blob: a8dc26d5e585341b2be3587199150154916a8a36 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2020 Project CHIP Authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* Copyright (c) 2020 Silicon Labs
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @file
* @brief Contains the per-endpoint configuration of
*attribute tables.
#pragma once
#include "af.h"
#include "gen/att-storage.h"
#define ATTRIBUTE_STORAGE_CONFIGURATION "attribute-storage-test.h"
// contains the file that contains the initial set-up of the
// attribute data structures. If it is missing
// we use the provider sample.
// #error "Must define ATTRIBUTE_STORAGE_CONFIGURATION to specify the App. Builder default attributes file."
#include "gen/endpoint_config.h"
// If we have fixed number of endpoints, then max is the same.
#define CLUSTER_TICK_FREQ_ALL (0x00)
extern uint8_t attributeData[]; // main storage bucket for all attributes
extern uint8_t attributeDefaults[]; // storage bucked for > 2b default values
void emAfCallInits(void);
#define emberAfClusterIsClient(cluster) ((bool) (((cluster)->mask & CLUSTER_MASK_CLIENT) != 0))
#define emberAfClusterIsServer(cluster) ((bool) (((cluster)->mask & CLUSTER_MASK_SERVER) != 0))
#define emberAfDoesClusterHaveInitFunction(cluster) ((bool) (((cluster)->mask & CLUSTER_MASK_INIT_FUNCTION) != 0))
#define emberAfDoesClusterHaveAttributeChangedFunction(cluster) \
((bool) (((cluster)->mask & CLUSTER_MASK_ATTRIBUTE_CHANGED_FUNCTION) != 0))
#define emberAfDoesClusterHaveDefaultResponseFunction(cluster) \
((bool) (((cluster)->mask & CLUSTER_MASK_DEFAULT_RESPONSE_FUNCTION) != 0))
#define emberAfDoesClusterHaveMessageSentFunction(cluster) ((bool) (((cluster)->mask & CLUSTER_MASK_MESSAGE_SENT_FUNCTION) != 0))
// Initial configuration
void emberAfEndpointConfigure(void);
bool emberAfExtractCommandIds(bool outgoing, EmberAfClusterCommand * cmd, chip::ClusterId clusterId, uint8_t * buffer,
uint16_t bufferLength, uint16_t * bufferIndex, uint8_t startId, uint8_t maxIdCount);
EmberAfStatus emAfReadOrWriteAttribute(EmberAfAttributeSearchRecord * attRecord, EmberAfAttributeMetadata ** metadata,
uint8_t * buffer, uint16_t readLength, bool write);
bool emAfMatchCluster(EmberAfCluster * cluster, EmberAfAttributeSearchRecord * attRecord);
bool emAfMatchAttribute(EmberAfCluster * cluster, EmberAfAttributeMetadata * am, EmberAfAttributeSearchRecord * attRecord);
EmberAfCluster * emberAfFindClusterInTypeWithMfgCode(EmberAfEndpointType * endpointType, chip::ClusterId clusterId,
EmberAfClusterMask mask, uint16_t manufacturerCode);
EmberAfCluster * emberAfFindClusterInType(EmberAfEndpointType * endpointType, chip::ClusterId clusterId, EmberAfClusterMask mask);
// This function returns the index of cluster for the particular endpoint.
// For example, if you have 3 endpoints, 10, 11, 12, and cluster X server is
// located on 11 and 12, and cluster Y server is located only on 10 then
// clusterIndex(X,11,CLUSTER_MASK_SERVER) returns 0,
// clusterIndex(X,12,CLUSTER_MASK_SERVER) returns 1,
// clusterIndex(X,10,CLUSTER_MASK_SERVER) returns 0xFF
// clusterIndex(Y,10,CLUSTER_MASK_SERVER) returns 0
// clusterIndex(Y,11,CLUSTER_MASK_SERVER) returns 0xFF
// clusterIndex(Y,12,CLUSTER_MASK_SERVER) returns 0xFF
uint8_t emberAfClusterIndex(chip::EndpointId endpoint, chip::ClusterId clusterId, EmberAfClusterMask mask);
// If server == true, returns the number of server clusters,
// otherwise number of client clusters on this endpoint
uint8_t emberAfClusterCount(chip::EndpointId endpoint, bool server);
// Returns the clusterId of Nth server or client cluster,
// depending on server toggle.
