blob: 9b7d84fb965e279481503964eb6cdbac1c8e0ce3 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2020 Project CHIP Authors
* All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @file
* This file defines read handler for a CHIP Interaction Data model
#pragma once
#include <access/AccessControl.h>
#include <app/AttributeAccessInterface.h>
#include <app/AttributePathExpandIterator.h>
#include <app/ClusterInfo.h>
#include <app/EventManagement.h>
#include <app/MessageDef/AttributePathIBs.h>
#include <app/MessageDef/EventPathIBs.h>
#include <lib/core/CHIPCore.h>
#include <lib/core/CHIPTLVDebug.hpp>
#include <lib/support/CodeUtils.h>
#include <lib/support/DLLUtil.h>
#include <lib/support/logging/CHIPLogging.h>
#include <messaging/ExchangeContext.h>
#include <messaging/ExchangeMgr.h>
#include <messaging/Flags.h>
#include <protocols/Protocols.h>
#include <system/SystemPacketBuffer.h>
namespace chip {
namespace app {
// Forward declare the Engine (which is in a different namespace) to be able to use
// it as a friend class below.
namespace reporting {
class Engine;
* @class ReadHandler
* @brief The read handler is responsible for processing a read request, asking the attribute/event store
* for the relevant data, and sending a reply.
class ReadHandler : public Messaging::ExchangeDelegate
using SubjectDescriptor = Access::SubjectDescriptor;
enum class InteractionType : uint8_t
class Callback
virtual ~Callback() = default;
* Method that signals to a registered callback that this object
* has completed doing useful work and is now safe for release/destruction.
virtual void OnDone(ReadHandler & apReadHandlerObj) = 0;
* Constructor.
* The callback passed in has to outlive this handler object.
ReadHandler(Callback & apCallback, Messaging::ExchangeContext * apExchangeContext, InteractionType aInteractionType);
* Destructor - as part of destruction, it will abort the exchange context
* if a valid one still exists.
* See Abort() for details on when that might occur.
* Process a read/subscribe request. Parts of the processing may end up being asynchronous, but the ReadHandler
* guarantees that it will call Shutdown on itself when processing is done (including if OnReadInitialRequest
* returns an error).
* @retval #Others If fails to process read request
* @retval #CHIP_NO_ERROR On success.
CHIP_ERROR OnInitialRequest(System::PacketBufferHandle && aPayload);
* Send ReportData to initiator
* @param[in] aPayload A payload that has read request data
* @param[in] aMoreChunks A flags indicating there will be more chunks expected to be sent for this read request
* @retval #Others If fails to send report data
* @retval #CHIP_NO_ERROR On success.
CHIP_ERROR SendReportData(System::PacketBufferHandle && aPayload, bool aMoreChunks);
* Returns whether this ReadHandler represents a subscription that was created by the other side of the provided exchange.
bool IsFromSubscriber(Messaging::ExchangeContext & apExchangeContext);
bool IsReportable() const { return mState == HandlerState::GeneratingReports && !mHoldReport && (mDirty || !mHoldSync); }
bool IsGeneratingReports() const { return mState == HandlerState::GeneratingReports; }
bool IsAwaitingReportResponse() const { return mState == HandlerState::AwaitingReportResponse; }
CHIP_ERROR ProcessDataVersionFilterList(DataVersionFilterIBs::Parser & aDataVersionFilterListParser);
ClusterInfo * GetAttributeClusterInfolist() { return mpAttributeClusterInfoList; }
ClusterInfo * GetEventClusterInfolist() { return mpEventClusterInfoList; }
ClusterInfo * GetDataVersionFilterlist() const { return mpDataVersionFilterList; }
EventNumber & GetEventMin() { return mEventMin; }
PriorityLevel GetCurrentPriority() { return mCurrentPriority; }
// if current priority is in the middle, it has valid snapshoted last event number, it check cleaness via comparing
// with snapshotted last event number. if current priority is in the end, no valid
// sanpshotted last event, check with latest last event number, re-setup snapshoted checkpoint, and compare again.
bool CheckEventClean(EventManagement & aEventManager);
bool IsType(InteractionType type) const { return (mInteractionType == type); }
bool IsChunkedReport() { return mIsChunkedReport; }
bool IsPriming() { return mIsPrimingReports; }
bool IsActiveSubscription() const { return mActiveSubscription; }
bool IsFabricFiltered() const { return mIsFabricFiltered; }
CHIP_ERROR OnSubscribeRequest(Messaging::ExchangeContext * apExchangeContext, System::PacketBufferHandle && aPayload);
void GetSubscriptionId(uint64_t & aSubscriptionId) { aSubscriptionId = mSubscriptionId; }
AttributePathExpandIterator * GetAttributePathExpandIterator() { return &mAttributePathExpandIterator; }
void SetDirty()
mDirty = true;
// If the contents of the global dirty set have changed, we need to reset the iterator since the paths
// we've sent up till now are no longer valid and need to be invalidated.
