blob: 07cba7488154f89fb20f0dcdc76ee6a63eb727c6 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2024 Project CHIP Authors
* All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include <controller/CHIPDeviceController.h>
#include <controller/CommissioningDelegate.h>
#include <controller/CommissioningWindowOpener.h>
#include <controller/CurrentFabricRemover.h>
#include <crypto/CHIPCryptoPAL.h>
// Constants
constexpr uint16_t kMaxManualCodeLength = 22;
class CommissioningWindowDelegate
virtual void OnCommissioningWindowOpened(chip::NodeId deviceId, CHIP_ERROR err, chip::SetupPayload payload) = 0;
virtual ~CommissioningWindowDelegate() = default;
class CommissioningDelegate
virtual void OnCommissioningComplete(chip::NodeId deviceId, CHIP_ERROR err) = 0;
virtual ~CommissioningDelegate() = default;
class PairingDelegate
virtual void OnDeviceRemoved(chip::NodeId deviceId, CHIP_ERROR err) = 0;
virtual ~PairingDelegate() = default;
* The PairingManager class is responsible for managing the commissioning and pairing process
* of Matter devices. PairingManager is designed to be used as a singleton, meaning that there
* should only be one instance of it running at any given time.
* Usage:
* 1. The class should be initialized when the system starts up, typically by invoking the static
* instance method to get the singleton.
* 2. To open a commissioning window, the appropriate method should be called on the PairingManager instance.
* 3. The PairingManager will handle the lifecycle of the CommissioningWindowOpener and ensure that
* resources are cleaned up appropriately when pairing is complete or the process is aborted.
* Example:
* @code
* PairingManager& manager = PairingManager::Instance();
* manager.OpenCommissioningWindow();
* @endcode
class PairingManager : public chip::Controller::DevicePairingDelegate,
public chip::Controller::DeviceDiscoveryDelegate,
public chip::Credentials::DeviceAttestationDelegate
static PairingManager & Instance()
static PairingManager instance;
return instance;
CHIP_ERROR Init(chip::Controller::DeviceCommissioner * commissioner);
void SetOpenCommissioningWindowDelegate(CommissioningWindowDelegate * delegate) { mCommissioningWindowDelegate = delegate; }
void SetCommissioningDelegate(CommissioningDelegate * delegate) { mCommissioningDelegate = delegate; }
void SetPairingDelegate(PairingDelegate * delegate) { mPairingDelegate = delegate; }
PairingDelegate * GetPairingDelegate() { return mPairingDelegate; }
chip::Controller::DeviceCommissioner & CurrentCommissioner() { return *mCommissioner; };
* Opens a commissioning window on the specified node and endpoint.
* Only one commissioning window can be active at a time. If a commissioning
* window is already open, this function will return an error.
* @param nodeId The target node ID for commissioning.
* @param endpointId The target endpoint ID for commissioning.
* @param commissioningTimeoutSec Timeout for the commissioning window in seconds.
* @param iterations Iterations for PBKDF calculations.
* @param discriminator Discriminator for commissioning.
* @param salt Optional salt for verifier-based commissioning.
* @param verifier Optional verifier for enhanced commissioning security.
* @return CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE if a commissioning window is already open.
CHIP_ERROR OpenCommissioningWindow(chip::NodeId nodeId, chip::EndpointId endpointId, uint16_t commissioningTimeoutSec,
uint32_t iterations, uint16_t discriminator, const chip::ByteSpan & salt,
const chip::ByteSpan & verifier);
* Pairs a device using a setup code payload.
* @param nodeId The target node ID for pairing.
* @param payload The setup code payload, which typically contains device-specific pairing information.
* @return CHIP_NO_ERROR on successful initiation of the pairing process, or an appropriate CHIP_ERROR if pairing fails.
CHIP_ERROR PairDeviceWithCode(chip::NodeId nodeId, const char * payload);
* Pairs a device using its setup PIN code and remote IP address.
* @param nodeId The target node ID for pairing.
* @param setupPINCode The setup PIN code for the device, used for establishing a secure connection.
* @param deviceRemoteIp The IP address of the remote device.
* @param deviceRemotePort The port number on which the device is listening for pairing requests.
