blob: 9640a4a533005bfff15db220385eb7d4c7657ee3 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2022-2023 Project CHIP Authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#import <Matter/MTRDefines.h>
#import <os/lock.h>
#import "MTRAsyncWorkQueue.h"
#import "MTRAttributeSpecifiedCheck.h"
#import "MTRBaseClusters.h"
#import "MTRBaseDevice_Internal.h"
#import "MTRBaseSubscriptionCallback.h"
#import "MTRCluster.h"
#import "MTRClusterConstants.h"
#import "MTRCommandTimedCheck.h"
#import "MTRConversion.h"
#import "MTRDefines_Internal.h"
#import "MTRDeviceController_Internal.h"
#import "MTRDevice_Internal.h"
#import "MTRError_Internal.h"
#import "MTREventTLVValueDecoder_Internal.h"
#import "MTRLogging_Internal.h"
#import "MTRTimeUtils.h"
#import "MTRUnfairLock.h"
#import "zap-generated/MTRCommandPayloads_Internal.h"
#include "lib/core/CHIPError.h"
#include "lib/core/DataModelTypes.h"
#include <app/ConcreteAttributePath.h>
#include <app/AttributePathParams.h>
#include <app/BufferedReadCallback.h>
#include <app/ClusterStateCache.h>
#include <app/InteractionModelEngine.h>
#include <platform/PlatformManager.h>
typedef void (^MTRDeviceAttributeReportHandler)(NSArray * _Nonnull);
NSString * const MTRPreviousDataKey = @"previousData";
NSString * const MTRDataVersionKey = @"dataVersion";
#define kSecondsToWaitBeforeMarkingUnreachableAfterSettingUpSubscription 10
// Consider moving utility classes to their own file
#pragma mark - Utility Classes
// This class is for storing weak references in a container
@interface MTRWeakReference<ObjectType> : NSObject
+ (instancetype)weakReferenceWithObject:(ObjectType)object;
- (instancetype)initWithObject:(ObjectType)object;
- (ObjectType)strongObject; // returns strong object or NULL
@interface MTRWeakReference () {
__weak id _object;
@implementation MTRWeakReference
- (instancetype)initWithObject:(id)object
if (self = [super init]) {
_object = object;
return self;
+ (instancetype)weakReferenceWithObject:(id)object
return [[self alloc] initWithObject:object];
- (id)strongObject
return _object;
NSNumber * MTRClampedNumber(NSNumber * aNumber, NSNumber * min, NSNumber * max)
if ([aNumber compare:min] == NSOrderedAscending) {
return min;
} else if ([aNumber compare:max] == NSOrderedDescending) {
return max;
return aNumber;
#pragma mark - SubscriptionCallback class declaration
using namespace chip;
using namespace chip::app;
using namespace chip::Protocols::InteractionModel;
typedef void (^FirstReportHandler)(void);
namespace {
class SubscriptionCallback final : public MTRBaseSubscriptionCallback {
SubscriptionCallback(DataReportCallback attributeReportCallback, DataReportCallback eventReportCallback,
ErrorCallback errorCallback, MTRDeviceResubscriptionScheduledHandler resubscriptionCallback,
SubscriptionEstablishedHandler subscriptionEstablishedHandler, OnDoneHandler onDoneHandler,
UnsolicitedMessageFromPublisherHandler unsolicitedMessageFromPublisherHandler, ReportBeginHandler reportBeginHandler,
ReportEndHandler reportEndHandler)
: MTRBaseSubscriptionCallback(attributeReportCallback, eventReportCallback, errorCallback, resubscriptionCallback,
subscriptionEstablishedHandler, onDoneHandler, unsolicitedMessageFromPublisherHandler, reportBeginHandler,
void OnEventData(const EventHeader & aEventHeader, TLV::TLVReader * apData, const StatusIB * apStatus) override;
void OnAttributeData(const ConcreteDataAttributePath & aPath, TLV::TLVReader * apData, const StatusIB & aStatus) override;
} // anonymous namespace
#pragma mark - MTRDevice
typedef NS_ENUM(NSUInteger, MTRInternalDeviceState) {
// Unsubscribed means we do not have a subscription and are not trying to set one up.
MTRInternalDeviceStateUnsubscribed = 0,
// Subscribing means we are actively trying to establish our initial subscription (e.g. doing
// DNS-SD discovery, trying to establish CASE to the peer, getting priming reports, etc).
MTRInternalDeviceStateSubscribing = 1,
// InitialSubscriptionEstablished means we have at some point finished setting up a
// subscription. That subscription may have dropped since then, but if so it's the ReadClient's
// responsibility to re-establish it.
MTRInternalDeviceStateInitalSubscriptionEstablished = 2,
// Utility methods for working with MTRInternalDeviceState, located near the
// enum so it's easier to notice that they need to stay in sync.
namespace {
bool HadSubscriptionEstablishedOnce(MTRInternalDeviceState state)
return state >= MTRInternalDeviceStateInitalSubscriptionEstablished;
bool NeedToStartSubscriptionSetup(MTRInternalDeviceState state)
return state <= MTRInternalDeviceStateUnsubscribed;
} // anonymous namespace
typedef NS_ENUM(NSUInteger, MTRDeviceExpectedValueFieldIndex) {
MTRDeviceExpectedValueFieldExpirationTimeIndex = 0,
MTRDeviceExpectedValueFieldValueIndex = 1,
MTRDeviceExpectedValueFieldIDIndex = 2
typedef NS_ENUM(NSUInteger, MTRDeviceReadRequestFieldIndex) {
MTRDeviceReadRequestFieldPathIndex = 0,
MTRDeviceReadRequestFieldParamsIndex = 1
typedef NS_ENUM(NSUInteger, MTRDeviceWorkItemBatchingID) {
MTRDeviceWorkItemBatchingReadID = 1,
typedef NS_ENUM(NSUInteger, MTRDeviceWorkItemDuplicateTypeID) {
MTRDeviceWorkItemDuplicateReadTypeID = 1,
@implementation MTRDeviceClusterData
static NSString * const sDataVersionKey = @"dataVersion";
static NSString * const sAttributesKey = @"attributes";
+ (BOOL)supportsSecureCoding
return YES;
- (NSString *)description
return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"<MTRDeviceClusterData: dataVersion %@ attributes count %lu>", _dataVersion, static_cast<unsigned long>(_attributes.count)];
- (nullable instancetype)initWithDataVersion:(NSNumber * _Nullable)dataVersion attributes:(NSDictionary<NSNumber *, MTRDeviceDataValueDictionary> * _Nullable)attributes
self = [super init];
if (self == nil) {
return nil;
_dataVersion = [dataVersion copy];
_attributes = [attributes copy];
return self;
- (nullable instancetype)initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)decoder
self = [super init];
if (self == nil) {
return nil;
_dataVersion = [decoder decodeObjectOfClass:[NSNumber class] forKey:sDataVersionKey];
if (_dataVersion != nil && ![_dataVersion isKindOfClass:[NSNumber class]]) {
MTR_LOG_ERROR("MTRDeviceClusterData got %@ for data version, not NSNumber.", _dataVersion);
return nil;
static NSSet * const sAttributeValueClasses = [NSSet setWithObjects:[NSDictionary class], [NSArray class], [NSData class], [NSString class], [NSNumber class], nil];
_attributes = [decoder decodeObjectOfClasses:sAttributeValueClasses forKey:sAttributesKey];
if (_attributes != nil && ![_attributes isKindOfClass:[NSDictionary class]]) {
MTR_LOG_ERROR("MTRDeviceClusterData got %@ for attributes, not NSDictionary.", _attributes);
return nil;
return self;
- (void)encodeWithCoder:(NSCoder *)coder
[coder encodeObject:self.dataVersion forKey:sDataVersionKey];
[coder encodeObject:self.attributes forKey:sAttributesKey];
- (id)copyWithZone:(NSZone *)zone
return [[MTRDeviceClusterData alloc] initWithDataVersion:_dataVersion attributes:_attributes];
@interface MTRDevice ()
@property (nonatomic, readonly) os_unfair_lock lock; // protects the caches and device state
// protects against concurrent time updates by guarding timeUpdateScheduled flag which manages time updates scheduling,
// and protects device calls to setUTCTime and setDSTOffset
@property (nonatomic, readonly) os_unfair_lock timeSyncLock;
@property (nonatomic) chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex;
@property (nonatomic) MTRWeakReference<id<MTRDeviceDelegate>> * weakDelegate;
@property (nonatomic) dispatch_queue_t delegateQueue;
@property (nonatomic) NSMutableArray<NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *> * unreportedEvents;
@property (nonatomic) BOOL receivingReport;
@property (nonatomic) BOOL receivingPrimingReport;
// TODO: instead of all the BOOL properties that are some facet of the state, move to internal state machine that has (at least):
// Actively receiving report
// Actively receiving priming report
@property (nonatomic) MTRInternalDeviceState internalDeviceState;
@property (nonatomic) uint32_t lastSubscriptionAttemptWait;
* If reattemptingSubscription is true, that means that we have failed to get a
* CASE session for the publisher and are now waiting to try again. In this
* state we never have subscriptionActive true or a non-null currentReadClient.
@property (nonatomic) BOOL reattemptingSubscription;
// Read cache is attributePath => NSDictionary of value.
// See MTRDeviceResponseHandler definition for value dictionary details.
@property (nonatomic) NSMutableDictionary<MTRAttributePath *, NSDictionary *> * readCache;
// Expected value cache is attributePath => NSArray of [NSDate of expiration time, NSDictionary of value, expected value ID]
// - See MTRDeviceExpectedValueFieldIndex for the definitions of indices into this array.
// See MTRDeviceResponseHandler definition for value dictionary details.
@property (nonatomic) NSMutableDictionary<MTRAttributePath *, NSArray *> * expectedValueCache;
// This is a monotonically increasing value used when adding entries to expectedValueCache
// Currently used/updated only in _getAttributesToReportWithNewExpectedValues:expirationTime:expectedValueID:
@property (nonatomic) uint64_t expectedValueNextID;
@property (nonatomic) BOOL expirationCheckScheduled;
@property (nonatomic) BOOL timeUpdateScheduled;
@property (nonatomic) NSDate * estimatedStartTimeFromGeneralDiagnosticsUpTime;
@property (nonatomic) NSMutableDictionary * temporaryMetaDataCache;
* If currentReadClient is non-null, that means that we successfully
* called SendAutoResubscribeRequest on the ReadClient and have not yet gotten
* an OnDone for that ReadClient.
@property (nonatomic) ReadClient * currentReadClient;
@property (nonatomic) SubscriptionCallback * currentSubscriptionCallback; // valid when and only when currentReadClient is valid
// Declaring selector so compiler won't complain about testing and calling it in _handleReportEnd
#ifdef DEBUG
@protocol MTRDeviceUnitTestDelegate <MTRDeviceDelegate>
- (void)unitTestReportEndForDevice:(MTRDevice *)device;
- (BOOL)unitTestShouldSetUpSubscriptionForDevice:(MTRDevice *)device;
- (BOOL)unitTestShouldSkipExpectedValuesForWrite:(MTRDevice *)device;
- (NSNumber *)unitTestMaxIntervalOverrideForSubscription:(MTRDevice *)device;
@implementation MTRDevice {
#ifdef DEBUG
NSUInteger _unitTestAttributesReportedSinceLastCheck;
BOOL _delegateDeviceCachePrimedCalled;
// With MTRDeviceClusterData now able to hold attribute data, the plan is to move to using it
// as the read cache, should testing prove attribute storage by cluster is the better solution.
