| // |
| // MTRDeviceTests.m |
| // MTRDeviceTests |
| /* |
| * |
| * Copyright (c) 2022-2023 Project CHIP Authors |
| * |
| * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
| * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
| * You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| * |
| * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| * |
| * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| * limitations under the License. |
| */ |
| |
| // module headers |
| #import <Matter/MTRBaseClusters.h> |
| #import <Matter/MTRBaseDevice.h> |
| #import <Matter/MTRClusterStateCacheContainer.h> |
| #import <Matter/Matter.h> |
| |
| #import "MTRCommandPayloadExtensions_Internal.h" |
| #import "MTRDeviceControllerLocalTestStorage.h" |
| #import "MTRDeviceStorageBehaviorConfiguration.h" |
| #import "MTRDeviceTestDelegate.h" |
| #import "MTRDevice_Internal.h" |
| #import "MTRErrorTestUtils.h" |
| #import "MTRTestDeclarations.h" |
| #import "MTRTestKeys.h" |
| #import "MTRTestResetCommissioneeHelper.h" |
| #import "MTRTestStorage.h" |
| |
| #import <math.h> // For INFINITY |
| #import <os/lock.h> |
| |
| // system dependencies |
| #import <XCTest/XCTest.h> |
| |
| // Fixture: chip-all-clusters-app --KVS "$(mktemp -t chip-test-kvs)" --interface-id -1 |
| |
| static const uint16_t kPairingTimeoutInSeconds = 10; |
| static const uint16_t kTimeoutInSeconds = 3; |
| static const uint64_t kDeviceId = 0x12344321; |
| static NSString * kOnboardingPayload = @"MT:-24J0AFN00KA0648G00"; |
| static const uint16_t kLocalPort = 5541; |
| static const uint16_t kTestVendorId = 0xFFF1u; |
| |
| // This test suite reuses a device object to speed up the test process for CI. |
| // The following global variable holds the reference to the device object. |
| static MTRBaseDevice * mConnectedDevice; |
| |
| // Singleton controller we use. |
| static MTRDeviceController * sController = nil; |
| |
| // Keys we can use to restart the controller. |
| static MTRTestKeys * sTestKeys = nil; |
| |
| static void WaitForCommissionee(XCTestExpectation * expectation) |
| { |
| MTRDeviceController * controller = sController; |
| XCTAssertNotNil(controller); |
| |
| // For now keep the async dispatch, but could we just |
| // synchronously fulfill the expectation here? |
| dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ |
| [expectation fulfill]; |
| mConnectedDevice = [MTRBaseDevice deviceWithNodeID:@(kDeviceId) controller:controller]; |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| static MTRBaseDevice * GetConnectedDevice(void) |
| { |
| XCTAssertNotNil(mConnectedDevice); |
| return mConnectedDevice; |
| } |
| |
| @interface MTRDeviceTestDeviceControllerDelegate : NSObject <MTRDeviceControllerDelegate> |
| @property (nonatomic, strong) XCTestExpectation * expectation; |
| @end |
| |
| @implementation MTRDeviceTestDeviceControllerDelegate |
| - (id)initWithExpectation:(XCTestExpectation *)expectation |
| { |
| self = [super init]; |
| if (self) { |
| _expectation = expectation; |
| } |
| return self; |
| } |
| |
| - (void)controller:(MTRDeviceController *)controller commissioningSessionEstablishmentDone:(NSError *)error |
| { |
| XCTAssertEqual(error.code, 0); |
| |
| NSError * getDeviceError = nil; |
| __auto_type * device = [controller deviceBeingCommissionedWithNodeID:@(kDeviceId) error:&getDeviceError]; |
| XCTAssertNil(getDeviceError); |
| XCTAssertNotNil(device); |
| |
| // Now check that getting with some other random id fails. |
| device = [controller deviceBeingCommissionedWithNodeID:@(kDeviceId + 1) error:&getDeviceError]; |
| XCTAssertNil(device); |
| XCTAssertNotNil(getDeviceError); |
| |
| __auto_type * params = [[MTRCommissioningParameters alloc] init]; |
| params.countryCode = @("au"); |
| |
| NSError * commissionError = nil; |
| [sController commissionNodeWithID:@(kDeviceId) commissioningParams:params error:&commissionError]; |
| XCTAssertNil(commissionError); |
| |
| // Keep waiting for controller:commissioningComplete: |
| } |
| |
| - (void)controller:(MTRDeviceController *)controller commissioningComplete:(NSError *)error |
| { |
| XCTAssertEqual(error.code, 0); |
| [_expectation fulfill]; |
| _expectation = nil; |
| } |
| |
| @end |
| |
| @interface MTRDeviceTests : XCTestCase |
| |
| + (void)checkAttributeReportTriggersConfigurationChanged:(MTRAttributeIDType)attributeId |
| clusterId:(MTRClusterIDType)clusterId |
| endpointId:(NSNumber *)endpointId |
| device:(MTRDevice *)device |
| delegate:(MTRDeviceTestDelegate *)delegate |
| dataVersion:(NSNumber *)dataVersion |
| attributeReport:(NSArray<NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *> *)attributeReport |
| testcase:(XCTestCase *)testcase |
| expectConfigurationChanged:(BOOL)expectConfigurationChanged; |
| |
| @end |
| |
| @implementation MTRDeviceTests |
| |
| static BOOL slocalTestStorageEnabledBeforeUnitTest; |
| |
| + (void)setUp |
| { |
| XCTestExpectation * pairingExpectation = [[XCTestExpectation alloc] initWithDescription:@"Pairing Complete"]; |
| |
| slocalTestStorageEnabledBeforeUnitTest = MTRDeviceControllerLocalTestStorage.localTestStorageEnabled; |
| MTRDeviceControllerLocalTestStorage.localTestStorageEnabled = YES; |
| |
| __auto_type * factory = [MTRDeviceControllerFactory sharedInstance]; |
| XCTAssertNotNil(factory); |
| |
| __auto_type * storage = [[MTRTestStorage alloc] init]; |
| __auto_type * factoryParams = [[MTRDeviceControllerFactoryParams alloc] initWithStorage:storage]; |
| factoryParams.port = @(kLocalPort); |
| |
| BOOL ok = [factory startControllerFactory:factoryParams error:nil]; |
| XCTAssertTrue(ok); |
| |
| __auto_type * testKeys = [[MTRTestKeys alloc] init]; |
| XCTAssertNotNil(testKeys); |
| |
| sTestKeys = testKeys; |
| |
| // Needs to match what startControllerOnExistingFabric calls elsewhere in |
| // this file do. |
| __auto_type * params = [[MTRDeviceControllerStartupParams alloc] initWithIPK:testKeys.ipk fabricID:@(1) nocSigner:testKeys]; |
| params.vendorID = @(kTestVendorId); |
| |
| MTRDeviceController * controller = [factory createControllerOnNewFabric:params error:nil]; |
| XCTAssertNotNil(controller); |
| |
| sController = controller; |
| |
| MTRDeviceTestDeviceControllerDelegate * deviceControllerDelegate = |
| [[MTRDeviceTestDeviceControllerDelegate alloc] initWithExpectation:pairingExpectation]; |
| dispatch_queue_t callbackQueue = dispatch_queue_create("com.chip.device_controller_delegate", DISPATCH_QUEUE_SERIAL); |
| |
| [controller setDeviceControllerDelegate:deviceControllerDelegate queue:callbackQueue]; |
| |
| NSError * error; |
| __auto_type * payload = [MTRSetupPayload setupPayloadWithOnboardingPayload:kOnboardingPayload error:&error]; |
| XCTAssertNotNil(payload); |
| XCTAssertNil(error); |
| |
| XCTAssertTrue([controller setupCommissioningSessionWithPayload:payload newNodeID:@(kDeviceId) error:&error]); |
| XCTAssertNil(error); |
| XCTAssertEqual([XCTWaiter waitForExpectations:@[ pairingExpectation ] timeout:kPairingTimeoutInSeconds], XCTWaiterResultCompleted); |
| |
| XCTestExpectation * expectation = [[XCTestExpectation alloc] initWithDescription:@"Wait for the commissioned device to be retrieved"]; |
| WaitForCommissionee(expectation); |
| XCTAssertEqual([XCTWaiter waitForExpectations:@[ expectation ] timeout:kTimeoutInSeconds], XCTWaiterResultCompleted); |
| } |
| |
| + (void)tearDown |
| { |
| ResetCommissionee(GetConnectedDevice(), dispatch_get_main_queue(), nil, kTimeoutInSeconds); |
| |
| // Restore testing setting to previous state, and remove all persisted attributes |
| MTRDeviceControllerLocalTestStorage.localTestStorageEnabled = slocalTestStorageEnabledBeforeUnitTest; |
| [sController.controllerDataStore clearAllStoredClusterData]; |
| NSDictionary * storedClusterDataAfterClear = [sController.controllerDataStore getStoredClusterDataForNodeID:@(kDeviceId)]; |
| XCTAssertEqual(storedClusterDataAfterClear.count, 0); |
| |
| MTRDeviceController * controller = sController; |
| XCTAssertNotNil(controller); |
| [controller shutdown]; |
| XCTAssertFalse([controller isRunning]); |
| |
| [[MTRDeviceControllerFactory sharedInstance] stopControllerFactory]; |
| |
| [super tearDown]; |
| } |
| |
| - (void)setUp |
| { |
| [super setUp]; |
| [self setContinueAfterFailure:NO]; |
| |
| // Ensure the test starts with clean slate in terms of stored data. |
| if (sController != nil) { |
| [sController.controllerDataStore clearAllStoredClusterData]; |
| NSDictionary * storedClusterDataAfterClear = [sController.controllerDataStore getStoredClusterDataForNodeID:@(kDeviceId)]; |
| XCTAssertEqual(storedClusterDataAfterClear.count, 0); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| - (void)tearDown |
| { |
| // Make sure our MTRDevice instances, which are stateful, do not keep that |
| // state between different tests. |
| if (sController != nil) { |
| __auto_type * device = [MTRDevice deviceWithNodeID:@(kDeviceId) controller:sController]; |
| [sController removeDevice:device]; |
| } |
| |
| // Try to make sure we don't have any outstanding subscriptions from |
| // previous tests, by sending a subscribe request that will get rid of |
| // existing subscriptions and then fail out due to requesting a subscribe to |
| // a nonexistent cluster. |
| if (mConnectedDevice != nil) { |
| dispatch_queue_t queue = dispatch_get_main_queue(); |
| |
| MTRSubscribeParams * params = [[MTRSubscribeParams alloc] initWithMinInterval:@(0) maxInterval:@(10)]; |
| params.resubscribeAutomatically = NO; |
| params.replaceExistingSubscriptions = YES; |
| |
| XCTestExpectation * errorExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"Canceled all subscriptions"]; |
| |
| // There should be no Basic Information cluster on random endpoints. |
| [mConnectedDevice subscribeToAttributesWithEndpointID:@10000 |
| clusterID:@(MTRClusterIDTypeBasicInformationID) |
| attributeID:@(0) |
| params:params |
| queue:queue |
| reportHandler:^(id _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable error) { |
| XCTAssertNil(values); |
| XCTAssertNotNil(error); |
| [errorExpectation fulfill]; |
| } |
| subscriptionEstablished:^() { |
| XCTFail("Did not expect subscription to Basic Information on random endpoint to succeed"); |
| }]; |
| |
| [self waitForExpectations:@[ errorExpectation ] timeout:kTimeoutInSeconds]; |
| } |
| |
| [super tearDown]; |
| } |
| |
| - (void)test001_ReadAttribute |
| { |
| XCTestExpectation * expectation = |
| [self expectationWithDescription:@"read DeviceDescriptor DeviceType attribute for all endpoints"]; |
| |
| MTRBaseDevice * device = GetConnectedDevice(); |
| dispatch_queue_t queue = dispatch_get_main_queue(); |
| |
| [device readAttributesWithEndpointID:nil |
| clusterID:@29 |
| attributeID:@0 |
| params:nil |
| queue:queue |
| completion:^(id _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable error) { |
| NSLog(@"read attribute: DeviceType values: %@, error: %@", values, error); |
| |
| XCTAssertNil(error); |
| |
| { |
| XCTAssertTrue([values isKindOfClass:[NSArray class]]); |
| NSArray * resultArray = values; |
| for (NSDictionary * result in resultArray) { |
| MTRAttributePath * path = result[@"attributePath"]; |
| XCTAssertEqual([path.cluster unsignedIntegerValue], 29); |
| XCTAssertEqual([path.attribute unsignedIntegerValue], 0); |
| XCTAssertNotNil(result[@"data"]); |
| XCTAssertNil(result[@"error"]); |
| XCTAssertTrue([result[@"data"] isKindOfClass:[NSDictionary class]]); |
| XCTAssertTrue([result[@"data"][@"type"] isEqualToString:@"Array"]); |
| |
| __auto_type * report = [[MTRAttributeReport alloc] initWithResponseValue:result |
| error:nil]; |
| XCTAssertNotNil(report); |
| XCTAssertEqualObjects(report.path.cluster, @(29)); |
| XCTAssertEqualObjects(report.path.attribute, @(0)); |
| XCTAssertNil(report.error); |
| XCTAssertNotNil(report.value); |
| XCTAssertTrue([report.value isKindOfClass:[NSArray class]]); |
| |
| for (id entry in report.value) { |
| XCTAssertTrue([entry isKindOfClass:[MTRDescriptorClusterDeviceTypeStruct class]]); |
| } |
| } |
| XCTAssertTrue([resultArray count] > 0); |
| } |
| |
| [expectation fulfill]; |
| }]; |
| |
| [self waitForExpectationsWithTimeout:kTimeoutInSeconds handler:nil]; |
| } |
| |
| - (void)test002_WriteAttribute |
| { |
| XCTestExpectation * expectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"write LevelControl Brightness attribute"]; |
| |
| MTRBaseDevice * device = GetConnectedDevice(); |
| dispatch_queue_t queue = dispatch_get_main_queue(); |
| |
| NSDictionary * writeValue = [NSDictionary |
| dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:@"UnsignedInteger", @"type", [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedInteger:200], @"value", nil]; |
| [device writeAttributeWithEndpointID:@1 |
| clusterID:@8 |
| attributeID:@17 |
| value:writeValue |
| timedWriteTimeout:nil |
| queue:queue |
| completion:^(id _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable error) { |
| NSLog(@"write attribute: Brightness values: %@, error: %@", values, error); |
| |
| XCTAssertNil(error); |
| |
| { |
| XCTAssertTrue([values isKindOfClass:[NSArray class]]); |
| NSArray * resultArray = values; |
| for (NSDictionary * result in resultArray) { |
| MTRAttributePath * path = result[@"attributePath"]; |
| XCTAssertEqual([path.endpoint unsignedIntegerValue], 1); |
| XCTAssertEqual([path.cluster unsignedIntegerValue], 8); |
| XCTAssertEqual([path.attribute unsignedIntegerValue], 17); |
| XCTAssertNil(result[@"error"]); |
| } |
| XCTAssertEqual([resultArray count], 1); |
| } |
| |
| [expectation fulfill]; |
| }]; |
| |
| [self waitForExpectationsWithTimeout:kTimeoutInSeconds handler:nil]; |
| } |
| |
| - (void)test003_InvokeCommand |
| { |
| XCTestExpectation * expectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"invoke MoveToLevelWithOnOff command"]; |
| |
| MTRBaseDevice * device = GetConnectedDevice(); |
| dispatch_queue_t queue = dispatch_get_main_queue(); |
| |
| NSDictionary * fields = @{ |
| @"type" : @"Structure", |
| @"value" : @[ |
| @{ @"contextTag" : @0, @"data" : @ { @"type" : @"UnsignedInteger", @"value" : @0 } }, |
| @{ @"contextTag" : @1, @"data" : @ { @"type" : @"UnsignedInteger", @"value" : @10 } } |
| ] |
| }; |
| [device invokeCommandWithEndpointID:@1 |
| clusterID:@8 |
| commandID:@4 |
| commandFields:fields |
| timedInvokeTimeout:nil |
| queue:queue |
| completion:^(id _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable error) { |
| NSLog(@"invoke command: MoveToLevelWithOnOff values: %@, error: %@", values, error); |
| |
| XCTAssertNil(error); |
| |
| { |
| XCTAssertTrue([values isKindOfClass:[NSArray class]]); |
| NSArray * resultArray = values; |
| for (NSDictionary * result in resultArray) { |
| MTRCommandPath * path = result[@"commandPath"]; |
| XCTAssertEqual([path.endpoint unsignedIntegerValue], 1); |
| XCTAssertEqual([path.cluster unsignedIntegerValue], 8); |
| XCTAssertEqual([path.command unsignedIntegerValue], 4); |
| XCTAssertNil(result[@"error"]); |
| } |
| XCTAssertEqual([resultArray count], 1); |
| } |
| |
| [expectation fulfill]; |
| }]; |
| |
| [self waitForExpectationsWithTimeout:kTimeoutInSeconds handler:nil]; |
| } |
| |
| - (void)test004_InvokeTimedCommand |
| { |
| XCTestExpectation * expectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"invoke Off command"]; |
| |
| MTRBaseDevice * device = GetConnectedDevice(); |
| dispatch_queue_t queue = dispatch_get_main_queue(); |
| |
| NSDictionary * fields = @{ |
| @"type" : @"Structure", |
| @"value" : @[], |
| }; |
| [device invokeCommandWithEndpointID:@1 |
| clusterID:@6 |
| commandID:@0 |
| commandFields:fields |
| timedInvokeTimeout:@10000 |
| queue:queue |
| completion:^(id _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable error) { |
| NSLog(@"invoke command: Off values: %@, error: %@", values, error); |
| |
| XCTAssertNil(error); |
| |
| { |
| XCTAssertTrue([values isKindOfClass:[NSArray class]]); |
| NSArray * resultArray = values; |
| for (NSDictionary * result in resultArray) { |
| MTRCommandPath * path = result[@"commandPath"]; |
| XCTAssertEqual([path.endpoint unsignedIntegerValue], 1); |
| XCTAssertEqual([path.cluster unsignedIntegerValue], 6); |
| XCTAssertEqual([path.command unsignedIntegerValue], 0); |
| XCTAssertNil(result[@"error"]); |
| } |
| XCTAssertEqual([resultArray count], 1); |
| } |
| |
| [expectation fulfill]; |
| }]; |
| |
| [self waitForExpectationsWithTimeout:kTimeoutInSeconds handler:nil]; |
| } |
| |
| static void (^globalReportHandler)(id _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable error) = nil; |
| |
| - (void)test005_Subscribe |
| { |
| MTRBaseDevice * device = GetConnectedDevice(); |
| dispatch_queue_t queue = dispatch_get_main_queue(); |
| |
| // Subscribe |
| XCTestExpectation * expectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"subscribe OnOff attribute"]; |
| __auto_type * params = [[MTRSubscribeParams alloc] initWithMinInterval:@(1) maxInterval:@(10)]; |
| params.resubscribeAutomatically = NO; |
| [device subscribeToAttributesWithEndpointID:@1 |
| clusterID:@6 |
| attributeID:@0 |
| params:params |
| queue:queue |
| reportHandler:^(id _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable error) { |
| NSLog(@"report attribute: OnOff values: %@, error: %@", values, error); |
| |
| if (globalReportHandler) { |
| __auto_type callback = globalReportHandler; |
| callback(values, error); |
| } |
| } |
| subscriptionEstablished:^{ |
| NSLog(@"subscribe attribute: OnOff established"); |
| [expectation fulfill]; |
| }]; |
| |
| // Wait till establishment |
| [self waitForExpectations:[NSArray arrayWithObject:expectation] timeout:kTimeoutInSeconds]; |
| |
| // Set up expectation for report |
| XCTestExpectation * reportExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"report received"]; |
| globalReportHandler = ^(id _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable error) { |
| XCTAssertNil(error); |
| XCTAssertTrue([values isKindOfClass:[NSArray class]]); |
| NSDictionary * result = values[0]; |
| |
| __auto_type * report = [[MTRAttributeReport alloc] initWithResponseValue:result error:nil]; |
| XCTAssertNotNil(report); |
| XCTAssertEqualObjects(report.path.endpoint, @(1)); |
| XCTAssertEqualObjects(report.path.cluster, @(6)); |
| XCTAssertEqualObjects(report.path.attribute, @(0)); |
| XCTAssertNil(report.error); |
| XCTAssertNotNil(report.value); |
| XCTAssertEqualObjects(report.value, @(YES)); |
| |
| MTRAttributePath * path = result[@"attributePath"]; |
| XCTAssertEqual([path.endpoint unsignedIntegerValue], 1); |
| XCTAssertEqual([path.cluster unsignedIntegerValue], 6); |
| XCTAssertEqual([path.attribute unsignedIntegerValue], 0); |
| XCTAssertTrue([result[@"data"] isKindOfClass:[NSDictionary class]]); |
| XCTAssertTrue([result[@"data"][@"type"] isEqualToString:@"Boolean"]); |
| XCTAssertTrue([result[@"data"][@"value"] boolValue]); |
| [reportExpectation fulfill]; |
| globalReportHandler = nil; |
| }; |
| |
| // Send commands to trigger attribute change |
| XCTestExpectation * commandExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"command responded"]; |
| NSDictionary * fields = @{ @"type" : @"Structure", @"value" : [NSArray array] }; |
| [device invokeCommandWithEndpointID:@1 |
| clusterID:@6 |
| commandID:@1 |
| commandFields:fields |
| timedInvokeTimeout:nil |
| queue:queue |
| completion:^(id _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable error) { |
| NSLog(@"invoke command: On values: %@, error: %@", values, error); |
| |
| XCTAssertNil(error); |
| |
| { |
| XCTAssertTrue([values isKindOfClass:[NSArray class]]); |
| NSArray * resultArray = values; |
| for (NSDictionary * result in resultArray) { |
| MTRCommandPath * path = result[@"commandPath"]; |
| XCTAssertEqual([path.endpoint unsignedIntegerValue], 1); |
| XCTAssertEqual([path.cluster unsignedIntegerValue], 6); |
| XCTAssertEqual([path.command unsignedIntegerValue], 1); |
| XCTAssertNil(result[@"error"]); |
| } |
| XCTAssertEqual([resultArray count], 1); |
| } |
| [commandExpectation fulfill]; |
| }]; |
| [self waitForExpectations:[NSArray arrayWithObject:commandExpectation] timeout:kTimeoutInSeconds]; |
| |
| // Wait for report |
| [self waitForExpectations:[NSArray arrayWithObject:reportExpectation] timeout:kTimeoutInSeconds]; |
| |
| // Set up expectation for 2nd report |
| reportExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"receive OnOff attribute report"]; |
| globalReportHandler = ^(id _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable error) { |
| XCTAssertNil(error); |
| XCTAssertTrue([values isKindOfClass:[NSArray class]]); |
| NSDictionary * result = values[0]; |
| |
| __auto_type * report = [[MTRAttributeReport alloc] initWithResponseValue:result error:nil]; |
| XCTAssertNotNil(report); |
| XCTAssertEqualObjects(report.path.endpoint, @(1)); |
| XCTAssertEqualObjects(report.path.cluster, @(6)); |
| XCTAssertEqualObjects(report.path.attribute, @(0)); |
| XCTAssertNil(report.error); |
| XCTAssertNotNil(report.value); |
| XCTAssertEqualObjects(report.value, @(NO)); |
| |
| MTRAttributePath * path = result[@"attributePath"]; |
| XCTAssertEqual([path.endpoint unsignedIntegerValue], 1); |
| XCTAssertEqual([path.cluster unsignedIntegerValue], 6); |
| XCTAssertEqual([path.attribute unsignedIntegerValue], 0); |
| XCTAssertTrue([result[@"data"] isKindOfClass:[NSDictionary class]]); |
| XCTAssertTrue([result[@"data"][@"type"] isEqualToString:@"Boolean"]); |
| XCTAssertFalse([result[@"data"][@"value"] boolValue]); |
| [reportExpectation fulfill]; |
| globalReportHandler = nil; |
| }; |
| |
| // Send command to trigger attribute change |
| fields = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:@"Structure", @"type", [NSArray array], @"value", nil]; |
| [device invokeCommandWithEndpointID:@1 |
| clusterID:@6 |
| commandID:@0 |
| commandFields:fields |
| timedInvokeTimeout:nil |
| queue:queue |
| completion:^(id _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable error) { |
| NSLog(@"invoke command: On values: %@, error: %@", values, error); |
| |
| XCTAssertNil(error); |
| |
| { |
| XCTAssertTrue([values isKindOfClass:[NSArray class]]); |
| NSArray * resultArray = values; |
| for (NSDictionary * result in resultArray) { |
| MTRCommandPath * path = result[@"commandPath"]; |
| XCTAssertEqual([path.endpoint unsignedIntegerValue], 1); |
| XCTAssertEqual([path.cluster unsignedIntegerValue], 6); |
| XCTAssertEqual([path.command unsignedIntegerValue], 0); |
| XCTAssertNil(result[@"error"]); |
| } |
| XCTAssertEqual([resultArray count], 1); |
| } |
| }]; |
| |
| // Wait for report |
| [self waitForExpectations:[NSArray arrayWithObject:reportExpectation] timeout:kTimeoutInSeconds]; |
| |
| expectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"Report handler deregistered"]; |
| [device deregisterReportHandlersWithQueue:queue |
| completion:^{ |
| [expectation fulfill]; |
| }]; |
| [self waitForExpectations:@[ expectation ] timeout:kTimeoutInSeconds]; |
| } |
| |
| - (void)test006_ReadAttributeFailure |
| { |
| XCTestExpectation * expectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"read failed"]; |
| |
| MTRBaseDevice * device = GetConnectedDevice(); |
| dispatch_queue_t queue = dispatch_get_main_queue(); |
| |
| [device readAttributesWithEndpointID:@0 |
| clusterID:@10000 |
| attributeID:@0 |
| params:nil |
| queue:queue |
| completion:^(id _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable error) { |
| NSLog(@"read attribute: DeviceType values: %@, error: %@", values, error); |
| |
| XCTAssertNil(error); |
| XCTAssertNotNil(values); |
| |
| { |
| XCTAssertTrue([values isKindOfClass:[NSArray class]]); |
| NSArray * resultArray = values; |
| XCTAssertEqual([resultArray count], 1); |
| NSDictionary * result = resultArray[0]; |
| |
| __auto_type * report = [[MTRAttributeReport alloc] initWithResponseValue:result error:nil]; |
| XCTAssertNotNil(report); |
| XCTAssertEqualObjects(report.path.endpoint, @(0)); |
| XCTAssertEqualObjects(report.path.cluster, @(10000)); |
| XCTAssertEqualObjects(report.path.attribute, @(0)); |
| XCTAssertNotNil(report.error); |
| XCTAssertNil(report.value); |
| XCTAssertTrue([MTRErrorTestUtils error:report.error isInteractionModelError:MTRInteractionErrorCodeUnsupportedCluster]); |
| |
| MTRAttributePath * path = result[@"attributePath"]; |
| XCTAssertEqual(path.endpoint.unsignedIntegerValue, 0); |
| XCTAssertEqual(path.cluster.unsignedIntegerValue, 10000); |
| XCTAssertEqual(path.attribute.unsignedIntegerValue, 0); |
| XCTAssertNotNil(result[@"error"]); |
| XCTAssertNil(result[@"data"]); |
| XCTAssertTrue([result[@"error"] isKindOfClass:[NSError class]]); |
| XCTAssertTrue([MTRErrorTestUtils error:result[@"error"] isInteractionModelError:MTRInteractionErrorCodeUnsupportedCluster]); |
| } |
| |
| [expectation fulfill]; |
| }]; |
| |
