| import com.matter.buildsrc.Deps |
| import com.matter.buildsrc.Versions |
| |
| plugins { |
| id("com.android.application") |
| id("kotlin-android") |
| id("dagger.hilt.android.plugin") |
| id("androidx.navigation.safeargs.kotlin") |
| kotlin("kapt") |
| } |
| |
| android { |
| namespace = "com.matter.virtual.device.app" |
| compileSdk = Versions.compileSdkVersion |
| buildToolsVersion = Versions.buildToolsVersion |
| |
| defaultConfig { |
| applicationId = "com.matter.virtual.device.app" |
| minSdk = Versions.minSdkVersion |
| targetSdk = Versions.targetSdkVersion |
| versionCode = 1 |
| versionName = "1.0" |
| |
| testInstrumentationRunner = "androidx.test.runner.AndroidJUnitRunner" |
| externalNativeBuild { |
| cmake { |
| targets += listOf("default") |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| buildTypes { |
| release { |
| isMinifyEnabled = false |
| proguardFiles( |
| getDefaultProguardFile("proguard-android-optimize.txt"), |
| "proguard-rules.pro" |
| ) |
| } |
| |
| debug { |
| packagingOptions { |
| jniLibs.keepDebugSymbols.add("**/*.so") |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| compileOptions { |
| sourceCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8 |
| targetCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8 |
| } |
| kotlinOptions { |
| jvmTarget = "1.8" |
| } |
| buildFeatures { |
| viewBinding = true |
| dataBinding = true |
| } |
| kapt { |
| correctErrorTypes = true |
| } |
| sourceSets { |
| getByName("main") { |
| jniLibs.setSrcDirs(listOf("libs/jniLibs")) |
| } |
| } |
| packagingOptions { |
| jniLibs.pickFirsts.add("**/*.so") |
| jniLibs.useLegacyPackaging = true |
| } |
| } |
| |
| dependencies { |
| implementation(fileTree(mapOf("dir" to "libs", "include" to listOf("*.jar")))) |
| |
| implementation(project(":core:common")) |
| implementation(project(":core:data")) |
| implementation(project(":core:domain")) |
| implementation(project(":core:model")) |
| implementation(project(":core:ui")) |
| implementation(project(":feature:control")) |
| implementation(project(":feature:main")) |
| implementation(project(":feature:qrcode")) |
| implementation(project(":feature:setup")) |
| |
| implementation(Deps.AndroidX.core) |
| implementation(Deps.AndroidX.appcompat) |
| implementation(Deps.material) |
| |
| implementation(Deps.Navigation.fragment) |
| implementation(Deps.Navigation.ui) |
| |
| implementation(Deps.Dagger.hiltAndroid) |
| kapt(Deps.Dagger.hiltAndroidCompiler) |
| |
| implementation(Deps.timber) |
| |
| testImplementation(Deps.Test.junit) |
| androidTestImplementation(Deps.Test.junitExt) |
| androidTestImplementation(Deps.Test.espresso) |
| } |