blob: fe1b0ab17f326320e1313bc4b1a36e54a18a0c76 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env -S python3 -B
# Copyright (c) 2024 Project CHIP Authors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from linux.tv_casting_test_sequence_utils import App, Sequence, Step
In this file, we define the test sequences with the relevant steps that will be used in the `scripts/tests/`
test script for validating the casting experience between the Linux tv-casting-app and the Linux tv-app.
At the beginning of each test sequence we need to indicate the start up of the tv-app using the `START_APP` string as the `input_cmd`
followed by the same for the tv-casting-app. On the other hand, at the end of each test sequence we need to ensure that each app will
be stopped by providing the `STOP_APP` string as the `input_cmd`. As noted in the example below of `example_test_sequence`, the first
four steps pertain to starting the apps while the last two are for signaling stopping the apps.
Note: `START_APP` and `STOP_APP` are reserved for signaling the starting and stopping of apps.
test_sequences = [
# Signal to start the tv-app.
Step(app=App.TV_APP, input_cmd=START_APP),
# Validate that the tv-app is up and running.
Step(app=App.TV_APP, timeout_sec=APP_MAX_START_WAIT_SEC, output_msg=['Started commissioner']),
# Signal to start the tv-casting-app.
Step(app=App.TV_CASTING_APP, input_cmd=START_APP),
# Validate that the server is properly initialized in the tv-casting-app output.
Step(app=App.TV_CASTING_APP, timeout_sec=APP_MAX_START_WAIT_SEC, output_msg=['Server initialization complete']),
# Additional steps for testing the casting experience.
# Signal to stop the tv-casting-app as we finished validation.
Step(app=App.TV_CASTING_APP, input_cmd=STOP_APP),
# Signal to stop the tv-app as we finished validation.
Step(app=App.TV_APP, input_cmd=STOP_APP)
# Signal to start the app.
# Signal to stop the app.
# The maximum amount of time to wait for the Linux tv-app or Linux tv-casting-app to start before timeout.
# Values that identify the Linux tv-app and are noted in the 'Device Configuration' in the Linux tv-app output
# as well as under the 'Discovered Commissioner' details in the Linux tv-casting-app output.
VENDOR_ID = 0xFFF1 # 0xFFF1 = 65521; Spec MEI code: test vendor IDs are 0xFFF1 to 0xFFF4
PRODUCT_ID = 0x8001 # 0x8001 = 32769 = Test product id
DEVICE_TYPE_CASTING_VIDEO_PLAYER = 0x23 # 0x23 = 35 = Device type library 10.3: Casting Video Player
# 0x457 = 1111 = Target Content Application Vendor ID for the commissioner generated passcode flow
COMMISSIONER_GENERATED_PASSCODE = '0x00BC_614E' # 0x00BC_614E = 12345678 = Default commissioner generated passcode
# Value to verify the subscription state against in the Linux tv-casting-app output.
ATTRIBUTE_CURRENT_PLAYBACK_STATE = 0x0000_0000 # Application Cluster Spec 6.10.6 Attribute ID: Current State of Playback
test_sequences = [
# Signal to start the tv-app.
Step(app=App.TV_APP, input_cmd=START_APP),
# Validate that the tv-app is up and running.
Step(app=App.TV_APP, timeout_sec=APP_MAX_START_WAIT_SEC, output_msg=['Started commissioner']),
# Signal to start the tv-casting-app.
Step(app=App.TV_CASTING_APP, input_cmd=START_APP),
# Validate that the server is properly initialized in the tv-casting-app output.
Step(app=App.TV_CASTING_APP, timeout_sec=APP_MAX_START_WAIT_SEC, output_msg=['Server initialization complete']),
# Validate that there is a valid discovered casting player with {PRODUCT_ID}, {VENDOR_ID}, and {DEVICE_TYPE_CASTING_VIDEO_PLAYER} in the tv-casting-app output.
Step(app=App.TV_CASTING_APP, output_msg=['Discovered CastingPlayer #0', f'Product ID: {PRODUCT_ID}', f'Vendor ID: {VENDOR_ID}',
f'Device Type: {DEVICE_TYPE_CASTING_VIDEO_PLAYER}', 'Supports Commissioner Generated Passcode: true']),
# Send `cast request {valid_discovered_castingplayer_number}\n` command to the tv-casting-app subprocess.
Step(app=App.TV_CASTING_APP, input_cmd='cast request 0\n'),
# Validate that the tv-casting-app begins the commissioning process.
Step(app=App.TV_CASTING_APP, output_msg=[
'CastingPlayer::VerifyOrEstablishConnection() calling OpenBasicCommissioningWindow()']),
# Validate that the `IdentificationDeclaration` message sent from the tv-casting-app to the tv-app will contain the {VENDOR_ID} of the target content app.
