blob: 000c90336c0a8ac9323311ff595210590a6ee32d [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2021 Project CHIP Authors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# Auto-generated scripts for harness use only, please review before automation. The endpoints and cluster names are currently set to default
32.4.1. [TC-IDM-4.1] SubscriptionRequestMessage from DUT test cases. [DUT as
- MCORE.IDM.C.SubscribeRequest
nodeId: 0x12344321
cluster: "Basic Information"
endpoint: 0
- label: "Notes/Testing Considerations"
verification: |
1. The Cluster and Commands should be based on the cluster implementation on the DUT.
2. The cluster used in the below command is an example, User can use any supported chip cluster/attribute/command.
disabled: true
- label: "Precondition"
verification: |
Please use Interactive mode to Verify subscription test cases
Here the command to enter interactive mode:-- ./chip-tool interactive start
disabled: true
- label:
"Step 1: DUT sends a subscription request message to the target
node/reference device for a single attribute of any data type
PICS: MCORE.IDM.C.SubscribeRequest
verification: |
Product maker needs to provide instructions for how to trigger the command on the DUT. For comparison, the DUT behavior for this test step can be simulated using chip-tool (when DUT is a commissioner/Client)
onoff subscribe on-off 10 80 1 1 --keepSubscriptions true
On the TH(all-clusters-app) verify the subscription message received has the following fields. KeepSubscriptions which is of type bool
MinIntervalFloor which is of type uint16
MaxIntervalCeiling which is of type uint16
[Optional]AttributeRequests which is of type list and contains the attribute paths
[Optional]DataVersionFilters which is of type list and contains the data versions of the attributes requested.+ [Optional]EventRequests which is of type list
[Optional]EventFilters which is of type list
[Optional]FabricFiltered which is of type bool
[1686231339.679698][92910:92910] CHIP:EM: Handling via exchange: 59809r, Delegate: 0x5592c0755fc8
[1686231339.679704][92910:92910] CHIP:IM: Received Subscribe request
[1686231339.679714][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: SubscribeRequestMessage =
[1686231339.679717][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: {
[1686231339.679720][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: KeepSubscriptions = true,
[1686231339.679723][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: MinIntervalFloorSeconds = 0xa,
[1686231339.679726][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: MaxIntervalCeilingSeconds = 0x50,
[1686231339.679728][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: AttributePathIBs =
[1686231339.679732][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: [
[1686231339.679735][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: AttributePathIB =
[1686231339.679738][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: {
[1686231339.679741][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: Endpoint = 0x1,
[1686231339.679744][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: Cluster = 0x6,
[1686231339.679748][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: Attribute = 0x0000_0000,
[1686231339.679751][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: }
[1686231339.679755][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG:
[1686231339.679758][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: ],
[1686231339.679762][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG:
[1686231339.679765][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: isFabricFiltered = true,
[1686231339.679768][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: InteractionModelRevision = 1
[1686231339.679770][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: },
[1686231339.679782][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: AccessControl: checking f=1 a=c s=0x000000000001B669 t= c=0x0000_0006 e=1 p=v
[1686231339.679789][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: AccessControl: allowed
[1686231339.679817][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: Final negotiated min/max parameters: Min = 10s, Max = 80s
[1686231339.679827][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: IM RH moving to [GeneratingReports]
[1686231339.680273][92910:92910] CHIP:DL: writing settings to file (/tmp/chip_kvs-kWt5ZU)
[1686231339.680405][92910:92910] CHIP:DL: renamed tmp file to file (/tmp/chip_kvs)
[1686231339.680428][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: Building Reports for ReadHandler with LastReportGeneration = 0 DirtyGeneration = 0
[1686231339.680432][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: <RE:Run> Cluster 6, Attribute 0 is dirty
[1686231339.680435][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: Reading attribute: Cluster=0x0000_0006 Endpoint=1 AttributeId=0x0000_0000 (expanded=0)
[1686231339.680440][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: AccessControl: checking f=1 a=c s=0x000000000001B669 t= c=0x0000_0006 e=1 p=v
[1686231339.680444][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: AccessControl: allowed
[1686231339.680456][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: <RE> Sending report (payload has 39 bytes)...
