| // |
| // MTRRemoteDeviceTests.m |
| // MTRTests |
| /* |
| * |
| * Copyright (c) 2022 Project CHIP Authors |
| * |
| * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
| * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
| * You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| * |
| * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| * |
| * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| * limitations under the License. |
| */ |
| |
| // module headers |
| #import <Matter/Matter.h> |
| |
| #import "MTRErrorTestUtils.h" |
| |
| #import <app/util/af-enums.h> |
| |
| #import <math.h> // For INFINITY |
| |
| // system dependencies |
| #import <XCTest/XCTest.h> |
| |
| static const uint16_t kTimeoutInSeconds = 3; |
| // Inverted expectation timeout |
| static const uint16_t kNegativeTimeoutInSeconds = 1; |
| |
| @interface MTRClusterStateCacheContainer (Test) |
| // Obsolete method is moved to this test suite to keep tests compatible |
| - (void)subscribeWithDeviceController:(MTRDeviceController *)deviceController |
| deviceID:(NSNumber *)deviceID |
| params:(MTRSubscribeParams * _Nullable)params |
| queue:(dispatch_queue_t)queue |
| completion:(void (^)(NSError * _Nullable error))completion; |
| @end |
| |
| @implementation MTRClusterStateCacheContainer (Test) |
| - (void)subscribeWithDeviceController:(MTRDeviceController *)deviceController |
| deviceID:(NSNumber *)deviceID |
| params:(MTRSubscribeParams * _Nullable)params |
| queue:queue |
| completion:(void (^)(NSError * _Nullable error))completion |
| { |
| __auto_type completionHandler = ^(NSError * _Nullable error) { |
| dispatch_async(queue, ^{ |
| completion(error); |
| }); |
| }; |
| __auto_type * device = [MTRBaseDevice deviceWithNodeID:deviceID controller:deviceController]; |
| |
| __auto_type * subscriptionParams |
| = (params == nil) ? [[MTRSubscribeParams alloc] initWithMinInterval:@(1) maxInterval:@(43200)] : params; |
| __auto_type established = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:1]; |
| [established addObject:@NO]; |
| [device subscribeWithQueue:queue |
| params:subscriptionParams |
| clusterStateCacheContainer:self |
| attributeReportHandler:^(NSArray * value) { |
| NSLog(@"Report received for attribute cache: %@", value); |
| } |
| eventReportHandler:nil |
| errorHandler:^(NSError * error) { |
| NSLog(@"Report error received for attribute cache: %@", error); |
| if (![established[0] boolValue]) { |
| established[0] = @YES; |
| completionHandler(error); |
| } |
| } |
| subscriptionEstablished:^() { |
| NSLog(@"Attribute cache subscription succeeded for device %llu", [deviceID unsignedLongLongValue]); |
| if (![established[0] boolValue]) { |
| established[0] = @YES; |
| completionHandler(nil); |
| } |
| } |
| resubscriptionScheduled:nil]; |
| } |
| @end |
| |
| @interface MTRXPCProtocolTests<NSXPCListenerDelegate, CHIPRemoteDeviceProtocol> : XCTestCase |
| |
| @property (nonatomic, readwrite, strong) NSXPCListener * xpcListener; |
| @property (nonatomic, readwrite, strong) NSXPCInterface * serviceInterface; |
| @property (nonatomic, readwrite, strong) NSXPCInterface * clientInterface; |
| @property (readwrite, strong) NSXPCConnection * xpcConnection; |
| @property (nonatomic, readwrite, strong) MTRDeviceController * remoteDeviceController; |
| @property (nonatomic, readwrite, strong) NSString * controllerUUID; |
| @property (readwrite, strong) XCTestExpectation * xpcDisconnectExpectation; |
| |
| @property (readwrite, strong) void (^handleGetAnySharedRemoteControllerWithFabricId) |
| (NSNumber * fabricId, void (^completion)(id _Nullable controller, NSError * _Nullable error)); |
| @property (readwrite, strong) void (^handleGetAnySharedRemoteController) |
| (void (^completion)(id _Nullable controller, NSError * _Nullable error)); |
| @property (readwrite, strong) void (^handleReadAttribute)(id controller, NSNumber * nodeId, NSNumber * _Nullable endpointId, |
| NSNumber * _Nullable clusterId, NSNumber * _Nullable attributeId, MTRReadParams * _Nullable params, |
| void (^completion)(id _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable error)); |
| @property (readwrite, strong) void (^handleWriteAttribute) |
| (id controller, NSNumber * nodeId, NSNumber * endpointId, NSNumber * clusterId, NSNumber * attributeId, id value, |
| NSNumber * _Nullable timedWriteTimeout, void (^completion)(id _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable error)); |
| @property (readwrite, strong) void (^handleInvokeCommand) |
| (id controller, NSNumber * nodeId, NSNumber * endpointId, NSNumber * clusterId, NSNumber * commandId, id fields, |
| NSNumber * _Nullable timedInvokeTimeout, void (^completion)(id _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable error)); |
| @property (readwrite, strong) void (^handleSubscribeAttribute) |
| (id controller, NSNumber * nodeId, NSNumber * _Nullable endpointId, NSNumber * _Nullable clusterId, |
| NSNumber * _Nullable attributeId, MTRSubscribeParams * _Nonnull params, void (^establishedHandler)(void)); |
| @property (readwrite, strong) void (^handleStopReports)(id controller, NSNumber * nodeId, void (^completion)(void)); |
| @property (readwrite, strong) void (^handleSubscribeAll)(id controller, NSNumber * nodeId, MTRSubscribeParams * _Nonnull params, |
| BOOL shouldCache, void (^completion)(NSError * _Nullable error)); |
| @property (readwrite, strong) void (^handleReadClusterStateCache) |
| (id controller, NSNumber * nodeId, NSNumber * _Nullable endpointId, NSNumber * _Nullable clusterId, |
| NSNumber * _Nullable attributeId, void (^completion)(id _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable error)); |
| |
| @end |
| |
| @implementation MTRXPCProtocolTests |
| |
| - (BOOL)listener:(NSXPCListener *)listener shouldAcceptNewConnection:(NSXPCConnection *)newConnection |
| { |
| XCTAssertNil(_xpcConnection); |
| XCTAssertNotNil(newConnection); |
| NSLog(@"XPC listener accepting connection"); |
| newConnection.exportedInterface = _serviceInterface; |
| newConnection.remoteObjectInterface = _clientInterface; |
| newConnection.exportedObject = self; |
| newConnection.invalidationHandler = ^{ |
| dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ |
| NSLog(@"XPC connection disconnected"); |
| self.xpcConnection = nil; |
| if (self.xpcDisconnectExpectation) { |
| [self.xpcDisconnectExpectation fulfill]; |
| self.xpcDisconnectExpectation = nil; |
| } |
| }); |
| }; |
| dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ |
| self.xpcConnection = newConnection; |
| [newConnection resume]; |
| }); |
| return YES; |
| } |
| |
| - (void)getDeviceControllerWithFabricId:(uint64_t)fabricId |
| completion:(void (^)(id _Nullable controller, NSError * _Nullable error))completion |
| { |
| dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ |
| XCTAssertNotNil(self.handleGetAnySharedRemoteControllerWithFabricId); |
| self.handleGetAnySharedRemoteControllerWithFabricId(@(fabricId), completion); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| - (void)getAnyDeviceControllerWithCompletion:(void (^)(id _Nullable controller, NSError * _Nullable error))completion |
| { |
| dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ |
| XCTAssertNotNil(self.handleGetAnySharedRemoteController); |
| self.handleGetAnySharedRemoteController(completion); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| - (void)readAttributeWithController:(id)controller |
| nodeId:(uint64_t)nodeId |
| endpointId:(NSNumber * _Nullable)endpointId |
| clusterId:(NSNumber * _Nullable)clusterId |
| attributeId:(NSNumber * _Nullable)attributeId |
| params:(NSDictionary<NSString *, id> * _Nullable)params |
| completion:(MTRValuesHandler)completion |
| { |
| dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ |
| XCTAssertNotNil(self.handleReadAttribute); |
| self.handleReadAttribute(controller, @(nodeId), endpointId, clusterId, attributeId, |
| [MTRDeviceController decodeXPCReadParams:params], completion); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| - (void)writeAttributeWithController:(id)controller |
| nodeId:(uint64_t)nodeId |
| endpointId:(NSNumber *)endpointId |
| clusterId:(NSNumber *)clusterId |
| attributeId:(NSNumber *)attributeId |
| value:(id)value |
| timedWriteTimeout:(NSNumber * _Nullable)timeoutMs |
| completion:(MTRValuesHandler)completion |
| { |
| dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ |
| XCTAssertNotNil(self.handleWriteAttribute); |
| self.handleWriteAttribute(controller, @(nodeId), endpointId, clusterId, attributeId, value, timeoutMs, completion); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| - (void)invokeCommandWithController:(id)controller |
| nodeId:(uint64_t)nodeId |
| endpointId:(NSNumber *)endpointId |
| clusterId:(NSNumber *)clusterId |
| commandId:(NSNumber *)commandId |
| fields:(id)fields |
| timedInvokeTimeout:(NSNumber * _Nullable)timeoutMs |
| completion:(MTRValuesHandler)completion |
| { |
| dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ |
| XCTAssertNotNil(self.handleInvokeCommand); |
| self.handleInvokeCommand(controller, @(nodeId), endpointId, clusterId, commandId, fields, timeoutMs, completion); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| - (void)subscribeAttributeWithController:(id)controller |
| nodeId:(uint64_t)nodeId |
| endpointId:(NSNumber * _Nullable)endpointId |
| clusterId:(NSNumber * _Nullable)clusterId |
| attributeId:(NSNumber * _Nullable)attributeId |
| minInterval:(NSNumber *)minInterval |
| maxInterval:(NSNumber *)maxInterval |
| params:(NSDictionary<NSString *, id> * _Nullable)params |
| establishedHandler:(dispatch_block_t)establishedHandler |
| { |
| dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ |
| XCTAssertNotNil(self.handleSubscribeAttribute); |
| __auto_type * subscriptionParams = [MTRDeviceController decodeXPCSubscribeParams:params]; |
| if (subscriptionParams == nil) { |
| subscriptionParams = [[MTRSubscribeParams alloc] initWithMinInterval:minInterval maxInterval:maxInterval]; |
| } else { |
| subscriptionParams.minInterval = minInterval; |
| subscriptionParams.maxInterval = maxInterval; |
| } |
| self.handleSubscribeAttribute( |
| controller, @(nodeId), endpointId, clusterId, attributeId, subscriptionParams, establishedHandler); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| - (void)stopReportsWithController:(id)controller nodeId:(uint64_t)nodeId completion:(dispatch_block_t)completion |
| { |
| dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ |
| XCTAssertNotNil(self.handleStopReports); |
| self.handleStopReports(controller, @(nodeId), completion); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| - (void)subscribeWithController:(id _Nullable)controller |
| nodeId:(uint64_t)nodeId |
| minInterval:(NSNumber *)minInterval |
| maxInterval:(NSNumber *)maxInterval |
| params:(NSDictionary<NSString *, id> * _Nullable)params |
| shouldCache:(BOOL)shouldCache |
| completion:(MTRStatusCompletion)completion |
| { |
| dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ |
| XCTAssertNotNil(self.handleSubscribeAll); |
| MTRSubscribeParams * subscribeParams = [MTRDeviceController decodeXPCSubscribeParams:params]; |
| if (params == nil) { |
| subscribeParams = [[MTRSubscribeParams alloc] initWithMinInterval:minInterval maxInterval:maxInterval]; |
| } else { |
| subscribeParams.minInterval = minInterval; |
| subscribeParams.maxInterval = maxInterval; |
| } |
| self.handleSubscribeAll(controller, @(nodeId), subscribeParams, shouldCache, completion); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| - (void)readAttributeCacheWithController:(id _Nullable)controller |
| nodeId:(uint64_t)nodeId |
| endpointId:(NSNumber * _Nullable)endpointId |
| clusterId:(NSNumber * _Nullable)clusterId |
| attributeId:(NSNumber * _Nullable)attributeId |
| completion:(MTRValuesHandler)completion |
| { |
| dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ |
| XCTAssertNotNil(self.handleReadClusterStateCache); |
| self.handleReadClusterStateCache(controller, @(nodeId), endpointId, clusterId, attributeId, completion); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| - (void)setUp |
| { |
| [self setContinueAfterFailure:NO]; |
| |
| _xpcListener = [NSXPCListener anonymousListener]; |
| [_xpcListener setDelegate:(id<NSXPCListenerDelegate>) self]; |
| _serviceInterface = [MTRDeviceController xpcInterfaceForServerProtocol]; |
| _clientInterface = [MTRDeviceController xpcInterfaceForClientProtocol]; |
| |
| [_xpcListener resume]; |
| _controllerUUID = [[NSUUID UUID] UUIDString]; |
| _remoteDeviceController = |
| [MTRDeviceController sharedControllerWithID:_controllerUUID |
| xpcConnectBlock:^NSXPCConnection * { |
| return [[NSXPCConnection alloc] initWithListenerEndpoint:self.xpcListener.endpoint]; |
| }]; |
| } |
| |
| - (void)tearDown |
| { |
| _remoteDeviceController = nil; |
| [_xpcListener suspend]; |
| _xpcListener = nil; |
| _xpcDisconnectExpectation = nil; |
| } |
| |
| - (void)testReadAttributeSuccess |
| { |
| uint64_t myNodeId = 9876543210; |
| NSNumber * myEndpointId = @100; |
| NSNumber * myClusterId = @200; |
| NSNumber * myAttributeId = @300; |
| NSArray * myValues = @[ @{ |
| @"attributePath" : [MTRAttributePath attributePathWithEndpointID:myEndpointId |
| clusterID:myClusterId |
| attributeID:myAttributeId], |
| @"data" : @ { @"type" : @"SignedInteger", @"value" : @123456 } |
| } ]; |
| |
| XCTestExpectation * callExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"XPC call received"]; |
| XCTestExpectation * responseExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"XPC response received"]; |
| |
| __auto_type uuid = self.controllerUUID; |
| _handleReadAttribute = ^(id controller, NSNumber * nodeId, NSNumber * _Nullable endpointId, NSNumber * _Nullable clusterId, |
| NSNumber * _Nullable attributeId, MTRReadParams * _Nullable params, |
| void (^completion)(id _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable error)) { |
| XCTAssertTrue([controller isEqualToString:uuid]); |
