blob: a7843a521105a045565732be76df7d6b408a65ca [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2023 Project CHIP Authors
# All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# See
# for details about the block below.
# test-runner-runs:
# run1:
# app: ${CHIP_LOCK_APP}
# app-args: --discriminator 1234 --KVS kvs1 --trace-to json:${TRACE_APP}.json
# script-args: >
# --storage-path admin_storage.json
# --manual-code 10054912339
# --bool-arg ignore_in_progress:True allow_provisional:True
# --PICS src/app/tests/suites/certification/ci-pics-values
# --trace-to json:${TRACE_TEST_JSON}.json
# --trace-to perfetto:${TRACE_TEST_PERFETTO}.perfetto
# --tests test_TC_IDM_10_2 test_TC_IDM_10_6
# factory-reset: true
# quiet: true
# TODO: Enable 10.5 in CI once the door lock OTA requestor problem is sorted.
from typing import Callable
import chip.clusters as Clusters
from chip.testing.basic_composition import BasicCompositionTests
from chip.testing.choice_conformance import (evaluate_attribute_choice_conformance, evaluate_command_choice_conformance,
from chip.testing.conformance import ConformanceDecision, conformance_allowed
from chip.testing.global_attribute_ids import (ClusterIdType, DeviceTypeIdType, GlobalAttributeIds, cluster_id_type,
device_type_id_type, is_valid_device_type_id)
from chip.testing.matter_testing import (AttributePathLocation, ClusterPathLocation, CommandPathLocation, DeviceTypePathLocation,
MatterBaseTest, ProblemNotice, ProblemSeverity, async_test_body, default_matter_test_main)
from chip.testing.spec_parsing import CommandType, build_xml_clusters, build_xml_device_types
from chip.tlv import uint
class DeviceConformanceTests(BasicCompositionTests):
async def setup_class_helper(self):
await super().setup_class_helper()
self.xml_clusters, self.problems = build_xml_clusters()
self.xml_device_types, problems = build_xml_device_types()
def _get_device_type_id(self, device_type_name: str) -> int:
id = [id for id, dt in self.xml_device_types.items() if == device_type_name.lower()]
if len(id) != 1:
self.fail_current_test(f"Unable to find {device_type_name} device type")
return id[0]
def _has_device_type_supporting_macl(self):
# Currently this is just NIM. We may later be able to pull this from the device type scrape using the ManagedAclAllowed condition,
# but these are not currently exposed directly by the device.
allowed_ids = [self._get_device_type_id('network infrastructure manager')]
for endpoint in self.endpoints_tlv.values():
desc = Clusters.Descriptor
device_types = [dt.deviceType for dt in endpoint[][desc.Attributes.DeviceTypeList.attribute_id]]
if set(allowed_ids).intersection(set(device_types)):
# TODO: it's unclear if this needs to be present on every endpoint. Right now, this assumes one is sufficient.
return True
return False
def check_conformance(self, ignore_in_progress: bool, is_ci: bool, allow_provisional: bool):
problems = []
success = True
def conformance_str(conformance: Callable, feature_map: uint, feature_dict: dict[str, uint]) -> str:
codes = []
for mask, details in feature_dict.items():
if mask & feature_map:
return f'Conformance: {str(conformance)}, implemented features: {",".join(codes)}'
def record_problem(location, problem, severity):
problems.append(ProblemNotice("IDM-10.2", location, severity, problem, ""))
def record_error(location, problem):
nonlocal success
record_problem(location, problem, ProblemSeverity.ERROR)
success = False
def record_warning(location, problem):
record_problem(location, problem, ProblemSeverity.WARNING)
ignore_attributes: dict[int, list[int]] = {}
if ignore_in_progress:
# This is a manually curated list of attributes that are in-progress in the SDK, but have landed in the spec
in_progress_attributes = { [0x3F, 0x40]}
if is_ci:
# The network commissioning clusters on the CI select the features on the fly and end up non-conformant
# on these attributes. Production devices should not.
ci_ignore_attributes = { [
Clusters.NetworkCommissioning.Attributes.ScanMaxTimeSeconds.attribute_id, Clusters.NetworkCommissioning.Attributes.ConnectMaxTimeSeconds.attribute_id]}
success = True
provisional_cluster_ids = []
