConfigurationLampManufacturer(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("LampManufacturer", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "lamp-manufacturer"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteBallastConfigurationLampManufacturer() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000301, 0x00000031, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000301, 0x00000031, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::CharSpan mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteBallastConfigurationLampRatedHours : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteBallastConfigurationLampRatedHours(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("LampRatedHours", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "lamp-rated-hours"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT32_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteBallastConfigurationLampRatedHours() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000301, 0x00000032, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000301, 0x00000032, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint32_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteBallastConfigurationLampBurnHours : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteBallastConfigurationLampBurnHours(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("LampBurnHours", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "lamp-burn-hours"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT32_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteBallastConfigurationLampBurnHours() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000301, 0x00000033, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000301, 0x00000033, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint32_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteBallastConfigurationLampAlarmMode : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteBallastConfigurationLampAlarmMode(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("LampAlarmMode", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "lamp-alarm-mode"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteBallastConfigurationLampAlarmMode() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000301, 0x00000034, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000301, 0x00000034, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint8_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteBallastConfigurationLampBurnHoursTripPoint : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteBallastConfigurationLampBurnHoursTripPoint(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("LampBurnHoursTripPoint", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "lamp-burn-hours-trip-point"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT32_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteBallastConfigurationLampBurnHoursTripPoint() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000301, 0x00000035, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000301, 0x00000035, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint32_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ |
| | Cluster IlluminanceMeasurement | 0x0400 | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Commands: | | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Attributes: | | |
| | * MeasuredValue | 0x0000 | |
| | * MinMeasuredValue | 0x0001 | |
| | * MaxMeasuredValue | 0x0002 | |
| | * Tolerance | 0x0003 | |
| | * LightSensorType | 0x0004 | |
| | * GeneratedCommandList | 0xFFF8 | |
| | * AcceptedCommandList | 0xFFF9 | |
| | * AttributeList | 0xFFFB | |
| | * FeatureMap | 0xFFFC | |
| | * ClusterRevision | 0xFFFD | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Events: | | |
| \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| |
| /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ |
| | Cluster TemperatureMeasurement | 0x0402 | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Commands: | | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Attributes: | | |
| | * MeasuredValue | 0x0000 | |
| | * MinMeasuredValue | 0x0001 | |
| | * MaxMeasuredValue | 0x0002 | |
| | * Tolerance | 0x0003 | |
| | * GeneratedCommandList | 0xFFF8 | |
| | * AcceptedCommandList | 0xFFF9 | |
| | * AttributeList | 0xFFFB | |
| | * FeatureMap | 0xFFFC | |
| | * ClusterRevision | 0xFFFD | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Events: | | |
| \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| |
| /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ |
| | Cluster PressureMeasurement | 0x0403 | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Commands: | | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Attributes: | | |
| | * MeasuredValue | 0x0000 | |
| | * MinMeasuredValue | 0x0001 | |
| | * MaxMeasuredValue | 0x0002 | |
| | * Tolerance | 0x0003 | |
| | * ScaledValue | 0x0010 | |
| | * MinScaledValue | 0x0011 | |
| | * MaxScaledValue | 0x0012 | |
| | * ScaledTolerance | 0x0013 | |
| | * Scale | 0x0014 | |
| | * GeneratedCommandList | 0xFFF8 | |
| | * AcceptedCommandList | 0xFFF9 | |
| | * AttributeList | 0xFFFB | |
| | * FeatureMap | 0xFFFC | |
| | * ClusterRevision | 0xFFFD | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Events: | | |
| \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| |
| /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ |
| | Cluster FlowMeasurement | 0x0404 | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Commands: | | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Attributes: | | |
| | * MeasuredValue | 0x0000 | |
| | * MinMeasuredValue | 0x0001 | |
| | * MaxMeasuredValue | 0x0002 | |
| | * Tolerance | 0x0003 | |
| | * GeneratedCommandList | 0xFFF8 | |
| | * AcceptedCommandList | 0xFFF9 | |
| | * AttributeList | 0xFFFB | |
| | * FeatureMap | 0xFFFC | |
| | * ClusterRevision | 0xFFFD | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Events: | | |
| \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| |
| /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ |
| | Cluster RelativeHumidityMeasurement | 0x0405 | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Commands: | | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Attributes: | | |
| | * MeasuredValue | 0x0000 | |
| | * MinMeasuredValue | 0x0001 | |
| | * MaxMeasuredValue | 0x0002 | |
| | * Tolerance | 0x0003 | |
| | * GeneratedCommandList | 0xFFF8 | |
| | * AcceptedCommandList | 0xFFF9 | |
| | * AttributeList | 0xFFFB | |
| | * FeatureMap | 0xFFFC | |
| | * ClusterRevision | 0xFFFD | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Events: | | |
| \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| |
| /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ |
| | Cluster OccupancySensing | 0x0406 | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Commands: | | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Attributes: | | |
| | * Occupancy | 0x0000 | |
| | * OccupancySensorType | 0x0001 | |
| | * OccupancySensorTypeBitmap | 0x0002 | |
| | * PirOccupiedToUnoccupiedDelay | 0x0010 | |
| | * PirUnoccupiedToOccupiedDelay | 0x0011 | |
| | * PirUnoccupiedToOccupiedThreshold | 0x0012 | |
| | * UltrasonicOccupiedToUnoccupiedDelay | 0x0020 | |
| | * UltrasonicUnoccupiedToOccupiedDelay | 0x0021 | |
| | * UltrasonicUnoccupiedToOccupiedThreshold | 0x0022 | |
| | * PhysicalContactOccupiedToUnoccupiedDelay | 0x0030 | |
| | * PhysicalContactUnoccupiedToOccupiedDelay | 0x0031 | |
| | * PhysicalContactUnoccupiedToOccupiedThreshold | 0x0032 | |
| | * GeneratedCommandList | 0xFFF8 | |
| | * AcceptedCommandList | 0xFFF9 | |
| | * AttributeList | 0xFFFB | |
| | * FeatureMap | 0xFFFC | |
| | * ClusterRevision | 0xFFFD | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Events: | | |
| \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| |
| class WriteOccupancySensingPirOccupiedToUnoccupiedDelay : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteOccupancySensingPirOccupiedToUnoccupiedDelay(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("PirOccupiedToUnoccupiedDelay", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "pir-occupied-to-unoccupied-delay"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteOccupancySensingPirOccupiedToUnoccupiedDelay() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000406, 0x00000010, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000406, 0x00000010, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint16_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteOccupancySensingPirUnoccupiedToOccupiedDelay : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteOccupancySensingPirUnoccupiedToOccupiedDelay(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("PirUnoccupiedToOccupiedDelay", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "pir-unoccupied-to-occupied-delay"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteOccupancySensingPirUnoccupiedToOccupiedDelay() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000406, 0x00000011, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000406, 0x00000011, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint16_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteOccupancySensingPirUnoccupiedToOccupiedThreshold : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteOccupancySensingPirUnoccupiedToOccupiedThreshold(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("PirUnoccupiedToOccupiedThreshold", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "pir-unoccupied-to-occupied-threshold"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteOccupancySensingPirUnoccupiedToOccupiedThreshold() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000406, 0x00000012, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000406, 0x00000012, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint8_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteOccupancySensingUltrasonicOccupiedToUnoccupiedDelay : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteOccupancySensingUltrasonicOccupiedToUnoccupiedDelay(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("UltrasonicOccupiedToUnoccupiedDelay", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "ultrasonic-occupied-to-unoccupied-delay"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteOccupancySensingUltrasonicOccupiedToUnoccupiedDelay() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000406, 0x00000020, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000406, 0x00000020, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint16_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteOccupancySensingUltrasonicUnoccupiedToOccupiedDelay : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteOccupancySensingUltrasonicUnoccupiedToOccupiedDelay(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("UltrasonicUnoccupiedToOccupiedDelay", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "ultrasonic-unoccupied-to-occupied-delay"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteOccupancySensingUltrasonicUnoccupiedToOccupiedDelay() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000406, 0x00000021, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000406, 0x00000021, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint16_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteOccupancySensingUltrasonicUnoccupiedToOccupiedThreshold : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteOccupancySensingUltrasonicUnoccupiedToOccupiedThreshold(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("UltrasonicUnoccupiedToOccupiedThreshold", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "ultrasonic-unoccupied-to-occupied-threshold"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteOccupancySensingUltrasonicUnoccupiedToOccupiedThreshold() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000406, 0x00000022, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000406, 0x00000022, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint8_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteOccupancySensingPhysicalContactOccupiedToUnoccupiedDelay : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteOccupancySensingPhysicalContactOccupiedToUnoccupiedDelay(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("PhysicalContactOccupiedToUnoccupiedDelay", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "physical-contact-occupied-to-unoccupied-delay"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteOccupancySensingPhysicalContactOccupiedToUnoccupiedDelay() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000406, 0x00000030, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000406, 0x00000030, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint16_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteOccupancySensingPhysicalContactUnoccupiedToOccupiedDelay : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteOccupancySensingPhysicalContactUnoccupiedToOccupiedDelay(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("PhysicalContactUnoccupiedToOccupiedDelay", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "physical-contact-unoccupied-to-occupied-delay"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteOccupancySensingPhysicalContactUnoccupiedToOccupiedDelay() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000406, 0x00000031, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000406, 0x00000031, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint16_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteOccupancySensingPhysicalContactUnoccupiedToOccupiedThreshold : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteOccupancySensingPhysicalContactUnoccupiedToOccupiedThreshold(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("PhysicalContactUnoccupiedToOccupiedThreshold", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "physical-contact-unoccupied-to-occupied-threshold"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteOccupancySensingPhysicalContactUnoccupiedToOccupiedThreshold() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000406, 0x00000032, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000406, 0x00000032, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint8_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ |
| | Cluster CarbonMonoxideConcentrationMeasurement | 0x040C | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Commands: | | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Attributes: | | |
| | * MeasuredValue | 0x0000 | |
| | * MinMeasuredValue | 0x0001 | |
| | * MaxMeasuredValue | 0x0002 | |
| | * Tolerance | 0x0003 | |
| | * GeneratedCommandList | 0xFFF8 | |
| | * AcceptedCommandList | 0xFFF9 | |
| | * AttributeList | 0xFFFB | |
| | * FeatureMap | 0xFFFC | |
| | * ClusterRevision | 0xFFFD | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Events: | | |
| \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| |
| /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ |
| | Cluster CarbonDioxideConcentrationMeasurement | 0x040D | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Commands: | | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Attributes: | | |
| | * MeasuredValue | 0x0000 | |
| | * MinMeasuredValue | 0x0001 | |
| | * MaxMeasuredValue | 0x0002 | |
| | * Tolerance | 0x0003 | |
| | * GeneratedCommandList | 0xFFF8 | |
| | * AcceptedCommandList | 0xFFF9 | |
| | * AttributeList | 0xFFFB | |
| | * FeatureMap | 0xFFFC | |
| | * ClusterRevision | 0xFFFD | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Events: | | |
| \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| |
| /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ |
| | Cluster EthyleneConcentrationMeasurement | 0x040E | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Commands: | | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Attributes: | | |
| | * MeasuredValue | 0x0000 | |
| | * MinMeasuredValue | 0x0001 | |
| | * MaxMeasuredValue | 0x0002 | |
| | * Tolerance | 0x0003 | |
| | * GeneratedCommandList | 0xFFF8 | |
| | * AcceptedCommandList | 0xFFF9 | |
| | * AttributeList | 0xFFFB | |
| | * FeatureMap | 0xFFFC | |
| | * ClusterRevision | 0xFFFD | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Events: | | |
| \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| |
| /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ |
| | Cluster EthyleneOxideConcentrationMeasurement | 0x040F | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Commands: | | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Attributes: | | |
| | * MeasuredValue | 0x0000 | |
| | * MinMeasuredValue | 0x0001 | |
| | * MaxMeasuredValue | 0x0002 | |
| | * Tolerance | 0x0003 | |
| | * GeneratedCommandList | 0xFFF8 | |
| | * AcceptedCommandList | 0xFFF9 | |
| | * AttributeList | 0xFFFB | |
| | * FeatureMap | 0xFFFC | |
| | * ClusterRevision | 0xFFFD | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Events: | | |
| \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| |
| /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ |
| | Cluster HydrogenConcentrationMeasurement | 0x0410 | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Commands: | | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Attributes: | | |
| | * MeasuredValue | 0x0000 | |
| | * MinMeasuredValue | 0x0001 | |
| | * MaxMeasuredValue | 0x0002 | |
| | * Tolerance | 0x0003 | |
| | * GeneratedCommandList | 0xFFF8 | |
| | * AcceptedCommandList | 0xFFF9 | |
| | * AttributeList | 0xFFFB | |
| | * FeatureMap | 0xFFFC | |
| | * ClusterRevision | 0xFFFD | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Events: | | |
| \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| |
| /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ |
| | Cluster HydrogenSulphideConcentrationMeasurement | 0x0411 | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Commands: | | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Attributes: | | |
| | * MeasuredValue | 0x0000 | |
| | * MinMeasuredValue | 0x0001 | |
| | * MaxMeasuredValue | 0x0002 | |
| | * Tolerance | 0x0003 | |
| | * GeneratedCommandList | 0xFFF8 | |
| | * AcceptedCommandList | 0xFFF9 | |
| | * AttributeList | 0xFFFB | |
| | * FeatureMap | 0xFFFC | |
| | * ClusterRevision | 0xFFFD | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Events: | | |
| \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| |
| /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ |
| | Cluster NitricOxideConcentrationMeasurement | 0x0412 | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Commands: | | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Attributes: | | |
| | * MeasuredValue | 0x0000 | |
| | * MinMeasuredValue | 0x0001 | |
| | * MaxMeasuredValue | 0x0002 | |
| | * Tolerance | 0x0003 | |
| | * GeneratedCommandList | 0xFFF8 | |
| | * AcceptedCommandList | 0xFFF9 | |
| | * AttributeList | 0xFFFB | |
| | * FeatureMap | 0xFFFC | |
| | * ClusterRevision | 0xFFFD | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Events: | | |
| \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| |
| /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ |
| | Cluster NitrogenDioxideConcentrationMeasurement | 0x0413 | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Commands: | | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Attributes: | | |
| | * MeasuredValue | 0x0000 | |
| | * MinMeasuredValue | 0x0001 | |
| | * MaxMeasuredValue | 0x0002 | |
| | * Tolerance | 0x0003 | |
| | * GeneratedCommandList | 0xFFF8 | |
| | * AcceptedCommandList | 0xFFF9 | |
| | * AttributeList | 0xFFFB | |
| | * FeatureMap | 0xFFFC | |
| | * ClusterRevision | 0xFFFD | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Events: | | |
| \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| |
| /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ |
| | Cluster OxygenConcentrationMeasurement | 0x0414 | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Commands: | | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Attributes: | | |
| | * MeasuredValue | 0x0000 | |
| | * MinMeasuredValue | 0x0001 | |
| | * MaxMeasuredValue | 0x0002 | |
| | * Tolerance | 0x0003 | |
| | * GeneratedCommandList | 0xFFF8 | |
| | * AcceptedCommandList | 0xFFF9 | |
| | * AttributeList | 0xFFFB | |
| | * FeatureMap | 0xFFFC | |
| | * ClusterRevision | 0xFFFD | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Events: | | |
| \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| |
| /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ |
| | Cluster OzoneConcentrationMeasurement | 0x0415 | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Commands: | | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Attributes: | | |
| | * MeasuredValue | 0x0000 | |
| | * MinMeasuredValue | 0x0001 | |
| | * MaxMeasuredValue | 0x0002 | |
| | * Tolerance | 0x0003 | |
| | * GeneratedCommandList | 0xFFF8 | |
| | * AcceptedCommandList | 0xFFF9 | |
| | * AttributeList | 0xFFFB | |
| | * FeatureMap | 0xFFFC | |
| | * ClusterRevision | 0xFFFD | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Events: | | |
| \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| |
| /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ |
| | Cluster SulfurDioxideConcentrationMeasurement | 0x0416 | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Commands: | | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Attributes: | | |
| | * MeasuredValue | 0x0000 | |
| | * MinMeasuredValue | 0x0001 | |
| | * MaxMeasuredValue | 0x0002 | |
| | * Tolerance | 0x0003 | |
| | * GeneratedCommandList | 0xFFF8 | |
| | * AcceptedCommandList | 0xFFF9 | |
| | * AttributeList | 0xFFFB | |
| | * FeatureMap | 0xFFFC | |
| | * ClusterRevision | 0xFFFD | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Events: | | |
| \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| |
| /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ |
| | Cluster DissolvedOxygenConcentrationMeasurement | 0x0417 | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Commands: | | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Attributes: | | |
| | * MeasuredValue | 0x0000 | |
| | * MinMeasuredValue | 0x0001 | |
| | * MaxMeasuredValue | 0x0002 | |
| | * Tolerance | 0x0003 | |
| | * GeneratedCommandList | 0xFFF8 | |
| | * AcceptedCommandList | 0xFFF9 | |
| | * AttributeList | 0xFFFB | |
| | * FeatureMap | 0xFFFC | |
| | * ClusterRevision | 0xFFFD | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Events: | | |
| \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| |
| /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ |
| | Cluster BromateConcentrationMeasurement | 0x0418 | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Commands: | | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Attributes: | | |
| | * MeasuredValue | 0x0000 | |
| | * MinMeasuredValue | 0x0001 | |
| | * MaxMeasuredValue | 0x0002 | |
| | * Tolerance | 0x0003 | |
| | * GeneratedCommandList | 0xFFF8 | |
| | * AcceptedCommandList | 0xFFF9 | |
| | * AttributeList | 0xFFFB | |
| | * FeatureMap | 0xFFFC | |
| | * ClusterRevision | 0xFFFD | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Events: | | |
| \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| |
| /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ |
| | Cluster ChloraminesConcentrationMeasurement | 0x0419 | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Commands: | | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Attributes: | | |
| | * MeasuredValue | 0x0000 | |
| | * MinMeasuredValue | 0x0001 | |
| | * MaxMeasuredValue | 0x0002 | |
| | * Tolerance | 0x0003 | |
| | * GeneratedCommandList | 0xFFF8 | |
| | * AcceptedCommandList | 0xFFF9 | |
| | * AttributeList | 0xFFFB | |
| | * FeatureMap | 0xFFFC | |
| | * ClusterRevision | 0xFFFD | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Events: | | |
| \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| |
| /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ |
| | Cluster ChlorineConcentrationMeasurement | 0x041A | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Commands: | | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Attributes: | | |
| | * MeasuredValue | 0x0000 | |
| | * MinMeasuredValue | 0x0001 | |
| | * MaxMeasuredValue | 0x0002 | |
| | * Tolerance | 0x0003 | |
| | * GeneratedCommandList | 0xFFF8 | |
| | * AcceptedCommandList | 0xFFF9 | |
| | * AttributeList | 0xFFFB | |
| | * FeatureMap | 0xFFFC | |
| | * ClusterRevision | 0xFFFD | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Events: | | |
| \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| |
| /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ |
| | Cluster FecalColiformAndEColiConcentrationMeasurement | 0x041B | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Commands: | | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Attributes: | | |
| | * MeasuredValue | 0x0000 | |
| | * MinMeasuredValue | 0x0001 | |
| | * MaxMeasuredValue | 0x0002 | |
| | * Tolerance | 0x0003 | |
| | * GeneratedCommandList | 0xFFF8 | |
| | * AcceptedCommandList | 0xFFF9 | |
| | * AttributeList | 0xFFFB | |
| | * FeatureMap | 0xFFFC | |
| | * ClusterRevision | 0xFFFD | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Events: | | |
| \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| |
| /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ |
| | Cluster FluorideConcentrationMeasurement | 0x041C | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Commands: | | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Attributes: | | |
| | * MeasuredValue | 0x0000 | |
| | * MinMeasuredValue | 0x0001 | |
| | * MaxMeasuredValue | 0x0002 | |
| | * Tolerance | 0x0003 | |
| | * GeneratedCommandList | 0xFFF8 | |
| | * AcceptedCommandList | 0xFFF9 | |
| | * AttributeList | 0xFFFB | |
| | * FeatureMap | 0xFFFC | |
| | * ClusterRevision | 0xFFFD | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Events: | | |
| \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| |
| /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ |
| | Cluster HaloaceticAcidsConcentrationMeasurement | 0x041D | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Commands: | | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Attributes: | | |
| | * MeasuredValue | 0x0000 | |
| | * MinMeasuredValue | 0x0001 | |
| | * MaxMeasuredValue | 0x0002 | |
| | * Tolerance | 0x0003 | |
| | * GeneratedCommandList | 0xFFF8 | |
| | * AcceptedCommandList | 0xFFF9 | |
| | * AttributeList | 0xFFFB | |
| | * FeatureMap | 0xFFFC | |
| | * ClusterRevision | 0xFFFD | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Events: | | |
| \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| |
| /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ |
| | Cluster TotalTrihalomethanesConcentrationMeasurement | 0x041E | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Commands: | | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Attributes: | | |
| | * MeasuredValue | 0x0000 | |
| | * MinMeasuredValue | 0x0001 | |
| | * MaxMeasuredValue | 0x0002 | |
| | * Tolerance | 0x0003 | |
| | * GeneratedCommandList | 0xFFF8 | |
| | * AcceptedCommandList | 0xFFF9 | |
| | * AttributeList | 0xFFFB | |
| | * FeatureMap | 0xFFFC | |
| | * ClusterRevision | 0xFFFD | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Events: | | |
| \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| |
| /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ |
| | Cluster TotalColiformBacteriaConcentrationMeasurement | 0x041F | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Commands: | | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Attributes: | | |
| | * MeasuredValue | 0x0000 | |
| | * MinMeasuredValue | 0x0001 | |
| | * MaxMeasuredValue | 0x0002 | |
| | * Tolerance | 0x0003 | |
| | * GeneratedCommandList | 0xFFF8 | |
| | * AcceptedCommandList | 0xFFF9 | |
| | * AttributeList | 0xFFFB | |
| | * FeatureMap | 0xFFFC | |
| | * ClusterRevision | 0xFFFD | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Events: | | |
| \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| |
| /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ |
| | Cluster TurbidityConcentrationMeasurement | 0x0420 | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Commands: | | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Attributes: | | |
| | * MeasuredValue | 0x0000 | |
| | * MinMeasuredValue | 0x0001 | |
| | * MaxMeasuredValue | 0x0002 | |
| | * Tolerance | 0x0003 | |
| | * GeneratedCommandList | 0xFFF8 | |
| | * AcceptedCommandList | 0xFFF9 | |
| | * AttributeList | 0xFFFB | |
| | * FeatureMap | 0xFFFC | |
| | * ClusterRevision | 0xFFFD | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Events: | | |
| \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| |
| /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ |
| | Cluster CopperConcentrationMeasurement | 0x0421 | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Commands: | | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Attributes: | | |
| | * MeasuredValue | 0x0000 | |
| | * MinMeasuredValue | 0x0001 | |
| | * MaxMeasuredValue | 0x0002 | |
| | * Tolerance | 0x0003 | |
| | * GeneratedCommandList | 0xFFF8 | |
| | * AcceptedCommandList | 0xFFF9 | |
| | * AttributeList | 0xFFFB | |
| | * FeatureMap | 0xFFFC | |
| | * ClusterRevision | 0xFFFD | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Events: | | |
| \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| |
| /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ |
| | Cluster LeadConcentrationMeasurement | 0x0422 | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Commands: | | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Attributes: | | |
| | * MeasuredValue | 0x0000 | |
| | * MinMeasuredValue | 0x0001 | |
| | * MaxMeasuredValue | 0x0002 | |
| | * Tolerance | 0x0003 | |
| | * GeneratedCommandList | 0xFFF8 | |
| | * AcceptedCommandList | 0xFFF9 | |
| | * AttributeList | 0xFFFB | |
| | * FeatureMap | 0xFFFC | |
| | * ClusterRevision | 0xFFFD | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Events: | | |
| \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| |
| /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ |
| | Cluster ManganeseConcentrationMeasurement | 0x0423 | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Commands: | | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Attributes: | | |
| | * MeasuredValue | 0x0000 | |
| | * MinMeasuredValue | 0x0001 | |
| | * MaxMeasuredValue | 0x0002 | |
| | * Tolerance | 0x0003 | |
| | * GeneratedCommandList | 0xFFF8 | |
| | * AcceptedCommandList | 0xFFF9 | |
| | * AttributeList | 0xFFFB | |
| | * FeatureMap | 0xFFFC | |
| | * ClusterRevision | 0xFFFD | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Events: | | |
| \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| |
| /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ |
| | Cluster SulfateConcentrationMeasurement | 0x0424 | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Commands: | | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Attributes: | | |
| | * MeasuredValue | 0x0000 | |
| | * MinMeasuredValue | 0x0001 | |
| | * MaxMeasuredValue | 0x0002 | |
| | * Tolerance | 0x0003 | |
| | * GeneratedCommandList | 0xFFF8 | |
| | * AcceptedCommandList | 0xFFF9 | |
| | * AttributeList | 0xFFFB | |
| | * FeatureMap | 0xFFFC | |
| | * ClusterRevision | 0xFFFD | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Events: | | |
| \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| |
| /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ |
| | Cluster BromodichloromethaneConcentrationMeasurement | 0x0425 | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Commands: | | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Attributes: | | |
| | * MeasuredValue | 0x0000 | |
| | * MinMeasuredValue | 0x0001 | |
| | * MaxMeasuredValue | 0x0002 | |
| | * Tolerance | 0x0003 | |
| | * GeneratedCommandList | 0xFFF8 | |
| | * AcceptedCommandList | 0xFFF9 | |
| | * AttributeList | 0xFFFB | |
| | * FeatureMap | 0xFFFC | |
| | * ClusterRevision | 0xFFFD | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Events: | | |
| \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| |
| /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ |
| | Cluster BromoformConcentrationMeasurement | 0x0426 | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Commands: | | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Attributes: | | |
| | * MeasuredValue | 0x0000 | |
| | * MinMeasuredValue | 0x0001 | |
| | * MaxMeasuredValue | 0x0002 | |
| | * Tolerance | 0x0003 | |
| | * GeneratedCommandList | 0xFFF8 | |
| | * AcceptedCommandList | 0xFFF9 | |
| | * AttributeList | 0xFFFB | |
| | * FeatureMap | 0xFFFC | |
| | * ClusterRevision | 0xFFFD | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Events: | | |
| \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| |
| /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ |
| | Cluster ChlorodibromomethaneConcentrationMeasurement | 0x0427 | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Commands: | | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Attributes: | | |
| | * MeasuredValue | 0x0000 | |
| | * MinMeasuredValue | 0x0001 | |
| | * MaxMeasuredValue | 0x0002 | |
| | * Tolerance | 0x0003 | |
| | * GeneratedCommandList | 0xFFF8 | |
| | * AcceptedCommandList | 0xFFF9 | |
| | * AttributeList | 0xFFFB | |
| | * FeatureMap | 0xFFFC | |
| | * ClusterRevision | 0xFFFD | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Events: | | |
| \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| |
| /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ |
| | Cluster ChloroformConcentrationMeasurement | 0x0428 | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Commands: | | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Attributes: | | |
| | * MeasuredValue | 0x0000 | |
| | * MinMeasuredValue | 0x0001 | |
| | * MaxMeasuredValue | 0x0002 | |
| | * Tolerance | 0x0003 | |
| | * GeneratedCommandList | 0xFFF8 | |
| | * AcceptedCommandList | 0xFFF9 | |
| | * AttributeList | 0xFFFB | |
| | * FeatureMap | 0xFFFC | |
| | * ClusterRevision | 0xFFFD | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Events: | | |
| \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| |
| /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ |
| | Cluster SodiumConcentrationMeasurement | 0x0429 | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Commands: | | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Attributes: | | |
| | * MeasuredValue | 0x0000 | |
| | * MinMeasuredValue | 0x0001 | |
| | * MaxMeasuredValue | 0x0002 | |
| | * Tolerance | 0x0003 | |
| | * GeneratedCommandList | 0xFFF8 | |
| | * AcceptedCommandList | 0xFFF9 | |
| | * AttributeList | 0xFFFB | |
| | * FeatureMap | 0xFFFC | |
| | * ClusterRevision | 0xFFFD | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Events: | | |
| \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| |
| /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ |
| | Cluster IasZone | 0x0500 | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Commands: | | |
| | * ZoneEnrollResponse | 0x00 | |
| | * InitiateNormalOperationMode | 0x01 | |
| | * InitiateTestMode | 0x02 | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Attributes: | | |
| | * ZoneState | 0x0000 | |
| | * ZoneType | 0x0001 | |
| | * ZoneStatus | 0x0002 | |
| | * IasCieAddress | 0x0010 | |
| | * ZoneId | 0x0011 | |
| | * NumberOfZoneSensitivityLevelsSupported | 0x0012 | |
| | * CurrentZoneSensitivityLevel | 0x0013 | |
| | * GeneratedCommandList | 0xFFF8 | |
| | * AcceptedCommandList | 0xFFF9 | |
| | * AttributeList | 0xFFFB | |
| | * FeatureMap | 0xFFFC | |
| | * ClusterRevision | 0xFFFD | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Events: | | |
| \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| |
| /* |
| * Command ZoneEnrollResponse |
| */ |
| class IasZoneZoneEnrollResponse : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| IasZoneZoneEnrollResponse(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| ClusterCommand("zone-enroll-response", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("EnrollResponseCode", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.enrollResponseCode); |
| AddArgument("ZoneId", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.zoneId); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000500) command (0x00000000) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000500, 0x00000000, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000500) command (0x00000000) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000500, 0x00000000, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::IasZone::Commands::ZoneEnrollResponse::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command InitiateNormalOperationMode |
| */ |
| class IasZoneInitiateNormalOperationMode : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| IasZoneInitiateNormalOperationMode(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| ClusterCommand("initiate-normal-operation-mode", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000500) command (0x00000001) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000500, 0x00000001, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000500) command (0x00000001) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000500, 0x00000001, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::IasZone::Commands::InitiateNormalOperationMode::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command InitiateTestMode |
| */ |
| class IasZoneInitiateTestMode : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| IasZoneInitiateTestMode(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : ClusterCommand("initiate-test-mode", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("TestModeDuration", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.testModeDuration); |
| AddArgument("CurrentZoneSensitivityLevel", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.currentZoneSensitivityLevel); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000500) command (0x00000002) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000500, 0x00000002, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000500) command (0x00000002) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000500, 0x00000002, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::IasZone::Commands::InitiateTestMode::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteIasZoneIasCieAddress : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteIasZoneIasCieAddress(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : WriteAttribute("IasCieAddress", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "ias-cie-address"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT64_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteIasZoneIasCieAddress() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000500, 0x00000010, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000500, 0x00000010, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::NodeId mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteIasZoneCurrentZoneSensitivityLevel : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteIasZoneCurrentZoneSensitivityLevel(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("CurrentZoneSensitivityLevel", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "current-zone-sensitivity-level"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteIasZoneCurrentZoneSensitivityLevel() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000500, 0x00000013, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000500, 0x00000013, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint8_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ |
| | Cluster IasAce | 0x0501 | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Commands: | | |
| | * Arm | 0x00 | |
| | * Bypass | 0x01 | |
| | * Emergency | 0x02 | |
| | * Fire | 0x03 | |
| | * Panic | 0x04 | |
| | * GetZoneIdMap | 0x05 | |
| | * GetZoneInformation | 0x06 | |
| | * GetPanelStatus | 0x07 | |
| | * GetBypassedZoneList | 0x08 | |
| | * GetZoneStatus | 0x09 | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Attributes: | | |
| | * GeneratedCommandList | 0xFFF8 | |
| | * AcceptedCommandList | 0xFFF9 | |
| | * AttributeList | 0xFFFB | |
| | * FeatureMap | 0xFFFC | |
| | * ClusterRevision | 0xFFFD | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Events: | | |
| \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| |
| /* |
| * Command Arm |
| */ |
| class IasAceArm : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| IasAceArm(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : ClusterCommand("arm", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("ArmMode", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.armMode); |
| AddArgument("ArmDisarmCode", &mRequest.armDisarmCode); |
| AddArgument("ZoneId", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.zoneId); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000501) command (0x00000000) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000501, 0x00000000, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000501) command (0x00000000) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000501, 0x00000000, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::IasAce::Commands::Arm::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command Bypass |
| */ |
| class IasAceBypass : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| IasAceBypass(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| ClusterCommand("bypass", credsIssuerConfig), mComplex_ZoneIds(&mRequest.zoneIds) |
| { |
| AddArgument("NumberOfZones", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.numberOfZones); |
| AddArgument("ZoneIds", &mComplex_ZoneIds); |
| AddArgument("ArmDisarmCode", &mRequest.armDisarmCode); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000501) command (0x00000001) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000501, 0x00000001, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000501) command (0x00000001) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000501, 0x00000001, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::IasAce::Commands::Bypass::Type mRequest; |
| TypedComplexArgument<chip::app::DataModel::List<const uint8_t>> mComplex_ZoneIds; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command Emergency |
| */ |
| class IasAceEmergency : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| IasAceEmergency(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : ClusterCommand("emergency", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000501) command (0x00000002) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000501, 0x00000002, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000501) command (0x00000002) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000501, 0x00000002, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::IasAce::Commands::Emergency::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command Fire |
| */ |
| class IasAceFire : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| IasAceFire(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : ClusterCommand("fire", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000501) command (0x00000003) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000501, 0x00000003, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000501) command (0x00000003) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000501, 0x00000003, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::IasAce::Commands::Fire::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command Panic |
| */ |
| class IasAcePanic : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| IasAcePanic(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : ClusterCommand("panic", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000501) command (0x00000004) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000501, 0x00000004, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000501) command (0x00000004) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000501, 0x00000004, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::IasAce::Commands::Panic::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command GetZoneIdMap |
| */ |
| class IasAceGetZoneIdMap : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| IasAceGetZoneIdMap(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : ClusterCommand("get-zone-id-map", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000501) command (0x00000005) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000501, 0x00000005, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000501) command (0x00000005) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000501, 0x00000005, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::IasAce::Commands::GetZoneIdMap::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command GetZoneInformation |
| */ |
| class IasAceGetZoneInformation : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| IasAceGetZoneInformation(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| ClusterCommand("get-zone-information", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("ZoneId", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.zoneId); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000501) command (0x00000006) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000501, 0x00000006, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000501) command (0x00000006) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000501, 0x00000006, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::IasAce::Commands::GetZoneInformation::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command GetPanelStatus |
| */ |
| class IasAceGetPanelStatus : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| IasAceGetPanelStatus(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : ClusterCommand("get-panel-status", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000501) command (0x00000007) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000501, 0x00000007, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000501) command (0x00000007) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000501, 0x00000007, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::IasAce::Commands::GetPanelStatus::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command GetBypassedZoneList |
| */ |
| class IasAceGetBypassedZoneList : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| IasAceGetBypassedZoneList(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| ClusterCommand("get-bypassed-zone-list", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000501) command (0x00000008) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000501, 0x00000008, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000501) command (0x00000008) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000501, 0x00000008, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::IasAce::Commands::GetBypassedZoneList::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command GetZoneStatus |
| */ |
| class IasAceGetZoneStatus : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| IasAceGetZoneStatus(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : ClusterCommand("get-zone-status", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("StartingZoneId", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.startingZoneId); |
| AddArgument("MaxNumberOfZoneIds", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.maxNumberOfZoneIds); |
| AddArgument("ZoneStatusMaskFlag", 0, 1, &mRequest.zoneStatusMaskFlag); |
| AddArgument("ZoneStatusMask", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mRequest.zoneStatusMask); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000501) command (0x00000009) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000501, 0x00000009, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000501) command (0x00000009) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000501, 0x00000009, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::IasAce::Commands::GetZoneStatus::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ |
| | Cluster IasWd | 0x0502 | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Commands: | | |
| | * StartWarning | 0x00 | |
| | * Squawk | 0x01 | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Attributes: | | |
| | * MaxDuration | 0x0000 | |
| | * GeneratedCommandList | 0xFFF8 | |
| | * AcceptedCommandList | 0xFFF9 | |
| | * AttributeList | 0xFFFB | |
| | * FeatureMap | 0xFFFC | |
| | * ClusterRevision | 0xFFFD | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Events: | | |
| \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| |
| /* |
| * Command StartWarning |
| */ |
| class IasWdStartWarning : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| IasWdStartWarning(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : ClusterCommand("start-warning", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("WarningInfo", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.warningInfo); |
| AddArgument("WarningDuration", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mRequest.warningDuration); |
| AddArgument("StrobeDutyCycle", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.strobeDutyCycle); |
| AddArgument("StrobeLevel", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.strobeLevel); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000502) command (0x00000000) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000502, 0x00000000, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000502) command (0x00000000) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000502, 0x00000000, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::IasWd::Commands::StartWarning::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command Squawk |
| */ |
| class IasWdSquawk : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| IasWdSquawk(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : ClusterCommand("squawk", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("SquawkInfo", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.squawkInfo); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000502) command (0x00000001) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000502, 0x00000001, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000502) command (0x00000001) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000502, 0x00000001, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::IasWd::Commands::Squawk::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteIasWdMaxDuration : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteIasWdMaxDuration(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : WriteAttribute("MaxDuration", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "max-duration"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteIasWdMaxDuration() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000502, 0x00000000, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000502, 0x00000000, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint16_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ |
| | Cluster WakeOnLan | 0x0503 | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Commands: | | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Attributes: | | |
| | * MACAddress | 0x0000 | |
| | * GeneratedCommandList | 0xFFF8 | |
| | * AcceptedCommandList | 0xFFF9 | |
| | * AttributeList | 0xFFFB | |
| | * FeatureMap | 0xFFFC | |
| | * ClusterRevision | 0xFFFD | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Events: | | |
| \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| |
| /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ |
| | Cluster Channel | 0x0504 | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Commands: | | |
| | * ChangeChannel | 0x00 | |
| | * ChangeChannelByNumber | 0x02 | |
| | * SkipChannel | 0x03 | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Attributes: | | |
| | * ChannelList | 0x0000 | |
| | * Lineup | 0x0001 | |
| | * CurrentChannel | 0x0002 | |
| | * GeneratedCommandList | 0xFFF8 | |
| | * AcceptedCommandList | 0xFFF9 | |
| | * AttributeList | 0xFFFB | |
| | * FeatureMap | 0xFFFC | |
| | * ClusterRevision | 0xFFFD | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Events: | | |
| \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| |
| /* |
| * Command ChangeChannel |
| */ |
| class ChannelChangeChannel : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| ChannelChangeChannel(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : ClusterCommand("change-channel", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("Match", &mRequest.match); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000504) command (0x00000000) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000504, 0x00000000, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000504) command (0x00000000) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000504, 0x00000000, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::Channel::Commands::ChangeChannel::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command ChangeChannelByNumber |
| */ |
| class ChannelChangeChannelByNumber : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| ChannelChangeChannelByNumber(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| ClusterCommand("change-channel-by-number", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("MajorNumber", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mRequest.majorNumber); |
| AddArgument("MinorNumber", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mRequest.minorNumber); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000504) command (0x00000002) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000504, 0x00000002, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000504) command (0x00000002) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000504, 0x00000002, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::Channel::Commands::ChangeChannelByNumber::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command SkipChannel |
| */ |
| class ChannelSkipChannel : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| ChannelSkipChannel(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : ClusterCommand("skip-channel", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("Count", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mRequest.count); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000504) command (0x00000003) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000504, 0x00000003, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000504) command (0x00000003) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000504, 0x00000003, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::Channel::Commands::SkipChannel::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ |
| | Cluster TargetNavigator | 0x0505 | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Commands: | | |
| | * NavigateTarget | 0x00 | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Attributes: | | |
| | * TargetList | 0x0000 | |
| | * CurrentTarget | 0x0001 | |
| | * GeneratedCommandList | 0xFFF8 | |
| | * AcceptedCommandList | 0xFFF9 | |
| | * AttributeList | 0xFFFB | |
| | * FeatureMap | 0xFFFC | |
| | * ClusterRevision | 0xFFFD | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Events: | | |
| \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| |
| /* |
| * Command NavigateTarget |
| */ |
| class TargetNavigatorNavigateTarget : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| TargetNavigatorNavigateTarget(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| ClusterCommand("navigate-target", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("Target", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.target); |
| AddArgument("Data", &mRequest.data); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000505) command (0x00000000) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000505, 0x00000000, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000505) command (0x00000000) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000505, 0x00000000, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::TargetNavigator::Commands::NavigateTarget::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ |
| | Cluster MediaPlayback | 0x0506 | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Commands: | | |
| | * Play | 0x00 | |
| | * Pause | 0x01 | |
| | * StopPlayback | 0x02 | |
| | * StartOver | 0x03 | |
| | * Previous | 0x04 | |
| | * Next | 0x05 | |
| | * Rewind | 0x06 | |
| | * FastForward | 0x07 | |
| | * SkipForward | 0x08 | |
| | * SkipBackward | 0x09 | |
| | * Seek | 0x0B | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Attributes: | | |
| | * CurrentState | 0x0000 | |
| | * StartTime | 0x0001 | |
| | * Duration | 0x0002 | |
| | * SampledPosition | 0x0003 | |
| | * PlaybackSpeed | 0x0004 | |
| | * SeekRangeEnd | 0x0005 | |
| | * SeekRangeStart | 0x0006 | |
| | * GeneratedCommandList | 0xFFF8 | |
| | * AcceptedCommandList | 0xFFF9 | |
| | * AttributeList | 0xFFFB | |
| | * FeatureMap | 0xFFFC | |
| | * ClusterRevision | 0xFFFD | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Events: | | |
| \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| |
| /* |
| * Command Play |
| */ |
| class MediaPlaybackPlay : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| MediaPlaybackPlay(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : ClusterCommand("play", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000506) command (0x00000000) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000506, 0x00000000, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000506) command (0x00000000) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000506, 0x00000000, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::MediaPlayback::Commands::Play::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command Pause |
| */ |
| class MediaPlaybackPause : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| MediaPlaybackPause(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : ClusterCommand("pause", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000506) command (0x00000001) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000506, 0x00000001, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000506) command (0x00000001) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000506, 0x00000001, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::MediaPlayback::Commands::Pause::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command StopPlayback |
| */ |
| class MediaPlaybackStopPlayback : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| MediaPlaybackStopPlayback(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : ClusterCommand("stop-playback", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000506) command (0x00000002) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000506, 0x00000002, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000506) command (0x00000002) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000506, 0x00000002, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::MediaPlayback::Commands::StopPlayback::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command StartOver |
| */ |
| class MediaPlaybackStartOver : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| MediaPlaybackStartOver(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : ClusterCommand("start-over", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000506) command (0x00000003) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000506, 0x00000003, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000506) command (0x00000003) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000506, 0x00000003, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::MediaPlayback::Commands::StartOver::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command Previous |
| */ |
| class MediaPlaybackPrevious : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| MediaPlaybackPrevious(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : ClusterCommand("previous", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000506) command (0x00000004) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000506, 0x00000004, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000506) command (0x00000004) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000506, 0x00000004, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::MediaPlayback::Commands::Previous::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command Next |
| */ |
| class MediaPlaybackNext : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| MediaPlaybackNext(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : ClusterCommand("next", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000506) command (0x00000005) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000506, 0x00000005, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000506) command (0x00000005) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000506, 0x00000005, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::MediaPlayback::Commands::Next::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command Rewind |
| */ |
| class MediaPlaybackRewind : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| MediaPlaybackRewind(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : ClusterCommand("rewind", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000506) command (0x00000006) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000506, 0x00000006, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000506) command (0x00000006) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000506, 0x00000006, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::MediaPlayback::Commands::Rewind::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command FastForward |
| */ |
| class MediaPlaybackFastForward : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| MediaPlaybackFastForward(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : ClusterCommand("fast-forward", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000506) command (0x00000007) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000506, 0x00000007, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000506) command (0x00000007) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000506, 0x00000007, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::MediaPlayback::Commands::FastForward::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command SkipForward |
| */ |
| class MediaPlaybackSkipForward : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| MediaPlaybackSkipForward(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : ClusterCommand("skip-forward", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("DeltaPositionMilliseconds", 0, UINT64_MAX, &mRequest.deltaPositionMilliseconds); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000506) command (0x00000008) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000506, 0x00000008, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000506) command (0x00000008) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000506, 0x00000008, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::MediaPlayback::Commands::SkipForward::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command SkipBackward |
| */ |
| class MediaPlaybackSkipBackward : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| MediaPlaybackSkipBackward(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : ClusterCommand("skip-backward", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("DeltaPositionMilliseconds", 0, UINT64_MAX, &mRequest.deltaPositionMilliseconds); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000506) command (0x00000009) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000506, 0x00000009, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000506) command (0x00000009) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000506, 0x00000009, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::MediaPlayback::Commands::SkipBackward::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command Seek |
| */ |
| class MediaPlaybackSeek : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| MediaPlaybackSeek(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : ClusterCommand("seek", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("Position", 0, UINT64_MAX, &mRequest.position); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000506) command (0x0000000B) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000506, 0x0000000B, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000506) command (0x0000000B) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000506, 0x0000000B, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::MediaPlayback::Commands::Seek::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ |
| | Cluster MediaInput | 0x0507 | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Commands: | | |
| | * SelectInput | 0x00 | |
| | * ShowInputStatus | 0x01 | |
| | * HideInputStatus | 0x02 | |
| | * RenameInput | 0x03 | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Attributes: | | |
| | * InputList | 0x0000 | |
| | * CurrentInput | 0x0001 | |
| | * GeneratedCommandList | 0xFFF8 | |
| | * AcceptedCommandList | 0xFFF9 | |
| | * AttributeList | 0xFFFB | |
| | * FeatureMap | 0xFFFC | |
| | * ClusterRevision | 0xFFFD | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Events: | | |
| \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| |
| /* |
| * Command SelectInput |
| */ |
| class MediaInputSelectInput : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| MediaInputSelectInput(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : ClusterCommand("select-input", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("Index", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.index); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000507) command (0x00000000) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000507, 0x00000000, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000507) command (0x00000000) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000507, 0x00000000, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::MediaInput::Commands::SelectInput::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command ShowInputStatus |
| */ |
| class MediaInputShowInputStatus : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| MediaInputShowInputStatus(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : ClusterCommand("show-input-status", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000507) command (0x00000001) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000507, 0x00000001, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000507) command (0x00000001) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000507, 0x00000001, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::MediaInput::Commands::ShowInputStatus::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command HideInputStatus |
| */ |
