blob: f5744720c6fc6c4f1c82293d13c19dac7742ccdb [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (c) 2022 Project CHIP Authors
# All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import argparse
import base64
import enum
import logging
import os
import sys
from types import SimpleNamespace
import cryptography.x509
from bitarray import bitarray
from bitarray.util import ba2int
CHIP_TOPDIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))[:-len(os.path.join('scripts', 'tools'))]
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(CHIP_TOPDIR, 'scripts', 'tools', 'spake2p'))
from spake2p import generate_verifier # noqa: E402 isort:skip
if os.getenv('IDF_PATH'):
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(os.getenv('IDF_PATH'),
import nvs_partition_gen
sys.stderr.write("Please set the IDF_PATH environment variable.")
INVALID_PASSCODES = [00000000, 11111111, 22222222, 33333333, 44444444, 55555555,
66666666, 77777777, 88888888, 99999999, 12345678, 87654321]
TOOLS = {}
FACTORY_PARTITION_CSV = 'nvs_partition.csv'
FACTORY_PARTITION_BIN = 'factory_partition.bin'
NVS_KEY_PARTITION_BIN = 'nvs_key_partition.bin'
# CommissionableDataProvider
'discriminator': {
'type': 'data',
'encoding': 'u32',
'value': None,
'iteration-count': {
'type': 'data',
'encoding': 'u32',
'value': None,
'salt': {
'type': 'data',
'encoding': 'string',
'value': None,
'verifier': {
'type': 'data',
'encoding': 'string',
'value': None,
# CommissionableDataProvider
'dac-cert': {
'type': 'file',
'encoding': 'binary',
'value': None,
'dac-key': {
'type': 'file',
'encoding': 'binary',
'value': None,
'dac-pub-key': {
'type': 'file',
'encoding': 'binary',
'value': None,
'pai-cert': {
'type': 'file',
'encoding': 'binary',
'value': None,
'cert-dclrn': {
'type': 'file',
'encoding': 'binary',
'value': None,
# DeviceInstanceInforProvider
'vendor-id': {
'type': 'data',
'encoding': 'u32',
'value': None,
'vendor-name': {
'type': 'data',
'encoding': 'string',
'value': None,
'product-id': {
'type': 'data',
'encoding': 'u32',
'value': None,
'product-name': {
'type': 'data',
'encoding': 'string',
'value': None,
'serial-num': {
'type': 'data',
'encoding': 'string',
'value': None,
'hardware-ver': {
'type': 'data',
'encoding': 'u32',
'value': None,
'hw-ver-str': {
'type': 'data',
'encoding': 'string',
'value': None,
'mfg-date': {
'type': 'data',
'encoding': 'string',
'value': None,
'rd-id-uid': {
'type': 'data',
'encoding': 'hex2bin',
'value': None,
# DeviceInfoProvider
'cal-types': {
'type': 'data',
'encoding': 'u32',
'value': None,
'locale-sz': {
'type': 'data',
'encoding': 'u32',
'value': None,
# Other device info provider keys are dynamically generated
# in the respective functions.
class CalendarTypes(enum.Enum):
Buddhist = 0
Chinese = 1
Coptic = 2
Ethiopian = 3
Gregorian = 4
Hebrew = 5
Indian = 6
Islamic = 7
Japanese = 8
Korean = 9
Persian = 10
Taiwanese = 11
# Supported Calendar types is stored as a bit array in one uint32_t.
def calendar_types_to_uint32(calendar_types):
result = bitarray(32, endian='little')
for calendar_type in calendar_types:
result[CalendarTypes[calendar_type].value] = 1
except KeyError:
logging.error('Unknown calendar type: %s', calendar_type)
logging.error('Supported calendar types: %s', ', '.join(CalendarTypes.__members__))
return ba2int(result)
def ishex(s):
_ = int(s, 16)
return True
except ValueError:
return False
# get_fixed_label_dict() converts the list of strings to per endpoint dictionaries.
# example input : ['0/orientation/up', '1/orientation/down', '2/orientation/down']
# example outout : {'0': [{'orientation': 'up'}], '1': [{'orientation': 'down'}], '2': [{'orientation': 'down'}]}
def get_fixed_label_dict(fixed_labels):
fl_dict = {}
for fl in fixed_labels:
_l = fl.split('/')
if len(_l) != 3:
logging.error('Invalid fixed label: %s', fl)
if not (ishex(_l[0]) and (len(_l[1]) > 0 and len(_l[1]) < 16) and (len(_l[2]) > 0 and len(_l[2]) < 16)):
logging.error('Invalid fixed label: %s', fl)
if _l[0] not in fl_dict.keys():
fl_dict[_l[0]] = list()
fl_dict[_l[0]].append({_l[1]: _l[2]})
return fl_dict
# get_supported_modes_dict() converts the list of strings to per endpoint dictionaries.
# example input : ['0/label1/1/"1\0x8000, 2\0x8000", 1/label2/1/"1\0x8000, 2\0x8000"']
# example outout : {'1': [{'Label': 'label1', 'Mode': 0, 'Semantic_Tag': [{'value': 1, 'mfgCode': 32768}, {'value': 2, 'mfgCode': 32768}]}, {'Label': 'label2', 'Mode': 1, 'Semantic_Tag': [{'value': 1, 'mfgCode': 32768}, {'value': 2, 'mfgCode': 32768}]}]}
def get_supported_modes_dict(supported_modes):
output_dict = {}
for mode_str in supported_modes:
mode_label_strs = mode_str.split('/')
mode = mode_label_strs[0]
label = mode_label_strs[1]
ep = mode_label_strs[2]
semantic_tag_strs = mode_label_strs[3].split(', ')
semantic_tags = [{"value": int(v.split('\\')[0]), "mfgCode": int(v.split('\\')[1], 16)} for v in semantic_tag_strs]
mode_dict = {"Label": label, "Mode": int(mode), "Semantic_Tag": semantic_tags}
if ep in output_dict:
output_dict[ep] = [mode_dict]
return output_dict
def check_str_range(s, min_len, max_len, name):
if s and ((len(s) < min_len) or (len(s) > max_len)):
logging.error('%s must be between %d and %d characters', name, min_len, max_len)
def check_int_range(value, min_value, max_value, name):
if (value is not None) and ((value < min_value) or (value > max_value)):
logging.error('%s is out of range, should be in range [%d, %d]', name, min_value, max_value)
def validate_args(args):
# Validate the passcode
if args.passcode is not None:
if ((args.passcode < 0x0000001 and args.passcode > 0x5F5E0FE) or (args.passcode in INVALID_PASSCODES)):
logging.error('Invalid passcode:' + str(args.passcode))
check_int_range(args.discriminator, 0x0000, 0x0FFF, 'Discriminator')
check_int_range(args.product_id, 0x0000, 0xFFFF, 'Product id')
check_int_range(args.vendor_id, 0x0000, 0xFFFF, 'Vendor id')
check_int_range(args.hw_ver, 0x0000, 0xFFFF, 'Hardware version')
check_str_range(args.serial_num, 1, 32, 'Serial number')
check_str_range(args.vendor_name, 1, 32, 'Vendor name')
check_str_range(args.product_name, 1, 32, 'Product name')
check_str_range(args.hw_ver_str, 1, 64, 'Hardware version string')
check_str_range(args.mfg_date, 8, 16, 'Manufacturing date')
check_str_range(args.rd_id_uid, 32, 32, 'Rotating device Unique id')'Discriminator:{} Passcode:{}'.format(args.discriminator, args.passcode))
def gen_spake2p_params(passcode):
iter_count_max = 10000
salt_len_max = 32
salt = os.urandom(salt_len_max)
verifier = generate_verifier(passcode, salt, iter_count_max)
return {
'Iteration Count': iter_count_max,
'Salt': base64.b64encode(salt).decode('utf-8'),
'Verifier': base64.b64encode(verifier).decode('utf-8'),
def populate_factory_data(args, spake2p_params):