| [self waitForExpectations:[NSArray arrayWithObject:expectation] timeout:kTimeoutInSeconds]; |
| } |
| |
| - (void)test007_WriteAttributeFailure |
| { |
| XCTestExpectation * expectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"write failed"]; |
| |
| MTRBaseDevice * device = GetConnectedDevice(); |
| dispatch_queue_t queue = dispatch_get_main_queue(); |
| |
| NSDictionary * writeValue = [NSDictionary |
| dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:@"UnsignedInteger", @"type", [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedInteger:200], @"value", nil]; |
| [device |
| writeAttributeWithEndpointID:@1 |
| clusterID:@8 |
| attributeID:@10000 |
| value:writeValue |
| timedWriteTimeout:nil |
| queue:queue |
| completion:^(id _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable error) { |
| NSLog(@"write attribute: Brightness values: %@, error: %@", values, error); |
| |
| XCTAssertNil(values); |
| XCTAssertTrue([MTRErrorTestUtils error:error isInteractionModelError:MTRInteractionErrorCodeUnsupportedAttribute]); |
| |
| [expectation fulfill]; |
| }]; |
| |
| [self waitForExpectations:[NSArray arrayWithObject:expectation] timeout:kTimeoutInSeconds]; |
| } |
| |
| - (void)test008_InvokeCommandFailure |
| { |
| XCTestExpectation * expectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"invoke MoveToLevelWithOnOff command"]; |
| |
| MTRBaseDevice * device = GetConnectedDevice(); |
| dispatch_queue_t queue = dispatch_get_main_queue(); |
| |
| NSDictionary * fields = @{ |
| @"type" : @"Structure", |
| @"value" : @[ |
| @{ @"contextTag" : @0, @"data" : @ { @"type" : @"UnsignedInteger", @"value" : @0 } }, |
| @{ @"contextTag" : @1, @"data" : @ { @"type" : @"UnsignedInteger", @"value" : @10 } } |
| ] |
| }; |
| [device |
| invokeCommandWithEndpointID:@1 |
| clusterID:@8 |
| commandID:@(0xff) |
| commandFields:fields |
| timedInvokeTimeout:nil |
| queue:queue |
| completion:^(id _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable error) { |
| NSLog(@"invoke command: MoveToLevelWithOnOff values: %@, error: %@", values, error); |
| |
| XCTAssertNil(values); |
| XCTAssertTrue([MTRErrorTestUtils error:error isInteractionModelError:MTRInteractionErrorCodeUnsupportedCommand]); |
| |
| [expectation fulfill]; |
| }]; |
| |
| [self waitForExpectations:[NSArray arrayWithObject:expectation] timeout:kTimeoutInSeconds]; |
| } |
| |
| - (void)test009_SubscribeFailure |
| { |
| __block void (^reportHandler)(id _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable error) = nil; |
| |
| // Set up expectation for report |
| XCTestExpectation * errorReportExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"receive subscription error"]; |
| reportHandler = ^(id _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable error) { |
| // Because our subscription has no existent paths, it gets an |
| // InvalidAction response. |
| XCTAssertNil(value); |
| XCTAssertTrue([MTRErrorTestUtils error:error isInteractionModelError:MTRInteractionErrorCodeInvalidAction]); |
| [errorReportExpectation fulfill]; |
| }; |
| |
| MTRBaseDevice * device = GetConnectedDevice(); |
| dispatch_queue_t queue = dispatch_get_main_queue(); |
| |
| XCTestExpectation * cleanSubscriptionExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"Previous subscriptions cleaned"]; |
| NSLog(@"Deregistering report handlers..."); |
| [device deregisterReportHandlersWithQueue:queue |
| completion:^{ |
| NSLog(@"Report handlers deregistered"); |
| [cleanSubscriptionExpectation fulfill]; |
| }]; |
| [self waitForExpectations:@[ cleanSubscriptionExpectation ] timeout:kTimeoutInSeconds]; |
| |
| __auto_type * params = [[MTRSubscribeParams alloc] initWithMinInterval:@(2) maxInterval:@(10)]; |
| params.resubscribeAutomatically = NO; |
| [device subscribeToAttributesWithEndpointID:@10000 |
| clusterID:@6 |
| attributeID:@0 |
| params:params |
| queue:queue |
| reportHandler:^(id _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable error) { |
| NSLog(@"report attribute: OnOff values: %@, error: %@", values, error); |
| |
| if (reportHandler) { |
| __auto_type callback = reportHandler; |
| reportHandler = nil; |
| callback(values, error); |
| } |
| } |
| subscriptionEstablished:^{ |
| NSLog(@"subscribe attribute: OnOff established"); |
| XCTFail("Should not get subscriptionEstablished in the error case"); |
| }]; |
| |
| // Wait till establishment and error report |
| [self waitForExpectations:@[ errorReportExpectation ] timeout:kTimeoutInSeconds]; |
| } |
| |
| - (void)test010_ReadAllAttribute |
| { |
| XCTestExpectation * expectation = |
| [self expectationWithDescription:@"read DeviceDescriptor DeviceType attribute for all endpoints"]; |
| |
| MTRBaseDevice * device = GetConnectedDevice(); |
| dispatch_queue_t queue = dispatch_get_main_queue(); |
| |
| [device readAttributesWithEndpointID:@1 |
| clusterID:@29 |
| attributeID:nil |
| params:nil |
| queue:queue |
| completion:^(id _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable error) { |
| NSLog(@"read attribute: DeviceType values: %@, error: %@", values, error); |
| |
| XCTAssertNil(error); |
| |
| { |
| XCTAssertTrue([values isKindOfClass:[NSArray class]]); |
| NSArray * resultArray = values; |
| for (NSDictionary * result in resultArray) { |
| MTRAttributePath * path = result[@"attributePath"]; |
| XCTAssertEqual([path.cluster unsignedIntegerValue], 29); |
| XCTAssertEqual([path.endpoint unsignedIntegerValue], 1); |
| XCTAssertNotNil(result[@"data"]); |
| XCTAssertNil(result[@"error"]); |
| XCTAssertTrue([result[@"data"] isKindOfClass:[NSDictionary class]]); |
| } |
| XCTAssertTrue([resultArray count] > 0); |
| } |
| |
| [expectation fulfill]; |
| }]; |
| |
| [self waitForExpectations:[NSArray arrayWithObject:expectation] timeout:kTimeoutInSeconds]; |
| } |
| |
| - (void)test011_ReadCachedAttribute |
| { |
| MTRBaseDevice * device = GetConnectedDevice(); |
| dispatch_queue_t queue = dispatch_get_main_queue(); |
| XCTestExpectation * cleanSubscriptionExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"Previous subscriptions cleaned"]; |
| NSLog(@"Deregistering report handlers..."); |
| [device deregisterReportHandlersWithQueue:queue |
| completion:^{ |
| NSLog(@"Report handlers deregistered"); |
| [cleanSubscriptionExpectation fulfill]; |
| }]; |
| [self waitForExpectations:@[ cleanSubscriptionExpectation ] timeout:kTimeoutInSeconds]; |
| |
| __auto_type clusterStateCacheContainer = [[MTRClusterStateCacheContainer alloc] init]; |
| MTRDeviceController * controller = sController; |
| XCTAssertNotNil(controller); |
| XCTestExpectation * subscribeExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"Subscription complete"]; |
| |
| NSLog(@"Subscribing..."); |
| // reportHandler returns TRUE if it got the things it was looking for or if there's an error. |
| __block BOOL (^reportHandler)(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable error); |
| __auto_type * params = [[MTRSubscribeParams alloc] initWithMinInterval:@(2) maxInterval:@(60)]; |
| params.resubscribeAutomatically = NO; |
| [device subscribeWithQueue:queue |
| params:params |
| clusterStateCacheContainer:clusterStateCacheContainer |
| attributeReportHandler:^(NSArray * value) { |
| NSLog(@"Received report: %@", value); |
| if (reportHandler) { |
| __auto_type handler = reportHandler; |
| reportHandler = nil; |
| BOOL done = handler(value, nil); |
| if (done == NO) { |
| // Keep waiting. |
| reportHandler = handler; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| eventReportHandler:nil |
| errorHandler:^(NSError * error) { |
| NSLog(@"Received report error: %@", error); |
| if (reportHandler) { |
| __auto_type handler = reportHandler; |
| reportHandler = nil; |
| handler(nil, error); |
| } |
| } |
| subscriptionEstablished:^() { |
| [subscribeExpectation fulfill]; |
| } |
| resubscriptionScheduled:nil]; |
| [self waitForExpectations:@[ subscribeExpectation ] timeout:60]; |
| |
| // Invoke command to set the attribute to a known state |
| XCTestExpectation * commandExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"Command invoked"]; |
| MTRBaseClusterOnOff * cluster = [[MTRBaseClusterOnOff alloc] initWithDevice:device endpointID:@(1) queue:queue]; |
| XCTAssertNotNil(cluster); |
| |
| NSLog(@"Invoking command..."); |
| [cluster onWithCompletion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { |
| NSLog(@"Invoked command with error: %@", err); |
| XCTAssertNil(err); |
| [commandExpectation fulfill]; |
| }]; |
| [self waitForExpectations:[NSArray arrayWithObject:commandExpectation] timeout:kTimeoutInSeconds]; |
| |
| // Wait till reports arrive from accessory. |
| NSLog(@"Waiting for reports from accessory..."); |
| sleep(5); |
| |
| // Read cache |
| NSLog(@"Reading from cache..."); |
| XCTestExpectation * cacheExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"Attribute cache read"]; |
| [MTRBaseClusterOnOff readAttributeOnOffWithClusterStateCache:clusterStateCacheContainer |
| endpoint:@1 |
| queue:queue |
| completion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { |
| NSLog(@"Read attribute cache value: %@, error: %@", value, err); |
| XCTAssertNil(err); |
| XCTAssertTrue([value isEqualToNumber:[NSNumber numberWithBool:YES]]); |
| [cacheExpectation fulfill]; |
| }]; |
| [self waitForExpectations:[NSArray arrayWithObject:cacheExpectation] timeout:kTimeoutInSeconds]; |
| |
| // Add another subscriber of the attribute to verify that attribute cache still works when there are other subscribers. |
| NSLog(@"New subscription..."); |
| XCTestExpectation * newSubscriptionEstablished = [self expectationWithDescription:@"New subscription established"]; |
| MTRSubscribeParams * newParams = [[MTRSubscribeParams alloc] initWithMinInterval:@(2) maxInterval:@(60)]; |
| newParams.replaceExistingSubscriptions = NO; |
| newParams.resubscribeAutomatically = NO; |
| [cluster subscribeAttributeOnOffWithParams:newParams |
| subscriptionEstablished:^{ |
| NSLog(@"New subscription was established"); |
| [newSubscriptionEstablished fulfill]; |
| } |
| reportHandler:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable error) { |
| NSLog(@"New subscriber received a report: %@, error: %@", value, error); |
| }]; |
| [self waitForExpectations:[NSArray arrayWithObject:newSubscriptionEstablished] timeout:kTimeoutInSeconds]; |
| |
| __auto_type reportExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"Report handler called"]; |
| reportHandler = ^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable error) { |
| if (error != nil) { |
| return YES; |
| } |
| NSLog(@"Report received: %@, error: %@", value, error); |
| for (MTRAttributeReport * report in value) { |
| if ([report.path.endpoint isEqualToNumber:@1] && [report.path.cluster isEqualToNumber:@6] && |
| [report.path.attribute isEqualToNumber:@0]) { |
| NSLog(@"Report value for OnOff: %@", report.value); |
| XCTAssertNotNil(report.value); |
| XCTAssertTrue([report.value isKindOfClass:[NSNumber class]]); |
| XCTAssertEqual([report.value boolValue], NO); |
| [reportExpectation fulfill]; |
| return YES; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| return NO; |
| }; |
| |
| NSLog(@"Invoking another command..."); |
| commandExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"Command invoked"]; |
| [cluster offWithCompletion:^(NSError * _Nullable err) { |
| NSLog(@"Invoked command with error: %@", err); |
| XCTAssertNil(err); |
| [commandExpectation fulfill]; |
| }]; |
| [self waitForExpectations:[NSArray arrayWithObject:commandExpectation] timeout:kTimeoutInSeconds]; |
| |
| // Wait till reports arrive from accessory. |
| NSLog(@"Waiting for reports from accessory..."); |
| [self waitForExpectations:@[ reportExpectation ] timeout:kTimeoutInSeconds]; |
| |
| NSLog(@"Disconnect accessory to test cache..."); |
| __auto_type idleExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"Must not break out of idle"]; |
| idleExpectation.inverted = YES; |
| [self waitForExpectations:[NSArray arrayWithObject:idleExpectation] timeout:10]; |
| |
| // Read cache |
| NSLog(@"Reading from cache..."); |
| cacheExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"Attribute cache read"]; |
| [MTRBaseClusterOnOff readAttributeOnOffWithClusterStateCache:clusterStateCacheContainer |
| endpoint:@1 |
| queue:queue |
| completion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable err) { |
| NSLog(@"Read attribute cache value: %@, error: %@", value, err); |
| XCTAssertNil(err); |
| XCTAssertTrue([value isEqualToNumber:[NSNumber numberWithBool:NO]]); |
| [cacheExpectation fulfill]; |
| }]; |
| [self waitForExpectations:[NSArray arrayWithObject:cacheExpectation] timeout:kTimeoutInSeconds]; |
| |
| // Read from cache using generic path |
| NSLog(@"Reading from cache using generic path..."); |
| cacheExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"Attribute cache read"]; |
| [clusterStateCacheContainer |
| readAttributesWithEndpointID:@1 |
| clusterID:@6 |
| attributeID:@0 |
| queue:queue |
| completion:^(NSArray<NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *> * _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable error) { |
| NSLog(@"Read attribute cache value: %@, error %@", values, error); |
| XCTAssertNil(error); |
| XCTAssertEqual([values count], 1); |
| |
| __auto_type * report = [[MTRAttributeReport alloc] initWithResponseValue:values[0] error:nil]; |
| XCTAssertNotNil(report); |
| XCTAssertEqualObjects(report.path.endpoint, @(1)); |
| XCTAssertEqualObjects(report.path.cluster, @(6)); |
| XCTAssertEqualObjects(report.path.attribute, @(0)); |
| XCTAssertNil(report.error); |
| XCTAssertNotNil(report.value); |
| XCTAssertEqualObjects(report.value, @(NO)); |
| |
| MTRAttributePath * path = values[0][@"attributePath"]; |
| XCTAssertEqual([path.endpoint unsignedShortValue], 1); |
| XCTAssertEqual([path.cluster unsignedLongValue], 6); |
| XCTAssertEqual([path.attribute unsignedLongValue], 0); |
| XCTAssertNotNil(values[0][@"data"]); |
| XCTAssertNil(values[0][@"error"]); |
| XCTAssertTrue([values[0][@"data"][@"type"] isEqualToString:@"Boolean"]); |
| XCTAssertEqual([values[0][@"data"][@"value"] boolValue], NO); |
| [cacheExpectation fulfill]; |
| }]; |
| [self waitForExpectations:@[ cacheExpectation ] timeout:kTimeoutInSeconds]; |
| |
| // Read from cache with wildcard path |
| NSLog(@"Reading from cache using wildcard endpoint..."); |
| cacheExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"Attribute cache read"]; |
| [clusterStateCacheContainer |
| readAttributesWithEndpointID:nil |
| clusterID:@6 |
| attributeID:@0 |
| queue:queue |
| completion:^(NSArray<NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *> * _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable error) { |
| NSLog(@"Read attribute cache value: %@, error %@", values, error); |
| XCTAssertNil(error); |
| XCTAssertTrue([values count] > 0); |
| for (NSDictionary<NSString *, id> * value in values) { |
| __auto_type * report = [[MTRAttributeReport alloc] initWithResponseValue:value error:nil]; |
| XCTAssertNotNil(report); |
| XCTAssertEqualObjects(report.path.cluster, @(6)); |
| XCTAssertEqualObjects(report.path.attribute, @(0)); |
| XCTAssertNil(report.error); |
| XCTAssertNotNil(report.value); |
| XCTAssertTrue([report.value isKindOfClass:[NSNumber class]]); |
| |
| MTRAttributePath * path = value[@"attributePath"]; |
| XCTAssertEqual([path.cluster unsignedLongValue], 6); |
| XCTAssertEqual([path.attribute unsignedLongValue], 0); |
| XCTAssertNil(value[@"error"]); |
| XCTAssertNotNil(value[@"data"]); |
| } |
| [cacheExpectation fulfill]; |
| }]; |
| [self waitForExpectations:@[ cacheExpectation ] timeout:kTimeoutInSeconds]; |
| |
| // Read from cache with wildcard path |
| NSLog(@"Reading from cache using wildcard cluster ID..."); |
| cacheExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"Attribute cache read"]; |
| [clusterStateCacheContainer |
| readAttributesWithEndpointID:@1 |
| clusterID:nil |
| attributeID:@0 |
| queue:queue |
| completion:^(NSArray<NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *> * _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable error) { |
| NSLog(@"Read attribute cache value: %@, error %@", values, error); |
| XCTAssertNil(error); |
| XCTAssertTrue([values count] > 0); |
| for (NSDictionary<NSString *, id> * value in values) { |
| MTRAttributePath * path = value[@"attributePath"]; |
| XCTAssertEqual([path.endpoint unsignedShortValue], 1); |
| XCTAssertEqual([path.attribute unsignedLongValue], 0); |
| XCTAssertNil(value[@"error"]); |
| XCTAssertNotNil(value[@"data"]); |
| } |
| [cacheExpectation fulfill]; |
| }]; |
| [self waitForExpectations:@[ cacheExpectation ] timeout:kTimeoutInSeconds]; |
| |
| // Read from cache with wildcard path |
| NSLog(@"Reading from cache using wildcard attribute ID..."); |
| cacheExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"Attribute cache read"]; |
| [clusterStateCacheContainer |
| readAttributesWithEndpointID:@1 |
| clusterID:@6 |
| attributeID:nil |
| queue:queue |
| completion:^(NSArray<NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *> * _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable error) { |
| NSLog(@"Read attribute cache value: %@, error %@", values, error); |
| XCTAssertNil(error); |
| XCTAssertTrue([values count] > 0); |
| for (NSDictionary<NSString *, id> * value in values) { |
| MTRAttributePath * path = value[@"attributePath"]; |
| XCTAssertEqual([path.endpoint unsignedShortValue], 1); |
| XCTAssertEqual([path.cluster unsignedLongValue], 6); |
| XCTAssertNil(value[@"error"]); |
| XCTAssertNotNil(value[@"data"]); |
| } |
| [cacheExpectation fulfill]; |
| }]; |
| [self waitForExpectations:@[ cacheExpectation ] timeout:kTimeoutInSeconds]; |
| |
| // Read from cache with wildcard path |
| NSLog(@"Reading from cache using wildcard endpoint ID and cluster ID..."); |
| cacheExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"Attribute cache read"]; |
| [clusterStateCacheContainer |
| readAttributesWithEndpointID:nil |
| clusterID:nil |
| attributeID:@0 |
| queue:queue |
| completion:^(NSArray<NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *> * _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable error) { |
| NSLog(@"Read attribute cache value: %@, error %@", values, error); |
| XCTAssertNotNil(error); |
| [cacheExpectation fulfill]; |
| }]; |
| [self waitForExpectations:@[ cacheExpectation ] timeout:kTimeoutInSeconds]; |
| } |
| |
| #ifdef DEBUG |
| // Test an error to subscription |
| - (void)test012_SubscriptionError |
| { |
| MTRBaseDevice * device = GetConnectedDevice(); |
| dispatch_queue_t queue = dispatch_get_main_queue(); |
| XCTestExpectation * deregisterExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"Report handler deregistered"]; |
| [device deregisterReportHandlersWithQueue:queue |
| completion:^{ |
| [deregisterExpectation fulfill]; |
| }]; |
| [self waitForExpectations:@[ deregisterExpectation ] timeout:kTimeoutInSeconds]; |
| |
| // Subscribe |
| XCTestExpectation * expectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"subscribe OnOff attribute"]; |
| MTRSubscribeParams * params = [[MTRSubscribeParams alloc] initWithMinInterval:@(1) maxInterval:@(10)]; |
| params.resubscribeAutomatically = NO; |
| [device subscribeToAttributesWithEndpointID:@1 |
| clusterID:@6 |
| attributeID:@0 |
| params:params |
| queue:queue |
| reportHandler:^(id _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable error) { |
| NSLog(@"report attribute: OnOff values: %@, error: %@", values, error); |
| |
| if (globalReportHandler) { |
| __auto_type callback = globalReportHandler; |
| callback(values, error); |
| } |
| } |
| subscriptionEstablished:^{ |
| NSLog(@"subscribe attribute: OnOff established"); |
| [expectation fulfill]; |
| }]; |
| |
| // Wait till establishment |
| [self waitForExpectations:[NSArray arrayWithObject:expectation] timeout:kTimeoutInSeconds]; |
| |
| // Set up expectation for report |
| XCTestExpectation * reportExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"report received"]; |
| globalReportHandler = ^(id _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable error) { |
| XCTAssertNil(error); |
| XCTAssertTrue([value isKindOfClass:[NSArray class]]); |
| NSDictionary * result = value[0]; |
| MTRAttributePath * path = result[@"attributePath"]; |
| XCTAssertEqual([path.endpoint unsignedIntegerValue], 1); |
| XCTAssertEqual([path.cluster unsignedIntegerValue], 6); |
| XCTAssertEqual([path.attribute unsignedIntegerValue], 0); |
| XCTAssertTrue([result[@"data"] isKindOfClass:[NSDictionary class]]); |
| XCTAssertTrue([result[@"data"][@"type"] isEqualToString:@"Boolean"]); |
| if ([result[@"data"][@"value"] boolValue] == YES) { |
| globalReportHandler = nil; |
| [reportExpectation fulfill]; |
| } |
| }; |
| |
| // Send commands to trigger attribute change |
| XCTestExpectation * commandExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"command responded"]; |
| NSDictionary * fields = @{ @"type" : @"Structure", @"value" : [NSArray array] }; |
| [device invokeCommandWithEndpointID:@1 |
| clusterID:@6 |
| commandID:@1 |
| commandFields:fields |
| timedInvokeTimeout:nil |
| queue:queue |
| completion:^(id _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable error) { |
| NSLog(@"invoke command: On values: %@, error: %@", values, error); |
| |
| XCTAssertNil(error); |
| |
| { |
| XCTAssertTrue([values isKindOfClass:[NSArray class]]); |
| NSArray * resultArray = values; |
| for (NSDictionary * result in resultArray) { |
| MTRCommandPath * path = result[@"commandPath"]; |
| XCTAssertEqual([path.endpoint unsignedIntegerValue], 1); |
| XCTAssertEqual([path.cluster unsignedIntegerValue], 6); |
| XCTAssertEqual([path.command unsignedIntegerValue], 1); |
| XCTAssertNil(result[@"error"]); |
| } |
| XCTAssertEqual([resultArray count], 1); |
| } |
| [commandExpectation fulfill]; |
| }]; |
| [self waitForExpectations:[NSArray arrayWithObject:commandExpectation] timeout:kTimeoutInSeconds]; |
| |
| // Wait for report |
| [self waitForExpectations:[NSArray arrayWithObject:reportExpectation] timeout:kTimeoutInSeconds]; |
| |
| XCTestExpectation * errorExpectation1 = [self expectationWithDescription:@"First subscription errored out"]; |
| XCTestExpectation * errorExpectation2 = [self expectationWithDescription:@"Second subscription errored out"]; |
| |
| globalReportHandler = ^(id _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable error) { |
| XCTAssertNil(values); |
| XCTAssertNotNil(error); |
| globalReportHandler = nil; |
| [errorExpectation1 fulfill]; |
| }; |
| |
| // Try to create a second subscription, which will cancel the first |
| // subscription. We can use a non-existent path here to cut down on the |
| // work that gets done. |
| params.replaceExistingSubscriptions = YES; |
| [device subscribeToAttributesWithEndpointID:@10000 |
| clusterID:@6 |
| attributeID:@0 |
| params:params |
| queue:queue |
| reportHandler:^(id _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable error) { |
| XCTAssertNil(values); |
| XCTAssertNotNil(error); |
| [errorExpectation2 fulfill]; |
| } |
| subscriptionEstablished:^() { |
| XCTFail("Did not expect this subscription to succeed"); |
| }]; |
| [self waitForExpectations:@[ errorExpectation1, errorExpectation2 ] timeout:60]; |
| |
| deregisterExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"Report handler deregistered"]; |
| [device deregisterReportHandlersWithQueue:queue |
| completion:^{ |
| [deregisterExpectation fulfill]; |
| }]; |
| [self waitForExpectations:@[ deregisterExpectation ] timeout:kTimeoutInSeconds]; |
| } |
| #endif // DEBUG |
| |
| - (void)test013_ReuseChipClusterObject |
| { |
| MTRDeviceController * controller = sController; |
| XCTAssertNotNil(controller); |
| |
| MTRBaseDevice * device = [MTRBaseDevice deviceWithNodeID:@(kDeviceId) controller:controller]; |
| |
| XCTestExpectation * expectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"ReuseMTRClusterObjectFirstCall"]; |
| |
| dispatch_queue_t queue = dispatch_get_main_queue(); |
| MTRBaseClusterUnitTesting * cluster = [[MTRBaseClusterUnitTesting alloc] initWithDevice:device endpointID:@(1) queue:queue]; |
| XCTAssertNotNil(cluster); |
| |
| [cluster testWithCompletion:^(NSError * err) { |
| NSLog(@"ReuseMTRClusterObject test Error: %@", err); |
| XCTAssertEqual(err.code, 0); |
| [expectation fulfill]; |
| }]; |
| |
| [self waitForExpectationsWithTimeout:kTimeoutInSeconds handler:nil]; |
| |
| expectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"ReuseMTRClusterObjectSecondCall"]; |
| |
| // Reuse the MTRCluster Object for multiple times. |
| |
| [cluster testWithCompletion:^(NSError * err) { |
| NSLog(@"ReuseMTRClusterObject test Error: %@", err); |
| XCTAssertEqual(err.code, 0); |
| [expectation fulfill]; |
| }]; |
| |
| [self waitForExpectationsWithTimeout:kTimeoutInSeconds handler:nil]; |