[1686231339.680477][92910:92910] CHIP:EM: <<< [E:59809r S:64937 M:35251078 (Ack:87148762)] (S) Msg TX to 1:000000000001B669 [58B9] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData)
[1686231339.680483][92910:92910] CHIP:IN: (S) Sending msg 35251078 on secure session with LSID: 64937
[1686231339.680506][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: IM RH moving to [AwaitingReportResponse]
[1686231339.680510][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: <RE> ReportsInFlight = 1 with readHandler 2, RE has no more messages
[1686231339.680513][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: All ReadHandler-s are clean, clear GlobalDirtySet
[1686231339.680527][92910:92910] CHIP:EM: >>> [E:59808r S:0 M:160352731 (Ack:203743848)] (U) Msg RX from 0:7C2C8A6314B06760 [0000] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck)
[1686231339.680531][92910:92910] CHIP:EM: Found matching exchange: 59808r, Delegate: (nil)
[1686231339.680536][92910:92910] CHIP:EM: Rxd Ack; Removing MessageCounter:203743848 from Retrans Table on exchange 59808r
[1686231339.680703][92910:92910] CHIP:EM: >>> [E:59809r S:64937 M:87148763 (Ack:35251078)] (S) Msg RX from 1:000000000001B669 [58B9] --- Type 0001:01 (IM:StatusResponse)
[1686231339.680708][92910:92910] CHIP:EM: Found matching exchange: 59809r, Delegate: 0x5592c1154a68
[1686231339.680713][92910:92910] CHIP:EM: Rxd Ack; Removing MessageCounter:35251078 from Retrans Table on exchange 59809r
[1686231339.680721][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: StatusResponseMessage =
[1686231339.680725][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: {
[1686231339.680728][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: Status = 0x00 (SUCCESS),
[1686231339.680732][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: InteractionModelRevision = 1
[1686231339.680734][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: }
[1686231339.680737][92910:92910] CHIP:IM: Received status response, status is 0x00 (SUCCESS)
[1686231339.680744][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: Refresh Subscribe Sync Timer with min 10 seconds and max 80 seconds
disabled: true
- label:
"Step 2: DUT sends the subscription request message to TH TH sends a
report data DUT sends the status response back to TH"
PICS: MCORE.IDM.C.SubscribeRequest
verification: |
Product maker needs to provide instructions for how to trigger the command on the DUT. For comparison, the DUT behavior for this test step can be simulated using chip-tool (when DUT is a commissioner/Client)
onoff subscribe on-off 10 80 1 1 --keepSubscriptions true
Verify on the TH(reference-app) that the status response received from the DUT is "Success"
[1686231385.233023][92910:92910] CHIP:EM: Handling via exchange: 59810r, Delegate: 0x5592c0755fc8
[1686231385.233033][92910:92910] CHIP:IM: Received Subscribe request
[1686231385.233046][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: SubscribeRequestMessage =
[1686231385.233050][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: {
[1686231385.233053][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: KeepSubscriptions = true,
[1686231385.233057][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: MinIntervalFloorSeconds = 0xa,
[1686231385.233060][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: MaxIntervalCeilingSeconds = 0x50,
[1686231385.233063][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: AttributePathIBs =
[1686231385.233067][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: [
[1686231385.233069][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: AttributePathIB =
[1686231385.233073][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: {
[1686231385.233077][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: Endpoint = 0x1,
[1686231385.233080][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: Cluster = 0x6,
[1686231385.233084][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: Attribute = 0x0000_0000,
[1686231385.233087][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: }
[1686231385.233091][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG:
[1686231385.233093][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: ],
[1686231385.233097][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG:
[1686231385.233101][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: isFabricFiltered = true,
[1686231385.233104][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: InteractionModelRevision = 1
[1686231385.233106][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: },
[1686231385.233120][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: AccessControl: checking f=1 a=c s=0x000000000001B669 t= c=0x0000_0006 e=1 p=v
[1686231385.233126][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: AccessControl: allowed
[1686231385.233150][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: Final negotiated min/max parameters: Min = 10s, Max = 80s
[1686231385.233164][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: IM RH moving to [GeneratingReports]
[1686231385.233474][92910:92910] CHIP:DL: writing settings to file (/tmp/chip_kvs-423vFD)
[1686231385.233611][92910:92910] CHIP:DL: renamed tmp file to file (/tmp/chip_kvs)
[1686231385.233635][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: Building Reports for ReadHandler with LastReportGeneration = 0 DirtyGeneration = 0
[1686231385.233639][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: <RE:Run> Cluster 6, Attribute 0 is dirty
[1686231385.233642][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: Reading attribute: Cluster=0x0000_0006 Endpoint=1 AttributeId=0x0000_0000 (expanded=0)
[1686231385.233647][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: AccessControl: checking f=1 a=c s=0x000000000001B669 t= c=0x0000_0006 e=1 p=v
[1686231385.233667][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: AccessControl: allowed
[1686231385.233680][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: <RE> Sending report (payload has 39 bytes)...
