blob: 13b003eed67e66fdb49574fa8c1c1e8e1ae8c196 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env -S python3 -B
# Copyright (c) 2024 Project CHIP Authors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import glob
import logging
import os
import signal
import subprocess
import sys
import tempfile
import time
from typing import List, TextIO, Tuple
import click
from linux.tv_casting_test_sequence_utils import App, Sequence, Step
from linux.tv_casting_test_sequences import START_APP, STOP_APP
This script can be used to validate the casting experience between the Linux tv-casting-app and the Linux tv-app.
It runs a series of test sequences that check for expected output lines from the tv-casting-app and the tv-app in
a deterministic order. If these lines are not found, it indicates an issue with the casting experience.
# Configure logging format.
logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format='%(levelname)s - %(message)s')
# File names of logs for the Linux tv-casting-app and the Linux tv-app.
LINUX_TV_APP_LOGS = 'Linux-tv-app-logs.txt'
LINUX_TV_CASTING_APP_LOGS = 'Linux-tv-casting-app-logs.txt'
class ProcessManager:
"""A context manager for managing subprocesses.
This class provides a context manager for safely starting and stopping a subprocess.
def __init__(self, command: List[str], stdin, stdout, stderr):
self.command = command
self.stdin = stdin
self.stdout = stdout
self.stderr = stderr
def __enter__(self):
self.process = subprocess.Popen(self.command, stdin=self.stdin, stdout=self.stdout, stderr=self.stderr, text=True)
return self.process
def __exit__(self, exception_type, exception_value, traceback):
def remove_cached_files(cached_file_pattern: str):
"""Remove any cached files that match the provided pattern."""
cached_files = glob.glob(cached_file_pattern) # Returns a list of paths that match the pattern.
for cached_file in cached_files:
except OSError as e:
logging.error(f'Failed to remove cached file `{cached_file}` with error: `{e.strerror}`')
raise # Re-raise the OSError to propagate it up.
def dump_temporary_logs_to_console(log_file_path: str):
"""Dump log file to the console; log file will be removed once the function exits."""
"""Write the entire content of `log_file_path` to the console."""
print(f'\nDumping logs from: {log_file_path}')
with open(log_file_path, 'r') as file:
for line in file:
def handle_casting_failure(test_sequence_name: str, log_file_paths: List[str]):
"""Log failure of validation of test sequence as error, dump log files to console, exit on error."""
logging.error(f'{test_sequence_name} - Validation of test sequence failed.')
for log_file_path in log_file_paths:
except Exception as e:
logging.exception(f'{test_sequence_name} - Failed to dump {log_file_path}: {e}')
def stop_app(test_sequence_name: str, app_name: str, app: subprocess.Popen) -> bool:
"""Stop the given `app` subprocess."""
app_exit_code = app.wait()
if app.poll() is None:
logging.error(f'{test_sequence_name}: Failed to stop running {app_name}. Process is still running.')
if app_exit_code < 0:
signal_number = -app_exit_code
if signal_number == signal.SIGTERM.value:'{test_sequence_name}: {app_name} stopped by {signal_number} (SIGTERM) signal.')
return True
f'{test_sequence_name}: {app_name} stopped by signal {signal_number} instead of {signal.SIGTERM.value} (SIGTERM).')
logging.error(f'{test_sequence_name}: {app_name} exited with unexpected exit code {app_exit_code}.')
return False
def parse_output_msg_in_subprocess(
tv_casting_app_info: Tuple[subprocess.Popen, TextIO],
tv_app_info: Tuple[subprocess.Popen, TextIO],
log_paths: List[str],
test_sequence_name: str,
test_sequence_step: Step
) -> bool:
"""Parse the output of a given `app` subprocess and validate its output against the expected `output_msg` in the given `Step`."""
if not test_sequence_step.output_msg:
logging.error(f'{test_sequence_name} - No output message provided in the test sequence step.')
