blob: cc941cfa766d9233748cf09bbef84590d95b6f55 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2024 Project CHIP Authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @file
* @brief APIs for the Thermostat cluster.
#pragma once
#include "thermostat-delegate.h"
#include <app-common/zap-generated/callback.h>
#include <app/AttributeAccessInterfaceRegistry.h>
#include <app/CommandHandler.h>
namespace chip {
namespace app {
namespace Clusters {
namespace Thermostat {
enum class AtomicWriteState
Closed = 0,
static constexpr size_t kThermostatEndpointCount =
* @brief Thermostat Attribute Access Interface.
class ThermostatAttrAccess : public chip::app::AttributeAccessInterface, public chip::FabricTable::Delegate
ThermostatAttrAccess() : AttributeAccessInterface(Optional<chip::EndpointId>::Missing(), Thermostat::Id) {}
CHIP_ERROR Read(const ConcreteReadAttributePath & aPath, AttributeValueEncoder & aEncoder) override;
CHIP_ERROR Write(const ConcreteDataAttributePath & aPath, chip::app::AttributeValueDecoder & aDecoder) override;
* @brief Set the Active Preset to a given preset handle, or null
* @param endpoint The endpoint
* @param presetHandle The handle of the preset to set active, or null to clear the active preset
* @return Success if the active preset was updated, an error code if not
Protocols::InteractionModel::Status SetActivePreset(EndpointId endpoint, DataModel::Nullable<ByteSpan> presetHandle);
* @brief Apply a preset to the pending lists of presets during an atomic write
* @param delegate The current ThermostatDelegate
* @param preset The preset to append
* @return CHIP_NO_ERROR if successful, an error code if not
CHIP_ERROR AppendPendingPreset(Thermostat::Delegate * delegate, const Structs::PresetStruct::Type & preset);
* @brief Verifies if the pending presets for a given endpoint are valid
* @param endpoint The endpoint
* @return Success if the list of pending presets is valid, an error code if not
Protocols::InteractionModel::Status PrecommitPresets(EndpointId endpoint);
* @brief Callback for when the server is removed from a given fabric; all associated atomic writes are reset
* @param fabricTable The fabric table
* @param fabricIndex The fabric index
void OnFabricRemoved(const FabricTable & fabricTable, FabricIndex fabricIndex) override;
* @brief Gets the scoped node id of the originator that sent the last successful
* AtomicRequest of type BeginWrite for the given endpoint.
* @param[in] endpoint The endpoint.
* @return the scoped node id for the given endpoint if set. Otherwise returns ScopedNodeId().
ScopedNodeId GetAtomicWriteOriginatorScopedNodeId(EndpointId endpoint);
* @brief Sets the atomic write state for the given endpoint and originatorNodeId
* @param[in] endpoint The endpoint.
* @param[in] originatorNodeId The originator scoped node id.
* @param[in] state Whether or not an atomic write is open or closed.
