blob: 97bf333929d518a566edc459aebf4544ab38f360 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2021 Project CHIP Authors
* Copyright (c) 2015-2017 Nest Labs, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @file
* @brief
* Management of the CHIP Event Logging.
#pragma once
#include "EventLoggingDelegate.h"
#include <access/SubjectDescriptor.h>
#include <app/MessageDef/EventDataIB.h>
#include <app/MessageDef/EventLoggingTypes.h>
#include <app/MessageDef/StatusIB.h>
#include <app/util/basic-types.h>
#include <lib/core/TLVCircularBuffer.h>
#include <lib/support/CHIPCounter.h>
#include <lib/support/LinkedList.h>
#include <messaging/ExchangeMgr.h>
#include <platform/CHIPDeviceConfig.h>
#include <system/SystemClock.h>
* Events are stored in the LogStorageResources provided to
* EventManagement::Init.
* A newly generated event will be placed in the lowest-priority (in practice
* DEBUG) buffer, the one associated with the first LogStorageResource. If
* there is no space in that buffer, space will be created by evicting the
* oldest event currently in that buffer, until enough space is available.
* When an event is evicted from a buffer, there are two possibilities:
* 1) If the next LogStorageResource has a priority that is no higher than the
* event's priority, the event will be moved to that LogStorageResource's
* buffer. This may in turn require events to be evicted from that buffer.
* 2) If the next LogStorageResource has a priority that is higher than the
* event's priority, then the event is just dropped.
* This means that LogStorageResources at a given priority level are reserved
* for events of that priority level or higher priority.
* As a simple example, assume there are only two priority levels, DEBUG and
* CRITICAL, and two LogStorageResources with those priorities. In that case,
* old CRITICAL events will not start getting dropped until both buffers are
* full, while old DEBUG events will start getting dropped once the DEBUG
* LogStorageResource buffer is full.
namespace chip {
namespace app {
inline constexpr const uint32_t kEventManagementProfile = 0x1;
inline constexpr const uint32_t kFabricIndexTag = 0x1;
inline constexpr size_t kMaxEventSizeReserve = 512;
constexpr uint16_t kRequiredEventField =
(1 << to_underlying(EventDataIB::Tag::kPriority)) | (1 << to_underlying(EventDataIB::Tag::kPath));
* @brief
* Internal event buffer, built around the TLV::TLVCircularBuffer
class CircularEventBuffer : public TLV::TLVCircularBuffer
* @brief
* A constructor for the CircularEventBuffer (internal API).
CircularEventBuffer() : TLVCircularBuffer(nullptr, 0){};
* @brief
* A Init for the CircularEventBuffer (internal API).
* @param[in] apBuffer The actual storage to use for event storage.
* @param[in] aBufferLength The length of the \c apBuffer in bytes.
* @param[in] apPrev The pointer to CircularEventBuffer storing
* events of lesser priority.
* @param[in] apNext The pointer to CircularEventBuffer storing
* events of greater priority.
* @param[in] aPriorityLevel CircularEventBuffer priority level
void Init(uint8_t * apBuffer, uint32_t aBufferLength, CircularEventBuffer * apPrev, CircularEventBuffer * apNext,
PriorityLevel aPriorityLevel);
* @brief
* A helper function that determines whether the event of
* specified priority is final destination
* @param[in] aPriority Priority of the event.
