| // This IDL was generated automatically by ZAP. |
| // It is for view/code review purposes only. |
| |
| /** Attributes and commands for putting a device into Identification mode (e.g. flashing a light). */ |
| server cluster Identify = 3 { |
| enum EffectIdentifierEnum : ENUM8 { |
| kBlink = 0; |
| kBreathe = 1; |
| kOkay = 2; |
| kChannelChange = 11; |
| kFinishEffect = 254; |
| kStopEffect = 255; |
| } |
| |
| enum EffectVariantEnum : ENUM8 { |
| kDefault = 0; |
| } |
| |
| enum IdentifyTypeEnum : ENUM8 { |
| kNone = 0; |
| kLightOutput = 1; |
| kVisibleIndicator = 2; |
| kAudibleBeep = 3; |
| kDisplay = 4; |
| kActuator = 5; |
| } |
| |
| attribute int16u identifyTime = 0; |
| readonly attribute IdentifyTypeEnum identifyType = 1; |
| readonly attribute command_id generatedCommandList[] = 65528; |
| readonly attribute command_id acceptedCommandList[] = 65529; |
| readonly attribute event_id eventList[] = 65530; |
| readonly attribute attrib_id attributeList[] = 65531; |
| readonly attribute bitmap32 featureMap = 65532; |
| readonly attribute int16u clusterRevision = 65533; |
| |
| request struct IdentifyRequest { |
| int16u identifyTime = 0; |
| } |
| |
| request struct TriggerEffectRequest { |
| EffectIdentifierEnum effectIdentifier = 0; |
| EffectVariantEnum effectVariant = 1; |
| } |
| |
| command access(invoke: manage) Identify(IdentifyRequest): DefaultSuccess = 0; |
| command access(invoke: manage) TriggerEffect(TriggerEffectRequest): DefaultSuccess = 64; |
| } |
| |
| /** Attributes and commands for group configuration and manipulation. */ |
| server cluster Groups = 4 { |
| bitmap Feature : BITMAP32 { |
| kGroupNames = 0x1; |
| } |
| |
| bitmap NameSupportBitmap : BITMAP8 { |
| kGroupNames = 0x80; |
| } |
| |
| readonly attribute NameSupportBitmap nameSupport = 0; |
| readonly attribute command_id generatedCommandList[] = 65528; |
| readonly attribute command_id acceptedCommandList[] = 65529; |
| readonly attribute event_id eventList[] = 65530; |
| readonly attribute attrib_id attributeList[] = 65531; |
| readonly attribute bitmap32 featureMap = 65532; |
| readonly attribute int16u clusterRevision = 65533; |
| |
| request struct AddGroupRequest { |
| group_id groupID = 0; |
| char_string groupName = 1; |
| } |
| |
| request struct ViewGroupRequest { |
| group_id groupID = 0; |
| } |
| |
| request struct GetGroupMembershipRequest { |
| group_id groupList[] = 0; |
| } |
| |
| request struct RemoveGroupRequest { |
| group_id groupID = 0; |
| } |
| |
| request struct AddGroupIfIdentifyingRequest { |
| group_id groupID = 0; |
| char_string groupName = 1; |
| } |
| |
| response struct AddGroupResponse = 0 { |
| enum8 status = 0; |
| group_id groupID = 1; |
| } |
| |
| response struct ViewGroupResponse = 1 { |
| enum8 status = 0; |
| group_id groupID = 1; |
| char_string groupName = 2; |
| } |
| |
| response struct GetGroupMembershipResponse = 2 { |
| nullable int8u capacity = 0; |
| group_id groupList[] = 1; |
| } |
| |
| response struct RemoveGroupResponse = 3 { |
| enum8 status = 0; |
| group_id groupID = 1; |
| } |
| |
| fabric command access(invoke: manage) AddGroup(AddGroupRequest): AddGroupResponse = 0; |
| fabric command ViewGroup(ViewGroupRequest): ViewGroupResponse = 1; |
| fabric command GetGroupMembership(GetGroupMembershipRequest): GetGroupMembershipResponse = 2; |
| fabric command access(invoke: manage) RemoveGroup(RemoveGroupRequest): RemoveGroupResponse = 3; |
| fabric command access(invoke: manage) RemoveAllGroups(): DefaultSuccess = 4; |
| fabric command access(invoke: manage) AddGroupIfIdentifying(AddGroupIfIdentifyingRequest): DefaultSuccess = 5; |
| } |
| |
| /** Attributes and commands for scene configuration and manipulation. */ |
| server cluster Scenes = 5 { |
| bitmap Feature : BITMAP32 { |
| kSceneNames = 0x1; |
| kExplicit = 0x2; |
| kTableSize = 0x4; |
| kFabricScenes = 0x8; |
| } |
| |
| bitmap ScenesCopyMode : BITMAP8 { |
| kCopyAllScenes = 0x1; |
| } |
| |
| struct AttributeValuePair { |
| attrib_id attributeID = 0; |
| int32u attributeValue = 1; |
| } |
| |
| struct ExtensionFieldSet { |
| cluster_id clusterID = 0; |
| AttributeValuePair attributeValueList[] = 1; |
| } |
| |
| readonly attribute int8u sceneCount = 0; |
| readonly attribute int8u currentScene = 1; |
| readonly attribute group_id currentGroup = 2; |
| readonly attribute boolean sceneValid = 3; |
| readonly attribute bitmap8 nameSupport = 4; |
| readonly attribute nullable node_id lastConfiguredBy = 5; |
| readonly attribute int16u sceneTableSize = 6; |
| readonly attribute int8u remainingCapacity = 7; |
| readonly attribute command_id generatedCommandList[] = 65528; |
| readonly attribute command_id acceptedCommandList[] = 65529; |
| readonly attribute event_id eventList[] = 65530; |
| readonly attribute attrib_id attributeList[] = 65531; |
| readonly attribute bitmap32 featureMap = 65532; |
| readonly attribute int16u clusterRevision = 65533; |
| |
| request struct AddSceneRequest { |
| group_id groupID = 0; |
| int8u sceneID = 1; |
| int16u transitionTime = 2; |
| char_string sceneName = 3; |
| ExtensionFieldSet extensionFieldSets[] = 4; |
| } |
| |
| request struct ViewSceneRequest { |
| group_id groupID = 0; |
| int8u sceneID = 1; |
| } |
| |
| request struct RemoveSceneRequest { |
| group_id groupID = 0; |
| int8u sceneID = 1; |
| } |
| |
| request struct RemoveAllScenesRequest { |
| group_id groupID = 0; |
| } |
| |
| request struct StoreSceneRequest { |
| group_id groupID = 0; |
| int8u sceneID = 1; |
| } |
| |
| request struct RecallSceneRequest { |
| group_id groupID = 0; |
| int8u sceneID = 1; |
| optional nullable int16u transitionTime = 2; |
| } |
| |
| request struct GetSceneMembershipRequest { |
| group_id groupID = 0; |
| } |
| |
| response struct AddSceneResponse = 0 { |
| status status = 0; |
| group_id groupID = 1; |
| int8u sceneID = 2; |
| } |
| |
| response struct ViewSceneResponse = 1 { |
| status status = 0; |
| group_id groupID = 1; |
| int8u sceneID = 2; |
| optional int16u transitionTime = 3; |
| optional char_string sceneName = 4; |
| optional ExtensionFieldSet extensionFieldSets[] = 5; |
| } |
| |
| response struct RemoveSceneResponse = 2 { |
| status status = 0; |
| group_id groupID = 1; |
| int8u sceneID = 2; |
| } |
| |
| response struct RemoveAllScenesResponse = 3 { |
| status status = 0; |
| group_id groupID = 1; |
| } |
| |
| response struct StoreSceneResponse = 4 { |
| status status = 0; |
| group_id groupID = 1; |
| int8u sceneID = 2; |
| } |
| |
| response struct GetSceneMembershipResponse = 6 { |
| status status = 0; |
| nullable int8u capacity = 1; |
| group_id groupID = 2; |
| optional int8u sceneList[] = 3; |
| } |
| |
| fabric command access(invoke: manage) AddScene(AddSceneRequest): AddSceneResponse = 0; |
| fabric command ViewScene(ViewSceneRequest): ViewSceneResponse = 1; |
| fabric command access(invoke: manage) RemoveScene(RemoveSceneRequest): RemoveSceneResponse = 2; |
| fabric command access(invoke: manage) RemoveAllScenes(RemoveAllScenesRequest): RemoveAllScenesResponse = 3; |
| fabric command access(invoke: manage) StoreScene(StoreSceneRequest): StoreSceneResponse = 4; |
| fabric command RecallScene(RecallSceneRequest): DefaultSuccess = 5; |
| fabric command GetSceneMembership(GetSceneMembershipRequest): GetSceneMembershipResponse = 6; |
| } |
| |
| /** Attributes and commands for switching devices between 'On' and 'Off' states. */ |
| server cluster OnOff = 6 { |
| enum DelayedAllOffEffectVariantEnum : ENUM8 { |
| kDelayedOffFastFade = 0; |
| kNoFade = 1; |
| kDelayedOffSlowFade = 2; |
| } |
| |
| enum DyingLightEffectVariantEnum : ENUM8 { |
| kDyingLightFadeOff = 0; |
| } |
| |
| enum EffectIdentifierEnum : ENUM8 { |
| kDelayedAllOff = 0; |
| kDyingLight = 1; |
| } |
| |
| enum StartUpOnOffEnum : ENUM8 { |
| kOff = 0; |
| kOn = 1; |
| kToggle = 2; |
| } |
| |
| bitmap Feature : BITMAP32 { |
| kLighting = 0x1; |
| kDeadFrontBehavior = 0x2; |
| } |
| |
| bitmap OnOffControlBitmap : BITMAP8 { |
| kAcceptOnlyWhenOn = 0x1; |
| } |
| |
| readonly attribute boolean onOff = 0; |
| readonly attribute boolean globalSceneControl = 16384; |
| attribute int16u onTime = 16385; |
| attribute int16u offWaitTime = 16386; |
| attribute access(write: manage) nullable StartUpOnOffEnum startUpOnOff = 16387; |
| readonly attribute command_id generatedCommandList[] = 65528; |
| readonly attribute command_id acceptedCommandList[] = 65529; |
| readonly attribute event_id eventList[] = 65530; |
| readonly attribute attrib_id attributeList[] = 65531; |
| readonly attribute bitmap32 featureMap = 65532; |
| readonly attribute int16u clusterRevision = 65533; |
| |
| request struct OffWithEffectRequest { |
| EffectIdentifierEnum effectIdentifier = 0; |
| int8u effectVariant = 1; |
| } |
| |
| request struct OnWithTimedOffRequest { |
| OnOffControlBitmap onOffControl = 0; |
| int16u onTime = 1; |
| int16u offWaitTime = 2; |
| } |
| |
| command Off(): DefaultSuccess = 0; |
| command On(): DefaultSuccess = 1; |
| command Toggle(): DefaultSuccess = 2; |
| command OffWithEffect(OffWithEffectRequest): DefaultSuccess = 64; |
| command OnWithRecallGlobalScene(): DefaultSuccess = 65; |
| command OnWithTimedOff(OnWithTimedOffRequest): DefaultSuccess = 66; |
| } |
| |
| /** Attributes and commands for controlling devices that can be set to a level between fully 'On' and fully 'Off.' */ |
| server cluster LevelControl = 8 { |
| enum MoveMode : ENUM8 { |
| kUp = 0; |
| kDown = 1; |
| } |
| |
| enum StepMode : ENUM8 { |
| kUp = 0; |
| kDown = 1; |
| } |
| |
| bitmap Feature : BITMAP32 { |
| kOnOff = 0x1; |
| kLighting = 0x2; |
| kFrequency = 0x4; |
| } |
| |
| bitmap LevelControlOptions : BITMAP8 { |
| kExecuteIfOff = 0x1; |
| kCoupleColorTempToLevel = 0x2; |
| } |
| |
| readonly attribute nullable int8u currentLevel = 0; |
| readonly attribute int16u remainingTime = 1; |
| attribute LevelControlOptions options = 15; |
| attribute nullable int8u onLevel = 17; |
| attribute access(write: manage) nullable int8u startUpCurrentLevel = 16384; |
| readonly attribute command_id generatedCommandList[] = 65528; |
| readonly attribute command_id acceptedCommandList[] = 65529; |
| readonly attribute event_id eventList[] = 65530; |
| readonly attribute attrib_id attributeList[] = 65531; |
| readonly attribute bitmap32 featureMap = 65532; |
| readonly attribute int16u clusterRevision = 65533; |
| |
| request struct MoveToLevelRequest { |
| int8u level = 0; |
| nullable int16u transitionTime = 1; |
| LevelControlOptions optionsMask = 2; |
| LevelControlOptions optionsOverride = 3; |
| } |
| |
| request struct MoveRequest { |
| MoveMode moveMode = 0; |
| nullable int8u rate = 1; |
| LevelControlOptions optionsMask = 2; |
| LevelControlOptions optionsOverride = 3; |
| } |
| |
| request struct StepRequest { |
| StepMode stepMode = 0; |
| int8u stepSize = 1; |
| nullable int16u transitionTime = 2; |
| LevelControlOptions optionsMask = 3; |
| LevelControlOptions optionsOverride = 4; |
| } |
| |
| request struct StopRequest { |
| LevelControlOptions optionsMask = 0; |
| LevelControlOptions optionsOverride = 1; |
| } |
| |
| request struct MoveToLevelWithOnOffRequest { |
| int8u level = 0; |
| nullable int16u transitionTime = 1; |
| LevelControlOptions optionsMask = 2; |
| LevelControlOptions optionsOverride = 3; |
| } |
| |
| request struct MoveWithOnOffRequest { |
| MoveMode moveMode = 0; |
| nullable int8u rate = 1; |
| LevelControlOptions optionsMask = 2; |
| LevelControlOptions optionsOverride = 3; |
| } |
| |
| request struct StepWithOnOffRequest { |
| StepMode stepMode = 0; |
| int8u stepSize = 1; |
| nullable int16u transitionTime = 2; |
| LevelControlOptions optionsMask = 3; |
| LevelControlOptions optionsOverride = 4; |
| } |
| |
| request struct StopWithOnOffRequest { |
| LevelControlOptions optionsMask = 0; |
| LevelControlOptions optionsOverride = 1; |
| } |
| |
| command MoveToLevel(MoveToLevelRequest): DefaultSuccess = 0; |
| command Move(MoveRequest): DefaultSuccess = 1; |
| command Step(StepRequest): DefaultSuccess = 2; |
| command Stop(StopRequest): DefaultSuccess = 3; |
| command MoveToLevelWithOnOff(MoveToLevelWithOnOffRequest): DefaultSuccess = 4; |
| command MoveWithOnOff(MoveWithOnOffRequest): DefaultSuccess = 5; |
| command StepWithOnOff(StepWithOnOffRequest): DefaultSuccess = 6; |
| command StopWithOnOff(StopWithOnOffRequest): DefaultSuccess = 7; |
| } |
| |
| /** The Descriptor Cluster is meant to replace the support from the Zigbee Device Object (ZDO) for describing a node, its endpoints and clusters. */ |
| server cluster Descriptor = 29 { |
| bitmap Feature : BITMAP32 { |
| kTagList = 0x1; |
| } |
| |
| struct DeviceTypeStruct { |
| devtype_id deviceType = 0; |
| int16u revision = 1; |
| } |
| |
| struct SemanticTagStruct { |
| nullable vendor_id mfgCode = 0; |
| enum8 namespaceID = 1; |
| enum8 tag = 2; |
| optional nullable char_string label = 3; |
| } |
| |
| readonly attribute DeviceTypeStruct deviceTypeList[] = 0; |
| readonly attribute cluster_id serverList[] = 1; |
| readonly attribute cluster_id clientList[] = 2; |
| readonly attribute endpoint_no partsList[] = 3; |
| readonly attribute command_id generatedCommandList[] = 65528; |
| readonly attribute command_id acceptedCommandList[] = 65529; |
| readonly attribute event_id eventList[] = 65530; |
| readonly attribute attrib_id attributeList[] = 65531; |
| readonly attribute bitmap32 featureMap = 65532; |
| readonly attribute int16u clusterRevision = 65533; |
| } |
| |
| /** The Binding Cluster is meant to replace the support from the Zigbee Device Object (ZDO) for supporting the binding table. */ |
| server cluster Binding = 30 { |
| fabric_scoped struct TargetStruct { |
| optional node_id node = 1; |
| optional group_id group = 2; |
| optional endpoint_no endpoint = 3; |
| optional cluster_id cluster = 4; |
| fabric_idx fabricIndex = 254; |
| } |
| |
| attribute TargetStruct binding[] = 0; |
| readonly attribute command_id generatedCommandList[] = 65528; |
| readonly attribute command_id acceptedCommandList[] = 65529; |
| readonly attribute event_id eventList[] = 65530; |
| readonly attribute attrib_id attributeList[] = 65531; |
| readonly attribute bitmap32 featureMap = 65532; |
| readonly attribute int16u clusterRevision = 65533; |
| } |
| |
| /** The Access Control Cluster exposes a data model view of a |
| Node's Access Control List (ACL), which codifies the rules used to manage |
| and enforce Access Control for the Node's endpoints and their associated |
| cluster instances. */ |
| server cluster AccessControl = 31 { |
| enum AccessControlEntryAuthModeEnum : ENUM8 { |
| kPASE = 1; |
| kCASE = 2; |
| kGroup = 3; |
| } |
| |
| enum AccessControlEntryPrivilegeEnum : ENUM8 { |
| kView = 1; |
| kProxyView = 2; |
| kOperate = 3; |
| kManage = 4; |
| kAdminister = 5; |
| } |
| |
| enum ChangeTypeEnum : ENUM8 { |
| kChanged = 0; |
| kAdded = 1; |
| kRemoved = 2; |
| } |
| |
| struct AccessControlTargetStruct { |
| nullable cluster_id cluster = 0; |
| nullable endpoint_no endpoint = 1; |
| nullable devtype_id deviceType = 2; |
| } |
| |
| fabric_scoped struct AccessControlEntryStruct { |
| fabric_sensitive AccessControlEntryPrivilegeEnum privilege = 1; |
| fabric_sensitive AccessControlEntryAuthModeEnum authMode = 2; |
| nullable fabric_sensitive int64u subjects[] = 3; |
| nullable fabric_sensitive AccessControlTargetStruct targets[] = 4; |
| fabric_idx fabricIndex = 254; |
| } |
| |
| fabric_scoped struct AccessControlExtensionStruct { |
| fabric_sensitive octet_string<128> data = 1; |
| fabric_idx fabricIndex = 254; |
| } |
| |
| fabric_sensitive info event access(read: administer) AccessControlEntryChanged = 0 { |
| nullable node_id adminNodeID = 1; |
| nullable int16u adminPasscodeID = 2; |
| ChangeTypeEnum changeType = 3; |
| nullable AccessControlEntryStruct latestValue = 4; |
| fabric_idx fabricIndex = 254; |
| } |
| |
| fabric_sensitive info event access(read: administer) AccessControlExtensionChanged = 1 { |
| nullable node_id adminNodeID = 1; |
| nullable int16u adminPasscodeID = 2; |
| ChangeTypeEnum changeType = 3; |
| nullable AccessControlExtensionStruct latestValue = 4; |
| fabric_idx fabricIndex = 254; |
| } |
| |
| attribute access(read: administer, write: administer) AccessControlEntryStruct acl[] = 0; |
| attribute access(read: administer, write: administer) AccessControlExtensionStruct extension[] = 1; |
| readonly attribute int16u subjectsPerAccessControlEntry = 2; |
| readonly attribute int16u targetsPerAccessControlEntry = 3; |
| readonly attribute int16u accessControlEntriesPerFabric = 4; |
| readonly attribute command_id generatedCommandList[] = 65528; |
| readonly attribute command_id acceptedCommandList[] = 65529; |
| readonly attribute event_id eventList[] = 65530; |
| readonly attribute attrib_id attributeList[] = 65531; |
| readonly attribute bitmap32 featureMap = 65532; |
| readonly attribute int16u clusterRevision = 65533; |
| } |
| |
| /** This cluster provides a standardized way for a Node (typically a Bridge, but could be any Node) to expose action information. */ |
| server cluster Actions = 37 { |
| enum ActionErrorEnum : ENUM8 { |
| kUnknown = 0; |
| kInterrupted = 1; |
| } |
| |
| enum ActionStateEnum : ENUM8 { |
| kInactive = 0; |
| kActive = 1; |
| kPaused = 2; |
| kDisabled = 3; |
| } |
| |
| enum ActionTypeEnum : ENUM8 { |
| kOther = 0; |
| kScene = 1; |
| kSequence = 2; |
| kAutomation = 3; |
| kException = 4; |
| kNotification = 5; |
| kAlarm = 6; |
| } |
| |
| enum EndpointListTypeEnum : ENUM8 { |
| kOther = 0; |
| kRoom = 1; |
| kZone = 2; |
| } |
| |
| bitmap CommandBits : BITMAP16 { |
| kInstantAction = 0x1; |
| kInstantActionWithTransition = 0x2; |
| kStartAction = 0x4; |
| kStartActionWithDuration = 0x8; |
| kStopAction = 0x10; |
| kPauseAction = 0x20; |
| kPauseActionWithDuration = 0x40; |
| kResumeAction = 0x80; |
| kEnableAction = 0x100; |
| kEnableActionWithDuration = 0x200; |
| kDisableAction = 0x400; |
| kDisableActionWithDuration = 0x800; |
| } |
| |
| struct ActionStruct { |
| int16u actionID = 0; |
| char_string<32> name = 1; |
| ActionTypeEnum type = 2; |
| int16u endpointListID = 3; |
| CommandBits supportedCommands = 4; |
| ActionStateEnum state = 5; |
| } |
| |
| struct EndpointListStruct { |
| int16u endpointListID = 0; |
| char_string<32> name = 1; |
| EndpointListTypeEnum type = 2; |
| endpoint_no endpoints[] = 3; |
| } |
| |
| info event StateChanged = 0 { |
| int16u actionID = 0; |
| int32u invokeID = 1; |
| ActionStateEnum newState = 2; |
| } |
| |
| info event ActionFailed = 1 { |
| int16u actionID = 0; |
| int32u invokeID = 1; |
| ActionStateEnum newState = 2; |
| ActionErrorEnum error = 3; |
| } |
| |
| readonly attribute ActionStruct actionList[] = 0; |
| readonly attribute EndpointListStruct endpointLists[] = 1; |
| readonly attribute command_id generatedCommandList[] = 65528; |
| readonly attribute command_id acceptedCommandList[] = 65529; |
| readonly attribute event_id eventList[] = 65530; |
| readonly attribute attrib_id attributeList[] = 65531; |
| readonly attribute bitmap32 featureMap = 65532; |
| readonly attribute int16u clusterRevision = 65533; |
| } |
| |
| /** This cluster provides attributes and events for determining basic information about Nodes, which supports both |
| Commissioning and operational determination of Node characteristics, such as Vendor ID, Product ID and serial number, |
| which apply to the whole Node. Also allows setting user device information such as location. */ |
| server cluster BasicInformation = 40 { |
| enum ColorEnum : ENUM8 { |
| kBlack = 0; |
| kNavy = 1; |
| kGreen = 2; |
| kTeal = 3; |
| kMaroon = 4; |
| kPurple = 5; |
| kOlive = 6; |
| kGray = 7; |
| kBlue = 8; |
| kLime = 9; |
| kAqua = 10; |
| kRed = 11; |
| kFuchsia = 12; |
| kYellow = 13; |
| kWhite = 14; |
| kNickel = 15; |
| kChrome = 16; |
| kBrass = 17; |
| kCopper = 18; |
| kSilver = 19; |
| kGold = 20; |
| } |
| |
| enum ProductFinishEnum : ENUM8 { |