[1686231385.233705][92910:92910] CHIP:EM: <<< [E:59810r S:64937 M:35251082 (Ack:87148766)] (S) Msg TX to 1:000000000001B669 [58B9] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData)
[1686231385.233713][92910:92910] CHIP:IN: (S) Sending msg 35251082 on secure session with LSID: 64937
[1686231385.233744][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: IM RH moving to [AwaitingReportResponse]
[1686231385.233748][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: <RE> ReportsInFlight = 1 with readHandler 2, RE has no more messages
[1686231385.233751][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: All ReadHandler-s are clean, clear GlobalDirtySet
[1686231385.233958][92910:92910] CHIP:EM: >>> [E:59810r S:64937 M:87148767 (Ack:35251082)] (S) Msg RX from 1:000000000001B669 [58B9] --- Type 0001:01 (IM:StatusResponse)
[1686231385.233962][92910:92910] CHIP:EM: Found matching exchange: 59810r, Delegate: 0x5592c113ec58
[1686231385.233967][92910:92910] CHIP:EM: Rxd Ack; Removing MessageCounter:35251082 from Retrans Table on exchange 59810r
[1686231385.233976][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: StatusResponseMessage =
[1686231385.233980][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: {
[1686231385.233983][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: Status = 0x00 (SUCCESS),
[1686231385.233986][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: InteractionModelRevision = 1
[1686231385.233989][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: }
[1686231385.233992][92910:92910] CHIP:IM: Received status response, status is 0x00 (SUCCESS)
[1686231385.233999][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: Refresh Subscribe Sync Timer with min 10 seconds and max 80 seconds
[1686231385.234010][92910:92910] CHIP:EM: <<< [E:59810r S:64937 M:35251083 (Ack:87148767)] (S) Msg TX to 1:000000000001B669 [58B9] --- Type 0001:04 (IM:SubscribeResponse)
[1686231385.234015][92910:92910] CHIP:IN: (S) Sending msg 35251083 on secure session with LSID: 64937
[1686231385.234032][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: <RE> OnReportConfirm: NumReports = 0
disabled: true
- label:
"Step 3: Activate the subscription between the DUT and the TH for an
attribute of data type boolean. Modify that attribute on the TH. TH
should send the modified data to the DUT. Modify the attribute
multiple times (3 times)."
PICS: MCORE.IDM.C.SubscribeRequest.Attribute.DataType_Bool
verification: |
Product maker needs to provide instructions for how to trigger the command on the DUT. For comparison, the DUT behavior for this test step can be simulated using chip-tool (when DUT is a commissioner/Client)
basicinformation subscribe local-config-disabled 10 100 1 0 --keepSubscriptions true
On TH (On the reference app) Verify if DUT is responding with the below status response for the above command
[1686231800.052756][92910:92910] CHIP:EM: Handling via exchange: 59811r, Delegate: 0x5592c0755fc8
[1686231800.052780][92910:92910] CHIP:IM: Received Subscribe request
[1686231800.052808][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: SubscribeRequestMessage =
[1686231800.052817][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: {
[1686231800.052826][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: KeepSubscriptions = true,
[1686231800.052836][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: MinIntervalFloorSeconds = 0xa,
[1686231800.052846][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: MaxIntervalCeilingSeconds = 0x64,
[1686231800.052856][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: AttributePathIBs =
[1686231800.052866][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: [
[1686231800.052874][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: AttributePathIB =
[1686231800.052886][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: {
[1686231800.052897][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: Endpoint = 0x0,
[1686231800.052908][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: Cluster = 0x28,
[1686231800.052919][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: Attribute = 0x0000_0010,
[1686231800.052929][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: }
[1686231800.052940][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG:
[1686231800.052953][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: ],
[1686231800.052964][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG:
[1686231800.052971][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: isFabricFiltered = true,
[1686231800.052978][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: InteractionModelRevision = 1
[1686231800.052983][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: },
[1686231800.053009][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: AccessControl: checking f=1 a=c s=0x000000000001B669 t= c=0x0000_0028 e=0 p=v
[1686231800.053022][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: AccessControl: allowed
[1686231800.053072][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: Final negotiated min/max parameters: Min = 10s, Max = 100s
[1686231800.053101][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: IM RH moving to [GeneratingReports]
[1686231800.053999][92910:92910] CHIP:DL: writing settings to file (/tmp/chip_kvs-NtcZsY)
[1686231800.054313][92910:92910] CHIP:DL: renamed tmp file to file (/tmp/chip_kvs)
[1686231800.054366][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: Building Reports for ReadHandler with LastReportGeneration = 0 DirtyGeneration = 0
[1686231800.054375][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: <RE:Run> Cluster 28, Attribute 10 is dirty
[1686231800.054381][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: Reading attribute: Cluster=0x0000_0028 Endpoint=0 AttributeId=0x0000_0010 (expanded=0)
[1686231800.054392][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: AccessControl: checking f=1 a=c s=0x000000000001B669 t= c=0x0000_0028 e=0 p=v
[1686231800.054403][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: AccessControl: allowed
[1686231800.054428][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: <RE> Sending report (payload has 39 bytes)...
