blob: b311d4de73efd80f226e7c5163756b5b4223f387 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2020 Project CHIP Authors
* Copyright (c) 2013 Nest Labs, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* Defines memory pool classes.
#pragma once
#include <lib/support/CHIPMem.h>
#include <lib/support/CodeUtils.h>
#include <system/SystemConfig.h>
#include <lib/support/Iterators.h>
#include <atomic>
#include <limits>
#include <new>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <utility>
namespace chip {
namespace internal {
class Statistics
Statistics() : mAllocated(0), mHighWaterMark(0) {}
size_t Allocated() const { return mAllocated; }
size_t HighWaterMark() const { return mHighWaterMark; }
void IncreaseUsage()
if (++mAllocated > mHighWaterMark)
mHighWaterMark = mAllocated;
void DecreaseUsage() { --mAllocated; }
size_t mAllocated;
size_t mHighWaterMark;
class StaticAllocatorBase : public Statistics
StaticAllocatorBase(size_t capacity) : mCapacity(capacity) {}
size_t Capacity() const { return mCapacity; }
bool Exhausted() const { return mAllocated == mCapacity; }
const size_t mCapacity;
class StaticAllocatorBitmap : public internal::StaticAllocatorBase
* Use the largest data type supported by `std::atomic`. Putting multiple atomic inside a single cache line won't improve
* concurrency, while the use of larger data type can improve the performance by reducing the number of outer loop iterations.
using tBitChunkType = unsigned long;
static constexpr const tBitChunkType kBit1 = 1; // make sure bitshifts produce the right type
static constexpr const size_t kBitChunkSize = std::numeric_limits<tBitChunkType>::digits;
static_assert(ATOMIC_LONG_LOCK_FREE, "StaticAllocatorBitmap is not lock free");
StaticAllocatorBitmap(void * storage, std::atomic<tBitChunkType> * usage, size_t capacity, size_t elementSize);
void * Allocate();
void Deallocate(void * element);
void * At(size_t index) { return static_cast<uint8_t *>(mElements) + mElementSize * index; }
size_t IndexOf(void * element);
using Lambda = Loop (*)(void * context, void * object);
Loop ForEachActiveObjectInner(void * context, Lambda lambda);
Loop ForEachActiveObjectInner(void * context, Loop lambda(void * context, const void * object)) const
return const_cast<StaticAllocatorBitmap *>(this)->ForEachActiveObjectInner(context, reinterpret_cast<Lambda>(lambda));
void * mElements;
const size_t mElementSize;
std::atomic<tBitChunkType> * mUsage;
template <class T>
class PoolCommon
template <typename... Args>
void ResetObject(T * element, Args &&... args)
new (element) T(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
template <typename T, typename Function>
class LambdaProxy
LambdaProxy(Function && function) : mFunction(std::move(function)) {}
static Loop Call(void * context, void * target)
return static_cast<LambdaProxy *>(context)->mFunction(static_cast<T *>(target));
static Loop ConstCall(void * context, const void * target)
return static_cast<LambdaProxy *>(context)->mFunction(static_cast<const T *>(target));
Function mFunction;
struct HeapObjectListNode
void Remove()
mNext->mPrev = mPrev;
mPrev->mNext = mNext;
void * mObject;
HeapObjectListNode * mNext;
HeapObjectListNode * mPrev;
struct HeapObjectList : HeapObjectListNode
HeapObjectList() : mIterationDepth(0) { mNext = mPrev = this; }
void Append(HeapObjectListNode * node)
node->mNext = this;
node->mPrev = mPrev;
mPrev->mNext = node;
mPrev = node;
HeapObjectListNode * FindNode(void * object) const;
using Lambda = Loop (*)(void *, void *);
Loop ForEachNode(void * context, Lambda lambda);
Loop ForEachNode(void * context, Loop lambda(void * context, const void * object)) const
return const_cast<HeapObjectList *>(this)->ForEachNode(context, reinterpret_cast<Lambda>(lambda));
size_t mIterationDepth;
} // namespace internal
* @class ObjectPool
* Depending on build configuration, ObjectPool is either a fixed-size static pool or a heap-allocated pool.
* @tparam T Type of element to be allocated.
* @tparam N Number of elements in the pool, in the fixed-size case.
* @fn CreateObject
* @memberof ObjectPool
* Create an object from the pool. Forwards its arguments to construct a T.
* @fn ReleaseObject
* @memberof ObjectPool
* @param object Pointer to object to release (or return to the pool). Its destructor runs.
* @fn ForEachActiveObject
* @memberof ObjectPool
* @param visitor A function that takes a T* and returns Loop::Continue to continue iterating or Loop::Break to stop iterating.
* @returns Loop::Break if a visitor call returned Loop::Break, Loop::Finish otherwise.
* Iteration may be nested. ReleaseObject() can be called during iteration, on the current object or any other.
* CreateObject() can be called, but it is undefined whether or not a newly created object will be visited.
* A class template used for allocating objects from a fixed-size static pool.
* @tparam T type of element to be allocated.