| kOther = 0; |
| kMatte = 1; |
| kSatin = 2; |
| kPolished = 3; |
| kRugged = 4; |
| kFabric = 5; |
| } |
| |
| struct CapabilityMinimaStruct { |
| int16u caseSessionsPerFabric = 0; |
| int16u subscriptionsPerFabric = 1; |
| } |
| |
| struct ProductAppearanceStruct { |
| ProductFinishEnum finish = 0; |
| nullable ColorEnum primaryColor = 1; |
| } |
| |
| critical event StartUp = 0 { |
| int32u softwareVersion = 0; |
| } |
| |
| critical event ShutDown = 1 { |
| } |
| |
| info event Leave = 2 { |
| fabric_idx fabricIndex = 0; |
| } |
| |
| info event ReachableChanged = 3 { |
| boolean reachableNewValue = 0; |
| } |
| |
| readonly attribute int16u dataModelRevision = 0; |
| readonly attribute char_string<32> vendorName = 1; |
| readonly attribute vendor_id vendorID = 2; |
| readonly attribute char_string<32> productName = 3; |
| readonly attribute int16u productID = 4; |
| attribute access(write: manage) char_string<32> nodeLabel = 5; |
| attribute access(write: administer) char_string<2> location = 6; |
| readonly attribute int16u hardwareVersion = 7; |
| readonly attribute char_string<64> hardwareVersionString = 8; |
| readonly attribute int32u softwareVersion = 9; |
| readonly attribute char_string<64> softwareVersionString = 10; |
| readonly attribute CapabilityMinimaStruct capabilityMinima = 19; |
| readonly attribute command_id generatedCommandList[] = 65528; |
| readonly attribute command_id acceptedCommandList[] = 65529; |
| readonly attribute event_id eventList[] = 65530; |
| readonly attribute attrib_id attributeList[] = 65531; |
| readonly attribute bitmap32 featureMap = 65532; |
| readonly attribute int16u clusterRevision = 65533; |
| } |
| |
| /** Provides an interface for providing OTA software updates */ |
| client cluster OtaSoftwareUpdateProvider = 41 { |
| enum ApplyUpdateActionEnum : ENUM8 { |
| kProceed = 0; |
| kAwaitNextAction = 1; |
| kDiscontinue = 2; |
| } |
| |
| enum DownloadProtocolEnum : ENUM8 { |
| kBDXSynchronous = 0; |
| kBDXAsynchronous = 1; |
| kHTTPS = 2; |
| kVendorSpecific = 3; |
| } |
| |
| enum StatusEnum : ENUM8 { |
| kUpdateAvailable = 0; |
| kBusy = 1; |
| kNotAvailable = 2; |
| kDownloadProtocolNotSupported = 3; |
| } |
| |
| readonly attribute command_id generatedCommandList[] = 65528; |
| readonly attribute command_id acceptedCommandList[] = 65529; |
| readonly attribute event_id eventList[] = 65530; |
| readonly attribute attrib_id attributeList[] = 65531; |
| readonly attribute bitmap32 featureMap = 65532; |
| readonly attribute int16u clusterRevision = 65533; |
| |
| request struct QueryImageRequest { |
| vendor_id vendorID = 0; |
| int16u productID = 1; |
| int32u softwareVersion = 2; |
| DownloadProtocolEnum protocolsSupported[] = 3; |
| optional int16u hardwareVersion = 4; |
| optional char_string<2> location = 5; |
| optional boolean requestorCanConsent = 6; |
| optional octet_string<512> metadataForProvider = 7; |
| } |
| |
| response struct QueryImageResponse = 1 { |
| StatusEnum status = 0; |
| optional int32u delayedActionTime = 1; |
| optional char_string<256> imageURI = 2; |
| optional int32u softwareVersion = 3; |
| optional char_string<64> softwareVersionString = 4; |
| optional octet_string<32> updateToken = 5; |
| optional boolean userConsentNeeded = 6; |
| optional octet_string<512> metadataForRequestor = 7; |
| } |
| |
| request struct ApplyUpdateRequestRequest { |
| octet_string<32> updateToken = 0; |
| int32u newVersion = 1; |
| } |
| |
| response struct ApplyUpdateResponse = 3 { |
| ApplyUpdateActionEnum action = 0; |
| int32u delayedActionTime = 1; |
| } |
| |
| request struct NotifyUpdateAppliedRequest { |
| octet_string<32> updateToken = 0; |
| int32u softwareVersion = 1; |
| } |
| |
| /** Determine availability of a new Software Image */ |
| command QueryImage(QueryImageRequest): QueryImageResponse = 0; |
| /** Determine next action to take for a downloaded Software Image */ |
| command ApplyUpdateRequest(ApplyUpdateRequestRequest): ApplyUpdateResponse = 2; |
| /** Notify OTA Provider that an update was applied */ |
| command NotifyUpdateApplied(NotifyUpdateAppliedRequest): DefaultSuccess = 4; |
| } |
| |
| /** Provides an interface for downloading and applying OTA software updates */ |
| server cluster OtaSoftwareUpdateRequestor = 42 { |
| enum AnnouncementReasonEnum : ENUM8 { |
| kSimpleAnnouncement = 0; |
| kUpdateAvailable = 1; |
| kUrgentUpdateAvailable = 2; |
| } |
| |
| enum ChangeReasonEnum : ENUM8 { |
| kUnknown = 0; |
| kSuccess = 1; |
| kFailure = 2; |
| kTimeOut = 3; |
| kDelayByProvider = 4; |
| } |
| |
| enum UpdateStateEnum : ENUM8 { |
| kUnknown = 0; |
| kIdle = 1; |
| kQuerying = 2; |
| kDelayedOnQuery = 3; |
| kDownloading = 4; |
| kApplying = 5; |
| kDelayedOnApply = 6; |
| kRollingBack = 7; |
| kDelayedOnUserConsent = 8; |
| } |
| |
| fabric_scoped struct ProviderLocation { |
| node_id providerNodeID = 1; |
| endpoint_no endpoint = 2; |
| fabric_idx fabricIndex = 254; |
| } |
| |
| info event StateTransition = 0 { |
| UpdateStateEnum previousState = 0; |
| UpdateStateEnum newState = 1; |
| ChangeReasonEnum reason = 2; |
| nullable int32u targetSoftwareVersion = 3; |
| } |
| |
| critical event VersionApplied = 1 { |
| int32u softwareVersion = 0; |
| int16u productID = 1; |
| } |
| |
| info event DownloadError = 2 { |
| int32u softwareVersion = 0; |
| int64u bytesDownloaded = 1; |
| nullable int8u progressPercent = 2; |
| nullable int64s platformCode = 3; |
| } |
| |
| attribute ProviderLocation defaultOTAProviders[] = 0; |
| readonly attribute boolean updatePossible = 1; |
| readonly attribute UpdateStateEnum updateState = 2; |
| readonly attribute nullable int8u updateStateProgress = 3; |
| readonly attribute command_id generatedCommandList[] = 65528; |
| readonly attribute command_id acceptedCommandList[] = 65529; |
| readonly attribute event_id eventList[] = 65530; |
| readonly attribute attrib_id attributeList[] = 65531; |
| readonly attribute bitmap32 featureMap = 65532; |
| readonly attribute int16u clusterRevision = 65533; |
| |
| request struct AnnounceOTAProviderRequest { |
| node_id providerNodeID = 0; |
| vendor_id vendorID = 1; |
| AnnouncementReasonEnum announcementReason = 2; |
| optional octet_string<512> metadataForNode = 3; |
| endpoint_no endpoint = 4; |
| } |
| |
| command AnnounceOTAProvider(AnnounceOTAProviderRequest): DefaultSuccess = 0; |
| } |
| |
| /** Nodes should be expected to be deployed to any and all regions of the world. These global regions |
| may have differing common languages, units of measurements, and numerical formatting |
| standards. As such, Nodes that visually or audibly convey information need a mechanism by which |
| they can be configured to use a user’s preferred language, units, etc */ |
| server cluster LocalizationConfiguration = 43 { |
| attribute char_string<35> activeLocale = 0; |
| readonly attribute char_string supportedLocales[] = 1; |
| readonly attribute command_id generatedCommandList[] = 65528; |
| readonly attribute command_id acceptedCommandList[] = 65529; |
| readonly attribute event_id eventList[] = 65530; |
| readonly attribute attrib_id attributeList[] = 65531; |
| readonly attribute bitmap32 featureMap = 65532; |
| readonly attribute int16u clusterRevision = 65533; |
| } |
| |
| /** Nodes should be expected to be deployed to any and all regions of the world. These global regions |
| may have differing preferences for how dates and times are conveyed. As such, Nodes that visually |
| or audibly convey time information need a mechanism by which they can be configured to use a |
| user’s preferred format. */ |
| server cluster TimeFormatLocalization = 44 { |
| enum CalendarTypeEnum : ENUM8 { |
| kBuddhist = 0; |
| kChinese = 1; |
| kCoptic = 2; |
| kEthiopian = 3; |
| kGregorian = 4; |
| kHebrew = 5; |
| kIndian = 6; |
| kIslamic = 7; |
| kJapanese = 8; |
| kKorean = 9; |
| kPersian = 10; |
| kTaiwanese = 11; |
| } |
| |
| enum HourFormatEnum : ENUM8 { |
| k12hr = 0; |
| k24hr = 1; |
| } |
| |
| bitmap Feature : BITMAP32 { |
| kCalendarFormat = 0x1; |
| } |
| |
| attribute HourFormatEnum hourFormat = 0; |
| readonly attribute command_id generatedCommandList[] = 65528; |
| readonly attribute command_id acceptedCommandList[] = 65529; |
| readonly attribute event_id eventList[] = 65530; |
| readonly attribute attrib_id attributeList[] = 65531; |
| readonly attribute bitmap32 featureMap = 65532; |
| readonly attribute int16u clusterRevision = 65533; |
| } |
| |
| /** Nodes should be expected to be deployed to any and all regions of the world. These global regions |
| may have differing preferences for the units in which values are conveyed in communication to a |
| user. As such, Nodes that visually or audibly convey measurable values to the user need a |
| mechanism by which they can be configured to use a user’s preferred unit. */ |
| server cluster UnitLocalization = 45 { |
| enum TempUnitEnum : ENUM8 { |
| kFahrenheit = 0; |
| kCelsius = 1; |
| kKelvin = 2; |
| } |
| |
| bitmap Feature : BITMAP32 { |
| kTemperatureUnit = 0x1; |
| } |
| |
| readonly attribute command_id generatedCommandList[] = 65528; |
| readonly attribute command_id acceptedCommandList[] = 65529; |
| readonly attribute event_id eventList[] = 65530; |
| readonly attribute attrib_id attributeList[] = 65531; |
| readonly attribute bitmap32 featureMap = 65532; |
| readonly attribute int16u clusterRevision = 65533; |
| } |
| |
| /** This cluster is used to describe the configuration and capabilities of a physical power source that provides power to the Node. */ |
| server cluster PowerSource = 47 { |
| enum BatApprovedChemistryEnum : ENUM16 { |
| kUnspecified = 0; |
| kAlkaline = 1; |
| kLithiumCarbonFluoride = 2; |
| kLithiumChromiumOxide = 3; |
| kLithiumCopperOxide = 4; |
| kLithiumIronDisulfide = 5; |
| kLithiumManganeseDioxide = 6; |
| kLithiumThionylChloride = 7; |
| kMagnesium = 8; |
| kMercuryOxide = 9; |
| kNickelOxyhydride = 10; |
| kSilverOxide = 11; |
| kZincAir = 12; |
| kZincCarbon = 13; |
| kZincChloride = 14; |
| kZincManganeseDioxide = 15; |
| kLeadAcid = 16; |
| kLithiumCobaltOxide = 17; |
| kLithiumIon = 18; |
| kLithiumIonPolymer = 19; |
| kLithiumIronPhosphate = 20; |
| kLithiumSulfur = 21; |
| kLithiumTitanate = 22; |
| kNickelCadmium = 23; |
| kNickelHydrogen = 24; |
| kNickelIron = 25; |
| kNickelMetalHydride = 26; |
| kNickelZinc = 27; |
| kSilverZinc = 28; |
| kSodiumIon = 29; |
| kSodiumSulfur = 30; |
| kZincBromide = 31; |
| kZincCerium = 32; |
| } |
| |
| enum BatChargeFaultEnum : ENUM8 { |
| kUnspecified = 0; |
| kAmbientTooHot = 1; |
| kAmbientTooCold = 2; |
| kBatteryTooHot = 3; |
| kBatteryTooCold = 4; |
| kBatteryAbsent = 5; |
| kBatteryOverVoltage = 6; |
| kBatteryUnderVoltage = 7; |
| kChargerOverVoltage = 8; |
| kChargerUnderVoltage = 9; |
| kSafetyTimeout = 10; |
| } |
| |
| enum BatChargeLevelEnum : ENUM8 { |
| kOK = 0; |
| kWarning = 1; |
| kCritical = 2; |
| } |
| |
| enum BatChargeStateEnum : ENUM8 { |
| kUnknown = 0; |
| kIsCharging = 1; |
| kIsAtFullCharge = 2; |
| kIsNotCharging = 3; |
| } |
| |
| enum BatCommonDesignationEnum : ENUM16 { |
| kUnspecified = 0; |
| kAAA = 1; |
| kAA = 2; |
| kC = 3; |
| kD = 4; |
| k4v5 = 5; |
| k6v0 = 6; |
| k9v0 = 7; |
| k12AA = 8; |
| kAAAA = 9; |
| kA = 10; |
| kB = 11; |
| kF = 12; |
| kN = 13; |
| kNo6 = 14; |
| kSubC = 15; |
| kA23 = 16; |
| kA27 = 17; |
| kBA5800 = 18; |
| kDuplex = 19; |
| k4SR44 = 20; |
| k523 = 21; |
| k531 = 22; |
| k15v0 = 23; |
| k22v5 = 24; |
| k30v0 = 25; |
| k45v0 = 26; |
| k67v5 = 27; |
| kJ = 28; |
| kCR123A = 29; |
| kCR2 = 30; |
| k2CR5 = 31; |
| kCRP2 = 32; |
| kCRV3 = 33; |
| kSR41 = 34; |
| kSR43 = 35; |
| kSR44 = 36; |
| kSR45 = 37; |
| kSR48 = 38; |
| kSR54 = 39; |
| kSR55 = 40; |
| kSR57 = 41; |
| kSR58 = 42; |
| kSR59 = 43; |
| kSR60 = 44; |
| kSR63 = 45; |
| kSR64 = 46; |
| kSR65 = 47; |
| kSR66 = 48; |
| kSR67 = 49; |
| kSR68 = 50; |
| kSR69 = 51; |
| kSR516 = 52; |
| kSR731 = 53; |
| kSR712 = 54; |
| kLR932 = 55; |
| kA5 = 56; |
| kA10 = 57; |
| kA13 = 58; |
| kA312 = 59; |
| kA675 = 60; |
| kAC41E = 61; |
| k10180 = 62; |
| k10280 = 63; |
| k10440 = 64; |
| k14250 = 65; |
| k14430 = 66; |
| k14500 = 67; |
| k14650 = 68; |
| k15270 = 69; |
| k16340 = 70; |
| kRCR123A = 71; |
| k17500 = 72; |
| k17670 = 73; |
| k18350 = 74; |
| k18500 = 75; |
| k18650 = 76; |
| k19670 = 77; |
| k25500 = 78; |
| k26650 = 79; |
| k32600 = 80; |
| } |
| |
| enum BatFaultEnum : ENUM8 { |
| kUnspecified = 0; |
| kOverTemp = 1; |
| kUnderTemp = 2; |
| } |
| |
| enum BatReplaceabilityEnum : ENUM8 { |
| kUnspecified = 0; |
| kNotReplaceable = 1; |
| kUserReplaceable = 2; |
| kFactoryReplaceable = 3; |
| } |
| |
| enum PowerSourceStatusEnum : ENUM8 { |
| kUnspecified = 0; |
| kActive = 1; |
| kStandby = 2; |
| kUnavailable = 3; |
| } |
| |
| enum WiredCurrentTypeEnum : ENUM8 { |
| kAC = 0; |
| kDC = 1; |
| } |
| |
| enum WiredFaultEnum : ENUM8 { |
| kUnspecified = 0; |
| kOverVoltage = 1; |
| kUnderVoltage = 2; |
| } |
| |
| bitmap Feature : BITMAP32 { |
| kWired = 0x1; |
| kBattery = 0x2; |
| kRechargeable = 0x4; |
| kReplaceable = 0x8; |
| } |
| |
| struct BatChargeFaultChangeType { |
| BatChargeFaultEnum current[] = 0; |
| BatChargeFaultEnum previous[] = 1; |
| } |
| |
| struct BatFaultChangeType { |
| BatFaultEnum current[] = 0; |
| BatFaultEnum previous[] = 1; |
| } |
| |
| struct WiredFaultChangeType { |
| WiredFaultEnum current[] = 0; |
| WiredFaultEnum previous[] = 1; |
| } |
| |
| info event WiredFaultChange = 0 { |
| WiredFaultEnum current[] = 0; |
| WiredFaultEnum previous[] = 1; |
| } |
| |
| info event BatFaultChange = 1 { |
| BatFaultEnum current[] = 0; |
| BatFaultEnum previous[] = 1; |
| } |
| |
| info event BatChargeFaultChange = 2 { |
| BatChargeFaultEnum current[] = 0; |
| BatChargeFaultEnum previous[] = 1; |
| } |
| |
| readonly attribute PowerSourceStatusEnum status = 0; |
| readonly attribute int8u order = 1; |
| readonly attribute char_string<60> description = 2; |
| readonly attribute endpoint_no endpointList[] = 31; |
| readonly attribute command_id generatedCommandList[] = 65528; |
| readonly attribute command_id acceptedCommandList[] = 65529; |
| readonly attribute event_id eventList[] = 65530; |
| readonly attribute attrib_id attributeList[] = 65531; |
| readonly attribute bitmap32 featureMap = 65532; |
| readonly attribute int16u clusterRevision = 65533; |
| } |
| |
| /** This cluster is used to manage global aspects of the Commissioning flow. */ |
| server cluster GeneralCommissioning = 48 { |
| enum CommissioningErrorEnum : ENUM8 { |
| kOK = 0; |
| kValueOutsideRange = 1; |
| kInvalidAuthentication = 2; |
| kNoFailSafe = 3; |
| kBusyWithOtherAdmin = 4; |
| } |
| |
| enum RegulatoryLocationTypeEnum : ENUM8 { |
| kIndoor = 0; |
| kOutdoor = 1; |
| kIndoorOutdoor = 2; |
| } |
| |
| struct BasicCommissioningInfo { |
| int16u failSafeExpiryLengthSeconds = 0; |
| int16u maxCumulativeFailsafeSeconds = 1; |
| } |
| |
| attribute access(write: administer) int64u breadcrumb = 0; |
| readonly attribute BasicCommissioningInfo basicCommissioningInfo = 1; |
| readonly attribute RegulatoryLocationTypeEnum regulatoryConfig = 2; |
| readonly attribute RegulatoryLocationTypeEnum locationCapability = 3; |
| readonly attribute boolean supportsConcurrentConnection = 4; |
| readonly attribute command_id generatedCommandList[] = 65528; |
| readonly attribute command_id acceptedCommandList[] = 65529; |
| readonly attribute event_id eventList[] = 65530; |
| readonly attribute attrib_id attributeList[] = 65531; |
| readonly attribute bitmap32 featureMap = 65532; |
| readonly attribute int16u clusterRevision = 65533; |
| |
| request struct ArmFailSafeRequest { |
| int16u expiryLengthSeconds = 0; |
| int64u breadcrumb = 1; |
| } |
| |
| request struct SetRegulatoryConfigRequest { |
| RegulatoryLocationTypeEnum newRegulatoryConfig = 0; |
| char_string countryCode = 1; |
| int64u breadcrumb = 2; |
| } |
| |
| response struct ArmFailSafeResponse = 1 { |
| CommissioningErrorEnum errorCode = 0; |
| char_string debugText = 1; |
| } |
| |
| response struct SetRegulatoryConfigResponse = 3 { |
| CommissioningErrorEnum errorCode = 0; |
| char_string debugText = 1; |
| } |
| |
| response struct CommissioningCompleteResponse = 5 { |
| CommissioningErrorEnum errorCode = 0; |
| char_string debugText = 1; |
| } |
| |
| command access(invoke: administer) ArmFailSafe(ArmFailSafeRequest): ArmFailSafeResponse = 0; |
| command access(invoke: administer) SetRegulatoryConfig(SetRegulatoryConfigRequest): SetRegulatoryConfigResponse = 2; |
| fabric command access(invoke: administer) CommissioningComplete(): CommissioningCompleteResponse = 4; |
| } |
| |
| /** Functionality to configure, enable, disable network credentials and access on a Matter device. */ |
| server cluster NetworkCommissioning = 49 { |
| enum NetworkCommissioningStatusEnum : ENUM8 { |
| kSuccess = 0; |
| kOutOfRange = 1; |
| kBoundsExceeded = 2; |
| kNetworkIDNotFound = 3; |
| kDuplicateNetworkID = 4; |
| kNetworkNotFound = 5; |
| kRegulatoryError = 6; |
| kAuthFailure = 7; |
| kUnsupportedSecurity = 8; |
| kOtherConnectionFailure = 9; |
| kIPV6Failed = 10; |
| kIPBindFailed = 11; |
| kUnknownError = 12; |
| } |
| |
| enum WiFiBandEnum : ENUM8 { |
| k2G4 = 0; |
| k3G65 = 1; |
| k5G = 2; |
| k6G = 3; |
| k60G = 4; |
| k1G = 5; |
| } |
| |
| bitmap Feature : BITMAP32 { |
| kWiFiNetworkInterface = 0x1; |
| kThreadNetworkInterface = 0x2; |
| kEthernetNetworkInterface = 0x4; |
| } |
| |
| bitmap WiFiSecurityBitmap : BITMAP8 { |
| kUnencrypted = 0x1; |
| kWEP = 0x2; |
| kWPAPersonal = 0x4; |
| kWPA2Personal = 0x8; |
| kWPA3Personal = 0x10; |
| } |
| |
| struct NetworkInfoStruct { |
| octet_string<32> networkID = 0; |
| boolean connected = 1; |
| } |
| |
| struct ThreadInterfaceScanResultStruct { |
| int16u panId = 0; |
| int64u extendedPanId = 1; |
| char_string<16> networkName = 2; |
| int16u channel = 3; |
| int8u version = 4; |
| octet_string<8> extendedAddress = 5; |
| int8s rssi = 6; |
| int8u lqi = 7; |
| } |
| |
| struct WiFiInterfaceScanResultStruct { |
| WiFiSecurityBitmap security = 0; |
| octet_string<32> ssid = 1; |
| octet_string<6> bssid = 2; |
| int16u channel = 3; |
| WiFiBandEnum wiFiBand = 4; |
| int8s rssi = 5; |
| } |
| |
| readonly attribute access(read: administer) int8u maxNetworks = 0; |
| readonly attribute access(read: administer) NetworkInfoStruct networks[] = 1; |
| readonly attribute int8u scanMaxTimeSeconds = 2; |
| readonly attribute int8u connectMaxTimeSeconds = 3; |
| attribute access(write: administer) boolean interfaceEnabled = 4; |
| readonly attribute access(read: administer) nullable NetworkCommissioningStatusEnum lastNetworkingStatus = 5; |
| readonly attribute access(read: administer) nullable octet_string<32> lastNetworkID = 6; |
| readonly attribute access(read: administer) nullable int32s lastConnectErrorValue = 7; |
| readonly attribute command_id generatedCommandList[] = 65528; |
| readonly attribute command_id acceptedCommandList[] = 65529; |
| readonly attribute event_id eventList[] = 65530; |
| readonly attribute attrib_id attributeList[] = 65531; |
| readonly attribute bitmap32 featureMap = 65532; |
| readonly attribute int16u clusterRevision = 65533; |
| |
| request struct ScanNetworksRequest { |
| optional nullable octet_string<32> ssid = 0; |
| optional int64u breadcrumb = 1; |
| } |
| |
| request struct AddOrUpdateWiFiNetworkRequest { |
| octet_string<32> ssid = 0; |
| octet_string<64> credentials = 1; |
| optional int64u breadcrumb = 2; |
| } |
| |
| request struct AddOrUpdateThreadNetworkRequest { |
| octet_string<254> operationalDataset = 0; |
| optional int64u breadcrumb = 1; |
| } |
| |
| request struct RemoveNetworkRequest { |
| octet_string<32> networkID = 0; |
| optional int64u breadcrumb = 1; |
| } |
| |
| request struct ConnectNetworkRequest { |
| octet_string<32> networkID = 0; |
| optional int64u breadcrumb = 1; |
| } |
| |
| request struct ReorderNetworkRequest { |
| octet_string<32> networkID = 0; |