| XCTAssertEqual([nodeId unsignedLongLongValue], myNodeId); |
| XCTAssertEqual([endpointId unsignedShortValue], [myEndpointId unsignedShortValue]); |
| XCTAssertEqual([clusterId unsignedLongValue], [myClusterId unsignedLongValue]); |
| XCTAssertEqual([attributeId unsignedLongValue], [myAttributeId unsignedLongValue]); |
| XCTAssertNil(params); |
| [callExpectation fulfill]; |
| completion([MTRDeviceController encodeXPCResponseValues:myValues], nil); |
| }; |
| |
| __auto_type * device = [MTRBaseDevice deviceWithNodeID:@(myNodeId) controller:_remoteDeviceController]; |
| NSLog(@"Device acquired. Reading..."); |
| [device readAttributesWithEndpointID:myEndpointId |
| clusterID:myClusterId |
| attributeID:myAttributeId |
| params:nil |
| queue:dispatch_get_main_queue() |
| completion:^(id _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable error) { |
| NSLog(@"Read value: %@", value); |
| XCTAssertNotNil(value); |
| XCTAssertNil(error); |
| XCTAssertTrue([myValues isEqual:value]); |
| [responseExpectation fulfill]; |
| self.xpcDisconnectExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"XPC Disconnected"]; |
| }]; |
| |
| [self waitForExpectations:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:callExpectation, responseExpectation, nil] timeout:kTimeoutInSeconds]; |
| |
| // When read is done, connection should have been released |
| [self waitForExpectations:[NSArray arrayWithObject:_xpcDisconnectExpectation] timeout:kTimeoutInSeconds]; |
| XCTAssertNil(_xpcConnection); |
| } |
| |
| - (void)testReadAttributeWithParamsSuccess |
| { |
| uint64_t myNodeId = 9876543210; |
| NSNumber * myEndpointId = @100; |
| NSNumber * myClusterId = @200; |
| NSNumber * myAttributeId = @300; |
| NSArray * myValues = @[ @{ |
| @"attributePath" : [MTRAttributePath attributePathWithEndpointID:myEndpointId |
| clusterID:myClusterId |
| attributeID:myAttributeId], |
| @"data" : @ { @"type" : @"SignedInteger", @"value" : @123456 } |
| } ]; |
| MTRReadParams * myParams = [[MTRReadParams alloc] init]; |
| myParams.filterByFabric = NO; |
| |
| XCTestExpectation * callExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"XPC call received"]; |
| XCTestExpectation * responseExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"XPC response received"]; |
| |
| __auto_type uuid = self.controllerUUID; |
| _handleReadAttribute = ^(id controller, NSNumber * nodeId, NSNumber * _Nullable endpointId, NSNumber * _Nullable clusterId, |
| NSNumber * _Nullable attributeId, MTRReadParams * _Nullable params, |
| void (^completion)(id _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable error)) { |
| XCTAssertTrue([controller isEqualToString:uuid]); |
| XCTAssertEqual([nodeId unsignedLongLongValue], myNodeId); |
| XCTAssertEqual([endpointId unsignedShortValue], [myEndpointId unsignedShortValue]); |
| XCTAssertEqual([clusterId unsignedLongValue], [myClusterId unsignedLongValue]); |
| XCTAssertEqual([attributeId unsignedLongValue], [myAttributeId unsignedLongValue]); |
| XCTAssertNotNil(params); |
| XCTAssertEqual(params.filterByFabric, myParams.filterByFabric); |
| [callExpectation fulfill]; |
| completion([MTRDeviceController encodeXPCResponseValues:myValues], nil); |
| }; |
| |
| __auto_type * device = [MTRBaseDevice deviceWithNodeID:@(myNodeId) controller:_remoteDeviceController]; |
| NSLog(@"Device acquired. Reading..."); |
| [device readAttributesWithEndpointID:myEndpointId |
| clusterID:myClusterId |
| attributeID:myAttributeId |
| params:myParams |
| queue:dispatch_get_main_queue() |
| completion:^(id _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable error) { |
| NSLog(@"Read value: %@", value); |
| XCTAssertNotNil(value); |
| XCTAssertNil(error); |
| XCTAssertTrue([myValues isEqual:value]); |
| [responseExpectation fulfill]; |
| self.xpcDisconnectExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"XPC Disconnected"]; |
| }]; |
| |
| [self waitForExpectations:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:callExpectation, responseExpectation, nil] timeout:kTimeoutInSeconds]; |
| |
| // When read is done, connection should have been released |
| [self waitForExpectations:[NSArray arrayWithObject:_xpcDisconnectExpectation] timeout:kTimeoutInSeconds]; |
| XCTAssertNil(_xpcConnection); |
| } |
| |
| - (void)testReadAttributeFailure |
| { |
| uint64_t myNodeId = 9876543210; |
| NSNumber * myEndpointId = @100; |
| NSNumber * myClusterId = @200; |
| NSNumber * myAttributeId = @300; |
| NSError * myError = [NSError errorWithDomain:MTRErrorDomain code:MTRErrorCodeGeneralError userInfo:nil]; |
| XCTestExpectation * callExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"XPC call received"]; |
| XCTestExpectation * responseExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"XPC response received"]; |
| |
| __auto_type uuid = self.controllerUUID; |
| _handleReadAttribute = ^(id controller, NSNumber * nodeId, NSNumber * _Nullable endpointId, NSNumber * _Nullable clusterId, |
| NSNumber * _Nullable attributeId, MTRReadParams * _Nullable params, |
| void (^completion)(id _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable error)) { |
| XCTAssertTrue([controller isEqualToString:uuid]); |
| XCTAssertEqual([nodeId unsignedLongLongValue], myNodeId); |
| XCTAssertEqual([endpointId unsignedShortValue], [myEndpointId unsignedShortValue]); |
| XCTAssertEqual([clusterId unsignedLongValue], [myClusterId unsignedLongValue]); |
| XCTAssertEqual([attributeId unsignedLongValue], [myAttributeId unsignedLongValue]); |
| XCTAssertNil(params); |
| [callExpectation fulfill]; |
| completion(nil, myError); |
| }; |
| |
| __auto_type * device = [MTRBaseDevice deviceWithNodeID:@(myNodeId) controller:_remoteDeviceController]; |
| NSLog(@"Device acquired. Reading..."); |
| [device readAttributesWithEndpointID:myEndpointId |
| clusterID:myClusterId |
| attributeID:myAttributeId |
| params:nil |
| queue:dispatch_get_main_queue() |
| completion:^(id _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable error) { |
| NSLog(@"Read value: %@", value); |
| XCTAssertNil(value); |
| XCTAssertNotNil(error); |
| [responseExpectation fulfill]; |
| self.xpcDisconnectExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"XPC Disconnected"]; |
| }]; |
| |
| [self waitForExpectations:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:callExpectation, responseExpectation, nil] timeout:kTimeoutInSeconds]; |
| |
| // When read is done, connection should have been released |
| [self waitForExpectations:[NSArray arrayWithObject:_xpcDisconnectExpectation] timeout:kTimeoutInSeconds]; |
| XCTAssertNil(_xpcConnection); |
| } |
| |
| - (void)testWriteAttributeSuccess |
| { |
| uint64_t myNodeId = 9876543210; |
| NSNumber * myEndpointId = @100; |
| NSNumber * myClusterId = @200; |
| NSNumber * myAttributeId = @300; |
| NSDictionary * myValue = |
| [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:@"UnsignedInteger", @"type", [NSNumber numberWithInteger:654321], @"value", nil]; |
| NSArray * myResults = @[ @{ |
| @"attributePath" : [MTRAttributePath attributePathWithEndpointID:myEndpointId |
| clusterID:myClusterId |
| attributeID:myAttributeId] |
| } ]; |
| |
| XCTestExpectation * callExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"XPC call received"]; |
| XCTestExpectation * responseExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"XPC response received"]; |
| |
| __auto_type uuid = self.controllerUUID; |
| _handleWriteAttribute = ^(id controller, NSNumber * nodeId, NSNumber * endpointId, NSNumber * clusterId, NSNumber * attributeId, |
| id value, NSNumber * _Nullable timedWriteTimeout, void (^completion)(id _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable error)) { |
| XCTAssertTrue([controller isEqualToString:uuid]); |
| XCTAssertEqual([nodeId unsignedLongLongValue], myNodeId); |
| XCTAssertEqual([endpointId unsignedShortValue], [myEndpointId unsignedShortValue]); |
| XCTAssertEqual([clusterId unsignedLongValue], [myClusterId unsignedLongValue]); |
| XCTAssertEqual([attributeId unsignedLongValue], [myAttributeId unsignedLongValue]); |
| XCTAssertTrue([value isEqual:myValue]); |
| XCTAssertNil(timedWriteTimeout); |
| [callExpectation fulfill]; |
| completion([MTRDeviceController encodeXPCResponseValues:myResults], nil); |
| }; |
| |
| __auto_type * device = [MTRBaseDevice deviceWithNodeID:@(myNodeId) controller:_remoteDeviceController]; |
| NSLog(@"Device acquired. Writing..."); |
| [device writeAttributeWithEndpointID:myEndpointId |
| clusterID:myClusterId |
| attributeID:myAttributeId |
| value:myValue |
| timedWriteTimeout:nil |
| queue:dispatch_get_main_queue() |
| completion:^(id _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable error) { |
| NSLog(@"Write response: %@", value); |
| XCTAssertNotNil(value); |
| XCTAssertNil(error); |
| XCTAssertTrue([myResults isEqual:value]); |
| [responseExpectation fulfill]; |
| self.xpcDisconnectExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"XPC Disconnected"]; |
| }]; |
| |
| [self waitForExpectations:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:callExpectation, responseExpectation, nil] timeout:kTimeoutInSeconds]; |
| |
| // When write is done, connection should have been released |
| [self waitForExpectations:[NSArray arrayWithObject:_xpcDisconnectExpectation] timeout:kTimeoutInSeconds]; |
| XCTAssertNil(_xpcConnection); |
| } |
| |
| - (void)testTimedWriteAttributeSuccess |
| { |
| uint64_t myNodeId = 9876543210; |
| NSNumber * myEndpointId = @100; |
| NSNumber * myClusterId = @200; |
| NSNumber * myAttributeId = @300; |
| NSDictionary * myValue = |
| [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:@"UnsignedInteger", @"type", [NSNumber numberWithInteger:654321], @"value", nil]; |
| NSNumber * myTimedWriteTimeout = @1234; |
| NSArray * myResults = @[ @{ |
| @"attributePath" : [MTRAttributePath attributePathWithEndpointID:myEndpointId |
| clusterID:myClusterId |
| attributeID:myAttributeId] |
| } ]; |
| |
| XCTestExpectation * callExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"XPC call received"]; |
| XCTestExpectation * responseExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"XPC response received"]; |
| |
| __auto_type uuid = self.controllerUUID; |
| _handleWriteAttribute = ^(id controller, NSNumber * nodeId, NSNumber * endpointId, NSNumber * clusterId, NSNumber * attributeId, |
| id value, NSNumber * _Nullable timedWriteTimeout, void (^completion)(id _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable error)) { |
| XCTAssertTrue([controller isEqualToString:uuid]); |
| XCTAssertEqual([nodeId unsignedLongLongValue], myNodeId); |
| XCTAssertEqual([endpointId unsignedShortValue], [myEndpointId unsignedShortValue]); |
| XCTAssertEqual([clusterId unsignedLongValue], [myClusterId unsignedLongValue]); |
| XCTAssertEqual([attributeId unsignedLongValue], [myAttributeId unsignedLongValue]); |
| XCTAssertTrue([value isEqual:myValue]); |
| XCTAssertNotNil(timedWriteTimeout); |
| XCTAssertEqual([timedWriteTimeout unsignedShortValue], [myTimedWriteTimeout unsignedShortValue]); |
| [callExpectation fulfill]; |
| completion([MTRDeviceController encodeXPCResponseValues:myResults], nil); |
| }; |
| |
| __auto_type * device = [MTRBaseDevice deviceWithNodeID:@(myNodeId) controller:_remoteDeviceController]; |
| NSLog(@"Device acquired. Writing..."); |
| [device writeAttributeWithEndpointID:myEndpointId |
| clusterID:myClusterId |
| attributeID:myAttributeId |
| value:myValue |
| timedWriteTimeout:myTimedWriteTimeout |
| queue:dispatch_get_main_queue() |
| completion:^(id _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable error) { |
| NSLog(@"Write response: %@", value); |
| XCTAssertNotNil(value); |
| XCTAssertNil(error); |
| XCTAssertTrue([myResults isEqual:value]); |
| [responseExpectation fulfill]; |
| self.xpcDisconnectExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"XPC Disconnected"]; |
| }]; |
| |
| [self waitForExpectations:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:callExpectation, responseExpectation, nil] timeout:kTimeoutInSeconds]; |
| |
| // When write is done, connection should have been released |
| [self waitForExpectations:[NSArray arrayWithObject:_xpcDisconnectExpectation] timeout:kTimeoutInSeconds]; |
| XCTAssertNil(_xpcConnection); |
| } |
| |
| - (void)testWriteAttributeFailure |
| { |
| uint64_t myNodeId = 9876543210; |
| NSNumber * myEndpointId = @100; |
| NSNumber * myClusterId = @200; |
| NSNumber * myAttributeId = @300; |
| NSDictionary * myValue = |
| [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:@"UnsignedInteger", @"type", [NSNumber numberWithInteger:654321], @"value", nil]; |
| NSError * myError = [NSError errorWithDomain:MTRErrorDomain code:MTRErrorCodeGeneralError userInfo:nil]; |
| XCTestExpectation * callExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"XPC call received"]; |
| XCTestExpectation * responseExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"XPC response received"]; |
| |
| __auto_type uuid = self.controllerUUID; |
| _handleWriteAttribute = ^(id controller, NSNumber * nodeId, NSNumber * endpointId, NSNumber * clusterId, NSNumber * attributeId, |
| id value, NSNumber * _Nullable timedWriteTimeout, void (^completion)(id _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable error)) { |
| XCTAssertTrue([controller isEqualToString:uuid]); |
| XCTAssertEqual([nodeId unsignedLongLongValue], myNodeId); |
| XCTAssertEqual([endpointId unsignedShortValue], [myEndpointId unsignedShortValue]); |
| XCTAssertEqual([clusterId unsignedLongValue], [myClusterId unsignedLongValue]); |
| XCTAssertEqual([attributeId unsignedLongValue], [myAttributeId unsignedLongValue]); |
| XCTAssertTrue([value isEqual:myValue]); |
| XCTAssertNil(timedWriteTimeout); |
| [callExpectation fulfill]; |
| completion(nil, myError); |
| }; |
| |
| __auto_type * device = [MTRBaseDevice deviceWithNodeID:@(myNodeId) controller:_remoteDeviceController]; |
| NSLog(@"Device acquired. Writing..."); |
| [device writeAttributeWithEndpointID:myEndpointId |
