| { |
| // Use IntelliSense to learn about possible attributes. |
| // Hover to view descriptions of existing attributes. |
| // For more information, visit: https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=830387 |
| "version": "0.2.0", |
| "configurations": [ |
| { |
| "name": "Attach to running process", |
| "type": "lldb", |
| "request": "attach", |
| "pid": "${command:pickProcess}" |
| }, |
| { |
| "name": "QRCode Tests", |
| "type": "cppdbg", |
| "request": "launch", |
| "program": "${workspaceFolder}/build/default/src/setup_payload/tests/TestQRCode", |
| "args": [], |
| "stopAtEntry": false, |
| "cwd": "${workspaceFolder}", |
| "environment": [], |
| "externalConsole": false, |
| "MIMode": "gdb", |
| "preLaunchTask": "Build QRCode Payload Tests", |
| "setupCommands": [ |
| { |
| "description": "Enable pretty-printing for gdb", |
| "text": "-enable-pretty-printing", |
| "ignoreFailures": true |
| } |
| ] |
| }, |
| { |
| "name": "CHIP crypto Tests", |
| "type": "cppdbg", |
| "request": "launch", |
| "program": "${workspaceFolder}/build/default/src/crypto/tests/TestCrypto", |
| "args": [], |
| "stopAtEntry": false, |
| "cwd": "${workspaceFolder}", |
| "environment": [], |
| "externalConsole": false, |
| "MIMode": "gdb", |
| "preLaunchTask": "Build & Run Crypto Tests", |
| "setupCommands": [ |
| { |
| "description": "Enable pretty-printing for gdb", |
| "text": "-enable-pretty-printing", |
| "ignoreFailures": true |
| } |
| ] |
| }, |
| { |
| "name": "CHIP openSSL Tests", |
| "type": "cppdbg", |
| "request": "launch", |
| "program": "${workspaceFolder}/build/default/src/crypto/tests/TestCryptoPAL", |
| "args": [], |
| "stopAtEntry": false, |
| "cwd": "${workspaceFolder}", |
| "environment": [], |
| "externalConsole": false, |
| "MIMode": "gdb", |
| "preLaunchTask": "Build openSSL crypto Tests", |
| "setupCommands": [ |
| { |
| "description": "Enable pretty-printing for gdb", |
| "text": "-enable-pretty-printing", |
| "ignoreFailures": true |
| } |
| ] |
| }, |
| { |
| "name": "LightingApp (Linux)", |
| "type": "cppdbg", |
| "request": "launch", |
| "program": "${workspaceFolder}/out/lighting-app/chip-lighting-app", |
| "args": [], |
| "stopAtEntry": false, |
| "cwd": "${workspaceFolder}", |
| "environment": [], |
| "externalConsole": false, |
| "MIMode": "gdb", |
| "preLaunchTask": "Build Lighting App (Linux)", |
| "setupCommands": [ |
| { |
| "description": "Enable pretty-printing for gdb", |
| "text": "-enable-pretty-printing", |
| "ignoreFailures": true |
| } |
| ] |
| }, |
| |
| { |
| "name": "Debug Mbed examples", |
| "type": "cortex-debug", |
| "request": "launch", |
| "cwd": "${workspaceRoot}/examples/${input:mbedApp}/mbed", |
| "executable": "./build-${input:mbedTarget}/${input:mbedDebugProfile}/chip-mbed-${input:mbedApp}-example.elf", |
| "armToolchainPath": "${env:PW_ENVIRONMENT_ROOT}/cipd/packages/arm/bin/", // Pigweed environment bootstraping required |
| "serverpath": "${env:OPENOCD_PATH}/bin/openocd", |
| "servertype": "openocd", |
| "searchDir": [ |
| "${workspaceRoot}/config/mbed/scripts", |
| "${env:OPENOCD_PATH}/scripts" |
| ], |
| "configFiles": ["${input:mbedTarget}.tcl"], |
| "overrideLaunchCommands": [ |
| "-enable-pretty-printing", |
| "monitor program {./build-${input:mbedTarget}/${input:mbedDebugProfile}/chip-mbed-${input:mbedApp}-example.hex}", |
| "monitor reset run", |
| "monitor sleep 200", |
| "monitor psoc6 reset_halt sysresetreq" |
| ], |
| "numberOfProcessors": 2, |
| "targetProcessor": 1, // Set to 0 for the CM0+, set to 1 for the CM4 |
| "overrideRestartCommands": [ |
| "monitor reset init", |
| "monitor reset run", |
| "monitor sleep 200", |
| "monitor psoc6 reset_halt sysresetreq" |
| ], |
| "runToMain": true, // if true, program will halt at main. Not used for a restart |