NSMutableDictionary<MTRClusterPath *, MTRDeviceClusterData *> * _clusterData;
NSMutableSet<MTRClusterPath *> * _clustersToPersist;
- (instancetype)initWithNodeID:(NSNumber *)nodeID controller:(MTRDeviceController *)controller
if (self = [super init]) {
_timeSyncLock = OS_UNFAIR_LOCK_INIT;
_nodeID = [nodeID copy];
_fabricIndex = controller.fabricIndex;
_deviceController = controller;
= dispatch_queue_create("org.csa-iot.matter.framework.device.workqueue", DISPATCH_QUEUE_SERIAL_WITH_AUTORELEASE_POOL);
_readCache = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
_expectedValueCache = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
_asyncWorkQueue = [[MTRAsyncWorkQueue alloc] initWithContext:self];
_state = MTRDeviceStateUnknown;
_internalDeviceState = MTRInternalDeviceStateUnsubscribed;
_clusterData = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
MTR_LOG_INFO("%@ init with hex nodeID 0x%016llX", self, _nodeID.unsignedLongLongValue);
return self;
- (NSString *)description
return [NSString
stringWithFormat:@"<MTRDevice: %p>[fabric: %u, nodeID: 0x%016llX]", self, _fabricIndex, _nodeID.unsignedLongLongValue];
+ (MTRDevice *)deviceWithNodeID:(NSNumber *)nodeID controller:(MTRDeviceController *)controller
return [controller deviceForNodeID:nodeID];
#pragma mark - Time Synchronization
- (void)_setTimeOnDevice
NSDate * now = [NSDate date];
// If no date available, error
if (!now) {
MTR_LOG_ERROR("%@ Could not retrieve current date. Unable to setUTCTime on endpoints.", self);
uint64_t matterEpochTimeMicroseconds = 0;
if (!DateToMatterEpochMicroseconds(now, matterEpochTimeMicroseconds)) {
MTR_LOG_ERROR("%@ Could not convert NSDate (%@) to Matter Epoch Time. Unable to setUTCTime on endpoints.", self, now);
// Set Time on each Endpoint with a Time Synchronization Cluster Server
NSArray<NSNumber *> * endpointsToSync = [self _endpointsWithTimeSyncClusterServer];
for (NSNumber * endpoint in endpointsToSync) {
MTR_LOG_DEBUG("%@ Setting Time on Endpoint %@", self, endpoint);
[self _setUTCTime:matterEpochTimeMicroseconds withGranularity:MTRTimeSynchronizationGranularityMicrosecondsGranularity forEndpoint:endpoint];
// Check how many DST offsets this endpoint supports.
auto dstOffsetsMaxSizePath = [MTRAttributePath attributePathWithEndpointID:endpoint clusterID:@(MTRClusterIDTypeTimeSynchronizationID) attributeID:@(MTRAttributeIDTypeClusterTimeSynchronizationAttributeDSTOffsetListMaxSizeID)];
auto dstOffsetsMaxSize = [self readAttributeWithEndpointID:dstOffsetsMaxSizePath.endpoint clusterID:dstOffsetsMaxSizePath.cluster attributeID:dstOffsetsMaxSizePath.attribute params:nil];
if (dstOffsetsMaxSize == nil) {
// This endpoint does not support TZ, so won't support SetDSTOffset.
MTR_LOG_DEFAULT("%@ Unable to SetDSTOffset on endpoint %@, since it does not support the TZ feature", self, endpoint);
auto attrReport = [[MTRAttributeReport alloc] initWithResponseValue:@{
MTRAttributePathKey : dstOffsetsMaxSizePath,
MTRDataKey : dstOffsetsMaxSize,
uint8_t maxOffsetCount;
if (attrReport == nil) {
MTR_LOG_ERROR("%@ DSTOffsetListMaxSize value on endpoint %@ is invalid. Defaulting to 1.", self, endpoint);
maxOffsetCount = 1;
} else {
NSNumber * maxOffsetCountAsNumber = attrReport.value;
maxOffsetCount = maxOffsetCountAsNumber.unsignedCharValue;
if (maxOffsetCount == 0) {
MTR_LOG_ERROR("%@ DSTOffsetListMaxSize value on endpoint %@ is 0, which is not allowed. Defaulting to 1.", self, endpoint);
maxOffsetCount = 1;
auto * dstOffsets = MTRComputeDSTOffsets(maxOffsetCount);
if (dstOffsets == nil) {
MTR_LOG_ERROR("%@ Could not retrieve DST offset information. Unable to setDSTOffset on endpoint %@.", self, endpoint);
[self _setDSTOffsets:dstOffsets forEndpoint:endpoint];
- (void)_scheduleNextUpdate:(UInt64)nextUpdateInSeconds
MTRWeakReference<MTRDevice *> * weakSelf = [MTRWeakReference weakReferenceWithObject:self];
dispatch_after(dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, (int64_t) (nextUpdateInSeconds * NSEC_PER_SEC)), self.queue, ^{
MTR_LOG_DEBUG("%@ Timer expired, start Device Time Update", self);
MTRDevice * strongSelf = weakSelf.strongObject;
if (strongSelf) {
[strongSelf _performScheduledTimeUpdate];
} else {
MTR_LOG_DEBUG("%@ MTRDevice no longer valid. No Timer Scheduled will be scheduled for a Device Time Update.", self);
self.timeUpdateScheduled = YES;
MTR_LOG_DEBUG("%@ Timer Scheduled for next Device Time Update, in %llu seconds", self, nextUpdateInSeconds);
// Time Updates are a day apart (this can be changed in the future)
// assume lock is held
- (void)_updateDeviceTimeAndScheduleNextUpdate
if (self.timeUpdateScheduled) {
MTR_LOG_DEBUG("%@ Device Time Update already scheduled", self);
[self _setTimeOnDevice];
- (void)_performScheduledTimeUpdate
std::lock_guard lock(_timeSyncLock);
// Device needs to still be reachable
if (self.state != MTRDeviceStateReachable) {
MTR_LOG_DEBUG("%@ Device is not reachable, canceling Device Time Updates.", self);
// Device must not be invalidated
if (!self.timeUpdateScheduled) {
MTR_LOG_DEBUG("%@ Device Time Update is no longer scheduled, MTRDevice may have been invalidated.", self);
self.timeUpdateScheduled = NO;
[self _updateDeviceTimeAndScheduleNextUpdate];
- (NSArray<NSNumber *> *)_endpointsWithTimeSyncClusterServer
auto partsList = [self readAttributeWithEndpointID:@(0) clusterID:@(MTRClusterIDTypeDescriptorID) attributeID:@(MTRAttributeIDTypeClusterDescriptorAttributePartsListID) params:nil];
NSMutableArray<NSNumber *> * endpointsOnDevice = [self arrayOfNumbersFromAttributeValue:partsList];
if (!endpointsOnDevice) {
endpointsOnDevice = [[NSMutableArray<NSNumber *> alloc] init];
// Add Root node!
[endpointsOnDevice addObject:@(0)];
NSMutableArray<NSNumber *> * endpointsWithTimeSyncCluster = [[NSMutableArray<NSNumber *> alloc] init];
for (NSNumber * endpoint in endpointsOnDevice) {
// Get list of server clusters on endpoint
auto clusterList = [self readAttributeWithEndpointID:endpoint clusterID:@(MTRClusterIDTypeDescriptorID) attributeID:@(MTRAttributeIDTypeClusterDescriptorAttributeServerListID) params:nil];
NSArray<NSNumber *> * clusterArray = [self arrayOfNumbersFromAttributeValue:clusterList];
if (clusterArray && [clusterArray containsObject:@(MTRClusterIDTypeTimeSynchronizationID)]) {
[endpointsWithTimeSyncCluster addObject:endpoint];
MTR_LOG_DEBUG("%@ Device has following endpoints with Time Sync Cluster Server: %@", self, endpointsWithTimeSyncCluster);
return endpointsWithTimeSyncCluster;
- (void)_setUTCTime:(UInt64)matterEpochTime withGranularity:(uint8_t)granularity forEndpoint:(NSNumber *)endpoint
MTR_LOG_DEBUG(" %@ _setUTCTime with matterEpochTime: %llu, endpoint %@", self, matterEpochTime, endpoint);
MTRTimeSynchronizationClusterSetUTCTimeParams * params = [[MTRTimeSynchronizationClusterSetUTCTimeParams
alloc] init];
params.utcTime = @(matterEpochTime);
params.granularity = @(granularity);
auto setUTCTimeResponseHandler = ^(id _Nullable response, NSError * _Nullable error) {
if (error) {
MTR_LOG_ERROR("%@ _setUTCTime failed on endpoint %@, with parameters %@, error: %@", self, endpoint, params, error);
[self _invokeKnownCommandWithEndpointID:endpoint
- (void)_setDSTOffsets:(NSArray<MTRTimeSynchronizationClusterDSTOffsetStruct *> *)dstOffsets forEndpoint:(NSNumber *)endpoint
MTR_LOG_DEBUG("%@ _setDSTOffsets with offsets: %@, endpoint %@",
self, dstOffsets, endpoint);
MTRTimeSynchronizationClusterSetDSTOffsetParams * params = [[MTRTimeSynchronizationClusterSetDSTOffsetParams
alloc] init];
params.dstOffset = dstOffsets;
auto setDSTOffsetResponseHandler = ^(id _Nullable response, NSError * _Nullable error) {
if (error) {
MTR_LOG_ERROR("%@ _setDSTOffsets failed on endpoint %@, with parameters %@, error: %@", self, endpoint, params, error);
[self _invokeKnownCommandWithEndpointID:endpoint
- (NSMutableArray<NSNumber *> *)arrayOfNumbersFromAttributeValue:(NSDictionary *)dataDictionary
if (![MTRArrayValueType isEqual:dataDictionary[MTRTypeKey]]) {
return nil;
id value = dataDictionary[MTRValueKey];
if (![value isKindOfClass:NSArray.class]) {
return nil;
NSArray * valueArray = value;
__auto_type outputArray = [NSMutableArray<NSNumber *> arrayWithCapacity:valueArray.count];
for (id item in valueArray) {
if (![item isKindOfClass:NSDictionary.class]) {
return nil;
NSDictionary * itemDictionary = item;
id data = itemDictionary[MTRDataKey];
if (![data isKindOfClass:NSDictionary.class]) {
return nil;
NSDictionary * dataDictionary = data;
id dataType = dataDictionary[MTRTypeKey];
id dataValue = dataDictionary[MTRValueKey];
if (![dataType isKindOfClass:NSString.class] || ![dataValue isKindOfClass:NSNumber.class]) {
return nil;
[outputArray addObject:dataValue];
return outputArray;
#pragma mark Subscription and delegate handling
// subscription intervals are in seconds
#define MTR_DEVICE_SUBSCRIPTION_MAX_INTERVAL_MIN (1 * 60) // 1 minute (for now)
#define MTR_DEVICE_SUBSCRIPTION_MAX_INTERVAL_MAX (60 * 60) // 60 minutes
- (void)setDelegate:(id<MTRDeviceDelegate>)delegate queue:(dispatch_queue_t)queue
MTR_LOG_INFO("%@ setDelegate %@", self, delegate);
BOOL setUpSubscription = YES;
// For unit testing only
#ifdef DEBUG
id testDelegate = delegate;
if ([testDelegate respondsToSelector:@selector(unitTestShouldSetUpSubscriptionForDevice:)]) {
setUpSubscription = [testDelegate unitTestShouldSetUpSubscriptionForDevice:self];
std::lock_guard lock(_lock);
_weakDelegate = [MTRWeakReference weakReferenceWithObject:delegate];
_delegateQueue = queue;
// If Check if cache is already primed and client hasn't been informed yet, call the -deviceCachePrimed: callback
if (!_delegateDeviceCachePrimedCalled && [self _isCachePrimedWithInitialConfigurationData]) {
[self _callDelegateDeviceCachePrimed];
if (setUpSubscription) {
[self _setupSubscription];
- (void)invalidate
MTR_LOG_INFO("%@ invalidate", self);
[_asyncWorkQueue invalidate];
_timeUpdateScheduled = NO;
_state = MTRDeviceStateUnknown;
_weakDelegate = nil;
// Make sure we don't try to resubscribe if we have a pending resubscribe
// attempt, since we now have no delegate.
_reattemptingSubscription = NO;
// We do not change _internalDeviceState here, because we might still have a
// subscription. In that case, _internalDeviceState will update when the
// subscription is actually terminated.
- (void)nodeMayBeAdvertisingOperational
MTR_LOG_DEFAULT("%@ saw new operational advertisement", self);
// We might want to trigger a resubscribe on our existing ReadClient. Do
// that outside the scope of our lock, so we're not calling arbitrary code
// we don't control with the lock held. This is safe, because when
// nodeMayBeAdvertisingOperational is called we are running on the Matter
// queue, and the ReadClient can't get destroyed while we are on that queue.