| int8u networkIndex = 1; |
| optional int64u breadcrumb = 2; |
| } |
| |
| response struct ScanNetworksResponse = 1 { |
| NetworkCommissioningStatusEnum networkingStatus = 0; |
| optional char_string debugText = 1; |
| optional WiFiInterfaceScanResultStruct wiFiScanResults[] = 2; |
| optional ThreadInterfaceScanResultStruct threadScanResults[] = 3; |
| } |
| |
| response struct NetworkConfigResponse = 5 { |
| NetworkCommissioningStatusEnum networkingStatus = 0; |
| optional char_string<512> debugText = 1; |
| optional int8u networkIndex = 2; |
| } |
| |
| response struct ConnectNetworkResponse = 7 { |
| NetworkCommissioningStatusEnum networkingStatus = 0; |
| optional char_string debugText = 1; |
| nullable int32s errorValue = 2; |
| } |
| |
| command access(invoke: administer) ScanNetworks(ScanNetworksRequest): ScanNetworksResponse = 0; |
| command access(invoke: administer) AddOrUpdateWiFiNetwork(AddOrUpdateWiFiNetworkRequest): NetworkConfigResponse = 2; |
| command access(invoke: administer) AddOrUpdateThreadNetwork(AddOrUpdateThreadNetworkRequest): NetworkConfigResponse = 3; |
| command access(invoke: administer) RemoveNetwork(RemoveNetworkRequest): NetworkConfigResponse = 4; |
| command access(invoke: administer) ConnectNetwork(ConnectNetworkRequest): ConnectNetworkResponse = 6; |
| command access(invoke: administer) ReorderNetwork(ReorderNetworkRequest): NetworkConfigResponse = 8; |
| } |
| |
| /** The cluster provides commands for retrieving unstructured diagnostic logs from a Node that may be used to aid in diagnostics. */ |
| server cluster DiagnosticLogs = 50 { |
| enum IntentEnum : ENUM8 { |
| kEndUserSupport = 0; |
| kNetworkDiag = 1; |
| kCrashLogs = 2; |
| } |
| |
| enum StatusEnum : ENUM8 { |
| kSuccess = 0; |
| kExhausted = 1; |
| kNoLogs = 2; |
| kBusy = 3; |
| kDenied = 4; |
| } |
| |
| enum TransferProtocolEnum : ENUM8 { |
| kResponsePayload = 0; |
| kBDX = 1; |
| } |
| |
| readonly attribute command_id generatedCommandList[] = 65528; |
| readonly attribute command_id acceptedCommandList[] = 65529; |
| readonly attribute event_id eventList[] = 65530; |
| readonly attribute attrib_id attributeList[] = 65531; |
| readonly attribute bitmap32 featureMap = 65532; |
| readonly attribute int16u clusterRevision = 65533; |
| |
| request struct RetrieveLogsRequestRequest { |
| IntentEnum intent = 0; |
| TransferProtocolEnum requestedProtocol = 1; |
| optional char_string<32> transferFileDesignator = 2; |
| } |
| |
| command RetrieveLogsRequest(RetrieveLogsRequestRequest): RetrieveLogsResponse = 0; |
| } |
| |
| /** The General Diagnostics Cluster, along with other diagnostics clusters, provide a means to acquire standardized diagnostics metrics that MAY be used by a Node to assist a user or Administrative Node in diagnosing potential problems. */ |
| server cluster GeneralDiagnostics = 51 { |
| enum BootReasonEnum : ENUM8 { |
| kUnspecified = 0; |
| kPowerOnReboot = 1; |
| kBrownOutReset = 2; |
| kSoftwareWatchdogReset = 3; |
| kHardwareWatchdogReset = 4; |
| kSoftwareUpdateCompleted = 5; |
| kSoftwareReset = 6; |
| } |
| |
| enum HardwareFaultEnum : ENUM8 { |
| kUnspecified = 0; |
| kRadio = 1; |
| kSensor = 2; |
| kResettableOverTemp = 3; |
| kNonResettableOverTemp = 4; |
| kPowerSource = 5; |
| kVisualDisplayFault = 6; |
| kAudioOutputFault = 7; |
| kUserInterfaceFault = 8; |
| kNonVolatileMemoryError = 9; |
| kTamperDetected = 10; |
| } |
| |
| enum InterfaceTypeEnum : ENUM8 { |
| kUnspecified = 0; |
| kWiFi = 1; |
| kEthernet = 2; |
| kCellular = 3; |
| kThread = 4; |
| } |
| |
| enum NetworkFaultEnum : ENUM8 { |
| kUnspecified = 0; |
| kHardwareFailure = 1; |
| kNetworkJammed = 2; |
| kConnectionFailed = 3; |
| } |
| |
| enum RadioFaultEnum : ENUM8 { |
| kUnspecified = 0; |
| kWiFiFault = 1; |
| kCellularFault = 2; |
| kThreadFault = 3; |
| kNFCFault = 4; |
| kBLEFault = 5; |
| kEthernetFault = 6; |
| } |
| |
| struct NetworkInterface { |
| char_string<32> name = 0; |
| boolean isOperational = 1; |
| nullable boolean offPremiseServicesReachableIPv4 = 2; |
| nullable boolean offPremiseServicesReachableIPv6 = 3; |
| octet_string<8> hardwareAddress = 4; |
| octet_string IPv4Addresses[] = 5; |
| octet_string IPv6Addresses[] = 6; |
| InterfaceTypeEnum type = 7; |
| } |
| |
| critical event HardwareFaultChange = 0 { |
| HardwareFaultEnum current[] = 0; |
| HardwareFaultEnum previous[] = 1; |
| } |
| |
| critical event RadioFaultChange = 1 { |
| RadioFaultEnum current[] = 0; |
| RadioFaultEnum previous[] = 1; |
| } |
| |
| critical event NetworkFaultChange = 2 { |
| NetworkFaultEnum current[] = 0; |
| NetworkFaultEnum previous[] = 1; |
| } |
| |
| critical event BootReason = 3 { |
| BootReasonEnum bootReason = 0; |
| } |
| |
| readonly attribute NetworkInterface networkInterfaces[] = 0; |
| readonly attribute int16u rebootCount = 1; |
| readonly attribute boolean testEventTriggersEnabled = 8; |
| readonly attribute command_id generatedCommandList[] = 65528; |
| readonly attribute command_id acceptedCommandList[] = 65529; |
| readonly attribute event_id eventList[] = 65530; |
| readonly attribute attrib_id attributeList[] = 65531; |
| readonly attribute bitmap32 featureMap = 65532; |
| readonly attribute int16u clusterRevision = 65533; |
| |
| request struct TestEventTriggerRequest { |
| octet_string<16> enableKey = 0; |
| int64u eventTrigger = 1; |
| } |
| |
| command access(invoke: manage) TestEventTrigger(TestEventTriggerRequest): DefaultSuccess = 0; |
| } |
| |
| /** The Software Diagnostics Cluster provides a means to acquire standardized diagnostics metrics that MAY be used by a Node to assist a user or Administrative Node in diagnosing potential problems. */ |
| server cluster SoftwareDiagnostics = 52 { |
| bitmap Feature : BITMAP32 { |
| kWaterMarks = 0x1; |
| } |
| |
| struct ThreadMetricsStruct { |
| int64u id = 0; |
| optional char_string<8> name = 1; |
| optional int32u stackFreeCurrent = 2; |
| optional int32u stackFreeMinimum = 3; |
| optional int32u stackSize = 4; |
| } |
| |
| info event SoftwareFault = 0 { |
| int64u id = 0; |
| optional char_string name = 1; |
| optional octet_string faultRecording = 2; |
| } |
| |
| readonly attribute command_id generatedCommandList[] = 65528; |
| readonly attribute command_id acceptedCommandList[] = 65529; |
| readonly attribute event_id eventList[] = 65530; |
| readonly attribute attrib_id attributeList[] = 65531; |
| readonly attribute bitmap32 featureMap = 65532; |
| readonly attribute int16u clusterRevision = 65533; |
| } |
| |
| /** The Thread Network Diagnostics Cluster provides a means to acquire standardized diagnostics metrics that MAY be used by a Node to assist a user or Administrative Node in diagnosing potential problems */ |
| server cluster ThreadNetworkDiagnostics = 53 { |
| enum ConnectionStatusEnum : ENUM8 { |
| kConnected = 0; |
| kNotConnected = 1; |
| } |
| |
| enum NetworkFaultEnum : ENUM8 { |
| kUnspecified = 0; |
| kLinkDown = 1; |
| kHardwareFailure = 2; |
| kNetworkJammed = 3; |
| } |
| |
| enum RoutingRoleEnum : ENUM8 { |
| kUnspecified = 0; |
| kUnassigned = 1; |
| kSleepyEndDevice = 2; |
| kEndDevice = 3; |
| kREED = 4; |
| kRouter = 5; |
| kLeader = 6; |
| } |
| |
| bitmap Feature : BITMAP32 { |
| kPacketCounts = 0x1; |
| kErrorCounts = 0x2; |
| kMLECounts = 0x4; |
| kMACCounts = 0x8; |
| } |
| |
| struct NeighborTableStruct { |
| int64u extAddress = 0; |
| int32u age = 1; |
| int16u rloc16 = 2; |
| int32u linkFrameCounter = 3; |
| int32u mleFrameCounter = 4; |
| int8u lqi = 5; |
| nullable int8s averageRssi = 6; |
| nullable int8s lastRssi = 7; |
| int8u frameErrorRate = 8; |
| int8u messageErrorRate = 9; |
| boolean rxOnWhenIdle = 10; |
| boolean fullThreadDevice = 11; |
| boolean fullNetworkData = 12; |
| boolean isChild = 13; |
| } |
| |
| struct OperationalDatasetComponents { |
| boolean activeTimestampPresent = 0; |
| boolean pendingTimestampPresent = 1; |
| boolean masterKeyPresent = 2; |
| boolean networkNamePresent = 3; |
| boolean extendedPanIdPresent = 4; |
| boolean meshLocalPrefixPresent = 5; |
| boolean delayPresent = 6; |
| boolean panIdPresent = 7; |
| boolean channelPresent = 8; |
| boolean pskcPresent = 9; |
| boolean securityPolicyPresent = 10; |
| boolean channelMaskPresent = 11; |
| } |
| |
| struct RouteTableStruct { |
| int64u extAddress = 0; |
| int16u rloc16 = 1; |
| int8u routerId = 2; |
| int8u nextHop = 3; |
| int8u pathCost = 4; |
| int8u LQIIn = 5; |
| int8u LQIOut = 6; |
| int8u age = 7; |
| boolean allocated = 8; |
| boolean linkEstablished = 9; |
| } |
| |
| struct SecurityPolicy { |
| int16u rotationTime = 0; |
| int16u flags = 1; |
| } |
| |
| info event ConnectionStatus = 0 { |
| ConnectionStatusEnum connectionStatus = 0; |
| } |
| |
| info event NetworkFaultChange = 1 { |
| NetworkFaultEnum current[] = 0; |
| NetworkFaultEnum previous[] = 1; |
| } |
| |
| readonly attribute nullable int16u channel = 0; |
| readonly attribute nullable RoutingRoleEnum routingRole = 1; |
| readonly attribute nullable char_string<16> networkName = 2; |
| readonly attribute nullable int16u panId = 3; |
| readonly attribute nullable int64u extendedPanId = 4; |
| readonly attribute nullable octet_string<17> meshLocalPrefix = 5; |
| readonly attribute NeighborTableStruct neighborTable[] = 7; |
| readonly attribute RouteTableStruct routeTable[] = 8; |
| readonly attribute nullable int32u partitionId = 9; |
| readonly attribute nullable int8u weighting = 10; |
| readonly attribute nullable int8u dataVersion = 11; |
| readonly attribute nullable int8u stableDataVersion = 12; |
| readonly attribute nullable int8u leaderRouterId = 13; |
| readonly attribute nullable SecurityPolicy securityPolicy = 59; |
| readonly attribute nullable octet_string<4> channelPage0Mask = 60; |
| readonly attribute nullable OperationalDatasetComponents operationalDatasetComponents = 61; |
| readonly attribute NetworkFaultEnum activeNetworkFaultsList[] = 62; |
| readonly attribute command_id generatedCommandList[] = 65528; |
| readonly attribute command_id acceptedCommandList[] = 65529; |
| readonly attribute event_id eventList[] = 65530; |
| readonly attribute attrib_id attributeList[] = 65531; |
| readonly attribute bitmap32 featureMap = 65532; |
| readonly attribute int16u clusterRevision = 65533; |
| } |
| |
| /** The Wi-Fi Network Diagnostics Cluster provides a means to acquire standardized diagnostics metrics that MAY be used by a Node to assist a user or Administrative Node in diagnosing potential problems. */ |
| server cluster WiFiNetworkDiagnostics = 54 { |
| enum AssociationFailureCauseEnum : ENUM8 { |
| kUnknown = 0; |
| kAssociationFailed = 1; |
| kAuthenticationFailed = 2; |
| kSsidNotFound = 3; |
| } |
| |
| enum ConnectionStatusEnum : ENUM8 { |
| kConnected = 0; |
| kNotConnected = 1; |
| } |
| |
| enum SecurityTypeEnum : ENUM8 { |
| kUnspecified = 0; |
| kNone = 1; |
| kWEP = 2; |
| kWPA = 3; |
| kWPA2 = 4; |
| kWPA3 = 5; |
| } |
| |
| enum WiFiVersionEnum : ENUM8 { |
| kA = 0; |
| kB = 1; |
| kG = 2; |
| kN = 3; |
| kAc = 4; |
| kAx = 5; |
| kAh = 6; |
| } |
| |
| bitmap Feature : BITMAP32 { |
| kPacketCounts = 0x1; |
| kErrorCounts = 0x2; |
| } |
| |
| info event Disconnection = 0 { |
| int16u reasonCode = 0; |
| } |
| |
| info event AssociationFailure = 1 { |
| AssociationFailureCauseEnum associationFailure = 0; |
| int16u status = 1; |
| } |
| |
| info event ConnectionStatus = 2 { |
| ConnectionStatusEnum connectionStatus = 0; |
| } |
| |
| readonly attribute nullable octet_string<6> bssid = 0; |
| readonly attribute nullable SecurityTypeEnum securityType = 1; |
| readonly attribute nullable WiFiVersionEnum wiFiVersion = 2; |
| readonly attribute nullable int16u channelNumber = 3; |
| readonly attribute nullable int8s rssi = 4; |
| readonly attribute command_id generatedCommandList[] = 65528; |
| readonly attribute command_id acceptedCommandList[] = 65529; |
| readonly attribute event_id eventList[] = 65530; |
| readonly attribute attrib_id attributeList[] = 65531; |
| readonly attribute bitmap32 featureMap = 65532; |
| readonly attribute int16u clusterRevision = 65533; |
| } |
| |
| /** The Ethernet Network Diagnostics Cluster provides a means to acquire standardized diagnostics metrics that MAY be used by a Node to assist a user or Administrative Node in diagnosing potential problems. */ |
| server cluster EthernetNetworkDiagnostics = 55 { |
| enum PHYRateEnum : ENUM8 { |
| kRate10M = 0; |
| kRate100M = 1; |
| kRate1G = 2; |
| kRate25G = 3; |
| kRate5G = 4; |
| kRate10G = 5; |
| kRate40G = 6; |
| kRate100G = 7; |
| kRate200G = 8; |
| kRate400G = 9; |
| } |
| |
| bitmap Feature : BITMAP32 { |
| kPacketCounts = 0x1; |
| kErrorCounts = 0x2; |
| } |
| |
| readonly attribute nullable PHYRateEnum PHYRate = 0; |
| readonly attribute nullable boolean fullDuplex = 1; |
| readonly attribute int64u packetRxCount = 2; |
| readonly attribute int64u packetTxCount = 3; |
| readonly attribute int64u txErrCount = 4; |
| readonly attribute int64u collisionCount = 5; |
| readonly attribute int64u overrunCount = 6; |
| readonly attribute nullable boolean carrierDetect = 7; |
| readonly attribute int64u timeSinceReset = 8; |
| readonly attribute command_id generatedCommandList[] = 65528; |
| readonly attribute command_id acceptedCommandList[] = 65529; |
| readonly attribute event_id eventList[] = 65530; |
| readonly attribute attrib_id attributeList[] = 65531; |
| readonly attribute bitmap32 featureMap = 65532; |
| readonly attribute int16u clusterRevision = 65533; |
| |
| command ResetCounts(): DefaultSuccess = 0; |
| } |
| |
| /** This cluster exposes interactions with a switch device, for the purpose of using those interactions by other devices. |
| Two types of switch devices are supported: latching switch (e.g. rocker switch) and momentary switch (e.g. push button), distinguished with their feature flags. |
| Interactions with the switch device are exposed as attributes (for the latching switch) and as events (for both types of switches). An interested party MAY subscribe to these attributes/events and thus be informed of the interactions, and can perform actions based on this, for example by sending commands to perform an action such as controlling a light or a window shade. */ |
| server cluster Switch = 59 { |
| bitmap Feature : BITMAP32 { |
| kLatchingSwitch = 0x1; |
| kMomentarySwitch = 0x2; |
| kMomentarySwitchRelease = 0x4; |
| kMomentarySwitchLongPress = 0x8; |
| kMomentarySwitchMultiPress = 0x10; |
| } |
| |
| info event SwitchLatched = 0 { |
| int8u newPosition = 0; |
| } |
| |
| info event InitialPress = 1 { |
| int8u newPosition = 0; |
| } |
| |
| info event LongPress = 2 { |
| int8u newPosition = 0; |
| } |
| |
| info event ShortRelease = 3 { |
| int8u previousPosition = 0; |
| } |
| |
| info event LongRelease = 4 { |
| int8u previousPosition = 0; |
| } |
| |
| info event MultiPressOngoing = 5 { |
| int8u newPosition = 0; |
| int8u currentNumberOfPressesCounted = 1; |
| } |
| |
| info event MultiPressComplete = 6 { |
| int8u previousPosition = 0; |
| int8u totalNumberOfPressesCounted = 1; |
| } |
| |
| readonly attribute int8u numberOfPositions = 0; |
| readonly attribute int8u currentPosition = 1; |
| readonly attribute command_id generatedCommandList[] = 65528; |
| readonly attribute command_id acceptedCommandList[] = 65529; |
| readonly attribute event_id eventList[] = 65530; |
| readonly attribute attrib_id attributeList[] = 65531; |
| readonly attribute bitmap32 featureMap = 65532; |
| readonly attribute int16u clusterRevision = 65533; |
| } |
| |
| /** Commands to trigger a Node to allow a new Administrator to commission it. */ |
| server cluster AdministratorCommissioning = 60 { |
| enum CommissioningWindowStatusEnum : ENUM8 { |
| kWindowNotOpen = 0; |
| kEnhancedWindowOpen = 1; |
| kBasicWindowOpen = 2; |
| } |
| |
| enum StatusCode : ENUM8 { |
| kBusy = 2; |
| kPAKEParameterError = 3; |
| kWindowNotOpen = 4; |
| } |
| |
| readonly attribute CommissioningWindowStatusEnum windowStatus = 0; |
| readonly attribute nullable fabric_idx adminFabricIndex = 1; |
| readonly attribute nullable int16u adminVendorId = 2; |
| readonly attribute command_id generatedCommandList[] = 65528; |
| readonly attribute command_id acceptedCommandList[] = 65529; |
| readonly attribute event_id eventList[] = 65530; |
| readonly attribute attrib_id attributeList[] = 65531; |
| readonly attribute bitmap32 featureMap = 65532; |
| readonly attribute int16u clusterRevision = 65533; |
| |
| request struct OpenCommissioningWindowRequest { |
| int16u commissioningTimeout = 0; |
| octet_string PAKEPasscodeVerifier = 1; |
| int16u discriminator = 2; |
| int32u iterations = 3; |
| octet_string salt = 4; |
| } |
| |
| timed command access(invoke: administer) OpenCommissioningWindow(OpenCommissioningWindowRequest): DefaultSuccess = 0; |
| timed command access(invoke: administer) RevokeCommissioning(): DefaultSuccess = 2; |
| } |
| |
| /** This cluster is used to add or remove Operational Credentials on a Commissionee or Node, as well as manage the associated Fabrics. */ |
| server cluster OperationalCredentials = 62 { |
| enum CertificateChainTypeEnum : ENUM8 { |
| kDACCertificate = 1; |
| kPAICertificate = 2; |
| } |
| |
| enum NodeOperationalCertStatusEnum : ENUM8 { |
| kOK = 0; |
| kInvalidPublicKey = 1; |
| kInvalidNodeOpId = 2; |
| kInvalidNOC = 3; |
| kMissingCsr = 4; |
| kTableFull = 5; |
| kInvalidAdminSubject = 6; |
| kFabricConflict = 9; |
| kLabelConflict = 10; |
| kInvalidFabricIndex = 11; |
| } |
| |
| fabric_scoped struct FabricDescriptorStruct { |
| octet_string<65> rootPublicKey = 1; |
| vendor_id vendorID = 2; |
| fabric_id fabricID = 3; |
| node_id nodeID = 4; |
| char_string<32> label = 5; |
| fabric_idx fabricIndex = 254; |
| } |
| |
| fabric_scoped struct NOCStruct { |
| fabric_sensitive octet_string noc = 1; |
| nullable fabric_sensitive octet_string icac = 2; |
| fabric_idx fabricIndex = 254; |
| } |
| |
| readonly attribute access(read: administer) NOCStruct NOCs[] = 0; |
| readonly attribute FabricDescriptorStruct fabrics[] = 1; |
| readonly attribute int8u supportedFabrics = 2; |
| readonly attribute int8u commissionedFabrics = 3; |
| readonly attribute octet_string trustedRootCertificates[] = 4; |
| readonly attribute int8u currentFabricIndex = 5; |
| readonly attribute command_id generatedCommandList[] = 65528; |
| readonly attribute command_id acceptedCommandList[] = 65529; |
| readonly attribute event_id eventList[] = 65530; |
| readonly attribute attrib_id attributeList[] = 65531; |
| readonly attribute bitmap32 featureMap = 65532; |
| readonly attribute int16u clusterRevision = 65533; |
| |
| request struct AttestationRequestRequest { |
| octet_string attestationNonce = 0; |
| } |
| |
| request struct CertificateChainRequestRequest { |
| CertificateChainTypeEnum certificateType = 0; |
| } |
| |
| request struct CSRRequestRequest { |
| octet_string CSRNonce = 0; |
| optional boolean isForUpdateNOC = 1; |
| } |
| |
| request struct AddNOCRequest { |
| octet_string NOCValue = 0; |
| optional octet_string ICACValue = 1; |
| octet_string IPKValue = 2; |
| int64u caseAdminSubject = 3; |
| vendor_id adminVendorId = 4; |
| } |
| |
| request struct UpdateNOCRequest { |
| octet_string NOCValue = 0; |
| optional octet_string ICACValue = 1; |
| } |
| |
| request struct UpdateFabricLabelRequest { |
| char_string<32> label = 0; |
| } |
| |
| request struct RemoveFabricRequest { |
| fabric_idx fabricIndex = 0; |
| } |
| |
| request struct AddTrustedRootCertificateRequest { |
| octet_string rootCACertificate = 0; |
| } |
| |
| response struct AttestationResponse = 1 { |
| octet_string attestationElements = 0; |
| octet_string attestationSignature = 1; |
| } |
| |
| response struct CertificateChainResponse = 3 { |
| octet_string certificate = 0; |
| } |
| |
| response struct CSRResponse = 5 { |
| octet_string NOCSRElements = 0; |
| octet_string attestationSignature = 1; |
| } |
| |
| response struct NOCResponse = 8 { |