return False
app_subprocess, app_log_file = (tv_casting_app_info if == App.TV_CASTING_APP else tv_app_info)
start_wait_time = time.time()
msg_block = []
current_index = 0
while current_index < len(test_sequence_step.output_msg):
# Check if we exceeded the maximum wait time to parse for the output string(s).
if time.time() - start_wait_time > test_sequence_step.timeout_sec:
f'{test_sequence_name} - Did not find the expected output string(s) in the {} subprocess within the timeout: {test_sequence_step.output_msg}')
return False
output_line = app_subprocess.stdout.readline()
if output_line:
if (test_sequence_step.output_msg[current_index] in output_line):
current_index += 1
elif msg_block:
if (test_sequence_step.output_msg[0] in output_line):
current_index = 1
# Sanity check that `Discovered Commissioner #0` is the valid commissioner.
elif 'Discovered Commissioner #' in output_line:
logging.error(f'{test_sequence_name} - The valid discovered commissioner should be `Discovered Commissioner #0`.')
handle_casting_failure(test_sequence_name, log_paths)
if current_index == len(test_sequence_step.output_msg):'{test_sequence_name} - Found the expected output string(s) in the {} subprocess:')
for line in msg_block:'{test_sequence_name} - {line}')
return True
def send_input_cmd_to_subprocess(
tv_casting_app_info: Tuple[subprocess.Popen, TextIO],
tv_app_info: Tuple[subprocess.Popen, TextIO],
test_sequence_name: str,
test_sequence_step: Step
) -> bool:
"""Send a given input command (`input_cmd`) from the `Step` to its given `app` subprocess."""
if not test_sequence_step.input_cmd:
logging.error(f'{test_sequence_name} - No input command provided in the test sequence step.')
return False
app_subprocess, app_log_file = (tv_casting_app_info if == App.TV_CASTING_APP else tv_app_info)
app_name =
input_cmd = test_sequence_step.input_cmd
input_cmd = input_cmd.rstrip('\n')'{test_sequence_name} - Sent `{input_cmd}` to the {app_name} subprocess.')
return True
def handle_output_msg(
tv_casting_app_info: Tuple[subprocess.Popen, TextIO],
tv_app_info: Tuple[subprocess.Popen, TextIO],
log_paths: List[str],
test_sequence_name: str,
test_sequence_step: Step
"""Handle the output message (`output_msg`) from a test sequence step."""
if not parse_output_msg_in_subprocess(tv_casting_app_info, tv_app_info, log_paths, test_sequence_name, test_sequence_step):
handle_casting_failure(test_sequence_name, log_paths)
def handle_input_cmd(
tv_casting_app_info: Tuple[subprocess.Popen, TextIO],
tv_app_info: Tuple[subprocess.Popen, TextIO],
log_paths: List[str],
test_sequence_name: str,
test_sequence_step: Step
"""Handle the input command (`input_cmd`) from a test sequence step."""
tv_casting_app_process, tv_casting_app_log_file = tv_casting_app_info
tv_app_process, tv_app_log_file = tv_app_info
if test_sequence_step.input_cmd == STOP_APP:
# Stop the tv-casting-app subprocess.
if not stop_app(test_sequence_name,, tv_casting_app_process):
handle_casting_failure(test_sequence_name, log_paths)
elif == App.TV_APP:
# Stop the tv-app subprocess.
if not stop_app(test_sequence_name,, tv_app_process):
handle_casting_failure(test_sequence_name, log_paths)
if not send_input_cmd_to_subprocess(tv_casting_app_info, tv_app_info, test_sequence_name, test_sequence_step):
handle_casting_failure(test_sequence_name, log_paths)
def run_test_sequence_steps(
current_index: int,
test_sequence_name: str,
test_sequence_steps: List[Step],
tv_casting_app_info: Tuple[subprocess.Popen, TextIO],
tv_app_info: Tuple[subprocess.Popen, TextIO],
log_paths: List[str]
"""Run through the test steps from a test sequence starting from the current index and perform actions based on the presence of `output_msg` or `input_cmd`."""
if test_sequence_steps is None:
logging.error('No test sequence steps provided.')
while current_index < len(test_sequence_steps):
# Current step in the list of steps.
test_sequence_step = test_sequence_steps[current_index]
# A test sequence step contains either an output_msg or input_cmd entry.
if test_sequence_step.output_msg:
handle_output_msg(tv_casting_app_info, tv_app_info, log_paths, test_sequence_name, test_sequence_step)
elif test_sequence_step.input_cmd:
handle_input_cmd(tv_casting_app_info, tv_app_info, log_paths, test_sequence_name, test_sequence_step)
current_index += 1
@click.option('--tv-app-rel-path', type=str, default='out/tv-app/chip-tv-app', help='Path to the Linux tv-app executable.')