ReadClient * readClientToResubscribe = nullptr;
SubscriptionCallback * subscriptionCallback = nullptr;
// Don't change state to MTRDeviceStateReachable, since the device might not
// in fact be reachable yet; we won't know until we have managed to
// establish a CASE session. And at that point, our subscription will
// trigger the state change as needed.
if (self.reattemptingSubscription) {
[self _reattemptSubscriptionNowIfNeeded];
} else {
readClientToResubscribe = self->_currentReadClient;
subscriptionCallback = self->_currentSubscriptionCallback;
if (readClientToResubscribe) {
readClientToResubscribe->TriggerResubscribeIfScheduled("operational advertisement seen");
// Return YES if there's a valid delegate AND subscription is expected to report value
- (BOOL)_subscriptionAbleToReport
std::lock_guard lock(_lock);
id<MTRDeviceDelegate> delegate = _weakDelegate.strongObject;
return (delegate != nil) && (_state == MTRDeviceStateReachable);
- (BOOL)_callDelegateWithBlock:(void (^)(id<MTRDeviceDelegate>))block
id<MTRDeviceDelegate> delegate = _weakDelegate.strongObject;
if (delegate) {
dispatch_async(_delegateQueue, ^{
return YES;
return NO;
- (void)_callDelegateDeviceCachePrimed
_delegateDeviceCachePrimedCalled = [self _callDelegateWithBlock:^(id<MTRDeviceDelegate> delegate) {
if ([delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(deviceCachePrimed:)]) {
[delegate deviceCachePrimed:self];
// assume lock is held
- (void)_changeState:(MTRDeviceState)state
MTRDeviceState lastState = _state;
_state = state;
if (lastState != state) {
if (state != MTRDeviceStateReachable) {
MTR_LOG_INFO("%@ reachability state change %lu => %lu, set estimated start time to nil", self, static_cast<unsigned long>(lastState),
static_cast<unsigned long>(state));
_estimatedStartTime = nil;
_estimatedStartTimeFromGeneralDiagnosticsUpTime = nil;
} else {
"%@ reachability state change %lu => %lu", self, static_cast<unsigned long>(lastState), static_cast<unsigned long>(state));
id<MTRDeviceDelegate> delegate = _weakDelegate.strongObject;
if (delegate) {
dispatch_async(_delegateQueue, ^{
[delegate device:self stateChanged:state];
} else {
"%@ Not reporting reachability state change, since no change in state %lu => %lu", self, static_cast<unsigned long>(lastState), static_cast<unsigned long>(state));
// First Time Sync happens 2 minutes after reachability (this can be changed in the future)
- (void)_handleSubscriptionEstablished
// reset subscription attempt wait time when subscription succeeds
_lastSubscriptionAttemptWait = 0;
_internalDeviceState = MTRInternalDeviceStateInitalSubscriptionEstablished;
// As subscription is established, check if the delegate needs to be informed
if (!_delegateDeviceCachePrimedCalled) {
[self _callDelegateDeviceCachePrimed];
[self _changeState:MTRDeviceStateReachable];
if (!self.timeUpdateScheduled) {
- (void)_handleSubscriptionError:(NSError *)error
std::lock_guard lock(_lock);
_internalDeviceState = MTRInternalDeviceStateUnsubscribed;
_unreportedEvents = nil;
[self _changeState:MTRDeviceStateUnreachable];
- (void)_handleResubscriptionNeeded
std::lock_guard lock(_lock);
[self _changeState:MTRDeviceStateUnknown];
- (void)_handleSubscriptionReset
std::lock_guard lock(_lock);
// if there is no delegate then also do not retry
id<MTRDeviceDelegate> delegate = _weakDelegate.strongObject;
if (!delegate) {
// NOTE: Do not log anythig here: we have been invalidated, and the
// Matter stack might already be torn down.
// don't schedule multiple retries
if (self.reattemptingSubscription) {
MTR_LOG_DEFAULT("%@ already reattempting subscription", self);
self.reattemptingSubscription = YES;
} else {
_lastSubscriptionAttemptWait *= 2;
MTR_LOG_DEFAULT("%@ scheduling to reattempt subscription in %u seconds", self, _lastSubscriptionAttemptWait);
dispatch_after(dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, (int64_t) (_lastSubscriptionAttemptWait * NSEC_PER_SEC)), self.queue, ^{
[self _reattemptSubscriptionNowIfNeeded];
- (void)_reattemptSubscriptionNowIfNeeded
if (!self.reattemptingSubscription) {
MTR_LOG_DEFAULT("%@ reattempting subscription", self);
self.reattemptingSubscription = NO;
[self _setupSubscription];
- (void)_handleUnsolicitedMessageFromPublisher
std::lock_guard lock(_lock);
[self _changeState:MTRDeviceStateReachable];
id<MTRDeviceDelegate> delegate = _weakDelegate.strongObject;
if (delegate) {
dispatch_async(_delegateQueue, ^{
if ([delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(deviceBecameActive:)]) {
[delegate deviceBecameActive:self];
// in case this is called during exponential back off of subscription
// reestablishment, this starts the attempt right away
// TODO: This doesn't really make sense. If we _don't_ have a live
// ReadClient how did we get this notification and if we _do_ have an active
// ReadClient, this call or _setupSubscription would be no-ops.
[self _reattemptSubscriptionNowIfNeeded];
- (void)_markDeviceAsUnreachableIfNeverSubscribed
if (HadSubscriptionEstablishedOnce(_internalDeviceState)) {
MTR_LOG_DEFAULT("%@ still not subscribed, marking the device as unreachable", self);
[self _changeState:MTRDeviceStateUnreachable];
- (void)_handleReportBegin
std::lock_guard lock(_lock);
_receivingReport = YES;
if (_state != MTRDeviceStateReachable) {
_receivingPrimingReport = YES;
[self _changeState:MTRDeviceStateReachable];
} else {
_receivingPrimingReport = NO;
- (NSDictionary<NSNumber *, MTRDeviceDataValueDictionary> *)_attributesForCluster:(MTRClusterPath *)clusterPath
NSMutableDictionary * attributesToReturn = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
for (MTRAttributePath * attributePath in _readCache) {
if ([attributePath.endpoint isEqualToNumber:clusterPath.endpoint] && [attributePath.cluster isEqualToNumber:clusterPath.cluster]) {
attributesToReturn[attributePath.attribute] = _readCache[attributePath];
return attributesToReturn;
- (NSDictionary<MTRClusterPath *, MTRDeviceClusterData *> *)_clusterDataForPaths:(NSSet<MTRClusterPath *> *)clusterPaths
NSMutableDictionary * clusterDataToReturn = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
for (MTRClusterPath * clusterPath in clusterPaths) {
NSNumber * dataVersion = _clusterData[clusterPath].dataVersion;
NSDictionary<NSNumber *, MTRDeviceDataValueDictionary> * attributes = [self _attributesForCluster:clusterPath];
if (dataVersion || attributes) {
MTRDeviceClusterData * clusterData = [[MTRDeviceClusterData alloc] initWithDataVersion:dataVersion attributes:attributes];
clusterDataToReturn[clusterPath] = clusterData;
return clusterDataToReturn;
- (void)_handleReportEnd
std::lock_guard lock(_lock);
_receivingReport = NO;
_receivingPrimingReport = NO;
_estimatedStartTimeFromGeneralDiagnosticsUpTime = nil;
BOOL dataStoreExists = _deviceController.controllerDataStore != nil;
if (dataStoreExists && _clustersToPersist.count) {
MTR_LOG_DEFAULT("%@ Storing cluster information (data version) count: %lu", self, static_cast<unsigned long>(_clustersToPersist.count));
NSDictionary<MTRClusterPath *, MTRDeviceClusterData *> * clusterData = [self _clusterDataForPaths:_clustersToPersist];
[_deviceController.controllerDataStore storeClusterData:clusterData forNodeID:_nodeID];
_clustersToPersist = nil;
// For unit testing only
#ifdef DEBUG
id delegate = _weakDelegate.strongObject;
if (delegate) {
dispatch_async(_delegateQueue, ^{
if ([delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(unitTestReportEndForDevice:)]) {
[delegate unitTestReportEndForDevice:self];
// assume lock is held
- (void)_reportAttributes:(NSArray<NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *> *)attributes
if (attributes.count) {
id<MTRDeviceDelegate> delegate = _weakDelegate.strongObject;
if (delegate) {
dispatch_async(_delegateQueue, ^{
[delegate device:self receivedAttributeReport:attributes];
- (void)_handleAttributeReport:(NSArray<NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *> *)attributeReport
std::lock_guard lock(_lock);
// _getAttributesToReportWithReportedValues will log attribute paths reported
[self _reportAttributes:[self _getAttributesToReportWithReportedValues:attributeReport]];
#ifdef DEBUG
- (void)unitTestInjectEventReport:(NSArray<NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *> *)eventReport
dispatch_async(self.queue, ^{
[self _handleEventReport:eventReport];
- (void)_handleEventReport:(NSArray<NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *> *)eventReport
std::lock_guard lock(_lock);
NSDate * oldEstimatedStartTime = _estimatedStartTime;
// Combine with previous unreported events, if they exist
NSMutableArray * reportToReturn;
if (_unreportedEvents) {
reportToReturn = _unreportedEvents;
} else {
reportToReturn = [NSMutableArray array];
for (NSDictionary<NSString *, id> * eventDict in eventReport) {
// Whenever a StartUp event is received, reset the estimated start time
// New subscription case
// - Starts Unreachable
// - Start CASE and send subscription request
// - Receive priming report ReportBegin
// - Optionally receive UpTime attribute - update time and save start time estimate
// - Optionally receive StartUp event
// - Set estimated system time from event receipt time, or saved UpTime estimate if exists
// - ReportEnd handler clears the saved start time estimate based on UpTime
// Subscription dropped from client point of view case
// - Starts Unreachable
// - Resubscribe happens after some time, and then same as the above
// Server resuming subscription after reboot case
// - Starts Reachable
// - Receive priming report ReportBegin
// - Optionally receive UpTime attribute - update time and save value
// - Optionally receive StartUp event
// - Set estimated system time from event receipt time, or saved UpTime estimate if exists
// - ReportEnd handler clears the saved start time estimate based on UpTime
// Server resuming subscription after timeout case
// - Starts Reachable
// - Receive priming report ReportBegin
// - Optionally receive UpTime attribute - update time and save value
// - ReportEnd handler clears the saved start time estimate based on UpTime
MTREventPath * eventPath = eventDict[MTREventPathKey];
BOOL isStartUpEvent = (eventPath.cluster.unsignedLongValue == MTRClusterIDTypeBasicInformationID)
&& (eventPath.event.unsignedLongValue == MTREventIDTypeClusterBasicInformationEventStartUpID);
if (isStartUpEvent) {
if (_estimatedStartTimeFromGeneralDiagnosticsUpTime) {
// If UpTime was received, make use of it as mark of system start time
MTR_LOG_INFO("%@ StartUp event: set estimated start time forward to %@", self,
_estimatedStartTime = _estimatedStartTimeFromGeneralDiagnosticsUpTime;
} else {
// If UpTime was not received, reset estimated start time in case of reboot
MTR_LOG_INFO("%@ StartUp event: set estimated start time to nil", self);