| clusterID:myClusterId |
| attributeID:myAttributeId |
| value:myValue |
| timedWriteTimeout:nil |
| queue:dispatch_get_main_queue() |
| completion:^(id _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable error) { |
| NSLog(@"Write response: %@", value); |
| XCTAssertNil(value); |
| XCTAssertNotNil(error); |
| [responseExpectation fulfill]; |
| self.xpcDisconnectExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"XPC Disconnected"]; |
| }]; |
| |
| [self waitForExpectations:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:callExpectation, responseExpectation, nil] timeout:kTimeoutInSeconds]; |
| |
| // When write is done, connection should have been released |
| [self waitForExpectations:[NSArray arrayWithObject:_xpcDisconnectExpectation] timeout:kTimeoutInSeconds]; |
| XCTAssertNil(_xpcConnection); |
| } |
| |
| - (void)testInvokeCommandSuccess |
| { |
| uint64_t myNodeId = 9876543210; |
| NSNumber * myEndpointId = @100; |
| NSNumber * myClusterId = @200; |
| NSNumber * myCommandId = @300; |
| NSDictionary * myFields = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:@"Structure", @"type", |
| [NSArray arrayWithObject:[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:@"Float", @"Type", |
| [NSNumber numberWithFloat:1.0], @"value", nil]], |
| @"value", nil]; |
| NSArray * myResults = @[ |
| @{ @"commandPath" : [MTRCommandPath commandPathWithEndpointID:myEndpointId clusterID:myClusterId commandID:myCommandId] } |
| ]; |
| XCTestExpectation * callExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"XPC call received"]; |
| XCTestExpectation * responseExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"XPC response received"]; |
| |
| __auto_type uuid = self.controllerUUID; |
| _handleInvokeCommand |
| = ^(id controller, NSNumber * nodeId, NSNumber * endpointId, NSNumber * clusterId, NSNumber * commandId, id commandFields, |
| NSNumber * _Nullable timedInvokeTimeout, void (^completion)(id _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable error)) { |
| XCTAssertTrue([controller isEqualToString:uuid]); |
| XCTAssertEqual([nodeId unsignedLongLongValue], myNodeId); |
| XCTAssertEqual([endpointId unsignedShortValue], [myEndpointId unsignedShortValue]); |
| XCTAssertEqual([clusterId unsignedLongValue], [myClusterId unsignedLongValue]); |
| XCTAssertEqual([commandId unsignedLongValue], [myCommandId unsignedLongValue]); |
| XCTAssertTrue([commandFields isEqual:myFields]); |
| XCTAssertNil(timedInvokeTimeout); |
| [callExpectation fulfill]; |
| completion([MTRDeviceController encodeXPCResponseValues:myResults], nil); |
| }; |
| |
| __auto_type * device = [MTRBaseDevice deviceWithNodeID:@(myNodeId) controller:_remoteDeviceController]; |
| NSLog(@"Device acquired. Invoking command..."); |
| [device invokeCommandWithEndpointID:myEndpointId |
| clusterID:myClusterId |
| commandID:myCommandId |
| commandFields:myFields |
| timedInvokeTimeout:nil |
| queue:dispatch_get_main_queue() |
| completion:^(id _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable error) { |
| NSLog(@"Command response: %@", value); |
| XCTAssertNotNil(value); |
| XCTAssertNil(error); |
| XCTAssertTrue([myResults isEqual:value]); |
| [responseExpectation fulfill]; |
| self.xpcDisconnectExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"XPC Disconnected"]; |
| }]; |
| |
| [self waitForExpectations:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:callExpectation, responseExpectation, nil] timeout:kTimeoutInSeconds]; |
| |
| // When command is done, connection should have been released |
| [self waitForExpectations:[NSArray arrayWithObject:_xpcDisconnectExpectation] timeout:kTimeoutInSeconds]; |
| XCTAssertNil(_xpcConnection); |
| } |
| |
| - (void)testTimedInvokeCommandSuccess |
| { |
| uint64_t myNodeId = 9876543210; |
| NSNumber * myEndpointId = @100; |
| NSNumber * myClusterId = @200; |
| NSNumber * myCommandId = @300; |
| NSNumber * myTimedInvokeTimeout = @5678; |
| NSDictionary * myFields = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:@"Structure", @"type", |
| [NSArray arrayWithObject:[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:@"Float", @"Type", |
| [NSNumber numberWithFloat:1.0], @"value", nil]], |
| @"value", nil]; |
| NSArray * myResults = @[ |
| @{ @"commandPath" : [MTRCommandPath commandPathWithEndpointID:myEndpointId clusterID:myClusterId commandID:myCommandId] } |
| ]; |
| XCTestExpectation * callExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"XPC call received"]; |
| XCTestExpectation * responseExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"XPC response received"]; |
| |
| __auto_type uuid = self.controllerUUID; |
| _handleInvokeCommand |
| = ^(id controller, NSNumber * nodeId, NSNumber * endpointId, NSNumber * clusterId, NSNumber * commandId, id commandFields, |
| NSNumber * _Nullable timedInvokeTimeout, void (^completion)(id _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable error)) { |
| XCTAssertTrue([controller isEqualToString:uuid]); |
| XCTAssertEqual([nodeId unsignedLongLongValue], myNodeId); |
| XCTAssertEqual([endpointId unsignedShortValue], [myEndpointId unsignedShortValue]); |
| XCTAssertEqual([clusterId unsignedLongValue], [myClusterId unsignedLongValue]); |
| XCTAssertEqual([commandId unsignedLongValue], [myCommandId unsignedLongValue]); |
| XCTAssertTrue([commandFields isEqual:myFields]); |
| XCTAssertNotNil(timedInvokeTimeout); |
| XCTAssertEqual([timedInvokeTimeout unsignedShortValue], [myTimedInvokeTimeout unsignedShortValue]); |
| [callExpectation fulfill]; |
| completion([MTRDeviceController encodeXPCResponseValues:myResults], nil); |
| }; |
| |
| __auto_type * device = [MTRBaseDevice deviceWithNodeID:@(myNodeId) controller:_remoteDeviceController]; |
| NSLog(@"Device acquired. Invoking command..."); |
| [device invokeCommandWithEndpointID:myEndpointId |
| clusterID:myClusterId |
| commandID:myCommandId |
| commandFields:myFields |
| timedInvokeTimeout:myTimedInvokeTimeout |
| queue:dispatch_get_main_queue() |
| completion:^(id _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable error) { |
| NSLog(@"Command response: %@", value); |
| XCTAssertNotNil(value); |
| XCTAssertNil(error); |
| XCTAssertTrue([myResults isEqual:value]); |
| [responseExpectation fulfill]; |
| self.xpcDisconnectExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"XPC Disconnected"]; |
| }]; |
| |
| [self waitForExpectations:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:callExpectation, responseExpectation, nil] timeout:kTimeoutInSeconds]; |
| |
| // When command is done, connection should have been released |
| [self waitForExpectations:[NSArray arrayWithObject:_xpcDisconnectExpectation] timeout:kTimeoutInSeconds]; |
| XCTAssertNil(_xpcConnection); |
| } |
| |
| - (void)testInvokeCommandFailure |
| { |
| uint64_t myNodeId = 9876543210; |
| NSNumber * myEndpointId = @100; |
| NSNumber * myClusterId = @200; |
| NSNumber * myCommandId = @300; |
| NSDictionary * myFields = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:@"Structure", @"type", |
| [NSArray arrayWithObject:[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:@"Float", @"Type", |
| [NSNumber numberWithFloat:1.0], @"value", nil]], |
| @"value", nil]; |
| NSError * myError = [NSError errorWithDomain:MTRErrorDomain code:MTRErrorCodeGeneralError userInfo:nil]; |
| XCTestExpectation * callExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"XPC call received"]; |
| XCTestExpectation * responseExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"XPC response received"]; |
| |
| __auto_type uuid = self.controllerUUID; |
| _handleInvokeCommand |
| = ^(id controller, NSNumber * nodeId, NSNumber * endpointId, NSNumber * clusterId, NSNumber * commandId, id commandFields, |
| NSNumber * _Nullable timedInvokeTimeout, void (^completion)(id _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable error)) { |
| XCTAssertTrue([controller isEqualToString:uuid]); |
| XCTAssertEqual([nodeId unsignedLongLongValue], myNodeId); |
| XCTAssertEqual([endpointId unsignedShortValue], [myEndpointId unsignedShortValue]); |
| XCTAssertEqual([clusterId unsignedLongValue], [myClusterId unsignedLongValue]); |
| XCTAssertEqual([commandId unsignedLongValue], [myCommandId unsignedLongValue]); |
| XCTAssertTrue([commandFields isEqual:myFields]); |
| XCTAssertNil(timedInvokeTimeout); |
| [callExpectation fulfill]; |
| completion(nil, myError); |
| }; |
| |
| __auto_type * device = [MTRBaseDevice deviceWithNodeID:@(myNodeId) controller:_remoteDeviceController]; |
| NSLog(@"Device acquired. Invoking command..."); |
| [device invokeCommandWithEndpointID:myEndpointId |
| clusterID:myClusterId |
| commandID:myCommandId |
| commandFields:myFields |
| timedInvokeTimeout:nil |
| queue:dispatch_get_main_queue() |
| completion:^(id _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable error) { |
| NSLog(@"Command response: %@", value); |
| XCTAssertNil(value); |
| XCTAssertNotNil(error); |
| [responseExpectation fulfill]; |
| self.xpcDisconnectExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"XPC Disconnected"]; |
| }]; |
| |
| [self waitForExpectations:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:callExpectation, responseExpectation, nil] timeout:kTimeoutInSeconds]; |
| |
| // When command is done, connection should have been released |
| [self waitForExpectations:[NSArray arrayWithObject:_xpcDisconnectExpectation] timeout:kTimeoutInSeconds]; |
| XCTAssertNil(_xpcConnection); |
| } |
| |
| - (void)testSubscribeAttributeSuccess |
| { |
| uint64_t myNodeId = 9876543210; |
| NSNumber * myEndpointId = @100; |
| NSNumber * myClusterId = @200; |
| NSNumber * myAttributeId = @300; |
| NSNumber * myMinInterval = @5; |
| NSNumber * myMaxInterval = @60; |
| __block NSArray * myReport = @[ @{ |
| @"attributePath" : [MTRAttributePath attributePathWithEndpointID:myEndpointId |
| clusterID:myClusterId |
| attributeID:myAttributeId], |
| @"data" : @ { @"type" : @"SignedInteger", @"value" : @123456 } |
| } ]; |
| XCTestExpectation * callExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"XPC call received"]; |
| XCTestExpectation * establishExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"Established called"]; |
| __block XCTestExpectation * reportExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"Report sent"]; |
| |
| __auto_type uuid = self.controllerUUID; |
| _handleSubscribeAttribute = ^(id controller, NSNumber * nodeId, NSNumber * _Nullable endpointId, NSNumber * _Nullable clusterId, |
| NSNumber * _Nullable attributeId, MTRSubscribeParams * _Nonnull params, void (^establishedHandler)(void)) { |
| XCTAssertTrue([controller isEqualToString:uuid]); |
| XCTAssertEqual([nodeId unsignedLongLongValue], myNodeId); |
| XCTAssertEqual([endpointId unsignedShortValue], [myEndpointId unsignedShortValue]); |
| XCTAssertEqual([clusterId unsignedLongValue], [myClusterId unsignedLongValue]); |
| XCTAssertEqual([attributeId unsignedLongValue], [myAttributeId unsignedLongValue]); |
| XCTAssertEqual([params.minInterval unsignedShortValue], [myMinInterval unsignedShortValue]); |
| XCTAssertEqual([params.maxInterval unsignedShortValue], [myMaxInterval unsignedShortValue]); |
| [callExpectation fulfill]; |
| establishedHandler(); |
| }; |
| |
| _xpcDisconnectExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"XPC Disconnected"]; |
| |
| __auto_type * params = [[MTRSubscribeParams alloc] initWithMinInterval:myMinInterval maxInterval:myMaxInterval]; |
| __auto_type * device = [MTRBaseDevice deviceWithNodeID:@(myNodeId) controller:_remoteDeviceController]; |
| NSLog(@"Device acquired. Subscribing..."); |
| [device subscribeToAttributesWithEndpointID:myEndpointId |
| clusterID:myClusterId |
| attributeID:myAttributeId |
| params:params |
| queue:dispatch_get_main_queue() |
| reportHandler:^(NSArray<NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *> * _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable error) { |
| NSLog(@"Report value: %@", values); |
| XCTAssertNotNil(values); |
| XCTAssertNil(error); |
| XCTAssertTrue([myReport isEqual:values]); |
| [reportExpectation fulfill]; |
| } |
| subscriptionEstablished:^{ |
| [establishExpectation fulfill]; |
| }]; |
| |
| [self waitForExpectations:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:callExpectation, establishExpectation, nil] timeout:kTimeoutInSeconds]; |
| |
| // Inject report |
| id<MTRDeviceControllerClientProtocol> clientObject = _xpcConnection.remoteObjectProxy; |
| [clientObject handleReportWithController:uuid |
| nodeId:myNodeId |
| values:[MTRDeviceController encodeXPCResponseValues:myReport] |
| error:nil]; |
| |
| // Wait for report |
| [self waitForExpectations:[NSArray arrayWithObject:reportExpectation] timeout:kTimeoutInSeconds]; |
| |
| // Inject another report |
| reportExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"2nd report sent"]; |
| myReport = @[ @{ |
| @"attributePath" : [MTRAttributePath attributePathWithEndpointID:myEndpointId |
| clusterID:myClusterId |
| attributeID:myAttributeId], |
| @"data" : @ { @"type" : @"SignedInteger", @"value" : @771234 } |
| } ]; |
| [clientObject handleReportWithController:uuid |
| nodeId:myNodeId |
| values:[MTRDeviceController encodeXPCResponseValues:myReport] |
| error:nil]; |
| |
| // Wait for report |
| [self waitForExpectations:[NSArray arrayWithObject:reportExpectation] timeout:kTimeoutInSeconds]; |
| |
| // Setup stop report handler |
| XCTestExpectation * stopExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"Reports stopped"]; |
| _handleStopReports = ^(id _Nullable controller, NSNumber * nodeId, void (^completion)(void)) { |
| XCTAssertTrue([controller isEqualToString:uuid]); |
| XCTAssertEqual([nodeId unsignedLongLongValue], myNodeId); |
| completion(); |
| [stopExpectation fulfill]; |
| }; |
| |
| // Deregister report handler |
| device = [MTRBaseDevice deviceWithNodeID:@(myNodeId) controller:_remoteDeviceController]; |
| NSLog(@"Device acquired. Deregistering..."); |