| } |
| |
| - (void)test014_InvokeCommandWithDifferentIdResponse |
| { |
| XCTestExpectation * expectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"invoke Off command"]; |
| |
| MTRBaseDevice * device = GetConnectedDevice(); |
| dispatch_queue_t queue = dispatch_get_main_queue(); |
| |
| NSDictionary * fields = @{ |
| @"type" : @"Structure", |
| @"value" : @[], |
| }; |
| // KeySetReadAllIndices in the Group Key Management has id 4 and a data response with id 5 |
| [device |
| invokeCommandWithEndpointID:@0 |
| clusterID:@(0x003F) |
| commandID:@4 |
| commandFields:fields |
| timedInvokeTimeout:nil |
| queue:queue |
| completion:^(id _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable error) { |
| NSLog(@"invoke command: KeySetReadAllIndices values: %@, error: %@", values, error); |
| |
| XCTAssertNil(error); |
| |
| { |
| XCTAssertTrue([values isKindOfClass:[NSArray class]]); |
| NSArray * resultArray = values; |
| for (NSDictionary * result in resultArray) { |
| MTRCommandPath * path = result[MTRCommandPathKey]; |
| XCTAssertEqual([path.endpoint unsignedIntegerValue], 0); |
| XCTAssertEqual([path.cluster unsignedIntegerValue], 0x003F); |
| XCTAssertEqual([path.command unsignedIntegerValue], 5); |
| // We expect a KeySetReadAllIndicesResponse struct, |
| // which has context tag 0 pointing to a list with one |
| // item: 0 (the IPK's keyset id). |
| NSDictionary * expectedResult = @{ |
| MTRTypeKey : MTRStructureValueType, |
| MTRValueKey : @[ @{ |
| MTRContextTagKey : @0, |
| MTRDataKey : @ { |
| MTRTypeKey : MTRArrayValueType, |
| MTRValueKey : @[ @{ |
| MTRDataKey : @ { MTRTypeKey : MTRUnsignedIntegerValueType, MTRValueKey : @0 } |
| } ] |
| } |
| } ], |
| }; |
| XCTAssertEqualObjects(result[MTRDataKey], expectedResult); |
| XCTAssertNil(result[MTRErrorKey]); |
| |
| // Now check our strong-typed parsing bits. |
| NSError * parseError; |
| __auto_type * response = |
| [[MTRGroupKeyManagementClusterKeySetReadAllIndicesResponseParams alloc] |
| initWithResponseValue:result |
| error:&parseError]; |
| XCTAssertNil(parseError); |
| XCTAssertNotNil(response); |
| XCTAssertEqual(response.groupKeySetIDs.count, 1); |
| XCTAssertEqualObjects(response.groupKeySetIDs[0], @(0)); |
| } |
| XCTAssertEqual([resultArray count], 1); |
| } |
| |
| [expectation fulfill]; |
| }]; |
| |
| [self waitForExpectationsWithTimeout:kTimeoutInSeconds handler:nil]; |
| } |
| |
| - (void)test015_FailedSubscribeWithQueueAcrossShutdown |
| { |
| MTRBaseDevice * device = GetConnectedDevice(); |
| dispatch_queue_t queue = dispatch_get_main_queue(); |
| |
| MTRDeviceController * controller = sController; |
| XCTAssertNotNil(controller); |
| XCTestExpectation * firstSubscribeExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"First subscription complete"]; |
| XCTestExpectation * errorExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"First subscription errored out"]; |
| |
| // Create first subscription. It needs to be using subscribeWithQueue and |
| // must have a clusterStateCacheContainer to exercise the onDone case. |
| NSLog(@"Subscribing..."); |
| __auto_type clusterStateCacheContainer = [[MTRAttributeCacheContainer alloc] init]; |
| __auto_type * params = [[MTRSubscribeParams alloc] init]; |
| params.resubscribeAutomatically = NO; |
| params.replaceExistingSubscriptions = NO; // Not strictly needed, but checking that doing this does not affect this subscription erroring out correctly. |
| [device subscribeWithQueue:queue |
| minInterval:1 |
| maxInterval:2 |
| params:params |
| cacheContainer:clusterStateCacheContainer |
| attributeReportHandler:nil |
| eventReportHandler:nil |
| errorHandler:^(NSError * error) { |
| NSLog(@"Received report error: %@", error); |
| |
| // Restart the controller here, to exercise our various event queue bits. |
| [controller shutdown]; |
| |
| // Wait a bit before restart, to allow whatever async things are going on after this is called to try to happen. |
| dispatch_after(dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, 2 * NSEC_PER_SEC), queue, ^{ |
| __auto_type * factory = [MTRControllerFactory sharedInstance]; |
| XCTAssertNotNil(factory); |
| |
| // Needs to match what initStack does. |
| __auto_type * params = [[MTRDeviceControllerStartupParams alloc] initWithSigningKeypair:sTestKeys |
| fabricId:1 |
| ipk:sTestKeys.ipk]; |
| __auto_type * newController = [factory startControllerOnExistingFabric:params]; |
| XCTAssertNotNil(newController); |
| |
| sController = newController; |
| |
| WaitForCommissionee(errorExpectation); |
| }); |
| } |
| subscriptionEstablished:^() { |
| [firstSubscribeExpectation fulfill]; |
| } |
| resubscriptionScheduled:nil]; |
| [self waitForExpectations:@[ firstSubscribeExpectation ] timeout:60]; |
| |
| // Create second subscription which will cancel the first subscription. We |
| // can use a non-existent path here to cut down on the work that gets done. |
| params.replaceExistingSubscriptions = YES; |
| [device subscribeAttributeWithEndpointId:@10000 |
| clusterId:@6 |
| attributeId:@0 |
| minInterval:@(1) |
| maxInterval:@(2) |
| params:params |
| clientQueue:queue |
| reportHandler:^(id _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable error) { |
| } |
| subscriptionEstablished:^() {}]; |
| [self waitForExpectations:@[ errorExpectation ] timeout:60]; |
| } |
| |
| - (void)test016_FailedSubscribeWithCacheReadDuringFailure |
| { |
| MTRBaseDevice * device = GetConnectedDevice(); |
| dispatch_queue_t queue = dispatch_get_main_queue(); |
| |
| MTRDeviceController * controller = sController; |
| XCTAssertNotNil(controller); |
| XCTestExpectation * firstSubscribeExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"First subscription complete"]; |
| XCTestExpectation * errorExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"First subscription errored out"]; |
| |
| // Create first subscription. It needs to be using subscribeWithQueue and |
| // must have a clusterStateCacheContainer to exercise the onDone case. |
| NSLog(@"Subscribing..."); |
| __auto_type clusterStateCacheContainer = [[MTRClusterStateCacheContainer alloc] init]; |
| __auto_type * params = [[MTRSubscribeParams alloc] initWithMinInterval:@(1) maxInterval:@(2)]; |
| params.resubscribeAutomatically = NO; |
| [device subscribeWithQueue:queue |
| params:params |
| clusterStateCacheContainer:clusterStateCacheContainer |
| attributeReportHandler:nil |
| eventReportHandler:nil |
| errorHandler:^(NSError * error) { |
| NSLog(@"Received report error: %@", error); |
| |
| [MTRBaseClusterOnOff readAttributeOnOffWithClusterStateCache:clusterStateCacheContainer |
| endpoint:@1 |
| queue:queue |
| completion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable error) { |
| [errorExpectation fulfill]; |
| }]; |
| } |
| subscriptionEstablished:^() { |
| [firstSubscribeExpectation fulfill]; |
| } |
| resubscriptionScheduled:nil]; |
| [self waitForExpectations:@[ firstSubscribeExpectation ] timeout:60]; |
| |
| // Create second subscription which will cancel the first subscription. We |
| // can use a non-existent path here to cut down on the work that gets done. |
| params.replaceExistingSubscriptions = YES; |
| [device subscribeAttributeWithEndpointId:@10000 |
| clusterId:@6 |
| attributeId:@0 |
| minInterval:@(1) |
| maxInterval:@(2) |
| params:params |
| clientQueue:queue |
| reportHandler:^(id _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable error) { |
| } |
| subscriptionEstablished:^() {}]; |
| [self waitForExpectations:@[ errorExpectation ] timeout:60]; |
| } |
| |
| - (void)test017_TestMTRDeviceBasics |
| { |
| __auto_type * device = [MTRDevice deviceWithNodeID:kDeviceId deviceController:sController]; |
| dispatch_queue_t queue = dispatch_get_main_queue(); |
| |
| // Given reachable state becomes true before underlying OnSubscriptionEstablished callback, this expectation is necessary but |
| // not sufficient as a mark to the end of reports |
| XCTestExpectation * subscriptionExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"Subscription has been set up"]; |
| |
| __auto_type * delegate = [[MTRDeviceTestDelegate alloc] init]; |
| delegate.onReachable = ^() { |
| [subscriptionExpectation fulfill]; |
| }; |
| |
| __block unsigned attributeReportsReceived = 0; |
| delegate.onAttributeDataReceived = ^(NSArray<NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *> * data) { |
| attributeReportsReceived += data.count; |
| }; |
| |
| // This is dependent on current implementation that priming reports send attributes and events in that order, and also that |
| // events in this test would fit in one report. So receiving events would mean all attributes and events have been received, and |
| // can satisfy the test below. |
| XCTestExpectation * gotReportsExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"Attribute and Event reports have been received"]; |
| __block unsigned eventReportsReceived = 0; |
| __block BOOL reportEnded = NO; |
| __block BOOL gotOneNonPrimingEvent = NO; |
| XCTestExpectation * gotNonPrimingEventExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"Received event outside of priming report"]; |
| delegate.onEventDataReceived = ^(NSArray<NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *> * eventReport) { |
| eventReportsReceived += eventReport.count; |
| |
| for (NSDictionary<NSString *, id> * eventDict in eventReport) { |
| NSNumber * eventTimeTypeNumber = eventDict[MTREventTimeTypeKey]; |
| XCTAssertNotNil(eventTimeTypeNumber); |
| MTREventTimeType eventTimeType = (MTREventTimeType) eventTimeTypeNumber.unsignedIntegerValue; |
| XCTAssert((eventTimeType == MTREventTimeTypeSystemUpTime) || (eventTimeType == MTREventTimeTypeTimestampDate)); |
| if (eventTimeType == MTREventTimeTypeSystemUpTime) { |
| XCTAssertNotNil(eventDict[MTREventSystemUpTimeKey]); |
| XCTAssertNotNil(device.estimatedStartTime); |
| } else if (eventTimeType == MTREventTimeTypeTimestampDate) { |
| XCTAssertNotNil(eventDict[MTREventTimestampDateKey]); |
| } |
| |
| if (!reportEnded) { |
| NSNumber * reportIsHistorical = eventDict[MTREventIsHistoricalKey]; |
| XCTAssertTrue(reportIsHistorical.boolValue); |
| } else { |
| if (!gotOneNonPrimingEvent) { |
| NSNumber * reportIsHistorical = eventDict[MTREventIsHistoricalKey]; |
| XCTAssertFalse(reportIsHistorical.boolValue); |
| gotOneNonPrimingEvent = YES; |
| [gotNonPrimingEventExpectation fulfill]; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| }; |
| delegate.onReportEnd = ^() { |
| reportEnded = YES; |
| [gotReportsExpectation fulfill]; |
| #ifdef DEBUG |
| [device unitTestInjectEventReport:@[ @{ |
| MTREventPathKey : [MTREventPath eventPathWithEndpointID:@(1) clusterID:@(1) eventID:@(1)], |
| MTREventTimeTypeKey : @(MTREventTimeTypeTimestampDate), |
| MTREventTimestampDateKey : [NSDate date] |
| } ]]; |
| #endif |
| }; |
| |
| [device setDelegate:delegate queue:queue]; |
| |
| // Test batching and duplicate check |
| // - Read 13 different attributes in a row, expect that the 1st to go out by itself, the next 9 batch, and then the 3 after |
| // are correctly queued in one batch |
| // - Then read 3 duplicates and expect them to be filtered |
| // - Note that these tests can only be verified via logs |
| [device readAttributeWithEndpointID:@(1) clusterID:@(MTRClusterIDTypeColorControlID) attributeID:@(0) params:nil]; |
| |
| [device readAttributeWithEndpointID:@(1) clusterID:@(MTRClusterIDTypeColorControlID) attributeID:@(1) params:nil]; |
| [device readAttributeWithEndpointID:@(1) clusterID:@(MTRClusterIDTypeColorControlID) attributeID:@(2) params:nil]; |
| [device readAttributeWithEndpointID:@(1) clusterID:@(MTRClusterIDTypeColorControlID) attributeID:@(3) params:nil]; |
| [device readAttributeWithEndpointID:@(1) clusterID:@(MTRClusterIDTypeColorControlID) attributeID:@(4) params:nil]; |
| [device readAttributeWithEndpointID:@(1) clusterID:@(MTRClusterIDTypeColorControlID) attributeID:@(5) params:nil]; |
| |
| [device readAttributeWithEndpointID:@(1) clusterID:@(MTRClusterIDTypeColorControlID) attributeID:@(6) params:nil]; |
| [device readAttributeWithEndpointID:@(1) clusterID:@(MTRClusterIDTypeColorControlID) attributeID:@(7) params:nil]; |
| [device readAttributeWithEndpointID:@(1) clusterID:@(MTRClusterIDTypeLevelControlID) attributeID:@(0) params:nil]; |
| [device readAttributeWithEndpointID:@(1) clusterID:@(MTRClusterIDTypeLevelControlID) attributeID:@(1) params:nil]; |
| |
| [device readAttributeWithEndpointID:@(1) clusterID:@(MTRClusterIDTypeLevelControlID) attributeID:@(2) params:nil]; |
| [device readAttributeWithEndpointID:@(1) clusterID:@(MTRClusterIDTypeLevelControlID) attributeID:@(3) params:nil]; |
| [device readAttributeWithEndpointID:@(1) clusterID:@(MTRClusterIDTypeLevelControlID) attributeID:@(4) params:nil]; |
| |
| [device readAttributeWithEndpointID:@(1) clusterID:@(MTRClusterIDTypeLevelControlID) attributeID:@(4) params:nil]; |
| [device readAttributeWithEndpointID:@(1) clusterID:@(MTRClusterIDTypeLevelControlID) attributeID:@(4) params:nil]; |
| [device readAttributeWithEndpointID:@(1) clusterID:@(MTRClusterIDTypeLevelControlID) attributeID:@(4) params:nil]; |
| |
| [self waitForExpectations:@[ subscriptionExpectation, gotReportsExpectation, gotNonPrimingEventExpectation ] timeout:60]; |
| |
| delegate.onReportEnd = nil; |
| |
| XCTAssertNotEqual(attributeReportsReceived, 0); |
| XCTAssertNotEqual(eventReportsReceived, 0); |
| |
| // Before resubscribe, first test write failure and expected value effects |
| NSNumber * testEndpointID = @(1); |
| NSNumber * testClusterID = @(8); |
| NSNumber * testAttributeID = @(10000); // choose a nonexistent attribute to cause a failure |
| XCTestExpectation * expectedValueReportedExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"Expected value reported"]; |
| XCTestExpectation * expectedValueRemovedExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"Expected value removed"]; |
| delegate.onAttributeDataReceived = ^(NSArray<NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *> * attributeReport) { |
| for (NSDictionary<NSString *, id> * attributeDict in attributeReport) { |
| MTRAttributePath * attributePath = attributeDict[MTRAttributePathKey]; |
| XCTAssertNotNil(attributePath); |
| if ([attributePath.endpoint isEqualToNumber:testEndpointID] && [attributePath.cluster isEqualToNumber:testClusterID] && |
| [attributePath.attribute isEqualToNumber:testAttributeID]) { |
| id data = attributeDict[MTRDataKey]; |
| if (data) { |
| [expectedValueReportedExpectation fulfill]; |
| } else { |
| [expectedValueRemovedExpectation fulfill]; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| }; |
| |
| NSDictionary * writeValue = [NSDictionary |
| dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:@"UnsignedInteger", @"type", [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedInteger:200], @"value", nil]; |
| [device writeAttributeWithEndpointID:testEndpointID |
| clusterID:testClusterID |
| attributeID:testAttributeID |
| value:writeValue |
| expectedValueInterval:@(20000) |
| timedWriteTimeout:nil]; |
| |
| // expected value interval is 20s but expect it get reverted immediately as the write fails because it's writing to a |
| // nonexistent attribute |
| [self waitForExpectations:@[ expectedValueReportedExpectation, expectedValueRemovedExpectation ] timeout:5 enforceOrder:YES]; |
| |
| // Test if previous value is reported on a write |
| uint16_t testOnTimeValue = 10; |
| XCTestExpectation * onTimeWriteSuccess = [self expectationWithDescription:@"OnTime write success"]; |
| XCTestExpectation * onTimePreviousValue = [self expectationWithDescription:@"OnTime previous value"]; |
| delegate.onAttributeDataReceived = ^(NSArray<NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *> * data) { |
| for (NSDictionary<NSString *, id> * attributeResponseValue in data) { |
| MTRAttributePath * path = attributeResponseValue[MTRAttributePathKey]; |
| if (path.cluster.unsignedIntValue == MTRClusterIDTypeOnOffID && path.attribute.unsignedLongValue == MTRAttributeIDTypeClusterOnOffAttributeOnTimeID) { |
| NSDictionary * dataValue = attributeResponseValue[MTRDataKey]; |
| NSNumber * onTimeValue = dataValue[MTRValueKey]; |
| if (onTimeValue && (onTimeValue.unsignedIntValue == testOnTimeValue)) { |
| [onTimeWriteSuccess fulfill]; |
| } |
| |
| NSDictionary * previousDataValue = attributeResponseValue[MTRPreviousDataKey]; |
| NSNumber * previousOnTimeValue = previousDataValue[MTRValueKey]; |
| if (previousOnTimeValue) { |
| [onTimePreviousValue fulfill]; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| }; |
| NSDictionary * writeOnTimeValue = @{ MTRTypeKey : MTRUnsignedIntegerValueType, MTRValueKey : @(testOnTimeValue) }; |
| [device writeAttributeWithEndpointID:@(1) |
| clusterID:@(MTRClusterIDTypeOnOffID) |
| attributeID:@(MTRAttributeIDTypeClusterOnOffAttributeOnTimeID) |
| value:writeOnTimeValue |
| expectedValueInterval:@(10000) |
| timedWriteTimeout:nil]; |
| |
| [self waitForExpectations:@[ onTimeWriteSuccess, onTimePreviousValue ] timeout:10]; |
| |
| __auto_type getOnOffValue = ^{ |
| return [device readAttributeWithEndpointID:@(1) |
| clusterID:@(MTRClusterIDTypeOnOffID) |
| attributeID:@(MTRAttributeIDTypeClusterOnOffAttributeOnOffID) |
| params:nil]; |
| }; |
| __auto_type * onOffValue = getOnOffValue(); |
| |
| [device unitTestClearClusterData]; |
| |
| // Test that we can still get the value (will get paged in from storage). |
| XCTAssertEqualObjects(getOnOffValue(), onOffValue); |
| |
| // Test if errors are properly received |
| // TODO: We might stop reporting these altogether from MTRDevice, and then |
| // this test will need updating. |
| __auto_type * readThroughForUnknownAttributesParams = [[MTRReadParams alloc] init]; |
| readThroughForUnknownAttributesParams.assumeUnknownAttributesReportable = NO; |
| XCTestExpectation * attributeReportErrorExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"Attribute read error"]; |
| delegate.onAttributeDataReceived = ^(NSArray<NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *> * data) { |
| for (NSDictionary<NSString *, id> * attributeResponseValue in data) { |
| if (attributeResponseValue[MTRErrorKey]) { |
| [attributeReportErrorExpectation fulfill]; |
| } |
| } |
| }; |
| |
| // use the nonexistent attribute and expect read error |
| [device readAttributeWithEndpointID:testEndpointID clusterID:testClusterID attributeID:testAttributeID params:readThroughForUnknownAttributesParams]; |
| [self waitForExpectations:@[ attributeReportErrorExpectation ] timeout:10]; |
| |
| // Resubscription test setup |
| XCTestExpectation * subscriptionDroppedExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"Subscription has dropped"]; |
| |
| delegate.onNotReachable = ^() { |
| [subscriptionDroppedExpectation fulfill]; |
| }; |
| XCTestExpectation * resubscriptionReachableExpectation = |
| [self expectationWithDescription:@"Resubscription has become reachable"]; |
| delegate.onReachable = ^() { |
| [resubscriptionReachableExpectation fulfill]; |
| }; |
| XCTestExpectation * resubscriptionGotReportsExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"Resubscription got reports"]; |
| delegate.onReportEnd = ^() { |
| [resubscriptionGotReportsExpectation fulfill]; |
| }; |
| |
| // Make sure there are no device configuration changed notifications during this test. |
| // There is nothing changing about the server that would lead to those. |
| __block BOOL wasOnDeviceConfigurationChangedCallbackCalled = NO; |
| delegate.onDeviceConfigurationChanged = ^() { |
| wasOnDeviceConfigurationChangedCallbackCalled = YES; |
| }; |
| |
| // reset the onAttributeDataReceived to validate the following resubscribe test |
| attributeReportsReceived = 0; |
| eventReportsReceived = 0; |
| delegate.onAttributeDataReceived = ^(NSArray<NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *> * data) { |
| attributeReportsReceived += data.count; |
| }; |
| |
| delegate.onEventDataReceived = ^(NSArray<NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *> * eventReport) { |
| eventReportsReceived += eventReport.count; |
| }; |
| |
| // Now trigger another subscription which will cause ours to drop; we should re-subscribe after that. |
| MTRBaseDevice * baseDevice = GetConnectedDevice(); |
| __auto_type params = [[MTRSubscribeParams alloc] initWithMinInterval:@(1) maxInterval:@(10)]; |
| params.resubscribeAutomatically = NO; |
| params.replaceExistingSubscriptions = YES; |
| // Create second subscription which will cancel the first subscription. We |
| // can use a non-existent path here to cut down on the work that gets done. |
| [baseDevice subscribeAttributeWithEndpointId:@10000 |
| clusterId:@6 |
| attributeId:@0 |
| minInterval:@(1) |
| maxInterval:@(2) |
| params:params |
| clientQueue:queue |
| reportHandler:^(id _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable error) { |
| } |
| subscriptionEstablished:^() {}]; |
| |
| [self waitForExpectations:@[ subscriptionDroppedExpectation ] timeout:60]; |
| |
| // Check that device resets start time on subscription drop |
| XCTAssertNil(device.estimatedStartTime); |
| |
| [self waitForExpectations:@[ resubscriptionReachableExpectation, resubscriptionGotReportsExpectation ] timeout:60]; |
| |
| XCTAssertFalse(wasOnDeviceConfigurationChangedCallbackCalled); |
| |
| // Now make sure we ignore later tests. Ideally we would just unsubscribe |
| // or remove the delegate, but there's no good way to do that. |
| delegate.onReachable = nil; |
| delegate.onNotReachable = nil; |
| delegate.onAttributeDataReceived = nil; |
| delegate.onEventDataReceived = nil; |
| |
| // Make sure we got no updated reports (because we had a cluster state cache |
| // with data versions) during the resubscribe. |
| XCTAssertEqual(attributeReportsReceived, 0); |
| XCTAssertEqual(eventReportsReceived, 0); |
| } |
| |
| - (void)test018_SubscriptionErrorWhenNotResubscribing |
| { |
| MTRBaseDevice * device = GetConnectedDevice(); |
| dispatch_queue_t queue = dispatch_get_main_queue(); |
| |
| XCTestExpectation * firstSubscribeExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"First subscription complete"]; |
| XCTestExpectation * errorExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"First subscription errored out"]; |
| |
| // Subscribe |
| MTRSubscribeParams * params = [[MTRSubscribeParams alloc] initWithMinInterval:@(1) maxInterval:@(10)]; |
| params.resubscribeAutomatically = NO; |
| params.replaceExistingSubscriptions = NO; // Not strictly needed, but checking that doing this does not |
| // affect this subscription erroring out correctly. |
| __block BOOL subscriptionEstablished = NO; |
| [device subscribeToAttributesWithEndpointID:@1 |
| clusterID:@6 |
| attributeID:@0 |
| params:params |
| queue:queue |
| reportHandler:^(id _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable error) { |
| if (subscriptionEstablished) { |
| // We should only get an error here. |
| XCTAssertNil(values); |
| XCTAssertNotNil(error); |
| [errorExpectation fulfill]; |
| } else { |
| XCTAssertNotNil(values); |
| XCTAssertNil(error); |
| } |
| } |
| subscriptionEstablished:^{ |
| NSLog(@"subscribe attribute: OnOff established"); |
| XCTAssertFalse(subscriptionEstablished); |
| subscriptionEstablished = YES; |
| [firstSubscribeExpectation fulfill]; |
| }]; |
| |
| // Wait till establishment |
| [self waitForExpectations:@[ firstSubscribeExpectation ] timeout:kTimeoutInSeconds]; |
| |
| // Create second subscription which will cancel the first subscription. We |
| // can use a non-existent path here to cut down on the work that gets done. |
| params.replaceExistingSubscriptions = YES; |
| [device subscribeAttributeWithEndpointId:@10000 |
| clusterId:@6 |
| attributeId:@0 |
| minInterval:@(1) |
| maxInterval:@(2) |
| params:params |
| clientQueue:queue |
| reportHandler:^(id _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable error) { |
| } |
| subscriptionEstablished:^() {}]; |
| [self waitForExpectations:@[ errorExpectation ] timeout:60]; |
| } |
| |
| - (void)test019_MTRDeviceMultipleCommands |
| { |
| __auto_type * device = [MTRDevice deviceWithNodeID:kDeviceId deviceController:sController]; |
| dispatch_queue_t queue = dispatch_get_main_queue(); |
| |
| __auto_type * opcredsCluster = [[MTRClusterOperationalCredentials alloc] initWithDevice:device endpointID:@(0) queue:queue]; |
| __auto_type * onOffCluster = [[MTRClusterOnOff alloc] initWithDevice:device endpointID:@(1) queue:queue]; |
| __auto_type * badOnOffCluster = [[MTRClusterOnOff alloc] initWithDevice:device endpointID:@(0) queue:queue]; |
| |
| // Ensure our existing fabric label is not "Test". This uses a "base" |
| // cluster to ensure read-through to the other side. |
| __auto_type * baseOpCredsCluster = [[MTRBaseClusterOperationalCredentials alloc] initWithDevice:GetConnectedDevice() endpointID:@(0) queue:queue]; |
