blob: 5b988c77e2502bb3ad4ab03c0c9fa9f0159f8e0e [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2020-2021 Project CHIP Authors
* All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @file
* This file defines Base class for a CHIP IM Command
#pragma once
#include <core/CHIPCore.h>
#include <messaging/ExchangeContext.h>
#include <messaging/ExchangeMgr.h>
#include <messaging/Flags.h>
#include <protocols/Protocols.h>
#include <support/BitFlags.h>
#include <support/DLLUtil.h>
#include <support/logging/CHIPLogging.h>
#include <system/SystemPacketBuffer.h>
#include <system/TLVPacketBufferBackingStore.h>
#include <app/MessageDef/CommandDataElement.h>
#include <app/MessageDef/CommandList.h>
#include <app/MessageDef/InvokeCommand.h>
namespace chip {
namespace app {
class Command
enum class CommandRoleId
SenderId = 0,
HandlerId = 1,
enum class CommandState
Uninitialized = 0, //< The invoke command message has not been initialized
Initialized, //< The invoke command message has been initialized and is ready
AddCommand, //< The invoke command message has added Command
Sending, //< The invoke command message has sent out the invoke command
enum class CommandPathFlags : uint8_t
kEndpointIdValid = 0x01, /**< Set when the EndpointId field is valid */
kGroupIdValid = 0x02, /**< Set when the GroupId field is valid */
* Encapsulates arguments to be passed into SendCommand().
struct CommandParams
CommandParams(chip::EndpointId endpointId, chip::GroupId groupId, chip::ClusterId clusterId, chip::CommandId commandId,
const BitFlags<CommandPathFlags> & flags) :
GroupId(groupId), ClusterId(clusterId), CommandId(commandId), Flags(flags)
chip::EndpointId EndpointId;
chip::GroupId GroupId;
chip::ClusterId ClusterId;
chip::CommandId CommandId;
BitFlags<CommandPathFlags> Flags;
* Initialize the Command object. Within the lifetime
* of this instance, this method is invoked once after object
* construction until a call to Shutdown is made to terminate the
* instance.
* @param[in] apExchangeMgr A pointer to the ExchangeManager object.
* @retval #CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE If the state is not equal to
* CommandState::NotInitialized.
* @retval #CHIP_NO_ERROR On success.
CHIP_ERROR Init(Messaging::ExchangeManager * apExchangeMgr);
* Shutdown the CommandSender. This terminates this instance
* of the object and releases all held resources.
void Shutdown();
* Finalize Command Message TLV Builder and finalize command message
* @return CHIP_ERROR
CHIP_ERROR FinalizeCommandsMessage();
chip::TLV::TLVWriter & CreateCommandDataElementTLVWriter();
CHIP_ERROR AddCommand(chip::EndpointId aEndpintId, chip::GroupId aGroupId, chip::ClusterId aClusterId,
chip::CommandId aCommandId, BitFlags<CommandPathFlags> Flags);
CHIP_ERROR AddCommand(CommandParams & aCommandParams);
CHIP_ERROR AddStatusCode(const uint16_t aGeneralCode, Protocols::Id aProtocolId, const uint16_t aProtocolCode,
const chip::ClusterId aClusterId);
* Gets the inner exchange context object, without ownership.
* @return The inner exchange context, might be nullptr if no
* exchange context has been assigned or the context
* has been released.
const Messaging::ExchangeContext * GetExchangeContext() const { return mpExchangeCtx; }
virtual ~Command() = default;
bool IsFree() const { return (nullptr == mpExchangeCtx); };
virtual CHIP_ERROR ProcessCommandDataElement(CommandDataElement::Parser & aCommandElement) = 0;
CHIP_ERROR ClearExistingExchangeContext();
void MoveToState(const CommandState aTargetState);
CHIP_ERROR ProcessCommandMessage(System::PacketBufferHandle && payload, CommandRoleId aCommandRoleId);
void ClearState();
const char * GetStateStr() const;
Messaging::ExchangeManager * mpExchangeMgr = nullptr;
Messaging::ExchangeContext * mpExchangeCtx = nullptr;
chip::System::PacketBufferHandle mCommandMessageBuf;
chip::System::PacketBufferHandle mpBufHandle;
InvokeCommand::Builder mInvokeCommandBuilder;
CommandState mState;
chip::System::PacketBufferHandle mCommandDataBuf;
chip::System::PacketBufferTLVWriter mCommandMessageWriter;
chip::System::PacketBufferTLVWriter mCommandDataWriter;
} // namespace app
} // namespace chip