| [device deregisterReportHandlersWithQueue:dispatch_get_main_queue() |
| completion:^{ |
| NSLog(@"Deregistered"); |
| }]; |
| |
| // Wait for disconnection |
| [self waitForExpectations:@[ _xpcDisconnectExpectation, stopExpectation ] timeout:kTimeoutInSeconds]; |
| XCTAssertNil(_xpcConnection); |
| } |
| |
| - (void)testSubscribeAttributeWithParamsSuccess |
| { |
| uint64_t myNodeId = 9876543210; |
| NSNumber * myEndpointId = @100; |
| NSNumber * myClusterId = @200; |
| NSNumber * myAttributeId = @300; |
| NSNumber * myMinInterval = @5; |
| NSNumber * myMaxInterval = @60; |
| MTRSubscribeParams * myParams = [[MTRSubscribeParams alloc] initWithMinInterval:myMinInterval maxInterval:myMaxInterval]; |
| myParams.filterByFabric = NO; |
| myParams.replaceExistingSubscriptions = YES; |
| __block NSArray * myReport = @[ @{ |
| @"attributePath" : [MTRAttributePath attributePathWithEndpointID:myEndpointId |
| clusterID:myClusterId |
| attributeID:myAttributeId], |
| @"data" : @ { @"type" : @"SignedInteger", @"value" : @123456 } |
| } ]; |
| XCTestExpectation * callExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"XPC call received"]; |
| XCTestExpectation * establishExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"Established called"]; |
| __block XCTestExpectation * reportExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"Report sent"]; |
| |
| __auto_type uuid = self.controllerUUID; |
| _handleSubscribeAttribute = ^(id controller, NSNumber * nodeId, NSNumber * _Nullable endpointId, NSNumber * _Nullable clusterId, |
| NSNumber * _Nullable attributeId, MTRSubscribeParams * _Nonnull params, void (^establishedHandler)(void)) { |
| XCTAssertTrue([controller isEqualToString:uuid]); |
| XCTAssertEqual([nodeId unsignedLongLongValue], myNodeId); |
| XCTAssertEqual([endpointId unsignedShortValue], [myEndpointId unsignedShortValue]); |
| XCTAssertEqual([clusterId unsignedLongValue], [myClusterId unsignedLongValue]); |
| XCTAssertEqual([attributeId unsignedLongValue], [myAttributeId unsignedLongValue]); |
| XCTAssertEqual([params.minInterval unsignedShortValue], [myMinInterval unsignedShortValue]); |
| XCTAssertEqual([params.maxInterval unsignedShortValue], [myMaxInterval unsignedShortValue]); |
| XCTAssertEqual(params.filterByFabric, myParams.filterByFabric); |
| XCTAssertEqual(params.replaceExistingSubscriptions, myParams.replaceExistingSubscriptions); |
| [callExpectation fulfill]; |
| establishedHandler(); |
| }; |
| |
| _xpcDisconnectExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"XPC Disconnected"]; |
| |
| __auto_type * device = [MTRBaseDevice deviceWithNodeID:@(myNodeId) controller:_remoteDeviceController]; |
| NSLog(@"Device acquired. Subscribing..."); |
| [device subscribeToAttributesWithEndpointID:myEndpointId |
| clusterID:myClusterId |
| attributeID:myAttributeId |
| params:myParams |
| queue:dispatch_get_main_queue() |
| reportHandler:^(NSArray<NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *> * _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable error) { |
| NSLog(@"Report value: %@", values); |
| XCTAssertNotNil(values); |
| XCTAssertNil(error); |
| XCTAssertTrue([myReport isEqual:values]); |
| [reportExpectation fulfill]; |
| } |
| subscriptionEstablished:^{ |
| [establishExpectation fulfill]; |
| }]; |
| |
| [self waitForExpectations:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:callExpectation, establishExpectation, nil] timeout:kTimeoutInSeconds]; |
| |
| // Inject report |
| id<MTRDeviceControllerClientProtocol> clientObject = _xpcConnection.remoteObjectProxy; |
| [clientObject handleReportWithController:uuid |
| nodeId:myNodeId |
| values:[MTRDeviceController encodeXPCResponseValues:myReport] |
| error:nil]; |
| |
| // Wait for report |
| [self waitForExpectations:[NSArray arrayWithObject:reportExpectation] timeout:kTimeoutInSeconds]; |
| |
| // Inject another report |
| reportExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"2nd report sent"]; |
| myReport = @[ @{ |
| @"attributePath" : [MTRAttributePath attributePathWithEndpointID:myEndpointId |
| clusterID:myClusterId |
| attributeID:myAttributeId], |
| @"data" : @ { @"type" : @"SignedInteger", @"value" : @771234 } |
| } ]; |
| [clientObject handleReportWithController:uuid |
| nodeId:myNodeId |
| values:[MTRDeviceController encodeXPCResponseValues:myReport] |
| error:nil]; |
| |
| // Wait for report |
| [self waitForExpectations:[NSArray arrayWithObject:reportExpectation] timeout:kTimeoutInSeconds]; |
| |
| // Setup stop report handler |
| XCTestExpectation * stopExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"Reports stopped"]; |
| _handleStopReports = ^(id _Nullable controller, NSNumber * nodeId, void (^completion)(void)) { |
| XCTAssertTrue([controller isEqualToString:uuid]); |
| XCTAssertEqual([nodeId unsignedLongLongValue], myNodeId); |
| completion(); |
| [stopExpectation fulfill]; |
| }; |
| |
| // Deregister report handler |
| device = [MTRBaseDevice deviceWithNodeID:@(myNodeId) controller:_remoteDeviceController]; |
| NSLog(@"Device acquired. Deregistering..."); |
| [device deregisterReportHandlersWithQueue:dispatch_get_main_queue() |
| completion:^{ |
| NSLog(@"Deregistered"); |
| }]; |
| |
| // Wait for disconnection |
| [self waitForExpectations:@[ _xpcDisconnectExpectation, stopExpectation ] timeout:kTimeoutInSeconds]; |
| XCTAssertNil(_xpcConnection); |
| } |
| |
| - (void)testBadlyFormattedReport |
| { |
| uint64_t myNodeId = 9876543210; |
| NSNumber * myEndpointId = @100; |
| NSNumber * myClusterId = @200; |
| NSNumber * myAttributeId = @300; |
| NSNumber * myMinInterval = @5; |
| NSNumber * myMaxInterval = @60; |
| // Incorrect serialized report value. Report should have ben a single NSDictionary |
| __block id myReport = @{ |
| @"attributePath" : @[ myEndpointId, myClusterId, myAttributeId ], |
| @"data" : @ { @"type" : @"SignedInteger", @"value" : @123456 } |
| }; |
| XCTestExpectation * callExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"XPC call received"]; |
| XCTestExpectation * establishExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"Established called"]; |
| __block XCTestExpectation * reportExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"Unexpected report sent"]; |
| reportExpectation.inverted = YES; |
| |
| __auto_type uuid = self.controllerUUID; |
| _handleSubscribeAttribute = ^(id controller, NSNumber * nodeId, NSNumber * _Nullable endpointId, NSNumber * _Nullable clusterId, |
| NSNumber * _Nullable attributeId, MTRSubscribeParams * _Nonnull params, void (^establishedHandler)(void)) { |
| XCTAssertTrue([controller isEqualToString:uuid]); |
| XCTAssertEqual([nodeId unsignedLongLongValue], myNodeId); |
| XCTAssertEqual([endpointId unsignedShortValue], [myEndpointId unsignedShortValue]); |
| XCTAssertEqual([clusterId unsignedLongValue], [myClusterId unsignedLongValue]); |
| XCTAssertEqual([attributeId unsignedLongValue], [myAttributeId unsignedLongValue]); |
| XCTAssertEqual([params.minInterval unsignedShortValue], [myMinInterval unsignedShortValue]); |
| XCTAssertEqual([params.maxInterval unsignedShortValue], [myMaxInterval unsignedShortValue]); |
| [callExpectation fulfill]; |
| establishedHandler(); |
| }; |
| |
| _xpcDisconnectExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"XPC Disconnected"]; |
| |
| __auto_type * params = [[MTRSubscribeParams alloc] initWithMinInterval:myMinInterval maxInterval:myMaxInterval]; |
| __auto_type * device = [MTRBaseDevice deviceWithNodeID:@(myNodeId) controller:_remoteDeviceController]; |
| NSLog(@"Device acquired. Subscribing..."); |
| [device subscribeToAttributesWithEndpointID:myEndpointId |
| clusterID:myClusterId |
| attributeID:myAttributeId |
| params:params |
| queue:dispatch_get_main_queue() |
| reportHandler:^(NSArray<NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *> * _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable error) { |
| NSLog(@"Report value: %@", values); |
| XCTAssertNotNil(values); |
| XCTAssertNil(error); |
| XCTAssertTrue([myReport isEqual:values]); |
| [reportExpectation fulfill]; |
| } |
| subscriptionEstablished:^{ |
| [establishExpectation fulfill]; |
| }]; |
| |
| [self waitForExpectations:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:callExpectation, establishExpectation, nil] timeout:kTimeoutInSeconds]; |
| |
| // Inject badly formatted report |
| id<MTRDeviceControllerClientProtocol> clientObject = _xpcConnection.remoteObjectProxy; |
| [clientObject handleReportWithController:uuid nodeId:myNodeId values:myReport error:nil]; |
| |
| // Wait for report, which isn't expected. |
| [self waitForExpectations:[NSArray arrayWithObject:reportExpectation] timeout:kNegativeTimeoutInSeconds]; |
| |
| // Inject another report |
| reportExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"Report sent"]; |
| myReport = @[ @{ |
| @"attributePath" : [MTRAttributePath attributePathWithEndpointID:myEndpointId |
| clusterID:myClusterId |
| attributeID:myAttributeId], |
| @"data" : @ { @"type" : @"SignedInteger", @"value" : @771234 } |
| } ]; |
| [clientObject handleReportWithController:uuid |
| nodeId:myNodeId |
| values:[MTRDeviceController encodeXPCResponseValues:myReport] |
| error:nil]; |
| |
| // Wait for report |
| [self waitForExpectations:[NSArray arrayWithObject:reportExpectation] timeout:kTimeoutInSeconds]; |
| |
| // Setup stop report handler |
| XCTestExpectation * stopExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"Reports stopped"]; |
| _handleStopReports = ^(id _Nullable controller, NSNumber * nodeId, void (^completion)(void)) { |
| XCTAssertTrue([controller isEqualToString:uuid]); |
| XCTAssertEqual([nodeId unsignedLongLongValue], myNodeId); |
| completion(); |
| [stopExpectation fulfill]; |
| }; |
| |
| // Deregister report handler |
| _xpcDisconnectExpectation.inverted = NO; |
| device = [MTRBaseDevice deviceWithNodeID:@(myNodeId) controller:_remoteDeviceController]; |
| NSLog(@"Device acquired. Deregistering..."); |
| [device deregisterReportHandlersWithQueue:dispatch_get_main_queue() |
| completion:^{ |
| NSLog(@"Deregistered"); |
| }]; |
| |
| // Wait for disconnection |
| [self waitForExpectations:@[ _xpcDisconnectExpectation, stopExpectation ] timeout:kTimeoutInSeconds]; |
| XCTAssertNil(_xpcConnection); |
| } |
| |
| - (void)testReportWithUnrelatedEndpointId |
| { |
| uint64_t myNodeId = 9876543210; |
| NSNumber * myEndpointId = @100; |
| NSNumber * myClusterId = @200; |
| NSNumber * myAttributeId = @300; |
| NSNumber * myMinInterval = @5; |
| NSNumber * myMaxInterval = @60; |
| __block NSArray * myReport = @[ @{ |
| @"attributePath" : [MTRAttributePath attributePathWithEndpointID:@([myEndpointId unsignedShortValue] + 1) |
| clusterID:myClusterId |
| attributeID:myAttributeId], |
| @"data" : @ { @"type" : @"SignedInteger", @"value" : @123456 } |
| } ]; |
| XCTestExpectation * callExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"XPC call received"]; |
| XCTestExpectation * establishExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"Established called"]; |
| __block XCTestExpectation * reportExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"Unexpected report sent"]; |
| reportExpectation.inverted = YES; |
| |
| __auto_type uuid = self.controllerUUID; |
| _handleSubscribeAttribute = ^(id controller, NSNumber * nodeId, NSNumber * _Nullable endpointId, NSNumber * _Nullable clusterId, |
| NSNumber * _Nullable attributeId, MTRSubscribeParams * _Nullable params, void (^establishedHandler)(void)) { |
| XCTAssertTrue([controller isEqualToString:uuid]); |
| XCTAssertEqual([nodeId unsignedLongLongValue], myNodeId); |
| XCTAssertEqual([endpointId unsignedShortValue], [myEndpointId unsignedShortValue]); |
| XCTAssertEqual([clusterId unsignedLongValue], [myClusterId unsignedLongValue]); |
| XCTAssertEqual([attributeId unsignedLongValue], [myAttributeId unsignedLongValue]); |
| XCTAssertEqual([params.minInterval unsignedShortValue], [myMinInterval unsignedShortValue]); |
| XCTAssertEqual([params.maxInterval unsignedShortValue], [myMaxInterval unsignedShortValue]); |
| [callExpectation fulfill]; |
| establishedHandler(); |
| }; |
| |
| _xpcDisconnectExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"XPC Disconnected"]; |
| |
| __auto_type * params = [[MTRSubscribeParams alloc] initWithMinInterval:myMinInterval maxInterval:myMaxInterval]; |
| __auto_type * device = [MTRBaseDevice deviceWithNodeID:@(myNodeId) controller:_remoteDeviceController]; |
| NSLog(@"Device acquired. Subscribing..."); |
| [device subscribeToAttributesWithEndpointID:myEndpointId |
| clusterID:myClusterId |
| attributeID:myAttributeId |
| params:params |
| queue:dispatch_get_main_queue() |
| reportHandler:^(NSArray<NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *> * _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable error) { |
| NSLog(@"Report value: %@", values); |
| XCTAssertNotNil(values); |
| XCTAssertNil(error); |
| XCTAssertTrue([myReport isEqual:values]); |
| [reportExpectation fulfill]; |
| } |
| subscriptionEstablished:^{ |
| [establishExpectation fulfill]; |
| }]; |
| |
| [self waitForExpectations:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:callExpectation, establishExpectation, nil] timeout:kTimeoutInSeconds]; |
| |
| // Inject report |
| id<MTRDeviceControllerClientProtocol> clientObject = _xpcConnection.remoteObjectProxy; |
| [clientObject handleReportWithController:uuid |
| nodeId:myNodeId |
| values:[MTRDeviceController encodeXPCResponseValues:myReport] |
| error:nil]; |
| |
| // Wait for report which isn't expected |
| [self waitForExpectations:[NSArray arrayWithObject:reportExpectation] timeout:kNegativeTimeoutInSeconds]; |
| |
| // Inject another report |
| reportExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"2nd report sent"]; |
| myReport = @[ @{ |
| @"attributePath" : [MTRAttributePath attributePathWithEndpointID:myEndpointId |
| clusterID:myClusterId |
| attributeID:myAttributeId], |
| @"data" : @ { @"type" : @"SignedInteger", @"value" : @771234 } |