| class MediaInputHideInputStatus : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| MediaInputHideInputStatus(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : ClusterCommand("hide-input-status", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000507) command (0x00000002) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000507, 0x00000002, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000507) command (0x00000002) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000507, 0x00000002, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::MediaInput::Commands::HideInputStatus::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command RenameInput |
| */ |
| class MediaInputRenameInput : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| MediaInputRenameInput(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : ClusterCommand("rename-input", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("Index", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.index); |
| AddArgument("Name", &mRequest.name); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000507) command (0x00000003) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000507, 0x00000003, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000507) command (0x00000003) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000507, 0x00000003, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::MediaInput::Commands::RenameInput::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ |
| | Cluster LowPower | 0x0508 | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Commands: | | |
| | * Sleep | 0x00 | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Attributes: | | |
| | * GeneratedCommandList | 0xFFF8 | |
| | * AcceptedCommandList | 0xFFF9 | |
| | * AttributeList | 0xFFFB | |
| | * FeatureMap | 0xFFFC | |
| | * ClusterRevision | 0xFFFD | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Events: | | |
| \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| |
| /* |
| * Command Sleep |
| */ |
| class LowPowerSleep : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| LowPowerSleep(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : ClusterCommand("sleep", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000508) command (0x00000000) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000508, 0x00000000, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000508) command (0x00000000) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000508, 0x00000000, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::LowPower::Commands::Sleep::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ |
| | Cluster KeypadInput | 0x0509 | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Commands: | | |
| | * SendKey | 0x00 | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Attributes: | | |
| | * GeneratedCommandList | 0xFFF8 | |
| | * AcceptedCommandList | 0xFFF9 | |
| | * AttributeList | 0xFFFB | |
| | * FeatureMap | 0xFFFC | |
| | * ClusterRevision | 0xFFFD | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Events: | | |
| \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| |
| /* |
| * Command SendKey |
| */ |
| class KeypadInputSendKey : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| KeypadInputSendKey(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : ClusterCommand("send-key", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("KeyCode", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.keyCode); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000509) command (0x00000000) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000509, 0x00000000, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000509) command (0x00000000) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000509, 0x00000000, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::KeypadInput::Commands::SendKey::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ |
| | Cluster ContentLauncher | 0x050A | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Commands: | | |
| | * LaunchContent | 0x00 | |
| | * LaunchURL | 0x01 | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Attributes: | | |
| | * AcceptHeader | 0x0000 | |
| | * SupportedStreamingProtocols | 0x0001 | |
| | * GeneratedCommandList | 0xFFF8 | |
| | * AcceptedCommandList | 0xFFF9 | |
| | * AttributeList | 0xFFFB | |
| | * FeatureMap | 0xFFFC | |
| | * ClusterRevision | 0xFFFD | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Events: | | |
| \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| |
| /* |
| * Command LaunchContent |
| */ |
| class ContentLauncherLaunchContent : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| ContentLauncherLaunchContent(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| ClusterCommand("launch-content", credsIssuerConfig), mComplex_Search(&mRequest.search) |
| { |
| AddArgument("Search", &mComplex_Search); |
| AddArgument("AutoPlay", 0, 1, &mRequest.autoPlay); |
| AddArgument("Data", &mRequest.data); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x0000050A) command (0x00000000) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000050A, 0x00000000, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x0000050A) command (0x00000000) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000050A, 0x00000000, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::ContentLauncher::Commands::LaunchContent::Type mRequest; |
| TypedComplexArgument<chip::app::Clusters::ContentLauncher::Structs::ContentSearch::Type> mComplex_Search; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command LaunchURL |
| */ |
| class ContentLauncherLaunchURL : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| ContentLauncherLaunchURL(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| ClusterCommand("launch-url", credsIssuerConfig), mComplex_BrandingInformation(&mRequest.brandingInformation) |
| { |
| AddArgument("ContentURL", &mRequest.contentURL); |
| AddArgument("DisplayString", &mRequest.displayString); |
| AddArgument("BrandingInformation", &mComplex_BrandingInformation); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x0000050A) command (0x00000001) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000050A, 0x00000001, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x0000050A) command (0x00000001) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000050A, 0x00000001, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::ContentLauncher::Commands::LaunchURL::Type mRequest; |
| TypedComplexArgument<chip::Optional<chip::app::Clusters::ContentLauncher::Structs::BrandingInformation::Type>> |
| mComplex_BrandingInformation; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteContentLauncherSupportedStreamingProtocols : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteContentLauncherSupportedStreamingProtocols(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("SupportedStreamingProtocols", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "supported-streaming-protocols"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT32_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteContentLauncherSupportedStreamingProtocols() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000050A, 0x00000001, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000050A, 0x00000001, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint32_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ |
| | Cluster AudioOutput | 0x050B | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Commands: | | |
| | * SelectOutput | 0x00 | |
| | * RenameOutput | 0x01 | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Attributes: | | |
| | * OutputList | 0x0000 | |
| | * CurrentOutput | 0x0001 | |
| | * GeneratedCommandList | 0xFFF8 | |
| | * AcceptedCommandList | 0xFFF9 | |
| | * AttributeList | 0xFFFB | |
| | * FeatureMap | 0xFFFC | |
| | * ClusterRevision | 0xFFFD | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Events: | | |
| \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| |
| /* |
| * Command SelectOutput |
| */ |
| class AudioOutputSelectOutput : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| AudioOutputSelectOutput(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : ClusterCommand("select-output", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("Index", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.index); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x0000050B) command (0x00000000) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000050B, 0x00000000, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x0000050B) command (0x00000000) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000050B, 0x00000000, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::AudioOutput::Commands::SelectOutput::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command RenameOutput |
| */ |
| class AudioOutputRenameOutput : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| AudioOutputRenameOutput(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : ClusterCommand("rename-output", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("Index", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.index); |
| AddArgument("Name", &mRequest.name); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x0000050B) command (0x00000001) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000050B, 0x00000001, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x0000050B) command (0x00000001) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000050B, 0x00000001, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::AudioOutput::Commands::RenameOutput::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ |
| | Cluster ApplicationLauncher | 0x050C | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Commands: | | |
| | * LaunchApp | 0x00 | |
| | * StopApp | 0x01 | |
| | * HideApp | 0x02 | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Attributes: | | |
| | * CatalogList | 0x0000 | |
| | * CurrentApp | 0x0001 | |
| | * GeneratedCommandList | 0xFFF8 | |
| | * AcceptedCommandList | 0xFFF9 | |
| | * AttributeList | 0xFFFB | |
| | * FeatureMap | 0xFFFC | |
| | * ClusterRevision | 0xFFFD | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Events: | | |
| \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| |
| /* |
| * Command LaunchApp |
| */ |
| class ApplicationLauncherLaunchApp : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| ApplicationLauncherLaunchApp(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| ClusterCommand("launch-app", credsIssuerConfig), mComplex_Application(&mRequest.application) |
| { |
| AddArgument("Application", &mComplex_Application); |
| AddArgument("Data", &mRequest.data); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x0000050C) command (0x00000000) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000050C, 0x00000000, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x0000050C) command (0x00000000) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000050C, 0x00000000, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::ApplicationLauncher::Commands::LaunchApp::Type mRequest; |
| TypedComplexArgument<chip::app::Clusters::ApplicationLauncher::Structs::Application::Type> mComplex_Application; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command StopApp |
| */ |
| class ApplicationLauncherStopApp : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| ApplicationLauncherStopApp(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| ClusterCommand("stop-app", credsIssuerConfig), mComplex_Application(&mRequest.application) |
| { |
| AddArgument("Application", &mComplex_Application); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x0000050C) command (0x00000001) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000050C, 0x00000001, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x0000050C) command (0x00000001) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000050C, 0x00000001, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::ApplicationLauncher::Commands::StopApp::Type mRequest; |
| TypedComplexArgument<chip::app::Clusters::ApplicationLauncher::Structs::Application::Type> mComplex_Application; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command HideApp |
| */ |
| class ApplicationLauncherHideApp : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| ApplicationLauncherHideApp(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| ClusterCommand("hide-app", credsIssuerConfig), mComplex_Application(&mRequest.application) |
| { |
| AddArgument("Application", &mComplex_Application); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x0000050C) command (0x00000002) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000050C, 0x00000002, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x0000050C) command (0x00000002) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000050C, 0x00000002, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::ApplicationLauncher::Commands::HideApp::Type mRequest; |
| TypedComplexArgument<chip::app::Clusters::ApplicationLauncher::Structs::Application::Type> mComplex_Application; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteApplicationLauncherCurrentApp : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteApplicationLauncherCurrentApp(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("CurrentApp", credsIssuerConfig), mComplex(&mValue) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "current-app"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", &mComplex); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteApplicationLauncherCurrentApp() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000050C, 0x00000001, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000050C, 0x00000001, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<chip::app::Clusters::ApplicationLauncher::Structs::ApplicationEP::Type> mValue; |
| TypedComplexArgument<chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<chip::app::Clusters::ApplicationLauncher::Structs::ApplicationEP::Type>> |
| mComplex; |
| }; |
| |
| /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ |
| | Cluster ApplicationBasic | 0x050D | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Commands: | | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Attributes: | | |
| | * VendorName | 0x0000 | |
| | * VendorID | 0x0001 | |
| | * ApplicationName | 0x0002 | |
| | * ProductID | 0x0003 | |
| | * Application | 0x0004 | |
| | * Status | 0x0005 | |
| | * ApplicationVersion | 0x0006 | |
| | * AllowedVendorList | 0x0007 | |
| | * GeneratedCommandList | 0xFFF8 | |
| | * AcceptedCommandList | 0xFFF9 | |
| | * AttributeList | 0xFFFB | |
| | * FeatureMap | 0xFFFC | |
| | * ClusterRevision | 0xFFFD | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Events: | | |
| \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| |
| /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ |
| | Cluster AccountLogin | 0x050E | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Commands: | | |
| | * GetSetupPIN | 0x00 | |
| | * Login | 0x02 | |
| | * Logout | 0x03 | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Attributes: | | |
| | * GeneratedCommandList | 0xFFF8 | |
| | * AcceptedCommandList | 0xFFF9 | |
| | * AttributeList | 0xFFFB | |
| | * FeatureMap | 0xFFFC | |
| | * ClusterRevision | 0xFFFD | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Events: | | |
| \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| |
| /* |
| * Command GetSetupPIN |
| */ |
| class AccountLoginGetSetupPIN : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| AccountLoginGetSetupPIN(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : ClusterCommand("get-setup-pin", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("TempAccountIdentifier", &mRequest.tempAccountIdentifier); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x0000050E) command (0x00000000) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000050E, 0x00000000, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x0000050E) command (0x00000000) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000050E, 0x00000000, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::AccountLogin::Commands::GetSetupPIN::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command Login |
| */ |
| class AccountLoginLogin : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| AccountLoginLogin(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : ClusterCommand("login", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("TempAccountIdentifier", &mRequest.tempAccountIdentifier); |
| AddArgument("SetupPIN", &mRequest.setupPIN); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x0000050E) command (0x00000002) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000050E, 0x00000002, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x0000050E) command (0x00000002) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000050E, 0x00000002, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::AccountLogin::Commands::Login::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command Logout |
| */ |
| class AccountLoginLogout : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| AccountLoginLogout(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : ClusterCommand("logout", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x0000050E) command (0x00000003) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000050E, 0x00000003, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x0000050E) command (0x00000003) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000050E, 0x00000003, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::AccountLogin::Commands::Logout::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ |
| | Cluster TestCluster | 0x050F | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Commands: | | |
| | * Test | 0x00 | |
| | * TestNotHandled | 0x01 | |
| | * TestSpecific | 0x02 | |
| | * TestUnknownCommand | 0x03 | |
| | * TestAddArguments | 0x04 | |
| | * TestSimpleArgumentRequest | 0x05 | |
| | * TestStructArrayArgumentRequest | 0x06 | |
| | * TestStructArgumentRequest | 0x07 | |
| | * TestNestedStructArgumentRequest | 0x08 | |
| | * TestListStructArgumentRequest | 0x09 | |
| | * TestListInt8UArgumentRequest | 0x0A | |
| | * TestNestedStructListArgumentRequest | 0x0B | |
| | * TestListNestedStructListArgumentRequest | 0x0C | |
| | * TestListInt8UReverseRequest | 0x0D | |
| | * TestEnumsRequest | 0x0E | |
| | * TestNullableOptionalRequest | 0x0F | |
| | * TestComplexNullableOptionalRequest | 0x10 | |
| | * SimpleStructEchoRequest | 0x11 | |
| | * TimedInvokeRequest | 0x12 | |
| | * TestSimpleOptionalArgumentRequest | 0x13 | |
| | * TestEmitTestEventRequest | 0x14 | |
| | * TestEmitTestFabricScopedEventRequest | 0x15 | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Attributes: | | |
| | * Boolean | 0x0000 | |
| | * Bitmap8 | 0x0001 | |
| | * Bitmap16 | 0x0002 | |
| | * Bitmap32 | 0x0003 | |
| | * Bitmap64 | 0x0004 | |
| | * Int8u | 0x0005 | |
| | * Int16u | 0x0006 | |
| | * Int24u | 0x0007 | |
| | * Int32u | 0x0008 | |
| | * Int40u | 0x0009 | |
| | * Int48u | 0x000A | |
| | * Int56u | 0x000B | |
| | * Int64u | 0x000C | |
| | * Int8s | 0x000D | |
| | * Int16s | 0x000E | |
| | * Int24s | 0x000F | |
| | * Int32s | 0x0010 | |
| | * Int40s | 0x0011 | |
| | * Int48s | 0x0012 | |
| | * Int56s | 0x0013 | |
| | * Int64s | 0x0014 | |
| | * Enum8 | 0x0015 | |
| | * Enum16 | 0x0016 | |
| | * FloatSingle | 0x0017 | |
| | * FloatDouble | 0x0018 | |
| | * OctetString | 0x0019 | |
| | * ListInt8u | 0x001A | |
| | * ListOctetString | 0x001B | |
| | * ListStructOctetString | 0x001C | |
| | * LongOctetString | 0x001D | |
| | * CharString | 0x001E | |
| | * LongCharString | 0x001F | |
| | * EpochUs | 0x0020 | |
| | * EpochS | 0x0021 | |
| | * VendorId | 0x0022 | |
| | * ListNullablesAndOptionalsStruct | 0x0023 | |
| | * EnumAttr | 0x0024 | |
| | * StructAttr | 0x0025 | |
| | * RangeRestrictedInt8u | 0x0026 | |
| | * RangeRestrictedInt8s | 0x0027 | |
| | * RangeRestrictedInt16u | 0x0028 | |
| | * RangeRestrictedInt16s | 0x0029 | |
| | * ListLongOctetString | 0x002A | |
| | * ListFabricScoped | 0x002B | |
| | * TimedWriteBoolean | 0x0030 | |
| | * GeneralErrorBoolean | 0x0031 | |
| | * ClusterErrorBoolean | 0x0032 | |
| | * Unsupported | 0x00FF | |
| | * NullableBoolean | 0x4000 | |
| | * NullableBitmap8 | 0x4001 | |
| | * NullableBitmap16 | 0x4002 | |
| | * NullableBitmap32 | 0x4003 | |
| | * NullableBitmap64 | 0x4004 | |
| | * NullableInt8u | 0x4005 | |
| | * NullableInt16u | 0x4006 | |
| | * NullableInt24u | 0x4007 | |
| | * NullableInt32u | 0x4008 | |
| | * NullableInt40u | 0x4009 | |
| | * NullableInt48u | 0x400A | |
| | * NullableInt56u | 0x400B | |
| | * NullableInt64u | 0x400C | |
| | * NullableInt8s | 0x400D | |
| | * NullableInt16s | 0x400E | |
| | * NullableInt24s | 0x400F | |
| | * NullableInt32s | 0x4010 | |
| | * NullableInt40s | 0x4011 | |
| | * NullableInt48s | 0x4012 | |
| | * NullableInt56s | 0x4013 | |
| | * NullableInt64s | 0x4014 | |
| | * NullableEnum8 | 0x4015 | |
| | * NullableEnum16 | 0x4016 | |
| | * NullableFloatSingle | 0x4017 | |
| | * NullableFloatDouble | 0x4018 | |
| | * NullableOctetString | 0x4019 | |
| | * NullableCharString | 0x401E | |
| | * NullableEnumAttr | 0x4024 | |
| | * NullableStruct | 0x4025 | |
| | * NullableRangeRestrictedInt8u | 0x4026 | |
| | * NullableRangeRestrictedInt8s | 0x4027 | |
| | * NullableRangeRestrictedInt16u | 0x4028 | |
| | * NullableRangeRestrictedInt16s | 0x4029 | |
| | * GeneratedCommandList | 0xFFF8 | |
| | * AcceptedCommandList | 0xFFF9 | |
| | * AttributeList | 0xFFFB | |
| | * FeatureMap | 0xFFFC | |
| | * ClusterRevision | 0xFFFD | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Events: | | |
| | * TestEvent | 0x0001 | |
| | * TestFabricScopedEvent | 0x0002 | |
| \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| |
| /* |
| * Command Test |
| */ |
| class TestClusterTest : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| TestClusterTest(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : ClusterCommand("test", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x0000050F) command (0x00000000) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000050F, 0x00000000, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x0000050F) command (0x00000000) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000050F, 0x00000000, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::TestCluster::Commands::Test::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command TestNotHandled |
| */ |
| class TestClusterTestNotHandled : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| TestClusterTestNotHandled(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : ClusterCommand("test-not-handled", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x0000050F) command (0x00000001) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000050F, 0x00000001, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x0000050F) command (0x00000001) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000050F, 0x00000001, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::TestCluster::Commands::TestNotHandled::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command TestSpecific |
| */ |
| class TestClusterTestSpecific : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| TestClusterTestSpecific(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : ClusterCommand("test-specific", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x0000050F) command (0x00000002) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000050F, 0x00000002, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x0000050F) command (0x00000002) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000050F, 0x00000002, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::TestCluster::Commands::TestSpecific::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command TestUnknownCommand |
| */ |
| class TestClusterTestUnknownCommand : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| TestClusterTestUnknownCommand(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| ClusterCommand("test-unknown-command", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x0000050F) command (0x00000003) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000050F, 0x00000003, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x0000050F) command (0x00000003) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000050F, 0x00000003, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::TestCluster::Commands::TestUnknownCommand::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command TestAddArguments |
| */ |
| class TestClusterTestAddArguments : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| TestClusterTestAddArguments(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| ClusterCommand("test-add-arguments", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("Arg1", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.arg1); |
| AddArgument("Arg2", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.arg2); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x0000050F) command (0x00000004) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000050F, 0x00000004, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x0000050F) command (0x00000004) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000050F, 0x00000004, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::TestCluster::Commands::TestAddArguments::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command TestSimpleArgumentRequest |
| */ |
| class TestClusterTestSimpleArgumentRequest : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| TestClusterTestSimpleArgumentRequest(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| ClusterCommand("test-simple-argument-request", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("Arg1", 0, 1, &mRequest.arg1); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x0000050F) command (0x00000005) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000050F, 0x00000005, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x0000050F) command (0x00000005) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000050F, 0x00000005, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::TestCluster::Commands::TestSimpleArgumentRequest::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command TestStructArrayArgumentRequest |
| */ |
| class TestClusterTestStructArrayArgumentRequest : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| TestClusterTestStructArrayArgumentRequest(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| ClusterCommand("test-struct-array-argument-request", credsIssuerConfig), mComplex_Arg1(&mRequest.arg1), |
| mComplex_Arg2(&mRequest.arg2), mComplex_Arg3(&mRequest.arg3), mComplex_Arg4(&mRequest.arg4) |
| { |
| AddArgument("Arg1", &mComplex_Arg1); |
| AddArgument("Arg2", &mComplex_Arg2); |
| AddArgument("Arg3", &mComplex_Arg3); |
| AddArgument("Arg4", &mComplex_Arg4); |
| AddArgument("Arg5", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.arg5); |
| AddArgument("Arg6", 0, 1, &mRequest.arg6); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x0000050F) command (0x00000006) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000050F, 0x00000006, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x0000050F) command (0x00000006) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000050F, 0x00000006, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::TestCluster::Commands::TestStructArrayArgumentRequest::Type mRequest; |
| TypedComplexArgument<chip::app::DataModel::List<const chip::app::Clusters::TestCluster::Structs::NestedStructList::Type>> |
| mComplex_Arg1; |
| TypedComplexArgument<chip::app::DataModel::List<const chip::app::Clusters::TestCluster::Structs::SimpleStruct::Type>> |
| mComplex_Arg2; |
| TypedComplexArgument<chip::app::DataModel::List<const chip::app::Clusters::TestCluster::SimpleEnum>> mComplex_Arg3; |
| TypedComplexArgument<chip::app::DataModel::List<const bool>> mComplex_Arg4; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command TestStructArgumentRequest |
| */ |
| class TestClusterTestStructArgumentRequest : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| TestClusterTestStructArgumentRequest(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| ClusterCommand("test-struct-argument-request", credsIssuerConfig), mComplex_Arg1(&mRequest.arg1) |
| { |
| AddArgument("Arg1", &mComplex_Arg1); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x0000050F) command (0x00000007) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000050F, 0x00000007, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x0000050F) command (0x00000007) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000050F, 0x00000007, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::TestCluster::Commands::TestStructArgumentRequest::Type mRequest; |
| TypedComplexArgument<chip::app::Clusters::TestCluster::Structs::SimpleStruct::Type> mComplex_Arg1; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command TestNestedStructArgumentRequest |
| */ |
| class TestClusterTestNestedStructArgumentRequest : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| TestClusterTestNestedStructArgumentRequest(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| ClusterCommand("test-nested-struct-argument-request", credsIssuerConfig), mComplex_Arg1(&mRequest.arg1) |
| { |
| AddArgument("Arg1", &mComplex_Arg1); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x0000050F) command (0x00000008) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000050F, 0x00000008, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x0000050F) command (0x00000008) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000050F, 0x00000008, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::TestCluster::Commands::TestNestedStructArgumentRequest::Type mRequest; |
| TypedComplexArgument<chip::app::Clusters::TestCluster::Structs::NestedStruct::Type> mComplex_Arg1; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command TestListStructArgumentRequest |
| */ |
| class TestClusterTestListStructArgumentRequest : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| TestClusterTestListStructArgumentRequest(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| ClusterCommand("test-list-struct-argument-request", credsIssuerConfig), mComplex_Arg1(&mRequest.arg1) |
| { |
| AddArgument("Arg1", &mComplex_Arg1); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x0000050F) command (0x00000009) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000050F, 0x00000009, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x0000050F) command (0x00000009) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000050F, 0x00000009, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::TestCluster::Commands::TestListStructArgumentRequest::Type mRequest; |
| TypedComplexArgument<chip::app::DataModel::List<const chip::app::Clusters::TestCluster::Structs::SimpleStruct::Type>> |
| mComplex_Arg1; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command TestListInt8UArgumentRequest |
| */ |
| class TestClusterTestListInt8UArgumentRequest : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| TestClusterTestListInt8UArgumentRequest(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| ClusterCommand("test-list-int8uargument-request", credsIssuerConfig), mComplex_Arg1(&mRequest.arg1) |
| { |
| AddArgument("Arg1", &mComplex_Arg1); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x0000050F) command (0x0000000A) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000050F, 0x0000000A, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x0000050F) command (0x0000000A) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000050F, 0x0000000A, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::TestCluster::Commands::TestListInt8UArgumentRequest::Type mRequest; |
| TypedComplexArgument<chip::app::DataModel::List<const uint8_t>> mComplex_Arg1; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command TestNestedStructListArgumentRequest |
| */ |
| class TestClusterTestNestedStructListArgumentRequest : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| TestClusterTestNestedStructListArgumentRequest(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| ClusterCommand("test-nested-struct-list-argument-request", credsIssuerConfig), mComplex_Arg1(&mRequest.arg1) |
| { |
| AddArgument("Arg1", &mComplex_Arg1); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x0000050F) command (0x0000000B) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000050F, 0x0000000B, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x0000050F) command (0x0000000B) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000050F, 0x0000000B, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::TestCluster::Commands::TestNestedStructListArgumentRequest::Type mRequest; |
| TypedComplexArgument<chip::app::Clusters::TestCluster::Structs::NestedStructList::Type> mComplex_Arg1; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command TestListNestedStructListArgumentRequest |
| */ |
| class TestClusterTestListNestedStructListArgumentRequest : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| TestClusterTestListNestedStructListArgumentRequest(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| ClusterCommand("test-list-nested-struct-list-argument-request", credsIssuerConfig), mComplex_Arg1(&mRequest.arg1) |
| { |
| AddArgument("Arg1", &mComplex_Arg1); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x0000050F) command (0x0000000C) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000050F, 0x0000000C, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x0000050F) command (0x0000000C) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000050F, 0x0000000C, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::TestCluster::Commands::TestListNestedStructListArgumentRequest::Type mRequest; |
| TypedComplexArgument<chip::app::DataModel::List<const chip::app::Clusters::TestCluster::Structs::NestedStructList::Type>> |
| mComplex_Arg1; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command TestListInt8UReverseRequest |
| */ |
| class TestClusterTestListInt8UReverseRequest : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| TestClusterTestListInt8UReverseRequest(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| ClusterCommand("test-list-int8ureverse-request", credsIssuerConfig), mComplex_Arg1(&mRequest.arg1) |
| { |
| AddArgument("Arg1", &mComplex_Arg1); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x0000050F) command (0x0000000D) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000050F, 0x0000000D, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x0000050F) command (0x0000000D) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000050F, 0x0000000D, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::TestCluster::Commands::TestListInt8UReverseRequest::Type mRequest; |
| TypedComplexArgument<chip::app::DataModel::List<const uint8_t>> mComplex_Arg1; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command TestEnumsRequest |
| */ |
| class TestClusterTestEnumsRequest : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| TestClusterTestEnumsRequest(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| ClusterCommand("test-enums-request", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("Arg1", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mRequest.arg1); |
| AddArgument("Arg2", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.arg2); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x0000050F) command (0x0000000E) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000050F, 0x0000000E, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x0000050F) command (0x0000000E) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000050F, 0x0000000E, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::TestCluster::Commands::TestEnumsRequest::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command TestNullableOptionalRequest |
| */ |
| class TestClusterTestNullableOptionalRequest : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| TestClusterTestNullableOptionalRequest(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| ClusterCommand("test-nullable-optional-request", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("Arg1", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.arg1); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x0000050F) command (0x0000000F) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000050F, 0x0000000F, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x0000050F) command (0x0000000F) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000050F, 0x0000000F, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::TestCluster::Commands::TestNullableOptionalRequest::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command TestComplexNullableOptionalRequest |
| */ |
| class TestClusterTestComplexNullableOptionalRequest : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| TestClusterTestComplexNullableOptionalRequest(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| ClusterCommand("test-complex-nullable-optional-request", credsIssuerConfig), |
| mComplex_NullableStruct(&mRequest.nullableStruct), mComplex_OptionalStruct(&mRequest.optionalStruct), |
| mComplex_NullableOptionalStruct(&mRequest.nullableOptionalStruct), mComplex_NullableList(&mRequest.nullableList), |
| mComplex_OptionalList(&mRequest.optionalList), mComplex_NullableOptionalList(&mRequest.nullableOptionalList) |
| { |
| AddArgument("NullableInt", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mRequest.nullableInt); |
| AddArgument("OptionalInt", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mRequest.optionalInt); |
| AddArgument("NullableOptionalInt", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mRequest.nullableOptionalInt); |
| AddArgument("NullableString", &mRequest.nullableString); |
| AddArgument("OptionalString", &mRequest.optionalString); |
| AddArgument("NullableOptionalString", &mRequest.nullableOptionalString); |
| AddArgument("NullableStruct", &mComplex_NullableStruct); |
| AddArgument("OptionalStruct", &mComplex_OptionalStruct); |
| AddArgument("NullableOptionalStruct", &mComplex_NullableOptionalStruct); |
| AddArgument("NullableList", &mComplex_NullableList); |
| AddArgument("OptionalList", &mComplex_OptionalList); |
| AddArgument("NullableOptionalList", &mComplex_NullableOptionalList); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x0000050F) command (0x00000010) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000050F, 0x00000010, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x0000050F) command (0x00000010) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000050F, 0x00000010, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::TestCluster::Commands::TestComplexNullableOptionalRequest::Type mRequest; |
| TypedComplexArgument<chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<chip::app::Clusters::TestCluster::Structs::SimpleStruct::Type>> |
| mComplex_NullableStruct; |
| TypedComplexArgument<chip::Optional<chip::app::Clusters::TestCluster::Structs::SimpleStruct::Type>> mComplex_OptionalStruct; |
| TypedComplexArgument< |
| chip::Optional<chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<chip::app::Clusters::TestCluster::Structs::SimpleStruct::Type>>> |
| mComplex_NullableOptionalStruct; |
| TypedComplexArgument< |
| chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<chip::app::DataModel::List<const chip::app::Clusters::TestCluster::SimpleEnum>>> |
| mComplex_NullableList; |
| TypedComplexArgument<chip::Optional<chip::app::DataModel::List<const chip::app::Clusters::TestCluster::SimpleEnum>>> |
| mComplex_OptionalList; |
| TypedComplexArgument<chip::Optional< |
| chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<chip::app::DataModel::List<const chip::app::Clusters::TestCluster::SimpleEnum>>>> |
| mComplex_NullableOptionalList; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command SimpleStructEchoRequest |
| */ |
| class TestClusterSimpleStructEchoRequest : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| TestClusterSimpleStructEchoRequest(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| ClusterCommand("simple-struct-echo-request", credsIssuerConfig), mComplex_Arg1(&mRequest.arg1) |
| { |
| AddArgument("Arg1", &mComplex_Arg1); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x0000050F) command (0x00000011) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000050F, 0x00000011, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x0000050F) command (0x00000011) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000050F, 0x00000011, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::TestCluster::Commands::SimpleStructEchoRequest::Type mRequest; |
| TypedComplexArgument<chip::app::Clusters::TestCluster::Structs::SimpleStruct::Type> mComplex_Arg1; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command TimedInvokeRequest |
| */ |
| class TestClusterTimedInvokeRequest : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| TestClusterTimedInvokeRequest(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| ClusterCommand("timed-invoke-request", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x0000050F) command (0x00000012) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000050F, 0x00000012, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x0000050F) command (0x00000012) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000050F, 0x00000012, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::TestCluster::Commands::TimedInvokeRequest::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command TestSimpleOptionalArgumentRequest |
| */ |
| class TestClusterTestSimpleOptionalArgumentRequest : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| TestClusterTestSimpleOptionalArgumentRequest(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| ClusterCommand("test-simple-optional-argument-request", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("Arg1", 0, 1, &mRequest.arg1); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x0000050F) command (0x00000013) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000050F, 0x00000013, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x0000050F) command (0x00000013) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000050F, 0x00000013, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::TestCluster::Commands::TestSimpleOptionalArgumentRequest::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command TestEmitTestEventRequest |
| */ |
| class TestClusterTestEmitTestEventRequest : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| TestClusterTestEmitTestEventRequest(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| ClusterCommand("test-emit-test-event-request", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("Arg1", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.arg1); |
| AddArgument("Arg2", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.arg2); |
| AddArgument("Arg3", 0, 1, &mRequest.arg3); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x0000050F) command (0x00000014) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000050F, 0x00000014, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x0000050F) command (0x00000014) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000050F, 0x00000014, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::TestCluster::Commands::TestEmitTestEventRequest::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command TestEmitTestFabricScopedEventRequest |
| */ |
| class TestClusterTestEmitTestFabricScopedEventRequest : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| TestClusterTestEmitTestFabricScopedEventRequest(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| ClusterCommand("test-emit-test-fabric-scoped-event-request", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("Arg1", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.arg1); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x0000050F) command (0x00000015) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000050F, 0x00000015, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x0000050F) command (0x00000015) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000050F, 0x00000015, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::TestCluster::Commands::TestEmitTestFabricScopedEventRequest::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteTestClusterBoolean : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteTestClusterBoolean(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : WriteAttribute("Boolean", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "boolean"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, 1, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteTestClusterBoolean() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000050F, 0x00000000, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000050F, 0x00000000, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| bool mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteTestClusterBitmap8 : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteTestClusterBitmap8(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : WriteAttribute("Bitmap8", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "bitmap8"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteTestClusterBitmap8() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000050F, 0x00000001, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000050F, 0x00000001, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::BitFlags<chip::app::Clusters::TestCluster::Bitmap8MaskMap> mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteTestClusterBitmap16 : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteTestClusterBitmap16(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : WriteAttribute("Bitmap16", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "bitmap16"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteTestClusterBitmap16() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000050F, 0x00000002, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000050F, 0x00000002, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::BitFlags<chip::app::Clusters::TestCluster::Bitmap16MaskMap> mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteTestClusterBitmap32 : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteTestClusterBitmap32(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : WriteAttribute("Bitmap32", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "bitmap32"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT32_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteTestClusterBitmap32() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000050F, 0x00000003, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000050F, 0x00000003, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::BitFlags<chip::app::Clusters::TestCluster::Bitmap32MaskMap> mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteTestClusterBitmap64 : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteTestClusterBitmap64(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : WriteAttribute("Bitmap64", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "bitmap64"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT64_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteTestClusterBitmap64() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000050F, 0x00000004, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000050F, 0x00000004, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::BitFlags<chip::app::Clusters::TestCluster::Bitmap64MaskMap> mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteTestClusterInt8u : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteTestClusterInt8u(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : WriteAttribute("Int8u", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "int8u"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteTestClusterInt8u() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000050F, 0x00000005, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000050F, 0x00000005, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint8_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteTestClusterInt16u : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteTestClusterInt16u(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : WriteAttribute("Int16u", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "int16u"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteTestClusterInt16u() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000050F, 0x00000006, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000050F, 0x00000006, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint16_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteTestClusterInt24u : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteTestClusterInt24u(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : WriteAttribute("Int24u", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "int24u"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT32_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteTestClusterInt24u() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000050F, 0x00000007, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000050F, 0x00000007, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint32_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteTestClusterInt32u : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteTestClusterInt32u(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : WriteAttribute("Int32u", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "int32u"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT32_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteTestClusterInt32u() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000050F, 0x00000008, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000050F, 0x00000008, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint32_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteTestClusterInt40u : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteTestClusterInt40u(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : WriteAttribute("Int40u", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "int40u"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT64_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteTestClusterInt40u() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000050F, 0x00000009, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000050F, 0x00000009, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint64_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteTestClusterInt48u : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteTestClusterInt48u(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : WriteAttribute("Int48u", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "int48u"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT64_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteTestClusterInt48u() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000050F, 0x0000000A, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000050F, 0x0000000A, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint64_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteTestClusterInt56u : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteTestClusterInt56u(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : WriteAttribute("Int56u", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "int56u"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT64_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteTestClusterInt56u() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000050F, 0x0000000B, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000050F, 0x0000000B, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint64_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteTestClusterInt64u : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteTestClusterInt64u(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : WriteAttribute("Int64u", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "int64u"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT64_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteTestClusterInt64u() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000050F, 0x0000000C, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000050F, 0x0000000C, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint64_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteTestClusterInt8s : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteTestClusterInt8s(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : WriteAttribute("Int8s", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "int8s"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", INT8_MIN, INT8_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteTestClusterInt8s() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000050F, 0x0000000D, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000050F, 0x0000000D, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| int8_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteTestClusterInt16s : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteTestClusterInt16s(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : WriteAttribute("Int16s", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "int16s"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", INT16_MIN, INT16_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteTestClusterInt16s() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000050F, 0x0000000E, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000050F, 0x0000000E, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| int16_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteTestClusterInt24s : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteTestClusterInt24s(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : WriteAttribute("Int24s", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "int24s"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", INT32_MIN, INT32_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteTestClusterInt24s() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000050F, 0x0000000F, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000050F, 0x0000000F, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| int32_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteTestClusterInt32s : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteTestClusterInt32s(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : WriteAttribute("Int32s", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "int32s"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", INT32_MIN, INT32_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteTestClusterInt32s() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000050F, 0x00000010, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000050F, 0x00000010, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| int32_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteTestClusterInt40s : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteTestClusterInt40s(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : WriteAttribute("Int40s", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "int40s"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", INT64_MIN, INT64_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteTestClusterInt40s() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000050F, 0x00000011, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000050F, 0x00000011, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| int64_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteTestClusterInt48s : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteTestClusterInt48s(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : WriteAttribute("Int48s", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "int48s"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", INT64_MIN, INT64_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteTestClusterInt48s() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000050F, 0x00000012, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000050F, 0x00000012, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| int64_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteTestClusterInt56s : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteTestClusterInt56s(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : WriteAttribute("Int56s", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "int56s"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", INT64_MIN, INT64_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteTestClusterInt56s() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000050F, 0x00000013, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000050F, 0x00000013, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| int64_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteTestClusterInt64s : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteTestClusterInt64s(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : WriteAttribute("Int64s", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "int64s"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", INT64_MIN, INT64_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteTestClusterInt64s() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000050F, 0x00000014, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000050F, 0x00000014, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| int64_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteTestClusterEnum8 : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteTestClusterEnum8(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : WriteAttribute("Enum8", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "enum8"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteTestClusterEnum8() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000050F, 0x00000015, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000050F, 0x00000015, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint8_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteTestClusterEnum16 : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteTestClusterEnum16(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : WriteAttribute("Enum16", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "enum16"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteTestClusterEnum16() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000050F, 0x00000016, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000050F, 0x00000016, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint16_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteTestClusterFloatSingle : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteTestClusterFloatSingle(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : WriteAttribute("FloatSingle", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "float-single"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", -std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity(), std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity(), &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteTestClusterFloatSingle() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000050F, 0x00000017, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000050F, 0x00000017, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| float mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteTestClusterFloatDouble : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteTestClusterFloatDouble(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : WriteAttribute("FloatDouble", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "float-double"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", -std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity(), std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity(), &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteTestClusterFloatDouble() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000050F, 0x00000018, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000050F, 0x00000018, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| double mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteTestClusterOctetString : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteTestClusterOctetString(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : WriteAttribute("OctetString", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "octet-string"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteTestClusterOctetString() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000050F, 0x00000019, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000050F, 0x00000019, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::ByteSpan mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteTestClusterListInt8u : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteTestClusterListInt8u(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("ListInt8u", credsIssuerConfig), mComplex(&mValue) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "list-int8u"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", &mComplex); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteTestClusterListInt8u() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000050F, 0x0000001A, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000050F, 0x0000001A, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::DataModel::List<const uint8_t> mValue; |
| TypedComplexArgument<chip::app::DataModel::List<const uint8_t>> mComplex; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteTestClusterListOctetString : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteTestClusterListOctetString(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("ListOctetString", credsIssuerConfig), mComplex(&mValue) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "list-octet-string"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", &mComplex); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteTestClusterListOctetString() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000050F, 0x0000001B, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000050F, 0x0000001B, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::DataModel::List<const chip::ByteSpan> mValue; |
| TypedComplexArgument<chip::app::DataModel::List<const chip::ByteSpan>> mComplex; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteTestClusterListStructOctetString : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteTestClusterListStructOctetString(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("ListStructOctetString", credsIssuerConfig), mComplex(&mValue) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "list-struct-octet-string"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", &mComplex); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteTestClusterListStructOctetString() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000050F, 0x0000001C, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000050F, 0x0000001C, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::DataModel::List<const chip::app::Clusters::TestCluster::Structs::TestListStructOctet::Type> mValue; |
| TypedComplexArgument<chip::app::DataModel::List<const chip::app::Clusters::TestCluster::Structs::TestListStructOctet::Type>> |
| mComplex; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteTestClusterLongOctetString : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteTestClusterLongOctetString(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("LongOctetString", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "long-octet-string"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteTestClusterLongOctetString() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000050F, 0x0000001D, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000050F, 0x0000001D, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::ByteSpan mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteTestClusterCharString : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteTestClusterCharString(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : WriteAttribute("CharString", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "char-string"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteTestClusterCharString() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000050F, 0x0000001E, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000050F, 0x0000001E, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::CharSpan mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteTestClusterLongCharString : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteTestClusterLongCharString(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("LongCharString", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "long-char-string"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteTestClusterLongCharString() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000050F, 0x0000001F, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000050F, 0x0000001F, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::CharSpan mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteTestClusterEpochUs : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteTestClusterEpochUs(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : WriteAttribute("EpochUs", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "epoch-us"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT64_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteTestClusterEpochUs() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000050F, 0x00000020, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000050F, 0x00000020, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint64_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteTestClusterEpochS : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteTestClusterEpochS(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : WriteAttribute("EpochS", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "epoch-s"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT32_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteTestClusterEpochS() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000050F, 0x00000021, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000050F, 0x00000021, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint32_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteTestClusterVendorId : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteTestClusterVendorId(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : WriteAttribute("VendorId", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "vendor-id"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteTestClusterVendorId() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000050F, 0x00000022, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000050F, 0x00000022, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::VendorId mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteTestClusterListNullablesAndOptionalsStruct : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteTestClusterListNullablesAndOptionalsStruct(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("ListNullablesAndOptionalsStruct", credsIssuerConfig), mComplex(&mValue) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "list-nullables-and-optionals-struct"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", &mComplex); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteTestClusterListNullablesAndOptionalsStruct() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000050F, 0x00000023, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000050F, 0x00000023, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::DataModel::List<const chip::app::Clusters::TestCluster::Structs::NullablesAndOptionalsStruct::Type> mValue; |