_estimatedStartTime = nil;
// If event time is of MTREventTimeTypeSystemUpTime type, then update estimated start time as needed
NSNumber * eventTimeTypeNumber = eventDict[MTREventTimeTypeKey];
if (!eventTimeTypeNumber) {
MTR_LOG_ERROR("%@ Event %@ missing event time type", self, eventDict);
MTREventTimeType eventTimeType = (MTREventTimeType) eventTimeTypeNumber.unsignedIntegerValue;
if (eventTimeType == MTREventTimeTypeSystemUpTime) {
NSNumber * eventTimeValueNumber = eventDict[MTREventSystemUpTimeKey];
if (!eventTimeValueNumber) {
MTR_LOG_ERROR("%@ Event %@ missing event time value", self, eventDict);
NSTimeInterval eventTimeValue = eventTimeValueNumber.doubleValue;
NSDate * potentialSystemStartTime = [NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow:-eventTimeValue];
if (!_estimatedStartTime || ([potentialSystemStartTime compare:_estimatedStartTime] == NSOrderedAscending)) {
_estimatedStartTime = potentialSystemStartTime;
NSMutableDictionary * eventToReturn = eventDict.mutableCopy;
if (_receivingPrimingReport) {
eventToReturn[MTREventIsHistoricalKey] = @(YES);
} else {
eventToReturn[MTREventIsHistoricalKey] = @(NO);
[reportToReturn addObject:eventToReturn];
if (oldEstimatedStartTime != _estimatedStartTime) {
MTR_LOG_DEFAULT("%@ updated estimated start time to %@", self, _estimatedStartTime);
id<MTRDeviceDelegate> delegate = _weakDelegate.strongObject;
if (delegate) {
_unreportedEvents = nil;
dispatch_async(_delegateQueue, ^{
[delegate device:self receivedEventReport:reportToReturn];
} else {
// save unreported events
_unreportedEvents = reportToReturn;
- (NSDictionary<MTRClusterPath *, NSNumber *> *)_getCachedDataVersions
NSMutableDictionary<MTRClusterPath *, NSNumber *> * dataVersions = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
std::lock_guard lock(_lock);
for (MTRClusterPath * path in _clusterData) {
dataVersions[path] = _clusterData[path].dataVersion;
MTR_LOG_INFO("%@ _getCachedDataVersions dataVersions count: %lu", self, static_cast<unsigned long>(dataVersions.count));
return dataVersions;
- (void)_createDataVersionFilterListFromDictionary:(NSDictionary<MTRClusterPath *, NSNumber *> *)dataVersions dataVersionFilterList:(DataVersionFilter **)dataVersionFilterList count:(size_t *)count sizeReduction:(size_t)sizeReduction
size_t maxDataVersionFilterSize = dataVersions.count;
// Check if any filter list should be generated
if (!dataVersions.count || (maxDataVersionFilterSize <= sizeReduction)) {
*count = 0;
*dataVersionFilterList = nullptr;
maxDataVersionFilterSize -= sizeReduction;
DataVersionFilter * dataVersionFilterArray = new DataVersionFilter[maxDataVersionFilterSize];
size_t i = 0;
for (MTRClusterPath * path in dataVersions) {
NSNumber * dataVersionNumber = dataVersions[path];
if (dataVersionNumber) {
dataVersionFilterArray[i++] = DataVersionFilter(static_cast<chip::EndpointId>(path.endpoint.unsignedShortValue), static_cast<chip::ClusterId>(path.cluster.unsignedLongValue), static_cast<chip::DataVersion>(dataVersionNumber.unsignedLongValue));
if (i == maxDataVersionFilterSize) {
*dataVersionFilterList = dataVersionFilterArray;
*count = maxDataVersionFilterSize;
// assume lock is held
- (void)_setupSubscription
#ifdef DEBUG
id delegate = _weakDelegate.strongObject;
Optional<System::Clock::Seconds32> maxIntervalOverride;
if (delegate) {
if ([delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(unitTestMaxIntervalOverrideForSubscription:)]) {
NSNumber * delegateMin = [delegate unitTestMaxIntervalOverrideForSubscription:self];
// for now just subscribe once
if (!NeedToStartSubscriptionSetup(_internalDeviceState)) {
_internalDeviceState = MTRInternalDeviceStateSubscribing;
// Set up a timer to mark as not reachable if it takes too long to set up a subscription
MTRWeakReference<MTRDevice *> * weakSelf = [MTRWeakReference weakReferenceWithObject:self];
dispatch_after(dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, static_cast<int64_t>(kSecondsToWaitBeforeMarkingUnreachableAfterSettingUpSubscription) * static_cast<int64_t>(NSEC_PER_SEC)), self.queue, ^{
MTRDevice * strongSelf = weakSelf.strongObject;
if (strongSelf != nil) {
std::lock_guard lock(strongSelf->_lock);
[strongSelf _markDeviceAsUnreachableIfNeverSubscribed];
completion:^(chip::Messaging::ExchangeManager * _Nullable exchangeManager,
const chip::Optional<chip::SessionHandle> & session, NSError * _Nullable error) {
if (error != nil) {
MTR_LOG_ERROR("%@ getSessionForNode error %@", self, error);
dispatch_async(self.queue, ^{
[self _handleSubscriptionError:error];
[self _handleSubscriptionReset];
auto callback = std::make_unique<SubscriptionCallback>(
^(NSArray * value) {
MTR_LOG_INFO("%@ got attribute report %@", self, value);
dispatch_async(self.queue, ^{
// OnAttributeData
[self _handleAttributeReport:value];
#ifdef DEBUG
self->_unitTestAttributesReportedSinceLastCheck += value.count;
^(NSArray * value) {
MTR_LOG_INFO("%@ got event report %@", self, value);
dispatch_async(self.queue, ^{
// OnEventReport
[self _handleEventReport:value];
^(NSError * error) {
MTR_LOG_ERROR("%@ got subscription error %@", self, error);
dispatch_async(self.queue, ^{
// OnError
[self _handleSubscriptionError:error];
^(NSError * error, NSNumber * resubscriptionDelay) {
MTR_LOG_DEFAULT("%@ got resubscription error %@ delay %@", self, error, resubscriptionDelay);
dispatch_async(self.queue, ^{
// OnResubscriptionNeeded
[self _handleResubscriptionNeeded];
^(void) {
MTR_LOG_DEFAULT("%@ got subscription established", self);
dispatch_async(self.queue, ^{
// OnSubscriptionEstablished
[self _handleSubscriptionEstablished];
^(void) {
MTR_LOG_DEFAULT("%@ got subscription done", self);
// Drop our pointer to the ReadClient immediately, since
// it's about to be destroyed and we don't want to be
// holding a dangling pointer.
self->_currentReadClient = nullptr;
self->_currentSubscriptionCallback = nullptr;
dispatch_async(self.queue, ^{
// OnDone
[self _handleSubscriptionReset];
^(void) {
MTR_LOG_DEFAULT("%@ got unsolicited message from publisher", self);
dispatch_async(self.queue, ^{
// OnUnsolicitedMessageFromPublisher
[self _handleUnsolicitedMessageFromPublisher];
^(void) {
MTR_LOG_DEFAULT("%@ got report begin", self);
dispatch_async(self.queue, ^{
[self _handleReportBegin];
^(void) {
MTR_LOG_DEFAULT("%@ got report end", self);
dispatch_async(self.queue, ^{
[self _handleReportEnd];
// Set up a cluster state cache. We just want this for the logic it has for
// tracking data versions and event numbers so we minimize the amount of data we
// request on resubscribes, so tell it not to store data.
auto clusterStateCache = std::make_unique<ClusterStateCache>(*callback.get(),
/* highestReceivedEventNumber = */ NullOptional,
/* cacheData = */ false);
auto readClient = std::make_unique<ReadClient>(InteractionModelEngine::GetInstance(), exchangeManager,
clusterStateCache->GetBufferedCallback(), ReadClient::InteractionType::Subscribe);
// Subscribe with data version filter list and retry with smaller list if out of packet space
NSDictionary<MTRClusterPath *, NSNumber *> * dataVersions = [self _getCachedDataVersions];
size_t dataVersionFilterListSizeReduction = 0;
for (;;) {
// Wildcard endpoint, cluster, attribute, event.
auto attributePath = std::make_unique<AttributePathParams>();
auto eventPath = std::make_unique<EventPathParams>();
// We want to get event reports at the minInterval, not the maxInterval.
eventPath->mIsUrgentEvent = true;
ReadPrepareParams readParams(session.Value());
readParams.mMinIntervalFloorSeconds = 0;
// Select a max interval based on the device's claimed idle sleep interval.
auto idleSleepInterval = std::chrono::duration_cast<System::Clock::Seconds32>(
auto maxIntervalCeilingMin = System::Clock::Seconds32(MTR_DEVICE_SUBSCRIPTION_MAX_INTERVAL_MIN);
if (idleSleepInterval < maxIntervalCeilingMin) {
idleSleepInterval = maxIntervalCeilingMin;
auto maxIntervalCeilingMax = System::Clock::Seconds32(MTR_DEVICE_SUBSCRIPTION_MAX_INTERVAL_MAX);
if (idleSleepInterval > maxIntervalCeilingMax) {
idleSleepInterval = maxIntervalCeilingMax;
#ifdef DEBUG
if (maxIntervalOverride.HasValue()) {
idleSleepInterval = maxIntervalOverride.Value();
readParams.mMaxIntervalCeilingSeconds = static_cast<uint16_t>(idleSleepInterval.count());
readParams.mpAttributePathParamsList = attributePath.get();
readParams.mAttributePathParamsListSize = 1;
readParams.mpEventPathParamsList = eventPath.get();
readParams.mEventPathParamsListSize = 1;
readParams.mKeepSubscriptions = true;
readParams.mIsFabricFiltered = false;
size_t dataVersionFilterListSize = 0;
DataVersionFilter * dataVersionFilterList;
[self _createDataVersionFilterListFromDictionary:dataVersions dataVersionFilterList:&dataVersionFilterList count:&dataVersionFilterListSize sizeReduction:dataVersionFilterListSizeReduction];
readParams.mDataVersionFilterListSize = dataVersionFilterListSize;
readParams.mpDataVersionFilterList = dataVersionFilterList;
// TODO: Change from local filter list generation to rehydrating ClusterStateCache ot take advantage of existing filter list sorting algorithm
// SendAutoResubscribeRequest cleans up the params, even on failure.
err = readClient->SendAutoResubscribeRequest(std::move(readParams));
if (err == CHIP_NO_ERROR) {
// If error is not a "no memory" issue, then break and go through regular resubscribe logic
if (err != CHIP_ERROR_NO_MEMORY) {
// If "no memory" error is not caused by data version filter list, break as well
if (!dataVersionFilterListSize) {
// Now "no memory" could mean subscribe request packet space ran out. Reduce size and try again immediately
if (err != CHIP_NO_ERROR) {
NSError * error = [MTRError errorForCHIPErrorCode:err logContext:self];
MTR_LOG_ERROR("%@ SendAutoResubscribeRequest error %@", self, error);
dispatch_async(self.queue, ^{
[self _handleSubscriptionError:error];
[self _handleSubscriptionReset];
MTR_LOG_DEFAULT("%@ Subscribe with data version list size %lu, reduced by %lu", self, (unsigned long) dataVersions.count, (unsigned long) dataVersionFilterListSizeReduction);
// Callback and ClusterStateCache and ReadClient will be deleted
// when OnDone is called.
self->_currentReadClient = readClient.get();
self->_currentSubscriptionCallback = callback.get();
#ifdef DEBUG
- (NSUInteger)unitTestAttributesReportedSinceLastCheck
NSUInteger attributesReportedSinceLastCheck = _unitTestAttributesReportedSinceLastCheck;
_unitTestAttributesReportedSinceLastCheck = 0;
return attributesReportedSinceLastCheck;
#pragma mark Device Interactions
// Helper function to determine whether an attribute has "Changes Omitted" quality, which indicates that past the priming report in
// a subscription, this attribute is not expected to be reported when its value changes
// * TODO: xml+codegen version to replace this hardcoded list.