# TODO: Remove this once we have a scrape without items not going to the test events
# These are clusters that weren't part of the 1.3 or 1.4 spec that landed in the SDK before the branch cut
# They're not marked provisional, but are present in the ToT spec under an ifdef.
for endpoint_id, endpoint in self.endpoints_tlv.items():
for cluster_id, cluster in endpoint.items():
cluster_location = ClusterPathLocation(endpoint_id=endpoint_id, cluster_id=cluster_id)
if cluster_id not in self.xml_clusters.keys():
if (cluster_id & 0xFFFF_0000) != 0:
# manufacturer cluster
problem='Standard cluster found on device, but is not present in spec data')
is_provisional = cluster_id in provisional_cluster_ids or self.xml_clusters[cluster_id].is_provisional
if not allow_provisional and is_provisional:
record_error(location=cluster_location, problem='Provisional cluster found on device')
feature_map = cluster[GlobalAttributeIds.FEATURE_MAP_ID]
attribute_list = cluster[GlobalAttributeIds.ATTRIBUTE_LIST_ID]
all_command_list = cluster[GlobalAttributeIds.ACCEPTED_COMMAND_LIST_ID] + \
# Feature conformance checking
feature_masks = [1 << i for i in range(32) if feature_map & (1 << i)]
for f in feature_masks:
location = AttributePathLocation(endpoint_id=endpoint_id, cluster_id=cluster_id,
if cluster_id == and f == Clusters.AccessControl.Bitmaps.Feature.kManagedDevice:
# Managed ACL is treated as a special case because it is only allowed if other endpoints support NIM and disallowed otherwise.
if not self._has_device_type_supporting_macl():
location=location, problem="MACL feature is disallowed if the a supported device type is not present")
if f not in self.xml_clusters[cluster_id].features.keys():
record_error(location=location, problem=f'Unknown feature with mask 0x{f:02x}')
xml_feature = self.xml_clusters[cluster_id].features[f]
conformance_decision_with_choice = xml_feature.conformance(feature_map, attribute_list, all_command_list)
if not conformance_allowed(conformance_decision_with_choice, allow_provisional):
record_error(location=location, problem=f'Disallowed feature with mask 0x{f:02x}')
for feature_mask, xml_feature in self.xml_clusters[cluster_id].features.items():
conformance_decision_with_choice = xml_feature.conformance(feature_map, attribute_list, all_command_list)
if conformance_decision_with_choice.decision == ConformanceDecision.MANDATORY and feature_mask not in feature_masks:
location=location, problem=f'Required feature with mask 0x{feature_mask:02x} is not present in feature map. {conformance_str(xml_feature.conformance, feature_map, self.xml_clusters[cluster_id].features)}')
# Attribute conformance checking
for attribute_id, attribute in cluster.items():
if cluster_id in ignore_attributes and attribute_id in ignore_attributes[cluster_id]:
location = AttributePathLocation(endpoint_id=endpoint_id, cluster_id=cluster_id, attribute_id=attribute_id)
if attribute_id not in self.xml_clusters[cluster_id].attributes.keys():
# TODO: Consolidate the range checks with IDM-10.1 once that lands
if attribute_id <= 0x4FFF:
record_error(location=location, problem='Standard attribute found on device, but not in spec')
xml_attribute = self.xml_clusters[cluster_id].attributes[attribute_id]
conformance_decision_with_choice = xml_attribute.conformance(feature_map, attribute_list, all_command_list)
if not conformance_allowed(conformance_decision_with_choice, allow_provisional):
location = AttributePathLocation(endpoint_id=endpoint_id, cluster_id=cluster_id, attribute_id=attribute_id)
location=location, problem=f'Attribute 0x{attribute_id:02x} is included, but is disallowed by conformance. {conformance_str(xml_attribute.conformance, feature_map, self.xml_clusters[cluster_id].features)}')
for attribute_id, xml_attribute in self.xml_clusters[cluster_id].attributes.items():
if cluster_id in ignore_attributes and attribute_id in ignore_attributes[cluster_id]:
conformance_decision_with_choice = xml_attribute.conformance(feature_map, attribute_list, all_command_list)
if conformance_decision_with_choice.decision == ConformanceDecision.MANDATORY and attribute_id not in cluster.keys():
location = AttributePathLocation(endpoint_id=endpoint_id, cluster_id=cluster_id, attribute_id=attribute_id)
location=location, problem=f'Attribute 0x{attribute_id:02x} is required, but is not present on the DUT. {conformance_str(xml_attribute.conformance, feature_map, self.xml_clusters[cluster_id].features)}')
def check_spec_conformance_for_commands(command_type: CommandType):
global_attribute_id = GlobalAttributeIds.ACCEPTED_COMMAND_LIST_ID if command_type == CommandType.ACCEPTED else GlobalAttributeIds.GENERATED_COMMAND_LIST_ID
xml_commands_dict = self.xml_clusters[cluster_id].accepted_commands if command_type == CommandType.ACCEPTED else self.xml_clusters[cluster_id].generated_commands
