blob: 51525f967d1475a1d35144d42cc3322faef94b69 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2021 Project CHIP Authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include <credentials/PersistentStorageOpCertStore.h>
#include <crypto/DefaultSessionKeystore.h>
#include <crypto/PersistentStorageOperationalKeystore.h>
#include <lib/core/CASEAuthTag.h>
#include <lib/support/CodeUtils.h>
#include <lib/support/TestPersistentStorageDelegate.h>
#include <messaging/ExchangeContext.h>
#include <messaging/ExchangeMgr.h>
#include <protocols/secure_channel/MessageCounterManager.h>
#include <protocols/secure_channel/PASESession.h>
#include <system/SystemClock.h>
#include <transport/SessionManager.h>
#include <transport/TransportMgr.h>
#include <transport/tests/LoopbackTransportManager.h>
#include <transport/tests/UDPTransportManager.h>
#include <vector>
namespace chip {
namespace Test {
* @brief
* Test contexts that use Platform::Memory and might call Free() on destruction can inherit from this class and call its Init().
* Platform::MemoryShutdown() will then be called after the subclasses' destructor.
class PlatformMemoryUser
PlatformMemoryUser() : mInitialized(false) {}
if (mInitialized)
if (!mInitialized)
status = chip::Platform::MemoryInit();
mInitialized = (status == CHIP_NO_ERROR);
return status;
bool mInitialized;
* @brief The context of test cases for messaging layer. It will initialize network layer and system layer, and create
* two secure sessions, connected with each other. Exchanges can be created for each secure session.
class MessagingContext : public PlatformMemoryUser
enum MRPMode
kDefault = 1, // This adopts the default MRP values for idle/active as per the spec.
// i.e IDLE = 500ms, ACTIVE = 300ms
kResponsive = 2, // This adopts values that are better suited for loopback tests that
// don't actually go over a network interface, and are tuned much lower
// to permit more responsive tests.
// i.e IDLE = 10ms, ACTIVE = 10ms
// See above for a description of the values used.
static constexpr System::Clock::Timeout kResponsiveIdleRetransTimeout = System::Clock::Milliseconds32(10);
static constexpr System::Clock::Timeout kResponsiveActiveRetransTimeout = System::Clock::Milliseconds32(10);
MessagingContext() :
mInitialized(false), mAliceAddress(Transport::PeerAddress::UDP(GetAddress(), CHIP_PORT + 1)),
mBobAddress(Transport::PeerAddress::UDP(GetAddress(), CHIP_PORT))
// TODO Replace VerifyOrDie with Pigweed assert after transition app/tests to Pigweed.
// TODO Currently src/app/icd/server/tests is using MessagingConetext as dependency.
~MessagingContext() { VerifyOrDie(mInitialized == false); }
// Whether Alice and Bob are initialized, must be called before Init
void ConfigInitializeNodes(bool initializeNodes) { mInitializeNodes = initializeNodes; }
/// Initialize the underlying layers and test suite pointer
CHIP_ERROR Init(TransportMgrBase * transport, IOContext * io);
// Shutdown all layers, finalize operations
void Shutdown();
// Initialize from an existing messaging context. Useful if we want to
// share some state (like the transport).
CHIP_ERROR InitFromExisting(const MessagingContext & existing);
// The shutdown method to use if using InitFromExisting. Must pass in the
// same existing context as was passed to InitFromExisting.