| "showDevDebugOutput": false // When set to true, displays output of GDB. |
| }, |
| |
| { |
| "name": "Debug Mbed examples [remote]", |
| "type": "cortex-debug", |
| "request": "launch", |
| "cwd": "${workspaceRoot}/examples/${input:mbedApp}/mbed", |
| "executable": "./build-${input:mbedTarget}/${input:mbedDebugProfile}/chip-mbed-${input:mbedApp}-example.elf", |
| "armToolchainPath": "${env:PW_ENVIRONMENT_ROOT}/cipd/packages/arm/bin/", // Pigweed environment bootstraping required |
| "servertype": "external", |
| "gdbTarget": "host.docker.internal:3334", //port 3333 for the CM0+, 3334 for the CM4 |
| "overrideLaunchCommands": [ |
| "-enable-pretty-printing", |
| "monitor reset halt", |
| "load ./build-${input:mbedTarget}/${input:mbedDebugProfile}/chip-mbed-${input:mbedApp}-example.hex", |
| "monitor reset run", |
| "monitor sleep 200", |
| "monitor psoc6 reset_halt sysresetreq" |
| ], |
| "overrideRestartCommands": [ |
| "monitor reset init", |
| "monitor reset run", |
| "monitor sleep 200", |
| "monitor psoc6 reset_halt sysresetreq" |
| ], |
| "runToMain": true, // if true, program will halt at main. Not used for a restart |
| "showDevDebugOutput": false // When set to true, displays output of GDB. |
| }, |
| |
| { |
| "name": "Flash Mbed examples", |
| "type": "cortex-debug", |
| "request": "launch", |
| "cwd": "${workspaceRoot}/examples/${input:mbedApp}/mbed", |
| "executable": "./build-${input:mbedTarget}/${input:mbedFlashProfile}/chip-mbed-${input:mbedApp}-example.elf", |
| "armToolchainPath": "${env:PW_ENVIRONMENT_ROOT}/cipd/packages/arm/bin/", // Pigweed environment bootstraping required |
| "serverpath": "${env:OPENOCD_PATH}/bin/openocd", |
| "servertype": "openocd", |
| "searchDir": [ |
| "${workspaceRoot}/config/mbed/scripts", |
| "${env:OPENOCD_PATH}/scripts" |
| ], |
| "configFiles": ["${input:mbedTarget}.tcl"], |
| "overrideLaunchCommands": [ |
| "monitor reset halt", |
| "monitor program {./build-${input:mbedTarget}/${input:mbedFlashProfile}/chip-mbed-${input:mbedApp}-example.hex}", |
| "monitor reset run", |
| "quit" |
| ], |
| "numberOfProcessors": 2, |
| "targetProcessor": 1, // Set to 0 for the CM0+, set to 1 for the CM4 |
| "showDevDebugOutput": false // When set to true, displays output of GDB. |
| }, |
| |
| { |
| "name": "Flash Mbed examples [remote]", |
| "type": "cortex-debug", |
| "request": "launch", |
| "cwd": "${workspaceRoot}/examples/${input:mbedApp}/mbed", |
| "executable": "./build-${input:mbedTarget}/${input:mbedFlashProfile}/chip-mbed-${input:mbedApp}-example.elf", |
| "armToolchainPath": "${env:PW_ENVIRONMENT_ROOT}/cipd/packages/arm/bin/", // Pigweed environment bootstraping required |
| "servertype": "external", |
| "gdbTarget": "host.docker.internal:3334", //port 3333 for the CM0+, 3334 for the CM4 |
| "overrideLaunchCommands": [ |
| "monitor reset halt", |
| "load ./build-${input:mbedTarget}/${input:mbedFlashProfile}/chip-mbed-${input:mbedApp}-example.hex", |
| "monitor reset run", |
| "quit" |
| ], |
| "showDevDebugOutput": false // When set to true, displays output of GDB. |
| }, |
| |
| { |
| "name": "Debug Mbed unit tests", |
| "type": "cortex-debug", |
| "request": "launch", |
| "cwd": "${workspaceRoot}/src/test_driver/mbed/unit_tests", |
| "executable": "./build-${input:mbedTarget}/${input:mbedDebugProfile}/chip-mbed-unit-tests.elf", |
| "armToolchainPath": "${env:PW_ENVIRONMENT_ROOT}/cipd/packages/arm/bin/", // Pigweed environment bootstraping required |
| "servertype": "openocd", |
| "serverpath": "${env:OPENOCD_PATH}/bin/openocd", |
| "searchDir": [ |
| "${workspaceRoot}/config/mbed/scripts", |
| "${env:OPENOCD_PATH}/scripts" |
| ], |
| "configFiles": ["${input:mbedTarget}.tcl"], |
| "overrideLaunchCommands": [ |
| "-enable-pretty-printing", |