* @return CHIP_NO_ERROR if the pairing process is initiated successfully, or an appropriate CHIP_ERROR if pairing fails.
CHIP_ERROR PairDevice(chip::NodeId nodeId, uint32_t setupPINCode, const char * deviceRemoteIp, uint16_t deviceRemotePort);
* Unpairs a device with the specified node ID.
* @param nodeId The node ID of the device to be unpaired.
* @return CHIP_NO_ERROR if the device is successfully unpaired, or an appropriate CHIP_ERROR if the process fails.
CHIP_ERROR UnpairDevice(chip::NodeId nodeId);
// Constructors
PairingManager(const PairingManager &) = delete;
PairingManager & operator=(const PairingManager &) = delete;
// Private member functions (static and non-static)
chip::Controller::CommissioningParameters GetCommissioningParameters();
void InitPairingCommand();
CHIP_ERROR Pair(chip::NodeId remoteId, chip::Transport::PeerAddress address);
/////////// DevicePairingDelegate Interface /////////
void OnStatusUpdate(chip::Controller::DevicePairingDelegate::Status status) override;
void OnPairingComplete(CHIP_ERROR error) override;
void OnPairingDeleted(CHIP_ERROR error) override;
void OnReadCommissioningInfo(const chip::Controller::ReadCommissioningInfo & info) override;
void OnCommissioningComplete(chip::NodeId deviceId, CHIP_ERROR error) override;
/////////// DeviceDiscoveryDelegate Interface /////////
void OnDiscoveredDevice(const chip::Dnssd::CommissionNodeData & nodeData) override;
/////////// DeviceAttestationDelegate Interface /////////
chip::Optional<uint16_t> FailSafeExpiryTimeoutSecs() const override;
bool ShouldWaitAfterDeviceAttestation() override;
void OnDeviceAttestationCompleted(chip::Controller::DeviceCommissioner * deviceCommissioner, chip::DeviceProxy * device,
const chip::Credentials::DeviceAttestationVerifier::AttestationDeviceInfo & info,
chip::Credentials::AttestationVerificationResult attestationResult) override;
static void OnOpenCommissioningWindowResponse(void * context, chip::NodeId deviceId, CHIP_ERROR status,
chip::SetupPayload payload);
static void OnOpenCommissioningWindowVerifierResponse(void * context, chip::NodeId deviceId, CHIP_ERROR status);
static void OnCurrentFabricRemove(void * context, chip::NodeId remoteNodeId, CHIP_ERROR status);
// Private data members
chip::Controller::DeviceCommissioner * mCommissioner = nullptr;
CommissioningWindowDelegate * mCommissioningWindowDelegate = nullptr;
CommissioningDelegate * mCommissioningDelegate = nullptr;
PairingDelegate * mPairingDelegate = nullptr;
chip::NodeId mNodeId = chip::kUndefinedNodeId;
chip::ByteSpan mVerifier;
chip::ByteSpan mSalt;
uint16_t mDiscriminator = 0;
uint32_t mSetupPINCode = 0;
uint8_t mVerifierBuffer[chip::Crypto::kSpake2p_VerifierSerialized_Length];
uint8_t mSaltBuffer[chip::Crypto::kSpake2p_Max_PBKDF_Salt_Length];
char mRemoteIpAddr[chip::Inet::IPAddress::kMaxStringLength];
char mOnboardingPayload[kMaxManualCodeLength + 1];
* Holds the unique_ptr to the current CommissioningWindowOpener.
* Only one commissioning window opener can be active at a time.
* The pointer is reset when the commissioning window is closed or when an error occurs.
chip::Platform::UniquePtr<chip::Controller::CommissioningWindowOpener> mWindowOpener;
chip::Callback::Callback<chip::Controller::OnOpenCommissioningWindow> mOnOpenCommissioningWindowCallback;
chip::Callback::Callback<chip::Controller::OnOpenCommissioningWindowWithVerifier> mOnOpenCommissioningWindowVerifierCallback;
// For Unpair
chip::Platform::UniquePtr<chip::Controller::CurrentFabricRemover> mCurrentFabricRemover;
chip::Callback::Callback<chip::Controller::OnCurrentFabricRemove> mCurrentFabricRemoveCallback;