| XCTestExpectation * readFabricLabelExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"Read fabric label first time"]; |
| [baseOpCredsCluster readAttributeFabricsWithParams:nil completion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable error) { |
| XCTAssertNil(error); |
| XCTAssertNotNil(value); |
| XCTAssertEqual(value.count, 1); |
| MTROperationalCredentialsClusterFabricDescriptorStruct * entry = value[0]; |
| XCTAssertNotEqualObjects(entry.label, @"Test"); |
| [readFabricLabelExpectation fulfill]; |
| }]; |
| |
| XCTestExpectation * readFabricIndexExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"Read current fabric index"]; |
| __block NSNumber * currentFabricIndex; |
| [baseOpCredsCluster readAttributeCurrentFabricIndexWithCompletion:^(NSNumber * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable error) { |
| XCTAssertNil(error); |
| XCTAssertNotNil(value); |
| currentFabricIndex = value; |
| [readFabricIndexExpectation fulfill]; |
| }]; |
| |
| [self waitForExpectations:@[ readFabricLabelExpectation, readFabricIndexExpectation ] timeout:kTimeoutInSeconds]; |
| |
| XCTestExpectation * onExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"On command executed"]; |
| [onOffCluster onWithParams:nil |
| expectedValues:nil |
| expectedValueInterval:nil |
| completion:^(NSError * _Nullable error) { |
| XCTAssertNil(error); |
| [onExpectation fulfill]; |
| }]; |
| |
| XCTestExpectation * offFailedExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"Off command failed"]; |
| [badOnOffCluster offWithParams:nil |
| expectedValues:nil |
| expectedValueInterval:nil |
| completion:^(NSError * _Nullable error) { |
| XCTAssertNotNil(error); |
| [offFailedExpectation fulfill]; |
| }]; |
| |
| XCTestExpectation * updateLabelExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"Fabric label updated"]; |
| __auto_type * params = [[MTROperationalCredentialsClusterUpdateFabricLabelParams alloc] init]; |
| params.label = @("Test"); |
| [opcredsCluster updateFabricLabelWithParams:params |
| expectedValues:nil |
| expectedValueInterval:nil |
| completion:^(MTROperationalCredentialsClusterNOCResponseParams * _Nullable data, |
| NSError * _Nullable error) { |
| XCTAssertNil(error); |
| XCTAssertNotNil(data); |
| XCTAssertEqualObjects(data.statusCode, @(0)); |
| XCTAssertNotNil(data.fabricIndex); |
| XCTAssertEqualObjects(data.fabricIndex, currentFabricIndex); |
| [updateLabelExpectation fulfill]; |
| }]; |
| |
| XCTestExpectation * offExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"Off command executed"]; |
| // Send this one via MTRDevice, to test that codepath. |
| [device invokeCommandWithEndpointID:@(1) |
| clusterID:@(MTRClusterIDTypeOnOffID) |
| commandID:@(MTRCommandIDTypeClusterOnOffCommandOffID) |
| commandFields:nil |
| expectedValues:nil |
| expectedValueInterval:nil |
| queue:queue |
| completion:^(NSArray<NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *> * _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable error) { |
| XCTAssertNil(error); |
| [offExpectation fulfill]; |
| }]; |
| |
| XCTestExpectation * onFailedExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"On command failed"]; |
| [badOnOffCluster onWithParams:nil |
| expectedValues:nil |
| expectedValueInterval:nil |
| completion:^(NSError * _Nullable error) { |
| XCTAssertNotNil(error); |
| [onFailedExpectation fulfill]; |
| }]; |
| |
| XCTestExpectation * updateLabelFailedExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"Fabric label update failed"]; |
| params.label = @("12345678901234567890123445678901234567890"); // Too long |
| [opcredsCluster updateFabricLabelWithParams:params |
| expectedValues:nil |
| expectedValueInterval:nil |
| completion:^(MTROperationalCredentialsClusterNOCResponseParams * _Nullable data, |
| NSError * _Nullable error) { |
| XCTAssertNotNil(error); |
| XCTAssertNil(data); |
| [updateLabelFailedExpectation fulfill]; |
| }]; |
| |
| [self waitForExpectations:@[ |
| onExpectation, offFailedExpectation, updateLabelExpectation, offExpectation, onFailedExpectation, |
| updateLabelFailedExpectation |
| ] |
| timeout:60 |
| enforceOrder:YES]; |
| |
| // Now make sure our fabric label got updated. |
| readFabricLabelExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"Read fabric label second time"]; |
| [baseOpCredsCluster readAttributeFabricsWithParams:nil completion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable error) { |
| XCTAssertNil(error); |
| XCTAssertNotNil(value); |
| XCTAssertEqual(value.count, 1); |
| MTROperationalCredentialsClusterFabricDescriptorStruct * entry = value[0]; |
| XCTAssertEqualObjects(entry.label, @"Test"); |
| [readFabricLabelExpectation fulfill]; |
| }]; |
| |
| [self waitForExpectations:@[ readFabricLabelExpectation ] timeout:kTimeoutInSeconds]; |
| } |
| |
| - (void)test020_ReadMultipleAttributes |
| { |
| XCTestExpectation * expectation = |
| [self expectationWithDescription:@"read Multiple Attributes (Descriptor, Basic Information Cluster) for all endpoints"]; |
| |
| MTRBaseDevice * device = GetConnectedDevice(); |
| dispatch_queue_t queue = dispatch_get_main_queue(); |
| |
| // Get the list of endpoints from the device. Endpoint 0 we have to add explicitly, since it's |
| // not in its own PartsList. |
| XCTestExpectation * descriptorReadExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"read PartsList from endpoint 0"]; |
| __auto_type * descriptorCluster = [[MTRBaseClusterDescriptor alloc] initWithDevice:device endpointID:@(0) queue:queue]; |
| __block NSMutableArray<NSNumber *> * endpointList = [NSMutableArray arrayWithObject:@0]; |
| [descriptorCluster readAttributePartsListWithCompletion:^(NSArray<NSNumber *> * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable error) { |
| XCTAssertNil(error); |
| XCTAssertNotNil(value); |
| [endpointList addObjectsFromArray:value]; |
| [descriptorReadExpectation fulfill]; |
| }]; |
| |
| [self waitForExpectations:@[ descriptorReadExpectation ] timeout:kTimeoutInSeconds]; |
| |
| NSArray<MTRAttributeRequestPath *> * attributePaths = @[ |
| [MTRAttributeRequestPath requestPathWithEndpointID:nil clusterID:@29 attributeID:@0], |
| [MTRAttributeRequestPath requestPathWithEndpointID:nil clusterID:@29 attributeID:@1], |
| [MTRAttributeRequestPath requestPathWithEndpointID:nil clusterID:@29 attributeID:@2], |
| [MTRAttributeRequestPath requestPathWithEndpointID:nil clusterID:@29 attributeID:@3], |
| [MTRAttributeRequestPath requestPathWithEndpointID:nil clusterID:@40 attributeID:@4], |
| [MTRAttributeRequestPath requestPathWithEndpointID:nil clusterID:@40 attributeID:@5], |
| [MTRAttributeRequestPath requestPathWithEndpointID:nil clusterID:@40 attributeID:@6], |
| [MTRAttributeRequestPath requestPathWithEndpointID:nil clusterID:@40 attributeID:@7] |
| ]; |
| |
| NSArray<MTREventRequestPath *> * eventPaths = @[ [MTREventRequestPath requestPathWithEndpointID:nil clusterID:@40 eventID:@0] ]; |
| |
| [device readAttributePaths:attributePaths |
| eventPaths:eventPaths |
| params:nil |
| queue:queue |
| completion:^(id _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable error) { |
| NSLog(@"read attribute: DeviceType values: %@, error: %@", values, error); |
| |
| XCTAssertNil(error); |
| |
| XCTAssertTrue([values isKindOfClass:[NSArray class]]); |
| NSArray * resultArray = values; |
| size_t attributeResultCount = 0; |
| size_t eventResultCount = 0; |
| for (NSDictionary * result in resultArray) { |
| if ([result objectForKey:@"eventPath"]) { |
| ++eventResultCount; |
| |
| __auto_type * report = [[MTREventReport alloc] initWithResponseValue:result error:nil]; |
| XCTAssertNotNil(report); |
| XCTAssertNotNil(report.path); |
| XCTAssertEqualObjects(report.path.endpoint, @(0)); |
| XCTAssertEqualObjects(report.path.cluster, @(40)); |
| XCTAssertEqualObjects(report.path.event, @(0)); |
| XCTAssertNotNil(report.eventNumber); |
| XCTAssertEqualObjects(report.priority, @(MTREventPriorityCritical)); |
| XCTAssertEqual(report.eventTimeType, MTREventTimeTypeTimestampDate); |
| XCTAssertNotNil(report.timestampDate); |
| XCTAssertNotNil(report.value); |
| XCTAssertTrue([report.value isKindOfClass:[MTRBasicInformationClusterStartUpEvent class]]); |
| XCTAssertNil(report.error); |
| |
| MTREventPath * path = result[@"eventPath"]; |
| XCTAssertEqualObjects(path.endpoint, @0); |
| XCTAssertEqualObjects(path.cluster, @40); |
| XCTAssertEqualObjects(path.event, @0); |
| XCTAssertNil(result[@"error"]); |
| |
| XCTAssertNotNil(result[@"data"]); |
| XCTAssertTrue([result[@"data"] isKindOfClass:[NSDictionary class]]); |
| |
| XCTAssertNotNil(result[@"eventNumber"]); |
| XCTAssertTrue([result[@"eventNumber"] isKindOfClass:[NSNumber class]]); |
| |
| XCTAssertNotNil(result[@"eventPriority"]); |
| XCTAssertTrue([result[@"eventPriority"] isKindOfClass:[NSNumber class]]); |
| XCTAssertEqualObjects(result[@"eventPriority"], @(MTREventPriorityCritical)); |
| |
| XCTAssertNotNil(result[@"eventTimeType"]); |
| XCTAssertTrue([result[@"eventTimeType"] isKindOfClass:[NSNumber class]]); |
| |
| XCTAssertTrue(result[@"eventSystemUpTime"] != nil || result[@"eventTimestampDate"] != nil); |
| if (result[@"eventSystemUpTime"] != nil) { |
| XCTAssertTrue([result[@"eventSystemUpTime"] isKindOfClass:[NSNumber class]]); |
| } else { |
| XCTAssertTrue([result[@"eventTimestampDate"] isKindOfClass:[NSDate class]]); |
| } |
| } else if ([result objectForKey:@"attributePath"]) { |
| ++attributeResultCount; |
| |
| __auto_type * report = [[MTRAttributeReport alloc] initWithResponseValue:result error:nil]; |
| XCTAssertNotNil(report); |
| XCTAssertNil(report.error); |
| XCTAssertNotNil(report.value); |
| switch ([report.path.attribute unsignedLongValue]) { |
| case 0: |
| XCTAssertEqualObjects(report.path.cluster, @29); |
| XCTAssertTrue([report.value isKindOfClass:[NSArray class]]); |
| for (id entry in report.value) { |
| XCTAssertTrue([entry isKindOfClass:[MTRDescriptorClusterDeviceTypeStruct class]]); |
| } |
| break; |
| case 1: |
| XCTAssertEqualObjects(report.path.cluster, @29); |
| XCTAssertTrue([report.value isKindOfClass:[NSArray class]]); |
| for (id entry in report.value) { |
| XCTAssertTrue([entry isKindOfClass:[NSNumber class]]); |
| } |
| break; |
| case 2: |
| XCTAssertEqualObjects(report.path.cluster, @29); |
| XCTAssertTrue([report.value isKindOfClass:[NSArray class]]); |
| for (id entry in report.value) { |
| XCTAssertTrue([entry isKindOfClass:[NSNumber class]]); |
| } |
| break; |
| case 3: |
| XCTAssertEqualObjects(report.path.cluster, @29); |
| XCTAssertTrue([report.value isKindOfClass:[NSArray class]]); |
| for (id entry in report.value) { |
| XCTAssertTrue([entry isKindOfClass:[NSNumber class]]); |
| } |
| break; |
| case 4: |
| XCTAssertEqualObjects(report.path.cluster, @40); |
| XCTAssertEqualObjects(report.path.endpoint, @0); |
| XCTAssertTrue([report.value isKindOfClass:[NSNumber class]]); |
| break; |
| case 5: |
| XCTAssertEqualObjects(report.path.cluster, @40); |
| XCTAssertEqualObjects(report.path.endpoint, @0); |
| XCTAssertTrue([report.value isKindOfClass:[NSString class]]); |
| break; |
| case 6: |
| XCTAssertEqualObjects(report.path.cluster, @40); |
| XCTAssertEqualObjects(report.path.endpoint, @0); |
| XCTAssertTrue([report.value isKindOfClass:[NSString class]]); |
| break; |
| case 7: |
| XCTAssertEqualObjects(report.path.cluster, @40); |
| XCTAssertEqualObjects(report.path.endpoint, @0); |
| XCTAssertTrue([report.value isKindOfClass:[NSNumber class]]); |
| break; |
| } |
| |
| MTRAttributePath * path = result[@"attributePath"]; |
| if ([path.attribute unsignedIntegerValue] < 4) { |
| XCTAssertEqualObjects(path.cluster, @29); |
| XCTAssertTrue([endpointList containsObject:path.endpoint]); |
| } else { |
| XCTAssertEqualObjects(path.cluster, @40); |
| XCTAssertEqualObjects(path.endpoint, @0); |
| } |
| XCTAssertNotNil(result[@"data"]); |
| XCTAssertNil(result[@"error"]); |
| XCTAssertTrue([result[@"data"] isKindOfClass:[NSDictionary class]]); |
| } else { |
| XCTFail("Unexpected result dictionary %@", result); |
| } |
| } |
| // We have a descriptor on each endpoint, so that's 4 results per endpoint, |
| // and we only have Basic Information on endpoint 0, so that's 4 more |
| // results. |
| XCTAssertEqual(attributeResultCount, endpointList.count * 4 + 4); |
| XCTAssertEqual(eventResultCount, [eventPaths count]); |
| |
| [expectation fulfill]; |
| }]; |
| |
| [self waitForExpectationsWithTimeout:kTimeoutInSeconds handler:nil]; |
| } |
| |
| - (void)test021_ReadMultipleWildcardPathsIncludeUnsupportedAttribute |
| { |
| MTRBaseDevice * device = GetConnectedDevice(); |
| dispatch_queue_t queue = dispatch_get_main_queue(); |
| |
| // Read the PartList of descriptor on endpoint 0 to find out how many endpoints there are. |
| XCTestExpectation * descriptorReadExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"read PartsList from endpoint 0"]; |
| __auto_type * descriptorCluster = [[MTRBaseClusterDescriptor alloc] initWithDevice:device endpointID:@(0) queue:queue]; |
| __block NSMutableArray<NSNumber *> * endpointList = [NSMutableArray arrayWithObject:@0]; |
| [descriptorCluster readAttributePartsListWithCompletion:^(NSArray<NSNumber *> * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable error) { |
| XCTAssertNil(error); |
| XCTAssertNotNil(value); |
| [endpointList addObjectsFromArray:value]; |
| [descriptorReadExpectation fulfill]; |
| }]; |
| |
| [self waitForExpectations:@[ descriptorReadExpectation ] timeout:kTimeoutInSeconds]; |
| |
| XCTestExpectation * expectation = |
| [self expectationWithDescription:@"read Basic Information Cluster's attributes and include 1 unsupported attribute"]; |
| |
| NSNumber * failAttributeID = @10000; |
| |
| NSArray<MTRAttributeRequestPath *> * attributePaths = @[ |
| [MTRAttributeRequestPath requestPathWithEndpointID:nil clusterID:@29 attributeID:@0], |
| [MTRAttributeRequestPath requestPathWithEndpointID:nil clusterID:@29 attributeID:@1], |
| [MTRAttributeRequestPath requestPathWithEndpointID:nil clusterID:@29 attributeID:@2], |
| [MTRAttributeRequestPath requestPathWithEndpointID:nil clusterID:@29 attributeID:@3], |
| [MTRAttributeRequestPath requestPathWithEndpointID:nil clusterID:@29 attributeID:failAttributeID], // Fail Case |
| [MTRAttributeRequestPath requestPathWithEndpointID:nil clusterID:@40 attributeID:@4], |
| [MTRAttributeRequestPath requestPathWithEndpointID:nil clusterID:@40 attributeID:@5], |
| [MTRAttributeRequestPath requestPathWithEndpointID:nil clusterID:@40 attributeID:@6], |
| [MTRAttributeRequestPath requestPathWithEndpointID:nil clusterID:@40 attributeID:@7] |
| ]; |
| |
| [device readAttributePaths:attributePaths |
| eventPaths:nil |
| params:nil |
| queue:queue |
| completion:^(id _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable error) { |
| NSLog(@"read attribute: DeviceType values: %@, error: %@", values, error); |
| |
| XCTAssertNil(error); |
| |
| XCTAssertTrue([values isKindOfClass:[NSArray class]]); |
| NSArray * resultArray = values; |
| // We have a descriptor on each endpoint, so that's 4 results per endpoint, |
| // and we only have Basic Information on endpoint 0, so that's 4 more |
| // results. Note that there are no results for failAttributeID, because we |
| // used a wildcard path and hence it got ignored. |
| XCTAssertEqual(resultArray.count, endpointList.count * 4 + 4); |
| |
| for (NSDictionary * result in resultArray) { |
| MTRAttributePath * path = result[@"attributePath"]; |
| if ([path.attribute unsignedIntegerValue] < 4) { |
| XCTAssertEqualObjects(path.cluster, @29); |
| XCTAssertTrue([endpointList containsObject:path.endpoint]); |
| } else { |
| XCTAssertEqualObjects(path.cluster, @40); |
| XCTAssertEqualObjects(path.endpoint, @0); |
| } |
| |
| XCTAssertNotNil(result[@"data"]); |
| XCTAssertNil(result[@"error"]); |
| XCTAssertTrue([result[@"data"] isKindOfClass:[NSDictionary class]]); |
| } |
| |
| [expectation fulfill]; |
| }]; |
| |
| [self waitForExpectations:@[ expectation ] timeout:kTimeoutInSeconds]; |
| } |
| |
| - (void)test022_ReadMultipleConcretePathsIncludeUnsupportedAttribute |
| { |
| XCTestExpectation * expectation = |
| [self expectationWithDescription:@"read Basic Information Cluster's attributes and include 1 unsupported attribute"]; |
| |
| MTRBaseDevice * device = GetConnectedDevice(); |
| dispatch_queue_t queue = dispatch_get_main_queue(); |
| |
| NSNumber * failAttributeID = @10000; |
| |
| NSArray<MTRAttributeRequestPath *> * attributePaths = @[ |
| [MTRAttributeRequestPath requestPathWithEndpointID:@0 clusterID:@29 attributeID:@0], |
| [MTRAttributeRequestPath requestPathWithEndpointID:@0 clusterID:@29 attributeID:@1], |
| [MTRAttributeRequestPath requestPathWithEndpointID:@0 clusterID:@29 attributeID:@2], |
| [MTRAttributeRequestPath requestPathWithEndpointID:@0 clusterID:@29 attributeID:@3], |
| [MTRAttributeRequestPath requestPathWithEndpointID:@0 clusterID:@29 attributeID:failAttributeID], // Fail Case |
| [MTRAttributeRequestPath requestPathWithEndpointID:@0 clusterID:@40 attributeID:@4], |
| [MTRAttributeRequestPath requestPathWithEndpointID:@0 clusterID:@40 attributeID:@5], |
| [MTRAttributeRequestPath requestPathWithEndpointID:@0 clusterID:@40 attributeID:@6], |
| [MTRAttributeRequestPath requestPathWithEndpointID:@0 clusterID:@40 attributeID:@7] |
| ]; |
| |
| [device readAttributePaths:attributePaths |
| eventPaths:nil |
| params:nil |
| queue:queue |
| completion:^(id _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable error) { |
| NSLog(@"read attribute: DeviceType values: %@, error: %@", values, error); |
| |
| XCTAssertNil(error); |
| |
| XCTAssertTrue([values isKindOfClass:[NSArray class]]); |
| NSArray * resultArray = values; |
| XCTAssertEqual(resultArray.count, attributePaths.count); |
| |
| for (NSDictionary * result in resultArray) { |
| MTRAttributePath * path = result[@"attributePath"]; |
| XCTAssertEqualObjects(path.endpoint, @0); |
| if ([path.attribute unsignedIntegerValue] < 4 || [path.attribute isEqualToNumber:failAttributeID]) { |
| XCTAssertEqualObjects(path.cluster, @29); |
| } else { |
| XCTAssertEqualObjects(path.cluster, @40); |
| } |
| |
| if ([path.attribute isEqualToNumber:failAttributeID]) { |
| XCTAssertNil(result[@"data"]); |
| XCTAssertNotNil(result[@"error"]); |
| XCTAssertTrue([MTRErrorTestUtils error:result[@"error"] isInteractionModelError:MTRInteractionErrorCodeUnsupportedAttribute]); |
| } else { |
| XCTAssertNotNil(result[@"data"]); |
| XCTAssertNil(result[@"error"]); |
| XCTAssertTrue([result[@"data"] isKindOfClass:[NSDictionary class]]); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| [expectation fulfill]; |
| }]; |
| |
| [self waitForExpectationsWithTimeout:kTimeoutInSeconds handler:nil]; |
| } |
| |
| - (void)test023_SubscribeMultipleAttributes |
| { |
| MTRBaseDevice * device = GetConnectedDevice(); |
| dispatch_queue_t queue = dispatch_get_main_queue(); |
| |
| // Subscribe |
| XCTestExpectation * expectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"subscribe OnOff attribute"]; |
| __auto_type * params = [[MTRSubscribeParams alloc] initWithMinInterval:@(1) maxInterval:@(10)]; |
| params.resubscribeAutomatically = NO; |
| |
| NSNumber * failClusterId = @5678; |
| NSNumber * failEndpointId = @1000; |
| |
| NSArray<MTRAttributeRequestPath *> * attributePaths = @[ |
| [MTRAttributeRequestPath requestPathWithEndpointID:@1 clusterID:@6 attributeID:@0], |
| [MTRAttributeRequestPath requestPathWithEndpointID:@1 clusterID:failClusterId attributeID:@1], |
| ]; |
| |
| NSArray<MTREventRequestPath *> * eventPaths = @[ [MTREventRequestPath requestPathWithEndpointID:failEndpointId |
| clusterID:@40 |
| eventID:@0] ]; |
| |
| XCTestExpectation * onOffReportExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"report OnOff attribute"]; |
| XCTestExpectation * attributeErrorReportExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"report nonexistent attribute"]; |
| XCTestExpectation * eventErrorReportExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"report nonexistent event"]; |
| globalReportHandler = ^(id _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable error) { |
| XCTAssertNil(error); |
| XCTAssertNil(error); |
| XCTAssertTrue([values isKindOfClass:[NSArray class]]); |
| |
| for (NSDictionary * result in values) { |
| if (result[@"attributePath"] != nil) { |
| MTRAttributePath * path = result[@"attributePath"]; |
| |
| if ([path.attribute isEqualToNumber:@0]) { |
| XCTAssertEqualObjects(path.endpoint, @1); |
| XCTAssertEqualObjects(path.cluster, @6); |
| XCTAssertTrue([result[@"data"] isKindOfClass:[NSDictionary class]]); |
| XCTAssertTrue([result[@"data"][@"type"] isEqualToString:@"Boolean"]); |
| XCTAssertEqualObjects(result[@"data"][@"value"], @NO); |
| [onOffReportExpectation fulfill]; |
| } else if ([path.attribute isEqualToNumber:@1]) { |
| XCTAssertEqualObjects(path.endpoint, @1); |
| XCTAssertEqualObjects(path.cluster, failClusterId); |
| XCTAssertNil(result[@"data"]); |
| XCTAssertNotNil(result[@"error"]); |
| XCTAssertTrue([MTRErrorTestUtils error:result[@"error"] isInteractionModelError:MTRInteractionErrorCodeUnsupportedCluster]); |
| [attributeErrorReportExpectation fulfill]; |
| } else { |
| XCTFail("Unexpected attribute value"); |
| } |
| } else if (result[@"eventPath"] != nil) { |
| MTREventPath * path = result[@"eventPath"]; |
| XCTAssertEqualObjects(path.endpoint, failEndpointId); |
| XCTAssertEqualObjects(path.cluster, @40); |
| XCTAssertEqualObjects(path.event, @0); |
| XCTAssertNil(result[@"data"]); |
| XCTAssertNotNil(result[@"error"]); |
| XCTAssertTrue([MTRErrorTestUtils error:result[@"error"] isInteractionModelError:MTRInteractionErrorCodeUnsupportedEndpoint]); |
| [eventErrorReportExpectation fulfill]; |
| } else { |
| XCTFail("Unexpected result dictionary"); |
| } |
| } |
| }; |
| |
| [device subscribeToAttributePaths:attributePaths |
| eventPaths:eventPaths |
| params:params |
| queue:queue |
| reportHandler:^(id _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable error) { |
| NSLog(@"report attributes: values: %@, error: %@", values, error); |
| |
| if (globalReportHandler) { |
| __auto_type callback = globalReportHandler; |
| callback(values, error); |
| } |
| } |
| subscriptionEstablished:^{ |
| NSLog(@"subscribe attribute"); |
| [expectation fulfill]; |
| } |
| resubscriptionScheduled:nil]; |
| |
| // Wait till establishment |
| [self waitForExpectations:@[ onOffReportExpectation, attributeErrorReportExpectation, eventErrorReportExpectation, expectation ] |
| timeout:kTimeoutInSeconds]; |
| |
| // Set up expectation for report |
| XCTestExpectation * reportExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"report received"]; |
| globalReportHandler = ^(id _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable error) { |
| XCTAssertNil(error); |
| XCTAssertTrue([values isKindOfClass:[NSArray class]]); |
| |
| for (NSDictionary * result in values) { |
| // Note: we will get updates for our event subscription too, each time |
| // with errors. |
| if (result[@"eventPath"] != nil) { |
| continue; |
| } |
| |
| MTRAttributePath * path = result[@"attributePath"]; |
| XCTAssertNotNil(path); |
| |
| // We will only be getting incremental attribute reports for the OnOff attribute. |
| XCTAssertEqualObjects(path.endpoint, @1); |
| XCTAssertEqualObjects(path.cluster, @6); |
| XCTAssertEqualObjects(path.attribute, @0); |
| |
| XCTAssertTrue([result[@"data"] isKindOfClass:[NSDictionary class]]); |
| XCTAssertTrue([result[@"data"][@"type"] isEqualToString:@"Boolean"]); |
| if ([result[@"data"][@"value"] boolValue] == YES) { |
| [reportExpectation fulfill]; |
| globalReportHandler = nil; |
| } |
| } |
| }; |
| |
| // Send commands to trigger attribute change |
| XCTestExpectation * commandExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"command responded"]; |
| NSDictionary * fields = @{ @"type" : @"Structure", @"value" : [NSArray array] }; |
| [device invokeCommandWithEndpointID:@1 |
| clusterID:@6 |
| commandID:@1 |
| commandFields:fields |
| timedInvokeTimeout:nil |
| queue:queue |
| completion:^(id _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable error) { |
| NSLog(@"invoke command: On values: %@, error: %@", values, error); |
| |
| XCTAssertNil(error); |
| |
| { |
| XCTAssertTrue([values isKindOfClass:[NSArray class]]); |
| NSArray * resultArray = values; |
| XCTAssertEqual(resultArray.count, 1); |
| for (NSDictionary * result in resultArray) { |
| MTRCommandPath * path = result[@"commandPath"]; |
| XCTAssertEqualObjects(path.endpoint, @1); |
| XCTAssertEqualObjects(path.cluster, @6); |
| XCTAssertEqualObjects(path.command, @1); |
| XCTAssertNil(result[@"error"]); |
| // This command just has a status response. |
| XCTAssertNil(result[@"value"]); |
| } |
