blob: 3abbe90d6740053e40d7661e32ea67174d7f8c91 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2020 Project CHIP Authors
* Copyright (c) 2016-2017 Nest Labs, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @file
* This file defines constant enumerations for all CHIP key types,
* key flags, key ID fields, and helper API functions.
#pragma once
#include <limits.h>
#include <stdint.h>
namespace chip {
* @class ChipKeyId
* @brief
* The definition of the CHIP Key identifier. This class contains
* key types, key flags, key ID fields definition, and API functions.
class ChipKeyId
* @brief
* Private CHIP key ID fields, flags, and types.
kMask_KeyFlags = 0xF0000000, /**< CHIP key flag field mask. */
kMask_KeyType = 0x0FFFF000, /**< CHIP key type field mask. */
kMask_KeyNumber = 0x00000FFF, /**< CHIP key number field mask. */
kMask_RootKeyNumber = 0x00000C00, /**< Application group root key number field mask. */
kMask_EpochKeyNumber = 0x00000380, /**< Application group epoch key number field mask. */
kMask_GroupLocalNumber = 0x0000007F, /**< Application group local number field mask. */
kShift_RootKeyNumber = 10, /**< Application group root key number field shift. */
kShift_EpochKeyNumber = 7, /**< Application group epoch key number field shift. */
kShift_GroupLocalNumber = 0, /**< Application group local number field shift. */
kFlag_UseCurrentEpochKey = 0x80000000, /**< Used to indicate that the key is of logical current type. */
kTypeModifier_IncorporatesEpochKey = 0x00001000, /**< Used to indicate that the key incorporates group epoch key. */
* @brief
* Public CHIP key ID fields, flags, and types.
* @brief CHIP key types used for CHIP message encryption.
* @note 16 (out of 32) most significant bits of the message encryption key
* type should be zero because only 16 least significant bits of the ID
* are encoded in the CHIP message.
* @{
kType_None = 0x00000000, /**< CHIP message is unencrypted. */
kType_General = 0x00001000, /**< General key type. */
kType_Session = 0x00002000, /**< Session key type. */
kType_AppStaticKey = 0x00004000, /**< Application static key type. */
/** Application rotating key type. */
kType_AppRotatingKey = kType_AppStaticKey | kTypeModifier_IncorporatesEpochKey,
/** @} */
* @brief CHIP key types (other than CHIP message encryption types).
* @note 16 (out of 32) most significant bits of these types cannot be all zeros,
* because these values are reserved for the CHIP message encryption keys only.
* @{
* @brief Constituent group key types.
* @{
/** Application group root key type. */
kType_AppRootKey = 0x00010000,
/** Application group epoch key type. */
kType_AppEpochKey = 0x00020000 | kTypeModifier_IncorporatesEpochKey,
/** Application group master key type. */
kType_AppGroupMasterKey = 0x00030000,
/** Application group intermediate key type. */
kType_AppIntermediateKey = kType_AppRootKey | kTypeModifier_IncorporatesEpochKey,
/** @} */
* @brief CHIP global key IDs.
* @{
/** Unspecified CHIP key ID. */
kNone = kType_None | 0x0000,
/** CHIP fabric secret ID. */
kFabricSecret = kType_General | 0x0001,
/** Fabric root key ID. */
kFabricRootKey = kType_AppRootKey | (0 << kShift_RootKeyNumber),
/** Client root key ID. */
kClientRootKey = kType_AppRootKey | (1 << kShift_RootKeyNumber),
/** Service root key ID. */
kServiceRootKey = kType_AppRootKey | (2 << kShift_RootKeyNumber),
/** @} */
* @brief Maximum values for key ID subfields.
