blob: 9686006d936017e392aabed80259caa95c74bbb3 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2020 Project CHIP Authors
* Copyright (c) 2018 Nest Labs, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @file
* This is an internal header file that defines the interface to a platform-supplied
* function for retrieving the current system time.
#pragma once
// Include configuration headers
#include <system/SystemConfig.h>
// Include dependent headers
#include <support/DLLUtil.h>
#include <system/SystemError.h>
namespace chip {
namespace System {
kTimerFactor_nano_per_micro = 1000, /** Number of nanoseconds in a microsecond. */
kTimerFactor_micro_per_milli = 1000, /** Number of microseconds in a millisecond. */
kTimerFactor_milli_per_unit = 1000, /** Number of milliseconds in a second. */
kTimerFactor_nano_per_milli = 1000000, /** Number of nanoseconds in a millisecond. */
kTimerFactor_micro_per_unit = 1000000 /** Number of microseconds in a second. */
namespace Platform {
namespace Layer {
* @brief
* Platform-specific function for getting monotonic system time in microseconds.
* This function is expected to return elapsed time in microseconds since an arbitrary, platform-defined
* epoch. Platform implementations are obligated to return a value that is ever-increasing (i.e. never
* wraps) between reboots of the system. Additionally, the underlying time source is required to tick
* continuously during any system sleep modes that do not entail a restart upon wake.
* The epoch for time returned by this function is *not* required to be the same that for any of the
* other GetClock... functions, including GetClock_MonotonicMS().
* This function is expected to be thread-safe on any platform that employs threading.
* @note
* This function is reserved for internal use by the CHIP System Layer. Users of the CHIP System
* Layer should call System::Layer::GetClock_Monotonic().
* @returns Elapsed time in microseconds since an arbitrary, platform-defined epoch.
extern uint64_t GetClock_Monotonic();
* @brief
* Platform-specific function for getting monotonic system time in milliseconds.
* This function is expected to return elapsed time in milliseconds since an arbitrary, platform-defined
* epoch. Platform implementations are obligated to return a value that is ever-increasing (i.e. never
* wraps) between reboots of the system. Additionally, the underlying time source is required to tick
* continuously during any system sleep modes that do not entail a restart upon wake.
* The epoch for time returned by this function is *not* required to be the same as that for any of the
* other GetClock... functions, including GetClock_Monotonic().
* This function is expected to be thread-safe on any platform that employs threading.
* @note
* This function is reserved for internal use by the CHIP System Layer. Users of the CHIP System
* Layer should call System::Layer::GetClock_MonotonicMS().
* @returns Elapsed time in milliseconds since an arbitrary, platform-defined epoch.
extern uint64_t GetClock_MonotonicMS();
* @brief
* Platform-specific function for getting high-resolution monotonic system time in microseconds.
* This function is expected to return elapsed time in microseconds since an arbitrary, platform-defined
* epoch. Values returned by GetClock_MonotonicHiRes() are required to be ever-increasing (i.e. never
* wrap). However, the underlying timer is *not* required to tick continuously during system
* deep-sleep states.
* Platform are encouraged to implement GetClock_MonotonicHiRes() using a high-resolution timer
* that is not subject to gradual clock adjustments (slewing). On platforms without such a timer,
* GetClock_MonotonicHiRes() can return the same value as GetClock_Monotonic().
* The epoch for time returned by this function is not required to be the same that for any of the
* other GetClock... functions.
* This function is expected to be thread-safe on any platform that employs threading.
* @note
* This function is reserved for internal use by the CHIP System Layer. Users of the CHIP System
* Layer should call System::Layer::GetClock_MonotonicHiRes().
* @returns Elapsed time in microseconds since an arbitrary, platform-defined epoch.
extern uint64_t GetClock_MonotonicHiRes();
* @brief
* Platform-specific function for getting the current real (civil) time in microsecond Unix time
* format.
* This function is expected to return the local platform's notion of current real time, expressed
* as a Unix time value scaled to microseconds. The underlying clock is required to tick at a
* rate of least at whole seconds (values of 1,000,000), but may tick faster.
* On those platforms that are capable of tracking real time, GetClock_RealTime() must return the
* error CHIP_ERROR_REAL_TIME_NOT_SYNCED whenever the system is unsynchronized with real time.
* Platforms that are incapable of tracking real time should not implement the GetClock_RealTime()
* function, thereby forcing link-time failures of features that depend on access to real time.
* Alternatively, such platforms may supply an implementation of GetClock_RealTime() that returns
* This function is expected to be thread-safe on any platform that employs threading.
* @note
* This function is reserved for internal use by the CHIP System Layer. Users of the CHIP System
* Layer should call System::Layer::GetClock_RealTime().
* @param[out] curTime The current time, expressed as Unix time scaled to microseconds.
* @retval #CHIP_NO_ERROR If the method succeeded.
* If the platform is capable of tracking real time, but is
* is currently unsynchronized.
* If the platform is incapable of tracking real time.
extern CHIP_ERROR GetClock_RealTime(uint64_t & curTime);
* @brief
* Platform-specific function for getting the current real (civil) time in millisecond Unix time
* format.
* This function is expected to return the local platform's notion of current real time, expressed
* as a Unix time value scaled to milliseconds.
* See the documentation for GetClock_RealTime() for details on the expected behavior.
* @note
* This function is reserved for internal use by the CHIP System Layer. Users of the CHIP System
* Layer should call System::Layer::GetClock_RealTimeMS().
* @param[out] curTimeMS The current time, expressed as Unix time scaled to milliseconds.
* @retval #CHIP_NO_ERROR If the method succeeded.
* If the platform is capable of tracking real time, but is
* is currently unsynchronized.
* If the platform is incapable of tracking real time.
extern CHIP_ERROR GetClock_RealTimeMS(uint64_t & curTimeMS);
* @brief
* Platform-specific function for setting the current real (civil) time.
* CHIP calls this function to set the local platform's notion of current real time. The new current
* time is expressed as a Unix time value scaled to microseconds.
* Once set, underlying platform clock is expected to track real time with a granularity of at least whole
* seconds.
* On platforms that support tracking real time, the SetClock_RealTime() function must return the error
* CHIP_ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED if the calling application does not have the privilege to set the
* current time.
* Platforms that are incapable of tracking real time, or do not offer the ability to set real time,
* should not implement the SetClock_RealTime() function, thereby forcing link-time failures of features
* that depend on setting real time. Alternatively, such platforms may supply an implementation of
* SetClock_RealTime() that returns the error CHIP_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_CHIP_FEATURE.
* This function is expected to be thread-safe on any platform that employs threading.
* @note
* This function is reserved for internal use by the CHIP System Layer. Users of the CHIP System
* Layer should call System::Layer::GetClock_RealTimeMS().
* @param[in] newCurTime The new current time, expressed as Unix time scaled to microseconds.
* @retval #CHIP_NO_ERROR If the method succeeded.
* If the platform is incapable of tracking real time.
* If the calling application does not have the privilege to set the
* current time.
extern CHIP_ERROR SetClock_RealTime(uint64_t newCurTime);
} // namespace Layer
} // namespace Platform
} // namespace System
} // namespace chip