if args.discriminator is not None:
FACTORY_DATA['discriminator']['value'] = args.discriminator
if spake2p_params:
FACTORY_DATA['iteration-count']['value'] = spake2p_params['Iteration Count']
FACTORY_DATA['salt']['value'] = spake2p_params['Salt']
FACTORY_DATA['verifier']['value'] = spake2p_params['Verifier']
if args.dac_cert:
FACTORY_DATA['dac-cert']['value'] = os.path.abspath(args.dac_cert)
if args.pai_cert:
FACTORY_DATA['pai-cert']['value'] = os.path.abspath(args.pai_cert)
FACTORY_DATA['cert-dclrn']['value'] = os.path.abspath(
if args.dac_key:
FACTORY_DATA['dac-key']['value'] = os.path.abspath('dac_raw_privkey.bin')
FACTORY_DATA['dac-pub-key']['value'] = os.path.abspath('dac_raw_pubkey.bin')
if args.serial_num:
FACTORY_DATA['serial-num']['value'] = args.serial_num
if args.rd_id_uid:
FACTORY_DATA['rd-id-uid']['value'] = args.rd_id_uid
if args.mfg_date:
FACTORY_DATA['mfg-date']['value'] = args.mfg_date
if args.vendor_id is not None:
FACTORY_DATA['vendor-id']['value'] = args.vendor_id
if args.vendor_name:
FACTORY_DATA['vendor-name']['value'] = args.vendor_name
if args.product_id is not None:
FACTORY_DATA['product-id']['value'] = args.product_id
if args.product_name:
FACTORY_DATA['product-name']['value'] = args.product_name
if args.hw_ver is not None:
FACTORY_DATA['hardware-ver']['value'] = args.hw_ver
if args.hw_ver_str:
FACTORY_DATA['hw-ver-str']['value'] = args.hw_ver_str
if args.calendar_types:
FACTORY_DATA['cal-types']['value'] = calendar_types_to_uint32(args.calendar_types)
# Supported locale is stored as multiple entries, key format: "locale/<index>, example key: "locale/0"
if args.locales:
FACTORY_DATA['locale-sz']['value'] = len(args.locales)
for i in range(len(args.locales)):
_locale = {
'type': 'data',
'encoding': 'string',
'value': args.locales[i]
FACTORY_DATA.update({'locale/{:x}'.format(i): _locale})
# Each endpoint can contains the fixed lables
# - fl-sz/<index> : number of fixed labels for the endpoint
# - fl-k/<ep>/<index> : fixed label key for the endpoint and index
# - fl-v/<ep>/<index> : fixed label value for the endpoint and index
if args.fixed_labels:
dict = get_fixed_label_dict(args.fixed_labels)
for key in dict.keys():
_sz = {
'type': 'data',
'encoding': 'u32',
'value': len(dict[key])
FACTORY_DATA.update({'fl-sz/{:x}'.format(int(key)): _sz})
for i in range(len(dict[key])):
entry = dict[key][i]
_label_key = {
'type': 'data',
'encoding': 'string',
'value': list(entry.keys())[0]
_label_value = {
'type': 'data',
'encoding': 'string',
'value': list(entry.values())[0]
FACTORY_DATA.update({'fl-k/{:x}/{:x}'.format(int(key), i): _label_key})
FACTORY_DATA.update({'fl-v/{:x}/{:x}'.format(int(key), i): _label_value})
# SupportedModes are stored as multiple entries
# - sm-sz/<ep> : number of supported modes for the endpoint
# - sm-label/<ep>/<index> : supported modes label key for the endpoint and index
# - sm-mode/<ep>/<index> : supported modes mode key for the endpoint and index
# - sm-st-sz/<ep>/<index> : supported modes SemanticTag key for the endpoint and index
# - st-v/<ep>/<index>/<ind> : semantic tag value key for the endpoint and index and ind
# - st-mfg/<ep>/<index>/<ind> : semantic tag mfg code key for the endpoint and index and ind
if (args.supported_modes is not None):
dictionary = get_supported_modes_dict(args.supported_modes)
for ep in dictionary.keys():