| "monitor program {./build-${input:mbedTarget}/${input:mbedDebugProfile}/chip-mbed-unit-tests.hex}", |
| "monitor reset run", |
| "monitor sleep 200", |
| "monitor psoc6 reset_halt sysresetreq" |
| ], |
| "numberOfProcessors": 2, |
| "targetProcessor": 1, // Set to 0 for the CM0+, set to 1 for the CM4 |
| "overrideRestartCommands": [ |
| "monitor reset init", |
| "monitor reset run", |
| "monitor sleep 200", |
| "monitor psoc6 reset_halt sysresetreq" |
| ], |
| "runToMain": true, // if true, program will halt at main. Not used for a restart |
| "showDevDebugOutput": false // When set to true, displays output of GDB. |
| }, |
| |
| { |
| "name": "Debug Mbed unit tests [remote]", |
| "type": "cortex-debug", |
| "request": "launch", |
| "cwd": "${workspaceRoot}/src/test_driver/mbed/unit_tests", |
| "executable": "./build-${input:mbedTarget}/${input:mbedDebugProfile}/chip-mbed-unit-tests.elf", |
| "armToolchainPath": "${env:PW_ENVIRONMENT_ROOT}/cipd/packages/arm/bin/", // Pigweed environment bootstraping required |
| "servertype": "external", |
| "gdbTarget": "host.docker.internal:3334", //port 3333 for the CM0+, 3334 for the CM4 |
| "overrideLaunchCommands": [ |
| "-enable-pretty-printing", |
| "monitor reset halt", |
| "load ./build-${input:mbedTarget}/${input:mbedDebugProfile}/chip-mbed-unit-tests.hex", |
| "monitor reset run", |
| "monitor sleep 200", |
| "monitor psoc6 reset_halt sysresetreq" |
| ], |
| "overrideRestartCommands": [ |
| "monitor reset init", |
| "monitor reset run", |
| "monitor sleep 200", |
| "monitor psoc6 reset_halt sysresetreq" |
| ], |
| "runToMain": true, // if true, program will halt at main. Not used for a restart |
| "showDevDebugOutput": false // When set to true, displays output of GDB. |
| }, |
| |
| { |
| "name": "Flash Mbed unit tests", |
| "type": "cortex-debug", |
| "request": "launch", |
| "cwd": "${workspaceRoot}/src/test_driver/mbed//unit_tests", |
| "executable": "./build-${input:mbedTarget}/${input:mbedFlashProfile}/chip-mbed-unit-tests.elf", |
| "armToolchainPath": "${env:PW_ENVIRONMENT_ROOT}/cipd/packages/arm/bin/", // Pigweed environment bootstraping required |
| "servertype": "openocd", |
| "serverpath": "${env:OPENOCD_PATH}/bin/openocd", |
| "searchDir": [ |
| "${workspaceRoot}/config/mbed/scripts", |
| "${env:OPENOCD_PATH/scripts}" |
| ], |
| "configFiles": ["${input:mbedTarget}.tcl"], |
| "overrideLaunchCommands": [ |
| "monitor reset halt", |
| "monitor program {./build-${input:mbedTarget}/${input:mbedFlashProfile}/chip-mbed-unit-tests.hex}", |
| "monitor reset run", |
| "quit" |
| ], |
| "numberOfProcessors": 2, |
| "targetProcessor": 1, // Set to 0 for the CM0+, set to 1 for the CM4 |
| "showDevDebugOutput": false // When set to true, displays output of GDB. |
| }, |
| |
| { |
| "name": "Flash Mbed unit tests [remote]", |
| "type": "cortex-debug", |
| "request": "launch", |
| "cwd": "${workspaceRoot}/src/test_driver/mbed/unit_tests", |
| "executable": "./build-${input:mbedTarget}/${input:mbedFlashProfile}/chip-mbed-unit-tests.elf", |
| "armToolchainPath": "${env:PW_ENVIRONMENT_ROOT}/cipd/packages/arm/bin/", // Pigweed environment bootstraping required |
| "servertype": "external", |
| "gdbTarget": "host.docker.internal:3334", //port 3333 for the CM0+, 3334 for the CM4 |
| "overrideLaunchCommands": [ |
| "monitor reset halt", |
| "load ./build-${input:mbedTarget}/${input:mbedFlashProfile}/chip-mbed-unit-tests.hex", |
| "monitor reset run", |
| "quit" |
| ], |
| "showDevDebugOutput": false // When set to true, displays output of GDB. |
| }, |
| |
| { |
| "name": "Debug Mbed bootloader", |
| "type": "cortex-debug", |
| "request": "launch", |
| "cwd": "${workspaceRoot}/examples/platform/mbed/bootloader", |
| "executable": "./build-${input:mbedTarget}/${input:mbedDebugProfile}/chip-mbed-bootloader.elf", |
