blob: 9b73078886a49248e899f4f8eff0a5d2cf8bcb65 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2020 Project CHIP Authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @file
* This file contains definitions for Callback objects for registering with
* Clusters and the Device
#pragma once
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <lib/core/CHIPConfig.h>
namespace chip {
namespace Callback {
* @class Cancelable
* Private members of a Callback for use by subsystems that accept
* Callbacks for event registration/notification.
class Cancelable
typedef void (*CancelFn)(Cancelable *);
* @brief for use by Callback callees, i.e. those that accept callbacks for
* event registration. The names suggest how to use these members, but
* implementations can choose.
Cancelable * mNext;
Cancelable * mPrev;
// using this field to opt into having it (and the resulting memory bloat)
// while allowing everyone else to save the memory.
alignas(uint64_t) char mInfo[24];
* @brief when non-null, indicates the Callback is registered with
* a subsystem and that Cancelable members belong to
* that subsystem
CancelFn mCancel;
mNext = mPrev = this;
mCancel = nullptr;
* @brief run whatever function the callee/registrar has specified in order
* to clean up any resource allocation associated with the registration,
* and surrender ownership of the Cancelable's fields
Cancelable * Cancel()
if (mCancel != nullptr)
CancelFn cancel = mCancel;
mCancel = nullptr;
return this;
~Cancelable() { Cancel(); }
Cancelable(const Cancelable &) = delete;
typedef void (*CallFn)(void *);
* @class Callback
* Base struct used for registration of items of interest, includes
* memory for list management and storing information about the registration's
* meaning. Callback also defines cancellation.
* Callbacks can be registered with exactly one callee at a time. While
* registered (as indicated by a non-null mCancel function), all fields of
* the Callback save usercontext are "owned" by the callee, and should not
* be touched unless Cancel() has first been called.
* When a callee accepts a Callback for registration, step one is always Cancel(),
* in order to take ownership of Cancelable members next, prev, info_ptr, and info_scalar.
* This template class also defines a default notification function prototype.
* One-shot semantics can be accomplished by calling Cancel() before calling mCall.
* Persistent registration semantics would skip that.
* There is no provision for queueing data passed as arguments to a Callback's mCall
* function. If such a thing is required, the normal pattern is to take an output
* parameter at Callback registration time.
template <class T = CallFn>
class Callback : private Cancelable
* pointer to owner context, normally passed to the run function
void * mContext;
* where to call when the event of interest has occurred
T mCall;
* Indication that the Callback is registered with a notifier
bool IsRegistered() { return (mCancel != nullptr); }
* Cancel, i.e. de-register interest in the event,
* This is the only way to get access to the Cancelable, to enqueue,
* store any per-registration state.
* There are 3 primary use cases for this API:
* 1. For the owner of the Callback, Cancel() means "where-ever this Callback
* was put in a list or registered for an event, gimme back, remove interest".
* 2. To a new registrar, during a registration call, it means "hey cleanup any
* current registrations, let me use the internal fields of Cancelable
* to keep track of what the owner is interested in.
* 3. To any current registrar (i.e. when mCancel is non-null), Cancel() means:
* "remove this Callback from any internal lists and free any resources
* you've allocated to track the interest".
* For example: a sockets library with an API like Socket::Readable(Callback<> *cb)
* using an underlying persistent registration API with the OS (like epoll())
* might store the file descriptor and interest mask in the scalar, put the
* Callback in a list. Cancel() would dequeue the callback and remove
* the socket from the interest set
Cancelable * Cancel() { return Cancelable::Cancel(); }
* public constructor
Callback(T call, void * context) : mContext(context), mCall(call) { Cancelable(); }
* TODO: type-safety? It'd be nice if Cancelables that aren't Callbacks returned null
* here.
static Callback * FromCancelable(Cancelable * ca) { return static_cast<Callback *>(ca); }
* @brief core of a simple doubly-linked list Callback keeper-tracker-of
class CallbackDeque : public Cancelable
* @brief appends with overridden cancel function, in case the
* list change requires some other state update.
void Enqueue(Cancelable * ca, void (*cancel)(Cancelable *))
// add to a doubly-linked list, set cancel function
InsertBefore(ca, this, cancel);
* @brief appends
void Enqueue(Cancelable * ca) { Enqueue(ca, Dequeue); }
* @brief dequeue, but don't cancel, all cas that match the by()
void DequeueBy(bool (*by)(uint64_t, const Cancelable *), uint64_t p, Cancelable & dequeued)
for (Cancelable * ca = mNext; ca != this;)
Cancelable * next = ca->mNext;
if (by(p, ca))
_InsertBefore(ca, &dequeued);
ca = next;
* @brief insert the node in a queue in order, sorted by "sortby(a, b)"
* sortby(a, b) should return 1 if a > b, -1 if a < b and 0 if a == b
void InsertBy(Cancelable * ca, int (*sortby)(void *, const Cancelable *, const Cancelable *), void * p,
void (*cancel)(Cancelable *))
Cancelable * where; // node before which we need to insert
for (where = mNext; where != this; where = where->mNext)
if (sortby(p, ca, where) <= 0)
InsertBefore(ca, where, cancel);
void InsertBy(Cancelable * ca, int (*sortby)(void *, const Cancelable *, const Cancelable *), void * p)
InsertBy(ca, sortby, p, Dequeue);
* @brief insert the node in a the list at a specific point
void InsertBefore(Cancelable * ca, Cancelable * where, void (*cancel)(Cancelable *))
ca->Cancel(); // make doubly-sure we're not corrupting another list somewhere
ca->mCancel = cancel;
_InsertBefore(ca, where);
void InsertBefore(Cancelable * ca, Cancelable * where) { InsertBefore(ca, where, Dequeue); }
* @brief returns first item unless list is empty, otherwise returns NULL
Cancelable * First() { return (mNext != this) ? mNext : nullptr; }
* @brief Dequeue all, return in a stub. does not cancel the cas, as the list
* members are still in use
void DequeueAll(Cancelable & ready)
if (mNext != this)
ready.mNext = mNext;
ready.mPrev = mPrev;
ready.mPrev->mNext = &ready;
ready.mNext->mPrev = &ready;
mNext = mPrev = this;
* @brief dequeue but don't cancel, useful if
* immediately putting on another list
static void Dequeue(Cancelable * ca)
ca->mCancel = nullptr;
* @brief empty?
bool IsEmpty() { return mNext == this; }
static void _Dequeue(Cancelable * ca)
ca->mNext->mPrev = ca->mPrev;
ca->mPrev->mNext = ca->mNext;
ca->mNext = ca->mPrev = ca;
void _InsertBefore(Cancelable * ca, Cancelable * where)
ca->mPrev = where->mPrev;
where->mPrev->mNext = ca;
where->mPrev = ca;
ca->mNext = where;
} // namespace Callback
} // namespace chip