blob: 175c246e908f9d2087d45a9871ba20f1c2da42dc [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2021 Project CHIP Authors
* All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include <app-common/zap-generated/cluster-objects.h>
#include <app/OperationalSessionSetup.h>
#include <controller/CommissioneeDeviceProxy.h>
#include <credentials/attestation_verifier/DeviceAttestationDelegate.h>
#include <credentials/attestation_verifier/DeviceAttestationVerifier.h>
#include <lib/support/Variant.h>
#include <system/SystemClock.h>
namespace chip {
namespace Controller {
class DeviceCommissioner;
enum CommissioningStage : uint8_t
kSecurePairing, ///< Establish a PASE session with the device
kReadCommissioningInfo, ///< Query General Commissioning Attributes, Network Features and Time Synchronization Cluster
kReadCommissioningInfo2, ///< Query SupportsConcurrentConnection, ICD state, check for matching fabric
kArmFailsafe, ///< Send ArmFailSafe (0x30:0) command to the device
kConfigRegulatory, ///< Send SetRegulatoryConfig (0x30:2) command to the device
kConfigureUTCTime, ///< SetUTCTime if the DUT has a time cluster
kConfigureTimeZone, ///< Configure a time zone if one is required and available
kConfigureDSTOffset, ///< Configure DST offset if one is required and available
kConfigureDefaultNTP, ///< Configure a default NTP server if one is required and available
kSendPAICertificateRequest, ///< Send PAI CertificateChainRequest (0x3E:2) command to the device
kSendDACCertificateRequest, ///< Send DAC CertificateChainRequest (0x3E:2) command to the device
kSendAttestationRequest, ///< Send AttestationRequest (0x3E:0) command to the device
kAttestationVerification, ///< Verify AttestationResponse (0x3E:1) validity
kSendOpCertSigningRequest, ///< Send CSRRequest (0x3E:4) command to the device
kValidateCSR, ///< Verify CSRResponse (0x3E:5) validity
kGenerateNOCChain, ///< TLV encode Node Operational Credentials (NOC) chain certs
kSendTrustedRootCert, ///< Send AddTrustedRootCertificate (0x3E:11) command to the device
kSendNOC, ///< Send AddNOC (0x3E:6) command to the device
kConfigureTrustedTimeSource, ///< Configure a trusted time source if one is required and available (must be done after SendNOC)
kICDGetRegistrationInfo, ///< Waiting for the higher layer to provide ICD registraion informations.
kICDRegistration, ///< Register for ICD management
kICDSendStayActive, ///< Send Keep Alive to ICD
kWiFiNetworkSetup, ///< Send AddOrUpdateWiFiNetwork (0x31:2) command to the device
kThreadNetworkSetup, ///< Send AddOrUpdateThreadNetwork (0x31:3) command to the device
kFailsafeBeforeWiFiEnable, ///< Extend the fail-safe before doing kWiFiNetworkEnable
kFailsafeBeforeThreadEnable, ///< Extend the fail-safe before doing kThreadNetworkEnable
kWiFiNetworkEnable, ///< Send ConnectNetwork (0x31:6) command to the device for the WiFi network
kThreadNetworkEnable, ///< Send ConnectNetwork (0x31:6) command to the device for the Thread network
kFindOperational, ///< Perform operational discovery and establish a CASE session with the device
kSendComplete, ///< Send CommissioningComplete (0x30:4) command to the device
kCleanup, ///< Call delegates with status, free memory, clear timers and state
/// Send ScanNetworks (0x31:0) command to the device.
/// ScanNetworks can happen anytime after kArmFailsafe.
/// However, the cirque tests fail if it is earlier in the list
/// Waiting for the higher layer to provide network credentials before continuing the workflow.
