blob: 255a55e97ee465f7c76dc9d8d74b9b49022694d5 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2024 Project CHIP Authors
* All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include <app/EventLoggingDelegate.h>
#include <app/EventLoggingTypes.h>
#include <app/MessageDef/EventDataIB.h>
#include <app/data-model/Encode.h>
#include <app/data-model/FabricScoped.h>
#include <lib/core/CHIPError.h>
#include <lib/support/logging/CHIPLogging.h>
#include <type_traits>
namespace chip {
namespace app {
namespace InteractionModel {
namespace internal {
template <typename T>
class SimpleEventLoggingDelegate : public EventLoggingDelegate
SimpleEventLoggingDelegate(const T & aEventData) : mEventData(aEventData){};
CHIP_ERROR WriteEvent(chip::TLV::TLVWriter & aWriter) final override
return DataModel::Encode(aWriter, TLV::ContextTag(EventDataIB::Tag::kData), mEventData);
const T & mEventData;
template <typename E, typename T, std::enable_if_t<DataModel::IsFabricScoped<T>::value, bool> = true>
EventNumber GenerateEvent(E & emittor, const T & aEventData, EndpointId aEndpoint)
internal::SimpleEventLoggingDelegate<T> eventData(aEventData);
ConcreteEventPath path(aEndpoint, aEventData.GetClusterId(), aEventData.GetEventId());
EventOptions eventOptions;
eventOptions.mPath = path;
eventOptions.mPriority = aEventData.GetPriorityLevel();
eventOptions.mFabricIndex = aEventData.GetFabricIndex();
// this skips logging the event if it's fabric-scoped but no fabric association exists yet.
if (eventOptions.mFabricIndex == kUndefinedFabricIndex)
ChipLogError(EventLogging, "Event encode failure: no fabric index for fabric scoped event");
return kInvalidEventId;
// Unlike attributes which have a different 'EncodeForRead' for fabric-scoped structs,
// fabric-sensitive events don't require that since the actual omission of the event in its entirety
// happens within the event management framework itself at the time of access.
// The 'mFabricIndex' field in the event options above is encoded out-of-band alongside the event payload
// and used to match against the accessing fabric.
EventNumber eventNumber;
CHIP_ERROR err = emittor.GenerateEvent(&eventData, eventOptions, eventNumber);
if (err != CHIP_NO_ERROR)
ChipLogError(EventLogging, "Failed to log event: %" CHIP_ERROR_FORMAT, err.Format());
return kInvalidEventId;
return eventNumber;
template <typename E, typename T, std::enable_if_t<!DataModel::IsFabricScoped<T>::value, bool> = true>
EventNumber GenerateEvent(E & emittor, const T & aEventData, EndpointId endpointId)
internal::SimpleEventLoggingDelegate<T> eventData(aEventData);
ConcreteEventPath path(endpointId, aEventData.GetClusterId(), aEventData.GetEventId());
EventOptions eventOptions;
eventOptions.mPath = path;
eventOptions.mPriority = aEventData.GetPriorityLevel();
EventNumber eventNumber;
CHIP_ERROR err = emittor.GenerateEvent(&eventData, eventOptions, eventNumber);
if (err != CHIP_NO_ERROR)
ChipLogError(EventLogging, "Failed to log event: %" CHIP_ERROR_FORMAT, err.Format());
return kInvalidEventId;
return eventNumber;
} // namespace internal
class Events
virtual ~Events() = default;
/// Generates the given event.
/// Events are generally expected to be sent to subscribed clients and also
/// be available for read later until they get overwritten by new events
/// that are being generated.
virtual CHIP_ERROR GenerateEvent(EventLoggingDelegate * eventContentWriter, const EventOptions & options,
EventNumber & generatedEventNumber) = 0;
// Convenience methods for event logging using cluster-object structures
// On error, these log and return kInvalidEventId
template <typename T>
EventNumber GenerateEvent(const T & eventData, EndpointId endpointId)
return internal::GenerateEvent(*this, eventData, endpointId);
} // namespace InteractionModel
} // namespace app
} // namespace chip