* @retval true/false event's priority is same as current buffer's priority, otherwise, false
bool IsFinalDestinationForPriority(PriorityLevel aPriority) const;
PriorityLevel GetPriority() { return mPriority; }
CircularEventBuffer * GetPreviousCircularEventBuffer() { return mpPrev; }
CircularEventBuffer * GetNextCircularEventBuffer() { return mpNext; }
void SetRequiredSpaceforEvicted(size_t aRequiredSpace) { mRequiredSpaceForEvicted = aRequiredSpace; }
size_t GetRequiredSpaceforEvicted() const { return mRequiredSpaceForEvicted; }
~CircularEventBuffer() override = default;
CircularEventBuffer * mpPrev = nullptr; ///< A pointer CircularEventBuffer storing events less important events
CircularEventBuffer * mpNext = nullptr; ///< A pointer CircularEventBuffer storing events more important events
PriorityLevel mPriority = PriorityLevel::Invalid; ///< The buffer is the final bucket for events of this priority. Events of
///< lesser priority are dropped when they get bumped out of this buffer
size_t mRequiredSpaceForEvicted = 0; ///< Required space for previous buffer to evict event to new buffer
CHIP_ERROR OnInit(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, uint8_t *& bufStart, uint32_t & bufLen) override;
class CircularEventReader;
* @brief
* A CircularEventBufferWrapper which has a pointer to the "current CircularEventBuffer". When trying to locate next buffer,
* if nothing left there update its CircularEventBuffer until the buffer with data has been found,
* the tlv reader will have a pointer to this impl.
class CircularEventBufferWrapper : public TLV::TLVCircularBuffer
CircularEventBufferWrapper() : TLVCircularBuffer(nullptr, 0), mpCurrent(nullptr){};
CircularEventBuffer * mpCurrent;
CHIP_ERROR GetNextBuffer(chip::TLV::TLVReader & aReader, const uint8_t *& aBufStart, uint32_t & aBufLen) override;
enum class EventManagementStates
Idle = 1, // No log offload in progress, log offload can begin without any constraints
InProgress = 2, // Log offload in progress
Shutdown = 3 // Not capable of performing any logging operation
* @brief
* A helper class used in initializing logging management.
* The class is used to encapsulate the resources allocated by the caller and denotes
* resources to be used in logging events of a particular priority. Note that
* while resources referring to the counters are used exclusively by the
* particular priority level, the buffers are shared between `this` priority
* level and events that are "more" important.
struct LogStorageResources
// TODO: Update TLVCircularBuffer with size_t for buffer size, then use ByteSpan
uint8_t * mpBuffer =
nullptr; // Buffer to be used as a storage at the particular priority level and shared with more important events.
// Must not be nullptr. Must be large enough to accommodate the largest event emitted by the system.
uint32_t mBufferSize = 0; ///< The size, in bytes, of the `mBuffer`.
PriorityLevel mPriority =
PriorityLevel::Invalid; // Log priority level associated with the resources provided in this structure.
* @brief
* A class for managing the in memory event logs. See documentation at the
* top of the file describing the eviction policy for events when there is no
* more space for new events.
class EventManagement
* Initialize the EventManagement with an array of LogStorageResources and
* an equal-length array of CircularEventBuffers that correspond to those
* LogStorageResources. The array of LogStorageResources must provide a
* resource for each valid priority level, the elements of the array must be
* in increasing numerical value of priority (and in increasing priority);
* the first element in the array corresponds to the resources allocated for
* least important events, and the last element corresponds to the most
* critical events.
* @param[in] apExchangeManager ExchangeManager to be used with this logging subsystem
* @param[in] aNumBuffers Number of elements in the apLogStorageResources
* and apCircularEventBuffer arrays.
* @param[in] apCircularEventBuffer An array of CircularEventBuffer for each priority level.
* @param[in] apLogStorageResources An array of LogStorageResources for each priority level.
* @param[in] apEventNumberCounter A counter to use for event numbers.
* @param[in] aMonotonicStartupTime Time we should consider as "monotonic
* time 0" for cases when we use
* system-time event timestamps.
void Init(Messaging::ExchangeManager * apExchangeManager, uint32_t aNumBuffers, CircularEventBuffer * apCircularEventBuffer,
const LogStorageResources * const apLogStorageResources,
MonotonicallyIncreasingCounter<EventNumber> * apEventNumberCounter,
System::Clock::Milliseconds64 aMonotonicStartupTime);
static EventManagement & GetInstance();
* @brief Create EventManagement object and initialize the logging management
* subsystem with provided resources.
* Initialize the EventManagement with an array of LogStorageResources. The
* array must provide a resource for each valid priority level, the elements
* of the array must be in increasing numerical value of priority (and in
* decreasing priority); the first element in the array corresponds to the
* resources allocated for the most critical events, and the last element
* corresponds to the least important events.