| TypedComplexArgument< |
| chip::app::DataModel::List<const chip::app::Clusters::TestCluster::Structs::NullablesAndOptionalsStruct::Type>> |
| mComplex; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteTestClusterEnumAttr : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteTestClusterEnumAttr(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : WriteAttribute("EnumAttr", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "enum-attr"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteTestClusterEnumAttr() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000050F, 0x00000024, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000050F, 0x00000024, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::TestCluster::SimpleEnum mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteTestClusterStructAttr : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteTestClusterStructAttr(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("StructAttr", credsIssuerConfig), mComplex(&mValue) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "struct-attr"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", &mComplex); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteTestClusterStructAttr() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000050F, 0x00000025, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000050F, 0x00000025, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::TestCluster::Structs::SimpleStruct::Type mValue; |
| TypedComplexArgument<chip::app::Clusters::TestCluster::Structs::SimpleStruct::Type> mComplex; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteTestClusterRangeRestrictedInt8u : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteTestClusterRangeRestrictedInt8u(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("RangeRestrictedInt8u", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "range-restricted-int8u"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteTestClusterRangeRestrictedInt8u() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000050F, 0x00000026, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000050F, 0x00000026, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint8_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteTestClusterRangeRestrictedInt8s : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteTestClusterRangeRestrictedInt8s(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("RangeRestrictedInt8s", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "range-restricted-int8s"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", INT8_MIN, INT8_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteTestClusterRangeRestrictedInt8s() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000050F, 0x00000027, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000050F, 0x00000027, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| int8_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteTestClusterRangeRestrictedInt16u : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteTestClusterRangeRestrictedInt16u(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("RangeRestrictedInt16u", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "range-restricted-int16u"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteTestClusterRangeRestrictedInt16u() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000050F, 0x00000028, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000050F, 0x00000028, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint16_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteTestClusterRangeRestrictedInt16s : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteTestClusterRangeRestrictedInt16s(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("RangeRestrictedInt16s", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "range-restricted-int16s"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", INT16_MIN, INT16_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteTestClusterRangeRestrictedInt16s() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000050F, 0x00000029, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000050F, 0x00000029, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| int16_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteTestClusterListLongOctetString : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteTestClusterListLongOctetString(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("ListLongOctetString", credsIssuerConfig), mComplex(&mValue) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "list-long-octet-string"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", &mComplex); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteTestClusterListLongOctetString() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000050F, 0x0000002A, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000050F, 0x0000002A, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::DataModel::List<const chip::ByteSpan> mValue; |
| TypedComplexArgument<chip::app::DataModel::List<const chip::ByteSpan>> mComplex; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteTestClusterListFabricScoped : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteTestClusterListFabricScoped(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("ListFabricScoped", credsIssuerConfig), mComplex(&mValue) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "list-fabric-scoped"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", &mComplex); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteTestClusterListFabricScoped() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000050F, 0x0000002B, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000050F, 0x0000002B, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::DataModel::List<const chip::app::Clusters::TestCluster::Structs::TestFabricScoped::Type> mValue; |
| TypedComplexArgument<chip::app::DataModel::List<const chip::app::Clusters::TestCluster::Structs::TestFabricScoped::Type>> |
| mComplex; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteTestClusterTimedWriteBoolean : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteTestClusterTimedWriteBoolean(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("TimedWriteBoolean", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "timed-write-boolean"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, 1, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteTestClusterTimedWriteBoolean() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000050F, 0x00000030, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000050F, 0x00000030, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| bool mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteTestClusterGeneralErrorBoolean : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteTestClusterGeneralErrorBoolean(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("GeneralErrorBoolean", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "general-error-boolean"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, 1, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteTestClusterGeneralErrorBoolean() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000050F, 0x00000031, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000050F, 0x00000031, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| bool mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteTestClusterClusterErrorBoolean : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteTestClusterClusterErrorBoolean(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("ClusterErrorBoolean", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "cluster-error-boolean"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, 1, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteTestClusterClusterErrorBoolean() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000050F, 0x00000032, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000050F, 0x00000032, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| bool mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteTestClusterUnsupported : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteTestClusterUnsupported(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : WriteAttribute("Unsupported", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "unsupported"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, 1, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteTestClusterUnsupported() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000050F, 0x000000FF, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000050F, 0x000000FF, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| bool mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteTestClusterNullableBoolean : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteTestClusterNullableBoolean(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("NullableBoolean", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "nullable-boolean"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, 1, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteTestClusterNullableBoolean() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000050F, 0x00004000, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000050F, 0x00004000, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<bool> mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteTestClusterNullableBitmap8 : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteTestClusterNullableBitmap8(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("NullableBitmap8", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "nullable-bitmap8"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteTestClusterNullableBitmap8() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000050F, 0x00004001, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000050F, 0x00004001, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<chip::BitFlags<chip::app::Clusters::TestCluster::Bitmap8MaskMap>> mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteTestClusterNullableBitmap16 : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteTestClusterNullableBitmap16(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("NullableBitmap16", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "nullable-bitmap16"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteTestClusterNullableBitmap16() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000050F, 0x00004002, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000050F, 0x00004002, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<chip::BitFlags<chip::app::Clusters::TestCluster::Bitmap16MaskMap>> mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteTestClusterNullableBitmap32 : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteTestClusterNullableBitmap32(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("NullableBitmap32", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "nullable-bitmap32"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT32_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteTestClusterNullableBitmap32() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000050F, 0x00004003, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000050F, 0x00004003, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<chip::BitFlags<chip::app::Clusters::TestCluster::Bitmap32MaskMap>> mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteTestClusterNullableBitmap64 : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteTestClusterNullableBitmap64(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("NullableBitmap64", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "nullable-bitmap64"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT64_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteTestClusterNullableBitmap64() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000050F, 0x00004004, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000050F, 0x00004004, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<chip::BitFlags<chip::app::Clusters::TestCluster::Bitmap64MaskMap>> mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteTestClusterNullableInt8u : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteTestClusterNullableInt8u(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : WriteAttribute("NullableInt8u", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "nullable-int8u"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteTestClusterNullableInt8u() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000050F, 0x00004005, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000050F, 0x00004005, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t> mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteTestClusterNullableInt16u : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteTestClusterNullableInt16u(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("NullableInt16u", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "nullable-int16u"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteTestClusterNullableInt16u() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000050F, 0x00004006, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000050F, 0x00004006, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint16_t> mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteTestClusterNullableInt24u : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteTestClusterNullableInt24u(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("NullableInt24u", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "nullable-int24u"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT32_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteTestClusterNullableInt24u() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000050F, 0x00004007, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000050F, 0x00004007, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint32_t> mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteTestClusterNullableInt32u : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteTestClusterNullableInt32u(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("NullableInt32u", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "nullable-int32u"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT32_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteTestClusterNullableInt32u() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000050F, 0x00004008, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000050F, 0x00004008, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint32_t> mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteTestClusterNullableInt40u : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteTestClusterNullableInt40u(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("NullableInt40u", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "nullable-int40u"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT64_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteTestClusterNullableInt40u() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000050F, 0x00004009, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000050F, 0x00004009, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint64_t> mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteTestClusterNullableInt48u : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteTestClusterNullableInt48u(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("NullableInt48u", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "nullable-int48u"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT64_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteTestClusterNullableInt48u() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000050F, 0x0000400A, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000050F, 0x0000400A, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint64_t> mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteTestClusterNullableInt56u : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteTestClusterNullableInt56u(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("NullableInt56u", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "nullable-int56u"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT64_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteTestClusterNullableInt56u() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000050F, 0x0000400B, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000050F, 0x0000400B, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint64_t> mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteTestClusterNullableInt64u : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteTestClusterNullableInt64u(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("NullableInt64u", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "nullable-int64u"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT64_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteTestClusterNullableInt64u() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000050F, 0x0000400C, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000050F, 0x0000400C, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint64_t> mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteTestClusterNullableInt8s : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteTestClusterNullableInt8s(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : WriteAttribute("NullableInt8s", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "nullable-int8s"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", INT8_MIN, INT8_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteTestClusterNullableInt8s() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000050F, 0x0000400D, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000050F, 0x0000400D, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<int8_t> mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteTestClusterNullableInt16s : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteTestClusterNullableInt16s(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("NullableInt16s", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "nullable-int16s"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", INT16_MIN, INT16_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteTestClusterNullableInt16s() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000050F, 0x0000400E, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000050F, 0x0000400E, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<int16_t> mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteTestClusterNullableInt24s : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteTestClusterNullableInt24s(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("NullableInt24s", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "nullable-int24s"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", INT32_MIN, INT32_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteTestClusterNullableInt24s() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000050F, 0x0000400F, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000050F, 0x0000400F, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<int32_t> mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteTestClusterNullableInt32s : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteTestClusterNullableInt32s(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("NullableInt32s", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "nullable-int32s"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", INT32_MIN, INT32_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteTestClusterNullableInt32s() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000050F, 0x00004010, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000050F, 0x00004010, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<int32_t> mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteTestClusterNullableInt40s : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteTestClusterNullableInt40s(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("NullableInt40s", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "nullable-int40s"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", INT64_MIN, INT64_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteTestClusterNullableInt40s() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000050F, 0x00004011, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000050F, 0x00004011, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<int64_t> mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteTestClusterNullableInt48s : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteTestClusterNullableInt48s(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("NullableInt48s", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "nullable-int48s"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", INT64_MIN, INT64_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteTestClusterNullableInt48s() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000050F, 0x00004012, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000050F, 0x00004012, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<int64_t> mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteTestClusterNullableInt56s : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteTestClusterNullableInt56s(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("NullableInt56s", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "nullable-int56s"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", INT64_MIN, INT64_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteTestClusterNullableInt56s() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000050F, 0x00004013, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000050F, 0x00004013, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<int64_t> mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteTestClusterNullableInt64s : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteTestClusterNullableInt64s(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("NullableInt64s", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "nullable-int64s"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", INT64_MIN, INT64_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteTestClusterNullableInt64s() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000050F, 0x00004014, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000050F, 0x00004014, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<int64_t> mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteTestClusterNullableEnum8 : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteTestClusterNullableEnum8(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : WriteAttribute("NullableEnum8", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "nullable-enum8"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteTestClusterNullableEnum8() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000050F, 0x00004015, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000050F, 0x00004015, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t> mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteTestClusterNullableEnum16 : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteTestClusterNullableEnum16(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("NullableEnum16", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "nullable-enum16"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteTestClusterNullableEnum16() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000050F, 0x00004016, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000050F, 0x00004016, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint16_t> mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteTestClusterNullableFloatSingle : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteTestClusterNullableFloatSingle(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("NullableFloatSingle", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "nullable-float-single"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", -std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity(), std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity(), &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteTestClusterNullableFloatSingle() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000050F, 0x00004017, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000050F, 0x00004017, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<float> mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteTestClusterNullableFloatDouble : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteTestClusterNullableFloatDouble(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("NullableFloatDouble", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "nullable-float-double"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", -std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity(), std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity(), &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteTestClusterNullableFloatDouble() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000050F, 0x00004018, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000050F, 0x00004018, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<double> mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteTestClusterNullableOctetString : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteTestClusterNullableOctetString(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("NullableOctetString", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "nullable-octet-string"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteTestClusterNullableOctetString() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000050F, 0x00004019, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000050F, 0x00004019, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<chip::ByteSpan> mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteTestClusterNullableCharString : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteTestClusterNullableCharString(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("NullableCharString", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "nullable-char-string"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteTestClusterNullableCharString() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000050F, 0x0000401E, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000050F, 0x0000401E, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<chip::CharSpan> mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteTestClusterNullableEnumAttr : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteTestClusterNullableEnumAttr(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("NullableEnumAttr", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "nullable-enum-attr"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteTestClusterNullableEnumAttr() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000050F, 0x00004024, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000050F, 0x00004024, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<chip::app::Clusters::TestCluster::SimpleEnum> mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteTestClusterNullableStruct : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteTestClusterNullableStruct(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("NullableStruct", credsIssuerConfig), mComplex(&mValue) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "nullable-struct"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", &mComplex); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteTestClusterNullableStruct() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000050F, 0x00004025, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000050F, 0x00004025, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<chip::app::Clusters::TestCluster::Structs::SimpleStruct::Type> mValue; |
| TypedComplexArgument<chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<chip::app::Clusters::TestCluster::Structs::SimpleStruct::Type>> mComplex; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteTestClusterNullableRangeRestrictedInt8u : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteTestClusterNullableRangeRestrictedInt8u(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("NullableRangeRestrictedInt8u", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "nullable-range-restricted-int8u"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteTestClusterNullableRangeRestrictedInt8u() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000050F, 0x00004026, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000050F, 0x00004026, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t> mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteTestClusterNullableRangeRestrictedInt8s : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteTestClusterNullableRangeRestrictedInt8s(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("NullableRangeRestrictedInt8s", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "nullable-range-restricted-int8s"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", INT8_MIN, INT8_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteTestClusterNullableRangeRestrictedInt8s() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000050F, 0x00004027, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000050F, 0x00004027, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<int8_t> mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteTestClusterNullableRangeRestrictedInt16u : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteTestClusterNullableRangeRestrictedInt16u(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("NullableRangeRestrictedInt16u", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "nullable-range-restricted-int16u"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteTestClusterNullableRangeRestrictedInt16u() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000050F, 0x00004028, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000050F, 0x00004028, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint16_t> mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteTestClusterNullableRangeRestrictedInt16s : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteTestClusterNullableRangeRestrictedInt16s(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("NullableRangeRestrictedInt16s", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "nullable-range-restricted-int16s"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", INT16_MIN, INT16_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteTestClusterNullableRangeRestrictedInt16s() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x0000050F, 0x00004029, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x0000050F, 0x00004029, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<int16_t> mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ |
| | Cluster Messaging | 0x0703 | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Commands: | | |
| | * GetLastMessage | 0x00 | |
| | * MessageConfirmation | 0x01 | |
| | * GetMessageCancellation | 0x02 | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Attributes: | | |
| | * GeneratedCommandList | 0xFFF8 | |
| | * AcceptedCommandList | 0xFFF9 | |
| | * AttributeList | 0xFFFB | |
| | * FeatureMap | 0xFFFC | |
| | * ClusterRevision | 0xFFFD | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Events: | | |
| \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| |
| /* |
| * Command GetLastMessage |
| */ |
| class MessagingGetLastMessage : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| MessagingGetLastMessage(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : ClusterCommand("get-last-message", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000703) command (0x00000000) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000703, 0x00000000, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000703) command (0x00000000) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000703, 0x00000000, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::Messaging::Commands::GetLastMessage::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command MessageConfirmation |
| */ |
| class MessagingMessageConfirmation : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| MessagingMessageConfirmation(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| ClusterCommand("message-confirmation", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("MessageId", 0, UINT32_MAX, &mRequest.messageId); |
| AddArgument("ConfirmationTime", 0, UINT32_MAX, &mRequest.confirmationTime); |
| AddArgument("MessageConfirmationControl", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.messageConfirmationControl); |
| AddArgument("MessageResponse", &mRequest.messageResponse); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000703) command (0x00000001) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000703, 0x00000001, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000703) command (0x00000001) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000703, 0x00000001, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::Messaging::Commands::MessageConfirmation::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command GetMessageCancellation |
| */ |
| class MessagingGetMessageCancellation : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| MessagingGetMessageCancellation(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| ClusterCommand("get-message-cancellation", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("EarliestImplementationTime", 0, UINT32_MAX, &mRequest.earliestImplementationTime); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000703) command (0x00000002) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000703, 0x00000002, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000703) command (0x00000002) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000703, 0x00000002, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::Messaging::Commands::GetMessageCancellation::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ |
| | Cluster ApplianceIdentification | 0x0B00 | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Commands: | | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Attributes: | | |
| | * BasicIdentification | 0x0000 | |
| | * CompanyName | 0x0010 | |
| | * CompanyId | 0x0011 | |
| | * BrandName | 0x0012 | |
| | * BrandId | 0x0013 | |
| | * Model | 0x0014 | |
| | * PartNumber | 0x0015 | |
| | * ProductRevision | 0x0016 | |
| | * SoftwareRevision | 0x0017 | |
| | * ProductTypeName | 0x0018 | |
| | * ProductTypeId | 0x0019 | |
| | * CecedSpecificationVersion | 0x001A | |
| | * GeneratedCommandList | 0xFFF8 | |
| | * AcceptedCommandList | 0xFFF9 | |
| | * AttributeList | 0xFFFB | |
| | * FeatureMap | 0xFFFC | |
| | * ClusterRevision | 0xFFFD | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Events: | | |
| \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| |
| /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ |
| | Cluster MeterIdentification | 0x0B01 | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Commands: | | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Attributes: | | |
| | * CompanyName | 0x0000 | |
| | * MeterTypeId | 0x0001 | |
| | * DataQualityId | 0x0004 | |
| | * CustomerName | 0x0005 | |
| | * Model | 0x0006 | |
| | * PartNumber | 0x0007 | |
| | * ProductRevision | 0x0008 | |
| | * SoftwareRevision | 0x000A | |
| | * UtilityName | 0x000B | |
| | * Pod | 0x000C | |
| | * AvailablePower | 0x000D | |
| | * PowerThreshold | 0x000E | |
| | * GeneratedCommandList | 0xFFF8 | |
| | * AcceptedCommandList | 0xFFF9 | |
| | * AttributeList | 0xFFFB | |
| | * FeatureMap | 0xFFFC | |
| | * ClusterRevision | 0xFFFD | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Events: | | |
| \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| |
| class WriteMeterIdentificationCustomerName : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteMeterIdentificationCustomerName(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("CustomerName", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "customer-name"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteMeterIdentificationCustomerName() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000B01, 0x00000005, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000B01, 0x00000005, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::CharSpan mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ |
| | Cluster ApplianceEventsAndAlert | 0x0B02 | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Commands: | | |
| | * GetAlerts | 0x00 | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Attributes: | | |
| | * GeneratedCommandList | 0xFFF8 | |
| | * AcceptedCommandList | 0xFFF9 | |
| | * AttributeList | 0xFFFB | |
| | * FeatureMap | 0xFFFC | |
| | * ClusterRevision | 0xFFFD | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Events: | | |
| \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| |
| /* |
| * Command GetAlerts |
| */ |
| class ApplianceEventsAndAlertGetAlerts : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| ApplianceEventsAndAlertGetAlerts(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : ClusterCommand("get-alerts", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000B02) command (0x00000000) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000B02, 0x00000000, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000B02) command (0x00000000) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000B02, 0x00000000, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::ApplianceEventsAndAlert::Commands::GetAlerts::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ |
| | Cluster ApplianceStatistics | 0x0B03 | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Commands: | | |
| | * LogRequest | 0x00 | |
| | * LogQueueRequest | 0x01 | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Attributes: | | |
| | * LogMaxSize | 0x0000 | |
| | * LogQueueMaxSize | 0x0001 | |
| | * GeneratedCommandList | 0xFFF8 | |
| | * AcceptedCommandList | 0xFFF9 | |
| | * AttributeList | 0xFFFB | |
| | * FeatureMap | 0xFFFC | |
| | * ClusterRevision | 0xFFFD | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Events: | | |
| \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| |
| /* |
| * Command LogRequest |
| */ |
| class ApplianceStatisticsLogRequest : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| ApplianceStatisticsLogRequest(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : ClusterCommand("log-request", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("LogId", 0, UINT32_MAX, &mRequest.logId); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000B03) command (0x00000000) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000B03, 0x00000000, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000B03) command (0x00000000) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000B03, 0x00000000, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::ApplianceStatistics::Commands::LogRequest::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command LogQueueRequest |
| */ |
| class ApplianceStatisticsLogQueueRequest : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| ApplianceStatisticsLogQueueRequest(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| ClusterCommand("log-queue-request", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000B03) command (0x00000001) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000B03, 0x00000001, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000B03) command (0x00000001) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000B03, 0x00000001, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::ApplianceStatistics::Commands::LogQueueRequest::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ |
| | Cluster ElectricalMeasurement | 0x0B04 | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Commands: | | |
| | * GetProfileInfoCommand | 0x00 | |
| | * GetMeasurementProfileCommand | 0x01 | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Attributes: | | |
| | * MeasurementType | 0x0000 | |
| | * DcVoltage | 0x0100 | |
| | * DcVoltageMin | 0x0101 | |
| | * DcVoltageMax | 0x0102 | |
| | * DcCurrent | 0x0103 | |
| | * DcCurrentMin | 0x0104 | |
| | * DcCurrentMax | 0x0105 | |
| | * DcPower | 0x0106 | |
| | * DcPowerMin | 0x0107 | |
| | * DcPowerMax | 0x0108 | |
| | * DcVoltageMultiplier | 0x0200 | |
| | * DcVoltageDivisor | 0x0201 | |
| | * DcCurrentMultiplier | 0x0202 | |
| | * DcCurrentDivisor | 0x0203 | |
| | * DcPowerMultiplier | 0x0204 | |
| | * DcPowerDivisor | 0x0205 | |
| | * AcFrequency | 0x0300 | |
| | * AcFrequencyMin | 0x0301 | |
| | * AcFrequencyMax | 0x0302 | |
| | * NeutralCurrent | 0x0303 | |
| | * TotalActivePower | 0x0304 | |
| | * TotalReactivePower | 0x0305 | |
| | * TotalApparentPower | 0x0306 | |
| | * Measured1stHarmonicCurrent | 0x0307 | |
| | * Measured3rdHarmonicCurrent | 0x0308 | |
| | * Measured5thHarmonicCurrent | 0x0309 | |
| | * Measured7thHarmonicCurrent | 0x030A | |
| | * Measured9thHarmonicCurrent | 0x030B | |
| | * Measured11thHarmonicCurrent | 0x030C | |
| | * MeasuredPhase1stHarmonicCurrent | 0x030D | |
| | * MeasuredPhase3rdHarmonicCurrent | 0x030E | |
| | * MeasuredPhase5thHarmonicCurrent | 0x030F | |
| | * MeasuredPhase7thHarmonicCurrent | 0x0310 | |
| | * MeasuredPhase9thHarmonicCurrent | 0x0311 | |
| | * MeasuredPhase11thHarmonicCurrent | 0x0312 | |
| | * AcFrequencyMultiplier | 0x0400 | |
| | * AcFrequencyDivisor | 0x0401 | |
| | * PowerMultiplier | 0x0402 | |
| | * PowerDivisor | 0x0403 | |
| | * HarmonicCurrentMultiplier | 0x0404 | |
| | * PhaseHarmonicCurrentMultiplier | 0x0405 | |
| | * InstantaneousVoltage | 0x0500 | |
| | * InstantaneousLineCurrent | 0x0501 | |
| | * InstantaneousActiveCurrent | 0x0502 | |
| | * InstantaneousReactiveCurrent | 0x0503 | |
| | * InstantaneousPower | 0x0504 | |
| | * RmsVoltage | 0x0505 | |
| | * RmsVoltageMin | 0x0506 | |
| | * RmsVoltageMax | 0x0507 | |
| | * RmsCurrent | 0x0508 | |
| | * RmsCurrentMin | 0x0509 | |
| | * RmsCurrentMax | 0x050A | |
| | * ActivePower | 0x050B | |
| | * ActivePowerMin | 0x050C | |
| | * ActivePowerMax | 0x050D | |
| | * ReactivePower | 0x050E | |
| | * ApparentPower | 0x050F | |
| | * PowerFactor | 0x0510 | |
| | * AverageRmsVoltageMeasurementPeriod | 0x0511 | |
| | * AverageRmsUnderVoltageCounter | 0x0513 | |
| | * RmsExtremeOverVoltagePeriod | 0x0514 | |
| | * RmsExtremeUnderVoltagePeriod | 0x0515 | |
| | * RmsVoltageSagPeriod | 0x0516 | |
| | * RmsVoltageSwellPeriod | 0x0517 | |
| | * AcVoltageMultiplier | 0x0600 | |
| | * AcVoltageDivisor | 0x0601 | |
| | * AcCurrentMultiplier | 0x0602 | |
| | * AcCurrentDivisor | 0x0603 | |
| | * AcPowerMultiplier | 0x0604 | |
| | * AcPowerDivisor | 0x0605 | |
| | * OverloadAlarmsMask | 0x0700 | |
| | * VoltageOverload | 0x0701 | |
| | * CurrentOverload | 0x0702 | |
| | * AcOverloadAlarmsMask | 0x0800 | |
| | * AcVoltageOverload | 0x0801 | |
| | * AcCurrentOverload | 0x0802 | |
| | * AcActivePowerOverload | 0x0803 | |
| | * AcReactivePowerOverload | 0x0804 | |
| | * AverageRmsOverVoltage | 0x0805 | |
| | * AverageRmsUnderVoltage | 0x0806 | |
| | * RmsExtremeOverVoltage | 0x0807 | |
| | * RmsExtremeUnderVoltage | 0x0808 | |
| | * RmsVoltageSag | 0x0809 | |
| | * RmsVoltageSwell | 0x080A | |
| | * LineCurrentPhaseB | 0x0901 | |
| | * ActiveCurrentPhaseB | 0x0902 | |
| | * ReactiveCurrentPhaseB | 0x0903 | |
| | * RmsVoltagePhaseB | 0x0905 | |
| | * RmsVoltageMinPhaseB | 0x0906 | |
| | * RmsVoltageMaxPhaseB | 0x0907 | |
| | * RmsCurrentPhaseB | 0x0908 | |
| | * RmsCurrentMinPhaseB | 0x0909 | |
| | * RmsCurrentMaxPhaseB | 0x090A | |
| | * ActivePowerPhaseB | 0x090B | |
| | * ActivePowerMinPhaseB | 0x090C | |
| | * ActivePowerMaxPhaseB | 0x090D | |
| | * ReactivePowerPhaseB | 0x090E | |
| | * ApparentPowerPhaseB | 0x090F | |
| | * PowerFactorPhaseB | 0x0910 | |
| | * AverageRmsVoltageMeasurementPeriodPhaseB | 0x0911 | |
| | * AverageRmsOverVoltageCounterPhaseB | 0x0912 | |
| | * AverageRmsUnderVoltageCounterPhaseB | 0x0913 | |
| | * RmsExtremeOverVoltagePeriodPhaseB | 0x0914 | |
| | * RmsExtremeUnderVoltagePeriodPhaseB | 0x0915 | |
| | * RmsVoltageSagPeriodPhaseB | 0x0916 | |
| | * RmsVoltageSwellPeriodPhaseB | 0x0917 | |
| | * LineCurrentPhaseC | 0x0A01 | |
| | * ActiveCurrentPhaseC | 0x0A02 | |
| | * ReactiveCurrentPhaseC | 0x0A03 | |
| | * RmsVoltagePhaseC | 0x0A05 | |
| | * RmsVoltageMinPhaseC | 0x0A06 | |
| | * RmsVoltageMaxPhaseC | 0x0A07 | |
| | * RmsCurrentPhaseC | 0x0A08 | |
| | * RmsCurrentMinPhaseC | 0x0A09 | |
| | * RmsCurrentMaxPhaseC | 0x0A0A | |
| | * ActivePowerPhaseC | 0x0A0B | |
| | * ActivePowerMinPhaseC | 0x0A0C | |
| | * ActivePowerMaxPhaseC | 0x0A0D | |
| | * ReactivePowerPhaseC | 0x0A0E | |
| | * ApparentPowerPhaseC | 0x0A0F | |
| | * PowerFactorPhaseC | 0x0A10 | |
| | * AverageRmsVoltageMeasurementPeriodPhaseC | 0x0A11 | |
| | * AverageRmsOverVoltageCounterPhaseC | 0x0A12 | |
| | * AverageRmsUnderVoltageCounterPhaseC | 0x0A13 | |
| | * RmsExtremeOverVoltagePeriodPhaseC | 0x0A14 | |
| | * RmsExtremeUnderVoltagePeriodPhaseC | 0x0A15 | |
| | * RmsVoltageSagPeriodPhaseC | 0x0A16 | |
| | * RmsVoltageSwellPeriodPhaseC | 0x0A17 | |
| | * GeneratedCommandList | 0xFFF8 | |
| | * AcceptedCommandList | 0xFFF9 | |
| | * AttributeList | 0xFFFB | |
| | * FeatureMap | 0xFFFC | |
| | * ClusterRevision | 0xFFFD | |
| |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| | Events: | | |
| \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| |
| /* |
| * Command GetProfileInfoCommand |
| */ |
| class ElectricalMeasurementGetProfileInfoCommand : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| ElectricalMeasurementGetProfileInfoCommand(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| ClusterCommand("get-profile-info-command", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000B04) command (0x00000000) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000B04, 0x00000000, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000B04) command (0x00000000) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000B04, 0x00000000, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::ElectricalMeasurement::Commands::GetProfileInfoCommand::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| /* |
| * Command GetMeasurementProfileCommand |
| */ |
| class ElectricalMeasurementGetMeasurementProfileCommand : public ClusterCommand |
| { |
| public: |
| ElectricalMeasurementGetMeasurementProfileCommand(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| ClusterCommand("get-measurement-profile-command", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("AttributeId", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mRequest.attributeId); |
| AddArgument("StartTime", 0, UINT32_MAX, &mRequest.startTime); |
| AddArgument("NumberOfIntervals", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mRequest.numberOfIntervals); |
| ClusterCommand::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000B04) command (0x00000001) on endpoint %u", endpointIds.at(0)); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000B04, 0x00000001, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| ChipLogProgress(chipTool, "Sending cluster (0x00000B04) command (0x00000001) on Group %u", groupId); |
| |
| return ClusterCommand::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000B04, 0x00000001, mRequest); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| chip::app::Clusters::ElectricalMeasurement::Commands::GetMeasurementProfileCommand::Type mRequest; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteElectricalMeasurementAverageRmsVoltageMeasurementPeriod : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteElectricalMeasurementAverageRmsVoltageMeasurementPeriod(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("AverageRmsVoltageMeasurementPeriod", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "average-rms-voltage-measurement-period"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteElectricalMeasurementAverageRmsVoltageMeasurementPeriod() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000B04, 0x00000511, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000B04, 0x00000511, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint16_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteElectricalMeasurementAverageRmsUnderVoltageCounter : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteElectricalMeasurementAverageRmsUnderVoltageCounter(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("AverageRmsUnderVoltageCounter", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "average-rms-under-voltage-counter"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteElectricalMeasurementAverageRmsUnderVoltageCounter() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000B04, 0x00000513, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000B04, 0x00000513, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint16_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteElectricalMeasurementRmsExtremeOverVoltagePeriod : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteElectricalMeasurementRmsExtremeOverVoltagePeriod(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("RmsExtremeOverVoltagePeriod", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "rms-extreme-over-voltage-period"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteElectricalMeasurementRmsExtremeOverVoltagePeriod() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000B04, 0x00000514, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000B04, 0x00000514, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint16_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteElectricalMeasurementRmsExtremeUnderVoltagePeriod : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteElectricalMeasurementRmsExtremeUnderVoltagePeriod(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("RmsExtremeUnderVoltagePeriod", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "rms-extreme-under-voltage-period"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteElectricalMeasurementRmsExtremeUnderVoltagePeriod() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000B04, 0x00000515, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000B04, 0x00000515, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint16_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteElectricalMeasurementRmsVoltageSagPeriod : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteElectricalMeasurementRmsVoltageSagPeriod(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("RmsVoltageSagPeriod", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "rms-voltage-sag-period"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteElectricalMeasurementRmsVoltageSagPeriod() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000B04, 0x00000516, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000B04, 0x00000516, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint16_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteElectricalMeasurementRmsVoltageSwellPeriod : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteElectricalMeasurementRmsVoltageSwellPeriod(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("RmsVoltageSwellPeriod", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "rms-voltage-swell-period"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteElectricalMeasurementRmsVoltageSwellPeriod() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000B04, 0x00000517, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000B04, 0x00000517, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint16_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteElectricalMeasurementOverloadAlarmsMask : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteElectricalMeasurementOverloadAlarmsMask(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("OverloadAlarmsMask", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "overload-alarms-mask"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT8_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteElectricalMeasurementOverloadAlarmsMask() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000B04, 0x00000700, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000B04, 0x00000700, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint8_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| class WriteElectricalMeasurementAcOverloadAlarmsMask : public WriteAttribute |
| { |
| public: |
| WriteElectricalMeasurementAcOverloadAlarmsMask(CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) : |
| WriteAttribute("AcOverloadAlarmsMask", credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| AddArgument("attr-name", "ac-overload-alarms-mask"); |
| AddArgument("attr-value", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mValue); |
| WriteAttribute::AddArguments(); |
| } |
| |
| ~WriteElectricalMeasurementAcOverloadAlarmsMask() {} |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendCommand(chip::DeviceProxy * device, std::vector<chip::EndpointId> endpointIds) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendCommand(device, endpointIds.at(0), 0x00000B04, 0x00000800, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR SendGroupCommand(chip::GroupId groupId, chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) override |
| { |
| return WriteAttribute::SendGroupCommand(groupId, fabricIndex, 0x00000B04, 0x00000800, mValue); |
| } |
| |
| private: |
| uint16_t mValue; |
| }; |
| |
| /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\ |
| | Register all Clusters commands | |
| \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ |
| void registerClusterPowerConfiguration(Commands & commands, CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| using namespace chip::app::Clusters::PowerConfiguration; |
| |
| const char * clusterName = "PowerConfiguration"; |
| |
| commands_list clusterCommands = { |
| // |
| // Commands |
| // |
| make_unique<ClusterCommand>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Attributes |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "mains-voltage", Attributes::MainsVoltage::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "mains-frequency", Attributes::MainsFrequency::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "mains-alarm-mask", Attributes::MainsAlarmMask::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "mains-voltage-min-threshold", Attributes::MainsVoltageMinThreshold::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "mains-voltage-max-threshold", Attributes::MainsVoltageMaxThreshold::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "mains-voltage-dwell-trip", Attributes::MainsVoltageDwellTrip::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "battery-voltage", Attributes::BatteryVoltage::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "battery-percentage-remaining", Attributes::BatteryPercentageRemaining::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "battery-manufacturer", Attributes::BatteryManufacturer::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "battery-size", Attributes::BatterySize::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "battery-ahr-rating", Attributes::BatteryAhrRating::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "battery-quantity", Attributes::BatteryQuantity::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "battery-rated-voltage", Attributes::BatteryRatedVoltage::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "battery-alarm-mask", Attributes::BatteryAlarmMask::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "battery-voltage-min-threshold", Attributes::BatteryVoltageMinThreshold::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "battery-voltage-threshold1", Attributes::BatteryVoltageThreshold1::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "battery-voltage-threshold2", Attributes::BatteryVoltageThreshold2::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "battery-voltage-threshold3", Attributes::BatteryVoltageThreshold3::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "battery-percentage-min-threshold", Attributes::BatteryPercentageMinThreshold::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "battery-percentage-threshold1", Attributes::BatteryPercentageThreshold1::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "battery-percentage-threshold2", Attributes::BatteryPercentageThreshold2::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "battery-percentage-threshold3", Attributes::BatteryPercentageThreshold3::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "battery-alarm-state", Attributes::BatteryAlarmState::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "battery2voltage", Attributes::Battery2Voltage::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "battery2percentage-remaining", Attributes::Battery2PercentageRemaining::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "battery2manufacturer", Attributes::Battery2Manufacturer::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "battery2size", Attributes::Battery2Size::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "battery2ahr-rating", Attributes::Battery2AhrRating::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "battery2quantity", Attributes::Battery2Quantity::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "battery2rated-voltage", Attributes::Battery2RatedVoltage::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "battery2alarm-mask", Attributes::Battery2AlarmMask::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "battery2voltage-min-threshold", Attributes::Battery2VoltageMinThreshold::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "battery2voltage-threshold1", Attributes::Battery2VoltageThreshold1::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "battery2voltage-threshold2", Attributes::Battery2VoltageThreshold2::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "battery2voltage-threshold3", Attributes::Battery2VoltageThreshold3::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "battery2percentage-min-threshold", Attributes::Battery2PercentageMinThreshold::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "battery2percentage-threshold1", Attributes::Battery2PercentageThreshold1::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "battery2percentage-threshold2", Attributes::Battery2PercentageThreshold2::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "battery2percentage-threshold3", Attributes::Battery2PercentageThreshold3::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "battery2alarm-state", Attributes::Battery2AlarmState::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "battery3voltage", Attributes::Battery3Voltage::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "battery3percentage-remaining", Attributes::Battery3PercentageRemaining::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "battery3manufacturer", Attributes::Battery3Manufacturer::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "battery3size", Attributes::Battery3Size::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "battery3ahr-rating", Attributes::Battery3AhrRating::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "battery3quantity", Attributes::Battery3Quantity::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "battery3rated-voltage", Attributes::Battery3RatedVoltage::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "battery3alarm-mask", Attributes::Battery3AlarmMask::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "battery3voltage-min-threshold", Attributes::Battery3VoltageMinThreshold::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "battery3voltage-threshold1", Attributes::Battery3VoltageThreshold1::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "battery3voltage-threshold2", Attributes::Battery3VoltageThreshold2::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "battery3voltage-threshold3", Attributes::Battery3VoltageThreshold3::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "battery3percentage-min-threshold", Attributes::Battery3PercentageMinThreshold::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "battery3percentage-threshold1", Attributes::Battery3PercentageThreshold1::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "battery3percentage-threshold2", Attributes::Battery3PercentageThreshold2::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "battery3percentage-threshold3", Attributes::Battery3PercentageThreshold3::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "battery3alarm-state", Attributes::Battery3AlarmState::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WritePowerConfigurationMainsAlarmMask>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WritePowerConfigurationMainsVoltageMinThreshold>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WritePowerConfigurationMainsVoltageMaxThreshold>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WritePowerConfigurationMainsVoltageDwellTrip>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WritePowerConfigurationBatteryManufacturer>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WritePowerConfigurationBatterySize>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WritePowerConfigurationBatteryAhrRating>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WritePowerConfigurationBatteryQuantity>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WritePowerConfigurationBatteryRatedVoltage>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WritePowerConfigurationBatteryAlarmMask>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WritePowerConfigurationBatteryVoltageMinThreshold>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WritePowerConfigurationBatteryVoltageThreshold1>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WritePowerConfigurationBatteryVoltageThreshold2>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WritePowerConfigurationBatteryVoltageThreshold3>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WritePowerConfigurationBatteryPercentageMinThreshold>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WritePowerConfigurationBatteryPercentageThreshold1>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WritePowerConfigurationBatteryPercentageThreshold2>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WritePowerConfigurationBatteryPercentageThreshold3>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WritePowerConfigurationBattery2Manufacturer>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WritePowerConfigurationBattery2Size>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WritePowerConfigurationBattery2AhrRating>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WritePowerConfigurationBattery2Quantity>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WritePowerConfigurationBattery2RatedVoltage>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WritePowerConfigurationBattery2AlarmMask>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WritePowerConfigurationBattery2VoltageMinThreshold>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WritePowerConfigurationBattery2VoltageThreshold1>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WritePowerConfigurationBattery2VoltageThreshold2>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WritePowerConfigurationBattery2VoltageThreshold3>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WritePowerConfigurationBattery2PercentageMinThreshold>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WritePowerConfigurationBattery2PercentageThreshold1>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WritePowerConfigurationBattery2PercentageThreshold2>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WritePowerConfigurationBattery2PercentageThreshold3>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WritePowerConfigurationBattery3Manufacturer>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WritePowerConfigurationBattery3Size>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WritePowerConfigurationBattery3AhrRating>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WritePowerConfigurationBattery3Quantity>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WritePowerConfigurationBattery3RatedVoltage>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WritePowerConfigurationBattery3AlarmMask>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WritePowerConfigurationBattery3VoltageMinThreshold>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WritePowerConfigurationBattery3VoltageThreshold1>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WritePowerConfigurationBattery3VoltageThreshold2>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WritePowerConfigurationBattery3VoltageThreshold3>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WritePowerConfigurationBattery3PercentageMinThreshold>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WritePowerConfigurationBattery3PercentageThreshold1>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WritePowerConfigurationBattery3PercentageThreshold2>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WritePowerConfigurationBattery3PercentageThreshold3>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "mains-voltage", Attributes::MainsVoltage::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "mains-frequency", Attributes::MainsFrequency::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "mains-alarm-mask", Attributes::MainsAlarmMask::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "mains-voltage-min-threshold", Attributes::MainsVoltageMinThreshold::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "mains-voltage-max-threshold", Attributes::MainsVoltageMaxThreshold::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "mains-voltage-dwell-trip", Attributes::MainsVoltageDwellTrip::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "battery-voltage", Attributes::BatteryVoltage::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "battery-percentage-remaining", Attributes::BatteryPercentageRemaining::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "battery-manufacturer", Attributes::BatteryManufacturer::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "battery-size", Attributes::BatterySize::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "battery-ahr-rating", Attributes::BatteryAhrRating::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "battery-quantity", Attributes::BatteryQuantity::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "battery-rated-voltage", Attributes::BatteryRatedVoltage::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "battery-alarm-mask", Attributes::BatteryAlarmMask::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "battery-voltage-min-threshold", Attributes::BatteryVoltageMinThreshold::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "battery-voltage-threshold1", Attributes::BatteryVoltageThreshold1::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "battery-voltage-threshold2", Attributes::BatteryVoltageThreshold2::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "battery-voltage-threshold3", Attributes::BatteryVoltageThreshold3::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "battery-percentage-min-threshold", Attributes::BatteryPercentageMinThreshold::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "battery-percentage-threshold1", Attributes::BatteryPercentageThreshold1::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "battery-percentage-threshold2", Attributes::BatteryPercentageThreshold2::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "battery-percentage-threshold3", Attributes::BatteryPercentageThreshold3::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "battery-alarm-state", Attributes::BatteryAlarmState::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "battery2voltage", Attributes::Battery2Voltage::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "battery2percentage-remaining", Attributes::Battery2PercentageRemaining::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "battery2manufacturer", Attributes::Battery2Manufacturer::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "battery2size", Attributes::Battery2Size::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "battery2ahr-rating", Attributes::Battery2AhrRating::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "battery2quantity", Attributes::Battery2Quantity::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "battery2rated-voltage", Attributes::Battery2RatedVoltage::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "battery2alarm-mask", Attributes::Battery2AlarmMask::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "battery2voltage-min-threshold", Attributes::Battery2VoltageMinThreshold::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "battery2voltage-threshold1", Attributes::Battery2VoltageThreshold1::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "battery2voltage-threshold2", Attributes::Battery2VoltageThreshold2::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "battery2voltage-threshold3", Attributes::Battery2VoltageThreshold3::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "battery2percentage-min-threshold", Attributes::Battery2PercentageMinThreshold::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "battery2percentage-threshold1", Attributes::Battery2PercentageThreshold1::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "battery2percentage-threshold2", Attributes::Battery2PercentageThreshold2::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "battery2percentage-threshold3", Attributes::Battery2PercentageThreshold3::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "battery2alarm-state", Attributes::Battery2AlarmState::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "battery3voltage", Attributes::Battery3Voltage::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "battery3percentage-remaining", Attributes::Battery3PercentageRemaining::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "battery3manufacturer", Attributes::Battery3Manufacturer::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "battery3size", Attributes::Battery3Size::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "battery3ahr-rating", Attributes::Battery3AhrRating::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "battery3quantity", Attributes::Battery3Quantity::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "battery3rated-voltage", Attributes::Battery3RatedVoltage::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "battery3alarm-mask", Attributes::Battery3AlarmMask::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "battery3voltage-min-threshold", Attributes::Battery3VoltageMinThreshold::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "battery3voltage-threshold1", Attributes::Battery3VoltageThreshold1::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "battery3voltage-threshold2", Attributes::Battery3VoltageThreshold2::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "battery3voltage-threshold3", Attributes::Battery3VoltageThreshold3::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "battery3percentage-min-threshold", Attributes::Battery3PercentageMinThreshold::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "battery3percentage-threshold1", Attributes::Battery3PercentageThreshold1::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "battery3percentage-threshold2", Attributes::Battery3PercentageThreshold2::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "battery3percentage-threshold3", Attributes::Battery3PercentageThreshold3::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "battery3alarm-state", Attributes::Battery3AlarmState::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Events |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| }; |
