blob: 06430492233989e94c6bd1181e6295bebb988055 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2020 Project CHIP Authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include <stdint.h>
#include <gio/gio.h>
#include <glib-object.h>
#include <glib.h>
#include <lib/core/CHIPError.h>
#include <platform/GLibTypeDeleter.h>
#include <platform/Linux/dbus/bluez/DbusBluez.h>
#include <system/SystemPacketBuffer.h>
namespace chip {
namespace DeviceLayer {
namespace Internal {
class BluezEndpoint;
class BluezConnection
BluezConnection(const BluezEndpoint & aEndpoint, BluezDevice1 * apDevice);
const char * GetPeerAddress() const;
uint16_t GetMTU() const { return mMtu; }
void SetMTU(uint16_t aMtu) { mMtu = aMtu; }
bool IsNotifyAcquired() const { return mNotifyAcquired; }
void SetNotifyAcquired(bool aNotifyAcquired) { mNotifyAcquired = aNotifyAcquired; }
* @brief Setup callback for receiving data from the CHIP TX characteristic on
* the remote peripheral device.
* @note This function takes the ownership of the passed file descriptor and
* will close it when the connection is closed.
void SetupWriteHandler(int aSocketFd);
* @brief Setup callback for receiving HUP event on the notification channel.
* @note This function takes the ownership of the passed file descriptor and
* will close it when the connection is closed.
void SetupNotifyHandler(int aSocketFd, bool aAdditionalAdvertising = false);
/// Send indication to the CHIP RX characteristic on the remote peripheral device
CHIP_ERROR SendIndication(chip::System::PacketBufferHandle apBuf);
/// Write to the CHIP RX characteristic on the remote peripheral device
CHIP_ERROR SendWriteRequest(chip::System::PacketBufferHandle apBuf);
/// Subscribe to the CHIP TX characteristic on the remote peripheral device
CHIP_ERROR SubscribeCharacteristic();
/// Unsubscribe from the CHIP TX characteristic on the remote peripheral device
CHIP_ERROR UnsubscribeCharacteristic();
CHIP_ERROR CloseConnection();
struct IOChannel
IOChannel() = default;
GAutoPtr<GIOChannel> mChannel;
GAutoPtr<GSource> mWatchSource;
struct ConnectionDataBundle
ConnectionDataBundle(const BluezConnection &, const chip::System::PacketBufferHandle &);
~ConnectionDataBundle() = default;
const BluezConnection & mConn;
GAutoPtr<GVariant> mData;
CHIP_ERROR Init(const BluezEndpoint & aEndpoint);
static CHIP_ERROR BluezDisconnect(BluezConnection * apConn);
static gboolean WriteHandlerCallback(GIOChannel * aChannel, GIOCondition aCond, BluezConnection * apConn);
static gboolean NotifyHandlerCallback(GIOChannel * aChannel, GIOCondition aCond, BluezConnection * apConn);
static CHIP_ERROR SendIndicationImpl(ConnectionDataBundle * data);
static void SendWriteRequestDone(GObject * aObject, GAsyncResult * aResult, gpointer apConn);
static CHIP_ERROR SendWriteRequestImpl(ConnectionDataBundle * data);
static void OnCharacteristicChanged(GDBusProxy * aInterface, GVariant * aChangedProperties,
const gchar * const * aInvalidatedProps, gpointer apConn);
static void SubscribeCharacteristicDone(GObject * aObject, GAsyncResult * aResult, gpointer apConn);
static CHIP_ERROR SubscribeCharacteristicImpl(BluezConnection * apConn);
static void UnsubscribeCharacteristicDone(GObject * aObject, GAsyncResult * aResult, gpointer apConn);
static CHIP_ERROR UnsubscribeCharacteristicImpl(BluezConnection * apConn);
BluezDevice1 * mpDevice;
bool mNotifyAcquired = false;
uint16_t mMtu = 0;
BluezGattService1 * mpService = nullptr;
BluezGattCharacteristic1 * mpC1 = nullptr;
IOChannel mC1Channel = {};
BluezGattCharacteristic1 * mpC2 = nullptr;
IOChannel mC2Channel = {};
BluezGattCharacteristic1 * mpC3 = nullptr;
IOChannel mC3Channel = {};
} // namespace Internal
} // namespace DeviceLayer
} // namespace chip