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* Copyright 2016-2021, Cypress Semiconductor Corporation (an Infineon company) or
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/** @file
* WICED Firmware Upgrade internal definitions specific to shim layer
* This file provides common functions required to support WICED Smart Ready Upgrade
* whether it is being done over the air, UART, or SPI. Primarily the
* functionality is provided for storing and retrieving information from Serial Flash
* The data being stored is DS portion of burn image generated from CGS.
#include <ota_fw_upgrade.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <wiced_bt_ota_firmware_upgrade.h>
#include <wiced_hal_eflash.h>
#include <wiced_hal_wdog.h>
#define EF_PAGE_SIZE (0x1000u)
// Types
#pragma pack(1)
typedef struct
//! Base address or offset of the failsafe (not upgradable) dynamic section base. This field
//! must be present.
UINT32 failsafe_ds_base;
//! Base address or offset of the upgradable dynamic section base. This field is optional for
//! media types for which DFU is supported.
UINT32 upgradable_ds_base;
//! Base address or offset to the area reserved for volatile section copy 1. Whether this is an
//! address or offset depends on the media type, and is an internal detail of those media types'
//! access functions. Double-buffering of the volatile section alternates between the two
//! copies when the active copy fills up and has to be consolidated to the other. The volatile
//! section stores information that is mutable at runtime, and is therefore subject to loss if a
//! write operation is interrupted by loss of power. Only an item that is currently being
//! written is subject to loss. Generally, NVRAM media with large page sizes (like flash) use
//! double-buffering, while media with small page sizes (like EEPROM) allocate one or more
//! complete pages per volatile section item.
UINT32 vs_copy1_base;
//! Base address or offset to the area reserved for volatile section copy 2. Whether this is an
//! address or offset depends on the media type, and is an internal detail of those media types'
//! access functions. See the documentation for vs_copy1_base, but note that not all media
//! types use double-buffering.
UINT32 vs_copy2_base;
//! Length in bytes per copy of the area reserved for each volatile section copy. If the target
//! media uses double buffering to protect against loss, the total space used by the volatile
//! section is twice this amount. See the documentation for vs_copy1_base and vs_copy1_base.
UINT32 vs_length_per_copy;
//! Block size for volatile section items. For media with small page sizes (like EEPROM) which
//! allocate one or more pages per volatile section item, blocks must be a multiple of the media
//! page size.
UINT32 vs_block_size;
//! Media page size. This info is needed for managing volatile section contents.
UINT32 media_page_size;
#pragma pack()
//! Enumeration used to specify one of the three sections of config data.
//! <br><br>
//! If config data is stored in NVRAM:
//! <br><br>
//! Static section is written once during manufacturing, and never again. This section includes
//! per-device information like crystal trimming information and an assigned address like BD_ADDR
//! for Bluetooth devices or a MAC address for ethernet or WLAN devices. The static section also
//! includes key layout information like whether a volatile section is present and if so, where it
//! is located.
//! <br><br>
//! Dynamic section is written during manufacturing. This section might be subject to upgrades in
//! the field, by the end user. An example of such an upgrade process is USB device firmware
//! upgrade. If this section is subject to upgrade in the field, then a failsafe config must be
//! present, which if present would either force the device into an upgrade-only mode, or fall back
//! to the un-upgraded behavior it would have exhibited when it left the factory.
//! <br><br>
//! Volatile section is used to hold information that can change at runtime, for example storing
//! pairing information for pairing with other devices. The volatile section is implemented as
//! failsafe as possible for the target media, such that the most recently written "nugget" of
//! information is subject to loss, but contents that were present before a given write operation
//! will be preserved.
//! <br><br>
//! The "volatile" nomenclature is somewhat misleading because this section is only ever present on
//! NVRAM (nonvolatile memory). The "volatile" nomenclature is simply used to highlight the fact
//! that the contents are subject to loss. This is generally a non-issue, but if multiple "nuggets"
//! of information are interdependent but written independently, then it is possible for one
//! "nugget" in the interdependent set to be lost, in which case the firmware that uses this
//! information needs to be ready to recognize that situation and take appropriate action to discard
//! or if possible repair the rest of the set. If no "nuggets" of volatile information form
//! interdependent sets then loss of power during a write operation is functionally equivalent to
//! loss of power immediately before the write operation was initiated.
//! <br><br>
//! If config data is stored in RAM (downloaded by the host):
//! <br><br>
//! Only the static and dynamic sections are relevant. The distinction between the two halves is
//! more or less irrelevant, merely being a reflection of the NVRAM organization. Nonetheless, the
//! location in which certain pieces of information are stored is influenced by the NVRAM
//! organization. A volatile section should never be specified for RAM config data.
typedef enum
//! Configuration data section containing per-device information and key layout information.