| |
| commands.Register(clusterName, clusterCommands); |
| } |
| void registerClusterDeviceTemperatureConfiguration(Commands & commands, CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| using namespace chip::app::Clusters::DeviceTemperatureConfiguration; |
| |
| const char * clusterName = "DeviceTemperatureConfiguration"; |
| |
| commands_list clusterCommands = { |
| // |
| // Commands |
| // |
| make_unique<ClusterCommand>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Attributes |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "current-temperature", Attributes::CurrentTemperature::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "min-temp-experienced", Attributes::MinTempExperienced::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "max-temp-experienced", Attributes::MaxTempExperienced::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "over-temp-total-dwell", Attributes::OverTempTotalDwell::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "device-temp-alarm-mask", Attributes::DeviceTempAlarmMask::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "low-temp-threshold", Attributes::LowTempThreshold::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "high-temp-threshold", Attributes::HighTempThreshold::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "low-temp-dwell-trip-point", Attributes::LowTempDwellTripPoint::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "high-temp-dwell-trip-point", Attributes::HighTempDwellTripPoint::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteDeviceTemperatureConfigurationDeviceTempAlarmMask>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteDeviceTemperatureConfigurationLowTempThreshold>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteDeviceTemperatureConfigurationHighTempThreshold>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteDeviceTemperatureConfigurationLowTempDwellTripPoint>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteDeviceTemperatureConfigurationHighTempDwellTripPoint>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "current-temperature", Attributes::CurrentTemperature::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "min-temp-experienced", Attributes::MinTempExperienced::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "max-temp-experienced", Attributes::MaxTempExperienced::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "over-temp-total-dwell", Attributes::OverTempTotalDwell::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "device-temp-alarm-mask", Attributes::DeviceTempAlarmMask::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "low-temp-threshold", Attributes::LowTempThreshold::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "high-temp-threshold", Attributes::HighTempThreshold::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "low-temp-dwell-trip-point", Attributes::LowTempDwellTripPoint::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "high-temp-dwell-trip-point", Attributes::HighTempDwellTripPoint::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Events |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| }; |
| |
| commands.Register(clusterName, clusterCommands); |
| } |
| void registerClusterIdentify(Commands & commands, CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| using namespace chip::app::Clusters::Identify; |
| |
| const char * clusterName = "Identify"; |
| |
| commands_list clusterCommands = { |
| // |
| // Commands |
| // |
| make_unique<ClusterCommand>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<IdentifyIdentify>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<IdentifyTriggerEffect>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Attributes |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "identify-time", Attributes::IdentifyTime::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "identify-type", Attributes::IdentifyType::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteIdentifyIdentifyTime>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "identify-time", Attributes::IdentifyTime::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "identify-type", Attributes::IdentifyType::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Events |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| }; |
| |
| commands.Register(clusterName, clusterCommands); |
| } |
| void registerClusterGroups(Commands & commands, CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| using namespace chip::app::Clusters::Groups; |
| |
| const char * clusterName = "Groups"; |
| |
| commands_list clusterCommands = { |
| // |
| // Commands |
| // |
| make_unique<ClusterCommand>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<GroupsAddGroup>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<GroupsViewGroup>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<GroupsGetGroupMembership>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<GroupsRemoveGroup>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<GroupsRemoveAllGroups>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<GroupsAddGroupIfIdentifying>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Attributes |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "name-support", Attributes::NameSupport::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "name-support", Attributes::NameSupport::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Events |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| }; |
| |
| commands.Register(clusterName, clusterCommands); |
| } |
| void registerClusterScenes(Commands & commands, CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| using namespace chip::app::Clusters::Scenes; |
| |
| const char * clusterName = "Scenes"; |
| |
| commands_list clusterCommands = { |
| // |
| // Commands |
| // |
| make_unique<ClusterCommand>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ScenesAddScene>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ScenesViewScene>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ScenesRemoveScene>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ScenesRemoveAllScenes>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ScenesStoreScene>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ScenesRecallScene>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ScenesGetSceneMembership>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ScenesEnhancedAddScene>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ScenesEnhancedViewScene>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ScenesCopyScene>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Attributes |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "scene-count", Attributes::SceneCount::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "current-scene", Attributes::CurrentScene::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "current-group", Attributes::CurrentGroup::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "scene-valid", Attributes::SceneValid::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "name-support", Attributes::NameSupport::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "last-configured-by", Attributes::LastConfiguredBy::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "scene-count", Attributes::SceneCount::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "current-scene", Attributes::CurrentScene::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "current-group", Attributes::CurrentGroup::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "scene-valid", Attributes::SceneValid::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "name-support", Attributes::NameSupport::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "last-configured-by", Attributes::LastConfiguredBy::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Events |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| }; |
| |
| commands.Register(clusterName, clusterCommands); |
| } |
| void registerClusterOnOff(Commands & commands, CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| using namespace chip::app::Clusters::OnOff; |
| |
| const char * clusterName = "OnOff"; |
| |
| commands_list clusterCommands = { |
| // |
| // Commands |
| // |
| make_unique<ClusterCommand>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<OnOffOff>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<OnOffOn>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<OnOffToggle>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<OnOffOffWithEffect>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<OnOffOnWithRecallGlobalScene>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<OnOffOnWithTimedOff>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Attributes |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "on-off", Attributes::OnOff::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "global-scene-control", Attributes::GlobalSceneControl::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "on-time", Attributes::OnTime::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "off-wait-time", Attributes::OffWaitTime::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "start-up-on-off", Attributes::StartUpOnOff::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteOnOffOnTime>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteOnOffOffWaitTime>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteOnOffStartUpOnOff>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "on-off", Attributes::OnOff::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "global-scene-control", Attributes::GlobalSceneControl::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "on-time", Attributes::OnTime::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "off-wait-time", Attributes::OffWaitTime::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "start-up-on-off", Attributes::StartUpOnOff::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Events |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| }; |
| |
| commands.Register(clusterName, clusterCommands); |
| } |
| void registerClusterOnOffSwitchConfiguration(Commands & commands, CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| using namespace chip::app::Clusters::OnOffSwitchConfiguration; |
| |
| const char * clusterName = "OnOffSwitchConfiguration"; |
| |
| commands_list clusterCommands = { |
| // |
| // Commands |
| // |
| make_unique<ClusterCommand>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Attributes |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "switch-type", Attributes::SwitchType::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "switch-actions", Attributes::SwitchActions::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteOnOffSwitchConfigurationSwitchActions>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "switch-type", Attributes::SwitchType::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "switch-actions", Attributes::SwitchActions::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Events |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| }; |
| |
| commands.Register(clusterName, clusterCommands); |
| } |
| void registerClusterLevelControl(Commands & commands, CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| using namespace chip::app::Clusters::LevelControl; |
| |
| const char * clusterName = "LevelControl"; |
| |
| commands_list clusterCommands = { |
| // |
| // Commands |
| // |
| make_unique<ClusterCommand>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<LevelControlMoveToLevel>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<LevelControlMove>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<LevelControlStep>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<LevelControlStop>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<LevelControlMoveToLevelWithOnOff>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<LevelControlMoveWithOnOff>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<LevelControlStepWithOnOff>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<LevelControlStopWithOnOff>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Attributes |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "current-level", Attributes::CurrentLevel::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "remaining-time", Attributes::RemainingTime::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "min-level", Attributes::MinLevel::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "max-level", Attributes::MaxLevel::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "current-frequency", Attributes::CurrentFrequency::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "min-frequency", Attributes::MinFrequency::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "max-frequency", Attributes::MaxFrequency::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "options", Attributes::Options::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "on-off-transition-time", Attributes::OnOffTransitionTime::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "on-level", Attributes::OnLevel::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "on-transition-time", Attributes::OnTransitionTime::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "off-transition-time", Attributes::OffTransitionTime::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "default-move-rate", Attributes::DefaultMoveRate::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "start-up-current-level", Attributes::StartUpCurrentLevel::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteLevelControlOptions>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteLevelControlOnOffTransitionTime>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteLevelControlOnLevel>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteLevelControlOnTransitionTime>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteLevelControlOffTransitionTime>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteLevelControlDefaultMoveRate>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteLevelControlStartUpCurrentLevel>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "current-level", Attributes::CurrentLevel::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "remaining-time", Attributes::RemainingTime::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "min-level", Attributes::MinLevel::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "max-level", Attributes::MaxLevel::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "current-frequency", Attributes::CurrentFrequency::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "min-frequency", Attributes::MinFrequency::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "max-frequency", Attributes::MaxFrequency::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "options", Attributes::Options::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "on-off-transition-time", Attributes::OnOffTransitionTime::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "on-level", Attributes::OnLevel::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "on-transition-time", Attributes::OnTransitionTime::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "off-transition-time", Attributes::OffTransitionTime::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "default-move-rate", Attributes::DefaultMoveRate::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "start-up-current-level", Attributes::StartUpCurrentLevel::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Events |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| }; |
| |
| commands.Register(clusterName, clusterCommands); |
| } |
| void registerClusterAlarms(Commands & commands, CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| using namespace chip::app::Clusters::Alarms; |
| |
| const char * clusterName = "Alarms"; |
| |
| commands_list clusterCommands = { |
| // |
| // Commands |
| // |
| make_unique<ClusterCommand>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<AlarmsResetAlarm>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<AlarmsResetAllAlarms>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<AlarmsGetAlarm>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<AlarmsResetAlarmLog>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Attributes |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "alarm-count", Attributes::AlarmCount::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "alarm-count", Attributes::AlarmCount::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Events |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| }; |
| |
| commands.Register(clusterName, clusterCommands); |
| } |
| void registerClusterTime(Commands & commands, CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| using namespace chip::app::Clusters::Time; |
| |
| const char * clusterName = "Time"; |
| |
| commands_list clusterCommands = { |
| // |
| // Commands |
| // |
| make_unique<ClusterCommand>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Attributes |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "time", Attributes::Time::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "time-status", Attributes::TimeStatus::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "time-zone", Attributes::TimeZone::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "dst-start", Attributes::DstStart::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "dst-end", Attributes::DstEnd::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "dst-shift", Attributes::DstShift::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "standard-time", Attributes::StandardTime::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "local-time", Attributes::LocalTime::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "last-set-time", Attributes::LastSetTime::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "valid-until-time", Attributes::ValidUntilTime::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteTimeTime>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteTimeTimeStatus>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteTimeTimeZone>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteTimeDstStart>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteTimeDstEnd>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteTimeDstShift>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteTimeValidUntilTime>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "time", Attributes::Time::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "time-status", Attributes::TimeStatus::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "time-zone", Attributes::TimeZone::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "dst-start", Attributes::DstStart::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "dst-end", Attributes::DstEnd::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "dst-shift", Attributes::DstShift::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "standard-time", Attributes::StandardTime::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "local-time", Attributes::LocalTime::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "last-set-time", Attributes::LastSetTime::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "valid-until-time", Attributes::ValidUntilTime::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Events |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| }; |
| |
| commands.Register(clusterName, clusterCommands); |
| } |
| void registerClusterBinaryInputBasic(Commands & commands, CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| using namespace chip::app::Clusters::BinaryInputBasic; |
| |
| const char * clusterName = "BinaryInputBasic"; |
| |
| commands_list clusterCommands = { |
| // |
| // Commands |
| // |
| make_unique<ClusterCommand>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Attributes |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "active-text", Attributes::ActiveText::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "description", Attributes::Description::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "inactive-text", Attributes::InactiveText::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "out-of-service", Attributes::OutOfService::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "polarity", Attributes::Polarity::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "present-value", Attributes::PresentValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "reliability", Attributes::Reliability::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "status-flags", Attributes::StatusFlags::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "application-type", Attributes::ApplicationType::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteBinaryInputBasicActiveText>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteBinaryInputBasicDescription>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteBinaryInputBasicInactiveText>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteBinaryInputBasicOutOfService>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteBinaryInputBasicPresentValue>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteBinaryInputBasicReliability>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "active-text", Attributes::ActiveText::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "description", Attributes::Description::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "inactive-text", Attributes::InactiveText::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "out-of-service", Attributes::OutOfService::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "polarity", Attributes::Polarity::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "present-value", Attributes::PresentValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "reliability", Attributes::Reliability::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "status-flags", Attributes::StatusFlags::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "application-type", Attributes::ApplicationType::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Events |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| }; |
| |
| commands.Register(clusterName, clusterCommands); |
| } |
| void registerClusterPowerProfile(Commands & commands, CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| using namespace chip::app::Clusters::PowerProfile; |
| |
| const char * clusterName = "PowerProfile"; |
| |
| commands_list clusterCommands = { |
| // |
| // Commands |
| // |
| make_unique<ClusterCommand>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<PowerProfilePowerProfileRequest>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<PowerProfilePowerProfileStateRequest>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<PowerProfileGetPowerProfilePriceResponse>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<PowerProfileGetOverallSchedulePriceResponse>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<PowerProfileEnergyPhasesScheduleNotification>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<PowerProfileEnergyPhasesScheduleResponse>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<PowerProfilePowerProfileScheduleConstraintsRequest>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<PowerProfileEnergyPhasesScheduleStateRequest>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<PowerProfileGetPowerProfilePriceExtendedResponse>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Attributes |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "total-profile-num", Attributes::TotalProfileNum::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "multiple-scheduling", Attributes::MultipleScheduling::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "energy-formatting", Attributes::EnergyFormatting::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "energy-remote", Attributes::EnergyRemote::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "schedule-mode", Attributes::ScheduleMode::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WritePowerProfileScheduleMode>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "total-profile-num", Attributes::TotalProfileNum::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "multiple-scheduling", Attributes::MultipleScheduling::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "energy-formatting", Attributes::EnergyFormatting::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "energy-remote", Attributes::EnergyRemote::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "schedule-mode", Attributes::ScheduleMode::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Events |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| }; |
| |
| commands.Register(clusterName, clusterCommands); |
| } |
| void registerClusterApplianceControl(Commands & commands, CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| using namespace chip::app::Clusters::ApplianceControl; |
| |
| const char * clusterName = "ApplianceControl"; |
| |
| commands_list clusterCommands = { |
| // |
| // Commands |
| // |
| make_unique<ClusterCommand>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ApplianceControlExecutionOfACommand>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ApplianceControlSignalState>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ApplianceControlWriteFunctions>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ApplianceControlOverloadPauseResume>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ApplianceControlOverloadPause>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ApplianceControlOverloadWarning>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Attributes |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "start-time", Attributes::StartTime::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "finish-time", Attributes::FinishTime::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "remaining-time", Attributes::RemainingTime::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "start-time", Attributes::StartTime::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "finish-time", Attributes::FinishTime::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "remaining-time", Attributes::RemainingTime::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Events |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| }; |
| |
| commands.Register(clusterName, clusterCommands); |
| } |
| void registerClusterPulseWidthModulation(Commands & commands, CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| using namespace chip::app::Clusters::PulseWidthModulation; |
| |
| const char * clusterName = "PulseWidthModulation"; |
| |
| commands_list clusterCommands = { |
| // |
| // Commands |
| // |
| make_unique<ClusterCommand>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Attributes |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Events |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| }; |
| |
| commands.Register(clusterName, clusterCommands); |
| } |
| void registerClusterDescriptor(Commands & commands, CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| using namespace chip::app::Clusters::Descriptor; |
| |
| const char * clusterName = "Descriptor"; |
| |
| commands_list clusterCommands = { |
| // |
| // Commands |
| // |
| make_unique<ClusterCommand>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Attributes |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "device-list", Attributes::DeviceList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "server-list", Attributes::ServerList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "client-list", Attributes::ClientList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "parts-list", Attributes::PartsList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "device-list", Attributes::DeviceList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "server-list", Attributes::ServerList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "client-list", Attributes::ClientList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "parts-list", Attributes::PartsList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Events |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| }; |
| |
| commands.Register(clusterName, clusterCommands); |
| } |
| void registerClusterBinding(Commands & commands, CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| using namespace chip::app::Clusters::Binding; |
| |
| const char * clusterName = "Binding"; |
| |
| commands_list clusterCommands = { |
| // |
| // Commands |
| // |
| make_unique<ClusterCommand>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Attributes |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "binding", Attributes::Binding::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteBindingBinding>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "binding", Attributes::Binding::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Events |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| }; |
| |
| commands.Register(clusterName, clusterCommands); |
| } |
| void registerClusterAccessControl(Commands & commands, CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| using namespace chip::app::Clusters::AccessControl; |
| |
| const char * clusterName = "AccessControl"; |
| |
| commands_list clusterCommands = { |
| // |
| // Commands |
| // |
| make_unique<ClusterCommand>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Attributes |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "acl", Attributes::Acl::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "extension", Attributes::Extension::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "subjects-per-access-control-entry", Attributes::SubjectsPerAccessControlEntry::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "targets-per-access-control-entry", Attributes::TargetsPerAccessControlEntry::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "access-control-entries-per-fabric", Attributes::AccessControlEntriesPerFabric::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteAccessControlAcl>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteAccessControlExtension>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "acl", Attributes::Acl::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "extension", Attributes::Extension::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "subjects-per-access-control-entry", Attributes::SubjectsPerAccessControlEntry::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "targets-per-access-control-entry", Attributes::TargetsPerAccessControlEntry::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "access-control-entries-per-fabric", Attributes::AccessControlEntriesPerFabric::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Events |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, "access-control-entry-changed", Events::AccessControlEntryChanged::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, "access-control-extension-changed", Events::AccessControlExtensionChanged::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, "access-control-entry-changed", Events::AccessControlEntryChanged::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, "access-control-extension-changed", Events::AccessControlExtensionChanged::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| }; |
| |
| commands.Register(clusterName, clusterCommands); |
| } |
| void registerClusterPollControl(Commands & commands, CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| using namespace chip::app::Clusters::PollControl; |
| |
| const char * clusterName = "PollControl"; |
| |
| commands_list clusterCommands = { |
| // |
| // Commands |
| // |
| make_unique<ClusterCommand>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<PollControlCheckInResponse>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<PollControlFastPollStop>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<PollControlSetLongPollInterval>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<PollControlSetShortPollInterval>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Attributes |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "check-in-interval", Attributes::CheckInInterval::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "long-poll-interval", Attributes::LongPollInterval::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "short-poll-interval", Attributes::ShortPollInterval::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "fast-poll-timeout", Attributes::FastPollTimeout::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "check-in-interval-min", Attributes::CheckInIntervalMin::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "long-poll-interval-min", Attributes::LongPollIntervalMin::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "fast-poll-timeout-max", Attributes::FastPollTimeoutMax::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WritePollControlCheckInInterval>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WritePollControlFastPollTimeout>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "check-in-interval", Attributes::CheckInInterval::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "long-poll-interval", Attributes::LongPollInterval::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "short-poll-interval", Attributes::ShortPollInterval::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "fast-poll-timeout", Attributes::FastPollTimeout::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "check-in-interval-min", Attributes::CheckInIntervalMin::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "long-poll-interval-min", Attributes::LongPollIntervalMin::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "fast-poll-timeout-max", Attributes::FastPollTimeoutMax::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Events |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| }; |
| |
| commands.Register(clusterName, clusterCommands); |
| } |
| void registerClusterBridgedActions(Commands & commands, CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| using namespace chip::app::Clusters::BridgedActions; |
| |
| const char * clusterName = "BridgedActions"; |
| |
| commands_list clusterCommands = { |
| // |
| // Commands |
| // |
| make_unique<ClusterCommand>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<BridgedActionsInstantAction>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<BridgedActionsInstantActionWithTransition>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<BridgedActionsStartAction>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<BridgedActionsStartActionWithDuration>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<BridgedActionsStopAction>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<BridgedActionsPauseAction>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<BridgedActionsPauseActionWithDuration>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<BridgedActionsResumeAction>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<BridgedActionsEnableAction>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<BridgedActionsEnableActionWithDuration>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<BridgedActionsDisableAction>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<BridgedActionsDisableActionWithDuration>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Attributes |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "action-list", Attributes::ActionList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "endpoint-list", Attributes::EndpointList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "setup-url", Attributes::SetupUrl::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "action-list", Attributes::ActionList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "endpoint-list", Attributes::EndpointList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "setup-url", Attributes::SetupUrl::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Events |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, "state-changed", Events::StateChanged::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, "action-failed", Events::ActionFailed::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, "state-changed", Events::StateChanged::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, "action-failed", Events::ActionFailed::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| }; |
| |
| commands.Register(clusterName, clusterCommands); |
| } |
| void registerClusterBasic(Commands & commands, CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| using namespace chip::app::Clusters::Basic; |
| |
| const char * clusterName = "Basic"; |
| |
| commands_list clusterCommands = { |
| // |
| // Commands |
| // |
| make_unique<ClusterCommand>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<BasicMfgSpecificPing>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Attributes |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "data-model-revision", Attributes::DataModelRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "vendor-name", Attributes::VendorName::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "vendor-id", Attributes::VendorID::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "product-name", Attributes::ProductName::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "product-id", Attributes::ProductID::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "node-label", Attributes::NodeLabel::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "location", Attributes::Location::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "hardware-version", Attributes::HardwareVersion::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "hardware-version-string", Attributes::HardwareVersionString::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "software-version", Attributes::SoftwareVersion::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "software-version-string", Attributes::SoftwareVersionString::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "manufacturing-date", Attributes::ManufacturingDate::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "part-number", Attributes::PartNumber::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "product-url", Attributes::ProductURL::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "product-label", Attributes::ProductLabel::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "serial-number", Attributes::SerialNumber::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "local-config-disabled", Attributes::LocalConfigDisabled::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "reachable", Attributes::Reachable::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "unique-id", Attributes::UniqueID::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "capability-minima", Attributes::CapabilityMinima::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteBasicNodeLabel>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteBasicLocation>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteBasicLocalConfigDisabled>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "data-model-revision", Attributes::DataModelRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "vendor-name", Attributes::VendorName::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "vendor-id", Attributes::VendorID::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "product-name", Attributes::ProductName::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "product-id", Attributes::ProductID::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "node-label", Attributes::NodeLabel::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "location", Attributes::Location::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "hardware-version", Attributes::HardwareVersion::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "hardware-version-string", Attributes::HardwareVersionString::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "software-version", Attributes::SoftwareVersion::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "software-version-string", Attributes::SoftwareVersionString::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "manufacturing-date", Attributes::ManufacturingDate::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "part-number", Attributes::PartNumber::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "product-url", Attributes::ProductURL::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "product-label", Attributes::ProductLabel::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "serial-number", Attributes::SerialNumber::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "local-config-disabled", Attributes::LocalConfigDisabled::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "reachable", Attributes::Reachable::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "unique-id", Attributes::UniqueID::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "capability-minima", Attributes::CapabilityMinima::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Events |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, "start-up", Events::StartUp::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, "shut-down", Events::ShutDown::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, "leave", Events::Leave::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, "reachable-changed", Events::ReachableChanged::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, "start-up", Events::StartUp::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, "shut-down", Events::ShutDown::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, "leave", Events::Leave::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, "reachable-changed", Events::ReachableChanged::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| }; |
| |
| commands.Register(clusterName, clusterCommands); |
| } |
| void registerClusterOtaSoftwareUpdateProvider(Commands & commands, CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| using namespace chip::app::Clusters::OtaSoftwareUpdateProvider; |
| |
| const char * clusterName = "OtaSoftwareUpdateProvider"; |
| |
| commands_list clusterCommands = { |
| // |
| // Commands |
| // |
| make_unique<ClusterCommand>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<OtaSoftwareUpdateProviderQueryImage>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<OtaSoftwareUpdateProviderApplyUpdateRequest>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<OtaSoftwareUpdateProviderNotifyUpdateApplied>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Attributes |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Events |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| }; |
| |
| commands.Register(clusterName, clusterCommands); |
| } |
| void registerClusterOtaSoftwareUpdateRequestor(Commands & commands, CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| using namespace chip::app::Clusters::OtaSoftwareUpdateRequestor; |
| |
| const char * clusterName = "OtaSoftwareUpdateRequestor"; |
| |
| commands_list clusterCommands = { |
| // |
| // Commands |
| // |
| make_unique<ClusterCommand>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<OtaSoftwareUpdateRequestorAnnounceOtaProvider>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Attributes |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "default-ota-providers", Attributes::DefaultOtaProviders::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "update-possible", Attributes::UpdatePossible::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "update-state", Attributes::UpdateState::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "update-state-progress", Attributes::UpdateStateProgress::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteOtaSoftwareUpdateRequestorDefaultOtaProviders>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "default-ota-providers", Attributes::DefaultOtaProviders::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "update-possible", Attributes::UpdatePossible::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "update-state", Attributes::UpdateState::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "update-state-progress", Attributes::UpdateStateProgress::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Events |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, "state-transition", Events::StateTransition::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, "version-applied", Events::VersionApplied::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, "download-error", Events::DownloadError::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, "state-transition", Events::StateTransition::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, "version-applied", Events::VersionApplied::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, "download-error", Events::DownloadError::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| }; |
| |
| commands.Register(clusterName, clusterCommands); |
| } |
| void registerClusterLocalizationConfiguration(Commands & commands, CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| using namespace chip::app::Clusters::LocalizationConfiguration; |
| |
| const char * clusterName = "LocalizationConfiguration"; |
| |
| commands_list clusterCommands = { |
| // |
| // Commands |
| // |
| make_unique<ClusterCommand>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Attributes |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "active-locale", Attributes::ActiveLocale::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "supported-locales", Attributes::SupportedLocales::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteLocalizationConfigurationActiveLocale>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "active-locale", Attributes::ActiveLocale::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "supported-locales", Attributes::SupportedLocales::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Events |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| }; |
| |
| commands.Register(clusterName, clusterCommands); |
| } |
| void registerClusterTimeFormatLocalization(Commands & commands, CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| using namespace chip::app::Clusters::TimeFormatLocalization; |
| |
| const char * clusterName = "TimeFormatLocalization"; |
| |
| commands_list clusterCommands = { |
| // |
| // Commands |
| // |
| make_unique<ClusterCommand>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Attributes |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "hour-format", Attributes::HourFormat::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "active-calendar-type", Attributes::ActiveCalendarType::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "supported-calendar-types", Attributes::SupportedCalendarTypes::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteTimeFormatLocalizationHourFormat>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteTimeFormatLocalizationActiveCalendarType>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "hour-format", Attributes::HourFormat::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "active-calendar-type", Attributes::ActiveCalendarType::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "supported-calendar-types", Attributes::SupportedCalendarTypes::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Events |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| }; |
| |
| commands.Register(clusterName, clusterCommands); |
| } |
| void registerClusterUnitLocalization(Commands & commands, CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| using namespace chip::app::Clusters::UnitLocalization; |
| |
| const char * clusterName = "UnitLocalization"; |
| |
| commands_list clusterCommands = { |
| // |
| // Commands |
| // |
| make_unique<ClusterCommand>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Attributes |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "temperature-unit", Attributes::TemperatureUnit::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteUnitLocalizationTemperatureUnit>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "temperature-unit", Attributes::TemperatureUnit::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Events |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| }; |
| |
| commands.Register(clusterName, clusterCommands); |
| } |
| void registerClusterPowerSourceConfiguration(Commands & commands, CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| using namespace chip::app::Clusters::PowerSourceConfiguration; |
| |
| const char * clusterName = "PowerSourceConfiguration"; |
| |
| commands_list clusterCommands = { |
| // |
| // Commands |
| // |
| make_unique<ClusterCommand>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Attributes |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "sources", Attributes::Sources::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "sources", Attributes::Sources::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Events |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| }; |
| |
| commands.Register(clusterName, clusterCommands); |
| } |
| void registerClusterPowerSource(Commands & commands, CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| using namespace chip::app::Clusters::PowerSource; |
| |
| const char * clusterName = "PowerSource"; |
| |
| commands_list clusterCommands = { |
| // |
| // Commands |
| // |
| make_unique<ClusterCommand>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Attributes |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "status", Attributes::Status::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "order", Attributes::Order::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "description", Attributes::Description::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "wired-assessed-input-voltage", Attributes::WiredAssessedInputVoltage::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "wired-assessed-input-frequency", Attributes::WiredAssessedInputFrequency::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "wired-current-type", Attributes::WiredCurrentType::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "wired-assessed-current", Attributes::WiredAssessedCurrent::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "wired-nominal-voltage", Attributes::WiredNominalVoltage::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "wired-maximum-current", Attributes::WiredMaximumCurrent::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "wired-present", Attributes::WiredPresent::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "active-wired-faults", Attributes::ActiveWiredFaults::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "battery-voltage", Attributes::BatteryVoltage::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "battery-percent-remaining", Attributes::BatteryPercentRemaining::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "battery-time-remaining", Attributes::BatteryTimeRemaining::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "battery-charge-level", Attributes::BatteryChargeLevel::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "battery-replacement-needed", Attributes::BatteryReplacementNeeded::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "battery-replaceability", Attributes::BatteryReplaceability::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "battery-present", Attributes::BatteryPresent::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "active-battery-faults", Attributes::ActiveBatteryFaults::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "battery-replacement-description", Attributes::BatteryReplacementDescription::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "battery-common-designation", Attributes::BatteryCommonDesignation::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "battery-ansidesignation", Attributes::BatteryANSIDesignation::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "battery-iecdesignation", Attributes::BatteryIECDesignation::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "battery-approved-chemistry", Attributes::BatteryApprovedChemistry::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "battery-capacity", Attributes::BatteryCapacity::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "battery-quantity", Attributes::BatteryQuantity::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "battery-charge-state", Attributes::BatteryChargeState::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "battery-time-to-full-charge", Attributes::BatteryTimeToFullCharge::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "battery-functional-while-charging", Attributes::BatteryFunctionalWhileCharging::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "battery-charging-current", Attributes::BatteryChargingCurrent::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "active-battery-charge-faults", Attributes::ActiveBatteryChargeFaults::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "status", Attributes::Status::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "order", Attributes::Order::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "description", Attributes::Description::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "wired-assessed-input-voltage", Attributes::WiredAssessedInputVoltage::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "wired-assessed-input-frequency", Attributes::WiredAssessedInputFrequency::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "wired-current-type", Attributes::WiredCurrentType::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "wired-assessed-current", Attributes::WiredAssessedCurrent::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "wired-nominal-voltage", Attributes::WiredNominalVoltage::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "wired-maximum-current", Attributes::WiredMaximumCurrent::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "wired-present", Attributes::WiredPresent::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "active-wired-faults", Attributes::ActiveWiredFaults::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "battery-voltage", Attributes::BatteryVoltage::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "battery-percent-remaining", Attributes::BatteryPercentRemaining::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "battery-time-remaining", Attributes::BatteryTimeRemaining::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "battery-charge-level", Attributes::BatteryChargeLevel::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "battery-replacement-needed", Attributes::BatteryReplacementNeeded::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "battery-replaceability", Attributes::BatteryReplaceability::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "battery-present", Attributes::BatteryPresent::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "active-battery-faults", Attributes::ActiveBatteryFaults::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "battery-replacement-description", Attributes::BatteryReplacementDescription::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "battery-common-designation", Attributes::BatteryCommonDesignation::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "battery-ansidesignation", Attributes::BatteryANSIDesignation::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "battery-iecdesignation", Attributes::BatteryIECDesignation::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "battery-approved-chemistry", Attributes::BatteryApprovedChemistry::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "battery-capacity", Attributes::BatteryCapacity::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "battery-quantity", Attributes::BatteryQuantity::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "battery-charge-state", Attributes::BatteryChargeState::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "battery-time-to-full-charge", Attributes::BatteryTimeToFullCharge::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "battery-functional-while-charging", Attributes::BatteryFunctionalWhileCharging::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "battery-charging-current", Attributes::BatteryChargingCurrent::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "active-battery-charge-faults", Attributes::ActiveBatteryChargeFaults::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Events |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| }; |
| |
| commands.Register(clusterName, clusterCommands); |
| } |
| void registerClusterGeneralCommissioning(Commands & commands, CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| using namespace chip::app::Clusters::GeneralCommissioning; |
| |
| const char * clusterName = "GeneralCommissioning"; |
| |
| commands_list clusterCommands = { |
| // |
| // Commands |
| // |
| make_unique<ClusterCommand>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<GeneralCommissioningArmFailSafe>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<GeneralCommissioningSetRegulatoryConfig>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<GeneralCommissioningCommissioningComplete>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Attributes |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "breadcrumb", Attributes::Breadcrumb::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "basic-commissioning-info", Attributes::BasicCommissioningInfo::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "regulatory-config", Attributes::RegulatoryConfig::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "location-capability", Attributes::LocationCapability::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "supports-concurrent-connection", Attributes::SupportsConcurrentConnection::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteGeneralCommissioningBreadcrumb>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "breadcrumb", Attributes::Breadcrumb::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "basic-commissioning-info", Attributes::BasicCommissioningInfo::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "regulatory-config", Attributes::RegulatoryConfig::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "location-capability", Attributes::LocationCapability::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "supports-concurrent-connection", Attributes::SupportsConcurrentConnection::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Events |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| }; |
| |
| commands.Register(clusterName, clusterCommands); |
| } |
| void registerClusterNetworkCommissioning(Commands & commands, CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| using namespace chip::app::Clusters::NetworkCommissioning; |
| |
| const char * clusterName = "NetworkCommissioning"; |
| |
| commands_list clusterCommands = { |
| // |
| // Commands |
| // |
| make_unique<ClusterCommand>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<NetworkCommissioningScanNetworks>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<NetworkCommissioningAddOrUpdateWiFiNetwork>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<NetworkCommissioningAddOrUpdateThreadNetwork>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<NetworkCommissioningRemoveNetwork>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<NetworkCommissioningConnectNetwork>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<NetworkCommissioningReorderNetwork>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Attributes |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "max-networks", Attributes::MaxNetworks::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "networks", Attributes::Networks::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "scan-max-time-seconds", Attributes::ScanMaxTimeSeconds::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "connect-max-time-seconds", Attributes::ConnectMaxTimeSeconds::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "interface-enabled", Attributes::InterfaceEnabled::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "last-networking-status", Attributes::LastNetworkingStatus::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "last-network-id", Attributes::LastNetworkID::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "last-connect-error-value", Attributes::LastConnectErrorValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteNetworkCommissioningInterfaceEnabled>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "max-networks", Attributes::MaxNetworks::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "networks", Attributes::Networks::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "scan-max-time-seconds", Attributes::ScanMaxTimeSeconds::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "connect-max-time-seconds", Attributes::ConnectMaxTimeSeconds::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "interface-enabled", Attributes::InterfaceEnabled::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "last-networking-status", Attributes::LastNetworkingStatus::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "last-network-id", Attributes::LastNetworkID::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "last-connect-error-value", Attributes::LastConnectErrorValue::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Events |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| }; |
| |
| commands.Register(clusterName, clusterCommands); |
| } |
| void registerClusterDiagnosticLogs(Commands & commands, CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| using namespace chip::app::Clusters::DiagnosticLogs; |
| |
| const char * clusterName = "DiagnosticLogs"; |
| |
| commands_list clusterCommands = { |
| // |
| // Commands |
| // |
| make_unique<ClusterCommand>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<DiagnosticLogsRetrieveLogsRequest>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Attributes |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Events |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| }; |
| |