/// Call CHIPDeviceController::NetworkCredentialsReady() when CommissioningParameters is populated with
/// network credentials to use in kWiFiNetworkSetup or kThreadNetworkSetup steps.
enum ICDRegistrationStrategy : uint8_t
kIgnore, ///< Do not check whether the device is an ICD during commissioning
kBeforeComplete, ///< Do commissioner self-registration or external controller registration,
///< Controller should provide a ICDKey manager for generating symmetric key
const char * StageToString(CommissioningStage stage);
struct WiFiCredentials
ByteSpan ssid;
ByteSpan credentials;
WiFiCredentials(ByteSpan newSsid, ByteSpan newCreds) : ssid(newSsid), credentials(newCreds) {}
struct NOCChainGenerationParameters
ByteSpan nocsrElements;
ByteSpan signature;
struct CompletionStatus
CompletionStatus() : err(CHIP_NO_ERROR), failedStage(NullOptional), attestationResult(NullOptional) {}
Optional<CommissioningStage> failedStage;
Optional<Credentials::AttestationVerificationResult> attestationResult;
Optional<app::Clusters::GeneralCommissioning::CommissioningErrorEnum> commissioningError;
Optional<app::Clusters::NetworkCommissioning::NetworkCommissioningStatusEnum> networkCommissioningStatus;
inline constexpr uint16_t kDefaultFailsafeTimeout = 60;
// Per spec, all commands that are sent with the failsafe armed need at least
// a 30s timeout.
inline constexpr System::Clock::Timeout kMinimumCommissioningStepTimeout = System::Clock::Seconds16(30);
class CommissioningParameters
static constexpr size_t kMaxThreadDatasetLen = 254;
static constexpr size_t kMaxSsidLen = 32;
static constexpr size_t kMaxCredentialsLen = 64;
static constexpr size_t kMaxCountryCodeLen = 2;
// Value to use when setting the commissioning failsafe timer on the node being commissioned.
// If the failsafe timer value is passed in as part of the commissioning parameters, that value will be used. If not supplied,
// the AutoCommissioner will set this to the recommended value read from the node. If that is not set, it will fall back to the
// default kDefaultFailsafeTimeout.
// This value should be set before running PerformCommissioningStep for the kArmFailsafe step.
const Optional<uint16_t> GetFailsafeTimerSeconds() const { return mFailsafeTimerSeconds; }
// Value to use when re-setting the commissioning failsafe timer immediately prior to operational discovery.
// If a CASE failsafe timer value is passed in as part of the commissioning parameters, then the failsafe timer
// will be reset using this value before operational discovery begins. If not supplied, then the AutoCommissioner
// will not automatically reset the failsafe timer before operational discovery begins. It can be useful for the
// commissioner to set the CASE failsafe timer to a small value (ex. 30s) when the regular failsafe timer is set
// to a larger value to accommodate user interaction during setup (network credential selection, user consent
// after device attestation).
const Optional<uint16_t> GetCASEFailsafeTimerSeconds() const { return mCASEFailsafeTimerSeconds; }
// The location (indoor/outdoor) of the node being commissioned.
// The node regulartory location (indoor/outdoor) should be set by the commissioner explicitly as it may be different than the
// location of the commissioner. This location will be set on the node if the node supports configurable regulatory location
// (from GetLocationCapability - see below). If the regulatory location is not supplied, this will fall back to the location in
// GetDefaultRegulatoryLocation and then to Outdoor (most restrictive).
// This value should be set before calling PerformCommissioningStep for the kConfigRegulatory step.
const Optional<app::Clusters::GeneralCommissioning::RegulatoryLocationTypeEnum> GetDeviceRegulatoryLocation() const
return mDeviceRegulatoryLocation;
// Value to determine whether the node supports Concurrent Connections as read from the GeneralCommissioning cluster.
// In the AutoCommissioner, this is automatically set from from the kReadCommissioningInfo2 stage.
Optional<bool> GetSupportsConcurrentConnection() const { return mSupportsConcurrentConnection; }
// The country code to be used for the node, if set.
Optional<CharSpan> GetCountryCode() const { return mCountryCode; }
// Time zone to set for the node
// If required, this will be truncated to fit the max size allowable on the node
Optional<app::DataModel::List<app::Clusters::TimeSynchronization::Structs::TimeZoneStruct::Type>> GetTimeZone() const
return mTimeZone;
// DST offset list. If required, this will be truncated to fit the max size allowable on the node
// DST list will only be sent if the commissionee requires DST offsets, as indicated in the SetTimeZone response
Optional<app::DataModel::List<app::Clusters::TimeSynchronization::Structs::DSTOffsetStruct::Type>> GetDSTOffsets() const
return mDSTOffsets;
// Default NTP to set on the node if supported and required
// Default implementation will not overide a value already set on the commissionee
// TODO: Add a force option?