void ShutdownAndRestoreExisting(MessagingContext & existing);
static Inet::IPAddress GetAddress()
Inet::IPAddress addr;
Inet::IPAddress::FromString("::1", addr);
return addr;
static const uint16_t kBobKeyId = 1;
static const uint16_t kAliceKeyId = 2;
static const uint16_t kCharlieKeyId = 3;
static const uint16_t kDavidKeyId = 4;
GroupId GetFriendsGroupId() const { return mFriendsGroupId; }
SessionManager & GetSecureSessionManager() { return mSessionManager; }
Messaging::ExchangeManager & GetExchangeManager() { return mExchangeManager; }
secure_channel::MessageCounterManager & GetMessageCounterManager() { return mMessageCounterManager; }
FabricTable & GetFabricTable() { return mFabricTable; }
Crypto::DefaultSessionKeystore & GetSessionKeystore() { return mSessionKeystore; }
FabricIndex GetAliceFabricIndex() { return mAliceFabricIndex; }
FabricIndex GetBobFabricIndex() { return mBobFabricIndex; }
const FabricInfo * GetAliceFabric() { return mFabricTable.FindFabricWithIndex(mAliceFabricIndex); }
const FabricInfo * GetBobFabric() { return mFabricTable.FindFabricWithIndex(mBobFabricIndex); }
CHIP_ERROR CreateSessionBobToAlice(); // Creates PASE session
CHIP_ERROR CreateCASESessionBobToAlice();
CHIP_ERROR CreateCASESessionBobToAlice(const CATValues & cats);
CHIP_ERROR CreateSessionAliceToBob(); // Creates PASE session
CHIP_ERROR CreateCASESessionAliceToBob();
CHIP_ERROR CreateCASESessionAliceToBob(const CATValues & cats);
CHIP_ERROR CreateSessionBobToFriends(); // Creates PASE session
CHIP_ERROR CreatePASESessionCharlieToDavid();
CHIP_ERROR CreatePASESessionDavidToCharlie();
void ExpireSessionBobToAlice();
void ExpireSessionAliceToBob();
void ExpireSessionBobToFriends();
void SetMRPMode(MRPMode mode);
SessionHandle GetSessionBobToAlice();
SessionHandle GetSessionAliceToBob();
SessionHandle GetSessionCharlieToDavid();
SessionHandle GetSessionDavidToCharlie();
SessionHandle GetSessionBobToFriends();
CHIP_ERROR CreateAliceFabric();
CHIP_ERROR CreateBobFabric();
const Transport::PeerAddress & GetAliceAddress() { return mAliceAddress; }
const Transport::PeerAddress & GetBobAddress() { return mBobAddress; }
Messaging::ExchangeContext * NewUnauthenticatedExchangeToAlice(Messaging::ExchangeDelegate * delegate);
Messaging::ExchangeContext * NewUnauthenticatedExchangeToBob(Messaging::ExchangeDelegate * delegate);
Messaging::ExchangeContext * NewExchangeToAlice(Messaging::ExchangeDelegate * delegate, bool isInitiator = true);
Messaging::ExchangeContext * NewExchangeToBob(Messaging::ExchangeDelegate * delegate, bool isInitiator = true);
System::Layer & GetSystemLayer() { return mIOContext->GetSystemLayer(); }
bool mInitializeNodes = true;
bool mInitialized;
FabricTable mFabricTable;
SessionManager mSessionManager;
Messaging::ExchangeManager mExchangeManager;
secure_channel::MessageCounterManager mMessageCounterManager;
IOContext * mIOContext;
TransportMgrBase * mTransport; // Only needed for InitFromExisting.
chip::TestPersistentStorageDelegate mStorage; // for SessionManagerInit
chip::PersistentStorageOperationalKeystore mOpKeyStore;
chip::Credentials::PersistentStorageOpCertStore mOpCertStore;
chip::Crypto::DefaultSessionKeystore mSessionKeystore;
FabricIndex mAliceFabricIndex = kUndefinedFabricIndex;
FabricIndex mBobFabricIndex = kUndefinedFabricIndex;
GroupId mFriendsGroupId = 0x0101;
Transport::PeerAddress mAliceAddress;
Transport::PeerAddress mBobAddress;
Transport::PeerAddress mCharlieAddress;
Transport::PeerAddress mDavidAddress;
SessionHolder mSessionAliceToBob;
SessionHolder mSessionBobToAlice;
SessionHolder mSessionCharlieToDavid;
SessionHolder mSessionDavidToCharlie;
Optional<Transport::OutgoingGroupSession> mSessionBobToFriends;
// LoopbackMessagingContext enriches MessagingContext with an async loopback transport
class LoopbackMessagingContext : public MessagingContext
virtual ~LoopbackMessagingContext() {}
// These functions wrap sLoopbackTransportManager methods
static auto & GetSystemLayer() { return sLoopbackTransportManager.GetSystemLayer(); }