[1686231800.054478][92910:92910] CHIP:EM: <<< [E:59811r S:64937 M:35251106 (Ack:87148780)] (S) Msg TX to 1:000000000001B669 [58B9] --- Type 0001:05 (IM:ReportData)
[1686231800.054492][92910:92910] CHIP:IN: (S) Sending msg 35251106 on secure session with LSID: 64937
[1686231800.054550][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: IM RH moving to [AwaitingReportResponse]
[1686231800.054557][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: <RE> ReportsInFlight = 1 with readHandler 2, RE has no more messages
[1686231800.054564][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: All ReadHandler-s are clean, clear GlobalDirtySet
[1686231800.055232][92910:92910] CHIP:EM: >>> [E:59811r S:64937 M:87148781 (Ack:35251106)] (S) Msg RX from 1:000000000001B669 [58B9] --- Type 0001:01 (IM:StatusResponse)
[1686231800.055243][92910:92910] CHIP:EM: Found matching exchange: 59811r, Delegate: 0x5592c1153038
[1686231800.055258][92910:92910] CHIP:EM: Rxd Ack; Removing MessageCounter:35251106 from Retrans Table on exchange 59811r
[1686231800.055280][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: StatusResponseMessage =
[1686231800.055290][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: {
[1686231800.055299][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: Status = 0x00 (SUCCESS),
[1686231800.055334][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: InteractionModelRevision = 1
[1686231800.055343][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: }
[1686231800.055352][92910:92910] CHIP:IM: Received status response, status is 0x00 (SUCCESS)
[1686231800.055372][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: Refresh Subscribe Sync Timer with min 10 seconds and max 100 seconds
[1686231800.055404][92910:92910] CHIP:EM: <<< [E:59811r S:64937 M:35251107 (Ack:87148781)] (S) Msg TX to 1:000000000001B669 [58B9] --- Type 0001:04 (IM:SubscribeResponse)
[1686231800.055418][92910:92910] CHIP:IN: (S) Sending msg 35251107 on secure session with LSID: 64937
In the case of chip tool as a client, here is an example command the client can write an attribute in the basicinformation cluster in the TH to change the value that the client subscribed in the above command.
basicinformation write local-config-disabled 0 1 0
Verify on the TH(all-clusters-app) that the status response received from the DUT for every report data sent is a "Success"
[1686232216.410127][92910:92910] CHIP:EM: >>> [E:59813r S:64937 M:87148800] (S) Msg RX from 1:000000000001B669 [58B9] --- Type 0001:06 (IM:WriteRequest)
[1686232216.410143][92910:92910] CHIP:EM: Handling via exchange: 59813r, Delegate: 0x5592c0755fc8
[1686232216.410152][92910:92910] CHIP:IM: Received Write request
[1686232216.410155][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: IM WH moving to [Initialized]
[1686232216.410168][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: WriteRequestMessage =
[1686232216.410170][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: {
[1686232216.410172][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: suppressResponse = false,
[1686232216.410175][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: timedRequest = false,
[1686232216.410177][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: AttributeDataIBs =
[1686232216.410180][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: [
[1686232216.410182][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: AttributeDataIB =
[1686232216.410185][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: {
[1686232216.410187][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: AttributePathIB =
[1686232216.410190][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: {
[1686232216.410193][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: Endpoint = 0x0,
[1686232216.410195][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: Cluster = 0x28,
[1686232216.410198][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: Attribute = 0x0000_0010,
[1686232216.410200][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: }
[1686232216.410203][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG:
[1686232216.410206][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: Data = false,
[1686232216.410208][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: },
[1686232216.410211][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG:
[1686232216.410213][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: ],
[1686232216.410217][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG:
[1686232216.410219][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: moreChunkedMessages = false,
[1686232216.410221][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: InteractionModelRevision = 1
[1686232216.410223][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: },
[1686232216.410241][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: AccessControl: checking f=1 a=c s=0x000000000001B669 t= c=0x0000_0028 e=0 p=m
[1686232216.410247][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: AccessControl: allowed
[1686232216.410312][92910:92910] CHIP:DL: writing settings to file (/tmp/chip_kvs-PHYhm6)
[1686232216.410860][92910:92910] CHIP:EM: Rxd Ack; Removing MessageCounter:35251139 from Retrans Table on exchange 12003i
[1686232216.410867][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: StatusResponseMessage =
[1686232216.410870][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: {
[1686232216.410872][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: Status = 0x00 (SUCCESS),
[1686232216.410876][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: InteractionModelRevision = 1
[1686232216.410879][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: }
[1686232216.410882][92910:92910] CHIP:IM: Received status response, status is 0x00 (SUCCESS)
[1686232216.410886][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: <RE> OnReportConfirm: NumReports = 1
[1686232216.410889][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: IM RH moving to [GeneratingReports]
[1686232216.410897][92910:92910] CHIP:EM: <<< [E:12003i S:64937 M:35251141 (Ack:87148802)] (S) Msg TX to 1:000000000001B669 [58B9] --- Type 0000:10 (SecureChannel:StandaloneAck)
[1686232216.410902][92910:92910] CHIP:IN: (S) Sending msg 35251141 on secure session with LSID: 64937
Verify the above command multiple times by changing attribute value(3 times)
disabled: true
- label:
"Step 4: Activate the subscription between the DUT and the TH for an
attribute of data type string. Modify that attribute on the TH. TH
should send the modified data to the DUT. Modify the attribute
multiple times (3 times)."
