blob: 2eb86c25f6c1f4562b035ce39bf3a734806ae5b4 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2020-2021 Project CHIP Authors
* All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @file
* This file contains definitions for Device class. The objects of this
* class will be used by Controller applications to interact with CHIP
* devices. The class provides mechanism to construct, send and receive
* messages to and from the corresponding CHIP devices.
#pragma once
#include <app/CASEClient.h>
#include <app/CASEClientPool.h>
#include <app/DeviceProxy.h>
#include <app/util/basic-types.h>
#include <credentials/GroupDataProvider.h>
#include <lib/address_resolve/AddressResolve.h>
#include <messaging/ExchangeContext.h>
#include <messaging/ExchangeDelegate.h>
#include <messaging/ExchangeMgr.h>
#include <messaging/Flags.h>
#include <protocols/secure_channel/CASESession.h>
#include <system/SystemLayer.h>
#include <transport/SessionManager.h>
#include <transport/TransportMgr.h>
#include <transport/raw/MessageHeader.h>
#include <transport/raw/UDP.h>
namespace chip {
class OperationalSessionSetup;
* @brief Delegate provided when creating OperationalSessionSetup.
* Once OperationalSessionSetup establishes a connection (or errors out) and has notified all
* registered application callbacks via OnDeviceConnected/OnDeviceConnectionFailure, this delegate
* is used to deallocate the OperationalSessionSetup.
class OperationalSessionReleaseDelegate
virtual ~OperationalSessionReleaseDelegate() = default;
virtual void ReleaseSession(OperationalSessionSetup * sessionSetup) = 0;
* @brief Minimal implementation of DeviceProxy that encapsulates a SessionHolder to track a CASE session.
* Deprecated - Avoid using this object.
* OperationalDeviceProxy is a minimal implementation of DeviceProxy. It is meant to provide a transition
* for existing consumers of OperationalDeviceProxy that were delivered a reference to that object in
* their respective OnDeviceConnected callback, but were incorrectly holding onto that object past
* the function call. OperationalDeviceProxy can be held on for as long as is desired, while still
* minimizing the code changes needed to transition to a more final solution by virtue of
* implementing DeviceProxy.
class OperationalDeviceProxy : public DeviceProxy
OperationalDeviceProxy(Messaging::ExchangeManager * exchangeMgr, const SessionHandle & sessionHandle) :
mExchangeMgr(exchangeMgr), mSecureSession(sessionHandle), mPeerScopedNodeId(sessionHandle->GetPeer())
OperationalDeviceProxy() {}
// Recommended to use InteractionModelEngine::ShutdownSubscriptions directly.
void ShutdownSubscriptions() override { VerifyOrDie(false); } // Currently not implemented.
void Disconnect() override
if (IsSecureConnected())
mExchangeMgr = nullptr;
mPeerScopedNodeId = ScopedNodeId();
Messaging::ExchangeManager * GetExchangeManager() const override { return mExchangeMgr; }
chip::Optional<SessionHandle> GetSecureSession() const override { return mSecureSession.Get(); }
NodeId GetDeviceId() const override { return mPeerScopedNodeId.GetNodeId(); }
ScopedNodeId GetPeerScopedNodeId() const { return mPeerScopedNodeId; }
bool ConnectionReady() const { return (mExchangeMgr != nullptr && IsSecureConnected()); }
bool IsSecureConnected() const override { return static_cast<bool>(mSecureSession); }
Messaging::ExchangeManager * mExchangeMgr = nullptr;
SessionHolder mSecureSession;
ScopedNodeId mPeerScopedNodeId;
* @brief Callback prototype when secure session is established.
* Callback implementations are not supposed to store the exchangeMgr or the sessionHandle. Older
* application code does incorrectly hold onto this information so do not follow those incorrect
* implementations as an example.
typedef void (*OnDeviceConnected)(void * context, Messaging::ExchangeManager & exchangeMgr, const SessionHandle & sessionHandle);
typedef void (*OnDeviceConnectionFailure)(void * context, const ScopedNodeId & peerId, CHIP_ERROR error);
* Object used to either establish a connection to peer or performing address lookup to a peer.
* OperationalSessionSetup is capable of either:
* 1. Establishing a CASE session connection to a peer. Upon success or failure, the OnDeviceConnected or
* OnDeviceConnectionFailure callback will be called to notify the caller the results of trying to
* estblish a CASE session. Some additional details about the steps to establish a connection are:
* - Discover the device using DNSSD (find out what IP address to use and what
* communication parameters are appropriate for it)
* - Establish a secure channel to it via CASE
* - Expose to consumers the secure session for talking to the device via OnDeviceConnected
* callback.
* 2. Performing an address lookup for given a scoped nodeid. On success, it will call into
* SessionManager to update the addresses for all matching sessions in the session table.
* OperationalSessionSetup has a very limited lifetime. Once it has completed its purpose outlined above,
* it will use `releaseDelegate` to release itself.