| XCTAssertEqual([resultArray count], 1); |
| } |
| [commandExpectation fulfill]; |
| }]; |
| |
| [self waitForExpectations:[NSArray arrayWithObject:commandExpectation] timeout:kTimeoutInSeconds]; |
| |
| // Wait for report |
| [self waitForExpectations:[NSArray arrayWithObject:reportExpectation] timeout:kTimeoutInSeconds]; |
| |
| // Set up expectation for 2nd report |
| reportExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"receive OnOff attribute report"]; |
| globalReportHandler = ^(id _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable error) { |
| XCTAssertNil(error); |
| XCTAssertTrue([values isKindOfClass:[NSArray class]]); |
| |
| for (NSDictionary * result in values) { |
| // Note: we will get updates for our event subscription too, each time |
| // with errors. |
| if (result[@"eventPath"] != nil) { |
| continue; |
| } |
| |
| MTRAttributePath * path = result[@"attributePath"]; |
| XCTAssertNotNil(path); |
| |
| XCTAssertEqualObjects(path.endpoint, @1); |
| XCTAssertEqualObjects(path.cluster, @6); |
| XCTAssertEqualObjects(path.attribute, @0); |
| XCTAssertTrue([result[@"data"] isKindOfClass:[NSDictionary class]]); |
| XCTAssertTrue([result[@"data"][@"type"] isEqualToString:@"Boolean"]); |
| if ([result[@"data"][@"value"] boolValue] == NO) { |
| [reportExpectation fulfill]; |
| globalReportHandler = nil; |
| } |
| } |
| }; |
| |
| // Send command to trigger attribute change |
| fields = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:@"Structure", @"type", [NSArray array], @"value", nil]; |
| [device invokeCommandWithEndpointID:@1 |
| clusterID:@6 |
| commandID:@0 |
| commandFields:fields |
| timedInvokeTimeout:nil |
| queue:queue |
| completion:^(id _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable error) { |
| NSLog(@"invoke command: On values: %@, error: %@", values, error); |
| |
| XCTAssertNil(error); |
| |
| { |
| XCTAssertTrue([values isKindOfClass:[NSArray class]]); |
| NSArray * resultArray = values; |
| for (NSDictionary * result in resultArray) { |
| MTRCommandPath * path = result[@"commandPath"]; |
| XCTAssertEqualObjects(path.endpoint, @1); |
| XCTAssertEqualObjects(path.cluster, @6); |
| XCTAssertEqualObjects(path.command, @0); |
| XCTAssertNil(result[@"error"]); |
| } |
| XCTAssertEqual([resultArray count], 1); |
| } |
| }]; |
| |
| // Wait for report |
| [self waitForExpectations:[NSArray arrayWithObject:reportExpectation] timeout:kTimeoutInSeconds]; |
| |
| expectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"Report handler deregistered"]; |
| [device deregisterReportHandlersWithQueue:queue |
| completion:^{ |
| [expectation fulfill]; |
| }]; |
| [self waitForExpectations:@[ expectation ] timeout:kTimeoutInSeconds]; |
| } |
| |
| - (void)test024_SubscribeMultipleAttributesAllErrors |
| { |
| MTRBaseDevice * device = GetConnectedDevice(); |
| dispatch_queue_t queue = dispatch_get_main_queue(); |
| |
| // Subscribe |
| XCTestExpectation * errorExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"subscribe failure"]; |
| __auto_type * params = [[MTRSubscribeParams alloc] initWithMinInterval:@(1) maxInterval:@(10)]; |
| params.resubscribeAutomatically = NO; |
| |
| NSNumber * failClusterId = @5678; |
| NSNumber * failEndpointId = @1000; |
| |
| // All the paths are invalid, so we will just get an INVALID_ACTION error. |
| NSArray<MTRAttributeRequestPath *> * attributePaths = @[ |
| [MTRAttributeRequestPath requestPathWithEndpointID:failEndpointId clusterID:@6 attributeID:@0], |
| [MTRAttributeRequestPath requestPathWithEndpointID:@1 clusterID:failClusterId attributeID:@1], |
| ]; |
| |
| [device subscribeToAttributePaths:attributePaths |
| eventPaths:nil |
| params:params |
| queue:queue |
| reportHandler:^(id _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable error) { |
| XCTAssertNotNil(error); |
| XCTAssertTrue([MTRErrorTestUtils error:error isInteractionModelError:MTRInteractionErrorCodeInvalidAction]); |
| XCTAssertNil(values); |
| [errorExpectation fulfill]; |
| } |
| subscriptionEstablished:^{ |
| XCTFail("This subscription should never be established"); |
| } |
| resubscriptionScheduled:nil]; |
| |
| [self waitForExpectations:@[ errorExpectation ] timeout:kTimeoutInSeconds]; |
| } |
| |
| - (void)test025_SubscribeMultipleEvents |
| { |
| MTRBaseDevice * device = GetConnectedDevice(); |
| dispatch_queue_t queue = dispatch_get_main_queue(); |
| |
| // Subscribe |
| XCTestExpectation * expectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"subscribe multiple events"]; |
| __auto_type * params = [[MTRSubscribeParams alloc] initWithMinInterval:@(1) maxInterval:@(10)]; |
| params.resubscribeAutomatically = NO; |
| |
| NSArray<MTREventRequestPath *> * eventPaths = @[ |
| // Startup event. |
| [MTREventRequestPath requestPathWithEndpointID:@0 clusterID:@40 eventID:@0], |
| // Shutdown event. |
| [MTREventRequestPath requestPathWithEndpointID:@0 clusterID:@40 eventID:@1], |
| ]; |
| |
| XCTestExpectation * startupEventExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"report startup event"]; |
| __block __auto_type reportHandler = ^(id _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable error) { |
| XCTAssertNil(error); |
| XCTAssertTrue([values isKindOfClass:[NSArray class]]); |
| |
| for (NSDictionary * result in values) { |
| XCTAssertNotNil(result[@"eventPath"]); |
| |
| MTREventPath * path = result[@"eventPath"]; |
| // We only expect to see a Startup event here. |
| XCTAssertEqualObjects(path.endpoint, @0); |
| XCTAssertEqualObjects(path.cluster, @40); |
| XCTAssertEqualObjects(path.event, @0); |
| |
| XCTAssertNil(result[@"error"]); |
| |
| XCTAssertNotNil(result[@"data"]); |
| XCTAssertTrue([result[@"data"] isKindOfClass:[NSDictionary class]]); |
| |
| XCTAssertNotNil(result[@"eventNumber"]); |
| XCTAssertTrue([result[@"eventNumber"] isKindOfClass:[NSNumber class]]); |
| |
| XCTAssertNotNil(result[@"eventPriority"]); |
| XCTAssertTrue([result[@"eventPriority"] isKindOfClass:[NSNumber class]]); |
| XCTAssertEqualObjects(result[@"eventPriority"], @(MTREventPriorityCritical)); |
| |
| XCTAssertNotNil(result[@"eventTimeType"]); |
| XCTAssertTrue([result[@"eventTimeType"] isKindOfClass:[NSNumber class]]); |
| |
| XCTAssertTrue(result[@"eventSystemUpTime"] != nil || result[@"eventTimestampDate"] != nil); |
| if (result[@"eventSystemUpTime"] != nil) { |
| XCTAssertTrue([result[@"eventSystemUpTime"] isKindOfClass:[NSNumber class]]); |
| } else { |
| XCTAssertTrue([result[@"eventTimestampDate"] isKindOfClass:[NSDate class]]); |
| } |
| |
| [startupEventExpectation fulfill]; |
| } |
| }; |
| |
| [device subscribeToAttributePaths:nil |
| eventPaths:eventPaths |
| params:params |
| queue:queue |
| reportHandler:^(id _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable error) { |
| if (reportHandler != nil) { |
| reportHandler(values, error); |
| } |
| } |
| subscriptionEstablished:^{ |
| NSLog(@"subscribe complete"); |
| [expectation fulfill]; |
| } |
| resubscriptionScheduled:nil]; |
| |
| // Wait till establishment |
| [self waitForExpectations:@[ startupEventExpectation, expectation ] timeout:kTimeoutInSeconds]; |
| |
| // Null out reportHandler, so we don't notify it when the |
| // subscription tears down. |
| reportHandler = nil; |
| } |
| |
| - (void)test026_LocationAttribute |
| { |
| __auto_type * device = GetConnectedDevice(); |
| dispatch_queue_t queue = dispatch_get_main_queue(); |
| |
| XCTestExpectation * expectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"read Basic Information Location attribute"]; |
| |
| __auto_type * cluster = [[MTRBaseClusterBasicInformation alloc] initWithDevice:device endpointID:@(0) queue:queue]; |
| [cluster readAttributeLocationWithCompletion:^(NSString * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable error) { |
| XCTAssertNil(error); |
| |
| // Matches what we passed in during commissioning. |
| XCTAssertEqualObjects(value, @"au"); |
| [expectation fulfill]; |
| }]; |
| |
| [self waitForExpectations:@[ expectation ] timeout:kTimeoutInSeconds]; |
| } |
| |
| - (void)test027_AttestationChallenge |
| { |
| // Check that we have an attestation challenge result in |
| // MTROperationalCredentialsClusterAttestationResponseParams. |
| dispatch_queue_t queue = dispatch_get_main_queue(); |
| |
| // We don't care about our nonce being random here, so just all-0 is fine. |
| __auto_type * nonce = [[NSMutableData alloc] initWithLength:32]; |
| __auto_type * params = [[MTROperationalCredentialsClusterAttestationRequestParams alloc] init]; |
| params.attestationNonce = nonce; |
| |
| __auto_type * baseDevice = GetConnectedDevice(); |
| __auto_type * baseCluster = [[MTRBaseClusterOperationalCredentials alloc] initWithDevice:baseDevice endpointID:@(0) queue:queue]; |
| XCTestExpectation * attestationRequestedViaBaseCluster = [self expectationWithDescription:@"Invoked AttestationRequest via base cluster"]; |
| [baseCluster attestationRequestWithParams:params completion:^(MTROperationalCredentialsClusterAttestationResponseParams * _Nullable data, NSError * _Nullable error) { |
| XCTAssertNil(error); |
| XCTAssertNotNil(data); |
| XCTAssertNotNil(data.attestationChallenge); |
| [attestationRequestedViaBaseCluster fulfill]; |
| }]; |
| |
| [self waitForExpectations:@[ attestationRequestedViaBaseCluster ] timeout:kTimeoutInSeconds]; |
| |
| __auto_type * requestFields = @{ |
| MTRTypeKey : MTRStructureValueType, |
| MTRValueKey : @[ |
| @{ |
| MTRContextTagKey : @(0), // AttestationNonce |
| MTRDataKey : @ { |
| MTRTypeKey : MTROctetStringValueType, |
| MTRValueKey : nonce, |
| }, |
| }, |
| ], |
| }; |
| |
| XCTestExpectation * attestationRequestedViaBaseDevice = [self expectationWithDescription:@"Invoked AttestationRequest via base device"]; |
| [baseDevice invokeCommandWithEndpointID:@(0) clusterID:@(MTRClusterIDTypeOperationalCredentialsID) commandID:@(MTRCommandIDTypeClusterOperationalCredentialsCommandAttestationRequestID) commandFields:requestFields timedInvokeTimeout:nil queue:queue completion:^(NSArray<NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *> * _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable error) { |
| XCTAssertNil(error); |
| XCTAssertNotNil(values); |
| XCTAssertEqual(values.count, 1); |
| __auto_type * response = [[MTROperationalCredentialsClusterAttestationResponseParams alloc] initWithResponseValue:values[0] error:&error]; |
| XCTAssertNil(error); |
| XCTAssertNotNil(response); |
| XCTAssertNotNil(response.attestationChallenge); |
| [attestationRequestedViaBaseDevice fulfill]; |
| }]; |
| |
| [self waitForExpectations:@[ attestationRequestedViaBaseDevice ] timeout:kTimeoutInSeconds]; |
| |
| __auto_type * device = [MTRDevice deviceWithNodeID:kDeviceId deviceController:sController]; |
| __auto_type * cluster = [[MTRClusterOperationalCredentials alloc] initWithDevice:device endpointID:@(0) queue:queue]; |
| XCTestExpectation * attestationRequestedViaCluster = [self expectationWithDescription:@"Invoked AttestationRequest via cluster"]; |
| [cluster attestationRequestWithParams:params expectedValues:nil expectedValueInterval:nil completion:^(MTROperationalCredentialsClusterAttestationResponseParams * _Nullable data, NSError * _Nullable error) { |
| XCTAssertNil(error); |
| XCTAssertNotNil(data); |
| XCTAssertNotNil(data.attestationChallenge); |
| [attestationRequestedViaCluster fulfill]; |
| }]; |
| |
| [self waitForExpectations:@[ attestationRequestedViaCluster ] timeout:kTimeoutInSeconds]; |
| |
| XCTestExpectation * attestationRequestedViaDevice = [self expectationWithDescription:@"Invoked AttestationRequest via device"]; |
| [device invokeCommandWithEndpointID:@(0) clusterID:@(MTRClusterIDTypeOperationalCredentialsID) commandID:@(MTRCommandIDTypeClusterOperationalCredentialsCommandAttestationRequestID) commandFields:requestFields expectedValues:nil expectedValueInterval:nil timedInvokeTimeout:nil queue:queue completion:^(NSArray<NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *> * _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable error) { |
| XCTAssertNil(error); |
| XCTAssertNotNil(values); |
| XCTAssertEqual(values.count, 1); |
| __auto_type * response = [[MTROperationalCredentialsClusterAttestationResponseParams alloc] initWithResponseValue:values[0] error:&error]; |
| XCTAssertNil(error); |
| XCTAssertNotNil(response); |
| XCTAssertNotNil(response.attestationChallenge); |
| [attestationRequestedViaDevice fulfill]; |
| }]; |
| |
| [self waitForExpectations:@[ attestationRequestedViaDevice ] timeout:kTimeoutInSeconds]; |
| } |
| |
| - (void)test028_TimeZoneAndDST |
| { |
| // Time synchronization is marked provisional so far, so we can only test it |
| // when MTR_ENABLE_PROVISIONAL is set. |
| dispatch_queue_t queue = dispatch_get_main_queue(); |
| |
| __auto_type * device = GetConnectedDevice(); |
| __auto_type * cluster = [[MTRBaseClusterTimeSynchronization alloc] initWithDevice:device endpointID:@(0) queue:queue]; |
| |
| XCTestExpectation * readTimeZoneExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"Read TimeZone attribute"]; |
| __block NSArray<MTRTimeSynchronizationClusterTimeZoneStruct *> * timeZone; |
| [cluster readAttributeTimeZoneWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable error) { |
| XCTAssertNil(error); |
| timeZone = value; |
| [readTimeZoneExpectation fulfill]; |
| }]; |
| |
| [self waitForExpectations:@[ readTimeZoneExpectation ] timeout:kTimeoutInSeconds]; |
| |
| __block NSArray<MTRTimeSynchronizationClusterDSTOffsetStruct *> * dstOffset; |
| XCTestExpectation * readDSTOffsetExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"Read DSTOffset attribute"]; |
| [cluster readAttributeDSTOffsetWithCompletion:^(NSArray * _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable error) { |
| XCTAssertNil(error); |
| dstOffset = value; |
| [readDSTOffsetExpectation fulfill]; |
| }]; |
| |
| [self waitForExpectations:@[ readDSTOffsetExpectation ] timeout:kTimeoutInSeconds]; |
| |
| // Check that the first DST offset entry matches what we expect. If we |
| // happened to cross a DST boundary during execution of this function, some |
| // of these checks will fail, but that seems pretty low-probability. |
| |
| XCTAssertTrue(dstOffset.count > 0); |
| MTRTimeSynchronizationClusterDSTOffsetStruct * currentDSTOffset = dstOffset[0]; |
| |
| __auto_type * utcTz = [NSTimeZone timeZoneForSecondsFromGMT:0]; |
| __auto_type * dateComponents = [[NSDateComponents alloc] init]; |
| dateComponents.timeZone = utcTz; |
| dateComponents.year = 2000; |
| dateComponents.month = 1; |
| dateComponents.day = 1; |
| NSCalendar * gregorianCalendar = [[NSCalendar alloc] initWithCalendarIdentifier:NSCalendarIdentifierGregorian]; |
| NSDate * matterEpoch = [gregorianCalendar dateFromComponents:dateComponents]; |
| |
| NSDate * nextReportedDSTTransition; |
| if (currentDSTOffset.validUntil == nil) { |
| nextReportedDSTTransition = nil; |
| } else { |
| double validUntilMicroSeconds = currentDSTOffset.validUntil.doubleValue; |
| nextReportedDSTTransition = [NSDate dateWithTimeInterval:validUntilMicroSeconds / 1e6 sinceDate:matterEpoch]; |
| } |
| |
| __auto_type * tz = [NSTimeZone localTimeZone]; |
| NSDate * nextDSTTransition = tz.nextDaylightSavingTimeTransition; |
| XCTAssertEqualObjects(nextReportedDSTTransition, nextDSTTransition); |
| |
| XCTAssertEqual(currentDSTOffset.offset.intValue, tz.daylightSavingTimeOffset); |
| |
| // Now check the timezone info we got. We always set exactly one timezone. |
| XCTAssertEqual(timeZone.count, 1); |
| MTRTimeSynchronizationClusterTimeZoneStruct * currentTimeZone = timeZone[0]; |
| XCTAssertEqual(tz.secondsFromGMT, currentTimeZone.offset.intValue + currentDSTOffset.offset.intValue); |
| } |
| |
| - (void)test029_MTRDeviceWriteCoalescing |
| { |
| __auto_type * device = [MTRDevice deviceWithNodeID:kDeviceId deviceController:sController]; |
| dispatch_queue_t queue = dispatch_get_main_queue(); |
| |
| // Given reachable state becomes true before underlying OnSubscriptionEstablished callback, this expectation is necessary but |
| // not sufficient as a mark to the end of reports |
| XCTestExpectation * gotReportsExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"Attribute and Event reports have been received"]; |
| |
| __auto_type * delegate = [[MTRDeviceTestDelegate alloc] init]; |
| delegate.onReportEnd = ^() { |
| [gotReportsExpectation fulfill]; |
| }; |
| // Skip reports for expected values so we actually have some idea of what |
| // the server is reporting. |
| delegate.skipExpectedValuesForWrite = YES; |
| |
| [device setDelegate:delegate queue:queue]; |
| |
| [self waitForExpectations:@[ gotReportsExpectation ] timeout:60]; |
| |
| delegate.onReportEnd = nil; |
| |
| uint16_t testOnTimeValue = 10; |
| XCTestExpectation * onTimeWriteSuccess = [self expectationWithDescription:@"OnTime write success"]; |
| delegate.onAttributeDataReceived = ^(NSArray<NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *> * data) { |
| for (NSDictionary<NSString *, id> * attributeResponseValue in data) { |
| MTRAttributePath * path = attributeResponseValue[MTRAttributePathKey]; |
| if (path.cluster.unsignedIntValue == MTRClusterIDTypeOnOffID && path.attribute.unsignedLongValue == MTRAttributeIDTypeClusterOnOffAttributeOnTimeID) { |
| NSDictionary * dataValue = attributeResponseValue[MTRDataKey]; |
| NSNumber * onTimeValue = dataValue[MTRValueKey]; |
| if ([onTimeValue isEqual:@(testOnTimeValue + 4)]) { |
| [onTimeWriteSuccess fulfill]; |
| } else { |
| // The first write we did might get reported, but none of |
| // the other ones should be. |
| XCTAssertEqualObjects(onTimeValue, @(testOnTimeValue + 1)); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| }; |
| |
| __auto_type writeOnTimeValue = ^(uint16_t value) { |
| NSDictionary * writeValue = @{ MTRTypeKey : MTRUnsignedIntegerValueType, MTRValueKey : @(value) }; |
| [device writeAttributeWithEndpointID:@(1) |
| clusterID:@(MTRClusterIDTypeOnOffID) |
| attributeID:@(MTRAttributeIDTypeClusterOnOffAttributeOnTimeID) |
| value:writeValue |
| expectedValueInterval:@(0) |
| timedWriteTimeout:nil]; |
| }; |
| |
| writeOnTimeValue(testOnTimeValue + 1); |
| writeOnTimeValue(testOnTimeValue + 2); |
| writeOnTimeValue(testOnTimeValue + 3); |
| writeOnTimeValue(testOnTimeValue + 4); |
| |
| [self waitForExpectations:@[ onTimeWriteSuccess ] timeout:10]; |
| } |
| |
| - (void)test900_SubscribeAllAttributes |
| { |
| MTRBaseDevice * device = GetConnectedDevice(); |
| dispatch_queue_t queue = dispatch_get_main_queue(); |
| XCTestExpectation * cleanSubscriptionExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"Previous subscriptions cleaned"]; |
| NSLog(@"Deregistering report handlers..."); |
| [device deregisterReportHandlersWithQueue:queue |
| completion:^{ |
| NSLog(@"Report handlers deregistered"); |
| [cleanSubscriptionExpectation fulfill]; |
| }]; |
| [self waitForExpectations:@[ cleanSubscriptionExpectation ] timeout:kTimeoutInSeconds]; |
| |
| XCTestExpectation * expectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"subscribe OnOff attribute"]; |
| __block void (^reportHandler)(id _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable error) = nil; |
| |
| MTRSubscribeParams * params = [[MTRSubscribeParams alloc] initWithMinInterval:@(2) maxInterval:@(10)]; |
| params.resubscribeAutomatically = NO; |
| [device subscribeToAttributesWithEndpointID:@1 |
| clusterID:@6 |
| attributeID:nil |
| params:params |
| queue:queue |
| reportHandler:^(id _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable error) { |
| NSLog(@"Subscribe all - report attribute values: %@, error: %@, report handler: %d", values, error, |
| (reportHandler != nil)); |
| |
| if (reportHandler) { |
| __auto_type callback = reportHandler; |
| callback(values, error); |
| } |
| } |
| subscriptionEstablished:^{ |
| NSLog(@"subscribe attribute: OnOff established"); |
| [expectation fulfill]; |
| }]; |
| |
| // Wait till establishment |
| [self waitForExpectationsWithTimeout:kTimeoutInSeconds handler:nil]; |
| |
| // Set up expectation for report |
| __auto_type reportExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"receive OnOff attribute report"]; |
| reportHandler = ^(id _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable error) { |
| XCTAssertNil(error); |
| XCTAssertTrue([values isKindOfClass:[NSArray class]]); |
| NSDictionary * result = values[0]; |
| MTRAttributePath * path = result[@"attributePath"]; |
| XCTAssertEqual([path.endpoint unsignedIntegerValue], 1); |
| XCTAssertEqual([path.cluster unsignedIntegerValue], 6); |
| XCTAssertTrue([result[@"data"] isKindOfClass:[NSDictionary class]]); |
| |
| if ([path.attribute unsignedIntegerValue] == 0 && [result[@"data"][@"value"] boolValue] == YES) { |
| [reportExpectation fulfill]; |
| reportHandler = nil; |
| } |
| }; |
| |
| // Send commands to set attribute state to a known state |
| XCTestExpectation * commandExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"command responded"]; |
| NSDictionary * fields = @{ @"type" : @"Structure", @"value" : @[] }; |
| [device invokeCommandWithEndpointID:@1 |
| clusterID:@6 |
| commandID:@0 |
| commandFields:fields |
| timedInvokeTimeout:nil |
| queue:queue |
| completion:^(id _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable error) { |
| NSLog(@"invoke command: On values: %@, error: %@", values, error); |
| |
| XCTAssertNil(error); |
| |
| { |
| XCTAssertTrue([values isKindOfClass:[NSArray class]]); |
| NSArray * resultArray = values; |
| for (NSDictionary * result in resultArray) { |
| MTRCommandPath * path = result[@"commandPath"]; |
| XCTAssertEqual([path.endpoint unsignedIntegerValue], 1); |
| XCTAssertEqual([path.cluster unsignedIntegerValue], 6); |
| XCTAssertEqual([path.command unsignedIntegerValue], 0); |
| XCTAssertNil(result[@"error"]); |
| } |
| XCTAssertEqual([resultArray count], 1); |
| } |
| [commandExpectation fulfill]; |
| }]; |
| [self waitForExpectations:[NSArray arrayWithObject:commandExpectation] timeout:kTimeoutInSeconds]; |
| |
| // Send commands to trigger attribute change |
| commandExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"command responded"]; |
| fields = @{ @"type" : @"Structure", @"value" : @[] }; |
| [device invokeCommandWithEndpointID:@1 |
| clusterID:@6 |
| commandID:@1 |
| commandFields:fields |
| timedInvokeTimeout:nil |
| queue:queue |
| completion:^(id _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable error) { |
| NSLog(@"invoke command: On values: %@, error: %@", values, error); |
| |
| XCTAssertNil(error); |
| |
| { |
| XCTAssertTrue([values isKindOfClass:[NSArray class]]); |
| NSArray * resultArray = values; |
| for (NSDictionary * result in resultArray) { |
| MTRCommandPath * path = result[@"commandPath"]; |
| XCTAssertEqual([path.endpoint unsignedIntegerValue], 1); |
| XCTAssertEqual([path.cluster unsignedIntegerValue], 6); |
| XCTAssertEqual([path.command unsignedIntegerValue], 1); |
| XCTAssertNil(result[@"error"]); |
| } |
| XCTAssertEqual([resultArray count], 1); |
| } |
| [commandExpectation fulfill]; |
| }]; |
| [self waitForExpectations:[NSArray arrayWithObject:commandExpectation] timeout:kTimeoutInSeconds]; |
| |
| // Wait for report |
| [self waitForExpectations:[NSArray arrayWithObject:reportExpectation] timeout:kTimeoutInSeconds]; |
| |
| // Set up expectation for 2nd report |
| reportExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"receive OnOff attribute report"]; |
| reportHandler = ^(id _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable error) { |
| XCTAssertNil(error); |
| XCTAssertTrue([values isKindOfClass:[NSArray class]]); |
| NSDictionary * result = values[0]; |
| MTRAttributePath * path = result[@"attributePath"]; |
| XCTAssertEqual([path.endpoint unsignedIntegerValue], 1); |
| XCTAssertEqual([path.cluster unsignedIntegerValue], 6); |
| XCTAssertTrue([result[@"data"] isKindOfClass:[NSDictionary class]]); |
| if ([path.attribute unsignedIntegerValue] == 0 && [result[@"data"][@"value"] boolValue] == NO) { |
| [reportExpectation fulfill]; |
| reportHandler = nil; |
| } |
| }; |
| |
| // Send command to trigger attribute change |
| commandExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"command responded"]; |
| fields = @{ @"type" : @"Structure", @"value" : @[] }; |
| [device invokeCommandWithEndpointID:@1 |
| clusterID:@6 |
| commandID:@0 |
| commandFields:fields |
| timedInvokeTimeout:nil |
| queue:queue |
| completion:^(id _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable error) { |
| NSLog(@"invoke command: On values: %@, error: %@", values, error); |
| |
| XCTAssertNil(error); |
| |
| { |
| XCTAssertTrue([values isKindOfClass:[NSArray class]]); |
| NSArray * resultArray = values; |
| for (NSDictionary * result in resultArray) { |
| MTRCommandPath * path = result[@"commandPath"]; |