| } ]; |
| [clientObject handleReportWithController:uuid |
| nodeId:myNodeId |
| values:[MTRDeviceController encodeXPCResponseValues:myReport] |
| error:nil]; |
| |
| // Wait for report |
| [self waitForExpectations:[NSArray arrayWithObject:reportExpectation] timeout:kTimeoutInSeconds]; |
| |
| // Setup stop report handler |
| XCTestExpectation * stopExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"Reports stopped"]; |
| _handleStopReports = ^(id _Nullable controller, NSNumber * nodeId, void (^completion)(void)) { |
| XCTAssertTrue([controller isEqualToString:uuid]); |
| XCTAssertEqual([nodeId unsignedLongLongValue], myNodeId); |
| completion(); |
| [stopExpectation fulfill]; |
| }; |
| |
| // Deregister report handler |
| device = [MTRBaseDevice deviceWithNodeID:@(myNodeId) controller:_remoteDeviceController]; |
| NSLog(@"Device acquired. Deregistering..."); |
| [device deregisterReportHandlersWithQueue:dispatch_get_main_queue() |
| completion:^{ |
| NSLog(@"Deregistered"); |
| }]; |
| |
| // Wait for disconnection |
| [self waitForExpectations:@[ _xpcDisconnectExpectation, stopExpectation ] timeout:kTimeoutInSeconds]; |
| XCTAssertNil(_xpcConnection); |
| } |
| |
| - (void)testReportWithUnrelatedClusterId |
| { |
| uint64_t myNodeId = 9876543210; |
| NSNumber * myEndpointId = @100; |
| NSNumber * myClusterId = @200; |
| NSNumber * myAttributeId = @300; |
| NSNumber * myMinInterval = @5; |
| NSNumber * myMaxInterval = @60; |
| __block NSArray * myReport = @[ @{ |
| @"attributePath" : [MTRAttributePath attributePathWithEndpointID:myEndpointId |
| clusterID:@([myClusterId unsignedLongValue] + 1) |
| attributeID:myAttributeId], |
| @"data" : @ { @"type" : @"SignedInteger", @"value" : @123456 } |
| } ]; |
| XCTestExpectation * callExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"XPC call received"]; |
| XCTestExpectation * establishExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"Established called"]; |
| __block XCTestExpectation * reportExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"Unexpected report sent"]; |
| reportExpectation.inverted = YES; |
| |
| __auto_type uuid = self.controllerUUID; |
| _handleSubscribeAttribute = ^(id controller, NSNumber * nodeId, NSNumber * _Nullable endpointId, NSNumber * _Nullable clusterId, |
| NSNumber * _Nullable attributeId, MTRSubscribeParams * _Nonnull params, void (^establishedHandler)(void)) { |
| XCTAssertTrue([controller isEqualToString:uuid]); |
| XCTAssertEqual([nodeId unsignedLongLongValue], myNodeId); |
| XCTAssertEqual([endpointId unsignedShortValue], [myEndpointId unsignedShortValue]); |
| XCTAssertEqual([clusterId unsignedLongValue], [myClusterId unsignedLongValue]); |
| XCTAssertEqual([attributeId unsignedLongValue], [myAttributeId unsignedLongValue]); |
| XCTAssertEqual([params.minInterval unsignedShortValue], [myMinInterval unsignedShortValue]); |
| XCTAssertEqual([params.maxInterval unsignedShortValue], [myMaxInterval unsignedShortValue]); |
| [callExpectation fulfill]; |
| establishedHandler(); |
| }; |
| |
| _xpcDisconnectExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"XPC Disconnected"]; |
| |
| __auto_type * params = [[MTRSubscribeParams alloc] initWithMinInterval:myMinInterval maxInterval:myMaxInterval]; |
| __auto_type * device = [MTRBaseDevice deviceWithNodeID:@(myNodeId) controller:_remoteDeviceController]; |
| NSLog(@"Device acquired. Subscribing..."); |
| [device subscribeToAttributesWithEndpointID:myEndpointId |
| clusterID:myClusterId |
| attributeID:myAttributeId |
| params:params |
| queue:dispatch_get_main_queue() |
| reportHandler:^(NSArray<NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *> * _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable error) { |
| NSLog(@"Report value: %@", values); |
| XCTAssertNotNil(values); |
| XCTAssertNil(error); |
| XCTAssertTrue([myReport isEqual:values]); |
| [reportExpectation fulfill]; |
| } |
| subscriptionEstablished:^{ |
| [establishExpectation fulfill]; |
| }]; |
| |
| [self waitForExpectations:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:callExpectation, establishExpectation, nil] timeout:kTimeoutInSeconds]; |
| |
| // Inject report |
| id<MTRDeviceControllerClientProtocol> clientObject = _xpcConnection.remoteObjectProxy; |
| [clientObject handleReportWithController:uuid |
| nodeId:myNodeId |
| values:[MTRDeviceController encodeXPCResponseValues:myReport] |
| error:nil]; |
| |
| // Wait for report not to come |
| [self waitForExpectations:[NSArray arrayWithObject:reportExpectation] timeout:kNegativeTimeoutInSeconds]; |
| |
| // Inject another report |
| reportExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"2nd report sent"]; |
| myReport = @[ @{ |
| @"attributePath" : [MTRAttributePath attributePathWithEndpointID:myEndpointId |
| clusterID:myClusterId |
| attributeID:myAttributeId], |
| @"data" : @ { @"type" : @"SignedInteger", @"value" : @771234 } |
| } ]; |
| [clientObject handleReportWithController:uuid |
| nodeId:myNodeId |
| values:[MTRDeviceController encodeXPCResponseValues:myReport] |
| error:nil]; |
| |
| // Wait for report |
| [self waitForExpectations:[NSArray arrayWithObject:reportExpectation] timeout:kTimeoutInSeconds]; |
| |
| // Setup stop report handler |
| XCTestExpectation * stopExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"Reports stopped"]; |
| _handleStopReports = ^(id _Nullable controller, NSNumber * nodeId, void (^completion)(void)) { |
| XCTAssertTrue([controller isEqualToString:uuid]); |
| XCTAssertEqual([nodeId unsignedLongLongValue], myNodeId); |
| completion(); |
| [stopExpectation fulfill]; |
| }; |
| |
| // Deregister report handler |
| device = [MTRBaseDevice deviceWithNodeID:@(myNodeId) controller:_remoteDeviceController]; |
| NSLog(@"Device acquired. Deregistering..."); |
| [device deregisterReportHandlersWithQueue:dispatch_get_main_queue() |
| completion:^{ |
| NSLog(@"Deregistered"); |
| }]; |
| |
| // Wait for disconnection |
| [self waitForExpectations:@[ _xpcDisconnectExpectation, stopExpectation ] timeout:kTimeoutInSeconds]; |
| XCTAssertNil(_xpcConnection); |
| } |
| |
| - (void)testReportWithUnrelatedAttributeId |
| { |
| uint64_t myNodeId = 9876543210; |
| NSNumber * myEndpointId = @100; |
| NSNumber * myClusterId = @200; |
| NSNumber * myAttributeId = @300; |
| NSNumber * myMinInterval = @5; |
| NSNumber * myMaxInterval = @60; |
| __block NSArray * myReport = @[ @{ |
| @"attributePath" : [MTRAttributePath attributePathWithEndpointID:myEndpointId |
| clusterID:myClusterId |
| attributeID:@([myAttributeId unsignedLongValue] + 1)], |
| @"data" : @ { @"type" : @"SignedInteger", @"value" : @123456 } |
| } ]; |
| XCTestExpectation * callExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"XPC call received"]; |
| XCTestExpectation * establishExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"Established called"]; |
| __block XCTestExpectation * reportExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"Unexpected report sent"]; |
| reportExpectation.inverted = YES; |
| |
| __auto_type uuid = self.controllerUUID; |
| _handleSubscribeAttribute = ^(id controller, NSNumber * nodeId, NSNumber * _Nullable endpointId, NSNumber * _Nullable clusterId, |
| NSNumber * _Nullable attributeId, MTRSubscribeParams * _Nonnull params, void (^establishedHandler)(void)) { |
| XCTAssertTrue([controller isEqualToString:uuid]); |
| XCTAssertEqual([nodeId unsignedLongLongValue], myNodeId); |
| XCTAssertEqual([endpointId unsignedShortValue], [myEndpointId unsignedShortValue]); |
| XCTAssertEqual([clusterId unsignedLongValue], [myClusterId unsignedLongValue]); |
| XCTAssertEqual([attributeId unsignedLongValue], [myAttributeId unsignedLongValue]); |
| XCTAssertEqual([params.minInterval unsignedShortValue], [myMinInterval unsignedShortValue]); |
| XCTAssertEqual([params.maxInterval unsignedShortValue], [myMaxInterval unsignedShortValue]); |
| [callExpectation fulfill]; |
| establishedHandler(); |
| }; |
| |
| _xpcDisconnectExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"XPC Disconnected"]; |
| |
| __auto_type * params = [[MTRSubscribeParams alloc] initWithMinInterval:myMinInterval maxInterval:myMaxInterval]; |
| __auto_type * device = [MTRBaseDevice deviceWithNodeID:@(myNodeId) controller:_remoteDeviceController]; |
| NSLog(@"Device acquired. Subscribing..."); |
| [device subscribeToAttributesWithEndpointID:myEndpointId |
| clusterID:myClusterId |
| attributeID:myAttributeId |
| params:params |
| queue:dispatch_get_main_queue() |
| reportHandler:^(NSArray<NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *> * _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable error) { |
| NSLog(@"Report value: %@", values); |
| XCTAssertNotNil(values); |
| XCTAssertNil(error); |
| XCTAssertTrue([myReport isEqual:values]); |
| [reportExpectation fulfill]; |
| } |
| subscriptionEstablished:^{ |
| [establishExpectation fulfill]; |
| }]; |
| |
| [self waitForExpectations:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:callExpectation, establishExpectation, nil] timeout:kTimeoutInSeconds]; |
| |
| // Inject report |
| id<MTRDeviceControllerClientProtocol> clientObject = _xpcConnection.remoteObjectProxy; |
| [clientObject handleReportWithController:uuid |
| nodeId:myNodeId |
| values:[MTRDeviceController encodeXPCResponseValues:myReport] |
| error:nil]; |
| |
| // Wait for report not to come |
| [self waitForExpectations:[NSArray arrayWithObject:reportExpectation] timeout:kNegativeTimeoutInSeconds]; |
| |
| // Inject another report |
| reportExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"2nd report sent"]; |
| myReport = @[ @{ |
| @"attributePath" : [MTRAttributePath attributePathWithEndpointID:myEndpointId |
| clusterID:myClusterId |
| attributeID:myAttributeId], |
| @"data" : @ { @"type" : @"SignedInteger", @"value" : @771234 } |
| } ]; |
| [clientObject handleReportWithController:uuid |
| nodeId:myNodeId |
| values:[MTRDeviceController encodeXPCResponseValues:myReport] |
| error:nil]; |
| |
| // Wait for report |
| [self waitForExpectations:[NSArray arrayWithObject:reportExpectation] timeout:kTimeoutInSeconds]; |
| |
| // Setup stop report handler |
| XCTestExpectation * stopExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"Reports stopped"]; |
| _handleStopReports = ^(id _Nullable controller, NSNumber * nodeId, void (^completion)(void)) { |
| XCTAssertTrue([controller isEqualToString:uuid]); |
| XCTAssertEqual([nodeId unsignedLongLongValue], myNodeId); |
| completion(); |
| [stopExpectation fulfill]; |
| }; |
| |
| // Deregister report handler |
| device = [MTRBaseDevice deviceWithNodeID:@(myNodeId) controller:_remoteDeviceController]; |
| NSLog(@"Device acquired. Deregistering..."); |
| [device deregisterReportHandlersWithQueue:dispatch_get_main_queue() |
| completion:^{ |
| NSLog(@"Deregistered"); |
| }]; |
| |
| // Wait for disconnection |
| [self waitForExpectations:@[ _xpcDisconnectExpectation, stopExpectation ] timeout:kTimeoutInSeconds]; |
| XCTAssertNil(_xpcConnection); |
| } |
| |
| - (void)testReportWithUnrelatedNode |
| { |
| uint64_t myNodeId = 9876543210; |
| NSNumber * myEndpointId = @100; |
| NSNumber * myClusterId = @200; |
| NSNumber * myAttributeId = @300; |
| NSNumber * myMinInterval = @5; |
| NSNumber * myMaxInterval = @60; |
| __block NSArray * myReport = @[ @{ |
| @"attributePath" : [MTRAttributePath attributePathWithEndpointID:myEndpointId |
| clusterID:myClusterId |
| attributeID:myAttributeId], |
| @"data" : @ { @"type" : @"SignedInteger", @"value" : @123456 } |
| } ]; |
| XCTestExpectation * callExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"XPC call received"]; |
| XCTestExpectation * establishExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"Established called"]; |
| __block XCTestExpectation * reportExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"Unexpected report sent"]; |
| reportExpectation.inverted = YES; |
| |
| __auto_type uuid = self.controllerUUID; |
| _handleSubscribeAttribute = ^(id controller, NSNumber * nodeId, NSNumber * _Nullable endpointId, NSNumber * _Nullable clusterId, |
| NSNumber * _Nullable attributeId, MTRSubscribeParams * _Nullable params, void (^establishedHandler)(void)) { |
| XCTAssertTrue([controller isEqualToString:uuid]); |
| XCTAssertEqual([nodeId unsignedLongLongValue], myNodeId); |
| XCTAssertEqual([endpointId unsignedShortValue], [myEndpointId unsignedShortValue]); |
| XCTAssertEqual([clusterId unsignedLongValue], [myClusterId unsignedLongValue]); |
| XCTAssertEqual([attributeId unsignedLongValue], [myAttributeId unsignedLongValue]); |
| XCTAssertEqual([params.minInterval unsignedShortValue], [myMinInterval unsignedShortValue]); |
| XCTAssertEqual([params.maxInterval unsignedShortValue], [myMaxInterval unsignedShortValue]); |
| [callExpectation fulfill]; |
| establishedHandler(); |
| }; |
| |
| _xpcDisconnectExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"XPC Disconnected"]; |
| |
| __auto_type * params = [[MTRSubscribeParams alloc] initWithMinInterval:myMinInterval maxInterval:myMaxInterval]; |
| __auto_type * device = [MTRBaseDevice deviceWithNodeID:@(myNodeId) controller:_remoteDeviceController]; |
| NSLog(@"Device acquired. Subscribing..."); |
| [device subscribeToAttributesWithEndpointID:myEndpointId |
| clusterID:myClusterId |
| attributeID:myAttributeId |
| params:params |
| queue:dispatch_get_main_queue() |
| reportHandler:^(NSArray<NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *> * _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable error) { |
| NSLog(@"Report value: %@", values); |
| XCTAssertNotNil(values); |
| XCTAssertNil(error); |
| XCTAssertTrue([myReport isEqual:values]); |
| [reportExpectation fulfill]; |
| } |
| subscriptionEstablished:^{ |
| [establishExpectation fulfill]; |
| }]; |
| |
| [self waitForExpectations:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:callExpectation, establishExpectation, nil] timeout:kTimeoutInSeconds]; |
| |
| // Inject report |