* @tparam N a positive integer max number of elements the pool provides.
template <class T, size_t N>
class BitMapObjectPool : public internal::StaticAllocatorBitmap, public internal::PoolCommon<T>
BitMapObjectPool() : StaticAllocatorBitmap(mData.mMemory, mUsage, N, sizeof(T)) {}
~BitMapObjectPool() { VerifyOrDie(Allocated() == 0); }
template <typename... Args>
T * CreateObject(Args &&... args)
T * element = static_cast<T *>(Allocate());
if (element != nullptr)
return new (element) T(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
return nullptr;
void ReleaseObject(T * element)
if (element == nullptr)
void ReleaseAll() { ForEachActiveObjectInner(this, ReleaseObject); }
* @brief
* Run a functor for each active object in the pool
* @param function The functor of type `Loop (*)(T*)`, return Loop::Break to break the iteration
* @return Loop Returns Break or Finish according to the iteration
* caution
* this function is not thread-safe, make sure all usage of the
* pool is protected by a lock, or else avoid using this function
template <typename Function>
Loop ForEachActiveObject(Function && function)
static_assert(std::is_same<Loop, decltype(function(std::declval<T *>()))>::value,
"The function must take T* and return Loop");
internal::LambdaProxy<T, Function> proxy(std::forward<Function>(function));
return ForEachActiveObjectInner(&proxy, &internal::LambdaProxy<T, Function>::Call);
template <typename Function>
Loop ForEachActiveObject(Function && function) const
static_assert(std::is_same<Loop, decltype(function(std::declval<const T *>()))>::value,
"The function must take const T* and return Loop");
internal::LambdaProxy<T, Function> proxy(std::forward<Function>(function));
return ForEachActiveObjectInner(&proxy, &internal::LambdaProxy<T, Function>::ConstCall);
static Loop ReleaseObject(void * context, void * object)
static_cast<BitMapObjectPool *>(context)->ReleaseObject(static_cast<T *>(object));
return Loop::Continue;
std::atomic<tBitChunkType> mUsage[(N + kBitChunkSize - 1) / kBitChunkSize];
union Data
Data() {}
~Data() {}
alignas(alignof(T)) uint8_t mMemory[N * sizeof(T)];
T mMemoryViewForDebug[N]; // Just for debugger
} mData;
* A class template used for allocating objects from the heap.
* @tparam T type to be allocated.
template <class T>
class HeapObjectPool : public internal::Statistics, public internal::PoolCommon<T>
HeapObjectPool() {}
#ifdef __clang__
#if __has_feature(address_sanitizer)
#define __SANITIZE_ADDRESS__ 1
// Free all remaining objects so that ASAN can catch specific use-after-free cases.
// Verify that no live objects remain, to prevent potential use-after-free.
VerifyOrDie(Allocated() == 0);
#endif // __SANITIZE_ADDRESS__
template <typename... Args>
T * CreateObject(Args &&... args)
T * object = Platform::New<T>(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
if (object != nullptr)
auto node = Platform::New<internal::HeapObjectListNode>();
if (node != nullptr)
node->mObject = object;
return object;
return nullptr;
* This method exists purely to line up with the static allocator version.
* Consequently, return a nonsensically large number to normalize comparison
* operations that act on this value.
size_t Capacity() const { return SIZE_MAX; }
void ReleaseObject(T * object)
if (object != nullptr)
internal::HeapObjectListNode * node = mObjects.FindNode(object);
if (node != nullptr)
// Note that the node is not removed here; that is deferred until the end of the next pool iteration.
node->mObject = nullptr;
void ReleaseAll() { mObjects.ForEachNode(this, ReleaseObject); }
* @brief
* Run a functor for each active object in the pool
* @param function The functor of type `Loop (*)(T*)`, return Loop::Break to break the iteration
* @return Loop Returns Break or Finish according to the iteration
template <typename Function>
Loop ForEachActiveObject(Function && function)
static_assert(std::is_same<Loop, decltype(function(std::declval<T *>()))>::value,
"The function must take T* and return Loop");
internal::LambdaProxy<T, Function> proxy(std::forward<Function>(function));
return mObjects.ForEachNode(&proxy, &internal::LambdaProxy<T, Function>::Call);
template <typename Function>
Loop ForEachActiveObject(Function && function) const
static_assert(std::is_same<Loop, decltype(function(std::declval<const T *>()))>::value,
"The function must take const T* and return Loop");
internal::LambdaProxy<const T, Function> proxy(std::forward<Function>(function));
return mObjects.ForEachNode(&proxy, &internal::LambdaProxy<const T, Function>::ConstCall);
static Loop ReleaseObject(void * context, void * object)
static_cast<HeapObjectPool *>(context)->ReleaseObject(static_cast<T *>(object));
return Loop::Continue;
internal::HeapObjectList mObjects;
* Specify ObjectPool storage allocation.
enum class ObjectPoolMem
* Use storage inside the containing scope for both objects and pool management state.
* Allocate objects from the heap, with only pool management state in the containing scope.
* For this case, the ObjectPool size parameter is ignored.
kDefault = kHeap
kDefault = kInline
template <typename T, size_t N, ObjectPoolMem P = ObjectPoolMem::kDefault>
class ObjectPool;
template <typename T, size_t N>
class ObjectPool<T, N, ObjectPoolMem::kInline> : public BitMapObjectPool<T, N>
template <typename T, size_t N>
class ObjectPool<T, N, ObjectPoolMem::kHeap> : public HeapObjectPool<T>
} // namespace chip