| XCTAssertEqual([path.endpoint unsignedIntegerValue], 1); |
| XCTAssertEqual([path.cluster unsignedIntegerValue], 6); |
| XCTAssertEqual([path.command unsignedIntegerValue], 0); |
| XCTAssertNil(result[@"error"]); |
| } |
| XCTAssertEqual([resultArray count], 1); |
| } |
| [commandExpectation fulfill]; |
| }]; |
| [self waitForExpectations:[NSArray arrayWithObject:commandExpectation] timeout:kTimeoutInSeconds]; |
| |
| // Wait for report |
| [self waitForExpectations:[NSArray arrayWithObject:reportExpectation] timeout:kTimeoutInSeconds]; |
| } |
| |
| - (void)test029_PathsBehavior |
| { |
| __auto_type * commandPath1 = [MTRCommandPath commandPathWithEndpointID:@(1) clusterID:@(2) commandID:@(3)]; |
| __auto_type * commandPath2 = [MTRCommandPath commandPathWithEndpointID:@(1) clusterID:@(2) commandID:@(4)]; |
| __auto_type * commandPath3 = [MTRCommandPath commandPathWithEndpointID:@(2) clusterID:@(2) commandID:@(3)]; |
| __auto_type * commandPath4 = [MTRCommandPath commandPathWithEndpointID:@(1) clusterID:@(1) commandID:@(3)]; |
| __auto_type * commandPath5 = [MTRCommandPath commandPathWithEndpointID:@(1) clusterID:@(2) commandID:@(3)]; |
| |
| __auto_type * eventPath1 = [MTREventPath eventPathWithEndpointID:@(1) clusterID:@(2) eventID:@(3)]; |
| __auto_type * eventPath2 = [MTREventPath eventPathWithEndpointID:@(1) clusterID:@(2) eventID:@(4)]; |
| __auto_type * eventPath3 = [MTREventPath eventPathWithEndpointID:@(2) clusterID:@(2) eventID:@(3)]; |
| __auto_type * eventPath4 = [MTREventPath eventPathWithEndpointID:@(1) clusterID:@(1) eventID:@(3)]; |
| __auto_type * eventPath5 = [MTREventPath eventPathWithEndpointID:@(1) clusterID:@(2) eventID:@(3)]; |
| |
| __auto_type * attributePath1 = [MTRAttributePath attributePathWithEndpointID:@(1) clusterID:@(2) attributeID:@(3)]; |
| __auto_type * attributePath2 = [MTRAttributePath attributePathWithEndpointID:@(1) clusterID:@(2) attributeID:@(4)]; |
| __auto_type * attributePath3 = [MTRAttributePath attributePathWithEndpointID:@(2) clusterID:@(2) attributeID:@(3)]; |
| __auto_type * attributePath4 = [MTRAttributePath attributePathWithEndpointID:@(1) clusterID:@(1) attributeID:@(3)]; |
| __auto_type * attributePath5 = [MTRAttributePath attributePathWithEndpointID:@(1) clusterID:@(2) attributeID:@(3)]; |
| |
| __auto_type * clusterPath1 = [MTRClusterPath clusterPathWithEndpointID:@(1) clusterID:@(2)]; |
| __auto_type * clusterPath2 = [MTRClusterPath clusterPathWithEndpointID:@(1) clusterID:@(3)]; |
| __auto_type * clusterPath3 = [MTRClusterPath clusterPathWithEndpointID:@(2) clusterID:@(2)]; |
| __auto_type * clusterPath4 = [MTRClusterPath clusterPathWithEndpointID:@(1) clusterID:@(2)]; |
| |
| // Command paths |
| XCTAssertTrue([commandPath1 isEqual:commandPath5]); |
| XCTAssertEqualObjects(commandPath1, commandPath5); |
| |
| XCTAssertFalse([commandPath1 isEqual:commandPath2]); |
| XCTAssertNotEqualObjects(commandPath1, commandPath2); |
| |
| XCTAssertFalse([commandPath1 isEqual:commandPath3]); |
| XCTAssertNotEqualObjects(commandPath1, commandPath3); |
| |
| XCTAssertFalse([commandPath1 isEqual:commandPath4]); |
| XCTAssertNotEqualObjects(commandPath1, commandPath4); |
| |
| // Event paths |
| XCTAssertTrue([eventPath1 isEqual:eventPath5]); |
| XCTAssertEqualObjects(eventPath1, eventPath5); |
| |
| XCTAssertFalse([eventPath1 isEqual:eventPath2]); |
| XCTAssertNotEqualObjects(eventPath1, eventPath2); |
| |
| XCTAssertFalse([eventPath1 isEqual:eventPath3]); |
| XCTAssertNotEqualObjects(eventPath1, eventPath3); |
| |
| XCTAssertFalse([eventPath1 isEqual:eventPath4]); |
| XCTAssertNotEqualObjects(eventPath1, eventPath4); |
| |
| // Attribute paths |
| XCTAssertTrue([attributePath1 isEqual:attributePath5]); |
| XCTAssertEqualObjects(attributePath1, attributePath5); |
| |
| XCTAssertFalse([attributePath1 isEqual:attributePath2]); |
| XCTAssertNotEqualObjects(attributePath1, attributePath2); |
| |
| XCTAssertFalse([attributePath1 isEqual:attributePath3]); |
| XCTAssertNotEqualObjects(attributePath1, attributePath3); |
| |
| XCTAssertFalse([attributePath1 isEqual:attributePath4]); |
| XCTAssertNotEqualObjects(attributePath1, attributePath4); |
| |
| // Clusters |
| XCTAssertTrue([clusterPath1 isEqual:clusterPath4]); |
| XCTAssertEqualObjects(clusterPath1, clusterPath4); |
| |
| XCTAssertFalse([clusterPath1 isEqual:clusterPath2]); |
| XCTAssertNotEqualObjects(clusterPath1, clusterPath2); |
| |
| XCTAssertFalse([clusterPath1 isEqual:clusterPath3]); |
| XCTAssertNotEqualObjects(clusterPath1, clusterPath3); |
| |
| // Mix |
| XCTAssertFalse([commandPath1 isEqual:eventPath1]); |
| XCTAssertFalse([eventPath1 isEqual:commandPath1]); |
| |
| XCTAssertFalse([commandPath1 isEqual:attributePath1]); |
| XCTAssertFalse([attributePath1 isEqual:commandPath1]); |
| |
| XCTAssertFalse([attributePath1 isEqual:eventPath1]); |
| XCTAssertFalse([eventPath1 isEqual:attributePath1]); |
| XCTAssertFalse([clusterPath1 isEqual:attributePath1]); |
| XCTAssertFalse([clusterPath1 isEqual:eventPath1]); |
| } |
| |
| - (void)test030_DeviceAndClusterProperties |
| { |
| dispatch_queue_t queue = dispatch_get_main_queue(); |
| |
| __auto_type * device = [MTRDevice deviceWithNodeID:@(kDeviceId) controller:sController]; |
| XCTAssertEqual(device.deviceController, sController); |
| XCTAssertEqualObjects(device.nodeID, @(kDeviceId)); |
| |
| __auto_type * cluster = [[MTRClusterOperationalCredentials alloc] initWithDevice:device endpointID:@(0) queue:queue]; |
| XCTAssertEqual(cluster.device, device); |
| XCTAssertEqualObjects(cluster.endpointID, @(0)); |
| } |
| |
| - (void)test031_MTRDeviceAttributeCacheLocalTestStorage |
| { |
| dispatch_queue_t queue = dispatch_get_main_queue(); |
| |
| // Get the subscription primed |
| __auto_type * device = [MTRDevice deviceWithNodeID:@(kDeviceId) controller:sController]; |
| |
| NSTimeInterval baseTestDelayTime = 1; |
| MTRDeviceStorageBehaviorConfiguration * config = [MTRDeviceStorageBehaviorConfiguration |
| configurationWithReportToPersistenceDelayTime:baseTestDelayTime |
| reportToPersistenceDelayTimeMax:baseTestDelayTime * 2 |
| recentReportTimesMaxCount:5 |
| timeBetweenReportsTooShortThreshold:baseTestDelayTime * 0.4 |
| timeBetweenReportsTooShortMinThreshold:baseTestDelayTime * 0.2 |
| reportToPersistenceDelayMaxMultiplier:baseTestDelayTime * 5 |
| deviceReportingExcessivelyIntervalThreshold:baseTestDelayTime * 10]; |
| [device setStorageBehaviorConfiguration:config]; |
| |
| XCTestExpectation * gotReportsExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"Attribute and Event reports have been received"]; |
| XCTestExpectation * gotDeviceCachePrimed = [self expectationWithDescription:@"Device cache primed for the first time"]; |
| XCTestExpectation * gotClusterDataPersisted1 = [self expectationWithDescription:@"Cluster data persisted 1"]; |
| __auto_type * delegate = [[MTRDeviceTestDelegate alloc] init]; |
| __weak __auto_type weakDelegate = delegate; |
| delegate.onReportEnd = ^{ |
| [gotReportsExpectation fulfill]; |
| __strong __auto_type strongDelegate = weakDelegate; |
| strongDelegate.onReportEnd = nil; |
| }; |
| delegate.onDeviceCachePrimed = ^{ |
| [gotDeviceCachePrimed fulfill]; |
| }; |
| delegate.onClusterDataPersisted = ^{ |
| [gotClusterDataPersisted1 fulfill]; |
| }; |
| [device setDelegate:delegate queue:queue]; |
| |
| [self waitForExpectations:@[ gotReportsExpectation, gotDeviceCachePrimed, gotClusterDataPersisted1 ] timeout:60]; |
| |
| NSUInteger attributesReportedWithFirstSubscription = [device unitTestAttributesReportedSinceLastCheck]; |
| |
| NSDictionary * dataStoreClusterDataAfterFirstSubscription = [sController.controllerDataStore getStoredClusterDataForNodeID:@(kDeviceId)]; |
| XCTAssertTrue(dataStoreClusterDataAfterFirstSubscription.count > 0); |
| |
| // Now remove device, resubscribe, and see that it succeeds |
| [sController removeDevice:device]; |
| device = [MTRDevice deviceWithNodeID:@(kDeviceId) controller:sController]; |
| |
| XCTestExpectation * resubGotReportsExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"Attribute and Event reports have been received for resubscription"]; |
| XCTestExpectation * gotClusterDataPersisted2 = [self expectationWithDescription:@"Cluster data persisted 2"]; |
| delegate.onReportEnd = ^{ |
| [resubGotReportsExpectation fulfill]; |
| __strong __auto_type strongDelegate = weakDelegate; |
| strongDelegate.onReportEnd = nil; |
| }; |
| __block BOOL onDeviceCachePrimedCalled = NO; |
| delegate.onDeviceCachePrimed = ^{ |
| onDeviceCachePrimedCalled = YES; |
| }; |
| delegate.onClusterDataPersisted = ^{ |
| [gotClusterDataPersisted2 fulfill]; |
| }; |
| [device setDelegate:delegate queue:queue]; |
| |
| [self waitForExpectations:@[ resubGotReportsExpectation, gotClusterDataPersisted2 ] timeout:60]; |
| |
| // Make sure that the new callback is only ever called once, the first time subscription was primed |
| XCTAssertFalse(onDeviceCachePrimedCalled); |
| |
| NSUInteger attributesReportedWithSecondSubscription = [device unitTestAttributesReportedSinceLastCheck]; |
| |
| XCTAssertTrue(attributesReportedWithSecondSubscription < attributesReportedWithFirstSubscription); |
| |
| // 1) MTRDevice actually gets some attributes reported more than once |
| // 2) Some attributes do change on resubscribe |
| // * With all-clusts-app as of 2024-02-10, out of 1287 persisted attributes, still 450 attributes were reported with filter |
| // And so conservatively, assert that data version filters save at least 300 entries. |
| NSDictionary * storedClusterDataAfterSecondSubscription = [sController.controllerDataStore getStoredClusterDataForNodeID:@(kDeviceId)]; |
| NSUInteger dataStoreAttributeCountAfterSecondSubscription = 0; |
| for (NSNumber * clusterID in storedClusterDataAfterSecondSubscription) { |
| MTRDeviceClusterData * clusterData = storedClusterDataAfterSecondSubscription[clusterID]; |
| dataStoreAttributeCountAfterSecondSubscription += clusterData.attributes.count; |
| } |
| NSUInteger storedAttributeCountDifferenceFromMTRDeviceReport = dataStoreAttributeCountAfterSecondSubscription - attributesReportedWithSecondSubscription; |
| XCTAssertTrue(storedAttributeCountDifferenceFromMTRDeviceReport > 300); |
| } |
| |
| - (void)test032_MTRPathClassesEncoding |
| { |
| NSError * encodeError; |
| NSData * encodedData; |
| NSError * decodeError; |
| id decodedValue; |
| |
| // Test attribute path encode / decode |
| MTRAttributePath * originalAttributePath = [MTRAttributePath attributePathWithEndpointID:@(101) clusterID:@(102) attributeID:@(103)]; |
| encodedData = [NSKeyedArchiver archivedDataWithRootObject:originalAttributePath requiringSecureCoding:YES error:&encodeError]; |
| XCTAssertNil(encodeError); |
| |
| decodedValue = [NSKeyedUnarchiver unarchivedObjectOfClasses:[NSSet setWithObject:[MTRAttributePath class]] fromData:encodedData error:&decodeError]; |
| XCTAssertNil(decodeError); |
| XCTAssertTrue([decodedValue isKindOfClass:[MTRAttributePath class]]); |
| |
| MTRAttributePath * decodedAttributePath = decodedValue; |
| XCTAssertEqualObjects(originalAttributePath, decodedAttributePath); |
| |
| // Test event path encode / decode |
| MTREventPath * originalEventPath = [MTREventPath eventPathWithEndpointID:@(201) clusterID:@(202) eventID:@(203)]; |
| encodedData = [NSKeyedArchiver archivedDataWithRootObject:originalEventPath requiringSecureCoding:YES error:&encodeError]; |
| XCTAssertNil(encodeError); |
| |
| decodedValue = [NSKeyedUnarchiver unarchivedObjectOfClasses:[NSSet setWithObject:[MTREventPath class]] fromData:encodedData error:&decodeError]; |
| XCTAssertNil(decodeError); |
| XCTAssertTrue([decodedValue isKindOfClass:[MTREventPath class]]); |
| |
| MTREventPath * decodedEventPath = decodedValue; |
| XCTAssertEqualObjects(originalEventPath, decodedEventPath); |
| |
| // Test command path encode / decode |
| MTRCommandPath * originalCommandPath = [MTRCommandPath commandPathWithEndpointID:@(301) clusterID:@(302) commandID:@(303)]; |
| encodedData = [NSKeyedArchiver archivedDataWithRootObject:originalCommandPath requiringSecureCoding:YES error:&encodeError]; |
| XCTAssertNil(encodeError); |
| |
| decodedValue = [NSKeyedUnarchiver unarchivedObjectOfClasses:[NSSet setWithObject:[MTRCommandPath class]] fromData:encodedData error:&decodeError]; |
| XCTAssertNil(decodeError); |
| XCTAssertTrue([decodedValue isKindOfClass:[MTRCommandPath class]]); |
| |
| MTRCommandPath * decodedCommandPath = decodedValue; |
| XCTAssertEqualObjects(originalCommandPath, decodedCommandPath); |
| } |
| |
| // Helper API to test if changes in an attribute with a path specified by endpointId, clusterId and attributeId trigger |
| // device configuration changed callbacks for a given MTRDevice. This API creates a fake attribute report for the given attribute path |
| // and injects it into MTRDevice to exercise and test the delegate's device configuration changed callback. |
| + (void)checkAttributeReportTriggersConfigurationChanged:(MTRAttributeIDType)attributeId |
| clusterId:(MTRClusterIDType)clusterId |
| endpointId:(NSNumber *)endpointId |
| device:(MTRDevice *)device |
| delegate:(MTRDeviceTestDelegate *)delegate |
| dataVersion:(NSNumber *)dataVersion |
| attributeReport:(NSArray<NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *> *)attributeReport |
| testcase:(XCTestCase *)testcase |
| expectConfigurationChanged:(BOOL)expectConfigurationChanged |
| { |
| XCTAssertNotNil(endpointId); |
| XCTAssertNotNil(device); |
| XCTAssertNotNil(delegate); |
| XCTAssertNotNil(dataVersion); |
| XCTAssertNotNil(attributeReport); |
| XCTAssertNotNil(testcase); |
| |
| XCTestExpectation * gotAttributeReportExpectation = [testcase expectationWithDescription:@"Attribute report has been received"]; |
| XCTestExpectation * gotAttributeReportEndExpectation = [testcase expectationWithDescription:@"Attribute report has ended"]; |
| XCTestExpectation * deviceConfigurationChangedExpectation = [testcase expectationWithDescription:@"Device configuration changed was received"]; |
| deviceConfigurationChangedExpectation.inverted = !expectConfigurationChanged; |
| |
| __block unsigned attributeReportsReceived = 0; |
| __block id testDataValue = nil; |
| |
| for (NSDictionary<NSString *, id> * attributeDict in attributeReport) { |
| MTRAttributePath * attributePath = attributeDict[MTRAttributePathKey]; |
| if (attributePath.attribute.unsignedLongLongValue == attributeId) { |
| NSDictionary * data = attributeDict[MTRDataKey]; |
| XCTAssertNotNil(data); |
| testDataValue = data[MTRValueKey]; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // Check if the received attribute report matches the injected attribute report. |
| delegate.onAttributeDataReceived = ^(NSArray<NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *> * attributeReport) { |
| attributeReportsReceived += attributeReport.count; |
| XCTAssert(attributeReportsReceived > 0); |
| for (NSDictionary<NSString *, id> * attributeDict in attributeReport) { |
| MTRAttributePath * attributePath = attributeDict[MTRAttributePathKey]; |
| XCTAssertNotNil(attributePath); |
| |
| XCTAssertEqualObjects(attributePath.cluster, @(clusterId)); |
| XCTAssertEqualObjects(attributePath.attribute, @(attributeId)); |
| |
| NSDictionary * data = attributeDict[MTRDataKey]; |
| XCTAssertNotNil(data); |
| XCTAssertEqualObjects(data[MTRDataVersionKey], dataVersion); |
| |
| // This code assumes that none of the attributes in the report can have null values. |
| // Since we are injecting the attribute report for testing this with non-null values, |
| // we are fine for now. But if we plan to inject attribute reports with attributes having |
| // null values, we need to fix the code accordingly. |
| id dataValue = data[MTRValueKey]; |
| XCTAssertNotNil(dataValue); |
| XCTAssertNotNil(testDataValue); |
| XCTAssertEqualObjects(dataValue, testDataValue); |
| [gotAttributeReportExpectation fulfill]; |
| } |
| }; |
| |
| delegate.onReportEnd = ^() { |
| [gotAttributeReportEndExpectation fulfill]; |
| }; |
| |
| __block BOOL wasOnDeviceConfigurationChangedCallbackCalled = NO; |
| |
| delegate.onDeviceConfigurationChanged = ^() { |
| [deviceConfigurationChangedExpectation fulfill]; |
| wasOnDeviceConfigurationChangedCallbackCalled = YES; |
| }; |
| |
| [device unitTestInjectAttributeReport:attributeReport fromSubscription:YES]; |
| |
| [testcase waitForExpectations:@[ gotAttributeReportExpectation, gotAttributeReportEndExpectation, deviceConfigurationChangedExpectation ] timeout:kTimeoutInSeconds]; |
| if (!expectConfigurationChanged) { |
| XCTAssertFalse(wasOnDeviceConfigurationChangedCallbackCalled); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| - (void)test033_TestMTRDeviceDeviceConfigurationChanged |
| { |
| __auto_type * device = [MTRDevice deviceWithNodeID:kDeviceId deviceController:sController]; |
| dispatch_queue_t queue = dispatch_get_main_queue(); |
| |
| // Check if subscription is set up and initial reports are received. |
| XCTestExpectation * subscriptionExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"Subscription has been set up"]; |
| XCTestExpectation * gotInitialReportsExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"Initial Attribute and Event reports have been received"]; |
| |
| __auto_type * delegate = [[MTRDeviceTestDelegate alloc] init]; |
| delegate.onReachable = ^() { |
| [subscriptionExpectation fulfill]; |
| }; |
| |
| __block unsigned attributeReportsReceived = 0; |
| |
| // Get the data version for the following attributes that we will use for the tests - parts list, device types list and server list for descriptor cluster, |
| // attribute list and cluster revision for the Identify cluster, accepted commands list for oven cavity operational state ID cluster and |
| // feature map for groups ID cluster. |
| __block NSNumber * dataVersionForPartsList; |
| __block NSMutableArray<NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *> * valueForPartsList; |
| __block NSNumber * endpointForPartsList; |
| __block NSNumber * dataVersionForDeviceTypesList; |
| __block NSNumber * endpointForDeviceTypeList; |
| __block NSNumber * dataVersionForServerList; |
| __block NSNumber * endpointForServerList; |
| __block NSNumber * dataVersionForAcceptedCommandList; |
| __block NSNumber * endpointForAcceptedCommandList; |
| __block NSNumber * dataVersionForAttributeList; |
| __block NSNumber * endpointForAttributeList; |
| __block NSNumber * dataVersionForClusterRevision; |
| __block NSNumber * endpointForClusterRevision; |
| __block NSNumber * dataVersionForFeatureMap; |
| __block NSNumber * endpointForFeatureMap; |
| __block NSNumber * dataVersionForPowerConfigurationSources; |
| __block NSNumber * endpointForPowerConfigurationSources; |
| |
| delegate.onAttributeDataReceived = ^(NSArray<NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *> * attributeReport) { |
| attributeReportsReceived += attributeReport.count; |
| XCTAssert(attributeReportsReceived > 0); |
| |
| for (NSDictionary<NSString *, id> * attributeDict in attributeReport) { |
| MTRAttributePath * attributePath = attributeDict[MTRAttributePathKey]; |
| XCTAssertNotNil(attributePath); |
| |
| if (attributePath.cluster.unsignedLongValue == MTRClusterIDTypeDescriptorID && attributePath.endpoint.unsignedLongValue == 0) { |
| NSDictionary * data = attributeDict[MTRDataKey]; |
| XCTAssertNotNil(data); |
| switch (attributePath.attribute.unsignedLongValue) { |
| case MTRAttributeIDTypeClusterDescriptorAttributePartsListID: { |
| dataVersionForPartsList = data[MTRDataVersionKey]; |
| valueForPartsList = [data[MTRValueKey] mutableCopy]; |
| endpointForPartsList = attributePath.endpoint; |
| break; |
| } |
| case MTRAttributeIDTypeClusterDescriptorAttributeDeviceTypeListID: { |
| dataVersionForDeviceTypesList = data[MTRDataVersionKey]; |
| endpointForDeviceTypeList = attributePath.endpoint; |
| break; |
| } |
| case MTRAttributeIDTypeClusterDescriptorAttributeServerListID: { |
| dataVersionForServerList = data[MTRDataVersionKey]; |
| endpointForServerList = attributePath.endpoint; |
| break; |
| } |
| } |
| } else if (attributePath.cluster.unsignedLongValue == MTRClusterIDTypeIdentifyID) { |
| NSDictionary * data = attributeDict[MTRDataKey]; |
| XCTAssertNotNil(data); |
| switch (attributePath.attribute.unsignedLongValue) { |
| case MTRAttributeIDTypeGlobalAttributeAttributeListID: { |
| dataVersionForAttributeList = data[MTRDataVersionKey]; |
| endpointForAttributeList = attributePath.endpoint; |
| break; |
| } |
| case MTRAttributeIDTypeGlobalAttributeClusterRevisionID: { |
| dataVersionForClusterRevision = data[MTRDataVersionKey]; |
| endpointForClusterRevision = attributePath.endpoint; |
| break; |
| } |
| } |
| } else if (attributePath.cluster.unsignedLongValue == MTRClusterIDTypeOvenCavityOperationalStateID && attributePath.attribute.unsignedLongValue == MTRAttributeIDTypeGlobalAttributeAcceptedCommandListID) { |
| NSDictionary * data = attributeDict[MTRDataKey]; |
| XCTAssertNotNil(data); |
| dataVersionForAcceptedCommandList = data[MTRDataVersionKey]; |
| endpointForAcceptedCommandList = attributePath.endpoint; |
| } else if (attributePath.cluster.unsignedLongValue == MTRClusterIDTypeGroupsID && attributePath.attribute.unsignedLongValue == MTRAttributeIDTypeGlobalAttributeFeatureMapID) { |
| NSDictionary * data = attributeDict[MTRDataKey]; |
| XCTAssertNotNil(data); |
| dataVersionForFeatureMap = data[MTRDataVersionKey]; |
| endpointForFeatureMap = attributePath.endpoint; |
| } else if (attributePath.cluster.unsignedLongValue == MTRClusterIDTypePowerSourceConfigurationID && attributePath.attribute.unsignedLongValue == MTRAttributeIDTypeClusterPowerSourceConfigurationAttributeSourcesID) { |
| NSDictionary * data = attributeDict[MTRDataKey]; |
| XCTAssertNotNil(data); |
| dataVersionForPowerConfigurationSources = data[MTRDataVersionKey]; |
| endpointForPowerConfigurationSources = attributePath.endpoint; |
| } |
| } |
| }; |
| |
| delegate.onReportEnd = ^() { |
| XCTAssertNotNil(dataVersionForPartsList); |
| XCTAssertNotNil(dataVersionForDeviceTypesList); |
| XCTAssertNotNil(dataVersionForServerList); |
| XCTAssertNotNil(dataVersionForAttributeList); |
| XCTAssertNotNil(dataVersionForClusterRevision); |
| XCTAssertNotNil(dataVersionForAcceptedCommandList); |
| XCTAssertNotNil(dataVersionForFeatureMap); |
| XCTAssertNotNil(dataVersionForPowerConfigurationSources); |
| [gotInitialReportsExpectation fulfill]; |
| }; |
| |
| [device setDelegate:delegate queue:queue]; |
| |
| // Wait for subscription set up and initial reports received. |
| [self waitForExpectations:@[ |
| subscriptionExpectation, |
| gotInitialReportsExpectation, |
| ] |
| timeout:60]; |
| |
| // The multiple tests below do the following: |
| // 1. Set the test data version to the data version for the attribute path saved from the initial attribute report incremented by 1. |
| // 2. Create the fake data for the attribute report for the attribute. |
| // 3. Call the helper checkAttributeReportTriggersConfigurationChanged to test if the attribute report affects device configuration changes. |
| |
| // Test attribute path - endpointId = 0, clusterId = descriptor, attributeId = parts list. |
| dataVersionForPartsList = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedLongLong:(dataVersionForPartsList.unsignedLongLongValue + 1)]; |
| // Figure out an endpoint ID (not 0) we can add to PartsList. |
| for (unsigned i = 1; true; ++i) { |
| __auto_type unsignedIntegerValue = @{ |
| MTRDataKey : @ { |
| MTRTypeKey : MTRUnsignedIntegerValueType, |
| MTRValueKey : @(i), |
| } |
| }; |
| |
| if (![valueForPartsList containsObject:unsignedIntegerValue]) { |
| [valueForPartsList addObject:unsignedIntegerValue]; |
| break; |
| } |
| } |
| NSArray<NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *> * attributeReport = @[ @{ |
| MTRAttributePathKey : [MTRAttributePath attributePathWithEndpointID:endpointForPartsList clusterID:@(MTRClusterIDTypeDescriptorID) attributeID:@(MTRAttributeIDTypeClusterDescriptorAttributePartsListID)], |
| MTRDataKey : @ { |
| MTRDataVersionKey : dataVersionForPartsList, |
| MTRTypeKey : MTRArrayValueType, |
| MTRValueKey : valueForPartsList, |
| } |
| } ]; |
| |
| [MTRDeviceTests checkAttributeReportTriggersConfigurationChanged:MTRAttributeIDTypeClusterDescriptorAttributePartsListID clusterId:MTRClusterIDTypeDescriptorID endpointId:endpointForPartsList device:device delegate:delegate dataVersion:dataVersionForPartsList attributeReport:attributeReport testcase:self expectConfigurationChanged:YES]; |
| |
| // Test attribute path - endpointId = 0, clusterId = descriptor, attributeId = device types list. |
| dataVersionForDeviceTypesList = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedLongLong:(dataVersionForDeviceTypesList.unsignedLongLongValue + 1)]; |
| NSArray<NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *> * deviceTypesListValue = @[ |
