blob: daeab0be9e6729c5dd37151014e55d43d2c1a1a8 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2020 Project CHIP Authors
* Copyright (c) 2017 Nest Labs, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @file
* Support functions for parsing command-line arguments.
#pragma once
#include <lib/core/CHIPCore.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
namespace chip {
namespace ArgParser {
struct OptionSet;
* A function that can be called to handle a set of command line options.
typedef bool (*OptionHandlerFunct)(const char * progName, OptionSet * optSet, int id, const char * name, const char * arg);
* A function that can be called to handle any remaining, non-option command line arguments.
typedef bool (*NonOptionArgHandlerFunct)(const char * progName, int argc, char * argv[]);
* Defines the argument requirements for a command line option.
enum OptionArgumentType
kNoArgument = 0,
kArgumentRequired = 1,
kArgumentOptional = 2,
* Defines a command line option.
struct OptionDef
const char * Name; /**< Long name for the option */
OptionArgumentType ArgType; /**< An enumerated value specifying whether the option takes an argument */
uint16_t Id; /**< An integer id for the option. If the value falls in the range of
graphical ASCII characters the value is also used as the short name
for the option. */
* Defines a group of logically-related and reusable command line options.
struct OptionSet
OptionHandlerFunct OptionHandler; /**< Pointer to function for processing individual options */
OptionDef * OptionDefs; /**< NULL terminated list of option definitions structures. */
const char * HelpGroupName; /**< Group name under which options appear in help output */
const char * OptionHelp; /**< Help text describing options */
* An OptionSet where the handler is a virtual function.
class OptionSetBase : public OptionSet
virtual ~OptionSetBase() {}
virtual bool HandleOption(const char * progName, OptionSet * optSet, int id, const char * name, const char * arg) = 0;
static bool CallHandleFunct(const char * progName, OptionSet * optSet, int id, const char * name, const char * arg);
bool ParseArgs(const char * progName, int argc, char * argv[], OptionSet * optSets[]);
bool ParseArgs(const char * progName, int argc, char * argv[], OptionSet * optSets[], NonOptionArgHandlerFunct nonOptArgHandler);
bool ParseArgs(const char * progName, int argc, char * argv[], OptionSet * optSets[], NonOptionArgHandlerFunct nonOptArgHandler,
bool ignoreUnknown);
bool ParseArgsFromString(const char * progName, const char * argStr, OptionSet * optSets[]);
bool ParseArgsFromString(const char * progName, const char * argStr, OptionSet * optSets[],
NonOptionArgHandlerFunct nonOptArgHandler);
bool ParseArgsFromString(const char * progName, const char * argStr, OptionSet * optSets[],
NonOptionArgHandlerFunct nonOptArgHandler, bool ignoreUnknown);
bool ParseArgsFromEnvVar(const char * progName, const char * varName, OptionSet * optSets[]);
bool ParseArgsFromEnvVar(const char * progName, const char * varName, OptionSet * optSets[],
NonOptionArgHandlerFunct nonOptArgHandler);
bool ParseArgsFromEnvVar(const char * progName, const char * varName, OptionSet * optSets[],
NonOptionArgHandlerFunct nonOptArgHandler, bool ignoreUnknown);
void PrintOptionHelp(OptionSet * optionSets[], FILE * s);
extern void (*PrintArgError)(const char * msg, ...);
void DefaultPrintArgError(const char * msg, ...);
// Utility functions for parsing common argument value types.
bool ParseBoolean(const char * str, bool & output);
bool ParseInt(const char * str, uint8_t & output);
bool ParseInt(const char * str, uint16_t & output);
bool ParseInt(const char * str, int32_t & output);
bool ParseInt(const char * str, uint32_t & output);
bool ParseInt(const char * str, uint64_t & output);
bool ParseInt(const char * str, uint8_t & output, int base);
bool ParseInt(const char * str, uint16_t & output, int base);
bool ParseInt(const char * str, int32_t & output, int base);
bool ParseInt(const char * str, uint32_t & output, int base);
bool ParseInt(const char * str, uint64_t & output, int base);
bool ParseFabricId(const char * str, uint64_t & fabricId, bool allowReserved = false);
bool ParseSubnetId(const char * str, uint16_t & subnetId);
bool ParseHexString(const char * hexStr, uint32_t strLen, uint8_t * outBuf, uint32_t outBufSize, uint32_t & outDataLen);
extern OptionSet ** gActiveOptionSets;
* Common OptionSet for handling informational options (--help, --version).
class HelpOptions : public OptionSetBase
const char * AppName; /**< The name of the command-line application. */
const char * AppUsage; /**< A short string depicting the application's command-line syntax. */
const char * AppVersion;
const char * AppDesc; /**< A description of the application's purpose/behavior. */
HelpOptions(const char * appName, const char * appUsage, const char * appVersion);
HelpOptions(const char * appName, const char * appUsage, const char * appVersion, const char * appDesc);
void PrintBriefUsage(FILE * s);
void PrintLongUsage(OptionSet * optSets[], FILE * s);
void PrintVersion(FILE * s);
bool HandleOption(const char * progName, OptionSet * optSet, int id, const char * name, const char * arg) override;
} // namespace ArgParser
} // namespace chip