| commands.Register(clusterName, clusterCommands); |
| } |
| void registerClusterGeneralDiagnostics(Commands & commands, CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| using namespace chip::app::Clusters::GeneralDiagnostics; |
| |
| const char * clusterName = "GeneralDiagnostics"; |
| |
| commands_list clusterCommands = { |
| // |
| // Commands |
| // |
| make_unique<ClusterCommand>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<GeneralDiagnosticsTestEventTrigger>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Attributes |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "network-interfaces", Attributes::NetworkInterfaces::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "reboot-count", Attributes::RebootCount::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "up-time", Attributes::UpTime::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "total-operational-hours", Attributes::TotalOperationalHours::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "boot-reasons", Attributes::BootReasons::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "active-hardware-faults", Attributes::ActiveHardwareFaults::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "active-radio-faults", Attributes::ActiveRadioFaults::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "active-network-faults", Attributes::ActiveNetworkFaults::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "test-event-triggers-enabled", Attributes::TestEventTriggersEnabled::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "network-interfaces", Attributes::NetworkInterfaces::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "reboot-count", Attributes::RebootCount::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "up-time", Attributes::UpTime::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "total-operational-hours", Attributes::TotalOperationalHours::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "boot-reasons", Attributes::BootReasons::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "active-hardware-faults", Attributes::ActiveHardwareFaults::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "active-radio-faults", Attributes::ActiveRadioFaults::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "active-network-faults", Attributes::ActiveNetworkFaults::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "test-event-triggers-enabled", Attributes::TestEventTriggersEnabled::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Events |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, "hardware-fault-change", Events::HardwareFaultChange::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, "radio-fault-change", Events::RadioFaultChange::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, "network-fault-change", Events::NetworkFaultChange::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, "boot-reason", Events::BootReason::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, "hardware-fault-change", Events::HardwareFaultChange::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, "radio-fault-change", Events::RadioFaultChange::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, "network-fault-change", Events::NetworkFaultChange::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, "boot-reason", Events::BootReason::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| }; |
| |
| commands.Register(clusterName, clusterCommands); |
| } |
| void registerClusterSoftwareDiagnostics(Commands & commands, CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| using namespace chip::app::Clusters::SoftwareDiagnostics; |
| |
| const char * clusterName = "SoftwareDiagnostics"; |
| |
| commands_list clusterCommands = { |
| // |
| // Commands |
| // |
| make_unique<ClusterCommand>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SoftwareDiagnosticsResetWatermarks>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Attributes |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "thread-metrics", Attributes::ThreadMetrics::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "current-heap-free", Attributes::CurrentHeapFree::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "current-heap-used", Attributes::CurrentHeapUsed::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "current-heap-high-watermark", Attributes::CurrentHeapHighWatermark::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "thread-metrics", Attributes::ThreadMetrics::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "current-heap-free", Attributes::CurrentHeapFree::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "current-heap-used", Attributes::CurrentHeapUsed::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "current-heap-high-watermark", Attributes::CurrentHeapHighWatermark::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Events |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, "software-fault", Events::SoftwareFault::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, "software-fault", Events::SoftwareFault::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| }; |
| |
| commands.Register(clusterName, clusterCommands); |
| } |
| void registerClusterThreadNetworkDiagnostics(Commands & commands, CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| using namespace chip::app::Clusters::ThreadNetworkDiagnostics; |
| |
| const char * clusterName = "ThreadNetworkDiagnostics"; |
| |
| commands_list clusterCommands = { |
| // |
| // Commands |
| // |
| make_unique<ClusterCommand>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ThreadNetworkDiagnosticsResetCounts>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Attributes |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "channel", Attributes::Channel::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "routing-role", Attributes::RoutingRole::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "network-name", Attributes::NetworkName::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "pan-id", Attributes::PanId::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "extended-pan-id", Attributes::ExtendedPanId::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "mesh-local-prefix", Attributes::MeshLocalPrefix::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "overrun-count", Attributes::OverrunCount::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "neighbor-table-list", Attributes::NeighborTableList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "route-table-list", Attributes::RouteTableList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "partition-id", Attributes::PartitionId::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "weighting", Attributes::Weighting::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "data-version", Attributes::DataVersion::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "stable-data-version", Attributes::StableDataVersion::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "leader-router-id", Attributes::LeaderRouterId::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "detached-role-count", Attributes::DetachedRoleCount::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "child-role-count", Attributes::ChildRoleCount::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "router-role-count", Attributes::RouterRoleCount::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "leader-role-count", Attributes::LeaderRoleCount::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "attach-attempt-count", Attributes::AttachAttemptCount::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "partition-id-change-count", Attributes::PartitionIdChangeCount::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "better-partition-attach-attempt-count", Attributes::BetterPartitionAttachAttemptCount::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "parent-change-count", Attributes::ParentChangeCount::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "tx-total-count", Attributes::TxTotalCount::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "tx-unicast-count", Attributes::TxUnicastCount::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "tx-broadcast-count", Attributes::TxBroadcastCount::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "tx-ack-requested-count", Attributes::TxAckRequestedCount::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "tx-acked-count", Attributes::TxAckedCount::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "tx-no-ack-requested-count", Attributes::TxNoAckRequestedCount::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "tx-data-count", Attributes::TxDataCount::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "tx-data-poll-count", Attributes::TxDataPollCount::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "tx-beacon-count", Attributes::TxBeaconCount::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "tx-beacon-request-count", Attributes::TxBeaconRequestCount::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "tx-other-count", Attributes::TxOtherCount::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "tx-retry-count", Attributes::TxRetryCount::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "tx-direct-max-retry-expiry-count", Attributes::TxDirectMaxRetryExpiryCount::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "tx-indirect-max-retry-expiry-count", Attributes::TxIndirectMaxRetryExpiryCount::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "tx-err-cca-count", Attributes::TxErrCcaCount::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "tx-err-abort-count", Attributes::TxErrAbortCount::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "tx-err-busy-channel-count", Attributes::TxErrBusyChannelCount::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "rx-total-count", Attributes::RxTotalCount::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "rx-unicast-count", Attributes::RxUnicastCount::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "rx-broadcast-count", Attributes::RxBroadcastCount::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "rx-data-count", Attributes::RxDataCount::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "rx-data-poll-count", Attributes::RxDataPollCount::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "rx-beacon-count", Attributes::RxBeaconCount::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "rx-beacon-request-count", Attributes::RxBeaconRequestCount::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "rx-other-count", Attributes::RxOtherCount::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "rx-address-filtered-count", Attributes::RxAddressFilteredCount::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "rx-dest-addr-filtered-count", Attributes::RxDestAddrFilteredCount::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "rx-duplicated-count", Attributes::RxDuplicatedCount::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "rx-err-no-frame-count", Attributes::RxErrNoFrameCount::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "rx-err-unknown-neighbor-count", Attributes::RxErrUnknownNeighborCount::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "rx-err-invalid-src-addr-count", Attributes::RxErrInvalidSrcAddrCount::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "rx-err-sec-count", Attributes::RxErrSecCount::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "rx-err-fcs-count", Attributes::RxErrFcsCount::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "rx-err-other-count", Attributes::RxErrOtherCount::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "active-timestamp", Attributes::ActiveTimestamp::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "pending-timestamp", Attributes::PendingTimestamp::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "delay", Attributes::Delay::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "security-policy", Attributes::SecurityPolicy::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "channel-mask", Attributes::ChannelMask::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "operational-dataset-components", Attributes::OperationalDatasetComponents::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "active-network-faults-list", Attributes::ActiveNetworkFaultsList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "channel", Attributes::Channel::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "routing-role", Attributes::RoutingRole::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "network-name", Attributes::NetworkName::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "pan-id", Attributes::PanId::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "extended-pan-id", Attributes::ExtendedPanId::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "mesh-local-prefix", Attributes::MeshLocalPrefix::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "overrun-count", Attributes::OverrunCount::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "neighbor-table-list", Attributes::NeighborTableList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "route-table-list", Attributes::RouteTableList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "partition-id", Attributes::PartitionId::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "weighting", Attributes::Weighting::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "data-version", Attributes::DataVersion::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "stable-data-version", Attributes::StableDataVersion::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "leader-router-id", Attributes::LeaderRouterId::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "detached-role-count", Attributes::DetachedRoleCount::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "child-role-count", Attributes::ChildRoleCount::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "router-role-count", Attributes::RouterRoleCount::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "leader-role-count", Attributes::LeaderRoleCount::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "attach-attempt-count", Attributes::AttachAttemptCount::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "partition-id-change-count", Attributes::PartitionIdChangeCount::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "better-partition-attach-attempt-count", |
| Attributes::BetterPartitionAttachAttemptCount::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "parent-change-count", Attributes::ParentChangeCount::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "tx-total-count", Attributes::TxTotalCount::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "tx-unicast-count", Attributes::TxUnicastCount::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "tx-broadcast-count", Attributes::TxBroadcastCount::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "tx-ack-requested-count", Attributes::TxAckRequestedCount::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "tx-acked-count", Attributes::TxAckedCount::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "tx-no-ack-requested-count", Attributes::TxNoAckRequestedCount::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "tx-data-count", Attributes::TxDataCount::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "tx-data-poll-count", Attributes::TxDataPollCount::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "tx-beacon-count", Attributes::TxBeaconCount::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "tx-beacon-request-count", Attributes::TxBeaconRequestCount::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "tx-other-count", Attributes::TxOtherCount::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "tx-retry-count", Attributes::TxRetryCount::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "tx-direct-max-retry-expiry-count", Attributes::TxDirectMaxRetryExpiryCount::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "tx-indirect-max-retry-expiry-count", Attributes::TxIndirectMaxRetryExpiryCount::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "tx-err-cca-count", Attributes::TxErrCcaCount::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "tx-err-abort-count", Attributes::TxErrAbortCount::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "tx-err-busy-channel-count", Attributes::TxErrBusyChannelCount::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "rx-total-count", Attributes::RxTotalCount::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "rx-unicast-count", Attributes::RxUnicastCount::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "rx-broadcast-count", Attributes::RxBroadcastCount::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "rx-data-count", Attributes::RxDataCount::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "rx-data-poll-count", Attributes::RxDataPollCount::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "rx-beacon-count", Attributes::RxBeaconCount::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "rx-beacon-request-count", Attributes::RxBeaconRequestCount::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "rx-other-count", Attributes::RxOtherCount::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "rx-address-filtered-count", Attributes::RxAddressFilteredCount::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "rx-dest-addr-filtered-count", Attributes::RxDestAddrFilteredCount::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "rx-duplicated-count", Attributes::RxDuplicatedCount::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "rx-err-no-frame-count", Attributes::RxErrNoFrameCount::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "rx-err-unknown-neighbor-count", Attributes::RxErrUnknownNeighborCount::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "rx-err-invalid-src-addr-count", Attributes::RxErrInvalidSrcAddrCount::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "rx-err-sec-count", Attributes::RxErrSecCount::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "rx-err-fcs-count", Attributes::RxErrFcsCount::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "rx-err-other-count", Attributes::RxErrOtherCount::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "active-timestamp", Attributes::ActiveTimestamp::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "pending-timestamp", Attributes::PendingTimestamp::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "delay", Attributes::Delay::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "security-policy", Attributes::SecurityPolicy::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "channel-mask", Attributes::ChannelMask::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "operational-dataset-components", Attributes::OperationalDatasetComponents::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "active-network-faults-list", Attributes::ActiveNetworkFaultsList::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Events |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, "connection-status", Events::ConnectionStatus::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, "connection-status", Events::ConnectionStatus::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| }; |
| |
| commands.Register(clusterName, clusterCommands); |
| } |
| void registerClusterWiFiNetworkDiagnostics(Commands & commands, CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| using namespace chip::app::Clusters::WiFiNetworkDiagnostics; |
| |
| const char * clusterName = "WiFiNetworkDiagnostics"; |
| |
| commands_list clusterCommands = { |
| // |
| // Commands |
| // |
| make_unique<ClusterCommand>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WiFiNetworkDiagnosticsResetCounts>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Attributes |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "bssid", Attributes::Bssid::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "security-type", Attributes::SecurityType::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "wi-fi-version", Attributes::WiFiVersion::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "channel-number", Attributes::ChannelNumber::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "rssi", Attributes::Rssi::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "beacon-lost-count", Attributes::BeaconLostCount::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "beacon-rx-count", Attributes::BeaconRxCount::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "packet-multicast-rx-count", Attributes::PacketMulticastRxCount::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "packet-multicast-tx-count", Attributes::PacketMulticastTxCount::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "packet-unicast-rx-count", Attributes::PacketUnicastRxCount::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "packet-unicast-tx-count", Attributes::PacketUnicastTxCount::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "current-max-rate", Attributes::CurrentMaxRate::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "overrun-count", Attributes::OverrunCount::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "bssid", Attributes::Bssid::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "security-type", Attributes::SecurityType::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "wi-fi-version", Attributes::WiFiVersion::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "channel-number", Attributes::ChannelNumber::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "rssi", Attributes::Rssi::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "beacon-lost-count", Attributes::BeaconLostCount::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "beacon-rx-count", Attributes::BeaconRxCount::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "packet-multicast-rx-count", Attributes::PacketMulticastRxCount::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "packet-multicast-tx-count", Attributes::PacketMulticastTxCount::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "packet-unicast-rx-count", Attributes::PacketUnicastRxCount::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "packet-unicast-tx-count", Attributes::PacketUnicastTxCount::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "current-max-rate", Attributes::CurrentMaxRate::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "overrun-count", Attributes::OverrunCount::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Events |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, "disconnection", Events::Disconnection::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, "association-failure", Events::AssociationFailure::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, "connection-status", Events::ConnectionStatus::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, "disconnection", Events::Disconnection::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, "association-failure", Events::AssociationFailure::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, "connection-status", Events::ConnectionStatus::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| }; |
| |
| commands.Register(clusterName, clusterCommands); |
| } |
| void registerClusterEthernetNetworkDiagnostics(Commands & commands, CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| using namespace chip::app::Clusters::EthernetNetworkDiagnostics; |
| |
| const char * clusterName = "EthernetNetworkDiagnostics"; |
| |
| commands_list clusterCommands = { |
| // |
| // Commands |
| // |
| make_unique<ClusterCommand>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<EthernetNetworkDiagnosticsResetCounts>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Attributes |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "phyrate", Attributes::PHYRate::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "full-duplex", Attributes::FullDuplex::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "packet-rx-count", Attributes::PacketRxCount::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "packet-tx-count", Attributes::PacketTxCount::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "tx-err-count", Attributes::TxErrCount::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "collision-count", Attributes::CollisionCount::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "overrun-count", Attributes::OverrunCount::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "carrier-detect", Attributes::CarrierDetect::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "time-since-reset", Attributes::TimeSinceReset::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "phyrate", Attributes::PHYRate::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "full-duplex", Attributes::FullDuplex::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "packet-rx-count", Attributes::PacketRxCount::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "packet-tx-count", Attributes::PacketTxCount::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "tx-err-count", Attributes::TxErrCount::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "collision-count", Attributes::CollisionCount::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "overrun-count", Attributes::OverrunCount::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "carrier-detect", Attributes::CarrierDetect::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "time-since-reset", Attributes::TimeSinceReset::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Events |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| }; |
| |
| commands.Register(clusterName, clusterCommands); |
| } |
| void registerClusterTimeSynchronization(Commands & commands, CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| using namespace chip::app::Clusters::TimeSynchronization; |
| |
| const char * clusterName = "TimeSynchronization"; |
| |
| commands_list clusterCommands = { |
| // |
| // Commands |
| // |
| make_unique<ClusterCommand>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Attributes |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Events |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| }; |
| |
| commands.Register(clusterName, clusterCommands); |
| } |
| void registerClusterBridgedDeviceBasic(Commands & commands, CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| using namespace chip::app::Clusters::BridgedDeviceBasic; |
| |
| const char * clusterName = "BridgedDeviceBasic"; |
| |
| commands_list clusterCommands = { |
| // |
| // Commands |
| // |
| make_unique<ClusterCommand>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Attributes |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "vendor-name", Attributes::VendorName::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "vendor-id", Attributes::VendorID::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "product-name", Attributes::ProductName::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "node-label", Attributes::NodeLabel::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "hardware-version", Attributes::HardwareVersion::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "hardware-version-string", Attributes::HardwareVersionString::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "software-version", Attributes::SoftwareVersion::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "software-version-string", Attributes::SoftwareVersionString::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "manufacturing-date", Attributes::ManufacturingDate::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "part-number", Attributes::PartNumber::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "product-url", Attributes::ProductURL::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "product-label", Attributes::ProductLabel::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "serial-number", Attributes::SerialNumber::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "reachable", Attributes::Reachable::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "unique-id", Attributes::UniqueID::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteBridgedDeviceBasicNodeLabel>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "vendor-name", Attributes::VendorName::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "vendor-id", Attributes::VendorID::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "product-name", Attributes::ProductName::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "node-label", Attributes::NodeLabel::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "hardware-version", Attributes::HardwareVersion::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "hardware-version-string", Attributes::HardwareVersionString::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "software-version", Attributes::SoftwareVersion::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "software-version-string", Attributes::SoftwareVersionString::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "manufacturing-date", Attributes::ManufacturingDate::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "part-number", Attributes::PartNumber::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "product-url", Attributes::ProductURL::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "product-label", Attributes::ProductLabel::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "serial-number", Attributes::SerialNumber::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "reachable", Attributes::Reachable::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "unique-id", Attributes::UniqueID::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Events |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, "start-up", Events::StartUp::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, "shut-down", Events::ShutDown::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, "leave", Events::Leave::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, "reachable-changed", Events::ReachableChanged::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, "start-up", Events::StartUp::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, "shut-down", Events::ShutDown::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, "leave", Events::Leave::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, "reachable-changed", Events::ReachableChanged::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| }; |
| |
| commands.Register(clusterName, clusterCommands); |
| } |
| void registerClusterSwitch(Commands & commands, CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| using namespace chip::app::Clusters::Switch; |
| |
| const char * clusterName = "Switch"; |
| |
| commands_list clusterCommands = { |
| // |
| // Commands |
| // |
| make_unique<ClusterCommand>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Attributes |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "number-of-positions", Attributes::NumberOfPositions::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "current-position", Attributes::CurrentPosition::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "multi-press-max", Attributes::MultiPressMax::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "number-of-positions", Attributes::NumberOfPositions::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "current-position", Attributes::CurrentPosition::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "multi-press-max", Attributes::MultiPressMax::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Events |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, "switch-latched", Events::SwitchLatched::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, "initial-press", Events::InitialPress::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, "long-press", Events::LongPress::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, "short-release", Events::ShortRelease::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, "long-release", Events::LongRelease::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, "multi-press-ongoing", Events::MultiPressOngoing::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, "multi-press-complete", Events::MultiPressComplete::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, "switch-latched", Events::SwitchLatched::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, "initial-press", Events::InitialPress::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, "long-press", Events::LongPress::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, "short-release", Events::ShortRelease::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, "long-release", Events::LongRelease::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, "multi-press-ongoing", Events::MultiPressOngoing::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, "multi-press-complete", Events::MultiPressComplete::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| }; |
| |
| commands.Register(clusterName, clusterCommands); |
| } |
| void registerClusterAdministratorCommissioning(Commands & commands, CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| using namespace chip::app::Clusters::AdministratorCommissioning; |
| |
| const char * clusterName = "AdministratorCommissioning"; |
| |
| commands_list clusterCommands = { |
| // |
| // Commands |
| // |
| make_unique<ClusterCommand>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<AdministratorCommissioningOpenCommissioningWindow>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<AdministratorCommissioningOpenBasicCommissioningWindow>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<AdministratorCommissioningRevokeCommissioning>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Attributes |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "window-status", Attributes::WindowStatus::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "admin-fabric-index", Attributes::AdminFabricIndex::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "admin-vendor-id", Attributes::AdminVendorId::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "window-status", Attributes::WindowStatus::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "admin-fabric-index", Attributes::AdminFabricIndex::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "admin-vendor-id", Attributes::AdminVendorId::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Events |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| }; |
| |
| commands.Register(clusterName, clusterCommands); |
| } |
| void registerClusterOperationalCredentials(Commands & commands, CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| using namespace chip::app::Clusters::OperationalCredentials; |
| |
| const char * clusterName = "OperationalCredentials"; |
| |
| commands_list clusterCommands = { |
| // |
| // Commands |
| // |
| make_unique<ClusterCommand>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<OperationalCredentialsAttestationRequest>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<OperationalCredentialsCertificateChainRequest>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<OperationalCredentialsCSRRequest>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<OperationalCredentialsAddNOC>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<OperationalCredentialsUpdateNOC>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<OperationalCredentialsUpdateFabricLabel>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<OperationalCredentialsRemoveFabric>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<OperationalCredentialsAddTrustedRootCertificate>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<OperationalCredentialsRemoveTrustedRootCertificate>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Attributes |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "nocs", Attributes::NOCs::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "fabrics", Attributes::Fabrics::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "supported-fabrics", Attributes::SupportedFabrics::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "commissioned-fabrics", Attributes::CommissionedFabrics::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "trusted-root-certificates", Attributes::TrustedRootCertificates::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "current-fabric-index", Attributes::CurrentFabricIndex::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "nocs", Attributes::NOCs::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "fabrics", Attributes::Fabrics::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "supported-fabrics", Attributes::SupportedFabrics::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "commissioned-fabrics", Attributes::CommissionedFabrics::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "trusted-root-certificates", Attributes::TrustedRootCertificates::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "current-fabric-index", Attributes::CurrentFabricIndex::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Events |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| }; |
| |
| commands.Register(clusterName, clusterCommands); |
| } |
| void registerClusterGroupKeyManagement(Commands & commands, CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| using namespace chip::app::Clusters::GroupKeyManagement; |
| |
| const char * clusterName = "GroupKeyManagement"; |
| |
| commands_list clusterCommands = { |
| // |
| // Commands |
| // |
| make_unique<ClusterCommand>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<GroupKeyManagementKeySetWrite>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<GroupKeyManagementKeySetRead>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<GroupKeyManagementKeySetRemove>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<GroupKeyManagementKeySetReadAllIndices>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Attributes |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "group-key-map", Attributes::GroupKeyMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "group-table", Attributes::GroupTable::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "max-groups-per-fabric", Attributes::MaxGroupsPerFabric::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "max-group-keys-per-fabric", Attributes::MaxGroupKeysPerFabric::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteGroupKeyManagementGroupKeyMap>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "group-key-map", Attributes::GroupKeyMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "group-table", Attributes::GroupTable::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "max-groups-per-fabric", Attributes::MaxGroupsPerFabric::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "max-group-keys-per-fabric", Attributes::MaxGroupKeysPerFabric::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Events |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| }; |
| |
| commands.Register(clusterName, clusterCommands); |
| } |
| void registerClusterFixedLabel(Commands & commands, CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| using namespace chip::app::Clusters::FixedLabel; |
| |
| const char * clusterName = "FixedLabel"; |
| |
| commands_list clusterCommands = { |
| // |
| // Commands |
| // |
| make_unique<ClusterCommand>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Attributes |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "label-list", Attributes::LabelList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "label-list", Attributes::LabelList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Events |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| }; |
| |
| commands.Register(clusterName, clusterCommands); |
| } |
| void registerClusterUserLabel(Commands & commands, CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| using namespace chip::app::Clusters::UserLabel; |
| |
| const char * clusterName = "UserLabel"; |
| |
| commands_list clusterCommands = { |
| // |
| // Commands |
| // |
| make_unique<ClusterCommand>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Attributes |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "label-list", Attributes::LabelList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteUserLabelLabelList>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "label-list", Attributes::LabelList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Events |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| }; |
| |
| commands.Register(clusterName, clusterCommands); |
| } |
| void registerClusterProxyConfiguration(Commands & commands, CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| using namespace chip::app::Clusters::ProxyConfiguration; |
| |
| const char * clusterName = "ProxyConfiguration"; |
| |
| commands_list clusterCommands = { |
| // |
| // Commands |
| // |
| make_unique<ClusterCommand>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Attributes |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Events |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| }; |
| |
| commands.Register(clusterName, clusterCommands); |
| } |
| void registerClusterProxyDiscovery(Commands & commands, CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| using namespace chip::app::Clusters::ProxyDiscovery; |
| |
| const char * clusterName = "ProxyDiscovery"; |
| |
| commands_list clusterCommands = { |
| // |
| // Commands |
| // |
| make_unique<ClusterCommand>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Attributes |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Events |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| }; |
| |
| commands.Register(clusterName, clusterCommands); |
| } |
| void registerClusterProxyValid(Commands & commands, CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| using namespace chip::app::Clusters::ProxyValid; |
| |
| const char * clusterName = "ProxyValid"; |
| |
| commands_list clusterCommands = { |
| // |
| // Commands |
| // |
| make_unique<ClusterCommand>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Attributes |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Events |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| }; |
| |
| commands.Register(clusterName, clusterCommands); |
| } |
| void registerClusterBooleanState(Commands & commands, CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| using namespace chip::app::Clusters::BooleanState; |
| |
| const char * clusterName = "BooleanState"; |
| |
| commands_list clusterCommands = { |
| // |
| // Commands |
| // |
| make_unique<ClusterCommand>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Attributes |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "state-value", Attributes::StateValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "state-value", Attributes::StateValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Events |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, "state-change", Events::StateChange::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, "state-change", Events::StateChange::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| }; |
| |
| commands.Register(clusterName, clusterCommands); |
| } |
| void registerClusterModeSelect(Commands & commands, CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| using namespace chip::app::Clusters::ModeSelect; |
| |
| const char * clusterName = "ModeSelect"; |
| |
| commands_list clusterCommands = { |
| // |
| // Commands |
| // |
| make_unique<ClusterCommand>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ModeSelectChangeToMode>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Attributes |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "description", Attributes::Description::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "standard-namespace", Attributes::StandardNamespace::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "supported-modes", Attributes::SupportedModes::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "current-mode", Attributes::CurrentMode::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "start-up-mode", Attributes::StartUpMode::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "on-mode", Attributes::OnMode::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteModeSelectStartUpMode>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteModeSelectOnMode>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "description", Attributes::Description::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "standard-namespace", Attributes::StandardNamespace::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "supported-modes", Attributes::SupportedModes::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "current-mode", Attributes::CurrentMode::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "start-up-mode", Attributes::StartUpMode::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "on-mode", Attributes::OnMode::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Events |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| }; |
| |
| commands.Register(clusterName, clusterCommands); |
| } |
| void registerClusterShadeConfiguration(Commands & commands, CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| using namespace chip::app::Clusters::ShadeConfiguration; |
| |
| const char * clusterName = "ShadeConfiguration"; |
| |
| commands_list clusterCommands = { |
| // |
| // Commands |
| // |
| make_unique<ClusterCommand>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Attributes |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "physical-closed-limit", Attributes::PhysicalClosedLimit::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "motor-step-size", Attributes::MotorStepSize::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "status", Attributes::Status::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "closed-limit", Attributes::ClosedLimit::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "mode", Attributes::Mode::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteShadeConfigurationStatus>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteShadeConfigurationClosedLimit>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteShadeConfigurationMode>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "physical-closed-limit", Attributes::PhysicalClosedLimit::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "motor-step-size", Attributes::MotorStepSize::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "status", Attributes::Status::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "closed-limit", Attributes::ClosedLimit::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "mode", Attributes::Mode::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Events |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| }; |
| |
| commands.Register(clusterName, clusterCommands); |
| } |
| void registerClusterDoorLock(Commands & commands, CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| using namespace chip::app::Clusters::DoorLock; |
| |
| const char * clusterName = "DoorLock"; |
| |
| commands_list clusterCommands = { |
| // |
| // Commands |
| // |
| make_unique<ClusterCommand>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<DoorLockLockDoor>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<DoorLockUnlockDoor>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<DoorLockUnlockWithTimeout>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<DoorLockGetLogRecord>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<DoorLockSetPINCode>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<DoorLockGetPINCode>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<DoorLockClearPINCode>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<DoorLockClearAllPINCodes>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<DoorLockSetUserStatus>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<DoorLockGetUserStatus>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<DoorLockSetWeekDaySchedule>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<DoorLockGetWeekDaySchedule>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<DoorLockClearWeekDaySchedule>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<DoorLockSetYearDaySchedule>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<DoorLockGetYearDaySchedule>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<DoorLockClearYearDaySchedule>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<DoorLockSetHolidaySchedule>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<DoorLockGetHolidaySchedule>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<DoorLockClearHolidaySchedule>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<DoorLockSetUserType>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<DoorLockGetUserType>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<DoorLockSetRFIDCode>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<DoorLockGetRFIDCode>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<DoorLockClearRFIDCode>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<DoorLockClearAllRFIDCodes>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<DoorLockSetUser>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<DoorLockGetUser>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<DoorLockClearUser>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<DoorLockSetCredential>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<DoorLockGetCredentialStatus>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<DoorLockClearCredential>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Attributes |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "lock-state", Attributes::LockState::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "lock-type", Attributes::LockType::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "actuator-enabled", Attributes::ActuatorEnabled::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "door-state", Attributes::DoorState::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "door-open-events", Attributes::DoorOpenEvents::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "door-closed-events", Attributes::DoorClosedEvents::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "open-period", Attributes::OpenPeriod::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "number-of-log-records-supported", Attributes::NumberOfLogRecordsSupported::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "number-of-total-users-supported", Attributes::NumberOfTotalUsersSupported::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "number-of-pinusers-supported", Attributes::NumberOfPINUsersSupported::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "number-of-rfidusers-supported", Attributes::NumberOfRFIDUsersSupported::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "number-of-week-day-schedules-supported-per-user", |
| Attributes::NumberOfWeekDaySchedulesSupportedPerUser::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "number-of-year-day-schedules-supported-per-user", |
| Attributes::NumberOfYearDaySchedulesSupportedPerUser::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "number-of-holiday-schedules-supported", Attributes::NumberOfHolidaySchedulesSupported::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "max-pincode-length", Attributes::MaxPINCodeLength::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "min-pincode-length", Attributes::MinPINCodeLength::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "max-rfidcode-length", Attributes::MaxRFIDCodeLength::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "min-rfidcode-length", Attributes::MinRFIDCodeLength::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "credential-rules-support", Attributes::CredentialRulesSupport::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "number-of-credentials-supported-per-user", |
| Attributes::NumberOfCredentialsSupportedPerUser::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "enable-logging", Attributes::EnableLogging::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "language", Attributes::Language::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "ledsettings", Attributes::LEDSettings::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "auto-relock-time", Attributes::AutoRelockTime::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "sound-volume", Attributes::SoundVolume::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "operating-mode", Attributes::OperatingMode::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "supported-operating-modes", Attributes::SupportedOperatingModes::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "default-configuration-register", Attributes::DefaultConfigurationRegister::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "enable-local-programming", Attributes::EnableLocalProgramming::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "enable-one-touch-locking", Attributes::EnableOneTouchLocking::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "enable-inside-status-led", Attributes::EnableInsideStatusLED::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "enable-privacy-mode-button", Attributes::EnablePrivacyModeButton::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "local-programming-features", Attributes::LocalProgrammingFeatures::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "wrong-code-entry-limit", Attributes::WrongCodeEntryLimit::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "user-code-temporary-disable-time", Attributes::UserCodeTemporaryDisableTime::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "send-pinover-the-air", Attributes::SendPINOverTheAir::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "require-pinfor-remote-operation", Attributes::RequirePINforRemoteOperation::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "expiring-user-timeout", Attributes::ExpiringUserTimeout::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "alarm-mask", Attributes::AlarmMask::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "keypad-operation-event-mask", Attributes::KeypadOperationEventMask::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "remote-operation-event-mask", Attributes::RemoteOperationEventMask::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "manual-operation-event-mask", Attributes::ManualOperationEventMask::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "rfidoperation-event-mask", Attributes::RFIDOperationEventMask::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "keypad-programming-event-mask", Attributes::KeypadProgrammingEventMask::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "remote-programming-event-mask", Attributes::RemoteProgrammingEventMask::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "rfidprogramming-event-mask", Attributes::RFIDProgrammingEventMask::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteDoorLockDoorOpenEvents>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteDoorLockDoorClosedEvents>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteDoorLockOpenPeriod>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteDoorLockEnableLogging>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteDoorLockLanguage>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteDoorLockLEDSettings>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteDoorLockAutoRelockTime>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteDoorLockSoundVolume>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteDoorLockOperatingMode>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteDoorLockEnableLocalProgramming>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteDoorLockEnableOneTouchLocking>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteDoorLockEnableInsideStatusLED>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteDoorLockEnablePrivacyModeButton>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteDoorLockLocalProgrammingFeatures>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteDoorLockWrongCodeEntryLimit>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteDoorLockUserCodeTemporaryDisableTime>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteDoorLockSendPINOverTheAir>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteDoorLockRequirePINforRemoteOperation>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteDoorLockExpiringUserTimeout>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteDoorLockAlarmMask>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteDoorLockKeypadOperationEventMask>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteDoorLockRemoteOperationEventMask>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteDoorLockManualOperationEventMask>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteDoorLockRFIDOperationEventMask>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteDoorLockKeypadProgrammingEventMask>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteDoorLockRemoteProgrammingEventMask>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteDoorLockRFIDProgrammingEventMask>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "lock-state", Attributes::LockState::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "lock-type", Attributes::LockType::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "actuator-enabled", Attributes::ActuatorEnabled::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "door-state", Attributes::DoorState::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "door-open-events", Attributes::DoorOpenEvents::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "door-closed-events", Attributes::DoorClosedEvents::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "open-period", Attributes::OpenPeriod::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "number-of-log-records-supported", Attributes::NumberOfLogRecordsSupported::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "number-of-total-users-supported", Attributes::NumberOfTotalUsersSupported::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "number-of-pinusers-supported", Attributes::NumberOfPINUsersSupported::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "number-of-rfidusers-supported", Attributes::NumberOfRFIDUsersSupported::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "number-of-week-day-schedules-supported-per-user", |
| Attributes::NumberOfWeekDaySchedulesSupportedPerUser::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "number-of-year-day-schedules-supported-per-user", |
| Attributes::NumberOfYearDaySchedulesSupportedPerUser::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "number-of-holiday-schedules-supported", |
| Attributes::NumberOfHolidaySchedulesSupported::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "max-pincode-length", Attributes::MaxPINCodeLength::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "min-pincode-length", Attributes::MinPINCodeLength::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "max-rfidcode-length", Attributes::MaxRFIDCodeLength::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "min-rfidcode-length", Attributes::MinRFIDCodeLength::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "credential-rules-support", Attributes::CredentialRulesSupport::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "number-of-credentials-supported-per-user", |
| Attributes::NumberOfCredentialsSupportedPerUser::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "enable-logging", Attributes::EnableLogging::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "language", Attributes::Language::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "ledsettings", Attributes::LEDSettings::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "auto-relock-time", Attributes::AutoRelockTime::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "sound-volume", Attributes::SoundVolume::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "operating-mode", Attributes::OperatingMode::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "supported-operating-modes", Attributes::SupportedOperatingModes::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "default-configuration-register", Attributes::DefaultConfigurationRegister::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "enable-local-programming", Attributes::EnableLocalProgramming::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "enable-one-touch-locking", Attributes::EnableOneTouchLocking::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "enable-inside-status-led", Attributes::EnableInsideStatusLED::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "enable-privacy-mode-button", Attributes::EnablePrivacyModeButton::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "local-programming-features", Attributes::LocalProgrammingFeatures::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "wrong-code-entry-limit", Attributes::WrongCodeEntryLimit::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "user-code-temporary-disable-time", Attributes::UserCodeTemporaryDisableTime::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "send-pinover-the-air", Attributes::SendPINOverTheAir::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "require-pinfor-remote-operation", Attributes::RequirePINforRemoteOperation::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "expiring-user-timeout", Attributes::ExpiringUserTimeout::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "alarm-mask", Attributes::AlarmMask::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "keypad-operation-event-mask", Attributes::KeypadOperationEventMask::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "remote-operation-event-mask", Attributes::RemoteOperationEventMask::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "manual-operation-event-mask", Attributes::ManualOperationEventMask::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "rfidoperation-event-mask", Attributes::RFIDOperationEventMask::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "keypad-programming-event-mask", Attributes::KeypadProgrammingEventMask::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "remote-programming-event-mask", Attributes::RemoteProgrammingEventMask::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "rfidprogramming-event-mask", Attributes::RFIDProgrammingEventMask::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Events |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, "door-lock-alarm", Events::DoorLockAlarm::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, "door-state-change", Events::DoorStateChange::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, "lock-operation", Events::LockOperation::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, "lock-operation-error", Events::LockOperationError::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, "lock-user-change", Events::LockUserChange::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, "door-lock-alarm", Events::DoorLockAlarm::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, "door-state-change", Events::DoorStateChange::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, "lock-operation", Events::LockOperation::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, "lock-operation-error", Events::LockOperationError::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, "lock-user-change", Events::LockUserChange::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| }; |
| |
| commands.Register(clusterName, clusterCommands); |
| } |
| void registerClusterWindowCovering(Commands & commands, CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| using namespace chip::app::Clusters::WindowCovering; |
| |
| const char * clusterName = "WindowCovering"; |
| |
| commands_list clusterCommands = { |
| // |
| // Commands |
| // |
| make_unique<ClusterCommand>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WindowCoveringUpOrOpen>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WindowCoveringDownOrClose>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WindowCoveringStopMotion>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WindowCoveringGoToLiftValue>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WindowCoveringGoToLiftPercentage>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WindowCoveringGoToTiltValue>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WindowCoveringGoToTiltPercentage>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Attributes |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "type", Attributes::Type::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "physical-closed-limit-lift", Attributes::PhysicalClosedLimitLift::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "physical-closed-limit-tilt", Attributes::PhysicalClosedLimitTilt::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "current-position-lift", Attributes::CurrentPositionLift::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "current-position-tilt", Attributes::CurrentPositionTilt::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "number-of-actuations-lift", Attributes::NumberOfActuationsLift::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "number-of-actuations-tilt", Attributes::NumberOfActuationsTilt::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "config-status", Attributes::ConfigStatus::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "current-position-lift-percentage", Attributes::CurrentPositionLiftPercentage::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "current-position-tilt-percentage", Attributes::CurrentPositionTiltPercentage::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "operational-status", Attributes::OperationalStatus::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "target-position-lift-percent100ths", Attributes::TargetPositionLiftPercent100ths::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "target-position-tilt-percent100ths", Attributes::TargetPositionTiltPercent100ths::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "end-product-type", Attributes::EndProductType::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "current-position-lift-percent100ths", Attributes::CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "current-position-tilt-percent100ths", Attributes::CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "installed-open-limit-lift", Attributes::InstalledOpenLimitLift::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "installed-closed-limit-lift", Attributes::InstalledClosedLimitLift::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "installed-open-limit-tilt", Attributes::InstalledOpenLimitTilt::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "installed-closed-limit-tilt", Attributes::InstalledClosedLimitTilt::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "mode", Attributes::Mode::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "safety-status", Attributes::SafetyStatus::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteWindowCoveringMode>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "type", Attributes::Type::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "physical-closed-limit-lift", Attributes::PhysicalClosedLimitLift::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "physical-closed-limit-tilt", Attributes::PhysicalClosedLimitTilt::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "current-position-lift", Attributes::CurrentPositionLift::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "current-position-tilt", Attributes::CurrentPositionTilt::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "number-of-actuations-lift", Attributes::NumberOfActuationsLift::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "number-of-actuations-tilt", Attributes::NumberOfActuationsTilt::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "config-status", Attributes::ConfigStatus::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "current-position-lift-percentage", Attributes::CurrentPositionLiftPercentage::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "current-position-tilt-percentage", Attributes::CurrentPositionTiltPercentage::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "operational-status", Attributes::OperationalStatus::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "target-position-lift-percent100ths", Attributes::TargetPositionLiftPercent100ths::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "target-position-tilt-percent100ths", Attributes::TargetPositionTiltPercent100ths::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "end-product-type", Attributes::EndProductType::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "current-position-lift-percent100ths", Attributes::CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "current-position-tilt-percent100ths", Attributes::CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "installed-open-limit-lift", Attributes::InstalledOpenLimitLift::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "installed-closed-limit-lift", Attributes::InstalledClosedLimitLift::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "installed-open-limit-tilt", Attributes::InstalledOpenLimitTilt::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "installed-closed-limit-tilt", Attributes::InstalledClosedLimitTilt::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "mode", Attributes::Mode::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "safety-status", Attributes::SafetyStatus::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Events |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| }; |
