blob: 811499f3ff7fb2cbb9d50d34a0ffcd321b343af6 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2024 Project CHIP Authors
* All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include "service-area-cluster-objects.h"
#include "service-area-delegate.h"
#include <app-common/zap-generated/cluster-objects.h>
#include <app/AttributeAccessInterface.h>
#include <app/CommandHandlerInterface.h>
#include <app/ConcreteCommandPath.h>
#include <app/util/af-types.h>
#include <app/util/basic-types.h>
#include <app/util/config.h>
#include <lib/support/Span.h>
#include <platform/CHIPDeviceConfig.h>
namespace chip {
namespace app {
namespace Clusters {
namespace ServiceArea {
* Instance is a class that represents an instance of the generic Service Area cluster.
* It implements AttributeAccessInterface and CommandHandlerInterface so it can
* handle commands for any implementation of the location cluster.
* Custom implementations of the Service Area cluster override functions in the Delegate class
* must be provided to operate with specific devices.
class Instance : public AttributeAccessInterface, public CommandHandlerInterface
* @brief Creates a Service Area cluster instance. The Init() method needs to be called for this instance
* to be registered and called by the interaction model at the appropriate times.
* @param[in] aDelegate A pointer to the delegate to be used by this server.
* @param[in] aEndpointId The endpoint on which this cluster exists. This must match the zap configuration.
* @param[in] aFeature The supported features of this Service Area Cluster.
* @note the caller must ensure that the delegate lives throughout the instance's lifetime.
Instance(Delegate * aDelegate, EndpointId aEndpointId, BitMask<ServiceArea::Feature> aFeature);
~Instance() override;
* Stop this class objects from being copied.
Instance(const Instance &) = delete;
Instance & operator=(const Instance &) = delete;
* @brief Initialise the Service Area server instance.
* @return an error if the given endpoint and cluster Id have not been enabled in zap or if the
* CommandHandler or AttributeHandler registration fails, else CHIP_NO_ERROR.
Delegate * mDelegate;
EndpointId mEndpointId;
ClusterId mClusterId;
// Attribute Data Store
DataModel::Nullable<uint32_t> mCurrentArea;
DataModel::Nullable<uint32_t> mEstimatedEndTime;
BitMask<ServiceArea::Feature> mFeature;
// core functions
* @brief Read Attribute - inherited from AttributeAccessInterface.
* @return appropriately mapped CHIP_ERROR if applicable.
CHIP_ERROR Read(const ConcreteReadAttributePath & aPath, AttributeValueEncoder & aEncoder) override;
* @brief Command handler - inherited from CommandHandlerInterface.
* @param[in, out] ctx command context.
void InvokeCommand(HandlerContext & ctx) override;
// attribute readers
CHIP_ERROR ReadSupportedAreas(chip::app::AttributeValueEncoder & aEncoder);
CHIP_ERROR ReadSupportedMaps(chip::app::AttributeValueEncoder & aEncoder);
CHIP_ERROR ReadSelectedAreas(chip::app::AttributeValueEncoder & aEncoder);
CHIP_ERROR ReadProgress(chip::app::AttributeValueEncoder & aEncoder);
// command handlers
* @param[in, out] ctx Returns the Interaction Model status code which was user determined in the business logic.
* If the input value is invalid, returns the Interaction Model status code of INVALID_COMMAND.
* @param[in] req the command parameters.
void HandleSelectAreasCmd(HandlerContext & ctx, const Commands::SelectAreas::DecodableType & req);
* @param[in, out] ctx Returns the Interaction Model status code which was user determined in the business logic.
* If the input value is invalid, returns the Interaction Model status code of INVALID_COMMAND.
* @param[in] req the command parameters.
void HandleSkipCurrentAreaCmd(HandlerContext & ctx, const Commands::SkipArea::DecodableType & req);
// attribute notifications
void NotifySupportedAreasChanged();
void NotifySupportedMapsChanged();
void NotifySelectedAreasChanged();
void NotifyCurrentAreaChanged();
void NotifyEstimatedEndTimeChanged();
void NotifyProgressChanged();
// Supported Areas manipulators
* @return true if an area with the aAreaId ID exists in the supported areas attribute. False otherwise.
bool IsSupportedArea(uint32_t aAreaId);
* @brief Check if the given area adheres to the restrictions required by the supported areas attribute.
* @return true if the aArea meets all checks.
bool IsValidSupportedArea(const AreaStructureWrapper & aArea);
* @brief check if aArea is unique with regard to supported areas.
* @param[in] aArea the area to check.
* @param[out] ignoreAreaId if true, we do not check if the area ID is unique.
* @return true if there isn't an area in supported areas that matches aArea.
* @note This method may ignore checking the MapId uniqueness. This depends on whether the SupportedMaps attribute is null.
bool IsUniqueSupportedArea(const AreaStructureWrapper & aArea, bool ignoreAreaId);
* @brief Check if changing the estimated end time attribute to aEstimatedEndTime requires the change to be reported.
* @param aEstimatedEndTime The new estimated end time.
* @return true if the change requires a report.
bool ReportEstimatedEndTimeChange(const DataModel::Nullable<uint32_t> & aEstimatedEndTime);
* @brief Add new location to the supported locations list.
