blob: 757d304312d77bf1ee38c0e7300a9760a3d836df [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env -S python3 -B
# Copyright (c) 2023 Project CHIP Authors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import relative_importer # isort: split # noqa: F401
import asyncio
import json
import sys
from typing import List
import click
from matter_chip_tool_adapter.decoder import MatterLog
from matter_yamltests.websocket_runner import WebSocketRunner, WebSocketRunnerConfig
from paths_finder import PathsFinder
from runner import CONTEXT_SETTINGS, chiptool, runner_base
from tests_logger import TestColoredLogPrinter, WebSocketRunnerLogger
_DEFAULT_EXTENSIONS_DIR = 'scripts/tests/yaml/extensions'
def send_yaml_command(ctx, test_name: str, server_path: str, server_arguments: str, show_adapter_logs: bool, pics: str, additional_pseudo_clusters_directory: str, commands: List[str]):
kwargs = {'test_name': test_name, 'show_adapter_logs': show_adapter_logs, 'pics': pics,
'additional_pseudo_clusters_directory': additional_pseudo_clusters_directory}
index = 0
while len(commands) - index > 1:
kwargs[commands[index].replace('--', '')] = commands[index+1]
index += 2
ctx.invoke(runner_base, **kwargs)
del ctx.params['commands']
del ctx.params['pics']
del ctx.params['additional_pseudo_clusters_directory']
return ctx.forward(chiptool)
def send_raw_command(command: str, server_path: str, server_arguments: str):
websocket_runner_hooks = WebSocketRunnerLogger()
websocket_runner_config = WebSocketRunnerConfig(
server_path=server_path, server_arguments=server_arguments, hooks=websocket_runner_hooks)
runner = WebSocketRunner(websocket_runner_config)
async def send_over_websocket():
payload = None
await runner.start()
payload = await runner.execute(command)
await runner.stop()
return payload
payload =
json_payload = json.loads(payload)
log_printer = TestColoredLogPrinter()
success = not bool(len([lambda x: x.get('error') for x in json_payload.get('results')]))
return success
_DEFAULT_PICS_FILE = 'src/app/tests/suites/certification/ci-pics-values'
def chiptool_runner_options(f):
f = click.option('--server_path', type=click.Path(exists=True), default=None,
help='Path to an websocket server to run at launch.')(f)
f = click.option('--server_name', type=str, default='chip-tool',
help='Name of a websocket server to run at launch.')(f)
f = click.option('--server_arguments', type=str, default='interactive server',
help='Optional arguments to pass to the websocket server at launch.')(f)
f = click.option('--show_adapter_logs', type=bool, default=False, show_default=True,
help='Show additional logs provided by the adapter.')(f)
f = click.option('--trace_file', type=click.Path(), default=None,
help='Optional file path to save the tracing output to.')(f)
f = click.option('--trace_decode', type=bool, default=True,
help='Decode the tracing ouput to a human readable format.')(f)
f = click.option('--delay-in-ms', '--delayInMs', type=int, default=0, show_default=True,
help='Add a delay between each test suite steps.')(f)
f = click.option('--continueOnFailure', type=bool, default=False, show_default=True,
help='Do not stop running the test suite on first error.')(f)
f = click.option('--PICS', type=click.Path(exists=True), show_default=True, default=_DEFAULT_PICS_FILE,
help='Path to the PICS file to use.')(f)
f = click.option('--additional_pseudo_clusters_directory', type=click.Path(), show_default=True, default=_DEFAULT_EXTENSIONS_DIR,
help='Path to a directory containing additional pseudo clusters.')(f)
return f
CONTEXT_SETTINGS['ignore_unknown_options'] = True
CONTEXT_SETTINGS['default_map']['chiptool']['use_test_harness_log_format'] = True
def maybe_update_server_arguments(ctx):
if ctx.params['trace_file']:
ctx.params['server_arguments'] += ' --trace_file {}'.format(ctx.params['trace_file'])
if ctx.params['trace_decode']:
ctx.params['server_arguments'] += ' --trace_decode 1'
del ctx.params['trace_file']
del ctx.params['trace_decode']
return ctx.params['server_arguments']
def maybe_update_stop_on_error(ctx):
if ctx.params['continueonfailure']:
ctx.params['stop_on_error'] = False
del ctx.params['continueonfailure']
@click.argument('commands', nargs=-1)
def chiptool_py(ctx, commands: List[str], server_path: str, server_name: str, server_arguments: str, show_adapter_logs: bool, trace_file: str, trace_decode: bool, delay_in_ms: int, continueonfailure: bool, pics: str, additional_pseudo_clusters_directory: str):
success = False
server_arguments = maybe_update_server_arguments(ctx)
if len(commands) > 1 and commands[0] == 'tests':
success = send_yaml_command(commands[1], server_path, server_arguments, show_adapter_logs, pics,
additional_pseudo_clusters_directory, commands[2:])
if server_path is None and server_name:
paths_finder = PathsFinder()
server_path = paths_finder.get(server_name)
success = send_raw_command(' '.join(commands), server_path, server_arguments)
sys.exit(0 if success else 1)
if __name__ == '__main__':