PICS: MCORE.IDM.C.SubscribeRequest.Attribute.DataType_String
verification: |
Product maker needs to provide instructions for how to trigger the command on the DUT. For comparison, the DUT behavior for this test step can be simulated using chip-tool (when DUT is a commissioner/Client)
In the case of chip tool as a client, here is an example command the client can write an attribute in the basic cluster in the TH to change the value that the client subscribed in the above command.
basicinformation subscribe node-label 30 200 1 0 --keepSubscriptions true
On TH (all-clusters-app) Verify if DUT is responding with the below status response for the above command
[1686232456.706223][92910:92910] CHIP:EM: Handling via exchange: 59814r, Delegate: 0x5592c0755fc8
[1686232456.706240][92910:92910] CHIP:IM: Received Subscribe request
[1686232456.706256][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: SubscribeRequestMessage =
[1686232456.706260][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: {
[1686232456.706263][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: KeepSubscriptions = true,
[1686232456.706265][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: MinIntervalFloorSeconds = 0x1e,
[1686232456.706270][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: MaxIntervalCeilingSeconds = 0xc8,
[1686232456.706273][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: AttributePathIBs =
[1686232456.706278][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: [
[1686232456.706281][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: AttributePathIB =
[1686232456.706284][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: {
[1686232456.706287][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: Endpoint = 0x0,
[1686232456.706292][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: Cluster = 0x28,
[1686232456.706294][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: Attribute = 0x0000_0005,
[1686232456.706296][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: }
[1686232456.706299][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG:
[1686232456.706301][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: ],
[1686232456.706304][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG:
[1686232456.706307][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: isFabricFiltered = true,
[1686232456.706310][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: InteractionModelRevision = 1
[1686232456.706312][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: },
[1686232456.706335][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: AccessControl: checking f=1 a=c s=0x000000000001B669 t= c=0x0000_0028 e=0 p=v
[1686232456.706350][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: AccessControl: allowed
[1686232456.707036][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: IM RH moving to [AwaitingReportResponse]
[1686232456.707039][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: <RE> ReportsInFlight = 1 with readHandler 4, RE has no more messages
[1686232456.707041][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: All ReadHandler-s are clean, clear GlobalDirtySet
[1686232456.707231][92910:92910] CHIP:EM: >>> [E:59814r S:64937 M:87148815 (Ack:35251163)] (S) Msg RX from 1:000000000001B669 [58B9] --- Type 0001:01 (IM:StatusResponse)
[1686232456.707234][92910:92910] CHIP:EM: Found matching exchange: 59814r, Delegate: 0x5592c11544a8
[1686232456.707238][92910:92910] CHIP:EM: Rxd Ack; Removing MessageCounter:35251163 from Retrans Table on exchange 59814r
[1686232456.707244][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: StatusResponseMessage =
[1686232456.707246][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: {
[1686232456.707248][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: Status = 0x00 (SUCCESS),
[1686232456.707251][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: InteractionModelRevision = 1
[1686232456.707253][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: }
[1686232456.707255][92910:92910] CHIP:IM: Received status response, status is 0x00 (SUCCESS)
[1686232456.707259][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: Refresh Subscribe Sync Timer with min 30 seconds and max 200 seconds
In the case of chip tool as a client, here is an example command the client can write an attribute in the basicinformation cluster in the TH to change the value that the client subscribed in the above command.