Optional<app::DataModel::Nullable<CharSpan>> GetDefaultNTP() const { return mDefaultNTP; }
// Trusted time source
// Default implementation will not override a value already set on the commissionee
// TODO: Add a force option?
GetTrustedTimeSource() const
return mTrustedTimeSource;
// Nonce sent to the node to use during the CSR request.
// When using the AutoCommissioner, this value will be ignored in favour of the value supplied by the
// OperationalCredentialsDelegate ObtainCsrNonce function. If the credential delegate is not supplied, the value supplied here
// will be used. If neither is supplied random value will be used as a fallback.
// This value must be set before calling PerformCommissioningStep for the kSendOpCertSigningRequest step.
const Optional<ByteSpan> GetCSRNonce() const { return mCSRNonce; }
// Nonce value sent to the node to use during the attestation request.
// When using the AutoCommissioner, this value will fall back to random if not supplied.
// If a non-random value is to be used, the value must be set before calling PerformCommissioningStep for the
// kSendAttestationRequest step.
const Optional<ByteSpan> GetAttestationNonce() const { return mAttestationNonce; }
// WiFi SSID and credentials to use when adding/updating and enabling WiFi on the node.
// This value must be set before calling PerformCommissioningStep for the kWiFiNetworkSetup or kWiFiNetworkEnable steps.
const Optional<WiFiCredentials> GetWiFiCredentials() const { return mWiFiCreds; }
// Thread operational dataset to use when adding/updating and enabling the thread network on the node.
// This value must be set before calling PerformCommissioningStep for the kThreadNetworkSetup or kThreadNetworkEnable steps.
const Optional<ByteSpan> GetThreadOperationalDataset() const { return mThreadOperationalDataset; }
// The NOCSR parameters (elements and signature) returned from the node. In the AutoCommissioner, this is set using the data
// returned from the kSendOpCertSigningRequest stage.
// This value must be set before calling PerformCommissioningStep for the kGenerateNOCChain step.
const Optional<NOCChainGenerationParameters> GetNOCChainGenerationParameters() const { return mNOCChainGenerationParameters; }
// The root certificate for the operational certificate chain. In the auto commissioner, this is set by by the kGenerateNOCChain
// stage through the OperationalCredentialsDelegate.
// This value must be set before calling PerformCommissioningStep for the kSendTrustedRootCert step.
const Optional<ByteSpan> GetRootCert() const { return mRootCert; }
// The node operational certificate for the node being commissioned. In the AutoCommissioner, this is set by by the
// kGenerateNOCChain stage through the OperationalCredentialsDelegate.
// This value must be set before calling PerformCommissioningStep for the kSendNOC step.
// This value must also be set before calling PerformCommissioningStep for the kSendTrustedRootCert step, as it is used to set
// the node id in the DeviceProxy.
const Optional<ByteSpan> GetNoc() const { return mNoc; }
// The intermediate certificate for the node being commissioned. In the AutoCommissioner, this is set by by the
// kGenerateNOCChain stage through the OperationalCredentialsDelegate.
// This value should be set before calling PerformCommissioningStep for the kSendNOC step.
const Optional<ByteSpan> GetIcac() const { return mIcac; }
// Epoch key for the identity protection key for the node being commissioned. In the AutoCommissioner, this is set by by the
// kGenerateNOCChain stage through the OperationalCredentialsDelegate.
// This value must be set before calling PerformCommissioningStep for the kSendNOC step.
const Optional<IdentityProtectionKeySpan> GetIpk() const
return mIpk.HasValue() ? Optional<IdentityProtectionKeySpan>(mIpk.Value().Span()) : Optional<IdentityProtectionKeySpan>();
// Admin subject id used for the case access control entry created if the AddNOC command succeeds. In the AutoCommissioner, this
// is set by by the kGenerateNOCChain stage through the OperationalCredentialsDelegate.
// This must be set before calling PerformCommissioningStep for the kSendNOC step.
const Optional<NodeId> GetAdminSubject() const { return mAdminSubject; }
// Attestation elements from the node. These are obtained from node in response to the AttestationRequest command. In the
// AutoCommissioner, this is automatically set from the report from the kSendAttestationRequest stage.