* @{
kKeyNumber_Max = kMask_KeyNumber,
kRootKeyNumber_Max = (kMask_RootKeyNumber >> kShift_RootKeyNumber),
kEpochKeyNumber_Max = (kMask_EpochKeyNumber >> kShift_EpochKeyNumber),
kGroupLocalNumber_Max = (kMask_GroupLocalNumber >> kShift_GroupLocalNumber),
/** @} */
* Get CHIP key type of the specified key ID.
* @param[in] keyId CHIP key identifier.
* @return type of the key ID.
static uint32_t GetType(uint32_t keyId) { return keyId & kMask_KeyType; }
* Determine whether the specified key ID is of a general type.
* @param[in] keyId CHIP key identifier.
* @return true if the keyId has General type.
static bool IsGeneralKey(uint32_t keyId) { return GetType(keyId) == kType_General; }
* Determine whether the specified key ID is of a session type.
* @param[in] keyId CHIP key identifier.
* @return true if the keyId of a session type.
static bool IsSessionKey(uint32_t keyId) { return GetType(keyId) == kType_Session; }
* Determine whether the specified key ID is of an application static type.
* @param[in] keyId CHIP key identifier.
* @return true if the keyId of an application static type.
static bool IsAppStaticKey(uint32_t keyId) { return GetType(keyId) == kType_AppStaticKey; }
* Determine whether the specified key ID is of an application rotating type.
* @param[in] keyId CHIP key identifier.
* @return true if the keyId of an application rotating type.
static bool IsAppRotatingKey(uint32_t keyId) { return GetType(keyId) == kType_AppRotatingKey; }
static bool IsAppGroupKey(uint32_t keyId);
* Determine whether the specified key ID is of an application root key type.
* @param[in] keyId CHIP key identifier.
* @return true if the keyId of an application root key type.
static bool IsAppRootKey(uint32_t keyId) { return GetType(keyId) == kType_AppRootKey; }
* Determine whether the specified key ID is of an application epoch key type.
* @param[in] keyId CHIP key identifier.
* @return true if the keyId of an application epoch key type.
static bool IsAppEpochKey(uint32_t keyId) { return GetType(keyId) == kType_AppEpochKey; }
* Determine whether the specified key ID is of an application group master key type.
* @param[in] keyId CHIP key identifier.
* @return true if the keyId of an application group master key type.
static bool IsAppGroupMasterKey(uint32_t keyId) { return GetType(keyId) == kType_AppGroupMasterKey; }
* Construct session key ID given session key number.
* @param[in] sessionKeyNumber Session key number.
* @return session key ID.
static uint16_t MakeSessionKeyId(uint16_t sessionKeyNumber)
static_assert(kType_Session <= UINT16_MAX, "We'll overflow");
return static_cast<uint16_t>(kType_Session | (sessionKeyNumber & kMask_KeyNumber));
* Construct general key ID given general key number.
* @param[in] generalKeyNumber General key number.
* @return general key ID.
static uint16_t MakeGeneralKeyId(uint16_t generalKeyNumber)
static_assert(kType_General <= UINT16_MAX, "We'll overflow");
return static_cast<uint16_t>(kType_General | (generalKeyNumber & kMask_KeyNumber));
* Get application group root key ID that was used to derive specified application key.
* @param[in] keyId CHIP application group key identifier.
* @return root key ID.
static uint32_t GetRootKeyId(uint32_t keyId) { return kType_AppRootKey | (keyId & kMask_RootKeyNumber); }
* Get application group epoch key ID that was used to derive specified application key.
* @param[in] keyId CHIP application group key identifier.
* @return epoch key ID.
static uint32_t GetEpochKeyId(uint32_t keyId) { return kType_AppEpochKey | (keyId & kMask_EpochKeyNumber); }
* Get application group master key ID that was used to derive specified application key.
* @param[in] keyId CHIP application group key identifier.
* @return application group master key ID.
static uint32_t GetAppGroupMasterKeyId(uint32_t keyId) { return kType_AppGroupMasterKey | (keyId & kMask_GroupLocalNumber); }
* Get application group root key number that was used to derive specified application key.