//! The layout information communicates to firmware where to find the rest of the configuration
//! data. See the documentation for the config_section_id_t enumeration as a whole for more
//! complete info.
//! Configuration data section containing per-product or product family information. See the
//! documentation for the config_section_id_t enumeration as a whole for more complete info.
//! Configuration data section in NVRAM containing information that can be changed at runtime.
//! This refers to info that needs to be preserved across resets or power cycles. See the
//! documentation for the config_section_id_t enumeration as a whole for more complete info,
//! including where the seemingly contradictory name comes from.
} config_section_id_t;
//! \internal
//! Structure used internally by the config module to achieve config media abstraction. It stores
//! layout information for any supported config data media type, as well as media-specific function
//! pointers for various tasks.
typedef struct
//! Access function pointer to read raw data from the media on which config data is stored.
void (*fp_ReadRaw)(int offset, config_section_id_t which_section, OUT BYTE * buffer, int length);
//! Access function pointer to write raw data to the media on which config data is stored.
void (*fp_WriteRaw)(int offset, config_section_id_t which_section, IN BYTE * buffer, int length);
//! Address of the static section.
UINT32 ss_base;
//! Function to handle when the layout config item below has been filled in. It will have been
//! filled in using content from the static section, then this function will be called.
void (*fp_ConfigLayoutHasBeenSet)(void);
//! Address of the valid dynamic section (which might be the failsafe copy, or might be the
//! upgradable copy).
UINT32 active_ds_base;
//! Access function pointer to read a volatile section item from config data. The function is
//! presented as being specific to the type of media, but it really reflects the partitioning
//! scheme used by this media as dictated by its physical page size. The truly media-specific
//! access function is in fp_ReadRaw.
UINT16 (*fp_ReadVolatileSectionItem)(UINT16 group_id, UINT16 sub_id_in_group, OUT BYTE * buffer, UINT16 max_length);
//! Access function pointer to write a volatile section item to config data. The function is
//! presented as being specific to the type of media, but it really reflects the partitioning
//! scheme used by this media as dictated by its physical page size. The truly media-specific
//! access function is in fp_WriteRaw.
void (*fp_WriteVolatileSectionItem)(UINT16 group_id, UINT16 sub_id_in_group, IN BYTE * buffer, UINT16 length);
//! Layout info, retrieved from the static section.
//! Checksum/CRC info for validating segment by segment in the dynamic section.
UINT32 checksum;
UINT32 crc32;
BOOL8 valid_crc32;
//! Used to allow faster access to the config if it is memory mapped (not in serial flash for example)
BOOL8 direct_access;
//! Whether a valid DS section was found or not.
BOOL8 valid_ds_found;
typedef struct ds_header
char signature[8];
uint32_t crc32;
uint32_t length;
uint8_t data[0];
} ds_header_t;
typedef struct upgrade_xs
ds_header_t ds_header;
uint32_t crc32;
uint32_t length;
uint32_t compressed_data_crc32;
uint32_t compressed_data_length;
uint8_t compressed_data[0];
} upgrade_xs_t;
extern const CONFIG_INFO_t g_config_Info;
static uint32_t upgrade_location_write(uint32_t offset, const uint8_t * data, uint32_t len);
static bool lzss_decompress(const void * src, size_t n, bool (*data_writer)(uint32_t, int))
static bool xs_data_writer(uint32_t data_offset, int c) __attribute__((section(".text_in_ram")));
static uint32_t calc_crc32(const uint8_t * buf, uint32_t len) __attribute__((section(".text_in_ram")));
static uint32_t ef_offset(uint32_t offset) __attribute__((section(".text_in_ram")));
static uint32_t upgrade_ds_location(void);
