blob: eefe61f172ee15f62004606c0a0915cb28710e35 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2022 Project CHIP Authors
# All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import typing
from dataclasses import dataclass
from chip.clusters.enum import MatterIntEnum
from chip.clusters.Types import Nullable, NullValue
from chip.tlv import float32, uint
from chip.yaml.errors import ValidationError
from matter_idl import matter_idl_types
class _TargetTypeInfo:
field: typing.Union[list[matter_idl_types.Field], matter_idl_types.Field]
is_fabric_scoped: bool
def _case_insensitive_getattr(object, attr_name, default):
for attr in dir(object):
if attr.lower() == attr_name.lower():
return getattr(object, attr)
return default
def _get_target_type_info(test_spec_definition, cluster_name, target_name) -> _TargetTypeInfo:
element = test_spec_definition.get_type_by_name(cluster_name, target_name)
if hasattr(element, 'fields'):
is_fabric_scoped = test_spec_definition.is_fabric_scoped(element)
return _TargetTypeInfo(element.fields, is_fabric_scoped)
return _TargetTypeInfo(None, False)
def from_data_model_to_test_definition(test_spec_definition, cluster_name, response_definition,
response_value, is_fabric_scoped=False):
'''Converts value from data model to definitions provided in test_spec_definition.
'test_spec_definition': The spec cluster definition used by the test parser.
'cluster_name': Used when we need to look up information in 'test_spec_definition'.
'response_definition': Type we are converting 'response_value' to. This will be one of
two types: list[idl.matter_idl_types.Field] or idl.matter_idl_types.Field
'response_value': Response value that we want to convert to
if response_value is None:
return response_value
# We first check to see if response_definition is list[idl.matter_idl_types.Field]. When we
# have list[idl.matter_idl_types.Field] that means we have a structure with multiple fields
# that need to be worked through recursively to properly convert the value to the right type.
if isinstance(response_definition, list):
rv = {}
# is_fabric_scoped will only be relevant for struct types, hence why it is only checked
# here.
if is_fabric_scoped:
rv['FabricIndex'] = _case_insensitive_getattr(response_value, 'fabricIndex', None)
for item in response_definition:
value = _case_insensitive_getattr(response_value,, None)
if item.is_optional and value is None:
rv[] = from_data_model_to_test_definition(test_spec_definition, cluster_name,
item, value)
return rv
# We convert uint to python int because constraints first check that it is an expected type.
response_value_type = type(response_value)
if response_value_type == uint:
return int(response_value)
if response_definition is None:
return response_value
if response_value is NullValue:
return None
# For single float values types there seems to be a floating precision issue. By using '%g'
# it naturally give 6 most significat digits for us which is the amount of prcision we are
# looking for to give parity results to what chip-tool was getting (For TestCluster.yaml it
# give value back of `0.100000`.
if response_value_type == float32 and == 'single':
return float('%g' % response_value)
target_type_info = _get_target_type_info(test_spec_definition, cluster_name,
response_sub_definition = target_type_info.field
is_sub_definition_fabric_scoped = target_type_info.is_fabric_scoped
# Check below is to see if the field itself is an array, for example array of ints.
if response_definition.is_list:
return [
from_data_model_to_test_definition(test_spec_definition, cluster_name,
response_sub_definition, item,
is_sub_definition_fabric_scoped) for item in response_value
return from_data_model_to_test_definition(test_spec_definition, cluster_name,
response_sub_definition, response_value,
def convert_list_of_name_value_pair_to_dict(arg_values):
'''Converts list of dict with items with keys 'name' and 'value' into single dict.
The test step contains a list of arguments that have multiple properties other than
'name' and 'value'. For the purposes of executing a test all these other attributes are not
important. We only want a simple dictionary of a new key/value where with the key being the
value of the 'name' field, and the value being 'value' field.
ret_value = {}
for item in arg_values:
ret_value[item['name']] = item['value']
return ret_value
def convert_to_data_model_type(field_value, field_type):
'''Converts value to provided data model pythonic object type.
The values provided by parser does not line up to the python data model for the various
command/attribute/event object types. This function converts 'field_value' to the provided
'field_value': Value as extracted by YAML parser.
'field_type': Pythonic command/attribute/event object type that we are converting value to.
origin = typing.get_origin(field_type)
if field_value is None:
field_value = NullValue
if (origin == typing.Union or origin == typing.Optional or origin == Nullable):
underlying_field_type = None
if field_value is NullValue:
for t in typing.get_args(field_type):
if t == Nullable:
return field_value
for t in typing.get_args(field_type):
# Comparison below explicitly not using 'isinstance' as that doesn't do what we want.
# type_none is simple hack for Flake8 E721
type_none = type(None)
if t != Nullable and t != type_none:
underlying_field_type = t
if (underlying_field_type is None):
raise ValueError(f"Can't find the underling type for {field_type}")
field_type = underlying_field_type
# Dictionary represents a data model struct.
if (type(field_value) is dict):
return_field_value = {}
field_descriptors = field_type.descriptor
for item in field_value:
# We search for a matching item in the list of field descriptors
# for this struct and ensure we can find a field with a matching
# label.
field_descriptor = next(
x for x in field_descriptors.Fields if x.Label.lower() ==
except StopIteration:
raise ValidationError(
f'Did not find field "{item}" in {str(field_type)}') from None
return_field_value[field_descriptor.Label] = convert_to_data_model_type(
field_value[item], field_descriptor.Type)
return return_field_value
elif (type(field_value) is float):
return float32(field_value)
# list represents a data model list
elif (type(field_value) is list):
list_element_type = typing.get_args(field_type)[0]
# The field type passed in is the type of the list element and not list[T].
for idx, item in enumerate(field_value):
field_value[idx] = convert_to_data_model_type(item, list_element_type)
return field_value
# YAML conversion treats all numbers as ints. Convert to a uint type if the schema
# type indicates so.
elif (field_type == uint):
# Longer number are stored as strings. Need to make this conversion first.
value = int(field_value)
return field_type(value)
# YAML treats enums as ints. Convert to the typed enum class.
elif (issubclass(field_type, MatterIntEnum)):
return field_type.extend_enum_if_value_doesnt_exist(field_value)
# By default, just return the field_value casted to field_type.
return field_type(field_value)