command_list = cluster[global_attribute_id]
for command_id in command_list:
location = CommandPathLocation(endpoint_id=endpoint_id, cluster_id=cluster_id, command_id=command_id)
if command_id not in xml_commands_dict:
# TODO: Consolidate range checks with IDM-10.1 once that lands
if command_id <= 0xFF:
record_error(location=location, problem='Standard command found on device, but not in spec')
xml_command = xml_commands_dict[command_id]
conformance_decision_with_choice = xml_command.conformance(feature_map, attribute_list, all_command_list)
if not conformance_allowed(conformance_decision_with_choice, allow_provisional):
location=location, problem=f'Command 0x{command_id:02x} is included, but disallowed by conformance. {conformance_str(xml_command.conformance, feature_map, self.xml_clusters[cluster_id].features)}')
for command_id, xml_command in xml_commands_dict.items():
conformance_decision_with_choice = xml_command.conformance(feature_map, attribute_list, all_command_list)
if conformance_decision_with_choice.decision == ConformanceDecision.MANDATORY and command_id not in command_list:
location = CommandPathLocation(endpoint_id=endpoint_id, cluster_id=cluster_id, command_id=command_id)
location=location, problem=f'Command 0x{command_id:02x} is required, but is not present on the DUT. {conformance_str(xml_command.conformance, feature_map, self.xml_clusters[cluster_id].features)}')
# Command conformance checking
feature_choice_problems = evaluate_feature_choice_conformance(
endpoint_id, cluster_id, self.xml_clusters, feature_map, attribute_list, all_command_list)
attribute_choice_problems = evaluate_attribute_choice_conformance(
endpoint_id, cluster_id, self.xml_clusters, feature_map, attribute_list, all_command_list)
command_choice_problem = evaluate_command_choice_conformance(
endpoint_id, cluster_id, self.xml_clusters, feature_map, attribute_list, all_command_list)
if feature_choice_problems or attribute_choice_problems or command_choice_problem:
success = False
problems.extend(feature_choice_problems + attribute_choice_problems + command_choice_problem)
print(f'success = {success}')
return success, problems
def check_revisions(self, ignore_in_progress: bool):
problems = []
success = True
def record_problem(location, problem, severity):
problems.append(ProblemNotice("IDM-10.3", location, severity, problem, ""))
def record_error(location, problem):
nonlocal success
record_problem(location, problem, ProblemSeverity.ERROR)
success = False
def record_warning(location, problem):
record_problem(location, problem, ProblemSeverity.WARNING)
ignore_revisions: list[int] = []
if ignore_in_progress:
# This is a manually curated list of cluster revisions that are in-progress in the SDK, but have landed in the spec
in_progress_revisions = [,,]
for endpoint_id, endpoint in self.endpoints_tlv.items():
for cluster_id, cluster in endpoint.items():
if cluster_id not in self.xml_clusters.keys():
if (cluster_id & 0xFFFF_0000) != 0:
# manufacturer cluster
location = ClusterPathLocation(endpoint_id=endpoint_id, cluster_id=cluster_id)
# TODO: update this from a warning once we have all the data
record_warning(location=location, problem='Standard cluster found on device, but is not present in spec data')
if cluster_id in ignore_revisions:
if int(self.xml_clusters[cluster_id].revision) != cluster[GlobalAttributeIds.CLUSTER_REVISION_ID]:
location = AttributePathLocation(endpoint_id=endpoint_id, cluster_id=cluster_id,
location=location, problem=f'Revision found on cluster ({cluster[GlobalAttributeIds.CLUSTER_REVISION_ID]}) does not match revision listed in the spec ({self.xml_clusters[cluster_id].revision})')
return success, problems
def check_device_type_revisions(self) -> tuple[bool, list[ProblemNotice]]:
success = True
problems = []
def record_error(location, problem):
nonlocal success
problems.append(ProblemNotice("IDM-10.6", location, ProblemSeverity.ERROR, problem, ""))
success = False
for endpoint_id, endpoint in self.endpoints.items():
if Clusters.Descriptor not in endpoint:
# Descriptor cluster presence checked in 10.5
standard_device_types = [x for x in endpoint[Clusters.Descriptor]
[Clusters.Descriptor.Attributes.DeviceTypeList] if device_type_id_type(x.deviceType) == DeviceTypeIdType.kStandard]
for device_type in standard_device_types:
device_type_id = device_type.deviceType
if device_type_id not in self.xml_device_types.keys():
# problem recorded in 10.5
expected_revision = self.xml_device_types[device_type_id].revision
actual_revision = device_type.revision
if expected_revision != actual_revision:
location = ClusterPathLocation(endpoint_id=endpoint_id,
location, f"Expected Device type revision for device type {device_type_id} {self.xml_device_types[device_type_id].name} on endpoint {endpoint_id} does not match revision on DUT. Expected: {expected_revision} DUT: {actual_revision}")