mAttributePathExpandIterator = AttributePathExpandIterator(mpAttributeClusterInfoList);
mAttributeEncoderState = AttributeValueEncoder::AttributeEncodeState();
void ClearDirty() { mDirty = false; }
bool IsDirty() { return mDirty; }
NodeId GetInitiatorNodeId() const { return mInitiatorNodeId; }
FabricIndex GetAccessingFabricIndex() const { return mSubjectDescriptor.fabricIndex; }
const SubjectDescriptor & GetSubjectDescriptor() const { return mSubjectDescriptor; }
void UnblockUrgentEventDelivery()
mHoldReport = false;
mDirty = true;
const AttributeValueEncoder::AttributeEncodeState & GetAttributeEncodeState() const { return mAttributeEncoderState; }
void SetAttributeEncodeState(const AttributeValueEncoder::AttributeEncodeState & aState) { mAttributeEncoderState = aState; }
uint32_t GetLastWrittenEventsBytes() { return mLastWrittenEventsBytes; }
CHIP_ERROR SendStatusReport(Protocols::InteractionModel::Status aStatus);
friend class TestReadInteraction;
// The engine needs to be able to Abort/Close a ReadHandler instance upon completion of work for a given read/subscribe
// interaction. We do not want to make these methods public just to give an adjacent class in the IM access, since public
// should really be taking application usage considerations as well. Hence, make it a friend.
friend class chip::app::reporting::Engine;
enum class HandlerState
Idle, ///< The handler has been initialized and is ready
GeneratingReports, ///< The handler has received either a Read or Subscribe request and is the process of generating a
///< report.
AwaitingReportResponse, ///< The handler has sent the report to the client and is awaiting a status response.
AwaitingDestruction, ///< The object has completed its work and is awaiting destruction by the application.
* This forcibly closes the exchange context if a valid one is pointed to. Such a situation does
* not arise during normal message processing flows that all normally call Close() above.
* This will eventually call Close() to drive the process of eventually releasing this object (unless called from the
* destructor).
* This is only called by a very narrow set of external objects as needed.
void Abort(bool aCalledFromDestructor = false);
* Called internally to signal the completion of all work on this object, gracefully close the
* exchange and finally, signal to a registerd callback that it's
* safe to release this object.
void Close();
static void OnUnblockHoldReportCallback(System::Layer * apSystemLayer, void * apAppState);
static void OnRefreshSubscribeTimerSyncCallback(System::Layer * apSystemLayer, void * apAppState);
CHIP_ERROR RefreshSubscribeSyncTimer();
CHIP_ERROR SendSubscribeResponse();
CHIP_ERROR ProcessSubscribeRequest(System::PacketBufferHandle && aPayload);
CHIP_ERROR ProcessReadRequest(System::PacketBufferHandle && aPayload);
CHIP_ERROR ProcessAttributePathList(AttributePathIBs::Parser & aAttributePathListParser);
CHIP_ERROR ProcessEventPaths(EventPathIBs::Parser & aEventPathsParser);
CHIP_ERROR ProcessEventFilters(EventFilterIBs::Parser & aEventFiltersParser);
CHIP_ERROR OnStatusResponse(Messaging::ExchangeContext * apExchangeContext, System::PacketBufferHandle && aPayload);
CHIP_ERROR OnMessageReceived(Messaging::ExchangeContext * apExchangeContext, const PayloadHeader & aPayloadHeader,
System::PacketBufferHandle && aPayload) override;
void OnResponseTimeout(Messaging::ExchangeContext * apExchangeContext) override;
CHIP_ERROR OnUnknownMsgType(Messaging::ExchangeContext * apExchangeContext, const PayloadHeader & aPayloadHeader,
System::PacketBufferHandle && aPayload);
void MoveToState(const HandlerState aTargetState);
const char * GetStateStr() const;
Messaging::ExchangeContext * mpExchangeCtx = nullptr;
// Don't need the response for report data if true
bool mSuppressResponse = false;
// Current Handler state
HandlerState mState = HandlerState::Idle;
ClusterInfo * mpAttributeClusterInfoList = nullptr;
ClusterInfo * mpEventClusterInfoList = nullptr;
ClusterInfo * mpDataVersionFilterList = nullptr;
PriorityLevel mCurrentPriority = PriorityLevel::Invalid;
EventNumber mEventMin = 0;
// The last schedule event number snapshoted in the beginning when preparing to fill new events to reports
EventNumber mLastScheduledEventNumber = 0;
Messaging::ExchangeManager * mpExchangeMgr = nullptr;
Callback & mCallback;
// Tracks whether we're in the initial phase of receiving priming
// reports, which is always true for reads and true for subscriptions
// prior to receiving a subscribe response.
bool mIsPrimingReports = true;
InteractionType mInteractionType = InteractionType::Read;
uint64_t mSubscriptionId = 0;
uint16_t mMinIntervalFloorSeconds = 0;
uint16_t mMaxIntervalCeilingSeconds = 0;
SessionHolder mSessionHandle;
// mHoldReport is used to prevent subscription data delivery while we are
// waiting for the min reporting interval to elapse. If we have to send a
// report immediately due to an urgent event being queued,
// UnblockUrgentEventDelivery can be used to force mHoldReport to false.
bool mHoldReport = false;
bool mDirty = false;
bool mActiveSubscription = false;
// The flag indicating we are in the middle of a series of chunked report messages, this flag will be cleared during sending
// last chunked message.
bool mIsChunkedReport = false;
NodeId mInitiatorNodeId = kUndefinedNodeId;
AttributePathExpandIterator mAttributePathExpandIterator = AttributePathExpandIterator(nullptr);
bool mIsFabricFiltered = false;
// mHoldSync is used to prevent subscription empty report delivery while we
// are waiting for the max reporting interval to elaps. When mHoldSync
// becomes false, we are allowed to send an empty report to keep the
// subscription alive on the client.
bool mHoldSync = false;
uint32_t mLastWrittenEventsBytes = 0;
SubjectDescriptor mSubjectDescriptor;
// The detailed encoding state for a single attribute, used by list chunking feature.
AttributeValueEncoder::AttributeEncodeState mAttributeEncoderState;
} // namespace app
} // namespace chip