| #!/bin/bash |
| |
| # |
| # Copyright (c) 2022-2023 Project CHIP Authors |
| # |
| # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
| # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
| # You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| # |
| # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| # |
| # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| # limitations under the License. |
| # |
| |
| # Build and/or run Open IoT SDK examples. |
| |
| NAME="$(basename "$0")" |
| HERE="$(dirname "$0")" |
| CHIP_ROOT="$(realpath "$HERE"/../..)" |
| COMMAND=build |
| PLATFORM=corstone300 |
| CLEAN=0 |
| TOOLCHAIN=arm-none-eabi-gcc |
| DEBUG=false |
| LWIP_DEBUG=false |
| EXAMPLE="" |
| FVP_BIN=FVP_Corstone_SSE-300_Ethos-U55 |
| OIS_CONFIG="$CHIP_ROOT/config/openiotsdk" |
| FVP_CONFIG_FILE="$OIS_CONFIG/fvp/cs300.conf" |
| EXAMPLE_TEST_PATH="$CHIP_ROOT/src/test_driver/openiotsdk/integration-tests" |
| FVP_NETWORK="user" |
| CRYPTO_BACKEND="mbedtls" |
| |
| declare -A tdb_storage_param=([instance]=sram [memspace]=0 [address]=0x0 [size]=0x100000) |
| declare -A ps_storage_param=([instance]=qspi_sram [memspace]=0 [address]=0x660000 [size]=0x12000) |
| |
| readarray -t SUPPORTED_APP_NAMES <"$CHIP_ROOT"/examples/platform/openiotsdk/supported_examples.txt |
| SUPPORTED_APP_NAMES+=("unit-tests") |
| |
| readarray -t TEST_NAMES <"$CHIP_ROOT"/src/test_driver/openiotsdk/unit-tests/test_components.txt |
| |
| function show_usage() { |
| cat <<EOF |
| Usage: $0 [options] example [test_name] |
| |
| Build, run or test the Open IoT SDK examples and unit-tests. |
| |
| Options: |
| -h,--help Show this help |
| -c,--clean Clean target build |
| -s,--scratch Remove build directory at all before building |
| -C,--command <command> Action to execute <build-run | run | test | build - default> |
| -d,--debug <debug_enable> Build in debug mode <true | false - default> |
| -l,--lwipdebug <lwip_debug_enable> Build with LwIP debug logs support <true | false - default> |
| -k,--kvsstore <kvs_storage_type> Select KVS storage type <ps | tdb - default> |
| -b,--backend <crypto_backend) Select crypto backend <psa | mbedtls - default> |
| -p,--path <build_path> Build path <build_path - default is example_dir/build> |
| -K,--kvsfile <kvs_storage_file> Path to KVS storage file which will be used to ensure persistence <kvs_storage_file - default is empty which means disable persistence> |
| -n,--network <network_name> FVP network interface name <network_name - default is "user" which means user network mode> |
| |
| Examples: |
| EOF |
| |
| for app in "${SUPPORTED_APP_NAMES[@]}"; do |
| echo " $app" |
| done |
| |
| cat <<EOF |
| |
| You run or test individual test suites of unit tests by using their names [test_name] with the specified command: |
| |
| EOF |
| |
| for test in "${TEST_NAMES[@]}"; do |
| echo " $test" |
| done |
| |
| cat <<EOF |
| |
| Use "test" command without a specific test name, runs all supported unit tests. |
| |
| EOF |
| } |
| |
| function build_with_cmake() { |
| CMAKE="$(which cmake)" |
| if [[ ! -f "$CMAKE" ]]; then |
| echo "$NAME: cmake is not in PATH" >&2 |
| exit 1 |
| fi |
| |
| set -e |
| |
| mkdir -p "$BUILD_PATH" |
| |
| if [[ $CLEAN -ne 0 ]]; then |
| echo "Clean build" >&2 |
| if compgen -G "$BUILD_PATH/CMake*" >/dev/null; then |
| cmake --build "$BUILD_PATH" --target clean |
| find "$BUILD_PATH" -name 'CMakeCache.txt' -delete |
| fi |
| fi |
| |
| if [[ $SCRATCH -ne 0 ]]; then |
| echo "Remove building directory" >&2 |
| rm -rf "$BUILD_PATH" |
| fi |
| |
| |