| NodeOperationalCertStatusEnum statusCode = 0; |
| optional fabric_idx fabricIndex = 1; |
| optional char_string debugText = 2; |
| } |
| |
| command access(invoke: administer) AttestationRequest(AttestationRequestRequest): AttestationResponse = 0; |
| command access(invoke: administer) CertificateChainRequest(CertificateChainRequestRequest): CertificateChainResponse = 2; |
| command access(invoke: administer) CSRRequest(CSRRequestRequest): CSRResponse = 4; |
| command access(invoke: administer) AddNOC(AddNOCRequest): NOCResponse = 6; |
| fabric command access(invoke: administer) UpdateNOC(UpdateNOCRequest): NOCResponse = 7; |
| fabric command access(invoke: administer) UpdateFabricLabel(UpdateFabricLabelRequest): NOCResponse = 9; |
| command access(invoke: administer) RemoveFabric(RemoveFabricRequest): NOCResponse = 10; |
| command access(invoke: administer) AddTrustedRootCertificate(AddTrustedRootCertificateRequest): DefaultSuccess = 11; |
| } |
| |
| /** The Group Key Management Cluster is the mechanism by which group keys are managed. */ |
| server cluster GroupKeyManagement = 63 { |
| enum GroupKeySecurityPolicyEnum : ENUM8 { |
| kTrustFirst = 0; |
| kCacheAndSync = 1; |
| } |
| |
| bitmap Feature : BITMAP32 { |
| kCacheAndSync = 0x1; |
| } |
| |
| fabric_scoped struct GroupInfoMapStruct { |
| group_id groupId = 1; |
| endpoint_no endpoints[] = 2; |
| optional char_string<16> groupName = 3; |
| fabric_idx fabricIndex = 254; |
| } |
| |
| fabric_scoped struct GroupKeyMapStruct { |
| group_id groupId = 1; |
| int16u groupKeySetID = 2; |
| fabric_idx fabricIndex = 254; |
| } |
| |
| struct GroupKeySetStruct { |
| int16u groupKeySetID = 0; |
| GroupKeySecurityPolicyEnum groupKeySecurityPolicy = 1; |
| nullable octet_string<16> epochKey0 = 2; |
| nullable epoch_us epochStartTime0 = 3; |
| nullable octet_string<16> epochKey1 = 4; |
| nullable epoch_us epochStartTime1 = 5; |
| nullable octet_string<16> epochKey2 = 6; |
| nullable epoch_us epochStartTime2 = 7; |
| } |
| |
| attribute access(write: manage) GroupKeyMapStruct groupKeyMap[] = 0; |
| readonly attribute GroupInfoMapStruct groupTable[] = 1; |
| readonly attribute int16u maxGroupsPerFabric = 2; |
| readonly attribute int16u maxGroupKeysPerFabric = 3; |
| readonly attribute command_id generatedCommandList[] = 65528; |
| readonly attribute command_id acceptedCommandList[] = 65529; |
| readonly attribute event_id eventList[] = 65530; |
| readonly attribute attrib_id attributeList[] = 65531; |
| readonly attribute bitmap32 featureMap = 65532; |
| readonly attribute int16u clusterRevision = 65533; |
| |
| request struct KeySetWriteRequest { |
| GroupKeySetStruct groupKeySet = 0; |
| } |
| |
| request struct KeySetReadRequest { |
| int16u groupKeySetID = 0; |
| } |
| |
| request struct KeySetRemoveRequest { |
| int16u groupKeySetID = 0; |
| } |
| |
| response struct KeySetReadResponse = 2 { |
| GroupKeySetStruct groupKeySet = 0; |
| } |
| |
| response struct KeySetReadAllIndicesResponse = 5 { |
| int16u groupKeySetIDs[] = 0; |
| } |
| |
| fabric command access(invoke: administer) KeySetWrite(KeySetWriteRequest): DefaultSuccess = 0; |
| fabric command access(invoke: administer) KeySetRead(KeySetReadRequest): KeySetReadResponse = 1; |
| fabric command access(invoke: administer) KeySetRemove(KeySetRemoveRequest): DefaultSuccess = 3; |
| fabric command access(invoke: administer) KeySetReadAllIndices(): KeySetReadAllIndicesResponse = 4; |
| } |
| |
| /** The Fixed Label Cluster provides a feature for the device to tag an endpoint with zero or more read only |
| labels. */ |
| server cluster FixedLabel = 64 { |
| struct LabelStruct { |
| char_string<16> label = 0; |
| char_string<16> value = 1; |
| } |
| |
| readonly attribute LabelStruct labelList[] = 0; |
| readonly attribute command_id generatedCommandList[] = 65528; |
| readonly attribute command_id acceptedCommandList[] = 65529; |
| readonly attribute event_id eventList[] = 65530; |
| readonly attribute attrib_id attributeList[] = 65531; |
| readonly attribute bitmap32 featureMap = 65532; |
| readonly attribute int16u clusterRevision = 65533; |
| } |
| |
| /** The User Label Cluster provides a feature to tag an endpoint with zero or more labels. */ |
| server cluster UserLabel = 65 { |
| struct LabelStruct { |
| char_string<16> label = 0; |
| char_string<16> value = 1; |
| } |
| |
| attribute access(write: manage) LabelStruct labelList[] = 0; |
| readonly attribute command_id generatedCommandList[] = 65528; |
| readonly attribute command_id acceptedCommandList[] = 65529; |
| readonly attribute event_id eventList[] = 65530; |
| readonly attribute attrib_id attributeList[] = 65531; |
| readonly attribute bitmap32 featureMap = 65532; |
| readonly attribute int16u clusterRevision = 65533; |
| } |
| |
| /** This cluster provides an interface to a boolean state called StateValue. */ |
| server cluster BooleanState = 69 { |
| info event StateChange = 0 { |
| boolean stateValue = 0; |
| } |
| |
| readonly attribute boolean stateValue = 0; |
| readonly attribute command_id generatedCommandList[] = 65528; |
| readonly attribute command_id acceptedCommandList[] = 65529; |
| readonly attribute event_id eventList[] = 65530; |
| readonly attribute attrib_id attributeList[] = 65531; |
| readonly attribute bitmap32 featureMap = 65532; |
| readonly attribute int16u clusterRevision = 65533; |
| } |
| |
| /** Attributes and commands for selecting a mode from a list of supported options. */ |
| server cluster ModeSelect = 80 { |
| bitmap Feature : BITMAP32 { |
| kOnOff = 0x1; |
| } |
| |
| struct SemanticTagStruct { |
| vendor_id mfgCode = 0; |
| enum16 value = 1; |
| } |
| |
| struct ModeOptionStruct { |
| char_string<64> label = 0; |
| int8u mode = 1; |
| SemanticTagStruct semanticTags[] = 2; |
| } |
| |
| readonly attribute char_string<64> description = 0; |
| readonly attribute nullable enum16 standardNamespace = 1; |
| readonly attribute ModeOptionStruct supportedModes[] = 2; |
| readonly attribute int8u currentMode = 3; |
| readonly attribute command_id generatedCommandList[] = 65528; |
| readonly attribute command_id acceptedCommandList[] = 65529; |
| readonly attribute event_id eventList[] = 65530; |
| readonly attribute attrib_id attributeList[] = 65531; |
| readonly attribute bitmap32 featureMap = 65532; |
| readonly attribute int16u clusterRevision = 65533; |
| |
| request struct ChangeToModeRequest { |
| int8u newMode = 0; |
| } |
| |
| command ChangeToMode(ChangeToModeRequest): DefaultSuccess = 0; |
| } |
| |
| /** Attributes and commands for configuring the temperature control, and reporting temperature. */ |
| server cluster TemperatureControl = 86 { |
| bitmap Feature : BITMAP32 { |
| kTemperatureNumber = 0x1; |
| kTemperatureLevel = 0x2; |
| kTemperatureStep = 0x4; |
| } |
| |
| readonly attribute int8u selectedTemperatureLevel = 4; |
| readonly attribute char_string supportedTemperatureLevels[] = 5; |
| readonly attribute command_id generatedCommandList[] = 65528; |
| readonly attribute command_id acceptedCommandList[] = 65529; |
| readonly attribute event_id eventList[] = 65530; |
| readonly attribute attrib_id attributeList[] = 65531; |
| readonly attribute bitmap32 featureMap = 65532; |
| readonly attribute int16u clusterRevision = 65533; |
| |
| request struct SetTemperatureRequest { |
| optional temperature targetTemperature = 0; |
| optional int8u targetTemperatureLevel = 1; |
| } |
| |
| command SetTemperature(SetTemperatureRequest): DefaultSuccess = 0; |
| } |
| |
| /** An interface to a generic way to secure a door */ |
| server cluster DoorLock = 257 { |
| enum AlarmCodeEnum : ENUM8 { |
| kLockJammed = 0; |
| kLockFactoryReset = 1; |
| kLockRadioPowerCycled = 3; |
| kWrongCodeEntryLimit = 4; |
| kFrontEsceutcheonRemoved = 5; |
| kDoorForcedOpen = 6; |
| kDoorAjar = 7; |
| kForcedUser = 8; |
| } |
| |
| enum CredentialRuleEnum : ENUM8 { |
| kSingle = 0; |
| kDual = 1; |
| kTri = 2; |
| } |
| |
| enum CredentialTypeEnum : ENUM8 { |
| kProgrammingPIN = 0; |
| kPIN = 1; |
| kRFID = 2; |
| kFingerprint = 3; |
| kFingerVein = 4; |
| kFace = 5; |
| } |
| |
| enum DataOperationTypeEnum : ENUM8 { |
| kAdd = 0; |
| kClear = 1; |
| kModify = 2; |
| } |
| |
| enum DlLockState : ENUM8 { |
| kNotFullyLocked = 0; |
| kLocked = 1; |
| kUnlocked = 2; |
| kUnlatched = 3; |
| } |
| |
| enum DlLockType : ENUM8 { |
| kDeadBolt = 0; |
| kMagnetic = 1; |
| kOther = 2; |
| kMortise = 3; |
| kRim = 4; |
| kLatchBolt = 5; |
| kCylindricalLock = 6; |
| kTubularLock = 7; |
| kInterconnectedLock = 8; |
| kDeadLatch = 9; |
| kDoorFurniture = 10; |
| kEurocylinder = 11; |
| } |
| |
| enum DlStatus : ENUM8 { |
| kSuccess = 0; |
| kFailure = 1; |
| kDuplicate = 2; |
| kOccupied = 3; |
| kInvalidField = 133; |
| kResourceExhausted = 137; |
| kNotFound = 139; |
| } |
| |
| enum DoorLockOperationEventCode : ENUM8 { |
| kUnknownOrMfgSpecific = 0; |
| kLock = 1; |
| kUnlock = 2; |
| kLockInvalidPinOrId = 3; |
| kLockInvalidSchedule = 4; |
| kUnlockInvalidPinOrId = 5; |
| kUnlockInvalidSchedule = 6; |
| kOneTouchLock = 7; |
| kKeyLock = 8; |
| kKeyUnlock = 9; |
| kAutoLock = 10; |
| kScheduleLock = 11; |
| kScheduleUnlock = 12; |
| kManualLock = 13; |
| kManualUnlock = 14; |
| } |
| |
| enum DoorLockProgrammingEventCode : ENUM8 { |
| kUnknownOrMfgSpecific = 0; |
| kMasterCodeChanged = 1; |
| kPinAdded = 2; |
| kPinDeleted = 3; |
| kPinChanged = 4; |
| kIdAdded = 5; |
| kIdDeleted = 6; |
| } |
| |
| enum DoorLockSetPinOrIdStatus : ENUM8 { |
| kSuccess = 0; |
| kGeneralFailure = 1; |
| kMemoryFull = 2; |
| kDuplicateCodeError = 3; |
| } |
| |
| enum DoorLockUserStatus : ENUM8 { |
| kAvailable = 0; |
| kOccupiedEnabled = 1; |
| kOccupiedDisabled = 3; |
| kNotSupported = 255; |
| } |
| |
| enum DoorLockUserType : ENUM8 { |
| kUnrestricted = 0; |
| kYearDayScheduleUser = 1; |
| kWeekDayScheduleUser = 2; |
| kMasterUser = 3; |
| kNonAccessUser = 4; |
| kNotSupported = 255; |
| } |
| |
| enum DoorStateEnum : ENUM8 { |
| kDoorOpen = 0; |
| kDoorClosed = 1; |
| kDoorJammed = 2; |
| kDoorForcedOpen = 3; |
| kDoorUnspecifiedError = 4; |
| kDoorAjar = 5; |
| } |
| |
| enum LockDataTypeEnum : ENUM8 { |
| kUnspecified = 0; |
| kProgrammingCode = 1; |
| kUserIndex = 2; |
| kWeekDaySchedule = 3; |
| kYearDaySchedule = 4; |
| kHolidaySchedule = 5; |
| kPIN = 6; |
| kRFID = 7; |
| kFingerprint = 8; |
| kFingerVein = 9; |
| kFace = 10; |
| } |
| |
| enum LockOperationTypeEnum : ENUM8 { |
| kLock = 0; |
| kUnlock = 1; |
| kNonAccessUserEvent = 2; |
| kForcedUserEvent = 3; |
| kUnlatch = 4; |
| } |
| |
| enum OperatingModeEnum : ENUM8 { |
| kNormal = 0; |
| kVacation = 1; |
| kPrivacy = 2; |
| kNoRemoteLockUnlock = 3; |
| kPassage = 4; |
| } |
| |
| enum OperationErrorEnum : ENUM8 { |
| kUnspecified = 0; |
| kInvalidCredential = 1; |
| kDisabledUserDenied = 2; |
| kRestricted = 3; |
| kInsufficientBattery = 4; |
| } |
| |
| enum OperationSourceEnum : ENUM8 { |
| kUnspecified = 0; |
| kManual = 1; |
| kProprietaryRemote = 2; |
| kKeypad = 3; |
| kAuto = 4; |
| kButton = 5; |
| kSchedule = 6; |
| kRemote = 7; |
| kRFID = 8; |
| kBiometric = 9; |
| } |
| |
| enum UserStatusEnum : ENUM8 { |
| kAvailable = 0; |
| kOccupiedEnabled = 1; |
| kOccupiedDisabled = 3; |
| } |
| |
| enum UserTypeEnum : ENUM8 { |
| kUnrestrictedUser = 0; |
| kYearDayScheduleUser = 1; |
| kWeekDayScheduleUser = 2; |
| kProgrammingUser = 3; |
| kNonAccessUser = 4; |
| kForcedUser = 5; |
| kDisposableUser = 6; |
| kExpiringUser = 7; |
| kScheduleRestrictedUser = 8; |
| kRemoteOnlyUser = 9; |
| } |
| |
| bitmap DaysMaskMap : BITMAP8 { |
| kSunday = 0x1; |
| kMonday = 0x2; |
| kTuesday = 0x4; |
| kWednesday = 0x8; |
| kThursday = 0x10; |
| kFriday = 0x20; |
| kSaturday = 0x40; |
| } |
| |
| bitmap DlCredentialRuleMask : BITMAP8 { |
| kSingle = 0x1; |
| kDual = 0x2; |
| kTri = 0x4; |
| } |
| |
| bitmap DlCredentialRulesSupport : BITMAP8 { |
| kSingle = 0x1; |
| kDual = 0x2; |
| kTri = 0x4; |
| } |
| |
| bitmap DlDefaultConfigurationRegister : BITMAP16 { |
| kEnableLocalProgrammingEnabled = 0x1; |
| kKeypadInterfaceDefaultAccessEnabled = 0x2; |
| kRemoteInterfaceDefaultAccessIsEnabled = 0x4; |
| kSoundEnabled = 0x20; |
| kAutoRelockTimeSet = 0x40; |
| kLEDSettingsSet = 0x80; |
| } |
| |
| bitmap DlKeypadOperationEventMask : BITMAP16 { |
| kUnknown = 0x1; |
| kLock = 0x2; |
| kUnlock = 0x4; |
| kLockInvalidPIN = 0x8; |
| kLockInvalidSchedule = 0x10; |
| kUnlockInvalidCode = 0x20; |
| kUnlockInvalidSchedule = 0x40; |
| kNonAccessUserOpEvent = 0x80; |
| } |
| |
| bitmap DlKeypadProgrammingEventMask : BITMAP16 { |
| kUnknown = 0x1; |
| kProgrammingPINChanged = 0x2; |
| kPINAdded = 0x4; |
| kPINCleared = 0x8; |
| kPINChanged = 0x10; |
| } |
| |
| bitmap DlLocalProgrammingFeatures : BITMAP8 { |
| kAddUsersCredentialsSchedulesLocally = 0x1; |
| kModifyUsersCredentialsSchedulesLocally = 0x2; |
| kClearUsersCredentialsSchedulesLocally = 0x4; |
| kAdjustLockSettingsLocally = 0x8; |
| } |
| |
| bitmap DlManualOperationEventMask : BITMAP16 { |
| kUnknown = 0x1; |
| kThumbturnLock = 0x2; |
| kThumbturnUnlock = 0x4; |
| kOneTouchLock = 0x8; |
| kKeyLock = 0x10; |
| kKeyUnlock = 0x20; |
| kAutoLock = 0x40; |
| kScheduleLock = 0x80; |
| kScheduleUnlock = 0x100; |
| kManualLock = 0x200; |
| kManualUnlock = 0x400; |
| } |
| |
| bitmap DlRFIDOperationEventMask : BITMAP16 { |
| kUnknown = 0x1; |
| kLock = 0x2; |
| kUnlock = 0x4; |
| kLockInvalidRFID = 0x8; |
| kLockInvalidSchedule = 0x10; |
| kUnlockInvalidRFID = 0x20; |
| kUnlockInvalidSchedule = 0x40; |
| } |
| |
| bitmap DlRFIDProgrammingEventMask : BITMAP16 { |
| kUnknown = 0x1; |
| kRFIDCodeAdded = 0x20; |
| kRFIDCodeCleared = 0x40; |
| } |
| |
| bitmap DlRemoteOperationEventMask : BITMAP16 { |
| kUnknown = 0x1; |
| kLock = 0x2; |
| kUnlock = 0x4; |
| kLockInvalidCode = 0x8; |
| kLockInvalidSchedule = 0x10; |
| kUnlockInvalidCode = 0x20; |
| kUnlockInvalidSchedule = 0x40; |
| } |
| |
| bitmap DlRemoteProgrammingEventMask : BITMAP16 { |
| kUnknown = 0x1; |
| kProgrammingPINChanged = 0x2; |
| kPINAdded = 0x4; |
| kPINCleared = 0x8; |
| kPINChanged = 0x10; |
| kRFIDCodeAdded = 0x20; |
| kRFIDCodeCleared = 0x40; |
| } |
| |
| bitmap DlSupportedOperatingModes : BITMAP16 { |
| kNormal = 0x1; |
| kVacation = 0x2; |
| kPrivacy = 0x4; |
| kNoRemoteLockUnlock = 0x8; |
| kPassage = 0x10; |
| } |
| |
| bitmap DoorLockDayOfWeek : BITMAP8 { |
| kSunday = 0x1; |
| kMonday = 0x2; |
| kTuesday = 0x4; |
| kWednesday = 0x8; |
| kThursday = 0x10; |
| kFriday = 0x20; |
| kSaturday = 0x40; |
| } |
| |
| bitmap Feature : BITMAP32 { |
| kPINCredential = 0x1; |
| kRFIDCredential = 0x2; |
| kFingerCredentials = 0x4; |
| kLogging = 0x8; |
| kWeekDayAccessSchedules = 0x10; |
| kDoorPositionSensor = 0x20; |
| kFaceCredentials = 0x40; |
| kCredentialsOverTheAirAccess = 0x80; |
| kUser = 0x100; |
| kNotification = 0x200; |
| kYearDayAccessSchedules = 0x400; |
| kHolidaySchedules = 0x800; |
| kUnbolt = 0x1000; |
| } |
| |
| struct CredentialStruct { |
| CredentialTypeEnum credentialType = 0; |
| int16u credentialIndex = 1; |
| } |
| |
| critical event DoorLockAlarm = 0 { |
| AlarmCodeEnum alarmCode = 0; |
| } |
| |
| critical event DoorStateChange = 1 { |
| DoorStateEnum doorState = 0; |
| } |
| |
| critical event LockOperation = 2 { |
| LockOperationTypeEnum lockOperationType = 0; |
| OperationSourceEnum operationSource = 1; |
| nullable int16u userIndex = 2; |
| nullable fabric_idx fabricIndex = 3; |
| nullable node_id sourceNode = 4; |
| optional nullable CredentialStruct credentials[] = 5; |
| } |
| |
| critical event LockOperationError = 3 { |
| LockOperationTypeEnum lockOperationType = 0; |
| OperationSourceEnum operationSource = 1; |
| OperationErrorEnum operationError = 2; |
| nullable int16u userIndex = 3; |
| nullable fabric_idx fabricIndex = 4; |
| nullable node_id sourceNode = 5; |
| optional nullable CredentialStruct credentials[] = 6; |
| } |
| |
| info event LockUserChange = 4 { |
| LockDataTypeEnum lockDataType = 0; |
| DataOperationTypeEnum dataOperationType = 1; |
| OperationSourceEnum operationSource = 2; |
| nullable int16u userIndex = 3; |
| nullable fabric_idx fabricIndex = 4; |
| nullable node_id sourceNode = 5; |
| nullable int16u dataIndex = 6; |
| } |
| |
| readonly attribute nullable DlLockState lockState = 0; |
| readonly attribute DlLockType lockType = 1; |
| readonly attribute boolean actuatorEnabled = 2; |
| attribute access(write: manage) int32u autoRelockTime = 35; |
| attribute access(write: manage) OperatingModeEnum operatingMode = 37; |
| readonly attribute DlSupportedOperatingModes supportedOperatingModes = 38; |
| readonly attribute command_id generatedCommandList[] = 65528; |
| readonly attribute command_id acceptedCommandList[] = 65529; |
| readonly attribute event_id eventList[] = 65530; |
| readonly attribute attrib_id attributeList[] = 65531; |
| readonly attribute bitmap32 featureMap = 65532; |
| readonly attribute int16u clusterRevision = 65533; |
| |
| request struct LockDoorRequest { |
| optional octet_string PINCode = 0; |
| } |
| |
| request struct UnlockDoorRequest { |
| optional octet_string PINCode = 0; |
| } |
| |
| timed command LockDoor(LockDoorRequest): DefaultSuccess = 0; |
| timed command UnlockDoor(UnlockDoorRequest): DefaultSuccess = 1; |
| } |
| |
| /** Provides an interface for controlling and adjusting automatic window coverings. */ |
| server cluster WindowCovering = 258 { |
| enum EndProductType : ENUM8 { |
| kRollerShade = 0; |
| kRomanShade = 1; |
| kBalloonShade = 2; |
| kWovenWood = 3; |
| kPleatedShade = 4; |
| kCellularShade = 5; |
| kLayeredShade = 6; |
| kLayeredShade2D = 7; |
| kSheerShade = 8; |
| kTiltOnlyInteriorBlind = 9; |
| kInteriorBlind = 10; |
| kVerticalBlindStripCurtain = 11; |
| kInteriorVenetianBlind = 12; |
| kExteriorVenetianBlind = 13; |
| kLateralLeftCurtain = 14; |
| kLateralRightCurtain = 15; |
| kCentralCurtain = 16; |
| kRollerShutter = 17; |
| kExteriorVerticalScreen = 18; |
| kAwningTerracePatio = 19; |
| kAwningVerticalScreen = 20; |
| kTiltOnlyPergola = 21; |
| kSwingingShutter = 22; |
| kSlidingShutter = 23; |
| kUnknown = 255; |
| } |
| |
| enum Type : ENUM8 { |
| kRollerShade = 0; |
| kRollerShade2Motor = 1; |
| kRollerShadeExterior = 2; |
| kRollerShadeExterior2Motor = 3; |
| kDrapery = 4; |
| kAwning = 5; |
| kShutter = 6; |
| kTiltBlindTiltOnly = 7; |
| kTiltBlindLiftAndTilt = 8; |
| kProjectorScreen = 9; |
| kUnknown = 255; |
| } |
| |
| bitmap ConfigStatus : BITMAP8 { |
| kOperational = 0x1; |
| kOnlineReserved = 0x2; |
| kLiftMovementReversed = 0x4; |
| kLiftPositionAware = 0x8; |
| kTiltPositionAware = 0x10; |
| kLiftEncoderControlled = 0x20; |
| kTiltEncoderControlled = 0x40; |
| } |
| |
| bitmap Feature : BITMAP32 { |
| kLift = 0x1; |
| kTilt = 0x2; |
| kPositionAwareLift = 0x4; |
| kAbsolutePosition = 0x8; |
| kPositionAwareTilt = 0x10; |
| } |
| |
| bitmap Mode : BITMAP8 { |
| kMotorDirectionReversed = 0x1; |
| kCalibrationMode = 0x2; |
| kMaintenanceMode = 0x4; |
| kLedFeedback = 0x8; |
| } |
| |
| bitmap OperationalStatus : BITMAP8 { |
| kGlobal = 0x3; |
| kLift = 0xC; |
| kTilt = 0x30; |
| } |
| |
| bitmap SafetyStatus : BITMAP16 { |
| kRemoteLockout = 0x1; |
| kTamperDetection = 0x2; |
| kFailedCommunication = 0x4; |
| kPositionFailure = 0x8; |
| kThermalProtection = 0x10; |
| kObstacleDetected = 0x20; |
| kPower = 0x40; |
| kStopInput = 0x80; |
| kMotorJammed = 0x100; |
| kHardwareFailure = 0x200; |
| kManualOperation = 0x400; |
| kProtection = 0x800; |
| } |
| |
| readonly attribute Type type = 0; |
| readonly attribute ConfigStatus configStatus = 7; |
| readonly attribute OperationalStatus operationalStatus = 10; |
| readonly attribute EndProductType endProductType = 13; |
| attribute access(write: manage) Mode mode = 23; |
| readonly attribute command_id generatedCommandList[] = 65528; |
| readonly attribute command_id acceptedCommandList[] = 65529; |
| readonly attribute event_id eventList[] = 65530; |
| readonly attribute attrib_id attributeList[] = 65531; |