Step(app=App.TV_CASTING_APP, output_msg=['IdentificationDeclarationOptions::TargetAppInfos list:']),
Step(app=App.TV_CASTING_APP, output_msg=[f'TargetAppInfo 1, Vendor ID: {VENDOR_ID}']),
# Validate that we received the cast request from the tv-casting-app on the tv-app output.
output_msg=['------PROMPT USER: Test TV casting app is requesting permission to cast to this TV, approve?']),
# Validate that we received the instructions on the tv-app output for sending the `controller ux ok` command.
Step(app=App.TV_APP, output_msg=['Via Shell Enter: controller ux ok|cancel']),
# Send `controller ux ok\n` command to the tv-app subprocess.
Step(app=App.TV_APP, input_cmd='controller ux ok\n'),
# Validate that pairing succeeded between the tv-casting-app and the tv-app.
Step(app=App.TV_APP, output_msg=['Secure Pairing Success']),
# Validate that the connection succeeded in the tv-casting-app output.
Step(app=App.TV_CASTING_APP, output_msg=['Successfully connected to CastingPlayer']),
# Validate that commissioning succeeded in the tv-app output.
Step(app=App.TV_APP, output_msg=['------PROMPT USER: commissioning success']),
# Validate that we are able to read the application VendorID value and that it matches {VENDOR_ID}.
Step(app=App.TV_CASTING_APP, output_msg=[f'Read VendorID value: {VENDOR_ID}']),
# Validate that we are able to subscribe to the media playback cluster by reading the CurrentState value and that it matches {ATTRIBUTE_CURRENT_PLAYBACK_STATE}.
Step(app=App.TV_CASTING_APP, output_msg=[f'Read CurrentState value: {ATTRIBUTE_CURRENT_PLAYBACK_STATE}']),
# Validate the LaunchURL in the tv-app output.
output_msg=['ContentLauncherManager::HandleLaunchUrl TEST CASE ContentURL= DisplayString=Test video']),
# Validate the LaunchURL in the tv-casting-app output.
Step(app=App.TV_CASTING_APP, output_msg=['LaunchURL Success with exampleData']),
# Signal to stop the tv-casting-app as we finished validation.
Step(app=App.TV_CASTING_APP, input_cmd=STOP_APP),
# Signal to stop the tv-app as we finished validation.
Step(app=App.TV_APP, input_cmd=STOP_APP)
# Signal to start the tv-app.
Step(app=App.TV_APP, input_cmd=START_APP),
# Validate that the tv-app is up and running.
Step(app=App.TV_APP, timeout_sec=APP_MAX_START_WAIT_SEC, output_msg=['Started commissioner']),
# Signal to start the tv-casting-app.
Step(app=App.TV_CASTING_APP, input_cmd=START_APP),
# Validate that the server is properly initialized in the tv-casting-app output.
Step(app=App.TV_CASTING_APP, timeout_sec=APP_MAX_START_WAIT_SEC, output_msg=['Server initialization complete']),
# Validate that there is a valid discovered casting player with {PRODUCT_ID}, {VENDOR_ID}, {DEVICE_TYPE_CASTING_VIDEO_PLAYER}, and the
# `Commissioner Generated Passcode` flag is set to true in the tv-casting-app output.
Step(app=App.TV_CASTING_APP, output_msg=['Discovered CastingPlayer #0', f'Product ID: {PRODUCT_ID}', f'Vendor ID: {VENDOR_ID}',
f'Device Type: {DEVICE_TYPE_CASTING_VIDEO_PLAYER}', 'Supports Commissioner Generated Passcode: true']),
# Send `cast request {valid_discovered_castingplayer_number} commissioner-generated-passcode\n` command to the tv-casting-app subprocess.
Step(app=App.TV_CASTING_APP, input_cmd='cast request 0 commissioner-generated-passcode\n'),
# Validate that the tv-casting-app begins the commissioning process.
Step(app=App.TV_CASTING_APP, output_msg=[
'CastingPlayer::VerifyOrEstablishConnection() calling OpenBasicCommissioningWindow()']),
# Validate that the `IdentificationDeclaration` message sent from the tv-casting-app to the tv-app will contain the following entries:
# mCommissionerPasscode: true -> This flag instructs the commissioner to use the commissioner-generated-passcode flow for commissioning.