| |
| commands.Register(clusterName, clusterCommands); |
| } |
| void registerClusterBarrierControl(Commands & commands, CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| using namespace chip::app::Clusters::BarrierControl; |
| |
| const char * clusterName = "BarrierControl"; |
| |
| commands_list clusterCommands = { |
| // |
| // Commands |
| // |
| make_unique<ClusterCommand>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<BarrierControlBarrierControlGoToPercent>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<BarrierControlBarrierControlStop>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Attributes |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "barrier-moving-state", Attributes::BarrierMovingState::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "barrier-safety-status", Attributes::BarrierSafetyStatus::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "barrier-capabilities", Attributes::BarrierCapabilities::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "barrier-open-events", Attributes::BarrierOpenEvents::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "barrier-close-events", Attributes::BarrierCloseEvents::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "barrier-command-open-events", Attributes::BarrierCommandOpenEvents::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "barrier-command-close-events", Attributes::BarrierCommandCloseEvents::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "barrier-open-period", Attributes::BarrierOpenPeriod::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "barrier-close-period", Attributes::BarrierClosePeriod::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "barrier-position", Attributes::BarrierPosition::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteBarrierControlBarrierOpenEvents>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteBarrierControlBarrierCloseEvents>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteBarrierControlBarrierCommandOpenEvents>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteBarrierControlBarrierCommandCloseEvents>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteBarrierControlBarrierOpenPeriod>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteBarrierControlBarrierClosePeriod>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "barrier-moving-state", Attributes::BarrierMovingState::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "barrier-safety-status", Attributes::BarrierSafetyStatus::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "barrier-capabilities", Attributes::BarrierCapabilities::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "barrier-open-events", Attributes::BarrierOpenEvents::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "barrier-close-events", Attributes::BarrierCloseEvents::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "barrier-command-open-events", Attributes::BarrierCommandOpenEvents::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "barrier-command-close-events", Attributes::BarrierCommandCloseEvents::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "barrier-open-period", Attributes::BarrierOpenPeriod::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "barrier-close-period", Attributes::BarrierClosePeriod::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "barrier-position", Attributes::BarrierPosition::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Events |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| }; |
| |
| commands.Register(clusterName, clusterCommands); |
| } |
| void registerClusterPumpConfigurationAndControl(Commands & commands, CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| using namespace chip::app::Clusters::PumpConfigurationAndControl; |
| |
| const char * clusterName = "PumpConfigurationAndControl"; |
| |
| commands_list clusterCommands = { |
| // |
| // Commands |
| // |
| make_unique<ClusterCommand>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Attributes |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "max-pressure", Attributes::MaxPressure::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "max-speed", Attributes::MaxSpeed::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "max-flow", Attributes::MaxFlow::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "min-const-pressure", Attributes::MinConstPressure::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "max-const-pressure", Attributes::MaxConstPressure::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "min-comp-pressure", Attributes::MinCompPressure::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "max-comp-pressure", Attributes::MaxCompPressure::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "min-const-speed", Attributes::MinConstSpeed::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "max-const-speed", Attributes::MaxConstSpeed::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "min-const-flow", Attributes::MinConstFlow::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "max-const-flow", Attributes::MaxConstFlow::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "min-const-temp", Attributes::MinConstTemp::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "max-const-temp", Attributes::MaxConstTemp::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "pump-status", Attributes::PumpStatus::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "effective-operation-mode", Attributes::EffectiveOperationMode::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "effective-control-mode", Attributes::EffectiveControlMode::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "capacity", Attributes::Capacity::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "speed", Attributes::Speed::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "lifetime-running-hours", Attributes::LifetimeRunningHours::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "power", Attributes::Power::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "lifetime-energy-consumed", Attributes::LifetimeEnergyConsumed::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "operation-mode", Attributes::OperationMode::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "control-mode", Attributes::ControlMode::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WritePumpConfigurationAndControlLifetimeRunningHours>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WritePumpConfigurationAndControlLifetimeEnergyConsumed>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WritePumpConfigurationAndControlOperationMode>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WritePumpConfigurationAndControlControlMode>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "max-pressure", Attributes::MaxPressure::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "max-speed", Attributes::MaxSpeed::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "max-flow", Attributes::MaxFlow::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "min-const-pressure", Attributes::MinConstPressure::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "max-const-pressure", Attributes::MaxConstPressure::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "min-comp-pressure", Attributes::MinCompPressure::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "max-comp-pressure", Attributes::MaxCompPressure::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "min-const-speed", Attributes::MinConstSpeed::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "max-const-speed", Attributes::MaxConstSpeed::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "min-const-flow", Attributes::MinConstFlow::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "max-const-flow", Attributes::MaxConstFlow::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "min-const-temp", Attributes::MinConstTemp::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "max-const-temp", Attributes::MaxConstTemp::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "pump-status", Attributes::PumpStatus::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "effective-operation-mode", Attributes::EffectiveOperationMode::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "effective-control-mode", Attributes::EffectiveControlMode::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "capacity", Attributes::Capacity::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "speed", Attributes::Speed::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "lifetime-running-hours", Attributes::LifetimeRunningHours::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "power", Attributes::Power::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "lifetime-energy-consumed", Attributes::LifetimeEnergyConsumed::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "operation-mode", Attributes::OperationMode::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "control-mode", Attributes::ControlMode::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Events |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, "supply-voltage-low", Events::SupplyVoltageLow::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, "supply-voltage-high", Events::SupplyVoltageHigh::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, "power-missing-phase", Events::PowerMissingPhase::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, "system-pressure-low", Events::SystemPressureLow::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, "system-pressure-high", Events::SystemPressureHigh::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, "dry-running", Events::DryRunning::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, "motor-temperature-high", Events::MotorTemperatureHigh::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, "pump-motor-fatal-failure", Events::PumpMotorFatalFailure::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, "electronic-temperature-high", Events::ElectronicTemperatureHigh::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, "pump-blocked", Events::PumpBlocked::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, "sensor-failure", Events::SensorFailure::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, "electronic-non-fatal-failure", Events::ElectronicNonFatalFailure::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, "electronic-fatal-failure", Events::ElectronicFatalFailure::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, "general-fault", Events::GeneralFault::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, "leakage", Events::Leakage::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, "air-detection", Events::AirDetection::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, "turbine-operation", Events::TurbineOperation::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, "supply-voltage-low", Events::SupplyVoltageLow::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, "supply-voltage-high", Events::SupplyVoltageHigh::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, "power-missing-phase", Events::PowerMissingPhase::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, "system-pressure-low", Events::SystemPressureLow::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, "system-pressure-high", Events::SystemPressureHigh::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, "dry-running", Events::DryRunning::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, "motor-temperature-high", Events::MotorTemperatureHigh::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, "pump-motor-fatal-failure", Events::PumpMotorFatalFailure::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, "electronic-temperature-high", Events::ElectronicTemperatureHigh::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, "pump-blocked", Events::PumpBlocked::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, "sensor-failure", Events::SensorFailure::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, "electronic-non-fatal-failure", Events::ElectronicNonFatalFailure::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, "electronic-fatal-failure", Events::ElectronicFatalFailure::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, "general-fault", Events::GeneralFault::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, "leakage", Events::Leakage::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, "air-detection", Events::AirDetection::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, "turbine-operation", Events::TurbineOperation::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| }; |
| |
| commands.Register(clusterName, clusterCommands); |
| } |
| void registerClusterThermostat(Commands & commands, CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| using namespace chip::app::Clusters::Thermostat; |
| |
| const char * clusterName = "Thermostat"; |
| |
| commands_list clusterCommands = { |
| // |
| // Commands |
| // |
| make_unique<ClusterCommand>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ThermostatSetpointRaiseLower>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ThermostatSetWeeklySchedule>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ThermostatGetWeeklySchedule>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ThermostatClearWeeklySchedule>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Attributes |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "local-temperature", Attributes::LocalTemperature::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "outdoor-temperature", Attributes::OutdoorTemperature::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "occupancy", Attributes::Occupancy::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "abs-min-heat-setpoint-limit", Attributes::AbsMinHeatSetpointLimit::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "abs-max-heat-setpoint-limit", Attributes::AbsMaxHeatSetpointLimit::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "abs-min-cool-setpoint-limit", Attributes::AbsMinCoolSetpointLimit::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "abs-max-cool-setpoint-limit", Attributes::AbsMaxCoolSetpointLimit::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "picooling-demand", Attributes::PICoolingDemand::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "piheating-demand", Attributes::PIHeatingDemand::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "hvacsystem-type-configuration", Attributes::HVACSystemTypeConfiguration::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "local-temperature-calibration", Attributes::LocalTemperatureCalibration::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "occupied-cooling-setpoint", Attributes::OccupiedCoolingSetpoint::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "occupied-heating-setpoint", Attributes::OccupiedHeatingSetpoint::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "unoccupied-cooling-setpoint", Attributes::UnoccupiedCoolingSetpoint::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "unoccupied-heating-setpoint", Attributes::UnoccupiedHeatingSetpoint::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "min-heat-setpoint-limit", Attributes::MinHeatSetpointLimit::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "max-heat-setpoint-limit", Attributes::MaxHeatSetpointLimit::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "min-cool-setpoint-limit", Attributes::MinCoolSetpointLimit::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "max-cool-setpoint-limit", Attributes::MaxCoolSetpointLimit::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "min-setpoint-dead-band", Attributes::MinSetpointDeadBand::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "remote-sensing", Attributes::RemoteSensing::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "control-sequence-of-operation", Attributes::ControlSequenceOfOperation::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "system-mode", Attributes::SystemMode::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "thermostat-running-mode", Attributes::ThermostatRunningMode::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "start-of-week", Attributes::StartOfWeek::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "number-of-weekly-transitions", Attributes::NumberOfWeeklyTransitions::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "number-of-daily-transitions", Attributes::NumberOfDailyTransitions::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "temperature-setpoint-hold", Attributes::TemperatureSetpointHold::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "temperature-setpoint-hold-duration", Attributes::TemperatureSetpointHoldDuration::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "thermostat-programming-operation-mode", Attributes::ThermostatProgrammingOperationMode::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "thermostat-running-state", Attributes::ThermostatRunningState::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "setpoint-change-source", Attributes::SetpointChangeSource::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "setpoint-change-amount", Attributes::SetpointChangeAmount::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "setpoint-change-source-timestamp", Attributes::SetpointChangeSourceTimestamp::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "occupied-setback", Attributes::OccupiedSetback::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "occupied-setback-min", Attributes::OccupiedSetbackMin::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "occupied-setback-max", Attributes::OccupiedSetbackMax::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "unoccupied-setback", Attributes::UnoccupiedSetback::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "unoccupied-setback-min", Attributes::UnoccupiedSetbackMin::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "unoccupied-setback-max", Attributes::UnoccupiedSetbackMax::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "emergency-heat-delta", Attributes::EmergencyHeatDelta::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "actype", Attributes::ACType::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "accapacity", Attributes::ACCapacity::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "acrefrigerant-type", Attributes::ACRefrigerantType::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "accompressor-type", Attributes::ACCompressorType::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "acerror-code", Attributes::ACErrorCode::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "aclouver-position", Attributes::ACLouverPosition::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "accoil-temperature", Attributes::ACCoilTemperature::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "accapacityformat", Attributes::ACCapacityformat::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteThermostatHVACSystemTypeConfiguration>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteThermostatLocalTemperatureCalibration>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteThermostatOccupiedCoolingSetpoint>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteThermostatOccupiedHeatingSetpoint>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteThermostatUnoccupiedCoolingSetpoint>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteThermostatUnoccupiedHeatingSetpoint>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteThermostatMinHeatSetpointLimit>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteThermostatMaxHeatSetpointLimit>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteThermostatMinCoolSetpointLimit>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteThermostatMaxCoolSetpointLimit>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteThermostatMinSetpointDeadBand>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteThermostatRemoteSensing>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteThermostatControlSequenceOfOperation>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteThermostatSystemMode>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteThermostatTemperatureSetpointHold>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteThermostatTemperatureSetpointHoldDuration>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteThermostatThermostatProgrammingOperationMode>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteThermostatOccupiedSetback>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteThermostatUnoccupiedSetback>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteThermostatEmergencyHeatDelta>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteThermostatACType>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteThermostatACCapacity>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteThermostatACRefrigerantType>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteThermostatACCompressorType>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteThermostatACErrorCode>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteThermostatACLouverPosition>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteThermostatACCapacityformat>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "local-temperature", Attributes::LocalTemperature::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "outdoor-temperature", Attributes::OutdoorTemperature::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "occupancy", Attributes::Occupancy::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "abs-min-heat-setpoint-limit", Attributes::AbsMinHeatSetpointLimit::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "abs-max-heat-setpoint-limit", Attributes::AbsMaxHeatSetpointLimit::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "abs-min-cool-setpoint-limit", Attributes::AbsMinCoolSetpointLimit::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "abs-max-cool-setpoint-limit", Attributes::AbsMaxCoolSetpointLimit::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "picooling-demand", Attributes::PICoolingDemand::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "piheating-demand", Attributes::PIHeatingDemand::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "hvacsystem-type-configuration", Attributes::HVACSystemTypeConfiguration::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "local-temperature-calibration", Attributes::LocalTemperatureCalibration::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "occupied-cooling-setpoint", Attributes::OccupiedCoolingSetpoint::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "occupied-heating-setpoint", Attributes::OccupiedHeatingSetpoint::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "unoccupied-cooling-setpoint", Attributes::UnoccupiedCoolingSetpoint::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "unoccupied-heating-setpoint", Attributes::UnoccupiedHeatingSetpoint::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "min-heat-setpoint-limit", Attributes::MinHeatSetpointLimit::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "max-heat-setpoint-limit", Attributes::MaxHeatSetpointLimit::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "min-cool-setpoint-limit", Attributes::MinCoolSetpointLimit::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "max-cool-setpoint-limit", Attributes::MaxCoolSetpointLimit::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "min-setpoint-dead-band", Attributes::MinSetpointDeadBand::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "remote-sensing", Attributes::RemoteSensing::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "control-sequence-of-operation", Attributes::ControlSequenceOfOperation::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "system-mode", Attributes::SystemMode::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "thermostat-running-mode", Attributes::ThermostatRunningMode::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "start-of-week", Attributes::StartOfWeek::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "number-of-weekly-transitions", Attributes::NumberOfWeeklyTransitions::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "number-of-daily-transitions", Attributes::NumberOfDailyTransitions::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "temperature-setpoint-hold", Attributes::TemperatureSetpointHold::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "temperature-setpoint-hold-duration", Attributes::TemperatureSetpointHoldDuration::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "thermostat-programming-operation-mode", |
| Attributes::ThermostatProgrammingOperationMode::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "thermostat-running-state", Attributes::ThermostatRunningState::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "setpoint-change-source", Attributes::SetpointChangeSource::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "setpoint-change-amount", Attributes::SetpointChangeAmount::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "setpoint-change-source-timestamp", Attributes::SetpointChangeSourceTimestamp::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "occupied-setback", Attributes::OccupiedSetback::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "occupied-setback-min", Attributes::OccupiedSetbackMin::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "occupied-setback-max", Attributes::OccupiedSetbackMax::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "unoccupied-setback", Attributes::UnoccupiedSetback::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "unoccupied-setback-min", Attributes::UnoccupiedSetbackMin::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "unoccupied-setback-max", Attributes::UnoccupiedSetbackMax::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "emergency-heat-delta", Attributes::EmergencyHeatDelta::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "actype", Attributes::ACType::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "accapacity", Attributes::ACCapacity::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "acrefrigerant-type", Attributes::ACRefrigerantType::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "accompressor-type", Attributes::ACCompressorType::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "acerror-code", Attributes::ACErrorCode::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "aclouver-position", Attributes::ACLouverPosition::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "accoil-temperature", Attributes::ACCoilTemperature::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "accapacityformat", Attributes::ACCapacityformat::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Events |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| }; |
| |
| commands.Register(clusterName, clusterCommands); |
| } |
| void registerClusterFanControl(Commands & commands, CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| using namespace chip::app::Clusters::FanControl; |
| |
| const char * clusterName = "FanControl"; |
| |
| commands_list clusterCommands = { |
| // |
| // Commands |
| // |
| make_unique<ClusterCommand>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Attributes |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "fan-mode", Attributes::FanMode::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "fan-mode-sequence", Attributes::FanModeSequence::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "percent-setting", Attributes::PercentSetting::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "percent-current", Attributes::PercentCurrent::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "speed-max", Attributes::SpeedMax::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "speed-setting", Attributes::SpeedSetting::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "speed-current", Attributes::SpeedCurrent::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "rock-support", Attributes::RockSupport::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "rock-setting", Attributes::RockSetting::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "wind-support", Attributes::WindSupport::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "wind-setting", Attributes::WindSetting::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteFanControlFanMode>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteFanControlFanModeSequence>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteFanControlPercentSetting>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteFanControlSpeedSetting>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteFanControlRockSetting>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteFanControlWindSetting>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "fan-mode", Attributes::FanMode::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "fan-mode-sequence", Attributes::FanModeSequence::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "percent-setting", Attributes::PercentSetting::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "percent-current", Attributes::PercentCurrent::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "speed-max", Attributes::SpeedMax::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "speed-setting", Attributes::SpeedSetting::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "speed-current", Attributes::SpeedCurrent::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "rock-support", Attributes::RockSupport::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "rock-setting", Attributes::RockSetting::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "wind-support", Attributes::WindSupport::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "wind-setting", Attributes::WindSetting::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Events |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| }; |
| |
| commands.Register(clusterName, clusterCommands); |
| } |
| void registerClusterDehumidificationControl(Commands & commands, CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| using namespace chip::app::Clusters::DehumidificationControl; |
| |
| const char * clusterName = "DehumidificationControl"; |
| |
| commands_list clusterCommands = { |
| // |
| // Commands |
| // |
| make_unique<ClusterCommand>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Attributes |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "relative-humidity", Attributes::RelativeHumidity::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "dehumidification-cooling", Attributes::DehumidificationCooling::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "rh-dehumidification-setpoint", Attributes::RhDehumidificationSetpoint::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "relative-humidity-mode", Attributes::RelativeHumidityMode::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "dehumidification-lockout", Attributes::DehumidificationLockout::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "dehumidification-hysteresis", Attributes::DehumidificationHysteresis::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "dehumidification-max-cool", Attributes::DehumidificationMaxCool::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "relative-humidity-display", Attributes::RelativeHumidityDisplay::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteDehumidificationControlRhDehumidificationSetpoint>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteDehumidificationControlRelativeHumidityMode>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteDehumidificationControlDehumidificationLockout>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteDehumidificationControlDehumidificationHysteresis>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteDehumidificationControlDehumidificationMaxCool>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteDehumidificationControlRelativeHumidityDisplay>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "relative-humidity", Attributes::RelativeHumidity::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "dehumidification-cooling", Attributes::DehumidificationCooling::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "rh-dehumidification-setpoint", Attributes::RhDehumidificationSetpoint::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "relative-humidity-mode", Attributes::RelativeHumidityMode::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "dehumidification-lockout", Attributes::DehumidificationLockout::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "dehumidification-hysteresis", Attributes::DehumidificationHysteresis::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "dehumidification-max-cool", Attributes::DehumidificationMaxCool::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "relative-humidity-display", Attributes::RelativeHumidityDisplay::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Events |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| }; |
| |
| commands.Register(clusterName, clusterCommands); |
| } |
| void registerClusterThermostatUserInterfaceConfiguration(Commands & commands, CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| using namespace chip::app::Clusters::ThermostatUserInterfaceConfiguration; |
| |
| const char * clusterName = "ThermostatUserInterfaceConfiguration"; |
| |
| commands_list clusterCommands = { |
| // |
| // Commands |
| // |
| make_unique<ClusterCommand>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Attributes |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "temperature-display-mode", Attributes::TemperatureDisplayMode::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "keypad-lockout", Attributes::KeypadLockout::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "schedule-programming-visibility", Attributes::ScheduleProgrammingVisibility::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteThermostatUserInterfaceConfigurationTemperatureDisplayMode>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteThermostatUserInterfaceConfigurationKeypadLockout>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteThermostatUserInterfaceConfigurationScheduleProgrammingVisibility>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "temperature-display-mode", Attributes::TemperatureDisplayMode::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "keypad-lockout", Attributes::KeypadLockout::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "schedule-programming-visibility", Attributes::ScheduleProgrammingVisibility::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Events |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| }; |
| |
| commands.Register(clusterName, clusterCommands); |
| } |
| void registerClusterColorControl(Commands & commands, CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| using namespace chip::app::Clusters::ColorControl; |
| |
| const char * clusterName = "ColorControl"; |
| |
| commands_list clusterCommands = { |
| // |
| // Commands |
| // |
| make_unique<ClusterCommand>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ColorControlMoveToHue>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ColorControlMoveHue>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ColorControlStepHue>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ColorControlMoveToSaturation>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ColorControlMoveSaturation>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ColorControlStepSaturation>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ColorControlMoveToHueAndSaturation>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ColorControlMoveToColor>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ColorControlMoveColor>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ColorControlStepColor>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ColorControlMoveToColorTemperature>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ColorControlEnhancedMoveToHue>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ColorControlEnhancedMoveHue>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ColorControlEnhancedStepHue>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ColorControlEnhancedMoveToHueAndSaturation>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ColorControlColorLoopSet>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ColorControlStopMoveStep>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ColorControlMoveColorTemperature>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ColorControlStepColorTemperature>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Attributes |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "current-hue", Attributes::CurrentHue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "current-saturation", Attributes::CurrentSaturation::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "remaining-time", Attributes::RemainingTime::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "current-x", Attributes::CurrentX::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "current-y", Attributes::CurrentY::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "drift-compensation", Attributes::DriftCompensation::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "compensation-text", Attributes::CompensationText::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "color-temperature", Attributes::ColorTemperature::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "color-mode", Attributes::ColorMode::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "options", Attributes::Options::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "number-of-primaries", Attributes::NumberOfPrimaries::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "primary1x", Attributes::Primary1X::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "primary1y", Attributes::Primary1Y::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "primary1intensity", Attributes::Primary1Intensity::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "primary2x", Attributes::Primary2X::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "primary2y", Attributes::Primary2Y::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "primary2intensity", Attributes::Primary2Intensity::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "primary3x", Attributes::Primary3X::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "primary3y", Attributes::Primary3Y::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "primary3intensity", Attributes::Primary3Intensity::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "primary4x", Attributes::Primary4X::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "primary4y", Attributes::Primary4Y::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "primary4intensity", Attributes::Primary4Intensity::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "primary5x", Attributes::Primary5X::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "primary5y", Attributes::Primary5Y::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "primary5intensity", Attributes::Primary5Intensity::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "primary6x", Attributes::Primary6X::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "primary6y", Attributes::Primary6Y::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "primary6intensity", Attributes::Primary6Intensity::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "white-point-x", Attributes::WhitePointX::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "white-point-y", Attributes::WhitePointY::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "color-point-rx", Attributes::ColorPointRX::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "color-point-ry", Attributes::ColorPointRY::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "color-point-rintensity", Attributes::ColorPointRIntensity::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "color-point-gx", Attributes::ColorPointGX::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "color-point-gy", Attributes::ColorPointGY::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "color-point-gintensity", Attributes::ColorPointGIntensity::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "color-point-bx", Attributes::ColorPointBX::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "color-point-by", Attributes::ColorPointBY::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "color-point-bintensity", Attributes::ColorPointBIntensity::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "enhanced-current-hue", Attributes::EnhancedCurrentHue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "enhanced-color-mode", Attributes::EnhancedColorMode::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "color-loop-active", Attributes::ColorLoopActive::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "color-loop-direction", Attributes::ColorLoopDirection::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "color-loop-time", Attributes::ColorLoopTime::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "color-loop-start-enhanced-hue", Attributes::ColorLoopStartEnhancedHue::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "color-loop-stored-enhanced-hue", Attributes::ColorLoopStoredEnhancedHue::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "color-capabilities", Attributes::ColorCapabilities::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "color-temp-physical-min-mireds", Attributes::ColorTempPhysicalMinMireds::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "color-temp-physical-max-mireds", Attributes::ColorTempPhysicalMaxMireds::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "couple-color-temp-to-level-min-mireds", Attributes::CoupleColorTempToLevelMinMireds::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "start-up-color-temperature-mireds", Attributes::StartUpColorTemperatureMireds::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteColorControlOptions>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteColorControlWhitePointX>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteColorControlWhitePointY>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteColorControlColorPointRX>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteColorControlColorPointRY>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteColorControlColorPointRIntensity>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteColorControlColorPointGX>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteColorControlColorPointGY>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteColorControlColorPointGIntensity>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteColorControlColorPointBX>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteColorControlColorPointBY>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteColorControlColorPointBIntensity>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteColorControlStartUpColorTemperatureMireds>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "current-hue", Attributes::CurrentHue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "current-saturation", Attributes::CurrentSaturation::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "remaining-time", Attributes::RemainingTime::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "current-x", Attributes::CurrentX::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "current-y", Attributes::CurrentY::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "drift-compensation", Attributes::DriftCompensation::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "compensation-text", Attributes::CompensationText::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "color-temperature", Attributes::ColorTemperature::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "color-mode", Attributes::ColorMode::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "options", Attributes::Options::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "number-of-primaries", Attributes::NumberOfPrimaries::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "primary1x", Attributes::Primary1X::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "primary1y", Attributes::Primary1Y::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "primary1intensity", Attributes::Primary1Intensity::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "primary2x", Attributes::Primary2X::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "primary2y", Attributes::Primary2Y::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "primary2intensity", Attributes::Primary2Intensity::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "primary3x", Attributes::Primary3X::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "primary3y", Attributes::Primary3Y::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "primary3intensity", Attributes::Primary3Intensity::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "primary4x", Attributes::Primary4X::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "primary4y", Attributes::Primary4Y::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "primary4intensity", Attributes::Primary4Intensity::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "primary5x", Attributes::Primary5X::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "primary5y", Attributes::Primary5Y::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "primary5intensity", Attributes::Primary5Intensity::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "primary6x", Attributes::Primary6X::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "primary6y", Attributes::Primary6Y::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "primary6intensity", Attributes::Primary6Intensity::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "white-point-x", Attributes::WhitePointX::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "white-point-y", Attributes::WhitePointY::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "color-point-rx", Attributes::ColorPointRX::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "color-point-ry", Attributes::ColorPointRY::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "color-point-rintensity", Attributes::ColorPointRIntensity::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "color-point-gx", Attributes::ColorPointGX::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "color-point-gy", Attributes::ColorPointGY::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "color-point-gintensity", Attributes::ColorPointGIntensity::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "color-point-bx", Attributes::ColorPointBX::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "color-point-by", Attributes::ColorPointBY::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "color-point-bintensity", Attributes::ColorPointBIntensity::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "enhanced-current-hue", Attributes::EnhancedCurrentHue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "enhanced-color-mode", Attributes::EnhancedColorMode::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "color-loop-active", Attributes::ColorLoopActive::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "color-loop-direction", Attributes::ColorLoopDirection::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "color-loop-time", Attributes::ColorLoopTime::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "color-loop-start-enhanced-hue", Attributes::ColorLoopStartEnhancedHue::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "color-loop-stored-enhanced-hue", Attributes::ColorLoopStoredEnhancedHue::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "color-capabilities", Attributes::ColorCapabilities::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "color-temp-physical-min-mireds", Attributes::ColorTempPhysicalMinMireds::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "color-temp-physical-max-mireds", Attributes::ColorTempPhysicalMaxMireds::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "couple-color-temp-to-level-min-mireds", |
| Attributes::CoupleColorTempToLevelMinMireds::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "start-up-color-temperature-mireds", Attributes::StartUpColorTemperatureMireds::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Events |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| }; |
| |
| commands.Register(clusterName, clusterCommands); |
| } |
| void registerClusterBallastConfiguration(Commands & commands, CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| using namespace chip::app::Clusters::BallastConfiguration; |
| |
| const char * clusterName = "BallastConfiguration"; |
| |
| commands_list clusterCommands = { |
| // |
| // Commands |
| // |
| make_unique<ClusterCommand>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Attributes |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "physical-min-level", Attributes::PhysicalMinLevel::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "physical-max-level", Attributes::PhysicalMaxLevel::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "ballast-status", Attributes::BallastStatus::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "min-level", Attributes::MinLevel::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "max-level", Attributes::MaxLevel::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "power-on-level", Attributes::PowerOnLevel::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "power-on-fade-time", Attributes::PowerOnFadeTime::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "intrinsic-ballast-factor", Attributes::IntrinsicBallastFactor::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "ballast-factor-adjustment", Attributes::BallastFactorAdjustment::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "lamp-quality", Attributes::LampQuality::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "lamp-type", Attributes::LampType::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "lamp-manufacturer", Attributes::LampManufacturer::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "lamp-rated-hours", Attributes::LampRatedHours::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "lamp-burn-hours", Attributes::LampBurnHours::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "lamp-alarm-mode", Attributes::LampAlarmMode::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "lamp-burn-hours-trip-point", Attributes::LampBurnHoursTripPoint::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteBallastConfigurationMinLevel>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteBallastConfigurationMaxLevel>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteBallastConfigurationPowerOnLevel>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteBallastConfigurationPowerOnFadeTime>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteBallastConfigurationIntrinsicBallastFactor>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteBallastConfigurationBallastFactorAdjustment>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteBallastConfigurationLampType>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteBallastConfigurationLampManufacturer>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteBallastConfigurationLampRatedHours>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteBallastConfigurationLampBurnHours>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteBallastConfigurationLampAlarmMode>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteBallastConfigurationLampBurnHoursTripPoint>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "physical-min-level", Attributes::PhysicalMinLevel::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "physical-max-level", Attributes::PhysicalMaxLevel::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "ballast-status", Attributes::BallastStatus::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "min-level", Attributes::MinLevel::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "max-level", Attributes::MaxLevel::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "power-on-level", Attributes::PowerOnLevel::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "power-on-fade-time", Attributes::PowerOnFadeTime::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "intrinsic-ballast-factor", Attributes::IntrinsicBallastFactor::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "ballast-factor-adjustment", Attributes::BallastFactorAdjustment::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "lamp-quality", Attributes::LampQuality::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "lamp-type", Attributes::LampType::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "lamp-manufacturer", Attributes::LampManufacturer::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "lamp-rated-hours", Attributes::LampRatedHours::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "lamp-burn-hours", Attributes::LampBurnHours::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "lamp-alarm-mode", Attributes::LampAlarmMode::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "lamp-burn-hours-trip-point", Attributes::LampBurnHoursTripPoint::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Events |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| }; |
| |
| commands.Register(clusterName, clusterCommands); |
| } |
| void registerClusterIlluminanceMeasurement(Commands & commands, CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| using namespace chip::app::Clusters::IlluminanceMeasurement; |
| |
| const char * clusterName = "IlluminanceMeasurement"; |
| |
| commands_list clusterCommands = { |
| // |
| // Commands |
| // |
| make_unique<ClusterCommand>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Attributes |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "measured-value", Attributes::MeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "min-measured-value", Attributes::MinMeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "max-measured-value", Attributes::MaxMeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "tolerance", Attributes::Tolerance::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "light-sensor-type", Attributes::LightSensorType::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "measured-value", Attributes::MeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "min-measured-value", Attributes::MinMeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "max-measured-value", Attributes::MaxMeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "tolerance", Attributes::Tolerance::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "light-sensor-type", Attributes::LightSensorType::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Events |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| }; |
| |
| commands.Register(clusterName, clusterCommands); |
| } |
| void registerClusterTemperatureMeasurement(Commands & commands, CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| using namespace chip::app::Clusters::TemperatureMeasurement; |
| |
| const char * clusterName = "TemperatureMeasurement"; |
| |
| commands_list clusterCommands = { |
| // |
| // Commands |
| // |
| make_unique<ClusterCommand>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Attributes |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "measured-value", Attributes::MeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "min-measured-value", Attributes::MinMeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "max-measured-value", Attributes::MaxMeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "tolerance", Attributes::Tolerance::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "measured-value", Attributes::MeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "min-measured-value", Attributes::MinMeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "max-measured-value", Attributes::MaxMeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "tolerance", Attributes::Tolerance::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Events |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| }; |
| |
| commands.Register(clusterName, clusterCommands); |
| } |
| void registerClusterPressureMeasurement(Commands & commands, CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| using namespace chip::app::Clusters::PressureMeasurement; |
| |
| const char * clusterName = "PressureMeasurement"; |
| |
| commands_list clusterCommands = { |
| // |
| // Commands |
| // |
| make_unique<ClusterCommand>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Attributes |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "measured-value", Attributes::MeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "min-measured-value", Attributes::MinMeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "max-measured-value", Attributes::MaxMeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "tolerance", Attributes::Tolerance::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "scaled-value", Attributes::ScaledValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "min-scaled-value", Attributes::MinScaledValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "max-scaled-value", Attributes::MaxScaledValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "scaled-tolerance", Attributes::ScaledTolerance::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "scale", Attributes::Scale::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "measured-value", Attributes::MeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "min-measured-value", Attributes::MinMeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "max-measured-value", Attributes::MaxMeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "tolerance", Attributes::Tolerance::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "scaled-value", Attributes::ScaledValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "min-scaled-value", Attributes::MinScaledValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "max-scaled-value", Attributes::MaxScaledValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "scaled-tolerance", Attributes::ScaledTolerance::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "scale", Attributes::Scale::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Events |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| }; |
| |
| commands.Register(clusterName, clusterCommands); |
| } |
| void registerClusterFlowMeasurement(Commands & commands, CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| using namespace chip::app::Clusters::FlowMeasurement; |
| |
| const char * clusterName = "FlowMeasurement"; |
| |
| commands_list clusterCommands = { |
| // |
| // Commands |
| // |
| make_unique<ClusterCommand>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Attributes |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "measured-value", Attributes::MeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "min-measured-value", Attributes::MinMeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "max-measured-value", Attributes::MaxMeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "tolerance", Attributes::Tolerance::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "measured-value", Attributes::MeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "min-measured-value", Attributes::MinMeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "max-measured-value", Attributes::MaxMeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "tolerance", Attributes::Tolerance::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Events |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| }; |
| |
| commands.Register(clusterName, clusterCommands); |
| } |
| void registerClusterRelativeHumidityMeasurement(Commands & commands, CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| using namespace chip::app::Clusters::RelativeHumidityMeasurement; |
| |
| const char * clusterName = "RelativeHumidityMeasurement"; |
| |
| commands_list clusterCommands = { |
| // |
| // Commands |
| // |
| make_unique<ClusterCommand>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Attributes |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "measured-value", Attributes::MeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "min-measured-value", Attributes::MinMeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "max-measured-value", Attributes::MaxMeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "tolerance", Attributes::Tolerance::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "measured-value", Attributes::MeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "min-measured-value", Attributes::MinMeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "max-measured-value", Attributes::MaxMeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "tolerance", Attributes::Tolerance::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Events |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| }; |
| |
| commands.Register(clusterName, clusterCommands); |
| } |
| void registerClusterOccupancySensing(Commands & commands, CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| using namespace chip::app::Clusters::OccupancySensing; |
| |
| const char * clusterName = "OccupancySensing"; |
| |
| commands_list clusterCommands = { |
| // |
| // Commands |
| // |
| make_unique<ClusterCommand>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Attributes |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "occupancy", Attributes::Occupancy::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "occupancy-sensor-type", Attributes::OccupancySensorType::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "occupancy-sensor-type-bitmap", Attributes::OccupancySensorTypeBitmap::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "pir-occupied-to-unoccupied-delay", Attributes::PirOccupiedToUnoccupiedDelay::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "pir-unoccupied-to-occupied-delay", Attributes::PirUnoccupiedToOccupiedDelay::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "pir-unoccupied-to-occupied-threshold", Attributes::PirUnoccupiedToOccupiedThreshold::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "ultrasonic-occupied-to-unoccupied-delay", |
| Attributes::UltrasonicOccupiedToUnoccupiedDelay::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "ultrasonic-unoccupied-to-occupied-delay", |
| Attributes::UltrasonicUnoccupiedToOccupiedDelay::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "ultrasonic-unoccupied-to-occupied-threshold", |
| Attributes::UltrasonicUnoccupiedToOccupiedThreshold::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "physical-contact-occupied-to-unoccupied-delay", |
| Attributes::PhysicalContactOccupiedToUnoccupiedDelay::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "physical-contact-unoccupied-to-occupied-delay", |
| Attributes::PhysicalContactUnoccupiedToOccupiedDelay::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "physical-contact-unoccupied-to-occupied-threshold", |
| Attributes::PhysicalContactUnoccupiedToOccupiedThreshold::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteOccupancySensingPirOccupiedToUnoccupiedDelay>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteOccupancySensingPirUnoccupiedToOccupiedDelay>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteOccupancySensingPirUnoccupiedToOccupiedThreshold>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteOccupancySensingUltrasonicOccupiedToUnoccupiedDelay>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteOccupancySensingUltrasonicUnoccupiedToOccupiedDelay>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteOccupancySensingUltrasonicUnoccupiedToOccupiedThreshold>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteOccupancySensingPhysicalContactOccupiedToUnoccupiedDelay>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteOccupancySensingPhysicalContactUnoccupiedToOccupiedDelay>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteOccupancySensingPhysicalContactUnoccupiedToOccupiedThreshold>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "occupancy", Attributes::Occupancy::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "occupancy-sensor-type", Attributes::OccupancySensorType::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "occupancy-sensor-type-bitmap", Attributes::OccupancySensorTypeBitmap::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "pir-occupied-to-unoccupied-delay", Attributes::PirOccupiedToUnoccupiedDelay::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "pir-unoccupied-to-occupied-delay", Attributes::PirUnoccupiedToOccupiedDelay::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "pir-unoccupied-to-occupied-threshold", |
| Attributes::PirUnoccupiedToOccupiedThreshold::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "ultrasonic-occupied-to-unoccupied-delay", |
| Attributes::UltrasonicOccupiedToUnoccupiedDelay::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "ultrasonic-unoccupied-to-occupied-delay", |
| Attributes::UltrasonicUnoccupiedToOccupiedDelay::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "ultrasonic-unoccupied-to-occupied-threshold", |
| Attributes::UltrasonicUnoccupiedToOccupiedThreshold::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "physical-contact-occupied-to-unoccupied-delay", |