| @{ |
| MTRDataKey : @ { |
| MTRTypeKey : MTRStructureValueType, |
| MTRValueKey : @[ |
| @{ |
| MTRContextTagKey : @0, |
| MTRDataKey : @ { |
| MTRTypeKey : MTRUnsignedIntegerValueType, |
| MTRValueKey : @1 |
| }, |
| }, |
| @{ |
| MTRContextTagKey : @1, |
| MTRDataKey : @ { |
| MTRTypeKey : MTRUnsignedIntegerValueType, |
| MTRValueKey : @2 |
| }, |
| }, |
| ], |
| }, |
| }, |
| ]; |
| |
| attributeReport = @[ @{ |
| MTRAttributePathKey : [MTRAttributePath attributePathWithEndpointID:endpointForDeviceTypeList clusterID:@(MTRClusterIDTypeDescriptorID) attributeID:@(MTRAttributeIDTypeClusterDescriptorAttributeDeviceTypeListID)], |
| MTRDataKey : @ { |
| MTRDataVersionKey : dataVersionForDeviceTypesList, |
| MTRTypeKey : MTRArrayValueType, |
| MTRValueKey : deviceTypesListValue, |
| } |
| } ]; |
| |
| // unsignedIntegerArrayValue is used for a variety of tests below. |
| NSArray<NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *> * unsignedIntegerArrayValue = @[ |
| @{ |
| MTRDataKey : @ { |
| MTRTypeKey : MTRUnsignedIntegerValueType, |
| MTRValueKey : @1, |
| } |
| }, |
| @{ |
| MTRDataKey : @ { |
| MTRTypeKey : MTRUnsignedIntegerValueType, |
| MTRValueKey : @2, |
| } |
| }, |
| @{ |
| MTRDataKey : @ { |
| MTRTypeKey : MTRUnsignedIntegerValueType, |
| MTRValueKey : @3, |
| } |
| }, |
| ]; |
| |
| [MTRDeviceTests checkAttributeReportTriggersConfigurationChanged:MTRAttributeIDTypeClusterDescriptorAttributeDeviceTypeListID clusterId:MTRClusterIDTypeDescriptorID endpointId:endpointForDeviceTypeList device:device delegate:delegate dataVersion:dataVersionForDeviceTypesList attributeReport:attributeReport testcase:self expectConfigurationChanged:YES]; |
| |
| // Test attribute path - endpointId = 0, clusterId = descriptor, attributeId = server list. |
| dataVersionForServerList = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedLongLong:(dataVersionForServerList.unsignedLongLongValue + 1)]; |
| attributeReport = @[ @{ |
| MTRAttributePathKey : [MTRAttributePath attributePathWithEndpointID:endpointForServerList clusterID:@(MTRClusterIDTypeDescriptorID) attributeID:@(MTRAttributeIDTypeClusterDescriptorAttributeServerListID)], |
| MTRDataKey : @ { |
| MTRDataVersionKey : dataVersionForServerList, |
| MTRTypeKey : MTRArrayValueType, |
| MTRValueKey : unsignedIntegerArrayValue, |
| } |
| } ]; |
| |
| [MTRDeviceTests checkAttributeReportTriggersConfigurationChanged:MTRAttributeIDTypeClusterDescriptorAttributeServerListID clusterId:MTRClusterIDTypeDescriptorID endpointId:endpointForServerList device:device delegate:delegate dataVersion:dataVersionForServerList attributeReport:attributeReport testcase:self expectConfigurationChanged:YES]; |
| |
| // Test attribute path - endpointId = 1, clusterId = ovencavityoperationalstateID, attributeId = accepted command list. |
| dataVersionForAcceptedCommandList = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedLongLong:(dataVersionForAcceptedCommandList.unsignedLongLongValue + 1)]; |
| attributeReport = @[ @{ |
| MTRAttributePathKey : [MTRAttributePath attributePathWithEndpointID:endpointForAcceptedCommandList clusterID:@(MTRClusterIDTypeOvenCavityOperationalStateID) attributeID:@(MTRAttributeIDTypeGlobalAttributeAcceptedCommandListID)], |
| MTRDataKey : @ { |
| MTRDataVersionKey : dataVersionForAcceptedCommandList, |
| MTRTypeKey : MTRArrayValueType, |
| MTRValueKey : unsignedIntegerArrayValue, |
| } |
| } ]; |
| |
| [MTRDeviceTests checkAttributeReportTriggersConfigurationChanged:MTRAttributeIDTypeGlobalAttributeAcceptedCommandListID clusterId:MTRClusterIDTypeOvenCavityOperationalStateID endpointId:endpointForAcceptedCommandList device:device delegate:delegate dataVersion:dataVersionForAcceptedCommandList attributeReport:attributeReport testcase:self expectConfigurationChanged:YES]; |
| |
| // Test attribute path - endpointId = 0, clusterId = identify, attributeId = attribute list. |
| dataVersionForAttributeList = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedLongLong:(dataVersionForAttributeList.unsignedLongLongValue + 1)]; |
| attributeReport = @[ @{ |
| MTRAttributePathKey : [MTRAttributePath attributePathWithEndpointID:endpointForAttributeList clusterID:@(MTRClusterIDTypeIdentifyID) attributeID:@(MTRAttributeIDTypeGlobalAttributeAttributeListID)], |
| MTRDataKey : @ { |
| MTRDataVersionKey : dataVersionForAttributeList, |
| MTRTypeKey : MTRArrayValueType, |
| MTRValueKey : unsignedIntegerArrayValue, |
| } |
| } ]; |
| |
| [MTRDeviceTests checkAttributeReportTriggersConfigurationChanged:MTRAttributeIDTypeGlobalAttributeAttributeListID clusterId:MTRClusterIDTypeIdentifyID endpointId:endpointForAttributeList device:device delegate:delegate dataVersion:dataVersionForAttributeList attributeReport:attributeReport testcase:self expectConfigurationChanged:YES]; |
| |
| // Test attribute path - endpointId = 0, clusterId = identify, attributeId = cluster revision. |
| dataVersionForClusterRevision = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedLongLong:(dataVersionForClusterRevision.unsignedLongLongValue + 1)]; |
| attributeReport = @[ @{ |
| MTRAttributePathKey : [MTRAttributePath attributePathWithEndpointID:endpointForClusterRevision clusterID:@(MTRClusterIDTypeIdentifyID) attributeID:@(MTRAttributeIDTypeGlobalAttributeClusterRevisionID)], |
| MTRDataKey : @ { |
| MTRDataVersionKey : dataVersionForClusterRevision, |
| MTRTypeKey : MTRUnsignedIntegerValueType, |
| MTRValueKey : @9999, |
| } |
| } ]; |
| |
| [MTRDeviceTests checkAttributeReportTriggersConfigurationChanged:MTRAttributeIDTypeGlobalAttributeClusterRevisionID clusterId:MTRClusterIDTypeIdentifyID endpointId:endpointForClusterRevision device:device delegate:delegate dataVersion:dataVersionForClusterRevision attributeReport:attributeReport testcase:self expectConfigurationChanged:YES]; |
| |
| // Test attribute path - endpointId = 0, clusterId = groupsID, attributeId = feature map. |
| dataVersionForFeatureMap = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedLongLong:(dataVersionForFeatureMap.unsignedLongLongValue + 1)]; |
| attributeReport = @[ @{ |
| MTRAttributePathKey : [MTRAttributePath attributePathWithEndpointID:endpointForFeatureMap clusterID:@(MTRClusterIDTypeGroupsID) attributeID:@(MTRAttributeIDTypeGlobalAttributeFeatureMapID)], |
| MTRDataKey : @ { |
| MTRDataVersionKey : dataVersionForFeatureMap, |
| MTRTypeKey : MTRUnsignedIntegerValueType, |
| MTRValueKey : @2, |
| } |
| } ]; |
| |
| [MTRDeviceTests checkAttributeReportTriggersConfigurationChanged:MTRAttributeIDTypeGlobalAttributeFeatureMapID clusterId:MTRClusterIDTypeGroupsID endpointId:endpointForFeatureMap device:device delegate:delegate dataVersion:dataVersionForFeatureMap attributeReport:attributeReport testcase:self expectConfigurationChanged:YES]; |
| |
| // Test attribute path that doesn't cause a device configuration changed - endpointId = 1, clusterId = power source configuration, attributeId = sources. |
| dataVersionForPowerConfigurationSources = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedLongLong:(dataVersionForPowerConfigurationSources.unsignedLongLongValue + 1)]; |
| attributeReport = @[ @{ |
| MTRAttributePathKey : [MTRAttributePath attributePathWithEndpointID:endpointForPowerConfigurationSources clusterID:@(MTRClusterIDTypePowerSourceConfigurationID) attributeID:@(MTRAttributeIDTypeClusterPowerSourceConfigurationAttributeSourcesID)], |
| MTRDataKey : @ { |
| MTRDataVersionKey : dataVersionForPowerConfigurationSources, |
| MTRTypeKey : MTRArrayValueType, |
| MTRValueKey : unsignedIntegerArrayValue, |
| } |
| } ]; |
| |
| [MTRDeviceTests checkAttributeReportTriggersConfigurationChanged:MTRAttributeIDTypeClusterPowerSourceConfigurationAttributeSourcesID clusterId:MTRClusterIDTypePowerSourceConfigurationID endpointId:endpointForPowerConfigurationSources device:device delegate:delegate dataVersion:dataVersionForPowerConfigurationSources attributeReport:attributeReport testcase:self expectConfigurationChanged:NO]; |
| |
| NSArray<NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *> * newUnsignedIntegerArrayValue = @[ |
| @{ |
| MTRDataKey : @ { |
| MTRTypeKey : MTRUnsignedIntegerValueType, |
| MTRValueKey : @1, |
| } |
| }, |
| @{ |
| MTRDataKey : @ { |
| MTRTypeKey : MTRUnsignedIntegerValueType, |
| MTRValueKey : @2, |
| } |
| } |
| ]; |
| |
| // Test an attribute report with multiple attributes at least one of which triggers device configuration changed. |
| dataVersionForAttributeList = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedLongLong:(dataVersionForAttributeList.unsignedLongLongValue + 1)]; |
| dataVersionForFeatureMap = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedLongLong:(dataVersionForFeatureMap.unsignedLongLongValue + 1)]; |
| dataVersionForPowerConfigurationSources = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedLongLong:(dataVersionForPowerConfigurationSources.unsignedLongLongValue + 1)]; |
| attributeReport = @[ |
| @{ |
| MTRAttributePathKey : [MTRAttributePath attributePathWithEndpointID:endpointForAttributeList clusterID:@(MTRClusterIDTypeIdentifyID) attributeID:@(MTRAttributeIDTypeGlobalAttributeAttributeListID)], |
| MTRDataKey : @ { |
| MTRDataVersionKey : dataVersionForAttributeList, |
| MTRTypeKey : MTRArrayValueType, |
| MTRValueKey : unsignedIntegerArrayValue, |
| } |
| }, |
| @{ |
| MTRAttributePathKey : [MTRAttributePath attributePathWithEndpointID:endpointForFeatureMap clusterID:@(MTRClusterIDTypeGroupsID) attributeID:@(MTRAttributeIDTypeGlobalAttributeFeatureMapID)], |
| MTRDataKey : @ { |
| MTRDataVersionKey : dataVersionForFeatureMap, |
| MTRTypeKey : MTRUnsignedIntegerValueType, |
| MTRValueKey : @3, |
| } |
| }, |
| @{ |
| MTRAttributePathKey : [MTRAttributePath attributePathWithEndpointID:endpointForPowerConfigurationSources clusterID:@(MTRClusterIDTypePowerSourceConfigurationID) attributeID:@(MTRAttributeIDTypeClusterPowerSourceConfigurationAttributeSourcesID)], |
| MTRDataKey : @ { |
| MTRDataVersionKey : dataVersionForPowerConfigurationSources, |
| MTRTypeKey : MTRArrayValueType, |
| MTRValueKey : newUnsignedIntegerArrayValue, |
| } |
| } |
| ]; |
| |
| XCTestExpectation * gotAttributeReportWithMultipleAttributesExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"Attribute report with multiple attributes has been received"]; |
| XCTestExpectation * gotAttributeReportWithMultipleAttributesEndExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"Attribute report with multiple attributes has ended"]; |
| XCTestExpectation * deviceConfigurationChangedExpectationForAttributeReportWithMultipleAttributes = [self expectationWithDescription:@"Device configuration changed was receieved due to an attribute report with multiple attributes "]; |
| delegate.onAttributeDataReceived = ^(NSArray<NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *> * attributeReport) { |
| attributeReportsReceived += attributeReport.count; |
| XCTAssert(attributeReportsReceived > 0); |
| [gotAttributeReportWithMultipleAttributesExpectation fulfill]; |
| }; |
| |
| delegate.onReportEnd = ^() { |
| [gotAttributeReportWithMultipleAttributesEndExpectation fulfill]; |
| }; |
| |
| delegate.onDeviceConfigurationChanged = ^() { |
| [deviceConfigurationChangedExpectationForAttributeReportWithMultipleAttributes fulfill]; |
| }; |
| |
| [device unitTestInjectAttributeReport:attributeReport fromSubscription:YES]; |
| [self waitForExpectations:@[ gotAttributeReportWithMultipleAttributesExpectation, gotAttributeReportWithMultipleAttributesEndExpectation, deviceConfigurationChangedExpectationForAttributeReportWithMultipleAttributes ] timeout:kTimeoutInSeconds]; |
| } |
| |
| - (void)test034_TestMTRDeviceHistoricalEvents |
| { |
| dispatch_queue_t queue = dispatch_get_main_queue(); |
| |
| NSDictionary * storedClusterDataAfterClear = [sController.controllerDataStore getStoredClusterDataForNodeID:@(kDeviceId)]; |
| XCTAssertEqual(storedClusterDataAfterClear.count, 0); |
| |
| // Set up a subscription via mConnectedDevice that will send us continuous |
| // reports. |
| XCTestExpectation * firstSubscriptionExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"First subscription established"]; |
| |
| MTRSubscribeParams * params = [[MTRSubscribeParams alloc] initWithMinInterval:@(0) maxInterval:@(0)]; |
| params.resubscribeAutomatically = NO; |
| |
| [mConnectedDevice subscribeToAttributesWithEndpointID:@(0) |
| clusterID:@(MTRClusterIDTypeBasicInformationID) |
| attributeID:@(0) |
| params:params |
| queue:queue |
| reportHandler:^(id _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable error) { |
| } |
| subscriptionEstablished:^() { |
| [firstSubscriptionExpectation fulfill]; |
| }]; |
| |
| [self waitForExpectations:@[ firstSubscriptionExpectation ] timeout:kTimeoutInSeconds]; |
| |
| // Now set up our MTRDevice and do a subscribe. Make sure all the events we |
| // get are marked "historical". |
| __auto_type * device = [MTRDevice deviceWithNodeID:kDeviceId deviceController:sController]; |
| XCTestExpectation * secondSubscriptionExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"Second subscription established"]; |
| XCTestExpectation * gotFirstReportsExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"First Attribute and Event reports have been received"]; |
| |
| __auto_type * delegate = [[MTRDeviceTestDelegate alloc] init]; |
| delegate.onReachable = ^() { |
| [secondSubscriptionExpectation fulfill]; |
| }; |
| |
| __block unsigned eventReportsReceived = 0; |
| delegate.onEventDataReceived = ^(NSArray<NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *> * eventReport) { |
| eventReportsReceived += eventReport.count; |
| for (NSDictionary<NSString *, id> * eventDict in eventReport) { |
| NSNumber * reportIsHistorical = eventDict[MTREventIsHistoricalKey]; |
| XCTAssertTrue(reportIsHistorical.boolValue); |
| } |
| }; |
| |
| delegate.onReportEnd = ^() { |
| [gotFirstReportsExpectation fulfill]; |
| }; |
| |
| [device setDelegate:delegate queue:queue]; |
| |
| [self waitForExpectations:@[ secondSubscriptionExpectation, gotFirstReportsExpectation ] timeout:60]; |
| |
| // Must have gotten some events (at least StartUp!) |
| XCTAssertTrue(eventReportsReceived > 0); |
| |
| // Remove the device, then try again, now with us having stored cluster |
| // data. All the events should still be reported as historical. |
| [sController removeDevice:device]; |
| |
| eventReportsReceived = 0; |
| |
| device = [MTRDevice deviceWithNodeID:kDeviceId deviceController:sController]; |
| XCTestExpectation * thirdSubscriptionExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"Third subscription established"]; |
| XCTestExpectation * gotSecondReportsExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"Second Attribute and Event reports have been received"]; |
| |
| delegate.onReachable = ^() { |
| [thirdSubscriptionExpectation fulfill]; |
| }; |
| |
| delegate.onReportEnd = ^() { |
| [gotSecondReportsExpectation fulfill]; |
| }; |
| |
| [device setDelegate:delegate queue:queue]; |
| |
| [self waitForExpectations:@[ thirdSubscriptionExpectation, gotSecondReportsExpectation ] timeout:60]; |
| |
| // Must have gotten some events (at least StartUp!) |
| XCTAssertTrue(eventReportsReceived > 0); |
| } |
| |
| - (void)test035_TestMTRDeviceSubscriptionNotEstablishedOverXPC |
| { |
| NSString * const MTRDeviceControllerId = @"MTRController"; |
| __auto_type remoteController = [MTRDeviceController |
| sharedControllerWithID:MTRDeviceControllerId |
| xpcConnectBlock:^NSXPCConnection * _Nonnull { |
| return nil; |
| }]; |
| |
| __auto_type * device = [MTRDevice deviceWithNodeID:kDeviceId deviceController:remoteController]; |
| dispatch_queue_t queue = dispatch_get_main_queue(); |
| |
| XCTestExpectation * subscriptionExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"Subscription has been set up"]; |
| subscriptionExpectation.inverted = YES; |
| |
| __auto_type * delegate = [[MTRDeviceTestDelegate alloc] init]; |
| |
| XCTAssertEqual([device _getInternalState], MTRInternalDeviceStateUnsubscribed); |
| |
| delegate.onAttributeDataReceived = ^(NSArray<NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *> * attributeReport) { |
| [subscriptionExpectation fulfill]; |
| }; |
| |
| [device setDelegate:delegate queue:queue]; |
| [self waitForExpectations:@[ subscriptionExpectation ] timeout:5]; |
| |
| XCTAssertEqual([device _getInternalState], MTRInternalDeviceStateUnsubscribed); |
| } |
| |
| - (NSArray<NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *> *)_testAttributeReportWithValue:(unsigned int)testValue |
| { |
| return @[ @{ |
| MTRAttributePathKey : [MTRAttributePath attributePathWithEndpointID:@(0) clusterID:@(MTRClusterIDTypeLevelControlID) attributeID:@(MTRAttributeIDTypeClusterLevelControlAttributeCurrentLevelID)], |
| MTRDataKey : @ { |
| MTRDataVersionKey : @(testValue), |
| MTRTypeKey : MTRUnsignedIntegerValueType, |
| MTRValueKey : @(testValue), |
| } |
| } ]; |
| } |
| |
| - (void)test036_TestStorageBehaviorConfiguration |
| { |
| // Use separate queue for timing sensitive test |
| dispatch_queue_t queue = dispatch_queue_create("storage-behavior-queue", DISPATCH_QUEUE_SERIAL); |
| |
| NSDictionary * storedClusterDataAfterClear = [sController.controllerDataStore getStoredClusterDataForNodeID:@(kDeviceId)]; |
| XCTAssertEqual(storedClusterDataAfterClear.count, 0); |
| |
| __auto_type * device = [MTRDevice deviceWithNodeID:kDeviceId deviceController:sController]; |
| |
| __auto_type * delegate = [[MTRDeviceTestDelegateWithSubscriptionSetupOverride alloc] init]; |
| __block os_unfair_lock lock = OS_UNFAIR_LOCK_INIT; |
| __block NSDate * reportEndTime = nil; |
| __block NSDate * dataPersistedTime = nil; |
| |
| XCTestExpectation * dataPersistedInitial = [self expectationWithDescription:@"data persisted initial"]; |
| delegate.onReportEnd = ^() { |
| os_unfair_lock_lock(&lock); |
| if (!reportEndTime) { |
| reportEndTime = [NSDate now]; |
| } |
| os_unfair_lock_unlock(&lock); |
| }; |
| |
| delegate.onClusterDataPersisted = ^{ |
| os_unfair_lock_lock(&lock); |
| if (!dataPersistedTime) { |
| dataPersistedTime = [NSDate now]; |
| } |
| os_unfair_lock_unlock(&lock); |
| [dataPersistedInitial fulfill]; |
| }; |
| |
| // Do not subscribe - only inject sequence of reports to control the timing |
| delegate.skipSetupSubscription = YES; |
| |
| NSTimeInterval baseTestDelayTime = 3; |
| |
| // Set up a config of relatively short timers so this test doesn't take too long |
| MTRDeviceStorageBehaviorConfiguration * config = [MTRDeviceStorageBehaviorConfiguration |
| configurationWithReportToPersistenceDelayTime:baseTestDelayTime |
| reportToPersistenceDelayTimeMax:baseTestDelayTime * 2 |
| recentReportTimesMaxCount:5 |
| timeBetweenReportsTooShortThreshold:baseTestDelayTime * 0.4 |
| timeBetweenReportsTooShortMinThreshold:baseTestDelayTime * 0.2 |
| reportToPersistenceDelayMaxMultiplier:baseTestDelayTime * 5 |
| deviceReportingExcessivelyIntervalThreshold:baseTestDelayTime * 7]; |
| [device setStorageBehaviorConfiguration:config]; |
| |
| [device setDelegate:delegate queue:queue]; |
| |
| // Use a counter that will be incremented for each report as the value. |
| unsigned int currentTestValue = 1; |
| |
| // Initial setup: Inject report and see that the attribute persisted. No delay is |
| // expected for the first (priming) report. |
| [device unitTestInjectAttributeReport:[self _testAttributeReportWithValue:currentTestValue++] fromSubscription:YES]; |
| |
| [self waitForExpectations:@[ dataPersistedInitial ] timeout:60]; |
| |
| XCTestExpectation * dataPersisted1 = [self expectationWithDescription:@"data persisted 1"]; |
| delegate.onClusterDataPersisted = ^{ |
| os_unfair_lock_lock(&lock); |
| if (!dataPersistedTime) { |
| dataPersistedTime = [NSDate now]; |
| } |
| os_unfair_lock_unlock(&lock); |
| [dataPersisted1 fulfill]; |
| }; |
| |
| // Test 1: Inject report and see that the attribute persisted, with a delay |
| reportEndTime = nil; |
| dataPersistedTime = nil; |
| [device unitTestInjectAttributeReport:[self _testAttributeReportWithValue:currentTestValue++] fromSubscription:YES]; |
| |
| [self waitForExpectations:@[ dataPersisted1 ] timeout:60]; |
| |
| os_unfair_lock_lock(&lock); |
| NSTimeInterval reportToPersistenceDelay = [dataPersistedTime timeIntervalSinceDate:reportEndTime]; |
| os_unfair_lock_unlock(&lock); |
| // Check delay exists |
| XCTAssertGreaterThan(reportToPersistenceDelay, baseTestDelayTime / 2); |
| // Check delay is expectd - use base delay plus small fudge in case of CPU slowness with dispatch_after |
| XCTAssertLessThan(reportToPersistenceDelay, baseTestDelayTime * 1.3); |
| |
| XCTestExpectation * dataPersisted2 = [self expectationWithDescription:@"data persisted 2"]; |
| |
| delegate.onClusterDataPersisted = ^{ |
| os_unfair_lock_lock(&lock); |
| if (!dataPersistedTime) { |
| dataPersistedTime = [NSDate now]; |
| } |
| os_unfair_lock_unlock(&lock); |
| [dataPersisted2 fulfill]; |
| }; |
| |
| // Test 2: Inject multiple reports with delay and see that the attribute persisted eventually |
| reportEndTime = nil; |
| dataPersistedTime = nil; |
| [device unitTestInjectAttributeReport:[self _testAttributeReportWithValue:currentTestValue++] fromSubscription:YES]; |
| |
| double frequentReportMultiplier = 0.5; |
| usleep((useconds_t) (baseTestDelayTime * frequentReportMultiplier * USEC_PER_SEC)); |
| [device unitTestInjectAttributeReport:[self _testAttributeReportWithValue:currentTestValue++] fromSubscription:YES]; |
| |
| usleep((useconds_t) (baseTestDelayTime * frequentReportMultiplier * USEC_PER_SEC)); |
| [device unitTestInjectAttributeReport:[self _testAttributeReportWithValue:currentTestValue++] fromSubscription:YES]; |
| |
| usleep((useconds_t) (baseTestDelayTime * frequentReportMultiplier * USEC_PER_SEC)); |
| [device unitTestInjectAttributeReport:[self _testAttributeReportWithValue:currentTestValue++] fromSubscription:YES]; |
| |
| usleep((useconds_t) (baseTestDelayTime * frequentReportMultiplier * USEC_PER_SEC)); |
| [device unitTestInjectAttributeReport:[self _testAttributeReportWithValue:currentTestValue++] fromSubscription:YES]; |
| |
| // At this point, the threshold for reportToPersistenceDelayTimeMax should have hit, and persistence |
| // should have happened with timer running down to persist again with the 5th report above. Need to |
| // wait for expectation and immediately clear the onClusterDataPersisted callback |
| |
| [self waitForExpectations:@[ dataPersisted2 ] timeout:60]; |
| |
| os_unfair_lock_lock(&lock); |
| reportToPersistenceDelay = [dataPersistedTime timeIntervalSinceDate:reportEndTime]; |
| os_unfair_lock_unlock(&lock); |
| // Check delay exists and approximately reportToPersistenceDelayTimeMax, which is base delay times 2 |
| XCTAssertGreaterThan(reportToPersistenceDelay, baseTestDelayTime * 2 * 0.9); |
| XCTAssertLessThan(reportToPersistenceDelay, baseTestDelayTime * 2 * 1.3); // larger upper limit in case machine is slow |
| |
| delegate.onClusterDataPersisted = nil; |
| |
| // sleep the base delay interval to allow the onClusterDataPersisted callback to happen. |
| usleep((useconds_t) (baseTestDelayTime * 1.1 * USEC_PER_SEC)); |
| |
| // Test 3: test reporting frequently, and see that the delay time increased |
| reportEndTime = nil; |
| dataPersistedTime = nil; |
| XCTestExpectation * dataPersisted3 = [self expectationWithDescription:@"data persisted 3"]; |
| delegate.onClusterDataPersisted = ^{ |
| os_unfair_lock_lock(&lock); |
| if (!dataPersistedTime) { |
| dataPersistedTime = [NSDate now]; |
| } |
| os_unfair_lock_unlock(&lock); |
| [dataPersisted3 fulfill]; |
| }; |
| |
| // Set report times with short delay and check that the multiplier is engaged |
| [device unitTestSetMostRecentReportTimes:[NSMutableArray arrayWithArray:@[ |
| [NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow:-(baseTestDelayTime * 0.3 * 4)], |
| [NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow:-(baseTestDelayTime * 0.3 * 3)], |
| [NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow:-(baseTestDelayTime * 0.3 * 2)], |
| [NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow:-(baseTestDelayTime * 0.3)], |
| ]]]; |
| |
| // Inject final report that makes MTRDevice recalculate delay with multiplier |
| [device unitTestInjectAttributeReport:[self _testAttributeReportWithValue:currentTestValue++] fromSubscription:YES]; |
| |
| [self waitForExpectations:@[ dataPersisted3 ] timeout:60]; |
| |
| // 0.3 is between 0.4 and 0.2, which should get us at least 50% of the multiplier. |
| // The multiplier is 5, which is +400% of the base delay, and so 50% of the multiplier |
| // is +200% of the base delay, meaning 3x the base delay. |
| |
| os_unfair_lock_lock(&lock); |
| reportToPersistenceDelay = [dataPersistedTime timeIntervalSinceDate:reportEndTime]; |
| os_unfair_lock_unlock(&lock); |