* Function Definitions
__attribute__((section(".init_code"))) void wiced_firmware_upgrade_bootloader(void)
const ds_header_t * ds_header = (const ds_header_t *) g_config_Info.active_ds_base;
const upgrade_xs_t * upgrade_xs = (upgrade_xs_t *) XS_LOCATION_UPGRADE;
/* Check the DS header of the upgrade XS */
if (memcmp(&upgrade_xs->ds_header, ds_header, sizeof(*ds_header)) != 0)
/* Erase the active XS */
if (WICED_SUCCESS != wiced_hal_eflash_erase(ef_offset(XS_LOCATION_ACTIVE), upgrade_xs->length))
/* Copy the upgrade XS to the active XS */
if (!lzss_decompress(upgrade_xs->compressed_data, upgrade_xs->compressed_data_length, xs_data_writer))
goto reset;
/* Verify the active XS */
if (calc_crc32((void *) XS_LOCATION_ACTIVE, upgrade_xs->length) != upgrade_xs->crc32)
goto reset;
/* Erase the upgrade XS */
wiced_hal_eflash_erase(ef_offset(XS_LOCATION_UPGRADE), EF_PAGE_SIZE);
while (1)
bool wiced_firmware_upgrade_prepare(void)
const uint32_t ds1_length = g_config_Info.layout.upgradable_ds_base - g_config_Info.layout.failsafe_ds_base;
const uint32_t ds2_length = XS_LOCATION_ACTIVE - g_config_Info.layout.upgradable_ds_base;
printf("Active DS: 0x%08x\n", g_config_Info.active_ds_base);
printf("Active XS: 0x%08x\n", XS_LOCATION_ACTIVE);
if (upgrade_ds_location() == 0 || ds1_length != ds2_length)
return false;
printf("Erasing Upgrade DS: 0x%08lx, len: 0x%08lx\n", upgrade_ds_location(), ds1_length);
if (WICED_SUCCESS != wiced_hal_eflash_erase(ef_offset(upgrade_ds_location()), ds1_length))
printf("ERROR erase\n");
return false;
const uint32_t upgrade_xs_length = FLASH_SIZE - ef_offset(XS_LOCATION_UPGRADE);
printf("Erasing Upgrade XS: 0x%08x, len: 0x%08lx\n", XS_LOCATION_UPGRADE, upgrade_xs_length);
if (WICED_SUCCESS != wiced_hal_eflash_erase(ef_offset(XS_LOCATION_UPGRADE), upgrade_xs_length))
printf("ERROR erase\n");
return false;
return true;
uint32_t wiced_firmware_upgrade_process_block(uint32_t offset, const uint8_t * data, uint32_t len)
const ds_header_t * ds_header = (const ds_header_t *) upgrade_ds_location();
if (offset == 0)
ds_header = (const ds_header_t *) data;
ds_header = (const ds_header_t *) upgrade_ds_location();
const uint32_t ds_length = sizeof(*ds_header) + ds_header->length;
uint32_t ds_write_length;
uint32_t xs_write_length;
if (offset < ds_length)
if (offset + len <= ds_length)
ds_write_length = len;
xs_write_length = 0;
ds_write_length = ds_length - offset;
xs_write_length = len - ds_write_length;
ds_write_length = 0;
xs_write_length = len;
uint32_t byte_written = 0;
if (ds_write_length > 0)
const uint32_t ds_offset = offset + upgrade_ds_location();
byte_written += upgrade_location_write(ds_offset, data, ds_write_length);
if (xs_write_length > 0)
const uint32_t xs_offset = offset + ds_write_length - ds_length + XS_LOCATION_UPGRADE;
byte_written += upgrade_location_write(xs_offset, data + ds_write_length, xs_write_length);
return byte_written;
uint32_t upgrade_location_write(uint32_t offset, const uint8_t * data, uint32_t len)
// reserve first 4 bytes of download to commit when complete, in case of unexpected power loss
// boot rom checks this signature to validate DS
uint32_t offset_adjustment;
if (offset == upgrade_ds_location())
offset_adjustment = 4;
offset_adjustment = 0;
offset += offset_adjustment;
data += offset_adjustment;
len -= offset_adjustment;
printf("write: offset: 0x%08lx len: %lu\n", offset, len);
/* write length should in words */
if (wiced_hal_eflash_write(ef_offset(offset), (uint8_t *) data, (len + 3) & 0xfffffffc) == WICED_SUCCESS)
return len + offset_adjustment;
printf("ERROR write\n");
return 0;
bool wiced_firmware_upgrade_finalize(void)
const ds_header_t * ds_header = (ds_header_t *) upgrade_ds_location();
const upgrade_xs_t * upgrade_xs = (upgrade_xs_t *) XS_LOCATION_UPGRADE;
const uint32_t ds_crc32 = calc_crc32(ds_header->data, ds_header->length);