| Attributes::PhysicalContactOccupiedToUnoccupiedDelay::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "physical-contact-unoccupied-to-occupied-delay", |
| Attributes::PhysicalContactUnoccupiedToOccupiedDelay::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "physical-contact-unoccupied-to-occupied-threshold", |
| Attributes::PhysicalContactUnoccupiedToOccupiedThreshold::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Events |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| }; |
| |
| commands.Register(clusterName, clusterCommands); |
| } |
| void registerClusterCarbonMonoxideConcentrationMeasurement(Commands & commands, CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| using namespace chip::app::Clusters::CarbonMonoxideConcentrationMeasurement; |
| |
| const char * clusterName = "CarbonMonoxideConcentrationMeasurement"; |
| |
| commands_list clusterCommands = { |
| // |
| // Commands |
| // |
| make_unique<ClusterCommand>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Attributes |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "measured-value", Attributes::MeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "min-measured-value", Attributes::MinMeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "max-measured-value", Attributes::MaxMeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "tolerance", Attributes::Tolerance::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "measured-value", Attributes::MeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "min-measured-value", Attributes::MinMeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "max-measured-value", Attributes::MaxMeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "tolerance", Attributes::Tolerance::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Events |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| }; |
| |
| commands.Register(clusterName, clusterCommands); |
| } |
| void registerClusterCarbonDioxideConcentrationMeasurement(Commands & commands, CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| using namespace chip::app::Clusters::CarbonDioxideConcentrationMeasurement; |
| |
| const char * clusterName = "CarbonDioxideConcentrationMeasurement"; |
| |
| commands_list clusterCommands = { |
| // |
| // Commands |
| // |
| make_unique<ClusterCommand>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Attributes |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "measured-value", Attributes::MeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "min-measured-value", Attributes::MinMeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "max-measured-value", Attributes::MaxMeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "tolerance", Attributes::Tolerance::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "measured-value", Attributes::MeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "min-measured-value", Attributes::MinMeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "max-measured-value", Attributes::MaxMeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "tolerance", Attributes::Tolerance::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Events |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| }; |
| |
| commands.Register(clusterName, clusterCommands); |
| } |
| void registerClusterEthyleneConcentrationMeasurement(Commands & commands, CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| using namespace chip::app::Clusters::EthyleneConcentrationMeasurement; |
| |
| const char * clusterName = "EthyleneConcentrationMeasurement"; |
| |
| commands_list clusterCommands = { |
| // |
| // Commands |
| // |
| make_unique<ClusterCommand>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Attributes |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "measured-value", Attributes::MeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "min-measured-value", Attributes::MinMeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "max-measured-value", Attributes::MaxMeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "tolerance", Attributes::Tolerance::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "measured-value", Attributes::MeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "min-measured-value", Attributes::MinMeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "max-measured-value", Attributes::MaxMeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "tolerance", Attributes::Tolerance::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Events |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| }; |
| |
| commands.Register(clusterName, clusterCommands); |
| } |
| void registerClusterEthyleneOxideConcentrationMeasurement(Commands & commands, CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| using namespace chip::app::Clusters::EthyleneOxideConcentrationMeasurement; |
| |
| const char * clusterName = "EthyleneOxideConcentrationMeasurement"; |
| |
| commands_list clusterCommands = { |
| // |
| // Commands |
| // |
| make_unique<ClusterCommand>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Attributes |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "measured-value", Attributes::MeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "min-measured-value", Attributes::MinMeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "max-measured-value", Attributes::MaxMeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "tolerance", Attributes::Tolerance::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "measured-value", Attributes::MeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "min-measured-value", Attributes::MinMeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "max-measured-value", Attributes::MaxMeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "tolerance", Attributes::Tolerance::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Events |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| }; |
| |
| commands.Register(clusterName, clusterCommands); |
| } |
| void registerClusterHydrogenConcentrationMeasurement(Commands & commands, CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| using namespace chip::app::Clusters::HydrogenConcentrationMeasurement; |
| |
| const char * clusterName = "HydrogenConcentrationMeasurement"; |
| |
| commands_list clusterCommands = { |
| // |
| // Commands |
| // |
| make_unique<ClusterCommand>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Attributes |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "measured-value", Attributes::MeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "min-measured-value", Attributes::MinMeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "max-measured-value", Attributes::MaxMeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "tolerance", Attributes::Tolerance::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "measured-value", Attributes::MeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "min-measured-value", Attributes::MinMeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "max-measured-value", Attributes::MaxMeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "tolerance", Attributes::Tolerance::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Events |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| }; |
| |
| commands.Register(clusterName, clusterCommands); |
| } |
| void registerClusterHydrogenSulphideConcentrationMeasurement(Commands & commands, CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| using namespace chip::app::Clusters::HydrogenSulphideConcentrationMeasurement; |
| |
| const char * clusterName = "HydrogenSulphideConcentrationMeasurement"; |
| |
| commands_list clusterCommands = { |
| // |
| // Commands |
| // |
| make_unique<ClusterCommand>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Attributes |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "measured-value", Attributes::MeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "min-measured-value", Attributes::MinMeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "max-measured-value", Attributes::MaxMeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "tolerance", Attributes::Tolerance::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "measured-value", Attributes::MeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "min-measured-value", Attributes::MinMeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "max-measured-value", Attributes::MaxMeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "tolerance", Attributes::Tolerance::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Events |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| }; |
| |
| commands.Register(clusterName, clusterCommands); |
| } |
| void registerClusterNitricOxideConcentrationMeasurement(Commands & commands, CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| using namespace chip::app::Clusters::NitricOxideConcentrationMeasurement; |
| |
| const char * clusterName = "NitricOxideConcentrationMeasurement"; |
| |
| commands_list clusterCommands = { |
| // |
| // Commands |
| // |
| make_unique<ClusterCommand>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Attributes |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "measured-value", Attributes::MeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "min-measured-value", Attributes::MinMeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "max-measured-value", Attributes::MaxMeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "tolerance", Attributes::Tolerance::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "measured-value", Attributes::MeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "min-measured-value", Attributes::MinMeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "max-measured-value", Attributes::MaxMeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "tolerance", Attributes::Tolerance::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Events |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| }; |
| |
| commands.Register(clusterName, clusterCommands); |
| } |
| void registerClusterNitrogenDioxideConcentrationMeasurement(Commands & commands, CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| using namespace chip::app::Clusters::NitrogenDioxideConcentrationMeasurement; |
| |
| const char * clusterName = "NitrogenDioxideConcentrationMeasurement"; |
| |
| commands_list clusterCommands = { |
| // |
| // Commands |
| // |
| make_unique<ClusterCommand>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Attributes |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "measured-value", Attributes::MeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "min-measured-value", Attributes::MinMeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "max-measured-value", Attributes::MaxMeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "tolerance", Attributes::Tolerance::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "measured-value", Attributes::MeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "min-measured-value", Attributes::MinMeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "max-measured-value", Attributes::MaxMeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "tolerance", Attributes::Tolerance::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Events |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| }; |
| |
| commands.Register(clusterName, clusterCommands); |
| } |
| void registerClusterOxygenConcentrationMeasurement(Commands & commands, CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| using namespace chip::app::Clusters::OxygenConcentrationMeasurement; |
| |
| const char * clusterName = "OxygenConcentrationMeasurement"; |
| |
| commands_list clusterCommands = { |
| // |
| // Commands |
| // |
| make_unique<ClusterCommand>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Attributes |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "measured-value", Attributes::MeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "min-measured-value", Attributes::MinMeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "max-measured-value", Attributes::MaxMeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "tolerance", Attributes::Tolerance::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "measured-value", Attributes::MeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "min-measured-value", Attributes::MinMeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "max-measured-value", Attributes::MaxMeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "tolerance", Attributes::Tolerance::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Events |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| }; |
| |
| commands.Register(clusterName, clusterCommands); |
| } |
| void registerClusterOzoneConcentrationMeasurement(Commands & commands, CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| using namespace chip::app::Clusters::OzoneConcentrationMeasurement; |
| |
| const char * clusterName = "OzoneConcentrationMeasurement"; |
| |
| commands_list clusterCommands = { |
| // |
| // Commands |
| // |
| make_unique<ClusterCommand>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Attributes |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "measured-value", Attributes::MeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "min-measured-value", Attributes::MinMeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "max-measured-value", Attributes::MaxMeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "tolerance", Attributes::Tolerance::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "measured-value", Attributes::MeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "min-measured-value", Attributes::MinMeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "max-measured-value", Attributes::MaxMeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "tolerance", Attributes::Tolerance::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Events |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| }; |
| |
| commands.Register(clusterName, clusterCommands); |
| } |
| void registerClusterSulfurDioxideConcentrationMeasurement(Commands & commands, CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| using namespace chip::app::Clusters::SulfurDioxideConcentrationMeasurement; |
| |
| const char * clusterName = "SulfurDioxideConcentrationMeasurement"; |
| |
| commands_list clusterCommands = { |
| // |
| // Commands |
| // |
| make_unique<ClusterCommand>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Attributes |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "measured-value", Attributes::MeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "min-measured-value", Attributes::MinMeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "max-measured-value", Attributes::MaxMeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "tolerance", Attributes::Tolerance::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "measured-value", Attributes::MeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "min-measured-value", Attributes::MinMeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "max-measured-value", Attributes::MaxMeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "tolerance", Attributes::Tolerance::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Events |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| }; |
| |
| commands.Register(clusterName, clusterCommands); |
| } |
| void registerClusterDissolvedOxygenConcentrationMeasurement(Commands & commands, CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| using namespace chip::app::Clusters::DissolvedOxygenConcentrationMeasurement; |
| |
| const char * clusterName = "DissolvedOxygenConcentrationMeasurement"; |
| |
| commands_list clusterCommands = { |
| // |
| // Commands |
| // |
| make_unique<ClusterCommand>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Attributes |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "measured-value", Attributes::MeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "min-measured-value", Attributes::MinMeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "max-measured-value", Attributes::MaxMeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "tolerance", Attributes::Tolerance::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "measured-value", Attributes::MeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "min-measured-value", Attributes::MinMeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "max-measured-value", Attributes::MaxMeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "tolerance", Attributes::Tolerance::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Events |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| }; |
| |
| commands.Register(clusterName, clusterCommands); |
| } |
| void registerClusterBromateConcentrationMeasurement(Commands & commands, CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| using namespace chip::app::Clusters::BromateConcentrationMeasurement; |
| |
| const char * clusterName = "BromateConcentrationMeasurement"; |
| |
| commands_list clusterCommands = { |
| // |
| // Commands |
| // |
| make_unique<ClusterCommand>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Attributes |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "measured-value", Attributes::MeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "min-measured-value", Attributes::MinMeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "max-measured-value", Attributes::MaxMeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "tolerance", Attributes::Tolerance::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "measured-value", Attributes::MeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "min-measured-value", Attributes::MinMeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "max-measured-value", Attributes::MaxMeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "tolerance", Attributes::Tolerance::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Events |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| }; |
| |
| commands.Register(clusterName, clusterCommands); |
| } |
| void registerClusterChloraminesConcentrationMeasurement(Commands & commands, CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| using namespace chip::app::Clusters::ChloraminesConcentrationMeasurement; |
| |
| const char * clusterName = "ChloraminesConcentrationMeasurement"; |
| |
| commands_list clusterCommands = { |
| // |
| // Commands |
| // |
| make_unique<ClusterCommand>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Attributes |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "measured-value", Attributes::MeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "min-measured-value", Attributes::MinMeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "max-measured-value", Attributes::MaxMeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "tolerance", Attributes::Tolerance::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "measured-value", Attributes::MeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "min-measured-value", Attributes::MinMeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "max-measured-value", Attributes::MaxMeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "tolerance", Attributes::Tolerance::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Events |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| }; |
| |
| commands.Register(clusterName, clusterCommands); |
| } |
| void registerClusterChlorineConcentrationMeasurement(Commands & commands, CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| using namespace chip::app::Clusters::ChlorineConcentrationMeasurement; |
| |
| const char * clusterName = "ChlorineConcentrationMeasurement"; |
| |
| commands_list clusterCommands = { |
| // |
| // Commands |
| // |
| make_unique<ClusterCommand>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Attributes |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "measured-value", Attributes::MeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "min-measured-value", Attributes::MinMeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "max-measured-value", Attributes::MaxMeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "tolerance", Attributes::Tolerance::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "measured-value", Attributes::MeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "min-measured-value", Attributes::MinMeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "max-measured-value", Attributes::MaxMeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "tolerance", Attributes::Tolerance::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Events |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| }; |
| |
| commands.Register(clusterName, clusterCommands); |
| } |
| void registerClusterFecalColiformAndEColiConcentrationMeasurement(Commands & commands, CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| using namespace chip::app::Clusters::FecalColiformAndEColiConcentrationMeasurement; |
| |
| const char * clusterName = "FecalColiformAndEColiConcentrationMeasurement"; |
| |
| commands_list clusterCommands = { |
| // |
| // Commands |
| // |
| make_unique<ClusterCommand>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Attributes |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "measured-value", Attributes::MeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "min-measured-value", Attributes::MinMeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "max-measured-value", Attributes::MaxMeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "tolerance", Attributes::Tolerance::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "measured-value", Attributes::MeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "min-measured-value", Attributes::MinMeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "max-measured-value", Attributes::MaxMeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "tolerance", Attributes::Tolerance::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Events |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| }; |
| |
| commands.Register(clusterName, clusterCommands); |
| } |
| void registerClusterFluorideConcentrationMeasurement(Commands & commands, CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| using namespace chip::app::Clusters::FluorideConcentrationMeasurement; |
| |
| const char * clusterName = "FluorideConcentrationMeasurement"; |
| |
| commands_list clusterCommands = { |
| // |
| // Commands |
| // |
| make_unique<ClusterCommand>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Attributes |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "measured-value", Attributes::MeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "min-measured-value", Attributes::MinMeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "max-measured-value", Attributes::MaxMeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "tolerance", Attributes::Tolerance::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "measured-value", Attributes::MeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "min-measured-value", Attributes::MinMeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "max-measured-value", Attributes::MaxMeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "tolerance", Attributes::Tolerance::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Events |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| }; |
| |
| commands.Register(clusterName, clusterCommands); |
| } |
| void registerClusterHaloaceticAcidsConcentrationMeasurement(Commands & commands, CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| using namespace chip::app::Clusters::HaloaceticAcidsConcentrationMeasurement; |
| |
| const char * clusterName = "HaloaceticAcidsConcentrationMeasurement"; |
| |
| commands_list clusterCommands = { |
| // |
| // Commands |
| // |
| make_unique<ClusterCommand>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Attributes |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "measured-value", Attributes::MeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "min-measured-value", Attributes::MinMeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "max-measured-value", Attributes::MaxMeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "tolerance", Attributes::Tolerance::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "measured-value", Attributes::MeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "min-measured-value", Attributes::MinMeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "max-measured-value", Attributes::MaxMeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "tolerance", Attributes::Tolerance::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Events |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| }; |
| |
| commands.Register(clusterName, clusterCommands); |
| } |
| void registerClusterTotalTrihalomethanesConcentrationMeasurement(Commands & commands, CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| using namespace chip::app::Clusters::TotalTrihalomethanesConcentrationMeasurement; |
| |
| const char * clusterName = "TotalTrihalomethanesConcentrationMeasurement"; |
| |
| commands_list clusterCommands = { |
| // |
| // Commands |
| // |
| make_unique<ClusterCommand>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Attributes |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "measured-value", Attributes::MeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "min-measured-value", Attributes::MinMeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "max-measured-value", Attributes::MaxMeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "tolerance", Attributes::Tolerance::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "measured-value", Attributes::MeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "min-measured-value", Attributes::MinMeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "max-measured-value", Attributes::MaxMeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "tolerance", Attributes::Tolerance::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Events |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| }; |
| |
| commands.Register(clusterName, clusterCommands); |
| } |
| void registerClusterTotalColiformBacteriaConcentrationMeasurement(Commands & commands, CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| using namespace chip::app::Clusters::TotalColiformBacteriaConcentrationMeasurement; |
| |
| const char * clusterName = "TotalColiformBacteriaConcentrationMeasurement"; |
| |
| commands_list clusterCommands = { |
| // |
| // Commands |
| // |
| make_unique<ClusterCommand>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Attributes |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "measured-value", Attributes::MeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "min-measured-value", Attributes::MinMeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "max-measured-value", Attributes::MaxMeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "tolerance", Attributes::Tolerance::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "measured-value", Attributes::MeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "min-measured-value", Attributes::MinMeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "max-measured-value", Attributes::MaxMeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "tolerance", Attributes::Tolerance::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Events |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| }; |
| |
| commands.Register(clusterName, clusterCommands); |
| } |
| void registerClusterTurbidityConcentrationMeasurement(Commands & commands, CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| using namespace chip::app::Clusters::TurbidityConcentrationMeasurement; |
| |
| const char * clusterName = "TurbidityConcentrationMeasurement"; |
| |
| commands_list clusterCommands = { |
| // |
| // Commands |
| // |
| make_unique<ClusterCommand>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Attributes |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "measured-value", Attributes::MeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "min-measured-value", Attributes::MinMeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "max-measured-value", Attributes::MaxMeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "tolerance", Attributes::Tolerance::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "measured-value", Attributes::MeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "min-measured-value", Attributes::MinMeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "max-measured-value", Attributes::MaxMeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "tolerance", Attributes::Tolerance::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Events |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| }; |
| |
| commands.Register(clusterName, clusterCommands); |
| } |
| void registerClusterCopperConcentrationMeasurement(Commands & commands, CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| using namespace chip::app::Clusters::CopperConcentrationMeasurement; |
| |
| const char * clusterName = "CopperConcentrationMeasurement"; |
| |
| commands_list clusterCommands = { |
| // |
| // Commands |
| // |
| make_unique<ClusterCommand>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Attributes |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "measured-value", Attributes::MeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "min-measured-value", Attributes::MinMeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "max-measured-value", Attributes::MaxMeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "tolerance", Attributes::Tolerance::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "measured-value", Attributes::MeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "min-measured-value", Attributes::MinMeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "max-measured-value", Attributes::MaxMeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "tolerance", Attributes::Tolerance::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Events |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| }; |
| |
| commands.Register(clusterName, clusterCommands); |
| } |
| void registerClusterLeadConcentrationMeasurement(Commands & commands, CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| using namespace chip::app::Clusters::LeadConcentrationMeasurement; |
| |
| const char * clusterName = "LeadConcentrationMeasurement"; |
| |
| commands_list clusterCommands = { |
| // |
| // Commands |
| // |
| make_unique<ClusterCommand>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Attributes |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "measured-value", Attributes::MeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "min-measured-value", Attributes::MinMeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "max-measured-value", Attributes::MaxMeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "tolerance", Attributes::Tolerance::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "measured-value", Attributes::MeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "min-measured-value", Attributes::MinMeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "max-measured-value", Attributes::MaxMeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "tolerance", Attributes::Tolerance::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Events |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| }; |
| |
| commands.Register(clusterName, clusterCommands); |
| } |
| void registerClusterManganeseConcentrationMeasurement(Commands & commands, CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| using namespace chip::app::Clusters::ManganeseConcentrationMeasurement; |
| |
| const char * clusterName = "ManganeseConcentrationMeasurement"; |
| |
| commands_list clusterCommands = { |
| // |
| // Commands |
| // |
| make_unique<ClusterCommand>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Attributes |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "measured-value", Attributes::MeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "min-measured-value", Attributes::MinMeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "max-measured-value", Attributes::MaxMeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "tolerance", Attributes::Tolerance::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "measured-value", Attributes::MeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "min-measured-value", Attributes::MinMeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "max-measured-value", Attributes::MaxMeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "tolerance", Attributes::Tolerance::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Events |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| }; |
| |
| commands.Register(clusterName, clusterCommands); |
| } |
| void registerClusterSulfateConcentrationMeasurement(Commands & commands, CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| using namespace chip::app::Clusters::SulfateConcentrationMeasurement; |
| |
| const char * clusterName = "SulfateConcentrationMeasurement"; |
| |
| commands_list clusterCommands = { |
| // |
| // Commands |
| // |
| make_unique<ClusterCommand>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Attributes |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "measured-value", Attributes::MeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "min-measured-value", Attributes::MinMeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "max-measured-value", Attributes::MaxMeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "tolerance", Attributes::Tolerance::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "measured-value", Attributes::MeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "min-measured-value", Attributes::MinMeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "max-measured-value", Attributes::MaxMeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "tolerance", Attributes::Tolerance::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Events |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| }; |
| |
| commands.Register(clusterName, clusterCommands); |
| } |
| void registerClusterBromodichloromethaneConcentrationMeasurement(Commands & commands, CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| using namespace chip::app::Clusters::BromodichloromethaneConcentrationMeasurement; |
| |
| const char * clusterName = "BromodichloromethaneConcentrationMeasurement"; |
| |
| commands_list clusterCommands = { |
| // |
| // Commands |
| // |
| make_unique<ClusterCommand>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Attributes |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "measured-value", Attributes::MeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "min-measured-value", Attributes::MinMeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "max-measured-value", Attributes::MaxMeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "tolerance", Attributes::Tolerance::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "measured-value", Attributes::MeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "min-measured-value", Attributes::MinMeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "max-measured-value", Attributes::MaxMeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "tolerance", Attributes::Tolerance::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Events |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| }; |
| |
| commands.Register(clusterName, clusterCommands); |
| } |
| void registerClusterBromoformConcentrationMeasurement(Commands & commands, CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| using namespace chip::app::Clusters::BromoformConcentrationMeasurement; |
| |
| const char * clusterName = "BromoformConcentrationMeasurement"; |
| |
| commands_list clusterCommands = { |
| // |
| // Commands |
| // |
| make_unique<ClusterCommand>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Attributes |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "measured-value", Attributes::MeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "min-measured-value", Attributes::MinMeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "max-measured-value", Attributes::MaxMeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "tolerance", Attributes::Tolerance::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "measured-value", Attributes::MeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "min-measured-value", Attributes::MinMeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "max-measured-value", Attributes::MaxMeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "tolerance", Attributes::Tolerance::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Events |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| }; |
| |
| commands.Register(clusterName, clusterCommands); |
| } |
| void registerClusterChlorodibromomethaneConcentrationMeasurement(Commands & commands, CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| using namespace chip::app::Clusters::ChlorodibromomethaneConcentrationMeasurement; |
| |
| const char * clusterName = "ChlorodibromomethaneConcentrationMeasurement"; |
| |
| commands_list clusterCommands = { |
| // |
| // Commands |
| // |
| make_unique<ClusterCommand>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Attributes |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "measured-value", Attributes::MeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "min-measured-value", Attributes::MinMeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "max-measured-value", Attributes::MaxMeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "tolerance", Attributes::Tolerance::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "measured-value", Attributes::MeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "min-measured-value", Attributes::MinMeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "max-measured-value", Attributes::MaxMeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "tolerance", Attributes::Tolerance::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Events |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| }; |
| |
| commands.Register(clusterName, clusterCommands); |
| } |
| void registerClusterChloroformConcentrationMeasurement(Commands & commands, CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| using namespace chip::app::Clusters::ChloroformConcentrationMeasurement; |
| |
| const char * clusterName = "ChloroformConcentrationMeasurement"; |
| |
| commands_list clusterCommands = { |
| // |
| // Commands |
| // |
| make_unique<ClusterCommand>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Attributes |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "measured-value", Attributes::MeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "min-measured-value", Attributes::MinMeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "max-measured-value", Attributes::MaxMeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "tolerance", Attributes::Tolerance::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "measured-value", Attributes::MeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "min-measured-value", Attributes::MinMeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "max-measured-value", Attributes::MaxMeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "tolerance", Attributes::Tolerance::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Events |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| }; |
| |
| commands.Register(clusterName, clusterCommands); |
| } |
| void registerClusterSodiumConcentrationMeasurement(Commands & commands, CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| using namespace chip::app::Clusters::SodiumConcentrationMeasurement; |
| |
| const char * clusterName = "SodiumConcentrationMeasurement"; |
| |
| commands_list clusterCommands = { |
| // |
| // Commands |
| // |
| make_unique<ClusterCommand>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Attributes |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "measured-value", Attributes::MeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "min-measured-value", Attributes::MinMeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "max-measured-value", Attributes::MaxMeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "tolerance", Attributes::Tolerance::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "measured-value", Attributes::MeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "min-measured-value", Attributes::MinMeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "max-measured-value", Attributes::MaxMeasuredValue::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "tolerance", Attributes::Tolerance::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Events |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| }; |
| |
| commands.Register(clusterName, clusterCommands); |
| } |
| void registerClusterIasZone(Commands & commands, CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| using namespace chip::app::Clusters::IasZone; |
| |
| const char * clusterName = "IasZone"; |
| |
| commands_list clusterCommands = { |
| // |
| // Commands |
| // |
| make_unique<ClusterCommand>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<IasZoneZoneEnrollResponse>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<IasZoneInitiateNormalOperationMode>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<IasZoneInitiateTestMode>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Attributes |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "zone-state", Attributes::ZoneState::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "zone-type", Attributes::ZoneType::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "zone-status", Attributes::ZoneStatus::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "ias-cie-address", Attributes::IasCieAddress::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "zone-id", Attributes::ZoneId::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "number-of-zone-sensitivity-levels-supported", |
| Attributes::NumberOfZoneSensitivityLevelsSupported::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "current-zone-sensitivity-level", Attributes::CurrentZoneSensitivityLevel::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteIasZoneIasCieAddress>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteIasZoneCurrentZoneSensitivityLevel>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "zone-state", Attributes::ZoneState::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "zone-type", Attributes::ZoneType::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "zone-status", Attributes::ZoneStatus::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "ias-cie-address", Attributes::IasCieAddress::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "zone-id", Attributes::ZoneId::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "number-of-zone-sensitivity-levels-supported", |
| Attributes::NumberOfZoneSensitivityLevelsSupported::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "current-zone-sensitivity-level", Attributes::CurrentZoneSensitivityLevel::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Events |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| }; |
| |
| commands.Register(clusterName, clusterCommands); |
| } |
| void registerClusterIasAce(Commands & commands, CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| using namespace chip::app::Clusters::IasAce; |
| |
| const char * clusterName = "IasAce"; |
| |
| commands_list clusterCommands = { |
| // |
| // Commands |
| // |
| make_unique<ClusterCommand>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<IasAceArm>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<IasAceBypass>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<IasAceEmergency>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<IasAceFire>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<IasAcePanic>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<IasAceGetZoneIdMap>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<IasAceGetZoneInformation>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<IasAceGetPanelStatus>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<IasAceGetBypassedZoneList>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<IasAceGetZoneStatus>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Attributes |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Events |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| }; |
| |
| commands.Register(clusterName, clusterCommands); |
| } |
| void registerClusterIasWd(Commands & commands, CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| using namespace chip::app::Clusters::IasWd; |
| |
| const char * clusterName = "IasWd"; |
| |
| commands_list clusterCommands = { |
| // |
| // Commands |
| // |
| make_unique<ClusterCommand>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<IasWdStartWarning>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<IasWdSquawk>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Attributes |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "max-duration", Attributes::MaxDuration::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteIasWdMaxDuration>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "max-duration", Attributes::MaxDuration::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Events |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| }; |
| |
| commands.Register(clusterName, clusterCommands); |
| } |
| void registerClusterWakeOnLan(Commands & commands, CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| using namespace chip::app::Clusters::WakeOnLan; |
| |
| const char * clusterName = "WakeOnLan"; |
| |
| commands_list clusterCommands = { |
| // |
| // Commands |
| // |
| make_unique<ClusterCommand>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Attributes |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "macaddress", Attributes::MACAddress::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "macaddress", Attributes::MACAddress::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Events |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| }; |
| |
| commands.Register(clusterName, clusterCommands); |
| } |
| void registerClusterChannel(Commands & commands, CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| using namespace chip::app::Clusters::Channel; |
| |
| const char * clusterName = "Channel"; |
| |
| commands_list clusterCommands = { |
| // |
| // Commands |
| // |
| make_unique<ClusterCommand>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ChannelChangeChannel>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ChannelChangeChannelByNumber>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ChannelSkipChannel>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Attributes |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "channel-list", Attributes::ChannelList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "lineup", Attributes::Lineup::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "current-channel", Attributes::CurrentChannel::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "channel-list", Attributes::ChannelList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "lineup", Attributes::Lineup::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "current-channel", Attributes::CurrentChannel::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Events |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| }; |
| |
| commands.Register(clusterName, clusterCommands); |
| } |
| void registerClusterTargetNavigator(Commands & commands, CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| using namespace chip::app::Clusters::TargetNavigator; |
| |
| const char * clusterName = "TargetNavigator"; |
| |
| commands_list clusterCommands = { |
| // |
| // Commands |
| // |
| make_unique<ClusterCommand>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<TargetNavigatorNavigateTarget>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Attributes |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "target-list", Attributes::TargetList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "current-target", Attributes::CurrentTarget::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "target-list", Attributes::TargetList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "current-target", Attributes::CurrentTarget::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Events |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| }; |
| |
| commands.Register(clusterName, clusterCommands); |
| } |
| void registerClusterMediaPlayback(Commands & commands, CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| using namespace chip::app::Clusters::MediaPlayback; |
| |
| const char * clusterName = "MediaPlayback"; |
| |
| commands_list clusterCommands = { |
| // |
| // Commands |
| // |
| make_unique<ClusterCommand>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<MediaPlaybackPlay>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<MediaPlaybackPause>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<MediaPlaybackStopPlayback>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<MediaPlaybackStartOver>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<MediaPlaybackPrevious>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<MediaPlaybackNext>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<MediaPlaybackRewind>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<MediaPlaybackFastForward>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<MediaPlaybackSkipForward>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<MediaPlaybackSkipBackward>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<MediaPlaybackSeek>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Attributes |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "current-state", Attributes::CurrentState::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "start-time", Attributes::StartTime::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "duration", Attributes::Duration::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "sampled-position", Attributes::SampledPosition::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "playback-speed", Attributes::PlaybackSpeed::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "seek-range-end", Attributes::SeekRangeEnd::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "seek-range-start", Attributes::SeekRangeStart::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "current-state", Attributes::CurrentState::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "start-time", Attributes::StartTime::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "duration", Attributes::Duration::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "sampled-position", Attributes::SampledPosition::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "playback-speed", Attributes::PlaybackSpeed::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "seek-range-end", Attributes::SeekRangeEnd::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "seek-range-start", Attributes::SeekRangeStart::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Events |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| }; |
| |
| commands.Register(clusterName, clusterCommands); |
| } |
| void registerClusterMediaInput(Commands & commands, CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| using namespace chip::app::Clusters::MediaInput; |
| |
| const char * clusterName = "MediaInput"; |
| |
| commands_list clusterCommands = { |
| // |
| // Commands |
| // |
| make_unique<ClusterCommand>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<MediaInputSelectInput>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<MediaInputShowInputStatus>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<MediaInputHideInputStatus>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<MediaInputRenameInput>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Attributes |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "input-list", Attributes::InputList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "current-input", Attributes::CurrentInput::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "input-list", Attributes::InputList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "current-input", Attributes::CurrentInput::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Events |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| }; |
| |
| commands.Register(clusterName, clusterCommands); |
| } |
| void registerClusterLowPower(Commands & commands, CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| using namespace chip::app::Clusters::LowPower; |
| |
| const char * clusterName = "LowPower"; |
| |
| commands_list clusterCommands = { |
| // |
| // Commands |
| // |
| make_unique<ClusterCommand>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<LowPowerSleep>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Attributes |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Events |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| }; |
| |
| commands.Register(clusterName, clusterCommands); |
| } |
| void registerClusterKeypadInput(Commands & commands, CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| using namespace chip::app::Clusters::KeypadInput; |
| |
| const char * clusterName = "KeypadInput"; |
| |
| commands_list clusterCommands = { |
| // |
| // Commands |
| // |
| make_unique<ClusterCommand>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<KeypadInputSendKey>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Attributes |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Events |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| }; |
| |
| commands.Register(clusterName, clusterCommands); |
| } |
| void registerClusterContentLauncher(Commands & commands, CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| using namespace chip::app::Clusters::ContentLauncher; |
| |
| const char * clusterName = "ContentLauncher"; |
| |
| commands_list clusterCommands = { |
| // |
| // Commands |
| // |
| make_unique<ClusterCommand>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ContentLauncherLaunchContent>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ContentLauncherLaunchURL>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Attributes |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "accept-header", Attributes::AcceptHeader::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "supported-streaming-protocols", Attributes::SupportedStreamingProtocols::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteContentLauncherSupportedStreamingProtocols>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "accept-header", Attributes::AcceptHeader::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "supported-streaming-protocols", Attributes::SupportedStreamingProtocols::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Events |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| }; |
| |
| commands.Register(clusterName, clusterCommands); |
| } |
| void registerClusterAudioOutput(Commands & commands, CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| using namespace chip::app::Clusters::AudioOutput; |
| |
| const char * clusterName = "AudioOutput"; |
| |
| commands_list clusterCommands = { |
| // |
| // Commands |
| // |
| make_unique<ClusterCommand>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<AudioOutputSelectOutput>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<AudioOutputRenameOutput>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Attributes |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "output-list", Attributes::OutputList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "current-output", Attributes::CurrentOutput::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "output-list", Attributes::OutputList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "current-output", Attributes::CurrentOutput::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Events |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| }; |
| |
| commands.Register(clusterName, clusterCommands); |
| } |
| void registerClusterApplicationLauncher(Commands & commands, CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| using namespace chip::app::Clusters::ApplicationLauncher; |
| |
| const char * clusterName = "ApplicationLauncher"; |
| |
| commands_list clusterCommands = { |
| // |
| // Commands |
| // |
| make_unique<ClusterCommand>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ApplicationLauncherLaunchApp>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ApplicationLauncherStopApp>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ApplicationLauncherHideApp>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Attributes |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "catalog-list", Attributes::CatalogList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "current-app", Attributes::CurrentApp::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteApplicationLauncherCurrentApp>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "catalog-list", Attributes::CatalogList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "current-app", Attributes::CurrentApp::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Events |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| }; |
| |
| commands.Register(clusterName, clusterCommands); |
| } |
| void registerClusterApplicationBasic(Commands & commands, CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| using namespace chip::app::Clusters::ApplicationBasic; |
| |
| const char * clusterName = "ApplicationBasic"; |
| |
| commands_list clusterCommands = { |
| // |
| // Commands |
| // |
| make_unique<ClusterCommand>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Attributes |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "vendor-name", Attributes::VendorName::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "vendor-id", Attributes::VendorID::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "application-name", Attributes::ApplicationName::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "product-id", Attributes::ProductID::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "application", Attributes::Application::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "status", Attributes::Status::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "application-version", Attributes::ApplicationVersion::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "allowed-vendor-list", Attributes::AllowedVendorList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "vendor-name", Attributes::VendorName::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "vendor-id", Attributes::VendorID::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "application-name", Attributes::ApplicationName::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "product-id", Attributes::ProductID::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "application", Attributes::Application::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "status", Attributes::Status::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "application-version", Attributes::ApplicationVersion::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "allowed-vendor-list", Attributes::AllowedVendorList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Events |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| }; |
| |
| commands.Register(clusterName, clusterCommands); |
| } |
| void registerClusterAccountLogin(Commands & commands, CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| using namespace chip::app::Clusters::AccountLogin; |
| |
| const char * clusterName = "AccountLogin"; |
| |
| commands_list clusterCommands = { |
| // |
| // Commands |
| // |
| make_unique<ClusterCommand>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<AccountLoginGetSetupPIN>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<AccountLoginLogin>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<AccountLoginLogout>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Attributes |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Events |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| }; |
| |
| commands.Register(clusterName, clusterCommands); |
| } |
| void registerClusterTestCluster(Commands & commands, CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| using namespace chip::app::Clusters::TestCluster; |
| |
| const char * clusterName = "TestCluster"; |
| |
| commands_list clusterCommands = { |
| // |
| // Commands |
| // |