| // Check delay exists and at least base delay times 3 |
| XCTAssertGreaterThan(reportToPersistenceDelay, baseTestDelayTime * 3 * 0.9); |
| // upper limit at most max delay times full multiplier + extra in case machine is slow |
| XCTAssertLessThan(reportToPersistenceDelay, baseTestDelayTime * 2 * 5 * 1.3); |
| |
| // Test 4: test reporting excessively, and see that persistence does not happen until |
| // reporting frequency goes back above the threshold |
| reportEndTime = nil; |
| dataPersistedTime = nil; |
| XCTestExpectation * dataPersisted4 = [self expectationWithDescription:@"data persisted 4"]; |
| delegate.onClusterDataPersisted = ^{ |
| os_unfair_lock_lock(&lock); |
| if (!dataPersistedTime) { |
| dataPersistedTime = [NSDate now]; |
| } |
| os_unfair_lock_unlock(&lock); |
| [dataPersisted4 fulfill]; |
| }; |
| |
| // Set report times with short delay and check that the multiplier is engaged |
| [device unitTestSetMostRecentReportTimes:[NSMutableArray arrayWithArray:@[ |
| [NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow:-(baseTestDelayTime * 0.1 * 4)], |
| [NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow:-(baseTestDelayTime * 0.1 * 3)], |
| [NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow:-(baseTestDelayTime * 0.1 * 2)], |
| [NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow:-(baseTestDelayTime * 0.1)], |
| ]]]; |
| |
| // Inject report that makes MTRDevice detect the device is reporting excessively |
| [device unitTestInjectAttributeReport:[self _testAttributeReportWithValue:currentTestValue++] fromSubscription:YES]; |
| |
| // Now keep reporting excessively for base delay time max times max multiplier, plus a bit more |
| NSDate * excessiveStartTime = [NSDate now]; |
| for (;;) { |
| usleep((useconds_t) (baseTestDelayTime * 0.1 * USEC_PER_SEC)); |
| [device unitTestInjectAttributeReport:[self _testAttributeReportWithValue:currentTestValue++] fromSubscription:YES]; |
| NSTimeInterval elapsed = -[excessiveStartTime timeIntervalSinceNow]; |
| if (elapsed > (baseTestDelayTime * 2 * 5 * 1.2)) { |
| break; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // Check that persistence has not happened because it's now turned off |
| XCTAssertNil(dataPersistedTime); |
| |
| // Now force report times to large number, to simulate time passage |
| [device unitTestSetMostRecentReportTimes:[NSMutableArray arrayWithArray:@[ |
| [NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow:-(baseTestDelayTime * 10)], |
| ]]]; |
| |
| // And inject a report to trigger MTRDevice to recalculate that this device is no longer |
| // reporting excessively |
| [device unitTestInjectAttributeReport:[self _testAttributeReportWithValue:currentTestValue++] fromSubscription:YES]; |
| |
| [self waitForExpectations:@[ dataPersisted4 ] timeout:60]; |
| |
| delegate.onReportEnd = nil; |
| delegate.onClusterDataPersisted = nil; |
| } |
| |
| - (void)test037_MTRDeviceMultipleDelegatesGetReports |
| { |
| dispatch_queue_t queue = dispatch_get_main_queue(); |
| |
| // First start with clean slate by removing the MTRDevice and clearing the persisted cache |
| __auto_type * device = [MTRDevice deviceWithNodeID:@(kDeviceId) controller:sController]; |
| [sController removeDevice:device]; |
| [sController.controllerDataStore clearAllStoredClusterData]; |
| NSDictionary * storedClusterDataAfterClear = [sController.controllerDataStore getStoredClusterDataForNodeID:@(kDeviceId)]; |
| XCTAssertEqual(storedClusterDataAfterClear.count, 0); |
| |
| // Now recreate device and get subscription primed |
| device = [MTRDevice deviceWithNodeID:@(kDeviceId) controller:sController]; |
| XCTestExpectation * gotReportEnd1 = [self expectationWithDescription:@"Report end for delegate 1"]; |
| __auto_type * delegate1 = [[MTRDeviceTestDelegate alloc] init]; |
| __weak __auto_type weakDelegate1 = delegate1; |
| delegate1.onReportEnd = ^{ |
| [gotReportEnd1 fulfill]; |
| __strong __auto_type strongDelegate = weakDelegate1; |
| strongDelegate.onReportEnd = nil; |
| }; |
| |
| [device addDelegate:delegate1 queue:queue]; |
| |
| // Use autoreleasepool to dealloc a second delegate upon exiting the scope |
| @autoreleasepool { |
| // Test that a second delegate can also receive attribute reports |
| XCTestExpectation * gotAReport2 = [self expectationWithDescription:@"Report end for delegate 2"]; |
| __auto_type * delegate2 = [[MTRDeviceTestDelegate alloc] init]; |
| __weak __auto_type weakDelegate2 = delegate2; |
| delegate2.onAttributeDataReceived = ^(NSArray<NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *> * data) { |
| [gotAReport2 fulfill]; |
| __strong __auto_type strongDelegate = weakDelegate2; |
| strongDelegate.onAttributeDataReceived = nil; |
| }; |
| |
| [device addDelegate:delegate2 queue:queue]; |
| |
| // Wait just long enough for 1 report |
| [self waitForExpectations:@[ gotAReport2 ] timeout:60]; |
| |
| // Verify that at this point MTRDevice is still seeing 2 delegates |
| XCTAssertEqual([device unitTestNonnullDelegateCount], 2); |
| } |
| |
| [self waitForExpectations:@[ gotReportEnd1 ] timeout:60]; |
| |
| // Verify that once the entire report comes in from all-clusters, that delegate2 had been dealloced, and MTRDevice no longer sees it |
| XCTAssertEqual([device unitTestNonnullDelegateCount], 1); |
| } |
| |
| - (NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *)_testAttributeResponseValueWithEndpointID:(NSNumber *)endpointID clusterID:(NSNumber *)clusterID attributeID:(NSNumber *)attributeID value:(unsigned int)testValue |
| { |
| return @{ |
| MTRAttributePathKey : [MTRAttributePath attributePathWithEndpointID:endpointID clusterID:clusterID attributeID:attributeID], |
| MTRDataKey : @ { |
| MTRDataVersionKey : @(testValue), |
| MTRTypeKey : MTRUnsignedIntegerValueType, |
| MTRValueKey : @(testValue), |
| } |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| - (NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *)_testEventResponseValueWithEndpointID:(NSNumber *)endpointID clusterID:(NSNumber *)clusterID eventID:(NSNumber *)eventID |
| { |
| return @{ |
| MTREventPathKey : [MTREventPath eventPathWithEndpointID:endpointID clusterID:clusterID eventID:eventID], |
| MTREventTimeTypeKey : @(MTREventTimeTypeTimestampDate), |
| MTREventTimestampDateKey : [NSDate date], |
| // For unit test no real data is needed, but timestamp is required |
| }; |
| } |
| - (void)test038_MTRDeviceMultipleDelegatesInterestedPaths |
| { |
| dispatch_queue_t queue = dispatch_get_main_queue(); |
| |
| // First start with clean slate by removing the MTRDevice and clearing the persisted cache |
| __auto_type * device = [MTRDevice deviceWithNodeID:@(kDeviceId) controller:sController]; |
| [sController removeDevice:device]; |
| [sController.controllerDataStore clearAllStoredClusterData]; |
| NSDictionary * storedClusterDataAfterClear = [sController.controllerDataStore getStoredClusterDataForNodeID:@(kDeviceId)]; |
| XCTAssertEqual(storedClusterDataAfterClear.count, 0); |
| |
| // Now recreate device and get subscription primed |
| device = [MTRDevice deviceWithNodeID:@(kDeviceId) controller:sController]; |
| XCTestExpectation * gotReportEnd1 = [self expectationWithDescription:@"Report end for delegate 1"]; |
| |
| __auto_type * delegate1 = [[MTRDeviceTestDelegateWithSubscriptionSetupOverride alloc] init]; |
| delegate1.skipSetupSubscription = YES; |
| __weak __auto_type weakDelegate1 = delegate1; |
| __block NSUInteger attributesReceived1 = 0; |
| delegate1.onAttributeDataReceived = ^(NSArray<NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *> * data) { |
| attributesReceived1 += data.count; |
| }; |
| __block NSUInteger eventsReceived1 = 0; |
| delegate1.onEventDataReceived = ^(NSArray<NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *> * data) { |
| eventsReceived1 += data.count; |
| }; |
| delegate1.onReportEnd = ^{ |
| [gotReportEnd1 fulfill]; |
| __strong __auto_type strongDelegate = weakDelegate1; |
| strongDelegate.onReportEnd = nil; |
| }; |
| |
| // All 9 attributes from endpoint 1, plus 3 from endpoint 2, plus endpoint 3 = total 21 |
| NSArray * interestedAttributePaths1 = @[ |
| [MTRAttributePath attributePathWithEndpointID:@(1) clusterID:@(11) attributeID:@(111)], |
| [MTRAttributePath attributePathWithEndpointID:@(1) clusterID:@(11) attributeID:@(112)], |
| [MTRAttributePath attributePathWithEndpointID:@(1) clusterID:@(11) attributeID:@(113)], |
| [MTRAttributePath attributePathWithEndpointID:@(1) clusterID:@(12) attributeID:@(121)], |
| [MTRAttributePath attributePathWithEndpointID:@(1) clusterID:@(12) attributeID:@(122)], |
| [MTRAttributePath attributePathWithEndpointID:@(1) clusterID:@(12) attributeID:@(123)], |
| [MTRClusterPath clusterPathWithEndpointID:@(1) clusterID:@(13)], |
| [MTRAttributePath attributePathWithEndpointID:@(2) clusterID:@(21) attributeID:@(211)], |
| [MTRAttributePath attributePathWithEndpointID:@(2) clusterID:@(21) attributeID:@(212)], |
| [MTRClusterPath clusterPathWithEndpointID:@(2) clusterID:@(21)], |
| @(3), |
| ]; |
| // All 9 event from endpoint 1, plus 3 from endpoint 2, plus endpoint 3 = total 21 |
| NSArray * interestedEventPaths1 = @[ |
| [MTREventPath eventPathWithEndpointID:@(1) clusterID:@(11) eventID:@(111)], |
| [MTREventPath eventPathWithEndpointID:@(1) clusterID:@(11) eventID:@(112)], |
| [MTREventPath eventPathWithEndpointID:@(1) clusterID:@(11) eventID:@(113)], |
| [MTREventPath eventPathWithEndpointID:@(1) clusterID:@(12) eventID:@(121)], |
| [MTREventPath eventPathWithEndpointID:@(1) clusterID:@(12) eventID:@(122)], |
| [MTREventPath eventPathWithEndpointID:@(1) clusterID:@(12) eventID:@(123)], |
| [MTRClusterPath clusterPathWithEndpointID:@(1) clusterID:@(13)], |
| [MTREventPath eventPathWithEndpointID:@(2) clusterID:@(21) eventID:@(211)], |
| [MTREventPath eventPathWithEndpointID:@(2) clusterID:@(21) eventID:@(212)], |
| [MTRClusterPath clusterPathWithEndpointID:@(2) clusterID:@(21)], |
| @(3), |
| ]; |
| [device addDelegate:delegate1 queue:queue interestedPathsForAttributes:interestedAttributePaths1 interestedPathsForEvents:interestedEventPaths1]; |
| |
| // Delegate 2 |
| XCTestExpectation * gotReportEnd2 = [self expectationWithDescription:@"Report end for delegate 2"]; |
| __auto_type * delegate2 = [[MTRDeviceTestDelegateWithSubscriptionSetupOverride alloc] init]; |
| delegate2.skipSetupSubscription = YES; |
| __weak __auto_type weakDelegate2 = delegate2; |
| __block NSUInteger attributesReceived2 = 0; |
| delegate2.onAttributeDataReceived = ^(NSArray<NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *> * data) { |
| attributesReceived2 += data.count; |
| }; |
| __block NSUInteger eventsReceived2 = 0; |
| delegate2.onEventDataReceived = ^(NSArray<NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *> * data) { |
| eventsReceived2 += data.count; |
| }; |
| delegate2.onReportEnd = ^{ |
| [gotReportEnd2 fulfill]; |
| __strong __auto_type strongDelegate = weakDelegate2; |
| strongDelegate.onReportEnd = nil; |
| }; |
| |
| // All 9 attributes from endpoint 3 |
| NSArray * interestedAttributePaths2 = @[ |
| [MTRClusterPath clusterPathWithEndpointID:@(3) clusterID:@(31)], |
| [MTRClusterPath clusterPathWithEndpointID:@(3) clusterID:@(32)], |
| [MTRClusterPath clusterPathWithEndpointID:@(3) clusterID:@(33)], |
| ]; |
| // Test empty events (all filtered) |
| [device addDelegate:delegate2 queue:queue interestedPathsForAttributes:interestedAttributePaths2 interestedPathsForEvents:@[]]; |
| |
| // Delegate 3 |
| XCTestExpectation * gotReportEnd3 = [self expectationWithDescription:@"Report end for delegate 3"]; |
| __auto_type * delegate3 = [[MTRDeviceTestDelegateWithSubscriptionSetupOverride alloc] init]; |
| delegate3.skipSetupSubscription = YES; |
| __weak __auto_type weakDelegate3 = delegate3; |
| __block NSUInteger attributesReceived3 = 0; |
| delegate3.onAttributeDataReceived = ^(NSArray<NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *> * data) { |
| attributesReceived3 += data.count; |
| }; |
| __block NSUInteger eventsReceived3 = 0; |
| delegate3.onEventDataReceived = ^(NSArray<NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *> * data) { |
| eventsReceived3 += data.count; |
| }; |
| delegate3.onReportEnd = ^{ |
| [gotReportEnd3 fulfill]; |
| __strong __auto_type strongDelegate = weakDelegate3; |
| strongDelegate.onReportEnd = nil; |
| }; |
| |
| // All 9 events from endpoint 4 |
| NSArray * interestedEventPaths3 = @[ |
| [MTRClusterPath clusterPathWithEndpointID:@(4) clusterID:@(41)], |
| [MTRClusterPath clusterPathWithEndpointID:@(4) clusterID:@(42)], |
| [MTRClusterPath clusterPathWithEndpointID:@(4) clusterID:@(43)], |
| ]; |
| // Test empty attributes (all filtered) |
| [device addDelegate:delegate3 queue:queue interestedPathsForAttributes:@[] interestedPathsForEvents:interestedEventPaths3]; |
| |
| // Delegate 4 |
| XCTestExpectation * gotReportEnd4 = [self expectationWithDescription:@"Report end for delegate 4"]; |
| __auto_type * delegate4 = [[MTRDeviceTestDelegateWithSubscriptionSetupOverride alloc] init]; |
| delegate3.skipSetupSubscription = YES; |
| __weak __auto_type weakDelegate4 = delegate4; |
| __block NSUInteger attributesReceived4 = 0; |
| delegate4.onAttributeDataReceived = ^(NSArray<NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *> * data) { |
| attributesReceived4 += data.count; |
| }; |
| __block NSUInteger eventsReceived4 = 0; |
| delegate4.onEventDataReceived = ^(NSArray<NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *> * data) { |
| eventsReceived4 += data.count; |
| }; |
| delegate4.onReportEnd = ^{ |
| [gotReportEnd4 fulfill]; |
| __strong __auto_type strongDelegate = weakDelegate4; |
| strongDelegate.onReportEnd = nil; |
| }; |
| |
| // Test a fourth delegate that receives everything will get all the reports |
| [device addDelegate:delegate4 queue:queue]; |
| |
| // Inject events first |
| NSMutableArray * eventReport = [NSMutableArray array]; |
| // Construct 36 events with endpoints 1~4, clusters 11 ~ 33, and events 111~333 |
| for (int i = 1; i <= 4; i++) { |
| for (int j = 1; j <= 3; j++) { |
| for (int k = 1; k <= 3; k++) { |
| int endpointID = i; |
| int clusterID = i * 10 + j; |
| int eventID = i * 100 + j * 10 + k; |
| [eventReport addObject:[self _testEventResponseValueWithEndpointID:@(endpointID) clusterID:@(clusterID) eventID:@(eventID)]]; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| [device unitTestInjectEventReport:eventReport]; |
| |
| // Now inject attributes and check that each delegate gets the right set of attributes |
| NSMutableArray * attributeReport = [NSMutableArray array]; |
| // Construct 36 attributes with endpoints 1~4, clusters 11 ~ 33, and attributes 111~333 |
| for (int i = 1; i <= 4; i++) { |
| for (int j = 1; j <= 3; j++) { |
| for (int k = 1; k <= 3; k++) { |
| int endpointID = i; |
| int clusterID = i * 10 + j; |
| int attributeID = i * 100 + j * 10 + k; |
| int value = attributeID + 10000; |
| [attributeReport addObject:[self _testAttributeResponseValueWithEndpointID:@(endpointID) clusterID:@(clusterID) attributeID:@(attributeID) value:value]]; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| [device unitTestInjectAttributeReport:attributeReport fromSubscription:YES]; |
| |
| [self waitForExpectations:@[ gotReportEnd1, gotReportEnd2, gotReportEnd3, gotReportEnd4 ] timeout:60]; |
| |
| XCTAssertEqual(attributesReceived1, 21); |
| XCTAssertEqual(eventsReceived1, 21); |
| XCTAssertEqual(attributesReceived2, 9); |
| XCTAssertEqual(eventsReceived2, 0); |
| XCTAssertEqual(attributesReceived3, 0); |
| XCTAssertEqual(eventsReceived3, 9); |
| XCTAssertEqual(attributesReceived4, 36); |
| XCTAssertEqual(eventsReceived4, 36); |
| |
| // Now reset the counts, remove delegate1 and verify that only delegates 2~4 got reports |
| attributesReceived1 = 0; |
| eventsReceived1 = 0; |
| attributesReceived2 = 0; |
| eventsReceived2 = 0; |
| attributesReceived3 = 0; |
| eventsReceived3 = 0; |
| attributesReceived4 = 0; |
| eventsReceived4 = 0; |
| [device removeDelegate:delegate1]; |
| |
| XCTestExpectation * gotReportEnd2again = [self expectationWithDescription:@"Report end for delegate 2 again"]; |
| delegate2.onReportEnd = ^{ |
| [gotReportEnd2again fulfill]; |
| __strong __auto_type strongDelegate = weakDelegate2; |
| strongDelegate.onReportEnd = nil; |
| }; |
| XCTestExpectation * gotReportEnd3again = [self expectationWithDescription:@"Report end for delegate 3 again"]; |
| delegate3.onReportEnd = ^{ |
| [gotReportEnd3again fulfill]; |
| __strong __auto_type strongDelegate = weakDelegate3; |
| strongDelegate.onReportEnd = nil; |
| }; |
| XCTestExpectation * gotReportEnd4again = [self expectationWithDescription:@"Report end for delegate 4 again"]; |
| delegate4.onReportEnd = ^{ |
| [gotReportEnd4again fulfill]; |
| __strong __auto_type strongDelegate = weakDelegate4; |
| strongDelegate.onReportEnd = nil; |
| }; |
| |
| // Construct 36 new events with new timestamps |
| [eventReport removeAllObjects]; |
| for (int i = 1; i <= 4; i++) { |
| for (int j = 1; j <= 3; j++) { |
| for (int k = 1; k <= 3; k++) { |
| int endpointID = i; |
| int clusterID = i * 10 + j; |
| int eventID = i * 100 + j * 10 + k; |
| [eventReport addObject:[self _testEventResponseValueWithEndpointID:@(endpointID) clusterID:@(clusterID) eventID:@(eventID)]]; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| [device unitTestInjectEventReport:eventReport]; |
| |
| // Construct 36 new attributes with new values / data versions |
| [attributeReport removeAllObjects]; |
| for (int i = 1; i <= 4; i++) { |
| for (int j = 1; j <= 3; j++) { |
| for (int k = 1; k <= 3; k++) { |
| int endpointID = i; |
| int clusterID = i * 10 + j; |
| int attributeID = i * 100 + j * 10 + k; |
| int value = attributeID + 20000; |
| [attributeReport addObject:[self _testAttributeResponseValueWithEndpointID:@(endpointID) clusterID:@(clusterID) attributeID:@(attributeID) value:value]]; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| [device unitTestInjectAttributeReport:attributeReport fromSubscription:YES]; |
| [self waitForExpectations:@[ gotReportEnd2again, gotReportEnd3again, gotReportEnd4again ] timeout:60]; |
| |
| XCTAssertEqual(attributesReceived1, 0); |
| XCTAssertEqual(eventsReceived1, 0); |
| XCTAssertEqual(attributesReceived2, 9); |
| XCTAssertEqual(eventsReceived2, 0); |
| XCTAssertEqual(attributesReceived3, 0); |
| XCTAssertEqual(eventsReceived3, 9); |
| XCTAssertEqual(attributesReceived4, 36); |
| XCTAssertEqual(eventsReceived4, 36); |
| } |
| |
| @end |
| |
| @interface MTRDeviceEncoderTests : XCTestCase |
| @end |
| |
| @implementation MTRDeviceEncoderTests |
| |
| - (void)testSignedInteger |
| { |
| NSDictionary * input = |
| [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:@"SignedInteger", @"type", [NSNumber numberWithInteger:-713], @"value", nil]; |
| id output = [MTRBaseDevice CHIPEncodeAndDecodeNSObject:input]; |
| NSLog(@"Conversion input: %@\nOutput: %@", input, output); |
| XCTAssertNotNil(output); |
| XCTAssertTrue([output isKindOfClass:[NSDictionary class]]); |
| XCTAssertTrue([output isEqual:input]); |
| } |
| |
| - (void)testSignedInteger64Bits |
| { |
| NSDictionary * input = [NSDictionary |
| dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:@"SignedInteger", @"type", [NSNumber numberWithInteger:-0x7000111122223333ll], @"value", nil]; |
| id output = [MTRBaseDevice CHIPEncodeAndDecodeNSObject:input]; |
| NSLog(@"Conversion input: %@\nOutput: %@", input, output); |
| XCTAssertNotNil(output); |
| XCTAssertTrue([output isKindOfClass:[NSDictionary class]]); |
| XCTAssertTrue([output isEqual:input]); |
| } |
| |
| - (void)testUnsignedInteger |
| { |
| NSDictionary * input = |
| [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:@"UnsignedInteger", @"type", [NSNumber numberWithInteger:1025], @"value", nil]; |
| id output = [MTRBaseDevice CHIPEncodeAndDecodeNSObject:input]; |
| NSLog(@"Conversion input: %@\nOutput: %@", input, output); |
| XCTAssertNotNil(output); |
| XCTAssertTrue([output isKindOfClass:[NSDictionary class]]); |
| XCTAssertTrue([output isEqual:input]); |
| } |
| |
| - (void)testUnsignedInteger64Bits |
| { |
| NSDictionary * input = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:@"UnsignedInteger", @"type", |
| [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedLongLong:0xCCCCDDDDEEEEFFFFull], @"value", nil]; |
| id output = [MTRBaseDevice CHIPEncodeAndDecodeNSObject:input]; |
| NSLog(@"Conversion input: %@\nOutput: %@", input, output); |
| XCTAssertNotNil(output); |
| XCTAssertTrue([output isKindOfClass:[NSDictionary class]]); |
| XCTAssertTrue([output isEqual:input]); |
| } |
| |
| - (void)testBoolean |
| { |
| NSDictionary * input = |
| [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:@"Boolean", @"type", [NSNumber numberWithBool:YES], @"value", nil]; |
| id output = [MTRBaseDevice CHIPEncodeAndDecodeNSObject:input]; |
| NSLog(@"Conversion input: %@\nOutput: %@", input, output); |
| XCTAssertNotNil(output); |
| XCTAssertTrue([output isKindOfClass:[NSDictionary class]]); |
| XCTAssertTrue([output isEqual:input]); |
| } |
| |
| - (void)testUTF8String |
| { |
| NSDictionary * input = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:@"UTF8String", @"type", @"Hello World", @"value", nil]; |
| id output = [MTRBaseDevice CHIPEncodeAndDecodeNSObject:input]; |
| NSLog(@"Conversion input: %@\nOutput: %@", input, output); |
| XCTAssertNotNil(output); |
| XCTAssertTrue([output isKindOfClass:[NSDictionary class]]); |
| XCTAssertTrue([output isEqual:input]); |
| } |
| |
| - (void)testOctetString |
| { |
| const uint8_t data[] = { 0x00, 0xF2, 0x63 }; |
| NSDictionary * input = [NSDictionary |
| dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:@"OctetString", @"type", [NSData dataWithBytes:data length:sizeof(data)], @"value", nil]; |
| id output = [MTRBaseDevice CHIPEncodeAndDecodeNSObject:input]; |
| NSLog(@"Conversion input: %@\nOutput: %@", input, output); |
| XCTAssertNotNil(output); |
| XCTAssertTrue([output isKindOfClass:[NSDictionary class]]); |
| XCTAssertTrue([output isEqual:input]); |
| } |
| |
| - (void)testFloat |
| { |
| NSDictionary * input = |
| [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:@"Float", @"type", [NSNumber numberWithFloat:0.1245f], @"value", nil]; |
| id output = [MTRBaseDevice CHIPEncodeAndDecodeNSObject:input]; |
| NSLog(@"Conversion input: %@\nOutput: %@", input, output); |
| XCTAssertNotNil(output); |
| XCTAssertTrue([output isKindOfClass:[NSDictionary class]]); |
| XCTAssertTrue([output[@"type"] isEqualToString:@"Float"]); |
| XCTAssertTrue(([output[@"value"] floatValue] - [input[@"value"] floatValue]) < 0.0001); |
| } |
| |
| - (void)testDouble |
| { |
| NSDictionary * input = |
| [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:@"Double", @"type", [NSNumber numberWithDouble:0.1245], @"value", nil]; |
| id output = [MTRBaseDevice CHIPEncodeAndDecodeNSObject:input]; |
| NSLog(@"Conversion input: %@\nOutput: %@", input, output); |
| XCTAssertNotNil(output); |
| XCTAssertTrue([output isKindOfClass:[NSDictionary class]]); |
| XCTAssertTrue([output[@"type"] isEqualToString:@"Double"]); |
| XCTAssertTrue(([output[@"value"] doubleValue] - [input[@"value"] doubleValue]) < 0.0001); |
| } |
| |
| - (void)testNull |
| { |
| NSDictionary * input = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:@"Null", @"type", nil]; |
| id output = [MTRBaseDevice CHIPEncodeAndDecodeNSObject:input]; |
| NSLog(@"Conversion input: %@\nOutput: %@", input, output); |
| XCTAssertNotNil(output); |
| XCTAssertTrue([output isKindOfClass:[NSDictionary class]]); |
| XCTAssertTrue([output isEqual:input]); |
| } |
| |
| - (void)testStructure |
| { |
| NSArray * inputFields = @[ |
| @{ |
| @"contextTag" : @1, |
| @"data" : @ { @"type" : @"Boolean", @"value" : @NO }, |
| }, |
| @{ |
| @"contextTag" : @2, |
| @"data" : @ { @"type" : @"SignedInteger", @"value" : @5 }, |
| } |
| ]; |
| NSDictionary * inputValue = @{ @"type" : @"Structure", @"value" : inputFields }; |
| |
| id output = [MTRBaseDevice CHIPEncodeAndDecodeNSObject:inputValue]; |
| NSLog(@"Conversion input: %@\nOutput: %@", inputValue, output); |
| XCTAssertNotNil(output); |
| XCTAssertTrue([output isKindOfClass:[NSDictionary class]]); |
| |
| XCTAssertTrue([output isEqual:inputValue]); |
| } |
| |
| - (void)testArray |
| { |
| NSArray * inputFields = @[ |
| @{ @"data" : @ { @"type" : @"Boolean", @"value" : @NO } }, @{ @"data" : @ { @"type" : @"SignedInteger", @"value" : @5 } } |
| ]; |
| NSDictionary * inputValue = @{ @"type" : @"Array", @"value" : inputFields }; |
| |
| id output = [MTRBaseDevice CHIPEncodeAndDecodeNSObject:inputValue]; |
| NSLog(@"Conversion input: %@\nOutput: %@", inputValue, output); |
| XCTAssertNotNil(output); |
| XCTAssertTrue([output isKindOfClass:[NSDictionary class]]); |
| XCTAssertTrue([output isEqual:inputValue]); |
| } |
| |
| @end |