basicinformation write node-label label 1 0
Verify on the TH that the status response received from the DUT for every report data sent is a "Success"
[1686232636.062711][92910:92910] CHIP:EM: >>> [E:59816r S:64937 M:87148829] (S) Msg RX from 1:000000000001B669 [58B9] --- Type 0001:06 (IM:WriteRequest)
[1686232636.062746][92910:92910] CHIP:EM: Handling via exchange: 59816r, Delegate: 0x5592c0755fc8
[1686232636.062765][92910:92910] CHIP:IM: Received Write request
[1686232636.062771][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: IM WH moving to [Initialized]
[1686232636.062800][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: WriteRequestMessage =
[1686232636.062807][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: {
[1686232636.062813][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: suppressResponse = false,
[1686232636.062820][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: timedRequest = false,
[1686232636.062827][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: AttributeDataIBs =
[1686232636.062837][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: [
[1686232636.062843][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: AttributeDataIB =
[1686232636.062851][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: {
[1686232636.062857][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: AttributePathIB =
[1686232636.062866][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: {
[1686232636.062874][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: Endpoint = 0x0,
[1686232636.062882][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: Cluster = 0x28,
[1686232636.062890][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: Attribute = 0x0000_0005,
[1686232636.062896][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: }
[1686232636.062905][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG:
[1686232636.062915][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: Data = "label" (5 chars),
[1686232636.062922][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: },
[1686232636.062932][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG:
[1686232636.062938][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: ],
[1686232636.062947][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG:
[1686232636.062954][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: moreChunkedMessages = false,
[1686232636.062960][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: InteractionModelRevision = 1
[1686232636.062967][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: },
[1686232636.063008][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: AccessControl: checking f=1 a=c s=0x000000000001B669 t= c=0x0000_0028 e=0 p=m
[1686232636.063022][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: AccessControl: allowed
[1686232636.064517][92910:92910] CHIP:EM: Rxd Ack; Removing MessageCounter:35251186 from Retrans Table on exchange 59816r
[1686232636.065142][92910:92910] CHIP:EM: >>> [E:12025i S:64937 M:87148831 (Ack:35251187)] (S) Msg RX from 1:000000000001B669 [58B9] --- Type 0001:01 (IM:StatusResponse)
[1686232636.065165][92910:92910] CHIP:EM: Found matching exchange: 12025i, Delegate: 0x5592c11544a8
[1686232636.065181][92910:92910] CHIP:EM: Rxd Ack; Removing MessageCounter:35251187 from Retrans Table on exchange 12025i
[1686232636.065204][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: StatusResponseMessage =
[1686232636.065212][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: {
[1686232636.065218][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: Status = 0x00 (SUCCESS),
[1686232636.065226][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: InteractionModelRevision = 1
[1686232636.065231][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: }
[1686232636.065240][92910:92910] CHIP:IM: Received status response, status is 0x00 (SUCCESS)
[1686232636.065249][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: <RE> OnReportConfirm: NumReports = 0
[1686232636.065255][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: IM RH moving to [GeneratingReports]
Verify the above command multiple times by changing attribute value(3 times)
disabled: true
- label:
"Step 5: Activate the subscription between the DUT and the TH for an
attribute of data type unsigned integer. Modify that attribute on the
TH. TH should send the modified data to the DUT. Modify the attribute
multiple times (3 times)."
PICS: MCORE.IDM.C.SubscribeRequest.Attribute.DataType_UnsignedInteger
verification: |
Product maker needs to provide instructions for how to trigger the command on the DUT. For comparison, the DUT behavior for this test step can be simulated using chip-tool (when DUT is a commissioner/Client)
any subscribe-by-id 0x0008 0x0010 10 100 1 1 --keepSubscriptions true
Verify on the TH(reference-app) that the status response received from the DUT for every report data sent is a "Success"
[1686232748.726308][92910:92910] CHIP:EM: Handling via exchange: 59817r, Delegate: 0x5592c0755fc8
[1686232748.726333][92910:92910] CHIP:IM: Received Subscribe request
[1686232748.726358][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: SubscribeRequestMessage =
[1686232748.726364][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: {
[1686232748.726369][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: KeepSubscriptions = true,
[1686232748.726375][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: MinIntervalFloorSeconds = 0xa,
[1686232748.726381][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: MaxIntervalCeilingSeconds = 0x64,
[1686232748.726386][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: AttributePathIBs =
[1686232748.726392][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: [
[1686232748.726397][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: AttributePathIB =
[1686232748.726402][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: {
[1686232748.726408][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: Endpoint = 0x1,
[1686232748.726413][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: Cluster = 0x8,
[1686232748.726422][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: Attribute = 0x0000_0010,
[1686232748.726433][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: }
[1686232748.726442][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG:
[1686232748.726448][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: ],
[1686232748.726459][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG:
[1686232748.726466][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: isFabricFiltered = true,
[1686232748.726473][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: InteractionModelRevision = 1
[1686232748.726481][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: },
[1686232748.726504][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: AccessControl: checking f=1 a=c s=0x000000000001B669 t= c=0x0000_0008 e=1 p=v
[1686232748.726518][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: AccessControl: allowed
[1686232748.726567][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: Final negotiated min/max parameters: Min = 10s, Max = 100s
[1686232748.729045][92910:92910] CHIP:EM: Rxd Ack; Removing MessageCounter:35251199 from Retrans Table on exchange 59817r
[1686232748.729068][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: StatusResponseMessage =
[1686232748.729076][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: {
[1686232748.729083][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: Status = 0x00 (SUCCESS),
[1686232748.729091][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: InteractionModelRevision = 1
[1686232748.729097][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: }
[1686232748.729105][92910:92910] CHIP:IM: Received status response, status is 0x00 (SUCCESS)
[1686232748.729121][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: Refresh Subscribe Sync Timer with min 10 seconds and max 100 seconds
[1686232748.729157][92910:92910] CHIP:EM: <<< [E:59817r S:64937 M:35251200 (Ack:87148838)] (S) Msg TX to 1:000000000001B669 [58B9] --- Type 0001:04 (IM:SubscribeResponse)
[1686232748.729170][92910:92910] CHIP:IN: (S) Sending msg 35251200 on secure session with LSID: 64937
In the case of chip tool as a client, here is an example command the client can write an attribute in the basicinformation cluster in the TH to change the value that the client subscribed in the above command.