| id<MTRDeviceControllerClientProtocol> clientObject = _xpcConnection.remoteObjectProxy; |
| [clientObject handleReportWithController:uuid |
| nodeId:myNodeId + 1 |
| values:[MTRDeviceController encodeXPCResponseValues:myReport] |
| error:nil]; |
| |
| // Wait for report not to come |
| [self waitForExpectations:[NSArray arrayWithObject:reportExpectation] timeout:kNegativeTimeoutInSeconds]; |
| |
| // Inject another report |
| reportExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"2nd report sent"]; |
| myReport = @[ @{ |
| @"attributePath" : [MTRAttributePath attributePathWithEndpointID:myEndpointId |
| clusterID:myClusterId |
| attributeID:myAttributeId], |
| @"data" : @ { @"type" : @"SignedInteger", @"value" : @771234 } |
| } ]; |
| [clientObject handleReportWithController:uuid |
| nodeId:myNodeId |
| values:[MTRDeviceController encodeXPCResponseValues:myReport] |
| error:nil]; |
| |
| // Wait for report |
| [self waitForExpectations:[NSArray arrayWithObject:reportExpectation] timeout:kTimeoutInSeconds]; |
| |
| // Setup stop report handler |
| XCTestExpectation * stopExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"Reports stopped"]; |
| _handleStopReports = ^(id _Nullable controller, NSNumber * nodeId, void (^completion)(void)) { |
| XCTAssertTrue([controller isEqualToString:uuid]); |
| XCTAssertEqual([nodeId unsignedLongLongValue], myNodeId); |
| completion(); |
| [stopExpectation fulfill]; |
| }; |
| |
| // Deregister report handler |
| device = [MTRBaseDevice deviceWithNodeID:@(myNodeId) controller:_remoteDeviceController]; |
| NSLog(@"Device acquired. Deregistering..."); |
| [device deregisterReportHandlersWithQueue:dispatch_get_main_queue() |
| completion:^{ |
| NSLog(@"Deregistered"); |
| }]; |
| |
| // Wait for disconnection |
| [self waitForExpectations:@[ _xpcDisconnectExpectation, stopExpectation ] timeout:kTimeoutInSeconds]; |
| XCTAssertNil(_xpcConnection); |
| } |
| |
| - (void)testSubscribeMultiEndpoints |
| { |
| uint64_t myNodeId = 9876543210; |
| NSNumber * myEndpointId = @100; |
| NSNumber * myClusterId = @200; |
| NSNumber * myAttributeId = @300; |
| NSNumber * myMinInterval = @5; |
| NSNumber * myMaxInterval = @60; |
| __block NSArray * myReport = @[ @{ |
| @"attributePath" : [MTRAttributePath attributePathWithEndpointID:myEndpointId |
| clusterID:myClusterId |
| attributeID:myAttributeId], |
| @"data" : @ { @"type" : @"SignedInteger", @"value" : @123456 } |
| } ]; |
| XCTestExpectation * callExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"XPC call received"]; |
| XCTestExpectation * establishExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"Established called"]; |
| __block XCTestExpectation * reportExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"Report sent"]; |
| |
| __auto_type uuid = self.controllerUUID; |
| _handleSubscribeAttribute = ^(id controller, NSNumber * nodeId, NSNumber * _Nullable endpointId, NSNumber * _Nullable clusterId, |
| NSNumber * _Nullable attributeId, MTRSubscribeParams * _Nullable params, void (^establishedHandler)(void)) { |
| XCTAssertTrue([controller isEqualToString:uuid]); |
| XCTAssertEqual([nodeId unsignedLongLongValue], myNodeId); |
| XCTAssertNil(endpointId); |
| XCTAssertEqual([clusterId unsignedLongValue], [myClusterId unsignedLongValue]); |
| XCTAssertEqual([attributeId unsignedLongValue], [myAttributeId unsignedLongValue]); |
| XCTAssertEqual([params.minInterval unsignedShortValue], [myMinInterval unsignedShortValue]); |
| XCTAssertEqual([params.maxInterval unsignedShortValue], [myMaxInterval unsignedShortValue]); |
| [callExpectation fulfill]; |
| establishedHandler(); |
| }; |
| |
| _xpcDisconnectExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"XPC Disconnected"]; |
| |
| __auto_type * params = [[MTRSubscribeParams alloc] initWithMinInterval:myMinInterval maxInterval:myMaxInterval]; |
| __auto_type * device = [MTRBaseDevice deviceWithNodeID:@(myNodeId) controller:_remoteDeviceController]; |
| NSLog(@"Device acquired. Subscribing..."); |
| [device subscribeToAttributesWithEndpointID:nil |
| clusterID:myClusterId |
| attributeID:myAttributeId |
| params:params |
| queue:dispatch_get_main_queue() |
| reportHandler:^(NSArray<NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *> * _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable error) { |
| NSLog(@"Report value: %@", values); |
| XCTAssertNotNil(values); |
| XCTAssertNil(error); |
| XCTAssertTrue([myReport isEqual:values]); |
| [reportExpectation fulfill]; |
| } |
| subscriptionEstablished:^{ |
| [establishExpectation fulfill]; |
| }]; |
| |
| [self waitForExpectations:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:callExpectation, establishExpectation, nil] timeout:kTimeoutInSeconds]; |
| |
| // Inject report |
| id<MTRDeviceControllerClientProtocol> clientObject = _xpcConnection.remoteObjectProxy; |
| [clientObject handleReportWithController:uuid |
| nodeId:myNodeId |
| values:[MTRDeviceController encodeXPCResponseValues:myReport] |
| error:nil]; |
| |
| // Wait for report |
| [self waitForExpectations:[NSArray arrayWithObject:reportExpectation] timeout:kNegativeTimeoutInSeconds]; |
| |
| // Inject another report |
| reportExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"2nd report sent"]; |
| myReport = @[ @{ |
| @"attributePath" : [MTRAttributePath attributePathWithEndpointID:myEndpointId |
| clusterID:myClusterId |
| attributeID:myAttributeId], |
| @"data" : @ { @"type" : @"SignedInteger", @"value" : @771234 } |
| } ]; |
| [clientObject handleReportWithController:uuid |
| nodeId:myNodeId |
| values:[MTRDeviceController encodeXPCResponseValues:myReport] |
| error:nil]; |
| |
| // Wait for report |
| [self waitForExpectations:[NSArray arrayWithObject:reportExpectation] timeout:kTimeoutInSeconds]; |
| |
| // Setup stop report handler |
| XCTestExpectation * stopExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"Reports stopped"]; |
| _handleStopReports = ^(id _Nullable controller, NSNumber * nodeId, void (^completion)(void)) { |
| XCTAssertTrue([controller isEqualToString:uuid]); |
| XCTAssertEqual([nodeId unsignedLongLongValue], myNodeId); |
| completion(); |
| [stopExpectation fulfill]; |
| }; |
| |
| // Deregister report handler |
| device = [MTRBaseDevice deviceWithNodeID:@(myNodeId) controller:_remoteDeviceController]; |
| NSLog(@"Device acquired. Deregistering..."); |
| [device deregisterReportHandlersWithQueue:dispatch_get_main_queue() |
| completion:^{ |
| NSLog(@"Deregistered"); |
| }]; |
| |
| // Wait for disconnection |
| [self waitForExpectations:@[ _xpcDisconnectExpectation, stopExpectation ] timeout:kTimeoutInSeconds]; |
| XCTAssertNil(_xpcConnection); |
| } |
| |
| - (void)testSubscribeMultiClusters |
| { |
| uint64_t myNodeId = 9876543210; |
| NSNumber * myEndpointId = @100; |
| NSNumber * myClusterId = @200; |
| NSNumber * myAttributeId = @300; |
| NSNumber * myMinInterval = @5; |
| NSNumber * myMaxInterval = @60; |
| __block NSArray * myReport = @[ @{ |
| @"attributePath" : [MTRAttributePath attributePathWithEndpointID:myEndpointId |
| clusterID:myClusterId |
| attributeID:myAttributeId], |
| @"data" : @ { @"type" : @"SignedInteger", @"value" : @123456 } |
| } ]; |
| XCTestExpectation * callExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"XPC call received"]; |
| XCTestExpectation * establishExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"Established called"]; |
| __block XCTestExpectation * reportExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"Report sent"]; |
| |
| __auto_type uuid = self.controllerUUID; |
| _handleSubscribeAttribute = ^(id controller, NSNumber * nodeId, NSNumber * _Nullable endpointId, NSNumber * _Nullable clusterId, |
| NSNumber * _Nullable attributeId, MTRSubscribeParams * _Nullable params, void (^establishedHandler)(void)) { |
| XCTAssertTrue([controller isEqualToString:uuid]); |
| XCTAssertEqual([nodeId unsignedLongLongValue], myNodeId); |
| XCTAssertEqual([endpointId unsignedShortValue], [myEndpointId unsignedShortValue]); |
| XCTAssertNil(clusterId); |
| XCTAssertEqual([attributeId unsignedLongValue], [myAttributeId unsignedLongValue]); |
| XCTAssertEqual([params.minInterval unsignedShortValue], [myMinInterval unsignedShortValue]); |
| XCTAssertEqual([params.maxInterval unsignedShortValue], [myMaxInterval unsignedShortValue]); |
| [callExpectation fulfill]; |
| establishedHandler(); |
| }; |
| |
| _xpcDisconnectExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"XPC Disconnected"]; |
| |
| __auto_type * params = [[MTRSubscribeParams alloc] initWithMinInterval:myMinInterval maxInterval:myMaxInterval]; |
| __auto_type * device = [MTRBaseDevice deviceWithNodeID:@(myNodeId) controller:_remoteDeviceController]; |
| NSLog(@"Device acquired. Subscribing..."); |
| [device subscribeToAttributesWithEndpointID:myEndpointId |
| clusterID:nil |
| attributeID:myAttributeId |
| params:params |
| queue:dispatch_get_main_queue() |
| reportHandler:^(NSArray<NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *> * _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable error) { |
| NSLog(@"Report value: %@", values); |
| XCTAssertNotNil(values); |
| XCTAssertNil(error); |
| XCTAssertTrue([myReport isEqual:values]); |
| [reportExpectation fulfill]; |
| } |
| subscriptionEstablished:^{ |
| [establishExpectation fulfill]; |
| }]; |
| |
| [self waitForExpectations:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:callExpectation, establishExpectation, nil] timeout:kTimeoutInSeconds]; |
| |
| // Inject report |
| id<MTRDeviceControllerClientProtocol> clientObject = _xpcConnection.remoteObjectProxy; |
| [clientObject handleReportWithController:uuid |
| nodeId:myNodeId |
| values:[MTRDeviceController encodeXPCResponseValues:myReport] |
| error:nil]; |
| |
| // Wait for report |
| [self waitForExpectations:[NSArray arrayWithObject:reportExpectation] timeout:kNegativeTimeoutInSeconds]; |
| |
| // Inject another report |
| reportExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"2nd report sent"]; |
| myReport = @[ @{ |
| @"attributePath" : [MTRAttributePath attributePathWithEndpointID:myEndpointId |
| clusterID:myClusterId |
| attributeID:myAttributeId], |
| @"data" : @ { @"type" : @"SignedInteger", @"value" : @771234 } |
| } ]; |
| [clientObject handleReportWithController:uuid |
| nodeId:myNodeId |
| values:[MTRDeviceController encodeXPCResponseValues:myReport] |
| error:nil]; |
| |
| // Wait for report |
| [self waitForExpectations:[NSArray arrayWithObject:reportExpectation] timeout:kTimeoutInSeconds]; |
| |
| // Setup stop report handler |
| XCTestExpectation * stopExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"Reports stopped"]; |
| _handleStopReports = ^(id _Nullable controller, NSNumber * nodeId, void (^completion)(void)) { |
| XCTAssertTrue([controller isEqualToString:uuid]); |
| XCTAssertEqual([nodeId unsignedLongLongValue], myNodeId); |
| completion(); |
| [stopExpectation fulfill]; |
| }; |
| |
| // Deregister report handler |
| device = [MTRBaseDevice deviceWithNodeID:@(myNodeId) controller:_remoteDeviceController]; |
| NSLog(@"Device acquired. Deregistering..."); |
| [device deregisterReportHandlersWithQueue:dispatch_get_main_queue() |
| completion:^{ |
| NSLog(@"Deregistered"); |
| }]; |
| |
| // Wait for disconnection |
| [self waitForExpectations:@[ _xpcDisconnectExpectation, stopExpectation ] timeout:kTimeoutInSeconds]; |
| XCTAssertNil(_xpcConnection); |
| } |
| |
| - (void)testSubscribeMultiAttributes |
| { |
| uint64_t myNodeId = 9876543210; |
| NSNumber * myEndpointId = @100; |
| NSNumber * myClusterId = @200; |
| NSNumber * myAttributeId = @300; |
| NSNumber * myMinInterval = @5; |
| NSNumber * myMaxInterval = @60; |
| __block NSArray * myReport = @[ @{ |
| @"attributePath" : [MTRAttributePath attributePathWithEndpointID:myEndpointId |
| clusterID:myClusterId |
| attributeID:myAttributeId], |
| @"data" : @ { @"type" : @"SignedInteger", @"value" : @123456 } |
| } ]; |
| XCTestExpectation * callExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"XPC call received"]; |
| XCTestExpectation * establishExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"Established called"]; |
| __block XCTestExpectation * reportExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"Report sent"]; |
| |
| __auto_type uuid = self.controllerUUID; |
| _handleSubscribeAttribute = ^(id controller, NSNumber * nodeId, NSNumber * _Nullable endpointId, NSNumber * _Nullable clusterId, |
| NSNumber * _Nullable attributeId, MTRSubscribeParams * _Nullable params, void (^establishedHandler)(void)) { |
| XCTAssertTrue([controller isEqualToString:uuid]); |
| XCTAssertEqual([nodeId unsignedLongLongValue], myNodeId); |
| XCTAssertEqual([endpointId unsignedShortValue], [myEndpointId unsignedShortValue]); |
| XCTAssertEqual([clusterId unsignedLongValue], [myClusterId unsignedLongValue]); |
| XCTAssertNil(attributeId); |
| XCTAssertEqual([params.minInterval unsignedShortValue], [myMinInterval unsignedShortValue]); |
| XCTAssertEqual([params.maxInterval unsignedShortValue], [myMaxInterval unsignedShortValue]); |
| [callExpectation fulfill]; |
| establishedHandler(); |
| }; |
| |
| _xpcDisconnectExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"XPC Disconnected"]; |
| |
| __auto_type * params = [[MTRSubscribeParams alloc] initWithMinInterval:myMinInterval maxInterval:myMaxInterval]; |
| __auto_type * device = [MTRBaseDevice deviceWithNodeID:@(myNodeId) controller:_remoteDeviceController]; |
| NSLog(@"Device acquired. Subscribing..."); |
| [device subscribeToAttributesWithEndpointID:myEndpointId |
| clusterID:myClusterId |
| attributeID:nil |
| params:params |
| queue:dispatch_get_main_queue() |
| reportHandler:^(NSArray<NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *> * _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable error) { |
| NSLog(@"Report value: %@", values); |
| XCTAssertNotNil(values); |
| XCTAssertNil(error); |
| XCTAssertTrue([myReport isEqual:values]); |
| [reportExpectation fulfill]; |