| readonly attribute bitmap32 featureMap = 65532; |
| readonly attribute int16u clusterRevision = 65533; |
| |
| command UpOrOpen(): DefaultSuccess = 0; |
| command DownOrClose(): DefaultSuccess = 1; |
| command StopMotion(): DefaultSuccess = 2; |
| } |
| |
| /** An interface for configuring and controlling pumps. */ |
| server cluster PumpConfigurationAndControl = 512 { |
| enum ControlModeEnum : ENUM8 { |
| kConstantSpeed = 0; |
| kConstantPressure = 1; |
| kProportionalPressure = 2; |
| kConstantFlow = 3; |
| kConstantTemperature = 5; |
| kAutomatic = 7; |
| } |
| |
| enum OperationModeEnum : ENUM8 { |
| kNormal = 0; |
| kMinimum = 1; |
| kMaximum = 2; |
| kLocal = 3; |
| } |
| |
| bitmap Feature : BITMAP32 { |
| kConstantPressure = 0x1; |
| kCompensatedPressure = 0x2; |
| kConstantFlow = 0x4; |
| kConstantSpeed = 0x8; |
| kConstantTemperature = 0x10; |
| kAutomatic = 0x20; |
| kLocalOperation = 0x40; |
| } |
| |
| bitmap PumpStatusBitmap : BITMAP16 { |
| kDeviceFault = 0x1; |
| kSupplyfault = 0x2; |
| kSpeedLow = 0x4; |
| kSpeedHigh = 0x8; |
| kLocalOverride = 0x10; |
| kRunning = 0x20; |
| kRemotePressure = 0x40; |
| kRemoteFlow = 0x80; |
| kRemoteTemperature = 0x100; |
| } |
| |
| info event SupplyVoltageLow = 0 { |
| } |
| |
| info event SupplyVoltageHigh = 1 { |
| } |
| |
| info event PowerMissingPhase = 2 { |
| } |
| |
| info event SystemPressureLow = 3 { |
| } |
| |
| info event SystemPressureHigh = 4 { |
| } |
| |
| critical event DryRunning = 5 { |
| } |
| |
| info event MotorTemperatureHigh = 6 { |
| } |
| |
| critical event PumpMotorFatalFailure = 7 { |
| } |
| |
| info event ElectronicTemperatureHigh = 8 { |
| } |
| |
| critical event PumpBlocked = 9 { |
| } |
| |
| info event SensorFailure = 10 { |
| } |
| |
| info event ElectronicNonFatalFailure = 11 { |
| } |
| |
| critical event ElectronicFatalFailure = 12 { |
| } |
| |
| info event GeneralFault = 13 { |
| } |
| |
| info event Leakage = 14 { |
| } |
| |
| info event AirDetection = 15 { |
| } |
| |
| info event TurbineOperation = 16 { |
| } |
| |
| readonly attribute nullable int16s maxPressure = 0; |
| readonly attribute nullable int16u maxSpeed = 1; |
| readonly attribute nullable int16u maxFlow = 2; |
| readonly attribute nullable int16s minConstPressure = 3; |
| readonly attribute nullable int16s maxConstPressure = 4; |
| readonly attribute OperationModeEnum effectiveOperationMode = 17; |
| readonly attribute ControlModeEnum effectiveControlMode = 18; |
| readonly attribute nullable int16s capacity = 19; |
| attribute access(write: manage) OperationModeEnum operationMode = 32; |
| readonly attribute command_id generatedCommandList[] = 65528; |
| readonly attribute command_id acceptedCommandList[] = 65529; |
| readonly attribute event_id eventList[] = 65530; |
| readonly attribute attrib_id attributeList[] = 65531; |
| readonly attribute bitmap32 featureMap = 65532; |
| readonly attribute int16u clusterRevision = 65533; |
| } |
| |
| /** An interface for configuring and controlling the functionality of a thermostat. */ |
| server cluster Thermostat = 513 { |
| enum SetpointAdjustMode : ENUM8 { |
| kHeat = 0; |
| kCool = 1; |
| kBoth = 2; |
| } |
| |
| enum ThermostatControlSequence : ENUM8 { |
| kCoolingOnly = 0; |
| kCoolingWithReheat = 1; |
| kHeatingOnly = 2; |
| kHeatingWithReheat = 3; |
| kCoolingAndHeating = 4; |
| kCoolingAndHeatingWithReheat = 5; |
| } |
| |
| enum ThermostatRunningMode : ENUM8 { |
| kOff = 0; |
| kCool = 3; |
| kHeat = 4; |
| } |
| |
| enum ThermostatSystemMode : ENUM8 { |
| kOff = 0; |
| kAuto = 1; |
| kCool = 3; |
| kHeat = 4; |
| kEmergencyHeat = 5; |
| kPrecooling = 6; |
| kFanOnly = 7; |
| kDry = 8; |
| kSleep = 9; |
| } |
| |
| bitmap DayOfWeek : BITMAP8 { |
| kSunday = 0x1; |
| kMonday = 0x2; |
| kTuesday = 0x4; |
| kWednesday = 0x8; |
| kThursday = 0x10; |
| kFriday = 0x20; |
| kSaturday = 0x40; |
| kAway = 0x80; |
| } |
| |
| bitmap Feature : BITMAP32 { |
| kHeating = 0x1; |
| kCooling = 0x2; |
| kOccupancy = 0x4; |
| kScheduleConfiguration = 0x8; |
| kSetback = 0x10; |
| kAutoMode = 0x20; |
| kLocalTemperatureNotExposed = 0x40; |
| } |
| |
| bitmap ModeForSequence : BITMAP8 { |
| kHeatSetpointPresent = 0x1; |
| kCoolSetpointPresent = 0x2; |
| } |
| |
| struct ThermostatScheduleTransition { |
| int16u transitionTime = 0; |
| nullable int16s heatSetpoint = 1; |
| nullable int16s coolSetpoint = 2; |
| } |
| |
| readonly attribute nullable int16s localTemperature = 0; |
| attribute int16s occupiedHeatingSetpoint = 18; |
| attribute access(write: manage) ThermostatControlSequence controlSequenceOfOperation = 27; |
| attribute access(write: manage) enum8 systemMode = 28; |
| readonly attribute command_id generatedCommandList[] = 65528; |
| readonly attribute command_id acceptedCommandList[] = 65529; |
| readonly attribute event_id eventList[] = 65530; |
| readonly attribute attrib_id attributeList[] = 65531; |
| readonly attribute bitmap32 featureMap = 65532; |
| readonly attribute int16u clusterRevision = 65533; |
| |
| request struct SetpointRaiseLowerRequest { |
| SetpointAdjustMode mode = 0; |
| int8s amount = 1; |
| } |
| |
| command SetpointRaiseLower(SetpointRaiseLowerRequest): DefaultSuccess = 0; |
| } |
| |
| /** An interface for controlling a fan in a heating/cooling system. */ |
| server cluster FanControl = 514 { |
| enum AirflowDirectionEnum : ENUM8 { |
| kForward = 0; |
| kReverse = 1; |
| } |
| |
| enum FanModeEnum : ENUM8 { |
| kOff = 0; |
| kLow = 1; |
| kMedium = 2; |
| kHigh = 3; |
| kOn = 4; |
| kAuto = 5; |
| kSmart = 6; |
| } |
| |
| enum FanModeSequenceEnum : ENUM8 { |
| kOffLowMedHigh = 0; |
| kOffLowHigh = 1; |
| kOffLowMedHighAuto = 2; |
| kOffLowHighAuto = 3; |
| kOffOnAuto = 4; |
| kOffOn = 5; |
| } |
| |
| enum StepDirectionEnum : ENUM8 { |
| kIncrease = 0; |
| kDecrease = 1; |
| } |
| |
| bitmap Feature : BITMAP32 { |
| kMultiSpeed = 0x1; |
| kAuto = 0x2; |
| kRocking = 0x4; |
| kWind = 0x8; |
| kStep = 0x10; |
| kAirflowDirection = 0x20; |
| } |
| |
| bitmap RockBitmap : BITMAP8 { |
| kRockLeftRight = 0x1; |
| kRockUpDown = 0x2; |
| kRockRound = 0x4; |
| } |
| |
| bitmap WindBitmap : BITMAP8 { |
| kSleepWind = 0x1; |
| kNaturalWind = 0x2; |
| } |
| |
| attribute FanModeEnum fanMode = 0; |
| attribute FanModeSequenceEnum fanModeSequence = 1; |
| attribute nullable percent percentSetting = 2; |
| readonly attribute percent percentCurrent = 3; |
| readonly attribute command_id generatedCommandList[] = 65528; |
| readonly attribute command_id acceptedCommandList[] = 65529; |
| readonly attribute event_id eventList[] = 65530; |
| readonly attribute attrib_id attributeList[] = 65531; |
| readonly attribute bitmap32 featureMap = 65532; |
| readonly attribute int16u clusterRevision = 65533; |
| } |
| |
| /** An interface for configuring the user interface of a thermostat (which may be remote from the thermostat). */ |
| server cluster ThermostatUserInterfaceConfiguration = 516 { |
| attribute enum8 temperatureDisplayMode = 0; |
| attribute access(write: manage) enum8 keypadLockout = 1; |
| readonly attribute command_id generatedCommandList[] = 65528; |
| readonly attribute command_id acceptedCommandList[] = 65529; |
| readonly attribute event_id eventList[] = 65530; |
| readonly attribute attrib_id attributeList[] = 65531; |
| readonly attribute bitmap32 featureMap = 65532; |
| readonly attribute int16u clusterRevision = 65533; |
| } |
| |
| /** Attributes and commands for controlling the color properties of a color-capable light. */ |
| server cluster ColorControl = 768 { |
| enum ColorLoopAction : ENUM8 { |
| kDeactivate = 0; |
| kActivateFromColorLoopStartEnhancedHue = 1; |
| kActivateFromEnhancedCurrentHue = 2; |
| } |
| |
| enum ColorLoopDirection : ENUM8 { |
| kDecrementHue = 0; |
| kIncrementHue = 1; |
| } |
| |
| enum ColorMode : ENUM8 { |
| kCurrentHueAndCurrentSaturation = 0; |
| kCurrentXAndCurrentY = 1; |
| kColorTemperature = 2; |
| } |
| |
| enum HueDirection : ENUM8 { |
| kShortestDistance = 0; |
| kLongestDistance = 1; |
| kUp = 2; |
| kDown = 3; |
| } |
| |
| enum HueMoveMode : ENUM8 { |
| kStop = 0; |
| kUp = 1; |
| kDown = 3; |
| } |
| |
| enum HueStepMode : ENUM8 { |
| kUp = 1; |
| kDown = 3; |
| } |
| |
| enum SaturationMoveMode : ENUM8 { |
| kStop = 0; |
| kUp = 1; |
| kDown = 3; |
| } |
| |
| enum SaturationStepMode : ENUM8 { |
| kUp = 1; |
| kDown = 3; |
| } |
| |
| bitmap ColorCapabilities : BITMAP16 { |
| kHueSaturationSupported = 0x1; |
| kEnhancedHueSupported = 0x2; |
| kColorLoopSupported = 0x4; |
| kXYAttributesSupported = 0x8; |
| kColorTemperatureSupported = 0x10; |
| } |
| |
| bitmap ColorLoopUpdateFlags : BITMAP8 { |
| kUpdateAction = 0x1; |
| kUpdateDirection = 0x2; |
| kUpdateTime = 0x4; |
| kUpdateStartHue = 0x8; |
| } |
| |
| bitmap Feature : BITMAP32 { |
| kHueAndSaturation = 0x1; |
| kEnhancedHue = 0x2; |
| kColorLoop = 0x4; |
| kXY = 0x8; |
| kColorTemperature = 0x10; |
| } |
| |
| readonly attribute enum8 colorMode = 8; |
| attribute bitmap8 options = 15; |
| readonly attribute nullable int8u numberOfPrimaries = 16; |
| readonly attribute enum8 enhancedColorMode = 16385; |
| readonly attribute bitmap16 colorCapabilities = 16394; |
| readonly attribute command_id generatedCommandList[] = 65528; |
| readonly attribute command_id acceptedCommandList[] = 65529; |
| readonly attribute event_id eventList[] = 65530; |
| readonly attribute attrib_id attributeList[] = 65531; |
| readonly attribute bitmap32 featureMap = 65532; |
| readonly attribute int16u clusterRevision = 65533; |
| } |
| |
| /** Attributes and commands for configuring a lighting ballast. */ |
| server cluster BallastConfiguration = 769 { |
| bitmap BallastStatusBitmap : BITMAP8 { |
| kBallastNonOperational = 0x1; |
| kLampFailure = 0x2; |
| } |
| |
| bitmap LampAlarmModeBitmap : BITMAP8 { |
| kLampBurnHours = 0x1; |
| } |
| |
| readonly attribute int8u physicalMinLevel = 0; |
| readonly attribute int8u physicalMaxLevel = 1; |
| attribute int8u minLevel = 16; |
| attribute int8u maxLevel = 17; |
| readonly attribute int8u lampQuantity = 32; |
| readonly attribute command_id generatedCommandList[] = 65528; |
| readonly attribute command_id acceptedCommandList[] = 65529; |
| readonly attribute event_id eventList[] = 65530; |
| readonly attribute attrib_id attributeList[] = 65531; |
| readonly attribute bitmap32 featureMap = 65532; |
| readonly attribute int16u clusterRevision = 65533; |
| } |
| |
| /** Attributes and commands for configuring the measurement of illuminance, and reporting illuminance measurements. */ |
| server cluster IlluminanceMeasurement = 1024 { |
| enum LightSensorTypeEnum : ENUM8 { |
| kPhotodiode = 0; |
| kCMOS = 1; |
| } |
| |
| readonly attribute nullable int16u measuredValue = 0; |
| readonly attribute nullable int16u minMeasuredValue = 1; |
| readonly attribute nullable int16u maxMeasuredValue = 2; |
| readonly attribute command_id generatedCommandList[] = 65528; |
| readonly attribute command_id acceptedCommandList[] = 65529; |
| readonly attribute event_id eventList[] = 65530; |
| readonly attribute attrib_id attributeList[] = 65531; |
| readonly attribute bitmap32 featureMap = 65532; |
| readonly attribute int16u clusterRevision = 65533; |
| } |
| |
| /** Attributes and commands for configuring the measurement of temperature, and reporting temperature measurements. */ |
| server cluster TemperatureMeasurement = 1026 { |
| readonly attribute nullable int16s measuredValue = 0; |
| readonly attribute nullable int16s minMeasuredValue = 1; |
| readonly attribute nullable int16s maxMeasuredValue = 2; |
| readonly attribute command_id generatedCommandList[] = 65528; |
| readonly attribute command_id acceptedCommandList[] = 65529; |
| readonly attribute event_id eventList[] = 65530; |
| readonly attribute attrib_id attributeList[] = 65531; |
| readonly attribute bitmap32 featureMap = 65532; |
| readonly attribute int16u clusterRevision = 65533; |
| } |
| |
| /** Attributes and commands for configuring the measurement of pressure, and reporting pressure measurements. */ |
| server cluster PressureMeasurement = 1027 { |
| bitmap Feature : BITMAP32 { |
| kExtended = 0x1; |
| } |
| |
| readonly attribute nullable int16s measuredValue = 0; |
| readonly attribute nullable int16s minMeasuredValue = 1; |
| readonly attribute nullable int16s maxMeasuredValue = 2; |
| readonly attribute command_id generatedCommandList[] = 65528; |
| readonly attribute command_id acceptedCommandList[] = 65529; |
| readonly attribute event_id eventList[] = 65530; |
| readonly attribute attrib_id attributeList[] = 65531; |
| readonly attribute bitmap32 featureMap = 65532; |
| readonly attribute int16u clusterRevision = 65533; |
| } |
| |
| /** Attributes and commands for configuring the measurement of flow, and reporting flow measurements. */ |
| server cluster FlowMeasurement = 1028 { |
| readonly attribute nullable int16u measuredValue = 0; |
| readonly attribute nullable int16u minMeasuredValue = 1; |
| readonly attribute nullable int16u maxMeasuredValue = 2; |
| readonly attribute command_id generatedCommandList[] = 65528; |
| readonly attribute command_id acceptedCommandList[] = 65529; |
| readonly attribute event_id eventList[] = 65530; |
| readonly attribute attrib_id attributeList[] = 65531; |
| readonly attribute bitmap32 featureMap = 65532; |
| readonly attribute int16u clusterRevision = 65533; |
| } |
| |
| /** Attributes and commands for configuring the measurement of relative humidity, and reporting relative humidity measurements. */ |
| server cluster RelativeHumidityMeasurement = 1029 { |
| readonly attribute nullable int16u measuredValue = 0; |
| readonly attribute nullable int16u minMeasuredValue = 1; |
| readonly attribute nullable int16u maxMeasuredValue = 2; |
| readonly attribute command_id generatedCommandList[] = 65528; |
| readonly attribute command_id acceptedCommandList[] = 65529; |
| readonly attribute event_id eventList[] = 65530; |
| readonly attribute attrib_id attributeList[] = 65531; |
| readonly attribute bitmap32 featureMap = 65532; |
| readonly attribute int16u clusterRevision = 65533; |
| } |
| |
| /** Attributes and commands for configuring occupancy sensing, and reporting occupancy status. */ |
| server cluster OccupancySensing = 1030 { |
| enum OccupancySensorTypeEnum : ENUM8 { |
| kPIR = 0; |
| kUltrasonic = 1; |
| kPIRAndUltrasonic = 2; |
| kPhysicalContact = 3; |
| } |
| |
| bitmap OccupancyBitmap : BITMAP8 { |
| kOccupied = 0x1; |
| } |
| |
| bitmap OccupancySensorTypeBitmap : BITMAP8 { |
| kPIR = 0x1; |
| kUltrasonic = 0x2; |
| kPhysicalContact = 0x4; |
| } |
| |
| readonly attribute OccupancyBitmap occupancy = 0; |
| readonly attribute OccupancySensorTypeEnum occupancySensorType = 1; |
| readonly attribute OccupancySensorTypeBitmap occupancySensorTypeBitmap = 2; |
| readonly attribute command_id generatedCommandList[] = 65528; |
| readonly attribute command_id acceptedCommandList[] = 65529; |
| readonly attribute event_id eventList[] = 65530; |
| readonly attribute attrib_id attributeList[] = 65531; |
| readonly attribute bitmap32 featureMap = 65532; |
| readonly attribute int16u clusterRevision = 65533; |
| } |
| |
| /** This cluster provides an interface for managing low power mode on a device that supports the Wake On LAN protocol. */ |
| server cluster WakeOnLan = 1283 { |
| readonly attribute command_id generatedCommandList[] = 65528; |
| readonly attribute command_id acceptedCommandList[] = 65529; |
| readonly attribute event_id eventList[] = 65530; |
| readonly attribute attrib_id attributeList[] = 65531; |
| readonly attribute bitmap32 featureMap = 65532; |
| readonly attribute int16u clusterRevision = 65533; |
| } |
| |
| /** This cluster provides an interface for controlling the current Channel on a device. */ |
| server cluster Channel = 1284 { |
| enum ChannelStatusEnum : ENUM8 { |
| kSuccess = 0; |
| kMultipleMatches = 1; |
| kNoMatches = 2; |
| } |
| |
| enum LineupInfoTypeEnum : ENUM8 { |
| kMSO = 0; |
| } |
| |
| bitmap Feature : BITMAP32 { |
| kChannelList = 0x1; |
| kLineupInfo = 0x2; |
| } |
| |
| struct ChannelInfoStruct { |
| int16u majorNumber = 0; |
| int16u minorNumber = 1; |
| optional char_string name = 2; |
| optional char_string callSign = 3; |
| optional char_string affiliateCallSign = 4; |
| } |
| |
| struct LineupInfoStruct { |
| char_string operatorName = 0; |
| optional char_string lineupName = 1; |
| optional char_string postalCode = 2; |
| LineupInfoTypeEnum lineupInfoType = 3; |
| } |
| |
| readonly attribute command_id generatedCommandList[] = 65528; |
| readonly attribute command_id acceptedCommandList[] = 65529; |
| readonly attribute event_id eventList[] = 65530; |
| readonly attribute attrib_id attributeList[] = 65531; |
| readonly attribute bitmap32 featureMap = 65532; |
| readonly attribute int16u clusterRevision = 65533; |
| |
| request struct ChangeChannelByNumberRequest { |
| int16u majorNumber = 0; |
| int16u minorNumber = 1; |
| } |
| |
| request struct SkipChannelRequest { |
| int16s count = 0; |
| } |
| |
| command ChangeChannelByNumber(ChangeChannelByNumberRequest): DefaultSuccess = 2; |
| command SkipChannel(SkipChannelRequest): DefaultSuccess = 3; |
| } |
| |
| /** This cluster provides an interface for UX navigation within a set of targets on a device or endpoint. */ |
| server cluster TargetNavigator = 1285 { |
| enum TargetNavigatorStatusEnum : ENUM8 { |
| kSuccess = 0; |
| kTargetNotFound = 1; |
| kNotAllowed = 2; |
| } |
| |
| struct TargetInfoStruct { |
| int8u identifier = 0; |
| char_string<32> name = 1; |
| } |
| |
| readonly attribute TargetInfoStruct targetList[] = 0; |
| readonly attribute command_id generatedCommandList[] = 65528; |
| readonly attribute command_id acceptedCommandList[] = 65529; |
| readonly attribute event_id eventList[] = 65530; |
| readonly attribute attrib_id attributeList[] = 65531; |
| readonly attribute bitmap32 featureMap = 65532; |
| readonly attribute int16u clusterRevision = 65533; |
| |
| request struct NavigateTargetRequest { |
| int8u target = 0; |
| optional char_string data = 1; |
| } |
| |
| response struct NavigateTargetResponse = 1 { |
| TargetNavigatorStatusEnum status = 0; |
| optional char_string data = 1; |
| } |
| |
| command NavigateTarget(NavigateTargetRequest): NavigateTargetResponse = 0; |
| } |
| |
| /** This cluster provides an interface for controlling Media Playback (PLAY, PAUSE, etc) on a media device such as a TV or Speaker. */ |
| server cluster MediaPlayback = 1286 { |
| enum MediaPlaybackStatusEnum : ENUM8 { |
| kSuccess = 0; |
| kInvalidStateForCommand = 1; |
| kNotAllowed = 2; |
| kNotActive = 3; |
| kSpeedOutOfRange = 4; |
| kSeekOutOfRange = 5; |
| } |
| |
| enum PlaybackStateEnum : ENUM8 { |
| kPlaying = 0; |
| kPaused = 1; |
| kNotPlaying = 2; |
| kBuffering = 3; |
| } |
| |
| bitmap Feature : BITMAP32 { |
| kAdvancedSeek = 0x1; |
| kVariableSpeed = 0x2; |
| } |
| |
| struct PlaybackPositionStruct { |
| epoch_us updatedAt = 0; |
| nullable int64u position = 1; |
| } |
| |
| readonly attribute PlaybackStateEnum currentState = 0; |
| readonly attribute command_id generatedCommandList[] = 65528; |
| readonly attribute command_id acceptedCommandList[] = 65529; |
| readonly attribute event_id eventList[] = 65530; |
| readonly attribute attrib_id attributeList[] = 65531; |
| readonly attribute bitmap32 featureMap = 65532; |
| readonly attribute int16u clusterRevision = 65533; |
| |
| response struct PlaybackResponse = 10 { |
| MediaPlaybackStatusEnum status = 0; |
| optional char_string data = 1; |
| } |
| |
| command Play(): PlaybackResponse = 0; |
| command Pause(): PlaybackResponse = 1; |
| command Stop(): PlaybackResponse = 2; |
| } |
| |
| /** This cluster provides an interface for controlling the Input Selector on a media device such as a TV. */ |
| server cluster MediaInput = 1287 { |
| enum InputTypeEnum : ENUM8 { |
| kInternal = 0; |
| kAux = 1; |
| kCoax = 2; |
| kComposite = 3; |
| kHDMI = 4; |
| kInput = 5; |
| kLine = 6; |
| kOptical = 7; |