any write-by-id 0x0008 0x0010 1 1 1
Verify on the TH(all-clusters-app) that the status response received from the DUT for every report data sent is a "Success"
[1686232799.909935][92910:92910] CHIP:EM: Handling via exchange: 59818r, Delegate: 0x5592c0755fc8
[1686232799.909960][92910:92910] CHIP:IM: Received Write request
[1686232799.909968][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: IM WH moving to [Initialized]
[1686232799.909995][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: WriteRequestMessage =
[1686232799.910002][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: {
[1686232799.910009][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: suppressResponse = false,
[1686232799.910015][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: timedRequest = false,
[1686232799.910021][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: AttributeDataIBs =
[1686232799.910035][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: [
[1686232799.910042][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: AttributeDataIB =
[1686232799.910051][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: {
[1686232799.910057][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: AttributePathIB =
[1686232799.910066][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: {
[1686232799.910075][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: Endpoint = 0x1,
[1686232799.910082][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: Cluster = 0x8,
[1686232799.910090][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: Attribute = 0x0000_0010,
[1686232799.910096][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: }
[1686232799.910105][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG:
[1686232799.910113][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: Data = 1,
[1686232799.910120][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: },
[1686232799.910130][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG:
[1686232799.910136][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: ],
[1686232799.910144][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG:
[1686232799.910151][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: moreChunkedMessages = false,
[1686232799.910158][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: InteractionModelRevision = 1
[1686232799.910164][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: },
[1686232799.910203][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: AccessControl: checking f=1 a=c s=0x000000000001B669 t= c=0x0000_0008 e=1 p=o
[1686232799.910216][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: AccessControl: allowed
[1686232799.910231][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: Endpoint 1, Cluster 0x0000_0008 update version to a323e908
[1686232799.910966][92910:92910] CHIP:EM: Rxd Ack; Removing MessageCounter:35251203 from Retrans Table on exchange 59818r
[1686232799.911589][92910:92910] CHIP:EM: >>> [E:12032i S:64937 M:87148843 (Ack:35251204)] (S) Msg RX from 1:000000000001B669 [58B9] --- Type 0001:01 (IM:StatusResponse)
[1686232799.911616][92910:92910] CHIP:EM: Found matching exchange: 12032i, Delegate: 0x5592c1153ef8
[1686232799.911634][92910:92910] CHIP:EM: Rxd Ack; Removing MessageCounter:35251204 from Retrans Table on exchange 12032i
[1686232799.911659][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: StatusResponseMessage =
[1686232799.911667][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: {
[1686232799.911674][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: Status = 0x00 (SUCCESS),
[1686232799.911681][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: InteractionModelRevision = 1
[1686232799.911687][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: }
[1686232799.911694][92910:92910] CHIP:IM: Received status response, status is 0x00 (SUCCESS)
[1686232799.911703][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: <RE> OnReportConfirm: NumReports = 0
[1686232799.911709][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: IM RH moving to [GeneratingReports]
Verify the above command multiple times by changing attribute value(3 times)
disabled: true
- label:
"Step 6: Activate the subscription between the DUT and the TH for an
attribute of data type signed integer. Modify that attribute on the
TH. TH should send the modified data to the DUT. Modify the attribute
multiple times (3 times)"
PICS: MCORE.IDM.C.SubscribeRequest.Attribute.DataType_Integer
verification: |
DUT implementation required to verify subscribe an attribute of data type signed integer
If the Vendor DUT doesn't implement/supported this attribute, Please mark the test step as "Not Applicable"
disabled: true
- label:
"Step 7: Activate the subscription between the DUT and the TH for an
attribute of data type Floating Point. Modify that attribute on the
TH. TH should send the modified data to the DUT. Modify the attribute
multiple times (3 times)"
PICS: MCORE.IDM.C.SubscribeRequest.Attribute.DataType_FloatingPoint
verification: |
DUT implementation required to verify subscribe an attribute of data type floating point
If the Vendor DUT doesn't implement/supported this attribute, Please mark the test step as "\Not Applicable\"
disabled: true
- label:
"Step 8: Activate the subscription between the DUT and the TH for an
attribute of data type list. Modify that attribute on the TH. TH
should send the modified data to the DUT. Modify the attribute
multiple times (3 times)"
PICS: MCORE.IDM.C.SubscribeRequest.Attribute.DataType_List
verification: |
DUT implementation required to verify subscribe and list an attribute of data type list
If the Vendor DUT doesn't implement/supported this attribute, Please mark the test step as "Not Applicable"
disabled: true
- label:
"Step 9: Activate the subscription between the DUT and the TH for an
attribute. Force the TH to not send any report data for the duration
of the maximum interval. After the maximum interval, TH sends a report
data with the subscription id created during the subscription
PICS: MCORE.IDM.C.SubscribeRequest
verification: |
Not verifiable/Out of scope
disabled: true
- label:
"Step 10: DUT sends a subscription request message to the target
node/reference device for multiple attributes (>1 attributes)."