// This must be set before calling PerformCommissioningStep for the kAttestationVerification step.
const Optional<ByteSpan> GetAttestationElements() const { return mAttestationElements; }
// Attestation signature from the node. This is obtained from node in response to the AttestationRequest command. In the
// AutoCommissioner, this is automatically set from the report from the kSendAttestationRequest stage.
// This must be set before calling PerformCommissioningStep for the kAttestationVerification step.
const Optional<ByteSpan> GetAttestationSignature() const { return mAttestationSignature; }
// Product attestation intermediate certificate from the node. This is obtained from the node in response to the
// CertificateChainRequest command for the PAI. In the AutoCommissioner, this is automatically set from the report from the
// kSendPAICertificateRequest stage.
// This must be set before calling PerformCommissioningStep for the kAttestationVerificationstep.
const Optional<ByteSpan> GetPAI() const { return mPAI; }
// Device attestation certificate from the node. This is obtained from the node in response to the CertificateChainRequest
// command for the DAC. In the AutoCommissioner, this is automatically set from the report from the kSendDACCertificateRequest
// stage.
// This must be set before calling PerformCommissioningStep for the kAttestationVerification step.
const Optional<ByteSpan> GetDAC() const { return mDAC; }
// Node ID when a matching fabric is found in the Node Operational Credentials cluster.
// In the AutoCommissioner, this is set from kReadCommissioningInfo stage.
const Optional<NodeId> GetRemoteNodeId() const { return mRemoteNodeId; }
// Node vendor ID from the basic information cluster. In the AutoCommissioner, this is automatically set from report from the
// kReadCommissioningInfo stage.
// This must be set before calling PerformCommissioningStep for the kAttestationVerification step.
const Optional<VendorId> GetRemoteVendorId() const { return mRemoteVendorId; }
// Node product ID from the basic information cluster. In the AutoCommissioner, this is automatically set from report from the
// kReadCommissioningInfo stage.
// This must be set before calling PerformCommissioningStep for the kAttestationVerification step.
const Optional<uint16_t> GetRemoteProductId() const { return mRemoteProductId; }
// Default regulatory location set by the node, as read from the GeneralCommissioning cluster. In the AutoCommissioner, this is
// automatically set from report from the kReadCommissioningInfo stage.
// This should be set before calling PerformCommissioningStep for the kConfigRegulatory step.
const Optional<app::Clusters::GeneralCommissioning::RegulatoryLocationTypeEnum> GetDefaultRegulatoryLocation() const
return mDefaultRegulatoryLocation;
// Location capabilities of the node, as read from the GeneralCommissioning cluster. In the AutoCommissioner, this is
// automatically set from report from the kReadCommissioningInfo stage.
// This should be set before calling PerformCommissioningStep for the kConfigRegulatory step.
const Optional<app::Clusters::GeneralCommissioning::RegulatoryLocationTypeEnum> GetLocationCapability() const
return mLocationCapability;
// Status to send when calling CommissioningComplete on the PairingDelegate during the kCleanup step. The AutoCommissioner uses
// this to pass through any error messages received during commissioning.
const CompletionStatus & GetCompletionStatus() const { return completionStatus; }
CommissioningParameters & SetFailsafeTimerSeconds(uint16_t seconds)
return *this;
CommissioningParameters & SetCASEFailsafeTimerSeconds(uint16_t seconds)
return *this;
CommissioningParameters & SetDeviceRegulatoryLocation(app::Clusters::GeneralCommissioning::RegulatoryLocationTypeEnum location)
return *this;
CommissioningParameters & SetSupportsConcurrentConnection(bool concurrentConnection)
return *this;
// The lifetime of the buffer countryCode is pointing to should exceed the
// lifetime of CommissioningParameters object.
CommissioningParameters & SetCountryCode(CharSpan countryCode)
return *this;
// The lifetime of the list buffer needs to exceed the lifetime of the CommissioningParameters object.
CommissioningParameters &
SetTimeZone(app::DataModel::List<app::Clusters::TimeSynchronization::Structs::TimeZoneStruct::Type> timeZone)
return *this;
// The lifetime of the list buffer needs to exceed the lifetime of the CommissioningParameters object.