static auto & GetLoopback() { return sLoopbackTransportManager.GetLoopback(); }
static auto & GetTransportMgr() { return sLoopbackTransportManager.GetTransportMgr(); }
static auto & GetIOContext() { return sLoopbackTransportManager.GetIOContext(); }
template <typename... Ts>
static void DrainAndServiceIO(Ts... args)
return sLoopbackTransportManager.DrainAndServiceIO(args...);
// Performs shared setup for all tests in the test suite
static void SetUpTestSuite()
// TODO: use ASSERT_EQ, once transition to pw_unit_test is complete
VerifyOrDieWithMsg((err = chip::Platform::MemoryInit()) == CHIP_NO_ERROR, AppServer,
"Init CHIP memory failed: %" CHIP_ERROR_FORMAT, err.Format());
VerifyOrDieWithMsg((err = sLoopbackTransportManager.Init()) == CHIP_NO_ERROR, AppServer,
"Init LoopbackTransportManager failed: %" CHIP_ERROR_FORMAT, err.Format());
// Performs shared teardown for all tests in the test suite
static void TearDownTestSuite()
// Performs setup for each individual test in the test suite
virtual void SetUp()
VerifyOrDieWithMsg((err = MessagingContext::Init(&GetTransportMgr(), &GetIOContext())) == CHIP_NO_ERROR, AppServer,
"Init MessagingContext failed: %" CHIP_ERROR_FORMAT, err.Format());
// Performs teardown for each individual test in the test suite
virtual void TearDown() { MessagingContext::Shutdown(); }
static LoopbackTransportManager sLoopbackTransportManager;
// UDPMessagingContext enriches MessagingContext with an UDP transport
class UDPMessagingContext : public MessagingContext
virtual ~UDPMessagingContext() {}
static auto & GetSystemLayer() { return sUDPTransportManager.GetSystemLayer(); }
static auto & GetTransportMgr() { return sUDPTransportManager.GetTransportMgr(); }
static auto & GetIOContext() { return sUDPTransportManager.GetIOContext(); }
// Performs shared setup for all tests in the test suite
static void SetUpTestSuite()
VerifyOrDieWithMsg((err = chip::Platform::MemoryInit()) == CHIP_NO_ERROR, AppServer,
"Init CHIP memory failed: %" CHIP_ERROR_FORMAT, err.Format());
VerifyOrDieWithMsg((err = sUDPTransportManager.Init()) == CHIP_NO_ERROR, AppServer,
"Init UDPTransportManager failed: %" CHIP_ERROR_FORMAT, err.Format());
// Performs shared teardown for all tests in the test suite
static void TearDownTestSuite()
// Performs setup for each individual test in the test suite
virtual void SetUp()
VerifyOrDieWithMsg((err = MessagingContext::Init(&GetTransportMgr(), &GetIOContext())) == CHIP_NO_ERROR, AppServer,
"Init MessagingContext failed: %" CHIP_ERROR_FORMAT, err.Format());
// Performs teardown for each individual test in the test suite
virtual void TearDown() { MessagingContext::Shutdown(); }
static UDPTransportManager sUDPTransportManager;
// Class that can be used to capture decrypted message traffic in tests using
// MessagingContext.
class MessageCapturer : public SessionMessageDelegate
MessageCapturer(MessagingContext & aContext) :
mSessionManager(aContext.GetSecureSessionManager()), mOriginalDelegate(aContext.GetExchangeManager())
// Interpose ourselves into the message flow.
// Restore the normal message flow.
struct Message
PacketHeader mPacketHeader;
PayloadHeader mPayloadHeader;
DuplicateMessage mIsDuplicate;
System::PacketBufferHandle mPayload;
size_t MessageCount() const { return mCapturedMessages.size(); }
template <typename MessageType, typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_enum<MessageType>::value>>
bool IsMessageType(size_t index, MessageType type)
return mCapturedMessages[index].mPayloadHeader.HasMessageType(type);
System::PacketBufferHandle & MessagePayload(size_t index) { return mCapturedMessages[index].mPayload; }
bool mCaptureStandaloneAcks = true;
// SessionMessageDelegate implementation.
void OnMessageReceived(const PacketHeader & packetHeader, const PayloadHeader & payloadHeader, const SessionHandle & session,
DuplicateMessage isDuplicate, System::PacketBufferHandle && msgBuf) override;
SessionManager & mSessionManager;
SessionMessageDelegate & mOriginalDelegate;
std::vector<Message> mCapturedMessages;
} // namespace Test
} // namespace chip