| kVideo = 8; |
| kSCART = 9; |
| kUSB = 10; |
| kOther = 11; |
| } |
| |
| bitmap Feature : BITMAP32 { |
| kNameUpdates = 0x1; |
| } |
| |
| struct InputInfoStruct { |
| int8u index = 0; |
| InputTypeEnum inputType = 1; |
| char_string<32> name = 2; |
| char_string<32> description = 3; |
| } |
| |
| readonly attribute InputInfoStruct inputList[] = 0; |
| readonly attribute int8u currentInput = 1; |
| readonly attribute command_id generatedCommandList[] = 65528; |
| readonly attribute command_id acceptedCommandList[] = 65529; |
| readonly attribute event_id eventList[] = 65530; |
| readonly attribute attrib_id attributeList[] = 65531; |
| readonly attribute bitmap32 featureMap = 65532; |
| readonly attribute int16u clusterRevision = 65533; |
| |
| request struct SelectInputRequest { |
| int8u index = 0; |
| } |
| |
| command SelectInput(SelectInputRequest): DefaultSuccess = 0; |
| command ShowInputStatus(): DefaultSuccess = 1; |
| command HideInputStatus(): DefaultSuccess = 2; |
| } |
| |
| /** This cluster provides an interface for managing low power mode on a device. */ |
| server cluster LowPower = 1288 { |
| readonly attribute command_id generatedCommandList[] = 65528; |
| readonly attribute command_id acceptedCommandList[] = 65529; |
| readonly attribute event_id eventList[] = 65530; |
| readonly attribute attrib_id attributeList[] = 65531; |
| readonly attribute bitmap32 featureMap = 65532; |
| readonly attribute int16u clusterRevision = 65533; |
| |
| command Sleep(): DefaultSuccess = 0; |
| } |
| |
| /** This cluster provides an interface for controlling a device like a TV using action commands such as UP, DOWN, and SELECT. */ |
| server cluster KeypadInput = 1289 { |
| enum CecKeyCode : ENUM8 { |
| kSelect = 0; |
| kUp = 1; |
| kDown = 2; |
| kLeft = 3; |
| kRight = 4; |
| kRightUp = 5; |
| kRightDown = 6; |
| kLeftUp = 7; |
| kLeftDown = 8; |
| kRootMenu = 9; |
| kSetupMenu = 10; |
| kContentsMenu = 11; |
| kFavoriteMenu = 12; |
| kExit = 13; |
| kMediaTopMenu = 16; |
| kMediaContextSensitiveMenu = 17; |
| kNumberEntryMode = 29; |
| kNumber11 = 30; |
| kNumber12 = 31; |
| kNumber0OrNumber10 = 32; |
| kNumbers1 = 33; |
| kNumbers2 = 34; |
| kNumbers3 = 35; |
| kNumbers4 = 36; |
| kNumbers5 = 37; |
| kNumbers6 = 38; |
| kNumbers7 = 39; |
| kNumbers8 = 40; |
| kNumbers9 = 41; |
| kDot = 42; |
| kEnter = 43; |
| kClear = 44; |
| kNextFavorite = 47; |
| kChannelUp = 48; |
| kChannelDown = 49; |
| kPreviousChannel = 50; |
| kSoundSelect = 51; |
| kInputSelect = 52; |
| kDisplayInformation = 53; |
| kHelp = 54; |
| kPageUp = 55; |
| kPageDown = 56; |
| kPower = 64; |
| kVolumeUp = 65; |
| kVolumeDown = 66; |
| kMute = 67; |
| kPlay = 68; |
| kStop = 69; |
| kPause = 70; |
| kRecord = 71; |
| kRewind = 72; |
| kFastForward = 73; |
| kEject = 74; |
| kForward = 75; |
| kBackward = 76; |
| kStopRecord = 77; |
| kPauseRecord = 78; |
| kReserved = 79; |
| kAngle = 80; |
| kSubPicture = 81; |
| kVideoOnDemand = 82; |
| kElectronicProgramGuide = 83; |
| kTimerProgramming = 84; |
| kInitialConfiguration = 85; |
| kSelectBroadcastType = 86; |
| kSelectSoundPresentation = 87; |
| kPlayFunction = 96; |
| kPausePlayFunction = 97; |
| kRecordFunction = 98; |
| kPauseRecordFunction = 99; |
| kStopFunction = 100; |
| kMuteFunction = 101; |
| kRestoreVolumeFunction = 102; |
| kTuneFunction = 103; |
| kSelectMediaFunction = 104; |
| kSelectAvInputFunction = 105; |
| kSelectAudioInputFunction = 106; |
| kPowerToggleFunction = 107; |
| kPowerOffFunction = 108; |
| kPowerOnFunction = 109; |
| kF1Blue = 113; |
| kF2Red = 114; |
| kF3Green = 115; |
| kF4Yellow = 116; |
| kF5 = 117; |
| kData = 118; |
| } |
| |
| enum KeypadInputStatusEnum : ENUM8 { |
| kSuccess = 0; |
| kUnsupportedKey = 1; |
| kInvalidKeyInCurrentState = 2; |
| } |
| |
| bitmap Feature : BITMAP32 { |
| kNavigationKeyCodes = 0x1; |
| kLocationKeys = 0x2; |
| kNumberKeys = 0x4; |
| } |
| |
| readonly attribute command_id generatedCommandList[] = 65528; |
| readonly attribute command_id acceptedCommandList[] = 65529; |
| readonly attribute event_id eventList[] = 65530; |
| readonly attribute attrib_id attributeList[] = 65531; |
| readonly attribute bitmap32 featureMap = 65532; |
| readonly attribute int16u clusterRevision = 65533; |
| |
| request struct SendKeyRequest { |
| CecKeyCode keyCode = 0; |
| } |
| |
| response struct SendKeyResponse = 1 { |
| KeypadInputStatusEnum status = 0; |
| } |
| |
| command SendKey(SendKeyRequest): SendKeyResponse = 0; |
| } |
| |
| /** This cluster provides an interface for launching content on a media player device such as a TV or Speaker. */ |
| server cluster ContentLauncher = 1290 { |
| enum ContentLaunchStatusEnum : ENUM8 { |
| kSuccess = 0; |
| kUrlNotAvailable = 1; |
| kAuthFailed = 2; |
| } |
| |
| enum MetricTypeEnum : ENUM8 { |
| kPixels = 0; |
| kPercentage = 1; |
| } |
| |
| enum ParameterEnum : ENUM8 { |
| kActor = 0; |
| kChannel = 1; |
| kCharacter = 2; |
| kDirector = 3; |
| kEvent = 4; |
| kFranchise = 5; |
| kGenre = 6; |
| kLeague = 7; |
| kPopularity = 8; |
| kProvider = 9; |
| kSport = 10; |
| kSportsTeam = 11; |
| kType = 12; |
| kVideo = 13; |
| } |
| |
| bitmap Feature : BITMAP32 { |
| kContentSearch = 0x1; |
| kURLPlayback = 0x2; |
| } |
| |
| bitmap SupportedStreamingProtocol : BITMAP32 { |
| kDASH = 0x1; |
| kHLS = 0x2; |
| } |
| |
| struct DimensionStruct { |
| double width = 0; |
| double height = 1; |
| MetricTypeEnum metric = 2; |
| } |
| |
| struct AdditionalInfoStruct { |
| char_string name = 0; |
| char_string value = 1; |
| } |
| |
| struct ParameterStruct { |
| ParameterEnum type = 0; |
| char_string value = 1; |
| optional AdditionalInfoStruct externalIDList[] = 2; |
| } |
| |
| struct ContentSearchStruct { |
| ParameterStruct parameterList[] = 0; |
| } |
| |
| struct StyleInformationStruct { |
| optional char_string imageURL = 0; |
| optional char_string color = 1; |
| optional DimensionStruct size = 2; |
| } |
| |
| struct BrandingInformationStruct { |
| char_string providerName = 0; |
| optional StyleInformationStruct background = 1; |
| optional StyleInformationStruct logo = 2; |
| optional StyleInformationStruct progressBar = 3; |
| optional StyleInformationStruct splash = 4; |
| optional StyleInformationStruct waterMark = 5; |
| } |
| |
| readonly attribute command_id generatedCommandList[] = 65528; |
| readonly attribute command_id acceptedCommandList[] = 65529; |
| readonly attribute event_id eventList[] = 65530; |
| readonly attribute attrib_id attributeList[] = 65531; |
| readonly attribute bitmap32 featureMap = 65532; |
| readonly attribute int16u clusterRevision = 65533; |
| } |
| |
| /** This cluster provides an interface for controlling the Output on a media device such as a TV. */ |
| server cluster AudioOutput = 1291 { |
| enum OutputTypeEnum : ENUM8 { |
| kHDMI = 0; |
| kBT = 1; |
| kOptical = 2; |
| kHeadphone = 3; |
| kInternal = 4; |
| kOther = 5; |
| } |
| |
| bitmap Feature : BITMAP32 { |
| kNameUpdates = 0x1; |
| } |
| |
| struct OutputInfoStruct { |
| int8u index = 0; |
| OutputTypeEnum outputType = 1; |
| char_string<32> name = 2; |
| } |
| |
| readonly attribute OutputInfoStruct outputList[] = 0; |
| readonly attribute int8u currentOutput = 1; |
| readonly attribute command_id generatedCommandList[] = 65528; |
| readonly attribute command_id acceptedCommandList[] = 65529; |
| readonly attribute event_id eventList[] = 65530; |
| readonly attribute attrib_id attributeList[] = 65531; |
| readonly attribute bitmap32 featureMap = 65532; |
| readonly attribute int16u clusterRevision = 65533; |
| |
| request struct SelectOutputRequest { |
| int8u index = 0; |
| } |
| |
| command SelectOutput(SelectOutputRequest): DefaultSuccess = 0; |
| } |
| |
| /** This cluster provides an interface for launching content on a media player device such as a TV or Speaker. */ |
| server cluster ApplicationLauncher = 1292 { |
| enum ApplicationLauncherStatusEnum : ENUM8 { |
| kSuccess = 0; |
| kAppNotAvailable = 1; |
| kSystemBusy = 2; |
| } |
| |
| bitmap Feature : BITMAP32 { |
| kApplicationPlatform = 0x1; |
| } |
| |
| struct ApplicationStruct { |
| int16u catalogVendorID = 0; |
| char_string applicationID = 1; |
| } |
| |
| struct ApplicationEPStruct { |
| ApplicationStruct application = 0; |
| optional endpoint_no endpoint = 1; |
| } |
| |
| readonly attribute command_id generatedCommandList[] = 65528; |
| readonly attribute command_id acceptedCommandList[] = 65529; |
| readonly attribute event_id eventList[] = 65530; |
| readonly attribute attrib_id attributeList[] = 65531; |
| readonly attribute bitmap32 featureMap = 65532; |
| readonly attribute int16u clusterRevision = 65533; |
| |
| request struct LaunchAppRequest { |
| optional ApplicationStruct application = 0; |
| optional octet_string data = 1; |
| } |
| |
| request struct StopAppRequest { |
| optional ApplicationStruct application = 0; |
| } |
| |
| request struct HideAppRequest { |
| optional ApplicationStruct application = 0; |
| } |
| |
| response struct LauncherResponse = 3 { |
| ApplicationLauncherStatusEnum status = 0; |
| optional octet_string data = 1; |
| } |
| |
| command LaunchApp(LaunchAppRequest): LauncherResponse = 0; |
| command StopApp(StopAppRequest): LauncherResponse = 1; |
| command HideApp(HideAppRequest): LauncherResponse = 2; |
| } |
| |
| /** This cluster provides information about an application running on a TV or media player device which is represented as an endpoint. */ |
| server cluster ApplicationBasic = 1293 { |
| enum ApplicationStatusEnum : ENUM8 { |
| kStopped = 0; |
| kActiveVisibleFocus = 1; |
| kActiveHidden = 2; |
| kActiveVisibleNotFocus = 3; |
| } |
| |
| struct ApplicationStruct { |
| int16u catalogVendorID = 0; |
| char_string applicationID = 1; |
| } |
| |
| readonly attribute char_string<32> applicationName = 2; |
| readonly attribute ApplicationStruct application = 4; |
| readonly attribute ApplicationStatusEnum status = 5; |
| readonly attribute char_string<32> applicationVersion = 6; |
| readonly attribute vendor_id allowedVendorList[] = 7; |
| readonly attribute command_id generatedCommandList[] = 65528; |
| readonly attribute command_id acceptedCommandList[] = 65529; |
| readonly attribute event_id eventList[] = 65530; |
| readonly attribute attrib_id attributeList[] = 65531; |
| readonly attribute bitmap32 featureMap = 65532; |
| readonly attribute int16u clusterRevision = 65533; |
| } |
| |
| /** This cluster provides commands that facilitate user account login on a Content App or a node. For example, a Content App running on a Video Player device, which is represented as an endpoint (see [TV Architecture]), can use this cluster to help make the user account on the Content App match the user account on the Client. */ |
| server cluster AccountLogin = 1294 { |
| readonly attribute command_id generatedCommandList[] = 65528; |
| readonly attribute command_id acceptedCommandList[] = 65529; |
| readonly attribute event_id eventList[] = 65530; |
| readonly attribute attrib_id attributeList[] = 65531; |
| readonly attribute bitmap32 featureMap = 65532; |
| readonly attribute int16u clusterRevision = 65533; |
| |
| request struct GetSetupPINRequest { |
| char_string<100> tempAccountIdentifier = 0; |
| } |
| |
| request struct LoginRequest { |
| char_string<100> tempAccountIdentifier = 0; |
| char_string setupPIN = 1; |
| } |
| |
| response struct GetSetupPINResponse = 1 { |
| char_string setupPIN = 0; |
| } |
| |
| timed command GetSetupPIN(GetSetupPINRequest): GetSetupPINResponse = 0; |
| timed command Login(LoginRequest): DefaultSuccess = 2; |
| timed command Logout(): DefaultSuccess = 3; |
| } |
| |
| /** The Test Cluster is meant to validate the generated code */ |
| server cluster UnitTesting = 4294048773 { |
| enum SimpleEnum : ENUM8 { |
| kUnspecified = 0; |
| kValueA = 1; |
| kValueB = 2; |
| kValueC = 3; |
| } |
| |
| bitmap Bitmap16MaskMap : BITMAP16 { |
| kMaskVal1 = 0x1; |
| kMaskVal2 = 0x2; |
| kMaskVal3 = 0x4; |
| kMaskVal4 = 0x4000; |
| } |
| |
| bitmap Bitmap32MaskMap : BITMAP32 { |
| kMaskVal1 = 0x1; |
| kMaskVal2 = 0x2; |
| kMaskVal3 = 0x4; |
| kMaskVal4 = 0x40000000; |
| } |
| |
| bitmap Bitmap64MaskMap : BITMAP64 { |
| kMaskVal1 = 0x1; |
| kMaskVal2 = 0x2; |
| kMaskVal3 = 0x4; |
| kMaskVal4 = 0x4000000000000000; |
| } |
| |
| bitmap Bitmap8MaskMap : BITMAP8 { |
| kMaskVal1 = 0x1; |
| kMaskVal2 = 0x2; |
| kMaskVal3 = 0x4; |
| kMaskVal4 = 0x40; |
| } |
| |
| bitmap SimpleBitmap : BITMAP8 { |
| kValueA = 0x1; |
| kValueB = 0x2; |
| kValueC = 0x4; |
| } |
| |
| struct SimpleStruct { |
| int8u a = 0; |
| boolean b = 1; |
| SimpleEnum c = 2; |
| octet_string d = 3; |
| char_string e = 4; |
| SimpleBitmap f = 5; |
| single g = 6; |
| double h = 7; |
| } |
| |
| fabric_scoped struct TestFabricScoped { |
| fabric_sensitive int8u fabricSensitiveInt8u = 1; |
| optional fabric_sensitive int8u optionalFabricSensitiveInt8u = 2; |
| nullable fabric_sensitive int8u nullableFabricSensitiveInt8u = 3; |
| optional nullable fabric_sensitive int8u nullableOptionalFabricSensitiveInt8u = 4; |
| fabric_sensitive char_string fabricSensitiveCharString = 5; |
| fabric_sensitive SimpleStruct fabricSensitiveStruct = 6; |
| fabric_sensitive int8u fabricSensitiveInt8uList[] = 7; |
| fabric_idx fabricIndex = 254; |
| } |
| |
| struct NullablesAndOptionalsStruct { |
| nullable int16u nullableInt = 0; |
| optional int16u optionalInt = 1; |
| optional nullable int16u nullableOptionalInt = 2; |
| nullable char_string nullableString = 3; |
| optional char_string optionalString = 4; |
| optional nullable char_string nullableOptionalString = 5; |
| nullable SimpleStruct nullableStruct = 6; |
| optional SimpleStruct optionalStruct = 7; |
| optional nullable SimpleStruct nullableOptionalStruct = 8; |
| nullable SimpleEnum nullableList[] = 9; |
| optional SimpleEnum optionalList[] = 10; |
| optional nullable SimpleEnum nullableOptionalList[] = 11; |
| } |
| |
| struct NestedStruct { |
| int8u a = 0; |
| boolean b = 1; |
| SimpleStruct c = 2; |
| } |
| |
| struct NestedStructList { |
| int8u a = 0; |
| boolean b = 1; |
| SimpleStruct c = 2; |
| SimpleStruct d[] = 3; |
| int32u e[] = 4; |
| octet_string f[] = 5; |
| int8u g[] = 6; |
| } |
| |
| struct DoubleNestedStructList { |
| NestedStructList a[] = 0; |
| } |
| |
| struct TestListStructOctet { |
| int64u member1 = 0; |
| octet_string<32> member2 = 1; |
| } |
| |
| info event TestEvent = 1 { |
| int8u arg1 = 1; |
| SimpleEnum arg2 = 2; |
| boolean arg3 = 3; |
| SimpleStruct arg4 = 4; |
| SimpleStruct arg5[] = 5; |
| SimpleEnum arg6[] = 6; |
| } |
| |
| fabric_sensitive info event TestFabricScopedEvent = 2 { |
| fabric_idx fabricIndex = 254; |
| } |
| |
| attribute boolean boolean = 0; |
| attribute Bitmap8MaskMap bitmap8 = 1; |
| attribute Bitmap16MaskMap bitmap16 = 2; |
| attribute Bitmap32MaskMap bitmap32 = 3; |
| attribute Bitmap64MaskMap bitmap64 = 4; |
| attribute int8u int8u = 5; |
| attribute int16u int16u = 6; |
| attribute int24u int24u = 7; |
| attribute int32u int32u = 8; |
| attribute int40u int40u = 9; |
| attribute int48u int48u = 10; |
| attribute int56u int56u = 11; |
| attribute int64u int64u = 12; |
| attribute int8s int8s = 13; |
| attribute int16s int16s = 14; |
| attribute int24s int24s = 15; |
| attribute int32s int32s = 16; |
| attribute int40s int40s = 17; |
| attribute int48s int48s = 18; |
| attribute int56s int56s = 19; |
| attribute int64s int64s = 20; |
| attribute enum8 enum8 = 21; |
| attribute enum16 enum16 = 22; |
| attribute single floatSingle = 23; |
| attribute double floatDouble = 24; |
| attribute octet_string<10> octetString = 25; |
| attribute int8u listInt8u[] = 26; |
| attribute octet_string listOctetString[] = 27; |
| attribute TestListStructOctet listStructOctetString[] = 28; |
| attribute long_octet_string<1000> longOctetString = 29; |
| attribute char_string<10> charString = 30; |
| attribute long_char_string<1000> longCharString = 31; |
| attribute epoch_us epochUs = 32; |
| attribute epoch_s epochS = 33; |
| attribute vendor_id vendorId = 34; |
| attribute NullablesAndOptionalsStruct listNullablesAndOptionalsStruct[] = 35; |
| attribute SimpleEnum enumAttr = 36; |
| attribute SimpleStruct structAttr = 37; |
| attribute int8u rangeRestrictedInt8u = 38; |
| attribute int8s rangeRestrictedInt8s = 39; |
| attribute int16u rangeRestrictedInt16u = 40; |
| attribute int16s rangeRestrictedInt16s = 41; |
| attribute LONG_OCTET_STRING listLongOctetString[] = 42; |
| attribute TestFabricScoped listFabricScoped[] = 43; |
| timedwrite attribute boolean timedWriteBoolean = 48; |
| attribute boolean generalErrorBoolean = 49; |
| attribute boolean clusterErrorBoolean = 50; |
| attribute nullable boolean nullableBoolean = 16384; |
| attribute nullable Bitmap8MaskMap nullableBitmap8 = 16385; |
| attribute nullable Bitmap16MaskMap nullableBitmap16 = 16386; |
| attribute nullable Bitmap32MaskMap nullableBitmap32 = 16387; |
| attribute nullable Bitmap64MaskMap nullableBitmap64 = 16388; |
| attribute nullable int8u nullableInt8u = 16389; |
| attribute nullable int16u nullableInt16u = 16390; |
| attribute nullable int24u nullableInt24u = 16391; |
| attribute nullable int32u nullableInt32u = 16392; |
| attribute nullable int40u nullableInt40u = 16393; |
| attribute nullable int48u nullableInt48u = 16394; |
| attribute nullable int56u nullableInt56u = 16395; |
| attribute nullable int64u nullableInt64u = 16396; |
| attribute nullable int8s nullableInt8s = 16397; |
| attribute nullable int16s nullableInt16s = 16398; |
| attribute nullable int24s nullableInt24s = 16399; |
| attribute nullable int32s nullableInt32s = 16400; |
| attribute nullable int40s nullableInt40s = 16401; |
| attribute nullable int48s nullableInt48s = 16402; |
| attribute nullable int56s nullableInt56s = 16403; |
| attribute nullable int64s nullableInt64s = 16404; |
| attribute nullable enum8 nullableEnum8 = 16405; |
| attribute nullable enum16 nullableEnum16 = 16406; |
| attribute nullable single nullableFloatSingle = 16407; |
| attribute nullable double nullableFloatDouble = 16408; |
| attribute nullable octet_string<10> nullableOctetString = 16409; |
| attribute nullable char_string<10> nullableCharString = 16414; |
| attribute nullable SimpleEnum nullableEnumAttr = 16420; |
| attribute nullable SimpleStruct nullableStruct = 16421; |
| attribute nullable int8u nullableRangeRestrictedInt8u = 16422; |
| attribute nullable int8s nullableRangeRestrictedInt8s = 16423; |
| attribute nullable int16u nullableRangeRestrictedInt16u = 16424; |
| attribute nullable int16s nullableRangeRestrictedInt16s = 16425; |
| readonly attribute command_id generatedCommandList[] = 65528; |
| readonly attribute command_id acceptedCommandList[] = 65529; |
| readonly attribute event_id eventList[] = 65530; |
| readonly attribute attrib_id attributeList[] = 65531; |
| readonly attribute bitmap32 featureMap = 65532; |
| readonly attribute int16u clusterRevision = 65533; |
| |
| request struct TestAddArgumentsRequest { |
| int8u arg1 = 0; |
| int8u arg2 = 1; |
| } |
| |
| request struct TestStructArgumentRequestRequest { |
| SimpleStruct arg1 = 0; |
| } |
| |
| request struct TestNestedStructArgumentRequestRequest { |
| NestedStruct arg1 = 0; |
| } |
| |
| request struct TestListStructArgumentRequestRequest { |
| SimpleStruct arg1[] = 0; |
| } |
| |
| request struct TestListInt8UArgumentRequestRequest { |
| int8u arg1[] = 0; |
| } |
| |
| request struct TestNestedStructListArgumentRequestRequest { |
| NestedStructList arg1 = 0; |
| } |
| |
| request struct TestListNestedStructListArgumentRequestRequest { |
| NestedStructList arg1[] = 0; |
| } |
| |
| request struct TestListInt8UReverseRequestRequest { |
| int8u arg1[] = 0; |
| } |
| |
| request struct TestEnumsRequestRequest { |
| vendor_id arg1 = 0; |
| SimpleEnum arg2 = 1; |
| } |
| |
| request struct TestNullableOptionalRequestRequest { |
| optional nullable int8u arg1 = 0; |
| } |
| |
| request struct SimpleStructEchoRequestRequest { |
