blob: b139f44fba879b0f35a764725fd0d88ab1be5cfb [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2020 Project CHIP Authors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
declare_args() {
# Device platform layer: cc13x2_26x2, cc13x4_26x4, cc32xx, darwin, efr32, esp32, external, freertos, linux, nrfconnect, k32w0, k32w1, qpg, tizen, cyw30739, bl602, mw320, zephyr, beken, openiotsdk, none.
chip_device_platform = "auto"
chip_platform_target = ""
# Substitute fake platform when building with chip_device_platform=auto.
chip_fake_platform = false
if (chip_device_platform == "auto") {
if (chip_fake_platform) {
chip_device_platform = "fake"
} else if (current_os == "mac" || current_os == "ios") {
chip_device_platform = "darwin"
} else if (current_os == "linux") {
chip_device_platform = "linux"
} else if (current_os == "tizen") {
chip_device_platform = "tizen"
} else if (current_os == "android") {
chip_device_platform = "android"
} else if (current_os == "webos") {
chip_device_platform = "webos"
} else if (current_os == "zephyr") {
chip_device_platform = "zephyr"
} else {
chip_device_platform = "none"
declare_args() {
# Enable openthread support.
chip_enable_openthread =
chip_device_platform == "linux" || chip_device_platform == "qpg" ||
chip_device_platform == "cc13x2_26x2" ||
chip_device_platform == "cc13x4_26x4" ||
chip_device_platform == "k32w0" || chip_device_platform == "k32w1" ||
chip_device_platform == "tizen" || chip_device_platform == "stm32" ||
chip_device_platform == "webos"
declare_args() {
chip_openthread_ftd = chip_enable_openthread
# Enable wifi support.
chip_enable_wifi =
chip_device_platform == "linux" || chip_device_platform == "esp32" ||
chip_device_platform == "mbed" || chip_device_platform == "tizen" ||
chip_device_platform == "android" || chip_device_platform == "ameba" ||
chip_device_platform == "webos" || chip_device_platform == "cc32xx" ||
chip_device_platform == "bl602" || chip_device_platform == "mw320" ||
chip_device_platform == "beken" || chip_device_platform == "mt793x" ||
chip_device_platform == "asr" ||
(chip_device_platform == "darwin" && current_os == "mac")
# Enable ble support.
if (chip_device_platform == "fake") {
chip_enable_ble = false
} else {
chip_enable_ble = chip_config_network_layer_ble
# Enable NFC support
chip_enable_nfc = false
# Enable OTA requestor support
chip_enable_ota_requestor = false
# Select DNS-SD implementation
if (chip_device_platform == "linux" || chip_device_platform == "esp32" ||
chip_device_platform == "mbed" || chip_device_platform == "psoc6" ||
chip_device_platform == "ameba" || chip_device_platform == "webos" ||
chip_device_platform == "cc32xx" || chip_device_platform == "mw320" ||
chip_device_platform == "beken" || chip_device_platform == "mt793x" ||
chip_device_platform == "asr" || chip_device_platform == "openiotsdk") {
chip_mdns = "minimal"
} else if (chip_device_platform == "darwin" ||
chip_device_platform == "cc13x2_26x2" ||
chip_device_platform == "cc13x4_26x4" || current_os == "android" ||
chip_device_platform == "fake" ||
chip_device_platform == "tizen") {
chip_mdns = "platform"
} else {
chip_mdns = "none"
# Enable Subscription persistence / resumption for CI and supported platforms
if (chip_device_platform == "darwin" || chip_device_platform == "linux" ||
chip_device_platform == "esp32" || chip_device_platform == "fake" ||
chip_device_platform == "efr32" || chip_device_platform == "SiWx917") {
chip_persist_subscriptions = true
} else {
chip_persist_subscriptions = false
declare_args() {
# Enable subscription resumption after timeout - separate configuration for power use measurement
chip_subscription_timeout_resumption = chip_persist_subscriptions
_chip_device_layer = "none"
if (chip_device_platform == "cc13x2_26x2") {
_chip_device_layer = "cc13xx_26xx/cc13x2_26x2"
} else if (chip_device_platform == "cc13x4_26x4") {
_chip_device_layer = "cc13xx_26xx/cc13x4_26x4"
} else if (chip_device_platform == "cc32xx") {
_chip_device_layer = "cc32xx"
} else if (chip_device_platform == "darwin") {
_chip_device_layer = "Darwin"
} else if (chip_device_platform == "efr32") {
_chip_device_layer = "silabs"
} else if (chip_device_platform == "SiWx917") {
_chip_device_layer = "silabs"
} else if (chip_device_platform == "esp32") {
_chip_device_layer = "ESP32"
} else if (chip_device_platform == "linux") {
_chip_device_layer = "Linux"
} else if (chip_device_platform == "tizen") {
_chip_device_layer = "Tizen"
} else if (chip_device_platform == "nrfconnect") {