static BOOL AttributeHasChangesOmittedQuality(MTRAttributePath * attributePath)
switch (attributePath.cluster.unsignedLongValue) {
case MTRClusterEthernetNetworkDiagnosticsID:
switch (attributePath.attribute.unsignedLongValue) {
case MTRClusterEthernetNetworkDiagnosticsAttributePacketRxCountID:
case MTRClusterEthernetNetworkDiagnosticsAttributePacketTxCountID:
case MTRClusterEthernetNetworkDiagnosticsAttributeTxErrCountID:
case MTRClusterEthernetNetworkDiagnosticsAttributeCollisionCountID:
case MTRClusterEthernetNetworkDiagnosticsAttributeOverrunCountID:
case MTRClusterEthernetNetworkDiagnosticsAttributeCarrierDetectID:
case MTRClusterEthernetNetworkDiagnosticsAttributeTimeSinceResetID:
return YES;
return NO;
case MTRClusterGeneralDiagnosticsID:
switch (attributePath.attribute.unsignedLongValue) {
case MTRClusterGeneralDiagnosticsAttributeUpTimeID:
case MTRClusterGeneralDiagnosticsAttributeTotalOperationalHoursID:
return YES;
return NO;
case MTRClusterThreadNetworkDiagnosticsID:
switch (attributePath.attribute.unsignedLongValue) {
case MTRClusterThreadNetworkDiagnosticsAttributeOverrunCountID:
case MTRClusterThreadNetworkDiagnosticsAttributeDetachedRoleCountID:
case MTRClusterThreadNetworkDiagnosticsAttributeChildRoleCountID:
case MTRClusterThreadNetworkDiagnosticsAttributeRouterRoleCountID:
case MTRClusterThreadNetworkDiagnosticsAttributeLeaderRoleCountID:
case MTRClusterThreadNetworkDiagnosticsAttributeAttachAttemptCountID:
case MTRClusterThreadNetworkDiagnosticsAttributePartitionIdChangeCountID:
case MTRClusterThreadNetworkDiagnosticsAttributeBetterPartitionAttachAttemptCountID:
case MTRClusterThreadNetworkDiagnosticsAttributeParentChangeCountID:
case MTRClusterThreadNetworkDiagnosticsAttributeTxTotalCountID:
case MTRClusterThreadNetworkDiagnosticsAttributeTxUnicastCountID:
case MTRClusterThreadNetworkDiagnosticsAttributeTxBroadcastCountID:
case MTRClusterThreadNetworkDiagnosticsAttributeTxAckRequestedCountID:
case MTRClusterThreadNetworkDiagnosticsAttributeTxAckedCountID:
case MTRClusterThreadNetworkDiagnosticsAttributeTxNoAckRequestedCountID:
case MTRClusterThreadNetworkDiagnosticsAttributeTxDataCountID:
case MTRClusterThreadNetworkDiagnosticsAttributeTxDataPollCountID:
case MTRClusterThreadNetworkDiagnosticsAttributeTxBeaconCountID:
case MTRClusterThreadNetworkDiagnosticsAttributeTxBeaconRequestCountID:
case MTRClusterThreadNetworkDiagnosticsAttributeTxOtherCountID:
case MTRClusterThreadNetworkDiagnosticsAttributeTxRetryCountID:
case MTRClusterThreadNetworkDiagnosticsAttributeTxDirectMaxRetryExpiryCountID:
case MTRClusterThreadNetworkDiagnosticsAttributeTxIndirectMaxRetryExpiryCountID:
case MTRClusterThreadNetworkDiagnosticsAttributeTxErrCcaCountID:
case MTRClusterThreadNetworkDiagnosticsAttributeTxErrAbortCountID:
case MTRClusterThreadNetworkDiagnosticsAttributeTxErrBusyChannelCountID:
case MTRClusterThreadNetworkDiagnosticsAttributeRxTotalCountID:
case MTRClusterThreadNetworkDiagnosticsAttributeRxUnicastCountID:
case MTRClusterThreadNetworkDiagnosticsAttributeRxBroadcastCountID:
case MTRClusterThreadNetworkDiagnosticsAttributeRxDataCountID:
case MTRClusterThreadNetworkDiagnosticsAttributeRxDataPollCountID:
case MTRClusterThreadNetworkDiagnosticsAttributeRxBeaconCountID:
case MTRClusterThreadNetworkDiagnosticsAttributeRxBeaconRequestCountID:
case MTRClusterThreadNetworkDiagnosticsAttributeRxOtherCountID:
case MTRClusterThreadNetworkDiagnosticsAttributeRxAddressFilteredCountID:
case MTRClusterThreadNetworkDiagnosticsAttributeRxDestAddrFilteredCountID:
case MTRClusterThreadNetworkDiagnosticsAttributeRxDuplicatedCountID:
case MTRClusterThreadNetworkDiagnosticsAttributeRxErrNoFrameCountID:
case MTRClusterThreadNetworkDiagnosticsAttributeRxErrUnknownNeighborCountID:
case MTRClusterThreadNetworkDiagnosticsAttributeRxErrInvalidSrcAddrCountID:
case MTRClusterThreadNetworkDiagnosticsAttributeRxErrSecCountID:
case MTRClusterThreadNetworkDiagnosticsAttributeRxErrFcsCountID:
case MTRClusterThreadNetworkDiagnosticsAttributeRxErrOtherCountID:
return YES;
return NO;
case MTRClusterWiFiNetworkDiagnosticsID:
switch (attributePath.attribute.unsignedLongValue) {
case MTRClusterWiFiNetworkDiagnosticsAttributeRssiID:
case MTRClusterWiFiNetworkDiagnosticsAttributeBeaconLostCountID:
case MTRClusterWiFiNetworkDiagnosticsAttributeBeaconRxCountID:
case MTRClusterWiFiNetworkDiagnosticsAttributePacketMulticastRxCountID:
case MTRClusterWiFiNetworkDiagnosticsAttributePacketMulticastTxCountID:
case MTRClusterWiFiNetworkDiagnosticsAttributePacketUnicastRxCountID:
case MTRClusterWiFiNetworkDiagnosticsAttributePacketUnicastTxCountID:
case MTRClusterWiFiNetworkDiagnosticsAttributeCurrentMaxRateID:
case MTRClusterWiFiNetworkDiagnosticsAttributeOverrunCountID:
return YES;
return NO;
case MTRClusterOperationalCredentialsID:
switch (attributePath.attribute.unsignedLongValue) {
case MTRClusterOperationalCredentialsAttributeNOCsID:
case MTRClusterOperationalCredentialsAttributeTrustedRootCertificatesID:
return YES;
return NO;
case MTRClusterPowerSourceID:
switch (attributePath.attribute.unsignedLongValue) {
case MTRClusterPowerSourceAttributeWiredAssessedInputVoltageID:
case MTRClusterPowerSourceAttributeWiredAssessedInputFrequencyID:
case MTRClusterPowerSourceAttributeWiredAssessedCurrentID:
case MTRClusterPowerSourceAttributeBatVoltageID:
case MTRClusterPowerSourceAttributeBatPercentRemainingID:
case MTRClusterPowerSourceAttributeBatTimeRemainingID:
case MTRClusterPowerSourceAttributeBatTimeToFullChargeID:
case MTRClusterPowerSourceAttributeBatChargingCurrentID:
return YES;
return NO;
case MTRClusterTimeSynchronizationID:
switch (attributePath.attribute.unsignedLongValue) {
case MTRClusterTimeSynchronizationAttributeUTCTimeID:
case MTRClusterTimeSynchronizationAttributeLocalTimeID:
return YES;
return NO;
return NO;
- (NSDictionary<NSString *, id> * _Nullable)readAttributeWithEndpointID:(NSNumber *)endpointID
clusterID:(NSNumber *)clusterID
attributeID:(NSNumber *)attributeID
params:(MTRReadParams *)params
MTRAttributePath * attributePath = [MTRAttributePath attributePathWithEndpointID:endpointID
BOOL attributeIsSpecified = MTRAttributeIsSpecified(clusterID.unsignedIntValue, attributeID.unsignedIntValue);
BOOL hasChangesOmittedQuality = AttributeHasChangesOmittedQuality(attributePath);
// Return current known / expected value right away
NSDictionary<NSString *, id> * attributeValueToReturn = [self _attributeValueDictionaryForAttributePath:attributePath];
// Send read request to device if any of the following are true:
// 1. The attribute is not in the specification (so we don't know whether hasChangesOmittedQuality can be trusted).
// 2. Subscription not in a state we can expect reports
// 3. There is subscription but attribute has Changes Omitted quality
// TODO: add option for BaseSubscriptionCallback to report during priming, to reduce when case 4 is hit
if (!attributeIsSpecified || ![self _subscriptionAbleToReport] || hasChangesOmittedQuality) {
// Read requests container will be a mutable array of items, each being an array containing:
// [attribute request path, params]
// Batching handler should only coalesce when params are equal.
// For this single read API there's only 1 array item. Use NSNull to stand in for nil params for easy comparison.
MTRAttributeRequestPath * readRequestPath = [MTRAttributeRequestPath requestPathWithEndpointID:endpointID
NSArray * readRequestData = @[ readRequestPath, params ?: [NSNull null] ];
// But first, check if a duplicate read request is already queued and return
if ([_asyncWorkQueue hasDuplicateForTypeID:MTRDeviceWorkItemDuplicateReadTypeID workItemData:readRequestData]) {
return attributeValueToReturn;
NSMutableArray<NSArray *> * readRequests = [NSMutableArray arrayWithObject:readRequestData];
// Create work item, set ready handler to perform task, then enqueue the work
MTRAsyncWorkItem * workItem = [[MTRAsyncWorkItem alloc] initWithQueue:self.queue];
uint64_t workItemID = workItem.uniqueID; // capture only the ID, not the work item
NSNumber * nodeID = [self nodeID];
[workItem setBatchingID:MTRDeviceWorkItemBatchingReadID data:readRequests handler:^(id opaqueDataCurrent, id opaqueDataNext) {
mtr_hide(self); // don't capture self accidentally
NSMutableArray<NSArray *> * readRequestsCurrent = opaqueDataCurrent;
NSMutableArray<NSArray *> * readRequestsNext = opaqueDataNext;
MTRBatchingOutcome outcome = MTRNotBatched;
while (readRequestsNext.count) {
// Can only read up to 9 paths at a time, per spec
if (readRequestsCurrent.count >= 9) {
MTR_LOG_INFO("Batching read attribute work item [%llu]: cannot add more work, item is full [%@:%@:%@:%@]", workItemID, nodeID, endpointID, clusterID, attributeID);
return outcome;
// if params don't match then they cannot be merged
if (![readRequestsNext[0][MTRDeviceReadRequestFieldParamsIndex]
isEqual:readRequestsCurrent[0][MTRDeviceReadRequestFieldParamsIndex]]) {
MTR_LOG_INFO("Batching read attribute work item [%llu]: cannot add more work, parameter mismatch [%@:%@:%@:%@]", workItemID, nodeID, endpointID, clusterID, attributeID);
return outcome;
// merge the next item's first request into the current item's list
auto readItem = readRequestsNext.firstObject;
[readRequestsNext removeObjectAtIndex:0];
[readRequestsCurrent addObject:readItem];
MTR_LOG_INFO("Batching read attribute work item [%llu]: added %@ (now %tu requests total) [%@:%@:%@:%@]",
workItemID, readItem, readRequestsCurrent.count, nodeID, endpointID, clusterID, attributeID);
outcome = MTRBatchedPartially;
NSCAssert(readRequestsNext.count == 0, @"should have batched everything or returned early");
return MTRBatchedFully;
[workItem setDuplicateTypeID:MTRDeviceWorkItemDuplicateReadTypeID handler:^(id opaqueItemData, BOOL * isDuplicate, BOOL * stop) {
mtr_hide(self); // don't capture self accidentally
for (NSArray * readItem in readRequests) {
if ([readItem isEqual:opaqueItemData]) {
MTR_LOG_DEFAULT("Read attribute work item [%llu] report duplicate %@ [%@:%@:%@:%@]", workItemID, readItem, nodeID, endpointID, clusterID, attributeID);
*isDuplicate = YES;
*stop = YES;
*stop = NO;
[workItem setReadyHandler:^(MTRDevice * self, NSInteger retryCount, MTRAsyncWorkCompletionBlock completion) {
// Sanity check
if (readRequests.count == 0) {
MTR_LOG_ERROR("Read attribute work item [%llu] contained no read requests", workItemID);
// Build the attribute paths from the read requests
NSMutableArray<MTRAttributeRequestPath *> * attributePaths = [NSMutableArray array];
for (NSArray * readItem in readRequests) {
NSAssert(readItem.count == 2, @"invalid read attribute item");
[attributePaths addObject:readItem[MTRDeviceReadRequestFieldPathIndex]];
// If param is the NSNull stand-in, then just use nil
id readParamObject = readRequests[0][MTRDeviceReadRequestFieldParamsIndex];
MTRReadParams * readParams = (![readParamObject isEqual:[NSNull null]]) ? readParamObject : nil;
MTRBaseDevice * baseDevice = [self newBaseDevice];
completion:^(NSArray<NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *> * _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable error) {
if (values) {
// Since the format is the same data-value dictionary, this looks like an
// attribute report
MTR_LOG_INFO("Read attribute work item [%llu] result: %@ [%@:%@:%@:%@]", workItemID, values, nodeID, endpointID, clusterID, attributeID);
[self _handleAttributeReport:values];
// TODO: better retry logic
if (error && (retryCount < 2)) {
MTR_LOG_ERROR("Read attribute work item [%llu] failed (will retry): %@ [%@:%@:%@:%@]", workItemID, error, nodeID, endpointID, clusterID, attributeID);
} else {
if (error) {
MTR_LOG_DEFAULT("Read attribute work item [%llu] failed (giving up): %@ [%@:%@:%@:%@]", workItemID, error, nodeID, endpointID, clusterID, attributeID);
[_asyncWorkQueue enqueueWorkItem:workItem descriptionWithFormat:@"read %@ %@ %@ %@", self.nodeID, endpointID, clusterID, attributeID];
return attributeValueToReturn;
- (void)writeAttributeWithEndpointID:(NSNumber *)endpointID
clusterID:(NSNumber *)clusterID
attributeID:(NSNumber *)attributeID
expectedValueInterval:(NSNumber *)expectedValueInterval
timedWriteTimeout:(NSNumber * _Nullable)timeout
if (timeout) {
timeout = MTRClampedNumber(timeout, @(1), @(UINT16_MAX));
expectedValueInterval = MTRClampedNumber(expectedValueInterval, @(1), @(UINT32_MAX));
MTRAttributePath * attributePath = [MTRAttributePath attributePathWithEndpointID:endpointID
BOOL useValueAsExpectedValue = YES;
#ifdef DEBUG
id delegate = _weakDelegate.strongObject;
if ([delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(unitTestShouldSkipExpectedValuesForWrite:)]) {
useValueAsExpectedValue = ![delegate unitTestShouldSkipExpectedValuesForWrite:self];
uint64_t expectedValueID = 0;
if (useValueAsExpectedValue) {
// Commit change into expected value cache
NSDictionary * newExpectedValueDictionary = @{ MTRAttributePathKey : attributePath, MTRDataKey : value };
[self setExpectedValues:@[ newExpectedValueDictionary ]
MTRAsyncWorkItem * workItem = [[MTRAsyncWorkItem alloc] initWithQueue:self.queue];
uint64_t workItemID = workItem.uniqueID; // capture only the ID, not the work item
// The write operation will install a duplicate check handler, to return NO for "isDuplicate". Since a write operation may
// change values, only read requests after this should be considered for duplicate requests.