| SimpleStruct arg1 = 0; |
| } |
| |
| request struct TestSimpleOptionalArgumentRequestRequest { |
| optional boolean arg1 = 0; |
| } |
| |
| request struct TestEmitTestEventRequestRequest { |
| int8u arg1 = 0; |
| SimpleEnum arg2 = 1; |
| boolean arg3 = 2; |
| } |
| |
| request struct TestEmitTestFabricScopedEventRequestRequest { |
| int8u arg1 = 0; |
| } |
| |
| response struct TestSpecificResponse = 0 { |
| int8u returnValue = 0; |
| } |
| |
| response struct TestAddArgumentsResponse = 1 { |
| int8u returnValue = 0; |
| } |
| |
| response struct TestListInt8UReverseResponse = 4 { |
| int8u arg1[] = 0; |
| } |
| |
| response struct TestEnumsResponse = 5 { |
| vendor_id arg1 = 0; |
| SimpleEnum arg2 = 1; |
| } |
| |
| response struct TestNullableOptionalResponse = 6 { |
| boolean wasPresent = 0; |
| optional boolean wasNull = 1; |
| optional int8u value = 2; |
| optional nullable int8u originalValue = 3; |
| } |
| |
| response struct SimpleStructResponse = 9 { |
| SimpleStruct arg1 = 0; |
| } |
| |
| response struct TestEmitTestEventResponse = 10 { |
| int64u value = 0; |
| } |
| |
| response struct TestEmitTestFabricScopedEventResponse = 11 { |
| int64u value = 0; |
| } |
| |
| command Test(): DefaultSuccess = 0; |
| command TestNotHandled(): DefaultSuccess = 1; |
| command TestSpecific(): TestSpecificResponse = 2; |
| command TestAddArguments(TestAddArgumentsRequest): TestAddArgumentsResponse = 4; |
| command TestStructArgumentRequest(TestStructArgumentRequestRequest): BooleanResponse = 7; |
| command TestNestedStructArgumentRequest(TestNestedStructArgumentRequestRequest): BooleanResponse = 8; |
| command TestListStructArgumentRequest(TestListStructArgumentRequestRequest): BooleanResponse = 9; |
| command TestListInt8UArgumentRequest(TestListInt8UArgumentRequestRequest): BooleanResponse = 10; |
| command TestNestedStructListArgumentRequest(TestNestedStructListArgumentRequestRequest): BooleanResponse = 11; |
| command TestListNestedStructListArgumentRequest(TestListNestedStructListArgumentRequestRequest): BooleanResponse = 12; |
| command TestListInt8UReverseRequest(TestListInt8UReverseRequestRequest): TestListInt8UReverseResponse = 13; |
| command TestEnumsRequest(TestEnumsRequestRequest): TestEnumsResponse = 14; |
| command TestNullableOptionalRequest(TestNullableOptionalRequestRequest): TestNullableOptionalResponse = 15; |
| command SimpleStructEchoRequest(SimpleStructEchoRequestRequest): SimpleStructResponse = 17; |
| timed command TimedInvokeRequest(): DefaultSuccess = 18; |
| command TestSimpleOptionalArgumentRequest(TestSimpleOptionalArgumentRequestRequest): DefaultSuccess = 19; |
| command TestEmitTestEventRequest(TestEmitTestEventRequestRequest): TestEmitTestEventResponse = 20; |
| command TestEmitTestFabricScopedEventRequest(TestEmitTestFabricScopedEventRequestRequest): TestEmitTestFabricScopedEventResponse = 21; |
| } |
| |
| endpoint 0 { |
| device type ma_rootdevice = 22, version 1; |
| device type ma_powersource = 17, version 1; |
| |
| binding cluster OtaSoftwareUpdateProvider; |
| |
| server cluster Identify { |
| ram attribute identifyTime default = 0x0000; |
| ram attribute identifyType default = 0x0; |
| ram attribute featureMap default = 0; |
| ram attribute clusterRevision default = 4; |
| |
| handle command Identify; |
| } |
| |
| server cluster Groups { |
| ram attribute nameSupport; |
| ram attribute featureMap default = 0; |
| ram attribute clusterRevision default = 4; |
| |
| handle command AddGroup; |
| handle command AddGroupResponse; |
| handle command ViewGroup; |
| handle command ViewGroupResponse; |
| handle command GetGroupMembership; |
| handle command GetGroupMembershipResponse; |
| handle command RemoveGroup; |
| handle command RemoveGroupResponse; |
| handle command RemoveAllGroups; |
| handle command AddGroupIfIdentifying; |
| } |
| |
| server cluster Descriptor { |
| callback attribute deviceTypeList; |
| callback attribute serverList; |
| callback attribute clientList; |
| callback attribute partsList; |
| callback attribute generatedCommandList; |
| callback attribute acceptedCommandList; |
| callback attribute eventList; |
| callback attribute attributeList; |
| ram attribute featureMap default = 0; |
| callback attribute clusterRevision default = 1; |
| } |
| |
| server cluster Binding { |
| callback attribute binding; |
| ram attribute featureMap default = 0; |
| ram attribute clusterRevision default = 1; |
| } |
| |
| server cluster AccessControl { |
| emits event AccessControlEntryChanged; |
| callback attribute acl; |
| callback attribute extension; |
| callback attribute subjectsPerAccessControlEntry default = 4; |
| callback attribute targetsPerAccessControlEntry default = 3; |
| callback attribute accessControlEntriesPerFabric default = 4; |
| callback attribute generatedCommandList; |
| callback attribute acceptedCommandList; |
| callback attribute eventList; |
| callback attribute attributeList; |
| ram attribute featureMap default = 0; |
| callback attribute clusterRevision default = 1; |
| } |
| |
| server cluster BasicInformation { |
| emits event StartUp; |
| callback attribute dataModelRevision default = 10; |
| callback attribute vendorName; |
| callback attribute vendorID; |
| callback attribute productName; |
| callback attribute productID; |
| persist attribute nodeLabel; |
| callback attribute location default = "XX"; |
| callback attribute hardwareVersion default = 0; |
| callback attribute hardwareVersionString; |
| callback attribute softwareVersion default = 0; |
| callback attribute softwareVersionString; |
| callback attribute capabilityMinima; |
| callback attribute generatedCommandList; |
| callback attribute acceptedCommandList; |
| callback attribute eventList; |
| callback attribute attributeList; |
| ram attribute featureMap default = 0; |
| ram attribute clusterRevision default = 2; |
| } |
| |
| server cluster OtaSoftwareUpdateRequestor { |
| emits event StateTransition; |
| emits event VersionApplied; |
| emits event DownloadError; |
| callback attribute defaultOTAProviders default = 0; |
| ram attribute updatePossible default = 1; |
| ram attribute updateState default = 0; |
| ram attribute updateStateProgress default = 0; |
| ram attribute featureMap default = 0; |
| ram attribute clusterRevision default = 1; |
| |
| handle command AnnounceOTAProvider; |
| } |
| |
| server cluster LocalizationConfiguration { |
| persist attribute activeLocale default = "en-US"; |
| callback attribute supportedLocales; |
| callback attribute generatedCommandList; |
| callback attribute acceptedCommandList; |
| callback attribute eventList; |
| callback attribute attributeList; |
| ram attribute featureMap default = 0; |
| ram attribute clusterRevision default = 1; |
| } |
| |
| server cluster TimeFormatLocalization { |
| persist attribute hourFormat default = 0; |
| callback attribute generatedCommandList; |
| callback attribute acceptedCommandList; |
| callback attribute eventList; |
| callback attribute attributeList; |
| ram attribute featureMap default = 0; |
| ram attribute clusterRevision default = 1; |
| } |
| |
| server cluster UnitLocalization { |
| callback attribute generatedCommandList; |
| callback attribute acceptedCommandList; |
| callback attribute eventList; |
| callback attribute attributeList; |
| ram attribute featureMap default = 0; |
| ram attribute clusterRevision default = 1; |
| } |
| |
| server cluster PowerSource { |
| ram attribute status default = 0; |
| ram attribute order default = 3; |
| ram attribute description default = "B1"; |
| callback attribute endpointList; |
| callback attribute generatedCommandList; |
| callback attribute acceptedCommandList; |
| callback attribute eventList; |
| callback attribute attributeList; |
| ram attribute featureMap default = 0; |
| ram attribute clusterRevision default = 2; |
| } |
| |
| server cluster GeneralCommissioning { |
| ram attribute breadcrumb default = 0x0000000000000000; |
| callback attribute basicCommissioningInfo; |
| callback attribute regulatoryConfig default = 0; |
| callback attribute locationCapability default = 0; |
| callback attribute supportsConcurrentConnection default = 1; |
| callback attribute generatedCommandList; |
| callback attribute acceptedCommandList; |
| callback attribute eventList; |
| callback attribute attributeList; |
| ram attribute featureMap default = 0; |
| ram attribute clusterRevision default = 1; |
| |
| handle command ArmFailSafe; |
| handle command ArmFailSafeResponse; |
| handle command SetRegulatoryConfig; |
| handle command SetRegulatoryConfigResponse; |
| handle command CommissioningComplete; |
| handle command CommissioningCompleteResponse; |
| } |
| |
| server cluster NetworkCommissioning { |
| ram attribute maxNetworks; |
| callback attribute networks; |
| ram attribute scanMaxTimeSeconds; |
| ram attribute connectMaxTimeSeconds; |
| ram attribute interfaceEnabled; |
| ram attribute lastNetworkingStatus; |
| ram attribute lastNetworkID; |
| ram attribute lastConnectErrorValue; |
| callback attribute generatedCommandList; |
| callback attribute acceptedCommandList; |
| callback attribute eventList; |
| callback attribute attributeList; |
| ram attribute featureMap default = 2; |
| ram attribute clusterRevision default = 1; |
| |
| handle command ScanNetworks; |
| handle command ScanNetworksResponse; |
| handle command AddOrUpdateWiFiNetwork; |
| handle command AddOrUpdateThreadNetwork; |
| handle command RemoveNetwork; |
| handle command NetworkConfigResponse; |
| handle command ConnectNetwork; |
| handle command ConnectNetworkResponse; |
| handle command ReorderNetwork; |
| } |
| |
| server cluster DiagnosticLogs { |
| ram attribute featureMap default = 0; |
| ram attribute clusterRevision default = 1; |
| |
| handle command RetrieveLogsRequest; |
| } |
| |
| server cluster GeneralDiagnostics { |
| callback attribute networkInterfaces; |
| callback attribute rebootCount default = 0x0000; |
| callback attribute testEventTriggersEnabled; |
| callback attribute generatedCommandList; |
| callback attribute acceptedCommandList; |
| callback attribute eventList; |
| callback attribute attributeList; |
| ram attribute featureMap default = 0; |
| ram attribute clusterRevision default = 1; |
| |
| handle command TestEventTrigger; |
| } |
| |
| server cluster SoftwareDiagnostics { |
| callback attribute featureMap default = 0; |
| ram attribute clusterRevision default = 1; |
| } |
| |
| server cluster ThreadNetworkDiagnostics { |
| callback attribute channel; |
| callback attribute routingRole; |
| callback attribute networkName default = "0"; |
| callback attribute panId default = 0x0000; |
| callback attribute extendedPanId default = 0x0000000000000000; |
| callback attribute meshLocalPrefix; |
| callback attribute neighborTable; |
| callback attribute routeTable; |
| callback attribute partitionId; |
| callback attribute weighting; |
| callback attribute dataVersion; |
| callback attribute stableDataVersion; |
| callback attribute leaderRouterId; |
| callback attribute securityPolicy; |
| callback attribute channelPage0Mask default = "0x0000"; |
| callback attribute operationalDatasetComponents; |
| callback attribute activeNetworkFaultsList; |
| ram attribute featureMap default = 0; |
| ram attribute clusterRevision default = 1; |
| } |
| |
| server cluster WiFiNetworkDiagnostics { |
| callback attribute bssid; |
| callback attribute securityType; |
| callback attribute wiFiVersion; |
| callback attribute channelNumber default = 0x0000; |
| callback attribute rssi default = 0x00; |
| ram attribute featureMap default = 0; |
| ram attribute clusterRevision default = 1; |
| } |
| |
| server cluster EthernetNetworkDiagnostics { |
| callback attribute PHYRate; |
| callback attribute fullDuplex default = 0x00; |
| callback attribute packetRxCount default = 0x0000000000000000; |
| callback attribute packetTxCount default = 0x0000000000000000; |
| callback attribute txErrCount default = 0x0000000000000000; |
| callback attribute collisionCount default = 0x0000000000000000; |
| callback attribute overrunCount default = 0x0000000000000000; |
| callback attribute carrierDetect default = 0x00; |
| callback attribute timeSinceReset default = 0x0000000000000000; |
| ram attribute featureMap default = 3; |
| ram attribute clusterRevision default = 1; |
| |
| handle command ResetCounts; |
| } |
| |
| server cluster AdministratorCommissioning { |
| callback attribute windowStatus default = 0; |
| callback attribute adminFabricIndex default = 1; |
| callback attribute adminVendorId default = 0; |
| callback attribute generatedCommandList; |
| callback attribute acceptedCommandList; |
| callback attribute eventList; |
| callback attribute attributeList; |
| ram attribute featureMap default = 0; |
| ram attribute clusterRevision default = 1; |
| |
| handle command OpenCommissioningWindow; |
| handle command RevokeCommissioning; |
| } |
| |
| server cluster OperationalCredentials { |
| callback attribute NOCs; |
| callback attribute fabrics; |
| callback attribute supportedFabrics; |
| callback attribute commissionedFabrics; |
| callback attribute trustedRootCertificates; |
| callback attribute currentFabricIndex; |
| callback attribute generatedCommandList; |
| callback attribute acceptedCommandList; |
| callback attribute eventList; |
| callback attribute attributeList; |
| ram attribute featureMap default = 0; |
| ram attribute clusterRevision default = 1; |
| |
| handle command AttestationRequest; |
| handle command AttestationResponse; |
| handle command CertificateChainRequest; |
| handle command CertificateChainResponse; |
| handle command CSRRequest; |
| handle command CSRResponse; |
| handle command AddNOC; |
| handle command UpdateNOC; |
| handle command NOCResponse; |
| handle command UpdateFabricLabel; |
| handle command RemoveFabric; |
| handle command AddTrustedRootCertificate; |
| } |
| |
| server cluster GroupKeyManagement { |
| callback attribute groupKeyMap; |
| callback attribute groupTable; |
| callback attribute maxGroupsPerFabric; |
| callback attribute maxGroupKeysPerFabric; |
| callback attribute generatedCommandList; |
| callback attribute acceptedCommandList; |
| callback attribute eventList; |
| callback attribute attributeList; |
| callback attribute featureMap default = 0; |
| callback attribute clusterRevision default = 1; |
| |
| handle command KeySetWrite; |
| handle command KeySetRead; |
| handle command KeySetReadResponse; |
| handle command KeySetRemove; |
| handle command KeySetReadAllIndices; |
| handle command KeySetReadAllIndicesResponse; |
| } |
| |
| server cluster FixedLabel { |
| callback attribute labelList; |
| ram attribute featureMap default = 0; |
| ram attribute clusterRevision default = 1; |
| } |
| |
| server cluster UserLabel { |
| callback attribute labelList; |
| ram attribute featureMap default = 0; |
| ram attribute clusterRevision default = 1; |
| } |
| |
| server cluster RelativeHumidityMeasurement { |
| ram attribute measuredValue; |
| ram attribute minMeasuredValue default = 0; |
| ram attribute maxMeasuredValue default = 0x2710; |
| ram attribute featureMap default = 0; |
| ram attribute clusterRevision default = 3; |
| } |
| } |
| endpoint 1 { |
| device type ma_powersource = 17, version 1; |
| device type ma_onofflight = 256, version 1; |
| |
| |
| server cluster Identify { |
| ram attribute identifyTime default = 0x0000; |
| ram attribute identifyType default = 0x0; |
| callback attribute generatedCommandList; |
| callback attribute acceptedCommandList; |
| callback attribute eventList; |
| callback attribute attributeList; |
| ram attribute featureMap default = 0; |
| ram attribute clusterRevision default = 4; |
| |
| handle command Identify; |
| handle command TriggerEffect; |
| } |
| |
| server cluster Groups { |
| ram attribute nameSupport; |
| callback attribute generatedCommandList; |
| callback attribute acceptedCommandList; |
| callback attribute eventList; |
| callback attribute attributeList; |
| ram attribute featureMap default = 0; |
| ram attribute clusterRevision default = 4; |
| |
| handle command AddGroup; |
| handle command AddGroupResponse; |
| handle command ViewGroup; |
| handle command ViewGroupResponse; |
| handle command GetGroupMembership; |
| handle command GetGroupMembershipResponse; |
| handle command RemoveGroup; |
| handle command RemoveGroupResponse; |
| handle command RemoveAllGroups; |
| handle command AddGroupIfIdentifying; |
| } |
| |
| server cluster Scenes { |
| callback attribute sceneCount default = 0x00; |
| ram attribute currentScene default = 0x00; |
| ram attribute currentGroup default = 0x0000; |
| ram attribute sceneValid default = 0x00; |
| ram attribute nameSupport default = 0x80; |
| ram attribute lastConfiguredBy; |
| ram attribute sceneTableSize default = 16; |
| callback attribute remainingCapacity default = 8; |
| callback attribute generatedCommandList; |
| callback attribute acceptedCommandList; |
| callback attribute eventList; |
| callback attribute attributeList; |
| ram attribute featureMap default = 3; |
| ram attribute clusterRevision default = 5; |
| |
| handle command AddScene; |
| handle command AddSceneResponse; |
| handle command ViewScene; |
| handle command ViewSceneResponse; |
| handle command RemoveScene; |
| handle command RemoveSceneResponse; |
| handle command RemoveAllScenes; |
| handle command RemoveAllScenesResponse; |
| handle command StoreScene; |
| handle command StoreSceneResponse; |
| handle command RecallScene; |
| handle command GetSceneMembership; |
| handle command GetSceneMembershipResponse; |
| } |
| |
| server cluster OnOff { |
| persist attribute onOff default = 0x00; |
| ram attribute globalSceneControl default = 0x01; |
| ram attribute onTime default = 0x0000; |
| ram attribute offWaitTime default = 0x0000; |
| persist attribute startUpOnOff default = 0xFF; |
| callback attribute generatedCommandList; |
| callback attribute acceptedCommandList; |
| callback attribute eventList; |
| callback attribute attributeList; |
| ram attribute featureMap default = 0; |
| ram attribute clusterRevision default = 5; |
| |
| handle command Off; |
| handle command On; |
| handle command Toggle; |
| handle command OffWithEffect; |
| handle command OnWithRecallGlobalScene; |
| handle command OnWithTimedOff; |
| } |
| |
| server cluster LevelControl { |
| persist attribute currentLevel default = 0xFE; |
| ram attribute remainingTime default = 0x0000; |
| ram attribute options default = 0x00; |
| ram attribute onLevel default = 0xFF; |
| persist attribute startUpCurrentLevel default = 255; |
| ram attribute featureMap default = 0; |
| ram attribute clusterRevision default = 5; |
| |
| handle command MoveToLevel; |
| handle command Move; |
| handle command Step; |
| handle command Stop; |
| handle command MoveToLevelWithOnOff; |
| handle command MoveWithOnOff; |
| handle command StepWithOnOff; |
| handle command StopWithOnOff; |
| } |
| |
| server cluster Descriptor { |
| callback attribute deviceTypeList; |
| callback attribute serverList; |
| callback attribute clientList; |
| callback attribute partsList; |
| callback attribute generatedCommandList; |
| callback attribute acceptedCommandList; |
| callback attribute eventList; |
| callback attribute attributeList; |
| ram attribute featureMap default = 0; |
| callback attribute clusterRevision default = 1; |
| } |
| |
| server cluster Binding { |
| callback attribute binding; |
| ram attribute featureMap default = 0; |
| ram attribute clusterRevision default = 1; |
| } |
| |
| server cluster Actions { |
| callback attribute actionList; |
| callback attribute endpointLists; |
| ram attribute featureMap default = 0; |
| callback attribute clusterRevision default = 1; |
| } |
| |
| server cluster PowerSource { |
| ram attribute status default = 0; |
| ram attribute order default = 2; |
| ram attribute description default = "B2"; |
| callback attribute endpointList; |