| "armToolchainPath": "${env:PW_ENVIRONMENT_ROOT}/cipd/packages/arm/bin/", // Pigweed environment bootstraping required |
| "servertype": "openocd", |
| "serverpath": "${env:OPENOCD_PATH}/bin/openocd", |
| "searchDir": [ |
| "${workspaceRoot}/config/mbed/scripts", |
| "${env:OPENOCD_PATH}/scripts" |
| ], |
| "configFiles": ["${input:mbedTarget}.tcl"], |
| "overrideLaunchCommands": [ |
| "-enable-pretty-printing", |
| "monitor program {./build-${input:mbedTarget}/${input:mbedDebugProfile}/chip-mbed-bootloader.hex}", |
| "monitor reset run", |
| "monitor sleep 200", |
| "monitor psoc6 reset_halt sysresetreq" |
| ], |
| "numberOfProcessors": 2, |
| "targetProcessor": 1, // Set to 0 for the CM0+, set to 1 for the CM4 |
| "overrideRestartCommands": [ |
| "monitor reset init", |
| "monitor reset run", |
| "monitor sleep 200", |
| "monitor psoc6 reset_halt sysresetreq" |
| ], |
| "runToMain": true, // if true, program will halt at main. Not used for a restart |
| "showDevDebugOutput": false // When set to true, displays output of GDB. |
| }, |
| |
| { |
| "name": "Debug Mbed bootloader [remote]", |
| "type": "cortex-debug", |
| "request": "launch", |
| "cwd": "${workspaceRoot}/examples/platform/mbed/bootloader", |
| "executable": "./build-${input:mbedTarget}/${input:mbedDebugProfile}/chip-mbed-bootloader.elf", |
| "armToolchainPath": "${env:PW_ENVIRONMENT_ROOT}/cipd/packages/arm/bin/", // Pigweed environment bootstraping required |
| "servertype": "external", |
| "gdbTarget": "host.docker.internal:3334", //port 3333 for the CM0+, 3334 for the CM4 |
| "overrideLaunchCommands": [ |
| "-enable-pretty-printing", |
| "monitor reset halt", |
| "load ./build-${input:mbedTarget}/${input:mbedDebugProfile}/chip-mbed-bootloader.hex", |
| "monitor reset run", |
| "monitor sleep 200", |
| "monitor psoc6 reset_halt sysresetreq" |
| ], |
| "overrideRestartCommands": [ |
| "monitor reset init", |
| "monitor reset run", |
| "monitor sleep 200", |
| "monitor psoc6 reset_halt sysresetreq" |
| ], |
| "runToMain": true, // if true, program will halt at main. Not used for a restart |
| "showDevDebugOutput": false // When set to true, displays output of GDB. |
| }, |
| |
| { |
| "name": "OTA Requestor App (Linux)", |
| "type": "lldb", |
| "request": "launch", |
| "program": "${workspaceFolder}/out/ota-requestor/chip-ota-requestor-app", |
| "args": [ |
| "--discriminator", |
| "18", |
| "--secured-device-port", |
| "5560", |
| "--KVS", |
| "/tmp/chip_kvs_requestor" |
| ], |
| "cwd": "${workspaceFolder}" |
| }, |
| |
| { |
| "name": "OTA Provider App (Linux)", |
| "type": "lldb", |
| "request": "launch", |
| "program": "${workspaceFolder}/out/ota-provider/chip-ota-provider-app", |
| "args": [ |
| "--discriminator", |
| "22", |
| "--KVS", |
| "/tmp/chip_kvs_provider", |
| "--filepath", |
| "/tmp/ota-image.bin" |
| ], |
| "cwd": "${workspaceFolder}" |
| } |
| ], |
| "inputs": [ |
| { |
| "type": "pickString", |
| "id": "mbedDebugProfile", |
| "description": "What mbed profile do you want to debug?", |
| "options": ["debug", "develop"], |
| "default": "debug" |
| }, |
| { |
| "type": "pickString", |
| "id": "mbedFlashProfile", |
| "description": "What mbed profile do you want to flash?", |
| "options": ["release", "debug", "develop"], |
| "default": "release" |
| }, |
| { |
| "type": "pickString", |
| "id": "mbedApp", |
| "description": "What mbed application do you want to use?", |
| "options": [ |
| "lock-app", |
| "lighting-app", |
| "pigweed-app", |
| "all-clusters-app", |
| "shell", |
| "ota-requestor-app" |
| ], |
| "default": "lock-app" |
| }, |
| { |
| "type": "pickString", |
| "id": "mbedTarget", |
| "description": "What mbed target do you want to use?", |
| "options": ["CY8CPROTO_062_4343W"], |
| "default": "CY8CPROTO_062_4343W" |
| } |
| ] |
| } |