[workItem setDuplicateTypeID:MTRDeviceWorkItemDuplicateReadTypeID handler:^(id opaqueItemData, BOOL * isDuplicate, BOOL * stop) {
*isDuplicate = NO;
*stop = YES;
[workItem setReadyHandler:^(MTRDevice * self, NSInteger retryCount, MTRAsyncWorkCompletionBlock completion) {
MTRBaseDevice * baseDevice = [self newBaseDevice];
completion:^(NSArray<NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *> * _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable error) {
if (error) {
MTR_LOG_ERROR("Write attribute work item [%llu] failed: %@", workItemID, error);
if (useValueAsExpectedValue) {
[self removeExpectedValueForAttributePath:attributePath expectedValueID:expectedValueID];
[_asyncWorkQueue enqueueWorkItem:workItem descriptionWithFormat:@"write %@ %@ %@ %@", self.nodeID, endpointID, clusterID, attributeID];
- (void)invokeCommandWithEndpointID:(NSNumber *)endpointID
clusterID:(NSNumber *)clusterID
commandID:(NSNumber *)commandID
commandFields:(NSDictionary<NSString *, id> * _Nullable)commandFields
expectedValues:(NSArray<NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *> * _Nullable)expectedValues
expectedValueInterval:(NSNumber * _Nullable)expectedValueInterval
if (commandFields == nil) {
commandFields = @{
MTRTypeKey : MTRStructureValueType,
MTRValueKey : @[],
[self invokeCommandWithEndpointID:endpointID
- (void)invokeCommandWithEndpointID:(NSNumber *)endpointID
clusterID:(NSNumber *)clusterID
commandID:(NSNumber *)commandID
expectedValues:(NSArray<NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *> * _Nullable)expectedValues
expectedValueInterval:(NSNumber * _Nullable)expectedValueInterval
timedInvokeTimeout:(NSNumber * _Nullable)timeout
// We don't have a way to communicate a non-default invoke timeout
// here for now.
// TODO:
[self _invokeCommandWithEndpointID:endpointID
- (void)_invokeCommandWithEndpointID:(NSNumber *)endpointID
clusterID:(NSNumber *)clusterID
commandID:(NSNumber *)commandID
expectedValues:(NSArray<NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *> * _Nullable)expectedValues
expectedValueInterval:(NSNumber * _Nullable)expectedValueInterval
timedInvokeTimeout:(NSNumber * _Nullable)timeout
serverSideProcessingTimeout:(NSNumber * _Nullable)serverSideProcessingTimeout
if (!expectedValueInterval || ([expectedValueInterval compare:@(0)] == NSOrderedAscending)) {
expectedValues = nil;
} else {
expectedValueInterval = MTRClampedNumber(expectedValueInterval, @(1), @(UINT32_MAX));
serverSideProcessingTimeout = [serverSideProcessingTimeout copy];
timeout = [timeout copy];
if (timeout == nil && MTRCommandNeedsTimedInvoke(clusterID, commandID)) {
NSDate * cutoffTime;
if (timeout) {
cutoffTime = [NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow:(timeout.doubleValue / 1000)];
uint64_t expectedValueID = 0;
NSMutableArray<MTRAttributePath *> * attributePaths = nil;
if (expectedValues) {
[self setExpectedValues:expectedValues expectedValueInterval:expectedValueInterval expectedValueID:&expectedValueID];
attributePaths = [NSMutableArray array];
for (NSDictionary<NSString *, id> * expectedValue in expectedValues) {
[attributePaths addObject:expectedValue[MTRAttributePathKey]];
MTRAsyncWorkItem * workItem = [[MTRAsyncWorkItem alloc] initWithQueue:self.queue];
uint64_t workItemID = workItem.uniqueID; // capture only the ID, not the work item
// The command operation will install a duplicate check handler, to return NO for "isDuplicate". Since a command operation may
// change values, only read requests after this should be considered for duplicate requests.
[workItem setDuplicateTypeID:MTRDeviceWorkItemDuplicateReadTypeID handler:^(id opaqueItemData, BOOL * isDuplicate, BOOL * stop) {
*isDuplicate = NO;
*stop = YES;
[workItem setReadyHandler:^(MTRDevice * self, NSInteger retryCount, MTRAsyncWorkCompletionBlock workCompletion) {
auto workDone = ^(NSArray<NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *> * _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable error) {
dispatch_async(queue, ^{
completion(values, error);
if (error && expectedValues) {
[self removeExpectedValuesForAttributePaths:attributePaths expectedValueID:expectedValueID];
NSNumber * timedInvokeTimeout = nil;
if (timeout) {
auto * now = [NSDate now];
if ([now compare:cutoffTime] == NSOrderedDescending) {
// Our timed invoke timeout has expired already. Command
// was queued for too long. Do not send it out.
workDone(nil, [MTRError errorForIMStatusCode:Status::Timeout]);
// Recompute the actual timeout left, accounting for time spent
// in our queuing and retries.
timedInvokeTimeout = @([cutoffTime timeIntervalSinceDate:now] * 1000);
MTRBaseDevice * baseDevice = [self newBaseDevice];
completion:^(NSArray<NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *> * _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable error) {
// Log the data at the INFO level (not usually persisted permanently),
// but make sure we log the work completion at the DEFAULT level.
MTR_LOG_INFO("Invoke work item [%llu] received command response: %@ error: %@", workItemID, values, error);
// TODO: This 5-retry cap is very arbitrary.
// TODO: Should there be some sort of backoff here?
if (error != nil && error.domain == MTRInteractionErrorDomain && error.code == MTRInteractionErrorCodeBusy && retryCount < 5) {
workDone(values, error);
[_asyncWorkQueue enqueueWorkItem:workItem descriptionWithFormat:@"invoke %@ %@ %@", endpointID, clusterID, commandID];
- (void)_invokeKnownCommandWithEndpointID:(NSNumber *)endpointID
clusterID:(NSNumber *)clusterID
commandID:(NSNumber *)commandID
expectedValues:(NSArray<NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *> * _Nullable)expectedValues
expectedValueInterval:(NSNumber * _Nullable)expectedValueInterval
timedInvokeTimeout:(NSNumber * _Nullable)timeout
serverSideProcessingTimeout:(NSNumber * _Nullable)serverSideProcessingTimeout
responseClass:(Class _Nullable)responseClass
completion:(void (^)(id _Nullable response, NSError * _Nullable error))completion
if (![commandPayload respondsToSelector:@selector(_encodeAsDataValue:)]) {
dispatch_async(queue, ^{
completion(nil, [MTRError errorForCHIPErrorCode:CHIP_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT]);
NSError * encodingError;
auto * commandFields = [commandPayload _encodeAsDataValue:&encodingError];
if (commandFields == nil) {
dispatch_async(queue, ^{
completion(nil, encodingError);
auto responseHandler = ^(NSArray<NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *> * _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable error) {
id _Nullable response = nil;
if (error == nil) {
if (values.count != 1) {
error = [NSError errorWithDomain:MTRErrorDomain code:MTRErrorCodeSchemaMismatch userInfo:nil];
} else if (responseClass != nil) {
response = [[responseClass alloc] initWithResponseValue:values[0] error:&error];
completion(response, error);
[self _invokeCommandWithEndpointID:endpointID
- (void)openCommissioningWindowWithSetupPasscode:(NSNumber *)setupPasscode
discriminator:(NSNumber *)discriminator
duration:(NSNumber *)duration
auto * baseDevice = [self newBaseDevice];
[baseDevice openCommissioningWindowWithSetupPasscode:setupPasscode
- (void)openCommissioningWindowWithDiscriminator:(NSNumber *)discriminator
duration:(NSNumber *)duration
auto * baseDevice = [self newBaseDevice];
[baseDevice openCommissioningWindowWithDiscriminator:discriminator duration:duration queue:queue completion:completion];
- (void)downloadLogOfType:(MTRDiagnosticLogType)type
completion:(void (^)(NSURL * _Nullable url, NSError * _Nullable error))completion
auto * baseDevice = [self newBaseDevice];
[baseDevice downloadLogOfType:type
#pragma mark - Cache management
// assume lock is held
- (void)_checkExpiredExpectedValues
// find expired attributes, and calculate next timer fire date
NSDate * now = [NSDate date];
NSDate * nextExpirationDate = nil;
// Set of NSArray with 2 elements [path, value] - this is used in this method only
NSMutableSet<NSArray *> * attributeInfoToRemove = [NSMutableSet set];
for (MTRAttributePath * attributePath in _expectedValueCache) {
NSArray * expectedValue = _expectedValueCache[attributePath];
NSDate * attributeExpirationDate = expectedValue[MTRDeviceExpectedValueFieldExpirationTimeIndex];
if (expectedValue) {
if ([now compare:attributeExpirationDate] == NSOrderedDescending) {
// expired - save [path, values] pair to attributeToRemove
[attributeInfoToRemove addObject:@[ attributePath, expectedValue[MTRDeviceExpectedValueFieldValueIndex] ]];
} else {
// get the next expiration date
if (!nextExpirationDate || [nextExpirationDate compare:attributeExpirationDate] == NSOrderedDescending) {
nextExpirationDate = attributeExpirationDate;
// remove from expected value cache and report attributes as needed
NSMutableArray * attributesToReport = [NSMutableArray array];
NSMutableArray * attributePathsToReport = [NSMutableArray array];
for (NSArray * attributeInfo in attributeInfoToRemove) {
// compare with known value and mark for report if different
MTRAttributePath * attributePath = attributeInfo[0];
NSDictionary * attributeDataValue = attributeInfo[1];
NSDictionary * cachedAttributeDataValue = _readCache[attributePath];
if (cachedAttributeDataValue
&& ![self _attributeDataValue:attributeDataValue isEqualToDataValue:cachedAttributeDataValue]) {
[attributesToReport addObject:@{ MTRAttributePathKey : attributePath, MTRDataKey : cachedAttributeDataValue, MTRPreviousDataKey : attributeDataValue }];
[attributePathsToReport addObject:attributePath];
_expectedValueCache[attributePath] = nil;
// log attribute paths
MTR_LOG_INFO("%@ report from expired expected values %@", self, attributePathsToReport);
[self _reportAttributes:attributesToReport];
// Have a reasonable minimum wait time for expiration timers
if (nextExpirationDate && _expectedValueCache.count && !self.expirationCheckScheduled) {
NSTimeInterval waitTime = [nextExpirationDate timeIntervalSinceDate:now];
MTRWeakReference<MTRDevice *> * weakSelf = [MTRWeakReference weakReferenceWithObject:self];
dispatch_after(dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, (int64_t) (waitTime * NSEC_PER_SEC)), self.queue, ^{
MTRDevice * strongSelf = weakSelf.strongObject;
[strongSelf _performScheduledExpirationCheck];
- (void)_performScheduledExpirationCheck
std::lock_guard lock(_lock);
self.expirationCheckScheduled = NO;
[self _checkExpiredExpectedValues];
// Get attribute value dictionary for an attribute path from the right cache
- (NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *)_attributeValueDictionaryForAttributePath:(MTRAttributePath *)attributePath
std::lock_guard lock(_lock);
// First check expected value cache
NSArray * expectedValue = _expectedValueCache[attributePath];
if (expectedValue) {
NSDate * now = [NSDate date];
if ([now compare:expectedValue[MTRDeviceExpectedValueFieldExpirationTimeIndex]] == NSOrderedDescending) {
// expired - purge and fall through
_expectedValueCache[attributePath] = nil;
} else {
// not yet expired - return result
return expectedValue[MTRDeviceExpectedValueFieldValueIndex];
// Then check read cache
NSDictionary<NSString *, id> * cachedAttributeValue = _readCache[attributePath];
if (cachedAttributeValue) {
return cachedAttributeValue;
} else {
// TODO: when not found in cache, generated default values should be used
MTR_LOG_INFO("%@ _attributeValueDictionaryForAttributePath: could not find cached attribute values for attribute %@", self,
return nil;
- (BOOL)_attributeDataValue:(NSDictionary *)one isEqualToDataValue:(NSDictionary *)theOther
// Sanity check for nil cases
if (!one && !theOther) {
MTR_LOG_ERROR("%@ attribute data-value comparison does not expect comparing two nil dictionaries", self);
return YES;
if (!one || !theOther) {