| callback attribute generatedCommandList; |
| callback attribute acceptedCommandList; |
| callback attribute eventList; |
| callback attribute attributeList; |
| ram attribute featureMap default = 0; |
| ram attribute clusterRevision default = 2; |
| } |
| |
| server cluster Switch { |
| ram attribute numberOfPositions default = 2; |
| ram attribute currentPosition; |
| ram attribute featureMap default = 1; |
| ram attribute clusterRevision default = 1; |
| } |
| |
| server cluster FixedLabel { |
| callback attribute labelList; |
| ram attribute featureMap default = 0; |
| ram attribute clusterRevision default = 1; |
| } |
| |
| server cluster UserLabel { |
| callback attribute labelList; |
| ram attribute featureMap default = 0; |
| ram attribute clusterRevision default = 1; |
| } |
| |
| server cluster BooleanState { |
| ram attribute stateValue default = 0; |
| ram attribute featureMap default = 0; |
| ram attribute clusterRevision default = 1; |
| } |
| |
| server cluster ModeSelect { |
| ram attribute description default = "Coffee"; |
| ram attribute standardNamespace default = 0; |
| callback attribute supportedModes default = 0; |
| persist attribute currentMode default = 0; |
| callback attribute generatedCommandList; |
| callback attribute acceptedCommandList; |
| callback attribute attributeList; |
| ram attribute featureMap default = 0; |
| ram attribute clusterRevision default = 2; |
| |
| handle command ChangeToMode; |
| } |
| |
| server cluster TemperatureControl { |
| ram attribute selectedTemperatureLevel default = 0; |
| callback attribute supportedTemperatureLevels; |
| callback attribute generatedCommandList; |
| callback attribute acceptedCommandList; |
| callback attribute attributeList; |
| ram attribute featureMap default = 2; |
| ram attribute clusterRevision default = 1; |
| |
| handle command SetTemperature; |
| } |
| |
| server cluster DoorLock { |
| emits event DoorLockAlarm; |
| emits event LockOperation; |
| emits event LockOperationError; |
| ram attribute lockState default = 2; |
| ram attribute lockType; |
| ram attribute actuatorEnabled; |
| ram attribute autoRelockTime default = 60; |
| ram attribute operatingMode default = 0x00; |
| ram attribute supportedOperatingModes default = 0xFFF6; |
| ram attribute featureMap default = 0; |
| ram attribute clusterRevision default = 6; |
| |
| handle command LockDoor; |
| handle command UnlockDoor; |
| } |
| |
| server cluster WindowCovering { |
| ram attribute type default = 0x00; |
| persist attribute configStatus default = 0x03; |
| ram attribute operationalStatus default = 0x00; |
| ram attribute endProductType default = 0x00; |
| persist attribute mode default = 0x00; |
| callback attribute generatedCommandList; |
| callback attribute acceptedCommandList; |
| callback attribute attributeList; |
| ram attribute featureMap default = 1; |
| ram attribute clusterRevision default = 5; |
| |
| handle command UpOrOpen; |
| handle command DownOrClose; |
| handle command StopMotion; |
| } |
| |
| server cluster PumpConfigurationAndControl { |
| ram attribute maxPressure; |
| ram attribute maxSpeed; |
| ram attribute maxFlow; |
| ram attribute minConstPressure; |
| ram attribute maxConstPressure; |
| ram attribute effectiveOperationMode; |
| ram attribute effectiveControlMode; |
| ram attribute capacity; |
| ram attribute operationMode default = 0x00; |
| ram attribute featureMap default = 1; |
| ram attribute clusterRevision default = 4; |
| } |
| |
| server cluster Thermostat { |
| ram attribute localTemperature; |
| ram attribute occupiedHeatingSetpoint default = 0x07D0; |
| ram attribute controlSequenceOfOperation default = 0x04; |
| ram attribute systemMode default = 0x01; |
| ram attribute featureMap default = 1; |
| ram attribute clusterRevision default = 5; |
| |
| handle command SetpointRaiseLower; |
| } |
| |
| server cluster FanControl { |
| ram attribute fanMode default = 0x00; |
| ram attribute fanModeSequence default = 0x02; |
| ram attribute percentSetting default = 0x00; |
| ram attribute percentCurrent default = 0x00; |
| ram attribute featureMap default = 0; |
| ram attribute clusterRevision default = 2; |
| } |
| |
| server cluster ThermostatUserInterfaceConfiguration { |
| ram attribute temperatureDisplayMode default = 0x00; |
| ram attribute keypadLockout default = 0x00; |
| ram attribute featureMap default = 0; |
| ram attribute clusterRevision default = 2; |
| } |
| |
| server cluster ColorControl { |
| ram attribute colorMode default = 0x01; |
| ram attribute options default = 0x00; |
| ram attribute numberOfPrimaries default = 0; |
| ram attribute enhancedColorMode default = 0x01; |
| ram attribute colorCapabilities default = 0x1F; |
| ram attribute featureMap default = 0; |
| ram attribute clusterRevision default = 6; |
| } |
| |
| server cluster BallastConfiguration { |
| ram attribute physicalMinLevel default = 0x01; |
| ram attribute physicalMaxLevel default = 0xFE; |
| ram attribute minLevel default = 0x01; |
| ram attribute maxLevel default = 0xFE; |
| ram attribute lampQuantity; |
| callback attribute generatedCommandList; |
| callback attribute acceptedCommandList; |
| callback attribute attributeList; |
| ram attribute featureMap default = 0; |
| ram attribute clusterRevision default = 4; |
| } |
| |
| server cluster IlluminanceMeasurement { |
| ram attribute measuredValue default = 0x0000; |
| ram attribute minMeasuredValue default = 0x01; |
| ram attribute maxMeasuredValue default = 0xFFFE; |
| ram attribute featureMap default = 0; |
| ram attribute clusterRevision default = 3; |
| } |
| |
| server cluster TemperatureMeasurement { |
| ram attribute measuredValue default = 0x8000; |
| ram attribute minMeasuredValue default = 0x8000; |
| ram attribute maxMeasuredValue default = 0x8000; |
| ram attribute featureMap default = 0; |
| ram attribute clusterRevision default = 4; |
| } |
| |
| server cluster PressureMeasurement { |
| ram attribute measuredValue default = 0x0000; |
| ram attribute minMeasuredValue; |
| ram attribute maxMeasuredValue; |
| ram attribute featureMap default = 0; |
| ram attribute clusterRevision default = 3; |
| } |
| |
| server cluster FlowMeasurement { |
| ram attribute measuredValue; |
| ram attribute minMeasuredValue; |
| ram attribute maxMeasuredValue; |
| ram attribute featureMap default = 0; |
| ram attribute clusterRevision default = 3; |
| } |
| |
| server cluster RelativeHumidityMeasurement { |
| ram attribute measuredValue; |
| ram attribute minMeasuredValue default = 0; |
| ram attribute maxMeasuredValue default = 0x2710; |
| ram attribute featureMap default = 0; |
| ram attribute clusterRevision default = 3; |
| } |
| |
| server cluster OccupancySensing { |
| ram attribute occupancy; |
| ram attribute occupancySensorType; |
| ram attribute occupancySensorTypeBitmap; |
| ram attribute featureMap default = 0; |
| ram attribute clusterRevision default = 3; |
| } |
| |
| server cluster WakeOnLan { |
| ram attribute featureMap default = 0; |
| ram attribute clusterRevision default = 1; |
| } |
| |
| server cluster Channel { |
| ram attribute featureMap default = 0; |
| ram attribute clusterRevision default = 1; |
| |
| handle command ChangeChannelByNumber; |
| handle command SkipChannel; |
| } |
| |
| server cluster TargetNavigator { |
| callback attribute targetList; |
| ram attribute featureMap default = 0; |
| ram attribute clusterRevision default = 1; |
| |
| handle command NavigateTarget; |
| handle command NavigateTargetResponse; |
| } |
| |
| server cluster MediaPlayback { |
| ram attribute currentState default = 0x00; |
| ram attribute featureMap default = 0; |
| ram attribute clusterRevision default = 1; |
| |
| handle command Play; |
| handle command Pause; |
| handle command Stop; |
| handle command PlaybackResponse; |
| } |
| |
| server cluster MediaInput { |
| callback attribute inputList; |
| ram attribute currentInput default = 0x00; |
| ram attribute featureMap default = 0; |
| ram attribute clusterRevision default = 1; |
| |
| handle command SelectInput; |
| handle command ShowInputStatus; |
| handle command HideInputStatus; |
| } |
| |
| server cluster LowPower { |
| ram attribute featureMap default = 0; |
| ram attribute clusterRevision default = 1; |
| |
| handle command Sleep; |
| } |
| |
| server cluster KeypadInput { |
| ram attribute featureMap default = 0; |
| ram attribute clusterRevision default = 1; |
| |
| handle command SendKey; |
| handle command SendKeyResponse; |
| } |
| |
| server cluster ContentLauncher { |
| ram attribute featureMap default = 0; |
| ram attribute clusterRevision default = 1; |
| } |
| |
| server cluster AudioOutput { |
| callback attribute outputList; |
| ram attribute currentOutput default = 0x00; |
| ram attribute featureMap default = 0; |
| ram attribute clusterRevision default = 1; |
| |
| handle command SelectOutput; |
| } |
| |
| server cluster ApplicationLauncher { |
| ram attribute featureMap default = 0; |
| ram attribute clusterRevision default = 1; |
| |
| handle command LaunchApp; |
| handle command StopApp; |
| handle command HideApp; |
| handle command LauncherResponse; |
| } |
| |
| server cluster ApplicationBasic { |
| ram attribute applicationName; |
| callback attribute application; |
| ram attribute status; |
| ram attribute applicationVersion; |
| callback attribute allowedVendorList; |
| ram attribute featureMap default = 0; |
| ram attribute clusterRevision default = 1; |
| } |
| |
| server cluster AccountLogin { |
| ram attribute featureMap default = 0; |
| ram attribute clusterRevision default = 1; |
| |
| handle command GetSetupPIN; |
| handle command GetSetupPINResponse; |
| handle command Login; |
| handle command Logout; |
| } |
| |
| server cluster UnitTesting { |
| emits event TestEvent; |
| emits event TestFabricScopedEvent; |
| ram attribute boolean default = false; |
| ram attribute bitmap8 default = 0; |
| ram attribute bitmap16 default = 0; |
| ram attribute bitmap32 default = 0; |
| ram attribute bitmap64 default = 0; |
| ram attribute int8u default = 0; |
| ram attribute int16u default = 0; |
| ram attribute int24u default = 0; |
| ram attribute int32u default = 0; |
| ram attribute int40u default = 0; |
| ram attribute int48u default = 0; |
| ram attribute int56u default = 0; |
| ram attribute int64u default = 0; |
| ram attribute int8s default = 0; |
| ram attribute int16s default = 0; |
| ram attribute int24s default = 0; |
| ram attribute int32s default = 0; |
| ram attribute int40s default = 0; |
| ram attribute int48s default = 0; |
| ram attribute int56s default = 0; |
| ram attribute int64s default = 0; |
| ram attribute enum8 default = 0; |
| ram attribute enum16 default = 0; |
| ram attribute floatSingle default = 0; |
| ram attribute floatDouble default = 0; |
| ram attribute octetString; |
| callback attribute listInt8u; |
| callback attribute listOctetString; |
| callback attribute listStructOctetString; |
| ram attribute longOctetString; |
| ram attribute charString; |
| ram attribute longCharString; |
| ram attribute epochUs; |
| ram attribute epochS; |
| ram attribute vendorId; |
| callback attribute listNullablesAndOptionalsStruct; |
| ram attribute enumAttr; |
| callback attribute structAttr; |
| ram attribute rangeRestrictedInt8u default = 70; |
| ram attribute rangeRestrictedInt8s default = -20; |
| ram attribute rangeRestrictedInt16u default = 200; |
| ram attribute rangeRestrictedInt16s default = -100; |
| callback attribute listLongOctetString; |
| callback attribute listFabricScoped; |
| ram attribute timedWriteBoolean; |
| callback attribute generalErrorBoolean; |
| callback attribute clusterErrorBoolean; |
| ram attribute nullableBoolean default = false; |
| ram attribute nullableBitmap8 default = 0; |
| ram attribute nullableBitmap16 default = 0; |
| ram attribute nullableBitmap32 default = 0; |
| ram attribute nullableBitmap64 default = 0; |
| ram attribute nullableInt8u default = 0; |
| ram attribute nullableInt16u default = 0; |
| ram attribute nullableInt24u default = 0; |
| ram attribute nullableInt32u default = 0; |
| ram attribute nullableInt40u default = 0; |
| ram attribute nullableInt48u default = 0; |
| ram attribute nullableInt56u default = 0; |
| ram attribute nullableInt64u default = 0; |
| ram attribute nullableInt8s default = 0; |
| ram attribute nullableInt16s default = 0; |
| ram attribute nullableInt24s default = 0; |
| ram attribute nullableInt32s default = 0; |
| ram attribute nullableInt40s default = 0; |
| ram attribute nullableInt48s default = 0; |
| ram attribute nullableInt56s default = 0; |
| ram attribute nullableInt64s default = 0; |
| ram attribute nullableEnum8 default = 0; |
| ram attribute nullableEnum16 default = 0; |
| ram attribute nullableFloatSingle default = 0; |
| ram attribute nullableFloatDouble default = 0; |
| ram attribute nullableOctetString; |
| ram attribute nullableCharString; |
| ram attribute nullableEnumAttr; |
| callback attribute nullableStruct; |
| ram attribute nullableRangeRestrictedInt8u default = 70; |
| ram attribute nullableRangeRestrictedInt8s default = -20; |
| ram attribute nullableRangeRestrictedInt16u default = 200; |
| ram attribute nullableRangeRestrictedInt16s default = -100; |
| ram attribute featureMap default = 0; |
| ram attribute clusterRevision default = 1; |
| |
| handle command Test; |
| handle command TestSpecificResponse; |
| handle command TestNotHandled; |
| handle command TestAddArgumentsResponse; |
| handle command TestSpecific; |
| handle command TestAddArguments; |
| handle command TestListInt8UReverseResponse; |
| handle command TestEnumsResponse; |
| handle command TestNullableOptionalResponse; |
| handle command TestStructArgumentRequest; |
| handle command TestNestedStructArgumentRequest; |
| handle command TestListStructArgumentRequest; |
| handle command SimpleStructResponse; |
| handle command TestListInt8UArgumentRequest; |
| handle command TestEmitTestEventResponse; |
| handle command TestNestedStructListArgumentRequest; |
| handle command TestEmitTestFabricScopedEventResponse; |
| handle command TestListNestedStructListArgumentRequest; |
| handle command TestListInt8UReverseRequest; |
| handle command TestEnumsRequest; |
| handle command TestNullableOptionalRequest; |
| handle command SimpleStructEchoRequest; |
| handle command TimedInvokeRequest; |
| handle command TestSimpleOptionalArgumentRequest; |
| handle command TestEmitTestEventRequest; |
| handle command TestEmitTestFabricScopedEventRequest; |
| } |
| } |
| endpoint 2 { |
| device type ma_powersource = 17, version 1; |
| device type ma_onofflight = 256, version 1; |
| |
| |
| server cluster Identify { |
| ram attribute identifyTime default = 0x0000; |
| ram attribute identifyType default = 0x00; |
| callback attribute generatedCommandList; |
| callback attribute acceptedCommandList; |
| callback attribute eventList; |
| callback attribute attributeList; |
| ram attribute featureMap default = 0; |
| ram attribute clusterRevision default = 4; |
| |
| handle command Identify; |
| handle command TriggerEffect; |
| } |
| |
| server cluster Groups { |
| ram attribute nameSupport; |
| callback attribute generatedCommandList; |
| callback attribute acceptedCommandList; |
| callback attribute eventList; |
| callback attribute attributeList; |
| ram attribute featureMap default = 0; |
| ram attribute clusterRevision default = 4; |
| |
| handle command AddGroup; |
| handle command AddGroupResponse; |
| handle command ViewGroup; |
| handle command ViewGroupResponse; |
| handle command GetGroupMembership; |
| handle command GetGroupMembershipResponse; |
| handle command RemoveGroup; |
| handle command RemoveGroupResponse; |
| handle command RemoveAllGroups; |
| handle command AddGroupIfIdentifying; |
| } |
| |
| server cluster Scenes { |
| callback attribute sceneCount default = 0x00; |
| ram attribute currentScene default = 0x00; |
| ram attribute currentGroup default = 0x0000; |
| ram attribute sceneValid default = 0x00; |
| ram attribute nameSupport default = 0x80; |
| ram attribute sceneTableSize default = 16; |
| callback attribute remainingCapacity default = 8; |
| callback attribute generatedCommandList; |
| callback attribute acceptedCommandList; |
| callback attribute eventList; |
| callback attribute attributeList; |
| ram attribute featureMap default = 3; |
| ram attribute clusterRevision default = 5; |
| |
| handle command AddScene; |
| handle command AddSceneResponse; |
| handle command ViewScene; |
| handle command ViewSceneResponse; |
| handle command RemoveScene; |
| handle command RemoveSceneResponse; |
| handle command RemoveAllScenes; |
| handle command RemoveAllScenesResponse; |
| handle command StoreScene; |
| handle command StoreSceneResponse; |
| handle command RecallScene; |
| handle command GetSceneMembership; |
| handle command GetSceneMembershipResponse; |
| } |
| |
| server cluster OnOff { |
| ram attribute onOff default = 0x00; |
| ram attribute globalSceneControl default = 1; |
| ram attribute onTime default = 0; |
| ram attribute offWaitTime default = 0; |
| ram attribute startUpOnOff; |
| callback attribute generatedCommandList; |
| callback attribute acceptedCommandList; |
| callback attribute eventList; |
| callback attribute attributeList; |
| ram attribute featureMap default = 0x0000; |
| ram attribute clusterRevision default = 5; |
| |
| handle command Off; |
| handle command On; |
| handle command Toggle; |
| handle command OffWithEffect; |
| handle command OnWithRecallGlobalScene; |
| handle command OnWithTimedOff; |
| } |
| |
| server cluster Descriptor { |
| callback attribute deviceTypeList; |
| callback attribute serverList; |
| callback attribute clientList; |
| callback attribute partsList; |
| callback attribute generatedCommandList; |
| callback attribute acceptedCommandList; |
| callback attribute eventList; |
| callback attribute attributeList; |
| ram attribute featureMap default = 0; |
| callback attribute clusterRevision default = 1; |
| } |
| |
| server cluster PowerSource { |
| ram attribute status default = 0; |
| ram attribute order default = 1; |
| ram attribute description default = "B3"; |
| callback attribute endpointList; |
| callback attribute generatedCommandList; |
| callback attribute acceptedCommandList; |
| callback attribute eventList; |
| callback attribute attributeList; |
| ram attribute featureMap default = 0; |
| ram attribute clusterRevision default = 2; |
| } |
| |
| server cluster OccupancySensing { |
| ram attribute occupancy; |
| ram attribute occupancySensorType; |
| ram attribute occupancySensorTypeBitmap; |
| ram attribute featureMap default = 0; |
| ram attribute clusterRevision default = 3; |
| } |
| } |
| endpoint 65534 { |
| device type ma_secondary_network_commissioning = 61442, version 1; |
| |
| |
| server cluster Descriptor { |
| callback attribute deviceTypeList; |
| callback attribute serverList; |
| callback attribute clientList; |
| callback attribute partsList; |
| ram attribute featureMap default = 0; |
| callback attribute clusterRevision default = 1; |
| } |
| |
| server cluster NetworkCommissioning { |
| callback attribute maxNetworks; |
| callback attribute networks; |
| callback attribute scanMaxTimeSeconds; |
| callback attribute connectMaxTimeSeconds; |
| callback attribute interfaceEnabled; |
| callback attribute lastNetworkingStatus; |
| callback attribute lastNetworkID; |
| callback attribute lastConnectErrorValue; |
| callback attribute featureMap default = 0; |
| callback attribute clusterRevision default = 1; |
| |
| handle command ScanNetworks; |
| handle command ScanNetworksResponse; |
| handle command AddOrUpdateWiFiNetwork; |
| handle command AddOrUpdateThreadNetwork; |
| handle command RemoveNetwork; |
| handle command NetworkConfigResponse; |
| handle command ConnectNetwork; |
| handle command ConnectNetworkResponse; |
| handle command ReorderNetwork; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| |