* It is possible to determine which of the two purposes the OperationalSessionSetup is for by calling
* IsForAddressUpdate().
class DLL_EXPORT OperationalSessionSetup : public SessionDelegate,
public SessionEstablishmentDelegate,
public AddressResolve::NodeListener
~OperationalSessionSetup() override;
OperationalSessionSetup(const CASEClientInitParams & params, CASEClientPoolDelegate * clientPool, ScopedNodeId peerId,
OperationalSessionReleaseDelegate * releaseDelegate) :
mInitParams = params;
if (params.Validate() != CHIP_NO_ERROR || clientPool == nullptr || releaseDelegate == nullptr)
mState = State::Uninitialized;
mClientPool = clientPool;
mSystemLayer = params.exchangeMgr->GetSessionManager()->SystemLayer();
mPeerId = peerId;
mReleaseDelegate = releaseDelegate;
mState = State::NeedsAddress;
* This function can be called to establish a secure session with the device.
* The device is expected to have been commissioned, A CASE session
* setup will be triggered.
* On establishing the session, the callback function `onConnection` will be called. If the
* session setup fails, `onFailure` will be called.
* If the session already exists, `onConnection` will be called immediately,
* before the Connect call returns.
* `onFailure` may be called before the Connect call returns, for error
* cases that are detected synchronously (e.g. inability to start an address
* lookup).
void Connect(Callback::Callback<OnDeviceConnected> * onConnection, Callback::Callback<OnDeviceConnectionFailure> * onFailure);
bool IsForAddressUpdate() const { return mPerformingAddressUpdate; }
//////////// SessionEstablishmentDelegate Implementation ///////////////
void OnSessionEstablished(const SessionHandle & session) override;
void OnSessionEstablishmentError(CHIP_ERROR error) override;
//////////// SessionDelegate Implementation ///////////////
// Called when a connection is closing. The object releases all resources associated with the connection.
void OnSessionReleased() override;
ScopedNodeId GetPeerId() const { return mPeerId; }
static Transport::PeerAddress ToPeerAddress(const Dnssd::ResolvedNodeData & nodeData)
Inet::InterfaceId interfaceId = Inet::InterfaceId::Null();
// TODO - Revisit usage of InterfaceID only for addresses that are IPv6 LLA
// Only use the DNS-SD resolution's InterfaceID for addresses that are IPv6 LLA.
// For all other addresses, we should rely on the device's routing table to route messages sent.
// Forcing messages down an InterfaceId might fail. For example, in bridged networks like Thread,
// mDNS advertisements are not usually received on the same interface the peer is reachable on.
if (nodeData.resolutionData.ipAddress[0].IsIPv6LinkLocal())
interfaceId = nodeData.resolutionData.interfaceId;
return Transport::PeerAddress::UDP(nodeData.resolutionData.ipAddress[0], nodeData.resolutionData.port, interfaceId);
* @brief Get the fabricIndex
FabricIndex GetFabricIndex() const { return mPeerId.GetFabricIndex(); }
void PerformAddressUpdate();
// AddressResolve::NodeListener - notifications when dnssd finds a node IP address
void OnNodeAddressResolved(const PeerId & peerId, const AddressResolve::ResolveResult & result) override;
void OnNodeAddressResolutionFailed(const PeerId & peerId, CHIP_ERROR reason) override;
enum class State
Uninitialized, // Error state: OperationalSessionSetup is useless
NeedsAddress, // No address known, lookup not started yet.
ResolvingAddress, // Address lookup in progress.
HasAddress, // Have an address, CASE handshake not started yet.
Connecting, // CASE handshake in progress.
SecureConnected, // CASE session established.
CASEClientInitParams mInitParams;
CASEClientPoolDelegate * mClientPool = nullptr;
System::Layer * mSystemLayer;
// mCASEClient is only non-null if we are in State::Connecting or just
// allocated it as part of an attempt to enter State::Connecting.
CASEClient * mCASEClient = nullptr;
ScopedNodeId mPeerId;
Transport::PeerAddress mDeviceAddress = Transport::PeerAddress::UDP(Inet::IPAddress::Any);
void MoveToState(State aTargetState);
State mState = State::Uninitialized;
SessionHolderWithDelegate mSecureSession;
Callback::CallbackDeque mConnectionSuccess;
Callback::CallbackDeque mConnectionFailure;
OperationalSessionReleaseDelegate * mReleaseDelegate;
/// This is used when a node address is required.
chip::AddressResolve::NodeLookupHandle mAddressLookupHandle;
bool mPerformingAddressUpdate = false;
CHIP_ERROR EstablishConnection(const ReliableMessageProtocolConfig & config);
* This checks to see if an existing CASE session exists to the peer within the SessionManager
* and if one exists, to load that into mSecureSession.
* Returns true if a valid session was found, false otherwise.
bool AttachToExistingSecureSession();
void CleanupCASEClient();
void EnqueueConnectionCallbacks(Callback::Callback<OnDeviceConnected> * onConnection,
Callback::Callback<OnDeviceConnectionFailure> * onFailure);
* This dequeues all failure and success callbacks and appropriately
* invokes either set depending on the value of error.
* If error == CHIP_NO_ERROR, only success callbacks are invoked.
* Otherwise, only failure callbacks are invoked.
* This uses mReleaseDelegate to release ourselves (aka `this`). As a
* result any caller should return right away without touching `this`.
void DequeueConnectionCallbacks(CHIP_ERROR error);
* Triggers a DNSSD lookup to find a usable peer address.
CHIP_ERROR LookupPeerAddress();
* This function will set new IP address, port and MRP retransmission intervals of the device.
void UpdateDeviceData(const Transport::PeerAddress & addr, const ReliableMessageProtocolConfig & config);
} // namespace chip