* @param[in] apExchangeManager ExchangeManager to be used with this logging subsystem
* @param[in] aNumBuffers Number of elements in inLogStorageResources array
* @param[in] apCircularEventBuffer An array of CircularEventBuffer for each priority level.
* @param[in] apLogStorageResources An array of LogStorageResources for each priority level.
* @param[in] apEventNumberCounter A counter to use for event numbers.
* @param[in] aMonotonicStartupTime Time we should consider as "monotonic
* time 0" for cases when we use
* system-time event timestamps.
* @note This function must be called prior to the logging being used.
static void
CreateEventManagement(Messaging::ExchangeManager * apExchangeManager, uint32_t aNumBuffers,
CircularEventBuffer * apCircularEventBuffer, const LogStorageResources * const apLogStorageResources,
MonotonicallyIncreasingCounter<EventNumber> * apEventNumberCounter,
System::Clock::Milliseconds64 aMonotonicStartupTime = System::SystemClock().GetMonotonicMilliseconds64());
static void DestroyEventManagement();
* @brief
* Log an event via a EventLoggingDelegate, with options.
* The EventLoggingDelegate writes the event metadata and calls the `apDelegate`
* with an TLV::TLVWriter reference so that the user code can emit
* the event data directly into the event log. This form of event
* logging minimizes memory consumption, as event data is serialized
* directly into the target buffer. The event data MUST contain
* context tags to be interpreted within the schema identified by
* `ClusterID` and `EventId`. The tag of the first element will be
* ignored; the event logging system will replace it with the
* eventData tag.
* The event is logged if the schema priority exceeds the logging
* threshold specified in the LoggingConfiguration. If the event's
* priority does not meet the current threshold, it is dropped and
* the function returns a `0` as the resulting event ID.
* This variant of the invocation permits the caller to set any
* combination of `EventOptions`:
* - timestamp, when 0 defaults to the current time at the point of
* the call,
* - "root" section of the event source (event source and cluster ID);
* if NULL, it defaults to the current device. the event is marked as
* relating to the device that is making the call,
* @param[in] apDelegate The EventLoggingDelegate to serialize the event data
* @param[in] aEventOptions The options for the event metadata.
* @param[out] aEventNumber The event Number if the event was written to the
* log, 0 otherwise.
* @return CHIP_ERROR CHIP Error Code
CHIP_ERROR LogEvent(EventLoggingDelegate * apDelegate, const EventOptions & aEventOptions, EventNumber & aEventNumber);
* @brief
* A helper method to get tlv reader along with buffer has data from particular priority
* @param[in,out] aReader A reference to the reader that will be
* initialized with the backing storage from
* the event log
* @param[in] aPriority The starting priority for the reader.
* Note that in this case the starting
* priority is somewhat counter intuitive:
* more important events share the buffers
* with less priority events, in addition to
* their dedicated buffers. As a result, the
* reader will traverse the least data when
* the Debug priority is passed in.
* @param[in] apBufWrapper CircularEventBufferWrapper
* @return #CHIP_NO_ERROR Unconditionally.
CHIP_ERROR GetEventReader(chip::TLV::TLVReader & aReader, PriorityLevel aPriority,
app::CircularEventBufferWrapper * apBufWrapper);
* @brief
* A function to retrieve events of specified priority since a specified event ID.
* Given a TLV::TLVWriter, an priority type, and an event ID, the
* function will fetch events since the
* specified event number. The function will continue fetching events until
* it runs out of space in the TLV::TLVWriter or in the log. The function
* will terminate the event writing on event boundary. The function would filter out event based upon interested path
* specified by read/subscribe request.
* @param[in] aWriter The writer to use for event storage
* @param[in] apEventPathList the interested EventPathParams list
* @param[in,out] aEventMin On input, the Event number is the one we're fetching. On
* completion, the event number of the next one we plan to fetch.