* @param[in] keyId CHIP application group key identifier.
* @return root key number.
static uint8_t GetRootKeyNumber(uint32_t keyId)
return static_cast<uint8_t>((keyId & kMask_RootKeyNumber) >> kShift_RootKeyNumber);
* Get application group epoch key number that was used to derive specified application key.
* @param[in] keyId CHIP application group key identifier.
* @return epoch key number.
static uint8_t GetEpochKeyNumber(uint32_t keyId)
return static_cast<uint8_t>((keyId & kMask_EpochKeyNumber) >> kShift_EpochKeyNumber);
* Get application group local number that was used to derive specified application key.
* @param[in] keyId CHIP application group key identifier.
* @return application group local number.
static uint8_t GetAppGroupLocalNumber(uint32_t keyId)
return static_cast<uint8_t>((keyId & kMask_GroupLocalNumber) >> kShift_GroupLocalNumber);
* Construct application group root key ID given root key number.
* @param[in] rootKeyNumber Root key number.
* @return root key ID.
static uint32_t MakeRootKeyId(uint8_t rootKeyNumber)
return static_cast<uint32_t>(kType_AppRootKey | (rootKeyNumber << kShift_RootKeyNumber));
* Construct application group root key ID given epoch key number.
* @param[in] epochKeyNumber Epoch key number.
* @return epoch key ID.
static uint32_t MakeEpochKeyId(uint8_t epochKeyNumber)
return static_cast<uint32_t>(kType_AppEpochKey | (epochKeyNumber << kShift_EpochKeyNumber));
* Construct application group master key ID given application group local number.
* @param[in] appGroupLocalNumber Application group local number.
* @return application group master key ID.
static uint32_t MakeAppGroupMasterKeyId(uint8_t appGroupLocalNumber)
return static_cast<uint32_t>(kType_AppGroupMasterKey | (appGroupLocalNumber << kShift_GroupLocalNumber));
* Convert application group key ID to application current key ID.
* @param[in] keyId Application key ID.
* @return application current key ID.
static uint32_t ConvertToCurrentAppKeyId(uint32_t keyId) { return (keyId & ~kMask_EpochKeyNumber) | kFlag_UseCurrentEpochKey; }
* Determine whether the specified application group key ID incorporates epoch key.
* @param[in] keyId CHIP application group key identifier.
* @return true if the keyId incorporates epoch key.
static bool IncorporatesEpochKey(uint32_t keyId) { return (keyId & kTypeModifier_IncorporatesEpochKey) != 0; }
static bool UsesCurrentEpochKey(uint32_t keyId);
static bool IncorporatesRootKey(uint32_t keyId);
static bool IncorporatesAppGroupMasterKey(uint32_t keyId);
static uint32_t MakeAppKeyId(uint32_t keyType, uint32_t rootKeyId, uint32_t epochKeyId, uint32_t appGroupMasterKeyId,
bool useCurrentEpochKey);
static uint32_t MakeAppIntermediateKeyId(uint32_t rootKeyId, uint32_t epochKeyId, bool useCurrentEpochKey);
static uint32_t MakeAppRotatingKeyId(uint32_t rootKeyId, uint32_t epochKeyId, uint32_t appGroupMasterKeyId,
bool useCurrentEpochKey);
static uint32_t MakeAppStaticKeyId(uint32_t rootKeyId, uint32_t appGroupMasterKeyId);
static uint32_t ConvertToStaticAppKeyId(uint32_t keyId);
static uint32_t UpdateEpochKeyId(uint32_t keyId, uint32_t epochKeyId);
static bool IsValidKeyId(uint32_t keyId);
static bool IsMessageSessionId(uint32_t keyId, bool allowLogicalKeys = true);
static bool IsSameKeyOrGroup(uint32_t keyId1, uint32_t keyId2);
static const char * DescribeKey(uint32_t keyId);
} // namespace chip