_sz = {
'type': 'data',
'encoding': 'u32',
'value': len(dictionary[ep])
FACTORY_DATA.update({'sm-sz/{:x}'.format(int(ep)): _sz})
for i in range(len(dictionary[ep])):
item = dictionary[ep][i]
_label = {
'type': 'data',
'encoding': 'string',
'value': item["Label"]
_mode = {
'type': 'data',
'encoding': 'u32',
'value': item["Mode"]
_st_sz = {
'type': 'data',
'encoding': 'u32',
'value': len(item["Semantic_Tag"])
FACTORY_DATA.update({'sm-label/{:x}/{:x}'.format(int(ep), i): _label})
FACTORY_DATA.update({'sm-mode/{:x}/{:x}'.format(int(ep), i): _mode})
FACTORY_DATA.update({'sm-st-sz/{:x}/{:x}'.format(int(ep), i): _st_sz})
for j in range(len(item["Semantic_Tag"])):
entry = item["Semantic_Tag"][j]
_value = {
'type': 'data',
'encoding': 'u32',
'value': entry["value"]
_mfg_code = {
'type': 'data',
'encoding': 'u32',
'value': entry["mfgCode"]
FACTORY_DATA.update({'st-v/{:x}/{:x}/{:x}'.format(int(ep), i, j): _value})
FACTORY_DATA.update({'st-mfg/{:x}/{:x}/{:x}'.format(int(ep), i, j): _mfg_code})
def gen_raw_ec_keypair_from_der(key_file, pubkey_raw_file, privkey_raw_file):
with open(key_file, 'rb') as f:
key_data =
logging.warning('Leaking of DAC private keys may lead to attestation chain revokation')
logging.warning('Please make sure the DAC private is key protected using a password')
# WARNING: Below line assumes that the DAC private key is not protected by a password,
# please be careful and use the password-protected key if reusing this code
key_der = cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization.load_der_private_key(
key_data, None, cryptography.hazmat.backends.default_backend())
private_number_val = key_der.private_numbers().private_value
with open(privkey_raw_file, 'wb') as f:
f.write(private_number_val.to_bytes(32, byteorder='big'))
public_key_first_byte = 0x04
public_number_x = key_der.public_key().public_numbers().x
public_number_y = key_der.public_key().public_numbers().y
with open(pubkey_raw_file, 'wb') as f:
f.write(public_key_first_byte.to_bytes(1, byteorder='big'))
f.write(public_number_x.to_bytes(32, byteorder='big'))
f.write(public_number_y.to_bytes(32, byteorder='big'))
def generate_nvs_csv(out_csv_filename):
csv_content = 'key,type,encoding,value\n'
csv_content += 'chip-factory,namespace,,\n'
for k, v in FACTORY_DATA.items():
if v['value'] is None:
csv_content += f"{k},{v['type']},{v['encoding']},{v['value']}\n"
with open(out_csv_filename, 'w') as f:
f.write(csv_content)'Generated the factory partition csv file : {}'.format(os.path.abspath(out_csv_filename)))
def generate_nvs_bin(encrypt, size, csv_filename, bin_filename):
nvs_args = SimpleNamespace(version=2,
if encrypt:
nvs_args.keygen = True
nvs_args.keyfile = NVS_KEY_PARTITION_BIN
nvs_args.inputkey = None,
def print_flashing_help(encrypt, bin_filename):'Run below command to flash {}'.format(bin_filename))' -p (PORT) write_flash (FACTORY_PARTITION_ADDR) {}'.format(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), bin_filename)))
if (encrypt):'Run below command to flash {}'.format(NVS_KEY_PARTITION_BIN))' -p (PORT) write_flash --encrypt (NVS_KEY_PARTITION_ADDR) {}'.format(
os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'keys', NVS_KEY_PARTITION_BIN)))
def clean_up():
if FACTORY_DATA['dac-pub-key']['value']:
if FACTORY_DATA['dac-key']['value']:
def main():
def any_base_int(s): return int(s, 0)