| } |
| subscriptionEstablished:^{ |
| [establishExpectation fulfill]; |
| }]; |
| |
| [self waitForExpectations:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:callExpectation, establishExpectation, nil] timeout:kTimeoutInSeconds]; |
| |
| // Inject report |
| id<MTRDeviceControllerClientProtocol> clientObject = _xpcConnection.remoteObjectProxy; |
| [clientObject handleReportWithController:uuid |
| nodeId:myNodeId |
| values:[MTRDeviceController encodeXPCResponseValues:myReport] |
| error:nil]; |
| |
| // Wait for report |
| [self waitForExpectations:[NSArray arrayWithObject:reportExpectation] timeout:kTimeoutInSeconds]; |
| |
| // Inject another report |
| reportExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"2nd report sent"]; |
| myReport = @[ @{ |
| @"attributePath" : [MTRAttributePath attributePathWithEndpointID:myEndpointId |
| clusterID:myClusterId |
| attributeID:myAttributeId], |
| @"data" : @ { @"type" : @"SignedInteger", @"value" : @771234 } |
| } ]; |
| [clientObject handleReportWithController:uuid |
| nodeId:myNodeId |
| values:[MTRDeviceController encodeXPCResponseValues:myReport] |
| error:nil]; |
| |
| // Wait for report |
| [self waitForExpectations:[NSArray arrayWithObject:reportExpectation] timeout:kTimeoutInSeconds]; |
| |
| // Setup stop report handler |
| XCTestExpectation * stopExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"Reports stopped"]; |
| _handleStopReports = ^(id _Nullable controller, NSNumber * nodeId, void (^completion)(void)) { |
| XCTAssertTrue([controller isEqualToString:uuid]); |
| XCTAssertEqual([nodeId unsignedLongLongValue], myNodeId); |
| completion(); |
| [stopExpectation fulfill]; |
| }; |
| |
| // Deregister report handler |
| device = [MTRBaseDevice deviceWithNodeID:@(myNodeId) controller:_remoteDeviceController]; |
| NSLog(@"Device acquired. Deregistering..."); |
| [device deregisterReportHandlersWithQueue:dispatch_get_main_queue() |
| completion:^{ |
| NSLog(@"Deregistered"); |
| }]; |
| |
| // Wait for disconnection |
| [self waitForExpectations:@[ _xpcDisconnectExpectation, stopExpectation ] timeout:kTimeoutInSeconds]; |
| XCTAssertNil(_xpcConnection); |
| } |
| |
| - (void)testMutiSubscriptions |
| { |
| uint64_t nodeIds[] = { 9876543210, 9876543211 }; |
| NSNumber * endpointIds[] = { @100, @150 }; |
| NSNumber * clusterIds[] = { @200, @250 }; |
| NSNumber * attributeIds[] = { @300, @350 }; |
| NSNumber * minIntervals[] = { @5, @7 }; |
| NSNumber * maxIntervals[] = { @60, @68 }; |
| __block uint64_t myNodeId = nodeIds[0]; |
| __block NSNumber * myEndpointId = endpointIds[0]; |
| __block NSNumber * myClusterId = clusterIds[0]; |
| __block NSNumber * myAttributeId = attributeIds[0]; |
| __block NSNumber * myMinInterval = minIntervals[0]; |
| __block NSNumber * myMaxInterval = maxIntervals[0]; |
| __block NSArray<NSArray *> * myReports; |
| __block XCTestExpectation * callExpectation; |
| __block XCTestExpectation * establishExpectation; |
| __block NSArray<XCTestExpectation *> * reportExpectations; |
| |
| __auto_type uuid = self.controllerUUID; |
| _handleSubscribeAttribute = ^(id controller, NSNumber * nodeId, NSNumber * _Nullable endpointId, NSNumber * _Nullable clusterId, |
| NSNumber * _Nullable attributeId, MTRSubscribeParams * _Nullable params, void (^establishedHandler)(void)) { |
| XCTAssertTrue([controller isEqualToString:uuid]); |
| XCTAssertEqual([nodeId unsignedLongLongValue], myNodeId); |
| XCTAssertEqual([endpointId unsignedShortValue], [myEndpointId unsignedShortValue]); |
| XCTAssertEqual([clusterId unsignedLongValue], [myClusterId unsignedLongValue]); |
| XCTAssertEqual([attributeId unsignedLongValue], [myAttributeId unsignedLongValue]); |
| XCTAssertEqual([params.minInterval unsignedShortValue], [myMinInterval unsignedShortValue]); |
| XCTAssertEqual([params.maxInterval unsignedShortValue], [myMaxInterval unsignedShortValue]); |
| [callExpectation fulfill]; |
| establishedHandler(); |
| }; |
| |
| _xpcDisconnectExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"XPC Disconnected"]; |
| |
| // Multi-subscriptions |
| for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { |
| myNodeId = nodeIds[i]; |
| myEndpointId = endpointIds[i]; |
| myClusterId = clusterIds[i]; |
| myAttributeId = attributeIds[i]; |
| myMinInterval = minIntervals[i]; |
| myMaxInterval = maxIntervals[i]; |
| callExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"XPC call (%u) received", i]]; |
| establishExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Established (%u) called", i]]; |
| __auto_type * params = [[MTRSubscribeParams alloc] initWithMinInterval:myMinInterval maxInterval:myMaxInterval]; |
| __auto_type * device = [MTRBaseDevice deviceWithNodeID:@(myNodeId) controller:_remoteDeviceController]; |
| NSLog(@"Device acquired. Subscribing..."); |
| [device subscribeToAttributesWithEndpointID:myEndpointId |
| clusterID:myClusterId |
| attributeID:myAttributeId |
| params:params |
| queue:dispatch_get_main_queue() |
| reportHandler:^(NSArray<NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *> * _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable error) { |
| NSLog(@"Subscriber [%d] report value: %@", i, values); |
| XCTAssertNotNil(values); |
| XCTAssertNil(error); |
| XCTAssertTrue([myReports[i] isEqual:values]); |
| [reportExpectations[i] fulfill]; |
| } |
| subscriptionEstablished:^{ |
| [establishExpectation fulfill]; |
| }]; |
| |
| [self waitForExpectations:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:callExpectation, establishExpectation, nil] timeout:kTimeoutInSeconds]; |
| } |
| |
| id<MTRDeviceControllerClientProtocol> clientObject = _xpcConnection.remoteObjectProxy; |
| |
| // Inject reports |
| for (int count = 0; count < 2; count++) { |
| reportExpectations = [NSArray |
| arrayWithObjects:[self expectationWithDescription:[NSString |
| stringWithFormat:@"Report(%d) for first subscriber sent", count]], |
| [self expectationWithDescription:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Report(%d) for second subscriber sent", count]], nil]; |
| myReports = @[ |
| @[ @{ |
| @"attributePath" : [MTRAttributePath attributePathWithEndpointID:endpointIds[0] |
| clusterID:clusterIds[0] |
| attributeID:attributeIds[0]], |
| @"data" : @ { @"type" : @"SignedInteger", @"value" : [NSNumber numberWithInteger:123456 + count * 100] } |
| } ], |
| @[ @{ |
| @"attributePath" : [MTRAttributePath attributePathWithEndpointID:endpointIds[1] |
| clusterID:clusterIds[1] |
| attributeID:attributeIds[1]], |
| @"data" : @ { @"type" : @"SignedInteger", @"value" : [NSNumber numberWithInteger:123457 + count * 100] } |
| } ] |
| ]; |
| for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { |
| NSUInteger nodeId = nodeIds[i]; |
| dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ |
| [clientObject handleReportWithController:uuid |
| nodeId:nodeId |
| values:[MTRDeviceController encodeXPCResponseValues:myReports[i]] |
| error:nil]; |
| }); |
| } |
| [self waitForExpectations:reportExpectations timeout:kTimeoutInSeconds]; |
| } |
| |
| // Setup stop report handler |
| XCTestExpectation * stopExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"Reports stopped"]; |
| __auto_type nodeToStop = nodeIds[0]; |
| _handleStopReports = ^(id _Nullable controller, NSNumber * nodeId, void (^completion)(void)) { |
| XCTAssertTrue([controller isEqualToString:uuid]); |
| XCTAssertEqual([nodeId unsignedLongLongValue], nodeToStop); |
| completion(); |
| [stopExpectation fulfill]; |
| }; |
| |
| // Deregister report handler for first subscriber |
| __auto_type deregisterExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"First subscriber deregistered"]; |
| __auto_type * device = [MTRBaseDevice deviceWithNodeID:@(nodeToStop) controller:_remoteDeviceController]; |
| [device deregisterReportHandlersWithQueue:dispatch_get_main_queue() |
| completion:^{ |
| NSLog(@"Deregistered"); |
| [deregisterExpectation fulfill]; |
| }]; |
| |
| [self waitForExpectations:@[ stopExpectation, deregisterExpectation ] timeout:kTimeoutInSeconds]; |
| |
| // Inject reports |
| for (int count = 0; count < 1; count++) { |
| reportExpectations = [NSArray |
| arrayWithObjects:[self expectationWithDescription:[NSString |
| stringWithFormat:@"Report(%d) for first subscriber sent", count]], |
| [self expectationWithDescription:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Report(%d) for second subscriber sent", count]], nil]; |
| reportExpectations[0].inverted = YES; |
| myReports = @[ |
| @[ @{ |
| @"attributePath" : [MTRAttributePath attributePathWithEndpointID:endpointIds[0] |
| clusterID:clusterIds[0] |
| attributeID:attributeIds[0]], |
| @"data" : @ { @"type" : @"SignedInteger", @"value" : [NSNumber numberWithInteger:223456 + count * 100] } |
| } ], |
| @[ @{ |
| @"attributePath" : [MTRAttributePath attributePathWithEndpointID:endpointIds[1] |
| clusterID:clusterIds[1] |
| attributeID:attributeIds[1]], |
| @"data" : @ { @"type" : @"SignedInteger", @"value" : [NSNumber numberWithInteger:223457 + count * 100] } |
| } ] |
| ]; |
| for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { |
| NSUInteger nodeId = nodeIds[i]; |
| dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ |
| [clientObject handleReportWithController:uuid |
| nodeId:nodeId |
| values:[MTRDeviceController encodeXPCResponseValues:myReports[i]] |
| error:nil]; |
| }); |
| } |
| [self waitForExpectations:reportExpectations timeout:kTimeoutInSeconds]; |
| } |
| |
| // Setup stop report handler |
| stopExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"Reports stopped"]; |
| nodeToStop = nodeIds[1]; |
| _handleStopReports = ^(id _Nullable controller, NSNumber * nodeId, void (^completion)(void)) { |
| XCTAssertTrue([controller isEqualToString:uuid]); |
| XCTAssertEqual([nodeId unsignedLongLongValue], nodeToStop); |
| completion(); |
| [stopExpectation fulfill]; |
| }; |
| |
| // Deregister report handler for second subscriber |
| __auto_type secondDeregisterExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"Second subscriber deregistered"]; |
| device = [MTRBaseDevice deviceWithNodeID:@(nodeToStop) controller:_remoteDeviceController]; |
| NSLog(@"Device acquired. Deregistering..."); |
| [device deregisterReportHandlersWithQueue:dispatch_get_main_queue() |
| completion:^{ |
| NSLog(@"Deregistered"); |
| [secondDeregisterExpectation fulfill]; |
| }]; |
| |
| // Wait for deregistration and disconnection |
| [self waitForExpectations:@[ secondDeregisterExpectation, _xpcDisconnectExpectation, stopExpectation ] |
| timeout:kTimeoutInSeconds]; |
| XCTAssertNil(_xpcConnection); |
| |
| // Inject reports |
| for (int count = 0; count < 1; count++) { |
| reportExpectations = [NSArray |
| arrayWithObjects:[self expectationWithDescription:[NSString |
| stringWithFormat:@"Report(%d) for first subscriber sent", count]], |
| [self expectationWithDescription:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Report(%d) for second subscriber sent", count]], nil]; |
| reportExpectations[0].inverted = YES; |
| reportExpectations[1].inverted = YES; |
| myReports = @[ |
| @[ @{ |
| @"attributePath" : [MTRAttributePath attributePathWithEndpointID:endpointIds[0] |
| clusterID:clusterIds[0] |
| attributeID:attributeIds[0]], |
| @"data" : @ { @"type" : @"SignedInteger", @"value" : [NSNumber numberWithInteger:223456 + count * 100] } |
| } ], |
| @[ @{ |
| @"attributePath" : [MTRAttributePath attributePathWithEndpointID:endpointIds[1] |
| clusterID:clusterIds[1] |
| attributeID:attributeIds[1]], |
| @"data" : @ { @"type" : @"SignedInteger", @"value" : [NSNumber numberWithInteger:223457 + count * 100] } |
| } ] |
| ]; |
| for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { |
| NSUInteger nodeId = nodeIds[i]; |
| dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ |
| [clientObject handleReportWithController:uuid |
| nodeId:nodeId |
| values:[MTRDeviceController encodeXPCResponseValues:myReports[i]] |
| error:nil]; |
| }); |
| } |
| [self waitForExpectations:reportExpectations timeout:kNegativeTimeoutInSeconds]; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| - (void)testAnySharedRemoteController |
| { |
| NSString * myUUID = [[NSUUID UUID] UUIDString]; |
| uint64_t myNodeId = 9876543210; |
| NSNumber * myEndpointId = @100; |
| NSNumber * myClusterId = @200; |
| NSNumber * myAttributeId = @300; |
| NSArray * myValues = @[ @{ |
| @"attributePath" : [MTRAttributePath attributePathWithEndpointID:myEndpointId |
| clusterID:myClusterId |
| attributeID:myAttributeId], |
| @"data" : @ { @"type" : @"SignedInteger", @"value" : @123456 } |
| } ]; |
| |
| XCTestExpectation * callExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"XPC call received"]; |
| XCTestExpectation * responseExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"XPC response received"]; |
| |
| _handleReadAttribute = ^(id controller, NSNumber * nodeId, NSNumber * _Nullable endpointId, NSNumber * _Nullable clusterId, |
| NSNumber * _Nullable attributeId, MTRReadParams * _Nullable params, |
| void (^completion)(id _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable error)) { |
| XCTAssertTrue([controller isEqualToString:myUUID]); |
| XCTAssertEqual([nodeId unsignedLongLongValue], myNodeId); |
| XCTAssertEqual([endpointId unsignedShortValue], [myEndpointId unsignedShortValue]); |
| XCTAssertEqual([clusterId unsignedLongValue], [myClusterId unsignedLongValue]); |
| XCTAssertEqual([attributeId unsignedLongValue], [myAttributeId unsignedLongValue]); |
| XCTAssertNil(params); |
| [callExpectation fulfill]; |
| completion([MTRDeviceController encodeXPCResponseValues:myValues], nil); |
| }; |
| |
| __auto_type unspecifiedRemoteDeviceController = |
| [MTRDeviceController sharedControllerWithID:nil |
| xpcConnectBlock:^NSXPCConnection * { |
| return [[NSXPCConnection alloc] initWithListenerEndpoint:self.xpcListener.endpoint]; |
| }]; |
| |
| __auto_type anySharedRemoteControllerCallExpectation = |
| [self expectationWithDescription:@"getAnySharedRemoteController was called"]; |
