blob: 4235f17cb5a0dc0bb334c2cac3497b1294d87ca8 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2022 Project CHIP Authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* Parts of MTRDeviceController that are not part of the framework API. Mostly
* for use from MTRDeviceControllerFactory.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <Matter/MTRAccessGrant.h>
#import <Matter/MTRBaseDevice.h> // for MTRClusterPath
#import "MTRDeviceConnectionBridge.h" // For MTRInternalDeviceConnectionCallback
#import "MTRDeviceController.h"
#include <lib/core/CHIPError.h>
#include <lib/core/DataModelTypes.h>
#import "MTRBaseDevice.h"
#import "MTRDeviceController.h"
#import "MTRDeviceControllerDataStore.h"
#import <Matter/MTRDefines.h>
#import <Matter/MTRDeviceControllerStartupParams.h>
#import <Matter/MTRDeviceControllerStorageDelegate.h>
#import <Matter/MTRDiagnosticLogsType.h>
#import <Matter/MTROTAProviderDelegate.h>
@class MTRDeviceControllerStartupParamsInternal;
@class MTRDeviceControllerFactory;
@class MTRDevice;
namespace chip {
class FabricTable;
namespace Controller {
class DeviceCommissioner;
} // namespace chip
@interface MTRDeviceController ()
#pragma mark - MTRDeviceControllerFactory methods
* Start a new controller. Returns whether startup succeeded. If this fails,
* it guarantees that it has called controllerShuttingDown on the
* MTRDeviceControllerFactory.
* The return value will always match [controller isRunning] for this
* controller.
* Only MTRDeviceControllerFactory should be calling this.
- (BOOL)startup:(MTRDeviceControllerStartupParamsInternal *)startupParams;
* Will return chip::kUndefinedFabricIndex if we do not have a fabric index.
@property (readonly) chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex;
* Will return the compressed fabric id of the fabric if the controller is
* running, else nil.
* This property MUST be gotten from the Matter work queue.
@property (nonatomic, readonly, nullable) NSNumber * compressedFabricID;
* The per-controller data store this controller was initialized with, if any.
@property (nonatomic, readonly, nullable) MTRDeviceControllerDataStore * controllerDataStore;
* OTA delegate and its queue, if this controller supports OTA. Either both
* will be non-nil or both will be nil.
@property (nonatomic, readonly, nullable) id<MTROTAProviderDelegate> otaProviderDelegate;
@property (nonatomic, readonly, nullable) dispatch_queue_t otaProviderDelegateQueue;
* Init a newly created controller.
* Only MTRDeviceControllerFactory should be calling this.
- (instancetype)initWithFactory:(MTRDeviceControllerFactory *)factory
storageDelegate:(id<MTRDeviceControllerStorageDelegate> _Nullable)storageDelegate
storageDelegateQueue:(dispatch_queue_t _Nullable)storageDelegateQueue
otaProviderDelegate:(id<MTROTAProviderDelegate> _Nullable)otaProviderDelegate
otaProviderDelegateQueue:(dispatch_queue_t _Nullable)otaProviderDelegateQueue
uniqueIdentifier:(NSUUID *)uniqueIdentifier;
* Check whether this controller is running on the given fabric, as represented
* by the provided FabricTable and fabric index. The provided fabric table may
* not be the same as the fabric table this controller is using. This method
* MUST be called from the Matter work queue.
* Might return failure, in which case we don't know whether it's running on the
* given fabric. Otherwise it will set *isRunning to the right boolean value.
* Only MTRDeviceControllerFactory should be calling this.
- (CHIP_ERROR)isRunningOnFabric:(chip::FabricTable *)fabricTable
isRunning:(BOOL *)isRunning;
* Shut down the underlying C++ controller. Must be called on the Matter work
* queue or after the Matter work queue has been shut down.
* Only MTRDeviceControllerFactory should be calling this.
- (void)shutDownCppController;
* Notification that the MTRDeviceControllerFactory has finished shutting down
* this controller and will not be touching it anymore. This is guaranteed to
* be called after initWithFactory succeeds.
* Only MTRDeviceControllerFactory should be calling this.
- (void)deinitFromFactory;
* Ensure we have a CASE session to the given node ID and then call the provided
* connection callback. This may be called on any queue (including the Matter
* event queue) and on success will always call the provided connection callback
* on the Matter queue, asynchronously. Consumers must be prepared to run on
* the Matter queue (an in particular must not use any APIs that will try to do
* sync dispatch to the Matter queue).
