blob: 889ba88096e69ef79ab20f89eeaa0f0fcb663422 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2020-2023 Project CHIP Authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <Matter/MTRCertificates.h>
@class MTRDeviceController;
@interface MTRDeviceAttestationDeviceInfo : NSObject
- (instancetype)init NS_UNAVAILABLE;
+ (instancetype)new NS_UNAVAILABLE;
* The vendor ID from the Device Attestation Certificate. May be nil only if attestation was unsuccessful.
@property (nonatomic, readonly, nullable) NSNumber * vendorID API_AVAILABLE(ios(16.4), macos(13.3), watchos(9.4), tvos(16.4));
* The product ID from the Device Attestation Certificate. May be nil only if attestation was unsuccessful.
@property (nonatomic, readonly, nullable) NSNumber * productID API_AVAILABLE(ios(16.4), macos(13.3), watchos(9.4), tvos(16.4));
* The vendor ID value from the device's Basic Information cluster that was used
* for device attestation. If attestation succeeds, this must match the vendor
* ID from the certification declaration.
@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSNumber * basicInformationVendorID MTR_NEWLY_AVAILABLE;
* The product ID value from the device's Basic Information cluster that was
* used for device attestation. If attestation succeeds, this must match one of
* the product IDs from the certification declaration.
@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSNumber * basicInformationProductID MTR_NEWLY_AVAILABLE;
@property (nonatomic, readonly) MTRCertificateDERBytes dacCertificate;
@property (nonatomic, readonly) MTRCertificateDERBytes dacPAICertificate;
@property (nonatomic, readonly, nullable) NSData * certificateDeclaration;
* The protocol definition for the MTRDeviceAttestationDelegate.
@protocol MTRDeviceAttestationDelegate <NSObject>
* Only one of the following delegate callbacks should be implemented.
* If -deviceAttestationFailedForController:opaqueDeviceHandle:error: is implemented, then it will
* be called when device attestation fails, and the client can decide to continue or stop the
* commissioning.
* If -deviceAttestationCompletedForController:opaqueDeviceHandle:attestationDeviceInfo:error: is
* implemented, then it will always be called when device attestation completes.
* Notify the delegate when device attestation completed with device info for additional verification. If
* this callback is implemented, continueCommissioningDevice on MTRDeviceController is expected
* to be called if commisioning should continue.
* This allows the delegate to stop commissioning after examining the device info (DAC, PAI, CD).
* @param controller Controller corresponding to the commissioning process
* @param opaqueDeviceHandle Handle of device being commissioned
* @param attestationDeviceInfo Attestation information for the device
* @param error NSError representing the error code on attestation failure. Nil if success.
- (void)deviceAttestationCompletedForController:(MTRDeviceController *)controller
opaqueDeviceHandle:(void *)opaqueDeviceHandle
attestationDeviceInfo:(MTRDeviceAttestationDeviceInfo *)attestationDeviceInfo
error:(NSError * _Nullable)error
API_AVAILABLE(ios(16.4), macos(13.3), watchos(9.4), tvos(16.4));
* Notify the delegate when device attestation fails. If this callback is implemented,
* continueCommissioningDevice on MTRDeviceController is expected to be called if commisioning
* should continue.
* @param controller Controller corresponding to the commissioning process
* @param opaqueDeviceHandle Handle of device being commissioned
* @param error NSError representing the error code for the failure
- (void)deviceAttestationFailedForController:(MTRDeviceController *)controller
opaqueDeviceHandle:(void *)opaqueDeviceHandle
error:(NSError * _Nonnull)error
API_AVAILABLE(ios(16.4), macos(13.3), watchos(9.4), tvos(16.4));
- (void)deviceAttestation:(MTRDeviceController *)controller
completedForDevice:(void *)device
attestationDeviceInfo:(MTRDeviceAttestationDeviceInfo *)attestationDeviceInfo
error:(NSError * _Nullable)error
MTR_DEPRECATED("Please implement deviceAttestationCompletedForController:opaqueDeviceHandle:attestationDeviceInfo:error:",
ios(16.1, 16.4), macos(13.0, 13.3), watchos(9.1, 9.4), tvos(16.1, 16.4));
- (void)deviceAttestation:(MTRDeviceController *)controller
failedForDevice:(void *)device
error:(NSError * _Nonnull)error
MTR_DEPRECATED("Please implement deviceAttestationFailedForController:opaqueDeviceHandle:error:", ios(16.1, 16.4),
macos(13.0, 13.3), watchos(9.1, 9.4), tvos(16.1, 16.4));