* @param[out] aEventCount The number of fetched event
* @param[in] aSubjectDescriptor Subject descriptor for current read handler
* @retval #CHIP_END_OF_TLV The function has reached the end of the
* available log entries at the specified
* priority level
* @retval #CHIP_ERROR_NO_MEMORY The function ran out of space in the
* aWriter, more events in the log are
* available.
* @retval #CHIP_ERROR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL The function ran out of space in the
* aWriter, more events in the log are
* available.
CHIP_ERROR FetchEventsSince(chip::TLV::TLVWriter & aWriter, const SingleLinkedListNode<EventPathParams> * apEventPathList,
EventNumber & aEventMin, size_t & aEventCount,
const Access::SubjectDescriptor & aSubjectDescriptor);
* @brief brief Iterate all events and invalidate the fabric-sensitive events whose associated fabric has the given fabric
* index.
CHIP_ERROR FabricRemoved(FabricIndex aFabricIndex);
* @brief
* Fetch the most recently vended Number for a particular priority level
* @return EventNumber most recently vended event Number for that event priority
EventNumber GetLastEventNumber() const { return mLastEventNumber; }
* @brief
* IsValid returns whether the EventManagement instance is valid
bool IsValid(void) { return EventManagementStates::Shutdown != mState; };
* Logger would save last logged event number and initial written event bytes number into schedule event number array
void SetScheduledEventInfo(EventNumber & aEventNumber, uint32_t & aInitialWrittenEventBytes) const;
* @brief
* Internal structure for traversing events.
struct EventEnvelopeContext
EventEnvelopeContext() {}
int mFieldsToRead = 0;
/* PriorityLevel and DeltaTime are there if that is not first event when putting events in report*/
Timestamp mCurrentTime = Timestamp::Epoch(System::Clock::kZero);
Timestamp mCurrentTime = Timestamp::System(System::Clock::kZero);
PriorityLevel mPriority = PriorityLevel::First;
ClusterId mClusterId = 0;
EndpointId mEndpointId = 0;
EventId mEventId = 0;
EventNumber mEventNumber = 0;
Optional<FabricIndex> mFabricIndex;
void VendEventNumber();
CHIP_ERROR CalculateEventSize(EventLoggingDelegate * apDelegate, const EventOptions * apOptions, uint32_t & requiredSize);
* @brief Helper function for writing event header and data according to event
* logging protocol.
* @param[in,out] apContext EventLoadOutContext, initialized with stateful
* information for the buffer. State is updated
* and preserved by ConstructEvent using this context.
* @param[in] apDelegate The EventLoggingDelegate to serialize the event data
* @param[in] apOptions EventOptions describing timestamp and other tags
* relevant to this event.
CHIP_ERROR ConstructEvent(EventLoadOutContext * apContext, EventLoggingDelegate * apDelegate, const EventOptions * apOptions);
// Internal function to log event
CHIP_ERROR LogEventPrivate(EventLoggingDelegate * apDelegate, const EventOptions & aEventOptions, EventNumber & aEventNumber);
* @brief copy the event outright to next buffer with higher priority
* @param[in] apEventBuffer CircularEventBuffer
CHIP_ERROR CopyToNextBuffer(CircularEventBuffer * apEventBuffer);
* @brief Ensure that:
* 1) There could be aRequiredSpace bytes available (if enough things were
* evicted) in all buffers that can hold events with priority aPriority.
* 2) There are in fact aRequiredSpace bytes available in our
* lowest-priority buffer. This might involve evicting some events to
* higher-priority buffers or dropping them.
* @param[in] aRequiredSpace required space
* @param[in] aPriority priority of the event we are making space for.
CHIP_ERROR EnsureSpaceInCircularBuffer(size_t aRequiredSpace, PriorityLevel aPriority);
* @brief Iterate the event elements inside event tlv and mark the fabric index as kUndefinedFabricIndex if
* it matches the FabricIndex apFabricIndex points to.