* If the controller is not running when this function is called, it will
* synchronously invoke the completion with an error, on whatever queue
* getSessionForNode was called on.
* If the controller is not running when the async dispatch on the Matter queue
* happens, the completion will be invoked with an error on the Matter queue.
- (void)getSessionForNode:(chip::NodeId)nodeID completion:(MTRInternalDeviceConnectionCallback)completion;
* Get a session for the commissionee device with the given device id. This may
* be called on any queue (including the Matter event queue) and on success will
* always call the provided connection callback on the Matter queue,
* asynchronously. Consumers must be prepared to run on the Matter queue (an in
* particular must not use any APIs that will try to do sync dispatch to the
* Matter queue).
* If the controller is not running when this function is called, it will
* synchronously invoke the completion with an error, on whatever queue
* getSessionForCommissioneeDevice was called on.
* If the controller is not running when the async dispatch on the Matter queue
* happens, the completion will be invoked with an error on the Matter queue.
- (void)getSessionForCommissioneeDevice:(chip::NodeId)deviceID completion:(MTRInternalDeviceConnectionCallback)completion;
* Returns the transport used by the current session with the given device,
* or `MTRTransportTypeUndefined` if no session is currently active.
- (MTRTransportType)sessionTransportTypeForDevice:(MTRBaseDevice *)device;
* Invalidate the CASE session for the given node ID. This is a temporary thing
* just to support MTRBaseDevice's invalidateCASESession. Must not be called on
* the Matter event queue.
- (void)invalidateCASESessionForNode:(chip::NodeId)nodeID;
* Try to asynchronously dispatch the given block on the Matter queue. If the
* controller is not running either at call time or when the block would be
* about to run, the provided error handler will be called with an error. Note
* that this means the error handler might be called on an arbitrary queue, and
* might be called before this function returns or after it returns.
* The DeviceCommissioner pointer passed to the callback should only be used
* synchronously during the callback invocation.
* If the error handler is nil, failure to run the block will be silent.
- (void)asyncGetCommissionerOnMatterQueue:(void (^)(chip::Controller::DeviceCommissioner *))block
errorHandler:(nullable MTRDeviceErrorHandler)errorHandler;
* Try to asynchronously dispatch the given block on the Matter queue. If the
* controller is not running either at call time or when the block would be
* about to run, the provided error handler will be called with an error. Note
* that this means the error handler might be called on an arbitrary queue, and
* might be called before this function returns or after it returns.
* If the error handler is nil, failure to run the block will be silent.
- (void)asyncDispatchToMatterQueue:(dispatch_block_t)block errorHandler:(nullable MTRDeviceErrorHandler)errorHandler;
* Get an MTRBaseDevice for the given node id. This exists to allow subclasses
* of MTRDeviceController (e.g. MTRDeviceControllerOverXPC) to override what
* sort of MTRBaseDevice they return.
- (MTRBaseDevice *)baseDeviceForNodeID:(NSNumber *)nodeID;
* Notify the controller that a new operational instance with the given node id
* and a compressed fabric id that matches this controller has been observed.
- (void)operationalInstanceAdded:(chip::NodeId)nodeID;
* Download log of the desired type from the device.
- (void)downloadLogFromNodeWithID:(NSNumber *)nodeID
completion:(void (^)(NSURL * _Nullable url, NSError * _Nullable error))completion;
* Get the access grants that apply for the given cluster path.
- (NSArray<MTRAccessGrant *> *)accessGrantsForClusterPath:(MTRClusterPath *)clusterPath;
* Get the privilege level needed to read the given attribute. There's no
* endpoint provided because the expectation is that this information is the
* same for all cluster instances.
* Returns nil if we have no such attribute defined on any endpoint, otherwise
* one of MTRAccessControlEntry* constants wrapped in NSNumber.
* Only called on the Matter queue.
- (nullable NSNumber *)neededReadPrivilegeForClusterID:(NSNumber *)clusterID attributeID:(NSNumber *)attributeID;
#pragma mark - Device-specific data and SDK access
// DeviceController will act as a central repository for this opaque dictionary that MTRDevice manages
- (MTRDevice *)deviceForNodeID:(NSNumber *)nodeID;
- (void)removeDevice:(MTRDevice *)device;
- (NSNumber * _Nullable)syncGetCompressedFabricID;