blob: 8cccf5fe7881d68fe2f0f2b4b18261f94bba34b6 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2020-2021 Project CHIP Authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include <app/BufferedReadCallback.h>
#include <app/CommandSender.h>
#include <app/ReadClient.h>
#include <app/WriteClient.h>
#include <controller/CHIPDeviceController.h>
#include <jni.h>
#include <lib/core/CHIPError.h>
#include <list>
#include <utility>
namespace chip {
namespace Controller {
CHIP_ERROR CreateChipAttributePath(const app::ConcreteDataAttributePath & aPath, jobject & outObj);
// Callback for success and failure cases of GetConnectedDevice().
struct GetConnectedDeviceCallback
GetConnectedDeviceCallback(jobject wrapperCallback, jobject javaCallback);
static void OnDeviceConnectedFn(void * context, Messaging::ExchangeManager & exchangeMgr, const SessionHandle & sessionHandle);
static void OnDeviceConnectionFailureFn(void * context, const ScopedNodeId & peerId, CHIP_ERROR error);
Callback::Callback<OnDeviceConnected> mOnSuccess;
Callback::Callback<OnDeviceConnectionFailure> mOnFailure;
jobject mWrapperCallbackRef = nullptr;
jobject mJavaCallbackRef = nullptr;
struct ReportCallback : public app::ClusterStateCache::Callback
/** Subscription established callback can be nullptr. */
ReportCallback(jobject wrapperCallback, jobject subscriptionEstablishedCallback, jobject reportCallback,
jobject resubscriptionAttemptCallback);
void OnReportBegin() override;
void OnReportEnd() override;
void OnAttributeData(const app::ConcreteDataAttributePath & aPath, TLV::TLVReader * apData,
const app::StatusIB & aStatus) override;
void OnEventData(const app::EventHeader & aEventHeader, TLV::TLVReader * apData, const app::StatusIB * apStatus) override;
void OnError(CHIP_ERROR aError) override;
void OnDone(app::ReadClient *) override;
void OnSubscriptionEstablished(SubscriptionId aSubscriptionId) override;
CHIP_ERROR OnResubscriptionNeeded(app::ReadClient * apReadClient, CHIP_ERROR aTerminationCause) override;
void OnDeallocatePaths(app::ReadPrepareParams && aReadPrepareParams) override;
/** Report errors back to Java layer. attributePath may be nullptr for general errors. */
void ReportError(jobject attributePath, jobject eventPath, CHIP_ERROR err);
void ReportError(jobject attributePath, jobject eventPath, Protocols::InteractionModel::Status status);
void ReportError(jobject attributePath, jobject eventPath, const char * message, ChipError::StorageType errorCode);
CHIP_ERROR CreateChipEventPath(const app::ConcreteEventPath & aPath, jobject & outObj);
void UpdateClusterDataVersion();
app::ReadClient * mReadClient = nullptr;
app::ClusterStateCache mClusterCacheAdapter;
jobject mWrapperCallbackRef = nullptr;
jobject mSubscriptionEstablishedCallbackRef = nullptr;
jobject mResubscriptionAttemptCallbackRef = nullptr;
jobject mReportCallbackRef = nullptr;
// NodeState Java object that will be returned to the application.
jobject mNodeStateObj = nullptr;
struct WriteAttributesCallback : public app::WriteClient::Callback
WriteAttributesCallback(jobject wrapperCallback, jobject javaCallback);
app::WriteClient::Callback * GetChunkedWriteCallback() { return &mChunkedWriteCallback; }
void OnResponse(const app::WriteClient * apWriteClient, const app::ConcreteDataAttributePath & aPath,
app::StatusIB aStatus) override;
/** Report errors back to Java layer. attributePath may be nullptr for general errors. */
void OnError(const app::WriteClient * apWriteClient, CHIP_ERROR aProtocolError) override;
void OnDone(app::WriteClient * apWriteClient) override;
void ReportError(jobject attributePath, CHIP_ERROR err);
void ReportError(jobject attributePath, Protocols::InteractionModel::Status status);
void ReportError(jobject attributePath, const char * message, ChipError::StorageType errorCode);
app::WriteClient * mWriteClient = nullptr;
app::ChunkedWriteCallback mChunkedWriteCallback;
jobject mWrapperCallbackRef = nullptr;
jobject mJavaCallbackRef = nullptr;
struct InvokeCallback : public app::CommandSender::Callback
InvokeCallback(jobject wrapperCallback, jobject javaCallback);
void OnResponse(app::CommandSender * apCommandSender, const app::ConcreteCommandPath & aPath, const app::StatusIB & aStatusIB,
TLV::TLVReader * apData) override;
/** Report errors back to Java layer. attributePath may be nullptr for general errors. */
void OnError(const app::CommandSender * apCommandSender, CHIP_ERROR aError) override;
void OnDone(app::CommandSender * apCommandSender) override;
CHIP_ERROR CreateInvokeElement(JNIEnv * env, const app::ConcreteCommandPath & aPath, TLV::TLVReader * apData, jobject & outObj);
void ReportError(CHIP_ERROR err);
void ReportError(Protocols::InteractionModel::Status status);
void ReportError(const char * message, ChipError::StorageType errorCode);
app::CommandSender * mCommandSender = nullptr;
jobject mWrapperCallbackRef = nullptr;
jobject mJavaCallbackRef = nullptr;
} // namespace Controller
} // namespace chip