| if "$DEBUG"; then |
| else |
| fi |
| |
| if "$LWIP_DEBUG"; then |
| fi |
| |
| if [[ $KVS_STORAGE_TYPE == "ps" ]]; then |
| fi |
| |
| |
| cmake -G Ninja -S "$EXAMPLE_PATH" -B "$BUILD_PATH" --toolchain="$TOOLCHAIN_PATH" "${BUILD_OPTIONS[@]}" |
| cmake --build "$BUILD_PATH" |
| } |
| |
| function run_fvp() { |
| |
| set -e |
| |
| # Check if FVP exists |
| if ! [ -x "$(command -v "$FVP_BIN")" ]; then |
| echo "Error: $FVP_BIN not installed." >&2 |
| exit 1 |
| fi |
| |
| # Check if executable file exists |
| if ! [ -f "$EXAMPLE_EXE_PATH" ]; then |
| echo "Error: $EXAMPLE_EXE_PATH does not exist." >&2 |
| exit 1 |
| fi |
| |
| # Check if FVP GDB plugin file exists |
| if "$DEBUG" && ! [ -f "$GDB_PLUGIN" ]; then |
| echo "Error: $GDB_PLUGIN does not exist." >&2 |
| exit 1 |
| fi |
| |
| RUN_OPTIONS=(-C mps3_board.telnetterminal0.start_port="$TELNET_TERMINAL_PORT") |
| RUN_OPTIONS+=(--quantum=25) |
| |
| if "$DEBUG"; then |
| RUN_OPTIONS+=(--allow-debug-plugin --plugin "$GDB_PLUGIN") |
| fi |
| |
| if [[ $FVP_NETWORK == "user" ]]; then |
| RUN_OPTIONS+=(-C mps3_board.hostbridge.userNetworking=1) |
| else |
| RUN_OPTIONS+=(-C mps3_board.hostbridge.interfaceName="$FVP_NETWORK") |
| fi |
| |
| if [ -n "$KVS_STORAGE_FILE" ]; then |
| if [[ $KVS_STORAGE_TYPE == "ps" ]]; then |
| declare -n storage_param=ps_storage_param |
| else |
| declare -n storage_param=tdb_storage_param |
| fi |
| if [ -f "$KVS_STORAGE_FILE" ]; then |
| RUN_OPTIONS+=(--data "mps3_board.${storage_param[instance]}=$KVS_STORAGE_FILE@${storage_param[memspace]}:${storage_param[address]}") |
| fi |
| RUN_OPTIONS+=(--dump "mps3_board.${storage_param[instance]}=$KVS_STORAGE_FILE@${storage_param[memspace]}:${storage_param[address]},${storage_param[size]}") |
| fi |
| |
| echo "Running $EXAMPLE_EXE_PATH with options: ${RUN_OPTIONS[@]}" |
| |
| # Run the FVP |
| "$FVP_BIN" "${RUN_OPTIONS[@]}" -f "$FVP_CONFIG_FILE" --application "$EXAMPLE_EXE_PATH" 2>&1 >/tmp/FVP_run_$$ & |
| FVP_PID=$! |
| |
| # Wait for FVP to start and exist the output file |
| timeout=0 |
| while [ ! -e /tmp/FVP_run_$$ ]; do |
| timeout=$((timeout + 1)) |
| if [ "$timeout" -ge 5 ]; then |
| echo "Error: FVP start failed" >&2 |
| break |
| fi |
| sleep 1 |
| done |
| |
| while IFS= read -t 5 -r line; do |
| if [[ $line == *"Listening for serial connection on port"* ]]; then |
| TELNET_CONNECTION_PORT="${line##* }" |
| break |
| fi |
| done </tmp/FVP_run_$$ |
| |
| if [ -n "$TELNET_CONNECTION_PORT" ]; then |
| # Connect FVP via telnet client |
| telnet localhost "$TELNET_CONNECTION_PORT" |
| else |
| echo "Error: FVP start failed" >&2 |
| fi |
| |
| # Stop the FVP |
| kill -SIGTERM "$FVP_PID" |
| # Wait for the FVP stop |
| while kill -0 "$FVP_PID"; do |
| sleep 1 |
| done |
| rm -rf /tmp/FVP_run_$$ |
| } |
| |
| function run_test() { |
| |
| # Check if executable file exists |
| if ! [ -f "$EXAMPLE_EXE_PATH" ]; then |
| echo "Error: $EXAMPLE_EXE_PATH does not exist." >&2 |
| exit 1 |
| fi |
| |
| # Check if FVP exists |
| if ! [ -x "$(command -v "$FVP_BIN")" ]; then |
| echo "Error: $FVP_BIN not installed." >&2 |
| exit 1 |
| fi |
| |
| # Check if pytest exists |
| if ! [ -x "$(command -v pytest)" ]; then |
| echo "Error: pytest not installed." >&2 |
| exit 1 |
| fi |
| |
| |
| if [[ $FVP_NETWORK ]]; then |
| TEST_OPTIONS+=(--networkInterface="$FVP_NETWORK") |
| fi |
| |
| if [[ -f $EXAMPLE_TEST_PATH/test_report_$EXAMPLE.json ]]; then |
| rm -rf "$EXAMPLE_TEST_PATH/test_report_$EXAMPLE".json |
| fi |
| |
| set +e |