_chip_device_layer = "nrfconnect"
} else if (chip_device_platform == "qpg") {
_chip_device_layer = "qpg"
} else if (chip_device_platform == "k32w0") {
_chip_device_layer = "nxp/k32w/k32w0"
} else if (chip_device_platform == "k32w1") {
_chip_device_layer = "nxp/k32w/k32w1"
} else if (chip_device_platform == "telink") {
_chip_device_layer = "telink"
} else if (chip_device_platform == "mbed") {
_chip_device_layer = "mbed"
} else if (chip_device_platform == "psoc6") {
_chip_device_layer = "Infineon/PSOC6"
} else if (chip_device_platform == "android") {
_chip_device_layer = "android"
} else if (chip_device_platform == "ameba") {
_chip_device_layer = "Ameba"
} else if (chip_device_platform == "bl602") {
_chip_device_layer = "bouffalolab/common"
} else if (chip_device_platform == "bl702") {
_chip_device_layer = "bouffalolab/common"
} else if (chip_device_platform == "bl702l") {
_chip_device_layer = "bouffalolab/common"
} else if (chip_device_platform == "cyw30739") {
_chip_device_layer = "Infineon/CYW30739"
} else if (chip_device_platform == "webos") {
_chip_device_layer = "webos"
} else if (chip_device_platform == "mw320") {
_chip_device_layter = "nxp/mw320"
} else if (chip_device_platform == "zephyr") {
_chip_device_layer = "Zephyr"
} else if (chip_device_platform == "beken") {
_chip_device_layer = "Beken"
} else if (chip_device_platform == "mt793x") {
_chip_device_layer = "mt793x"
} else if (chip_device_platform == "openiotsdk") {
_chip_device_layer = "openiotsdk"
} else if (chip_device_platform == "asr") {
_chip_device_layer = "ASR"
} else if (chip_device_platform == "stm32") {
_chip_device_layer = "stm32"
if (chip_device_platform != "external") {
chip_ble_platform_config_include = ""
chip_device_platform_config_include = ""
chip_platform_config_include = ""
chip_inet_platform_config_include = ""
chip_system_platform_config_include = ""
chip_system_layer_impl_config_file = ""
} else {
declare_args() {
chip_ble_platform_config_include = ""
chip_device_platform_config_include = ""
chip_platform_config_include = ""
chip_inet_platform_config_include = ""
chip_system_platform_config_include = ""
chip_system_layer_impl_config_file = ""
declare_args() {
# If true, disables KVS implementation for the platform. May not be
# supported on all platforms.
chip_disable_platform_kvs = false
# If true, builds the tv-casting-common static lib
build_tv_casting_common_a = false
assert(!chip_disable_platform_kvs || chip_device_platform == "darwin",
"Can only disable KVS on some platforms")
if (_chip_device_layer != "none" && chip_device_platform != "external") {
chip_ble_platform_config_include =
"<platform/" + _chip_device_layer + "/BlePlatformConfig.h>"
chip_device_platform_config_include =
"<platform/" + _chip_device_layer + "/CHIPDevicePlatformConfig.h>"
chip_platform_config_include =
"<platform/" + _chip_device_layer + "/CHIPPlatformConfig.h>"
chip_inet_platform_config_include =
"<platform/" + _chip_device_layer + "/InetPlatformConfig.h>"
chip_system_platform_config_include =
"<platform/" + _chip_device_layer + "/SystemPlatformConfig.h>"
declare_args() {
# Enable jlink/segger_rtt support.
chip_enable_segger_rtt = chip_device_platform != "qpg"
(current_os != "freertos" && chip_device_platform == "none") ||
chip_device_platform == "fake" ||
chip_device_platform == "cc13x2_26x2" ||
chip_device_platform == "cc13x4_26x4" ||
chip_device_platform == "cc32xx" || chip_device_platform == "darwin" ||
chip_device_platform == "efr32" || chip_device_platform == "esp32" ||
chip_device_platform == "external" || chip_device_platform == "linux" ||
chip_device_platform == "tizen" ||
chip_device_platform == "nrfconnect" ||
chip_device_platform == "k32w0" || chip_device_platform == "k32w1" ||
chip_device_platform == "qpg" || chip_device_platform == "telink" ||
chip_device_platform == "mbed" || chip_device_platform == "psoc6" ||
chip_device_platform == "android" || chip_device_platform == "ameba" ||
chip_device_platform == "cyw30739" || chip_device_platform == "webos" ||
chip_device_platform == "mw320" || chip_device_platform == "zephyr" ||
chip_device_platform == "beken" || chip_device_platform == "bl602" ||
chip_device_platform == "bl702" || chip_device_platform == "bl702l" ||
chip_device_platform == "mt793x" || chip_device_platform == "SiWx917" ||
chip_device_platform == "openiotsdk" || chip_device_platform == "asr" ||
chip_device_platform == "stm32",
"Please select a valid value for chip_device_platform")