# mCommissionerPasscodeReady: false -> This flag indicates that the commissionee has not obtained the commissioner passcode from the user and
# thus is not ready for commissioning.
# Otherwise we will enter the commissionee-generated-passcode flow.
Step(app=App.TV_CASTING_APP, output_msg=['IdentificationDeclarationOptions::LogDetail()', 'IdentificationDeclarationOptions::mCommissionerPasscode: true',
'IdentificationDeclarationOptions::mCommissionerPasscodeReady: false', 'IdentificationDeclarationOptions::TargetAppInfos list:', f'TargetAppInfo 1, Vendor ID: {COMMISSIONER_GENERATED_PASSCODE_VENDOR_ID}']),
# Validate that we received the cast request from the tv-casting-app on the tv-app output.
output_msg=['------PROMPT USER: Test TV casting app is requesting permission to cast to this TV, approve?']),
# Validate that we received the instructions on the tv-app output for sending the `controller ux ok` command.
Step(app=App.TV_APP, output_msg=['Via Shell Enter: controller ux ok|cancel']),
# Send `controller ux ok` command to the tv-app subprocess.
Step(app=App.TV_APP, input_cmd='controller ux ok\n'),
# Validate that the tv-app sent a message to the tv-casting-app indicating that the tv-app is now displaying the passcode to the user.
Step(app=App.TV_APP, output_msg=['Commissioner Declaration Start',
'commissioner passcode: true', 'Commissioner Declaration End']),
# Validate that we received the cast request with the casting passcode on the tv-app output.
Step(app=App.TV_APP, output_msg=[
f'------PROMPT USER: Test TV casting app is requesting permission to cast to this TV. Casting passcode: [{COMMISSIONER_GENERATED_PASSCODE}].']),
# Validate that the tv-casting-app received the message from the tv-app indicating that the tv-app is now displaying the passcode to the user.
Step(app=App.TV_CASTING_APP, output_msg=['Commissioner Declaration Start',
'commissioner passcode: true', 'Commissioner Declaration End']),
# Validate that the user is prompted to input passcode from the tv-app on the tv-casting-app output.
Step(app=App.TV_CASTING_APP, output_msg=['Awaiting user input', 'Input the Commissioner-Generated passcode displayed on the CastingPlayer UX.',
f'cast setcommissionerpasscode {int(COMMISSIONER_GENERATED_PASSCODE, 16)}', 'Awaiting user input']),
# Send `cast setcommissionerpasscode {COMMISSIONER_GENERATED_PASSCODE}\n` to the tv-casting-app subprocess.
Step(app=App.TV_CASTING_APP, input_cmd=f'cast setcommissionerpasscode {int(COMMISSIONER_GENERATED_PASSCODE, 16)}\n'),
# Validate the commissioner passcode that the user entered on the tv-casting-app output.
Step(app=App.TV_CASTING_APP, output_msg=[
f'CommandHandler() setcommissionerpasscode user-entered passcode: {int(COMMISSIONER_GENERATED_PASSCODE, 16)}']),
# Validate that the `IdentificationDeclaration` message sent from the tv-casting-app to the tv-app will contain the following entries:
# mCommissionerPasscode: true -> This flag instructs the commissioner to use the commissioner-generated-passcode flow for commissioning.
# mCommissionerPasscodeReady: true -> This flag indicates that the commissionee has obtained the commissioner passcode from the user and
# thus is ready for commissioning.
# Otherwise we will enter the commissionee-generated-passcode flow.
Step(app=App.TV_CASTING_APP, output_msg=['IdentificationDeclarationOptions::LogDetail()', 'IdentificationDeclarationOptions::mCommissionerPasscode: true',
'IdentificationDeclarationOptions::mCommissionerPasscodeReady: true', 'IdentificationDeclarationOptions::TargetAppInfos list:', f'TargetAppInfo 1, Vendor ID: {COMMISSIONER_GENERATED_PASSCODE_VENDOR_ID}']),
# Validate that pairing succeeded between the tv-casting-app and the tv-app.
Step(app=App.TV_APP, output_msg=['Secure Pairing Success']),
# Validate that the connection succeeded in the tv-casting-app output.
Step(app=App.TV_CASTING_APP, output_msg=['Successfully connected to CastingPlayer']),
# Validate that commissioning succeeded in the tv-app output.
Step(app=App.TV_APP, output_msg=['------PROMPT USER: commissioning success']),
# Validate that we are able to subscribe to the media playback cluster by reading the CurrentState value and that it matches {ATTRIBUTE_CURRENT_PLAYBACK_STATE}.
Step(app=App.TV_CASTING_APP, output_msg=[f'Read CurrentState value: {ATTRIBUTE_CURRENT_PLAYBACK_STATE}']),
# Validate the LaunchURL in the tv-app output.
output_msg=['ContentLauncherManager::HandleLaunchUrl TEST CASE ContentURL= DisplayString=Test video']),
# Validate the LaunchURL in the tv-casting-app output.
Step(app=App.TV_CASTING_APP, output_msg=['LaunchURL Success with exampleData']),
# Signal to stop the tv-casting-app as we finished validation.
Step(app=App.TV_CASTING_APP, input_cmd=STOP_APP),
# Signal to stop the tv-app as we finished validation.
Step(app=App.TV_APP, input_cmd=STOP_APP)