MTR_LOG_ERROR("%@ attribute data-value comparison does not expect a dictionary to be nil: %@ %@", self, one, theOther);
return NO;
// Attribute data-value dictionaries are equal if type and value are equal, and specifically, this should return true if values are both nil
return [one[MTRTypeKey] isEqual:theOther[MTRTypeKey]] && ((one[MTRValueKey] == theOther[MTRValueKey]) || [one[MTRValueKey] isEqual:theOther[MTRValueKey]]);
// Utility to return data value dictionary without data version
- (NSDictionary *)_dataValueWithoutDataVersion:(NSDictionary *)attributeValue;
// Sanity check for nil - return the same input to fail gracefully
if (!attributeValue || !attributeValue[MTRTypeKey]) {
return attributeValue;
if (attributeValue[MTRValueKey]) {
return @{ MTRTypeKey : attributeValue[MTRTypeKey], MTRValueKey : attributeValue[MTRValueKey] };
} else {
return @{ MTRTypeKey : attributeValue[MTRTypeKey] };
// Update cluster data version and also note the change, so at onReportEnd it can be persisted
- (void)_noteDataVersion:(NSNumber *)dataVersion forClusterPath:(MTRClusterPath *)clusterPath
BOOL dataVersionChanged = NO;
// Update data version used for subscription filtering
MTRDeviceClusterData * clusterData = _clusterData[clusterPath];
if (!clusterData) {
clusterData = [[MTRDeviceClusterData alloc] init];
_clusterData[clusterPath] = clusterData;
dataVersionChanged = YES;
} else if (![clusterData.dataVersion isEqualToNumber:dataVersion]) {
dataVersionChanged = YES;
if (dataVersionChanged) {
clusterData.dataVersion = dataVersion;
// Mark cluster path as needing persistence if needed
BOOL dataStoreExists = _deviceController.controllerDataStore != nil;
if (dataStoreExists) {
[self _noteChangeForClusterPath:clusterPath];
// Assuming data store exists, note that the cluster should be persisted at onReportEnd
- (void)_noteChangeForClusterPath:(MTRClusterPath *)clusterPath
if (!_clustersToPersist) {
_clustersToPersist = [NSMutableSet set];
[_clustersToPersist addObject:clusterPath];
// assume lock is held
- (NSArray *)_getAttributesToReportWithReportedValues:(NSArray<NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *> *)reportedAttributeValues
NSMutableArray * attributesToReport = [NSMutableArray array];
NSMutableArray * attributePathsToReport = [NSMutableArray array];
BOOL dataStoreExists = _deviceController.controllerDataStore != nil;
NSMutableArray * attributesToPersist;
if (dataStoreExists) {
attributesToPersist = [NSMutableArray array];
for (NSDictionary<NSString *, id> * attributeResponseValue in reportedAttributeValues) {
MTRAttributePath * attributePath = attributeResponseValue[MTRAttributePathKey];
NSDictionary * attributeDataValue = attributeResponseValue[MTRDataKey];
NSError * attributeError = attributeResponseValue[MTRErrorKey];
NSDictionary * previousValue;
// sanity check either data value or error must exist
if (!attributeDataValue && !attributeError) {
MTR_LOG_INFO("%@ report %@ no data value or error: %@", self, attributePath, attributeResponseValue);
// Additional signal to help mark events as being received during priming report in the event the device rebooted and we get a subscription resumption priming report without noticing it became unreachable first
if (_receivingReport && AttributeHasChangesOmittedQuality(attributePath)) {
_receivingPrimingReport = YES;
// check if value is different than cache, and report if needed
BOOL shouldReportAttribute = NO;
// if this is an error, report and purge cache
if (attributeError) {
shouldReportAttribute = YES;
MTR_LOG_INFO("%@ report %@ error %@ purge expected value %@ read cache %@", self, attributePath, attributeError,
_expectedValueCache[attributePath], _readCache[attributePath]);
_expectedValueCache[attributePath] = nil;
previousValue = _readCache[attributePath];
_readCache[attributePath] = nil;
} else {
// First separate data version and restore data value to a form without data version
NSNumber * dataVersion = attributeDataValue[MTRDataVersionKey];
MTRClusterPath * clusterPath = [MTRClusterPath clusterPathWithEndpointID:attributePath.endpoint clusterID:attributePath.cluster];
if (dataVersion) {
[self _noteDataVersion:dataVersion forClusterPath:clusterPath];
// Remove data version from what we cache in memory
attributeDataValue = [self _dataValueWithoutDataVersion:attributeDataValue];
BOOL readCacheValueChanged = ![self _attributeDataValue:attributeDataValue isEqualToDataValue:_readCache[attributePath]];
// Check if attribute needs to be persisted - compare only to read cache and disregard expected values
if (dataStoreExists && readCacheValueChanged) {
[self _noteChangeForClusterPath:clusterPath];
NSDictionary * attributeResponseValueToPersist;
if (dataVersion) {
// Remove data version from what we cache in memory and storage
NSMutableDictionary * attributeResponseValueCopy = [attributeResponseValue mutableCopy];
attributeResponseValueCopy[MTRDataKey] = attributeDataValue;
attributeResponseValueToPersist = attributeResponseValueCopy;
} else {
attributeResponseValueToPersist = attributeResponseValue;
[attributesToPersist addObject:attributeResponseValueToPersist];
// if expected values exists, purge and update read cache
NSArray * expectedValue = _expectedValueCache[attributePath];
if (expectedValue) {
if (![self _attributeDataValue:attributeDataValue
isEqualToDataValue:expectedValue[MTRDeviceExpectedValueFieldValueIndex]]) {
shouldReportAttribute = YES;
previousValue = expectedValue[MTRDeviceExpectedValueFieldValueIndex];
_expectedValueCache[attributePath] = nil;
_readCache[attributePath] = attributeDataValue;
} else if (readCacheValueChanged) {
// otherwise compare and update read cache
previousValue = _readCache[attributePath];
_readCache[attributePath] = attributeDataValue;
shouldReportAttribute = YES;
if (!shouldReportAttribute) {
if (expectedValue) {
MTR_LOG_INFO("%@ report %@ value filtered - same as expected values", self, attributePath);
} else {
MTR_LOG_INFO("%@ report %@ value filtered - same values as cache", self, attributePath);
// If General Diagnostics UpTime attribute, update the estimated start time as needed.
if ((attributePath.cluster.unsignedLongValue == MTRClusterGeneralDiagnosticsID)
&& (attributePath.attribute.unsignedLongValue == MTRClusterGeneralDiagnosticsAttributeUpTimeID)) {
// verify that the uptime is indeed the data type we want
if ([attributeDataValue[MTRTypeKey] isEqual:MTRUnsignedIntegerValueType]) {
NSNumber * upTimeNumber = attributeDataValue[MTRValueKey];
NSTimeInterval upTime = upTimeNumber.unsignedLongLongValue; // UpTime unit is defined as seconds in the spec
NSDate * potentialSystemStartTime = [NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow:-upTime];
NSDate * oldSystemStartTime = _estimatedStartTime;
if (!_estimatedStartTime || ([potentialSystemStartTime compare:_estimatedStartTime] == NSOrderedAscending)) {
MTR_LOG_INFO("%@ General Diagnostics UpTime %.3lf: estimated start time %@ => %@", self, upTime,
oldSystemStartTime, potentialSystemStartTime);
_estimatedStartTime = potentialSystemStartTime;
// Save estimate in the subscription resumption case, for when StartUp event uses it
_estimatedStartTimeFromGeneralDiagnosticsUpTime = potentialSystemStartTime;
if (shouldReportAttribute) {
if (previousValue) {
NSMutableDictionary * mutableAttributeResponseValue = attributeResponseValue.mutableCopy;
mutableAttributeResponseValue[MTRPreviousDataKey] = previousValue;
[attributesToReport addObject:mutableAttributeResponseValue];
} else {
[attributesToReport addObject:attributeResponseValue];
[attributePathsToReport addObject:attributePath];
MTR_LOG_INFO("%@ report from reported values %@", self, attributePathsToReport);
if (dataStoreExists && attributesToPersist.count) {
[_deviceController.controllerDataStore storeAttributeValues:attributesToPersist forNodeID:_nodeID];
return attributesToReport;
- (void)_setAttributeValues:(NSArray<NSDictionary *> *)attributeValues reportChanges:(BOOL)reportChanges
if (!attributeValues.count) {
if (reportChanges) {
[self _reportAttributes:[self _getAttributesToReportWithReportedValues:attributeValues]];
} else {
for (NSDictionary * responseValue in attributeValues) {
MTRAttributePath * path = responseValue[MTRAttributePathKey];
NSDictionary * dataValue = responseValue[MTRDataKey];
_readCache[path] = dataValue;
// If cache is set from storage and is primed with initial configuration data, then assume the client had beeen informed in the past, and mark that the callback has been called
if ([self _isCachePrimedWithInitialConfigurationData]) {
_delegateDeviceCachePrimedCalled = YES;
- (void)setAttributeValues:(NSArray<NSDictionary *> *)attributeValues reportChanges:(BOOL)reportChanges
MTR_LOG_INFO("%@ setAttributeValues count: %lu reportChanges: %d", self, static_cast<unsigned long>(attributeValues.count), reportChanges);
std::lock_guard lock(_lock);
[self _setAttributeValues:attributeValues reportChanges:reportChanges];
- (void)setClusterData:(NSDictionary<MTRClusterPath *, MTRDeviceClusterData *> *)clusterData
MTR_LOG_INFO("%@ setClusterData count: %lu", self, static_cast<unsigned long>(clusterData.count));
if (!clusterData.count) {
std::lock_guard lock(_lock);
// For each cluster, extract and create the attribute response-value for the read cache
// TODO: consider some optimization in how the read cache is structured so there's fewer conversions from this format to what's in the cache
for (MTRClusterPath * clusterPath in clusterData) {
MTRDeviceClusterData * data = clusterData[clusterPath];
// Build and set attributes one cluster at a time to avoid creating a ton of temporary objects at a time
@autoreleasepool {
NSMutableArray * attributeValues = [NSMutableArray array];
for (NSNumber * attributeID in data.attributes) {
MTRAttributePath * attributePath = [MTRAttributePath attributePathWithEndpointID:clusterPath.endpoint clusterID:clusterPath.cluster attributeID:attributeID];
NSDictionary * responseValue = @{ MTRAttributePathKey : attributePath, MTRDataKey : data.attributes[attributeID] };
[attributeValues addObject:responseValue];
if (attributeValues.count) {
[self _setAttributeValues:attributeValues reportChanges:NO];
[_clusterData addEntriesFromDictionary:clusterData];
- (BOOL)deviceCachePrimed
std::lock_guard lock(_lock);
return [self _isCachePrimedWithInitialConfigurationData];
// If value is non-nil, associate with expectedValueID
// If value is nil, remove only if expectedValueID matches
// previousValue is an out parameter
- (void)_setExpectedValue:(NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *)expectedAttributeValue
attributePath:(MTRAttributePath *)attributePath
expirationTime:(NSDate *)expirationTime
shouldReportValue:(BOOL *)shouldReportValue
attributeValueToReport:(NSDictionary<NSString *, id> **)attributeValueToReport
previousValue:(NSDictionary **)previousValue
*shouldReportValue = NO;
NSArray * previousExpectedValue = _expectedValueCache[attributePath];
if (previousExpectedValue) {
if (expectedAttributeValue
&& ![self _attributeDataValue:expectedAttributeValue
isEqualToDataValue:previousExpectedValue[MTRDeviceExpectedValueFieldValueIndex]]) {
// Case where new expected value overrides previous expected value - report new expected value
*shouldReportValue = YES;
*attributeValueToReport = expectedAttributeValue;
*previousValue = previousExpectedValue[MTRDeviceExpectedValueFieldValueIndex];
} else if (!expectedAttributeValue) {
// Remove previous expected value only if it's from the same setExpectedValues operation
NSNumber * previousExpectedValueID = previousExpectedValue[MTRDeviceExpectedValueFieldIDIndex];
if (previousExpectedValueID.unsignedLongLongValue == expectedValueID) {
if (![self _attributeDataValue:previousExpectedValue[MTRDeviceExpectedValueFieldValueIndex]
isEqualToDataValue:_readCache[attributePath]]) {