PICS: MCORE.IDM.C.SubscribeRequest.MultipleAttributes
verification: |
Product maker needs to provide instructions for how to trigger the command on the DUT. For comparison, the DUT behavior for this test step can be simulated using chip-tool (when DUT is a commissioner/Client)
any subscribe-by-id '6,8,3' '0,1,0' 10 100 1 '1,1,1' --keepSubscriptions true
On the TH(all-clusters-app) verify the subscription request message received has the following fields.
KeepSubscriptions which is of type bool
MinIntervalFloor which is of type uint16
MaxIntervalCeiling which is of type uint16
AttributeRequests which is of type list and contains the paths for the 3 attributes.
DataVersionFilters which is of type list and contains the data versions of the attributes requested.
[Optional]EventRequests which is of type list
[Optional]EventFilters which is of type list FabricFiltered which is of type bool
907.168261][92910:92910] CHIP:EM: Handling via exchange: 59819r, Delegate: 0x5592c0755fc8
[1686232907.168281][92910:92910] CHIP:IM: Received Subscribe request
[1686232907.168308][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: SubscribeRequestMessage =
[1686232907.168315][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: {
[1686232907.168322][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: KeepSubscriptions = true,
[1686232907.168329][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: MinIntervalFloorSeconds = 0xa,
[1686232907.168337][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: MaxIntervalCeilingSeconds = 0x64,
[1686232907.168344][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: AttributePathIBs =
[1686232907.168352][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: [
[1686232907.168361][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: AttributePathIB =
[1686232907.168369][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: {
[1686232907.168377][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: Endpoint = 0x1,
[1686232907.168384][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: Cluster = 0x6,
[1686232907.168392][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: Attribute = 0x0000_0000,
[1686232907.168398][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: }
[1686232907.168407][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG:
[1686232907.168413][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: AttributePathIB =
[1686232907.168420][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: {
[1686232907.168427][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: Endpoint = 0x1,
[1686232907.168434][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: Cluster = 0x8,
[1686232907.168441][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: Attribute = 0x0000_0001,
[1686232907.168448][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: }
[1686232907.168456][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG:
[1686232907.168462][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: AttributePathIB =
[1686232907.168469][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: {
[1686232907.168476][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: Endpoint = 0x1,
[1686232907.168483][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: Cluster = 0x3,
[1686232907.168489][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: Attribute = 0x0000_0000,
[1686232907.168496][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: }
[1686232907.168504][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG:
[1686232907.168510][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: ],
[1686232907.168521][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG:
[1686232907.168528][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: isFabricFiltered = true,
[1686232907.168536][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: InteractionModelRevision = 1
[1686232907.168542][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: },
[1686232907.168566][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: AccessControl: checking f=1 a=c s=0x000000000001B669 t= c=0x0000_0006 e=1 p=v
[1686232907.168578][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: AccessControl: allowed
[1686232907.168590][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: AccessControl: checking f=1 a=c s=0x000000000001B669 t= c=0x0000_0008 e=1 p=v
[1686232907.168595][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: AccessControl: allowed
[1686232907.168607][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: AccessControl: checking f=1 a=c s=0x000000000001B669 t= c=0x0000_0003 e=1 p=v
[1686232907.168612][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: AccessControl: allowed
[1686232907.171966][92910:92910] CHIP:EM: >>> [E:59819r S:64937 M:87148852 (Ack:35251220)] (S) Msg RX from 1:000000000001B669 [58B9] --- Type 0001:01 (IM:StatusResponse)
[1686232907.171990][92910:92910] CHIP:EM: Found matching exchange: 59819r, Delegate: 0x5592c1155978
[1686232907.172005][92910:92910] CHIP:EM: Rxd Ack; Removing MessageCounter:35251220 from Retrans Table on exchange 59819r
[1686232907.172029][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: StatusResponseMessage =
[1686232907.172037][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: {
[1686232907.172044][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: Status = 0x00 (SUCCESS),
[1686232907.172051][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: InteractionModelRevision = 1
[1686232907.172057][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: }
[1686232907.172065][92910:92910] CHIP:IM: Received status response, status is 0x00 (SUCCESS)
[1686232907.172082][92910:92910] CHIP:DMG: Refresh Subscribe Sync Timer with min 10 seconds and max 100 seconds
disabled: true