CommissioningParameters &
SetDSTOffsets(app::DataModel::List<app::Clusters::TimeSynchronization::Structs::DSTOffsetStruct::Type> dstOffsets)
return *this;
// The lifetime of the char span needs to exceed the lifetime of the CommissioningParameters
CommissioningParameters & SetDefaultNTP(app::DataModel::Nullable<CharSpan> defaultNTP)
return *this;
CommissioningParameters & SetTrustedTimeSource(
return *this;
// The lifetime of the buffer csrNonce is pointing to, should exceed the lifetime of CommissioningParameters object.
CommissioningParameters & SetCSRNonce(ByteSpan csrNonce)
return *this;
// The lifetime of the buffer attestationNonce is pointing to, should exceed the lifetime of CommissioningParameters object.
CommissioningParameters & SetAttestationNonce(ByteSpan attestationNonce)
return *this;
CommissioningParameters & SetWiFiCredentials(WiFiCredentials wifiCreds)
return *this;
// If a ThreadOperationalDataset is provided, then the ThreadNetworkScan will not be attempted
CommissioningParameters & SetThreadOperationalDataset(ByteSpan threadOperationalDataset)
mAttemptThreadNetworkScan = MakeOptional(static_cast<bool>(false));
return *this;
// This parameter should be set with the information returned from kSendOpCertSigningRequest. It must be set before calling
// kGenerateNOCChain.
CommissioningParameters & SetNOCChainGenerationParameters(const NOCChainGenerationParameters & params)
return *this;
// Root certs can be generated from the kGenerateNOCChain step. This must be set before calling kSendTrustedRootCert.
CommissioningParameters & SetRootCert(const ByteSpan & rcac)
return *this;
// NOC and intermediate cert can be generated from the kGenerateNOCChain step. NOC must be set before calling
// kSendTrustedRootCert. ICAC and NOC must be set before calling kSendNOC
CommissioningParameters & SetNoc(const ByteSpan & noc)
return *this;
CommissioningParameters & SetIcac(const ByteSpan & icac)
return *this;
CommissioningParameters & SetIpk(const IdentityProtectionKeySpan ipk)
return *this;
CommissioningParameters & SetAdminSubject(const NodeId adminSubject)
return *this;
CommissioningParameters & SetAttestationElements(const ByteSpan & attestationElements)
mAttestationElements = MakeOptional(attestationElements);
return *this;
CommissioningParameters & SetAttestationSignature(const ByteSpan & attestationSignature)
mAttestationSignature = MakeOptional(attestationSignature);
return *this;
CommissioningParameters & SetPAI(const ByteSpan & pai)
mPAI = MakeOptional(pai);
return *this;
CommissioningParameters & SetDAC(const ByteSpan & dac)
mDAC = MakeOptional(dac);
return *this;
CommissioningParameters & SetRemoteNodeId(NodeId id)
mRemoteNodeId = MakeOptional(id);
return *this;
CommissioningParameters & SetRemoteVendorId(VendorId id)
mRemoteVendorId = MakeOptional(id);
return *this;
CommissioningParameters & SetRemoteProductId(uint16_t id)
mRemoteProductId = MakeOptional(id);
return *this;
CommissioningParameters & SetDefaultRegulatoryLocation(app::Clusters::GeneralCommissioning::RegulatoryLocationTypeEnum location)
mDefaultRegulatoryLocation = MakeOptional(location);
return *this;
CommissioningParameters & SetLocationCapability(app::Clusters::GeneralCommissioning::RegulatoryLocationTypeEnum capability)
mLocationCapability = MakeOptional(capability);
return *this;
void SetCompletionStatus(const CompletionStatus & status) { completionStatus = status; }
CommissioningParameters & SetDeviceAttestationDelegate(Credentials::DeviceAttestationDelegate * deviceAttestationDelegate)
mDeviceAttestationDelegate = deviceAttestationDelegate;
return *this;
Credentials::DeviceAttestationDelegate * GetDeviceAttestationDelegate() const { return mDeviceAttestationDelegate; }
// If an SSID is provided, and AttemptWiFiNetworkScan is true,
// then a directed scan will be performed using the SSID provided in the WiFiCredentials object
Optional<bool> GetAttemptWiFiNetworkScan() const { return mAttemptWiFiNetworkScan; }
CommissioningParameters & SetAttemptWiFiNetworkScan(bool attemptWiFiNetworkScan)
mAttemptWiFiNetworkScan = MakeOptional(attemptWiFiNetworkScan);
return *this;
// If a ThreadOperationalDataset is provided, then the ThreadNetworkScan will not be attempted
Optional<bool> GetAttemptThreadNetworkScan() const { return mAttemptThreadNetworkScan; }
CommissioningParameters & SetAttemptThreadNetworkScan(bool attemptThreadNetworkScan)
if (!mThreadOperationalDataset.HasValue())
mAttemptThreadNetworkScan = MakeOptional(attemptThreadNetworkScan);
return *this;
// Only perform the PASE steps of commissioning.