| pytest --json-report --json-report-summary --json-report-file="$EXAMPLE_TEST_PATH"/test_report_"$EXAMPLE".json --binaryPath="$EXAMPLE_EXE_PATH" --fvp="$FVP_BIN" --fvpConfig="$FVP_CONFIG_FILE" "${TEST_OPTIONS[@]}" "$EXAMPLE_TEST_PATH"/test_app.py |
| set -e |
| |
| if [[ ! -f $EXAMPLE_TEST_PATH/test_report_$EXAMPLE.json ]]; then |
| exit 1 |
| else |
| if [[ $(jq '.summary | has("failed")' $EXAMPLE_TEST_PATH/test_report_$EXAMPLE.json) == true ]]; then |
| FAILED_TESTS=$((FAILED_TESTS + $(jq '.summary.failed' "$EXAMPLE_TEST_PATH"/test_report_"$EXAMPLE".json))) |
| fi |
| fi |
| } |
| |
| SHORT=C:,p:,d:,l:,b:,n:,k:,K:,c,s,h |
| LONG=command:,path:,debug:,lwipdebug:,backend:,network:,kvsstore:,kvsfile:,clean,scratch,help |
| OPTS=$(getopt -n build --options "$SHORT" --longoptions "$LONG" -- "$@") |
| |
| eval set -- "$OPTS" |
| |
| while :; do |
| case "$1" in |
| -h | --help) |
| show_usage |
| exit 0 |
| ;; |
| -c | --clean) |
| CLEAN=1 |
| shift |
| ;; |
| -s | --scratch) |
| shift |
| ;; |
| -C | --command) |
| COMMAND=$2 |
| shift 2 |
| ;; |
| -d | --debug) |
| DEBUG=$2 |
| shift 2 |
| ;; |
| -l | --lwipdebug) |
| shift 2 |
| ;; |
| -k | --kvsstore) |
| shift 2 |
| ;; |
| -K | --kvsfile) |
| shift 2 |
| ;; |
| -b | --backend) |
| shift 2 |
| ;; |
| -p | --path) |
| shift 2 |
| ;; |
| -n | --network) |
| shift 2 |
| ;; |
| -* | --*) |
| shift |
| break |
| ;; |
| *) |
| echo "Unexpected option: $1" |
| show_usage |
| exit 2 |
| ;; |
| esac |
| done |
| |
| if [[ $# -lt 1 ]]; then |
| show_usage >&2 |
| exit 1 |
| fi |
| |
| EXAMPLE=$1 |
| |
| if [[ ! " ${SUPPORTED_APP_NAMES[@]} " =~ " ${EXAMPLE} " ]]; then |
| echo "Wrong example name" |
| show_usage |
| exit 2 |
| fi |
| |
| case "$COMMAND" in |
| build | run | test | build-run) ;; |
| *) |
| echo "Wrong command definition" |
| show_usage |
| exit 2 |
| ;; |
| esac |
| |
| if [[ "$EXAMPLE" == "unit-tests" ]]; then |
| if [ ! -z "$2" ]; then |
| if [[ " ${TEST_NAMES[*]} " =~ " $2 " ]]; then |
| EXAMPLE=$2 |
| echo "Use specific unit test $EXAMPLE" |
| elif [[ "$2" == "all" ]]; then |
| echo "Use all unit tests" |
| else |
| echo " Wrong unit test name" |
| show_usage |
| exit 2 |
| fi |
| else |
| echo "Use all unit tests" |
| fi |
| EXAMPLE_PATH="$CHIP_ROOT/src/test_driver/openiotsdk/unit-tests" |
| else |
| EXAMPLE_PATH="$CHIP_ROOT/examples/$EXAMPLE/openiotsdk" |
| fi |
| |
| case "$KVS_STORAGE_TYPE" in |
| ps | tdb) ;; |
| *) |
| echo "Wrong KVS storage type definition" |
| show_usage |
| exit 2 |
| ;; |
| esac |
| |
| case "$CRYPTO_BACKEND" in |
| psa | mbedtls) ;; |
| *) |
| echo "Wrong crypto type definition" |
| show_usage |
| exit 2 |
| ;; |
| esac |
| |
| TOOLCHAIN_PATH="toolchains/toolchain-$TOOLCHAIN.cmake" |
| |
| if [ -z "$BUILD_PATH" ]; then |
| fi |
| |
| # Activate Matter environment |
| source "$CHIP_ROOT"/scripts/activate.sh |
| |
| if [[ $IS_UNIT_TEST -eq 0 ]]; then |
| EXAMPLE_EXE_PATH="$BUILD_PATH/chip-openiotsdk-$EXAMPLE-example.elf" |
| else |
| EXAMPLE_TEST_PATH+="/unit-tests" |
| fi |
| |
| if [[ "$COMMAND" == *"build"* ]]; then |
| build_with_cmake |
| fi |
| |
| if [[ "$COMMAND" == *"run"* ]]; then |
| if [[ "$EXAMPLE" == "unit-tests" ]]; then |
| echo "You have to specify the test suites to run" |
| show_usage |
| exit 2 |
| else |
| run_fvp |
| fi |
| fi |
| |
| if [[ "$COMMAND" == *"test"* ]]; then |
| if [[ "$EXAMPLE" == "unit-tests" ]]; then |
| for NAME in "${TEST_NAMES[@]}"; do |
| echo "Test specific unit test $EXAMPLE" |
| run_test |
| done |
| |
| else |
| run_test |
| fi |
| echo "Failed tests total: $FAILED_TESTS" |
| exit "$FAILED_TESTS" |
| fi |