blob: e87f70699a14e5d33dc5f433c45a75672e566593 [file] [log] [blame]
* @file app_common.h
* @author MCD Application Team
* @brief Common
* @attention
* Copyright (c) 2019-2021 STMicroelectronics.
* All rights reserved.
* This software is licensed under terms that can be found in the LICENSE file
* in the root directory of this software component.
* If no LICENSE file comes with this software, it is provided AS-IS.
/* Define to prevent recursive inclusion -------------------------------------*/
#ifndef __APP_COMMON_H
#define __APP_COMMON_H
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#include "app_conf.h"
#include "stm_logging.h"
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
/* -------------------------------- *
* Basic definitions *
* -------------------------------- */
#undef NULL
#define NULL 0
#undef FALSE
#define FALSE 0
#undef TRUE
#define TRUE (!0)
#define section_text __attribute__((section(".extendtext"), noinline))
/* -------------------------------- *
* Critical Section definition *
* -------------------------------- */
#define BACKUP_PRIMASK() uint32_t primask_bit = __get_PRIMASK()
#define DISABLE_IRQ() __disable_irq()
#define RESTORE_PRIMASK() __set_PRIMASK(primask_bit)
/* -------------------------------- *
* Macro delimiters *
* -------------------------------- */
#define M_BEGIN \
do \
#define M_END \
} \
while (0)
/* -------------------------------- *
* Some useful macro definitions *
* -------------------------------- */
#ifndef MAX
#define MAX(x, y) (((x) > (y)) ? (x) : (y))
#ifndef MIN
#define MIN(x, y) (((x) < (y)) ? (x) : (y))
#define MODINC(a, m) \
M_BEGIN(a)++; \
if ((a) >= (m)) \
(a) = 0; \
#define MODDEC(a, m) \
M_BEGIN if ((a) == 0)(a) = (m); \
(a)--; \
#define MODADD(a, b, m) \
M_BEGIN(a) += (b); \
if ((a) >= (m)) \
(a) -= (m); \
#define MODSUB(a, b, m) MODADD(a, (m) - (b), m)
#define PAUSE(t) \
volatile int _i; \
for (_i = t; _i > 0; _i--) \
; \
#define DIVF(x, y) ((x) / (y))
#define DIVC(x, y) (((x) + (y) -1) / (y))
#define DIVR(x, y) (((x) + ((y) / 2)) / (y))
#define SHRR(x, n) ((((x) >> ((n) -1)) + 1) >> 1)
#define BITN(w, n) (((w)[(n) / 32] >> ((n) % 32)) & 1)
#define BITNSET(w, n, b) \
M_BEGIN(w)[(n) / 32] |= ((U32) (b)) << ((n) % 32); \
/* -------------------------------- *
* Compiler *
* -------------------------------- */
#define PLACE_IN_SECTION(__x__) __attribute__((section(__x__)))
#ifdef WIN32
#define ALIGN(n)
#define ALIGN(n) __attribute__((aligned(n)))
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /*__APP_COMMON_H */