blob: e01f8b46abf702b79c603d438e81829caac15bd8 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2023 Project CHIP Authors
* All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include <lib/format/FlatTree.h>
#include <lib/support/Span.h>
namespace chip {
namespace FlatTree {
/// Represents a position inside a given tree, allowing for descending
/// and ascending.
/// A possition in the tree may be undefined if descending to a non-existing leaf,
/// however the position still allows moving back again.
/// DESCEND_DEPTH is the maximum remembered depth for going back up.
/// General usage:
/// Position<DataType, 10> position(tree, tree_size);
/// position.Enter(ByName("foo"));
/// position.Enter(ByName("bar"));
/// position.Enter(ByName("baz"));
/// position.Get() /// content of foo::bar::baz if it exists
/// position.Exit();
/// position.Exit();
/// position.Get() /// content of foo if it exists
/// position.Enter(ById(1234));
/// position.Get() /// content of foo::1234
template <typename CONTENT, size_t DESCEND_DEPTH>
class Position
Position(const Node<CONTENT> * tree, size_t treeSize) : mTree(tree), mTreeSize(treeSize) {}
template <size_t N>
Position(const std::array<const Node<CONTENT>, N> & tree) : mTree(, mTreeSize(N)
// Move back to the top
void ResetToTop()
mDescendDepth = 0;
mUnknownDescendDepth = 0;
/// Attempt to find a child of the current position that matches
/// the given matcher
template <typename MATCHER>
void Enter(MATCHER matcher);
/// Move up the tree, undoes an 'Enter' operation.
void Exit();
/// Fetch the value where the node is positioned on or nullptr if that
/// value is not available;
const CONTENT * Get() const;
/// Returns the entries visited so far
/// WILL RETURN EMPTY if the descend depth has been
/// exceeded. Callers MUST handle empty return.
/// Span valid until one of Enter/Exit functions are called
/// and as long as the Position is valid (points inside the object).
chip::Span<const Entry<CONTENT> *> CurrentPath();
bool HasValidTree() const { return mTree != nullptr; }
size_t DescendDepth() const { return mDescendDepth + mUnknownDescendDepth; }
// actual tree that we visit
const Node<CONTENT> * mTree = nullptr;
const size_t mTreeSize = 0;
// Keeping track of descending into the tree, to be able to move back
// last element in the array is the "current" item
const Entry<CONTENT> * mPositions[DESCEND_DEPTH] = { nullptr };
size_t mDescendDepth = 0; // filled amount of mDescendPositions
// Descend past remembering memory or in not-found entries.
size_t mUnknownDescendDepth = 0; // depth in invalid positions
template <typename CONTENT, size_t DESCEND_DEPTH>
const CONTENT * Position<CONTENT, DESCEND_DEPTH>::Get() const
if (mUnknownDescendDepth > 0)
return nullptr;
if (mDescendDepth == 0)
return nullptr;
return &mPositions[mDescendDepth - 1]->data;
template <typename CONTENT, size_t DESCEND_DEPTH>
template <typename MATCHER>
void Position<CONTENT, DESCEND_DEPTH>::Enter(MATCHER matcher)
if (mUnknownDescendDepth > 0)
// keep descending into the unknown
// To be able to descend, we have to be able to remember
// the current position
if (mDescendDepth == DESCEND_DEPTH)
mUnknownDescendDepth = 1;
size_t nodeIdx = 0; // assume root node
if (mDescendDepth > 0)
nodeIdx = mPositions[mDescendDepth - 1]->node_index;
const Entry<CONTENT> * child = FindEntry(mTree, mTreeSize, nodeIdx, matcher);
if (child == nullptr)
mUnknownDescendDepth = 1;
mPositions[mDescendDepth++] = child;
template <typename CONTENT, size_t DESCEND_DEPTH>
void Position<CONTENT, DESCEND_DEPTH>::Exit()
if (mUnknownDescendDepth > 0)
if (mDescendDepth > 0)
template <typename CONTENT, size_t DESCEND_DEPTH>
chip::Span<const Entry<CONTENT> *> Position<CONTENT, DESCEND_DEPTH>::CurrentPath()
if (mUnknownDescendDepth > 0)
return chip::Span<const Entry<CONTENT> *>();
// const chip::FlatTree::Entry<{anonymous}::NamedTag>* const* to
// const chip::FlatTree::Entry<{anonymous}::NamedTag>**
typename chip::Span<const Entry<CONTENT> *>::pointer p = mPositions;
// return chip::Span<const Entry<CONTENT> *>(mPositions, mDescendDepth);
return chip::Span<const Entry<CONTENT> *>(p, mDescendDepth);
} // namespace FlatTree
} // namespace chip