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Chip Factory NVS binary generator tool')
# These will be used by CommissionalbeDataProvider
parser.add_argument('-p', '--passcode', type=any_base_int,
help='The setup passcode for pairing, range: 0x01-0x5F5E0FE')
parser.add_argument('-d', '--discriminator', type=any_base_int,
help='The discriminator for pairing, range: 0x00-0x0FFF')
# These will be used by DeviceAttestationCredentialsProvider
parser.add_argument('--dac-cert', help='The path to the DAC certificate in der format')
parser.add_argument('--dac-key', help='The path to the DAC private key in der format')
parser.add_argument('--pai-cert', help='The path to the PAI certificate in der format')
parser.add_argument('--cd', help='The path to the certificate declaration der format')
# These will be used by DeviceInstanceInfoProvider
parser.add_argument('--vendor-id', type=any_base_int, help='Vendor id')
parser.add_argument('--vendor-name', help='Vendor name')
parser.add_argument('--product-id', type=any_base_int, help='Product id')
parser.add_argument('--product-name', help='Product name')
parser.add_argument('--hw-ver', type=any_base_int, help='Hardware version')
parser.add_argument('--hw-ver-str', help='Hardware version string')
parser.add_argument('--mfg-date', help='Manufacturing date in format YYYY-MM-DD')
parser.add_argument('--serial-num', help='Serial number')
help=('128-bit unique identifier for generating rotating device identifier, '
'provide 32-byte hex string, e.g. "1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef"'))
# These will be used by DeviceInfoProvider
parser.add_argument('--calendar-types', nargs='+',
help=('List of supported calendar types.\nSupported Calendar Types: Buddhist, Chinese, Coptic, Ethiopian, '
'Gregorian, Hebrew, Indian, Islamic, Japanese, Korean, Persian, Taiwanese'))
parser.add_argument('--locales', nargs='+', help='List of supported locales, Language Tag as defined by BCP47, eg. en-US en-GB')
parser.add_argument('--fixed-labels', nargs='+',
help='List of fixed labels, eg: "0/orientation/up" "1/orientation/down" "2/orientation/down"')
parser.add_argument('--supported-modes', type=str, nargs='+', required=False,
help='List of supported modes, eg: mode1/label1/ep/"tagValue1\\mfgCode, tagValue2\\mfgCode" mode2/label2/ep/"tagValue1\\mfgCode, tagValue2\\mfgCode" mode3/label3/ep/"tagValue1\\mfgCode, tagValue2\\mfgCode"')
parser.add_argument('-s', '--size', type=any_base_int, default=0x6000,
help='The size of the partition.bin, default: 0x6000')
parser.add_argument('-e', '--encrypt', action='store_true',
help='Encrypt the factory parititon NVS binary')
parser.add_argument('--no-bin', action='store_false', dest='generate_bin',
help='Do not generate the factory partition binary')
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.passcode is not None:
spake2p_params = gen_spake2p_params(args.passcode)
spake2p_params = None
populate_factory_data(args, spake2p_params)
if args.dac_key:
gen_raw_ec_keypair_from_der(args.dac_key, FACTORY_DATA['dac-pub-key']['value'], FACTORY_DATA['dac-key']['value'])
if args.generate_bin:
generate_nvs_bin(args.encrypt, args.size, FACTORY_PARTITION_CSV, FACTORY_PARTITION_BIN)
print_flashing_help(args.encrypt, FACTORY_PARTITION_BIN)
if __name__ == "__main__":
logging.basicConfig(format='[%(asctime)s] [%(levelname)7s] - %(message)s', level=logging.INFO)