| _handleGetAnySharedRemoteController = ^(void (^completion)(id _Nullable controller, NSError * _Nullable error)) { |
| completion(myUUID, nil); |
| [anySharedRemoteControllerCallExpectation fulfill]; |
| }; |
| |
| __auto_type * device = [MTRBaseDevice deviceWithNodeID:@(myNodeId) controller:unspecifiedRemoteDeviceController]; |
| // Do a read to exercise the device. |
| NSLog(@"Device acquired. Reading..."); |
| [device readAttributesWithEndpointID:myEndpointId |
| clusterID:myClusterId |
| attributeID:myAttributeId |
| params:nil |
| queue:dispatch_get_main_queue() |
| completion:^(id _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable error) { |
| NSLog(@"Read value: %@", value); |
| XCTAssertNotNil(value); |
| XCTAssertNil(error); |
| XCTAssertTrue([myValues isEqual:value]); |
| [responseExpectation fulfill]; |
| self.xpcDisconnectExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"XPC Disconnected"]; |
| }]; |
| |
| [self waitForExpectations:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:anySharedRemoteControllerCallExpectation, callExpectation, |
| responseExpectation, nil] |
| timeout:kTimeoutInSeconds]; |
| |
| // When read is done, connection should have been released |
| [self waitForExpectations:[NSArray arrayWithObject:_xpcDisconnectExpectation] timeout:kTimeoutInSeconds]; |
| XCTAssertNil(_xpcConnection); |
| } |
| |
| - (void)testSubscribeClusterStateCacheSuccess |
| { |
| uint64_t myNodeId = 9876543210; |
| XCTestExpectation * callExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"XPC call received"]; |
| XCTestExpectation * responseExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"XPC response received"]; |
| |
| __auto_type uuid = self.controllerUUID; |
| __auto_type clusterStateCacheContainer = [[MTRClusterStateCacheContainer alloc] init]; |
| _handleSubscribeAll = ^(id controller, NSNumber * nodeId, MTRSubscribeParams * _Nonnull params, BOOL shouldCache, |
| void (^completion)(NSError * _Nullable error)) { |
| NSLog(@"Subscribe called"); |
| XCTAssertTrue([controller isEqualToString:uuid]); |
| XCTAssertEqual([nodeId unsignedLongLongValue], myNodeId); |
| [callExpectation fulfill]; |
| completion(nil); |
| }; |
| |
| _xpcDisconnectExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"XPC Disconnected"]; |
| [clusterStateCacheContainer subscribeWithDeviceController:_remoteDeviceController |
| deviceID:@(myNodeId) |
| params:nil |
| queue:dispatch_get_main_queue() |
| completion:^(NSError * _Nullable error) { |
| NSLog(@"Subscribe completion called with error: %@", error); |
| XCTAssertNil(error); |
| [responseExpectation fulfill]; |
| }]; |
| |
| [self waitForExpectations:@[ callExpectation, responseExpectation, self.xpcDisconnectExpectation ] timeout:kTimeoutInSeconds]; |
| XCTAssertNil(_xpcConnection); |
| } |
| |
| - (void)testSubscribeClusterStateCacheWithParamsSuccess |
| { |
| uint64_t myNodeId = 9876543210; |
| MTRSubscribeParams * myParams = [[MTRSubscribeParams alloc] initWithMinInterval:@(1) maxInterval:@(43200)]; |
| myParams.filterByFabric = YES; |
| myParams.replaceExistingSubscriptions = NO; |
| XCTestExpectation * callExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"XPC call received"]; |
| XCTestExpectation * responseExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"XPC response received"]; |
| |
| __auto_type uuid = self.controllerUUID; |
| __auto_type clusterStateCacheContainer = [[MTRClusterStateCacheContainer alloc] init]; |
| _handleSubscribeAll = ^(id controller, NSNumber * nodeId, MTRSubscribeParams * _Nonnull params, BOOL shouldCache, |
| void (^completion)(NSError * _Nullable error)) { |
| NSLog(@"Subscribe attribute cache called"); |
| XCTAssertTrue([controller isEqualToString:uuid]); |
| XCTAssertEqual([nodeId unsignedLongLongValue], myNodeId); |
| XCTAssertEqual(params.filterByFabric, myParams.filterByFabric); |
| XCTAssertEqual(params.replaceExistingSubscriptions, myParams.replaceExistingSubscriptions); |
| [callExpectation fulfill]; |
| completion(nil); |
| }; |
| |
| _xpcDisconnectExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"XPC Disconnected"]; |
| [clusterStateCacheContainer subscribeWithDeviceController:_remoteDeviceController |
| deviceID:@(myNodeId) |
| params:myParams |
| queue:dispatch_get_main_queue() |
| completion:^(NSError * _Nullable error) { |
| NSLog(@"Subscribe completion called with error: %@", error); |
| XCTAssertNil(error); |
| [responseExpectation fulfill]; |
| }]; |
| |
| [self waitForExpectations:@[ callExpectation, responseExpectation, self.xpcDisconnectExpectation ] timeout:kTimeoutInSeconds]; |
| XCTAssertNil(_xpcConnection); |
| } |
| |
| - (void)testSubscribeClusterStateCacheFailure |
| { |
| uint64_t myNodeId = 9876543210; |
| NSError * myError = [NSError errorWithDomain:MTRErrorDomain code:MTRErrorCodeGeneralError userInfo:nil]; |
| XCTestExpectation * callExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"XPC call received"]; |
| XCTestExpectation * responseExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"XPC response received"]; |
| |
| __auto_type uuid = self.controllerUUID; |
| __auto_type clusterStateCacheContainer = [[MTRClusterStateCacheContainer alloc] init]; |
| _handleSubscribeAll = ^(id controller, NSNumber * nodeId, MTRSubscribeParams * _Nonnull params, BOOL shouldCache, |
| void (^completion)(NSError * _Nullable error)) { |
| NSLog(@"Subscribe attribute cache called"); |
| XCTAssertTrue([controller isEqualToString:uuid]); |
| XCTAssertEqual([nodeId unsignedLongLongValue], myNodeId); |
| [callExpectation fulfill]; |
| completion(myError); |
| }; |
| |
| _xpcDisconnectExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"XPC Disconnected"]; |
| [clusterStateCacheContainer subscribeWithDeviceController:_remoteDeviceController |
| deviceID:@(myNodeId) |
| params:nil |
| queue:dispatch_get_main_queue() |
| completion:^(NSError * _Nullable error) { |
| NSLog(@"Subscribe completion called with error: %@", error); |
| XCTAssertNotNil(error); |
| [responseExpectation fulfill]; |
| }]; |
| |
| [self waitForExpectations:@[ callExpectation, responseExpectation, _xpcDisconnectExpectation ] timeout:kTimeoutInSeconds]; |
| XCTAssertNil(_xpcConnection); |
| } |
| |
| - (void)testReadClusterStateCacheSuccess |
| { |
| uint64_t myNodeId = 9876543210; |
| NSNumber * myEndpointId = @100; |
| NSNumber * myClusterId = @200; |
| NSNumber * myAttributeId = @300; |
| NSArray * myValues = @[ @{ |
| @"attributePath" : [MTRAttributePath attributePathWithEndpointID:myEndpointId |
| clusterID:myClusterId |
| attributeID:myAttributeId], |
| @"data" : @ { @"type" : @"SignedInteger", @"value" : @123456 } |
| } ]; |
| |
| XCTestExpectation * subscribeExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"Cache subscription complete"]; |
| XCTestExpectation * callExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"XPC call received"]; |
| XCTestExpectation * responseExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"XPC response received"]; |
| |
| __auto_type uuid = self.controllerUUID; |
| __auto_type clusterStateCacheContainer = [[MTRClusterStateCacheContainer alloc] init]; |
| _handleSubscribeAll = ^(id controller, NSNumber * nodeId, MTRSubscribeParams * _Nonnull params, BOOL shouldCache, |
| void (^completion)(NSError * _Nullable error)) { |
| NSLog(@"Subscribe attribute cache called"); |
| XCTAssertTrue([controller isEqualToString:uuid]); |
| XCTAssertEqual([nodeId unsignedLongLongValue], myNodeId); |
| completion(nil); |
| }; |
| |
| _handleReadClusterStateCache |
| = ^(id controller, NSNumber * nodeId, NSNumber * _Nullable endpointId, NSNumber * _Nullable clusterId, |
| NSNumber * _Nullable attributeId, void (^completion)(id _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable error)) { |
| NSLog(@"Read attribute cache called"); |
| XCTAssertTrue([controller isEqualToString:uuid]); |
| XCTAssertEqual([nodeId unsignedLongLongValue], myNodeId); |
| XCTAssertEqual([endpointId unsignedShortValue], [myEndpointId unsignedShortValue]); |
| XCTAssertEqual([clusterId unsignedLongValue], [myClusterId unsignedLongValue]); |
| XCTAssertEqual([attributeId unsignedLongValue], [myAttributeId unsignedLongValue]); |
| [callExpectation fulfill]; |
| completion([MTRDeviceController encodeXPCResponseValues:myValues], nil); |
| }; |
| |
| _xpcDisconnectExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"XPC Disconnected"]; |
| |
| [clusterStateCacheContainer subscribeWithDeviceController:_remoteDeviceController |
| deviceID:@(myNodeId) |
| params:nil |
| queue:dispatch_get_main_queue() |
| completion:^(NSError * _Nullable error) { |
| NSLog(@"Subscribe completion called with error: %@", error); |
| XCTAssertNil(error); |
| [subscribeExpectation fulfill]; |
| }]; |
| [self waitForExpectations:@[ subscribeExpectation, _xpcDisconnectExpectation ] timeout:kTimeoutInSeconds]; |
| |
| _xpcDisconnectExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"XPC Disconnected"]; |
| [clusterStateCacheContainer |
| readAttributesWithEndpointID:myEndpointId |
| clusterID:myClusterId |
| attributeID:myAttributeId |
| queue:dispatch_get_main_queue() |
| completion:^(NSArray<NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *> * _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable error) { |
| NSLog(@"Read cached value: %@", values); |
| XCTAssertNotNil(values); |
| XCTAssertNil(error); |
| XCTAssertTrue([myValues isEqual:values]); |
| [responseExpectation fulfill]; |
| }]; |
| [self waitForExpectations:@[ callExpectation, responseExpectation, _xpcDisconnectExpectation ] timeout:kTimeoutInSeconds]; |
| XCTAssertNil(_xpcConnection); |
| } |
| |
| - (void)testReadClusterStateCacheFailure |
| { |
| uint64_t myNodeId = 9876543210; |
| NSNumber * myEndpointId = @100; |
| NSNumber * myClusterId = @200; |
| NSNumber * myAttributeId = @300; |
| NSError * myError = [NSError errorWithDomain:MTRErrorDomain code:MTRErrorCodeGeneralError userInfo:nil]; |
| XCTestExpectation * subscribeExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"Cache subscription complete"]; |
| XCTestExpectation * callExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"XPC call received"]; |
| XCTestExpectation * responseExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"XPC response received"]; |
| |
| __auto_type uuid = self.controllerUUID; |
| __auto_type clusterStateCacheContainer = [[MTRClusterStateCacheContainer alloc] init]; |
| _handleSubscribeAll = ^(id controller, NSNumber * nodeId, MTRSubscribeParams * _Nonnull params, BOOL shouldCache, |
| void (^completion)(NSError * _Nullable error)) { |
| NSLog(@"Subscribe attribute cache called"); |
| XCTAssertTrue([controller isEqualToString:uuid]); |
| XCTAssertEqual([nodeId unsignedLongLongValue], myNodeId); |
| completion(nil); |
| }; |
| |
| _handleReadClusterStateCache |
| = ^(id controller, NSNumber * nodeId, NSNumber * _Nullable endpointId, NSNumber * _Nullable clusterId, |
| NSNumber * _Nullable attributeId, void (^completion)(id _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable error)) { |
| NSLog(@"Read attribute cache called"); |
| XCTAssertTrue([controller isEqualToString:uuid]); |
| XCTAssertEqual([nodeId unsignedLongLongValue], myNodeId); |
| XCTAssertEqual([endpointId unsignedShortValue], [myEndpointId unsignedShortValue]); |
| XCTAssertEqual([clusterId unsignedLongValue], [myClusterId unsignedLongValue]); |
| XCTAssertEqual([attributeId unsignedLongValue], [myAttributeId unsignedLongValue]); |
| [callExpectation fulfill]; |
| completion(nil, myError); |
| }; |
| |
| _xpcDisconnectExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"XPC Disconnected"]; |
| [clusterStateCacheContainer subscribeWithDeviceController:_remoteDeviceController |
| deviceID:@(myNodeId) |
| params:nil |
| queue:dispatch_get_main_queue() |
| completion:^(NSError * _Nullable error) { |
| NSLog(@"Subscribe completion called with error: %@", error); |
| XCTAssertNil(error); |
| [subscribeExpectation fulfill]; |
| }]; |
| [self waitForExpectations:@[ subscribeExpectation, _xpcDisconnectExpectation ] timeout:kTimeoutInSeconds]; |
| |
| _xpcDisconnectExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"XPC Disconnected"]; |
| [clusterStateCacheContainer |
| readAttributesWithEndpointID:myEndpointId |
| clusterID:myClusterId |
| attributeID:myAttributeId |
| queue:dispatch_get_main_queue() |
| completion:^(NSArray<NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *> * _Nullable values, NSError * _Nullable error) { |
| NSLog(@"Read cached value: %@", values); |
| XCTAssertNil(values); |
| XCTAssertNotNil(error); |
| [responseExpectation fulfill]; |
| }]; |
| [self waitForExpectations:@[ callExpectation, responseExpectation, _xpcDisconnectExpectation ] timeout:kTimeoutInSeconds]; |
| XCTAssertNil(_xpcConnection); |
| } |
| |
| - (void)testXPCConnectionFailure |
| { |
| uint64_t myNodeId = 9876543210; |
| NSNumber * myEndpointId = @100; |
| NSNumber * myClusterId = @200; |
| NSNumber * myAttributeId = @300; |
| XCTestExpectation * responseExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"Read response received"]; |
| |
| // Test with a device controller which wouldn't connect to XPC listener successfully |
| __auto_type failingDeviceController = [MTRDeviceController sharedControllerWithID:_controllerUUID |
| xpcConnectBlock:^NSXPCConnection * { |
| return nil; |
| }]; |
| |
| __auto_type * device = [MTRBaseDevice deviceWithNodeID:@(myNodeId) controller:failingDeviceController]; |
| NSLog(@"Device acquired. Reading..."); |
| [device readAttributesWithEndpointID:myEndpointId |
| clusterID:myClusterId |
| attributeID:myAttributeId |
| params:nil |
| queue:dispatch_get_main_queue() |
| completion:^(id _Nullable value, NSError * _Nullable error) { |
| NSLog(@"Read value: %@", value); |
| XCTAssertNil(value); |
| XCTAssertNotNil(error); |
| [responseExpectation fulfill]; |
| }]; |
| |
| [self waitForExpectations:@[ responseExpectation ] timeout:kTimeoutInSeconds]; |
| } |
| |
| @end |