blob: 8de5b2344432102fae338b9b1e93d23074f21775 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2021 Project CHIP Authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include <type_traits>
#include <controller/CHIPDeviceController.h>
namespace chip {
namespace python {
static constexpr ClusterStatus kUndefinedClusterStatus = 0xFF;
// This needs to match the python definition that uses the same name.
struct PyCommandPath
chip::EndpointId endpointId;
chip::ClusterId clusterId;
chip::CommandId commandId;
// This needs to match the python definition that uses the same name.
struct PyInvokeRequestData
PyCommandPath commandPath;
void * tlvData;
size_t tlvLength;
// This needs to match the python definition that uses the same name.
struct PyAttributePath
chip::EndpointId endpointId;
chip::ClusterId clusterId;
chip::AttributeId attributeId;
chip::DataVersion dataVersion;
uint8_t hasDataVersion;
// This needs to match the python definition that uses the same name.
struct PyWriteAttributeData
PyAttributePath attributePath;
void * tlvData;
size_t tlvLength;
struct TestOnlyPyBatchCommandsOverrides
// When max paths per invoke override value is set to 0, we will not use
// it as an override. Otherwise, this value will be provided to the
// CommandSender as the remote node's maximum paths.
uint16_t overrideRemoteMaxPathsPerInvoke;
bool suppressTimedRequestMessage;
uint16_t * overrideCommandRefsList;
size_t overrideCommandRefsListLength;
struct TestOnlyPyOnDoneInfo
size_t responseMessageCount;
} // namespace python
namespace Controller {
// The command status will be used for python script.
// use packed attribute so we can unpack it from python and no need to worry about padding.
// This struct needs to match the IMCommandStatus definition in
struct __attribute__((packed)) CommandStatus
Protocols::InteractionModel::Status status;
chip::ClusterStatus clusterStatus;
chip::EndpointId endpointId;
chip::ClusterId clusterId;
chip::CommandId commandId;
uint8_t commandIndex;
static_assert(std::is_same<chip::EndpointId, uint16_t>::value && std::is_same<chip::ClusterId, uint32_t>::value &&
std::is_same<chip::CommandId, uint32_t>::value,
"Members in CommandStatus does not match interaction_model/");
static_assert(sizeof(CommandStatus) == 1 + 1 + 2 + 4 + 4 + 1, "Size of CommandStatus might contain padding");
struct __attribute__((packed)) AttributePath
chip::EndpointId endpointId;
chip::ClusterId clusterId;
chip::FieldId fieldId;
static_assert(std::is_same<chip::EndpointId, uint16_t>::value && std::is_same<chip::ClusterId, uint32_t>::value &&
std::is_same<chip::FieldId, uint32_t>::value,
"Members in AttributePath does not match interaction_model/");
static_assert(sizeof(AttributePath) == 2 + 4 + 4, "AttributePath might contain padding");
// This struct needs to match the IMWriteStatus definition in
struct __attribute__((packed)) AttributeWriteStatus
chip::NodeId nodeId;
uint64_t appIdentifier;
Protocols::InteractionModel::Status status;
chip::EndpointId endpointId;
chip::ClusterId clusterId;
chip::FieldId fieldId;
static_assert(std::is_same<chip::EndpointId, uint16_t>::value && std::is_same<chip::ClusterId, uint32_t>::value &&
std::is_same<chip::FieldId, uint32_t>::value,
"Members in AttributeWriteStatus does not match interaction_model/");
static_assert(sizeof(AttributeWriteStatus) == 8 + 8 + 1 + 2 + 4 + 4, "Size of AttributeWriteStatus might contain padding");
extern "C" {
typedef void (*PythonInteractionModelDelegate_OnCommandResponseStatusCodeReceivedFunct)(uint64_t commandSenderPtr,
void * commandStatusBuf,
uint32_t commandStatusBufLen);
typedef void (*PythonInteractionModelDelegate_OnCommandResponseProtocolErrorFunct)(uint64_t commandSenderPtr, uint8_t commandIndex);
typedef void (*PythonInteractionModelDelegate_OnCommandResponseFunct)(uint64_t commandSenderPtr, uint32_t error);
typedef void (*PythonInteractionModelDelegate_OnWriteResponseStatusFunct)(void * writeStatusBuf, uint32_t writeStatusBufLen);
void pychip_InteractionModelDelegate_SetCommandResponseStatusCallback(
PythonInteractionModelDelegate_OnCommandResponseStatusCodeReceivedFunct f);
void pychip_InteractionModelDelegate_SetCommandResponseProtocolErrorCallback(
PythonInteractionModelDelegate_OnCommandResponseProtocolErrorFunct f);
void pychip_InteractionModelDelegate_SetCommandResponseErrorCallback(PythonInteractionModelDelegate_OnCommandResponseFunct f);
void pychip_InteractionModelDelegate_SetOnWriteResponseStatusCallback(PythonInteractionModelDelegate_OnWriteResponseStatusFunct f);
} // namespace Controller
} // namespace chip