const uint32_t cx_crc32 = calc_crc32(upgrade_xs->compressed_data, upgrade_xs->compressed_data_length);
printf("DS: length 0x%08lx, crc32 0x%08lx\n", ds_header->length, ds_crc32);
printf("XS: length 0x%08lx, crc32 0x%08lx\n", upgrade_xs->length, upgrade_xs->crc32);
printf("CX: length 0x%08lx, crc32 0x%08lx\n", upgrade_xs->compressed_data_length, cx_crc32);
return ds_header->crc32 == ds_crc32 && upgrade_xs->compressed_data_crc32 == cx_crc32;
bool wiced_firmware_upgrade_apply(void)
SIGNATURE = 0x4d435242,
wiced_result_t result;
uint32_t signature = SIGNATURE;
printf("Switching DS to 0x%08lx\n", upgrade_ds_location());
// commit reserved first 4 bytes of download to complete
// this is done last and after crc in case of power loss during download
// boot rom checks this signature to validate DS, checking DS1 first, then DS2
wiced_hal_eflash_write(ef_offset(upgrade_ds_location()), (uint8_t *) &signature, 4);
// check that the write completed
wiced_hal_eflash_read(ef_offset(upgrade_ds_location()), (uint8_t *) &signature, 4);
if (signature != SIGNATURE)
return false;
// clear first active DS sector in eflash, so that on next boot, CRC check will fail and ROM code boots from upgraded DS
result = wiced_hal_eflash_erase(ef_offset(g_config_Info.active_ds_base), EF_PAGE_SIZE);
printf("wiced_hal_eflash_erase status %d\n", result);
return result == WICED_SUCCESS;
void wiced_firmware_upgrade_abort(void) {}
bool lzss_decompress(const void * src, size_t n, bool (*data_writer)(uint32_t, int))
/* size of ring buffer */
N = 4096,
/* upper limit for match_length */
F = 18,
* encode string into position and length
* if match_length is greater than this
/* ring buffer of size N, with extra F-1 bytes to facilitate string comparison */
static uint8_t ring_buf[N + F - 1];
int r;
int c;
unsigned int flags;
uint32_t offset = 0;
const uint8_t * s = src;
const uint8_t * s_stop = s + n;
memset(ring_buf, 0, N - F);
r = N - F;
flags = 0;
while (s != s_stop)
if (((flags >>= 1) & 0x100) == 0)
c = *s++;
flags = c | 0xff00; /* ues higher byte cleverly */
} /* to count eight */
if (flags & 1)
c = *s++;
ring_buf[r++] = c;
r &= N - 1;
if (!data_writer(offset++, c))
return FALSE;
int i;
int patloc = *s++;
int patlen = *s++;
patloc |= ((patlen & 0xf0) << 4);
patlen = (patlen & 0x0f) + THRESHOLD;
for (i = 0; i <= patlen; i++)
c = ring_buf[(patloc + i) & (N - 1)];
ring_buf[r++] = c;
r &= N - 1;
if (!data_writer(offset++, c))
return FALSE;
return data_writer(offset, EOF);
bool xs_data_writer(uint32_t data_offset, int c)
static uint8_t xs_data_buf[EF_PAGE_SIZE];
const uint32_t offset = data_offset % sizeof(xs_data_buf);
if (c != EOF)
xs_data_buf[offset] = c;
uint32_t write_length = 0;
if (offset + 1 == sizeof(xs_data_buf))
write_length = offset + 1;
else if (c == EOF)
write_length = offset;
if (write_length > 0)
const uint32_t write_offset = XS_LOCATION_ACTIVE + data_offset - offset;
if (WICED_SUCCESS != wiced_hal_eflash_write(ef_offset(write_offset), xs_data_buf, write_length))
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
uint32_t calc_crc32(const uint8_t * buf, uint32_t len)
uint32_t crc32_Update(uint32_t crc, const uint8_t * buf, uint16_t len);
uint32_t crc32 = 0xffffffff;
uint32_t i;
for (i = 0; i < len; i += UINT16_MAX)
crc32 = crc32_Update(crc32, buf + i, MIN(len - i, UINT16_MAX));
return crc32 ^ 0xffffffff;
uint32_t ef_offset(uint32_t offset)
return offset - FLASH_BASE_ADDRESS;
uint32_t upgrade_ds_location(void)
if (g_config_Info.active_ds_base == g_config_Info.layout.failsafe_ds_base)
return g_config_Info.layout.upgradable_ds_base;
else if (g_config_Info.active_ds_base == g_config_Info.layout.upgradable_ds_base)
return g_config_Info.layout.failsafe_ds_base;
return 0;
/* Dummy stub */
wiced_bool_t wiced_ota_fw_upgrade_init(void * public_key, wiced_ota_firmware_upgrade_status_callback_t * p_status_callback,
wiced_ota_firmware_upgrade_send_data_callback_t * p_send_data_callback)
return TRUE;