| make_unique<ClusterCommand>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<TestClusterTest>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<TestClusterTestNotHandled>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<TestClusterTestSpecific>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<TestClusterTestUnknownCommand>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<TestClusterTestAddArguments>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<TestClusterTestSimpleArgumentRequest>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<TestClusterTestStructArrayArgumentRequest>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<TestClusterTestStructArgumentRequest>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<TestClusterTestNestedStructArgumentRequest>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<TestClusterTestListStructArgumentRequest>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<TestClusterTestListInt8UArgumentRequest>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<TestClusterTestNestedStructListArgumentRequest>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<TestClusterTestListNestedStructListArgumentRequest>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<TestClusterTestListInt8UReverseRequest>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<TestClusterTestEnumsRequest>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<TestClusterTestNullableOptionalRequest>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<TestClusterTestComplexNullableOptionalRequest>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<TestClusterSimpleStructEchoRequest>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<TestClusterTimedInvokeRequest>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<TestClusterTestSimpleOptionalArgumentRequest>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<TestClusterTestEmitTestEventRequest>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<TestClusterTestEmitTestFabricScopedEventRequest>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Attributes |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "boolean", Attributes::Boolean::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "bitmap8", Attributes::Bitmap8::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "bitmap16", Attributes::Bitmap16::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "bitmap32", Attributes::Bitmap32::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "bitmap64", Attributes::Bitmap64::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "int8u", Attributes::Int8u::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "int16u", Attributes::Int16u::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "int24u", Attributes::Int24u::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "int32u", Attributes::Int32u::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "int40u", Attributes::Int40u::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "int48u", Attributes::Int48u::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "int56u", Attributes::Int56u::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "int64u", Attributes::Int64u::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "int8s", Attributes::Int8s::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "int16s", Attributes::Int16s::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "int24s", Attributes::Int24s::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "int32s", Attributes::Int32s::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "int40s", Attributes::Int40s::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "int48s", Attributes::Int48s::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "int56s", Attributes::Int56s::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "int64s", Attributes::Int64s::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "enum8", Attributes::Enum8::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "enum16", Attributes::Enum16::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "float-single", Attributes::FloatSingle::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "float-double", Attributes::FloatDouble::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "octet-string", Attributes::OctetString::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "list-int8u", Attributes::ListInt8u::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "list-octet-string", Attributes::ListOctetString::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "list-struct-octet-string", Attributes::ListStructOctetString::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "long-octet-string", Attributes::LongOctetString::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "char-string", Attributes::CharString::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "long-char-string", Attributes::LongCharString::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "epoch-us", Attributes::EpochUs::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "epoch-s", Attributes::EpochS::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "vendor-id", Attributes::VendorId::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "list-nullables-and-optionals-struct", Attributes::ListNullablesAndOptionalsStruct::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "enum-attr", Attributes::EnumAttr::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "struct-attr", Attributes::StructAttr::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "range-restricted-int8u", Attributes::RangeRestrictedInt8u::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "range-restricted-int8s", Attributes::RangeRestrictedInt8s::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "range-restricted-int16u", Attributes::RangeRestrictedInt16u::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "range-restricted-int16s", Attributes::RangeRestrictedInt16s::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "list-long-octet-string", Attributes::ListLongOctetString::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "list-fabric-scoped", Attributes::ListFabricScoped::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "timed-write-boolean", Attributes::TimedWriteBoolean::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "general-error-boolean", Attributes::GeneralErrorBoolean::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "cluster-error-boolean", Attributes::ClusterErrorBoolean::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "unsupported", Attributes::Unsupported::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "nullable-boolean", Attributes::NullableBoolean::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "nullable-bitmap8", Attributes::NullableBitmap8::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "nullable-bitmap16", Attributes::NullableBitmap16::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "nullable-bitmap32", Attributes::NullableBitmap32::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "nullable-bitmap64", Attributes::NullableBitmap64::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "nullable-int8u", Attributes::NullableInt8u::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "nullable-int16u", Attributes::NullableInt16u::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "nullable-int24u", Attributes::NullableInt24u::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "nullable-int32u", Attributes::NullableInt32u::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "nullable-int40u", Attributes::NullableInt40u::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "nullable-int48u", Attributes::NullableInt48u::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "nullable-int56u", Attributes::NullableInt56u::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "nullable-int64u", Attributes::NullableInt64u::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "nullable-int8s", Attributes::NullableInt8s::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "nullable-int16s", Attributes::NullableInt16s::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "nullable-int24s", Attributes::NullableInt24s::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "nullable-int32s", Attributes::NullableInt32s::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "nullable-int40s", Attributes::NullableInt40s::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "nullable-int48s", Attributes::NullableInt48s::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "nullable-int56s", Attributes::NullableInt56s::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "nullable-int64s", Attributes::NullableInt64s::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "nullable-enum8", Attributes::NullableEnum8::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "nullable-enum16", Attributes::NullableEnum16::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "nullable-float-single", Attributes::NullableFloatSingle::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "nullable-float-double", Attributes::NullableFloatDouble::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "nullable-octet-string", Attributes::NullableOctetString::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "nullable-char-string", Attributes::NullableCharString::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "nullable-enum-attr", Attributes::NullableEnumAttr::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "nullable-struct", Attributes::NullableStruct::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "nullable-range-restricted-int8u", Attributes::NullableRangeRestrictedInt8u::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "nullable-range-restricted-int8s", Attributes::NullableRangeRestrictedInt8s::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "nullable-range-restricted-int16u", Attributes::NullableRangeRestrictedInt16u::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "nullable-range-restricted-int16s", Attributes::NullableRangeRestrictedInt16s::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteTestClusterBoolean>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteTestClusterBitmap8>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteTestClusterBitmap16>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteTestClusterBitmap32>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteTestClusterBitmap64>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteTestClusterInt8u>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteTestClusterInt16u>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteTestClusterInt24u>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteTestClusterInt32u>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteTestClusterInt40u>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteTestClusterInt48u>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteTestClusterInt56u>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteTestClusterInt64u>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteTestClusterInt8s>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteTestClusterInt16s>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteTestClusterInt24s>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteTestClusterInt32s>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteTestClusterInt40s>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteTestClusterInt48s>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteTestClusterInt56s>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteTestClusterInt64s>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteTestClusterEnum8>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteTestClusterEnum16>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteTestClusterFloatSingle>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteTestClusterFloatDouble>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteTestClusterOctetString>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteTestClusterListInt8u>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteTestClusterListOctetString>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteTestClusterListStructOctetString>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteTestClusterLongOctetString>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteTestClusterCharString>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteTestClusterLongCharString>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteTestClusterEpochUs>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteTestClusterEpochS>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteTestClusterVendorId>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteTestClusterListNullablesAndOptionalsStruct>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteTestClusterEnumAttr>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteTestClusterStructAttr>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteTestClusterRangeRestrictedInt8u>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteTestClusterRangeRestrictedInt8s>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteTestClusterRangeRestrictedInt16u>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteTestClusterRangeRestrictedInt16s>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteTestClusterListLongOctetString>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteTestClusterListFabricScoped>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteTestClusterTimedWriteBoolean>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteTestClusterGeneralErrorBoolean>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteTestClusterClusterErrorBoolean>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteTestClusterUnsupported>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteTestClusterNullableBoolean>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteTestClusterNullableBitmap8>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteTestClusterNullableBitmap16>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteTestClusterNullableBitmap32>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteTestClusterNullableBitmap64>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteTestClusterNullableInt8u>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteTestClusterNullableInt16u>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteTestClusterNullableInt24u>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteTestClusterNullableInt32u>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteTestClusterNullableInt40u>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteTestClusterNullableInt48u>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteTestClusterNullableInt56u>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteTestClusterNullableInt64u>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteTestClusterNullableInt8s>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteTestClusterNullableInt16s>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteTestClusterNullableInt24s>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteTestClusterNullableInt32s>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteTestClusterNullableInt40s>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteTestClusterNullableInt48s>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteTestClusterNullableInt56s>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteTestClusterNullableInt64s>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteTestClusterNullableEnum8>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteTestClusterNullableEnum16>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteTestClusterNullableFloatSingle>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteTestClusterNullableFloatDouble>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteTestClusterNullableOctetString>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteTestClusterNullableCharString>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteTestClusterNullableEnumAttr>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteTestClusterNullableStruct>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteTestClusterNullableRangeRestrictedInt8u>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteTestClusterNullableRangeRestrictedInt8s>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteTestClusterNullableRangeRestrictedInt16u>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteTestClusterNullableRangeRestrictedInt16s>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "boolean", Attributes::Boolean::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "bitmap8", Attributes::Bitmap8::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "bitmap16", Attributes::Bitmap16::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "bitmap32", Attributes::Bitmap32::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "bitmap64", Attributes::Bitmap64::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "int8u", Attributes::Int8u::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "int16u", Attributes::Int16u::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "int24u", Attributes::Int24u::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "int32u", Attributes::Int32u::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "int40u", Attributes::Int40u::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "int48u", Attributes::Int48u::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "int56u", Attributes::Int56u::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "int64u", Attributes::Int64u::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "int8s", Attributes::Int8s::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "int16s", Attributes::Int16s::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "int24s", Attributes::Int24s::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "int32s", Attributes::Int32s::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "int40s", Attributes::Int40s::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "int48s", Attributes::Int48s::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "int56s", Attributes::Int56s::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "int64s", Attributes::Int64s::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "enum8", Attributes::Enum8::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "enum16", Attributes::Enum16::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "float-single", Attributes::FloatSingle::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "float-double", Attributes::FloatDouble::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "octet-string", Attributes::OctetString::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "list-int8u", Attributes::ListInt8u::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "list-octet-string", Attributes::ListOctetString::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "list-struct-octet-string", Attributes::ListStructOctetString::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "long-octet-string", Attributes::LongOctetString::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "char-string", Attributes::CharString::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "long-char-string", Attributes::LongCharString::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "epoch-us", Attributes::EpochUs::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "epoch-s", Attributes::EpochS::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "vendor-id", Attributes::VendorId::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "list-nullables-and-optionals-struct", Attributes::ListNullablesAndOptionalsStruct::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "enum-attr", Attributes::EnumAttr::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "struct-attr", Attributes::StructAttr::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "range-restricted-int8u", Attributes::RangeRestrictedInt8u::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "range-restricted-int8s", Attributes::RangeRestrictedInt8s::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "range-restricted-int16u", Attributes::RangeRestrictedInt16u::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "range-restricted-int16s", Attributes::RangeRestrictedInt16s::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "list-long-octet-string", Attributes::ListLongOctetString::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "list-fabric-scoped", Attributes::ListFabricScoped::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "timed-write-boolean", Attributes::TimedWriteBoolean::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "general-error-boolean", Attributes::GeneralErrorBoolean::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "cluster-error-boolean", Attributes::ClusterErrorBoolean::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "unsupported", Attributes::Unsupported::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "nullable-boolean", Attributes::NullableBoolean::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "nullable-bitmap8", Attributes::NullableBitmap8::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "nullable-bitmap16", Attributes::NullableBitmap16::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "nullable-bitmap32", Attributes::NullableBitmap32::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "nullable-bitmap64", Attributes::NullableBitmap64::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "nullable-int8u", Attributes::NullableInt8u::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "nullable-int16u", Attributes::NullableInt16u::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "nullable-int24u", Attributes::NullableInt24u::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "nullable-int32u", Attributes::NullableInt32u::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "nullable-int40u", Attributes::NullableInt40u::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "nullable-int48u", Attributes::NullableInt48u::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "nullable-int56u", Attributes::NullableInt56u::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "nullable-int64u", Attributes::NullableInt64u::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "nullable-int8s", Attributes::NullableInt8s::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "nullable-int16s", Attributes::NullableInt16s::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "nullable-int24s", Attributes::NullableInt24s::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "nullable-int32s", Attributes::NullableInt32s::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "nullable-int40s", Attributes::NullableInt40s::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "nullable-int48s", Attributes::NullableInt48s::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "nullable-int56s", Attributes::NullableInt56s::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "nullable-int64s", Attributes::NullableInt64s::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "nullable-enum8", Attributes::NullableEnum8::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "nullable-enum16", Attributes::NullableEnum16::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "nullable-float-single", Attributes::NullableFloatSingle::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "nullable-float-double", Attributes::NullableFloatDouble::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "nullable-octet-string", Attributes::NullableOctetString::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "nullable-char-string", Attributes::NullableCharString::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "nullable-enum-attr", Attributes::NullableEnumAttr::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "nullable-struct", Attributes::NullableStruct::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "nullable-range-restricted-int8u", Attributes::NullableRangeRestrictedInt8u::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "nullable-range-restricted-int8s", Attributes::NullableRangeRestrictedInt8s::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "nullable-range-restricted-int16u", Attributes::NullableRangeRestrictedInt16u::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "nullable-range-restricted-int16s", Attributes::NullableRangeRestrictedInt16s::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Events |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, "test-event", Events::TestEvent::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, "test-fabric-scoped-event", Events::TestFabricScopedEvent::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, "test-event", Events::TestEvent::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, "test-fabric-scoped-event", Events::TestFabricScopedEvent::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| }; |
| |
| commands.Register(clusterName, clusterCommands); |
| } |
| void registerClusterMessaging(Commands & commands, CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| using namespace chip::app::Clusters::Messaging; |
| |
| const char * clusterName = "Messaging"; |
| |
| commands_list clusterCommands = { |
| // |
| // Commands |
| // |
| make_unique<ClusterCommand>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<MessagingGetLastMessage>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<MessagingMessageConfirmation>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<MessagingGetMessageCancellation>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Attributes |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Events |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| }; |
| |
| commands.Register(clusterName, clusterCommands); |
| } |
| void registerClusterApplianceIdentification(Commands & commands, CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| using namespace chip::app::Clusters::ApplianceIdentification; |
| |
| const char * clusterName = "ApplianceIdentification"; |
| |
| commands_list clusterCommands = { |
| // |
| // Commands |
| // |
| make_unique<ClusterCommand>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Attributes |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "basic-identification", Attributes::BasicIdentification::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "company-name", Attributes::CompanyName::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "company-id", Attributes::CompanyId::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "brand-name", Attributes::BrandName::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "brand-id", Attributes::BrandId::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "model", Attributes::Model::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "part-number", Attributes::PartNumber::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "product-revision", Attributes::ProductRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "software-revision", Attributes::SoftwareRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "product-type-name", Attributes::ProductTypeName::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "product-type-id", Attributes::ProductTypeId::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "ceced-specification-version", Attributes::CecedSpecificationVersion::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "basic-identification", Attributes::BasicIdentification::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "company-name", Attributes::CompanyName::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "company-id", Attributes::CompanyId::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "brand-name", Attributes::BrandName::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "brand-id", Attributes::BrandId::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "model", Attributes::Model::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "part-number", Attributes::PartNumber::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "product-revision", Attributes::ProductRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "software-revision", Attributes::SoftwareRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "product-type-name", Attributes::ProductTypeName::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "product-type-id", Attributes::ProductTypeId::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "ceced-specification-version", Attributes::CecedSpecificationVersion::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Events |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| }; |
| |
| commands.Register(clusterName, clusterCommands); |
| } |
| void registerClusterMeterIdentification(Commands & commands, CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| using namespace chip::app::Clusters::MeterIdentification; |
| |
| const char * clusterName = "MeterIdentification"; |
| |
| commands_list clusterCommands = { |
| // |
| // Commands |
| // |
| make_unique<ClusterCommand>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Attributes |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "company-name", Attributes::CompanyName::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "meter-type-id", Attributes::MeterTypeId::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "data-quality-id", Attributes::DataQualityId::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "customer-name", Attributes::CustomerName::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "model", Attributes::Model::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "part-number", Attributes::PartNumber::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "product-revision", Attributes::ProductRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "software-revision", Attributes::SoftwareRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "utility-name", Attributes::UtilityName::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "pod", Attributes::Pod::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "available-power", Attributes::AvailablePower::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "power-threshold", Attributes::PowerThreshold::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteMeterIdentificationCustomerName>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "company-name", Attributes::CompanyName::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "meter-type-id", Attributes::MeterTypeId::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "data-quality-id", Attributes::DataQualityId::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "customer-name", Attributes::CustomerName::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "model", Attributes::Model::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "part-number", Attributes::PartNumber::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "product-revision", Attributes::ProductRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "software-revision", Attributes::SoftwareRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "utility-name", Attributes::UtilityName::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "pod", Attributes::Pod::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "available-power", Attributes::AvailablePower::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "power-threshold", Attributes::PowerThreshold::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Events |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| }; |
| |
| commands.Register(clusterName, clusterCommands); |
| } |
| void registerClusterApplianceEventsAndAlert(Commands & commands, CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| using namespace chip::app::Clusters::ApplianceEventsAndAlert; |
| |
| const char * clusterName = "ApplianceEventsAndAlert"; |
| |
| commands_list clusterCommands = { |
| // |
| // Commands |
| // |
| make_unique<ClusterCommand>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ApplianceEventsAndAlertGetAlerts>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Attributes |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Events |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| }; |
| |
| commands.Register(clusterName, clusterCommands); |
| } |
| void registerClusterApplianceStatistics(Commands & commands, CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| using namespace chip::app::Clusters::ApplianceStatistics; |
| |
| const char * clusterName = "ApplianceStatistics"; |
| |
| commands_list clusterCommands = { |
| // |
| // Commands |
| // |
| make_unique<ClusterCommand>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ApplianceStatisticsLogRequest>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ApplianceStatisticsLogQueueRequest>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Attributes |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "log-max-size", Attributes::LogMaxSize::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "log-queue-max-size", Attributes::LogQueueMaxSize::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "log-max-size", Attributes::LogMaxSize::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "log-queue-max-size", Attributes::LogQueueMaxSize::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Events |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| }; |
| |
| commands.Register(clusterName, clusterCommands); |
| } |
| void registerClusterElectricalMeasurement(Commands & commands, CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| using namespace chip::app::Clusters::ElectricalMeasurement; |
| |
| const char * clusterName = "ElectricalMeasurement"; |
| |
| commands_list clusterCommands = { |
| // |
| // Commands |
| // |
| make_unique<ClusterCommand>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ElectricalMeasurementGetProfileInfoCommand>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ElectricalMeasurementGetMeasurementProfileCommand>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Attributes |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "measurement-type", Attributes::MeasurementType::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "dc-voltage", Attributes::DcVoltage::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "dc-voltage-min", Attributes::DcVoltageMin::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "dc-voltage-max", Attributes::DcVoltageMax::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "dc-current", Attributes::DcCurrent::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "dc-current-min", Attributes::DcCurrentMin::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "dc-current-max", Attributes::DcCurrentMax::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "dc-power", Attributes::DcPower::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "dc-power-min", Attributes::DcPowerMin::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "dc-power-max", Attributes::DcPowerMax::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "dc-voltage-multiplier", Attributes::DcVoltageMultiplier::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "dc-voltage-divisor", Attributes::DcVoltageDivisor::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "dc-current-multiplier", Attributes::DcCurrentMultiplier::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "dc-current-divisor", Attributes::DcCurrentDivisor::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "dc-power-multiplier", Attributes::DcPowerMultiplier::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "dc-power-divisor", Attributes::DcPowerDivisor::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "ac-frequency", Attributes::AcFrequency::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "ac-frequency-min", Attributes::AcFrequencyMin::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "ac-frequency-max", Attributes::AcFrequencyMax::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "neutral-current", Attributes::NeutralCurrent::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "total-active-power", Attributes::TotalActivePower::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "total-reactive-power", Attributes::TotalReactivePower::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "total-apparent-power", Attributes::TotalApparentPower::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "measured1st-harmonic-current", Attributes::Measured1stHarmonicCurrent::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "measured3rd-harmonic-current", Attributes::Measured3rdHarmonicCurrent::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "measured5th-harmonic-current", Attributes::Measured5thHarmonicCurrent::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "measured7th-harmonic-current", Attributes::Measured7thHarmonicCurrent::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "measured9th-harmonic-current", Attributes::Measured9thHarmonicCurrent::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "measured11th-harmonic-current", Attributes::Measured11thHarmonicCurrent::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "measured-phase1st-harmonic-current", Attributes::MeasuredPhase1stHarmonicCurrent::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "measured-phase3rd-harmonic-current", Attributes::MeasuredPhase3rdHarmonicCurrent::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "measured-phase5th-harmonic-current", Attributes::MeasuredPhase5thHarmonicCurrent::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "measured-phase7th-harmonic-current", Attributes::MeasuredPhase7thHarmonicCurrent::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "measured-phase9th-harmonic-current", Attributes::MeasuredPhase9thHarmonicCurrent::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "measured-phase11th-harmonic-current", Attributes::MeasuredPhase11thHarmonicCurrent::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "ac-frequency-multiplier", Attributes::AcFrequencyMultiplier::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "ac-frequency-divisor", Attributes::AcFrequencyDivisor::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "power-multiplier", Attributes::PowerMultiplier::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "power-divisor", Attributes::PowerDivisor::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "harmonic-current-multiplier", Attributes::HarmonicCurrentMultiplier::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "phase-harmonic-current-multiplier", Attributes::PhaseHarmonicCurrentMultiplier::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "instantaneous-voltage", Attributes::InstantaneousVoltage::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "instantaneous-line-current", Attributes::InstantaneousLineCurrent::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "instantaneous-active-current", Attributes::InstantaneousActiveCurrent::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "instantaneous-reactive-current", Attributes::InstantaneousReactiveCurrent::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "instantaneous-power", Attributes::InstantaneousPower::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "rms-voltage", Attributes::RmsVoltage::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "rms-voltage-min", Attributes::RmsVoltageMin::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "rms-voltage-max", Attributes::RmsVoltageMax::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "rms-current", Attributes::RmsCurrent::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "rms-current-min", Attributes::RmsCurrentMin::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "rms-current-max", Attributes::RmsCurrentMax::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "active-power", Attributes::ActivePower::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "active-power-min", Attributes::ActivePowerMin::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "active-power-max", Attributes::ActivePowerMax::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "reactive-power", Attributes::ReactivePower::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "apparent-power", Attributes::ApparentPower::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "power-factor", Attributes::PowerFactor::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "average-rms-voltage-measurement-period", Attributes::AverageRmsVoltageMeasurementPeriod::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "average-rms-under-voltage-counter", Attributes::AverageRmsUnderVoltageCounter::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "rms-extreme-over-voltage-period", Attributes::RmsExtremeOverVoltagePeriod::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "rms-extreme-under-voltage-period", Attributes::RmsExtremeUnderVoltagePeriod::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "rms-voltage-sag-period", Attributes::RmsVoltageSagPeriod::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "rms-voltage-swell-period", Attributes::RmsVoltageSwellPeriod::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "ac-voltage-multiplier", Attributes::AcVoltageMultiplier::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "ac-voltage-divisor", Attributes::AcVoltageDivisor::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "ac-current-multiplier", Attributes::AcCurrentMultiplier::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "ac-current-divisor", Attributes::AcCurrentDivisor::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "ac-power-multiplier", Attributes::AcPowerMultiplier::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "ac-power-divisor", Attributes::AcPowerDivisor::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "overload-alarms-mask", Attributes::OverloadAlarmsMask::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "voltage-overload", Attributes::VoltageOverload::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "current-overload", Attributes::CurrentOverload::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "ac-overload-alarms-mask", Attributes::AcOverloadAlarmsMask::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "ac-voltage-overload", Attributes::AcVoltageOverload::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "ac-current-overload", Attributes::AcCurrentOverload::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "ac-active-power-overload", Attributes::AcActivePowerOverload::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "ac-reactive-power-overload", Attributes::AcReactivePowerOverload::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "average-rms-over-voltage", Attributes::AverageRmsOverVoltage::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "average-rms-under-voltage", Attributes::AverageRmsUnderVoltage::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "rms-extreme-over-voltage", Attributes::RmsExtremeOverVoltage::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "rms-extreme-under-voltage", Attributes::RmsExtremeUnderVoltage::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "rms-voltage-sag", Attributes::RmsVoltageSag::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "rms-voltage-swell", Attributes::RmsVoltageSwell::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "line-current-phase-b", Attributes::LineCurrentPhaseB::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "active-current-phase-b", Attributes::ActiveCurrentPhaseB::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "reactive-current-phase-b", Attributes::ReactiveCurrentPhaseB::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "rms-voltage-phase-b", Attributes::RmsVoltagePhaseB::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "rms-voltage-min-phase-b", Attributes::RmsVoltageMinPhaseB::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "rms-voltage-max-phase-b", Attributes::RmsVoltageMaxPhaseB::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "rms-current-phase-b", Attributes::RmsCurrentPhaseB::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "rms-current-min-phase-b", Attributes::RmsCurrentMinPhaseB::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "rms-current-max-phase-b", Attributes::RmsCurrentMaxPhaseB::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "active-power-phase-b", Attributes::ActivePowerPhaseB::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "active-power-min-phase-b", Attributes::ActivePowerMinPhaseB::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "active-power-max-phase-b", Attributes::ActivePowerMaxPhaseB::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "reactive-power-phase-b", Attributes::ReactivePowerPhaseB::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "apparent-power-phase-b", Attributes::ApparentPowerPhaseB::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "power-factor-phase-b", Attributes::PowerFactorPhaseB::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "average-rms-voltage-measurement-period-phase-b", |
| Attributes::AverageRmsVoltageMeasurementPeriodPhaseB::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "average-rms-over-voltage-counter-phase-b", |
| Attributes::AverageRmsOverVoltageCounterPhaseB::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "average-rms-under-voltage-counter-phase-b", |
| Attributes::AverageRmsUnderVoltageCounterPhaseB::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "rms-extreme-over-voltage-period-phase-b", Attributes::RmsExtremeOverVoltagePeriodPhaseB::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "rms-extreme-under-voltage-period-phase-b", |
| Attributes::RmsExtremeUnderVoltagePeriodPhaseB::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "rms-voltage-sag-period-phase-b", Attributes::RmsVoltageSagPeriodPhaseB::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "rms-voltage-swell-period-phase-b", Attributes::RmsVoltageSwellPeriodPhaseB::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "line-current-phase-c", Attributes::LineCurrentPhaseC::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "active-current-phase-c", Attributes::ActiveCurrentPhaseC::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "reactive-current-phase-c", Attributes::ReactiveCurrentPhaseC::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "rms-voltage-phase-c", Attributes::RmsVoltagePhaseC::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "rms-voltage-min-phase-c", Attributes::RmsVoltageMinPhaseC::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "rms-voltage-max-phase-c", Attributes::RmsVoltageMaxPhaseC::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "rms-current-phase-c", Attributes::RmsCurrentPhaseC::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "rms-current-min-phase-c", Attributes::RmsCurrentMinPhaseC::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "rms-current-max-phase-c", Attributes::RmsCurrentMaxPhaseC::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "active-power-phase-c", Attributes::ActivePowerPhaseC::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "active-power-min-phase-c", Attributes::ActivePowerMinPhaseC::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "active-power-max-phase-c", Attributes::ActivePowerMaxPhaseC::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "reactive-power-phase-c", Attributes::ReactivePowerPhaseC::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "apparent-power-phase-c", Attributes::ApparentPowerPhaseC::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "power-factor-phase-c", Attributes::PowerFactorPhaseC::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "average-rms-voltage-measurement-period-phase-c", |
| Attributes::AverageRmsVoltageMeasurementPeriodPhaseC::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "average-rms-over-voltage-counter-phase-c", |
| Attributes::AverageRmsOverVoltageCounterPhaseC::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "average-rms-under-voltage-counter-phase-c", |
| Attributes::AverageRmsUnderVoltageCounterPhaseC::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "rms-extreme-over-voltage-period-phase-c", Attributes::RmsExtremeOverVoltagePeriodPhaseC::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "rms-extreme-under-voltage-period-phase-c", |
| Attributes::RmsExtremeUnderVoltagePeriodPhaseC::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "rms-voltage-sag-period-phase-c", Attributes::RmsVoltageSagPeriodPhaseC::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "rms-voltage-swell-period-phase-c", Attributes::RmsVoltageSwellPeriodPhaseC::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteElectricalMeasurementAverageRmsVoltageMeasurementPeriod>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteElectricalMeasurementAverageRmsUnderVoltageCounter>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteElectricalMeasurementRmsExtremeOverVoltagePeriod>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteElectricalMeasurementRmsExtremeUnderVoltagePeriod>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteElectricalMeasurementRmsVoltageSagPeriod>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteElectricalMeasurementRmsVoltageSwellPeriod>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteElectricalMeasurementOverloadAlarmsMask>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteElectricalMeasurementAcOverloadAlarmsMask>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "measurement-type", Attributes::MeasurementType::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "dc-voltage", Attributes::DcVoltage::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "dc-voltage-min", Attributes::DcVoltageMin::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "dc-voltage-max", Attributes::DcVoltageMax::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "dc-current", Attributes::DcCurrent::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "dc-current-min", Attributes::DcCurrentMin::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "dc-current-max", Attributes::DcCurrentMax::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "dc-power", Attributes::DcPower::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "dc-power-min", Attributes::DcPowerMin::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "dc-power-max", Attributes::DcPowerMax::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "dc-voltage-multiplier", Attributes::DcVoltageMultiplier::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "dc-voltage-divisor", Attributes::DcVoltageDivisor::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "dc-current-multiplier", Attributes::DcCurrentMultiplier::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "dc-current-divisor", Attributes::DcCurrentDivisor::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "dc-power-multiplier", Attributes::DcPowerMultiplier::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "dc-power-divisor", Attributes::DcPowerDivisor::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "ac-frequency", Attributes::AcFrequency::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "ac-frequency-min", Attributes::AcFrequencyMin::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "ac-frequency-max", Attributes::AcFrequencyMax::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "neutral-current", Attributes::NeutralCurrent::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "total-active-power", Attributes::TotalActivePower::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "total-reactive-power", Attributes::TotalReactivePower::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "total-apparent-power", Attributes::TotalApparentPower::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "measured1st-harmonic-current", Attributes::Measured1stHarmonicCurrent::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "measured3rd-harmonic-current", Attributes::Measured3rdHarmonicCurrent::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "measured5th-harmonic-current", Attributes::Measured5thHarmonicCurrent::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "measured7th-harmonic-current", Attributes::Measured7thHarmonicCurrent::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "measured9th-harmonic-current", Attributes::Measured9thHarmonicCurrent::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "measured11th-harmonic-current", Attributes::Measured11thHarmonicCurrent::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "measured-phase1st-harmonic-current", Attributes::MeasuredPhase1stHarmonicCurrent::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "measured-phase3rd-harmonic-current", Attributes::MeasuredPhase3rdHarmonicCurrent::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "measured-phase5th-harmonic-current", Attributes::MeasuredPhase5thHarmonicCurrent::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "measured-phase7th-harmonic-current", Attributes::MeasuredPhase7thHarmonicCurrent::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "measured-phase9th-harmonic-current", Attributes::MeasuredPhase9thHarmonicCurrent::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "measured-phase11th-harmonic-current", Attributes::MeasuredPhase11thHarmonicCurrent::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "ac-frequency-multiplier", Attributes::AcFrequencyMultiplier::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "ac-frequency-divisor", Attributes::AcFrequencyDivisor::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "power-multiplier", Attributes::PowerMultiplier::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "power-divisor", Attributes::PowerDivisor::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "harmonic-current-multiplier", Attributes::HarmonicCurrentMultiplier::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "phase-harmonic-current-multiplier", Attributes::PhaseHarmonicCurrentMultiplier::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "instantaneous-voltage", Attributes::InstantaneousVoltage::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "instantaneous-line-current", Attributes::InstantaneousLineCurrent::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "instantaneous-active-current", Attributes::InstantaneousActiveCurrent::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "instantaneous-reactive-current", Attributes::InstantaneousReactiveCurrent::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "instantaneous-power", Attributes::InstantaneousPower::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "rms-voltage", Attributes::RmsVoltage::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "rms-voltage-min", Attributes::RmsVoltageMin::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "rms-voltage-max", Attributes::RmsVoltageMax::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "rms-current", Attributes::RmsCurrent::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "rms-current-min", Attributes::RmsCurrentMin::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "rms-current-max", Attributes::RmsCurrentMax::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "active-power", Attributes::ActivePower::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "active-power-min", Attributes::ActivePowerMin::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "active-power-max", Attributes::ActivePowerMax::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "reactive-power", Attributes::ReactivePower::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "apparent-power", Attributes::ApparentPower::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "power-factor", Attributes::PowerFactor::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "average-rms-voltage-measurement-period", |
| Attributes::AverageRmsVoltageMeasurementPeriod::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "average-rms-under-voltage-counter", Attributes::AverageRmsUnderVoltageCounter::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "rms-extreme-over-voltage-period", Attributes::RmsExtremeOverVoltagePeriod::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "rms-extreme-under-voltage-period", Attributes::RmsExtremeUnderVoltagePeriod::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "rms-voltage-sag-period", Attributes::RmsVoltageSagPeriod::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "rms-voltage-swell-period", Attributes::RmsVoltageSwellPeriod::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "ac-voltage-multiplier", Attributes::AcVoltageMultiplier::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "ac-voltage-divisor", Attributes::AcVoltageDivisor::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "ac-current-multiplier", Attributes::AcCurrentMultiplier::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "ac-current-divisor", Attributes::AcCurrentDivisor::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "ac-power-multiplier", Attributes::AcPowerMultiplier::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "ac-power-divisor", Attributes::AcPowerDivisor::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "overload-alarms-mask", Attributes::OverloadAlarmsMask::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "voltage-overload", Attributes::VoltageOverload::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "current-overload", Attributes::CurrentOverload::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "ac-overload-alarms-mask", Attributes::AcOverloadAlarmsMask::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "ac-voltage-overload", Attributes::AcVoltageOverload::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "ac-current-overload", Attributes::AcCurrentOverload::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "ac-active-power-overload", Attributes::AcActivePowerOverload::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "ac-reactive-power-overload", Attributes::AcReactivePowerOverload::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "average-rms-over-voltage", Attributes::AverageRmsOverVoltage::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "average-rms-under-voltage", Attributes::AverageRmsUnderVoltage::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "rms-extreme-over-voltage", Attributes::RmsExtremeOverVoltage::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "rms-extreme-under-voltage", Attributes::RmsExtremeUnderVoltage::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "rms-voltage-sag", Attributes::RmsVoltageSag::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "rms-voltage-swell", Attributes::RmsVoltageSwell::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "line-current-phase-b", Attributes::LineCurrentPhaseB::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "active-current-phase-b", Attributes::ActiveCurrentPhaseB::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "reactive-current-phase-b", Attributes::ReactiveCurrentPhaseB::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "rms-voltage-phase-b", Attributes::RmsVoltagePhaseB::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "rms-voltage-min-phase-b", Attributes::RmsVoltageMinPhaseB::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "rms-voltage-max-phase-b", Attributes::RmsVoltageMaxPhaseB::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "rms-current-phase-b", Attributes::RmsCurrentPhaseB::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "rms-current-min-phase-b", Attributes::RmsCurrentMinPhaseB::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "rms-current-max-phase-b", Attributes::RmsCurrentMaxPhaseB::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "active-power-phase-b", Attributes::ActivePowerPhaseB::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "active-power-min-phase-b", Attributes::ActivePowerMinPhaseB::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "active-power-max-phase-b", Attributes::ActivePowerMaxPhaseB::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "reactive-power-phase-b", Attributes::ReactivePowerPhaseB::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "apparent-power-phase-b", Attributes::ApparentPowerPhaseB::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "power-factor-phase-b", Attributes::PowerFactorPhaseB::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "average-rms-voltage-measurement-period-phase-b", |
| Attributes::AverageRmsVoltageMeasurementPeriodPhaseB::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "average-rms-over-voltage-counter-phase-b", |
| Attributes::AverageRmsOverVoltageCounterPhaseB::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "average-rms-under-voltage-counter-phase-b", |
| Attributes::AverageRmsUnderVoltageCounterPhaseB::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "rms-extreme-over-voltage-period-phase-b", |
| Attributes::RmsExtremeOverVoltagePeriodPhaseB::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "rms-extreme-under-voltage-period-phase-b", |
| Attributes::RmsExtremeUnderVoltagePeriodPhaseB::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "rms-voltage-sag-period-phase-b", Attributes::RmsVoltageSagPeriodPhaseB::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "rms-voltage-swell-period-phase-b", Attributes::RmsVoltageSwellPeriodPhaseB::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "line-current-phase-c", Attributes::LineCurrentPhaseC::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "active-current-phase-c", Attributes::ActiveCurrentPhaseC::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "reactive-current-phase-c", Attributes::ReactiveCurrentPhaseC::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "rms-voltage-phase-c", Attributes::RmsVoltagePhaseC::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "rms-voltage-min-phase-c", Attributes::RmsVoltageMinPhaseC::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "rms-voltage-max-phase-c", Attributes::RmsVoltageMaxPhaseC::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "rms-current-phase-c", Attributes::RmsCurrentPhaseC::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "rms-current-min-phase-c", Attributes::RmsCurrentMinPhaseC::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "rms-current-max-phase-c", Attributes::RmsCurrentMaxPhaseC::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "active-power-phase-c", Attributes::ActivePowerPhaseC::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "active-power-min-phase-c", Attributes::ActivePowerMinPhaseC::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "active-power-max-phase-c", Attributes::ActivePowerMaxPhaseC::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "reactive-power-phase-c", Attributes::ReactivePowerPhaseC::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "apparent-power-phase-c", Attributes::ApparentPowerPhaseC::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "power-factor-phase-c", Attributes::PowerFactorPhaseC::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "average-rms-voltage-measurement-period-phase-c", |
| Attributes::AverageRmsVoltageMeasurementPeriodPhaseC::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "average-rms-over-voltage-counter-phase-c", |
| Attributes::AverageRmsOverVoltageCounterPhaseC::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "average-rms-under-voltage-counter-phase-c", |
| Attributes::AverageRmsUnderVoltageCounterPhaseC::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "rms-extreme-over-voltage-period-phase-c", |
| Attributes::RmsExtremeOverVoltagePeriodPhaseC::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "rms-extreme-under-voltage-period-phase-c", |
| Attributes::RmsExtremeUnderVoltagePeriodPhaseC::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "rms-voltage-sag-period-phase-c", Attributes::RmsVoltageSagPeriodPhaseC::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "rms-voltage-swell-period-phase-c", Attributes::RmsVoltageSwellPeriodPhaseC::Id, |
| credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "generated-command-list", Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "accepted-command-list", Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "attribute-list", Attributes::AttributeList::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "feature-map", Attributes::FeatureMap::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(Id, "cluster-revision", Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| // |
| // Events |
| // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(Id, credsIssuerConfig), // |
| }; |
| |
| commands.Register(clusterName, clusterCommands); |
| } |
| |
| void registerClusterAny(Commands & commands, CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| const char * clusterName = "Any"; |
| |
| commands_list clusterCommands = { |
| make_unique<ClusterCommand>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadAttribute>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<WriteAttribute>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeAttribute>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<ReadEvent>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| make_unique<SubscribeEvent>(credsIssuerConfig), // |
| }; |
| |
| commands.Register(clusterName, clusterCommands); |
| } |
| |
| void registerClusters(Commands & commands, CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) |
| { |
| registerClusterAny(commands, credsIssuerConfig); |
| registerClusterPowerConfiguration(commands, credsIssuerConfig); |
| registerClusterDeviceTemperatureConfiguration(commands, credsIssuerConfig); |
| registerClusterIdentify(commands, credsIssuerConfig); |
| registerClusterGroups(commands, credsIssuerConfig); |
| registerClusterScenes(commands, credsIssuerConfig); |
| registerClusterOnOff(commands, credsIssuerConfig); |
| registerClusterOnOffSwitchConfiguration(commands, credsIssuerConfig); |
| registerClusterLevelControl(commands, credsIssuerConfig); |
| registerClusterAlarms(commands, credsIssuerConfig); |
| registerClusterTime(commands, credsIssuerConfig); |
| registerClusterBinaryInputBasic(commands, credsIssuerConfig); |
| registerClusterPowerProfile(commands, credsIssuerConfig); |
| registerClusterApplianceControl(commands, credsIssuerConfig); |
| registerClusterPulseWidthModulation(commands, credsIssuerConfig); |
| registerClusterDescriptor(commands, credsIssuerConfig); |
| registerClusterBinding(commands, credsIssuerConfig); |
| registerClusterAccessControl(commands, credsIssuerConfig); |
| registerClusterPollControl(commands, credsIssuerConfig); |
| registerClusterBridgedActions(commands, credsIssuerConfig); |
| registerClusterBasic(commands, credsIssuerConfig); |
| registerClusterOtaSoftwareUpdateProvider(commands, credsIssuerConfig); |
| registerClusterOtaSoftwareUpdateRequestor(commands, credsIssuerConfig); |
| registerClusterLocalizationConfiguration(commands, credsIssuerConfig); |
| registerClusterTimeFormatLocalization(commands, credsIssuerConfig); |
| registerClusterUnitLocalization(commands, credsIssuerConfig); |
| registerClusterPowerSourceConfiguration(commands, credsIssuerConfig); |
| registerClusterPowerSource(commands, credsIssuerConfig); |
| registerClusterGeneralCommissioning(commands, credsIssuerConfig); |
| registerClusterNetworkCommissioning(commands, credsIssuerConfig); |
| registerClusterDiagnosticLogs(commands, credsIssuerConfig); |
| registerClusterGeneralDiagnostics(commands, credsIssuerConfig); |
| registerClusterSoftwareDiagnostics(commands, credsIssuerConfig); |
| registerClusterThreadNetworkDiagnostics(commands, credsIssuerConfig); |
| registerClusterWiFiNetworkDiagnostics(commands, credsIssuerConfig); |
| registerClusterEthernetNetworkDiagnostics(commands, credsIssuerConfig); |
| registerClusterTimeSynchronization(commands, credsIssuerConfig); |
| registerClusterBridgedDeviceBasic(commands, credsIssuerConfig); |
| registerClusterSwitch(commands, credsIssuerConfig); |
| registerClusterAdministratorCommissioning(commands, credsIssuerConfig); |
| registerClusterOperationalCredentials(commands, credsIssuerConfig); |
| registerClusterGroupKeyManagement(commands, credsIssuerConfig); |
| registerClusterFixedLabel(commands, credsIssuerConfig); |
| registerClusterUserLabel(commands, credsIssuerConfig); |
| registerClusterProxyConfiguration(commands, credsIssuerConfig); |
| registerClusterProxyDiscovery(commands, credsIssuerConfig); |
| registerClusterProxyValid(commands, credsIssuerConfig); |
| registerClusterBooleanState(commands, credsIssuerConfig); |
| registerClusterModeSelect(commands, credsIssuerConfig); |
| registerClusterShadeConfiguration(commands, credsIssuerConfig); |
| registerClusterDoorLock(commands, credsIssuerConfig); |
| registerClusterWindowCovering(commands, credsIssuerConfig); |
| registerClusterBarrierControl(commands, credsIssuerConfig); |
| registerClusterPumpConfigurationAndControl(commands, credsIssuerConfig); |
| registerClusterThermostat(commands, credsIssuerConfig); |
| registerClusterFanControl(commands, credsIssuerConfig); |
| registerClusterDehumidificationControl(commands, credsIssuerConfig); |
| registerClusterThermostatUserInterfaceConfiguration(commands, credsIssuerConfig); |
| registerClusterColorControl(commands, credsIssuerConfig); |
| registerClusterBallastConfiguration(commands, credsIssuerConfig); |
| registerClusterIlluminanceMeasurement(commands, credsIssuerConfig); |
| registerClusterTemperatureMeasurement(commands, credsIssuerConfig); |
| registerClusterPressureMeasurement(commands, credsIssuerConfig); |
| registerClusterFlowMeasurement(commands, credsIssuerConfig); |
| registerClusterRelativeHumidityMeasurement(commands, credsIssuerConfig); |
| registerClusterOccupancySensing(commands, credsIssuerConfig); |
| registerClusterCarbonMonoxideConcentrationMeasurement(commands, credsIssuerConfig); |
| registerClusterCarbonDioxideConcentrationMeasurement(commands, credsIssuerConfig); |
| registerClusterEthyleneConcentrationMeasurement(commands, credsIssuerConfig); |
| registerClusterEthyleneOxideConcentrationMeasurement(commands, credsIssuerConfig); |
| registerClusterHydrogenConcentrationMeasurement(commands, credsIssuerConfig); |
| registerClusterHydrogenSulphideConcentrationMeasurement(commands, credsIssuerConfig); |
| registerClusterNitricOxideConcentrationMeasurement(commands, credsIssuerConfig); |
| registerClusterNitrogenDioxideConcentrationMeasurement(commands, credsIssuerConfig); |
| registerClusterOxygenConcentrationMeasurement(commands, credsIssuerConfig); |
| registerClusterOzoneConcentrationMeasurement(commands, credsIssuerConfig); |
| registerClusterSulfurDioxideConcentrationMeasurement(commands, credsIssuerConfig); |
| registerClusterDissolvedOxygenConcentrationMeasurement(commands, credsIssuerConfig); |
| registerClusterBromateConcentrationMeasurement(commands, credsIssuerConfig); |
| registerClusterChloraminesConcentrationMeasurement(commands, credsIssuerConfig); |
| registerClusterChlorineConcentrationMeasurement(commands, credsIssuerConfig); |
| registerClusterFecalColiformAndEColiConcentrationMeasurement(commands, credsIssuerConfig); |
| registerClusterFluorideConcentrationMeasurement(commands, credsIssuerConfig); |
| registerClusterHaloaceticAcidsConcentrationMeasurement(commands, credsIssuerConfig); |
| registerClusterTotalTrihalomethanesConcentrationMeasurement(commands, credsIssuerConfig); |
| registerClusterTotalColiformBacteriaConcentrationMeasurement(commands, credsIssuerConfig); |
| registerClusterTurbidityConcentrationMeasurement(commands, credsIssuerConfig); |
| registerClusterCopperConcentrationMeasurement(commands, credsIssuerConfig); |
| registerClusterLeadConcentrationMeasurement(commands, credsIssuerConfig); |
| registerClusterManganeseConcentrationMeasurement(commands, credsIssuerConfig); |
| registerClusterSulfateConcentrationMeasurement(commands, credsIssuerConfig); |
| registerClusterBromodichloromethaneConcentrationMeasurement(commands, credsIssuerConfig); |
| registerClusterBromoformConcentrationMeasurement(commands, credsIssuerConfig); |
| registerClusterChlorodibromomethaneConcentrationMeasurement(commands, credsIssuerConfig); |
| registerClusterChloroformConcentrationMeasurement(commands, credsIssuerConfig); |
| registerClusterSodiumConcentrationMeasurement(commands, credsIssuerConfig); |
| registerClusterIasZone(commands, credsIssuerConfig); |
| registerClusterIasAce(commands, credsIssuerConfig); |
| registerClusterIasWd(commands, credsIssuerConfig); |
| registerClusterWakeOnLan(commands, credsIssuerConfig); |
| registerClusterChannel(commands, credsIssuerConfig); |
| registerClusterTargetNavigator(commands, credsIssuerConfig); |
| registerClusterMediaPlayback(commands, credsIssuerConfig); |
| registerClusterMediaInput(commands, credsIssuerConfig); |
| registerClusterLowPower(commands, credsIssuerConfig); |
| registerClusterKeypadInput(commands, credsIssuerConfig); |
| registerClusterContentLauncher(commands, credsIssuerConfig); |
| registerClusterAudioOutput(commands, credsIssuerConfig); |
| registerClusterApplicationLauncher(commands, credsIssuerConfig); |
| registerClusterApplicationBasic(commands, credsIssuerConfig); |
| registerClusterAccountLogin(commands, credsIssuerConfig); |
| registerClusterTestCluster(commands, credsIssuerConfig); |
| registerClusterMessaging(commands, credsIssuerConfig); |
| registerClusterApplianceIdentification(commands, credsIssuerConfig); |
| registerClusterMeterIdentification(commands, credsIssuerConfig); |
| registerClusterApplianceEventsAndAlert(commands, credsIssuerConfig); |
| registerClusterApplianceStatistics(commands, credsIssuerConfig); |
| registerClusterElectricalMeasurement(commands, credsIssuerConfig); |
| registerClusterSubscriptions(commands, credsIssuerConfig); |
| } |