* @param[in] aNewArea The area to add.
* @return true if the new location passed validation checks and was successfully added to the list.
* @note if aNewArea is larger than kAreaNameMaxSize, it will be truncated.
bool AddSupportedArea(AreaStructureWrapper & aNewArea);
* @brief Modify/replace an existing location in the supported locations list.
* @param[in] aNewArea The area to add.
* @return true if the location is a member of supported locations, the modifications pass all validation checks and the
* location was modified.
* @note if aNewArea is larger than kAreaNameMaxSize, it will be truncated.
* @note if mapID is changed, the delegate's HandleSupportedAreasUpdated method is called.
bool ModifySupportedArea(AreaStructureWrapper & aNewArea);
* @return true if the SupportedAreas attribute was not already null.
* @note if SupportedAreas is cleared, the delegate's HandleSupportedAreasUpdated method is called.
bool ClearSupportedAreas();
// Supported Maps manipulators
* @return true if a map with the aMapId ID exists in the supported maps attribute. False otherwise.
bool IsSupportedMap(uint32_t aMapId);
* @brief Add a new map to the supported maps list.
* @param[in] aMapId The ID of the new map to be added.
* @param[in] aMapName The name of the map to be added. This cannot be an empty string.
* @return true if the new map passed validation checks and was successfully added to the list.
bool AddSupportedMap(uint32_t aMapId, const CharSpan & aMapName);
* @brief Rename an existing map in the supported maps list.
* @param[in] aMapId The id of the map to modify.
* @param[in] newMapName The new name of the map. This cannot be empty string.
* @return true if the new name passed validation checks and was successfully modified.
* @note if the specified map is not a member of the supported maps list, returns false with no action taken.
bool RenameSupportedMap(uint32_t aMapId, const CharSpan & newMapName);
* @return true if the SupportedMaps attribute was not already null.
* @note if SupportedMaps is cleared, the delegate's HandleSupportedAreasUpdated method is called.
bool ClearSupportedMaps();
// Selected Areas manipulators
* @brief Add a selected area.
* @param[in] aSelectedArea The areaID to add.
* @bool true if successfully added.
bool AddSelectedArea(uint32_t & aSelectedArea);
* @return true if the SelectedAreas attribute was not already null.
bool ClearSelectedAreas();
// Current Area manipulators
DataModel::Nullable<uint32_t> GetCurrentArea();
* @param[in] aCurrentArea The area ID that the CurrentArea attribute should be set to. Must be a supported location
* or NULL.
* @return true if the current location is set, false otherwise.
* @note if current location is set to null, estimated end time will be set to null.
bool SetCurrentArea(const DataModel::Nullable<uint32_t> & aCurrentArea);
// Estimated End Time manipulators
* @return The estimated epoch time in seconds when operation at the location indicated by the CurrentArea attribute will be
* completed.
DataModel::Nullable<uint32_t> GetEstimatedEndTime();
* @param[in] aEstimatedEndTime The estimated epoch time in seconds when operation at the location indicated by the
* CurrentArea attribute will be completed.
* @return true if attribute is set, false otherwise.
bool SetEstimatedEndTime(const DataModel::Nullable<uint32_t> & aEstimatedEndTime);
// Progress list manipulators
* @brief Add a progress element in a pending status to the progress list.
* @param[in] aAreaId location id of the progress element.
* @return true if the new progress element passed validation checks and was successfully added to the list, false otherwise.
bool AddPendingProgressElement(uint32_t aAreaId);
* @brief Set the status of progress element identified by areaID.
* @param[in] aAreaId The areaID of the progress element to update.
* @param[in] status The location cluster operation status for this location.
* @return true if progress element is found and status is set, false otherwise.
* @note TotalOperationalTime is set to null if resulting opStatus is not equal to Completed or Skipped.
bool SetProgressStatus(uint32_t aAreaId, OperationalStatusEnum opStatus);
* @brief Set the total operational time for the progress element identified by areaID.
* @param[in] aAreaId The areaID of the progress element to update.
* @param[in] aTotalOperationalTime The total operational time for this location.
* @return true if progress element is found and operational time is set, false otherwise.
bool SetProgressTotalOperationalTime(uint32_t aAreaId, const DataModel::Nullable<uint32_t> & aTotalOperationalTime);
* @brief Set the estimated time for the progress element identified by areaID.
* @param[in] aAreaId The areaID of the progress element to update.
* @param[in] aEstimatedTime The estimated time for this location.
* @return true if progress element is found and estimated time is set, false otherwise.
bool SetProgressEstimatedTime(uint32_t aAreaId, const DataModel::Nullable<uint32_t> & aEstimatedTime);
* @return true if the progress list was not already null, false otherwise.
bool ClearProgress();
// Feature Map attribute
* @brief Check if a feature is supported.
* @param[in] feature the feature enum.
* @return true if the feature is supported.
* @note the Service Area features are set at startup and are read-only to both device and client.
bool HasFeature(ServiceArea::Feature feature) const;
} // namespace ServiceArea
} // namespace Clusters
} // namespace app
} // namespace chip