// Case of removing expected value that is different than read cache - report read cache value
*shouldReportValue = YES;
*attributeValueToReport = _readCache[attributePath];
*previousValue = previousExpectedValue[MTRDeviceExpectedValueFieldValueIndex];
_expectedValueCache[attributePath] = nil;
} else {
if (expectedAttributeValue
&& ![self _attributeDataValue:expectedAttributeValue isEqualToDataValue:_readCache[attributePath]]) {
// Case where new expected value is different than read cache - report new expected value
*shouldReportValue = YES;
*attributeValueToReport = expectedAttributeValue;
*previousValue = _readCache[attributePath];
} else {
*previousValue = nil;
// No need to report if new and previous expected value are both nil
if (expectedAttributeValue) {
_expectedValueCache[attributePath] = @[ expirationTime, expectedAttributeValue, @(expectedValueID) ];
// assume lock is held
- (NSArray *)_getAttributesToReportWithNewExpectedValues:(NSArray<NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *> *)expectedAttributeValues
expirationTime:(NSDate *)expirationTime
expectedValueID:(uint64_t *)expectedValueID
uint64_t expectedValueIDToReturn = _expectedValueNextID++;
NSMutableArray * attributesToReport = [NSMutableArray array];
NSMutableArray * attributePathsToReport = [NSMutableArray array];
for (NSDictionary<NSString *, id> * attributeResponseValue in expectedAttributeValues) {
MTRAttributePath * attributePath = attributeResponseValue[MTRAttributePathKey];
NSDictionary * attributeDataValue = attributeResponseValue[MTRDataKey];
BOOL shouldReportValue = NO;
NSDictionary<NSString *, id> * attributeValueToReport;
NSDictionary<NSString *, id> * previousValue;
[self _setExpectedValue:attributeDataValue
if (shouldReportValue) {
if (previousValue) {
[attributesToReport addObject:@{ MTRAttributePathKey : attributePath, MTRDataKey : attributeValueToReport, MTRPreviousDataKey : previousValue }];
} else {
[attributesToReport addObject:@{ MTRAttributePathKey : attributePath, MTRDataKey : attributeValueToReport }];
[attributePathsToReport addObject:attributePath];
if (expectedValueID) {
*expectedValueID = expectedValueIDToReturn;
MTR_LOG_INFO("%@ report from new expected values %@", self, attributePathsToReport);
return attributesToReport;
- (void)setExpectedValues:(NSArray<NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *> *)values expectedValueInterval:(NSNumber *)expectedValueInterval
[self setExpectedValues:values expectedValueInterval:expectedValueInterval expectedValueID:nil];
// expectedValueID is an out-argument that returns an identifier to be used when removing expected values
- (void)setExpectedValues:(NSArray<NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *> *)values
expectedValueInterval:(NSNumber *)expectedValueInterval
expectedValueID:(uint64_t *)expectedValueID
// since NSTimeInterval is in seconds, convert ms into seconds in double
NSDate * expirationTime = [NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow:expectedValueInterval.doubleValue / 1000];
"%@ Setting expected values %@ with expiration time %f seconds from now", self, values, [expirationTime timeIntervalSinceNow]);
std::lock_guard lock(_lock);
// _getAttributesToReportWithNewExpectedValues will log attribute paths reported
NSArray * attributesToReport = [self _getAttributesToReportWithNewExpectedValues:values
[self _reportAttributes:attributesToReport];
[self _checkExpiredExpectedValues];
- (void)removeExpectedValuesForAttributePaths:(NSArray<MTRAttributePath *> *)attributePaths
std::lock_guard lock(_lock);
for (MTRAttributePath * attributePath in attributePaths) {
[self _removeExpectedValueForAttributePath:attributePath expectedValueID:expectedValueID];
- (void)removeExpectedValueForAttributePath:(MTRAttributePath *)attributePath expectedValueID:(uint64_t)expectedValueID
std::lock_guard lock(_lock);
[self _removeExpectedValueForAttributePath:attributePath expectedValueID:expectedValueID];
- (void)_removeExpectedValueForAttributePath:(MTRAttributePath *)attributePath expectedValueID:(uint64_t)expectedValueID
BOOL shouldReportValue;
NSDictionary<NSString *, id> * attributeValueToReport;
NSDictionary<NSString *, id> * previousValue;
[self _setExpectedValue:nil
MTR_LOG_INFO("%@ remove expected value for path %@ should report %@", self, attributePath, shouldReportValue ? @"YES" : @"NO");
if (shouldReportValue) {
NSMutableDictionary * attribute = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithObject:attributePath forKey:MTRAttributePathKey];
if (attributeValueToReport) {
attribute[MTRDataKey] = attributeValueToReport;
if (previousValue) {
attribute[MTRPreviousDataKey] = previousValue;
[self _reportAttributes:@[ attribute ]];
// This method checks if there is a need to inform delegate that the attribute cache has been "primed"
- (BOOL)_isCachePrimedWithInitialConfigurationData
// Check if root node descriptor exists
NSDictionary * rootDescriptorPartsListDataValue = _readCache[[MTRAttributePath attributePathWithEndpointID:@(kRootEndpointId) clusterID:@(MTRClusterIDTypeDescriptorID) attributeID:@(MTRAttributeIDTypeClusterDescriptorAttributePartsListID)]];
if (!rootDescriptorPartsListDataValue || ![MTRArrayValueType isEqualToString:rootDescriptorPartsListDataValue[MTRTypeKey]]) {
return NO;
NSArray * partsList = rootDescriptorPartsListDataValue[MTRValueKey];
if (![partsList isKindOfClass:[NSArray class]] || !partsList.count) {
MTR_LOG_ERROR("%@ unexpected type %@ for parts list %@", self, [partsList class], partsList);
return NO;
// Check if we have cached descriptor clusters for each listed endpoint
for (NSDictionary * endpointDictionary in partsList) {
NSDictionary * endpointDataValue = endpointDictionary[MTRDataKey];
if (![endpointDataValue isKindOfClass:[NSDictionary class]]) {
MTR_LOG_ERROR("%@ unexpected parts list dictionary %@ data value class %@", self, endpointDictionary, [endpointDataValue class]);
if (![MTRUnsignedIntegerValueType isEqual:endpointDataValue[MTRTypeKey]]) {
MTR_LOG_ERROR("%@ unexpected parts list data value %@ item type %@", self, endpointDataValue, endpointDataValue[MTRTypeKey]);
NSNumber * endpoint = endpointDataValue[MTRValueKey];
if (![endpoint isKindOfClass:[NSNumber class]]) {
MTR_LOG_ERROR("%@ unexpected parts list item value class %@", self, [endpoint class]);
NSDictionary * descriptorDeviceTypeListDataValue = _readCache[[MTRAttributePath attributePathWithEndpointID:endpoint clusterID:@(MTRClusterIDTypeDescriptorID) attributeID:@(MTRAttributeIDTypeClusterDescriptorAttributeDeviceTypeListID)]];
if (![MTRArrayValueType isEqualToString:descriptorDeviceTypeListDataValue[MTRTypeKey]] || !descriptorDeviceTypeListDataValue[MTRValueKey]) {
return NO;
return YES;
- (MTRBaseDevice *)newBaseDevice
return [MTRBaseDevice deviceWithNodeID:self.nodeID controller:self.deviceController];
// Client Metadata Storage
- (NSArray *)supportedClientDataClasses
return @[ [NSData class], [NSString class], [NSNumber class], [NSDictionary class], [NSArray class] ];
- (NSArray * _Nullable)clientDataKeys
return [self.temporaryMetaDataCache allKeys];
- (id<NSSecureCoding> _Nullable)clientDataForKey:(NSString *)key
if (key == nil)
return nil;
return [self.temporaryMetaDataCache objectForKey:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@:-1", key]];
- (void)setClientDataForKey:(NSString *)key value:(id<NSSecureCoding>)value
// TODO: Check supported data types, and also if they conform to NSSecureCoding, when we store these
// TODO: Need to add a delegate method, so when this value changes we call back to the client
if (key == nil || value == nil)
if (self.temporaryMetaDataCache == nil) {
self.temporaryMetaDataCache = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
[self.temporaryMetaDataCache setObject:value forKey:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@:-1", key]];
- (void)removeClientDataForKey:(NSString *)key
if (key == nil)
[self.temporaryMetaDataCache removeObjectForKey:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@:-1", key]];
- (NSArray * _Nullable)clientDataKeysForEndpointID:(NSNumber *)endpointID
if (endpointID == nil)
return nil;
// TODO: When hooked up to storage, enumerate this better
return [self.temporaryMetaDataCache allKeys];
- (id<NSSecureCoding> _Nullable)clientDataForKey:(NSString *)key endpointID:(NSNumber *)endpointID
if (key == nil || endpointID == nil)
return nil;
return [self.temporaryMetaDataCache objectForKey:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@:%@", key, endpointID]];
- (void)setClientDataForKey:(NSString *)key endpointID:(NSNumber *)endpointID value:(id<NSSecureCoding>)value
if (key == nil || value == nil || endpointID == nil)
if (self.temporaryMetaDataCache == nil) {
self.temporaryMetaDataCache = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
[self.temporaryMetaDataCache setObject:value forKey:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@:%@", key, endpointID]];
- (void)removeClientDataForKey:(NSString *)key endpointID:(NSNumber *)endpointID
if (key == nil || endpointID == nil)
[self.temporaryMetaDataCache removeObjectForKey:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@:%@", key, endpointID]];
@implementation MTRDevice (Deprecated)
+ (MTRDevice *)deviceWithNodeID:(uint64_t)nodeID deviceController:(MTRDeviceController *)deviceController
return [self deviceWithNodeID:@(nodeID) controller:deviceController];
- (void)invokeCommandWithEndpointID:(NSNumber *)endpointID
clusterID:(NSNumber *)clusterID
commandID:(NSNumber *)commandID
expectedValues:(NSArray<NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *> * _Nullable)expectedValues
expectedValueInterval:(NSNumber * _Nullable)expectedValueInterval
timedInvokeTimeout:(NSNumber * _Nullable)timeout
[self invokeCommandWithEndpointID:endpointID
#pragma mark - SubscriptionCallback
namespace {
void SubscriptionCallback::OnEventData(const EventHeader & aEventHeader, TLV::TLVReader * apData, const StatusIB * apStatus)
if (mEventReports == nil) {
// Never got a OnReportBegin? Not much to do other than tear things down.
MTREventPath * eventPath = [[MTREventPath alloc] initWithPath:aEventHeader.mPath];
if (apStatus != nullptr) {
[mEventReports addObject:@ { MTREventPathKey : eventPath, MTRErrorKey : [MTRError errorForIMStatus:*apStatus] }];
} else if (apData == nullptr) {
[mEventReports addObject:@ {
MTREventPathKey : eventPath,
} else {
id value = MTRDecodeDataValueDictionaryFromCHIPTLV(apData);
if (value == nil) {
MTR_LOG_ERROR("Failed to decode event data for path %@", eventPath);
[mEventReports addObject:@ {
MTREventPathKey : eventPath,
} else {
[mEventReports addObject:[MTRBaseDevice eventReportForHeader:aEventHeader andData:value]];
void SubscriptionCallback::OnAttributeData(
const ConcreteDataAttributePath & aPath, TLV::TLVReader * apData, const StatusIB & aStatus)
if (aPath.IsListItemOperation()) {
if (mAttributeReports == nil) {
// Never got a OnReportBegin? Not much to do other than tear things down.
MTRAttributePath * attributePath = [[MTRAttributePath alloc] initWithPath:aPath];
if (aStatus.mStatus != Status::Success) {
[mAttributeReports addObject:@ { MTRAttributePathKey : attributePath, MTRErrorKey : [MTRError errorForIMStatus:aStatus] }];
} else if (apData == nullptr) {
[mAttributeReports addObject:@ {
MTRAttributePathKey : attributePath,
} else {
NSNumber * dataVersionNumber = aPath.mDataVersion.HasValue() ? @(aPath.mDataVersion.Value()) : nil;
NSDictionary * value = MTRDecodeDataValueDictionaryFromCHIPTLV(apData, dataVersionNumber);
if (value == nil) {
MTR_LOG_ERROR("Failed to decode attribute data for path %@", attributePath);
[mAttributeReports addObject:@ {
MTRAttributePathKey : attributePath,
} else {
[mAttributeReports addObject:@ { MTRAttributePathKey : attributePath, MTRDataKey : value }];
} // anonymous namespace