blob: 5035bbd46018c80ada70fba1cd8bb86e14c7b81b [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2020-2021 Project CHIP Authors
* Copyright (c) 2016-2017 Nest Labs, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include "ListBuilder.h"
#include "ListParser.h"
#include <app/AppConfig.h>
#include <app/AttributePathParams.h>
#include <app/ConcreteAttributePath.h>
#include <app/data-model/Nullable.h>
#include <app/util/basic-types.h>
#include <lib/core/CHIPCore.h>
#include <lib/core/NodeId.h>
#include <lib/core/TLV.h>
#include <lib/support/CodeUtils.h>
#include <lib/support/logging/CHIPLogging.h>
namespace chip {
namespace app {
namespace AttributePathIB {
enum class Tag : uint8_t
kEnableTagCompression = 0,
kNode = 1,
kEndpoint = 2,
kCluster = 3,
kAttribute = 4,
kListIndex = 5,
class Parser : public ListParser
CHIP_ERROR PrettyPrint() const;
* @brief Get the EnableTagCompression
* @param [in] apEnableTagCompression A pointer to apEnableTagCompression
* @return #CHIP_NO_ERROR on success
* #CHIP_ERROR_WRONG_TLV_TYPE if there is such element but it's not boolean types
* #CHIP_END_OF_TLV if there is no such element
CHIP_ERROR GetEnableTagCompression(bool * const apEnableTagCompression) const;
* @brief Get the NodeId
* @param [in] apNodeId A pointer to apNodeId
* @return #CHIP_NO_ERROR on success
* #CHIP_ERROR_WRONG_TLV_TYPE if there is such element but it's not any of the defined unsigned integer types
* #CHIP_END_OF_TLV if there is no such element
CHIP_ERROR GetNode(NodeId * const apNodeId) const;
* @brief Get the Endpoint.
* @param [in] apEndpoint A pointer to apEndpoint
* @return #CHIP_NO_ERROR on success
* #CHIP_ERROR_WRONG_TLV_TYPE if there is such element but it's not any of the defined unsigned integer types
* #CHIP_END_OF_TLV if there is no such element
CHIP_ERROR GetEndpoint(EndpointId * const apEndpoint) const;
* @brief Get the Cluster.
* @param [in] apCluster A pointer to apCluster
* @return #CHIP_NO_ERROR on success
* #CHIP_ERROR_WRONG_TLV_TYPE if there is such element but it's not any of the defined unsigned integer types
* #CHIP_END_OF_TLV if there is no such element
CHIP_ERROR GetCluster(ClusterId * const apCluster) const;
* @brief Get the Attribute.
* @param [in] apAttribute A pointer to apAttribute
* @return #CHIP_NO_ERROR on success
* #CHIP_ERROR_WRONG_TLV_TYPE if there is such element but it's not any of the defined unsigned integer types
* #CHIP_END_OF_TLV if there is no such element
CHIP_ERROR GetAttribute(AttributeId * const apAttribute) const;
* @brief Get the ListIndex, the list index should not be a null value.
* @param [in] apListIndex A pointer to apListIndex
* @return #CHIP_NO_ERROR on success
* #CHIP_ERROR_WRONG_TLV_TYPE if there is such element but it's not any of the defined unsigned integer types
* #CHIP_END_OF_TLV if there is no such element
CHIP_ERROR GetListIndex(ListIndex * const apListIndex) const;
* @brief Get the ListIndex, the list index can be a null value.
* @param [in] apListIndex A pointer to apListIndex
* @return #CHIP_NO_ERROR on success
* #CHIP_ERROR_WRONG_TLV_TYPE if there is such element but it's not any of the defined unsigned integer types or null
* type.
* #CHIP_END_OF_TLV if there is no such element
CHIP_ERROR GetListIndex(DataModel::Nullable<ListIndex> * const apListIndex) const;
* @brief Get the concrete attribute path. This will set the ListOp to
* NotList when there is no ListIndex. Consumers should interpret NotList
* as ReplaceAll if that's appropriate to their context.
* @param [in] aAttributePath The attribute path object to write to.
* @return #CHIP_NO_ERROR on success
CHIP_ERROR GetConcreteAttributePath(ConcreteDataAttributePath & aAttributePath) const;
* @brief Get a group attribute path. This will set the ListOp to
* NotList when there is no ListIndex. Consumers should interpret NotList
* as ReplaceAll if that's appropriate to their context. The
* endpoint id of the resulting path might have any value.
* @param [in] aAttributePath The attribute path object to write to.
* @return #CHIP_NO_ERROR on success
CHIP_ERROR GetGroupAttributePath(ConcreteDataAttributePath & aAttributePath) const;
// TODO(#14934) Add a function to get ConcreteDataAttributePath from AttributePathIB::Parser directly.
* @brief Parse the attribute path into an AttributePathParams object. As part of parsing,
* validity checks for each path item will be done as well.
* If any errors are encountered, an IM error of 'InvalidAction' will be returned.
CHIP_ERROR ParsePath(AttributePathParams & attribute) const;
class Builder : public ListBuilder
* @brief Inject EnableTagCompression into the TLV stream.
* @param [in] aEnableTagCompression When false or not present, omission of any of the tags in question
* (with the exception of Node) indicates wildcard semantics. When true, indicates the use of
* a tag compression scheme
* @return A reference to *this
AttributePathIB::Builder & EnableTagCompression(const bool aEnableTagCompression);
* @brief Inject Node into the TLV stream.
* @param [in] aNode Node for this attribute path
* @return A reference to *this
AttributePathIB::Builder & Node(const NodeId aNode);
* @brief Inject Endpoint into the TLV stream.
* @param [in] aEndpoint Endpoint for this attribute path
* @return A reference to *this
AttributePathIB::Builder & Endpoint(const EndpointId aEndpoint);
* @brief Inject Cluster into the TLV stream.
* @param [in] aCluster Cluster for this attribute path
* @return A reference to *this
AttributePathIB::Builder & Cluster(const ClusterId aCluster);
* @brief Inject Attribute into the TLV stream.
* @param [in] aAttribute Attribute for this attribute path
* @return A reference to *this
AttributePathIB::Builder & Attribute(const AttributeId aAttribute);
* @brief Inject ListIndex into the TLV stream.
* @param [in] aListIndex ListIndex for this attribute path
* @return A reference to *this
AttributePathIB::Builder & ListIndex(const chip::ListIndex aListIndex);
AttributePathIB::Builder & ListIndex(const DataModel::Nullable<chip::ListIndex> & aListIndex);
* @brief Mark the end of this AttributePathIB
* @return The builder's final status.
CHIP_ERROR EndOfAttributePathIB();
CHIP_ERROR Encode(const AttributePathParams & aAttributePathParams);
CHIP_ERROR Encode(const ConcreteDataAttributePath & aAttributePathParams);
} // namespace AttributePathIB
} // namespace app
} // namespace chip