* @param attributeStatuses The set of attribute status structs the atomic write should be associated with
* @return true if it was able to update the atomic write state
* @return false if it was unable to update the atomic write state
SetAtomicWrite(EndpointId endpoint, ScopedNodeId originatorNodeId, AtomicWriteState state,
Platform::ScopedMemoryBufferWithSize<Globals::Structs::AtomicAttributeStatusStruct::Type> & attributeStatuses);
* @brief Sets the atomic write state for the given endpoint and originatorNodeId
* @brief Resets the atomic write for a given endpoint
* @param endpoint The endpoint
void ResetAtomicWrite(EndpointId endpoint);
* @brief Checks if a given endpoint has an atomic write open, optionally filtered by an attribute ID
* @param endpoint The endpoint
* @param attributeId The optional attribute ID to filter on
* @return true if the endpoint has an open atomic write
* @return false if the endpoint does not have an open atomic write
bool InAtomicWrite(EndpointId endpoint, Optional<AttributeId> attributeId = NullOptional);
* @brief Checks if a given endpoint has an atomic write open for a given subject descriptor, optionally filtered by an
* attribute ID
* @param endpoint The endpoint
* @param subjectDescriptor The subject descriptor for the client making a read or write request
* @param attributeId The optional attribute ID to filter on
* @return true if the endpoint has an open atomic write
* @return false if the endpoint does not have an open atomic write
bool InAtomicWrite(EndpointId endpoint, const Access::SubjectDescriptor & subjectDescriptor,
Optional<AttributeId> attributeId = NullOptional);
* @brief Checks if a given endpoint has an atomic write open for a given command invocation, optionally filtered by an
* attribute ID
* @param endpoint The endpoint
* @param commandObj The CommandHandler for the invoked command
* @param attributeId The optional attribute ID to filter on
* @return true if the endpoint has an open atomic write
* @return false if the endpoint does not have an open atomic write
bool InAtomicWrite(EndpointId endpoint, CommandHandler * commandObj, Optional<AttributeId> attributeId = NullOptional);
* @brief Checks if a given endpoint has an atomic write open for a given command invocation and a list of attributes
* @param endpoint The endpoint
* @param commandObj The CommandHandler for the invoked command
* @param attributeStatuses The list of attribute statuses whose attributeIds must match the open atomic write
* @return true if the endpoint has an open atomic write
* @return false if the endpoint does not have an open atomic write
InAtomicWrite(EndpointId endpoint, CommandHandler * commandObj,
Platform::ScopedMemoryBufferWithSize<Globals::Structs::AtomicAttributeStatusStruct::Type> & attributeStatuses);
* @brief Handles an AtomicRequest of type BeginWrite
* @param commandObj The AtomicRequest command handler
* @param commandPath The path for the Atomic Request command
* @param commandData The payload data for the Atomic Request
void BeginAtomicWrite(CommandHandler * commandObj, const ConcreteCommandPath & commandPath,
const Commands::AtomicRequest::DecodableType & commandData);
* @brief Handles an AtomicRequest of type CommitWrite
* @param commandObj The AtomicRequest command handler
* @param commandPath The path for the Atomic Request command
* @param commandData The payload data for the Atomic Request
void CommitAtomicWrite(CommandHandler * commandObj, const ConcreteCommandPath & commandPath,
const Commands::AtomicRequest::DecodableType & commandData);
* @brief Handles an AtomicRequest of type RollbackWrite
* @param commandObj The AtomicRequest command handler
* @param commandPath The path for the Atomic Request command
* @param commandData The payload data for the Atomic Request
void RollbackAtomicWrite(CommandHandler * commandObj, const ConcreteCommandPath & commandPath,
const Commands::AtomicRequest::DecodableType & commandData);
friend void TimerExpiredCallback(System::Layer * systemLayer, void * callbackContext);
friend void MatterThermostatClusterServerShutdownCallback(EndpointId endpoint);
friend bool emberAfThermostatClusterSetActivePresetRequestCallback(
CommandHandler * commandObj, const ConcreteCommandPath & commandPath,
const Clusters::Thermostat::Commands::SetActivePresetRequest::DecodableType & commandData);
friend bool
emberAfThermostatClusterAtomicRequestCallback(CommandHandler * commandObj, const ConcreteCommandPath & commandPath,
const Clusters::Thermostat::Commands::AtomicRequest::DecodableType & commandData);
struct AtomicWriteSession
AtomicWriteState state = AtomicWriteState::Closed;
Platform::ScopedMemoryBufferWithSize<AttributeId> attributeIds;
ScopedNodeId nodeId;
EndpointId endpointId = kInvalidEndpointId;
AtomicWriteSession mAtomicWriteSessions[kThermostatEndpointCount];
* @brief Sets the default delegate for the specific thermostat features.
* @param[in] endpoint The endpoint to set the default delegate on.
* @param[in] delegate The default delegate.
void SetDefaultDelegate(EndpointId endpoint, Delegate * delegate);
Delegate * GetDelegate(EndpointId endpoint);
} // namespace Thermostat
} // namespace Clusters
} // namespace app
} // namespace chip