* @param[in] aReader event tlv reader
* @param[in] apFabricIndex A FabricIndex* pointing to the fabric index for which we want to effectively evict events.
static CHIP_ERROR FabricRemovedCB(const TLV::TLVReader & aReader, size_t, void * apFabricIndex);
* @brief
* Internal API used to implement #FetchEventsSince
* Iterator function to used to copy an event from the log into a
* TLVWriter. The included apContext contains the context of the copy
* operation, including the TLVWriter that will hold the copy of an
* event. If event cannot be written as a whole, the TLVWriter will
* be rolled back to event boundary.
* @retval #CHIP_END_OF_TLV Function reached the end of the event
* @retval #CHIP_ERROR_NO_MEMORY Function could not write a portion of
* the event to the TLVWriter.
* @retval #CHIP_ERROR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL Function could not write a
* portion of the event to the TLVWriter.
static CHIP_ERROR CopyEventsSince(const TLV::TLVReader & aReader, size_t aDepth, void * apContext);
* @brief Internal iterator function used to scan and filter though event logs
* The function is used to scan through the event log to find events matching the spec in the supplied context.
* Particularly, it would check against mStartingEventNumber, and skip fetched event.
static CHIP_ERROR EventIterator(const TLV::TLVReader & aReader, size_t aDepth, EventLoadOutContext * apEventLoadOutContext,
EventEnvelopeContext * event);
* @brief Internal iterator function used to fetch event into EventEnvelopeContext, then EventIterator would filter event
* based upon EventEnvelopeContext
static CHIP_ERROR FetchEventParameters(const TLV::TLVReader & aReader, size_t aDepth, void * apContext);
* @brief Internal iterator function used to scan and filter though event logs
* First event gets a timestamp, subsequent ones get a delta T
* First event in the sequence gets a event number neatly packaged
static CHIP_ERROR CopyAndAdjustDeltaTime(const TLV::TLVReader & aReader, size_t aDepth, void * apContext);
* @brief checking if the tail's event can be moved to higher priority, if not, dropped, if yes, note how much space it
* requires, and return.
static CHIP_ERROR EvictEvent(chip::TLV::TLVCircularBuffer & aBuffer, void * apAppData, TLV::TLVReader & aReader);
static CHIP_ERROR AlwaysFail(chip::TLV::TLVCircularBuffer & aBuffer, void * apAppData, TLV::TLVReader & aReader)
* @brief Check whether the event instance represented by the EventEnvelopeContext should be included in the report.
* @retval CHIP_ERROR_UNEXPECTED_EVENT This path should be excluded in the generated event report.
* @retval CHIP_EVENT_ID_FOUND This path should be included in the generated event report.
* @retval CHIP_ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED This path should be included in the generated event report, but the client does not have
* . enough privilege to access it.
* TODO: Consider using CHIP_NO_ERROR, CHIP_ERROR_SKIP_EVENT, CHIP_ERROR_ACCESS_DENINED or some enum to represent the checking
* result.
static CHIP_ERROR CheckEventContext(EventLoadOutContext * eventLoadOutContext, const EventEnvelopeContext & event);
* @brief copy event from circular buffer to target buffer for report
static CHIP_ERROR CopyEvent(const TLV::TLVReader & aReader, TLV::TLVWriter & aWriter, EventLoadOutContext * apContext);
* @brief
* A function to get the circular buffer for particular priority
* @param aPriority PriorityLevel
* @return A pointer for the CircularEventBuffer
CircularEventBuffer * GetPriorityBuffer(PriorityLevel aPriority) const;
// EventBuffer for debug level,
CircularEventBuffer * mpEventBuffer = nullptr;
Messaging::ExchangeManager * mpExchangeMgr = nullptr;
EventManagementStates mState = EventManagementStates::Shutdown;
uint32_t mBytesWritten = 0;
// The counter we're going to use for event numbers.
MonotonicallyIncreasingCounter<EventNumber> * mpEventNumberCounter = nullptr;
EventNumber mLastEventNumber = 0; ///< Last event Number vended
Timestamp mLastEventTimestamp; ///< The timestamp of the last event in this buffer
System::Clock::Milliseconds64 mMonotonicStartupTime;
} // namespace app
} // namespace chip