@click.option('--tv-casting-app-rel-path', type=str, default='out/tv-casting-app/chip-tv-casting-app', help='Path to the Linux tv-casting-app executable.')
def test_casting_fn(tv_app_rel_path, tv_casting_app_rel_path):
"""Test if the casting experience between the Linux tv-casting-app and the Linux tv-app continues to work.
Default paths for the executables are provided but can be overridden via command line arguments.
For example: python3 --tv-app-rel-path=path/to/tv-app
# Store the log files to a temporary directory.
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as temp_dir:
linux_tv_app_log_path = os.path.join(temp_dir, LINUX_TV_APP_LOGS)
linux_tv_casting_app_log_path = os.path.join(temp_dir, LINUX_TV_CASTING_APP_LOGS)
with open(linux_tv_app_log_path, 'w') as linux_tv_app_log_file, open(linux_tv_casting_app_log_path, 'w') as linux_tv_casting_app_log_file:
# Get all the test sequences.
test_sequences = Sequence.get_test_sequences()
# Get the test sequence of interest.
test_sequence = Sequence.get_test_sequence_by_name(test_sequences, 'commissionee_generated_passcode_test')
if not test_sequence:
logging.error('No test sequence found by the test sequence name provided.')
handle_casting_failure(None, [])
# At this point, we have retrieved the test sequence of interest.
test_sequence_name =
test_sequence_steps = test_sequence.steps
# Configure command options to disable stdout buffering during tests.
disable_stdout_buffering_cmd = []
# On Unix-like systems, use stdbuf to disable stdout buffering.
if sys.platform == 'darwin' or sys.platform == 'linux':
disable_stdout_buffering_cmd = ['stdbuf', '-o0', '-i0']
current_index = 0
if test_sequence_steps[current_index].input_cmd != START_APP:
raise ValueError(
f'{test_sequence_name}: The first step in the test sequence must contain `START_APP` as `input_cmd` to indicate starting the tv-app.')
elif test_sequence_steps[current_index].app != App.TV_APP:
raise ValueError(f'{test_sequence_name}: The first step in the test sequence must be to start up the tv-app.')
current_index += 1
tv_app_abs_path = os.path.abspath(tv_app_rel_path)
# Run the Linux tv-app subprocess.
with ProcessManager(disable_stdout_buffering_cmd + [tv_app_abs_path], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) as tv_app_process:
tv_app_info = (tv_app_process, linux_tv_app_log_file)
# Verify that the tv-app is up and running.
handle_output_msg(None, tv_app_info, [linux_tv_app_log_path],
test_sequence_name, test_sequence_steps[current_index])
current_index += 1
if test_sequence_steps[current_index].input_cmd != START_APP:
raise ValueError(
f'{test_sequence_name}: The third step in the test sequence must contain `START_APP` as `input_cmd` to indicate starting the tv-casting-app.')
elif test_sequence_steps[current_index].app != App.TV_CASTING_APP:
raise ValueError(
f'{test_sequence_name}: The third step in the test sequence must be to start up the tv-casting-app.')
current_index += 1
tv_casting_app_abs_path = os.path.abspath(tv_casting_app_rel_path)
# Run the Linux tv-casting-app subprocess.
with ProcessManager(disable_stdout_buffering_cmd + [tv_casting_app_abs_path], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) as tv_casting_app_process:
log_paths = [linux_tv_app_log_path, linux_tv_casting_app_log_path]
tv_casting_app_info = (tv_casting_app_process, linux_tv_casting_app_log_file)
# Verify that the server initialization is completed in the tv-casting-app output.
handle_output_msg(tv_casting_app_info, tv_app_info, log_paths,
test_sequence_name, test_sequence_steps[current_index])
current_index += 1
run_test_sequence_steps(current_index, test_sequence_name, test_sequence_steps,
tv_casting_app_info, tv_app_info, log_paths)
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Start with a clean slate by removing any previously cached entries.
cached_file_pattern = '/tmp/chip_*'
except OSError:
f'Error while removing cached files with file pattern: {cached_file_pattern}')
# Test casting (discovery and commissioning) between the Linux tv-casting-app and the tv-app.