// Commissioning will be completed by another admin on the network.
Optional<bool> GetSkipCommissioningComplete() const { return mSkipCommissioningComplete; }
CommissioningParameters & SetSkipCommissioningComplete(bool skipCommissioningComplete)
mSkipCommissioningComplete = MakeOptional(skipCommissioningComplete);
return *this;
// Check for matching fabric on target device by reading fabric list and looking for a
// fabricId and RootCert match. If a match is detected, then use GetNodeId() to
// access the nodeId for the device on the matching fabric.
bool GetCheckForMatchingFabric() const { return mCheckForMatchingFabric; }
CommissioningParameters & SetCheckForMatchingFabric(bool checkForMatchingFabric)
mCheckForMatchingFabric = checkForMatchingFabric;
return *this;
ICDRegistrationStrategy GetICDRegistrationStrategy() const { return mICDRegistrationStrategy; }
CommissioningParameters & SetICDRegistrationStrategy(ICDRegistrationStrategy icdRegistrationStrategy)
mICDRegistrationStrategy = icdRegistrationStrategy;
return *this;
Optional<NodeId> GetICDCheckInNodeId() const { return mICDCheckInNodeId; }
CommissioningParameters & SetICDCheckInNodeId(NodeId icdCheckInNodeId)
mICDCheckInNodeId = MakeOptional(icdCheckInNodeId);
return *this;
Optional<uint64_t> GetICDMonitoredSubject() const { return mICDMonitoredSubject; }
CommissioningParameters & SetICDMonitoredSubject(uint64_t icdMonitoredSubject)
mICDMonitoredSubject = MakeOptional(icdMonitoredSubject);
return *this;
Optional<ByteSpan> GetICDSymmetricKey() const { return mICDSymmetricKey; }
CommissioningParameters & SetICDSymmetricKey(ByteSpan icdSymmetricKey)
mICDSymmetricKey = MakeOptional(icdSymmetricKey);
return *this;
// Clear all members that depend on some sort of external buffer. Can be
// used to make sure that we are not holding any dangling pointers.