return success, problems
def check_device_type(self, fail_on_extra_clusters: bool = True, allow_provisional: bool = False) -> tuple[bool, list[ProblemNotice]]:
success = True
problems = []
def record_problem(location, problem, severity):
problems.append(ProblemNotice("IDM-10.5", location, severity, problem, ""))
def record_error(location, problem):
nonlocal success
record_problem(location, problem, ProblemSeverity.ERROR)
success = False
def record_warning(location, problem):
record_problem(location, problem, ProblemSeverity.WARNING)
for endpoint_id, endpoint in self.endpoints.items():
if Clusters.Descriptor not in endpoint:
location = ClusterPathLocation(endpoint_id=endpoint_id,
record_error(location=location, problem='No descriptor cluster found on endpoint')
device_type_list = endpoint[Clusters.Descriptor][Clusters.Descriptor.Attributes.DeviceTypeList]
invalid_device_types = [x for x in device_type_list if not is_valid_device_type_id(x.deviceType)]
standard_device_types = [x for x in endpoint[Clusters.Descriptor]
[Clusters.Descriptor.Attributes.DeviceTypeList] if device_type_id_type(x.deviceType) == DeviceTypeIdType.kStandard]
endpoint_clusters = []
server_clusters = []
for device_type in invalid_device_types:
location = DeviceTypePathLocation(device_type_id=device_type.deviceType)
record_error(location=location, problem='Invalid device type ID (out of valid range)')
for device_type in standard_device_types:
device_type_id = device_type.deviceType
location = DeviceTypePathLocation(device_type_id=device_type_id)
if device_type_id not in self.xml_device_types.keys():
record_error(location=location, problem='Unknown device type ID in standard range')
xml_device = self.xml_device_types[device_type_id]
# IDM 10.1 checks individual clusters for validity,
# so here we can ignore checks for invalid and manufacturer clusters.
server_clusters = [x for x in endpoint[Clusters.Descriptor]
[Clusters.Descriptor.Attributes.ServerList] if cluster_id_type(x) == ClusterIdType.kStandard]
# As a start, we are only checking server clusters
# TODO: check client clusters too?
for cluster_id, cluster_requirement in xml_device.server_clusters.items():
# Device type cluster conformances do not include any conformances based on cluster elements
conformance_decision_with_choice = cluster_requirement.conformance(0, [], [])
location = DeviceTypePathLocation(device_type_id=device_type_id, cluster_id=cluster_id)
if conformance_decision_with_choice.decision == ConformanceDecision.MANDATORY and cluster_id not in server_clusters:
problem=f"Mandatory cluster {} for device type {} is not present in the server list")
success = False
if cluster_id in server_clusters and not conformance_allowed(conformance_decision_with_choice, allow_provisional):
problem=f"Disallowed cluster {} found in server list for device type {}")
success = False
# If we want to check for extra clusters on the endpoint, we need to know the entire set of clusters in all the device type
# lists across all the device types on the endpoint.
endpoint_clusters += xml_device.server_clusters.keys()
if fail_on_extra_clusters:
fn = record_error
fn = record_warning
extra_clusters = set(server_clusters) - set(endpoint_clusters)
for extra in extra_clusters:
location = ClusterPathLocation(endpoint_id=endpoint_id, cluster_id=extra)
fn(location=location, problem=f"Extra cluster found on endpoint with device types {device_type_list}")
return success, problems
class TC_DeviceConformance(MatterBaseTest, DeviceConformanceTests):
async def setup_class(self):
await self.setup_class_helper()
def test_TC_IDM_10_2(self):
# TODO: Turn this off after TE2
ignore_in_progress = self.user_params.get("ignore_in_progress", True)
allow_provisional = self.user_params.get("allow_provisional", False)
success, problems = self.check_conformance(ignore_in_progress, self.is_pics_sdk_ci_only, allow_provisional)
if not success:
self.fail_current_test("Problems with conformance")
def test_TC_IDM_10_3(self):
ignore_in_progress = self.user_params.get("ignore_in_progress", False)
success, problems = self.check_revisions(ignore_in_progress)
if not success:
self.fail_current_test("Problems with cluster revision on at least one cluster")
def test_TC_IDM_10_5(self):
fail_on_extra_clusters = self.user_params.get("fail_on_extra_clusters", True)
allow_provisional = self.user_params.get("allow_provisional", False)
success, problems = self.check_device_type(fail_on_extra_clusters, allow_provisional)
if not success:
self.fail_current_test("Problems with Device type conformance on one or more endpoints")
def test_TC_IDM_10_6(self):
success, problems = self.check_device_type_revisions()
if not success:
self.fail_current_test("Problems with Device type revisions on one or more endpoints")
if __name__ == "__main__":