blob: ae59c3f355997a2961d2de26ef91c6ed12c2e8a9 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2023 Project CHIP Authors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the 'License');
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an 'AS IS' BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import unicodedata
from typing import List
class InvalidPICSConfigurationError(Exception):
"Raised when the configured pics entry can not be parsed."
class InvalidPICSConfigurationValueError(Exception):
"Raised when the configured pics value is not an authorized value."
class InvalidPICSParsingError(Exception):
"Raised when a parsing error occured."
class PICSChecker():
"""Class to compute a PICS expression"""
def __init__(self, pics_file: str):
self.__pics = {}
self.__expression_index = 0
if pics_file is not None:
self.__pics = self.__parse(pics_file)
def check(self, pics) -> bool:
if pics is None:
return True
self.__expression_index = 0
tokens = self.__tokenize(pics)
return self.__evaluate_expression(tokens, self.__pics)
def __parse(self, pics_file: str):
pics = {}
with open(pics_file) as f:
line = f.readline()
while line:
preprocessed_line = self.__preprocess_input(line)
if preprocessed_line:
items = preprocessed_line.split(_VALUE_SEPARATOR)
# There should always be one key and one value, nothing else.
if len(items) != 2:
raise InvalidPICSConfigurationError(
f'Invalid expression: {line}')
key, value = items
if value != _VALUE_DISABLED and value != _VALUE_ENABLED:
raise InvalidPICSConfigurationValueError(
f'Invalid expression: {line}')
pics[key] = value == _VALUE_ENABLED
line = f.readline()
return pics
def __evaluate_expression(self, tokens: List[str], pics: dict):
leftExpr = self.__evaluate_sub_expression(tokens, pics)
if self.__expression_index >= len(tokens):
return leftExpr
token = tokens[self.__expression_index]
if token == ')':
return leftExpr
token = tokens[self.__expression_index]
if token == '&&':
self.__expression_index += 1
rightExpr = self.__evaluate_expression(tokens, pics)
return leftExpr and rightExpr
if token == '||':
self.__expression_index += 1
rightExpr = self.__evaluate_expression(tokens, pics)
return leftExpr or rightExpr
raise InvalidPICSParsingError(f'Unknown token: {token}')
def __evaluate_sub_expression(self, tokens: List[str], pics: dict):
token = tokens[self.__expression_index]
if token == '(':
self.__expression_index += 1
expr = self.__evaluate_expression(tokens, pics)
if tokens[self.__expression_index] != ')':
raise KeyError('Missing ")"')
self.__expression_index += 1
return expr
if token == '!':
self.__expression_index += 1
expr = self.__evaluate_sub_expression(tokens, pics)
return not expr
token = self.__normalize(token)
self.__expression_index += 1
if pics.get(token) is None:
# By default, let's consider that if a PICS item is not defined, it is |false|.
# It allows to create a file that only contains enabled features.
return False
return pics.get(token)
def __tokenize(self, expression: str):
token = ''
tokens = []
for c in expression:
if c == ' ' or c == '\t' or c == '\n':
elif c == '(' or c == ')' or c == '!':
if token:
token = ''
elif c == '&' or c == '|':
if token and token[-1] == c:
token = token[:-1]
if token:
token = ''
tokens.append(c + c)
token += c
token += c
if token:
token = ''
return tokens
def __preprocess_input(self, value: str):
value = self.__remove_comments(value)
value = self.__remove_control_characters(value)
value = self.__remove_whitespaces(value)
value = self.__make_lowercase(value)
return value
def __remove_comments(self, value: str) -> str:
return value if not value else value.split(_COMMENT_CHARACTER, 1)[0]
def __remove_control_characters(self, value: str) -> str:
return ''.join(c for c in value if unicodedata.category(c)[0] != _CONTROL_CHARACTER_IDENTIFIER)
def __remove_whitespaces(self, value: str) -> str:
return value.replace(' ', '')
def __make_lowercase(self, value: str) -> str:
return value.lower()
def __normalize(self, token: str):
# Convert to all-lowercase so people who mess up cases don't have things
# break on them in subtle ways.
token = self.__make_lowercase(token)
# TODO strip off "(Additional Context)" bits from the end of the code.
return token