void ClearExternalBufferDependentValues()
// Items that can be set by the commissioner
Optional<uint16_t> mFailsafeTimerSeconds;
Optional<uint16_t> mCASEFailsafeTimerSeconds;
Optional<app::Clusters::GeneralCommissioning::RegulatoryLocationTypeEnum> mDeviceRegulatoryLocation;
Optional<app::DataModel::List<app::Clusters::TimeSynchronization::Structs::TimeZoneStruct::Type>> mTimeZone;
Optional<app::DataModel::List<app::Clusters::TimeSynchronization::Structs::DSTOffsetStruct::Type>> mDSTOffsets;
Optional<app::DataModel::Nullable<CharSpan>> mDefaultNTP;
Optional<ByteSpan> mCSRNonce;
Optional<ByteSpan> mAttestationNonce;
Optional<WiFiCredentials> mWiFiCreds;
Optional<CharSpan> mCountryCode;
Optional<ByteSpan> mThreadOperationalDataset;
Optional<NOCChainGenerationParameters> mNOCChainGenerationParameters;
Optional<ByteSpan> mRootCert;
Optional<ByteSpan> mNoc;
Optional<ByteSpan> mIcac;
Optional<IdentityProtectionKey> mIpk;
Optional<NodeId> mAdminSubject;
// Items that come from the device in commissioning steps
Optional<ByteSpan> mAttestationElements;
Optional<ByteSpan> mAttestationSignature;
Optional<ByteSpan> mPAI;
Optional<ByteSpan> mDAC;
Optional<NodeId> mRemoteNodeId;
Optional<VendorId> mRemoteVendorId;
Optional<uint16_t> mRemoteProductId;
Optional<app::Clusters::GeneralCommissioning::RegulatoryLocationTypeEnum> mDefaultRegulatoryLocation;
Optional<app::Clusters::GeneralCommissioning::RegulatoryLocationTypeEnum> mLocationCapability;
Optional<bool> mSupportsConcurrentConnection;
CompletionStatus completionStatus;
Credentials::DeviceAttestationDelegate * mDeviceAttestationDelegate =
nullptr; // Delegate to handle device attestation failures during commissioning
Optional<bool> mAttemptWiFiNetworkScan;
Optional<bool> mAttemptThreadNetworkScan; // This automatically gets set to false when a ThreadOperationalDataset is set
Optional<bool> mSkipCommissioningComplete;
Optional<NodeId> mICDCheckInNodeId;
Optional<uint64_t> mICDMonitoredSubject;
Optional<ByteSpan> mICDSymmetricKey;
ICDRegistrationStrategy mICDRegistrationStrategy = ICDRegistrationStrategy::kIgnore;
bool mCheckForMatchingFabric = false;
struct RequestedCertificate
RequestedCertificate(ByteSpan newCertificate) : certificate(newCertificate) {}
ByteSpan certificate;
struct AttestationResponse
AttestationResponse(ByteSpan newAttestationElements, ByteSpan newSignature) :
attestationElements(newAttestationElements), signature(newSignature)
ByteSpan attestationElements;
ByteSpan signature;
struct CSRResponse
CSRResponse(ByteSpan elements, ByteSpan newSignature) : nocsrElements(elements), signature(newSignature) {}
ByteSpan nocsrElements;
ByteSpan signature;
struct NocChain
NocChain(ByteSpan newNoc, ByteSpan newIcac, ByteSpan newRcac, IdentityProtectionKeySpan newIpk, NodeId newAdminSubject) :
noc(newNoc), icac(newIcac), rcac(newRcac), ipk(newIpk), adminSubject(newAdminSubject)
ByteSpan noc;
ByteSpan icac;
ByteSpan rcac;
IdentityProtectionKeySpan ipk;
NodeId adminSubject;
struct OperationalNodeFoundData
OperationalNodeFoundData(OperationalDeviceProxy proxy) : operationalProxy(proxy) {}
OperationalDeviceProxy operationalProxy;
struct NetworkClusterInfo
EndpointId endpoint = kInvalidEndpointId;
app::Clusters::NetworkCommissioning::Attributes::ConnectMaxTimeSeconds::TypeInfo::DecodableType minConnectionTime;
struct NetworkClusters
NetworkClusterInfo wifi;
NetworkClusterInfo thread;
NetworkClusterInfo eth;
struct BasicClusterInfo
VendorId vendorId = VendorId::Common;
uint16_t productId = 0;
struct GeneralCommissioningInfo
uint64_t breadcrumb = 0;
uint16_t recommendedFailsafe = 0;
app::Clusters::GeneralCommissioning::RegulatoryLocationTypeEnum currentRegulatoryLocation =
app::Clusters::GeneralCommissioning::RegulatoryLocationTypeEnum locationCapability =
// ICDManagementClusterInfo is populated when the controller reads information from
// the ICD Management cluster, and is used to communicate that information.
struct ICDManagementClusterInfo
// Whether the ICD is capable of functioning as a LIT device. If false, the ICD can only be a SIT device.
bool isLIT;
// Whether the ICD supports the check-in protocol. LIT devices have to support it, but SIT devices
// might or might not.
bool checkInProtocolSupport;
// userActiveModeTriggerHint indicates which user action(s) will trigger the ICD to switch to Active mode.
// For a LIT: The device is required to provide a value for the bitmap.
// For a SIT: The device may not provide a value. In that case, none of the bits will be set.