EmberAfCluster * emberAfGetNthCluster(chip::EndpointId endpoint, uint8_t n, bool server);
// Returns number of clusters put into the passed cluster list
// for the given endpoint and client/server polarity
uint8_t emberAfGetClustersFromEndpoint(chip::EndpointId endpoint, chip::ClusterId * clusterList, uint8_t listLen, bool server);
// Returns cluster within the endpoint, or NULL if it isn't there
EmberAfCluster * emberAfFindClusterWithMfgCode(chip::EndpointId endpoint, chip::ClusterId clusterId, EmberAfClusterMask mask,
uint16_t manufacturerCode);
// Returns cluster within the endpoint, or NULL if it isn't there
// This wraps emberAfFindClusterWithMfgCode with EMBER_AF_NULL_MANUFACTURER_CODE
EmberAfCluster * emberAfFindCluster(chip::EndpointId endpoint, chip::ClusterId clusterId, EmberAfClusterMask mask);
// Returns cluster within the endpoint; Does not ignore disabled endpoints
EmberAfCluster * emberAfFindClusterIncludingDisabledEndpointsWithMfgCode(chip::EndpointId endpoint, chip::ClusterId clusterId,
EmberAfClusterMask mask, uint16_t manufacturerCode);
// Returns cluster within the endpoint; Does not ignore disabled endpoints
// This wraps emberAfFindClusterIncludingDisabledEndpointsWithMfgCode with EMBER_AF_NULL_MANUFACTURER_CODE
EmberAfCluster * emberAfFindClusterIncludingDisabledEndpoints(chip::EndpointId endpoint, chip::ClusterId clusterId,
EmberAfClusterMask mask);
// Function mask must contain one of the CLUSTER_MASK function macros,
// then this method either returns the function pointer or null if
// function doesn't exist. Before you call the function, you must
// cast it.
EmberAfGenericClusterFunction emberAfFindClusterFunction(EmberAfCluster * cluster, EmberAfClusterMask functionMask);
// Public APIs for loading attributes
void emberAfInitializeAttributes(chip::EndpointId endpoint);
void emberAfResetAttributes(chip::EndpointId endpoint);
// Loads the attributes from built-in default and / or tokens
void emAfLoadAttributeDefaults(chip::EndpointId endpoint, bool writeTokens);
// This function loads from tokens all the attributes that
// are defined to be stored in tokens.
void emAfLoadAttributesFromTokens(chip::EndpointId endpoint);
// After the RAM value has changed, code should call this
// function. If this attribute has been
// tagged as stored-to-token, then code will store
// the attribute to token.
void emAfSaveAttributeToToken(uint8_t * data, chip::EndpointId endpoint, chip::ClusterId clusterId,
EmberAfAttributeMetadata * metadata);
// Calls the attribute changed callback
void emAfClusterAttributeChangedCallback(chip::EndpointId endpoint, chip::ClusterId clusterId, chip::AttributeId attributeId,
uint8_t clientServerMask, uint16_t manufacturerCode);
// Calls the attribute changed callback for a specific cluster.
EmberAfStatus emAfClusterPreAttributeChangedCallback(chip::EndpointId endpoint, chip::ClusterId clusterId,
chip::AttributeId attributeId, uint8_t clientServerMask,
uint16_t manufacturerCode, EmberAfAttributeType attributeType, uint8_t size,
uint8_t * value);
// Calls the default response callback for a specific cluster, and wraps emberAfClusterDefaultResponseWithMfgCodeCallback
void emberAfClusterDefaultResponseCallback(chip::EndpointId endpoint, chip::ClusterId clusterId, uint8_t commandId,
EmberAfStatus status, uint8_t clientServerMask);
// Calls the default response callback for a specific cluster.
void emberAfClusterDefaultResponseWithMfgCodeCallback(chip::EndpointId endpoint, chip::ClusterId clusterId, uint8_t commandId,
EmberAfStatus status, uint8_t clientServerMask, uint16_t manufacturerCode);
// Calls the message sent callback for a specific cluster, and wraps emberAfClusterMessageSentWithMfgCodeCallback
void emberAfClusterMessageSentCallback(EmberOutgoingMessageType type, uint16_t indexOrDestination, EmberApsFrame * apsFrame,
uint16_t msgLen, uint8_t * message, EmberStatus status);
// Calls the message sent callback for a specific cluster.
void emberAfClusterMessageSentWithMfgCodeCallback(EmberOutgoingMessageType type, uint64_t indexOrDestination,
EmberApsFrame * apsFrame, uint16_t msgLen, uint8_t * message, EmberStatus status,
uint16_t manufacturerCode);
// Used to retrieve a manufacturer code from an attribute metadata
uint16_t emAfGetManufacturerCodeForCluster(EmberAfCluster * cluster);
uint16_t emAfGetManufacturerCodeForAttribute(EmberAfCluster * cluster, EmberAfAttributeMetadata * attMetaData);
// Checks a cluster mask byte against ticks passed bitmask
// returns true if the mask matches a passed interval
bool emberAfCheckTick(EmberAfClusterMask mask, uint8_t passedMask);
bool emberAfEndpointIsEnabled(chip::EndpointId endpoint);
// Note the difference in implementation from emberAfGetNthCluster().
// emberAfGetClusterByIndex() retrieves the cluster by index regardless of server/client
// and those indexes may be DIFFERENT than the indexes returned from
// emberAfGetNthCluster(). In other words:
// - Use emberAfGetClustersFromEndpoint() with emberAfGetNthCluster()
// - Use emberAfGetClusterCountForEndpoint() with emberAfGetClusterByIndex()
// Don't mix them.
uint8_t emberAfGetClusterCountForEndpoint(chip::EndpointId endpoint);
EmberAfCluster * emberAfGetClusterByIndex(chip::EndpointId endpoint, uint8_t clusterIndex);
uint16_t emberAfGetDeviceIdForEndpoint(chip::EndpointId endpoint);