// userActiveModeTriggerInstruction may provide additional information for users for some specific
// userActiveModeTriggerHint values.
BitMask<app::Clusters::IcdManagement::UserActiveModeTriggerBitmap> userActiveModeTriggerHint;
CharSpan userActiveModeTriggerInstruction;
struct ReadCommissioningInfo
NetworkClusters network;
BasicClusterInfo basic;
GeneralCommissioningInfo general;
bool requiresUTC = false;
bool requiresTimeZone = false;
bool requiresDefaultNTP = false;
bool requiresTrustedTimeSource = false;
uint8_t maxTimeZoneSize = 1;
uint8_t maxDSTSize = 1;
NodeId remoteNodeId = kUndefinedNodeId;
bool supportsConcurrentConnection = true;
ICDManagementClusterInfo icd;
struct TimeZoneResponseInfo
bool requiresDSTOffsets;
struct AttestationErrorInfo
AttestationErrorInfo(Credentials::AttestationVerificationResult result) : attestationResult(result) {}
Credentials::AttestationVerificationResult attestationResult;
struct CommissioningErrorInfo
CommissioningErrorInfo(app::Clusters::GeneralCommissioning::CommissioningErrorEnum result) : commissioningError(result) {}
app::Clusters::GeneralCommissioning::CommissioningErrorEnum commissioningError;
struct NetworkCommissioningStatusInfo
NetworkCommissioningStatusInfo(app::Clusters::NetworkCommissioning::NetworkCommissioningStatusEnum result) :
app::Clusters::NetworkCommissioning::NetworkCommissioningStatusEnum networkCommissioningStatus;
class CommissioningDelegate
virtual ~CommissioningDelegate(){};
/* CommissioningReport is returned after each commissioning step is completed. The reports for each step are:
* kReadCommissioningInfo: Reported together with ReadCommissioningInfo2
* kReadCommissioningInfo2: ReadCommissioningInfo
* kArmFailsafe: CommissioningErrorInfo if there is an error
* kConfigRegulatory: CommissioningErrorInfo if there is an error
* kConfigureUTCTime: None
* kConfigureTimeZone: TimeZoneResponseInfo
* kConfigureDSTOffset: None
* kConfigureDefaultNTP: None
* kSendPAICertificateRequest: RequestedCertificate
* kSendDACCertificateRequest: RequestedCertificate
* kSendAttestationRequest: AttestationResponse
* kAttestationVerification: AttestationErrorInfo if there is an error
* kSendOpCertSigningRequest: CSRResponse
* kGenerateNOCChain: NocChain
* kSendTrustedRootCert: None
* kSendNOC: none
* kConfigureTrustedTimeSource: None
* kWiFiNetworkSetup: NetworkCommissioningStatusInfo if there is an error
* kThreadNetworkSetup: NetworkCommissioningStatusInfo if there is an error
* kWiFiNetworkEnable: NetworkCommissioningStatusInfo if there is an error
* kThreadNetworkEnable: NetworkCommissioningStatusInfo if there is an error
* kFindOperational: OperationalNodeFoundData
* kSendComplete: CommissioningErrorInfo if there is an error
* kCleanup: none
struct CommissioningReport
: Variant<RequestedCertificate, AttestationResponse, CSRResponse, NocChain, OperationalNodeFoundData, ReadCommissioningInfo,
AttestationErrorInfo, CommissioningErrorInfo, NetworkCommissioningStatusInfo, TimeZoneResponseInfo>
CommissioningReport() : stageCompleted(CommissioningStage::kError) {}
CommissioningStage stageCompleted;
virtual CHIP_ERROR SetCommissioningParameters(const CommissioningParameters & params) = 0;
virtual const CommissioningParameters & GetCommissioningParameters() const = 0;
virtual void SetOperationalCredentialsDelegate(OperationalCredentialsDelegate * operationalCredentialsDelegate) = 0;
virtual CHIP_ERROR StartCommissioning(DeviceCommissioner * commissioner, CommissioneeDeviceProxy * proxy) = 0;
virtual CHIP_ERROR CommissioningStepFinished(CHIP_ERROR err, CommissioningReport report) = 0;
} // namespace Controller
} // namespace chip